二年级英语下册《Module 10 Unit 2》PPT课件之三(外研版一起)
外研版(一起)二年级英语下册Module10 Unit2之二 PPT课件
Look at the picture . Then discuss: How can I get to the park?
Now our classroom is a city. There is a … There is a … suppose you are a stranger, you do not know how to get to somewhere ,and your friend live in this city ,so talk with your friend.
The wholeБайду номын сангаасclass, please stand up. Do what I say.
全班分成若干小组,每组 桌上摆一个建筑名,形成 一个小城市. 请你为他们指路!
I’m a stranger. How can I get to the bookstore?
I’m blind. How can I get to the park?
其实,世上最温暖的语言,“ 不是我爱你,而是在一起。” 所以懂得才是最美的相遇!只有彼此以诚相待,彼此尊重, 相互包容,相互懂得,才能走的更远。 相遇是缘,相守是爱。缘是多么的妙不可言,而懂得又是多么的难能可贵。否则就会错过一时,错过一世! 择一人深爱,陪一人到老。一路相扶相持,一路心手相牵,一路笑对风雨。在平凡的世界,不求爱的轰轰烈烈;不求誓 言多么美丽;唯愿简单的相处,真心地付出,平淡地相守,才不负最美的人生;不负善良的自己。 人海茫茫,不求人人都能刻骨铭心,但求对人对己问心无愧,无怨无悔足矣。大千世界,与万千人中遇见,只是相识的 开始,只有彼此真心付出,以心交心,以情换情,相知相惜,才能相伴美好的一生,一路同行。 然而,生活不仅是诗和远方,更要面对现实。如果曾经的拥有,不能天长地久,那么就要学会华丽地转身,学会忘记。 忘记该忘记的人,忘记该忘记的事儿,忘记苦乐年华的悲喜交集。 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。对于离开的人,不必折磨自己脆弱的生命,虚度了美好的朝夕;不必让心灵痛苦不堪, 弄丢了快乐的自己。擦汗眼泪,告诉自己,日子还得继续,谁都不是谁的唯一,相信最美的风景一直在路上。 人生,就是一场修行。你路过我,我忘记你;你有情,他无意。谁都希望在正确的时间遇见对的人,然而事与愿违时, 你越渴望的东西,也许越是无情无义地弃你而去。所以美好的愿望,就会像肥皂泡一样破灭,只能在错误的时间遇到错的人。 岁月匆匆像一阵风,有多少故事留下感动。愿曾经的相遇,无论是锦上添花,还是追悔莫及;无论是青涩年华的懵懂赏 识,还是成长岁月无法躲避的经历……愿曾经的过往,依然如花芬芳四溢,永远无悔岁月赐予的美好相遇。 其实,人生之路的每一段相遇,都是一笔财富,尤其亲情、友情和爱情。在漫长的旅途上,他们都会丰富你的生命,使 你的生命更充实,更真实;丰盈你的内心,使你的内心更慈悲,更善良。所以生活的美好,缘于一颗善良的心,愿我们都能 善待自己和他人。 一路走来,愿相亲相爱的人,相濡以沫,同甘共苦,百年好合。愿有情有意的人,不离不弃,相惜相守,共度人生的每 一个朝夕……直到老得哪也去不了,依然是彼此手心里的宝,感恩一路有你!
Module 10 Unit 2
He's helping a child.
重点:运用Where is the ...? It is next to the ….It is in front of the ….礼貌地问路和指路。 难点:1. 理解并准确区分next to 和in front of的意思与用法。
Homework: 熟读课文;练习对话内容
Thank you !
•不习惯读书进修的人,常会自满于现状,觉得再没有什么事情需要学习,于是他们不进则退。经验丰富的人读书用两只眼睛,一只眼睛看到纸面上的话,另 一眼睛看到纸的背面。2022年3月29日星期二2022/3/292022/3/292022/3/29 •书籍是屹立在时间的汪洋大海中的灯塔。2022年3月2022/3/292022/3/292022/3/293/29/2022 •正确的略读可使人用很少的时间接触大量的文献,并挑选出有意义的部分。2022/3/292022/3/29March 29, 2022 •书籍是屹立在时间的汪洋大海中的灯塔。
Do and say
Can you find the way to shopping center
She is helping the child to draw a picture.
He is helping the child.
A: Sam, where is your mother?. B: I don’t __k_n_o_w. A: Let me _h_e_l_p_ you.. C: What are you__d_o_in_g? A: I’m helping a _c_h_i_ld_. A: Look! There is your mother! She is in front __o_f__ the cinema!
He's helping a child.
重点:运用Where is the ...? It is next to the ….It is in front of the ….礼貌地问路和指路。 难点:1. 理解并准确区分next to 和in front of的意思与用法。
Homework: 熟读课文;练习对话内容
Thank you !
•不习惯读书进修的人,常会自满于现状,觉得再没有什么事情需要学习,于是他们不进则退。经验丰富的人读书用两只眼睛,一只眼睛看到纸面上的话,另 一眼睛看到纸的背面。2022年3月29日星期二2022/3/292022/3/292022/3/29 •书籍是屹立在时间的汪洋大海中的灯塔。2022年3月2022/3/292022/3/292022/3/293/29/2022 •正确的略读可使人用很少的时间接触大量的文献,并挑选出有意义的部分。2022/3/292022/3/29March 29, 2022 •书籍是屹立在时间的汪洋大海中的灯塔。
Do and say
Can you find the way to shopping center
She is helping the child to draw a picture.
He is helping the child.
A: Sam, where is your mother?. B: I don’t __k_n_o_w. A: Let me _h_e_l_p_ you.. C: What are you__d_o_in_g? A: I’m helping a _c_h_i_ld_. A: Look! There is your mother! She is in front __o_f__ the cinema!
二年级英语下册 Module10 Unit2课件 外研版(一起)
Christmas trees presents a big dinner and sing songs
pay New Year call 拜年
Spring Festival
We_______ have firecrackers.
Christmas is in winter.
It’s on the 25th of December.
Christmas ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rees
1、Christmas is in Spring.
2、In China , we have Chinese New Year. 4、People eat dumplings at Christmas .
3、People(人们) have Christmas trees at Christmas.
Christmas presents
Christmas father
We have a big dinner and sing songs.
Now , let’s sing a Christmas song!
Chinese New Year
1. This festival is in China. We have a big family dinner.We have peanuts and sweets . We have oranges. We say, “Happy New Year!” It’s ________________. 2. This festival is in England . We sing songs . We give presents. We have a Christmas tree. We eat peanuts and sweets. We say, ‘Merry Christmas!’ It’s _______________.
外研社一年级起点 二年级英语上册
In the UK, they have Christmas .
1.Which season is Christmas in? (圣诞节在什么季 节?)
Christmas is in winter. 2.What do we have at Christmas? (圣诞节我们有什 么?)
We have big dinner.
---Here’s a present for you.
A. Hi. B. Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Read Model 10 Unit 2 to your parents and friends.
A. In the UK B. In china
We have ___B____ at Christmas.
A. firecrackers B. Christmas trees
When is Christmas?(圣诞节在哪天?)
A. December 25th(12月25日) B. October 25th(10月25日)
I like Christmas. ★ We say _________. ★ We have _____and ______. ★ We have a big _____and ____songs.
Christmas is in___B___.
A. spring B. winter
___A____ we have Christmas.
外研社一年级起点 二年级英语上册
In the UK, they have Christmas .
1.Which season is Christmas in? (圣诞节在什么季 节?)
Christmas is in winter. 2.What do we have at Christmas? (圣诞节我们有什 么?)
We have big dinner.
---Here’s a present for you.
A. Hi. B. Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Read Model 10 Unit 2 to your parents and friends.
A. In the UK B. In china
We have ___B____ at Christmas.
A. firecrackers B. Christmas trees
When is Christmas?(圣诞节在哪天?)
A. December 25th(12月25日) B. October 25th(10月25日)
I like Christmas. ★ We say _________. ★ We have _____and ______. ★ We have a big _____and ____songs.
Christmas is in___B___.
A. spring B. winter
___A____ we have Christmas.
( ) 1. _____ ——I’m playing basketball.. A. What’s you do? B.What are you doing? C.What do you do? D.What are you do? ( ) 2. Where is your mother? ——She is _____ front of the cinema... A. in B. see C. meet D. watch ( ) 3.Jack is very busy, he _____ works ____ Sundays. ually; on B. like; of C.play; in D.do; about
Homework: 熟读课文;练习对话内容
Thank you !
• 12、首先是教师品格的陶冶,行为的教育,然后人类的命运。2022/5/42022/5/4May 4, 2022 • 14、孩子在快乐的时候,他学习任何东西都比较容易。 15、人自身有一种力量,用许多方式按照本人意愿控制和影响这种力量,一旦他这样做,就会影响到对他的教育和对他发生作用的环境。
2.对本课出现的各种句型时态进行拓 展运用。
Listen, point and say
A: Where’s your mother? B:I don’t know. C: What are you doing? A: I’m helping a child.
This is Dalin. He’s a taxi driver. He usually works on Sundays. But today he’s not working. He’s helping a child. He’s a good man.