LCD device with transparent infrared image sensor panel for touch and hover sensing




HOME ABOUT PRODUCTS SUPPORT SALESTouch Screen Selection GuideGeneralA touch screen is an assembly that is mounted in front of a video display. It is activated by touching, with a stylus or finger, the selected area on the display that indicates the desired function. The touch screen or frame has an independent X-Y coordinate system that is calibrated to the display matrix. The X-Y coordinates of the position of the stylus are communicated to the host computer causing the desired action.Other than voice recognition, touch input is probably the most natural human interface to any computing device. It is particularlyuseful and popular in those applications where the user is relatively unskilled in the operation of a computer. For that group ofusers, keyboards tend to be intimidating devices.Touch screens have been used for many years, mainly in applications such as point of sale, public information kiosks, industrialand process control, military displays, medical displays and interactive video systems.Touch Screens for the Factory FloorAs computer based graphic displays and workstations replace switch and indicator banks as the primary man-machine interface for machine and process control, touch screens are becoming increasingly popular as the input device of choice There are several reasons for this increased popularity.q Using touch screens, pop-up alpha and numeric keypads replace fixed, expensive industrial keyboards.q Since video switch banks are software programmable, making changes is significantly less costly than modifying a control panel that contains mechanical switches and indicators.q Using touch input an unskilled user can operate a complex computing device by interacting directly with the video display with relative ease.q Touch targets can be any shape size or color which makes screen design more flexible.q Touch input can provide instant audio and/or visual feedback to tile user to confirm his choice.q Touch active menus can help guide tile user through complex sequences of commands or actions.q Complicated control panels can be simplified by only displaying valid options for any control sequence.This guide is intended to provide a designer with basic tools and selection criteria to allow the most appropriate touch technology and controller configuration to be chosen for their industrial control application.Present Touch Technologiesq Ideally a touch screen would have the following characteristics:q It would not overlay the display and would, therefore, not degrade the display image.q It would have resolution equivalent to that of the video display.q It would be activated by 1) any size stylus 2) conducting or non-conducting styli or 3) a gloved or non-gloved finger.q It would provide a positive, tactile feedback to the operator.q It would be modular and capable of being added to a display and computer in the same manner that other input devices are added.q It would be impervious to dust, grease, moisture chemical or oil vapors or pressure hose down that may be present in a hostile environment.Unfortunately, none of the touch screens currently manufactured have all of those characteristics. Accordingly, the selection of any touch technology is a compromise that will depend on the particular application and environment.There are four major touch technologies--analog resistive, capacitive, scanning infrared (IR) and surface acoustic wave (SAW). All of these technologies provide an assembly consisting of a touch screen overlay or touch frame and a separate controller. The controller is a printed circuit board assembly that must be mounted in either the display device or the computer.Analog ResistiveAnalog resistive screens consist of a sandwich of Mylar and plastic or glass. Usually the Mylar overlay is hard coated to resist abrasion. The two layers are separated from each other by transparent elastic spacer dots. The inside surfaces of the sandwich are coated with a uniform transparent thin film conductive coating, usually indium-tin-oxide (ITO). In operation, a voltage is alternately applied along the horizontal and vertical axes. When the Mylar overlay is depressed and its conductive layer makes contact with the energized layer, that voltage is sensed and transmitted to a controller containing an analog-to-digital converter. The voltage is converted to a digital X or Y touch location. Although the basic analog resistive technology has infinite resolution, the actual system resolution is limited to the resolution of the A-D converter and is generally greater than 1,000x1,000 points.CapacitiveA cross section of a capacitive screen is shown. A glass panel is coated with a conductive coating(usually ITO) that is fused into the glass. The coating is connected to four electrodes at the edges of thescreen. Each electrode is connected to an oscillator circuit. When an operator touches the screen, thebody capacitance of the operator causes a change in the impedance of the screen. The impedancechange causes the oscillator frequencies to vary, and the frequency differentials are converted into X-Ycoordinates by an A-D converter. As with the analog resistive screen, the basic capacitive screen hasinfinite resolution but the system resolution is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio which puts a practicalupper limit on the A-D converter resolution--typically 1,000x 1,000 points.Scanning Infrared (IR)The IR technology is the onlytechnology that does not overlay thedisplay with an additional screen orscreen sandwich. An array of infrared (IR) light emitting diode (LED)/photodetector pairs are mounted in a plastic frame. Using the IR spectrum allowsambient light to be filtered out and makes possible the use of opaque (to thevisible spectrum) plastic frames to hide the photo devices. Thus, the arrayframe simply looks like a bezel. In operation, the LED/photo detector array iscontinuously and sequentially scanned horizontally and then vertically Whenan operator touches the display breaking one or more of the light beams, the X-Y position of the touch stylus is transmitted to the host computer. Themaximum resolution using an interpolation technique is approximately doublethe number of LED/photo detector pairs in the array. Using interpolation, whenan odd number of beams is broken along either axis, the X or Y coordinate ofthe center beam is transmitted, but when an even number of beams is broken,the coordinates of the interpolated beam are calculated and transmitted to thehost computer.Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)The surface acoustic wave technology is the latest of the touch input technologies and uses inaudible acoustic waves traveling over the surface ofa glass panel at precise speeds in straight lines. X and Y transmittingtransducers are located along the horizontal and vertical edges of a glass plate.Corresponding X and Y receiving transducers are located at the opposite edgesof the glass plate. A reflective array made of powdered glass is printed along theedges of the glass plate. The array consists of .2 mil thick by 1/2 inch widediagonal, parallel lines. In operation, the transducer generates a surfaceacoustic wave which travels along the axis of the reflector array. At eachreflector element, a small amount of the energy in the wave is deflectedorthogonally to the direction of the wave, travels over the surface of the glassand is again deflected orthogonally toward the receiving transducer by a mirrorimage reflector. Since the energy in the wave is reduced as it travels the lengthof the reflective array, the reflector elements are placed increasingly closertogether to compensate for the decreasing energy level. When an operatortouches the screen, a portion of the energy is absorbed by the touch stylus. Thisreduced energy level is detected and, by comparing the speed of the receivedsignal with the known speed of the SAW on glass, an X or Y coordinate locationis registered. As with capacitive screens, the basic SAW technology has infiniteresolution but is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio which puts a practical limit onthe A-D converter--typically 900x900 coordinate locations.Touch Screen ControllersMost manufacturers offer two controller configurations--ISA Bus and Serial-RS232.q ISA bus controllers are contained on a standard printed circuit plug-in board and can only be used on ISA or EISA PCs. Depending on the manufacturer they may be interrupt driven, polled or be configured as another serial port.q Serial controllers are contained on a small printed circuit board and are usually mounted in the video monitor cabinet. They are then cabled to a standard RS232 serial port on the host computer.SoftwareMost touch screen manufacturers offer some level of software support which include mouse emulators, software drivers, screen generators and development tools for Windows, OS/2, Macintosh and DOS.Most of the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software packages now available contain support for one or more touch technologies.Selection ProcessGenerally there four factors that must must considered for any touch screen application:q The basic touch technologyq The touch controller configurationq The screen surface treatment (not applicable to IR touch screens)q Compatibility with the applications softwareTouch Technology Evaluation Factorsq Resolution-- The smallest detectable increment of stylus movement establishes the touch resolution. Low resolution may be adequate to activate large targets but for mouse tracking or small target activation, resolution equivalent to that of the monitor is desirable.q Parallax-- If a significant variance exists between the target position on the CRT and the point on the touch screen matrix that, when activated by a stylus, causes a touch to be registered the operator could select a different target area than the desired target.q Environment-- The buildup of a layer of dust, oil, grease or any foreign substance on fingers, harsh chemical vapors and hose-down by pressure hoses may cause improper touch operation.q Stylus-- Types of styli typically used with touch screens are bare finger and gloved finger. Occasionally other types of styli including pencil erasers, tips of a pen, may be pointed at the screen and the user expects a responseq Transmissivity-- Overlay touch screens act as a neutral density filter and, therefore attenuate the light from the CRT.q Abrasion-- Touch screen abrasion is experienced in one of three ways. 1) Cleaning of screen with an abrasive 2) Impacting the screen witha sharp object 3) Gradual wearing of the screen from repeated useTouch Technology Selection CriteriaAnalog ResistiveAdvantagesq Highest resolution (better than 1 K x 1 K), smooth mouse tracking and small target activationq Will operate with virtually any stylus including gloved/ungloved fingersq Low parallax with spherical screen that conforms to CRT faceplateq Impervious to dust, oils, grease, moistureq Touch has some tactile feedbackDisadvantagesq Although Mylar overlay has a hard coat and is somewhat abrasion resistant, it can be damaged by gouging from a sharp instrument q Hose down can cause unwanted activation of target areasq Lowest transmissivity of all touch technologies - 55%-65%CapacitiveAdvantagesq High resolution - 1 K x 1 K, smooth mouse tracking and small target activationq Low parallax with spherical screen that conforms to CRT faceplateq Impervious to dust, oils, grease, moistureq Hose-down does not cause unwanted activation of targetsq Impervious to scratching by all but the hardest materialsq High transmissivity - >85%Disadvantagesq Will not respond to gloved finger or any non-conductive stylusScanning Infrared (IR)Advantagesq Best image quality as there is no overlayq Impervious to scratchingq Activates with gloved or ungloved finger and any stylus that is large enough to break IR light beam (typically >.25") Disadvantagesq Low resolutionq Exhibits worst parallax problem of all technologies for CRT use since light beams do not follow curvature of CRT faceplate q May cause unintended activation of target prior to finger contact with CRT caused by IR light beam location above surface of CRT q Pressure hose down may cause unwanted target selectionq Dust, oil or grease buildup on frame that impedes light beam may cause malfunctionSurface Acoustic Wave (SAW)Advantagesq High transmissivity - >92%q High resolution - 900 x 900, smooth mouse tracking and small target activationq Low parallax with spherical screen that conforms to CRT faceplateq Impervious to scratching by all but the hardest materialsq Only technology with Z axis controlDisadvantagesq Pressure hose down may cause unwanted target selectionq Dust, oil or grease on surface of touch screen may cause malfunction or unwanted target selectionTouch Controller Selection CriteriaBus Controllerq Bus controllers are available for ISA/EISA and Micro channel. For any other bus, a serial controller must be usedq Bus controllers usually take a half-length slotq Bus controllers can only be driven a few feet. Therefore the distance between the video monitor and computer must be relatively short q Certain designs are interrupt driven and require the assignment of an IRQ line. Others have a serial port format and require the assignment of a COM port.q Bus controllers are mechanically easier to install.Serial ControllersSerial Controllers are necessary if:q A computer bus other than ISA/EISA or Micro channel is usedq A computer slot is not available but a serial port is availableq There is a separation between the computer and monitor of several feet or moreq No IRQ line is availableSurface Treatment Selection CriteriaTwo types of surface treatment are offered for most overlay screens - clear and anti-glareq Anti-glare screens use an etched surface to diffuse reflected light thus scattering specular reflected light and reducing glare. Unfortunately, this also causes some diffusion of the image. The diffusion is limited if the screen is close to the display surface, but some diffusionremains.q Clear screens have no diffusion of the display image but the screen is highly reflectiveThe choice of clear or anti-glare may be somewhat affected by the intensity and direction of ambient light in the viewing area, but in the final analysis, it is usually a subjective decisionSoftware CompatibilityAfter the touch screen technology and controller have been selected:q It is necessary to determine that the software drivers supplied with the touch screen are compatible with tile latest version of the user's operating systemq If standard application software is being considered. it is necessary to determine that the software is compatible with the drivers and touch hardwareq If software is being developed, it is necessary to ascertain that adequate software drivers and development tools are available SummaryWe have shown that there are many factors to consider in the proper selection of a touch screen, primarily focused on the application and the environment in which it will be used. We have attempted to provide the designer with adequate information to make an informed choice of a touch screen technology that best suits the application.Nortech offers a complete line of touch input workstations, control stations and video monitors. Analog resistive and capacitive touch screens are offered as standard products, since one or the other will best satisfy most industrial control applications for use with CRTs. For generally clean environments, surface acoustic wave (SAW) touch screens may be substituted, if desirable. Nortech does not support scanning infrared (IR) touch screens for use with CRTs.Copyright 1996-2006, Nortech Engineering, Inc., All Rights Reserved。

OMEGA 产品说明书.pdf_1718757433.4097247

OMEGA 产品说明书.pdf_1718757433.4097247

OMEGA OS641F-MV-LSInfrared Temperature Transducer With Laser MarkerOMEGAnet On-Line Service Internet e-mail **************For immediate technical or application assistance:USA and Canada:Mexico and Latin America:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA Tel: (95) 800-TC-OMEGA Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST FAX: (95) 203-359-7807Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN En Español: (203) 359-7803TELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGA e-mail:*****************Servicing North America:USA: ISO 9001 Certified Canada:One Omega Drive, Box 4047976 Bergar Stamford, CT 06907-0047Laval (Quebec) H7L5A1Tel: (203) 359-1660Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (203)359-7700FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:**************e-mail:**************Servicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen,The Netherlands Tel: (31) 20 6418405 FAX: (31) 20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 06 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:ul. Rude armady 1868, 733 01 Karvina-Hranice, Czech Repubic Tel: 420 (69) 6311627 FAX: 420 (69)6311114e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 Trappes Tel: (33) 130-621-400 FAX: (33)130-699-120Toll Free in France: 0800-4-06342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392Deckenpfronn, Germany Tel: 49 (07056) 3017 FAX: 49 (07056) 8540TollFreeinGermany************e-mail:*****************United Kingdom: ISO 9002 Certified One Omega Drive Riverbend Technology Centre Northbank, Irlam,Manchester, M44 5EX, England Tel: 44 (161) 777-6611 FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622Toll Free in England: 0800-488-488e-mail:***************.ukINTRODUCTIONThis instrument is a portable easy use compact-sized digital infrared tempera-ture transducer with laser marker designed for simple one hand operation.SAFETY INFORMATIONIt is recommended that you read the safety and operation instructions before using the infrared thermometer.The symbol on the instrument indicates that the operator must refer to an explanation in this manual.DANGERPressing the button turns the laser marker on and off. Exercise extreme care and do not allow the laser beam to enter your eye or those of any other person or animal.•Do not look directly into the laser light from the optical system.•When measuring the temperature of an object which has a mirror finish, be careful not to allow the laser light beam to be reflected off the surface into your eyes or those of another person.•Do not allow the laser light beam to impinge upon any gas which can explode.CAUTION•Do not use the unit near any device which generates strong electromagnetic radiation or near a static electrical charge, as these may cause errors.•Do not use the unit where it may be exposed to corrosive or explosive gases. The unit may be damaged, or explosion may occur.•Do not keep or use this unit in an environment where it will be directly illuminated by sunshine, or where it will be exposed to high temperatures, high humidity or conden-sation. If you do, it may be deformed, its insulation may be damaged, or it may no longer function according to specification.•Do not point the lens at the sun or at any other source of strong light. If you do, the sensor may be damaged.•Do not contact the lens against the object whose temperature is to be measured, or get it dirty, allow it to be scratched, or allow any foreign material to adhere to it. Doing so may cause errors.•Do not touch or hold by the front cone. Temperature reading can be affected by heat from hand.•Do not place the meter on or around hot objects (70°C/158°F). It may cause damage to the case.•If the meter is exposed to significant changes in ambient temperature (hot to cold or cold to hot). Allow 20 minutes for temperature stabilization, before taking measurement.•Condensation may form on the lens when going from a cold to hot environment-wait 10 minutes for conden sation to dissipate before taking measurements.•This unit is not constructed to be water proof or dustproof, so do not use it in a very dusty environment or in one where it will get wet.SPECIFICATIONSGENERALLow battery indication: the "Red LED " is displayed when the battery voltage drops below the operating level.Operating Environment: 32°F to 122°F at < 70% relative humidity.Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F, 0 to 80% R.H. with battery removed from meter.Battery: 4 pcs 1.5V (AAA size).Battery Life: 100 hours (continuity) typical (Laser marker not illuminated). Dimensions: 170mm(H) x 44mm(W) x 40mm(D).Weight: 7.05oz including batteries.ELECTRICALTemperature Range: 0°F to 500°F.Analog Output: 1mV/°F.Accuracy:±3%ofreadingor±5.5°F,***************************.4°F ambient operating temperature.Temperature Coefficent: ±0.2% of reading or ±0.36°F, whichever is greater, change in accuracy per °F change in ambient operating temperature above 82.4°F or below 64.4°F.Response Time: 1 second.Spectral Response: 6 to 14µm nominal.Emissivity: Pre-set 0.95.Detection Element: Thermopile.Optical Lens: Fresnal Lens.Sighting: 1-beam laser marker <1mW (class 2).Field of View: 2.56"Ø at 39.37".Spot size increases with distance from the probe tip as shown CAUTION: Use of controls or Adjustmentsor performance of Procedures other than those Specified herein may result inHazardous radiation exposure.Aperture Label (on front):Danger, Certification & ID Label:(Located on back of unit)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPush buttonsLaser Marker ButtonRelease MEAS button then press "" button to toggle between turn on and turn off the Laser Marker annunciator, If "" annunciator turn on, press MEAS button the laser marker beam is being emitted, releasing MEAS button turn off the laser marker beam.MEAS (MEASURE) ButtonDepress MEAS button to turn on the meter for temperature measurement. Release the MEAS button to stop temperature measurement.OPERATION1. Plug the infrared temperature transducer test leads into the Vdc input jack and common or ground input jack on the DMM. Observe polarity.2. Set the DMM to the 2V range only, ignore the decimal point.3. Use "" button to select turn on or turn off the Laser Marker.4. Point the lens at the object whose temperature is to be measured.5. Press the MEAS button. Measurement is performed as long as the MEAS button is kept pressed.6. Referring to the spot size figure, aim the laser beam at the object whose temperature is to be measured.NOTE: Although the field of measurement (or Field of View) and the spot almost coincide, actually the field of measurement corresponds to the diameter for 90% optical response. The object whose temperature is to be measured needs to be larger than the measurement diameter (spot of size) by an adequate margin at least 1.5 to 2 times larger.7. Read the DMM diaplay.MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS1.Theory of MeasurementEvery object emits infrared energy in accordance with its temperature. By mesuring the amount of this radiant energy, it is possible to determine the temperature of the emitting object.2.About InfraredInfrared radiation is a form of light (electromagnectic radiation), and has the property that it, passes easily through air while it is easily absorbed by solid matter. With an emission thermometer which operates by detecting infrared radiation accurate measurement is possible, irrespective of the air tempera-ture or the measrement distance.3.Emission Thermometer StructureInfrared radiation which has been emitted from the object is focused upon an infrared radiation sensor, via an optical system which includes a lens is transparent to infrared rediation, an 5.3µm cut off filter. The output signal from the infrared radiation sensor is input to an electronic circuit along with the output signal from a standard tempeature sensor (Thermopile).4.EmissivityAll objects emit invisible infrared energy. The amount of energy emitted is proportional to the object's temperature and its ability to emit IR energy. This ability, called emissivity, is based upon the material that the object is made of and its surface finish. Emissivity values range from 0.10 for a very reflective object to 1.00 for a black body. Factory set emissivity value of 0.95, which cover 90% of typical applications.5.If the surface to be measured is covered by frost or other material, clean it to expose the surface.6.If the surface to be measured is highly reflective, apply masking tape or matt finish black paint to the surface.7.If the meter seems to be giving incorrect readings check the front cone. There may be condensation or debris obstructing the sensor; clean per instructions in the maintenance section.MAINTENANCEBattery ReplacementPower is supplied by four 1.5V (AAA size) batteries. The "LOW BATT" red LED lighted when replacement is needed.To replace the batteries, remove the screw from the back of the meter and lift off the battery cover case. Remove the batteries from battery contacts.CleaningPeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and detergent, do not use abrasives or solvents.Substance Thermal Substance Thermalemissivity emissivity Asphalt0.90 to 0.98Cloth (black)0.98 Concrete0.94Human skin0.98 Cement0.96Lather0.75 to 0.80 Sand0.90Charcoal (powder)0.96Earth0.92 to 0.96Lacquer0.80 to 0.95 Water0.92 to 0.96Lacquer (matt)0.97Ice0.96 to 0.98Rubber (black)0.94Snow0.83Plastic0.85 to 0.95 Glass0.90 to 0.95Timber0.90 Ceramic0.90 to 0.94Paper0.70 to 0.94 Marble0.94chromium oxides0.81 Plaster0.80 to 0.90Copper oxides0.78 Mortar0.89 to 0.91lron oxides0.78 to 0.82 Brick (red)0.93 to 0.96T extiles0.90WARRANTYOMEGA warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship and to give satisfactory service for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. However, this WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components which wear or which are damaged by misuse are not warranted. This includes contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is glad to offer suggestions on the of use of its various products. Nevertheless, OMEGA only warrants that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defectsOMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.Every precaution for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of this manual; however, OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors that may appear nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of the products in accordance with the information contained in the manual.SPECIAL CONDITION: Should this equipment be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, purchaser will indemnity OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theIt is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected application.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEP ARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1.P.O. number under which the product wasPURCHASED.2.Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relativeto the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number to cover the COST of the repair.2.Model and serial number of product , and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relativeto the product.OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 1999 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA...Of Course!HEATERSþHeating CableþCartridge & Strip HeatersþImmersion & Band HeatersþFlexible HeatersþLaboratory HeatersPRESSURE/STRAIN AND FORCE þTransducers & Strain GaugesþLoad Cells & Pressure GaugesþDisplacement TransducersþInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELþRotameters, Gas MassFlowmeters & Flow Computers þAir Velocity IndicatorsþTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsþTotalizers & Batch Controllers TEMPERATUREþThermocouple, RTD & ThermistorProbes, Connectors, Panels &AssembliesþWire: Thermocouple, RTD &ThermistorþCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesþRecorders, Controllers & ProcessMonitorsþInfrared PyrometersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLþMetering & Control InstrumentationþRefractometersþPumps & TubingþAir, Soil & Water MonitorsþIndustrial Water & WastewaterTreatmentþpH, Conductivity & DissolvedOxygen InstrumentspH/CONDUCTIVITYþpH Electrodes, Testers &AccessoriesþBenchtop/Laboratory MetersþControllers, Calibrators,Simulators & PumpsþIndustrial pH & ConductivityEquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONþData Acquisition & EngineeringSoftwareþCommunications-BasedAcquisition SystemsþPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM& CompatiblesþDatalogging SystemsþRecorders, Printers & PlottersM-2866/0799。



【电子技术/Electronic Technology】DOI: 10.19289/j.1004-227x.2021.03.001 电泳沉积法制备高能量密度的非对称平面微型超级电容器刘红彬1, *,赵方方2(1.中移(苏州)软件技术有限公司,江苏苏州215000;2.力神电池(苏州)有限公司,江苏苏州215000)摘要:首先采用光刻、蒸镀金的方法制备叉指电极,随后把合成的具有赝电容特性的二维MnO2和Ti3C2纳米片分别电泳沉积到叉指电极上,构建了非对称平面超级电容器。




关键词:二氧化锰;碳化钛;电泳沉积;赝电容;二维材料;叉指电极;非对称平面微型超级电容器中图分类号:TQ174 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004 – 227X (2021) 03 – 0171 – 06 Preparation of high-energy-density asymmetric planar microsupercapacitors by electrophoretic depositionLIU Hongbin 1, *, ZHAO Fangfang 2( 1. China Mobile (SuZhou) Software Technology Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215000, China;2. Lishen Battery (Suzhou) Joint-Stock Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215000, China)Abstract:The interdigitated electrodes were first prepared by photolithography and gold evaporation. Subsequently, the synthesized two-dimensional MnO2 and Ti3C2 nanosheets with pseudocapacitive properties were electrodeposited onto the interdigitated electrodes to fabricate asymmetric planar supercapacitors with gel electrolyte encapsulated with a transparent polydimethylsiloxane film, where MnO2 was the positive electrode and Ti3C2 was the negative electrode. The results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and optical microscopy proved that the microstructures of MnO2 and Ti3C2 after electrophoretic deposition were unchanged and the interdigitated electrodes were prepared successfully, and also showed that the electrophoretically deposited materials were of a thin film structure. The electrochemical performance of the fabricated device was tested by a two-electrode system, which showed that it not only had high rate capability and high energy density, but also maintained high power density and good mechanical flexibility. There was basically no attenuation in capability for the device when being bended at various angles.Keywords:manganese dioxide; titanium carbide; electrophoretic deposition; pseudocapacitance; two-dimensional material; interdigitated electrode; asymmetric planar microsupercapacitor随着现代可穿戴电子设备的持续快速发展,对特征尺寸在微米范围内器件的制备开始成为人们比较感兴趣的问题[1-3]。



临界背光亮度法改善LCD动态调光中的灰度截断屠震涛;郑仁涛;张小宁【摘要】A critical backlight luminance method to get balance between clipping artifacts and power consumption in local dimming LCDs is proposed. Firstly, the critical backlight luminance of middle backlight blocks and edge backlight blocks are computed with different process. Then the critical luminance is compared with the backlight luminance computed by conventional method, and the larger one is selected as the ideal backlight luminance for superimposing luminance. Finally, the gray-scales after liquid crystal compensation can be obtained according to the superimposed backlight luminance. The experiment results with 81 cm(32 in) LED backlight show that clipping artifacts ratio is reduced effectively and power consumption is not increased obviously.%LED背光源LCD采用动态调光后,为了在灰度截断和功耗之间取得平衡,文章提出了基于临界背光亮度的灰度截断改善方法.该方法首先根据不同的算法分别计算出背光中间模块和边缘模块不产生灰度截断的临界背光亮度,然后将所得到的临界背光亮度与用传统方法得到的对应背光亮度做比较,选择较大值作为最终该模块的理想背光亮度并进行亮度的叠加.液晶补偿的灰度级由叠加后背光亮度得到.81 cm(32in) LED背光源实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地改善灰度截断,同时功耗没有显著增加.【期刊名称】《液晶与显示》【年(卷),期】2012(027)003【总页数】6页(P318-323)【关键词】临界背光亮度;灰度截断;动态调光;LCD【作者】屠震涛;郑仁涛;张小宁【作者单位】西安交通大学电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西西安710049;西安交通大学电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西西安710049;西安交通大学电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室,陕西西安710049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN873液晶显示器(LCD)由于其重量轻、易于实现高分辨率,以及色彩表现力的不断提升,目前已成为应用范围最广的平板显示器件。

NEC X464UNS-2 超窄边框公共显示屏说明书

NEC X464UNS-2 超窄边框公共显示屏说明书

SpecificationsMultiSync, NaViSet, TileMatrix and Frame Comp are trademarks or registered trademarks of NEC Display Solutions, Ltd. in Japan, the United States and other countries.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-De nition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.DisplayPort and DisplayPort Compliance Logo are trademarks owned by the Video Electronics Standards Association in the United States and other countries.HDBaseT™ and the HDBaseT Alliance logo are trademarks of the HDBaseT Alliance.CRESTRON and CRESTRON ROOMVIEW are trademarks or registered trademarks of Crestron Electronics, Inc.AMX is a trademark or registered trademark of AMX in the United States and other countries.Trademark PJLink is a trademark applied for trademark rights in Japan, the United States and other countries and areas.VESA is a trademark of a nonpro t organization, Video Electronics Standard Association.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The images in this brochure are samples.All speci cations are subject to change without notice. September 2016LCD MODULECONNECTIVITYPOWERPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSViewable Size (Diagonal )Active Screen Area (W × H)Panel Technology Native ResolutionBrightness (Factory setting /Maximum)Contrast Ratio (Typical)Viewing Angle [°]Response Time (Typical)Backlight Input TerminalsOutput Terminals External Control Service Port Option Slots Speaker Output Power RequirementPower Consumption (Typical)Power Consumption -standby Mode Bezel WidthDisplayPort HDMI DVI VGA AudioDisplayPort AudioExternal SpeakersRS232C in Ethernet Remote inExpansion Slots External SpeakersSVA1,920 × 1,080500/700 cd/m178 horizontal /178 vertical (at CR>10)8 ms (G to G)Direct LED backlight DisplayPort × 1HDMI × 1DVI-D × 1Mini D-sub 15pin × 1Digital: HDMI × 1, DisplayPort × 1, Analogue: 3.5 mm Stereo Mini Jack × 2DisplayPort × 13.5 mm Stereo Mini Jack × 1Speaker terminals for L /R × 1D-Sub 9 pin × 1RJ-45 10/100BASE-T × 2 (In/out)3.5 mm Stereo Mini Jack × 1USB Type A × 1Open pluggable speci cation (NEC /Intel OPS standard) × 1, Interface extension × 115 W + 15 W (8 Ω)<0.5 W2.3 mm (Left / Top), 1.2 mm (Right / Bottom)46"/ 1,168 mm 1,018.1 × 572.7 mm3,500:1 (Native contrast)3.0 A to 1.2 A @ 100 V to 240 V AC,50/60 Hz120 W @ defaultMODEL X464UNS-2N8000-8866Ambient Light / IR Remote23Frame Comp FunctionBy synchronizing the content across the wall, this feature supports a seamless appearance and displays uninter-rupted content to create one stunning image over allscreens.The dual slot technology allows for the integration of Open Pluggable Speci cation (OPS*) boards and other option slot products without the need to store additional external equipment. This offers the greater exibility customers require.NaViSet Administrator 2This software is an all-in-one remote supportsolution that runs from a central location and provides monitoring, asset management and control functionality of the majority of NEC display devicesand Windows computers. It is ideal for multi-device installations over larger infrastructures.Dedicated Colour Calibration SoftwareAs the brightness and colour temperature of the LCD change with time, colours may not match across multiple screens. Our dedicated colour calibration software* ensures colour uniformity and delity across mul-tiple screens, creating a perfectly matched image in tiled environments.* NEC Display Wall CalibratorProof of PlayThis function provides accurate proof that displays are working as established and is helpful when checking on the status of the displays installed at a user’s site.Advanced Heat ManagementMonitoring and managing the temperature of each displayis crucial to secure reliability and longevity.DisplayPort Multi-stream FunctionThanks to the multi-stream function of DisplayPort technology, multiple displays can be daisy chained and still be individually controlled. This also makes a 2 × 2video wall with native Ultra High De nition 4K /2K (3,840 × 2,160) possible.Without heat management, displays placed higher on a wall sustain more heat. However, NEC’s advanced heat management ensures uniform heat dissipation.Auto TileMatrix and Auto ID TechnologyAuto TileMatrix and ID features allow you to simply set up the size of the video wall on the rst display, and then automatically scale the content through the remaining displays to set up the entire video wall (of up to 100 displays in a 10 × 10 matrix).Intelligent Wireless Data FunctionThe built-in near eld communication (NFC) chip allows data to be read and written via a mobile phone or tablet PC. Users can signi cantly reduce installation costs as displays can be easily con gured and serviced using the NEC NFC Android app. This is available even when the display is switched off and is especially useful on larger installations.This optional human (motion) sensor accessory (KT -RC2) helps to deliver creative digital signage to end users by allowing for dynamic control of brightness, audio and source inputs while saving operating costs. Auto dimming adjusts the backlight of the LCD automaticallydepending on the amount of ambient light.X464UNS-2• Just one cable each for video and control • Only two cables required for setup• Up to 100 displays can be daisy chainedWith FRAME COMP*Without FRAME COMP* Only available through NEC.*OPS is a standard established by Intel Corporation.OPS*Interface Extension No human (motion) detectedHuman (motion) detectedOther Useful Features and Functions•Landscape /portrait capability •Scheduler w/real-time clock•Intelligent power management system•Power-on delay •Screen saver function •Aspect ratio control •Memo function •Carbon footprint meter•Image and on-screen display ip •Picture-in-picture, Picture-out-picture •Point zoom•Control lock function•6-axis colour adjustments and sRGB standard•Advanced video settings(noise reduction, adaptive contrast)•Colour temperature adjustment•Programmable gamma setting (3 settings)•DICOM simulation•Plug and play (DDC/CI, DDC2B)•HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)•Ethernet and RS-232C control and communication •CRESTRON ROOMVIEW ™•AMX Discovery HTTP server•PJLink •Self-diagnosis •Status log function •Firmware update over LAN•Metal rear cabinet with VESAStandard (FDMIv1) mounting interface •HandlesAC INMain Power SwitchService portAUDIO IN 1, 2DVI IN (DVI-D)EXTERNAL SPEAKERTERMINALSAUDIO OUTLAN ports (RJ-45)REMOTE INDisplayPort connectorsRS-232C (D-Sub 9 pin)VGA IN(mini D-Sub 15 pin)HDMI INTerminalsX464UNS-2。



导光板技术之LCD用高亮度导光板前言液晶显示器(LCD:iquid Crystal Display)的背光照明单元(Back Light Unit;以下简称为BLU)是由冷阴极灯管(CCFL:Cold Cathode Fluorescernt Lamp)、CCFL反射膜片(reflectorsheet)、导光板(LGP ight Guide Plate)、LGP反射膜片、扩散(diffuser)膜片等组件所构成(图1)。


背光照明单元使用的光源分别有EL (Electro Luminance)、LED(Light Emitted Diode)、CCFL(Cold Cathode Fluorescernt Lamp)等三种;EL与LED方式主要应用于PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)、行动电话等小型液晶显示器的背光照明单元;CCFL则是应用于NB-PC(Note Book Personal Computer)等大型可携式产品。



图1 背光单元的基本结构导光板的种类(a)散乱式印刷导光板如图2所示传统的散乱式导光板底面印刷白色浓淡(gradation)网点使入射光散乱,散乱光的浓淡取决于网点的直径与分布密度。





Unitl1.The essence of a game is the intcnkpen血眶e of pbyer straiegics. There are two ' distinct types of strategic interdeoendenc^:起口uwnti日1 iHid?iriftiltan£ous.搏弈的实质是搏弈者采取策略之间的相互依赖性。


2.When we say that an outcome is an 旳呗闻伽* there is 何犯両tion that■Ileach person's privately best choice will 1 品LRTa colbctiwly optii远1 忆汕当我们把博弈的结果表述为一种均衡的时候,并不是基于以下的假设:即博弈的每个参与者的个人最佳策略将会带来共同的最优化结果。

3* In some situations of conflict, any systematic action will be discovered andexploited by the rival. Therefore, it is important to keep the rival guessing bymixing on壮's mow畀Typical examples arise in sports一whether to nm or 忙pass in 臥particular situalion in footb缸]L or whether to hit 孔passing shut cross-court or down thw line in tenni乳在一些冲突中,任何规律性的行为都会被对手发觉并利用。


DVNET -4Trio -DL 三显示器控制计算机输入设备说明书

DVNET -4Trio -DL 三显示器控制计算机输入设备说明书
**To select a mode, press the Enter button
1. Ensure that power is disconnected from DVNET4Trio.
Control 4 Computers (PC, Mac, or Linux) on Three Displays Up To 20 Feet Away with Keyboard/Mouse Emulation,
ers, Cameras, Scanners, etc.) Supports USB keyboard and mouse emulation Balanced stereo audio output Front panel tactile switch with LCD dX
1 DVNET-4Trio-DL, 4x3 Dual-Link DVI-D, USB 2.0, Audio Switch
Power Supply 1 User Manual 1
Designed and Manufactured in the USA
USB Signal Type
Input Interface Output Interface
USB 2.0, 1.1, and 1.0 w/ internal hub



摄影测量与遥感专业词汇中英对照表001摄影测量学photogrammetry002卫星摄影测量satellite photogrammetry003摄影学photography004航天摄影space photography005航空摄影aerial photography006航空摄影机aerial camera007立体摄影机stereocamera,stereometric camera008非量测摄影机non-metric camera009量测摄影机metric camera010全景摄影机panoramic camera,panorama camera:H3w:t p}n"i8K^011框幅摄影机frame camera012条幅[航带]摄影机continuous strip camera, strip camera013阵列摄影机array camera014电荷耦合器件摄影机(简称“CCD摄影机”)charge-coupled device camera015多谱段摄影机multispectral camera016地面摄影机terrestrial camera017弹道摄影机ballistic camera018水下摄影机underwater camera019大象幅摄影机large format camera,LFC020恒星摄影机stellar camera021地平线摄影机horizon camera022反束光导管摄象机return beam vidicon camera, RBV023象幅picture format024框标fiducial mark025象移补偿image motion compensation,IMC, forward motion compensation, FMC+w n 026焦距focal length027快门shutter028中心快门between-the-lens shutter,lens shutterC'J#L K9]i1f5V;X 029帘幕快门(又称“焦面快门)focal plane shutter,curtain shutter030景深depth of field031超焦点距离hyperfocal distance032孔径(又称“光圈”)aperture033光圈号数f-number, stop-number034象场角objective angle of image field,angular field of view035瞬时现场(又称“空间分解力”,其值为地面分解力2.5~2.8倍)instantaneous field-of -view, IFOV036畸变[差]distortion037全景畸变panoramic distortion038几何畸变geometric distortion039径向畸变radial distortion040切向畸变tangential distortion,tangential lens distortion041物镜分辨率resolving power of lens!i#?{:v N b*{J 042影象分辨率resolving power of image (注:一毫米内能分辨线对条数) 043正片positive044负片negative045透明负片dianegative046透明正片diapositive, transparent positive047反转片reversal film048盲色片achromatic film049正色片orthochromatic film050全色片panchromatic film051红外片infrared film052黑白片black-and-white film053彩色片color film054全色红外片panchromatic infrared film055彩色红外片(又称“假彩色片”)color infrared film,false color film056航摄软片aerial film057感光度sensitivity058感光材料sensitive material059彩色感光材料color sensitive material060感光测定sensitometry061感光特性曲线characteristic curve of photographic emulsion062光谱感光度(又称“光谱灵敏度”)spectral sensitivity063黑白摄影black-and-white photography064彩色摄影color photography065假彩色摄影false color photography066红外摄影infrared photography067全息摄影hologram photography, holography068缩微摄影microphotography, microcopying069低倍放大摄影pnotomacrography070显微摄影photomicrography071多谱段摄影multispectral photography072全景摄影panoramic photography073竖直摄影vertical photography074倾斜摄影oblique photography075小象幅航空摄影small format aerial photography,SFAP076摄站camera station,exposure station077摄影航线flight line of aerial photography078摄影分区flight block079摄影比例尺photographic scale080摄影基线photographic baseline,air base081摄影质量photographic quality082航摄领航navigation of aerial photography083航摄计划flight plan of aerial photography084航摄漏洞aerial photographic gap85航高flying height,flight height086相对航高relative flying height087绝对航高absolute flying height088基一高比base-height ratio089航向重叠longitudinal overlap end overlap, forward overlap, fore-and-aft overlap 090旁向重叠lateral overlap, side overlap,side laP091骨架航线(又称“构架航线”)control strip092曝光exposure093摄影处理photographic processing094显影developing095定影fixing096感光sensitising097接触晒印contact printing098投影晒印projection printing099反差contrast100反差系数contrast coefficient101景物反差object contrast102地面照度illuminance of ground103影象质量image quality104影象分辨力(又称“象元地面分辨力”。



Infrared Remote And Chips Are IntroducedPeople's eyes can see the visible wavelength from long to short according to the arrangement, in order to red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, violet. One of the red wavelengths for 0.62 ~ 0.76 mount, Purple is 0.38 wavelength range ~ mount. Purple is shorter than the wavelength of light called ultraviolet ray, red wavelengths of light is longer than that of infrared light. Infrared remote control is to use wavelength for 0.76 ~ 1.5 mount between the near infrared to transfer control signal.Commonly used infrared remote control system of general points transmit and receive two parts. The main component part for the launch of infrared light emitting diode. It is actually a special light emitting diode, due to its internal material differs from ordinary light emitting diode, resulting in its ends on certain voltage, it is a rather infrared light. Use of infrared light emitting diode the infrared wavelengths, for 940nm appearance and ordinary, just the same light emitting diode five different colors. Infrared light emitting diode generally have black and blue, transparent three colors. Judgment of infrared light emitting diode and judgment method, using a millimeter to ordinary diode electric block measure of infrared light emitting diode, reverse resistance. The infrared light emitting diode luminescence efficiency to use special instrument to measure precise, and use only spare conditions to pull away from roughly judgment. Receiving partof infrared receiving tube is a photosensitive diode.In actual application of it receiving diode to reverse bias, it can work normally, i.e., the infrared receiving circuit application in diode is used to reverse, higher sensitivity. Infrared receiving diode usually have two round and rectangular. Due to the power of infrared light emitting diode (or less commonly 100mW), so ir receiving diode received signals is weak, so will increase high-gain ones.the amplifier circuit.In common CX20106A, etc. PC1373H moon infrared receiving special amplifier circuit. In recent years both amateur or formal products, mostly using infrared receiving head finished. The head of infrared receiving product packages generally has two kinds: one kind USES sheet shielding, A kind of plastic packaging. There are three pin, namely the power is (VDD), power negative (GND) and data output (VO or OUT). Infrared receiving head foot arrangement for types varied, manufacturer's instructions. Finished the advantages of infrared receiving head is not in need of sophisticated debugging and shell screen, use rise as a transistor, very convenient. But when used in the infrared receiving attention finished first carrier frequency.Infrared remote common carrier frequency for 38kHz, this is transmitted by using 455kHz Tao Zhen to decide. At the launch of crystals were integer frequency, frequency coefficients, so commonly 12, so 455kHz ÷ 12 hundredth kHz 38kHz hundredth 379,000. Some remote control system adopts 36kHz, 56kHz, etc. general 40kHz launched by the crystals of oscillation frequency to decide.Infrared remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use common household appliance of remote control without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, as long as given circuit connection, generally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control. Because each manufacturer produces a great deal of infrared remote application-specific integrated circuit, when need press diagram so jip. Therefore, the infrared remote now in household appliances, indoor close (less than 10 meters) in the remote control is widely used.Multiple infrared remote control system of infrared emission control buttons, there are many parts general representative of different control function. When pressed a button, correspondingly in the receiver with different output.Receiving the output state can be roughly divided into pulse, level, self-locking and interlock, data five forms. "The pulse output is according to launch" when the button, the receiver output terminals output corresponding "effective", a pulse width 100ms in general. "Level" refers to the output launch press button, the receiver output corresponding output level ", "effective transmit to loosen the receiver" level "disappears. This "effective pulse" and "effective", may be of high level is low, and may also depend on the output corresponding static state, such as feet for low, static "high" for effective, As for the static, "low" high effective. In most cases, "high" for effective. "Since the lock" refersto launch the output of each time you press the button, a receiver output corresponding change, namely originally a state for high level into a low level, originally for low level into high level. The output power switch and mute as control etc. Sometimes also called the output form for "invert". "The interlock" refers to multiple outputs each output, at the same time only one output. The TV sets of this case is selected, the other is like the light and sound input speed, etc."Data" refers to launch the output some key, use a few output form a binary number, to represent different keystroke.Normally, the receiver except a few data output, but also a "valid" output data, so the timely to collect data. This output form with single-chip microcomputer or are commonly used interface. In addition to the above output form outside, still have a "latch" and "temporary" two forms. The so-called "latch" refers to launch the output signal of each hair, the receiver output corresponding ", "new store until you receive signals. "Temporary" output and the introduction of "level" output is similar.Remote distance (Remote Control effect of RF Remote Control distance) are the major factors as follows:unched in power transmission power: while distance, but great power consumption, easy to generate interference.2.and receiving the receiver sensitivity, receiving, remote distance increased sensitivity to improve, but easy to cause disturbance maloperation or abuse.3.antenna, using linear antenna, and parallel, remote distance, but occupies a large space, in use the antenna spin, pull can increase the remote distance.4.and the higher height: antenna, remote farther, but by objective conditions.5.and stop: current use of wireless remote use of UHF band stipulated by the state, the propagation characteristics of approximate linear transmission, light, small, transmitters and receivers diffraction between such as walls are blocking will greatly discounted remote distance, if is reinforced concrete walls, due to the absorption effect conductor, radio waves.Considering the design of hardware volume small to be embedded in the remote control, so we chose 20 foot single-chip chip AT89C2051. Below is the introduction of the function.(1)AT89C2051 internal structure and performanceAT89C2051 is a byte flash 2K with programmable read-only memory can be erased EEPROM (low voltage, high performance of eight CMOS microcomputer. It adopts ATMEL of high-density non-volatile storage technology manufacturing and industrial standard MCS - 51 instruction set and lead. Through the combination of single chip in general CPL1 and flash memory, is a strong ATMEL AT89C2051 microcomputer, its application in many embedded control provides a highly flexible and low cost solutions. The compatible with 8051 AT89C2051 is CHMOS micro controller, the Flash memory capacity for 2KB. And CHMOS 80C51 process, have two kinds of leisure and power saving operation mode. The performance is as follows.5.CUP, 2KB Flash memory,Working voltage range 2.7-6V, 128KB data storage.The static working way: 0-24MHz, 15 root input/output line.A programmable serial, 2 a 16-bit timing/counters.Thereis a slice of inside precision simulation comparator, 5 the interrupt sources, 2 priority.Programmable serial UART channel, Directly LED driver output,The internal structure of AT89C2051 is shown in figure 1.Figure 1 AT89C2051 interior structure(2)AT89C2051 chip pin and functionIn order to adapt to the requirement of intelligent instrument, embedded in the chip foot AT89C2051 simplified configuration, as shown in figure b. The major changes to: (1) the lead foot from 20 to 40 wires, (2) increased a simulated comparator.=Diagram b AT89C2051 foot figure.AT89C2051 pin function:1.the VCC: voltage.2. to GND.3.P1 mouth: P1 mouth is an 8-bit two-way I/O port. P1.2 ~ P1.7 mouth pin the internal resistance provides. P1.0 and P1.1 requirements on the external pull-up resistors. P1.0 and P1.1 also separately as piece inside precision simulation comparator with input (AIN0) and reversed-phase input (AIN1). Output buffer can absorb the P1 mouth 20mA current and can directly LED display driver. When P1 mouth pin into a "1", can make its input. When the pin P1.2 ~ P1.7 as input and external down, they will be for the internal resistance and flow current (IIL). In flash P1 mouth during the procedure and program code data receiving calibration.4.P3: the P3.0 ~ P3.5 P3, P3.7 is the internal resistance with seven two-way I / 0 lead. P3.6 for fixed inputs piece inside the comparator output signal and it as a general I/Ofoot and inaccessible. P3 mouth buffer can absorb 20mA current. When P3 mouth pin into "1", they are the internal resistance can push and input. As input, and the low external P3 mouth pin pull-up resistors and will use current (IIL) outflow. P3 mouth still used to implement the various functions, such as AT89C2051 shown in table P3 mouth still receive some for flash memory programming and calibration of program control signals.5.RST: reset input. RST once, all into high level I/O foot will reset to "1". When the oscillator is running, continuous gives RST pin two machine cycle of high level can finish reset. Each machine cycle to 12 oscillator or clock cycle.6.XTAL1: as the oscillator amplifier input and inverse internal clock generator input.7.XTAL2: as the oscillator reversed-phase the amplifier's output.P3 mouth function as is shown in table 1.(3)the software and hardware constraints. AT89C2051Due to the foot of the chip AT89C2051, no set limits of external storage interface, so, for external memory read/write instructions as MOVX etc.Due to 2KB ROM, so, the space to jump instruction should pay attention to the destination address range (transfer 000H - 7FFH), beyond the range of addresses, will not meet wrong results. The scope of data storage is 00H (7FH -- when stack manipulation), also should be noticed.The input signal is simulated by the original P3.6 foot into the microcontroller, so the original P3.6 foot.Unable to external use. Simulation comparator can compare two simulation, if the size of the voltage external A D/A converter and its output as A comparator analog input, and by simulating the comparator another input voltage to be measured, through the introduction of the software method can realize the A/D conversion.8.the Flash memory AT89C2051)Provide a 2KB of single-chip AT89C2051 in Flash memory chips, which allows the online program to modify or use special programming programming.(1)Flash memory encryptionAT89C2051 SCM has 2 encryption, can programming (P) or programming (U) to obtain different encryption functionality. Encryption functionality table as shown in table 1-1.Encrypt a content erased only through chips to erase operation.(2)Flash memory programming and procedures,the piece inside chip AT89C2051 Flash memory programming.Note:1.the counters RESET at an EPROM inside the rising edge, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot is executed, pulse count.2.pieces of 10ms to erase PROG pulse.3.during the programming P3.1 pulled low RDY/BSY instructions.(3).A T89C2051 SCM in Flash memory chips programming steps are as the sequence is the VCC GND pin, add working voltage, XTAL1 pin RESET, receiving GND pin, other than the above time, waiting for 10ms.2.In P3.2 pin RESET, heightening level.3.In P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.7 pin; add model multilevel.4.P1.0 P1.7 -- for the 000H unit add data bytes.5.RESET to increase the 12V activation programming.6.P3.2 jump to a one byte programming or encryption.7.calibration has been programming, data from 12V to RESET logic level "H" and set P3.3 P3.7 -- for the correct level, and can output data in P1 mouth.8.For the next addresses) in the unit XTAL1 byte programming, a pulse, make address counter add 1, in mouth add programming data.9.programming and calibration circuit figure c, d.Figurec programming circuit Figured calibration circuit Explanation:(1) P3.1 during programming instructions to be low RDY/BSY,(2) single erasing the PROG 10ms need,(3) internal EEPROM address counter on the rising edge RESET, and 000H RESET to XTAL1 by foot pulses are executed.Along with the rapid development of science and technology, human society has undergone earth-shaking changes. Make our life more colorful. In these changes, the remote control technology has been widely permeates TV, aerospace, military, sports and other production, all aspects of life. From the broad sense, all equipped with electric locomotive facility or electrical switches, if feel some necessary, can consider to improve existing with remote control device, the operation fixed switch to realize the remote operation of the original equipment, stop, the variable, etc. Function.switch, for example, can be used to control the electric control switch the light switch, We design the infrared remote control system to realize the opponent switch quantity control. Infrared remote characteristic is not influence the surrounding environment and does not interfere with other electric equipment. Due to its cannot penetrate walls, so the room can use common household appliance of remote control without mutual interference, Circuit testing is simple, aslong as given circuit connection, generally does not need any commissioning can work, Decoding easily, can undertake multiple remote control.红外遥控人的眼睛能看到的可见光按波长从长到短排列,依次为红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。


• 液晶作用電壓大時,液晶分子趨向平行電場方向排列 • 液晶作用電場小時,液晶分子趨向垂直電場方向排列
Vp = Vgd⊥ - Vgd

Cgd Vghl
- Cgd Vghl
. Cgd + Cs + C⊥
Horizontal Line Crosstalk
Signal of A Line Signal of B Line
n+ a-Si
Aperture Ratio
a-Si Drain electrode
TFT pixel
Display electrodes
Insulator (dielectric substance)
Effective area: 40.7%
Adjacent gate
240 300 402
309,312 384
384 480
402 480
Channels:192/240, 300/309, 384, 384/402
Resolution Vs Fmax
Frame Rate
• Maybe in the future, driver IC is not necessary in
Large size LCD
The Block Diagram of the TFT LCD Module

Reflective liquid crystal display with infrared re

Reflective liquid crystal display with infrared re

专利名称:Reflective liquid crystal display with infraredreflection发明人:Krishnan Chari,Charles M. Rankin申请号:US10853884申请日:20040525公开号:US20050264725A1公开日:20051201专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A display sheet is disclosed comprising, a substrate, first transparentconductors, second conductors and, between first and second conductors, at least one imaging layer comprising a substantial monolayer of isolated domains of liquid-crystalmaterial, dispersed in a continuous matrix, wherein said domains of liquid-crystal material comprises a mixture of at least two populations, a first population comprising a first liquid-crystal material having a first λwithin the infrared spectral region and a second population comprising a second liquid-crystal material having a second λwithin the visible spectral region. Alternately, the imaging layer can comprise a substantial monolayer of isolated domains of liquid-crystal material comprising a population of domains comprising a liquid-crystal material having a λbetween 700 and 800 and having a half-peak width that extends into both the visible spectrum region and the infrared spectral region.申请人:Krishnan Chari,Charles M. Rankin地址:Fairport NY US,Penfield NY US国籍:US,US更多信息请下载全文后查看。

D-ILA 项目器说明书

D-ILA 项目器说明书

PROFESSIONAL DLA-G11D-ILA ™PROJECTORA new digital projector that projects “true” S-XGA images with breakthrough D-ILA™ technologyLarge-size projection images with all the sharpness and clarity of a small-screen image — that’s what you’ll get with the new D-ILA™projector. Drawing on the advanced technology that made possible the unique ILA (Image Light Amplifier) device, the new D-ILA™(Direct Drive ILA) offers the most desirable combination of superb picture quality, operational ease, and affordability.Featuring true S-XGA capability, the new D-ILA™projector gives you the power to project the high-resolution graphics and CAD images created by today’s advanced workstations directly onto a large projection screen with no loss of quality whatsoever.This versatile projector is also equipped to show moving images from advanced AV equipment, and reproducethem on an extra-large screen with all the sharpness and clarity of the originals. Images projected on the screen with the D-ILA™projector now rival the intensity and brilliance of those seen in a movie theater.Combining the outstanding image reproduction of an ILA projector and the user-friendliness of a lightweightprojector, the new D-ILA™projector takes projection images far beyond the limitations of conventional LCD and CRT projectors.High brightness1000 ANSI LumensSuperb picture Compact & D-ILA™ PROJECTOR ®®Adaptive DPC Circuitry The Adaptive DPC (Digital Pixel Conversion) technology compatibility with a wide range of source signals.An Ideal Combination of Superb Picture Quality and User-Friendliness with Easy Setup D-ILA™device for next-generation imagereproduction Based on the ILA (Image Light Amplifier) device developedby Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation, the new D-ILA™(Direct Drive ILA) device provides high-resolution picturequality for the big screen. Utilizing a high-density reflectiveLCD with a homeotropic structure inwhich the LCD elements are alignedvertically, the D-ILA™deviceproduces extra-bright, high-resolution,high-contrast images.Workstation-Quality Resolution &BrightnessFeaturing the same superb image reproduction capabilityprovided by an ILA device, the D-ILA™projector canproject extra-high resolution images of up to 1,365 x 1,024pixels. That means it can easily handle even the super-sharp clarity of an S-XGA (1,280 x 1,024 dots) imagewithout scaling or loss of quality. Digital Gamma Correctionand displayed on the screen.Resizing FunctionThe combination of the high-definition D-ILA™device with our innovative Adaptive DPC (Digital Pixel Conversion)circuitry enables the D-ILA™projector to project “expanded”XGA images (1,024 x 768 pixels), S-VGA images (800 x 600pixels), and VGA images (640 x 480 pixels), as well as the fully dot-to-dot coincident S-XGA images (1,280 x 1,024pixels). Optimum pixel conversion is performed by the incorporated Adaptive DPC circuitry according to thecharacteristics of the projection source signals. The result isamazingly natural picture reproduction.To project image data that has a different number of pixels fromthat of the built-in device, you can use either the “Windowprojection” or “Resizing projection” method.®®D-ILA projector image (simulated)Conventional projector image (simulated)Full signal input capability As a projector designed for multimedia applications, the D-ILA™projector is equipped with a full array of input connectors, allowing virtually any type of image signal to be displayed. Component inputs let you connect advanced moving image, while the two provided PC inputs enable you to switch between source signals from two different computers.User Friendly DesignDesigned with easy handling inmind, the compact, lightweightprojector can even be carried withone hand. Remote-controlcapability and a comprehensiveon-screen display make thisprojector very easy to operate.An RS-232C serialcommunication port is alsoprovided so the projector can becontrolled directly from aer-Replaceable Xenon LampThis xenon lamp assures superbcolor reproduction and clarity —equivalent to that seen in movietheaters. With extra-highbrightness of 1,000 ANSILumens, projected images canbe even viewed comfortablyunder fluorescent light.D-ILA™ PROJECTORQuick & Easy SetupThe D-ILA™projector’s quick-start design makes it possibleto start operation within 2 minutes of switching on the power.Single lens construction eliminates the need to adjust thevarious registrations, while the power zoom and power(m) 1.3 2.6 5.3 10.7(ft) 4.2 8.6 17.3 35.1Wide Other features include ●On-screen menu (6-language selectable)●Auto-alignment function for automatic adjustment of tracking, phase and position ●Up-down/left-right inversion ●Selectable color temperature (High/Mid/Low)●Selectable background color (when no signal is input)●1000 hours of lamp life ●Lamp life “warning” indicator ●Lamp “sleep” function — in the absence of any signal for a presettime (10 min., 20 min., 30 min. or 60 min.selectable), the lamp is automatically shut offfor safety and power savingAn expanding range of applications — the projector of the futureMaximize the impact of your presentations with a display your audiencewon’t soon forget. When connected to a computer, the D-ILA™projectorcan turn an ordinary presentation into a stunning multimedia experience.Its extra-bright images are clearly visible to everyone in the audienceeven in a relatively bright room such as a conference room.For business presentationsThe high brightness and high resolution displayedwith the D-ILA™projector is ideal forpresentations at academic conferences. Its largebut detailed images are perfectly visible toeveryone in attendance.At a university or laboratoryD-ILA™ PROJECTORImage Device3 D-ILA™(0.9 inches diagonal) direct driveliquid crystal light valves Projection Lens 2 : 1 – 3 : 1(Throw distance : Screen width)1.5X Power Zoom, Power Focus50% off-axisBrightness 1,000 ANSI lumensResolution 1,365 x 1,024 pixelsfull coverage of S-XGA (1,280 x 1,024) Graphics(S-XGA, XGA, S-VGA, VGA)1,000 TV lines (Video)Contrast Ratio More than 350 : 1Color Reproduction 16.7 million colorProjection Method Front/rear/upside-downScan Frequency Horizontal 15 – 82 kHzVertical 50 – 78 HzInput Analog RGB x 2(D-Sub (female) x 1, R,G,B,H,V x 1)Component x 1 (Y/R-Y/B-Y, Y/ P B / P R for HDTV)Output PC Monitor D-sub (female)Audio StereoThrow Distance 2.5 m – 20 m (8 ft – 65 ft)Screen Size Wide 1,600 mm – 13,385 mm (63" – 527") (diagonal)Tele 1,066 mm – 8,788 mm (42" – 346") (diagonal)Lamp 400 watts, XenonAudio Built-in stereo speakers (1 W + 1 W stereo)Input Power U type 100 – 120 V, 50/60 Hz ACE type 200 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz ACPower Consumption 660 WDimensions (WxHxD)425 x 252 x 339 mm (16.73" x 9.42" x 13.35")excluding lensWeight 15 kg (33 lbs)Provided Accessories AC cable, Wireless (infrared) remote controlPC connection cable(D-sub 15-pin male – D-sub 15-pin male)Adapter for MacintoshAV cable, BNC-RCA adapter, Audio cableLens cap, Operation manualBattery for remote control unit x 2SPECIFICATIONSVICTOR COMP ANY OF J AP AN, LIMITEDPrinted in JapanPCUN-0899 (EU)Copyright ©1999, Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC). All Rights Reserved.Design and specifications subject to change without notice.ILA is a registered trademark of Hughes-JVC Technology Corporation.D-ILA is a trademark of Victor Company of Japan, Limited.Optional Accessory• Ceiling Mount EF-G10• Soft Carrying Case PK-G10SDISTRIBUTED BY。

Pro-face FP6600WCD 12英寸TFT色彩LCD平面显示器说明书

Pro-face FP6600WCD 12英寸TFT色彩LCD平面显示器说明书

Features: • WXGA Display TFT Touch Panel • 16 Million colors • Multi-touch gesture operation • Automatic brightness adjustment
• Supports Win10IoT Ent 2019 LTSC & Win10 (build 1809 or later)
Display Area
261.12 x 163.2 mm (10.28 x 6.43 in)
Graphics Display Resolution 1,280 x 800 pixels (WXGA)
White LED (Not user replaceable. When replacement is required, contact your local distributor.)
Backlight service life
50,000 hours or more (continuous operation at 25ºC [77º F] before backlight brightness decreases to 50%)
Video interface
DVI (Digital signal) 5M, Connector: DVI-D 24 pin (socket) x 1
DVI-D Cable 5m
12-inch Installation Gasket
12-inch Anti-Glare Sheet

朗达科 RD6110 和 RD6111 紧凑型平板记录仪说明书

朗达科 RD6110 和 RD6111 紧凑型平板记录仪说明书

The RD6110 and RD6111 compact flatbed recorders are designed to meet the demands of engineering and electronics applications, with the ability to measure dc voltages or ac/dc voltage/current, respectively.For use in almost any application,the RD6110/6111 can operate on ac power using the 120 Vac to 12 Vdc transformer included with each unit,external 12 Vdc, or internal batteries.A built-in digital display lets the user read the input at a glance, no matter what the zero adjustment and zero suppression are set to. Both units also have protocol printing, topermanently record charging status,measurement range and chart speed on the chart paper.The RD6110 and RD6111 have a compact 100 mm (4") chart, and use a large 16 m (52') paper roll. Pens are disposable, fiber-tipped. Other features include built-in remote control of paper advance, pen lift and event marker, chart speeds from 1 cm/hr to 60 cm/min(1 cm = 0.3937"), and a transparent,removable dust cover.RD6110For recording dc voltage levels, the RD6110 has 18 calibrated ranges from 1 mV to 500 Vdc (250 Vdc max). It also has a continuously adjustable variable range, allowing the user to set the full scale from 40 to 100% of each calibrated range. Built-in zerosuppression of 100 and 200 percent is also standard.RD6111The RD6111 is the perfect recorder when flexibility is needed. Capable of measuring voltages and currents in both ac and dc, the RD6111 can measure from 150 mV to 750 V and from 0.6 mA to 6 A.SpecificationsOperating Ambient Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Power Supply: 120 Vac (through external transformer), 50/60 Hz; 230 V optional; consult sales for price and delivery. 12 Vdc; internal C-size (9 ea.) NiCad batteries Dimensions: 76 H x 305 W x 231 mm D (3 H x 12 W x 9.1" D); 95 H x 330 W x 231 mm D (3.74 H x 13 W x 9.1" D)for 2-channel modelsWeight: 2.2 kg (4.9 lb); 2.6 kg (5.7 lb) for 2-channel models Recording Width: 100 mm (4")Scale: 0 to 100 or 0 to 30Linearity:0.25%Cutoff Frequency: 1 HzProtocol Print: charge status,measurement range, chart speed Digital Display(only for 1 channel models): 31⁄2digit LCD; indicated measured value, polarity and overload Chart Speeds: 1, 3, 6, 12, 30,60 cm/hr and cm/min (1cm = 0.3937")Remote Control: TTL/CMOS signal control for STOP/ENABLE,REVERSE, PULSE paper feedcontrol & pen liftModel RD6110$2213Basic UnitCompact Flatbed RecordersDISCONTINUED PRODUCT RD6110ߜBuilt-In Digital Display on One- Channel ModelߜModels for dc Voltage or ac/dc Voltage/Current ߜProtocol PrintDocuments Chart Speed and Measurement Range ߜRemote Control Paper Advance, Pen Lift and Event Marker StandardS-49DISCONTINUED PRODUCTZero offset: -100 to 105%, adjustableEvent Marker: 3 mm (0.12")positive needle pulse;activated by TTL or CMOS signal, or contact closureInput Type:floating, asymmetrical Max. Overload: RD6110: 250 V;RD6111: 300V for rangesto 300 V, 750 V for 750 V range, 1.5 x I (rated) for current input Input Impedance: RD6110: 1 M Ω; RD6111:1 M Ωfor V rangesVoltage Drop, RD6111: 150 mV for A ranges Source Resistance:100 ohm rated; 1 k Ωmax. for V rangesAC SMR: Greater than orequal to 40 dBAC CMR: Greater than orequal to 70 dBDC CMR:Greater than or equal to 90 dBPower Consumption:1 W typ on 1-channel, 1.5 W typon 2-channel module (4 W max.)RD6110Input Ranges: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 mV and Vdc (250 Vdc max.)Variable Sensitivity: up to 2.5x(on 1-channel model only)Zero Suppression: 0, 100%, 200%Accuracy: 0.5% full scale RD6111Input Ranges: 0.15, 0.3, 0.6, 1.5, 3, 6, 30, 60, 150, 300 Vac/dc (750 on 1-channel model);0.6 ,1.5, 3, 6, 15, 30, 60, 150, 300,600, 1500, 6000 mA ac/dc Ranges for channel 2; 0.6, 1.5, 3, 6, 15, 30, 60,150, 300, 450, 750Vdc/ac with voltage magnifier ofzoom 60 to 100%, 9 to15, 18 to 30,36 to 60, 90 to 150, 180 to 300, 270 to 450, 450 to 750 V Accuracy, Vdc Input: 1% FS Accuracy, Vac Sinusoidal Input:1.5% FS at 50 to 60 Hz; 3% FS at 60to 10 kHz; for ranges 0.15 to 300 V;6% FS at 10 kHz to 20 kHz for ranges 0.15 to 300 VAccuracy, Adc Input: 1% FSAccuracy, Aac Sinusoidal Input:2% FS at 50 to 60 Hz; 4% FS at 60 Hzto 10 kHz; 8% FS at 10 kHz to 20 kHzModel RD6111 Vac/dc and Aac/dc Recorder. Sensor PX4202-100G5V, $295, soldseparately. See Section B of the OMEGA Complete Pressure, Strain and Force®disposable felt-tip pen and operator’s manual. OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page.OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor, and equivalent loaners. Ask your sales representative for fulldetails when placing an order.Ordering Example: RD6110, Vdc recorder, RD6110-CASE , carrying case,and RDX6110-RP paper, $2213 + 262 + 104 = $2579. OCW-3 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years ($350), $2213+ 350 = $2563.Technical Books AvailableOnline!®CANADA Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY, Germany************FRANCE, France088-466-342BENELUX Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

Fluke 热成像设备说明书

Fluke 热成像设备说明书

Reliability matters.Image quality matters.Performance matters.UPTIME OR DOWNTIME YOUR RESULTS MATTER• F rees you from having to leave the site to send images and/or reports •S end reports wirelessly when they’re needed, where they’re needed• C omplete more inspections in a day • On-site analysis• G et instant feedback from others or next steps approved immediately• R eal-time report previewing— instant gratification • U ser interface is optimized for each mobile device (iOS, iPhone ® and iPad ®)SmartView ® MobileFluke CNX ™ Wireless System• Capture up to five additional measurements with CNX wireless modules • M ultiple tools report to your CNX enabled Fluke infrared camera • Q uicker readings means less time finding problems and more time solving them • Capture measurements from as far as 20-meters away• T he list of Fluke test tools that can connect wirelessly continues to growYOUR WORLD. YOUR TOOLS.CONNECTED.Sending a comprehensive report to a supervisor’s or customer’s mobile phone… Analyzing and reporting from the field without having to go back to the office… Multiple tools that report to you simultaneously… This is the world of SmartView ® Mobile app and CNX ™ Wireless System. Available only from Fluke—where your results matter.FOCUS is the single most important thing to ensure when conducting an INFRARED INSPECTION.Many inspection sites are difficult for certain auto focus systemsPassive auto focus systems often only capture the near-field subject, in this case the chain link fenceFluke LaserSharp ™ Auto Focus clearly captures what you want to inspect. Every. Single. Time. The red dot from the laser confirms what the camera is Without an in-focus image, temperature measurements may not be as accurate (sometimes as much as 20 degrees off) and you could miss a problem.Fluke provides customers with two superior focusing solutions—LaserSharp ™ Auto Focus (see page 5) and IR-OptiFlex ™ Focus System (see page 7) and still gives you the flexibility of using manual if you wish.Ti400 Ti300 Ti200Ti400Ti300Ti200ACCURACY MATTERSOptimized for Industrial, Electrical and Building ApplicationsA new generation of tools with next generation performance.Technology changes. The last thing we want is for you to feel like you’re missing out on critical innovations, so Fluke has engineered all three new infrared cameras to adapt to change. Being future-ready is part of their DNA. You can test and measure with wireless speed and ease, and connect with other wireless devices. If there’s an infrared camera in your future, make sure it’s one with a future.Your confidence level is about to go up a notch. With precision laser technology, you can focus on your target with pinpoint accuracy and know you’re getting the correct image and temperature measurements you need. Troubleshooting has never been easier. This isn’t hit-and-miss technology. This is point-and-shoot-and-get-it-right every single time performance.Fluke introduces the only infrared cameras withLaserSharp ™ Auto Focus for consistently in-focus images.EVERY . SINgLE. TIME.IR-PhotoNotes ™ Annotation SystemGet an exact reference to your problem area by capturing multiple photos per file. Add images of equipment, motor nameplates, workroom doors or any other useful or critical information.Multi-mode video recordingTroubleshoot with the industry’s only infrared camera that offers the proprietary IR-Fusion ® Technology and records focus-free video in visible light and infrared. Monitor processes over time, easily create infrared video reports, and troubleshoot frame-by-frame. Easily download to PCs for video viewing and analysis.Ti125TiR125Ti110TiR110Ti105TiR105Ti100Ti125Ti110Ti105Ti100TiR125TiR110TiR105SIMPLICITY MATTERSBuilding ApplicationsIndustrial/Electrical Fluke innovation makes it easier to do more in less time.EASY TO CHOOSE. EASY TO USE.HARD TO BEAT .When you’re budget-conscious (and who isn’t these days?), the fact that you can get Fluke quality at an affordable price means you can breathe a sigh of relief. At Fluke, ‘affordable’ doesn’t mean sacrificing quality to give you a lower price. It means we’ve found a way to give you the most camera for your money. In this case, a suite of the lightest, most rugged, easiest-to-use professional infrared cameras you can buy.IR-Fusion ® TechnologyEnjoy the industry’s only point-and-shoot IR-Fusion infraredcameras that provide five different user-selectable modes for greater clarity. Our patented technology blends digital and infrared images into a single image to precisely document problem areas. Fluke exclusive AutoBlend ™ Mode generates a partially transparent image to make problem detection and communication fast and easy.R ugged one-hand operationExperience the most rugged and reliable, lightweight professional infrared camera around. One-touch focus, laser pointer, and torch. Point-and-shoot simplicity and the ergonomic design details that matter.Electronic compassMake sure you and others know the location of the problem. Compass readings easily appear in images and reports.IR-OptiFlex ™ Focus SystemDiscover issues significantly faster with Fluke’s revolutionary, ultra-rugged focus system. The IR-OptiFlex ™ Focus System gives you optimum focus by combining focus-free ease-of-use with the flexibility of manual focus on the same camera!For more than 65 years, Fluke isDesigned better. Built tougher.Superior image qualityThere’s a reason Fluke is so passionate about image quality. Clearer, cleaner, crisper images result in better information and more informed solutions. The better the image, the better you look when you show the images to your managers and customers. Our newest models of infrared cameras are the only ones where you can find IR-Fusion ® Technology and LaserSharp ™ Auto Focus. The Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 also come fully loaded with a 5 MP digital camera, a HDMI video output, and a 640x480 high resolution LCD display.Legendary ruggednessand reliabilityFluke has earned their reputation as a tool of choice for electrical, industrial and building professionals. Whatever the job andwherever you work, when there’s a Fluke infrared camera in your hand, you’re prepared for the worst and ready to do your best. Fluke infrared cameras are designed to withstand a 2 meter drop (6.5 ft) and engineered to resist water and dust (IP54 Rating) so that your camera works without compromise..5 m 1 m 1.5 m 5 ft3.25 ft1.6 ft2 m6.5 fthow qUALITY IS MEASUREDBecause your results matter ™.Ease of useOur customers would rather spend time preventing and solving issues—not figuring out how their infrared camera works. We’ve gained a few other insights after spending thousands of hours in the trenches with them. That time and knowledge has allowed our engineers to develop breakthroughs in design, like buttons you can use when you’re wearing work gloves, and simple-to-use, on-camera functions such as voice annotation, so that you don’t have to stop to take notes with pen and paper. More recent innovations include:•L aserSharp ™ Auto Focus to ensure the best focus every single time •C NX ™ Wireless System to allow your CNX test modules to communicate additional measurements to your camera •I R Fusion ® Technology with Auto Blend ™ Mode to more easily locate, understand and report what the problem could be • C onnectivity to wirelessly transfer images to your PC, Apple ® iPad ® and iPhone ®All of these innovations can help you quickly understand what the current state is, create a report, determine next steps or begin a preventive maintenance program; all while the factory and processes are still up and running.Innovation that works for youFluke engineers know you’re not interested in the bells and whistles other manufacturers like to tout, so they focus solely on features you really need to help you work better, faster, and smarter.The groundbreaking features that you’ve come toknow, like IR-Fusion ® Technology, AutoBlend ™ Mode, voice annotation, IR PhotoNotes ™ Annotation System, and now LaserSharp ® Auto Focus help you get better results faster and easier. Get into the best position possible to get the results that matter to you and your customers with SmartView ® Software and SmartView ® Mobile.Ti400Ti300Ti200Ti125 Product Specifications Optimized for Industrial, Electrical and Buildings InspectionsTemperature measurement range (not calibrated below -10 °C) -20 °C to +1200 °C(-4 °F to +2192 °F) -20 °C to +650 °C (-4 °F to +1202 °F)-20 °C to +350 °C(-4 °F to +662 °F)Detector type 320 x 240 pixels240 X 180 pixels200 X 150 pixelThermal sensitivity (NETD)≤ 0.05 °C at 30 °C target temp (50 mK) ≤ 0.075 °C at 30 °Ctarget temp (75 mK)Field of view24 ° x 17 °Spatial resolution (IFOV) 1.31 mRad 1.75 mRad 2.09 mRadCustomizable logo options Users can brand their infrared images with a Fluke logo,upload their own company logo or no logo.Primary focusing system LaserSharp™ Auto Focus IR-OptiFlex™ Focu Manual focus YesIR-Fusion® Technology YesCNX™ Wireless enabled (Availableas country certification areapproved—notifications made viaSmartView® Software)Voice annotation60 seconds maximum recording time per image; reviewable playback on imagerIR-PhotoNotes™Yes (5 images)Yes (3 images)Wi-Fi® connectivity Yes, to PC and Apple® iPhone® and iPad®Streaming video Via USB to PC and HDMI to HDMI compatible device Streaming USB-to-PCvideo outputMulti-mode video recording*Yes (fully-radiometric .IS3 and standard MPEG-encoded .AVI)Yes (fully-radiometric.IS3 and standard MPEG-encoded .AVI) M8-point cardinal compass* Yes YesRuggedized touchscreen display (capacitive)8.9 cm (3.5 in) diagonal landscape color VGA (640 x 480)LCD with backlightSoftware SmartView® full analysis and r Warranty11Ti110Ti105Ti100TiR125TiR110TiR105Optimized for Industrial and Electrical InspectionsOptimized for Building Inspections -20 °C to +250 °C (-4 °F to +482 °F)-20 °C to +150 °C (-4 °F to +302 °F)160 X 120 pixels≤ 0.10 °C at 30 °C target temp (100 mK)≤ 0.08 °C at 30 °C target temp (80 mK)22.5 °H x 31 ° V 3.39 mRad—™ Focus System Focus-free 1.2 m (4 ft) and beyondIR-OptiFlex ™ Focus SystemFocus-free 1.2 m (4 ft)and beyond—Yes——YesYes—60 seconds maximum recording time per image; reviewable playback on imager ——Yes (3 images)———Streaming USB-to-PCvideo output—Yes (Standard MPEG-encoded .AVI)——Yes (fully-radiometric.IS3 and standardMPEG-encoded .AVI)Yes (StandardMPEG-encoded .AVI)—Yes—YesYes——nd reporting software included with free download of SmartView ® Mobile app2 years, Instrument Care Plans are also available.* Features marked with an asterisk are coming soon in a firmware download from SmartView ® software.1.800.868.7495********************Fluke -Direct .caFor more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: ©2013 Fluke Corporation.Specifications subject to change without notice.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A. 08/2013 2674264M_ENFluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsModification of this document is notpermitted without written permission from Fluke Corporation.Dedicated supportquestions? Call 1-800-760-4523 or contact us via our chat function on our website at /thermography to request your free product demonstration. We’ll be happy to answer your questions, ship a unit for you to test for a week or send out a representative if you need on-site support.Fluke accessoriesEnhance your infrared camera’s performance with Fluke accessories. Choose car chargers,additional smart batteries or smart battery chargers to keep you up and running in the field. For special applications select optional lenses, a visor for outside inspections or a tripod mounting accessory.Fluke also offers specialized instrument CarePlans—ask your Fluke representative or distributor for additional information.Fluke trainingGet additional information and training at the Fluke Training web page. Take advantage of free on-line seminars and for those who seek more advanced training and professional mentoring, contact our Fluke training partner, The Snell Group, the most respected name in infrared education.Fluke authorized training is provided by our partner,1.800.868.7495********************Fluke -Direct .ca。




CCFL(CCFT) (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Light/Tube):冷阴极荧光灯。

Composite vide复合视频。

Component vide分量视频。

COB(Chip On Board):IC裸片通过邦定固定于印刷线路板上。

COF(Chip On Film):将IC封装于柔性线路板上。

COG(Chip On Glass):将IC封装于玻璃上。

CRT(Cathode Radial Tube):阴极射线管。

DPI(Dot Per Inch):点每英寸。


DVI(Digital Visual Interface):〔VGA〕数字接口。

ECB(Electrically Controlled Birefringence):电控双折射。

EL(Electro luminescence):电致发光。

EL层由高分子量薄片构成FSTN(Formulated STN):薄膜补偿型STN,用于黑白显示。

HTN(High Twisted Nematic):高扭曲向列的显示类型。

IC(Integrate Circuit):集成电路。


ITO(Indium-Tin Oxide):氧化铟锡。

LCD(Liquid Crystal Display):液晶显示器。

LCM(Liquid Crystal Module): 液晶模块。

LED(Light Emitting Diode):发光二极管。

LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling):低压差分信号。

OSD(On Screen Display):在屏上显示。

PAL(Phase Alternating Line)AL制式(逐行倒相制式)。

PCB(Print Circuit Board):印刷线路板。

Ishida 3kg 6kg IPC Electronic Digital Scale 使用说明书

Ishida 3kg 6kg IPC Electronic Digital Scale 使用说明书

12Table T op ScaleIndustrial ScaleIPC Electronic Digital ScaleA Versatile Scale with a Compact BodyFeatures :- Compact and versatile - Dual power operation -Large display panelLogo Display panelThe LCD panel is large andpositioned at an angle for easy viewing to prevent misreading. Dual display (front andback) model is also available on order* Dry cell batteries and/or AC adapter are not includedIPC-WP Electronic Digital Scale Water Proof T ypeIPC-WP will lead you to a water worldMeeting the demands of an IP-65 rating, Ishida’s iPC-WP is protected from dust and low pressurewater.Large display & accessible buttonsThe large 25mm LCD panel provides instant weightidentifications and the optional dual display is ideal for retail applications* Dry cell batteries and/or AC adapter are not includedIG SeriesFeatures :- Simple to use tare function - Easy-to-read, rotating display - Check weighing function - A uto power off functionIW SeriesIWXIWBConstructed of water-proof stainless steel, the versatile IW series isideal for food processing applications – from agricultural and fishery IWQ* Dry cell batteries and/or AC adapter are not includedPlatform Scale Industrial ScaleIT SeriesFeatures :- Triple weighing range - Fluorescent & LCD type display available- Low power consumption : 700 Hours by battery - Journal printer- Check weighing andcountingITXITBOptional Item :Relay Box Journal PrinterFlexible display angle 1. Up and Down 120ºThe display unit can be positioned at an arbitry angle suited to operator’s eyelevel2. All around 360ºThe display unit can be rotated to any angle according to circumstances12Bench T ype Tuning-Fork BalanceSJ SeriesBasic Precision BalanceFeatures :- Quick response and accurate- User friendly operation - OIML (clas II) approvedAJ SeriesWeight Percentage QuantityComparator function Bar graph displayStandard Precision BalancePlatform Scale Industrial ScaleT ower Lamp Counting PercentWeight ViBRA AJ series provides four weighing modes, simple weightmeasurement, parts counting, percentage weighing and carat measurement for jewelers. You can easily switch the weighing mode by pushing function key.4CJ SeriesFeatures :- Water proof- Fine-particle proof - Stainless steel caseHeavy Duty Tuning-Fork BalanceConnecting to outside devicesMinimize the response time to keep the indication stableLN SeriesPrecision Tuning-Fork Balance* Available capacity from 220g/0.001g - 31000g/0.1gHTR SeriesAnalytical BalanceDensity determination modeDensity of solids or liquids is measured with optional density measurement kitAnti-electrostatic 360º transparent windshield5LF SeriesSemi-Micro and Analytical BalanceDME SeriesElectronic Density MeterThe water temperature measuring & storingWeigh a sample in the air, and storingWeigh a sample in the water, and storingThe relative density andvolume indicationCUX-II SeriesCOUNTING BALANCEFeatures :- Reminder indication - SCS sampling- CR countingPlatform Balance Tuning-Fork BalanceHJ-K SeriesPlatform BalanceDurable!!Washable!!High Resolution!!Separate type (without pole)Separate typewith display directlyattached to weighing unit* Available capacity from 17000 g/ 0.1 g - 62000 g /1 gGZ SeriesExploison-Proof Tuning-Fork Platform Balance* Available capacity from 2000 g/ 0.01 g - 200 kg /0.01 kgStatic T ype Cubing and WeighingMS-1000Measure StationTM-560Table MeasurementBarcode ReaderInformation Multi ScaleIZ-7000Software Driven IndicatorFeatures :- Information multi scale,IZ-7000 supports automation of weighing operation - Dual 7-inch colour touch screen makes operation user-friendlyCheck weighing systemRecipe controlInventory controlCounting Barcode scannerUSB memory- Versatile functions precisely guide operator in diversified operation- Designed for multi-purpose usage and harsh environmentsUNI-3RETAIL SCALE - SUPERMARKET SOLUTION The UNI-3 series provides the perfect requirements through various model variants and a fully-loaded yet easy and user-friendly software.Pole T ypeInventory Control ModuleIZ-7000 helps to improve the storage management and prevent human error for dangerous chemical and medicines by maintaining record of exact usage amount, time and user.Counting ModuleIZ-7000 helps to control the stock, which are managed not only by piece counting such as screw, nuts and plastic cases but also by weight such as food seasoing ingredients, flours, meat, etc. Ishida AIZAC software prevent miscount by detecting minute tolerance of unit weight. If the number of items exesses the maximum count, AIZAC error message to prevent miscount.Waste Management ModuleIZ-7000 helps improve waste management by recording the exact amount of waste and type daily by whom it’s done and when it’s done.Blending/Recipe Control ModuleIZ-7000 not only maintains flavour quality but also ensure food safety especially for foods based on mixing such as bakeries, final meatprocessingor spices. By registering the accural formula of ingredients, an exact and accurate recipe can be made by anyone whenever is needed* Also available: bench type & hanging type8Wrapping MachineSupermarket SolutionWM NanoTable-top WrapperWEIGHING !WRAPPING !LABELLING !Features :- Easy to operate - Improved function - Ergonomic designBasic Specification- Wrap weight : 0.04-3kg - Max. weight : 0.04-15kg- Power supply (Oceania) : 3-phrase circuit, AC400V±10% 50/60HZ - T otal height (Oceania) : max.1830mm (Display part excluded)- Machine weight : 430kg or less (Standard WM-4000type)WM-4000Weighing/Wrapping/Labeling MachineWEIGHING !WRAPPING !LABELLING !Ishida has been providing its combination weighing technologies to serve the best solution all over the world. As an innovator of multihead weigher, Ishida offers NFC Series new horizon of combination weighing system onyour table.NFC SeriesTable-top Multihead WeigherPlacing productsCombination calculationPick and packCheck-WeigherIshida’s measurement unit is simplyhoused in a box for easy-to-clean up.Ishida’s conveyor is removed andattached with one touch without tools.12.1-inch full color display isavailable as a high-grade model,which is compatible with the ITPSsystem. Product image can be addedat each preset.X-Ray Inspection SystemX-Ray output(Max.)Defect InspectionIshida IX-GA can performmany functions to detecta wide variety of productdefects.PRINCIPLE OF X-RAY INSPECTIONX-rays pass through product on the conveyor. A linesensor receives the transmitted X-rays and convertsthem to electric signals.An image processing system generates X-ray trans-parent images from the signals and detects con-tamination and product defects with Ishida’s exclu-sive 5-level processing software.10Metal DetectorUser-FriendlyDesignDetachable ConveyorDustproof andWaterproof IMP-3000Parts PackerCrane ScaleTA-SeriesWith Backlight and WaterproofFeatures :- Compact size and portable- Very easy to read : downward display - Waterproof IP65- Standard infrared remote control - Built in lithium polymer battery- Very easy to exchange the used shackle in a new one- As per using purpose, general type (TA-100/500), eat shop (TA-200)- Interface with wireless remote display and controller (wireless option)TA-100/500TA-200TB-SeriesLCD T ype with BacklightFeatures :- Very light and sturdy aluminium alloyed case- Very easy to read : downward display - Standard infrared remote control - Built in lithium polymer battery - Rechargeable battery pack - Easy to battery replacement :One touch rechargeable battery pack - Swivel hook type- Interface with wireless remote display and controller (wireless option)TBLTBOptional :TF-200TD-2300F TD-1200FTD-100TD-300TD-400Related Wireless ProductCharger and battery pack (TB model)Battery pack (TBL model)Crane ScaleTX-SeriesAxle Loads of Vehicles ApplicationsFeatures :Combination indicator & 2 platform :- Indicator : TXI-300- Platform : TX-seriesPLATFORMAxle Load Scale12Tuning Fork SensorWhat makes the tuning-fork sensor so precise?The tuning-fork sensor measures force or mass by gauging changes in oscillation frequency when a load is applied to a long, narrow vibrator, and it digitally outputs the readings.Unlike load cell or electromagnetic systems, the tuning-fork sensor does not rely on material distortion, electromagnetic force, heavy power consumption, or A/D convert-ers, so its inherent margin of error is extremely small, and its high precision can bemaintained for a long time.vibratorK L S /P &A .088/5K /11.10/c a n .u n i /09.13。

Model IR250 Thermometer 用户指南说明书

Model IR250 Thermometer 用户指南说明书

User GuideInfraRed (IR) Thermometer MODEL IR250IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the Model IR250 Thermometer. This IRthermometer measures and displays non-contact (infrared) surface temperature to amaximum of 500o F (260o C). The built-in laser pointer increases target accuracy and the backlit LCD allows for use in dimly lighted areas.WarrantyEXTECH INSTRUMENTS CORPORATION (a FLIR company) warrants this instrument to be free of defects in parts and workmanship for one year from date of shipment (a six month limited warranty applies on sensors and cables). If it should become necessary to return the instrument for service during or beyond the warranty period, contact the Customer Service Department at (781) 890-7440 ext. 210 for authorization or visit our website at (click on ‘Contact Extech’ and go to ‘Service Department’ to request an RA number). A Return Authorization (RA) number must be issued before any product is returned to Extech. The sender is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent damage in transit. This warranty does not apply to defects resulting from action of the user such as misuse, improper wiring, operation outside of specification, improper maintenance or repair, or unauthorized modification. Extech specifically disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages. Extech's total liability is limited to repair or replacement of the product. The warranty set forth above is inclusive and no other warranty, whether written or oral, is expressed or implied.Safety•Use extreme caution when the laser pointer is on Array•Do not point the beam toward anyone's eye or allowthe beam to strike the eye from a reflective surface•Do not use the laser near explosive gases or in otherpotentially explosive areas2IR250 V2.0 6/09IR250 V2.0 6/093 DescriptionsMeter Description1. Laser pointer2. IR sensor3. Measurement trigger4. LCD display5. Function buttons*6. Battery compartmentFunction Buttons•Max/Min : Select Max or Minimum display. ••: For turning the LCD backlight or the Laser pointerDisplay Description1.Displays SCAN when trigger is depressed; 2.Displays HOLD when trigger is released 3. Laser pointer ON4. Emmisivity setting (0.95)5. Temperature units6. Low battery7. Max/Min display8. Temperature displayIR250 V2.0 6/094 Operating InstructionsPower1. The meter is powered by one (1) 9V battery.IR Measurements1. Hold the meter by its handle and point it toward the surface to be measured.2. Pull and hold the trigger to turn the meter on and begin testing. The temperaturereading, the flashing ‘SCAN’ icon, the emissivity, the unit of measure and other icons as shown in the Display Description will appear. Note: Replace the meter’s 9V battery if the display does not switch on.3. Release the Trigger and the reading will hold for approximately 8 seconds (HOLD willappear on the LCD) after which the meter will automatically shut off.Temperature unitsWith the trigger pressed, press the ºF/ºC button to select the temperature units.Backlight/Laser PointerWith the trigger pressed:1.laser is on the laser icon will appear in the display.2. IR Measurement Notes1. The object under test should be larger than the spot (target) size calculated by the fieldof view diagram (printed on the side of the meter and in this guide).2. Before measuring, be sure to clean surfaces that are covered with frost, oil, grime, etc.3. If an object's surface is highly reflective, apply masking tape or flat black paint to thesurface before measuring. Allow time for the paint or tape to adjust to the temperature of the surface it is covering.4. Measurements through transparent surfaces such as glass may not be accurate.5. Steam, dust, smoke, etc. can obscure measurements.6. The meter automatically compensates for deviations in ambient temperature. However,it can take up to 30 minutes for the meter to adjust to extremely wide changes.7. To find a hot spot, aim the meter outside the area of interest then scan across (in an upand down motion) until the hot spot is located.Battery Replacementthe handle.Open the compartment by carefully pulling the panel down. The panelis hinged at the bottom and does not completely disconnect from themeter. Replace the 9V battery and close the battery compartmentcover..Field of ViewAs the distance from the object increases, the spot size of the area measured becomes larger. The meter’s field of view is 6:1; in other words if the meter is 6 inches from the target (spot), the diameter of the target must be at least 1 inch. Note that measurements should normally be made as close as possible to the device under test. The meter can measure from moderate distances but the measurement may be affected by external sources of light. In addition, the spot size may be so large that it encompasses surface areas not intended to be measured.SpecificationsRange -4 to 500°F (-20 to 260°C)Resolution 0.1°Accuracy -4 to 20°F (-20°C to -7°C): ±7.5°F (4°C)20 to 500°F (-7°C to 260°C): ±3% of reading or ±5°F/2.5°C(whichever is greater)Note: Accuracy is specified for an ambient temperature rangeof 64 to 82°F (18 to 28°C)0.95Emissivity FixedField of View D/S = Approx. 6:1 ratio (D = distance; S = spot or target) Laser pointer Class 2(II) laser < 1mW power; Wavelength is 630 to 670nm IR Spectral response 8 to 14 μmDisplay Backlit LCD display with function indicatorsDisplay update rate Less than 1 secondOperating Temperature 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C)Operating Humidity 80% Relative Humidity max.Power Supply 9V batteryAutomatic Power Off Meter shuts off automatically after 8 secondsWeight 6.3 oz (180g)Dimensions 3.2 x 1.6 x 6.3” (82x41x160mm)5IR250 V2.0 6/09IR250 V2.0 6/09 6 Support line (781) 890-7440 TechnicalSupport:Extension200;E-mail:******************Repair&Returns:Extension210;E-mail:*****************Product specifications subject to change without notice For the latest version of this User Guide, Software updates, and other up-to-the-minute product information, visit our website: Extech Instruments Corporation, 285 Bear Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02451 Calibration and Repair ServicesExtech offers repair and calibration services for the products we sell. Extech also provides NIST certification for most products. Call the Customer Care Department for information on calibration services available for this product. Extech recommends that annual calibrations be performed to verify meter performance and accuracy.Copyright © 2009 Extech Instruments Corporation (a FLIR company)All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.。

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Abstract—In this paper, we propose a novel mobile LCD device for simultaneous touch and hover sensing. A transparent infrared image sensor panel allows the device to display contents and to detect touch and hover actions alternately. The proposed system has an advantage over touch screen devices in that a user interacts with a mobile device by not only touching the display screen but also hovering over the display screen.I.INTRODUCTIONTouch screen device market is rapidly growing since it provides an intuitive way to interact with display devices. Touch screen device can accurately map positions of user’s fingers on the display screen onto input commands which allow various tasks to be performed through different commands based on touch actions. However, since mobile devices have a small screen size such as 3.5" and 4.3", touching the screen with fingers sometimes occludes displayed contents. Moreover, touch-only devices limit user interaction to a 2-dimensional plane on the display screen. Thus, adding the capability of sensing hover actions in a touch display provides more natural interaction means for mobile devices. Previously, an optical sensing system using retro-reflective opto-sensors integrated with an infrared (IR) emitter and an IR detector which is placed behind an LCD panel was proposed to detect touch and hover points [1]. However the architecture in [1] has several problems in that display image quality is degraded and sensors behind the LCD panel might be visible due to the removed diffuser plate. Another approach to simultaneously detect touch and hover is to integrate photo-sensor circuit into a TFT-LCD during manufacturing process [2]. But this requires changing an LCD manufacturing process to insert photo sensors in cell.In this paper, we present a mobile LCD device for concurrent detection of touch and hover actions. A key element of the proposed architecture is a transparent IR image sensor panel which sense fingers placed on or near the display surface while uniformly distributing light from a backlight to the LCD screen. Since it is fabricated with amorphous silicon (a-Si), we can use an a-Si TFT LCD process which is common to TFT LCD fabrication.II.T HE P ROPOSED S YSTEMA.Display Architecture for Touch and Hover SensingWe propose a mobile LCD device to sense touch and hover simultaneously. Compared to a conventional LCD display, the proposed architecture includes additional two layers of a front illumination unit and an IR image sensor panel. Figure 1 illustrates an optical structure of our proposed architecture to concurrently detect touch and hover. It is composed of (1) a front illumination unit to beam IR light toward objects on and above the display surface, (2) an LCD panel, (3) prisms and light enhancement films, (4) a transparent IR image sensor panel to sense the reflected IR light from objects, (5) a diffuser film, and (6) a backlight unit. The front illumination unit radiates IR light to an IR light guide for touch detection based on frustrated total internal reflection [3] and beams IR light toward near object for hover detection in the same time. Then the reflected IR light is captured in the transparent IR sensor panel.Fig. 1 Optical structure of the proposed mobile LCD device fortouch and hover detectionB.Front Illumination UnitThe front illumination unit causes near object to cast reflected IR light for hover illumination while trapping IR light in the light guide plate for touch illumination. As shown in Fig. 2, the front illumination unit includes an obliquely cut edges of an acrylic light guide plate. IR light beamed at two obliquely cut edges travels to the inside of the plate for touch while heading toward the outside of the plate for hover.Fig. 2 The front illumination unit for simultaneous touch andhover illuminationMobile LCD Device with Transparent Infrared Image Sensor Panel for Touch and Hover SensingSungjoo Suh, Kwonju Yi, Changkyu Choi, Dusik Park and Changyeong Kim Advanced Media Lab., Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics, Korea2012 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)1569490199 978-1-4577-0231-0/12/$26.00©2012 IEEE217C. Transparent IR Image Sensor PanelSince a traditional image sensor panel is opaque, using the traditional sensor panel to sense touch and hover prevents a backlight from distributing visible light on a surface of an LCD panel for displaying contents. Instead of that, we propose a transparent IR image sensor panel which includes optically transparent pixels. The transparent pixels and the sensor pixels are interleavingly located in the sensor panel so that light from a backlight can be uniformly transmitted to the LCD screen. Figure 3 represents a microscopy image of the transparent IR image sensor panel we have fabricated. It has a photoconductor of a finger structure with 100×100µm 2 active area out of a 153×153µm 2 physical sensor area and has a transparent pixel with 153×153µm 2. The transparent IR sensor panel is fabricated with a-Si in that we can use an a-Si TFT LCD process which is common to TFT LCD fabrication as shown in Fig. 4. Since the size of the sensor panel is 3.5", a spatial resolution of the sensor panel is 480×320 pixels including transparent pixels. In order to secure enough sensitivity to near IR light around 850nm, thickness of the a-Si:H layer was chosen to 5000Å.Fig. 3 Microscopy image of the transparent IR sensor panelFig. 4 Cross sectional view of the photoconductor(a) Mobile LCD prototype (b) Transparent IR sensor panel Fig. 5 Microscopy image of the transparent IR sensor panel(a) Touch image (b) Hover image Fig. 6 Calibrated sensor image for touch and hoverIII. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTSWe built a 3.5" mobile LCD prototype with the front illumination unit and the transparent IR image sensor panel for touch and hover detection as shown in Fig. 5(a). The fabricated transparent IR image sensor panel inside of the prototype is shown in Fig. 5(b). The sensor panel is transparent so that we can see a paper behind the sensor panel. Figure 6 represents calibrated sensor images from the prototype. When a finger touches the surface of the LCD panel, the touch region is clearly sensed as shown in Fig. 6(a). When a finger hovers over the display screen at 20mm, the hover region is captured as depicted in Fig. 6(b). The hover image is slightly blurred compared to the touch image.IV. C ONCLUSIONWe have presented a mobile LCD device for touch and hover sensing. By employing a transparent IR image sensor panel and a front illumination unit, it is possible to detect both touch and hover events. Due to the transparency of the proposed sensor panel, display image quality of the device is maintained since light from a backlight is uniformly distributed to the LCD panel. We believe that our proposed system can provide more natural interaction means which touch-only devices cannot offer.R EFERENCES[1] Shahram Izadi, Steve Hodges, Alex Butler, Alban Rrustemi and BillBuxton, “ThinSight: versatile multi-touch sensing for thin form-factor displays,” in Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , New York, pp. 529-551, 2007.[2] Kohei Tanaka, Hiromi Kato, Yasuhiro Sugita, Naru Usukura, andKazuhiro Maeda, “The technologies of in-cell optical touch panel with novel input functions,” Journal of the Society for Information Display , vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 70-78, 2011.[3] J. Y. Han,“Low-cost multi-touch sensing through frustrated totalinternal reflection,” in Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , Seattle, pp. 115-118, 2005.218。
