启纬智芯TN2115SA02K NFC动态标签数据手册说明书
TN2115SA02K 用户手册300mW NFC能量采集, 2KB EEPROM, I2C, 7个输出 IO, 自适应能量采集控制ISO14443A 协议,106Kbps NFC数据速率,能量采集输出端口,LDO1.产品特色∙标准NFC动态标签-106kbps数据速率-2KB片上EEPROM存储-标准TYPE2标签-可外接MCU扩展为TYPE4标签-标签内存可选EEPROM或RAM-透传模式-7 字节可配置UID∙高效的能量采集与管理-专为能量采集优化的NFC模拟前端-高达300mW的能量采集-可为整个IC供电-可为整个系统供电-能量输出:高压/3.3V/1.8V-自适应能量采集:兼顾能量与稳定性-超级电容接口-NFC 数据传输保护∙高速串行数据接口-I2C 从接口,最高400kbps速率-可配置片内寄存器,读写EEPROM-可用于数据透传∙低功耗-平均功耗600uA2.产品描述2.1.概述TN2115SA02K是一款符合ISO14443A标准的无源NFC Type2动态标签。
NFC接口支持ISO14443A 标准,速率106kbps。
近场通信(Near Field Communication,NFC)是一种短距高频的无线电技术,在13.56MHz频率运行于20厘米距离内。
其传输速度有106 Kbit/秒、212 Kbit/秒或者424 Kbit/秒三种。
目前近场通信已通过成为ISO/IEC IS 18092国际标准、ECMA-340标准与ETSI TS 102 190标准。
中文名:近距离无线通信技术外文名:NFC(Near Field Communication) 开发商:诺基亚和索尼共同开发设备载体:消费类电子产品智能控件工具应用:进行近距离无线通信目录NFC (1)1、简介信息 (3)1.1.技术简介 (3)1.2.发展历史 (4)1.3.工作模式 (4)1.4.技术特征 (5)2、原理信息 (5)2.1.NFC技术原理 (5)2.2.NFC与RFID区别 (6)2.3.传统比较 (6)2.4.发展前景 (8)2.5.试验地点 (9)2.6.标签种类 (10)3、实际用途 (11)3.1.企业中的应用 (11)3.2.政府部门的应用 (11)3.3.与零售购物体验 (11)3.4.与市场营销 (12)3.5.设备之间共享 (12)3.6.安防领域应用 (12)4、标签工艺 (14)5、最新应用 (14)6、内置设备 (17)参考资料 (19)1、简介信息1.1.技术简介NFC这个技术由非接触式射频识别(RFID)演变而来,由飞利浦半导体(现恩智浦半导体)、诺基亚和索尼共同研制开发,其基础是RFID及互连技术。
深圳市中恒盛大科技开展高清广告机解码驱动一体板T10使用说明书目录1.产品概述12.使用说明22.1遥控器说明22.2设置菜单32.2.1通用设定32.2.2播放设定42.2.3字幕设定62.2.4时钟设定62.2.5屏幕显示设置72.2.6存储器文件管理73.滚动字幕文件制作84. USB拷贝及文件名要求84.1文件拷贝84.2文件制作要求95. 工厂菜单96.软件升级107. 文件支持格式108. 播放列表与分屏工具使用说明:128.1播放列表使用说明128.2分屏使用说明128.3参数设置131.产品概述该主板可以直接驱动LVDS接口的液晶屏。
CPU为A9单核,主频1G, 内存:256M DDR3 1600M1支持完全无缝切换〔目前市面上的同类产品两个视频切换时有一到两秒的黑屏或需做停顿处理〕。
2通过USB拷贝播放内容,拷贝速度可达10M/S以上,内置8G 〔7.1G可用〕内置存储空间。
2.使用说明2.1遥控器说明本产品使用的遥控器如下列图:遥控器各按键功能:电源键:电源键,控制开关机静音:静音功能按一次往前跳3秒按一次往后跳3秒:暂停/播放功能向上移动光标向左移动光标: 向右移动光标: 向下移动光标MENU :进入设定菜单,进入菜单后是确认功能VOL+:音量加VOL-:音量减播放类型为图片或视频模式下一曲播放类型为图片或视频模式上一曲E*IT :退出菜单或退出播放DEL:光标停留在文件上时,按该键删除选中文件2.2设置菜单菜单主界面如下列图:2.2.1通用设定1.菜单语言:中文:设定菜单语言为中文;英文:设定菜单语言为英文2.机器编号:设置本机的编号,为5位数字;在该项上面按遥控器中间的MENU 键进入设置界面,设置每个数字。
恩智浦NTAG 5 boost NFC I2C桥接器产品数据手册说明书
NTA5332NTAG 5 boost ——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum 兼容I 2C 桥接器第3.1版——2020年3月24日 产品数据手册 544731公司公开文件1 简介NTAG 5 boost 使用主动负载调制(ALM)来提供与NFC 手机稳定可靠的通信,为微型器件带来全新的便利性水平。
恩智浦的NTAG 5 boost 在增加AES 安全性的同时,缩小了NFC 器件的占位面积,因此设计人员就可以提供适用于物联网、消费和工业应用的超小型器件。
它提供兼容NFC Forum (客户开发板已通过NFC Forum 认证,证书ID :58625)的非接触式接口,可提供出色的读取范围,使微型器件能够与云和其他支持NFC 的器件(包括智能手机)进行互动。
图1.NTAG 5 boost 概述ALM 支持构建在一個小型而高度可靠的天线,从而在不影响读取范围的情况下,大幅减小占位面积。
当在ALM 模式下运行时,设备的读取范围要比在被动模式下运行时远得多。
得益于配备硬断电模式和待机电流(通常小于10 μA )的节能设计,可确保较长的电池寿命。
2048字节(16384位)的用户存储器可以分为三个区域,每个区域可以使用不同的保护级别,从无保护、32/64位密码保护、到高达128位AES 保护的读/写访问(带双向认证)。
NTAG 5 boost 带有预烧写的来源证明功能以验证真实性。
借助NTAG 5 boost ,只需轻触器件即可连接到云。
连接使用兼容NFC Forum 的数据交换机制。
该机制涉及256字节(2048位)SRAM ,以确保高度互操作的数据传输。
MCUALMSRAMEEPROM例如 T 传感器透明I 2C 主通道数据(能量)数据(能量) (能量采集)事件检测NTAG 5 boost ——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum 兼容I 2C 桥接器2 特性和优势• 将天线尺寸减小40倍的同时,保持与无源负载调制相同的读取范围 • 得益于低待机电流和硬断电,延长电池寿命 • 可调安全级别,最高可达AES 双向认证• 在三个开放和/或受保护的存储器区域之间灵活地划分 • 通过价值链确保产品的真实性• 根据NFC Forum 标准进行可互操作的数据交换 • 可互操作的高性能NFC 接口– 兼容ISO/IEC 15693和NFC Forum type 5标签 – 64位唯一标识符 • 可靠而强大的存储器– 配置存储器顶部提供2048字节(16384位)用户EEPROM – 256字节(2048位)SRAM ,用于频繁更改数据和直通模式 – 40年数据保存– 写入寿命为1,000,000次 • 可配置接触接口– I 2C 从机标准(100 kHz)和快速(400 kHz)模式– 透明的I 2C 主通道(例如,不带MCU 的读取传感器) – 一个可配置的事件检测引脚 – 两个GPIO 作为复用的I 2C 线路– 两个脉冲宽度调制(PWM)通道作为多路复用GPIO 和/或ED 引脚 – 电源电压:1.62 V 至5.5 V• 可扩展的安全性,用于保护访问和数据 – 暂时禁用NFC 接口 – 暂时禁用I 2C 接口 – NFC 隐私模式– NFC Forum type 5 标签规范中定义的只读保护– 两个接口都提供基于32位密码的完全、只读或无存储器访问 – 从NFC 角度的可选64位密码保护– ISO/IEC 15693中定义的128位AES 认证 – 基于ECC 的可重新烧写独创签名 • 多种快速数据传输模式– 256字节SRAM 缓冲区直通模式– 标准化数据传输模式(PHDC 、TNEP ) • 低功耗预算应用支持– 能量收集,可配置输出电压高达30 mW – 低功耗待机电流(通常<10 µA ) – 硬掉电电流(通常<0.25 µA ) • 坚固耐用的架构 – -40 °C 至85°C • 广泛的产品支持包 – 功能特定的应用笔记– 开发板(包括软件和源代码)NTAG 5 boost——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum兼容I2C桥接器3 应用•应用实例– 简单的动态安全配对– 调试– 参数化– 诊断– 固件下载– 低BoM和低功耗传感器数据采集– 校准– 调整– 真实性检查和数据保护– 后期“开箱即用”配置– LED驱动器配置– NFC充电•应用– 照明– 智能家居– 助听和可穿戴– 消费类– 工业– 游戏– 智能传感器– 智能电表NTAG 5 boost ——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum 兼容I 2C 桥接器4 订购信息表1.订购信息 可订购的器件编号封装 名称 说明版本 NTA53321G0FHKZXQFN16NTAG 5 boost 将I 2C 主/从接口、AES 认证、ALM 和2048字节用户EEPROM 集成在塑料、极薄的四侧扁平封装中;无引脚;16个端子SOT1161-2NTA53321G0FTTZTSSOP16 NTAG 5 boost 将I 2C 主/从接口、AES 认证、ALM 和2048字节用户EEPROM 集成在塑料、极薄的小型封装中;16引脚;0.65 mm 间距;主体尺寸:5 mm x 4.4 mm x 1.1 mm SOT403-1NTA53321G0FUAV晶圆NTAG 5 boost ;8英寸晶圆,150 µm 厚,薄膜框架载体,(符合SECS-II 格式的)故障芯片电子标记-注:签署保密协议(NDA)后可提供晶圆规格附件NTAG 5 boost——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum兼容I2C桥接器5 标示表2.标记代码型号标记代码第A行第B行第C行第D行NTA53321G10FHK A21 DBSN|ASID DYWW -NTA53321G10FTT NA53321 DBID|ASID ZnDYY WW所使用的缩写:ASID:封装序列IDD:RHF-2006指示符DBID:扩散批次IDDBSN:扩散批次序列号n:封装中心代码WW:周Y或YY:年份Z:扩散中心代码NTAG 5 boost ——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum 兼容I 2C 桥接器6 功能框图图2.NTAG 5 boost 功能框图RF 接口 PLM RX/TX ALM RX/TX射频控制器 低功率场检测PMUI 2C 接口存储器能源采集 子设备 EEPROM透明主通道SRAM会话寄存器安全性AESORIG.SIG. 密码认证仲裁器I 2C 控制器时钟数字控制单元ED 、GPIO 和PWM控制器命令解译器 存储器控制器SCL GPIO PWMSDA GPIO PWMED PWMNTAG 5 boost——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum兼容I2C桥接器7 引脚配置信息透明俯视图封装的引脚配置表3.XQFN16的引脚说明说明未使用时连接到GNDNTAG 5 boost ——适用于微型器件的NFC Forum 兼容I 2C 桥接器图4.TSSOP16封装的引脚配置表4.TSSOP16的引脚说明。
GOT1000系列为高性能机型,采纳64位处理器,内置USB接口,对应GOT1000系列和GOT-A900系列的画面设计软件GT Designer2 Version2软件。
② PM-20BL型电池。
4、GOT的基本工作模式及与计算机、plc的连接作为PLC的图形操作终端,GOT必需与PLC联机使用,通过操作人员手指与触摸屏上的图形元件的接触发出PLC的操作指令或者显示PLC 运行中的各种信息。
GOT 中的显示画面( 工程数据) 是使用专用软件(GT Designer2) 通过个人计算机所创建的。
在GT Designer2中通过粘贴开关图形、指示灯图形、数值显示等称为对象的显示框图形来创建画面,通过可编程掌握器CPU 的软元件存储器(位、字) 将动作功能设置到粘贴的对象中,可以执行GOT 的各个功能。
通过USB电缆、RS-232 电缆、以太网通信模块/电缆及存储卡将创建的工程数据传输到GOT 中。
(1)用户画面是指通过GT Designer2制作的画面。
Redmi K30S至尊纪念版体验: 双十一最值得买就是它了!
Redmi K30S至尊纪念版体验:双十一最值得买就是它了!作者:来源:《电脑报》2020年第42期性能没刺可挑了8月,小米十周年纪念活动,才发了两台至尊纪念版手机,怎么Redmi K30S 至尊紀念版又来了?而官方也称它为双十一特供,可能就是纪念意义所在了。
此前的Redmi K30至尊纪念版让人颇有微词的地方可能就是处理器了,虽说发哥的天玑1000+也不错,但没用上骁龙865,跟“至尊”似乎始终差点意思。
那这次等等党们又赢了,Redmi K30S至尊纪念版换装骁龙865,所以我们今天也换一种方式,直接先说说性能体验。
我用来跑分的版本是8+256GB,同时,Redmi K30S至尊纪念版内存和闪存分别上到了LPDDR5和UFS 3.1,性能配置可以说是顶格了。
相比无翻车的性能表现,Redmi K30S至尊纪念版的发热控制也是让我满意的。
屏幕有大升级除了核心用上骁龙865之外,这次Redmi K30S至尊纪念版真正的重磅升级,我觉得应该是屏幕,它也是小米系首次用上144Hz高刷屏。
STM32F107VCT6 微控制器用户手册说明书
Open107V用户手册目录1. 硬件介绍 (2)1.1.资源简介 (2)2. 例程分析 (4)2.1. 8Ios (4)2.2. ADC+DMA (4)2.3. ADC+DMA+KEYPAD (5)2.4. CAN- Normal (5)2.5. DAC (6)2.6. ETH_LwIP (6)2.7. GPIO LED JOYSTICK (7)2.8. I2C (7)2.9. LCD (8)2.10. OneWire (9)2.11. PS2 (9)2.12. RTC (9)2.13. FATFS V0.08A-SD Card (10)2.14. SL811 USB (10)2.15. AT45DB-SPI (11)2.16. TouchPanel (11)2.17. uCOSII2.91+UCGUI3.90A (12)2.18. USART (13)2.19. USB_Host_HID_KBrd_Mouse (13)2.20. USB_ Host_MSC(efsl) (13)2.21. USB_Host_MSC(FATFS) (14)2.22. USB-JoyStickMouse (15)2.23. USB-Mass_Storage-MCU Flash (15)2.24. VS1003B (16)3. 版本修订 (16)1.硬件介绍1.1. 资源简介[ 芯片简介 ]1.STM32F107VCT6STM32功能强大,下面仅列出STM32F107VCT6的核心资源参数:内核:Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC;工作频率:72MHz,1.25 DMIPS/MHz;工作电压:2-3.6V;封装:LQFP100;I/O口:80;存储资源:256kB Flash,64kB RAM;接口资源:3 x SPI,3 x USART,2 x UART,2 x I2S,2 x I2C;1 x Ethernet MAC,1 x USB OTG,2 x CAN;模数转换:2 x AD(12位,1us,分时16通道),[ 其它器件简介 ]3."5V DC"或"USB"供电选择开关切换到上面,选择5V DC供电;切换到下面,选择USB供电。
HTC G10刷机教程HTC G10刷机图文教程
HTC G10 刷机(卡刷)教程今天朋友,叫帮忙刷机,一看是台G10的。
注意:卡刷是最安全也是最好的刷机方法, ,不过卡刷前请备份好资料,另保证机器电量在80%以上。
S代表Security Lock安全锁,保护锁的意思。
S-ON就是保护开)2.进入HBOOT 方法:关机后,按住“调低音量”键不动,再按“电源”键,直至手机出现HBOOT画面(如下图)看屏幕第一行,如果是“ACE PVT SHIP S-ON”,则手机是S-ON的状态;如果是“ACE PVT ENG S-OFF”,则手机处于S-OFF的状态。
获取S-Off教程(如果在上一步查看你的手机处于S-OFF 的状态,那下面的教程可以跳过)1.下载安装刷机工具A, VISIONary+_r14、软件下载地址:/file/13988821B, Superuser _2.3.6.1软件(该工具作用:刷机过程中有些软件使用会出现权限提示,直接选择允许即可)下载地址:/file/13988799C, Better Terminal Emulator Pro_v3.37软件下载地址:/file/13988808用数据线将手机连接电脑后(连接电脑时在弹出菜单中选择“磁盘驱动器”模式),把它们全部复制到手机SD卡中,然后与电脑断开连接。
②.将上面3个刷机工具安装好,打开VISIONary+,点选“Temproot now”以暂时获取root 权限,手机重启之后权限便会失效。
G8100_ LTE_无线模块_应用指南
DTU 应用 .......................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 配置关键参数 .................................................................................................................................. 9 2.2 配置 DTU 业务包 ............................................................................................................................ 9 2.3 保存 DTU 配置 .............................................................................................................................. 10 2.4 远程短信配置指令 ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.5(实例 1)配置模块自动进入透传模式 ..................................................................................... 10 2.6(实例 2)取消模块自动进入透传模式 ..................................................................................... 11
e 3.5.2. 飞行模式 ......................................................................................................................... 29 fid 3.6. 电源设计 ................................................................................................................................ 29
10. 图 31 增加备注 3。
11. 增加射频信号线 Layout 参考指导(5.1.4 章节)。
12. 更新模块耗流数据(表 33)。
13. 增加 GNSS 耗流数据(表 34)。
14. 更新 7.3 章节中模块俯视图。
上海移远通信技术股份ຫໍສະໝຸດ 限公司2 / 83EC20 R2.0 硬件设计手册
3.6.1. 管脚介绍 ......................................................................................................................... 29 3.6.2. 减少电压跌落.................................................................................................................. 30
GENIUSMT 10-11 Gas (无锅炉) 产品规格说明说明书
Project: ________________________________ Location: ________________________________ Item #: ________________________________ Quantity: _________________________________Model: GENIUS MT 10-11 Gas (boilerless)Dimension: Width: 36 3/8 inch / 925 mm Depth: 31 3/4 inch / 805 mm Height: 44 1/8 inch / 1120 mm Weight: 366 lbs / 166 kgNumber of shelf levels : 10 x full size 18” x 26” Number of Hotel pans: 10 x full Steam pan 12” x 20” x 2”Distance/Levels :2 5/8 inch / 67 mmConnected elec. Load: 1 kW Connected gas load: 68330 BTU/hElectrical: Voltage: 110 - 130 VAC Phases: 1 phase Hz: 50 or 60 Factory recommended Amperage: 9 amp Maximum fuse rating: 15 ampGAS UNITS: SUPPLIED WITH A AWG CORD AND PLUG. DEDICATED 2 POLE CIRCUIT BREAKERREQUIRED. DO NOT CONNECT TO GFCI, USEGFEP OR HARDWIRE APPLIES TO ALL GAS UNITS.Certification:ETL, ETL Sanitation Protection (water tight): IPX 5Heat emission: - latent 6825 Btu/Hr - sensitive 5800 Btu/HrNoise level:< 70 dB (A)Cold water inlet:two (2) 3/4 inch garden hose connectionDrain:2 inch / 50 mmIT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER/ OPERATOR/PURCHASER OF THIS EQUIPMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE INCOMING WATER SUPPLY MEETS AND COMPLIES WITH THE WATER QUALITY SPECIFIED. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THESE MINIMUM STANDARDS WILL POTENTIALLY DAMAGE THIS EQUIPMENT AND/OR COMPONENTS AND VOID THE ORIGINAL EQIPMENT MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY.Softened water quality: - total hardness ≤ 3° dH / 3 grains/gal - pH value 7,0 - 8,5 - conductivity max. 90 µS/cm 3 - Cl: max. 240 mg/gal - SO 4: max. 400 mg/gal - SiO 4: max. 40 mg/gal - Fe: max. 0,2 mg/gal - Mn: max. 0,2 gal/l - Cu: max. 0,2 mg/gal - Cl 2: max. 0,40 mg/galWater pressure:60 PSI (35 - 87 PSI)Water flow rate: - Softened water 5,01 gal/h (at 60 PSI) - Hard water 14,50 gal/h (at 60 PSI)1. Drain2. Feet, adjustable +/- 0,4 inch (10 mm)3. Cleaner connection4. Rinsing agent connection5. Soft water connection6. Hard water connection7. Potential equalization8. Electrical cable connection9. Air filter 10. Energy optimization connection (forelectrical devices only)11. Potential-free contact (optional) (forelectrical devices only)12. Gas line connection (for gas devices only)Model: GENIUS MT 10-11 Gas (boilerless)Eloma North America 101 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills IL 60061 / USADirect: 847-215-6491 Free: 844-ELOMAUS(356-6287) Fax: 336-217-8807Standard features • MT Technology - Genuine MultiTouch display with ultrafast response and high resolution. Intuitive and preciseoperating by means of sliding, swiping or scrolling. • Quick Set - Puts all settings in the exact position with your fingertip. Changes or adds temperature and timesettings without interrupting the current cooking process on the display. • 4 Unique Start Screens manual, climaticMT, favorite, program list • 9 Menu Groups - Pasta, Desert/cakes, Bread/rolls, Poultry, Meat, Fish/seafood, Vegetables, Side dishes,Banqueting/Rethermalization • 9 modes of operation from 86°F to 572°F with an adjustable humidity between 0% to 100% - Vario-Steaming,Steaming, Forced Steaming, Combi-Steam Cooking, Convection, LT-cooking (cook & hold), Delta-T Cooking, Baking • Favorite - Customized listing for fully automatic programs. • Images - Saves individual product images. • Last 20 - Function display allows selection of the 20 most recently used cooking processes including manual andprogrammed settings for immediate restart. • Multi Cooking - automatically selects programs with the same cooking method and displays up to 15 timersinterchangeably and simultaneously on screen. • Climate Control - Patented Climatic®MT controls temperature and moisture level. Active humidification and/or de-humidification. Dry heat and humidity in combination with temperature and humidity graphically displayed. • Climatic®MT - simultaneous setting of temperature and humidity to the exact degree and percentage, temperature(°C/°F), air humidity, time, core temperature, humidity quantity, pause times • Program capacity - An integrated 9 Menu group display including a library with up to 400 recipes with 20 stepseach and 400 product pictures. • Quick Mode - An operating concept especially adapted to the needs of a multi unit operator. It allows using onlyset recipes and no manual change. • Multi Connect - Easy administration of multiple units with ProConnectMT software and advanced communicationinterfaces such as LAN or USB. • Preconfigured start time for automatic start at a freely selected time, up to 24h • Cook and Hold - Slow cooking from 86°F to 248°F. • Delta-T cooking – cooking processes regulated in accordance with the core temperature • Regeneration – storable special programs for regeneration of banquets, plates and hotel pans • Steptronic® – automatic program sequences using variable combination of cooking steps • Core temperature control for multi-point probe for precise measurement of the core temperature from 32 °F to210 °F, control of cooking procedures and explain correction in case of false core temperature probe readings. • Visual Alarm - interior lights blinking at the end of cooking program • HACCP log book – automatic internal recording and display of HACCP/LMHV data • Half Energy Feature (e/2) - Reduced electrical load. Ideal in peak times. • SPS® – Steam Protection System for prevention of burns using active steam extraction at the end of the cookingprocess • Heat Exchanger - Heat recovery through Multi-Eco System. Pre-heats incoming water for on-demand steamgeneration. Highly water and energy efficient. Exceeds drain temperature standards for most municipalities. • autoclean®MT - Patented fully-automatic technology. 100% process-controlled for guaranteed hygiene. Reducedconsumption of water and rinsing agents - quick clean in 15 minutes. Color-coded indicator of care product shows remaining quantities. No manual cool-down required. No direct employee contact with cleaning agents. Biodegradable cleaning/rinsing agents. Delayed start time possible. • 5 fan speed levels – in 5 increments or preconfigured fan timer function or pulsing, fan auto reverse for evenbrowning • Manual steam injection at any time. No pre-heating or stand-by required. Significant energy and water savings. • Steam Extraction - Steam extracted via patented Steam Protection System (SPS®) before program ends.Reduces danger of steam burns. Reduces excess humidity in the kitchen environment. Recirculation system reuses steam for maximum energy efficiency. • Active Temp – automatic preheating or cooling of the cooking chamber to set temperature • Fan-forced metal fibre burner – with combustible gas mixture in pre-chamber • High-performance triple tube heat exchanger – for highly efficient energy transfer Cleaning Alert – adjustablefrom 5-100 hours • Maintenance Alert – adjustable from 1-12 months • Safety door lock – 2-step door lock, to reduce the risk of burning due to steaming during opening the door • Integrated- self-retracting hand shower with adjustable spray functions and automatic rewind • Sensor- controlled steam cooling - for reducing the steam emission out of the exhaust air pipe • KDA service – test program for quick checksModel: GENIUS MT 10-11 Gas (boilerless)Eloma North America 101 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills IL 60061 / USADirect: 847-215-6491 Free: 844-ELOMAUS(356-6287) Fax: 336-217-8807DescriptionThe unit is a boilerless, self-cleaning, combi oven designed for steaming and convection cooking either separately, sequentially or combined. The combi oven has live-steamsystem that generates steam directly into the cooking chamber, for faster heating and re-heating without requiring a stand-by mode. An award winning Multi-Eco systemsimultaneously pre-heats incoming water and cools outgoing condensate to reduce energy and water consumption. The oven fits 10 full size sheet pans or 10 steam table pans.Construction:• Constructed to withstand temperature range from 86˚ to572°F and humidification from 0% to 100%.• Hygienic cooking chamber with coved corners, seamlesswelding. Interior and exterior housing of chrome nickel steel CrNi 18 10, BS 304 S15, AISI 304.• Tempered door glass (with hinged double panes for easycleaning) with lock-in-place positions, ventilated door, removable door gaskets & integrated drip tray.• Quick release safety door lock for single-handed operation. • Automatic fan break when door opens by contact-freemagnetic front size switch.• Integrated, external hand shower, with automatic returnand shut off - for use with door opened or closed.• Bright interior lighting with halogen lamps integrated inthe door, for easy exchange.• Exhaust and/or seal integrated in drain – fixed connectionin accordance with national and international regulations. Sensor controlled, two-stage cool down water condensation (maximum discharge temperature 176 °F). • Split water connections for hard and soft water.• Hinged control panel - easy service access from the front. • Rack can be easily removed without tools and a pan slidestop.• Manufactured according to quality management systemEN ISO 9001.• IPX 5 Water-tight rating.Options• LAN interface• External core temperature probe • Connection for energy improvement • Heat shieldSystem accessories• ProConnect programming software • Ocean version• Vario insert rack for Hotel pans only • Mobile tray racks, insert racks• SmokeFit smoker unit (WORKS ONLY FORUNITS WITHOUT CONDENSATION HOOD)Model: GENIUS MT 10-11 Gas (boilerless)Eloma North America 101 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills IL 60061 / USADirect: 847-215-6491 Free: 844-ELOMAUS(356-6287) Fax: 336-217-8807Minimum clearance for operation and maintenance workDimensionClearance [inch (mm)]Table-top devicesA Side with operating panel to the wall Minimum clearance > 2 (50) Recommended free space for maintenance / repair −B Side without operating panel to the wall Minimum clearance > 2 (50)C Rear of the combi steamer to the wall Minimum clearance > 2 (50)D Top edge of the exhaust air pipe to the ceiling Exhaust hood provided by the operating company > 2 (50) Without exhaust hood provided by the operating company> 39 3/8 (1000) Min. distanceTo Broiler, flat top, open flames , fryers without heatshield > 10 inch with heat shield > 2 1/2 inchWeight und Shipping dimensions:Shipping dimension WidthDepthHeight41 2/3 inch/ 1060 mm 42 1/8 inch/ 1070 mm 52 1/3 inch/ 1330 mmFreight class class 150Cubing packingone unit per palletWeightMax. load per shelf: 33 lbs / 15 kg Max. load size: 110 lbs / 50 kg Net load device: 366 lbs / 166 kg Shipping load device:403 lbs / 183 kgModel: GENIUS MT 10-11 Gas (boilerless)Eloma North America 101 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills IL 60061 / USADirect: 847-215-6491 Free: 844-ELOMAUS(356-6287) Fax: 336-217-8807Please note:Based on the water quality in your area, a water filtration system is required. Any filter applied should be sized to handle the flow rate of the device selected, as well as achieve the water quality specified.。
MITSUBISHI 图形操作终端GOT1000 主机 说明书
● GOT主机、电缆的故障,会导致输出一直保持ON或者OFF状态。 对于与重大事故有关的输出信号,请在外部设计监视回路。 否则误输出、误动作有可能导致事故发生。
● 如果GOT执行监控时发生通信异常(包括电缆脱落),GOT和PLC CPU的通信中断,则GOT 无法动作。 使用GOT构建系统时,请考虑如果GOT通信异常在系统中执行重要动作的开关,要使用 GOT以外的装置来执行。 否则误输出、误动作有可能导致事故发生。
【运输注意事项】 注意
● GOT是精密设备,因此在运输过程中,请避免受到的冲击超过本手册中记载的能承受 值。 否则可能会造成GOT故障。在运输后,请确认模块的动作。
印刷日期 2006年12月
※手册编号 JY997D24701
版本 A
修改内容 第一版
本书并不对工业知识产权或其它任何种类权利的实施予以保证,也不承诺实施权。 此外,对于因使用本书中记载的内容而造成的工业知识产权方面的各种问题,本公司不 承担任何责任。
2.2.1 GO T(GT10)....................................................................................................................2-3 2.2.2 选件设备(GT10中可以使用的选件设备).........................................................................2-3
第5章 安装........................................................5-1~5-6
DELL R720 详细操作使用手册
管制型号: E14S Series 管制类型: E14S001
备注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。 小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。 警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
前面板部件和指示灯..............................................................................................................................................9 LCD 面板功能部件................................................................................................................................................11
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莫悟 UC-8200 系列双核麒麟A7 1GHz IIoT 网关说明书
UC-8200SeriesArm Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz IIoT gateways with built-in LTE Cat.4,1mini PCIe expansion slot for a Wi-Fi module,1CAN port,4DIs,4DOsFeatures and Benefits•Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHz•Moxa Industrial Linux with10-year superior long-term support•LTE-ready computer with Verizon/AT&T certification and industrial-grade CE/FCC/UL certifications•Dual-SIM slots•2auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports•Integrated LTE Cat.4module with US/EU/APAC band support•1CAN port supports CAN2.0A/B•microSD socket for storage expansion•Programmable LEDs and a programmable button for easy installation andmaintenance•-40to85°C wide temperature range and-40to70°C with LTE enabledCertificationsIntroductionThe UC-8200computing platform is designed for embedded data acquisition applications.The computer comes with dual RS-232/422/485serial ports,dual10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet ports,and one CAN port as well as dual Mini PCIe socket to support Wi-Fi/cellular modules.These versatile capabilities let users efficiently adapt the UC-8200to a variety of complex communications solutions.The UC-8200is built around a Cortex-A7dual core processor that has been optimized for use in energy monitoring systems,but is widely applicable to a variety of industrial solutions.With flexible interfacing options,this tiny embedded computer is a reliable and secure gateway for data acquisition and processing at field sites as well as a useful communications platform for many other large-scale deployments.Wide temperature LTE-enabled models are available for extended temperature applications.All units are thoroughly tested in a testing chamber, guaranteeing that the LTE-enabled computing platforms are suitable for wide-temperature applications.AppearanceUC-8210UC-8220SpecificationsComputerCPU Armv7Cortex-A7dual-core1GHzDRAM2GB DDR3LStorage Pre-installed8GB eMMCPre-installed OS Moxa Industrial Linux(Debian9,Kernel4.4)See /MILExpansion Slots MicroSD(SD3.0)socket x1Computer InterfaceTPM UC-8210-T-LX-S:TPM v2.0UC-8220-T-LX-AP-S:TPM v2.0UC-8220-T-LX-EU-S:TPM v2.0UC-8220-T-LX-US-S:TPM v2.0Ethernet Ports Auto-sensing10/100/1000Mbps ports(RJ45connector)x2 Serial Ports RS-232/422/485ports x2,software selectable(DB9male) CAN Ports CAN2.0A/B x1(DB9male)Digital Input DIs x4Digital Output DOs x4USB2.0USB2.0hosts x1,type-A connectorsWi-Fi Antenna Connector RP-SMA x2(UC-8220only)Cellular Antenna Connector SMA x2(UC-8220only)GPS Antenna Connector SMA x1(UC-8220only)Expansion Slots mPCIe slot x2(UC-8220-T-LX)mPCIe slot x1(UC-8220-T-LX US/EU/AP models)SIM Format Nano(UC-8220only)Number of SIMs2(UC-8220only)Buttons Programmable buttonEthernet InterfaceMagnetic Isolation Protection 1.5kV(built-in)Serial InterfaceConsole Port1x4-pin header to DB9console portData Bits5,6,7,8Parity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkStop Bits1,1.5,2Serial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDCAN InterfaceNo.of Ports1Connector DB9maleBaudrate10to1000kbpsIndustrial Protocols CAN2.0A,CAN2.0BIsolation2kV(built-in)Signals CAN_H,CAN_L,CAN_GND,CAN_SHLD,CAN_V+,GNDDigital InputsConnector Screw-fastened Euroblock terminalDry Contact Off:openOn:short to GNDIsolation3K VDCSensor Type Wet contact(NPN)Dry contactWet Contact(DI to COM)On:10to30VDCOff:0to3VDCDigital OutputsConnector Screw-fastened Euroblock terminalCurrent Rating200mA per channelI/O Type SinkVoltage24VDC nominal,open collector to30VDCCellular InterfaceCellular Standards LTE CAT-4Band Options US model:LTE Bands:Band2(1900MHz)/Band4(1700MHz)/Band5(850MHz)/Band13(700MHz)/Band14(700MHz)UMTS Bands:Band2(1900MHz)/Band5(850MHz)Carrier Approval:Verizon,AT&TEU model:LTE Bands:Band1(2100MHz)/Band3(1800MHz)/Band5(850MHz)/Band7(2600MHz)/Band8(900MHz)/LTE Band20(800MHz)UMTS Bands:Band1(2100MHz)/Band2(1900MHz)/Band5(850MHz)/Band8(900MHz)AP model:LTE Bands:Band1(2100MHz)/Band3(1800MHz)/Band5(850MHz)/Band7(2600MHz)/Band8(900MHz)/Band28(700MHz)UMTS Bands:Band1(2100MHz)/Band2(1900MHz)/Band5(850MHz)/Band8(900MHz)GPS InterfaceReceiver Types72-channel u-blox M8engineGPS/GLONASS/GalileoAccuracy Position:2.5m CEPSBAS:2.0m CEPAcquisition Aided starts:3secCold starts:26secSensitivity Cold starts:-148dBmTracking:-164dBmTime Pulse0.25Hz to10MHzLED IndicatorsSystem Power x2Programmable x1SIM card indicator x1Wireless Signal Strength Cellular/Wi-Fi x6Power ParametersNo.of Power Inputs Redundant dual inputsInput Voltage12to48VDCPower Consumption10WInput Current0.8A@12VDCReliabilityAlert Tools External RTC(real-time clock)Automatic Reboot Trigger External WDT(watchdog timer)Physical CharacteristicsDimensions141.5x120x39mm(5.7x4.72x1.54in)for UC-8220141.5x120x27mm(5.7x4.72x1.06in)for UC-8210Housing SECCMetalInstallation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)IP Rating IP30Weight UC-8210:560g(1.23lb)UC-8220:750g(1.65lb)Environmental LimitsAmbient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Operating Temperature UC-8210-T-LX:-40to85°C(-40to185°F)UC-8210-T-LX-S:-40to85°C(-40to185°F)UC-8220-T-LX:-40to70°C(-40to158°F)UC-8220-T-LX-US-S:-40to70°C(-40to158°F)UC-8220-T-LX-EU-S:-40to70°C(-40to158°F)UC-8220-T-LX-AP-S:-40to70°C(-40to158°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Shock IEC60068-2-27Vibration2Grms@IEC60068-2-64,random wave,5-500Hz,1hr per axis(without USB devicesattached)Standards and CertificationsSafety UL62368-1,EN62368-1EMC EN55032/35,EN61000-6-2/-6-4EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:0.5kV;Signal:1kVHazardous Locations Class I Division2,ATEXCarrier Approvals VerizonAT&TGreen Product RoHS,CRoHS,WEEEMTBFTime UC-8210-T-LX:716,739hrsUC-8210-T-LX-S:708,581hrsUC-8220-T-LX:650,836hrsUC-8220-T-LX-US-S:528,574hrsUC-8220-T-LX-EU-S:528,574hrsUC-8220-T-LX-AP-S:528,574hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore)Standard TR/SRWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x UC-8200Series computerDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardInstallation Kit1x DIN-rail kit(preinstalled)1x power jack6x M2.5mounting screws for the cellular module Cable1x console cableDimensionsUC-8210UC-8220Ordering InformationModel Name CPU RAM Storage TPM mPCIe Slot1forLTE ModulemPCIe Slot2forWi-Fi ModuleOperatingTemperatureUC-8210-T-LX1GHz Dual Core2GB8GB–––-40to85°C UC-8210-T-LX-S1GHz Dual Core2GB8GB Built-in––-40to85°C UC-8220-T-LX1GHz Dual Core2GB8GB–Reserved Reserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-US-S 1GHz Dual Core2GB8GB Built-inUS region LTEmodulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-EU-S 1GHz Dual Core2GB8GB Built-inEurope regionLTE modulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CUC-8220-T-LX-AP-S 1GHz Dual Core2GB8GB Built-inAPAC region LTEmodulepreinstalledReserved-40to70°CAccessories(sold separately)Power AdaptersPWR-12150-EU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,Continental Europe(EU)plug,-40to75°Coperating temperaturePWR-12150-UK-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,United Kingdom(UK)plug,-40to75°C operatingtemperaturePWR-12150-USJP-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC1.5A,100to240VAC,United States/Japan(US/JP)plug,-40to75°Coperating temperaturePWR-12150-AU-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,Australia(AU)plug,-40to75°C operatingtemperaturePWR-12150-CN-SA-T Locking barrel plug,12VDC,1.5A,100to240VAC,China(CN)plug,-40to75°C operatingtemperaturePower WiringCBL-PJTB-10Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cableCablesCBL-F9DPF1x4-BK-100Console cable with4-pin connector,1mWi-Fi Wireless ModulesUC-8200WiFi-AC Wi-Fi package for UC-8200,includes Wi-Fi module,6screws,1heat sink,1padAntennasANT-LTEUS-ASM-01GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA/LTE,omni-directional rubber duck antenna,1dBiANT-LTE-ASM-04BK704-960/1710-2620MHz,LTE omni-directional stick antenna,4.5dBiANT-LTE-OSM-03-3m BK700-2700MHz,multi-band antenna,specifically designed for2G,3G,and4G applications,3m cable ANT-LTE-ASM-05BK704-960/1710-2620MHz,LTE stick antenna,5dBiANT-LTE-OSM-06-3m BK MIMO Multiband antenna with screw-fastened mounting option for700-2700/2400-2500/5150-5850MHzfrequenciesANT-WDB-ARM-0202 2.4/5GHz,panel antenna,2/2dBi,RP-SMA(male)DIN-Rail Mounting KitsUC-8220DIN-rail Mounting Kit DIN-rail mounting kit for UC-8220with4M3screwsWall-Mounting KitsUC-8200Wall-mounting Kit Wall-mounting kit for UC-8200with4M3screws©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Jun29,2021.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
Endrich NBIoT M910-GL 三模LPWA模块说明书
Fibocom has developed the brand new LPWA module M910-GL. M910-GL is a multi-mode (LTE Cat.M1, LTE Cat.NB1 and EGPRS) IoT wireless communication module which supports half-duplex LTE and GSM. It can provide data connection in LTE-FDD, LTE-TDD, GPRS and EGPRS networks, and also supports GNSS and VOLTE (LTE C at.M1). The module is available with LGA footprint (27.6 x 25.4 x 2.3 mm) and global certifications.It is characterized by low power consumption and robust accessibility even inside buildings. In addition, it is very cost effective and has an enormous range, which opens up new possibilities for applications in cities or agriculture.The module is primarily recommended for applications in which low data throughput rates have to be transmitted securely, like asset tracking, industrial monitoring and control, security systems, smart home, smart metering, etc.APPLICATIONS• Asset tracking• Industrial monitoring and control • Security systems • Smart home • Smart meteringFEATURESDimension 25.40 x 27.60 x 2.30 mm PackageLGA, 120PinOperating Frequency BandLTE FDD: B1/B2/B3/B4/B5/B8/ B12/B13/B18/B19/B20/B26/B28 LTE TDD: B39 (Cat.M1 only)GSM: GSM850/GSM900/ DCS1800/PCS1900Power Supply 3.3 V ~ 4.3 V (3.8 V recommended)Operating Temperature -40 °C ~ +85 °CeSIM eCallOptionalJamming Detection USSD STK DFOTA GNSS LBS PSMeDRX SMS OS Driver Linux/Win, XP/Win, 7/Win, 8/Win10/AndroidVoLTE ProtocolsPPP/TCP/UDP/IPV4/IPV6/SSL/TLS/ FTP(S)/HTTP(S)DATA TRANSMISSIONCat.M1 (DL / UL)375 / 375 kbps Cat.NB1 (DL / UL)32 / 70 kbps GPRS (DL / UL)107 / 85.6 kbps EDGE (DL / UL)296 / 236.8 kbpsINTERFACESAntennaMain x 1, GNSS x 1Functional InterfacesUSIM 3.0V/1.8VAPPLICATIONS • Commercial refrigerator • Freezer • Icemaker• Vending machine • Air-conditioningUF-T12ABPB0AM1D4AMore than 60 % energy saving Higher efficiency with more air flowSelectableCustomized speedApplicable for ErP2015IP55 / IP68 / ATEX is available for choiceHAVE A LOOKHAVE A LOOKTMR-sensors from C ROC US are based on a new technology for magnetic field measurement. The main advantage of the TMR-sensors compared to Hall-sensors are low current consumption and high sensitivity.The basic unit of TMR-sensors is the so called magnetic logic unit (MLU) which is a stack of several layers of different materials. The resistance of this stack perpendicular to the layers is dependent on the orientation of an external magnetic field compared to a fixed axis.The substrate for this stack is an antiferromagnetic layer. Above this layer there is the so called pinned layer which is a ferromagnetic layer that has a fixed magnetization in a fixed direction. The direction of this magnetization defines the reference direction and it cannot be changed by an external field. Above this pinned layer there is a very thin, insulating layer with a thickness of only a few Nanometers. Above this insulaing layer another magnetic layer is deposited. The orientation of the magnetization of this so called free layer can be influenced by a external field. The resistance of the whole stack of layers is dependent on angle between the magnetizations of the free and the fixed layer. It can be measured by applying a voltage at conducting electrodes at the top and bottom side of the stack. The resistance of the stack varies between 10 kΩ and 60 kΩ. This resistance range of the MLU is much higher compared to other magnetoresistive technologies like AMR (Anisotropic Magnetic Resistance) und GMR (Giant Magneto Resistance). The field necessary to rotate the magnetization of the free layer is quite small. Most of the TMR-sensors operate below 10 mT, some even below 1 mT.FEATURES OF CT83xx-SERIES• Low power consumption of down to typ. 200nA • High sensitivity of typ. 600 mV / mT @ 3 V• Stable performance over temperature with a linearity error of down to less than ±0.25 %• Open drain or push pull output • SOT23 or LGA packageFEATURES OF CT400 CURRENT SENSOR• High Sensitivity • Differential Outputs• Supply Voltage: 1.0 V to 5.5 V• 6-lead SOT23 package or 6-lead DFN packageAPPLICATIONS OF CT83xx-SERIES• Low power assemblies like metering or general battery driven devices• Tamper-proofing for utility meters • Fluid level detection • Reed switch replacement • Motor controllers• Door closure detectionAPPLICATIONS OF CT400 CURRENT SENSOR • Battery Management Systems • Motor Control • White Goods• Power Utility Meters• Over-Current Fault Protection • Induction Cooking • Renewable EnergyBasically this technology can be used to build magnetic switches or magnetic sensors with analog output. For magnetic switches the current through the MLU is measured and a comparator drives the output stage of the sensor (either open collector or push-pull) high or low, depending on fixed internal threshold values.The most important switch family is the C T83xx-series. Latches, unipolar and omnipolar types with different switching fields are available. Most members of this family work internally in a pulsed mode and this leads to a current consumption down to 200 nA for some types, depending on the duty cycle.However, TMR-sensors can also be used as analog sensors measuring the strength of the magnetic field as well. This allows measuring the distance between a magnet and the sensor. C urrent sensing is also possible with this technology because electrical current always produces a magnetic field.Since this magnetic field decreases very strongly with distance between the conducting wire and the sensor, the TMR-sensors are a good choice for simple current sensors due to their high sensitivity to small magnetic fields. The CT100 is a linear contactless current sensor in full-bridge configuration. The CT100 enables high accuracy current measurements for many consumer, enterprise and industrial applications. The CT100 is a non-intrusive current sensor that can be adapted to measure different current ranges.TMR-Sensor : Resistance depends on the orientation of the external magnetic field relative to the internal fixed magetization (blue arrow)Layer structure ofthe Magnetic Logic UnitAPPLICATIONS• Industrial Control Interfaces • Dash Boards • Digital Signage• Interactive Classrooms • Meeting RoomsPrecise optical bonding processes combined with chemically etched glasses and super high brightness backlights contribute a perfect readability in all environments. Additionally, reflections are reduced by the chemically etched cover lens with anti-glare coating. In direct sunlight, bright enlightened shopping centers or industrial workshops, the displays’ quality is always crystal clear. Also, Faytech guarantees zero dead pixels at all TFT-displays! As option, an ambient light sensor can be integrated enabling automated backlight dimming, e.g. at night time. Equipped with various interfaces these monitors can be connected to any computer system. There are touch drivers available for Windows, Linux, Mac and Android.SerialUSB12 V DC-InVGA Audio DVI-D HDMI 1.315.0” FTE15HDKSUPER HIGH BRIGHTNESS1500 cd / m 2ULTRA-HD RESOLUTIONOPTICALLY BONDED CAPACITIVE MULTI TOUCH86"2,1844 mHAVE A LOOKCUSTOMIZED TEMPERATURE SENSORS FEATURES• Extensive use in all global automotive brands • D ozens of customized assemblies for battery and EV motor applications • Already high market share for Japanese hybrid car batteries • C ompetitive pricing especially for integrated design assemblies (sensor part + resin mold)APPLICATIONS• Automotive applications • Consumer products• Instrumentation industrial ovens • Electric showers• HVAC and refrigeration • Fire detectors• Battery management systems • E-mobilityAPPLICATIONS • EV batteries• Electric motors • Air conditioners • CapacitorsSPECIFICATIONS OF TT-4:Part No.TT4Measurement element NTC, PTC, PtRTD, KTY, DS1820Resistance tolerance ±0.2 ... ±5 %B-Value (25 / 85)2700 ... 5100 KWires / Cables PVC, Silicone, FEP, Fiberglass insulation, etc.Diameter >1.25 mm Temperature range-80 ... 800 °CBATTERY MODULE STEERING- & SEAT HEATER INVERTER / CONVERTER AIR CONDITIONING MODULE MOTOR MODULEAttached to PCB by crewFoil NTCCell pack Epoxy dipping type High precision typeATF oil submersionHigh temp. range typeScrew fix typeFEATURES• Proven stability and reliability • Low cost • V ariety of metal and plastic housings and tubings designed for specific applications • P otted with different kinds of resin for reliable sensor protection • P rovides good protection from the environmental conditions• P roven high voltage and dynamic strength• Available with special cables (2-core cables or stranded with PVC, teflon or kynar insulation, cables with screen & other), connectors and other attachments • W ide range of resistance and temperature characteristics • D esigned for temperature measurement, temperature control and temperature compensationTEWA temperature sensors offer a wide range of standard and customized temperature sensors designed according to individual customer’s requirements covering applications in temperature range between -80 °C and +800 °C. The TT-4 series group contains temperature sensors using NTC / PTC thermistors, PTRTDs and other sensing elements mounted into a wide range of metal /plastic housings.HAVE A LOOKHAVE A LOOKFEATURESSound Quality• Membrane active transformation itself (direct conversion), self-moving without coil assembly• High resolution for mid-high frequency play• To have wide band function by ACTS / dynamic combination • Input / output impedance internally matched to 50Ω• Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GLONASS)APPLICATIONS• Communication devices like headsetsmm package offers a very SR106560EP01NSR080670HP01NDemokit Headset from BSEEndrich is proud to introduce the new EARPHONE RECEIVER Technology “Advanced Concept & Technology speaker” (ACTS) from BSE. The ACTS are perfectly used for some new Earphone Receiver, which are found in headsets.HAVE A LOOKHAVE A LOOKHEADQUARTERSENDRICH Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH P.O.Box 1251 · 72192 Nagold, Germany T +49 (0) 7452 6007-0F +49 (0) 7452 6007-70*******************SALES OFFICES IN EUROPESwitzerland − Novitronic Zurich:T +41/44 306 91 91******************France Paris:T +33/186653215******************Lyon:T +33/186653215*******************Bulgaria Sofia:********************Spain Barcelona:T +34/93 217 31 44*****************Hungary Budapest:T +361/2 97 41 91*******************Austria & Slovenia Brunn am Gebirge:T +43/1 665 25 25*******************Romania Timisoara:*******************INPAQ Technology C o., Ltd. is the world leading patch antenna manufacturer that specializes in all kinds of GPS / GNSS antennas including GPS ceramic substrate. Ceramic patch antenna is widely used in global positioning systems, provided by INPAQ in different shapes, sizes and a high-gain, low return loss, low axial ratio characteristics of the ceramic antenna.For navigation systems, different Stacked Patch Antenna solutions are designed. As Dual Band GPS could enhance the positioning accuracy to the next level – it will be improved from 10 meter grade to centimeter grade. INPAQ is ready for Tier 1, to customize GPS L1L2L5L6 antennas according to their need to meet the requirements of the new systems design on self-driving automotive systems. Peak Gain Radiation for above design examples is up to 4.9 dBic for L1, L2 and L5 Band.Additional L1L2L5L6 Full Band C hip Antenna (5.0 x 3.6 mm SMD Antenna) is already available for test, as AC LX-5036-A1-C C -S. This antenna is a coupling antenna with linear polarization. The Application PCB will be used as an antenna.INPAQ is ready for Tier 1, GPS L1L2L5L6 stack proposal, and 5G application to connect everything, including self-driving needed L1L2L5L6 to get message of precise position; via 3D Lidar or 77 GHzRadar is for relative position message. Connected car, automated car, smart car, self-driving car do difference by the degrees of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and application method.APPLICATIONS• Self-driving• Connected car • Automated car• ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)• Smart carPatch AntennaChip AntennaHAVE A LOOK。
西门子 sinumerik SINUMERIK 840D 810D FM-NC 操作指南 2002
操作元件.................................................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 操作面板 ...................................................................................................................................... 2-1 OP 031 操作面板 ......................................................................................................................... 2-1 OP 032 操作面板 ......................................................................................................................... 2-1 SLIMLINE OP032S 操作面板....................................................................................................... 2-2 标准键盘 ...................................................................................................................................... 2-3 操作面板键................................................................................................................................... 2-4 机床控制面板 ............................................................................................................................... 2-8 机床控制面板键............................................................................................................................ 2-9 急停.............................................................................................................................................. 2-9