EDGE radiosurgery non invasive cancer treatment




2024年中国专家关于慢性阻塞性肺疾病的新观点英文版Title: New Perspectives on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in China by Experts in 2024In 2024, experts in China have put forward new perspectives on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). This respiratory disease is a significant health concern globally, with a high prevalence in China. The experts have highlighted the importance of early detection and intervention in managing COPD. They emphasize the role of personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual needs of patients. Additionally, they stress the importance of lifestyle modifications, such as smoking cessation and regular exercise, in improving COPD outcomes.Furthermore, the experts have proposed novel approaches to COPD management, including the use of telemedicine and digital health technologies to monitor patients remotely. They also advocate for greater awareness and education about COPD among healthcareproviders and the general public. The experts believe that a multi-disciplinary approach involving collaboration between pulmonologists, primary care physicians, and respiratory therapists is essential for optimal COPD care.In conclusion, the new perspectives on COPD in China by experts in 2024 underscore the need for a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing this complex respiratory condition. By adopting personalized treatment plans, leveraging technology, and promoting education and awareness, it is hoped that the burden of COPD can be reduced and patient outcomes improved in the years to come.。


基 因的表达 以及对 S MC7 2 肝癌细胞 的杀伤能力 。方法 M - 1 7 通过病毒增殖 实验评估增殖 型腺病毒 C H 50h R I N K 0 一T AL的选择 性增殖能力 。通过 MT T实验 , 评估增殖型腺病毒 C HK 0 .T A L以及非增殖型腺病毒 A —T A L对人正常肝细胞株 L 2 N 50 h R I dh R I 0、 人肝癌细胞株 S MC7 2 M - 1的杀伤 能力 。采 用 E IA法检 测 C HK 0 .T A L和 A .T A L感染 S C7 2 7 LS N 50h R I dh R I MM -7 1肝癌 细胞 后 T A L基因的表 达情况 。以及通过流式细胞术 ( C 检测其对细胞早 期凋亡 的影 响 。结果 R I F M) C H 50h R I N K 0 一T A L能选 择性地 在 S MMC7 2 细胞 内大量增殖 , -7 1 感染 9 后增殖达 2 53 6h 2 17倍 , 在极低的 MO 值 ( I 0 1 即可大量杀伤 S I MO = . ) MMC7 2 细胞 , 一 1 7 明显强于 A —T A L 而对 L2细胞无 明显杀伤 。C HK 0 一T A L和 A —T A L感染 S dh R I , 0 N S0h R I dh R I MMC7 2 -7 1细胞后 , T AI 因表 其 R L基 达量 , 者是后者 的近 1 ; N K 0 一T AI 前 0倍 C H 50h R L可选择性地诱导 S MMC7 2 细胞早 期凋亡 , - 1 7 其能力 显著高于 A .T A L dh R I 。结
eoi s darp ct ndf t eaeoi sepes nh m nsl l T I( T I)gn nh pt e u r ac o e n nv u el ao —e cv d nv u x rsi u a o be R L h R L eeo ea cl l r i macll e r a n i i ei r o u A A o la c n li



•论外周血叶酸受体阳性循环肿瘤细胞检测在非小细胞肺癌筛查中的应用价值唐兴.蒋东,赵军苏州大学附属第一医院胸外科,江苏苏州215006摘要:目的观察非小细胞肺癌患者外周血叶酸受体阳性循环肿瘤细胞(circulating tumor cells, C T C s)水平变化,探讨外周血叶酸受体阳性C T C s在非小细胞肺癌筛查中的应用价值。


3组均采用以叶酸受体为靶点的免疫磁珠阴性富集+实时荧光定量P C R法检测外周血叶酸受体阳性C T C s水平;采用化学发光免疫分析法检测血清癌胚抗原(carcino-embryonic antigen. C E A)、糖链抗原(carbohydrate antigen. C A)125、C A724、细胞角蛋白19 片段(cytokeratin 19 fragment,C Y F R A21-1)、神经元特异性烯醇化酶(neuron-specific enolase,N S E)水平。

比较3组C T C s水平;比较不同临床特征非小细胞肺癌患者C T C s水平;绘制R O C曲线,评价C T C s及血清C E A、C A125、C A724、C Y FR A21-1、NSE 5项指标联合诊断非小细胞肺癌的价值。

结果肺癌组C T C s水平[11. 21 (8. 58,15. 30) F U/3m l j高于良性病变组[7. 55 (5. 23,10•25)F U/3m L]和对照组[4.95(3•55,7•62)F U/3m L](;:)<0•05),良性病变组高于对照组(P<0•05)。

T N M分期I、II、丨H、W期非小细胞肺癌患者CTCs 水平[11. 00(8. 58,13. 30)、13. 25(10. 48,16. 88)、14. 77( 11. 47,16. 55)、17. 89( U/3m L]两两比较差异均有统计学意义(幵=〗6.443./3<0.05);不同年龄、性别、肿瘤最大径、丁分期、分化等级、病理类型非小细胞肺癌患者C T C s水平比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),R O C曲线分析结果显示,C T C s以8. 70 F U/3m L为最佳截断值,诊断非小细胞肺癌的A U C为0. 953(95%t7:0.926〜0. 979,P<0.05),灵敏度为79.40%,特异度为98.10%,诊断效能优于〔[六、(:八125、(:八724乂'丫?1^21-1、>«£联合检测。





结果GEM组复发率为26.1%(11/42),BCG组复发率为复发率为16.7%(7/42);GEM+BCG组复发率为9.5%(4/42);3组复发率之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);GEM+BCG 组复发率明显低于GEM组及BCG组(P<0.05);GEM组无复发生存时间为(25.36ʃ1.18)个月;BCG组无复发生存时间为(32.28ʃ1.21)个月;GEM+BCG组无复发生存时间为(41.24ʃ2.01)个月;3组无复发生存时间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),GEM+BCG组无复发生存时间明显长于GEM组及BCG组(P<0.05);GEM组不良反应率为9.5%(4/42),BCG组不良反应率为40.4%(17/42),GEM+BCG组不良反应率为38.1%(16/42),BCG组与GEM+BCG组不良反应率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),GEM组不良反应率明显低于BCG组与GEM+BCG组(P<0.05)。




EDGE放射手术治疗系统EDGE non-invasive Radiosurgery系统(EDGE放射手术肿瘤治疗系统,即速锋刀)由美国Varian公司研发,于2013年1月23日获得美国FDA批准。

系统介绍EDGE(速锋刀)是迄今为止有效的无创肿瘤清除技术,利用特有的FDA于2014年7月21日批准的Calypso® GPS for the Body®系统和表面光束监测系统以高达10毫秒的高频率实时动态监测并锁定治疗过程中肿瘤“逃逸”,结合新一代IGRT等影像引导技术,利用独有2400MU/min的高强度HD-MLC准度达到0.2毫米(临床治疗验证精度),清除肿瘤组织且对正常组织和器官损伤很小。


北京亨利福特(Henry Ford Health Consulting, HFHC)特为中国肿瘤患者前往BEON-Edge中心接受治疗而设立的中国区唯一联络处。






EDGE radiosurgery特有的技术特点•1、实时动态方位变动双重监测调控系统 (Real-time motion management systems):该系统包括Calypso® GPS for the Body®系统和表面光束监测系统,实时跟踪在放射手术治疗过程中肿瘤的位置变动情况。


c r io s T e a t t mo c a im f b t n e v n in h r p n l c lr tr e i g d g s t ac n ma . h n i u r me h n s o o i tr e t a t ea y a d moe u a a g t r s i o - h ol n u c u e t mo e r ss Ne et e e s atr t e te t n h oa ou ft e lso su u l e i s t e a s u rn c o i. v r ls , f r ame tt e tt lv l me o e in s al r ma n h h e h h y
s me a h tb f r h r a me t o v n b c me n a g d T e e o e a s t a e o e t e t t n , r e e e o s e lr e . h r f r , t d t n lrs o s v u t n e r i o a e p n e e a ai a i l o
rl bejd m n rh eae t eut o t vni a teayadtre n rgcnb band ( ei l u g e t et rpui rsl fne e tn rp n gt gd a eo t e . J a o f t h c s i r ol h a i u i
于 介 人 治 疗 和 靶 向药 物 等 治 疗 , 良 R CS 改 E IT标 准 的 评估 结果 更 可 靠 。
【 键 词 】 肝 细 胞 癌 ; 体 瘤 评 估 标 准 ; 效 评 价 关 实 疗
中 图分 类 号 :7 57 文 献 标 志 码 : 文章 编 号 :0 87 4 2 1 ) 307 —3 R 3. A 1o —9 X(0 2 - —170 0



早期非小细胞肺癌立体定向消融放疗现状石安辉;朱广迎【摘要】目前比较立体定向消融放疗(stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, SABR)与手术治疗早期非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC)的随机研究证据尚不多,高水平的循证医学证据更是缺乏。

尽管STARS和ROSEL 两项随机研究结果荟萃分析显示SABR较手术耐受性更好,生存不劣于手术,但是目前仍仅推荐拒绝手术或不可手术的早期NSCLC首选SABR,期待着正在进行的随机研究VALOR(Veterans Affairs Lung Cancer Surgery or Stereotactic Ra-diotherapy in the US)和SABRTooth(SABRTooth study in the United Kingdom)的结果。



%High level evidence from randomized studies comparing stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) to surgery is lacking. Although the results of pooled analysis of two randomized trials for STARS and ROSEL showed that SABR is better tolerated and might lead to better overall survival than surgery for operable clinical stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), SABR, however, is only recommended as a preferred treatment option for early stage NSCLC patients who cannot or will not undergo surgery. We, therefore, are waiting for the results of the ongoing randomized studies [Veterans af-fairs lung cancer surgery or stereotacticradiotherapy in the US (VALOR) and the SABRTooth study in the United Kingdom (SABRTooths)]. Many retrospective and case control studies showed that SABR is safe and effective (local control rate higher than 90%, 5 years survival rate reached 70%), but there are considerable variations in the deifnitions and staging of lung cancer, operability determination, and surgical approaches to operable lung cancer (open vs video-assisted). hTerefore, it is diffcult to compare the superiority of radiotherapy and surgery in the treatment of early staged lung cancer. Most studies demonstrated that the effcacy of the two modalities for early staged lung cancer is equivalent;however, due to the limited data, the conclu-sions from those studies are diffcult to be evidence based. hTerefore, the controversies will be focusing on the safety and inva-siveness of the two treatment modalities. hTis article will review the ongoing debate in light of these goals.【期刊名称】《中国肺癌杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(019)006【总页数】5页(P389-393)【关键词】肺叶切除;胸腔镜手术;肺肿瘤【作者】石安辉;朱广迎【作者单位】100142北京,北京大学肿瘤医院暨北京市肿瘤防治研究所放射治疗科;100142北京,北京大学肿瘤医院暨北京市肿瘤防治研究所放射治疗科【正文语种】中文肺癌仍是全球癌症死亡的首要原因,每年超过180万人被诊断为肺癌[1]。



放疗常用英文词缩略语中英文对照AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine 美国医学物理学家协会ICRU International Commission on Radiation units and Measurements 国际辐射单位与测量委员会NCCN National Comprehensive Cancer Network 美国综合癌症工作者UICC International Union Against Cancer国际抗癌联盟放射治疗技术部分RT Radiotherapy,Radiation Therapy 放疗,放射治疗放射肿瘤学 radiation oncology远距治疗 teletherapy近距治疗 brachytherapyPT precision radiotherapy 精确放疗SRS stereotactic radiosurgery立体定向放射外科SRT stereotactic radiation therapy立体定向放射治疗3D- CRT 3dimensional comformal radiation therapy 三维适形放射治疗IMRT Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy 调强放射治疗IMAT intensity modulated arc therapy 弧形调强技术IGRT image guided radiotherapy 影像学引导的放射治疗IGART image guided adaptive radiotherapy 影像学引导的适应性照射ART adaptive radiotherapy 适应性照射PDRR pulsed dose rate brachytherapy 脉冲剂量率近距离治疗IM-WPRT intensity-modulated whole pelvic radiotherapy 全盆调强放射治疗TSEI total skin electron irradiation电子线全身照射PCI propylactic cranial irradiation 预防性全脑照射QA/QC quality assurance/quality control 质量保证/质量控制分割放疗部分CF conventional fractionation 常规分割HF hyperfractionation 超分割AF accelerated fractionation 加速分割AHF accelerated hyperfractionation 加速超分割CHART continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy 连续加速超分割放疗EHART escalating hyperfractionated accelerated radiation gherapy 逐步递量加速超分割放疗LCHART late-course hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy 后程加速超分割放疗CLDR continuous low dose rate radiotherapy 抵剂量率持续照射SCHART split-course hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy分段加速超分割放疗SIB simultaneously integrated boosting大野照射及小野追加剂量照射CBHART concomitant boost hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy 同时小野加量加速超分割放疗热疗部分HR hyperthermia and radiation 热疗加放疗HRC hyperthermia and radiochemotherapy 热疗加放化疗MTH mild temperature hyperthermia 温和加温WBH whole body huperthermia全身加温RH regional hyperthermia区域加温LH local hyperthermia 局部加温设备部分CT computed tomography 计算机体层显影MRI magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振成像医用电子加速器 medical electron acceleratorPET positron emission tomography 正电子发射断层扫描SPECT single photo emmision computerized tomography单光子发射型计算机扫描MU monitor unit 机器跳数MLC MultiLeaf Collimator 多叶准直器,多叶光栅MIMiC multivaane intensity modulation compensator 多叶调强补偿器ABC active breath control 主动呼吸控制技术放射治疗模拟机 radiotherapy simulatorTPS treatment planning system 治疗计划系统后装技术 after-loading techniqueTLD thermoluminescence dosimeters热释光剂量计HVL half value layer 半价层物理剂量学部分靶区 target volume治疗区 treatment volumeCTV clinical target volume 临床靶区PTV planning target volume 计划靶区ITV internal target volume 内靶区IV irradiation volume 照射靶区TV treatment volume治疗靶区IM internal margin 内边界BTV biological target volume 生物靶区NSD nominal standard dose 名义标准剂量BED biologically effective dose 生物等效剂量BD basal dose 基准剂量RD reference dose参考剂量MCD mean central dose 平均中心剂量MTD minimum target dose 最小靶剂量HD hyperdose sleeve 超剂量区OI overdose volume index 超剂量体积指数DVH dose volume histograms 剂量-体积直方图HI relative dose homogeneity index 靶区剂量均匀性指数CI coverage index 靶区覆盖指数BEV beam eye view 射束方向视图REV room's eye view 治疗室内视图CPV coach’s preview 床角预览视图SI sum index加权综合指数DRF dose reduction factor 剂量减少系数EBF electron backscatter factor 电子反向散射因子LET linear energy transfer 线性能量传递LQ linear quadratic model LQ 模型或线性二次模型NTCP normal tissue complication probability 正常组织并发症概率RBE relative biological effectiveness 相对生物效应TCD tumor control dose肿瘤控制剂量TCP tumor control probability肿瘤控制概率Tpot potertial doubling time潜在倍增时间TGF therapeutic gain factor治疗增益系数(因子)OAR organ at risk 敏感器官OER oxygen enhancement ratio 氧增强比LENT late effective normal tissues 正常晚反应组织LD lethal damage 致死损伤PLD potential lethal damage 潜在致死损伤SLD sublethal damage亚致死损伤OAR off axial ratio 离轴比SAR scatter air ratio散射空气比SPR scatter phantom ratio散射体模比TAR tissue air ratio组织空气比TMR tissue maximum ratio组织最大剂量比TPR tissue phantom ratio组织体模比TR therapeutic ratio治疗比TVR treatment volume ratio治疗体积比PDD percentage depth dose 百分深度剂量OUF output factor 射野输出因子SAD source axis distance源轴距SSD source skin distance源皮距STD source tumor distance源瘤距SM set-up margin摆位边界等中心 isocentre辐射野 radiation field储源器 source carrier载源器 source carrier施源器 source applicator通道 channel补偿过滤器 compensating filter楔形过滤器 wedge filter均整度 flatteness半影 penumbra半影调节器 penumbra trimmer散射箔 scattering foil射野挡块 shield block剂量建成 dose build-up建成因子 build-up factor深度剂量 depth dose深度剂量曲线 depth dose chart等剂量曲线 isodose chart参考平面 reference plane参考点 reference point相对表面剂量 relative surface dose源轴距 source-axis distance(SAD)源表距 source-surfaced distance(SSD)感生放射性 induced radioactivity中子污染 neutron contamination电子污染 electron contaminationX射线污染 X-ray contaminationPF protection factor 防护系数。






2. IMpower150研究:这是一项多中心、随机、开放式、Phase III临床试验,旨在评估atezolizumab(抗PD-L1抗体)联合bevacizumab(抗VEGF抗体)和化疗的疗效。



3. IMpower132研究:这是一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的临床试验,旨在评估atezolizumab与化疗联合治疗在晚期非鳞状细胞NSCLC中的疗效。



4. IMpower130研究:这是一项针对晚期非鳞状细胞NSCLC的随机、开放性、多中心、Phase III临床试验。



5. IMpower010研究:目前,即使在手术切除后,晚期NSCLC的患者仍然面临着肿瘤复发和进展的风险。








内镜下窄带成像结合卢戈氏液染色对食管早期癌及癌前病变的诊断价值1. 引言1.1 背景介绍食管癌是全球常见的消化系统恶性肿瘤之一,其早期诊断对患者的治疗和生存率至关重要。







1.2 研究目的本研究旨在探讨内镜下窄带成像结合卢戈氏液染色在食管早期癌及癌前病变诊断中的应用价值。




2. 正文2.1 内镜下窄带成像技术简介内镜下窄带成像技术(narrow band imaging,NBI)是一种结合数字滤光片和窄带滤光器的内窥镜技术,能够通过狭窄光谱范围的光源改善观察的细节、提高对黏膜表面微血管结构的识别能力,从而增强对黏膜增生、异型增生和癌变的检出率。


广 西医学 2 1 3月第 3 0 0年 2卷 第 3期
27 6
鼻 咽部非 角化性癌中 T F1 表达 G 一1 3 与未成熟树突状细胞数量的关 系及 意义
李 佳 韦敏 怡
502 ) 30 1 ( 西 医科 大 学病理 教研 室 , 宁市 广 南
【 摘要】 目的 探讨鼻咽部非角化性癌 中T F1 表达情况和 C l 标记的未成熟树 突状细胞数量及它们 G 一1 3 Da
癌组 C 1 D a阳性 率为 4 . % (6 6 ) 癌 旁组 组织 阳性率 为 1 .% ( / 6 , 照组为 阴性 ;G 一 1 19 2 / 2 , 25 2 1)对 T F1 表达与 C l 3 D a呈
负相关( =一 .0 , 006 ;G — 1 r 034 P= .1)T Ft 的表达与临床分期、 3 颈部淋 巴结转移明显有关( 00 ) C l 的表达 P< .5 ; D a 与颈部淋巴结转移之间有关( 001 。结论 T Fp 可抑制 iD P= .1) G —1 m C的增生, 两者在鼻咽部非角化癌演进过程
与病理 、 临床 资料 的联 系。方法 鼻咽癌组 织 6 、 2例 癌旁组 织 1 , 6 ̄c J L鼻咽黏 膜慢 性 炎症 组 织 1 , O例 应用免 疫组
化 Eisn M法检测 T F1 和 C l 蛋白的表达情况, lioT vi G 一1 3 Da 并结合病理、 临床 资料进行统计分析。结果 6 例鼻咽 2 癌组织及癌旁组织中 T F1 阳性率分别为 6.%(26 )9.% (5 1 ) 均高于对照组的5 %(/0 ; G 一1 3 7 7 4/ 2 、38 1/6 , 0 5 1) 鼻咽
Ca c n m a a he Num b r o mm a ur n ii l nd i i ni c nc r i o nd t e fI t e De drtc Ce l a t S g f a e s s i














皮肤影像学检查在常见非黑素皮肤癌手术中的应用进展作者:战胜霞万学峰来源:《中国美容医学》2022年第08期[摘要]目前常见非黑素皮肤癌(Non-melanotic skin cancer,NMSC)的首选治疗是手术切除,精准确定肿瘤边界对于彻底切除肿瘤、最大限度保留皮肤功能及美容至关重要。

随着对NMSC术前边界无创检测方法研究的逐渐深入,皮肤高频超声(High frequency ultrasound,HFUS)、皮肤镜、皮肤CT和光学相干断层扫描成像技术(Optical coherence tomography,OCT)在一定程度上可以为术者评估手术切缘提供依据。



[关键词]非黑素皮肤癌;高频超声;皮肤镜;皮肤CT;光学相干断层扫描成像技术[中图分类号]R739.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2022)08-0193-04Application of Skin Imaging Examination in Surgery for Non-melanotic Skin CancerZHAN Shengxia,WAN Xuefeng(Department of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830000, Xinjiang, China)Abstract: At present, the first choice for common non-melanotic skin cancer is surgical resection. Accurate determination of tumor boundary is crucial for complete tumor resection,maximum preservation of skin function and cosmetic treatment. With the development of non-invasive detection methods of NMSC preoperative boundary, skin high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS), dermoscopy, skin CT and optical coherence tomography (OCT) can provide basis for operators to evaluate the surgical margin to a certain extent.However, the above non-invasive detection methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Clinically, accurate surgical treatment can be realized through combined application to achieve better curative effect.This article reviews the research progress of skin imaging examination in determining tumor boundary at home and abroad as follows.Key words: non-melanoma skin cancer; high frequency ultrasound; dermoscopy; CT skin; optical coherence tomography imaging technology非黑素皮肤癌是临床上常见的皮肤恶性肿瘤,其中以基底细胞癌(Basal cell carcinoma,BCC)和鳞状细胞癌(Squamous cell carcinoma,SCC)最常见,乳房外Paget病(Extramammary paget’s disease,EMPD)相对少见。


卡博替尼和凡德他尼是为数不多的被NCCN指南推荐的治疗药物,但带来获益较为有限,ORR为18% ~ 47%,PFS为4.5个月左右
神经营养酪氨酸受体激酶(neurotrophic tyrosine kinase,NTRK)融合突变是多个实体瘤包括肺癌、结直肠癌、乳腺癌、胆管癌及儿童实体瘤的驱动突变,在高加索人群中,这一突变约占整个NSCLC驱动突变的0.2%,目前NTRK基因突变尚无基于中国人群的数据
2017年美国临床肿瘤学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology,ASCO)大会上报告了Larot re ctinib(LOXO-101)靶向TRK融合基因治疗罕见肿瘤的数据结果。55例NTRK突变囊括了13种肿瘤类型,其中肺癌仅5例。最新数据表明Larotrectinib在12种不同肿瘤中的有效率为78%,最长的缓解时间为23个月,其中8例缓解时间超过12个月,16例超过6个月
Basket研究显示针对HER2基因扩增(免疫组化3+)或HER2突变患者,T-DM1治疗HER2突变的NSCLC患者,ORR 44%,PFS 4个月
另一项II期临床研究显示,49例晚期NSCLC患者,29例免疫组化检测HER2 2+,20名为HER2 3+。采用T-DM1治疗后,总体ORR 44%,中位PFS 5个月。亚组分析显示,免疫组化2+患者有效率为0,为免疫组化3+患者有效率为20%,总生存时间为12.2个月。基于以上研究可以看出,T-DM1在HER2高表达(3+)晚期NSCLC患者中显示出治疗活性


















肿瘤自身敏感性:肿瘤负荷、肿瘤分型、分期;肿瘤来源和分化程度;肿瘤部位和血供;照射剂量;2、化学修饰与肿瘤放射效应:放射增敏剂:氧气、多种药物;放射保护剂:低氧、谷胱甘肽加温与放疗;430C加温自身即可杀灭肿瘤细胞;能使S期细胞、乏氧细胞变的敏感;热休克蛋白,42-4450C, 2/周;3、放疗与同步化疗:空间协作:放射控制原发,化疗控制转移;毒性依赖:必须注意两者叠加问题;互相增敏:联合应用,疗效1+1>2,机制不详;保护正常组织:缩小病灶,减少剂量;11、放射野设计四原则:1、靶区剂量均匀:治疗的肿瘤区域内吸收剂量要均匀,剂量梯度部超5%,90%剂量线包整个靶区。




1.RTRadiotherapy,Radiation Therapy放疗,放射治疗放射治疗是利用放射线治疗肿瘤的一种方法,是当今治疗肿瘤的三大手段之一。



2.IMRTIntensity Modulated Radiation Therapy调强放射治疗调强放射治疗与以往放射治疗技术不同,它通过调节各个方向照射野的野内射线的强度产生非均匀照射野,达到肿瘤的高剂量三维适形分布和危及器官的低剂量分布,从而提高肿瘤的照射剂量,尽可能地减少危及器官和正常组织的受量,最终提高肿瘤局部的控制率,改善肿瘤患者的生存质量。

3.MLCMultiLeaf Collimator多叶准直器,多叶光栅MLC最初设计主要是用于替代射野挡铅,后来发展成了IMRT的基础,控制叶片运动可实现静态MLC和动态MLC调强。

4.QA & QCQuality Assurance & Quality Control质量保证和质量控制放射治疗的QA是指经过周密计划而采取的一系列必要的措施,保证放射治疗的整个服务过程中的各个环节按国际标准准确安全的执行。


5.AAPMAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine美国医学物理学家协会6.SADSource to Axis Distance源轴距放射源到机架旋转或机器等中心的距离。

SSDSource to Surface Distance源皮距放射源到模体表面照射野中心的距离。




中文題目:為什麼低次放療和放射外科能有效治療良性和惡性疾病英文題目:Why Hypofractionated Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery Can Effectively Treat Benign and Malignant Diseases陳光耀Kuang Y. Chen, M.D., Ph.D.臺北榮民總醫院癌病中心For nearly one hundred years, 2 Gy per day is the norm of fractionation in radiotherapy for human epithelial cancers, the whole course of treatment generally last 6 to 8 weeks with 30-40 fractions. Because of normal tissue reactions, attempt to shorten the treatment course by increasing the daily dose or daily number of fraction is very difficult to achieve. On the other extreme, Lars Leksell, a neurosurgeon of Sweden, used one fraction of large dose of gamma rays to treat the intracranial lesion successfully in 1967 opened a new discipline of medicine called Gamma Knife radiosurgery. For the past forty years, hundred of Gamma Knives have been practicing in medical centers and hospitals where no less than 350,000 patients had been treated for their intracranial benign and malignant lesions. The radiosurgical equipment extends from Gamma Knife to X Knife to nowaday, CyberKnife. In the matter of fact, hypofractionated radiotherapy appears in brachytherapy, teleradiotherapy with oral, vaginal and rectal cones, intraoperative radiotherapy, proton and heavy ion treatment. Why conventional radiotherapy needs 35 fractions of 2 Gy and radiosurgery can deliver 25-60 Gy in one to five fractions to treat biologically similar epithelial tumors? For trigeminal neuralgia, radiosurgeons even give 70-80 Gy in one fraction and the treatment is still safe and effective. The answer of this mark difference in fraction size and number are targeting accuracy and diversification of incoming treatment beams. Any attempt to adopt the radiosurgical principles to treat extracranial lesions without adequate patient fixation, reliably tackle the target movement becomes an extremely risky practice.Take malignant tumor as an example, target movement can be day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute and second to second. Examples of day to day target movement are patient setup errors, urinary bladder and rectal filling and tumor pushing, tumor shrinkage, weight loss and skin motion etc. Hour to hour and minute to minute target movements are bladder and rectal filling and tumor pushing, positionchanges due to unnoticed muscle flexion and relaxation. Second to Second target movements are tumor moves along with respiration, heartbeat, peristalsis, cough and sudden pain etc. IGRT (image-guided radiotherapy) at its best is only partially responded to day to day target movement. There seems no radiotherapeutic system response to intrafractional target movement satisfactory except CyberKnife.With its submillimeter targeting accuracy for stationary tumor treatment and 1.5 mm accuracy of dynamic treatment for tumors move along with respiration under natural breathing, CyberKnife is able to treat lesions of different parts in the body by 1-5 fractions, on the average 2-3 fractions in many hospitals. This is a truly hypofractionated radiotherapy, even though many people call it radiosurgery. The CyberKnife technique to overcome the target movement is a pairs of ceiling mounted X-ray tubes which 45°diagonally expose the target for patient setup and intrafractional target movement detection, any 6D translational and rotational movement can be real-time automatically detected and corrected either by automatic readjustment of the 6D couch position or by automatically moving the 6 MV X-ray source to a new position and angulation as to compensate any deviation from digitally reconstructed radiograph derived from treatment planning CT images. Synchrony is the system that the CyberKnife uses to setup 4D irradiation for thoracic and abdominal tumors moving along with respiration. The principle of Synchrony is relatively simple. Under natural respiration, one set of three cameras receive the red-light moving signals which emitted from the chest wall as the external movement track, another set of multiple X-ray exposures at different time points of a respiratory cycle of the tumor or golden markers around the tumor construct the internal target movement, couple the external and internal movement information into a mathematical model, the robotic arm as well as the X-ray treatment beams can follow the respiratory rhythm to do the 4D dynamic irradiation.There are good reasons in physics and biology that hypofractionated radiotherapy can effectively treat variety of benign and malignant diseases, at least in the CyberKnife system, namely: diversification of treatment beams, accuracy of beam delivery and overcome target movement physically; newly concept of cell survival models, therapeutic ratio gain and other rationales of hypofractionation radiobiologically. Therefore philosophically, hypofractionation is a hundred years old technique in medical history of radiotherapy and radiosurgery, the safety and efficacy are ever better in the well-designed equipment such as CyberKnife, the indication oftreatment are becoming wider, the therapeutic course is much shorter and simpler,only waiting for clinicians to accept.In summary, using its 150 Kg linear accelerator and robotic arm, as well as in-room X-ray imaging equipment and Synchrony system to track the real-time position of the target and then to tackle the inter- and intrafractional target movement, CyberKnife is able to deliver variable diameter (5-60mm) 6 MV X-ray beams accurately from 1,500 solid angles toward the target, the dose distribution is highly conformal and homogenous, the rapid fall off of the marginal dose around the tumor render the surround normal tissue well protected. Only under these circumstances the CyberKnife is able to treat variety of benign and malignant lesions in the hypofractionated schemes as presented during the meeting and in the newly published monograph named ”CyberKnife Radiosurgery Treatment Guidelines” in Chinese by the same author of this paper. If more cases and longer follow-up repeatedly indicated that CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery is more effective and safer than conventional fractionated radiotherapy and radiosurgery, I assume that CyberKnife hypofractionation is the future of radiotherapy and radiosurgery, and may be the future of certain parts of surgical oncology!。



消化科罕见英文缩写之樊仲川亿创作GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease)胃食管反流病NERD(Non-erosive reflux disease)非糜烂性反流病RE(Reflux esophagitis)反流性食管炎IBD(Inflammatory bowel disease)炎症性肠病CD(Crohn’s disease)克罗恩病UC(Ulcerative colitis)溃疡性结肠炎IBS(Irritable bowel syndrome)肠易激综合征AIH(Autoimmune hepatitis)自身免疫性肝炎FD(Functional dyspepsia)功能性消化不良ALD(Alcoholic liver disease)酒精性肝病NASH(Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis)非酒精性脂肪性肝炎NAFLD(Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)非酒精性脂肪性肝病DILI(Drug induced liver injury)药物性肝损伤VOD(Veno-occlusive disease)肝小静脉闭塞症SOS(Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome)肝窦阻塞综合征HCC(Hepatic cellular carcinoma)肝细胞肝癌HE(Hepatic encephalopathy)肝性脑病SBP(Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis) 自发性细菌性腹膜炎HRS(Hepatorenal syndrome)肝肾综合征MAP(Mild acute pancreatitis)急性轻症胰腺炎SAP(Severe acute pancreatitis)急性重症胰腺炎CP(Chronic pancreatitis)慢性胰腺炎AIP(Auto-immune pancreatitis)自身免疫性胰腺炎PC(Pancreatic adenocarcinoma)胰腺癌MALT(Mucosa-associated lymphoid Tissue)粘膜相关组织淋巴瘤SIRS(Systematic inflammatory response syndrome)全身炎症反应综合征MOF(Multiple organ failure)多器官功能衰竭EUS(Endoscopic ultrasonography)超声内镜EUS-FNA(Fine needle aspiration)超声引导下细针穿刺DBE/SBE(Double/Single balloon endoscopy)双/单气囊小肠镜CE(Capsule enodoscopy)胶囊内镜ERCP(Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)内镜下逆行胰胆管造影术EST(Endoscopic sphincterotomy)内镜下乳头括约肌切开ERPD(Endoscopic retrograde pancreatic drainage)内镜下胰管支架引流术ENBD(Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage)内镜下鼻胆管引流EMBD(Endoscopic metal retractor biliary drainage)内镜下胆管金属支架引流术ERBD(Endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage)内镜下胆管支架引流术SOD(Sphincter of Oddidysfunction)Oddi括约肌功能障碍PTCD(Percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage)经皮肝穿刺胆道引流TACE(Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization )肝动脉化疗栓塞术消化科罕见英文缩写TAE(Transcatheter arterial embolization)肝动脉栓塞术TAI(Transcatheter arterial infusion) 肝动脉插管灌注化疗PSE(Partial splenic embolization)部分脾栓塞术TIPS(Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt)经颈静脉肝内门体分流术SMT(Submucosal tumor)粘膜下肿瘤EMR(Endoscopic mucosal resection)内镜下粘膜切除术ESD(Endoscopic submucosal dissection)内镜下粘膜下剥离术ESE(Endoscopic submucosal excavation)内镜粘膜下挖除术APC(Argon plasma coagulation)氩离子凝固术MBM (Multiband mucosectomy) 多环黏膜切除术(DT)LST(Lateral spreading tumor)侧向发育型肿瘤EVB(Esophageal variceal bleeding)食管静脉曲张破裂出血EVL(Endoscopic variceal ligation)内镜下曲张静脉套扎术EIS(Endoscopic injection sclerotherapy)内镜下曲张静脉硬化剂治疗术IPMN(Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms)胰腺导管内乳头状黏液性肿瘤FNH(Focal Nodular Hyperplasia)肝局灶性结节增生PBC(Primary biliary cirrhosis) 原发性胆汁性肝硬化PSC(Primary sclerosing cholangitis) 原发性硬化性胆管炎ICP(Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy)妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症BCS (Budd-Chiari syndrome) 布-加综合征。

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EDGE radiosurgery: non-invasive cancer treatment
EDGE Radiosurgery system developed by Varian company has received FDA 510(k) clearance on January 23rd, 2013. EDGE is the most effective and non-invasive approach to treat cancer. EDGE has an advanced real-time motion management system, including the Calypso® GPS for the Body® system (approved by FDA on July 21st, 2014) and an optical surface monitoring system for real-time tracking tumor motion during treatment every 10 milliseconds. In addition, EDGE has been equipped with the advanced Motion & Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) package, which encompasses two-, three-, and four dimensional imaging. Integrated these unparalleled techniques, EDGE has a high- intensity and high-definition 2.5mm multi-leaf collimator with fast dose delivery up to 2400 MU/min and provides a distinct cancer radiosurgery with sub-millimeter accuracy.
First installation of EDGE radiosurgery suite in the world was homed in Henry Ford Health System (HFHS) in September 2013, and officially run in March 2014. EDGE performs noninvasive cancer procedures anywhere in the body - especially in the brain, spine, head and neck, lung, live –with extreme precision. For patients in China to HFHS for EDGE treatment, Beijing Henry Ford Health Consulting Company (HFHC) was established a s a liaison and provides comprehensive arrangements.
Some features of the new system:
●The PerfectPitch™ couch:An integrated six degrees of freedom (6DoF) treatment couch
that provides the accuracy, precision, and flexibility needed to position patients optimally, adjust their position to correct for any misalignments, and support them comfortably during treatment. The PerfectPitch couch has been designed for the accuracy and functionality required to deliver radiosurgery treatments in the brain and in the rest of the body.
●The Advanced Motion & Image-Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) package: An advanced
motion management package that offers clinicians many options for using real-time imaging during radiotherapy treatments. It also enables expanded use of fluoroscopy and 4-D cone-beam CT—imaging techniques that show motion over time—to better compensate for tumor motion during treatment.
●Intracranial radiosurgery package: An integrated set of technologies for planning and
delivering stereotactic radiosurgery treatments for tumors or functional abnormalities in the brain. The intracranial radiosurgery package supports the accurate delivery of radiation using multiple beam shaping options, including Varian’s high-definition multileaf collimator and radiosurgery conical collimators, and is compatible with both frame-based and frameless patient immobilization approaches.
●Calypso system: Several enhancements have been incorporated into the Calypso system for
real time tracking. The system utilizes transponders, or position signaling devices, that are implanted in or around a tumor, or placed on the surface of the body and monitored to track motion during treatment. New enhancements increase the rate of transponder signal processing in order to track faster types of motion, such as respiratory motion, in real time.
The system is also compatible with the couch rotations that are often used to optimize targeting during treatments in the lung. The new system also includes updated usability features designed to streamline treatments and enhance the user experience.。
