



ISBN中文书名9780816628033认识论9780195105346道德规范的指导作用9780521293529伦理道德与公共责任0465047602合恩角游记26269199高科技与低收入群体0471362433气压学9780072881806基础力学007298121现在和将来0323003052临床精神创伤治疗指南0761563768显现节9780072869019当代美国政治081332839论美国政局的改革032401593商业预算体系0393975525美国与中东危机0195301528社会工作调查报告076742062身体健康指南013570946621世纪的美国0964838206论信息全球化下的系统管理020*******论传媒全球化0881322660经济全球化下的思考0700605797现代战争中的指导艺术0130920258地质学0787293288如何让自己具有理性魅力0534375502地貌探索158683018版权问题的思考1577660862十字路口2900851708870好莱坞电影发展史0072418168世界文明0761919015论美国的选举制度1568023928美国竞选大战中的新局面007138443思想哲学0415153174当今世界的美国9780807002907死亡线上的挣扎029915104论战后七国集团的政治局面1588262448撤销电视业管制政策给人们带来的影响0820420433论妇女在美国发展中起的作用1566399904流行音乐改变世界0684825481发展中的亚洲0072380322电路设计0073016446人类基因学0814781020内战后的美国人权9780801332575辩证教学法1555879004欧洲发展史0816516251重走西部0520204891韩国商业在美国的发展0030328195人类学0130336688人类进化学0789016710论女性在议会中发挥的作用9780072399103计算机科技发展09134803现代战争中的指导艺术公共责任和人类认知的关系0072989688论社会的少年犯罪问题0072871008美利坚共和国历史0835950506心脏病急救指南9780130348317商业法0138756848人类认知学007243354商业道德0130804002商法解析0155051237美国历史0130804635商道0079136788C语言程序在工程学中的应用0073011770基础工程学0471413178餐饮业服务指南9403277953商业统计学007297611商业法9780072991925现代高级会计基础知识0072988534地质学0805062386论美国经济的滞后0073104019计算机程序优化设计0030340314现代商务0805373934基本生物学094262775Bark教授的数码冒险历程9780393320456誓言无声0072488638蒸馏过程详解025625348物质起源论0816628033意识形态论0821113127警务法007303748实用地图手册0324188013高级会计9780072537531基础商务交流0072521279国际经济管理0072918993怎样使市场供求平衡0827345127园艺学入门0072978600现代劳动经济学0324007248人力资源管理0314097724商务经济问题0137692749数码电子产品简介007138443认识论032110028竞选风暴9780471388793工程数据学1580761631网页制作入门0805328335如何高效护理0534391885经济管理学1930865333和平与自由0897550307英语初学者入门0471230553管理的核心艺术1859847498拉美现代化进程0520221478穿越十字路口0072943319程序设计入门032406411电脑程序设计导读0757516688通信理论研究0520043669印度史诗9780324183979商务会计学020533540大众传媒学9780131513600高科技在行动0534610362全球福利问题调查0072414715最小的秘密0684807041泥杯084769853中美外交史0691070180永恒的海军0500203598哥特风的复兴0072490659民众的呼唤0072917091身体密码0449908259女性风暴1594600511道德故事0683307274解剖学0072528125会计管理学020*******人类服务学0470235101论GIS在商业决策中的重要性9780070428072机械动力学0631222294谈天说地029*******人是主体人是客体007249638求生意念1574888900间谍的艺术9780072345632现代商业销售战略0521293529个人隐私与公共道德之间的关系0072465425名篇集选18787495微观观来看宏观世界0618293434简易微积分0130783862管理学定量分析0072341467地球科学0324405715管理学入门0312247362论文写作范例0717806839在美国南部的黑人工人们0072818603文化学之精髓1551111934亚诺马米风情0130813583如何审视自我0072872691营销管理艺术1568023928竞选中的利益纷争9781930538014白衣天使027*******全景欧洲1889119199战争思想的胜利0028009282犯罪现场020*******人类性的奥秘9780072345632现代商业战术战略0026358786写作指南0534590047营养学0072884800经济学辅导用书007297964微观经济学基本知识入门0078309573计算机基本知识入门0072489790与历史完美邂逅0534573967增氧健身操系统训练法0072882905进入信息时代9780072530834财富就是智慧--如何规划你的退休养老金0072935898营销学初探020*******犯罪学0072340207自然地质学1559631104高速公路设计教程9780072870619设计学入门0078285429计算机软件辅助教程1559631112现代田园家居设计0071403167商业广告学9780072966558音乐学9780072345632现代商务战术战略020*******走出阅读困难症的阴影0195216741地球卫士1561342378大学人生,人生大学013098390人生成功的基石0072498404做21世纪新型企业管理者0750647868医学文化人类学0323002870多元文化维度下的跨文化互利020*******社会学方法论0827375204如何管理好自己的健康0618393285市场调查报告研究9780072978834经济学9780072957396商业全球化下的中小企业战略007366183地球卫士0072983019高新科技-----推动企业发展的原动力007313399商业大战,谁与争锋9870073527819国际商务0072884673财经会计学0026358859写作一本通0072869054营销学指导入门9780072871968大学阅读教程9780072320848电路集成系统设计指导用书0071443126如何规划你的风险投资0071456686文法一本通0072819359经济学0070116075第2语言习得0534575218告诉你一个不一样的美国0072556323西方人类学0072989432初等财经会计学0071211403绿色奇迹0072381329句法技巧0471229334人体生理学0534495494基础基因学9780073403946财经保险学0072970391Visual Baisc 2003版基本教程0534592562当代美国政治学0072192798Oracle 9 基础教程指导0072998377大众传媒学0135983355高等数学0130783832管理学定量分析法0618192468激进营销学9780072868036论美国民主制度9781568023294国际政治科学0070473285机械动力学0324122748市场经济营销学0072525231基本市场营销学0130414077单变数微积分0072514922组织行为学探究091677242地产经济学1559532939数学基础训练教程0072885793电子信息化下时代下的大众传媒019515021开普勒天文学定理0030353890国际市场营销学020*******数字Cmosvlsi分析与设计基础9780793160804加利福尼亚不动产法0028179447英国文学史9780324181450财经会计学9780070045804机械工程学9780735524653营销学0070503192怎样创造一种新的生活方式0072870168会计学基础教程0072531843学生辅导员用书0072231424Office 2003教程007087156财经管理学0072979542商务沟通技巧0072490519美国历史007254936微观经济学0536985480高等函数0072536403个人理财投资计划0022782281如何保护生态环境0072969105函数教程077683851AUTOCAD2002教程0911541756美国政治制度解析0471360376初等物理学9780619056582Director 8多媒体制作软件047184294如何管理好自己的口袋0536681236公共演讲学1931910316微光经济学教程9780393320456在黑暗中永生0618492291探索石洞的秘密0070132356国家风险投资报告0071459758光纤网介绍0072320869计算机基本知识介绍0321245963美国故事0071467521赢在规划--建立庞大的商业王国0072818778企业管理学0582451035美式生活0072226307你的电脑网络安全不0195133528哲学史0072878711艺术设计教程0815719205论美国与邻国的贸易发展关系0684825171情诗精选0130661872计算机基础知识入门0072300744写作指导用书0070045828工程动力学原理0072937769社会心理学0070611750高等数学0072991054管理会计学00048038海雀生活习性用书0072973587商业全球化下的中小企业战略0072970391Visual Basic 2003 版 基本教程0130783862管理学定量分析法007088570管理统计学案例分析0324016174建筑会计学0072868031论美国民主制度091677242地产经济学0534261475力量源于团队0030353890国际市场营销学0072885793电子信息时代的大众传媒学0072231424微软03版编程教程0071444513如何理性投资0072503254看世界0072531843教育学理论研究学生用书158026536政治学理论研究0070503192怎样创造一种新的生活方式0618543716管理学战略0072525231市场学基本知识入门9780324181450财经会计学0314141162美国政治制度详解0534379559萧条经济学的回归0324270860微观经济学原理978032412385美国税收制度与税务管理0671528009时光变迁的岁月0073079081人类体质学0078287324AutoCAD基本教程0393313263如何正确规划自己的人生0452283914金钱至上的美国民主制度0072880023现代商务谈判技巧9780030187346设计学原理0072485930犯罪心理学介绍0072834943如何安排你的教程0072424028公共关系学0618260455如何成功推销商品0071376836机械动力学原理用书0534166911生命的起源0028224337美国历史0619034440MacroMedia Dreamweaver4 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MoralityMurphy,Dallias Rounding The Horn Basic bo Donald A ,Schone High Thecnology and Low Income Communities MIT Young,Donald F A Brief Introduction To Fluid Mechanics Phoenix .Meirovitch,Leon Fundamantals Of Vibrations Quebecor Stanford, Judith Now And Then Boston b Wilson,E.Marie Manual Of Clinical Trauma Care Clarinda Jauregui,Ann Epiphanies Prima Pu .Saffell,Davied State And Local Goverment McGraw-H Mackenzie, G,Cal Irony Reform Westview .Perry,James T.Building Accounting System Using South-We Zoellick,Robert American And The East Asian Crisis w.w.Nort Reame,Frederic Social Work Research And Evaluation Skills Colombia Fahey,Thomas D E Fit And Well McGraw-H Rai,Kul B Etc America In The 21st Century Courier Palvia, Prashant Global Information Technology And System Manageme Ivy Lan McPhail,Thomas L Global Communication Person E .Schott,Jeffrey Launching New Global Trade Talks:An Action Agenda Dupont C .Dawson, Joseph Commanders In Chief Presidential Leadership In Mo Universi Tarbuck, 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九нов基特28,92,94,96 users 说明书

九нов基特28,92,94,96 users 说明书
WARNING! Warning indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION! Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Door swing clearance (top view)
EKB 9271
EKB 9471
EKB 9671
Internal door panel A = 273 mm B = 12.5 mm C = 658 mm
External door panel A = 279 mm B = 12.5 mm C = 670 mm
IMPORTANT This indicates information that is especially relevant to a problem-free installation and operation.
Note to the installer
It is very important to follow the instructions in the manual to ensure proper installation and operation of the appliance.
Do not use stand-alone inverters (conversion of direct current to alternating current/threephase current) or energy-saving plugs. Risk of damage to the electronic control system!




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Louis XIV路易十四资料

Louis XIV路易十四资料

Louis XIVborn: Sept. 5, 1638, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Francedied: Sept. 1, 1715, VersaillesLouis XIV - the Sun KingLouis-Dieudonné de FranceIntroductionLouis XIV of France ranks as one of the most remarkable monarchs in history. He reigned for 72 years, 54 of them he personally controlled French government. The 17th century is labeled as the age of Louis XIV. Since then his rule has been hailed as the supreme example of a type of government - absolutism. He epitomized the ideal of kingship. During his reign France stabilized and became one of the strongest powers in Europe.During his reign France became the ideal culture since he put great care into its enhancement so he could boast it to the world. The country changed drastically from savage mediaeval ways to a more refined, exquisite living - evident from his palace in Versailles. Within 54 years he did what several kings worked on for centuries. French culture became one of the most appealing in the world, and the name Louis XIV has been associated with greatness and glory.Louis XIV was a great monarch, and he was capable of maintaining strong kingdom because he never, in his entire life, doubted his right to be king.His autocracy was indeed amazing, and truly an example of the kind. He lived and ruled as a king should have. Louis XIV became the ideal king, and many have tried unsuccessfully to live up to his glory.http://www.louis-xiv.de/index.php?id=30Louis XIV, known as Louis the Great and The Sun King, inherited the throne when he was four years old, and was a neglected child taken care of by servants while Cardinal Mazarin governed the country.Louis was nine years old when the nobles and the Paris Parlement rose against the authority of the crown in 1648. During a period of several civil wars, Louis suffered poverty, fear, humiliation, and hunger. He never forgave the nobles or the common people. Upon taking control of France, Louis had two goals -- he wanted power and fame. In his Memoires, he wrote:"In my heart I prefer fame above all else, even life itself. . . Love of glory has the same subtleties as the most tender passions . . . In exercising a totallydivine function here on earth, we must appear incapable of turmoils which could debase it."At age 23, following the death of Cardinal Mazarin, Louis informed his ministers that he intended to assume all responsibility for ruling France. He wanted to control everything, and the smallest detail did not escape his attention.To centralize his control, Louis built splendid palaces at Saint-Germain, Marly and Versailles. Because pensions and punishments had not controlled the nobles in the past, he now lured them to his court, corrupted them with gambling, kept them busy with court etiquette, festivals, games, hunting and other amusements, and made their destinies dependent on their ability to please him.France was made self-sufficient by the encouragement of manufacturing. With the aid of capable ministers, Louis built a navy and merchant marine, a modern police force, roads, ports, and canals.Louis was a patron of the arts, and established the Academy of Painting and Sculpture (1655) and the Academy of Architecture (1671). He gave pensions to writers, and ordered them to sing his praises. The spectacular Court of Louis XIV enhanced French prestige throughout Europe. Foreign monarchs attempted to imitate him, and even adopted French as the accepted language at court.Louis's desire for power led to a series of wars that lasted for many years and extended the boundaries of France. The extravagent building projects at Versailles and almost constant wars were paid for by the people of France in the form of heavy taxes, and many soldiers lost their lives on the battlefield. Louis died in 1715 at the age of 77. He had achieved the power and fame he desired, and at the time of his death, was greatly disliked by the people of France.Both Voltaire and Emilie du Chatelet were born during the reign of Louis XIV. Emilie's father had the position of Introducer of Ambassadors at the Court of Versailles, and this position placed her among the highest of French noble society.Voltaire was particularly impressed by Louis XIV who honored poets, writers, and artists, and he spent more than five years writing a history of Louis' reign titled, The Age of Louis XIV.This work, published in 1751, was the most researched and carefully prepared of Voltaire's works. He began work on this project in 1734 while at the Chateau Cirey, put it aside in 1738, and resumed work on it in 1750 when he was at the Court of Frederick the Great in Prussia. For it he read 200 books and reams of unpublished memoirs. He consulted withscores of people who give accounts of what happened at Louis' Court, and in the archives at Versailles, he studied the original papers of Louis' ministers, and the manuscripts left by Louis himself.Voltaire's The Age of Louis XIV established a new way of writing history. Prior to this work, history books were an account of political and military history. To these topics, Voltaire added the history of the achievements of the great artists, writers, and builders of the day in order to achieve a better understanding of the era. This new approach to writing history was adopted by many historians who later followed Voltaire's example./v_louis_xiv.htmcontributionKing Louis XIV contributed to history by achieving abosulte power and having a strong military, but more importantly it was his effect on history that is remembered. After his rule he left france in debt from from so many wars.King Louis had a purely aesthetictaste. His tastes were refined and his contributions to the cultural heritage of France were immeasurable. He was a connoisseur of art and specifically encouraged writers, whom he accurately envisaged to be some of the greatest names in the history of French literature, including the likes of Moliere and Racine.Another field of interest for King Louis was the field of architecture. The Palace of Versailles was built during his great reign and till this date, is one of the most exquisitely built architectural monuments in France.Other than that, King Louis was quite an altruistic emperor by nature –be it in terms of sophistication, culture, elegance, grace or opulence. His refinement was such a marvel that its fame reached other parts of the world becoming an established wonder for other civilizations to be covetous about. He also played a great role in promoting the Catholic faith./q877197.html/Q/How_did_Louis_xiv_contribute_to_historyInfluenceWhen Louis XIV was crowned his interest in dancing was strongly supported and encouraged by Italian-born Cardinal Mazarin, (formerly Mazarini), who assisted Louis XIV. The young king made his ballet debut as a boy, but it was in 1653 as a teenager that he accomplished his most memorable feat as a dancer. He performed a series of dances in Le Ballet de la Nuit and for his final piece he appeared as Apollo, god of the sun. Wearing a fancy golden Roman-cut corselet and a kilt of golden rays he came to be known as the Sun King.Cardinal Mazarin promoted Italian influences in the French spectacle. The ballet master he imported from Italy was Giovanni Baptista Lulli, who was rechristened Jean Baptiste Lully for work in France. Lully became one of the king's favorite dancers and rivaled the king as the best dancer in France.In 1661 Louis established the Académie Royale de Danse in a room of the Louvre, the world's first ballet school. Also in 1661 he attended a party put on by the finance minister to show off his new home in the country. The entertainment was Molière's ballet Les Fâcheaux which pleased the king to no end, although he thought that the finance minister was a treasonous servant. As it turned out, the finance minister was arrested, and the ballet master, the home's architect, and the gardener were hired by the king.At court, Molière and Lully collaborated, with Molière choreographing and Lully composing the music for ballets. Pierre Beauchamps, another ballet master, also worked with them choreographing interludes in the dramatic parts. Beauchamps eventually was named "superintendent of the king's ballets" in the dance school that Louis established in 1661 and is now one of the most famous of the "fathers" of ballet. It is Beauchamps who has been given credit for standardizing the five foot positions of ballet, (first through fifth positions).In 1669 Louis, (still Louis XIV), established the Académie Royale de Musique for Lully to run. Then, in 1670 the king, past his physical prime, retired from dancing, allowing other, better dancers to take lead roles.In 1672 Lully established a dance academy within the Académie Royale de Musique. This dance company survives today as the ballet of the Paris Opera - the world's oldest continuously running ballet company.Lully's seriousness towards the study of dance led to the development of professional dancers as opposed to courtiers who could dance. Up until 1681 ballet was performed almost exclusively by men. Then, in 1681 Lully staged Le Triomphe de l'Amour, featuring Mademoiselle de Lafontaine,(1665-1738), one of four ballerinas in the production; we do not know who the other three ballerinas were. Since this time, Lafontaine has been hailed as the "Queen of Dance."In 1687 Lully died from an injury he received by accidentally stabbing his foot with his time marking stick. At this time, ballet was normally performed in the same productions as opera, a theatrical form known as opéra-ballet. The music academy that Lully had run set the standard in the opéra-ballet, which people attended as much, if not more, for the dancing as for the music, and the composer of one opéra-ballet, L'Europe Galante, (1697), suggested making the opéra-ballet more popular by lengthening the dances and shortening the skirts of the now common female dancers.In 1700 Choréographie, ou l'art de décrire la danse was published by Raoul Auger Feuillet. This book wrote down both conventions of stage and ballroom dancing and attempted to create a dance notation similar to music. Although this notation was never finalized and standardized, it is the system that is still in use today as no other system has been developed. The word choréographie gives us the English word choreography and is derived from the greek khorea, (to dance), and graphein, (to write). By 1700 many of the words and movements common in today's ballet were already in use, including jeté, sissone, chassé, entrechat, pirouette, and cabriole.In 1713 the Paris opera established its own dance school, which taught a technique based on Feuillet's writings. Two years after this, in 1715, King Louis XIV died.In 1725 The Dancing Master was published by Pierre Rameau, (1674-1748), a former dance master for the queen of Spain. In his book Rameau formally documented the five foot positions for the first time. At this time French dance concentrated on well-mannered lordly elegance where Italian dance was full of acrobatic vitruosity. Also, in France the dance sections of the opéra-ballet continued the story, whereas in Italy they were simply dances put in to give the audience a break from the singing.In 1735 Rameau put on an opéra-ballet called Les Indes Galantes, based on a theme of four romances in different exotic locations. In this production the dancers were definitely doing ballet, as the ballroom and ballet dance forms were now recognized as separate, and it was recognized that turning out the legs had become much more important in ballet, although it was still desirable in ballroom dancing. Now, ballet requires almost flat turnout and in ballroom turnout is not really necessary at all.Some prominent male dancers of the time were Michel Blondy, (1677-1747), and Claude Balon, (1676-1739), who may have inspired the term ballon for light jumps. Women were still in the shadow of men at this time, because they started dancing later and they had to wear huge heavy costumes. Some of the leading female dancers were Marie-Thérèse de Subligny, (1666-1735), and Franoise Prévost, (1680-1741). These two ladies became known as France's Queen of Dance as they reached their primes, and they danced with the likes of Blondy and Balon. Prévost made her claim to fame by choreographing a solo called Les charactès de la Danse depicting several romances - in which sh e played both parts. Two of her pupils, Marie Sallé, (1701-1756), and Marie-Anne de Cupis de Carmargo, (1710-1770), performed this piece.Sallé became famous for her incredible ability to portray character. Because of this she transformed her teacher's solo into a duet, allowing her to interact dramatically with her partner. Carmargo, or La Carmargo as she was known, pursued pure dance. In the solo, she concentrated on the jumps and developed the "beating" steps, or batterie. Both La Carmargo and Sallé con tributed to shortening the ballerina's dress by performing in shorter skirts, (the were just barely above the ankle). In their shorter skirts, the ballerinas had to wear calçons de précaution, ("precautionary "), so that the audience would not see anything inappropriate.In 1739 Barbara Campanini, (1721-1799), came to Paris from Italy and became well known as "La Barbarina." Where La Carmargo could do an excellent entrechat-quatre, a jump in which the legs cross each other, or "beat", twice, La Barbarina could do an entrechat-huit, a jump with four beats. /21702/h6.htmlWarsMazarin instructed Louis in the areas of law, kingship and politics till his death in 1661. Two revolts in 1648 and 1653 called to Fronde forced Louis to bring reform to France. The Franco-Spanish treaty ended France's war with Spain and gave them land in the south. France's predominance in Europe had begun. After Mazarin died in 1661 Louis XIV began to rule himself and alone.http://www.louis-xiv.de/index.php?id=23fun factsThe longest reigning monarch in history was Pepi II, who ruled Egypt for 90 years; 2566 to 2476 BC. The second longest was France's Louis XIV, who ruled for 72 years, 1643 to 1715./morefun.htmlHow many beds did Louis XIV have?Fact: 413 beds./strangeinterestingfacts/index.html、King Louis XIV of France hated washing. He took only three baths during his lifetime (1638–1715).1.Louis the XIV had fourteen personal wigmakers and 1,000 wigs.2.Louis XIV insisted that none of his courtiers sit in chairs witharms3.Louis XIV of France once had an unfortunate experience while puttingon a sock--his toe fell off./facts2.htmlInteresting & Fun Facts about Chateau de Versailles∙In 1685, 36,000 people and 6,000 horses started the construction work of the 500 meters long palace, which took altogether 50 years.∙When Chateau de Versailles was built, Versailles was only a country village. However, it has now developed into a suburb of Paris.∙On October 8, 1789, a group of townspeople, especially the women, marched up to the palace and demanded bread.∙When Chateau de Versailles was completed, it could accommodate up to 5,000 people, including servants.∙The chateau is famous because it served as the residence of King Louis XIV and his queen, Marie Antoinette. Together, they ruledover France for many years till they were overthrown.∙Chateau de Versailles is one of the most extravagant buildings in the whole world.∙The chateau is one of the largest palaces in the world. It has more than 700 rooms, 2000 windows, 1250 fireplaces, 67 staircases andmore than 1800 acres of park.∙The palace is open everyday, except Mondays, from 9 am to 5.30 pm(6.30 pm, from May 2nd to September 30th).∙The Versailles Park is open daily, from 7 or 8 pm. Its access is free.∙The paintings, tapestries, sculptures and furniture of this fabulous palace, have been executed by the best Italian and Frenchartists of the time.∙The palace of Versailles, including the famous Hall of Mirrors, has been imitated many times throughout Europe, during the 18thcentury.∙In the Hall of Mirrors, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919, after World War I.∙Versailles is famous not only as a building, but as a symbol of the system of absolute monarchy./lounge/facts-about-chateau-de-vers ailles-3325.htmlParmentier helped King Louis XIV popularize the potato in France in the 18th century. Parmentier created a feast with only potato dishes,a concept he realized was possible when he was imprisoned in Germanyand fed only potatoes. Benjamin Franklin, ambassador to France, was in attendance of Parmentier's feast in 1767./AboutPotatoes/Potato_Fun_Facts.phpFact 1: When the Palace of Versailles was completed, it could accomodate up to 5,000 people, including servants. Fact 2: On October 8, 1789, a group of townspeople, especially the women, marched up to the palace and demanded bread.。



Copyright 2006, Texas Instruments Incorporated
D Dual Supply Operation:
This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage. ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
− 5-V Analog, 3.3-V Digital 5-V Tolerant Digital Inputs Small 28-Lead SSOP Package
D Differential Current Output: 7.8 mA p-p D 8× Oversampling Digital Filter:


FEATURES D 24-Bit Resolution D Analog Performance:
− Dynamic Range: − 132 dB (9 V rms, Mono) − 129 dB (4.5 V rms, Stereo) − 127 dB (2 V rms, Stereo) − THD+N: 0.0004% Differential Current Output: 7.8 mA p-p 8× Oversampling Digital Filter: − Stop-Band Attenuation: –130 dB − Pass-Band Ripple: ±0.00001 dB Sampling Frequency: 10 kHz to 200 kHz System Clock: 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, or 768 fS With Autodetect Accepts 16-, 20-, and 24-Bit Audio Data PCM Data Formats: Standard, I2S, and Left-Justified DSD Format Interface Available Optional Interface to External Digital Filter or DSP Available TDMCA or Serial Port (SPI/I2C) User-Programmable Mode Controls: − Digital Attenuation: 0 dB to –120 dB, 0.5 dB/Step − Digital De-Emphasis − Digital Filter Rolloff: Sharp or Slow − Soft Mute − Zero Flag for Each Output Dual Supply Operation: − 5-V Analog, 3.3-V Digital



Extract from the onlinecatalogVC-MP-T3-ZOrder No.: 1884911http://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1884911Metal sleeve housing, powder-coating, locking screws with cylindrical head, type 3, cable screw connection Pg21http:// Please note that the data given here has been taken from the online catalog. For comprehensive information and data, please refer to the user documentation. The General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to Internet downloads.Technical dataGeneral characteristicsNote When using fiber optics, the bending radii of the cablemanufacturers must be observed.Design VC3Degree of protection IP65/IP66/IP67Type of the screw connection1x Pg21Pg screw connection NoneHeight75 mmCable exit LateralNumber of module slots4Housing material Zinc die-castHousing surface material Powder coatingSeal material EPDMAmbient temperature (operation)-40 °C ... 125 °CAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1885619VC-M-KV-PG21 1X6/2X9Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1885635VC-M-KV-PG21 2X6/2X8Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1885648VC-M-KV-PG21 2X7,2/1X10,5Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1885651VC-M-KV-PG21 3X7Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1885664VC-M-KV-PG21 3X9Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1885677VC-M-KV-PG21 4X6,5Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1885680VC-M-KV-PG21 4X8Multiple screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with several holes and a pressure screw, for cablescrew connection support VC-M-KV-PG21...1853997VC-M-KV-PG21( 7-10,5)Half screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with one hole and one pressure screw, for type 2 - 4housings, cable [mm] 7 - 10.51854006VC-M-KV-PG21( 9-13)Half screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with one hole and one pressure screw, for type 2 - 4housings, cable [mm] 9 - 131854035VC-M-KV-PG21(11,5-15,5)Half screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with one hole and one pressure screw, for type 2 - 4housings, cable [mm] 11.5 - 13.51854048VC-M-KV-PG21(14-18)Half screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with one hole and one pressure screw, for type 2 - 4housings, cable [mm] 14 - 181854051VC-M-KV-PG21(17-20,5)Half screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with one hole and one pressure screw, for type 2 - 4housings, cable [mm] 17 - 20.51885305VC-M-KV-PG21(20X 7)Single screw connection PG21, made of metal, consisting ofrubber seal with a long hole and pressure screw, for type 2-4housings, cable [mm] 20 x 7 mm (for flat-ribbon cable) 1854970VC-M-KV-PG21- 1X8,5/1X12Half screw connection Pg21, made of metal, consisting of rubberseal with several holes and one pressure screw, for type 2 - 4housings:Marking1852875VC-BZS WH Marker labels, unprinted, 5-section, for individual labeling with M-PEN or CMS system, whiteDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。



Extract from the onlinecatalogMVSTBR 2,5/ 4-STOrder No.: 1792032The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1792032Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0 mm, no. of positions: 4, type of connection: Screw connectionhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5 mmDimension a15 mmNumber of positions4Screw thread M 3Tightening torque, min0.5 NmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kVRated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kVRated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kVRated voltage (III/2)320 VRated voltage (II/2)630 VConnection in acc. with standard EN-VDENominal current I N12 ANominal voltage U N250 VNominal cross section 2.5 mm2Maximum load current12 A (with 2.5 mm2 conductor cross section) Insulating material PAInflammability class acc. to UL 94V0Internal cylindrical gage A3Stripping length7 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm2Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm2Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm2Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max122 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm22 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded1.5 mm2max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.25 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.5 mm2TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1.5 mm2TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.Certificates / ApprovalsCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil28-12CULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12Certification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral0707125DFK-MSTB 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Direct mounting1899867EMSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Press in1914878EMSTBVA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 200 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: press in1736690MDSTB 2,5/ 4-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1846535MDSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1736739MDSTBV 2,5/ 4-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1845808MDSTBVA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1754478MSTB 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1768202MSTB 2,5/ 4-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1757491MSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1770504MSTBA 2,5/ 4-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1753479MSTBV 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1755532MSTBVA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1736098MSTBW 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1769256SMSTB 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1769829SMSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: SolderingDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。



Extract from the onlinecatalogMVSTBR 2,5/14-STOrder No.: 1792139The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1792139Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0 mm, no. of positions: 14, type of connection: Screw connectionhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5 mmDimension a65 mmNumber of positions14Screw thread M 3Tightening torque, min0.5 NmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kVRated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kVRated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kVRated voltage (III/2)320 VRated voltage (II/2)630 VConnection in acc. with standard EN-VDENominal current I N12 ANominal voltage U N250 VNominal cross section 2.5 mm2Maximum load current12 A (with 2.5 mm2 conductor cross section) Insulating material PAInflammability class acc. to UL 94V0Internal cylindrical gage A3Stripping length7 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm2Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm2Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm2Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max122 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm22 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded1.5 mm2max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.25 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.5 mm2TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1.5 mm2TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.Certificates / ApprovalsCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil28-12CULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12Certification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral0707219DFK-MSTB 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Direct mounting 1899964EMSTBA 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: press in1914975EMSTBVA 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 200 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: press in1762813MDSTB 2,5/14-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1762965MDSTBV 2,5/14-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1754672MSTB 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1768309MSTB 2,5/14-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1757585MSTBA 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1770601MSTBA 2,5/14-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1753673MSTBV 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1755626MSTBVA 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1735992MSTBW 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1769353SMSTB 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: Soldering1769926SMSTBA 2,5/14-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 14, mounting: SolderingDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。



参数的描述 参数组的描述 SPN与PGN
部分参数具有SPN,但不属于任何参数组,没有PGN。 部分PGN保留给ISO和J1939,不包含任何SPN。
参数在CAN数据场中占 据的空间的大小,最小为 两位。
1 ℃/位, 偏移量-40 ℃
数据范围 -40-210℃
类型 PGN 测量的 65262
数据场中一个参数占据的空间由PGN定义的参数属性列表 里的“起始位”和“长度”决定。
“起始位”定义了参数占据的空间的位置,“长度”定义 了参数占据的空间的大小。
表1 : 整字节长度参数的约定
起始位置 R 长度 Y字节 描述 暗示参数占据字节R开始的数个字节。 例: 3 1个字节: 参数占据字节3 2 7 个字节: 参数占据字节2-8
暗示参数占据字节R的8个位。 例: 3 8 位: 参数占据字节3 暗示参数占据从R到S的Y个字节。 例: 3-5 3 个字节: 参数占据字节3,4和5。 17-20 4 个字节: 参数占据字节17、18,19和20。
PGN定义里的“数据长度”属性指明了PGN数据场的字节长 度。这个数据场字节长度里不能由PGN里参数的集合来说明的 位是未指明的位。发送时,用于发送PGN的报文数据场的最小 长度由“数据长度”属性指定。
所有的发送报文数据长度里的未使用位必须用1来填充。未 指定位可留作将来分配参数使用。








在罗马大学的早期时间费米主要的研究课题是电动力 学和光谱学,但是随后他把研究重点放在了原子核本身而 不是核外电子上。1934年他在原先的辐射理论和泡利的中 微子理论基础上提出了β衰变的费米理论。在人工放射性 被发现后不久,他实验演示了几乎所有元素在中子轰炸下 都会发生核变化。这个工作促使了慢中子和核裂变的发现。
Fermi is widely regarded as one of the leading scientists of the 20th century, highly accomplished in both theory and experiment. Along with J. Robert Oppenheimer(罗伯特 奥本海默), he is frequently referred to as "the father of the atomic bomb"(原子弹之父). He also held several patents(专利权) related to the use of nuclear power.

在1939年哈恩和斯特拉斯曼发现核裂变后,费米马上 意识到次级中子和链式反应的可能性。1942年12月2日他 在芝加哥大学体育场的壁球馆试验成功了首座受控核反应 堆。在二战期间第一枚原子弹的建造过程中(曼哈顿计 划),他是主要领导者之一。
第二次世界大战之后,费米的主要研究方向是高能物 理,他在介子核相互作用和宇宙射线的来源等方面都做出 了开创性的工作。费米于1954年在芝加哥去世。
Several awards, concepts, and institutions are
named after Fermi, such as the Enrico Fermi Award(恩里科费米奖项),the Enrico Fermi Institute(恩里科费米协会), the Fermi National Accelerator Lab(费米国际加速器 实验室), the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope(费米伽马射线望远镜), the Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station(恩 里科费米核能发电厂), a type of particl(颗 粒) called fermions(费米子), the synthetic element fermium(合成元素镄),



九位卡布列克常数一、九位卡布列克常数简介九位卡布列克常数,又称为Kaprekar’s constant或6174常数,是一种神奇的数学现象。

它由印度数学家D.R. Kaprekar在1949年发现,九位卡布列克常数是一个四位数(不包括重复数字的四位数)通过一系列特定操作最终会得到的常数。










1.将四位数按照降序排列得到的数为:abdc(大数);2.将四位数按照升序排列得到的数为:cdab(小数);3.用大数减去小数得到的差值为:(a-c)(b-d);4.对差值进行相同的降序排列和升序排列操作,得到的数为:(a-c)(b-d) -(b-d)(a-c) = 9(a-c)(b-d);5.重复以上过程,差值将一直是9的倍数。

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Extract from the onlinecatalogMVSTBW 2,5/18-ST-5,08Order No.: 1792919The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1792919Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 18, type of connection: Screw connectionhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5.08 mmDimension a86.36 mmNumber of positions18Screw thread M 3Tightening torque, min0.5 NmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kV Rated voltage (III/2)320 V Rated voltage (II/2)630 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N12 A Nominal voltage U N250 V Nominal cross section 2.5 mm2 Maximum load current12 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Internal cylindrical gage A3 Stripping length7 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max122 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2 min.2 conductors with same cross section, strandedmax.1.5 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.0.25 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.0.5 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.1.5 mm2 Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil28-12CULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12Certification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionMarking1051993B-STIFT Marker pen, for manual labeling of unprinted Zack strips, smear-proof and waterproof, line thickness 0.5 mm0804293SK 5,08/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocks0805412SK 5,08/3,8:UNBEDRUCKT Marker cards, unprinted, with pitch divisions, self-adhesive, 10-section marker strips, 12 strips per card, can be labeled with theM-PENPlug/Adapter1734634CP-MSTB Coding profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug or invertedheader, red insulating material1734401CR-MSTB Coding section, inserted into the recess in the header or theinverted plug, red insulating materialTools1205053SZS 0,6X3,5Screwdriver, bladed, matches all screw terminal blocks up to 4.0mm² connection cross section, blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, without VDEapprovalAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1824007ICC 2,5/18-STZ-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 18, type of connection: Crimpconnection1762525MDSTB 2,5/18-G1-5,08Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Soldering1762664MDSTBV 2,5/18-G1-5,08Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Soldering1770876MSTB 2,5/18-G-5,08-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Soldering1757404MSTBA 2,5/18-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Soldering1788884MSTBVK 2,5/18-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Mounting rail1788693MVSTBU 2,5/18-GB-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Direct mounting1769625SMSTB 2,5/18-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Soldering1767533SMSTBA 2,5/18-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Soldering3002076UK 3-MVSTB-5,08Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2 - 2.5mm², AWG: 26 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: gray3002102UK 3-MVSTB-5,08-LA 24RD Modular terminal block with plug entry, nominal current: 12 A,rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 1, mounting:mounting rail, with red light indicator, voltage light indicator: 24 VAC/DC, current light indicator: 3.3 mA3002063UK 3-MVSTB-5,08/EK Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2-2.5mm², AWG: 26-12, width: 5.1 mm, color: blue3002131UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08Modular terminal blocks with vertical plug entry, cross section: 0.2- 2.5 mm, AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: gray3002144UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08-LA 24RD Modular terminal block with vertical plug entry, color: Gray, withred light indicator, voltage light indicator: 24 V AC/DC, current lightindicator: 3.3 mA3002173UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08/EK Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2 - 2.5mm², AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: blue1788279UMSTBVK 2,5/18-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 18, mounting: Mounting railDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。
