C Programming Language
<C++ programming language>Basic concepts: in this course we mainly studied the grammar of the c programming language, variable and the type of the variables, and some important structure of the c programming language.The basic unit of the c programming language is called word, the word contends the key word, identifier, operator, constant, separator and so on. These elements have the different grammatical meaning and the different rules of component.Variables and their types: in a program, its value can change the amount of known as variable, the variable has two basic elements, one is a variable name, its identifier naming rules load all the rules, the other is a variable type the type of butadiene variables in memory to occupy the length of the storage unit. In C, variables must first be defined, after use.some important structure of the c programming language such as block, function, pointer, bit arithmetic, file and so on.Array is an ordered set of data together with uniform attribute, the bulk of the data, is mainly used to deal with some array according to the set of elements of different types, can be divided into numerical array, a character array, pointer array, the array structure, according to the number of array elements in the table below different can be divided into a one-dimensional array, two-dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays.In programming, the function modules of the commonly used to write into relatively independent function, can be the main function and other functions to call at any time. In each program, there must be and can only have one main function is the main, the main system is defined, it is the starting point of the program execution, can oh ah using any other function, but not for other function is invoked.Between the program run the program and data stored in computer memory, memory is a lot of storage units, in order to facilitate looking for memory storage application entity, must to the storage unit tough, which makes the memory address. Pointer is the address, due to the storage location address only certain program, become a pointer.Is bit operations on the data of one or a few, because the operation was for binary digit, so the operand is only integer data type and character data.File is a set of related data is stored in the external medium, can be divided into a disk file and device files, important way of the information stored in the disk file is permanent, refers to the related data stored on the CRT set, can make the program file, or data files. Equipment files refer to all kinds of external devices.。
1. 《C Primer Plus》(中文译名《C Primer Plus(第6版)》):这是一本经典的C语言入门教材,适合初学者阅读。
2. 《C Programming Language》(中文译名《C程序设计语言》):这是一本经典的C语言参考手册,由Kernighan和Ritchie编写。
3. 《Effective C++》:这是一本关于C++语言的书籍,但也包含了一些C语言的内容。
4. 《Programming in C》(中文译名《C程序设计》):这是一本适合初学者的C语言教材,讲解了C语言的基本语法和编程技巧,并提供了一些实用的例子和代码片段。
5. 《C和指针》:这是一本关于C语言指针的书籍,讲解了指针的基
the c programming language 英文版
the c programming language 英文版摘要:1.介绍C 编程语言2.C 编程语言的发展历程3.C 编程语言的特点4.C 编程语言的应用领域5.C 编程语言的未来发展正文:C 编程语言是一种广泛应用于计算机领域的编程语言。
它的英文版名为"The C Programming Language"。
C 语言最初由丹尼斯·里奇(Dennis Ritchie)在20 世纪70 年代初在贝尔实验室开发,作为Unix 操作系统的一种高级编程语言。
自那时以来,C 语言已经成为全球最流行的编程语言之一,为计算机科学的发展做出了巨大贡献。
C 编程语言的发展历程可以追溯到20 世纪60 年代末期,当时丹尼斯·里奇在贝尔实验室工作,为了改进Unix 操作系统的性能,他开始着手开发一种新的编程语言,即C 语言。
C 语言的命名来源于它之前的一个编程语言B,C 语言被设计成是一种高级编程语言,同时也具有底层访问能力,这使得它非常适合编写系统级别的软件。
C 编程语言具有许多特点,例如它的跨平台性、简洁性、高效性和强大的控制结构。
C 语言支持结构体、函数、指针等编程概念,使得程序员可以编写出高质量的代码。
C 语言的跨平台性意味着编写的程序可以在不同的操作系统和硬件平台上运行,这使得C 语言成为一个广泛应用的编程语言。
C 编程语言在计算机科学领域有着广泛的应用。
许多著名的软件和操作系统都是用C 语言编写的,例如Windows、Linux、Unix 等。
C 语言在计算机科学领域的重要性使得学习C 语言成为了许多程序员的必修课。
随着计算机科学的不断发展,C 编程语言也在不断更新和演进。
现代C 语言的版本,如C11、C17 等,已经支持了许多新的特性,例如多线程编程、函数对象等,这使得C 语言在面对新的编程挑战时仍然具有强大的生命力。
函数返回的值,程序可以使用它, 也可以不使用它
while(…) { getchar(); c=getchar(); … } /* 返回值不被使用 */ /* 返回值被使用 */
2018/10/21 华中科技大学计算机学院C语言课程组 18
函数定义的一般形式为: 类型名 函数名(参数列表) { 声明部分 语句部分 }
2018/10/21 华中科技大学计算机学院C语言课程组 19
类型名说明函数返回值(即出口参数)的数据类型 (简称为函数的类型或函数值的类型),可以是除 数组以外的任何类型。当返回值类型为void,函数 将不返回任何值。 参数列表说明函数入口参数的名称、类型和个数, 它是一个用逗号分隔的变量名及其类型列表,它描 述了在调用函数时函数所接收的参数。一个函数可 能没有参数,在没有参数的情况下,参数列表说明 为void,否则必须明确地列出每一个参数的类型。
图5.1 C语言程序的基本结构
程序中若要使用自定义函数实现所需的功能, 需要做三件事: ① 按语法规则编写完成指定任务的函数,即 定义函数; ② 有些情况下在调用函数之前要进行函数声 明; ③ 在需要使用函数时调用函数
在函数的顶端用“/*……*/”格式包含的部分是函 数头部注释,包括函数名称、函数功能、函数参数、 函数返回值等内容,如有必要还可增加作者、创建 日期、修改记录(备注)等相关项目。虽然函数头 部注释在语法上不是必需的,但可以提高程序的质 量和可维护性,在程序设计时要遵从这一编程规范。 GetNum是函数名,其后的void说明函数调用时不 接收任何参数,即没有入口参数,函数执行完应该 返回所产生的随机数,即该随机数是函数的出口参 数,函数名前的int说明出口参数的类型为整型。 函数体内的rand是接口stdlib.h中的一个函数,它 返回一个非负并且不大于常量RAND_MAX的随机整 数,RAND_MAX的值取决于计算机系统。 MAX_NUMBER是用#define定义的符号常量,其 值为1000。当执行return语句时,其后表达式的值 被带回到调用函数中。
Hong Song
The School of Computer Science and Technology
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Array definition and accessing Two dimensional array String operation Examples
An array element is equivalent to an ordinary variable functionally.
引用数组元素的注意事项: 引用数组元素的注意事项:
优点: 优点:数据重用 数据有序
数组中的每个元素在功能上等价于一个一般的变量 数组中的每个元素在功能上等价于一个一般的变量 在功能上等价于一个 例如:输入100个学生成绩,并求出总成绩。 100个学生成绩 例如:输入100个学生成绩,并求出总成绩。 简单变量 float x, sum=0; for (i=0; i<100; i++) { scanf(”%f\n”, &x); sum += x; } 82 63 x 85 148 sum 7950 85 m[0] m[1] m[2] 85 63 78 90
mark[0] mark[1] mark[2] mark[3]
. . . mark[99]
(1)下标与地址的关系 ) [ ] 为下标运算符, 数 为下标运算符, 组名、 组名、数组元素是两种不 同性质的数据。 同性质的数据。 数组名是数组的首地址, 数组名是数组的首地址, 是一个地址常量! 是一个地址常量! 数组元素则是数值。 数组元素则是数值。 如引用 mark[2]: (1)计算 2000+2*4 计算 即:mark+ 2*4 (2)取出 取出2008的内容 的内容 取出 2000H 2004H 2008H 200CH . . . 218CH 86.5 92.0 77.5 52.0
c程序设计语言,thecprogramming language
c程序设计语言,thecprogramming languageC程序设计语言,又称为The C Programming Language,是一门广泛应用于系统软件开发、嵌入式系统、大型应用软件以及游戏开发中的编程语言,也是目前最受欢迎的编程语言之一。
C语言的设计者Dennis Ritchie和Brian Kernighan在1978年出版了《C Programming Language》,这是一本介绍C语言的经典教材。
C语言的数据类型包括整型、浮点型、字符型、指针型等,其中整型包括 int、short、long、unsigned等类型,浮点型包括float、double等类型,字符型包括char类型,指针型用于存储内存地址。
C Programming Language(C 语言程序设计)
C Programming Language Course Hours: LectureCourse content and the basic requirementsChapter 1C language Overview1.1 Computer and program, program design language1.2 Appearance and development process of C language1.3 Simple C language programs1.4 Steps and methods of running C programChapter 2 DData storage and computing2.1 How to store data in a computer2.2 Operations and analysis of integer data2.3 Operations and analysis of real data2.4 Calculus of character data2.5 Symbolic constant2.6 Arithmetic operators and arithmetic expression2.7 C operators and C expression2.8 Advanced PartChapter 3Most simple C program design - sequential programming3.1 Algorithm is the soul of program3.2 Three basic structure of program3.3 C statement Summary3.4 Evaluation expression and evaluation statement3.5 Concept of data input and output3.6 Character data input and output3.7 Simple format input and output3.8 Design example of sequential structured program3.9 Advanced partChapter 4Selective structure programming design4.1 Conditional determination4.2 Make selective structure with “if” statement4.3 Make selective structure of the multi-branch by using” switch” statement 4.4 Synthesize program example4.5 Advanced PartChapter 5Circle structure of the program design5.1 Required circle structures during the program5.2 Use “while” statement and “do ... while” statement to achieve circular 5.3 Used “for” statement cycle5.4 Cycle of nested5.5 Advanced ending cycle5.6 Several circle comparison5.7 Program examples5.8 Advanced partChapter 6Use of array processing bulk data6.1 Why use an array6.2 Definition and reference of one-dimensional array6.3 Definitions and reference of two-dimensional arrays of 6.4 Character array6.5 Advanced partChapter 7Function modular program design7.1 What is the function?7.2 Function definition and call7.3 Function of nested calls and recursive calls7.4 Arrays as function parameters7.5 Variable scope and lifetime7.6 Internal functions and external functions7.7 Advanced partChapter 8Good use of pointer8.1 What is a pointer?8.2 Pointer variable8.3 Refers to the array through pointers8.4 Reference to the string by a pointer8.5 Advanced partChapter 9Use syntagm to deal with combinations of data - user-defined data type 9.1 Definitions and use of the Syntagm variable9.2 Syntagm array9.3 Syntagm pointer9.4 Use syntagm variable and its pointer as function parameters9.5 Deal linked list with pointers9.6 Advanced partChapter 10Use file to save data10.1 Concept of C file10.2 File open and close10.3 File sequential read and write10.4 File random read and write10.5 Advanced partClass Hours Associate Sheet。
main( ) { int i, n, p ; p=1; printf("Enter n:"); scanf("%d",&n); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { p = p * i;s=s+p;} printf("p = %d \n",p); }
C Programming Language
1 、如何输出1!、2!、3!……n!
2 、如何求s=1!+2!+……+n!
C Programming Language
C Programming Language
main( ) { int i, n, p ; p=1; printf(“Enter n:”); scanf(“%d”,&n); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {p = p * i; printf(“p! = %d \n",p); } }
C Programming Language
for循环体语句 的下一语句
我们来看这样一条语句:讲解for的 执行过程
for (i=1;i<=100;i++) sum = sum + i;
“表达式1”,循环 初始条件(i=1)
C Programming Language
100 三、举例 i 例1、用for语句编程求 i 1
sum=0; for(i=1;i<=100;i++) sum=sum+i; 它相当于以下语句: i=1; while (i<=100) { sum=sum+i; i++; }
c语言题库(判断)河南工业大学 河工大 c语言期末考试题库(C language question
c语言题库(判断)河南工业大学河工大 c语言期末考试题库(C language question bank (judgment), Henan University of Technology C language final examination questions bank)~~~1All the operations of a computer are controlled by the program. Without the program, the computer will accomplish nothing.~y~~~1A program is a set of instructions that a computer can recognize and execute.~y~~~1Since computers can recognize and accept machine instructions directly, machine language is the most suitable language for people to program.~n~~~1A compiler can convert programs written in high-level language into machine instructions.~~~1In general, we refer to programs written in high-level languages as object programs.~n~~~1Before you can generate executable programs, you should compile and connect again.~y~~~1The reason for high-level language is that it can be written in a program that does not follow any form.~n~~~1C programming language freedom is large, so it belongs to unstructured language.~n~~~1The C language is a high-level language that does not allow direct access to physical addresses.~n~~~1Functions are a major part of a C program.~y~~~3If you use the TC2.0 compiler, the compilation system is assigned 2, 1, and 4 bytes to int, char, and float~y~~~3The following are valid variable names: day, sum, and _pint~y~~~3If char c is defined, then c= "C"";~n~~~3The C language can use a symbolic name to represent a constant~y~~~3The following procedures segment float x=3.6; int i; i= (int) x; then x=3, i=3~n~~~3In the C language, character data can be arithmetic operations with integer data~y~~~3The accuracy can be specified when using scanf to enter data~n~~~3In C (+, -) operator can only be used for variable~y~~~3The float a=b=c=1.0 is correct in the C language~n~~~3In putchar (c), C can be an escape character~y~~~4The if statement, whether written on a few lines, is a whole and belongs to the same statement.~y~~~4The entire if statement can be written on multiple lines or written on a single line.~y~~~4In the if statement, if must have else.~~~4In the if statement, else must have if.~y~~~4The else clause cannot be used alone as a statement, and must be paired with if.~y~~~4In the C language compiling system, when the result of logical operations is expressed, the value "1" stands for "truth", and "0" means "false"".~y~~~4Arithmetic operators have precedence over relational operators.~y~~~4Logic is not the highest priority in logical operators.~y~~~4The switch statement is a multi branch selection statement.~y~~~4In judging whether a quantity is true, 0 represents "false", and "0" stands for "true"".~y~~~5In the C language, 3 statements that implement the loop structure are the for statement, the while statement, and the DO-WHILE statement.~y~~~5For ((.)) and while (1) are infinite loops.~y~~~5In C, the while statements that implement loop structures are exactly equivalent to the DO-WHILE statements.~n~~~5The execution statement for (i=1; i++<4;); the value of the latter variable I is 4~n~~~5The for statement can only be used in cases where the number of cycles has been determined.~n~~~5The existing definition of int k=1; executes the statement while (++k<4); then, the value of K is 4~y.~~~5#include <stdio.h> int (main) program j=10, i=0 {int, k=2, s=0; for (;;) {i+=k; if (i>j) {printf (%d, s); break;}s+=i;}}, judge i>j carried out 6.~y~~~5Int s=36; while (s) --s; constitutes a dead loop.~n~~~5Program segment int =0; while (t=1) {printf ("%d\n", "t");} at run time, the printf statement executes 0 times.~n~~~5Program #include, <stdio.h>, int, main (), {int, x=23;. Do {printf ("%d", "x--"); "while" ("X");} the output of the runtime is 23~y~~~6When defining an array, an array subscript can be represented by a variable~n~~~6When referencing elements in an array, the array subscript can be represented by a variable~y~~~6Int a[8]; defines an integer array; the last element in the array is a[8]~n~~~6Int a[6]; defines an integer array; the first element in the array is a[1]~n~~~6Int a[2][3]; defines an array in which there are 6 elements in the array~y~~~6Suppose that s[10] is an array of characters, by scanf ("%d", "s"); you can enter a string to the array~y~~~6Int a[6]={0}; defines an array a, and the initial value of each element in the array is 0~y~~~6Int, a[2][3]={{1}, {2}, {3}}; the correct method of initial values for an array~y~~~6Compare the size of two strings, and you can use the strcpy function~n~~~6To connect two strings, you can use the strcat function~y~~~6To test the length of a string, you can use the strlen function~y~~~7If the definition of the call function appears before the main function, you do not have to declare it.~y~~~7The C language cannot define functions nested, nor can nested functions be called. That is to say, no function can be called in the process of invoking a function~n~~~7The variables defined in the primary function are also valid only in the primary function, not in the entire file or program because they are defined in the main function. The main function cannot use variables defined in other functions.~~~7Variables in different functions can use the same name. They represent different objects and do not interfere with each other.~y~~~7Within a function, variables can be defined in compound statements, which are valid only in the compound statement, which is also called a sub program or a block of programs".~y~~~7The variables defined in a function are external variables, and variables defined outside the function are called local variables, and the external variables are global variables (also known as whole variables).~n~~~7Local variables can be shared by other functions in this document. Its range of validity starts from the location of thedefined variable to the end of the source file.~n~~~7It can be divided into static storage mode and dynamic storage mode from the point of view of the existence of variable value.~y~~~7The so-called dynamic storage means when the program is running, the system allocates a fixed storage space.~n~~~7Static storage is the way to dynamically allocate storage space as needed during program execution.~n~~~7In C, if a pointer variable is used to call an argument, the pointer variable is determined, pointing to a defined cell.~y~~~7In the C language, the call of a function can only get a return value, and the pointer can be used as a function parameter to obtain multiple values.~y~~~7In C language, input and output statements are used to input and output data.~n~~~7When using the putchar function, you must include the header file stdio.h before.~y~~~7Using the putchar function, you can output a string to the terminal.~n~~~7Using the printf function, you can output by a certain number of digits.~y~~~7In the printf function, both%c and%s can output strings.~n~~~7When you enter data into a defined variable with the scanf function, you must add &.~y~~~7When data is entered into a defined variable using the scanf function, the data input ends when an illegal input is entered.~y~~~7The use of input and output functions, putchar (getchar ()), statements are wrong (correct).~~~8The pointer to the array element is the address of the index group element.~y~~~8The program for exchanging two pointer variables P1 and P2 is temp=*p1; *p1=*p2; *p2=temp;~n~~~8Printf ("%d", "a[i]") plays the same role as printf ("%d", "*" (a+i)), and the former is efficient.~n~~~8The array name of the parameter is not a national address, but is handled by pointer variables.~y~~~8The pointer to the function that defines the format is int *p (int, int);.~n~~~8The program segments int, *p, a=2; p=&a; printf ("%d", * (p++)); the output is 2~y.~~~8In C99, you can define pointer variables of the base type of void, which can point to any type of variable.~n~~~8The program segment that points P to the string "China" is char *p; p= "China"";~y~~~8Program segments are int, a, m=4, n=6, *p1=&m, *p2=&n, a= (*p1) / (*p2) +5; after execution, the value of a is 5~y~~~8Void f (int *n) {while ((*n) - (printf); "%d" + + (*n));} (main) {int a=1; f (&a);} no output~n~~~9The C language allows users to build their own composite data structures composed of different types of data, called structures.~y~~~9The name of the struct type is the name of the struct.~n~~~9When defining a struct, the type of a member must be specified, either as a simple data type or as a constructed data type.~y~~~9If the program contains the struct type, the name of the struct member cannot be the same as the variable name in the program.~n~~~9Members of structural variables can perform various operations just like normal variables.~y~~~9Each element of an array in an array of structures is of the same type, and can perform input and output operations on each array element as a whole.~n~~~10The file identifier contains three parts,File path, file name, trunk, and file suffix. The naming rule of a file name follows the naming rule of an identifier. The suffix is used to represent the nature of a file, consisting of 3 letters.~~~10According to the organization of data, data files are divided into ASC|| files (text files) and binary files (image files), and ASC|| files save storage space than binary files.~n~~~10In the buffer file system, each using the file has a corresponding file information in memory, and the file associated with the file pointer to the file information and it also points to an external data on the media file.~n~~~10The pointer variable of a file type data is a pointer to a structure named FILE.~y~~~10Open a file in'w'. If the file already exists, the system empties the contents of the file while opening the file and waits for the new data to be written.~y。
它结合了C++、Java和Visual Basic等多种编程语言的优点,旨在为Windows平台开发提供更好的工具。
1. 变量变量是C#编程中的基本概念。
变量可以通过以下方式声明和赋值:```csharpint age = 26;string name = \"Tom\";bool isMale = true;```这里,变量age、name和isMale分别代表一个整数、一个字符串和一个布尔值。
也可以在声明变量时直接为其赋值:```csharpint age;age = 26;```2. 数据类型C#中有基本数据类型和引用数据类型两种。
C#的数据类型可以分为以下几类:- 整型:byte、short、int、long- 浮点型:float、double、decimal- 字符型:char- 布尔型:bool- 引用类型:class、struct、enum、array- 其他类型:void3. 控制流控制流用来控制程序的执行流程。
条件语句包括:- if语句:如果条件为真,则执行一段代码。
- if-else语句:如果条件为真,则执行一段代码,否则执行另一段代码。
- if-else if-else语句:如果第一个条件为真,则执行第一段代码,否则检查第二个条件,如果第二个条件为真,则执行第二段代码,否则执行最后一段代码。
发音:Pointers(指针)references(引用)casts(类型转换)arrays(数组)constructors(构造)abstraction抽象action行动action-oriented面向行动analysis分析ANSI/ISO standardC++标准C++arithmetic and logic unit(ALU)算术和逻辑单元arithmetic operators 算术操作符assenbly language汇编语言association关联associativity of operators地址操作符assignment operator赋值操作符attribute属性attributes of an object对象的属性behavior行为binary operator二元操作符C++ standard library C++标准库compile error 编译错误compiler编译器component组件date member 数据成员distributed computing 分布式计算editor编辑器encapsulation封装execution-time error执行期错误fatal error致命错误flow of control控制流程function函数identifier标识符information hiding信息隐藏inheritance继承instantiate实例化interface接口interpreter解释器linking连接logic error逻辑错误modeling建模multiple inheritance多重继承multiprogramming多路程序Object Management Group(OMG)对象管理组object-oriented analysis and design(OOAD)面向对象分析和设计operator associativity操作符的结合性precedence优先级preprocessor预处理器prompt提示pseudocode伪代码satement语句structured programming结构化编程syntax error语法错误Unified Modeling Language(UML)统一建模语言user-defined type 用户自定义类型variable变量名algorithm算法block代码块case label标签infinite loop无限循环delay loop延迟循环parameterized stream manipulator参数化流操纵元syntax error语法错误composition合成Object Constraint Language(OCL)对象限制语言argument in a function call函数调用中的参数automatic storage class自动存储类call-by-reference按引用调用coercion of arguments强制类型转换dangling reference悬挂引用enumeration枚举access function访问函数class scope类作用域constructor构造函数destructor析构函数global object全局对象header file头文件interface to a class类的接口proxy class代理类rapid applications development(RAD)快速应用程序开发source-code file源代码文件handle句柄abstract data type(ADT)抽象数据类型first-in-first-out(FIFO)先进先出iterator迭代器member access specifiers成员访问说明符pop(stack operation)弹出(堆栈操作)forward declaration 提前声明1.int:integer,整数2.const:constant,变量3.Variable:变量4.IDE:集成开发环境5.Visual C : 微软雄司开发的C言语C集成开发环境软件6.Turbo C: Borland雄司开发的c编译器7.GCC:Linux下的c编译器8.C Builder: Borland雄司开发的c言语IDEpile:编译piler:编译器11.float:浮点数,实数12.double:双精度浮点数,实数13.debug:调试14.Dennis Ritchie: C言语的创造者15.Bjarne Stroustrup : C言语的创造者17.The C Programming Language: Dennis Ritchie写的C编程言语,C言语圣经17.the C Programming Language: Bjarne Stroustrup 写的c编程言语,c 圣经19.ANSI C: C言语国际准则,也称为ISO C 20. AT T: 美国电报德律风雄司21.Bell Labs: 贝尔实验室,c和C 的创造地,隶属于AT T22.Array:数组23.MSDN:微软开发者网络24.MSDN Libaray: 微软开发者技术库25.MFC:微软基础类26.Visual Studio:微软开发的编程IDE,包括VC,VB,VC井等组件27.Bite:字节,存储容量单位28.KB:千字节29.MB:兆字节30.file:文件31.IO:输进输出(input,output) 32.class:类33.object:东西33.loop:循环体34.operator:运算符35.function:函数36.macro:宏3 7.define:界说38.Microsoft:美国微软雄司39.Windows:微软开发的看窗作零碎,用C言语编写40.math:数学41. .c:C源代文件的后缀名42. .h:头文件的后缀名33. .cpp :c加加源代文件后缀名34 :包括35. breakpoint:断点。
The C Language
The C programming language was developed in the years 1969 to 1973, although the first published description did not appear until the book The C Programming Language" written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie was published in 1978. The early versions of the C language were strongly influenced by a language called BCPL which itself was a derviative of Algol.
It is as a tool to write programs that did useful things; it was always meant to interact with a larger operating system, and was regarded as a tool to build larger tools. It covers the essential needs of many programmers, but does not try to supply too much.
Other infrastructures focus on adding new optimizations; C focuses on supporting multiple front ends for multiple languages. C has a machine-level type system, so you don't have to shoehorn your favorite high-level language into a high-level data model that doesn't fit. C provides a run-time interface, so you can implement garbage collection and exception handling using the techniques that are best suited to your language.
C语言 The C Programming Language
C Language
結 構 宣告
結構的宣告(第一種) : struct 結構名稱 { 資料型態 欄位名稱1; 資料型態 欄位名稱2; . . 資料型態 欄位名稱n; };
struct 結構名稱 變數1,變數2,…,變數m;
宣告結構型 態的變數
C Language
C Language
結 構宣告 –續
若將結構型態與結構變數的宣告寫在同一個敘述中,就是 第二種結構宣告。
struct 結構名稱
{ 資料型態 欄位名稱1; 資料型態 欄位名稱2; .
資料型態 欄位名稱n; }變數1,變數2,…,變數m;
CSIM, PU C Language
stu[0] stu[1] stu[2]
name id math eng
[0] [0]
[1] ….
… [9]
.. ..
struct student stu[3]; /*結構變數的宣告*/
C Language
#include<stdio.h> #define MAX 2 int main(void) { int i; struct data /*定義結構data */ { char name[10]; int math; }student[MAX]; for(i=0;i<MAX;i++) /*輸入結構陣列student的資料 */ { printf("學生姓名:"); gets(student[i].name); printf("數學成績:"); scanf("%d",&student[i].math); fflush(stdin); /*清空緩衝區內的資料 */ } for(i=0;i<MAX;i++) /*輸出結構陣列的內容*/ printf("%s的數學成績=%d\n",student[i].name,student[i].math); system("pause"); return 0; }
第17章C#语言简介C#(C Sharp)是微软于2000年提出的一种源于C++、类似于Java的面向对象编程语言,适合于分布式环境中的组件开发。
17.1OOP语言OOP(Object-Oriented Programming,面向对象编程)是目前主流的编程技术,本节介绍其中最重要的C++、Java和C#,重点是它们三者之间的关系与对比。
the c programming language 英文版
the c programming language 英文版
1.TCP 协议简介
2.TCP 协议的常用应用
3.TCP 协议的协议号
4.UDP 协议的协议号
5.ICMP 协议的协议号和端口号
一、TCP 协议简介
TCP(Transmission Control Protocol,传输控制协议)是一种面向连接的、可靠的、基于字节流的传输层通信协议。
TCP 协议通过三次握手建立连接,并提供可靠的数据传输和错误恢复机制,确保数据能够完整、准确地传输到目的地。
二、TCP 协议的常用应用
TCP 协议在网络通信中具有广泛的应用,常见的应用包括:
1.文件传输:如 FTP(文件传输协议)
2.电子邮件:如 SMTP(简单邮件传输协议)
3.网页浏览:如 HTTP(超文本传输协议)
4.远程登录:如 Telnet
三、TCP 协议的协议号
TCP 协议的协议号为 6,即在网络协议栈中,TCP 协议位于传输层,协议号为 6。
四、UDP 协议的协议号
UDP(User Datagram Protocol,用户数据报协议)是一种无连接的、不可靠的、基于数据报的传输层通信协议。
UDP 协议的协议号为 17,即在网络协议栈中,UDP 协议位于传输层,协议号为 17。
五、ICMP 协议的协议号和端口号
ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol,互联网控制消息协议)是一种用于网络诊断和错误报告的协议。
ICMP 协议的协议号为 1,端口号通常为 13。
C语言有很多种,如:Microsoft C、Turbo C、 Quick C、Borland C++、Visual C等。本课程通 过Turbo C的环境来学习C语言。
C Programming Language
例1.1 第一个程序 Hello,World! /* example1.1 The first C Program*/ 编译预处理 #include <stdio.h> main() 函数 { 语句 printf(“Hello,World!”); }
最高位作为符号位,若正数,则最高位是0,若负数,则 最高位是1。 12
C Programming Language
②反码表示法:(假定用八个二进制位表示) 通过一个二进制整数的原码得到所谓反码:当a为正数时, [a] 原=[a] 反 ,当a为负数时,则保持[a] 原的符号位不变,其余各 个二进制位逐位取反,即0变1,1变0。如: a=+51 [a]原=00110011 则 [a] 反 = [a] 原=00110011 a=-51 [a]原=10110011 则 [a]反=11001100 [+0]反=00000000 反码表示法在八个二进制位中的表示范围: -127≤a≤+127 [-0]反=11111111
30 N=N+1
C Programming Language
开始 输入年月
M=1、3、5…12 Y是闰年
c语言课程内容 模块 项目 任务
c语言课程内容模块项目任务1. C语言是一种通用的高级程序设计语言。
C language is a general-purpose high-level programming language.2.在C语言课程中,学生将学习如何使用变量、数据类型、运算符和控制流程。
In the C language course, students will learn how to use variables, data types, operators, and control flow.3.学生将学习如何编写C程序,包括输入输出、循环、条件语句和函数。
Students will learn how to write C programs, including input/output, loops, conditional statements, and functions.4. C语言课程还会介绍指针、内存管理和文件操作等高级主题。
The C language course will also cover advanced topics such as pointers, memory management, and file operations.5.学生将学习如何使用C语言进行系统级编程和嵌入式软件开发。
Students will learn how to use C language for system-level programming and embedded software development.6.课程中将涵盖C语言的基本语法和编程范例。
The course will cover the basic syntax and programming examples of C language.7.学生将进行大量的编程练习,以提高他们的C语言编程能力。
Students will engage in plenty of programming exercisesto enhance their C programming skills.8.通过C语言课程,学生将能够理解计算机编程的基本原理和方法。
评价 c开头 -回复
评价c开头-回复C++ Programming Language: A Comprehensive Introduction and Evaluation[Introduction]C++ is a versatile and powerful programming language that has been widely adopted across various industries and domains. This article aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of C++, exploring its features, applications, strengths, and weaknesses. Whether you are a novice programmer or an experienced developer, this evaluation will help you understand the language's capabilities and determine if it suits your needs.[Background and History]C++ was developed in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs. It is an extension of the C programming language and was designed to bring object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts to the existing C language. C++ combines the low-level system access and performance of C with high-level features such as classes, objects, and inheritance, making it a widely used language forsystems programming, game development, and mobile applications.[Features and Syntax]One of the key features of C++ is its support for OOP. The language allows programmers to organize their code into classes, which encapsulate data and methods. This provides modularity and reusability, making it easier to manage large-scale projects. C++ also supports features like inheritance, polymorphism, and templates, allowing for the creation of highly flexible and extensible code.In addition to OOP, C++ supports procedural programming, allowing developers to write efficient and concise code. Its syntax is similar to C, with some added features like namespaces and exception handling. The language supports strong typing and requires explicit declaration of variables and function types, promoting code clarity and reducing the likelihood of errors.[Applications]C++ finds extensive use in a wide range of applications. It is particularly popular in systems programming, where performance and direct hardware access are essential. Operating systems like Windows and Linux are built using C++, as it allows developers to interact with hardware components like memory, input/output devices, and network interfaces.Game development is another domain where C++ excels. Its ability to handle complex algorithms, graphics rendering, and physics simulations makes it a reliable choice for creatinghigh-performance games. Popular game engines like Unreal Engine and Unity rely heavily on C++ for their core functionality.Beyond systems programming and game development, C++ is also widely used in embedded systems, scientific research, and financial analysis. Its speed, memory management, and extensive libraries make it invaluable for applications requiring performance optimization and numerical calculations.[Strengths]One of the significant strengths of C++ is its performance. Thelanguage provides low-level access to memory and hardware, allowing developers to write efficient and close-to-the-metal code. C++ programs can achieve similar performance to those written in languages like C and assembly language, making it a popular choice for resource-intensive applications.C++ is highly portable, with compilers and libraries available for various platforms. This portability enables developers to write code once and run it on multiple operating systems and architectures, saving time and effort in cross-platform development.Another strength of C++ is its extensive library support. The Standard Template Library (STL) provides a collection of data structures and algorithms, making common tasks like sorting, searching, and manipulating collections straightforward and efficient. Additionally, third-party libraries like Boost further enhance the language's capabilities, offering features like networking, GUI programming, and cryptography.C++ fosters code reuse and maintainability through its support for OOP principles. The ability to define classes, encapsulate data and functions, and create hierarchies through inheritance significantlyimproves the readability and maintainability of code. By building on existing classes, developers can save time and effort when creating new projects or modifying existing ones.[Weaknesses]While C++ offers many advantages, it also has its share of weaknesses. The language's complexity can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. C++ requires a deep understanding of memory management, pointers, and other low-level concepts, which can be challenging for programmers without prior experience.C++ code can be verbose and prone to errors. The language's strict typing requires explicit type declarations in many cases, leading to longer code lines and increased chances of typing mistakes. Additionally, C++ lacks built-in garbage collection, making manual memory management a necessity. Improper memory deallocation can lead to memory leaks or segmentation faults, adding complexity and responsibility to the developer.Another weakness of C++ is its steep learning curve. With its manyfeatures and intricate syntax, mastering C++ requires time, dedication, and continuous learning. Beginners may struggle to grasp certain concepts, which can hinder their progress and productivity.[Conclusion]C++ is a powerful and versatile programming language with a rich history and widespread adoption. Its support for OOP, performance optimizations, extensive libraries, and cross-platform capabilities make it an excellent choice for many applications. However, its complexity, lack of built-in garbage collection, and steep learning curve may pose challenges for beginners or those seeking a more straightforward language alternative.Ultimately, the choice to use C++ depends on the specific project's requirements and the developer's familiarity with the language. With dedication and perseverance, mastering C++ can unlock a wide range of opportunities and enable the creation of efficient, high-performance software solutions.。
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◦ while (Condition == true) // Do something ◦ do { // Do something } while (Condition == true);
◦ What‟s the difference ?
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int x = 0; while (x <= 5) printf("%d", ++ x); return 0; }
[2012年03月] 以下叙述错误的是
◦ A.一个C程序可以包含多个不同名的函数 ◦ B.一个C程序只能有一个主函数 ◦ C.C程序在书写时,有严格的缩进要求,否则不能编译通 过 ◦ D.C程序的主函数必须用main作为函数名
◦ 常量和变量的概念
序列 \a \b \n \t \\ \‟ \” \0ooo \xhh 意义 蜂鸣(ANSI C) 退格 换行 水平制表符 反斜杠(\) 单引号(„) 双引号(“) 八进制值(ooo表示八进制数) 十六进制值(hh表示十六进制数)
◦ 声明浮点类型变量
float x; double y; long double z;
◦ 浮点型数据
float, double ...
◦ 其他类型数据
char, _Bool, _Complex, _Imaginary ...
◦ 声明int类型变量
int x;
◦ 声明并初始化int类型变量
int x = 0;
◦ 对已声明的变量赋值
int x; x = 0; x = 2.5; What will happen ?
scanf()函数 #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { const int year = 2012; int age; printf("How old are you? "); scanf("%d", &age); printf("You are born in %d.\n", year - age); return 0; }
◦ What‟s the output ?
The value of x is 10. The value of y is 2.5.
printf() 函数
◦ 常见的占位符
占位符 %c %d %e %E %f %p 用途 一个字符 有符号十进制整数 浮点数, e-记数法 浮点数, E-记数法
设有以下语句 char ch1,ch2, scanf(“%c%c”, &ch1, &ch2); 若要为变量ch1和ch2分别输入字符A和B,正确的输入形 式应该是 A. A和B之间用逗号间隔 B. A和B之间不能有任何间隔符 C. A和B之间可以用回车间隔 D. A和B之间用空格间隔
++ x和x++的区别
◦ int x = 3, y = 4;
◦ Condition I
printf(“%d”, ++ x * y ++);
◦ Condition II
printf(“%d”, ++ x * ++ y);
◦ Condition III
printf(“%d”, x ++ * y ++);
浮点数, 十进制记数法
占位符 %s %u %x %X %%
用途 字符串 无符号十进制整数
使用0f符号无符号十六进制整数 使用0F符号无符号十六进制整数
指针Leabharlann printf() 函数的高级特性
◦ 输出浮点类型数据
float fl = 3.456; printf(“%8.2f”, fl); What‟s the output ?
谢 浩哲 zjhzxhz@ 2015年11月12日
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int num; num = 1; printf("I'm a simple C program.\n"); return 0; }
◦ char ch = „A‟; ◦ printf(“The code for %c is %d”, ch, ch);
printf() 函数
◦ int x = 10; ◦ printf(“The value of x is %d.\n”, x); ◦ float y =2.5; ◦ printf(“The value of y is %f.\n”, y);
◦ 在ASCII表中存在一部分无法打印的字符, 例如:换行、 退格或者让扬声器蜂鸣. 那么如何表示这些字符呢? ◦ 方法一:使用ASCII码
char beep = 7; printf(“%c”, beep);
◦ 方法二:使用转义序列
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 0; if (x == 0) printf("Hello!"); else printf("%d", x); return 0; }
增量和减量运算符:++和-◦ 下列语句等价:
x = x + 1; x += 1; x ++; ++ x; y = y – 1; y -= 1; y --; -- y;
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { size_t intSize; intSize = sizeof(int); printf("An int has %u byte.", intSize); return 0; }
使用字符: char类型
◦ 声明char变量
char grade = „A‟; char grade = 65; // OK, but do not recommend
◦ 打印输出字符
printf(“Your grade is %c.\n”, grade);
What‟s the output? Your grade is A.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) if (i == 5) continue; else printf("%d", i); return 0; } #include <stdio.h> int main() { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) if (i == 5) break; else printf("%d", i); return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= 5; i ++) printf("%d", i); return 0; }
◦ 计算 1+2+...+n的值
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int sum = 0, n = 0, i = 0; scanf(“%d”, &n); for (; i <= n; ++ i) sum += i; return 0; }
关于printf()函数的参数 #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int x = 3, y = 4; printf("%d %d", x);// too few arguments printf("%d", x, y); // too many arguments printf("%f", x); // type mismatch return 0; }
有以下程序: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int A=0, B=0, C=0; C=(A-=A-5);(A=B,B+=4); printf("%d, %d, %d\n", A, B, C); return 0; } 程序运行后输出的结果是 A.0,4,5 B.4,4,5 C.4,4,4
◦ 格式字符串中的常规字符