SAP 专业英语




SAP常用名词解释Manufacture: 制造商Vendor: 供应商AML( Approval manufacture list): 合格制造商清单MM( Material management): 物料管理,包括采购和仓库管理.AVL( Approval vendor list): 合格供应商清单Info record: 采购资讯记录,记录Vendor与Material之间的关联信息主要是价格信息和有效期Source list: 来源清单,记录某料有哪些合格vendor供应,各vendor供应有效期限是多久.Quota arrangement: 配额协议,记录某料由哪些vendor供应,各vendor供应比例占多少,供应有效期限是多久.PR (Purchase Requisition): 采购物料前开立的请购单,一般是在Run MRP时根据实际需求自动产生,也可以手工开立,是采购下正式采购单的重要依据.PO (Purchase Order): 采购部开给供应商的正式订单.也是供应商交货和我们收货的重要依据.一般是根据PR转为PO.SA (Scheduling Agreement): 排程协议,相当于采购通常所说的“空白订单”,“Blanket Order”,一般订单数量比较大,而且SA不可以直接收货,必须在SA的每个Item中在维护具体的交货信息才可以作收货.SL (Schedule Line): 交货排程,即SA中所提到的每个Item中在维护具体的交货信息,只有维护了SL的SA才可以收料.一般是在Run MRP时根据实际需求自动产生.GR (Goods receive): 收货.当供应商交货后, 仓库根据PO/SA/SL将货收入系统仓库.GT(Goods transfer): 物料转移,比如说把11-1231-01这颗料A仓库转移到B仓库.GI (Goods Issue): 发料.比如工单开立后要发料到工单中, 产线才有料做生产的动作.MRP (Material Requirements Planning): 物料需求计划,采购下单的基本依据,根据demand.ROP (Reorder point): 再订购点, run MRP时当库存低于该水位时系统自动产生PR/SL/Plan order.PP: Production Planning 生产计划,与生产相关的事务处理, 如建立BOM, 开立工单, 计划物料需求, 生产排程等。

专业英语 缩写翻译

专业英语 缩写翻译

ABI 应用二进制接口(Application Binary Interface)ACSI 国家信息化咨询委员会(advisory committee for state informatization)ADSL 非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)AI 人工智能(artificial intelligence)AMPS 高级移动电话系统(Advanced Mobile Phone System)API 应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface)ASIC 特定用途集成电路(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)ASTM 美国试验材料学会(American Society for Testing Material)AT&T 美国电话电报公司(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)ATM 异步传输模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ATOS Origin 源讯公司Auto-ID 自动识别(Auto-ID)AWS 美国航空气象处(Air Weather Service);BAP 基本汇编程序(Basic Assembler Program)BGA 集成电路采用有机载板的一种封装法BOINC 伯克利开放式网络计算 (Berkeley Open Infrastructure For Network Computing ) BSP 板级支持包(Board Support Package)Business Processing 业务处理流程CaaS 通信即服务(communication as a Service)CAN 控制器局域网络(Controller Area Network)CAS 中国科学院(Chinese Academy of SciencesCCTV 中国中央电视台(China Central Television)CDMA2000 电信移动通信系统CIP 预编目录(cataloging in publication)CITYNET 城市间合作网络CMU 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)CN 通信网络(Communicating Net)CPU 中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)CRA 应答验证 (challenge-response authentication)DARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DARPA 研究计划署(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DASH7Data mining 数据挖掘技术(即指从资料中发掘资讯或知识)DDoS 分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of Service)DG INFSO 媒体总司DG INFSO/D4 欧盟委员会DGINFSO‐D4DMM 分布式内存多处理器(distributed memory multiprocessor)DNS 域名服务器(Domain Name Server)DoD 美国国防部(Department of Defense of the United States)DRAM 动态随机存取存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory)DSL 数字用户线路(Digital Subscriber Line)DSP 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor)DSS 决策支持系统(Decision Support Systems)DynDNS 动态DNSEAN 欧洲商品编码(Europ Article Number)EAS 电子防窃系统(Electronic Article Surveillance)ECMA 欧洲电脑制造商协会(European Computer Manufactures Association)EPC 电子产品代码(Electronic Product Code)EPCglobal 国际物品编码协会EAN和美国统一代码委员会( UCC )的一个合资公司ERP 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)ETSI 欧洲电信标准协会(European Telecommunication Standards Institute)EU-funded CASAGRAS1 coordination 欧盟资助CASAGRAS1协调FAT 文件分配表(File Allocation Table)FP7 欧盟第七框架计划(Framework Program 7)FreeOTFE 免费实时加密FSTC 金融服务技术联盟(Financial Services Technology Consortium)FTP 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)GM 通用汽车公司(General Motors)GMSA 全球移动通信系统协会(global system for mobile communications association) GPRS 通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)GPS 全球定位系统(Global Position System)GSM 全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)GUI-based 图形用户界面HP 惠普公司HTML5 HTML5是HTML下一个的主要修订版本,现在仍处于发展阶段HTTP 超文本传输协议(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)HTTPS 安全超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)I²C 两线式串行总线(Inter-Integrated Circuit)IaaS 架构即服务(Infrastructure As A Service)IATA 国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)ICC 集成电路卡(integrated circuit card)ICT 集成电路计算机遥测技术(Integrated Computer Telemetry)iDA 资讯通信发展管理局(infocomm Development Authority)IEC 国际电工技术委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)IEEE 电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)IETF Internet工程任务组(Internet Engineering Task Force)IMT-2000 国际移动电话系统-2000(International Mobile Telecom System-2000)IOT 物联网(Internet Of Things)IPSec 网际协议安全(Internet Protocol Security)IPSO 因特网协议安全选件(Internet protocol security option )IPv4 IPv4,是互联网协议(Internet Protocol,IP)的第四版IR 指令寄存器(instruction register)ISA 工业标准总线(Industry Standard Architecture)ISM 美国供应管理协会(the Institute for Supply Management , ISM)ISO 国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization)ISTAG IST咨询集团(IST advisory group)IT 信息技术(Information Technology)ITSO_LtdITU 国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union)KAEC 阿卜杜拉国王经济城(King Abdullah Economic City)KVM 基于内核的虚拟机(K Virtual Machine)LAN 局域网(local area network)LCD 液晶显示屏(liquid crystal display)LR-WPAN 低速率无线个人区域网络(Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network)LSI 大规模集成电路(Large Scale Integrated circuit)MAC 多路存取计算机(Multi-Access Computer)MAN 城域网(Metropolitan Area Network)MASDAR 马斯达尔MEMS 微电子机械系统(Micro-electromechanical Systems)METI 日本经济贸易产业省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)MIC 部门内部事务和通讯(the ministry of internal affairs and communications) MIT 麻省理工学院(Massachu-setts Institute of Technology);MPP 大量信息并行处理机,大规模并行处理机(Massively Parallel Processor)MRI 核磁共振成像(Magnatic Resonance Imaging);MSI 中规模集成电路(medium-scale integration)MVNO AdicaNaaS 网络即服务(Network As A Service)NASA 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)NetBSD 一个免费的,具有高度移植性的UNIX-like操作系统NFC 近场通讯(Near Field Communication)NFCIPNIC 网络接口卡(Network Interface Card)NMT 北欧移动电话(Nordic Mobile Telephone)NSF (美国)国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)NTT DoCoMo 移动通信网公司NYU 纽约大学(New York University)OLED 有机发光二极管(Organic Light Emitting Diode)ONS 国家统计局(Office For National Statistics)P2P 点对点技术(peer-to-peer);PaaS 平台即服务(Platform As A Service)PARC 帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Palo Alto Research Center)PC 个人电脑(Personal Computer);PCI 外部控制器接口(Peripheral Component Interconnect)PHY 物理层协议(Physical Layer)PKI 公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure)POTS 普通老式电话服务(Plain Old Telephone Service)QNX 嵌入式实时操作系统(Quick Unix )R&D 研发(Research & Development)RACO 德国雷科resPONDER 响应器RFID 无线射频识别(radio frequency identification devices)RISC 精简指令集计算机(Reduced Instruction-Set Computer)ROM 只读存储器(read only memory)RS-232 串行数据通信的接口标准RTOS 实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System)SaaS 软件即服务(Software as a Service)SAP SAP是目前全世界排名第一的ERP软件SAVVIS 维斯公司SCADA 监测控制和数据采集(supervisory control and data acquisition)SIM 用户身份识别卡(subscriber identity module)SIMD 单指令多数据(Single Instruction Multiple Data)SIMIT 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所SMP 对称多处理机(SymmetricalMulti-Processing)SOC 片上系统(System on a Chip)SPOM 自动程序单芯片微处理(Self Programmable One Chip Microprocessor)SPT 季票 (season parking ticket)SRI 斯坦福研究院(Stanford Research Institute)SSE 单指令多数据流式扩展 ( streaming SIMD extensions)SSI 小规模集成(电路)(Small Scale Integration);SSO 单点登录(single sign-on)T2TITTACS 全接入通信系统(Total Access Communication System)TCB 可信计算基(Trusted Computing Base)TCP/IP 传输控制/网络通讯协定(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)TD-SCDMA 即时分同步的码分多址技术(Time Division-Synchronization Code Division Multiple Access)TEDS 传感器电子数据表(Transducer Electronic Data Sheet)TLS/SSL SSL(Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接层)TPANSmitterTRON 实时操作系统核心程序(The Realtime Operating System Nucleus)U.S.Department of Defence 美国国防部UCC 统一编码委员会(uniform code council inc)UCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)UHF 超高频(Ultra High Frequency)UML 统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language)UNL 无处不在的网络实验室(ubiquitous networking laboratory)USAID 美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)USB 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)USDA 美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture)VLSI 超大规模积体电路(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuites)VNP-VNOWAN 广域网(Wide Area Network)WCDMA 宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)Wi-Fi 无线上网技术WROM 一次写/读很多内存(write once/read many memory)WSN 无线传感网络(wireless sensor network)。



A:A share A股;甲类股份abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 荷兰银行above-the-line expenditure 线上项目支出;经常预算支出above-the-line receipt 线上项目收入;经常预算收入ABSA Asia Limited 南非联合亚洲有限公司absolute change 绝对数值变更absolute expenditure 实际开支absolute guideline figure 绝对准则数字absolute interest 绝对权益absolute order of discharge 绝对破产解除令absolute profit margin 绝对利润幅度absolute value 实值;绝对值absolutely vested interest 绝对既得权益absorbed cost 已吸收成本;已分摊成本absorption 吸收;分摊;合并absorption rate 吸收率;摊配率;分摊率ACB Finance Limited 亚洲商业财务有限公司acceptable form of reciprocity 合理的互惠条件acceptable rate 适当利率;适当汇率acceptance agreement 承兑协议acceptance for honour 参加承兑acceptor 承兑人;接受人;受票人acceptor for honour 参加承兑人accident insurance 意外保险Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 香港意外保险公会accident insurance scheme 意外保险计划accident year basis 意外年度基准accommodation 通融;贷款accommodation bill 通融票据;空头票据accommodation party 汇票代发人account balance 帐户余额;帐户结余account book 帐簿account collected in advance 预收款项account current book 往来帐簿account of after-acquired property 事后取得的财产报告account of defaulter 拖欠帐目account payable 应付帐款account payee only [A/C payee only] 只可转帐;存入收款人帐户account receivable 应收帐款account receivable report 应收帐款报表account statement 结单;帐单;会计财务报表account title 帐户名称;会计科目accountant's report 会计师报告Accountant's Report Rules 会计师报告规则accounting and auditing procedure 会计与审计程序;会计与核数程序Accounting Arrangements 《会计安排》accounting basis 会计基础accounting by Official Receiver 破产管理署署长呈交的帐目Accounting Circular 《会计通告》accounting class 会计类别accounting date 记帐日期;会计结算日期accounting for money 款项核算Accounting Officer 会计主任accounting period 会计报告期;会计期accounting policy 会计政策;会计方针accounting practice 会计惯例accounting principle 会计准则accounting record 会计记录accounting report 会计报告Accounting Services Branch [Treasury] 会计事务部〔库务署〕Accounting Society of China 中国会计学会accounting statement 会计报表accounting system 会计制度;会计系统accounting transaction 会计事项;帐务交易accounting treatment 会计处理accounting year 会计年度accretion 增值;添加accrual 应计项目;应累算数目accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制accrual basis accounting 应计制会计;权责发生制会计accrue 应累算;应计accrued benefit 应累算利益accrued charges 应计费用accrued cumulative preference share dividend 应累算的累积优先股股息accrued expenses 应累算费用accrued interest payable 应付利息;应计未付利息accrued interest receivable 应收利息;应计未收利息accrued right 累算权益accruing profit 应累算的利润accumulated fiscal reserve 累积财政储备accumulated profit 累积利润;滚存溢利accumulated reserve 累积储备accumulation of surplus income 累积收益盈余acquired assets 既得资产acquisition 收购;购置;取得acquisition cost 购置成本acquisition expenses 购置费用acquisition of 100% interest 收购全部股权acquisition of control 取得控制权acquisition of fixed assets 购置固定资产acquisition of shell “买壳”acquisition price 收购价act of God 天灾acting partner 执事合伙人active market 买卖活跃的市场;交投畅旺的市场;旺市active partner 积极参与的合伙人active trading 交投活跃actual circulation 实际流通actual cost 实际成本actual expenditure 实际开支;实际支出actual income 实际入息;实际收入;实际收益actual market 现货市场actual price 现货价;实际价格actual profit 实际利润actual quotation 实盘;实际价位;实际报价actual year basis 按实际年度计算actuals 实货actuarial investigation 精算调查actuarial principle 精算原则actuarial report 精算师报告Actuarial Society of Hong Kong 香港精算学会actuarial valuation 精算师估值actuary 精算师ad referendum agreement 暂定协议;有待覆核的协定ad valorem duty 从价税;按值征税ad valorem duty system 从价税制ad valorem fee 从价费ad valorem tariff 从价关税additional allowance 额外免税额additional amount for unexpired risk 未过期风险的额外款额additional assessable profit 补加应评税利润additional assessment 补加评税additional commitment 额外承担additional commitment vote 额外承担拨款additional dependent grandparent allowance 供养祖父母或外祖父母额外免税额additional dependent parent allowance 供养父母额外免税额additional provision 额外拨款additional stamp duty 附加印花税additional tax 补加税罚款;补加税款Additional Tax Demand Note 缴纳补加税罚款通知书;缴纳补加税款通知书adjudged bankrupt 被裁定破产adjudicated bankrupt 裁定破产人adjudication fee 裁定费;评定印花税额手续费;评估契据费adjudication of bankruptcy 裁定破产;宣告破产adjudication of insolvency 裁定无力偿还债务adjusted actual 经调整的实数;调整后的实数adjusted current assets 经调整的流动资产;调整后的流动资产adjusted figure 经调整的数字;调整后的数额adjusted liabilities 经调整的负债;调整后的负债adjusted loss 经调整的亏损;调整后的亏损adjusted net admissible assets 经调整的可接纳资产净值;调整后的可接纳资产净值adjusted profit 经调整的利润;调整后的利润adjusted surplus 经调整的盈余额;调整后的盈余额adjusted value 经调整的价值;调整后的价值adjustment 调整;修订;理算〔保险〕adjustment centre 调剂中心adjustment lag 调整过程的时间差距;调整时差adjustment mechanism 调整机制adjustment of loss 亏损调整adjustment process 调整过程;调整程序adjustment range 调整幅度administered exchange rate 受管制汇率Administration Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 行政处〔香港金融管理局〕administration expenses 行政费用administration fee 手续费;行政费administration in bankruptcy 破产管理administration order 遗产管理令administrator 管理人;遗产管理人administrator of the estate 遗产管理人admission of debt 债项承认书admission of proof 接纳债权证明advance 放贷款项;垫付款项;预支款项;预付款项advance account 暂支帐目;预付款帐户advance compensation 预付补偿金advance from shareholder 股东垫款advance pending reimbursement 预支以待日后付还advanced economy 先进经济体系advancement 预付;预付财产advances warrant 垫款令advancing 贷出adverse balance 逆差adverse exchange 逆汇advertisement addressed to shareholders 在报章刊登的致股东通告advice for collection 托收通知书advice of drawing 提款通知书;汇票通知书advice of payment 付款通知Advisory Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 谘询委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕Advisory Committee on Diversification 经济多元化谘询委员会affidavit 誓章;遗产申报誓章affidavit of no receipt 述明无收款的誓章affiliate 联号;联营公司;附属公司affiliated company 附属公司;联号;联营公司affirmation [estate duty] 非宗教式宣誓〔遗产税〕affordability 负担能力African Development Bank [AfDB] 非洲开发银行after-acquired property 事后取得的财产after-hours dealing 市后交易after-tax profit 税后盈利;税后利润;税后溢利agency agreement 代理协议agency expenses 代理机构的开支agency fee 代理费Agency Law 《代理法》agent 代理人;承销人agent of company 公司代理人agent's fee 代理人费;经纪费aggregate 总计;总数;总体数字aggregate amount 总款额;总额aggregate assets and liabilities 总体资产与负债aggregate at constant price 按固定价格计算的总体数字aggregate demand 总需求aggregate gross position 总持仓量aggregate limit 总限额aggregate of salaries tax 合计薪俸税aggregate performance 总体表现;总体业绩aggregate supply 总体供应aggregate surplus 总盈余aggregate total 整体总额aggregate value 总值;合计价值aggregated basis 合计基准aggregated net chargeable income 合计应课税入息实额aggregation 合并计算;合计;总和aggregation of incomes of husband and wife 夫妇入息合并计算aggregation of property 财产的总和agio 差价;贴水Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of Japan for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和日本政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Austria for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和奥地利共和国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of France for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和法兰西共和国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》Agreement between the Government of Hong Kong and the Government of the Republic of Korea for the Promotion and Protection of Investment 《香港政府和大韩民国政府关于相互促进和保护投资协定》agreement for a settlement 授产协议agreement for assignment 转让协议agreement for sale 售卖协议;买卖协议agreement for sale and purchase 买卖协议agreement for the payment of interest 支付利息协议agreement for the repayment of money 还款协议agreement of reinsurance 再保险协议Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行air passenger departure tax 飞机乘客离境税Air Services Negotiations Unit [Economic Services Bureau] 民航运输谈判组〔经济局〕airport tax 机场税alcohol duty 酒精税alienation 让与;让渡;转让alimony 生活费;赡养费All Ordinaries Index [AOI] 所有普通股指数all risks 全险;综合险All Sales Record for Stock Market 《股票市场成交报告》Allied Capital Resources Limited 新联财务有限公司all-items index [Consumer Price Index] 总指数〔消费物价指数〕allocation letter 拨款信件allocation of fund 分配款项;预留款项allocation of profit 利润分配;溢利分配allocation warrant 拨款令allotment 分配;配股allotment notice 股份配售通知;配股通知allotment of shares 股份分配allowable 可获宽免;免税的allowable business loss 可扣除的营业亏损allowable expenses 可扣税的支出allowance 免税额;津贴;备抵;准备金allowance for debts 债项的免税额allowance for depreciation by wear and tear 耗损折旧免税额allowance for funeral expenses 殡殓费的免税额allowance for inflation 为通货膨胀而预留的款项;通胀准备金allowance for repairs and outgoings 修葺及支出方面的免税额allowance to debtor 给债务人的津贴alteration of capital 资本更改alternate trustee 候补受托人amalgamation 合并ambit [head or subhead of expenditure] 涵盖范围〔开支总目或分目〕ambit of charges 征税范围;收费范围amended valuation 经修订的估值American Commodities Exchange 美国商品交易所American Express Bank Limited 美国运通银行American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所amortization 摊销amount due from banks 存放银行同业的款项amount due from banks abroad 存放海外银行同业的款项amount due from holding companies 控股公司欠款amount due from local banks 存放本港银行同业的款项amount due to banks 银行同业的存款amount due to banks abroad 海外银行同业的存款amount due to holding companies 控股公司存款amount due to local banks 本港银行同业的存款amount due to outport banks 外埠银行同业的存款amount for note issue 发行纸币的款额amount of bond 担保契据的款额amount of consideration 代价款额amount of contribution 供款数额amount of indebtedness 负债款额amount of principal of the loan 贷款本金额amount of rates chargeable 应征差饷数额amount of share capital 股本额amount of sums assured 承保款额amount of variation 变动幅度amount of vote 拨款数额amount payable 应付款额amount receivable 应收款额Amsterdam Stock Exchange 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所analysis 分析ancillary risk 附属风险annual account 周年帐目;周年帐目报表;年度决算;年结annual accounting date 年结日期annual allowance 每年免税额;年积金;年度津贴;年津annual balance 年度余额annual disposable income 每年可动用收入annual estimates 周年预算annual fee 年费annual general meeting 周年大会annual growth rate 年增率;每年增长率annual long-term supplement 长期个案每年补助金annual pensionable emolument 可供计算退休金的年薪annual report 年报Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index 《消费物价指数年报》annual return 周年报表;周年申报表;每年报税表格Annual Return Rules 《周年报表规则》annual review of consumer prices 每年消费物价回顾annual roll-forward basis 逐年延展方式annual salary 年薪annual statement 年度报表;年度决算表Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks 银行、接受存款公司及外地银行驻港代表办事处按年统计调查annuitant 年金受益人annuity 年金annuity contract 年金合约annuity on human life 人寿年金antecedent debt 先前的债项ante-dated cheque 倒填日期支票anticipated expenditure 预期开支anticipated net profit 预期纯利anticipated revenue 预期收入anti-inflation measure 反通货膨胀措施anti-inflationary stance 反通货膨胀立场apparent deficit 表面赤字apparent financial solvency 表面偿债能力apparent partner 表面合伙人application for personal assessment 个人入息课税申请书application of fund 资金应用application to release as liquidator and to destruct the books of accounts and documents 申请免除清盘人职务及毁灭帐簿与文件appointed actuary 委任精算师appointed auditor 委任核数师;委任审计师appointed trustee 委任的受托人appointer 委任人apportioned pro rata 按比例分摊apportionment 分配;分摊Apportionment Act [United Kingdom] 《分摊法令》〔英国〕apportionment formula 分摊方程式apportionment of estate duty 遗产税的分摊appraisal 估价;评估appreciable growth 可观增长appreciable impact 显着影响appreciable increase 可观增长appreciation 增值;升值appreciation against other currencies 相对其他货币升值appreciation of the exchange value of Hong Kong dollar 港元汇值上升appreciation tax 增值税appropriation 拨款;拨用;拨付appropriation account 拨款帐目Appropriation Bill 拨款法案appropriation-in-aid system 补助拨款办法approved assets 核准资产approved basket stock 认可一篮子证券approved budget 核准预算approved charitable donation 认可慈善捐款approved charitable institution 认可慈善机构approved currency 核准货币;认可货币approved estimates 核准预算approved estimates of expenditure 核准开支预算approved overseas insurer 核准海外保险人approved overseas trust company 核准海外信托公司approved pooled investment fund 核准汇集投资基金approved provident fund scheme 认可公积金计划approved provision 核准拨款approved redeemable share 核准可赎回股份approved regional stock 认可地区性证券approved retirement scheme 认可退休金计划approved subordinated loan 核准附属贷款arbitrage 套戥;套汇;套利arbitrageur 套戥者;套汇者arbitrary amount 临时款项arrangement 措施;安排;协定arrears 欠款arrears of pay 欠付薪酬arrears of revenue 逾期未收税款;逾期未收的帐项articles of association 组织章程;组织细则;组织章程细则Asahi Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 旭日财务(香港)有限公司ascertainment of profit 确定利润"Asia Clear" “亚洲结算系统”Asia Commercial Bank Ltd. 亚洲商业银行有限公司Asian Development Bank [ADB] 亚洲开发银行〔亚银〕Asian Development Fund [ADF] 亚洲发展基金Asian dollar bond 亚洲美元债券Asian dollar market 亚洲美元市场Asian dollar rate 亚洲美元利率Asian Securities Analysts Council [ASAC] 亚洲证券分析员公会Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation [APEC] 亚太区经济合作组织〔亚太经合组织〕asked price 沽盘;喊价;索价;卖方报价assessable income 应评税入息assessable loss 应评税亏损assessable profit 应评税利润assessable value 应评税值assessed profit 估定利润assessed value 经评估价值assessment 评税;评定;估价;评税单assessment number 评税编号;估价编号assessment of additional tax 补加税评税assessment of performance 业绩评估;实绩评价Assessor 评税主任asset price bubbles 资产价格泡沫asset-backed securities 具资产保证的证券assets accretion 资产增值assets and liabilities 资产与负债assets betterment statement 资产递增表;资产改进表assets lending 实物放款;有抵押贷款assets of the company passing on the death 死者去世时转移的公司资产assets pledged as security for liabilities 用作负债抵押的资产assets portfolio 资产投资组合assets price 资产价格assets quality 资产质素assets realization 资产变现assets refinancing arrangement 资产再集资安排assets securitization 资产证券化assets situated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方的资产assets stripping 削减资产;拆卖资产assets value 资产值assignee 承让人assignment 转让;转让书;转让契assignment of interest 权益转让assignment of letters patent and trade mark 专利证书及商标转让assignment of property 物业转让;物业转让书assignment right 转让权assignor 转让人associate 有联系的人;有关连人士;相联者;合伙人;联系人Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司associate member 附属会员associated body corporate 相联法人团体associated company 相联公司;联属公司associated corporation 相联法团Association of Chartered Certified Accountants [ACCA] [United Kingdom] 公认会计师公会〔英国〕Association of Futures Exchange Brokers 香港期货经纪协会Association of South-East Asian Nations [ASEAN] 东南亚国家联盟〔东盟〕association of underwriters 承保人组织assumption of control 接管assurance 担保;保险;转易;转易书assurance of interest 权益的转易at 19XX price 按一九XX年价格计算at a discount 按赔价计算;按贴水价格计算;打折扣at a premium 按溢价计算;按升水价格计算at call 通知付款;按通知at constant market price 按固定市价计算at constant price 按固定价格计算at cost 按成本计算at current market price 按当时市价计算;按现时市价计算at current price 按当时价格计算;按现时价格计算at factor cost 按要素成本计算;按生产要素成本计算at money-of-the-day price 按付款当日价格计算at or better 按指定或较佳价位〔买卖指令〕at par 按面值计算;平价at sight 见票即付at the close 按收市盘at the opening 按开市盘attestation 见证;见证条款at-the-money option 平价期权attorney 受权人;受托代表人attornment 新拥有人承认书attributable profit 可归属利润attributable share value 可归属股份价值Auckland Stock Exchange 奥克兰证券交易所auction 拍卖auctioneer 拍卖商audit 审计;核数Audit Commission 审计署Audit Committee [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, Securities and Futures Commission] 稽核委员会〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕;核数委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕audit review 帐目审查Audit Sub-committee [Exchange Fund Advisory Committee] 审核小组〔外汇基金谘询委员会〕audited account 审计帐目;经审计的帐目audited annual account 经审计的周年帐目audited balance sheet 经审计的资产负债表auditor 核数师;核数主任;审计师auditor's certificate 核数师证明书;审计师证明书auditor's report 核数师报告;审计师报告Aussie bond 澳元债券austerity budget 紧缩预算Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited 澳洲纽西兰银行集团有限公司Australia All Ordinaries Index 澳洲所有普通股票指数Australian Dollar [AUD] 澳元Australian Options Market 澳大利亚期权市场Australian Securities Commission 澳洲证券事务监察委员会Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants 澳洲执业会计师公会Australian Stock Exchange 澳大利亚证券交易所Austrian Schilling [ATS] 奥地利先令authentication 认证;鉴证authority to purchase 委托购买证;委购书authorization 认可;核准;授权;授权书authorization by direction 指示授权authorization by instruction 指令授权authorization by warrant 令状授权authorization of unit trust 单位信托的认可authorized agent 指定代理人authorized capital 法定资本authorized clerk 出市员authorized dealer 认可交易商authorized financial institution 认可财务机构authorized fund 认可基金authorized fund house 获授权的基金公司;认可基金公司authorized institution 认可机构authorized institution incorporated in Hong Kong 在香港成立为法团的认可机构authorized institution incorporated outside Hong Kong 在香港以外成立为法团的认可机构authorized insurer 获授权保险人;获认可承保人authorized investment 特准投资项目authorized person 获授权人authorized representative 获授权代表authorized share capital 法定股本automated quotation system 自动报价系统Automated Trading System [ATS] [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited] 自动交易系统〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕automatic adjustment mechanism 自动调整机制automatic adjustment system 自动调整系统Automatic Clearing House 自动票据交换所automatic exchange rates accumulation system 自动化汇率累集系统Automatic Order Matching and Execution System [AMS] 自动对盘及成交系统〔自动对盘系统〕automatic teller machine [ATM] 自动柜员机autopay 自动转帐available assets 可用资产available fiscal reserve 现存财政储备available profit 可用利润Avco Financial Services (Asia) Limited 富高财务(亚洲)有限公司average 平均;平均数;海损average basic salary 平均基本薪金average consumer expenditure 平均消费开支;一般消费开支average cost 平均成本average cost of land production 增辟土地平均成本average daily turnover 平均每日成交额average daily wage rate 平均每日工资率average expenditure pattern 平均开支模式average growth rate 平均增长率average net fixed assets 固定资产平均净值average of relatives 相对价格平均数average price 平均价格average propensity to consume 平均消费倾向;一般消费倾向average propensity to save 平均储蓄倾向;一般储蓄倾向average rate 平均率average revenue 平均收入;平均收益average stock 平均库存;平均存货average yearly rent 平均年租avoidance of double taxation 避免双重课税avoidance of tax 避税B:B share B股;乙类股份BA Asia Limited 美银亚洲有限公司BA Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 美银财务(香港)有限公司back duty 补缴税款back tax 补缴税款backdoor listing “借壳”上市;“买壳”上市back-to-back credit 对开信贷back-to-back loan 对销贷款backwardation 交割延期费〔证券〕;倒价〔期货〕;现货溢价bad debt 坏帐bad debt provision 坏帐准备bad year 歉年bailee 受寄人Bailiff 执达主任Bailiff Office 执达主任办事处bailment 委托保管balance 差额;余额;结余balance brought down 余额承上balance brought forward 〔上年度〕结转;余额承前balance carried down 余额转下balance carried forward 〔本年度〕结转;余额移后balance of international indebtedness 国际借贷差额;国际借贷平衡表balance of international payments 国际收支差额;国际收支平衡表balance of payments 国际收支差额;国际收支平衡表Balance of Payments Manual [International Monetary Fund] 《国际收支手册》〔国际货币基金组织〕balance of proceeds 收入余数balance of trade 贸易差额balance sheet 资产负债表balance sheet date 结算日balance with other banks 存放银行同业的结余balanced budget 平衡预算balancing allowance 结余免税额balancing charge 结余课税Bali International Finance Limited 百达利财务有限公司Banca Commerciale Italiana S.p.A. 意大利商业银行Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. 意大利国家劳工银行S.p.A.Banco di Napoli S.p.A. 意大利拿玻里银行S.p.A.Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited 盘谷银行bank acceptance 银行承兑汇票bank account 银行帐户bank account holder 银行帐户持有人bank balance 银行结余bank book 银行存摺bank cashier order 银行本票bank code 银行暗码bank draft 银行汇票Bank Examiner 银行审查主任Bank for International Settlements 国际结算银行bank guarantee 银行担保bank lending 银行贷款bank liquidity 银行流动资金bank loan 银行贷款Bank Melli Iran 伊朗国家银行bank note 银行纸币;钞票bank note handling fee 处理纸币的手续费bank note lawfully issued 合法发行的银行纸币bank note payable to bearer on demand 凭票要求付款予持票人的纸币bank note transaction 货币交易bank notes rate 现钞汇率Bank of America (Asia) Limited 美国(亚洲)银行有限公司Bank of America NT & SA 美国银行Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited 大城银行Bank of China 中国银行Bank of China Group 中银集团Bank of Communications 交通银行Bank of East Asia, Limited 东亚银行有限公司Bank of England 英伦银行Bank of Fukuoka Ltd. 冈银行Bank of India 印度银行Bank of Montreal 加拿大满地可银行Bank of Nova Scotia 加拿大丰业银行Bank of Scotland 苏格兰银行Bank of Taiwan 台湾银行Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. 东京三菱银行bank rate 银行利率;银行贴现率;银行牌价bank service charges 银行手续费;银行服务费bank statement 银行结单Bank, The [magazine] 《银行家杂志》bank trading day 银行营业日banker 银行家;银行业者;银行banker's acceptance 银行承兑汇票banker's authority 银行权能banker's book 银行簿册bankers' clearing house 银行票据交换所;银行票据结算所banker's draft 银行本票;银行汇票banker's order 银行付款委托书;银行本票banker's record 银行记录Bankers Trust Company 美国信孚银行banker's undertaking 银行承诺Banking Advisory Committee 银行业务谘询委员会Banking and Monetary Section [Financial Services Bureau] 银行及金融组〔财经事务局〕banking business 银行业务Banking (Code of Conduct) Guidelines 1986, The 《一九八六年银行业(行为守则)指引》Banking Development Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行业拓展处〔香港金融管理局〕banking facility 银行融资;银行服务banking licence 银行牌照Banking Policy Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行政策部〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Policy Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行政策处〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行监理部〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 银行监理处〔香港金融管理局〕Banking Supervision Review Committee 银行监管检讨委员会banking supervisory authority 银行监管当局banking system 银行体系bank-related broker 与银行有关的经纪bankrupt 破产;破产人bankruptcy court 破产法庭Bankruptcy Estates Account 破产人产业帐户bankruptcy notice 破产通知书bankruptcy order 破产令bankruptcy petition 破产呈请书bankruptcy proceeding 破产法律程序bank's buying rate 银行买价bank's selling rate 银行卖价Banque Nationale de Paris 法国国家巴黎银行Banque Worms 法安银行Barclays Bank plc 柏克莱国际银行bargain hunting 趁低吸纳;在低价位购入Barings crisis 霸菱危机base 基数;基值;基准;基础base cost 基准费用base date 基准日期;基日base index 基本指数base of valuation 估值基准base period 基期;评税基期base rate 基本利率;基本汇率base year 基准年;基年baseline 基线baseline expenditure 基线开支baseline-plus forecast 基线开支及额外开支预测base-weighted Laspeyres index 基本加权的拉斯佩尔指数base-year average price 基年平均价格basic allowance 基本免税额basic personal allowance 基本个人免税额basic salary 基本薪金;底薪basic value 基本值basic wage 基本工资;底薪basis 标准;基准;差价〔有价证券〕basis of assessment 评税标准;评税根据basis of consolidation 帐项综合算法basis of valuation of property 财产估价准则Basle Agreement 《巴塞尔协议》Basle Capital Accord 《巴塞尔资本协定》Basle capital adequacy requirement 巴塞尔资产充足要求Basle Committee 巴塞尔委员会Basle Committee on Banking Supervision 巴塞尔银行监管委员会Basle Committee's 3-times multiplier model 巴塞尔委员会的三倍乘数模式Basle Concordat 《巴塞尔协定》Basle Payments Committee 巴塞尔支付委员会Basle standardized approach 巴塞尔标准计算方法Bauhinia design coin 洋紫荆硬币Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale 巴伐利亚州银行BCA Finance Limited 中亚财务有限公司BCOM Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 交通财务有限公司BDNI Finance Limited 印尼商业财务有限公司bear 看淡股市者;“淡友”;抛空投机者bear bond 熊债券bear market 熊市;跌市;淡市;空头市场bear position 空仓bearer 持票人bearer bill 不记名汇票bearer bond 不记名债券bearer certificate 不记名票据bearer cheque 不记名支票;来人支票bearer instrument 不记名文书bearer securities 不记名证券behaviour 走势;表现;行为Belgian Franc [BEF] 比利时法郎below-the-line account 线下帐目benchmark 基准benchmark database 基准数据库benchmark entry point 基准起薪点benchmark estimate 基准估计数字benchmark revision 基准数字修订benchmark survey 基准统计benchmark yield curve 基准收益率曲线beneficial holding 实益股份;实益持股量beneficial interest 实益权益beneficial interest in property 财产的实益权益beneficial interest in shareholding 所持实益股份beneficial owner 实益拥有人beneficial ownership 实益拥有权beneficial shareholding 实益股份beneficially interested 享有实质权益beneficially owned 实益拥有beneficially owned share 实益股份beneficiary 受益人;受惠人;受款人;受惠国beneficiary under a trust 信托受益人benefit 利益;福利;津贴;保险赔偿费benefit of contract 合约利益Bergen Bank 卑尔根银行best lending rate 最优惠贷款利率Best Practice Guide 《最佳执行指引》Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorized Institutions 《认可机构披露财务资料的最佳执行指引》bet 投注beta coefficient 贝他系数;“啤打”系数;投资风险与股市风险系数bets and sweeps tax 博彩及彩票税betterment 不动产增值;修缮经费betterment income 资产增值收入betterment profit 以资产增值方法计算的利润额betting duty 博彩税bid 叫价;出价;投标;提出拨款申请;买盘bid price 买价;投标价格;收购价bid rate 买价;投标价;拆入息率bidder 竞投人BII Finance Company Limited 印尼国际财务有限公司bilateral agreement 双边协议;双边协定bilateral meeting 双边会议bilateral netting agreement 双边净额结算协议bilateral repurchase agreement 双边回购协议bill 票据;帐单;汇票;条例草案bill acceptance 票据承兑bill broker 票据经纪bill discounting company 票据贴现公司bill for clearing 交换票据;结算票据bill in a set 汇票联票bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading [B/L] 提单bill of sale [B/S] 卖据;动产抵押据bill payable after sight 见票后付款汇票bill payable on demand 凭票要求付款的汇票bill purchased 出口押汇;买入票据bill receivable 应收票据Bills of Exchange Law 《票据法》blank endorsement 空白背书;不记名背书blanket insurance 总括保险;综合保险;统保blanket policy 总括保险单;统保单block 交易单位〔证券〕;大宗股票;集团block allocation 整体拨款;整笔拨款block capital grant 整笔非经常补助金block discount policy 折扣统保单block grant 整笔补助金block grant system 整笔补助金制度block offer [securities] 整批发售〔证券〕block vote 整体拨款blue chip 蓝筹股;优质股票board lot 交易单位;上牌单位;“一手”Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织理事会Board of Governors of the World Bank 世界银行理事会Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 香港期货交易所有限公司董事局Board of Inland Revenue 税务委员会Board of Review [inland revenue] 税务上诉委员会Board of Trade Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 交易所结算公司〔芝加哥〕Board of Treasury 库务管理委员会board trading 上板式买卖BOCI Capital Limited 中银国际融资有限公司body corporate 法团;法人团体Bogor Declaration 《茂物宣言》bogus transaction 虚假交易bona fide mortgage 真正抵押bona fide transaction 真正交易bona vacantia 无主财物bond 债券;担保契据;担保书;债权证明书bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元为本位的债券;港元债券bond fund 债券基金bond rating 债券评级bonded warehouse 保税仓bonus 花红;红利;奖金bonus issue 红股发行bonus share 红股book 簿册;帐簿book and paper 簿册及文据book close date 截止过户日期book debt 帐面债项book entry 帐面记录book loss 帐面亏损;帐面损失book of account 帐簿book profit 帐面利润book reserve 帐面储备book value 帐面价值book-keeping transaction 帐面交易boom year 经济高度增长年;景气年份booming market 旺市;好市;景气市场boost 上扬borrow 借入borrowed fund 借入资金borrowed stock 被借用证券borrower 借用人;借款人;借方borrowing 借款;借贷;举债borrowing and lending of stocks 借用及借出证券borrowing power 借贷权;借款能力borrowing upon stock 以公债形式借取款项bottom out 见底回升;停泻回升bottom price 最低价;底价bought and sold note 买卖单据bought note 买货单braking effect 抑制效果branch 部;分行;支行branch registration certificate 分行登记证branch registration fee 分行登记费breach of trust 违反信托break clause 终止条款;中断条款breakdown 分成细目;明细表;分类细帐;分项数字break-even 收支平衡;收支相抵;损益两平break-even point 收支平衡点;损益平衡点Bretton Woods Agreement 《布雷顿森林协定》Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林制度brief fee 诉讼费;承办费broad definition of money supply 广义货币供应broker 经纪brokerage 经纪费;经纪佣金brokerage charges 经纪费;经纪佣金brokerage house 经纪行。



sap中英对照.docb/b discount (bill back) 信誉折扣b/n B/N back-end allocation 期后分摊back-end allocation file 期后分摊文件back-end allocation identifer 期后分摊标识back-end allocation listing 期后分摊清单back-end allocation maintenance 期后分摊维护back-end allocation maintenance program (gldlll) 期后分摊维护程序back-end allocation master file 期后分摊主文件back-end allocation processing 期后分摊处理back-end allocation processing program (gld530) 期后分摊处理程序back-order code 逾期定单代码back-up (to) 备份(到)back-up copy 备份拷贝back order 逾期定单back up 备份backdated tax calculation 税收追索backflush 倒冲backflush (as verb) 反冲backflush transaction 反冲事务backflushing 反冲backflushing capability 反冲能力background job 后台作业background processing 后台处理background processing system 后台处理系统backlog 未交付订单backlog calculation 未交订货-计算backlog is dispatched 未交付订单被处理backlon 储备(积累)backlon amount 储备金额backlon problem (储备)积压问题backorder 拖欠订单backorder flag 逾期定单标志backorder handling 拖欠订单处理backorder processing 拖欠订单处理backorder status 逾期定单状态backordering 逾期定单backorders 拖欠订单backup 备份backup copy 备份backup diskette 磁盘备份backup simulation (for630) 模拟备份backward consumption 倒序消耗backward scheduling 倒序排产计划backward/forward lot tracing screen 倒排/顺排backward-schedule 倒排计划backward lot trace 倒推批跟踪backward trace 倒推跟踪backwards lot traceability 倒排批跟踪能力bacs (cash) 现金bad debts 坏帐bad raw material 坏原材料badge 标记badge card readers 标记阅读器badge no 标记号balance audit trail 余额审计线索balance carried forward 余额结转balance check 余额稽查balance confirmation 余额确认balance inquiry 结帐询问balance notification 结帐通知balance request 结算请求balance sheet 资产负债表balance sheet account 资产负债表科目balance sheet adjustment 资产负债表调整balance sheet change 资产负债表变动balance sheet for tax purposes 资产负债表- 税务目的balance sheet item 资产负债表的项目balance sheet value 资产负债表总计balance statement 余额表balance/net indicator 余额/净指标balance-forward 移下页结转余额balance (inventory) 余额balance (verb) 平衡balance account 科目余额balance books 分类帐余额簿balance inventory 库存余额balance out 失去平衡balance quantity 余额数量balance sheet exchange rate 资产负债表兑换率balance sheet rate 资产负债表比率balance sheet rate type 资产负债表比率类型balance to zero 余额为零balance trial 余额跟踪balanced by 平衡按balanced set of books 平衡帐簿集banbank account 银行往来帐bank account code 银行往来帐代码bank account master maintenance (acp140) 银行往来帐主文件维护bank account number 银行往来帐号bank bill 银行票据bank branch 分行bank branch maintenance 银行分行维护bank buying rate 银行买入价bank charge and interest expense account 银行手续费与利率费用科目bank charge expense 银行手续费用bank charge expense accont 银行手续费用科目bank charge issued 银行手续费发出bank charges 银行手续费bank charges and/or stamp taxes 银行手续费与/或印花税bank code 银行代码bank code/branch 银行代码/分行bank collection procedure 银行托收法bank data... 银行数据... bank details 银行帐户bank direct debiting procedure 银行直接借记法bank expense 银行费用bank information to other program 到其他程序的银行信息bank key 银行关键字bank master (acp140) 银行主文件bank master data 银行主记录bank master listing 银行主文件清单bank master maintenance 银行主文件维护bank number 银行代号bank reconciliation file 银行调节文件bank selling rate 银行卖出价bank statement 银行对帐单,银行月结单bank statement posting (acp710) 银行对帐单过帐bank statement posting program (acp710) 银行对帐单程序bank transfer 银行转帐bar-coder pick list 条形码领料单bar chart 条线图bar chart screen 条线图屏幕bar code 条形码bar graph 条线图bar graph summaries 条线图汇总bar segment 模条图分割barcoder 条形码阅读器base unit of measure 基本计量单位base (for) 基于base amount 基本金额base amount selected 已选择的基本金额base condition 基本条件base condition type 基本条件种类base currency 基础值(额) base currency amount 基本货币金额base currency code 基本货币码base currency epuivalent balance 基本货币等价的平衡base currency screen 基本货币屏幕base discount 基本折扣base for tax/si contributions 税基(社会保险) base insurable value 保险基值base object costing 基本对象的成本核算base object group 基本对象组base object item 基本对象项base object master data 基本对象主记录base object name 基本对象名base object text 基本对象说明base or transaction currency value 基本或转换币值base order amount 基本订单金额base p/c 基本P/Cbase planning object 基本计划对象base price/item alone method 基本价格/项目单独方法base quantity 基本数量base rate 基本率base software package 基本软件包base table 基本表base unit of measure 基本计量单位base value 基值baseline 基本行baseline application template 基本行应用格式baseline date 基准日期baseline date for payment 支付期限基准日期basic arithmetic operations 基本算术运算basic code 基础代码basic component 基本组件basic concept 基本概念basic conversation 基本对话basic data 基本数据basic data/values 基础数据/值basic dates 基本日期basic finish date 基本完成日期basic formula 基本公式basic function 基本功能basic information 基本信息basic inventory data 基本库存数据basic item information 基本项目信息basic key figure 基本指标basic list 基本列表basic path 基本路径basic set 基本组basic start date 基本开始日期basic value 基本值basic_formula 基本配方basis layer 基础层basis system 基础系统batch 批batch (n.) 批batch (to) 分批batch allocation 批分批batch allocation program (sfc730) 批分批程序batch balancing 批余额batch balancing allocation (sfc720) 批余额分批batch balancing applications 批余额应用batch balancing u/m 批余额计量单位batch balancing unit of measure 批余额计量单位batch bill of material 批物料单batch copy 批拷贝batch data transfer 批式数据传输batch detail 批明细batch editing 批编辑batch file 批文件batch input 批输入batch input command 批输入命令batch input message 批输入信息batch input session 批输入进程batch interface 批次界面batch interface file 批次界面文件batch interface file format 批次界面文件格式batch interface file report 批次界面文件报表batch interface report 批次界面报表batch job 批作业batch job description 批作业说明batch job queue name 批作业队列名batch journal 批凭证batch journal entry 批凭证输入batch message 批式信息batch mode 批处理方式batch order 批订单batch order allocation 批订单分配batch physical quantity due 到期批实际数量batch processing 批式处理batch program 批程序batch pull list 批下拉式清单batch pulling 批下拉式batch quantity calculations 批量计算batch quantity component 组件批量batch queue 批队列batch queue processing 批队列处理batch size 制造批量batch split 批拆分batch standard interface file 批标准界面文件batch standard interface processing 批标准界面文件处理batch total 批总计batch weight 批重量batch weight calculation 批重量计算batching 分批bbm data file library BBM 数据库文件bbm installed BBM 已安装be accounted for (to) 已计帐于be based on (to) 基于,根据be baseded (to) 基于be driven off (statistics) 被分离(统计)be flagged (to) 被作标志be initialized (to) 被置初值(于)be keypunched (to) 被键控穿孔(于)be left-justified (to) 向左对齐be multiple issied (to) 被多次发料be occupied (to) 被占用的be printed (to) 被打印的be relieved (to) 解除be shown pegged to 追溯be sorted (to) 被分类的be subtotaled to 被小计be tied up (to) 被…占用be tiedd 被…联系be zeroed (to) 被置为零become effective 变为生效become overstocked 超储beginning effective date 生效日期beginning of message 报文开头beginning point 起始点below 在…下面,在…以下benefit 利益,受益best-fit technique 最佳技术best fit method 最佳方法best fit modeling 最佳模型best price 最优价格beta factor β 系数betterment (of asset) 修缮经费(资产)bill-to address 发票发送地址bill-to party 收单方bill 开票bill (a customer) 帐单(客户)bill charges 汇票贴现费bill discount note 汇票贴现结算bill holdings 持有的汇票bill item 单据项目bill of entry 单据输入bill of exchange 汇票bill of exchange charges statement 汇票贴现费结算bill of exchange collection 汇票托收bill of exchange liability 持票据者义务bill of exchange payable 应付汇票bill of exchange payment request 汇票收付请求bill of exchange presentation 汇票承兑bill of exchange receivable 应收汇票bill of exchange renewal 汇票延期bill of exchange usage 汇票的用途bill of lading 提单bill of material 物料单bill of material accuracy 物料清单准确性bill of material changes 物料清单变更bill of material component type 物料清单的组件类型bill of material explosion 物料清单展开bill of material extract audit report 物料清单摘录审计报表bill of material file 物料清单文件bill of material inquiry program 物料清单查询程序bill of material listing (bom200) 物料清单列表bill of material maintenance program 物料清单维护程序bill of material maintenance screen 物料清单维护屏幕bill of material merge report 物料清单合并报表bill of material offset lead time 物料清单偏置提前期bill of material record 物料清单记录bill of material reorganization 物料清单重组bill of material simplification 物料清单简化bill of materials (bom) 物料清单bill of materials components 物料清单组件bill of materials components invoice 物料清单组件发票bill of materials header 物料清单表头bill of materials mass 物料清单量bill of materials mass replace 物料清单大量替换bill of resources 资源清单bill of resources file 资源清单文件bill of resources maintenace (cap140) 资源清单维护bill on demand 即期汇票bill routing 工艺路线清单billing-to-g/l posting costant 票据处理到总帐过帐常量billing 开票billing a third-party item 开票一个第三方项目billing and tax calculations 票据处理与税计算billing application 票据处理应用billing block 开票冻结billing category 开票类别billing cycle 票据处理周期billing date 开票日期billing details 开票明细billing document 开票单据billing document to be accrued 应计开票单据billing documents 开票凭证billing due list 开票到期清单billing element 开票要素billing header 开票表头billing index 开票索引billing invoice print program 票据处理的发票打印程序billing item 开票项目billing menu 票据处理菜单billing plan 开票计划billing procedure 开票过程billing processing options 票据处理选择billing product 票据产品billing product menu 票据产品菜单billing program (bil500) 票据处理程序billing record 票据记录billing register 票据登记billing release 票据发放billing release program 票据发放程序billing rounding 票据舍入billing schedule 开票计划billing status 开票状态billing system parameters 票据系统参数billing system parameters screen 票据系统参数billing time (bil500) 票据时间billing type 开票类型billing updates 票据更新bin 容积bin number 容积号bin/rack 容积/货架binder 粘合(粘结)bir general-purpose library BIR 通用文件库bir(bpcs information retrieval) BPCS 信息检索bit comparison 位比较bit string 位串bits per inch 每英寸比特数blank 空,空格blank (character) 空格(字符)blank (field) 空(字段)blank bill of material 空BOM blank employee id 空职工ID blank out 取消,作废blank value 空值blank warehouse location 空仓库库位blanket 总的,表层,外壳blanket order 总定单blend 混合blinking bar 闪烁条形图block diagram 框图block indicator 冻结标记block of transaction 事务的部分block size 块大小block/delete envir. 冻结/删除环境blocked a account 冻结一科目blocking data 冻结数据blocking reason 冻结原因blow-through bill of materialblow throughbnr (bpcs modification request) BPCS 修改请求board of directors 董事会board of directors meeting 董事会议bodyboe-yilmaz algorithm Boe-Yilmaz 算法bom BOM bom item BOM 项bom usage BOM用法bom alternatives BOM代用项bom application BOM 应用bom category BOM 类别bom explosion BOM 展开bom explosion control BOM 展开控制bom explosion number BOM 展开编号bom group BOM 分组bom header BOM 标题bom item BOM 项bom items BOM 项bom level by level BOM 按层次展开bom notes BOM 注释bom number BOM 号bom status BOM 状态bom tree structure business case BOM 树结构企业案例bom types BOM 类型bom unit of measure BOM 计量单位bom usage BOM 使用bom validity BOM 有效性bom where-used inquiry (bom300) BOM 用处查询boms BOM book (noun) 帐本,预订,托运,记帐book depreciation 帐面折旧book depreciation area 帐面折旧范围book inventory 帐面库存book inventory data 帐面库存数据book listing 帐面库存清单book number 帐面号book to actual 由帐目到实际book transfer 转让过户book value 帐面值book value method 帐面价值法book versus actual (inv.) 帐面与实际值比较(库存)book vs physical 帐面与实际值比较(库存)book vs physical inventory 帐面与实际库存值比较book vs physical inventory reporting 帐面与实际库存值比较报表book/actial difference 帐面与实际的差异book-to-actual discrepancies 帐面与实际的差异booking amount 帐面金额boot the system 引导系统border control office 边境管理办公室border crossing point 边境出入点border customs office 边境海关办公室bottleneck 瓶颈bottom-up (bom) 自底向上(BOM)bounced bill of exchange 被银行退回的汇票boundary 范围bounded disposition 连接处理boycott list 抵制清单bpcs accounts payable application BPCS 应付帐应用bpcs affiliate BPCS 合作单位bpcs bbm library BPCS BBM 库bpcs billing product BPCS 票据处理产品bpcs budget BPCS 预算bpcs business modeling BPCS 企业模型bpcs business modeling (bbm) product BPCS 企业模型产品bpcs business planning control system BPCS 企业计划控制系统bpcs components usage code maintenance program BPCS 组件代码用途维护程序bpcs costing product BPCS 成本产品bpcs customer order and shop order product BPCS 客户定单和车间定单产品bpcs custorm order product BPCS 客户定单产品bpcs cycle counting BPCS 循环盘点bpcs cycly counting sub-system BPCS 循环盘点子系统bpcs electronic mail BPCS 电子邮件系统bpcs financial analyst menu BPCS 财务分析菜单bpcs information retrieval library BPCS 信息检索库bpcs information retrieval product BPCS 信息检索产品bpcs information retrieval program BPCS 信息检索程序bpcs inventory BPCS 库存bpcs main menu BPCS 主菜单bpcs mps/mrp program BPCS MPS/MRP 程序bpcs product BPCS 产品bpcs purchasing product BPCS 采购产品bpcs reserved id BPCS 保留标识bpcs security maintenance (sys600) BPCS 安全维护bpcs security officer BPCS 安全管理员bpcs upload/download menu BPCS 上载/下载菜单branch 分行branch account 分公司帐户branch bank 分行branch code 分行代码branch construction 分支结构branch number 分行号branch operation 分工序branch status 分支状态branch warehouse 分库brand 商标,品种brass plate operation 铜板操作break (amount break) 断点,极限(金额极限)break (price break) 断点,极限(价格极限)break (quantity break) 断点,极限(数量极限)break character 中断字符break even point 盈亏平衡点break message 中断信息break point 断点break pointion 中断位置breakage 损耗量breakdown 故障停机breakdown indicator 划分标记breakpoint condition 断点条件breakpoint counter 断点计数器breakpoint display 断点显示bremen and bremerhaven 不莱梅和不莱梅港bring in linebring together 聚集,装配(组合)在一起browse 查阅browser view 浏览显示bubble 显示序号bubble memory 序号存储bubble number 序号bubble number sequence 序号顺序bucket (cost) 栏目(成本)bucket (time) 栏目(时间)bucketing 时段bucketless (mrp) 无时段budget 预算budget account 预算科目budget amount 预算金额budget assumptions 预算前提,预算设想budget bar 预算条形图budget data 预算数据budget data upload 预算数据上载budget extension 预算增加部分budget filter 预算范围budget formular 预算公式budget information 预算信息budget input 预算输入budget input maintenance 预算输入维护budget line 预算明细budget maintenance 预算维护budget manipulation 预算管理(控制)budget master file 预算主文件budget master listing 预算主文件清单budget master maintenance 预算主文件维护budget name 预算名budget name inquiry 预算名查询budget pro-forma 预算形式budget profile 预算概况budget revision 预算修正budget rollover selection 预算转结选择budget spreadsheet 预算展开表budget transfer 预算转换budget update dialog box 预算更新对话框budget update panel 预算更新屏幕budget update table 预算更新表budget update worksheet 预算更新工作表budgetary information 预算信息budgeted balance sheet 预算资产负债表budgetholder 预算控制人budgeting information 预算信息budgeting process 预算处理budgets and modeling 预算与模型buffer 缓冲buffer frame 缓冲帧buffer handler 缓冲处理机buffer period 缓冲期间buffer technique 缓冲技术buffer utilization 缓冲实用设备buffering type 缓冲类型building 组合building access path for file.... 文件的组合存取路径building block 结构件, 标准部件bulk material 大量物件bulk processing 大容量处理business address 业务地址business administration 事物管理business and sales 经营与销售business area 业务部门business area allocation 按业务部门分割business data 业务数据business development 业务发展business entity 企业机构business graphics 商业图表business information technology 商务信息技术business modeling 企业模型business object 商业对象business operations 企业工序business partner 业务伙伴business partner who is a customer 作为客户的业务伙伴business partner who is a vendor 作为卖主的业务伙伴business plan 商务计划business planning and control system 企业计划与控制系统business process 业务过程business reengineering 商业重复工程business transaction 业务往来business transaction having an effect on liquidity 对流动资金产生影响的业务往来business transaction type 业务事务类型busy 忙busy flag 忙标志busy item number 忙项目号busy item number message 忙项目号信息busy processing 忙处理busy status 忙状态buyer 采购员buyer code 采购员代码buyer code order 采购员代码定单buyer code range 采购员代码范围buyer range 采购员范围buying habits 购买习惯buying party 买方by-product fixed quantity 副产品固定量by-product variable 副产品变量by-products 副产品by default 默认by inventory transaction 按库存事务by item 按项目by item and location 按项目和货位by item class 按项目分类by item family 按项目系列by item number 按项目号by item, warehouse and cost 按项目,仓库和成本by item/whse/cost 按项目/仓库/成本by lot 按批号by pick sequence number 按提货序号by product 副产品by registered mail 挂号信by special delivery 快件专递by the gallon 按加仑by unit 按单位by warehouse 按仓库by warehouse and item 按仓库和项目by way of report 按报表方式by whse/item 按仓库/项目bypass 省略bypassed tax 免税。



1. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 非对称数字环路2. ANSI (American National Standard Institute) 美国国家标准协会3. APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) 自动私有IP寻址4. AppleTalk 由Apple公司推出的一种多层协议,一种可路由协议组5. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 地址解析协议6. ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) 自动重发请求7. ASIC (Specific Integrated Circuit(Chip)) 专用集成电路芯片8. ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) 一种用于描述结构化客体的结构和内容的语言. 抽象语法定义9. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 异步传输模式10. BBS (Bulletin Board System) 电子公告板11. BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) 边界网关协议12. B-ISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network) 宽带综合业务数字网13. BOOTP (BOOTstrapping Protocol) 引导协议14. BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN基本速率15. Bridge 网桥16. BUS (Broadcast/Unknown Server) 广播和未知服务器17. CA Communication Automatization 通信自动化18. Cable Modem 电缆调制解调器19. CATV 公用天线电视//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客20. CCITT 国际电话电报咨询委员会21. CD Campus Distrbutor 建筑群配线设备22. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 码分多址23. CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data) 蜂窝数字分组数据24. CERNET 中国教育科研网25. CMIS/CMIP (Common Management Information Service/Protocol) 公共管理信息服务/协议26. CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) 公共对象请求代理结构27. CP Consolidation Point 集合点28. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checks) 循环冗余码校验29. CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multi-Access/Collision Detection) 载波侦听多路访问/冲突检测30. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects) 国防部高级计划署31. DCE (Digital Circuit-terminating Equipment) 数据电路端接设备32. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) 动态主机配置协议33. DNS (Domain Name System) 域名系统34. DPI (Dot Per Inch) 每英寸可打印的点数35. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) 数字用户线路36. DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) 数据终端设备37. EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) 外部网关协议38. EIA/TIA (Electronic Industries Association and the Telecommunication Industries Association) 电子工业协会/电信工业协会39. E-mail (Electronic Mail) 电子邮件//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客40. ER Equipment Room 设备间41. FAQ (Frequently Answer Question) 常见问题解答42. FC (Fiber Channel) 光纤信道43. FD (Floor Distributor) 楼层配线设备44. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) 光纤分布式数据接口45. FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) 频分多路复用46. FEC (Forward Error Correction) 前向差错纠正47. FR (Frame Relay) 帧中继48. FTP (File Transfer Protocol,Foil Twisted Pair) 文件传输协议,金属箔对绞线49. FTTB (Fiber To The Building) 光纤到大楼50. FTTC (Fiber To The Curb) 光纤到楼群51. FTTD (Fiber To The Desk) 光纤到桌面52. FTTH (Fiber To The Home) 光纤到户53. FTTH (Fiber To The Home) 光纤到家庭54. Gateway 网关55. GCS Generic Cabling System 综合布线系统56. GSM (Global Systems for Mobile communications) 移动通信全球系统(全球通)57. HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control) 高级数据链路控制(协议)58. HDTV (High Definition TeleVision) 数字高清晰度电视59. HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coax) 混合光纤同轴//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客60. hop 跳数61. hostname 主机名62. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 超文本传输协议63. Hub 集线器64. IAB (Internet Architecture Board) 因特网结构委员会65. IANA Internet分配数据机构66. IAP (Internet Access Provider) 因特网接入提供商67. IBS Intelligent Building System 智能大楼系统68. ICCB (Internet Control and Configuration Board) Internet控制与配置委员会69. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) 因特网控制报文协议70. ICP (Internet Content Provider) Internet 内容提供者71. IDC Insulation Displacement Connection 绝缘压穿连接72. IDF Intermediate Distribution Facility 分配线架73. IDU (Interface Data Unit) 接口数据单元74. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 电子和电气工程师协会75. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Forc) 因特网工程任务组76. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Internet组管理协议77. IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) 内部网关协议78. IISP 间歇交换机信令协议79. IMP (Interface Message Processor) 接口信息处理机//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客80. IMTS (Emproved Mobile Telephone System) 改进型移动电话系统81. IP (Internet Protocol) 网际协议82. IPsec Internet协议安全83. IPX/SPX Netware 的网际数据包交换/系列数据包交换84. IrDA 红外线数据协议85. IRQ 中断请求号86. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 综合业务数字网87. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织88. ISP (Internet Service Proveder) 因特网服务提供商89. IT (Information Technology) 信息技术90. ITSEC 信息技术安全评价标准91. ITU (International Telecommunications Union) 国际电信联盟92. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 图像专家联合小组93. LAN (Local Area Network) 局域网94. LANE (LAN Emulation) 局域网仿真95. LAP (Link Access Procedure) 链路访问过程96. LCP (Link Control Protocol) 链路控制协议97. LE_ARP LAN仿真地址转换协议98. LEC (LAN Emulation Client) 局域网仿真客户端99. LECS (LAN Emulation Configure Service) 局域网仿真配置服务//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客100. LED 发光二极管101. LES (LAN Emulation Server) 局域网仿真服务器102. LLC (Logical Link Control) 逻辑链路控制103. MAC (Media Access Control) 介质访问控制104. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 城域网105. MAU (Medium Access Unit) 介质访问单元106. MDF Main Distribution Facility 主配线架107. MIB (Management Information Base) 管理信息库108. Modem 调制解调器109. MPC (Client) MPOA110. MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) 活动图像专家组111. MTBF (Media Time Between Faults) 两次故障间的平均时间112. MTOR (Media Time of Repair) 故障修复所需平均时间113. MTTD (Media Time to Diagnose) 故障诊断所需平均时间114. MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) 最大传输单元115. NAP (Network Access Point) 网络接入点116. NAT (Network Address Translation) 网络地址翻译器117. NCP (Network Control Protocol) Novell NetWare核心协议,网络控制协议118. NCSA 国家计算机安全协会119. NetBEUI NetBIOS增强型用户接口//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客120. netmask 网络掩码121. NEXT 近端串扰122. NFS (Network File System) 网络文件系统123. NIC (Network Information Center),(Network Interface Card) 网络信息中心,网卡124. N-ISDN (Narrowband Integrited Services Digital Network) 窄带ISDN125. NSAP (Network Service Access Point) 网络服务接入点126. NSF (美国)国会科学基金会127. NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) 网络虚拟终端128. OA Office Automatization 办公自动化129. ODBC (Open Database Connection) 开放数据库互连130. ORB (Object REquest Broker) 对象请求代理131. OSF (Open Software Fundation) 开放软件基金会132. OSI (Open System Interconnection) 开放系统互联133. OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) 开放最短路径优先(协议)134. pack 分组135. Packet switching 分组交换136. PAD (packet Assembler Dissmbler) 分组装拆器137. PBX (Private Branch eXchange) 用户电话交换机138. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) 脉冲编码调制139. PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) 个人数字助理//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客140. PDN (Public Data Network) 公用数据网141. PDS Premises Distribution System 建筑物布线系统142. PDU (Protocol Data Unit) 协议数据单元143. PKI 公用密钥基础结构144. PON 无源光纤网145. Port 端口146. PPP (Point to Point Protocol) 点到点协议147. PPTP 点到点隧道协议148. PRI (Primary Rate Interface) ISDN基群速率接口149. PRN (Packet Radio Network) 分组无线网150. PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) 公用电话交换网 151. PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit) 永久虚电路(包括PVPC和PVCC) 152. PVCC (permanent virtual channel connection) 永久虚通道连接 153. PVPC (permanent virtual path connection) 永久虚通路连接 154. QoS (Quality of Service) 服务质量155. RARP (Reverse A ddress Resolution Protlcol) 反向地址解释协议 156. RAS 远程访问服务器157. repeater 中继器158. RFC (Request for Comments) 请求评注159. RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 选路信息协议//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客160. Router 路由器161. RPC (Remote Procedure Call) 远程过程调用162. SAP (Service Access Point) 业务接入点163. SCS Structured Cabling System 结构化布线系统164. SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) 同步数字系列165. SDLC (Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure) 同步数据链路控制(协议)166. SFTP Shielded Foil Twisted Pair 屏蔽金属箔对绞线167. SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol) 串行线路IP168. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 简单邮件传输协议169. SNA (System Network Architecture) 系统网络体系结构170. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 简单网络管理协议 171. SNR (Signal-Noise ratio) 信噪比172. SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) 同步光纤网络173. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) 屏蔽双绞线174. subnet 子网175. subnet mask 子网掩码176. SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit) 交换虚电路177. Switch 交换机178. TC (Transmission Convergence) 传输汇集(子层)179. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制协议//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客180. TCP/IP 传输控制协议/网际协议181. TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) 时分多路复用182. TFTP (Trivial File Transfer protocol) 单纯文件传输协议183. thick 粗缆184. thin 细缆185. TLS 传输层安全186. TO Telecommunications Outlet 信息插座(电信引出端) 187. TP Transition Point 转接点188. TTL (Time To Live) 生存时间189. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) 用户数据报协议190. URL (Universal Resource Locator) 统一资源定位191. USB (Universal Serial Bus) 通用串行总线192. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) 非屏蔽双绞线193. VLAN (Virtual LAN) 虚拟LAN194. VOD (Video on Demand) 点播图像195. VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) 虚拟现实造型语言 196. VTP 虚拟隧道协议197. WAN (Wide Area Network) 广域网198. WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) 波分多路复用 199. WINS Windows Internet名称服务//文章出处:网络技术论坛() 作者:沧浪客200. WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网。



总帐科目总帐科目长文本英文描述(在S_ALR_87012333中导):账目表H001+最大命11101011固定资产成本-土地Cost - Land Use11101012固定资产成本-厂房Cost - Building11101013固定资产成本-工程改良Cost - Leasehold Improvement11101021固定资产成本-机器设备Cost - Plant & Machinery11101022固定资产成本-生产工具设备Cost - Production Tools & Equipment11101023固定资产成本-模具Cost - Molds11101031固定资产成本-家具及装修Cost - Furniture & Fixture11101032固定资产成本-办公室设备Cost - Office Equipment11101033固定资产成本-汽车Cost - Motor Vehicles11101034固定资产成本-电脑设备Cost - Computers11102011固定资产减值准备-土地Impairment - Land Use11102012固定资产减值准备-厂房Impairment - Building11102013固定资产减值准备-工程改良Impairment - Leasehold Improvement11102021固定资产减值准备-机器设备Impairment - Plant & Machinery11102022固定资产减值准备-生产工具仪器I mpairment - Production Tools & Equipment11102023固定资产减值准备-模具Impairment - Molds11102031固定资产减值准备-家具及装修Impairment - Furniture & Fixture11102032固定资产减值准备-办公室设备Impairment - Office Equipment11102033固定资产减值准备-汽车Impairment - Motor Vehicles11102034固定资产减值准备-电脑设备Impairment - Computers11103012固定资产评估-厂房Revaluation – Building11103021固定资产评估-机器设备Revaluation - Plant & Machinery11121011累计折旧-土地Acc Dep - Land Use11121012累计折旧-厂房Acc Dep - Building11121013累计折旧-工程改良Acc Dep - Leasehold Improvement11121021累计折旧-机器设备Acc Dep - Plant & Machinery11121022累计折旧-生产工具设备Acc Dep - Production Tools & Equipment11121023累计折旧-模具Acc Dep - Molds11121031累计折旧-家具及装修Acc Dep - Furniture & Fixture11121032累计折旧-办公室设备Acc Dep - Office Equipment11121033累计折旧-汽车Acc Dep - Motor Vehicles11121034累计折旧-电脑设备Acc Dep - Computers11129000固定资产清理Fixed Asset - Clearing11130010长期待摊费用-工程改良Deferred Assets - Leasehold Improvement11130100长期待摊费用-租入固定资产改良D eferred Assets - Improvement on leased assets11130200长期待摊费用-其他Deferred Assets - Others11130300长期待摊费用-机器及水电安装Deferred Assets - Installation Costs11130400长期待摊费用-电力增容Deferred Assets - Improve Power Supply11130500长期待摊费用-物业改良Deferred Assets - Property Improvement11130600长期待摊费用-综合Deferred Assets - Variance11140010长期待摊费用-待摊费用摊销Deferred Assets - Amortisation11150010预付帐款-固定资产Prepaid Fixed Asset11150020预付帐款-固定资产(新)Prepaid Fixed Asset(new)11210000在建工程Construction in Progress11215000在建工程减值拨备CIP - impairment11220000在建工程-预付装修费CIP - prepaid rennovation expenses 11311100商标Trademark11311150商标减值拨备Trademark - Impairment11321100会籍Membership11321150会籍减值拨备Membership - Impairment11331100土地使用权Land Use Right11400010商誉Goodwill11500010市场证券Marketable Securities11500020可供出售證劵Available-for-sale investment 11505010市场证券减值拨备Marketable Securities - Provision 11600110投资-A Investment in A11600120投资-B Investment in B11600130投资-C Investment in C11600150投资-D Investment in D11605100投资减值拔备-A Provision for investment in A 11605110投资减值准备-B Provision for investment in B 11605120投资减值准备-C Provision for investment in C 11605140投资减值准备-D Provision for investment in D 11700000可售固定资产Asset held for sale12111000现金-美金Cash On Hand - USD12112000现金-港币Cash On Hand - HKD12113000现金-人民币Cash On Hand - RMB12114000现金-葡币Cash On Hand - MOP12115000现金-欧罗Cash On Hand - EUR12116000现金-日圆Cash On Hand - JPY12117000现金-英镑Cash On Hand - GBP12131110银行存款-香港HSBC-美金储蓄户-A USD s/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12131120银行存款-澳门HSBC-美金储蓄户-A USD s/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12131130银行存款-澳门CCB-美金储蓄户-AA USD s/a - CCB (Macau Br) 12131311银行存款-香港HSBC-美金储蓄户-B USD s/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12131321银行存款-澳门HSBC-美金储蓄户-B USD s/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12131411银行存款-CCB-美金储蓄户-DDGDDG USD s/a - CCB(建行)12131511银行存款-CMB-美金储蓄户-KWSZ K WSZ USD s/a - CMB(招商银行) 12131640银行存款-香港HSBC-美金储蓄户-DSWL USD S/A - HSBC (HK) 12131650银行存款-SCB-美金储蓄户-DSWL D SWL USD S/A - SCB12131660银行存款-澳门HSBC-美金储蓄户-DSWL USD S/A - HSBC (MO) 12131710银行存款-SCB-美金定期-BC BC USD S/A-SCB12131711银行存款-香港HSBC-美金储蓄户-IDE USD S/A-HSBC12132110银行存款-香港HSBC-港币储蓄户-A HKD s/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12132120银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币储蓄户-A HKD s/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12132311银行存款-香港HSBC-港币储蓄户-B HKD s/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12132321银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币储蓄户-B HKD s/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12132411银行存款-CCB-港币储蓄户-DDG DDG HKD s/a - CCB12132421银行存款-ICBC-港币储蓄户-DDG D DG HKD s/a - ICBC12132511银行存款-SDB-港币储蓄户-KWSZ K WSZ HKD s/a - SDB12132521银行存款-CMB-港币储蓄户-KWSZ K WSZ HKD s/a - CMB12132660银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币储蓄户-DSWL HKD S/A - HSBC (MO) 12132710银行存款-SCB-港币定期-BC BC HKD S/A-SCB12132711银行存款-香港HSBC-港弊储蓄户-IDE HKD S/A-HSBC12132810银行存款-SCB-港币储蓄户-INT INT HKD S/A-SCB12132811银行存款-SCB-港币储蓄户-KT KT HKD S/A-SCB12132812银行存款-SCB-港币储蓄户-SF SF HKD S/A-SCB12133411银行存款-CCB-人民币储蓄户-DDGDDG RMB s/a - CCB12133421银行存款-ICBC-人民币储蓄户-DDDDG RMB s/a - ICBC12133511银行存款-SDB-人民币储蓄户-KWSKWSZ RMB s/a - SDB12133521银行存款-CMB-人民币储蓄户-KWSKWSZ RMB s/a - CMB12134101银行存款-澳门HSBC-葡币储蓄户-A MOP s/a - HSBC(MacauBr) 12134311银行存款-澳门HSBC-葡币储蓄户-B MOP s/a - HSBC12135111银行存款-香港HSBC-欧罗储蓄户-A EUR s/a - HSBC(HKBr) 12136111银行存款-香港HSBC-日圆储蓄户-A JPY s/a - HSBC(HKBr) 12137311银行存款-香港HSBC-英镑储蓄户-B GBP s/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12137321银行存款-澳门HSBC-英镑储蓄户-B GBP s/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12141110银行存款-香港HSBC-美金结算户-A USD c/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12141231银行存款-CS-美金结算户-CG CG USD c/a - CS12141311银行存款-香港HSBC-美金结算户-B USD c/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12141411银行存款-CCB-美金结算户-DDG DDG USD - CCB12141412銀行存款 香港HSBC-美元結算戶INT USD B/F-HSBC12141650银行存款-SCB-美金结算户-DSWL D SWL USD C/A - SCB12142110银行存款-香港HSBC-港币结算户-A HKD c/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12142120银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币结算户-A HKD c/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12142130银行存款-澳门CCB-港币结算户-AA HKD c/a - CCB (Macau Br) 12142211银行存款-BOC-港币结算户-CG CG HKD c/a - BOC12142212银行存款-BOC(资本金)-港币结算C G HKD c/a (Capital) - BOC 12142214银行存款-BOC(厚街)-港币结算户C G HKD c/a - BOC (Hou Jie Br) 12142221银行存款-ICBC(厚街)-港币结算户CG HKD c/a - ICBC (Hou Jie Br) 12142222银行存款-ICBC-港币结算户-CG CG HKD c/a - ICBC12142231银行存款-CS(厚街)-港币结算户-JGD HKD c/a - CS (Hou Jie Br) 12142232银行存款-CS(厚街)-港币结算户-CG HKD c/a - CS12142233银行存款-BOC-待核查港币结算户C G HKD C/A - BOC (Hou Jie Br) 12142311银行存款-香港HSBC-港币结算户-B HKD c/a - HSBC (HK Br) 12142321银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币结算户-B HKD c/a - HSBC (Macau Br) 12142411银行存款-CCB-港币结算户-DDG DDG HKD c/a - CCB12142412银行存款-CCB(资本金)-港币结算D DG HKD c/a - CCB (Capital) 12142640银行存款-香港HSBC-港币结算户-DSWL HKD C/A - HSBC (HK) 12142650银行存款-SCB-港币结算户-DSWL D SWL HKD C/A - SCB12142660银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币结算户-DSWL HKD C/A - HSBC (MO) 12142710银行存款-SCB-港币结算户-BC BC HKD C/A-SCB12142711银行存款-香港HSBC-港弊-SP SP HKD B/F-HSBC12142712银行存款-香港HSBC-港弊-SP SP HKD B/S-HSBC12142713银行存款-SCB-港币-JIL JIL HKD C/A-SCB12142714银行存款-香港HSBC-港弊结算户-IDE HKD C/A-HSBC12142715銀行存款 - 香港HSBC - 美金 -SP USD B/S - HSBC12142810银行存款-SCB-港币结算户-INT INT HKD C/A-SCB12142811银行存款-SCB-港币结算户-KT KT HKD C/A-SCB12142812银行存款-SCB-港币结算户-SF SF HKD C/A-SCB12142813银行存款-SCB-港币计算户-KA KA HKD C/A-SCB12142814银行存款-香港HSBC-港弊结算户-INT HKD B/F-HSBC12143211银行存款-BOC-人民币结算户-CG C G RMB c/a - BOC12143212银行存款-BOC(虎门)-人民币结算C G RMB c/a - BOC (Hu Men Br) 12143231银行存款-CS(厚街)-人民币结算户CG RMB c/a - CS (Hou Jie Br) 12143232银行存款-ICBC-人民币结算户-CGCG RMB C/A - ICBC12143233银行存款-CS-人民币结算户-LCD L CD RMB C/A-CS12143234银行存款-CMB-人民币结算户-CG12143511银行存款-SDB-人民币结算户-KWSKWSZ RMB c/a - SDB12143521银行存款-CMB-人民币结算户-KWSKWSZ RMB c/a - CMB12144111银行存款-澳门HSBC-葡币结算户-A MOP c/a - HSBC12144121银行存款-澳门CCB-葡币结算户-AA MOP c/a - CCB (Macau Br)12144311银行存款-澳门HSBC-葡币结算户-B MOP c/a - HSBC12145710银行存款-香港HSBC-欧元-SP SP EUR B/F-HSBC12146710银行存款-香港HSBC-日元-SP SP JPY B/F-HSBC12151110银行存款-澳门CCB-美金定期账户A USD Time Deposit - CCB (Macau Br) 12151120银行存款-澳门HSBC-美金定期账户A USD Timel Deposit - HSBC (Macau Br) 12152110银行存款-香港HSBC-港币定期账户A HKD Time Deposit - HSBC (HK Br) 12152120银行存款-澳门HSBC-港币定期账户A HKD F/D - HSBC (Macau Br)12152130银行存款-澳门建行-港币定期账户A HKD F/D - CCB (Macau Br)12152140银行存款-澳门CCB-港币定期账户A HKD Time Deposit - CCB(7 days) 12153211银行存款-BOC-人民币7天定期账户CG RMB Time Deposit (7 days) - BOC 12153212银行存款-ICBC-人民币定期账户-CG RMB Time Deposit - ICBC12153213银行存款-ICBC-人民币7天定期账C G RMB 7 Days Time Deposit - ICBC 12153214银行存款-BOC-人民币6月定期账户CG RMB Time Deposit (6 Months) - BOC 12153215银行存款-CMB-人民币3月定期账户CG RMB Time Deposit - (3 Months)CMB 12153216银行存款-ICBC-人民币定期账户-CG RMB ICBC Time Deposit - (3 months) 12153217银行存款-ICBC-人民币定期账户CG RMB ICBC Time Deposit - (6 months) 12153218银行存款-BOC-人民币定期账户 -CG RMB BOC Time Deposit - (3 months) 12153219银行存款-CS-人民币定期账户 -CG RMB CS Time Deposit - (3 months) 12153220银行存款-CS-人民币定期账户 -CG RMB CS Time Deposit - (6 months) 12153221银行存款-CMB-人民币定期账户 -CG RMB CMB Time Deposit - (6 months) 12153222银行存款-CS(厚街)-人民币定期账LCD RMB Time Deposit - CS (3 months) 12153231银行存款-CS(厚街)-人民币7天定C G RMB Time Deposit - CS (Hou Jie Br) 12153232银行存款-存出投资款-RMB CG RMB short-term investment 12153233银行存款-存出投资款-DDG RMB DDG RMB short-term investment 12153411银行存款-CCB-人民币7天定期账户DDG RMB TD - CCB12153511银行存款-SDB-人民币3月定期账户KWSZ RMB Time Deposit (3 Months) - SDB 12171000银行清理帐户Bank - Clearing12178010银行重估值Bank - Revaluation12200010应收票据Bills Receivable12311000应收账款Accounts Receivable(3rd party)12312000应收账款(一次性)Accounts Receivable(one-time)12313000应收账款-模具订金Account Receivable - Tooling Deposit 12313001应收账款-模具订金Account Receivable - Tooling Deposit 12315000应收贸易账款-预提呆坏帐AR (Trade) - Allowance for doubtful debts 12316000应收贸易账款-调整Account Receivable (Trade) - Adjustment 12317000应收贸易账款-分类Account Receivable (Trade) - Reclassification 12318000应收贸易账款-重估值Account Receivable (Trade) - Revaluation 12321100应收账款-A Account Receivable (A)12321300应收账款-B Account Receivable (B)12326100应收账款-A_调整Account Receivable (A) - Adjustment 12326300应收账款-B-调整Account Receivable (B) - Adjustment 12327100应收账款-A-分类Account Receivable (A) - Reclassification 12327200应收账款-CG-分类Account Receivable (CG) - Reclassification 12327300应收账款-B分类Account Receivable (B) - Reclassification 12328100应收账款-A-重估值Account Receivable (A) - Revaluation 12328300应收账款-B-重估值Account Receivable (B) - Revaluation 12330110应收账款-A-转让定价AR (A) - PRC transfer price billing 12330120应收账款-B-转让定价(报关)AR (B) - PRC transfer price billing(customs) 12330121应收账款-B-转让定价AR (B) - PRC transfer price billing 12330130应收账款-C-转让定价AR (C) - PRC transfer price billing 12330150应收账款-D-转让定价(报关)AR (D) - PRC transfer price billing(customs) 12411000应收非贸易账款AR (Non-Trade)12415000应收非贸易账款-预提呆坏帐AR (Non-Trade) - Allowance for doubtful debts 12416000应收非贸易账款-调整AR (Non-Trade) - Adjustment12417000应收非贸易账款-分类AR (Non-Trade) - Reclassification12418000应收非贸易账款-重估值AR (Non-Trade) - Revaluation12419000其他应收账款Other Receivables12510100原料-主物料RM - Direct Materials12510110原料-塑胶料RM - Plastic Raw Material12510120原料-色粉RM - Colour Powder12510130原料-水口料原材料_水口料12510140原料-胶料RM - Plastic12510150原料-注塑辅助材料RM - Injection Indirect Material12510200原料-包装物品RM - Packaging Materials12510210原料-危险品RM - Dangerous Goods12510220原料-喷油辅助材料RM - Spraying Indirect Material12510230原料-丝印辅助材料RM - Silk Screening Indirect Material 12510300原料-光电-研发物料RM - LCD - RD12510310半成品-光电-研发物料WIP - LCD - RDl12510320包装物-纸箱RM - Paper Box12510330包装物-胶袋RM - Plastic Bag12510410原料-待装配材料RM - Assembly Materials12510420原料-辅料RM - Indirect Materials12510430原料-PC胶片RM - PC12510440原料-五金材料RM - Metal Parts12510450原料-其他RM - Others12510510原料-红铜料RM - Copper12510520原料-钢模料RM - Fixture12510530原料-模胚原材料_模胚12510540原料-模具配件RM - Mould Accessories12510550原料-石墨RM - Stone Ink12510610原料-光电材料-非保税原材料RM - LCD - tax not paid12510620原料-光电材料-保税原材料RM - LCD - tax paid12510630原料-光电材料-五金材料RM - LCD - Metal Parts12510810原料-低值易耗品-品检用品类RM - LV - quality check consumables 12510820原料-低值易耗品-办公用品类RM - LV - office consumables 12510830原料-低值易耗品-生产用品类RM - LV - production consumables 12510840原料-低值易耗品-其他RM - LV consumables - Others 12510850原料-低值易耗品-汽车用品RM - LV - vehicle consumables 12510860原料-低值易耗品-宿舍用品RM - LV - Dometry Consumables 12510900原料-其他Raw Materials - Others12510985原料-调整Raw Materials -Adjusment12510986在途原材料Goods In Transit - RM12515000原材料减值拨备Raw Materials provision12520010半成品WIP12520020在制品(工单)Work In Process (Open Job Order) 12520085半成品-调整WIP - Adjustment12520086在途半成品Goods In Transit - Semi-finished goods 12525000半成品减值拨备WIP - provision12530010库存商品Finished Goods12530020贸易商品Trading Goods12530085库存商品-调整Finished Goods - Adjustment12530086在途库存商品Goods In Transit - Finished Goods 12535000库存商品减值拨备Finished Goods - provision12608140其他应收-检测费Other Receivable - Inspection Fee 12620010支付订金Down Payment12630000临时订金Temporary Payment12641000租赁订金Rental Deposit12642000模具订金Trade Depsosit - Tooling12643000水电订金Utilities Deposit12644000己付订金Deposits Paid12644031己付订金-A Deposits Paid - A12644063己付订金-B Deposits Paid - B12644067其他费用订金Deposit - Other Expenses12644910预付账款-外币评估Deposit Paid-Revaluation12644920预付账款(关联公司)-外币评估Deposit Paid(Affiliation)-Revaluation 12650010预付帐款Prepaid Expenses12650020预付费用-保险金Prepaid Insurance12650311预付费用-其他Prepayments - others12650312预付费用-电话费Prepayments - telephone charges12650321待摊费用-其他Prepayments - to be amortised - Others12650322待摊费用-牌照费Prepayments - to be amortised - Licence Fee 12650323待摊费用-运输费Prepayments - to be amortised - Transportation 12650324待摊费用-财产保险Prepayments - to be amortised - Property Insurance 12650325待摊费用-汽车保险Prepayments - to be amortised - Car Insurance 12650326待摊费用-模房物料Prepayments - to be amortised - Moulding Materials 12650327待摊费用-土地管理费Prepayments - to be amortised - Land Mgt Fee 12650328待摊费用-电话费Prepayments - to be amortised - Telephone Charges 12650329待摊费用-租赁费Prepayments - to be amortised - Rent12650500待摊费用摊销Deferred expenses12660000应交税金-应交增值税VAT recoverable12661000应交税金-应交增值税-进项税额VAT recoverable - purchases12662000应交税金-应交增值税-已交税金VAT recoverable - tax paid12663000应交税金-应交增值税-销项税额VAT recoverable - sales12664000应交税金-应交增值税-出口退税VAT recoverable - export tax refund12665000应交税金-应交增值税-进项税额转VAT recoverable - non-deductible pur VAT 12666000应交税金-未交增值税VAT payable12667000应交税金-应交增值税-转出未交增VAT payable - net12668000应交税金-应交增值税-减免税款VAT payable - deduct and exempt12669000应交税金-应交增值税-出口抵减内VAT payable - Export less Local sales12680011应收租赁费Rent Receivable12680021应收股息Dividend Receivable12680022预提银行利息收入Accrued Interest Income (Bank)12680100其他应收-其他Other Receivable - Others12680110其他应收-临时帐Other Receivable - Temporary12680120其他应收订金Other Receivable - Deposit12680130其他应收-员工Other Receivable - Staff12680140其他应收-检测费Other Receivable - Inspection Fee12680150其他应收-保险基金Other Receivable - Insurance Fund12680160其他应收-保险赔偿Other Receivable - Insurance Claims12701010往来帐-外来账Current Account (3rd party)12702010往来帐-個人账Current Account (3rd party) with Individual 12703010往来帐-预提呆坏帐Curent Account(3rd party) - Provision for bad debt 12708000往来帐-外来账转出Current Account (3rd party) - Revaluation 12713000往来帐-Integrated C/A - Integrated12714000往来帐-A C/A - A12716000往来帐-B C/A - B12719070往来帐-C C/A - C12719080往来帐-D C/A - D12719100往来帐-LCDDG C/A - LCDDG12719800往来帐-关联公司重估值C/A (Intercom) - Revaluation12720010短期借贷Short Term Loan12800000应收所得税Income tax receivable12900000应收递延税Deferred Tax assets14040101材料价格差异Cost Variances of Materials - Price variances 14040102产品成本差异Prod Cost Variances14040103工单结算成本差异Job order variances22100010银行借贷Bank Loan22108000短期借贷-重估值Short Term Borrowings - Revaluation22200010应付票据Bill Payable22310100应付贸易账款-有发票Accounts Payable (Trade) - with invoice 22310200应付贸易账款-物料估值Accounts Payable (Trade) - Materials Revaluation 22310300应付贸易账款-没发票Accounts Payable (Trade) - without invoice 22310301应付贸易账款-没发票Accounts Payable (Trade) - without invoice 22310400应付贸易账款-装修Accounts Payable (Trade) - Renovation22316000应付贸易账款-调整Accounts Payable (Trade) - Adjustment22317000应付贸易账款-分类Accounts Payable (Trade) - Reclassification 22318000应付贸易账款-重估值Accounts Payable (Trade) - Revaluation 22319000应付贸易账款-GR/IR Accounts Payable (Trade) - GR/IR22321000应付账款(A)Accounts Payable (A)22323000应付账款(B)Accounts Payable (B)22326100应付账款(A)-调整Accounts Payable (A) - Adjustment22326300应付账款(B)-调整Accounts Payable (B) - Adjustment22327100应付账款(A)-分类Accounts Payable (A) - Reclassification 22327200应付账款(CG)-分类Accounts Payable (CG) - Reclassification 22327300应付账款(B)-分类Accounts Payable (B) - Reclassification 22328100应付账款(A)-重估值Accounts Payable (A) - Revaluation22328300应付账款(B)-重估值Accounts Payable (B) - Revaluation22330110应付账款-A-转让定价AP (A) - PRC transfer price billing22330120应付账款-B-转让定价(报关)AP (B) - PRC transfer price billing(customs) 22330121应付账款-B-转让定价AP (B) - PRC transfer price billing22330130应付账款-C-转让定价AP (C) - PRC transfer price billing22330150应付账款-D-转让定价(报关)AP (D) - PRC transfer price billing(customs) 22330151应付账款-D-转让定价AP (D) - PRC transfer price billing22411000应付非贸易账款Accounts Payable (Non Trade)22416000应付非贸易账款-调整Accounts Payable (Non Trade) - Adjustment 22417000应付非贸易账款-分类Accounts Payable (Non Trade) - Classification 22418000应付非贸易账款-重估值Accounts Payable (Non Trade) - Revaluation 22610010客户订金Customer deposits (AR)22610020已收客户订金Customer deposits (rec'd)22610030已收客户订金-模具Customer deposits (rec'd) - Tooling22620111应付工资Accrued Payroll22620112应付加班费Accrued Overtime Allowance22620120应付年假补偿Accrued Annual Leave22620130应交个人所得税Accrued Individual Income Tax22620140应付奖金Accrued Bonus22620151应付福利费Accrued Employee Benefits22620152应付劳工公会基金Accrued Labour Union Fund22620153应付伙食费Accrued Messing22620154应付培训费Accrued Training Expenses22620191应付佣金Accrued Staff Commission22620210预提费用-经济补偿金Provision for Compensation22620220预提费用-工人住房公积金Provision for Housing Fund - Labor 22620221预提费用-员工住房公积金Provision for Housing Fund - Staff 22620230预提费用-社保金Provision for Social Insurance 22620240预提费用-奖金Provision for Bonus22620250预提费用-个人所得税Provision for Individual Income Tax 22620260预提费用-董事酬金Provision for director remuneration 22620311应付工资Accrued Payroll22620312应付加班费Accrued Overtime Allowance 22620320应付年假补偿Accrued Annual Leave22620330应交个人所得税Accrued Individual Income Tax 22620340应付奖金Accrued Bonus22620351应付福利费Accrued Employee Benefits 22620352应付劳工公会基金Accrued Labour Union Fund 22620353应付伙食费Accrued Messing22620354应付培训费Accrued Training Expenses 22620391应付佣金Accrued Staff Commission22631100预提费用-电费Accrued Electricity22631200预提费用-水费Accrued Water Charges22631210预提费用-其他Provision for other liabilities 22631220澳门盈余法定储备费Provision for Legal Reserve 22631300预提费用-租赁费Accrued Rent22631400预提费用-差饷费Accrued Rates22631500预提费用-电讯费Accrued Telephone & Communication 22631600预提费用-汽车费用Accrued Motor Vehicle Expenses 22631700预提费用-运输物流费Accrued Logistic Fee22631800预提费用-维修保养费Accrued Repair & Maintenance 22631900预提费用-審计费Accrued Audit Fee22632010预提费用-印花税Accrued Stamp Duty22632011预提费用-劳工分配费Accrued Labour Allocation Fee 22632012预提费用-提围防护费Accrued Embankment Protection Fee 22632013预提费用-房产税Accrued Property Tax22632014预提费用-土地使用费Accrued Land Use Tax22632015预提费用-营业所得税Accrued Business Tax22632016预提费用-车船税Accrued Vehicle & Vessel Tax 22632017预提费用-土地管理费Accrued Land Management Fee 22632018预提费用-其他费用Accrued - Other Expenses22632019预提费用-保险Accrued - Insurance22632020预提费用-城市建设税Accrued VAT - City Contruction 22632022预提费用-法律及专业顾问费Accured legal & professional fee 22632030预提费用-海关税Accrued Customs Duty22632050政府税项支出-其他Govt Tax & Charges - Others 22632060预提暂延税Provision for Withholding Tax 22633100预提费用-电费Accrued Electricity22633200预提费用-水费Accrued Water Charges22633300预提费用-租赁费Accrued Rent22633400预提费用-差饷费Accrued Rates22633500预提费用-电讯费Accrued Telephone & Communication22633600预提费用-汽车费用Accrued Motor Vehicle Expenses22633700预提费用-运输物流费Accrued Logistic Fee22633800预提费用-维修保养费Accrued Repair & Maintenance22633900预提费用-審计费Accrued Audit Fee22634010预提费用-印花税Accrued Stamp Duty22634011预提费用-劳工分配费Accrued Labour Allocation Fee22634012预提费用-提围防护费Accrued Embankment Protection Fee22634013预提费用-房产税Accrued Property Tax22634014预提费用-土地使用费Accrued Land Use Tax22634015预提费用-营业所得税Accrued Business Tax22634016预提费用-车船税Accrued Vehicle & Vessel Tax22634017预提费用-土地管理费Accrued Land Management Fee22634018预提费用-其他费用Accrued - Other Expenses22634019预提费用-保险Accrued - Insurance22634020预提费用-城市建设税Accrued VAT - City Contruction22634022预提费用-法律及专业顾问费Accured legal & professional fee22634030预提费用-海关税Accrued Customs Duty22640010其他应付Other Payables22640040未清客戶收款(没有收到付款细项U nallocated Receipt22640050预收订金Deposit Received22640051己收订金-A Deposit Received - A22640053己收订金-B Deposit Received - B22640058预收账款-外币评估Deposit Received-Revaluation22640059预收账款(关联公司)-外币评估Deposit Received(Affiliation)-Revaluation 22640080应付利息Interest Payable22640320应付账款-订金Other Payables - Deposit22640330应付账款-5SOther Payables - 5 S22640340应付账款-装修Other Payables - Rennovation22640350应付账款-村委Other Payables - Village Committee 22640370应付账款-机器设备Other Payables - Plant & Machinery 22640380应付账款-员工费用Other Payables - Employee22640390应付账款-伙食费扣除Other Payables - Deduction for Messing 22700000应付股息Dividend Payable22800010分期购物Hire Purchase22808000分期购物-重估值Hire Purchase - Revaluation22900010租约Lease22908000租约-重估值Lease - Revaluation23100000应付企业所得税Income Taxs Payable23200000应付递延税Deferred income tax liability31011000共同股份-非国内公司Common Shares (non_PRC company)31012100实收资本(PRC)-CG-YK Additional Paid-in Capital (PRC) - CG - YK 31012200实收资本(PRC)-CC-KA Additional Paid-in Capital (PRC) - CG - KA 31012310实收资本(PRC)-DDG-IIL Additional Paid-in Capital (PRC) - DDG - IIL 31012320实收资本(PRC)-DDG-KA Additional Paid-in Capital (PRC) - DDG - KA 31012400实受资本(PRC)-KWSZ-B Additional Paid-in Capital (PRC) - KWSZ - B31012500实受资本(PRC)-LCD-CG Additional Paid-in Capital (PRC) - LCD - CG 31020000特别储备Contribution surplus/ special reserve31030000ABCD & JK 储备Com. Income (ABCD & C translation reserve) 31040000资本储备Capital Reserve31050000应股权储备Share Option Reserve31060000兑换储备Exchange Reserve31070000少数股权Minority interest31080000可供出售證劵公允值調整Unrealized G/L in oth. comprehensive income 32010000未分配利润Retained Profit41103100销售-出口-注塑Gross Sales -Export 3pty -Injection Moulding 41103200销售-出口-生產制模Gross Sales -Export 3pty -Tooling Mold41103300销售-出口-光电Gross Sales -Export 3pty -LCD41106100销售-出口-电子Gross Sales -Export 3pty -Electronic41106200销售-出口-五金Gross Sales -Export 3pty -Metal41106300销售-出口-分销Gross Sales -Export 3pty -Distribution41106400销售-出口贸易Gross Sales -Export 3pty -Trading41106500销售-出口贸易-模具Gross Sales -Export -Trading - Tooling41153100加工费收入-注塑Sub Contracting Income-Injection Moulding 41153300加工费收入-光电Sub Contracting Income-LCD41156100加工费收入-电子Sub Contracting Income-Electronic41156200加工费收入-五金Sub Contracting Income-Metal41156300加工费收入-分销Sub Contracting Income-Distribution41156600加工费收入-DDG Sub Contracting Income – DDG41173200销售-返修机Sales - Rework41203100销售-内销-注塑Gross Sales -Local - Injection Moulding41203200销售-内销-生產制模Gross Sales -Local -Tooling Mold41203300销售-内销-光电Gross Sales -Local -LCD41206100销售-内销-电子Gross Sales -Local -Electronic41206200销售-内销-五金Gross Sales -Local -Metal41206300销售-内销-分销Gross Sales -Local -Distribution41206400销售-内销-贸易Gross Sales -Local -Trading41303100销售-关联公司-A Gross Sales -InterCo sales to A41306300销售-关联公司-B Gross Sales -InterCo sales to B41403100销售退货-关联公司-A Return Inward -InterCo from A41406300销售退货-关联公司-B Return Inward -InterCo from B41603100销售退货-注塑Return Inward - Injection Moulding41603200销售退货-生產制模Return Inward -Tooling Mold41603300销售退货-光电Return Inward -LCD41606100销售退货-电子Return Inward -Electronic41606200销售退货-五金Return Inward -Metal41606300销售退货-分销Return Inward -Distribution41606400销售退货-贸易Return Inward -Trading41606500销售退货-贸易-模具Return Inward -Trading - Tooling41653100加工费收入退款-注塑Return Inward-Sub Contract Inc.-Injection Moulding 41653300加工费收入退款-光电Return Inward-Sub Contract Inc.-LCD41656100加工费收入退款-电子Return Inward-Sub Contract Inc.-Electronic41656200加工费收入退款-五金Return Inward-Sub Contract Inc.-Metal41656300加工费收入退款-分销Return Inward-Sub Contract Inc.-Distribution 41703100销售折扣-注塑Sales Discount -Injection Moulding41703200销售折扣-生產制模Sales Discount -Tooling Mold41703300销售折扣-光电Sales Discount -LCD41706100销售折扣-电子Sales Discount -Electronic41706200销售折扣-五金Sales Discount -Metal41706300销售折扣-分销Sales Discount -Distribution41706400销售折扣-贸易Sales Discount -Trading41706500销售折扣-贸易-模具Sales Discount -Trading - Tooling41803100销售差价-注塑Sales Px Diff -Injection Moulding41803200销售差价-生產制模Sales Px Diff -Tooling Mold41803300销售差价-光电Sales Px Diff -LCD41806100销售差价-电子Sales Px Diff -Electronic41806200销售差价-五金Sales Px Diff -Metal41806300销售差价-分销Sales Px Diff -Distribution41806400销售差价-贸易Sales Px Diff -Trading41806500销售差价-贸易-模具Sales Px Diff -Trading - Tooling41903100截数调整-注塑Sales Cut off -Injection Moulding41903200截数调整-生產制模Sales Cut off -Tooling Mold41903300截数调整-光电Sales Cut off -LCD41906100截数调整-电子Sales Cut off -Electronic41906200截数调整-五金Sales Cut off -Metal41906300截数调整-分销Sales Cut off -Distribution41906400截数调整-贸易Sales Cut off -Trading41906500截数调整-贸易-模具Sales Cut off -Trading - Tooling41953100截数调整加工费-注塑Sub Contracting Income Cut off-Injection Moulding 41953300截数调整加工费-光电Sub Contracting Income Cut off-LCD41956100截数调整加工费-电子Sub Contracting Income Cut off-Electronic 41956200截数调整加工费-五金Sub Contracting Income Cut off-Metal41956300截数调整加工费-分销Sub Contracting Income Cut off-Distribution 42111100原料-入口RM - Imported42111200原料-内购RM - Local Purchases42111300原料-光电-研发物料-入口RM - LCD - RD - Imported42111400原料-光电-研发物料-内购RM - LCD - RD - Local Purchases42112100半成品-入口WIP - Imported42112200半成品-内购WIP - Local Purchases42112300半成品-光电-研发物料-入口WIP - LCD - RD - Imported42112400半成品-光电-研发物料-内购WIP - LCD - RD - Local Purchases42113100成品-入口FG - Imported42113200成品-内购FG - Local Purchases42115000直接原料-模具Direct Material -Tooling42121000存货减值拨备-原料Provision for NRV - RM42122000存货减值拨备半制成品Provision for NRV - WIP42123000存货跌价准备-库存商品Provision for NRV - FG42130000可抵扣进项税额Deductible VAT against local pur42140000入口关税Import customs duty42151000存货库龄拨备-原料Provision for General aging - RM42152000存货库龄拨备-半制成Provision for General aging - WIP42153000存货账零跌价准备-库存商品Provision for General aging - FG42160000不可抵扣进项税额Non-Deductible pur VAT42171100购货折扣-原料-入口Purchase Discount - RM - Imported42171200购货折扣-原料-内购Purchase Discount - RM - Local Purchases 42172100购货折扣-入口半成品Purchase Discount - WIP - Imported42172200购货折扣-半制成品-内购Purchase Discount - WIP - Local Purchases 42173100购货折扣-入口成品Purchase Discount - FG - Imported42173200购货折扣-内购成品Purchase Discount - FG - Local Purchases 42181100购货退货-入口原料Purchase Return Outward - RM - Imported42181200购货退货-内购原料Purchase Return Outward - RM - Local Purchases 42182100购货退货-入口半成品Purchase Return Outward - WIP - Imported 42182200购货退货-内购半成品Purchase Return Outward - WIP - Local Purchases 42183100购货退货-入口成品Purchase Return Outward - FG - Imported42183200购货退货-内购成品Purchase Return Outward - FG - Local Purchases 42191000从关联公司购入-A InterCo Purchases from A42191100从关联公司购入-A-模具InterCo Purchases from A-Tooling42193000从关联公司购入-B InterCo Purchases from B42199000从其关联公司购入InterCo Purchases from Others42201000购货折扣-A Purchase Discount - InterCo Pur. - A42203000购货折扣-B Purchase Discount - InterCo Pur. - B42209000购货折扣-其他关联公司Purchase Discount - InterCo Pur. - Others 42211000购货退货-A Purchase Return Outward - InterCo Pur. - A 42213000购货退货-B Purchase Return Outward - InterCo Pur. - B 42219000购货退货-其他关联公司Purchase Return Outward - InterCo Pur. - Others 42221000非直接原料-入口Indirect Material -Imported42222000非直接原料-内购Indirect Material -Local purchase42223000非直接原料-关联公司购入Indirect Material -InterCo42224000非直接原料-包装物品-入口Indirect Material - Packaging - Imported 42225000非直接原料-包装物品-内购Indirect Material - Packaging - Local Purchase 42231000购货折扣-非直接原料-入口Purchase Discount - Indirect Mat'l -Imported 42232000购货折扣-非直接原料-内购Purchase Discount - Indirect Mat'l -Local purchase 42233000购货折扣-非直接原料-关联公司Purchase Discount - Indirect Mat'l -InterCo 42241000购货退货-非直接原料-入口Purchase Return Outward - Ind. Mat'l -Imported 42242000购货退货-非直接原料-内购Purchase Return Outward - Ind. Mat'l -Local pur. 42243000购货退货-非直接原料-关联公司Purchase Return Outward - Ind. Mat'l -InterCo 42251000原料-差异RM-Variances42252000原料-光电-研发物料-差异RM-LCD-RD-Variances42253000辅料-差异Indirect Material-Variances42254000包装物-差异Indirect Material-Packaging-Variances42311000外发加工费Sub-contracting charges42411000直接工资-基本工资Labour -Payroll42412000直接工资-加班津贴Labour -Overtime allowance42413000直接工资-奖金Labour -Bonus。



FI (financial-财务会计)应收、应付、总帐、合并、投资、基金、现金等;CO (管理会计)利润及成本中心,产品成本、项目会计、获利分析等;
AM (asset management-资产管理模块)固定资产、技术资产、投资控制等;
SD(sales and distribution-销售与分销)销售计划、询价报价、定单管理、运输发货、发票等;
MM(material management-物料管理)采购、库房管理、库存管理、MRP、供应商评价等;
PP(production planing-生产计划)工厂数据、生产计划、MRP、能力计划、成本核算等;
QM(quality management-品质管理)质量计划、质量检测、质量控制、
PM(plant maintain-工厂维护)维护及检测计划、单据处理、历史数据、
HR(human resources-人力资源)薪资、差旅、工时、招聘、发展计划、
PS (project supervise-项目管理)项目计划、预算、能力计划、资源管理、结果分析等;
WF (work flow-工作流)工作定义、流程管理、电子邮件、信息传送自动化等;
IS (industry solution-行业解决方案)针对不同行业提供特殊应用。

PI SAP与其他系统的集成;

其中:5大基础模块是:PP MM SD FI CO 一般公司都会上此5大模块.。



中文 工廠 庫位/儲存位置 採購組織
採購群組 物料主檔 供應商主檔
備註 Buyer
SAP 名詞
Purchase Requisition 請購單
Request for Quotation
Purchase Order
Release Strategy
SAP 名詞
Consignment Order 託售訂單
Credit/Debit memo
借項/貸項通知單(訂 單)
Return Order
Sales Support & Sales Schedule agreement
中文 信用額度 信用管理 折讓單 跨公司代碼交易 交貨 折舊 折價範圍 折舊預測 折舊執行 分配 文件類型
SAP 名詞 Down Payment Dunning Ex Rate Differences Ex Rate Types Ex Rates Financial Accounting Financial Statement Version Foreign Currency Valuation Fiscal Year Fixed Assets Functional Area
總帳科目 發貨 總帳 收貨/發票接收結清 群組資產 往來銀行 收款 資本投資訂單 內部文件 內部訂單 發票
備註 G/L
SAP 名詞 Low Value Asset Location Lock Mass Reversal Master Data Material Ledger Moving average price Number Ranges Offsetting One-Time Vendors Open Items



1.ERP系统:Enterprise Resource Planning2.MRP系统:Materials Requirement Planning物料需求方案3.APICS:The Association for Operations Management美国生产与库存管理协会4.CRP:Capacity Requirement Planning编制能力需求方案5.MRPII:Manufacturing Resource Planning制造资源方案6.OLAP:On Line Analytical Processing在线分析处理7.eBusiness、eCommerce电子商务8.EDI电子数据交换9.GUI图形用户界面10.C RM:Customer Relationship Management客户关系管理11.E RM:Enterprise Relationship Management企业关系管理12.B PR:Business Process Reengineering工作流程重组13.S CM:Supply Chain Management供给链管理14.e xtended enterprise扩展性企业15.B T-EC电子商务业务工作组16.E TL:抽取〔extraction〕、转换〔transformation〕与装载〔load〕17.O LTP:Online Transaction Process联机事务处理18.D ata Mining数据挖掘:源数据经过清洗与转换等成为适合于挖掘数据集19.D ata Warehouse数据仓库20.D ata Mart数据集市21.s lice〔切片〕dice〔切块〕drill-down与roll up〔钻取〕privot〔旋转〕22.O LAP:联机分析处理23.R OLAP:Relational OLAP24.M OLAP:Multidimensional〔多维〕OLAP25.H OLAP:Hybrid〔混合〕OLAP26.I TIL:IT Infrastructure Library〔IT根底设施库〕27.i tSMF国际IT效劳管理论坛28.I TSM:IT Service Management知识框架体系29.S LA效劳级别协议30.I S audit信息系统审计31.C ISA:Certified Information System Aduitor信息统计审计认证32.I ntelligent Building System Integration智能建筑系统集成33.C omputer Network System Integration计算机网络系统集成34.S ecurity System Integration安防系统集成35.A pplication System Integration应用系统集成36.T hrow-It-Away Prototype抛弃型原型37.E volutionary Prototype进化型原型38.O O:Object Oriented面向对象方法39.d est:Destination Object目标对象40.o p:Operation操作41.P ara:Parameters参数42.U ML:Unified Modeling Language统一建模语言43.C OBIT:Control Objectives for Information and RelatedTechnology IT控制开放标准44.C ISA:Certified Information System Auditor信息系统审计认证45.C BD:Component-Based Development基于构件软件开发46.M VC:Model-View-Controller模型-视图-控制器47.P RC:Remote Procedure Call远程过程调用48.M OM:Message-Oriented Middleware面向消息中间件49.O RB:Object Request Broker对象请求代理50.T PM:Transaction Processing Monitor事务处理监控器51.O TM:Object Transaction Monitor对象事务监控器52.D ata Warehouse:数据仓库53.S OAP:Simple Object Access Protocol简单对象访问协议54.W SDL:Web Services Description Language Web效劳器描述语言55.U DDI:Universal Description Discovery and Integration用于web效劳注册统一描述、发现及集成56.J2EE:Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition57.J NDI:Java命名与目录效劳,提供了统一、无缝标准化名字效劳58.S ervlet:Java Servlet是运行在效劳器上一个小程序,用于提供以构件为根底、独立于平台web应用59.J SP:Java Servletd一种扩展,使创立静态模板与动态内容相结合HTML与XML页面更加容易60.E JB:实现应用中关键业务逻辑,创立基于构件企业级应用程序61.J CA:J2EE链接器架构,提供一种链接不同企业信息平台标准接口62.J DBC:Java数据库链接技术,提供访问数据库标准接口63.J MS:Java消息效劳,提供企业级消息效劳标准接口64.J TA:Java事务编程接口,提供分布事务高级管理标准65.J avaMail:提供与邮件系统接口66.R MI-IIOP:提供给用程序通信接口67.C ommon Language Runtime通用语言运行环境68.B ase Class Library根底类库69.W fMS:Workflow Management System工作流管理系统70.C ORBA:Common Object Request Broker Architecture公共对象请求代理架构71.O MG:Object Management Group对象管理组织72.O MA:Object Management Architecture对象管理架构73.O RB:Object Request Broker对象请求代理74.M AC:Medium Access Control数据链路层介质访问控制75.S AP:Service Advertising Protocol效劳广告协议76.L AN:Local Area Network局域网〔Ethernet以太网TokenKing令牌环网FDDI光纤分布式接口网络ATM异步传输模式网WLAN无线局域网〕77.D WDM:Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing密集波分复用78.C WDM:Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing稀疏波分复用79.W AN:Wide Area Network广域网80.I MP:Interface Message Processing接口信息处理81.A TM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode82.D AS:Direct Attached Storage直接连接存储83.N AS:Network Attached Storage网络连接存储84.S AN:Storage Area Network存储区域网络85.S CSI:Small Copmuter System Interface小型机算计系统接口86.P DAs:Personal Digital Assitants个人数字助理87.W LANs:Wireless Local Area Networks无限局域网络88.W WANs:Wireless Wide Area Networks无线广域网络89.W MANs:Wireless Matropolis Area Networks无线城域网络90.W PANs:Wireless Personal Area Networks无线个人网络91.D SL:Digital Subscriber Loop数字用户环路92.P DS:Premises Distribution System综合布线系统93.S MART原那么:Specific〔具体〕、Measurable〔可测量〕、Agreeto〔需相关方一致统一〕、Realistic〔现实〕、Time-oriented〔有一定时限〕94.G IS:Geographic Information System地理信息系统95.W BS:Work Breakdown Stracture工作分解构造96.I SO:International Organigation for standardigation国际标准化组织97.C PM:Critical Path Method关键路经法98.P ERT:Program Evaluation and Review Technique方案评审技术99.I PMA:International Public Management Association国际工程管理协会100.ICB:IPMA Competence Baseline国际工程管理资质标准101.IPMP:International Project Management Professional 国际工程管理专业资质认证102.PMP:Project Management Professional工程管理专业人员资格认证,对参加PMP认证学院资格要求与IPMAC级相当103.PMI:Project Management Institute美国工程管理学会104.PMO:Project Management Office工程管理办公室105.RUP:Rational Unified Process软件统一过程106.PDCA:Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle107.WBS:Work Breakdown Structure工作分解构造108.OBS:Organization Breakdown Structure组织分解构造109.RBS:Resolution Breakdown Structure资源分解构造110.SOW:工程工作说明书111.PMIS:Project Management Information System工程管理信息系统112.CM:Configuration Management配置管理113.PMIS工程管理信息系统114.PDM:Precedence Diagramming Method前导图法115.CPM:Critical Path Method关键路径法116.AON:Active On the Node单代号网络图法117.ADM:Arrow Diagramming Method箭线图法118.紧前事件:Precede event119.紧随事件:successor event120.虚活动dummy activity121.会计科目表Chart of Accounts122.本钱偏差CV进度偏差SV123.进度执行〔绩效〕指数SPI〔Schedule Performance Index〕本钱执行〔绩效〕指数CPI〔Cost Performance Index〕124.方案值Ptanned Value,PV125.实际本钱Actual cost,AC126.完成尚需估算Estimate Completian,ETC127.BAC工程总预算128.质量控制循环PDCA:Plan-Do-Check-Action〔方案-实施-检查-行动〕129.TQM:Total-Quality Management全面质量管理130.PPM:Parts per million每百万坏品率131.SW-CMM〔简称CMMI〕:Capability Maturity Model for Software软件能力成熟度模型132.SPCA:Software Process and Capability Maturity Assessment软件过程及能力成熟度评估133.QFD:Quality Function Deployment质量功能展开134.PDPC:Process Decision Program Chart过程决策程序图法135.DPU:Defects Per Unit单位产品缺陷136.DPMO:Defects Per Million Opportunities 每百万次运作所存在缺陷137.PDPC:Process Decision Program Chart过程决策程序图138.RAM:Responsibility Allocation Matrix任务分配矩阵或责任分配矩阵139.SOW:工作说明书140.RFP:Request For Proposal方案邀请书141.RFQ:Request For Quoting报价邀请书142.RFI:Request For Information征求供给商意见书143.IFB:Invitation for Bid投标邀请书B:Change Control Board变更管理委员会145.CMO:配置管理员146.MTBF:Mean Time Between Failure平均故障间隔时间147.SEI:美国软件工程研究所148.风险管理过程主要分成风险识别〔Identify〕、风险分析〔Analyze〕、风险方案〔Plan〕、风险跟踪〔Track〕、风险控制〔Control〕与风险管理沟通〔Communicate〕6个环节。



SAP专业英语Words(总12650)Chinese Remark(foreign) exchange gain 汇兑收益 SAP (foreign) exchange loss 汇兑损失 SAP (investment) support allocation lis 投资分配表 SAP (investment) support allocation yea 投资分配年度 SAP13 period accounting 13会计期 4-4-5 period accounting 4-4-5 期间会计 Aabap/4 cluster database abap/4 簇式数据库 SAP abap/4 code abap/4 代码 SAP abap/4 data type abap/4 数据类型 SAP abap/4 development workbench abap/4 开发工作台SAP abap/4 dictionary abap/4 词典 SAP abap/4 dictionary information syste abap/4 词典信息系统SAP abap/4 key word abap/4 关键词SAP abap/4 module pool abap/4 模块存储SAP abap/4 native sql abap/4 内含式sql SAP abap/4 open sql abap/4 开放式 sql SAP abap/4 parameter abap/4 参数 SAP abap/4 program abap/4 程序SAP abap/4 query abap/4 查询 SAP abap/4 report abap/4 报告SAP abap/4 repository abap/4 资源库SAP abap/4 repository information syste abap/4 资源库信息系统SAP abap/4 select option abap/4 选择项 SAP abap/4 variable abap/4 变量 SAP abc analysis ABC分析SAP abc usage summary (inv220) ABC用途汇总abc usage summary report ABC用途汇总报表abnormal (value,data) 异常(值,数据)abnormal end 非正常结束SAP abnormal termination 非正常终止SAP abort 异常退出 absolute total commitments 绝对贷款承诺总额SAP absolute value 绝对值 absorb 吸收 absorb forecast 吸收法预测 absorption 吸收作用 absorption of forecasts 预测的吸收法acc. to 依照SAP accelerated cost recovery system 加速成本回收系统accelerated depreciation 加速折旧 accept 验收,接收 acceptance dates 验收日期 acceptance test 认可性测试 SAP access 存取 SAP access authorization 访问授权 SAP access character 存取字符 SAP access depth 访问深度SAP access directions 存取范围 access number 存取编号 SAP access path 访问路径 SAP access protection 访问保护 SAP access rate 访问速率 SAP access routine 存取例程 SAP access sequence 访问顺序 SAP access sequences 存取顺序 SAP access to 访问SAP accessible 可用存取的 accompanying sheet 附表SAP accord 约定 according to product 根据产品而定 account 科目 account allocation 科目归集 SAP account assignment 科目设置 SAP account assignment category 科目设置类型 SAP account assignment element 科目确定元素SAP account assignment elements 科目确定元素 SAP account assignment group 科目设置组 SAP account balance 科目余额SAP account balance inquiry 科目余额查询account balance interest calculatio 帐户余额计息SAP account category 帐户类别SAPaccount changes 帐户更改 SAPaccount code structure 科目代码结构 account codes 科目代码account comparison 帐户比较 SAP account control indicator 科目管理标记 SAPaccount data 科目数据account definition 科目定义account definition inquiry 科目定义查询 account definition listing 科目定义显示account definition maintenance 科目定义维护account definition program (gld103)科目定义程序 account description 科目描述 account details 帐户明细 SAP account determination 科目确定SAP account determination key 科目确定码SAP account determination procedure 科目确定过程SAP account determination type 科目确定类型 SAP account group 帐户组 SAP account group info 科目组信息 SAP account groups and number ranges 科目组及号码范围SAP account hierarchy 科目结构 account holder 银行户主SAP account inquiry (acr300) 科目查询 account life 科目有效期SAP account lookup 科目查找 account lookup display(screen gld38科目查找显示 account lookup program (gld381) 科目查找程序 account maintenance 帐户维护 SAP account management 帐户管理SAP account master load program (gld080科目主程序装入程序 account no. 科目号 account number 科目号 account number segment 科目号分隔account number sequence 科目号顺序account payable 应付帐SAP account reading 科目输入 account receivable 应收帐 SAP account reconciliation 对帐SAP account record type 科目记录类型 account relationship 科目间关系 account security level 科目保密级别 account statement 帐面清单 SAP account statement entry 对帐单分录SAP account summarization 科目汇总 account symbol 帐户符号SAP account total 科目总计account type 帐户种类SAP account type life 帐户种类有效期SAP accounting 会计,记帐方法accounting and production control p 会计与生产控制目的 accounting area 会计主体SAP accounting bases 会计基础 accounting document 会计凭证SAP accounting period 会计期段 accounting period group ofcontrols 会计期段控制组 accounting period inquiry 会计期段查询accounting projection 会计预测accounting purposes 会计用途accounting transaction 会计业务SAP accounting year inquiry 会计年查询 accounts payable 应付帐SAPaccounts payable applications contr 应付帐应用控制程序accounts payable bank reconciliatio 应付帐银行调节文件 accounts payable code 应付帐代码 accounts payable file (aph) 应付帐文件accounts payable g/l distribution f 应付帐总帐分摊文件 accounts payable g/l distribution f 应付帐总帐分摊文件accounts payable guide 应付帐款指南 accounts payable liability 应付帐负债 accounts payable line file (apl) 应付帐明细文件 accounts payable payment file (amh)应付帐付款文件 accounts payable payment line file 应付帐付款明细文件 accounts payable product 应付帐产品应付帐调节文件 accounts payable reconciliation fil应付帐报告 accounts payable report应付帐报表 accounts payable statement应付帐已付税款金额文件 accounts payable tax amount paid fi 应付帐税款历史文件 accounts payable tax history file (应付帐事务 accounts payable transactions应付帐/维护 accounts payable/maintenance应付帐接口 accounts payablt interface科目单选钮 accounts radio button应收帐SAP accounts receivable依销售员列应收帐帐龄 accounts receivable aging by salesp应收帐余额 accounts receivable balance应收帐现金与摘要过帐 accounts receivable cash and memo p 应收帐文档 accounts receivable document应收帐文件 accounts receivable file应收帐期间结算 accounts receivable period colse应收帐处理 accounts receivable processing应收帐产品 accounts receivable productaccounts receivable run instruction应收帐运行指令应收帐目表 accounts receivable statement应收帐试算表 accounts receivable trial balance帐目报表 accounts statementSAPx12信贷标准委员会 accredited standards committee x12 SAP accrual应计应计帐目 accrual account应计金额 accrual amount待摊和预提SAP accrual and deferral应计与回转 accrual and reversalSAP accrual billing document应计开票单据应计日期 accrual dateaccrual intervalSAP应计间隔SAP accrual period应计期间应计利润中心 accrual profit center应计利润中心/科目代码组 accrual profit certer/account code 应计回转 accrual reversal应计回转日期 accrual reversal date应计回转标志值 accrual reversal flag valueSAP待摊/预提凭证 accrual/deferral documentSAP待摊/预提记帐 accrual/deferral postingSAP应计项目科目 accruals accountSAP accruals and deferrals account待摊/预提科目应计 accrueSAP生息 accrue (interest)SAP预提费用和递延收益 accrued expense and deferred income SAP应计收益 accrued incomeSAP应计项目 accrued item应计负债科目 accrued liability accountaccrued liability account amount应计负债科目金额应计负债科目代码 accrued liability account code应计负债科目总计 accrued liability account totalSAP科目组/科目号码acct groups/numbers累计 accumulateaccumulate year-to-date checkbox年累计检查框累计余额审计线索SAP accumulated balance audit trailSAP累计折旧 accumulated depreciationSAP accumulated depreciation account累计折旧科目累计折旧确认 accumulated depreciation ackowledge 累计储备 accumulated reserveSAP accumulated yearly payments年付款总额科目累计 accumulation of accounts总额累计 accumulation of totalsaccurate and timely inventory balan精确及时库存余额 acdess关键弱点 achilles' heelSAP收函建议 acknowledgement adviceSAP acknowledgement request收函请求确认 ackowledge (to)确认注释 ackowledgement noticeSAP购置和生产成本 acquisition and production costs SAP购置清单 acquisition listSAP购置税 acquisition taxSAP acquisition tax credacquisition tax credSAP acquisition tax deb.acquisition tax deb.全面的 across the board作用 action作用 action bar活动栏目 action bucket活动图 action chart活动代码 action code活动代码 action codes作用列次 action column作用图 action diagramming动作索引SAP action index作用信息 action messageSAP行为过程 action procedureSAP作用语句 action statementSAP激活 activateSAP激活一字段 activate a fieldSAP激活接近 activate accessesSAP激活全部 activate all有效期间SAP activate periodSAP活动管理器 activation administrator SAP活动标志 activation flagSAP活动类型 activation type有效,现用 activeactive component有效组件活动的控制指示器SAP active control indicator用作日期 active date有效的文件 active file有效(现用)成份 active ingredient有效项目凭证输入 active item journal entry 有效材料分配 active material allocations 现用工序 active operationactive potency component有效能力组件有效产品 active product现用报价 active quoteSAP活动版本 active versionSAP活动窗口 active windowSAP作业 activitiesSAP activity作业SAP作业类型 activity categorySAP作业元素 activity elementSAP作业元素 activity elements活动标志 activity flagSAP作业量输入 activity input活动制造 activity manufacturingSAP作业量输出 activity outputSAP activity price作业工资作业工资计算SAP activity price computationSAP活动原因 activity reason作业记录SAP activity recordingSAP作业类型 activity typeSAP作业/操作记录 activity/operation number 实际的 actual实际的转换系数 actual conversion factor 实际成本 actual cost实际成本数据 actual cost data数据成本累加(滚动) actual cost roll-up 数据成本系统 actual cost system实际成本总计 actual cost total实际成本差异数据 actual cost variance data SAP actual costs实际成本数据盘点数据 actual count data数据事务发生的日期 actual date of the transaction SAP actual dates实际日期数据折扣 actual discountSAP实际文件 actual document数据下载 actual download数据场所/项目成本 actual facility/item costs实际输入 actual input实际发票输入 actual invoice entry (acp500)实际项目成本 actual item cost实际人工成本 actual labor costs实际生产活动 actual manufacturing activitiesactual output实际输出实际输出小时数 actual output hoursactual percentage discount实际百分比折扣实际价格 actual price实际价格总计 actual price total实际生产/采购决策 actual production/purchasing decisi 实际发放/到期日 actual releas/due dateSAP actual route实际途径实际产出率 actual run rate实际车间成本 actual shop floor cost实际统计单选钮 actual statistic radio button实际税率 actual tax rate实际与预算值之比 actual to buget valuesactual value实际值实际值 actualsSAP adapt适配添加 add-on增入库存 add into inventoryadd maintenance mode增加维护模式增加模式 add mode增加按钮 add pushbuttonaddendum附录SAP补充科目设置 additional account assignment SAP其它数据 additional data附加说明文字 additional description text SAP附加字段 additional fieldsSAP additional information附加信息附加行项查找 additional line items lookup 附加注释文本行 additional note text line SAP附加税 additional tax附加时间SAP additional timeSAP附加值(CAP) additional value (cap)SAP additional value days附加值天数添加常量 additive constantSAP地址递归 addr. recursivenessSAP定址 addressSAP地址管理 address administrationSAP地址块 address block地址数据SAP address dataSAP反转路由地址 address for reverse routing地址行 address lineSAP地址表 address listSAP address space地址空间地址明细 address specificsSAP寻址方式 addressing modeSAP adjust缩放比例向下调整 adjust downward批量平衡作业调整标志 adjust during batch balancing flag 调整库存(到) adjust inventoty (to)调整至 adjust toadjust tolerance days调整允差天数向上调整 adjust upwardSAP adjusted standard cost estimate调整的标准成本估算调整因素 adjusting agent调整输入 adjusting entry调整量 adjustment调整字段 adjustment fieldSAP年度盈余修正 adjustment to net income for the peSAP未分配利润 adjustment to net income for the peSAP adjustment to retained earnings未分配利润调整库存调整 adjustment to stock管理块SAP administration blockSAP administrative data管理数据管理时间 administrative time采纳SAP adopt先进 advanceSAP advance correction高级纠错SAP advance payment预付款高等流程工业 advanced process industries高等流程工业运行指令 advanced process industries instruc 高等流程工业主菜单 advanced process industries main me 高等流程工业产品 advanced process industries productSAP程序通讯的高级程序 advanced program to program communi 高级培训 advanced training高级培训课程 advanced training class反向的,相反的 adverseadvertising campaignSAP广告运动SAP广告材料 advertising materialSAPadw 位置adw position影响 affectaffect inventory or sales对库存或销售的影响影响在检采购定单量 affect p.o. quantity in inspection影响接收 affect receiptsaffect resupply order影响补库定单SAP影响净收益的 affecting net income协作 affiliate帐龄 age应收帐帐龄 age (v.) receivables帐龄 age (verb)发票帐龄 age of an invoiceaged payables应付款帐帐龄应付款帐帐龄分析表 aged payables report (acp210)试算表帐龄 aged trial balanceaggrebate inventory values总体库存值SAP集合关系类型 aggregating relationship type进取性预测 aggressive forcast帐龄 aging帐龄天数 aging days帐龄期间 aging period按公司帐龄分析表 aging report by company (acr410)按销售员帐龄分析表 aging report by salesperson (acr430 应付帐帐龄分析表 aging report payables (acp210)协议 agreementSAP协议编号 agreement numberSAP agreement type协议类型工段 aisleSAP警告监控器alert monitorSAP警告类型alert type代数关系 algebraic relationshipSAP对准码 alignment keySAP所有合并的公司all companies to be consolidatedall sales areas所有销售部门可分配的关系 allocatable可分配的仓库 allocatable warehouseSAP分配 allocateSAP物料组件分配 allocate material componentSAP allocate production resource/tool生产资源/工具分配按发票分配 allocate to invoices已分配的及已定货量 allocated and on-order quantities 已分配的客户定单行 allocated customer order line分配 allocation分配(物品的) allocation (of articles)分配(成本的) allocation (of costs)分配调整程序 allocation adjustment programSAP分摊基值 allocation base分摊原则SAP allocation concept分配数据 allocation data分配日期 allocation date分配明细 allocation detailallocation detail report分配明细报表分配标志 allocation flag由库存分配 allocation from inventoryallocation group分摊组SAP allocation indicator分配标记分配逻辑 allocation logic分配量置换 allocation overrides分配程序 allocation program库存分配 allocations of inventorySAP允许 allow允许过帐标志 allow post flag津贴 allowance允许工资 allowance wageSAP允许值 allowed valuesSAP允许体积 allowed volumeSAP允许重量 allowed weight按字母顺序的 alpha-sequenced客户名单查询 alpha customer look-up (acr310) 按字母顺序查找键 alpha look-up keyalpha look-up name按字母顺序查找名字母顺序 alpha order按字母顺序检索 alpha search按字母顺序检索键 alpha search key按字母顺序 alphabetic sequence字母数字的 alphanumeric字母数字代码 alphanumeric code字母数字极限 alphanumeric extreme字母数字字段SAP alphanumeric field字母数字或数字极限 alphanumeric or numeric extreme 改变,修改 alter替代项目 alternate item替代项目描述 alternate item description替代项目清单 alternate item list替代项目维护 alternate item maintence替代项目号 alternate item number替代项目打印 alternate item print替代项目屏幕 alternate item screen替换工序 alternate operation替换供应商 alternate vendor替换供应商号 alternate vendor number替代SAP alternative替代顺序SAP alternative sequencesSAP替代计量单位 alternative units of measure备选会计科目表SAP alternative chart of accountsSAP替代确定 alternative determination代用最低税 alternative minumum taxSAP替换模式 alternative mode替代付款人SAP alternative payerSAP替代顺序 alternative sequence代用直接方式 alternative straight method SAP项目代用物 alternative to itemSAP代用计量单位 alternative unit (of measure) SAP代用计量单位 alternative unit of measure SAP替代 alternatives修改 amend可修改的字段 amendable fields修改 amendmentSAP无形资产摊销 amortization of intangible assets SAP amount金额可用额 amount available金额极限 amount break到期金额 amount due输入金额 amount entered现有金额 amount on hand已定货金额 amount ordered逾期金额 amount outstanding逾期金额 amount override已付金额 amount paid金额预测 amount projectionsSAP退款金额 amount refunded余额 amount remainingamount selected选择的金额金额汇总 amount summarySAP amount to合计成本金额 amount to cost金额允差范围 amount tolerance filter金额类型 amount type金额差异 amount varianceSAP amount weighted by index指数加权金额负债金额 amountliability每个期段金额 amounts per period analysis of discount taken已获折扣的分析潜力分析SAP analysis of potentialSAP竞争分析 analysis of the competitionSAP分析期间 analysis period分析报表 analysis report分析需求 analysis requirements分析工作 analysis work分析预算数据上载 analyst buget data upload SAPand 运算and operation宣布 annonce宣布,布告,告示 annoncement发布日期 annoncement dateannual amount每年金额年度费用 annual feeannual inventory quantity 年库存量annual report 年度报告SAP annual rule 年度规则 SAP annual sales 年销售额 SAP annual sales (batch input) 年销售额(批输入) SAP annual tax return 年度纳税申报 SAPannualize 年度化 ansi asc x12 ansi asc x12 SAPanticipate 预计 anticipated discount 预计折扣 any range(s) of companies 任何公司范围api item master API 项目主文件api maintenance program API 维护程序append 附加append structure append 结构 SAPappending 附加appendix 附录application-wide 应用范围application-wide default 应用范围缺省值application 应用SAP application area list 应用区域列表 SAP application area symbol 应用区域符号 SAP application areas 应用区域SAP application backlog 应用延迟 application code 应用代码application control 应用控制 application control file 应用控制文件application control listing 应用控制清单application control maintenance 应用控制维护 application control parameter 应用控制参数 application control program 应用控制程序 application data 应用数据SAP application date 应用日期 application development 应用开发 application development backlog 应用开发延迟 application document 应用文件SAP application files 应用文件 application filter 应用程序过滤器 SAP application icon 应用图标 SAP application id 应用id SAP application identification code 应用标志码SAP application interfaces 应用接口 application layer 应用层SAP application level 应用级别 SAP application logic 应用逻辑 SAP application menu 应用菜单 SAP application of overhead 一般费用分摊 SAP application program 应用程序 SAP application program interface 应用程序接口SAP application reference 应用参考SAP application server 应用服务器SAP application set 应用集 application software 应用软件SAP application specification cloning application test 应用测试 SAP application toolbar 应用工具条 SAP applications 应用 SAP applications programmer 应用程序员SAP apply 应用,施加,申请,提供 apply a credit memo 采用待项冲帐 apply a debit memo 采用借项冲帐 apply against apply costs 申请费用 SAP apportionment number 分摊数SAP appropriate 适当的 appropriate command key 适当命令键 appropriate processing option 适当处理选择 appropriation of net income 净利润分配 SAP approximate calculation 估算SAP architecture 结构 archive 归档SAP archive (verb) 归档 archive document id 档案文件id SAP SAP档案id archive id归档标号 archive lableSAP光学档案 archive, opticalSAParchivelog 模式 archivelog mode档案 archives (noun)SAP存档日期 archiving dateSAP存档时间 archiving time异步存档SAP archiving, asynchronousSAP联机存档 archiving, onlineSAP同步存档 archiving, synchronousSAP区菜单area menuSAP责任范围area of responsibilitySAP area of validity有效范围指定查询项 argument指定查询项/过滤屏幕 argument/filter screen指定查询项/过滤选择屏幕 argument/filter selection screen 算术操作SAP arithmetic operationSAP算术寄存器 arithmetic registerSAP运算器 arithmetic unit数组,行列 array数组偏置 array offset欠款,拖欠 arrearagearrival sequence到达顺序SAP arrival time到达时间箭头键 arrow keySAP箭头键 arrow keys按适当的 as appropriateSAP分析as is analysisAS/400 as/400AS/400 服务器 as/400 serverAS/400服务器文件 as/400 server filesAS/400系统接口安装程序 as/400 system interface instalation AS/400 网络软件 as/netAS/400 CASE 软件 as/set升序 ascending numeric sequenceascending orderSAP升序 ascoli piceno SAPSAP汇编,编译 assemble, compileSAP assemble-to-order订单装配按定单组装的公司 assemble-to-order company按定单组装的项目 assemble-to-order item装配 assemble装配采集 assembled collectionSAP全局汇编器 assembler globalSAP装配 assembliesSAP assembly装配装配件 assembly item装配线 assembly line汇编表SAP assembly list装配件号 assembly number装配顺序 assembly orderSAP装配一览表 assembly overview装配零件清单 assembly parts list装配废品SAP assembly scrap估价 assessSAP assessed value估计价值估价 assessmentSAP分摊成本要素 assessment cost element 资产 assetSAP资产科目 asset accountSAP资产会计 asset accountingSAP资产购置 asset acquisitionSAP资产利用率 asset capacity usageSAP资产目录 asset catalog资产分类SAP asset classSAP资产分类目录 asset class catalog资产成本基准 asset cost basisSAP上年结转资产数 asset data from previous years 会计年度资产变化SAP asset fiscal year changeSAP固定资产接收 asset goods receipt资产组别SAP asset group资产的历史数据SAP asset historySAP asset history sheet资产一览表asset life资产寿命资产行项目SAP asset line itemSAP资产项目清单 asset listSAP资产管理 asset management资产主文件维护 asset master maintenance SAP资产订购单 asset purchase order资产报废 asset retirement资产转移SAP asset transferSAP资产种类 asset typeSAP在建资产 asset under construction SAP资产起用日 asset value dateSAP asset view资产总览SAP资产年终结算 asset year-end closing 资产与负债 assets & liabilitiesSAP资产目录 assets directory分配、赋值SAP assignSAP赋值 assign a valueSAP赋值 assign valuesSAP分配的 assignedSAP分配 assigningSAP指定新键 assigning new keySAP分配 assignmentSAP归类控制 assignment controlSAP assignment rule分配规则SAP分配表 assignment tableSAP assignment transaction分配事务相关 associate相关的 associated相关佣金代码 associated commission code 关联指定代码SAP association assigned code假设 assum假设 assumption星号 asteriskasterisk border星号边线异步传送SAP asynchronous transmission在后来的时间 at a later time在开发票时 at billing time在数据输入时 at data entry timeat final assembly order release tim在总装定单发放时在发票输入时 at invoice time在定单输入时 at order entry timeSAP在运行时间at run-time在车间定单发放时 at shop order release time 在标准 at standard在此阶段 at this stage在2层(级) at two levels可供销售量累计 atp accumulated可供销售量查询程序 atp inquiry program可供销售量查询屏幕 atp inquiry screen可签合同量SAPatp quantity附加 attachSAP attach manager附加管理器附加至 attach to (to)附加至 Attn 键 attach to attention key附加模式 attached mode附加模式单选钮 attached mode radio button 附加到主机对话框 attaching to host dialog box Attn 键 attention key属性 attributeSAP属性特征 attribute feature查账,审计 audit查账调整 audit adjustment查账清单 audit listing查账日志 audit log查账菜单 audit menu查账期间 audit period查账报表 audit report审计过帐报表 audit report of postingsSAP audit trail查帐索引查账线索报表 audit trail report审计目的 auditing purposes审计员 auditor增加 augmentauthor作者减免的原因SAP authority for exemptionSAP授权 authorizationSAP授权管理者 authorization administrator 授权人 authorization bodySAP授权检查 authorization checkSAP授权等级 authorization class授权代码SAP authorization codeSAP授权组成 authorization component SAP authorization concept授权原则授权日期 authorization date授权字段SAP authorization fieldSAP授权组 authorization groupSAP授权信息 authorization information授权名称 authorization name授权号 authorization numberSAP授权对象 authorization object授权委托途径SAP authorization pathSAP授权描述文件 authorization profile授权追踪SAP authorization trace授权 authorize授权明细报表 authorize detail report授权执行功能 authorized to perform (function) authorized to run (procedure)授权运行程序自动分摊科目 auto-distribution account自动过帐 auto postSAP automatic account determination科目自动确定自动容器需求计算 automatic container need calcuation 自动成本估算SAP automatic cost estimate自动信用检查 automatic credit checkSAP automatic data transfer自动数据传输自动分摊 automatic distribution自动总帐应收帐款分摊 automatic general ledger distributi 自动批分配 automatic lot allocation自动产生邮编码 automatic p.o. number generation自动过帐 automatic postingautomatic posting from billing从票据处理自动过帐自动定价 automatic pricingSAP automatic reorder point planning自动的再订货点计划自动检索 automatic retrieval自动回转 automatic reversal自动计时 automatic time-stamping自动低于运行计划调整 automatic under run planning adjust 自动过完帐 automaticlly postedSAP汽车部件供应行业 automobile component supplier indus 辅加科目 auxiliary accountauxiliary fileSAP辅助文件SAP辅助函数 auxiliary functionSAP辅助程序 auxiliary programSAP availability可用量SAP可用量核查 availability checkSAP availability control可支配资金控制可用日期 availability dates可供销售量计算 available-to-promise calculation可供销售量查询 available-to-promise inquiry有效 availableSAP可支配金额 available amount可用能力SAP available capacitySAP available choice有效选择有效日期 available date可用绩效评估 available performance measures 可供销售货量 available to promise (atp)SAP求平均 average平均/小时 average /hour平均成本 average costs平均日需求量 average daily requirement平均效率 average efficiency平均小时基准 average hourly basis平均发票天数 average invoice days平均发票数量 average invoice size平均支付天数 average payment days average quantity平均量SAP average rate平均汇率average sales平均小时量 avil閟 seaport SAP待实验室检查 awaiting lab checkB信誉折扣 b/b discount (bill back)B/N b/n期后分摊 back-end allocation期后分摊文件 back-end allocation file期后分摊标识 back-end allocation identiferback-end allocation listing期后分摊清单期后分摊维护 back-end allocation maintenance期后分摊维护程序 back-end allocation maintenance pro 期后分摊主文件 back-end allocation master file期后分摊处理 back-end allocation processing期后分摊处理程序 back-end allocation processing prog 逾期定单代码 back-order code备份(到) back-up (to)备份拷贝 back-up copy逾期定单 back orderSAP back up备份SAP税收追索 backdated tax calculationSAP backflush倒冲反冲 backflush (as verb)反冲事务 backflush transaction反冲 backflushing反冲能力 backflushing capabilitySAP background job后台作业后台处理SAP background processingSAP后台处理系统 background processing system未交付订单SAP backlogSAP未交订货-计算 backlog calculationSAP backlog is dispatched未交付订单被处理储备(积累) backlon储备金额 backlon amount(储备)积压问题 backlon problem拖欠订单SAP backorder逾期定单标志 backorder flagSAP backorder handling拖欠订单处理SAP拖欠订单处理 backorder processing逾期定单状态 backorder status逾期定单 backorderingSAP backorders拖欠订单备份 backupSAP backup copy备份磁盘备份 backup diskette模拟备份 backup simulation (for630)SAP倒序消耗 backward consumptionSAP倒序排产计划 backward scheduling倒排/顺排 backward/forward lot tracing screen 倒排计划 backward-schedule倒推批跟踪 backward lot trace倒推跟踪 backward trace倒排批跟踪能力 backwards lot traceability 现金 bacs (cash)坏帐 bad debts坏原材料 bad raw materialbadge标记标记阅读器 badge card readers标记号 badge nobalance audit trailSAP余额审计线索SAP余额结转 balance carried forwardSAP余额稽查 balance checkSAP balance confirmation余额确认结帐询问SAP balance inquirySAP结帐通知 balance notification结算请求SAP balance requestSAP资产负债表 balance sheetSAP资产负债表科目 balance sheet account SAP资产负债表调整 balance sheet adjustmentSAP balance sheet change资产负债表变动SAP资产负债表 - 税务目的 balance sheet for tax purposesSAP balance sheet item资产负债表的项目SAP balance sheet value资产负债表总计balance/net indicator余额/净指标移下页结转余额 balance-forward余额 balance (inventory)balance (verb)平衡科目余额 balance account分类帐余额簿 balance books库存余额 balance inventory失去平衡 balance out余额数量 balance quantity资产负债表兑换率 balance sheet exchange rate资产负债表比率 balance sheet rate资产负债表比率类型 balance sheet rate type余额为零 balance to zero余额跟踪 balance trial平衡按 balanced by平衡帐簿集 balanced set of booksban银行往来帐 bank account银行往来帐代码 bank account code银行往来帐主文件维护 bank account master maintenance (ac银行往来帐号 bank account numberbank billSAP银行票据分行 bank branchbank branch maintenance银行分行维护银行买入价SAP bank buying rate银行手续费与利率费用科目 bank charge and interest expense ac银行手续费用 bank charge expense银行手续费用科目 bank charge expense accont银行手续费发出 bank charge issuedSAP银行手续费 bank charges银行手续费与/或印花税 bank charges and/or stamp taxes银行代码 bank codebank code/branch银行代码/分行银行托收法SAP bank collection procedureSAP银行数据... bank data...SAP bank details银行帐户SAP bank direct debiting procedure银行直接借记法银行费用 bank expense到其他程序的银行信息 bank information to other programSAP银行关键字 bank key银行主文件 bank master (acp140)SAP bank master data银行主记录银行主文件清单 bank master listing银行主文件维护 bank master maintenanceSAP银行代号 bank number银行调节文件 bank reconciliation fileSAP bank selling rate银行卖出价银行对帐单,银行月结单 bank statement银行对帐单过帐 bank statement posting (acp710)银行对帐单程序 bank statement posting program (acp 银行转帐 bank transferbar-coder pick list条形码领料单条线图 bar chart条线图屏幕 bar chart screenSAP条形码bar code条线图 bar graph条线图汇总 bar graph summaries模条图分割 bar segment条形码阅读器 barcoderSAP基本计量单位 base unit of measure基于 base (for)。



601 description 说明701 combined transport 联合运输602 discrete 离散702 commodity inspection 进出口商品检验603 ergonomics 工效学(人类工程学)703 competitive edge 竞争优势604 facility 设备、功能704 container 集装箱605 feature 基本组件/特征件705 container transport 集装箱运输606 forecast 预测706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补充系数607 freight 运费707 core competence 核心才能608 holidays 例假日708 cross docking 直接换装609 implement 实施709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值610 ingredient 配料、成分710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销611 inquire 查询711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户服务和支持612 inventory 库存712 Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表613 item 物料项目713 customized logistics 定制物流614 job 作业714 customs declaration 报关615 Kanban 看板715 cycle stock 经常库存616 level 层次(级)716 data cleansing 数据整理617 load 负荷717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持618 locate 定位718 data level integration 数据层集成619 logistics 后勤保障体系;物流管理719 data transformation 数据转换620 lot 批次720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议621 option 可选件721 distribution 配送622 outstanding 逾期未付722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤623 overhead 制造费用723 distribution center 配送中心624 override 覆盖724 distribution logistics 销售物流625 overtime 加班725 distribution processing 流通加工626 parent 双亲(文件)726 distribution requirements 分销量627 part 零件727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划628 phantom 虚拟件728 door-to-door 门到门629 plant 工厂,场所729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输630 preference 优先权730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术631 priority 优先权(级)731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反应632 procurement 采购732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务633 prototyping 原形测试733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务634 queue 队列734 Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板635 quota 任务额,报价735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统636 receipt 收款、收据736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发637 regeneration 全重排法737 embedding 插入638 remittance 汇款738 employee category 员工分类639 requisition 请购单739 empowerment 授权640 returned 退货740 engineering change effect work order 工程变更生效单641 roll 滚动741 environmental logistics 绿色物流642 routing 工艺线路742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)643 schedule 计划表743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库644 shipment 发运量744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩展资源计划645 ship-to 交货地745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售646 shortage 短缺746 franchising 加盟连销权647 shrink 损耗747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货648 spread 分摊748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理649 statement 报表749 goods collection 集货650 subassembly 子装配件750 goods shed 料棚651 supplier 供应商751 goods shelf 货架652 transaction 事务处理752 goods stack 货垛653 what-if 如果怎样-将会怎样753 goods yard 货场654754 handing/carrying 搬运755 high performance organization 高绩效组织655 post-deduct inventory transaction processing 后减库存处理法756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站656 pre-deduct inventory transaction processing 前减库存处理法757 inside sales 内部销售657 generally accepted manufacturing practices 通用生产管理原则758 inspection 检验658 direct-deduct inventory transaction processing直接增减库存处理法659 Pareto Principle 帕拉图原理759 intangible loss 无形消耗660 Drum-buffer-rope 鼓点-缓冲-绳子760 internal logistics 企业物流661761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理663 Open Database Connectivity 开放数据库互连762 international logistics 国际物流664 Production Planning 生产规划编制763 invasive integration 侵入性集成665 Work in Process 在制品764 joint distribution 共同配送765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流666 accelerated cost recovery system 快速成本回收制度667 accounting information system 会计信息系统766 KM Knowledge Management 知识管理668 acceptable quality kevel 可接受质量水平767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户管理768 learning organization 学习型组织669 constant purchasing power accounting 不买够买力会计670 break-even analysis 保本分析769 LCL less than container load 拼装货671 book value 帐面价值770 load balancing 负载平衡672 cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析771 loading and unloading 装载673 chief financial office 财务总监772 logistics activity 物流活动674 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆系数773 logistics alliance 物流联盟675 degree of operating leverage 经济杠杆系数774 logistics center 物流中心676 first-in , first-out 先进先出法775 logistics cost 物流成本677 economic lot size 经济批量776 logistics cost control 物流成本管理678 first-in ,still-here 后进先出法777 logistics documents 物流单证679 full pegging 完全跟踪778 logistics enterprise 物流企业680 linear programming 线性规划779 logistics information 物流信息681 management by objective 目标管理780 logistics management 物流管理682 value engineering 价值工程781 logistics modulus 物流模数683 zero based budgeting 零基预算782 logistics network 物流网络783 logistics operation 物流作业684 CAQ computer aided quality assurance 计算机辅助质量保证784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资源计划685 DBMS database management system 数据库管理系统686 IP Internet Protocol 网际协议785 logistics strategy 物流战略786 logistics strategy management 物流战略管理687 TCP Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议689787 logistics technology 物流技术690 API Advanced Process Industry 高级流程工业788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造执行系统789 mass customization 大规模定制691 A2A Application to Application 应用到应用(集成)692 article 物品790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值693 article reserves 物品存储791 neutral packing 中性包装694 assembly order 装配订单792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统695 balance-on-hand-inventory 现有库存余额793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成696 bar code 条形码794 order picking 拣选697 boned warehouse 保税仓库795 outsourcing 外包796 package/packaging 包装698 CPA Capacity Requirements Planning 能力需求计划699 change management 变革管理797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装700 chill space 冷藏区798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800 personalization 个性化801 PTF Planning time fence 计划时界802 POS Point Of Sells 电子收款机803 priority queuing 优先排队804 PBX Private Branch Exchange 专用分组交换机805 production logistics 生产物流806 publish/subscribe 发布/订阅807 quality of working life 工作生活品质808 Quick Response 快速反映809 receiving space 收货区810 REPs Representatives 代表或业务员811 return logistics 回收物流812 ROI Return On Investment 投资回报率813 RM Risk Management 风险管理814 sales package 销售包装815 scalability 可扩充性816 shipping space 发货区817 situational leadership 情境领导818 six sigma 六个标准差819 sorting/stacking 分拣/堆拣820 stereoscopic warehouse 立体仓库821 storage 保管822 stored procedure 存储过程823 storehouse 库房824 storing 储存825 SRM Supplier Relationship Management 供应商关系管理826 tangible loss 有形消耗827 team building 团队建立828 TEM Technology-enabled Marketing 技术辅助式营销829 TES Technology-enabled Selling 技术辅助式销售830 TSR TeleSales Service Representative 销售服务代表831 TPL Third-Part Logistics 第三方物流832 through transport 直达运输833 unit loading and unloading 单元装卸834 Value Management 价值管理835 value-added logistics service 增值物流服务836 Value-chain integration 价值链集成837 VMI Vender Managed Inventory 卖方主导型库存管理/供应商管理仓库838 virtual logistics 虚拟物流839 virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库840 vision 远景管理841 volume pricing model 批量定价模型842 warehouse 仓库843 waste material logistics 废弃物物流844 workflow management 工作流管理845 zero latency 零等待846 ZLE Zero Latency Enterprise 零等待企业847 ZLP Zero Latency Process 零等待过程848 zero-inventory technology 零库存技术。

SAP 专业英语

SAP 专业英语

distribution file (apg)
accounts payable guide
accounts payable liability
accounts payable line file (apl) 应付帐明细文件
accounts payable payment file
account inquiry (acr300)
account life
account lookup
account lookup display(screen
account lookup proons
accounts receivable statement 应收帐目表
accounts receivable trial
accounts statement
accredited standards committee
abnormal (value,data)
abnormal end
abnormal termination
absolute total commitments
absolute value
absorb forecast

SAP总览(英文版)(pdf 72页)

SAP总览(英文版)(pdf 72页)

Slide 1of 50 Lesson PurposeThe purpose of this lesson is to give you an overview of SAP R/3 and its installation. SAP R/3 is introducedas an example of state of the art enterprise software.For a description of how to navigate within these lessons, select Lesson Navigation.Authored by: Roger Hayen© Central Michigan Univeristy and/or © SAP America, Inc.All rights reserved.Slide 2of 50 Lesson TopicsThis lesson consists of the following main topics:q Introduction to Enterprise Softwareq Business Process Reengineeringq Core Business Processes - the common business applicationsq Information Requirements - relationship to transaction processingq Client/Server Architecture - 3 tier designq Customization - the implementation of SAP R/3q SAP Market Factors - The SAP leadership positionFor additional information about SAP R/3, you may access SAP R/3 Online Help at any time. A separatebrowser window will open for your use in accessing the SAP R/3 Online Help. You may use the OnlineHelp in exploring the various features of the SAP R/3 System beyond the information presented in theselessons.Authored by: Roger Hayen© Central Michigan University and/or © SAP America, Inc. All rights reserved.SAP R/3 Online HelpSlide 3 of 50Lesson ObjectivesUpon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:qDescribe the highlights of the functionality of the SAP R/3 system. q Describe the scope of core business processes.q Recognize how SAP R/3 can support diverse business processes. qDescribe customizationAuthored by: Roger Hayen© Central Michigan University and/or © SAP America, Inc.All rights reserved.SAP R/3 Online HelpSlide 4of 50 Today’s ChallengeOrganizations need to examine their current suite of information systems to determine if they are effectiveand efficient in supporting their core business processes, and that those processes are also effective andefficient. A new information systems deployed with the latest graphical user interface provides littleimprovement if the new system merely supports the old ways of doing business. That is, the software is state-of-the-art, but the business practice is “horse and buggy.”Another view of this is one definition of INSANITY:"Doing the same thing that you have always done and getting different results."That is, you cannot expect that using the same old business practices with new software will providesignificant, overall improvements in a company's business processes.Authored by: Roger Hayen© Central Michigan University and/or © SAP America, Inc. All rights reserved.SAP R/3 Online HelpBusiness EnvironmentSlide 5of 50 Business EnvironmentOther change factors include:q reduce billing timeq better manage cashq plan and allocate resourcesq respond to changing marketsq shifts in consumer demandq corporate consolidationsq government regulationsThe impact of these changes include:q reorganization of the way a company operatesq need for new dynamic, information systems to support these changesq need to quickly implement new business processes and their supporting information systems.。





1. Material number: 物料号码。


2. Vendor: 供应商。


3. Customer: 客户。


4. Sales order: 销售订单。


5. Purchase order: 采购订单。


6. Invoice: 发票。


7. Payment terms: 付款条件。


8. Production order: 生产订单。


9. BOM (Bill of Materials): 物料清单。


10. Routing: 工艺路线。





存货跌价准备-产成品跌价准备 分期收款发出商品 待摊费用 长期股权投资 长期债权投资 长期投资减值准备 固定资产-房屋及建筑物 固定资产-机器设备 固定资产-运输设备 固定资产-电子设备 固定资产-外购软件 固定资产-其他办公设备 累计折旧-房屋及建筑物 累计折旧-机器设备 累计折旧-运输设备 累计折旧-电子设备 累计折旧-外购软件 累计折旧-其他办公设备 累计摊销-无形资产摊销 低值易耗品摊销 固定资产减值准备 固定资产-预付定金 工程物资 在建工程 在建工程-预付定金 在建工程-预付清算 在建工程减值准备 固定资产清理 无形资产-土地使用权 无形资产 无形资产-商标 无形资产-软件 无形资产-专利 无形资产减值准备 未确认融资费用 长期待摊费用-开办费 待处理财产损益-流动资产 待处理财产损益-固定资产 固定资产购置结算 没有订单的收货 短期借款-CNY-店口工行 短期借款-USD-店口中行 应付票据-银行承兑汇票 应付票据-商业承兑汇票 应付票据-评估调整 应付账款-国内 应付账款-国外-usd 应付账款-国外-HKD 应付账款-国外-EUR 应付账款-暂估 应付账款-评估调整 预收账款-单位 预收账款-个人 预收账款-评估调整 应付职工薪酬-工资 应付职工薪酬-福利费 应交税金-增值税-进项税额 应交税金-增值税-已交税金 应交税金-增值税-转出未交增值税 应交税金-增值税-减免税款
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SAP术语表汇编(英文版)(doc 6页)

SAP术语表汇编(英文版)(doc 6页)

SAP术语表汇编(英文版)(doc 6页)SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing)GlossaryInformation Technology has many key words and SAP R/3 has introduced many others. In order to understand the field of SAP even better you should keep those terms in mind.ALE (Application Link Enabling)It provides integration for separate R/3 systems, keeping full interaction. This makes possible distributed enterprise applications.Application serverThe application server is used to run the business application programs in the R/3 client/server concept. The application modules are loaded from the data base server to the application server as required. Thus the application server requires only storage capacity to accommodate UNIX, Swapping and the SAP runtime environment.Batch InputA technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background interfaces. It pretends to be someone typing. See also direct input.CATT (Computer Aided Test Tool) It allows you to combine and automate sequences of repeatable transactions in test procedures. CATT reduces the number of manual tests, and forces you to test systematically, defining input values and expected test results.CCMS (Computer Center Management System)It allows you to monitor, control and configure your R/3 system. This toolset lets you analyze and distribute client workloads and report on resource consumption for system components.Central SystemIn an R/3 central system, both application and data base software are run on one computer.ClientIn commercial, organizational and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 system with separate master records and its own set of tables.Client/Server SystemClient/server systems are structured modularly, with components working in a sender/receiver relationship. Software components can also be used in a client/server relationship. Communication ServerDispatcherThe system R/3 agent that identifies the type of task (on-line, update, batch, etc.) and sends the job to an idle work process.EarlyWatchIt is a service that entails having your R/3 installation regularly inspected by SAP employees, in other to ensure high system availability and high data throughput at all time.EthernetIt is a LAN architecture using bus topology. The transmission speed is 10 MBit/s.FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interchange)It is a local high-speed network with ring topology based on light wave conductors. The transmission speed is 100 MBit/s.Field statusIndicator that specifies whether a field can take an entry in the entry screen or if it must be filled.FirewallIt is a means of controlling access through a public network to a private network.FTP (File Transfer Protocol)It is the most commonly used file transmission protocol of the TCP/IP protocol family.GUI (Graphic User Interface)A graphical interface used by SAP environment as part of the three tiers. It is normally called user frontend.IDES (International Demonstration and Education System) It is a model of an international firm. It is a separate demonstration and education system for speeding up the pilot process. IMG (Implementation Management Guide) It is a hierarchical structure that reflects the R/3 component hierarchy and contains every configuration activity. Released from version 3.0 onwards. Instance It means application server and each one has its own set of work processes.IDoc (Intermediate Document)An IDoc is a data container for data exchange between SAP systems or between an SAP system and an external system.ITS (Internet Transaction Server)It links the R/3 application server with one or more Web servers, thus enabling the R/3 to communicate with the Internet.KernelIt means a standard core previously configured. A set of default parameters delivered with the system.LAN (Local Area Network)It is a network for a a tightly limited area with high level data transmission performance. Common LANs include Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI. These LANs support different transport protocols, such as TCP/IP and IPX.MatchcodeA tool for finding specific records. It is made up of search terms. It is used to find possible entries for an input field.Number rangeA range of numbers that are laid down per file for the assignment of document numbers. It can be internal (carried out automatically by the system) or external (carried out manually by the user). OLEIt is a technique introduced by Microsoft to incorporate objects of one application into another.OSS (Online Service System)SAP's Online Service System offers fast and effective help for R/3 System problems. It is also the basic element of communications between customers, partners, and SAP.RepairIt contains all the objects that a developer has changed but the originals of the objects are located in another system.RFCA way to implement communication between application programs via Abap/4 function call.SemaphoresWhen a work process locks a resource, it sets a semaphore. Another work process that also wants to access it must then wait.SysIDA set of three letters or number that identify a system. Some sets are not allowed because they are used by SAP. They are informed when the system is installed.TCP/IPIt is the most widely used transport protocol for open systems. R/3 clients and servers communicate using TCP/IP.TelnetIt provides terminal access to hosts using TCP/IP protocol. It is a well-known command among System Administrators.Token RingIt is a LAN architecture with ring topology. The transmission speed is 4 MBit/s or 16 MBit/s. This involves a 'free token' which circles the loop picking up transmissions. The receiver station places a confirmation bit into the busy token. As soon as the busy token reaches the sender station again, it is converted back to a free token and sent on to the next station.TransportIt is a request to transport objects from the software development environment, identified as the source system, to the specified target system.WAN (Wide Area Networks)They are normally operated either by the telephone company or by private companies that offer leased lines, switched lines or packet lines.Work processWork processes perform the bulk of the processing carried out by SAP systems. They perform dialog steps in user transactions and carry out updates, lock management, printing services, and so on.WorkbenchThe ABAP/4 Workbench, a graphical programming environment, is used to create application programs. The programming tools are accessed using buttons, dialogs and windows.WorkflowIt consists of time and logical sequence of work items, which are processed by human agents or mechanical processing units.X.25It is a standardized network access protocol for the packet switching network. The maximum transmission speed is 64 KBit/s.。



1.PSE -Process Systems Enterprises Inc2.PSE - PROCESS SAFETY EVENT3.BSW -is the percentage of basic sediment and water. 4.WCT - Well Control Team5.ESD - EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN6.PSD - PRODUCTION SHUTDOWN7.PSD- Production Skills Development8.PSD- PROCESS SHUTDOWN9.PSD- Public Security Directorate10.S AP - Safety Action Plan /安全调整计划,安全行动计划。

11.S AP-System Application Products / 系统应用程序12.O DP - Overall Development Program /综合开发程序13.O DP - Overall Development Plan /综合开发计划,综合发展计划。

14.E IA - Environmental Impact Analysis /环境影响分析(环评,环境影响评估)15.E IA-environment impact assessment report/ 环境影响评估报告(环评报告)16.N C - Non Conformance /不符合,不一致17.N GP/Number of revolution gas producer . N-指转数之意18.G VF-Gas Volume Fraction / (天然气)体积分数, 体积分率, 容积率19.G VF-Gas Void Fraction / (天然气)空隙组分20.B OPD-Barrels Oil Per Day21.22.R T/Runing tool/ 送入或下入工具 (钻井用词)23.P RAC—preliminary risk assessment checklist/预风险评估检查表24.T DR/ Time-Depth Recorder25.T WCV-two way check valve/被压阀(钻井用词)26.E UE tbg-external upset enhance./ 外加厚油管27.E C reactor plates/ 新STU用词28.P BU-pressure build up/建立压力29.M L/ multi-lateral /多支,分支(井之意)30.D E-Defect Elimination/消除缺陷(不足,故障)31.B V-Fair weather (嘉航,丝索和救生艇检验)32.C OOBC / 通讯公司33.Q POC(QDOP )/ 青岛太平洋(康菲的承包商)34.B WPD / barrels water per day /35.I CC-incident command / 事故指挥(OIM)36.H azop—hazard operability/ 危险与可操作性37.E RP- emergency response plan/ 应急反应计划38.I CS- incident command system / 事故管理体系39.I AP/incident action plans 事故(件)行动(反应)计划40.M OME-management of major emergencies/重大应急管理382.LBS-load breaker switch/383.MSDS-material safety data sheet / 材料安全数据表384.CDR-component defect report / 结构缺陷报告385.HLO-helicopter landing officer/(直升机)接机员386.GOR- gas oil rate/油气比387.PFD-process flow diagram / 工艺流程图388.PID-piping &instrument diagram / 管线设备图389.STU-sanitary treatment unit/卫生处理装置,生活污水处理装置,大便处理装置390.FRP- fiberglass reinforced plastics / 玻璃纤维管391.SCBA-self contained breathing apparatus/392.TRR-total recordable rate、全部可记录率,总的可记录率,所有可记录率。



思培词汇表思培词汇表(Vocabulary of SAP) 是一个涵盖了SAP软件及相关领域的词汇集合。



一、SAP软件概述1. SAP软件:SAP软件是由SAP公司开发的一套企业管理软件系统,旨在帮助企业提高效率和管理能力。

2. ERP:企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)是一种集成管理软件,SAP是其中最著名的品牌之一。

3. SAP系统:SAP系统是基于ERP概念构建的一套软件系统,用于协调企业内部各个部门的工作流程和资源管理。

二、SAP模块1. FI:财务会计(Financial Accounting)模块管理企业的财务和会计活动。

2. CO:控制会计(Controlling)模块用于管理企业的成本和利润中心。

3. MM:物料管理(Materials Management)模块负责企业的采购和库存管理。

4. SD:销售与分销(Sales and Distribution)模块管理企业的销售和分销业务。

5. HR:人力资源(Human Resources)模块用于管理企业的员工信息和人力资源流程。

6. PP:生产计划与控制(Production Planning and Control)模块负责企业的生产计划和控制。

7. PM:设备管理(Plant Maintenance)模块管理企业的设备维护和保养。

8. PS:项目系统(Project System)模块用于管理企业的项目计划和执行。

9. QM:质量管理(Quality Management)模块负责企业的质量控制和检测。

10. ABAP:高级商务应用编程语言(Advanced Business Application Programming)是SAP的编程语言,用于开发和定制SAP系统。

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Words(总12650)Chinese Remark汇兑收益 SAP (foreign) exchange gain汇兑损失 SAP (foreign) exchange loss投资分配表 SAP (investment) support allocation lis投资分配年度 SAP (investment) support allocation yea13会计期 13 period accounting4-4-5 period accounting4-4-5 期间会计 Aabap/4 簇式数据库 SAP abap/4 cluster databaseSAPabap/4 代码 abap/4 codeSAP abap/4 data typeabap/4 数据类型abap/4 开发工作台 SAP abap/4 development workbenchSAPabap/4 词典 abap/4 dictionaryabap/4 词典信息系统 SAP abap/4 dictionary information systeSAP abap/4 key wordabap/4 关键词abap/4 模块存储SAP abap/4 module poolSAPabap/4 内含式 sql abap/4 native sqlabap/4 开放式 sqlSAP abap/4 open sqlabap/4 参数SAP abap/4 parameterSAPabap/4 程序 abap/4 programabap/4 查询SAP abap/4 querySAPabap/4 报告 abap/4 reportSAP abap/4 repositoryabap/4 资源库abap/4 资源库信息系统 SAP abap/4 repository information systeabap/4 选择项SAP abap/4 select optionSAPabap/4 变量 abap/4 variableSAPabc analysisABC分析ABC用途汇总 abc usage summary (inv220)ABC用途汇总报表 abc usage summary report异常(值,数据) abnormal (value,data)非正常结束 SAP abnormal end非正常终止 SAP abnormal terminationabort异常退出绝对贷款承诺总额 SAP absolute total commitments绝对值 absolute valueabsorb吸收吸收法预测 absorb forecast吸收作用 absorptionabsorption of forecasts预测的吸收法SAP acc. to依照加速成本回收系统 accelerated cost recovery system加速折旧 accelerated depreciation验收,接收 accept验收日期 acceptance dates认可性测试 SAP acceptance testSAP access存取访问授权 SAP access authorization存取字符 SAP access character访问深度 SAP access depth存取范围 access directions存取编号 SAP access numberaccess path访问路径 SAP访问保护 SAP access protection访问速率 SAP access rate存取例程 SAP access routine访问顺序 SAP access sequenceaccess sequences存取顺序 SAP访问SAP access to可用存取的 accessibleSAP附表 accompanying sheet约定 accord根据产品而定 according to product科目 account科目归集 SAP account allocation科目设置 SAP account assignment科目设置类型 SAP account assignment category科目确定元素 SAP account assignment element科目确定元素 SAP account assignment elements科目设置组 SAP account assignment group科目余额 SAP account balance科目余额查询 account balance inquiryaccount balance interest calculatio帐户余额计息 SAP帐户类别 SAP account category帐户类别参考 SAP account category reference帐户更改 SAP account changes科目代码结构 account code structure科目代码 account codes帐户比较 SAP account comparison科目管理标记 SAP account control indicator科目数据 account data科目定义 account definition科目定义查询 account definition inquiry科目定义显示 account definition listingaccount definition maintenance科目定义维护科目定义程序 account definition program (gld103)科目描述 account descriptionaccount details帐户明细 SAP科目确定 SAP account determination科目确定码 SAP account determination key科目确定过程 SAP account determination procedure科目确定类型 SAP account determination typeSAP account group帐户组科目组信息 SAP account group info科目组及号码范围 SAP account groups and number ranges科目结构 account hierarchy银行户主 SAP account holder科目查询 account inquiry (acr300)科目有效期 SAP account life科目查找 account lookup科目查找显示 account lookup display(screen gld38科目查找程序 account lookup program (gld381)account maintenance帐户维护 SAP帐户管理 SAP account management科目主程序装入程序 account master load program (gld080account no.科目号科目号 account number科目号分隔 account number segment科目号顺序 account number sequenceSAP account payable应付帐科目输入 account reading应收帐SAP account receivableSAP account reconciliation对帐科目记录类型 account record type科目间关系 account relationship科目保密级别 account security level帐面清单 SAP account statement对帐单分录 SAP account statement entry科目汇总 account summarization帐户符号 SAP account symbol科目总计 account total帐户种类 SAP account type帐户种类有效期 SAP account type life会计,记帐方法 accountingaccounting and production control p会计与生产控制目的会计主体 SAP accounting area会计基础 accounting basesaccounting document会计凭证 SAP会计期段 accounting periodaccounting period group of controls会计期段控制组会计期段查询 accounting period inquiry会计预测 accounting projectionaccounting purposes会计用途会计业务 SAP accounting transactionaccounting year inquiry会计年查询SAP应付帐 accounts payable应付帐应用控制程序 accounts payable applications contr应付帐银行调节文件 accounts payable bank reconciliatio应付帐代码 accounts payable code应付帐文件 accounts payable file (aph)应付帐总帐分摊文件 accounts payable g/l distribution f应付帐总帐分摊文件 accounts payable g/l distribution f应付帐款指南 accounts payable guide应付帐负债 accounts payable liability应付帐明细文件 accounts payable line file (apl)应付帐付款文件 accounts payable payment file (amh)应付帐付款明细文件 accounts payable payment line file应付帐产品 accounts payable product应付帐调节 accounts payable reconciliation应付帐调节文件 accounts payable reconciliation fil应付帐报告 accounts payable report应付帐报表 accounts payable statement应付帐已付税款金额文件 accounts payable tax amount paid fi应付帐税款历史文件 accounts payable tax history file (应付帐事务 accounts payable transactions应付帐/维护 accounts payable/maintenance应付帐接口 accounts payablt interfaceaccounts radio button科目单选钮SAP应收帐 accounts receivable依销售员列应收帐帐龄 accounts receivable aging by salesp应收帐余额 accounts receivable balance应收帐现金与摘要过帐 accounts receivable cash and memo p应收帐文档 accounts receivable document应收帐文件 accounts receivable file应收帐期间结算 accounts receivable period colse应收帐处理 accounts receivable processingaccounts receivable product应收帐产品应收帐运行指令 accounts receivable run instruction应收帐目表 accounts receivable statementaccounts receivable trial balance应收帐试算表帐目报表 accounts statementaccredited standards committee x12x12信贷标准委员会 SAPSAP应计 accrual应计帐目 accrual account应计金额 accrual amountaccrual and deferral待摊和预提 SAP应计与回转 accrual and reversal应计开票单据 SAP accrual billing documentaccrual date应计日期应计间隔 SAP accrual interval应计期间 SAP accrual period应计利润中心 accrual profit center应计利润中心/科目代码组 accrual profit certer/account code应计回转 accrual reversalaccrual reversal date应计回转日期应计回转标志值 accrual reversal flag value待摊/预提凭证 SAP accrual/deferral documentaccrual/deferral posting待摊/预提记帐 SAP应计项目科目 SAP accruals account待摊/预提科目 SAP accruals and deferrals account应计 accrueSAP生息 accrue (interest)预提费用和递延收益 SAP accrued expense and deferred incomeaccrued income应计收益 SAP应计项目 SAP accrued item应计负债科目 accrued liability account应计负债科目金额 accrued liability account amount应计负债科目代码 accrued liability account code应计负债科目总计 accrued liability account total科目组/科目号码 SAP acct groups/numbers累计 accumulate年累计检查框 accumulate year-to-date checkbox累计余额审计线索 SAP accumulated balance audit trail累计折旧 SAP accumulated depreciation累计折旧科目 SAP accumulated depreciation account累计折旧确认 accumulated depreciation ackowledge累计储备 accumulated reserve年付款总额 SAP accumulated yearly payments科目累计 accumulation of accounts总额累计 accumulation of totals精确及时库存余额 accurate and timely inventory balanacdess关键弱点 achilles' heel收函建议 SAP acknowledgement advice收函请求 SAP acknowledgement request确认 ackowledge (to)确认注释 ackowledgement notice购置和生产成本 SAP acquisition and production costs购置清单 SAP acquisition listSAP acquisition tax购置税acquisition tax credSAPacquisition tax credSAP acquisition tax deb.acquisition tax deb.购置年份 SAP acquisition year全面的 across the board作用 action作用 action bar活动栏目 action bucket活动图 action chart活动代码 action codeaction codes活动代码作用列次 action column作用图 action diagrammingaction index动作索引 SAP作用信息 action message行为过程 SAP action procedure作用语句 SAP action statementSAP激活 activate激活一字段 SAP activate a field激活接近 SAP activate accesses激活全部 SAP activate all有效期间 SAP activate period活动管理器 SAP activation administrator活动标志 SAP activation flag活动类型 SAP activation type有效,现用 active有效组件 active component活动的控制指示器 SAP active control indicator用作日期 active dateactive file有效的文件有效(现用)成份 active ingredient有效项目凭证输入 active item journal entryactive material allocations有效材料分配现用工序 active operation有效能力组件 active potency component有效产品 active product现用报价 active quote活动版本 SAP active versionactive window活动窗口 SAPSAP作业 activitiesSAP activity作业作业类型 SAP activity category作业元素 SAP activity element作业元素 SAP activity elements活动标志 activity flag作业量输入 SAP activity input活动制造 activity manufacturingactivity output作业量输出 SAP作业工资 SAP activity price作业工资计算 SAP activity price computationactivity reason活动原因 SAP作业记录 SAP activity recording作业类型 SAP activity type作业/操作记录 SAP activity/operation number实际的 actual实际的转换系数 actual conversion factoractual cost实际成本实际成本数据 actual cost data数据成本累加(滚动) actual cost roll-up数据成本系统 actual cost system实际成本总计 actual cost total实际成本差异数据 actual cost variance data实际成本 SAP actual costs数据盘点数据 actual count data数据事务发生的日期 actual date of the transaction实际日期 SAP actual dates数据折扣 actual discount实际文件 SAP actual document数据下载 actual download数据场所/项目成本 actual facility/item costs实际输入 actual input实际发票输入 actual invoice entry (acp500)实际项目成本 actual item cost实际人工成本 actual labor costs实际生产活动 actual manufacturing activities实际输出 actual output实际输出小时数 actual output hours实际参数 SAP actual parameter实际百分比折扣 actual percentage discount实际价格 actual price实际价格总计 actual price total实际生产/采购决策 actual production/purchasing decisi实际发放/到期日 actual releas/due date实际途径 SAP actual routeactual run rate实际产出率实际车间成本 actual shop floor cost实际统计单选钮 actual statistic radio buttonactual tax rate实际税率实际与预算值之比 actual to buget values实际值 actual value实际值 actualsSAP adapt适配添加 add-on增入库存 add into inventory增加维护模式 add maintenance mode增加模式 add mode增加按钮 add pushbutton附录 addendumadditional account assignment补充科目设置 SAP其它数据 SAP additional data附加说明文字 additional description textadditional fields附加字段 SAP附加信息 SAP additional informationadditional line items lookup附加行项查找附加注释文本行 additional note text lineSAP additional tax附加税附加时间 SAP additional timeSAP additional value (cap)附加值(CAP)附加值天数 SAP additional value days添加常量 additive constantaddr. recursiveness地址递归 SAPSAP address定址地址管理 SAP address administrationSAP地址块 address block地址数据 SAP address data反转路由地址 SAP address for reverse routingaddress line地址行SAP地址表 address list地址空间 SAP address space地址明细 address specifics寻址方式 SAP addressing mode缩放比例 SAP adjust向下调整 adjust downward批量平衡作业调整标志 adjust during batch balancing flag调整库存(到) adjust inventoty (to)adjust to调整至调整允差天数 adjust tolerance days向上调整 adjust upwardadjusted standard cost estimate调整的标准成本估算 SAP调整因素 adjusting agentadjusting entry调整输入调整量 adjustment调整字段 adjustment fieldadjustment to net income for the pe年度盈余修正 SAP未分配利润 SAP adjustment to net income for the pe未分配利润调整 SAP adjustment to retained earnings库存调整 adjustment to stockSAP administration block管理块管理数据 SAP administrative data管理时间 administrative timeSAP adopt采纳先进 advance高级纠错 SAP advance correctionSAP预付款 advance payment高等流程工业 advanced process industriesadvanced process industries instruc高等流程工业运行指令高等流程工业主菜单 advanced process industries main meadvanced process industries product高等流程工业产品程序通讯的高级程序 SAP advanced program to program communi高级培训 advanced trainingadvanced training class高级培训课程反向的,相反的 adverse广告运动 SAP advertising campaign广告材料 SAP advertising materialSAP adw positionadw 位置影响 affect对库存或销售的影响 affect inventory or sales影响在检采购定单量 affect p.o. quantity in inspection影响接收 affect receipts影响补库定单 affect resupply order影响净收益的 SAP affecting net incomeaffiliate协作帐龄 age应收帐帐龄 age (v.) receivablesage (verb)帐龄发票帐龄 age of an invoice应付款帐帐龄 aged payables应付款帐帐龄分析表 aged payables report (acp210)试算表帐龄 aged trial balance总体库存值 aggrebate inventory values集合关系类型 SAP aggregating relationship type进取性预测 aggressive forcast帐龄 aging帐龄天数 aging days帐龄期间 aging period按公司帐龄分析表 aging report by company (acr410)aging report by salesperson (acr430按销售员帐龄分析表应付帐帐龄分析表 aging report payables (acp210)协议 agreementagreement number协议编号 SAP协议类型 SAP agreement type工段 aisle警告监控器 SAP alert monitor警告类型 SAP alert type代数关系 algebraic relationshipalignment keySAP对准码所有合并的公司 SAPall companies to be consolidatedall sales areas所有销售部门 SAP可分配的关系 allocatableallocatable warehouse可分配的仓库SAP分配 allocate物料组件分配 SAP allocate material component生产资源/工具分配 SAP allocate production resource/tool按发票分配 allocate to invoices已分配的及已定货量 allocated and on-order quantities已分配的客户定单行 allocated customer order line分配 allocation分配(物品的) allocation (of articles)分配(成本的) allocation (of costs)分配调整程序 allocation adjustment program分摊基值 SAP allocation base分摊原则 SAP allocation concept分配数据 allocation data分配日期 allocation date分配明细 allocation detail分配明细报表 allocation detail report分配标志 allocation flag由库存分配 allocation from inventoryallocation groupSAP分摊组分配标记 SAP allocation indicatorallocation logic分配逻辑分配量置换 allocation overrides分配程序 allocation program库存分配 allocations of inventorySAP allow允许允许过帐标志 allow post flag津贴 allowance允许工资 allowance wageSAP允许值 allowed values允许体积 SAP allowed volume允许重量 SAP allowed weight按字母顺序的 alpha-sequenced客户名单查询 alpha customer look-up (acr310)按字母顺序查找键 alpha look-up key按字母顺序查找名 alpha look-up name字母顺序 alpha order按字母顺序检索 alpha search按字母顺序检索键 alpha search key按字母顺序 alphabetic sequence字母数字的 alphanumericalphanumeric code字母数字代码字母数字极限 alphanumeric extreme字母数字字段 SAP alphanumeric fieldalphanumeric or numeric extreme字母数字或数字极限改变,修改 alter替代项目 alternate item替代项目描述 alternate item description替代项目清单 alternate item list替代项目维护 alternate item maintencealternate item number替代项目号替代项目打印 alternate item print替代项目屏幕 alternate item screenalternate operation替换工序替换供应商 alternate vendoralternate vendor number替换供应商号SAP替代 alternative替代顺序 SAP alternative sequences替代计量单位 SAP alternative units of measurealternative chart of accounts备选会计科目表 SAP替代确定 SAP alternative determination代用最低税 alternative minumum tax替换模式 SAP alternative mode替代付款人 SAP alternative payer替代顺序 SAP alternative sequence代用直接方式 alternative straight method项目代用物 SAP alternative to item代用计量单位 SAP alternative unit (of measure)代用计量单位 SAP alternative unit of measureSAP替代 alternatives修改 amend可修改的字段 amendable fields修改 amendment无形资产摊销 SAP amortization of intangible assetsSAP amount金额可用额 amount available金额极限 amount break到期金额 amount due输入金额 amount entered现有金额 amount on hand已定货金额 amount orderedamount outstanding逾期金额逾期金额 amount override已付金额 amount paidamount projections金额预测退款金额 SAP amount refunded余额 amount remaining选择的金额 amount selected金额汇总 amount summary合计SAP amount to成本金额 amount to cost金额允差范围 amount tolerance filter金额类型 amount type金额差异 amount variance指数加权金额 SAP amount weighted by index负债金额 amountliability每个期段金额 amounts per period已获折扣的分析 analysis of discount taken潜力分析 SAP analysis of potential竞争分析 SAP analysis of the competition分析期间 SAP analysis period分析报表 analysis report分析需求 analysis requirements分析工作 analysis workanalyst buget data upload分析预算数据上载SAPand 运算and operation宣布 annonce宣布,布告,告示 annoncement发布日期 annoncement date每年金额 annual amount年度费用 annual fee年库存量 annual inventory quantity年度报告 SAP annual report年度规则 SAP annual rule年销售额 SAP annual sales年销售额(批输入) SAP annual sales (batch input)年度纳税申报 SAP annual tax return年度化 annualizeansi asc x12SAPansi asc x12预计 anticipateanticipated discount预计折扣任何公司范围 any range(s) of companiesAPI 项目主文件 api item masterAPI 维护程序 api maintenance program附加 appendappend 结构SAP append structure附加 appending附录 appendix应用范围 application-wide应用范围缺省值 application-wide defaultSAP application应用应用区域列表 SAP application area list应用区域符号 SAP application area symbol应用区域 SAP application areas应用延迟 application backlog应用代码 application code应用控制 application control应用控制文件 application control file应用控制清单 application control listing应用控制维护 application control maintenance应用控制参数 application control parameter应用控制程序 application control program应用数据 SAP application data应用日期 application date应用开发 application development应用开发延迟 application development backlog应用文件 SAP application document应用文件 application files应用程序过滤器 SAP application filter应用图标 SAP application iconSAP application id应用id应用标志码 SAP application identification code应用接口 application interfacesSAP应用层 application layer应用级别 SAP application levelapplication logic应用逻辑 SAP应用菜单 SAP application menu一般费用分摊 SAP application of overhead应用程序 SAP application program应用程序接口 SAP application program interface应用参考 SAP application reference应用服务器 SAP application server应用集 application setapplication software应用软件 SAP application specification cloning应用测试 SAP application testapplication toolbar应用工具条 SAPSAP应用 applications应用程序员 SAP applications programmer应用,施加,申请,提供 apply采用待项冲帐 apply a credit memo采用借项冲帐 apply a debit memoapply againstapply costs申请费用 SAP分摊数SAP apportionment number适当的 appropriate适当命令键 appropriate command keyappropriate processing option适当处理选择净利润分配 SAP appropriation of net incomeSAP approximate calculation估算结构 architectureSAP archive归档归档 archive (verb)档案文件id SAP archive document idarchive header档案表头 SAPSAP档案id archive id归档标号 archive lable光学档案 SAP archive, opticalSAParchivelog 模式 archivelog mode档案 archives (noun)存档日期 SAP archiving date存档时间 SAP archiving time异步存档 SAP archiving, asynchronous联机存档 SAP archiving, online同步存档 SAP archiving, synchronousarea menuSAP区菜单责任范围 SAP area of responsibility有效范围 SAP area of validity指定查询项 argument指定查询项/过滤屏幕 argument/filter screen指定查询项/过滤选择屏幕 argument/filter selection screen算术操作 SAP arithmetic operation算术寄存器 SAP arithmetic registerSAP运算器 arithmetic unit数组,行列 array数组偏置 array offset欠款,拖欠 arrearage到达顺序 arrival sequence到达时间 SAP arrival timearrow key箭头键SAP箭头键 arrow keys按适当的 as appropriateSAP分析as is analysisAS/400 as/400AS/400 服务器 as/400 serverAS/400服务器文件 as/400 server filesAS/400系统接口安装程序 as/400 system interface instalationAS/400 网络软件 as/netAS/400 CASE 软件 as/set升序 ascending numeric sequenceSAP ascending order升序 ascoli piceno SAP assemble, compile汇编,编译 SAP订单装配 SAP assemble-to-order按定单组装的公司 assemble-to-order companyassemble-to-order item按定单组装的项目装配 assemble装配采集 assembled collection全局汇编器 SAP assembler globalSAP装配 assemblies装配SAP assembly装配件 assembly item装配线 assembly lineSAP汇编表 assembly list装配件号 assembly number装配顺序 assembly order装配一览表 SAP assembly overview装配零件清单 assembly parts list装配废品 SAP assembly scrap估价 assess估计价值 SAP assessed value估价 assessment分摊成本要素 SAP assessment cost element资产 asset资产科目 SAP asset account资产会计 SAP asset accounting资产购置 SAP asset acquisition资产利用率 SAP asset capacity usageasset catalog资产目录 SAP资产分类 SAP asset class资产分类目录 SAP asset class catalog资产成本基准 asset cost basis上年结转资产数 SAP asset data from previous years会计年度资产变化 SAP asset fiscal year change固定资产接收 SAP asset goods receipt资产组别 SAP asset group资产的历史数据 SAP asset history资产一览表 SAP asset history sheet资产项目 SAP asset item资产寿命 asset lifeasset line item资产行项目 SAP资产项目清单 SAP asset list资产管理 SAP asset managementasset master maintenance资产主文件维护资产订购单 SAP asset purchase order资产报废 asset retirement资产转移 SAP asset transfer资产种类 SAP asset type在建资产 SAP asset under constructionasset value date资产起用日 SAP资产总览 SAP asset view资产年终结算 SAP asset year-end closing资产与负债 assets & liabilities资产目录 SAP assets directory分配、赋值 SAP assignSAP赋值 assign a value赋值SAP assign valuesSAP分配的 assignedSAP assigning分配指定新键 SAP assigning new keySAP assignment分配归类控制 SAP assignment control分配规则 SAP assignment ruleSAP分配表 assignment table分配事务 SAP assignment transaction相关 associate相关的 associated相关佣金代码 associated commission code关联指定代码 SAP association assigned code假设 assum假设 assumption星号 asterisk星号边线 asterisk border异步传送 SAP asynchronous transmission在后来的时间 at a later time在开发票时 at billing time在数据输入时 at data entry time在总装定单发放时 at final assembly order release tim在发票输入时 at invoice time在定单输入时 at order entry time在运行时间 SAPat run-time在车间定单发放时 at shop order release time在标准 at standard在此阶段 at this stage在2层(级) at two levels可供销售量累计 atp accumulated可供销售量查询程序 atp inquiry program可供销售量查询屏幕 atp inquiry screen可签合同量 SAPatp quantityattach附加附加管理器 SAP attach manager附加至 attach to (to)attach to attention key附加至 Attn 键附加模式 attached modeattached mode radio button附加模式单选钮附加到主机对话框 attaching to host dialog boxAttn 键 attention keyattribute属性属性特征 SAP attribute feature查账,审计 audit查账调整 audit adjustment查账清单 audit listing查账日志 audit logaudit menu查账菜单查账期间 audit period查账报表 audit report审计过帐报表 audit report of postings查帐索引 SAP audit trail查账线索报表 audit trail report审计目的 auditing purposes审计员 auditor增加 augment增加量,增加 augmentation作者 authorauthority for exemption减免的原因 SAPSAP授权 authorization授权管理者 SAP authorization administrator授权人 authorization body授权检查 SAP authorization check授权等级 SAP authorization class授权代码 SAP authorization code授权组成 SAP authorization component授权原则 SAP authorization concept授权日期 authorization date授权字段 SAP authorization fieldSAP authorization group授权组授权信息 SAP authorization information授权名称 authorization nameauthorization number授权号授权对象 SAP authorization objectauthorization path授权委托途径 SAP授权描述文件 SAP authorization profile授权追踪 SAP authorization traceauthorize授权授权明细报表 authorize detail report授权执行功能 authorized to perform (function)授权运行程序 authorized to run (procedure)自动分摊科目 auto-distribution account自动过帐 auto post科目自动确定 SAP automatic account determination自动容器需求计算 automatic container need calcuation自动成本估算 SAP automatic cost estimate自动信用检查 automatic credit check自动数据传输 SAP automatic data transfer自动分摊 automatic distribution自动总帐应收帐款分摊 automatic general ledger distributi自动批分配 automatic lot allocation自动产生邮编码 automatic p.o. number generation自动过帐 automatic posting从票据处理自动过帐 automatic posting from billing自动定价 automatic pricing自动的再订货点计划 SAP automatic reorder point planning自动检索 automatic retrieval自动回转 automatic reversalautomatic time-stamping自动计时自动低于运行计划调整 automatic under run planning adjust自动过完帐 automaticlly postedautomobile component supplier indus汽车部件供应行业 SAP辅加科目 auxiliary account辅助文件 SAP auxiliary file辅助函数 SAP auxiliary function辅助程序 SAP auxiliary program可用量SAP availability可用量核查 SAP availability check可支配资金控制 SAP availability control可用日期 availability dates可供销售量计算 available-to-promise calculation可供销售量查询 available-to-promise inquiry有效 available可支配金额 SAP available amount可用能力 SAP available capacity有效选择 SAP available choice有效日期 available date可用绩效评估 available performance measures可供销售货量 available to promise (atp)SAP求平均 average11average /hour平均/小时平均成本 average costs平均日需求量 average daily requirementaverage efficiency平均效率平均小时基准 average hourly basis平均发票天数 average invoice days平均发票数量 average invoice size平均支付天数 average payment days平均量 average quantity平均汇率 SAP average rate平均汇率类型 average rate type平均小时量 average salesavil閟 seaport SAP待实验室检查 awaiting lab checkB信誉折扣 b/b discount (bill back)B/N b/n期后分摊 back-end allocation期后分摊文件 back-end allocation file期后分摊标识 back-end allocation identifer期后分摊清单 back-end allocation listing期后分摊维护 back-end allocation maintenance期后分摊维护程序 back-end allocation maintenance pro期后分摊主文件 back-end allocation master file期后分摊处理 back-end allocation processing期后分摊处理程序 back-end allocation processing prog逾期定单代码 back-order code备份(到) back-up (to)备份拷贝 back-up copy逾期定单 back orderSAP备份back up税收追索 SAP backdated tax calculationSAP倒冲 backflush反冲 backflush (as verb)backflush transaction反冲事务反冲 backflushing反冲能力 backflushing capability后台作业 SAP background job后台处理 SAP background processing后台处理系统 SAP background processing system未交付订单 SAP backlog未交订货-计算 SAP backlog calculation未交付订单被处理 SAP backlog is dispatched储备(积累) backlon储备金额 backlon amount(储备)积压问题 backlon problembackorder拖欠订单 SAP逾期定单标志 backorder flag拖欠订单处理 SAP backorder handlingbackorder processing拖欠订单 处理 SAP逾期定单状态 backorder status逾期定单 backordering拖欠订单 SAP backorders备份 backup备份SAP backup copy磁盘备份 backup diskette模拟备份 backup simulation (for630)倒序消耗 SAP backward consumption倒序排产计划 SAP backward scheduling倒排/顺排 backward/forward lot tracing screen倒排计划 backward-schedule倒推批跟踪 backward lot trace倒推跟踪 backward trace倒排批跟踪能力 backwards lot traceability现金 bacs (cash)坏帐 bad debts坏原材料 bad raw material标记 badge标记阅读器 badge card readersbadge no标记号余额审计线索 SAP balance audit trail余额结转 SAP balance carried forwardbalance check余额稽查 SAP12balance confirmation余额确认 SAP结帐询问 SAP balance inquiry结帐通知 SAP balance notification结算请求 SAP balance request资产负债表 SAP balance sheet资产负债表科目 SAP balance sheet account资产负债表调整 SAP balance sheet adjustment资产负债表变动 SAP balance sheet change资产负债表 - 税务目的 SAP balance sheet for tax purposes资产负债表的项目 SAP balance sheet item资产负债表总计 SAP balance sheet valueSAP余额表 balance statement余额/净指标 balance/net indicator移下页结转余额 balance-forward余额 balance (inventory)平衡 balance (verb)科目余额 balance account分类帐余额簿 balance booksbalance inventory库存余额失去平衡 balance out余额数量 balance quantity资产负债表兑换率 balance sheet exchange rate资产负债表比率 balance sheet rate资产负债表比率类型 balance sheet rate type余额为零 balance to zero余额跟踪 balance trial平衡按 balanced by平衡帐簿集 balanced set of booksban银行往来帐 bank accountbank account code银行往来帐代码银行往来帐主文件维护 bank account master maintenance (ac银行往来帐号 bank account number银行票据 SAP bank bill分行 bank branch银行分行维护 bank branch maintenance银行买入价 SAP bank buying rate银行手续费与利率费用科目 bank charge and interest expense ac银行手续费用 bank charge expense银行手续费用科目 bank charge expense accont银行手续费发出 bank charge issued银行手续费 SAP bank charges银行手续费与/或印花税 bank charges and/or stamp taxes银行代码 bank code银行代码/分行 bank code/branch银行托收法 SAP bank collection procedure银行数据... SAP bank data...银行帐户 SAP bank details银行直接借记法 SAP bank direct debiting procedure银行费用 bank expense到其他程序的银行信息 bank information to other programbank key银行关键字 SAP银行主文件 bank master (acp140)银行主记录 SAP bank master databank master listing银行主文件清单银行主文件维护 bank master maintenancebank number银行代号 SAP银行调节文件 bank reconciliation file银行卖出价 SAP bank selling rate银行对帐单,银行月结单 bank statement银行对帐单过帐 bank statement posting (acp710)银行对帐单程序 bank statement posting program (acp银行转帐 bank transfer条形码领料单 bar-coder pick list条线图 bar chart条线图屏幕 bar chart screenSAPbar code条形码条线图 bar graph条线图汇总 bar graph summaries模条图分割 bar segment条形码阅读器 barcoder基本计量单位 SAP base unit of measure基于 base (for)13。
