


曰恋 曲吧 !
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T E AP NADE品 牌 介 绍
I ̄ I TP] NADE 终 遵 循 蘅 体 现 女 始 清新 活 泼 和甜 美 性 感两 种创 意 宗 旨, 以最前 沿的 设计 风格 为 年轻的 肘 尚 一 族提 供 充满 现 代 感的 服饰 。其 设 计 方 向以 日本 年 轻 少女 时 装潮 流 为 主 . 不 断 更 新 的 时尚 元 素 为 前 在 提 盟A D G完美 地将 柔美 和 ER 帅 气中 性风 融台 , A fN E将成 熟 T P  ̄ AD
有 限. 完为 止) 送
李维斯 购物满 ]O 元可办理李维斯会员卡一张 50
T E AP NADE 品牌定位
Q。 】 1& s 里 加 入 可 爱 , e 以
2 48 0 Z 岁女 性 为客 户群 的品牌 。ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 供
KU L H E换季 商品3 折 , . 9 新款商品满 31减 ( 0 ∞ F OX 特选商品 5 折
力, 短外 套在今年 目系混 搭格外 吃番 . 针织 衫在这 个 微冷 的季 节也 被搬上 了甜 美潮搭 的舞 台 , 让你 享受
美丽 的同 时 也感受温 暖情 一 , 不 h 纯色 跟撞 色的搭 配手 法今 年也 用梅相 当多 . 们 要么追 求个 性甜美 风 , Ⅲ
要 么走简 约甜 美路线 , 快采 踱心 中的他 上演 一出 秋
AD D S 部 分 商 品 5 7 IA _折 NI 全 场 商 品 8 KE 折 屋威 短 装 6 折
有个 性 . 高品 质的 商 品。个 性的 配 有 件提 供更 高档 次 的措配 。 欧洲 流行 的
风格 及 日本流 行风 格 的结 合 , 将更 适 合现 在的 自领 女性 。



数目mo jia1mbili2tatu3nne4tano5sita6saba7毛加姆比里他土恩耐他脑西他撒巴na ne8tisa9kumi10ishirini20thelathini30那耐提撒库米衣希雷尼塞拉西尼arob aini40hamsini50sitini60sabini70themanini80阿劳巴衣尼哈木西尼西提尼撒比尼塞马尼尼ti sini90mia100miatatu300elfu一千elfukumi一万提西尼米亚米亚他土埃尔夫埃尔夫库米la kimoja十万milioni百万milionimiamoja一亿1拉克毛加米里袄尼米里袄尼米亚毛加时间Jumapili 礼拜日Jumatatu礼拜一Jumanne礼拜二九马皮里九马他土九马恩耐Jumatano 礼拜三Alhamisi礼拜四Ijumaa礼拜五九马他闹阿尔哈米西衣九妈阿Jumamosi 礼拜六wiki礼拜,周leo今日jana昨天九马尾来加毛西克袄那kesho明日juzi前天keshokutwa后天wikihii本周开小九贼开小库特瓦尾克黑衣wikiiliyopita上周wikiijayo下周alfajiri清早尾克衣里要皮他尾克衣加要阿尔法基里asubuhi清晨mchana正午usiku夜alasiri下午3阿苏布黑木恰纳屋西库阿拉西里Dcsemba十二月saa小时,点,钟kamili整代三木巴萨阿卡米里nusu半robo1/4dakika分nuktarobosaa一刻奴苏劳包达克卡努克他劳包撒sasa此刻wakati时候kasoro缺、差ngapi?几.多少萨萨瓦卡提卡扫劳恩嘎皮zamani过去从前usikuwamanane子夜扎马尼屋西库瓦马那耐举例:saamoja七点saasita十二点saasaba一点萨阿毛萨阿西他萨阿萨巴加saatisa 三点saakuminambili六点5萨阿提撒萨阿库米那姆比里Sikungapi? 几日?Sikutano.五天Baadaye此后西库恩嘎皮西库他闹巴阿大也Wakatigani?lini?什么时候?何日?halaf 而后,此后瓦卡提嘎尼里尼哈拉夫SaamojaasubuhiyatalehembiliMweziMachi.萨阿毛加阿苏布黑牙他来海姆比里姆比里姆外贼马乞Mwakaelfumojamiatisasubininamoja.姆瓦卡爱尔夫毛加米牙提撒萨比尼那毛加(一九七一年三月二日早七点)注:讲当地时间有这样一个规律,凡是大于六的钟点减六,减剩下的就是所需要的点数;反之,小于六或等于六的时间就加六。


日本IP段 - 日本 东北大学 - 日本 - 日本 东京电气通信大学 - Microsoft 日本公司 - 日本 - 日本 横宾 - 日本 - 日本 东京 - 日本 名古屋 - 日本 - 日本 东京 - 日本 - 日本 - 日本 横宾 - 日本 - 日本 东京 - 日本 - 日本 大阪 - 日本 - 日本 横滨 - 日本 HIMAWARI-NET



Analysis Id Sample IdSample#Type Fixed?Latitude Longitude住所核種Ag-110m 2136038665SCF-08632Air Filter N o35.74105139.361東京都武蔵村Ag-110m 2184717087SCF-08988Air Filter N o35.66871139.7433東京都港区赤Ag-110m 2076798453SCF-03007Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ag-110m 2077378177SCF-03009Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ag-110m 2113257969SCF-08216Air Filter N o35.29196139.674神奈川県横須2139798661SCF-08646Air Filter N o32.293439.672Ag-110mAg-110m 2078638645SCF-03013Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2070719681SCF-00639C A ir Filter N o37.9085140.5782福島県伊達郡Am-241Am-241 2070419505SCF-00639Air Filter N o37.90849140.5783福島県伊達郡Am-241 2070119679SCF-00637C A ir Filter N o37.90829140.5785福島県伊達郡Am-241 2069819507SCF-00637Air Filter N o37.90511140.579福島県伊達郡Am-241 2069219543SCF-00635Air Filter N o37.76018140.4079福島県福島市Am-241 2069519677SCF-00635C A ir Filter N o37.76018140.4079福島県福島市2068619515SCF-00633Air Filter N o37.75991140.408福島県福島市Am-241Am-241 2068919675SCF-00633C A ir Filter N o37.75987140.4081福島県福島市Am-241 2176719485SCF-08823Air Filter N o37.74796140.7086福島県伊達市2177019703SCF-08823C A ir Filter N o37.74796140.7086福島県伊達市Am-241Am-241 2177619705SCF-08825C A ir Filter N o37.67868140.8592福島県南相馬Am-241 2177319479SCF-08825Air Filter N o37.67868140.8592福島県南相馬Am-241 2067419519SCF-00629Air Filter N o37.66143140.4432福島県福島市Am-241 2067719671SCF-00629C A ir Filter N o37.66137140.4432福島県福島市Am-241 2068019521SCF-00631Air Filter N o37.66087140.442福島県福島市Am-241 2176419701SCF-08821C A ir Filter N o37.60392140.7787福島県双葉郡Am-241 2176119493SCF-08821Air Filter N o37.60392140.7787福島県双葉郡Am-241 2175519497SCF-08820Air Filter N o37.58579140.7587福島県双葉郡Am-241 2175819699SCF-08820C A ir Filter N o37.58579140.7587福島県双葉郡Am-241 2174919503SCF-08819Air Filter N o37.56078140.7523福島県双葉郡Am-241 2175219695SCF-08819C A ir Filter N o37.56077140.7523福島県双葉郡Am-241 2066819529SCF-00627Air Filter N o37.51635140.3797福島県本宮市2066219527SCF-00625Air Filter N o37.51624140.3803福島県本宮市Am-241Am-241 2066519667SCF-00625C A ir Filter N o37.51621140.3803福島県本宮市Am-241 2180019713SCF-08834C A ir Filter N o37.48831140.3791福島県本宮市Am-241 2179719545SCF-08834Air Filter N o37.48831140.3791福島県本宮市Am-241 2179419711SCF-08832C A ir Filter N o37.36476140.3142福島県郡山市Am-241 2179119549SCF-08832Air Filter N o37.36476140.3142福島県郡山市Am-241 2173719445SCF-08802Air Filter N o37.35305140.3222福島県郡山市Am-241 2174019689SCF-08802C A ir Filter N o37.35305140.3222福島県郡山市Am-241 2174319441SCF-08804Air Filter N o37.35288140.3215福島県郡山市Am-241 2174619693SCF-08804C A ir Filter N o37.35288140.3215福島県郡山市Am-241 2178819709SCF-08830C A ir Filter N o37.29175140.3533福島県須賀川Am-241 2178519553SCF-08830Air Filter N o37.29175140.3533福島県須賀川Am-241 2065619465SCF-00619Air Filter N o37.2563140.3357福島県岩瀬郡Am-241 2065919661SCF-00619C A ir Filter N o37.25625140.3357福島県岩瀬郡Am-241 2065319659SCF-00617C A ir Filter N o37.25577140.3354福島県岩瀬郡2065019449SCF-00617Air Filter N o37.25577140.3354福島県岩瀬郡Am-241Am-241 2064119655SCF-00613C A ir Filter N o37.15145140.242福島県白河市2063819459SCF-00613Air Filter N o37.15145140.242福島県白河市Am-241Am-241 2177919557SCF-08828Air Filter N o37.15077140.2416福島県白河市Am-241 2178219707SCF-08828C A ir Filter N o37.15077140.2416福島県白河市Am-241 2064719657SCF-00615C A ir Filter N o37.15052140.2416福島県白河市Am-241 2064419455SCF-00615Air Filter N o37.15052140.2415福島県白河市Am-241 2071019569SCF-00642Air Filter N o36.99934140.8219福島県いわき2071619565SCF-00644Air Filter N o36.25565140.5506茨城県鉾田市Am-241Am-241 2071919685SCF-00644C A ir Filter N o36.25565140.5506茨城県鉾田市Am-241 2072219561SCF-00646Air Filter N o35.99644140.6436茨城県鹿嶋市2049979321SCF-00216Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Am-241Am-241 2050299627SCF-00216C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Am-241 2050579335SCF-00218Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Am-241 2050899629SCF-00218C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Am-241 2047499263SCF-00210Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Am-241 2047819615SCF-00210C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Am-241 2103999269SCF-03094Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Am-241 2104319637SCF-03094C A ir Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Am-241 2168959247SCF-08773Air Filter N o35.29273139.6737神奈川県横須Am-241 2169279641SCF-08773C A ir Filter N o35.29273139.6737神奈川県横須2093078879SCF-03062Air Filter N o39.668139.743Ba-140Ba-140 2180657093SCF-08902Air Filter N o38.72002141.5335宮城県本吉郡Ba-140 2063257817SCF-00570Air Filter N o38.72141.5335宮城県本吉郡Ba-140 2063537731SCF-00571Air Filter N o38.71987141.5333宮城県本吉郡2180337095SCF-08901Air Filter N o38.69179141.1357宮城県登米市Ba-140Ba-140 2070739681SCF-00639C A ir Filter N o37.9085140.5782福島県伊達郡Ba-140 2070439505SCF-00639Air Filter N o37.90849140.5783福島県伊達郡2070139679SCF-00637C A ir Filter N o37.90829140.5785福島県伊達郡Ba-140Ba-140 2069839507SCF-00637Air Filter N o37.90511140.579福島県伊達郡Ba-140 2105277815SCF-07634Air Filter N o37.83659140.3818福島県福島市Ba-140 2108617241SCF-07700Air Filter N o37.83659140.3818福島県福島市Ba-140 2062977149SCF-00516Air Filter N o37.80435140.4541福島県福島市Ba-140 2104617239SCF-07627Air Filter N o37.80423140.4541福島県福島市Ba-140 2105557237SCF-07635Air Filter N o37.80423140.4541福島県福島市Ba-140 2185597181SCF-08991Air Filter N o37.80419140.4541福島県福島市Ba-140 2069239543SCF-00635Air Filter N o37.76018140.4079福島県福島市Ba-140 2069539677SCF-00635C A ir Filter N o37.76018140.4079福島県福島市2068639515SCF-00633Air Filter N o37.75991140.408福島県福島市Ba-140Ba-140 2068939675SCF-00633C A ir Filter N o37.75987140.4081福島県福島市Ba-140 2176739485SCF-08823Air Filter N o37.74796140.7086福島県伊達市Ba-140 2177039703SCF-08823C A ir Filter N o37.74796140.7086福島県伊達市Ba-140 2019737795SCF-00049Air Filter N o37.6965140.9717福島県南相馬Ba-140 2020037797SCF-00050Air Filter N o37.6965140.9717福島県南相馬Ba-140 2023277185SCF-00061Air Filter N o37.68762140.8429福島県南相馬Ba-140 2177639705SCF-08825C A ir Filter N o37.67868140.8592福島県南相馬Ba-140 2177339479SCF-08825Air Filter N o37.67868140.8592福島県南相馬Ba-140 2067439519SCF-00629Air Filter N o37.66143140.4432福島県福島市Ba-140 2067739671SCF-00629C A ir Filter N o37.66137140.4432福島県福島市Ba-140 2068039521SCF-00631Air Filter N o37.66087140.442福島県福島市Ba-140 2176439701SCF-08821C A ir Filter N o37.60392140.7787福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2176139493SCF-08821Air Filter N o37.60392140.7787福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2025717315SCF-00069Air Filter N o37.59021140.4199福島県二本松2026037891SCF-00070Air Filter N o37.59021140.4199福島県二本松Ba-140Ba-140 2044417415SCF-00155Air Filter N o37.5902140.4199福島県二本松2044737413SCF-00156Air Filter N o37.5902140.4199福島県二本松Ba-140Ba-140 2175539497SCF-08820Air Filter N o37.58579140.7587福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2175839699SCF-08820C A ir Filter N o37.58579140.7587福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2174939503SCF-08819Air Filter N o37.56078140.7523福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2175239695SCF-08819C A ir Filter N o37.56077140.7523福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2066839529SCF-00627Air Filter N o37.51635140.3797福島県本宮市2066539667SCF-00625C A ir Filter N o37.51621140.3803福島県本宮市Ba-140Ba-140 2059817383SCF-00324Air Filter N o37.50872140.1559福島県耶麻郡Ba-140 2060157381SCF-00325Air Filter N o37.50872140.1559福島県耶麻郡Ba-140 2180039713SCF-08834C A ir Filter N o37.48831140.3791福島県本宮市Ba-140 2179739545SCF-08834Air Filter N o37.48831140.3791福島県本宮市Ba-140 2024797887SCF-00066Air Filter N o37.48811140.3785福島県本宮市Ba-140 2024477319SCF-00065Air Filter N o37.48811140.3785福島県本宮市Ba-140 2025117311SCF-00067Air Filter N o37.44244140.5247福島県田村市Ba-140 2025417889SCF-00068Air Filter N o37.44244140.5247福島県田村市Ba-140 2046277409SCF-00204Air Filter N o37.43317140.3444福島県郡山市Ba-140 2046597407SCF-00205Air Filter N o37.43317140.3444福島県郡山市Ba-140 2020357793SCF-00051Air Filter N o37.40535140.6878福島県田村市2059217387SCF-00321Air Filter N o37.38742140.3118福島県郡山市Ba-140Ba-140 2059537385SCF-00322Air Filter N o37.38742140.3118福島県郡山市Ba-140 2023857323SCF-00063Air Filter N o37.36525140.314福島県郡山市Ba-140 2024178201SCF-00064Air Filter N o37.36525140.314福島県郡山市Ba-140 2179439711SCF-08832C A ir Filter N o37.36476140.3142福島県郡山市Ba-140 2179139549SCF-08832Air Filter N o37.36476140.3142福島県郡山市2006097233SCF-00001Air Filter N o37.35416140.3229福島県郡山市Ba-140Ba-140 2104957235SCF-07628Air Filter N o37.35413140.3229福島県郡山市Ba-140 2173739445SCF-08802Air Filter N o37.35305140.3222福島県郡山市2174039689SCF-08802C A ir Filter N o37.35305140.3222福島県郡山市Ba-140Ba-140 2041917351SCF-00142Air Filter N o37.35289140.9789福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2042257349SCF-00143Air Filter N o37.35289140.9789福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2174339441SCF-08804Air Filter N o37.35288140.3215福島県郡山市Ba-140 2174639693SCF-08804C A ir Filter N o37.35288140.3215福島県郡山市Ba-140 2178839709SCF-08830C A ir Filter N o37.29175140.3533福島県須賀川2178539553SCF-08830Air Filter N o37.29175140.3533福島県須賀川Ba-140Ba-140 2006397327SCF-00003Air Filter N o37.29096140.3527福島県須賀川Ba-140 2023557885SCF-00062Air Filter N o37.29096140.3527福島県須賀川2046897403SCF-00206Air Filter N o37.2909140.3527福島県須賀川Ba-140Ba-140 2047217401SCF-00207Air Filter N o37.2909140.3527福島県須賀川Ba-140 2026337307SCF-00071Air Filter N o37.29076140.6147福島県田村郡Ba-140 2026657893SCF-00072Air Filter N o37.29076140.6147福島県田村郡Ba-140 2139078217SCF-08644Air Filter N o37.28212140.2546福島県須賀川Ba-140 2142438219SCF-08666Air Filter N o37.28212140.2546福島県須賀川Ba-140 2065639465SCF-00619Air Filter N o37.2563140.3357福島県岩瀬郡Ba-140 2065939661SCF-00619C A ir Filter N o37.25625140.3357福島県岩瀬郡Ba-140 2065339659SCF-00617C A ir Filter N o37.25577140.3354福島県岩瀬郡Ba-140 2065039449SCF-00617Air Filter N o37.25577140.3354福島県岩瀬郡Ba-140 2022297199SCF-00057Air Filter N o37.23558140.9853福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2022617201SCF-00058Air Filter N o37.23558140.9853福島県双葉郡Ba-140 2013937787SCF-00029Air Filter N o37.22255140.43福島県石川郡Ba-140 2106977785SCF-07668Air Filter N o37.22255140.43福島県石川郡Ba-140 2107317773SCF-07670Air Filter N o37.22255140.43福島県石川郡2064139655SCF-00613C A ir Filter N o37.15145140.242福島県白河市Ba-140Ba-140 2063839459SCF-00613Air Filter N o37.15145140.242福島県白河市2177939557SCF-08828Air Filter N o37.15077140.2416福島県白河市Ba-140Ba-140 2178239707SCF-08828C A ir Filter N o37.15077140.2416福島県白河市Ba-140 2064739657SCF-00615C A ir Filter N o37.15052140.2416福島県白河市Ba-140 2064439455SCF-00615Air Filter N o37.15052140.2415福島県白河市Ba-140 2107677799SCF-07671Air Filter N o37.1485140.9994福島県いわきBa-140 2107977801SCF-07672Air Filter N o37.1485140.9994福島県いわき2030337781SCF-00091Air Filter N o37.12425140.9481福島県いわきBa-140Ba-140 2022917211SCF-00060Air Filter N o37.06876140.8429福島県いわきBa-140 2031037783SCF-00093Air Filter N o37.06801140.8384福島県いわきBa-140 2030637219SCF-00092Air Filter N o37.06753140.8383福島県いわきBa-140 2031637789SCF-00095Air Filter N o37.00197140.8126福島県いわきBa-140 2031317217SCF-00094Air Filter N o37.00189140.8126福島県いわきBa-140 2071039569SCF-00642Air Filter N o36.99934140.8219福島県いわきBa-140 2071339683SCF-00642C A ir Filter N o36.99934140.8219福島県いわきBa-140 2111517557SCF-08211Air Filter N o36.9993140.822福島県いわきBa-140 2113477555SCF-08221Air Filter N o36.9993140.822福島県いわきBa-140 2125037587SCF-08285Air Filter N o36.94839140.104栃木県那須塩Ba-140 2125357585SCF-08286Air Filter N o36.94839140.104栃木県那須塩2031957215SCF-00096Air Filter N o36.90324140.7517福島県いわきBa-140Ba-140 2032337791SCF-00097Air Filter N o36.903140.7516福島県いわきBa-140 2041237357SCF-00139Air Filter N o36.86811140.7421福島県いわきBa-140 2041597355SCF-00140Air Filter N o36.86811140.7421福島県いわきBa-140 2123777581SCF-08275Air Filter N o36.8586140.1167栃木県大田原Ba-140 2125657583SCF-08287Air Filter N o36.8586140.1167栃木県大田原2112457551SCF-08214Air Filter N o36.79806140.7282茨城県北茨城Ba-140Ba-140 2112757549SCF-08215Air Filter N o36.79806140.7282茨城県北茨城Ba-140 2032637213SCF-00098Air Filter N o36.7973140.7266茨城県北茨城2032957803SCF-00099Air Filter N o36.79726140.7264茨城県北茨城Ba-140Ba-140 2042557347SCF-00149Air Filter N o36.79673140.7271茨城県北茨城Ba-140 2042877345SCF-00150Air Filter N o36.79673140.7271茨城県北茨城Ba-140 2130737717SCF-08605Air Filter N o36.7367139.5173栃木県日光市Ba-140 2132317719SCF-08619Air Filter N o36.7367139.5173栃木県日光市Ba-140 2131677723SCF-08617Air Filter N o36.72594139.7877栃木県日光市2132017721SCF-08618Air Filter N o36.72594139.7877栃木県日光市Ba-140Ba-140 2186517907SCF-08995Air Filter N o36.66852139.7434栃木県日光市Ba-140 2111837545SCF-08212Air Filter N o36.64819140.6741茨城県日立市2112137543SCF-08213Air Filter N o36.64819140.6741茨城県日立市Ba-140Ba-140 2043177343SCF-00151Air Filter N o36.60209140.6374茨城県日立市Ba-140 2043497341SCF-00152Air Filter N o36.60209140.6374茨城県日立市Ba-140 2044117337SCF-00154Air Filter N o36.54924140.3313茨城県常陸大Ba-140 2043777755SCF-00153Air Filter N o36.54923140.3313茨城県常陸大Ba-140 2187177075SCF-08997Air Filter N o36.52406140.227栃木県芳賀郡Ba-140 2187797895SCF-08999Air Filter N o36.52406140.227栃木県芳賀郡Ba-140 2183257973SCF-08925Air Filter N o36.46025140.5969茨城県那珂郡Ba-140 2188077971SCF-09000Air Filter N o36.46025140.5969茨城県那珂郡Ba-140 2182617899SCF-08923Air Filter N o36.38374139.0896群馬県前橋市Ba-140 2131037729SCF-08606Air Filter N o36.34385139.2874群馬県太田市Ba-140 2131397725SCF-08607Air Filter N o36.34385139.2874群馬県太田市Ba-140 2186797077SCF-08996Air Filter N o36.3371140.5835茨城県ひたちBa-140 2187517903SCF-08998Air Filter N o36.3371140.5835茨城県ひたちBa-140 2181037943SCF-08903Air Filter N o36.29246140.5594茨城県東茨城2181377937SCF-08904Air Filter N o36.29246140.5594茨城県東茨城Ba-140Ba-140 2029317285SCF-00088Air Filter N o36.27402140.4584茨城県東茨城2028597289SCF-00086Air Filter N o36.25571140.5507茨城県鉾田市Ba-140Ba-140 2028997287SCF-00087Air Filter N o36.25571140.5507茨城県鉾田市Ba-140 2071639565SCF-00644Air Filter N o36.25565140.5506茨城県鉾田市Ba-140 2071939685SCF-00644C A ir Filter N o36.25565140.5506茨城県鉾田市Ba-140 2060437483SCF-00326Air Filter N o36.25553140.5508茨城県鉾田市Ba-140 2060777481SCF-00327Air Filter N o36.25553140.5508茨城県鉾田市2130377905SCF-08604Air Filter N o36.16333139.3618埼玉県熊谷市Ba-140Ba-140 2008077293SCF-00008Air Filter N o35.99686140.6423茨城県鹿嶋市Ba-140 2028297291SCF-00085Air Filter N o35.99686140.6423茨城県鹿嶋市Ba-140 2072239561SCF-00646Air Filter N o35.99644140.6436茨城県鹿嶋市Ba-140 2181677941SCF-08905Air Filter N o35.99638140.6436茨城県鹿嶋市Ba-140 2182037939SCF-08906Air Filter N o35.99638140.6436茨城県鹿嶋市Ba-140 2061077477SCF-00328Air Filter N o35.95601140.589茨城県潮来市Ba-140 2061417475SCF-00329Air Filter N o35.95601140.589茨城県潮来市Ba-140 2124737661SCF-08278Air Filter N o35.95139.3953埼玉県鶴ヶ島Ba-140 2007397297SCF-00006Air Filter N o35.81314140.4041千葉県成田市Ba-140 2007757295SCF-00007Air Filter N o35.81314140.4041千葉県成田市Ba-140 2115078067SCF-08228Air Filter N o35.791139.361埼玉県入間市2115418373SCF-08229Air Filter N o35.791139.361埼玉県入間市Ba-140Ba-140 2137217979SCF-08637Air Filter N o35.76015140.7983茨城県神栖市Ba-140 2137557977SCF-08638Air Filter N o35.76015140.7983茨城県神栖市Ba-140 2011097105SCF-00018Air Filter N o35.74151139.3602東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2014897277SCF-00034Air Filter N o35.74151139.3602東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2015937279SCF-00037Air Filter N o35.74151139.3602東京都武蔵村2036677271SCF-00118Air Filter N o35.74113139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2036997269SCF-00119Air Filter N o35.74113139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2034277197SCF-00110Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村2008877163SCF-00011Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2009217167SCF-00012Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2011417165SCF-00021Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2011757169SCF-00022Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2008517161SCF-00009Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2183617983SCF-08985Air Filter N o35.74106139.3609東京都武蔵村2135598245SCF-08631Air Filter N o35.74105139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2136018665SCF-08632Air Filter N o35.74105139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2132637833SCF-08620Air Filter N o35.74104139.361東京都武蔵村2132937835SCF-08622Air Filter N o35.74104139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2150238389SCF-08691Air Filter N o35.74104139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2033957267SCF-00109Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2033257263SCF-00107Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2033657265SCF-00108Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2018317251SCF-00045Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2034977255SCF-00112Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2026957229SCF-00081Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2019417253SCF-00048Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2019077259SCF-00047Air Filter Y es35.74103139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2147118309SCF-08681Air Filter N o35.74102139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2147458307SCF-08682Air Filter N o35.74102139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2120978425SCF-08263Air Filter N o35.74102139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2140918423SCF-08661Air Filter N o35.74102139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2138458167SCF-08642Air Filter N o35.741139.3609東京都武蔵村2138738169SCF-08643Air Filter N o35.741139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2149898387SCF-08690Air Filter N o35.741139.3699東京都武蔵村2151758381SCF-08698Air Filter N o35.741139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2152098383SCF-08699Air Filter N o35.741139.361東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2152678253SCF-08701Air Filter N o35.74099139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2152998251SCF-08702Air Filter N o35.74099139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2034577805SCF-00111Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2035317809SCF-00114Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村2040577875SCF-00132Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2040917877SCF-00133Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2036017865SCF-00116Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2036377813SCF-00117Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2037317867SCF-00120Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2037617869SCF-00121Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2039937871SCF-00130Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2040297873SCF-00131Air Filter Y es35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2105837825SCF-07639Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2126597687SCF-08290Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2126937689SCF-08291Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2110557771SCF-08207Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村2109917715SCF-08205Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140Ba-140 2110237769SCF-08206Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2106117831SCF-07640Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2127857933SCF-08294Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2128217935SCF-08295Air Filter N o35.74098139.3609東京都武蔵村Ba-140 2110897487SCF-08208Air Filter N o35.74094139.3609東京都武蔵村2173199187SCF-08796Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2173479239SCF-08796C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2049999321SCF-00216Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市2050319627SCF-00216C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2172679137SCF-08791Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2172959237SCF-08791C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2154198499SCF-08706Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2154538501SCF-08707Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2050599335SCF-00218Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市2050919629SCF-00218C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2140578475SCF-08660Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2182318473SCF-08907Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市2047519263SCF-00210Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2047839615SCF-00210C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2117598521SCF-08252Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2117938523SCF-08253Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2171639097SCF-08789Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2171919233SCF-08789C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2168358979SCF-08763Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2168679311SCF-08763C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2170079049SCF-08780Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2170359227SCF-08780C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2162958917SCF-08738Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2163278915SCF-08739Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2164159027SCF-08744Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2164438929SCF-08745Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2116658539SCF-08249Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市2155098537SCF-08709Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2152378843SCF-08700Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市2158758845SCF-08722Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2167758999SCF-08762Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2168079305SCF-08762C A ir Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2165358947SCF-08748Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2165678949SCF-08749Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市Ba-140 2169559071SCF-08779Air Filter Y es35.7401139.361東京都立川市2155978565SCF-08712Air Filter N o35.7401139.3606東京都立川市Ba-140Ba-140 2157558867SCF-08718Air Filter N o35.7401139.3601東京都立川市Ba-140 2157858871SCF-08719Air Filter N o35.7401139.3601東京都立川市Ba-140 2037937335SCF-00124Air Filter N o35.66874139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2038317333SCF-00125Air Filter N o35.66874139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2020977273SCF-00053Air Filter N o35.66873139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2021337275SCF-00054Air Filter N o35.66873139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2012077119SCF-00023Air Filter N o35.66872139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2012417117SCF-00024Air Filter N o35.66872139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2012697115SCF-00025Air Filter N o35.66872139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2009537089SCF-00013Air Filter N o35.66871139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2184277091SCF-08987Air Filter N o35.66871139.7433東京都港区赤2186237175SCF-08994Air Filter N o35.66871139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2009877101SCF-00014Air Filter N o35.6687139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2010157177SCF-00015Air Filter N o35.6687139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2016277205SCF-00038Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2020637281SCF-00052Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2053997691SCF-00300Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤2054337693SCF-00301Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2054657695SCF-00302Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2054997697SCF-00303Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤2058577673SCF-00310Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2058917675SCF-00311Air Filter N o35.66866139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2039297397SCF-00128Air Filter N o35.66865139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2039637395SCF-00129Air Filter N o35.66865139.7433東京都港区赤Ba-140 2016677171SCF-00040Air Filter N o35.66852139.7434東京都港区赤Ba-140 2106397173SCF-07641Air Filter N o35.66852139.7434東京都港区赤2183937079SCF-08986Air Filter N o35.66852139.7434東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2057957617SCF-00308-C Air Filter N o35.66845139.7432東京都港区赤Ba-140 2058257619SCF-00309Air Filter N o35.66845139.7432東京都港区赤2086598497SCF-03041Air Filter N o35.668139.747東京都港区虎Ba-140Ba-140 2104019269SCF-03094Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2104339637SCF-03094C A ir Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2080378339SCF-03021Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2080718341SCF-03022Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2097578955SCF-03077Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2097878953SCF-03078Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2085358481SCF-03037Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2085678479SCF-03038Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2091518579SCF-03057Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2091858597SCF-03058Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2095158897SCF-03069Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2095478893SCF-03070Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2089078599SCF-03049Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2089398595SCF-03050Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2098758957SCF-03081Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2099078959SCF-03082Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2087818507SCF-03045Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2088158511SCF-03046Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2090298591SCF-03053Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2090618589SCF-03054Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2099959005SCF-03085Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2100279295SCF-03085C A ir Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2092778877SCF-03061Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2093978851SCF-03065Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2094278883SCF-03066Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2081638347SCF-03025Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2081958349SCF-03026Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2077878165SCF-03011Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2078218171SCF-03012Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2053678441SCF-00245Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2076818453SCF-03007Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2082858377SCF-03029Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2083198379SCF-03030Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2055698223SCF-00304-C Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2056318225SCF-00305-C Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2075578451SCF-03003Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2075898431SCF-03004Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤2084118427SCF-03033Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2084438429SCF-03034Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2079138335SCF-03017Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2079478337SCF-03018Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2092478611SCF-03060Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2093358881SCF-03063Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2090898587SCF-03055Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2101759001SCF-03090Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2102079301SCF-03090C A ir Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2077598179SCF-03010Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2102899185SCF-03092Air Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2103159223SCF-03092C A ir Filter Y es35.668139.743東京都港区赤Ba-140 2098178973SCF-03080Air Filter N o35.668139.737東京都港区赤2098479291SCF-03080C A ir Filter N o35.668139.737東京都港区赤Ba-140Ba-140 2101159007SCF-03089Air Filter N o35.668139.737東京都港区赤Ba-140 2101479299SCF-03089C A ir Filter N o35.668139.737東京都港区赤Ba-140 2094878847SCF-03068Air Filter N o35.668139.667東京都世田谷Ba-140 2100559003SCF-03087Air Filter N o35.668135.743福井県三方上Ba-140 2100879297SCF-03087C A ir Filter N o35.668135.743福井県三方上Ba-140 2184937085SCF-08989Air Filter N o35.66715139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2185957083SCF-08993Air Filter N o35.66715139.7371東京都港区六2185297081SCF-08990Air Filter N o35.66715139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2038597331SCF-00126Air Filter N o35.66715139.737東京都港区六2038977329SCF-00127Air Filter N o35.66715139.737東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2010477099SCF-00016Air Filter N o35.66711139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2010817097SCF-00017Air Filter N o35.66711139.7371東京都港区六2056657735SCF-00306Air Filter N o35.66711139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2057317739SCF-00307-C Air Filter N o35.66711139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2021657393SCF-00055Air Filter N o35.66711139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2021997391SCF-00056Air Filter N o35.66711139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2013377111SCF-00027Air Filter N o35.66709139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2013777109SCF-00028Air Filter N o35.66709139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2014237207SCF-00030Air Filter N o35.66709139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2015257777SCF-00035Air Filter N o35.66709139.7371東京都港区六Ba-140 2015657779SCF-00036Air Filter N o35.66709139.7371東京都港区六2095778901SCF-03071Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2096078899SCF-03072Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2092138603SCF-03059Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2093678875SCF-03064Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2091238581SCF-03056Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2088458513SCF-03047Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六2088778505SCF-03048Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2089678571SCF-03051Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2094558849SCF-03067Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六2089998573SCF-03052Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2084738385SCF-03035Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2085058433SCF-03036Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2082258351SCF-03027Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2082578353SCF-03028Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2087218503SCF-03043Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六2087538509SCF-03044Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140Ba-140 2083478355SCF-03031Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2083818359SCF-03032Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2085958493SCF-03039Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2086298491SCF-03040Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2080998343SCF-03023Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2081338345SCF-03024Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2079778183SCF-03019Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2080098187SCF-03020Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2076178455SCF-03005Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2076518437SCF-03006Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2102359183SCF-03091Air Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六Ba-140 2102639221SCF-03091C A ir Filter Y es35.667139.737東京都港区六2014597775SCF-00031Air Filter N o35.66485139.7432東京都港区虎Ba-140Ba-140 2062038033SCF-00331Air Filter N o35.66226140.0239千葉県習志野Ba-140 2061697511SCF-00330Air Filter N o35.66226140.0239千葉県習志野2006737299SCF-00004Air Filter N o35.61171140.0641千葉県千葉市Ba-140Ba-140 2007057301SCF-00005Air Filter N o35.61171140.0641千葉県千葉市Ba-140 2051178049SCF-00228Air Filter N o35.51725140.2781千葉県千葉市2051517501SCF-00229Air Filter N o35.51725140.2781千葉県千葉市Ba-140Ba-140 2062337509SCF-00332Air Filter N o35.49641140.4286千葉県山武郡Ba-140 2062657507SCF-00333Air Filter N o35.49635140.4286千葉県山武郡Ba-140 2120337519SCF-08261Air Filter N o35.49502139.3953神奈川県座間Ba-140 2146778269SCF-08680Air Filter N o35.49502139.3954神奈川県座間Ba-140 2149618305SCF-08689Air Filter N o35.49502139.3954神奈川県座間Ba-140 2120678371SCF-08262Air Filter N o35.495139.3953神奈川県座間Ba-140 2124417659SCF-08277Air Filter N o35.495139.3953神奈川県座間2120058155SCF-08260Air Filter N o35.45629193.4349Ba-140Ba-140 2121297521SCF-08265Air Filter N o35.45629139.4349神奈川県綾瀬2146198277SCF-08678Air Filter N o35.45499139.4307神奈川県綾瀬Ba-140Ba-140 2146498275SCF-08679Air Filter N o35.45499139.4307神奈川県綾瀬Ba-140 2124077655SCF-08276Air Filter N o35.4347139.4567神奈川県大和Ba-140 2140017669SCF-08647Air Filter N o35.4347139.4567神奈川県大和Ba-140 2144938327SCF-08674Air Filter N o35.31933138.8685静岡県御殿場Ba-140 2145258325SCF-08675Air Filter N o35.31933138.8685静岡県御殿場。




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日本 JAPAN‎大阪神户横滨名古屋东京门司 OSAKA‎KOBE YOKOH‎A MA NAGOY‎A TOKYO‎MOJI凡基本港口‎以外的港口‎都称为非基‎本港口。



日本港口大‎全Nicos‎i a 新泻(日本)Tokyo‎东京(日本)Tomak‎o mai 39250‎4苫小牧(日本)Tonda‎富田(日本)Totto‎r i 鸟取(日本)Toyam‎a富山(日本)Toyam‎a Sinko‎富山新港(日本)Toyoh‎a shi 丰桥(日本)Tsu津(日本)Tsuiy‎a ma津居山(日本)Tsuku‎m i津久见(日本)Tsuru‎g a敦贺(日本)Tsuru‎m i 鹤见(日本)Tsuru‎s aki鹤崎(日本)Ube 宇部(日本)Uchiu‎r a内浦(日本)Uno 宇野(日本)Wakam‎a tsu 若松(日本)Wakay‎a ma 和歌山(日本)Wakka‎n ai稚内(日本)Yatsu‎s hiro‎八代(日本)Yawat‎a八幡(日本)Yawat‎a hama‎八恬滨(日本)ISHIK‎A WA 金沢市(日本)Chofu‎, Japan‎长府(日本)KUMAM‎O TO 熊本市(日本九州西‎海岸)NAKAN‎O SEKI‎中关(日本)Izuha‎r a严原(日本)Izumi‎s ano泉佐野(日本)Kagos‎h ima 鹿儿岛(日本)Kaina‎n海南(日本)Kakog‎a wa 加古川(日本)Kamai‎s hi釜石(日本)Kanaz‎a wa 金泽(日本)Kanda‎刈田(日本)Kanmo‎n关门(日本)Kanok‎a wa鹿川(日本)Karat‎s u唐津(日本)Kasao‎k a笠冈(日本)Kashi‎m a 鹿岛(日本)Kawan‎o e川之江(日本)Kawas‎a ki 川崎(日本)Kiire‎喜入(日本)Kikum‎a菊间(日本)Kin Wan 金湾(日本)Kinuu‎r a衣浦(日本)Kisar‎a zu木更津(日本)Kitak‎y ushu‎北九州(日本)Kobe 神户(日本)Kochi‎高知(日本)Komat‎s ushi‎m a小仓(日本)Japan‎39200‎0日本Abash‎i ri 39200‎3网走(日本)Abosh‎i 39200‎6网干(日本)Ainou‎r a 39200‎9相浦(日本)Aioi 39201‎2相生(日本)Akita‎39201‎5秋田(日本)Ako Wan 39201‎8赤穗湾(日本)Amaga‎s aki 39202‎1尼崎(日本)Anan 39202‎4阿南(日本)Aomor‎i 39202‎7青森(日本)Atsum‎i 39203‎0渥美(日本)Beppu‎39203‎3别府(日本)Chiba‎39203‎6千叶(日本)Chita‎39203‎9知多(日本)Ena 39204‎2江名(日本)Etaji‎m a 39204‎5江田岛(日本)Fukuo‎k a 39204‎8福冈(日本)Fukuy‎a ma 39205‎1福山(日本)Funab‎a shi 39205‎4船桥(日本)Fushi‎k i 39206‎0伏木(日本)Gamag‎o ri 39206‎3蒲郡(日本)Hachi‎n ohe 39206‎6八户(日本)Hagi 39206‎9荻(日本)Hakat‎a 39207‎2博多(日本)Hakod‎a te 39207‎5函馆(日本)Hamad‎a 39207‎8滨田(日本)Hamam‎a tsu 39208‎1滨松(日本)Handa‎39208‎4半田(日本)Hanna‎n 39208‎7阪南(日本)Hiaga‎r i 39209‎0日明(日本)Hibik‎i nada‎39209‎3响滩湾(日本)Hikar‎i 39209‎6光市(日本)Himej‎i 39209‎9姬路(日本)Hirao‎39210‎2平生(日本)Hiroh‎a ta 39210‎5广田(日本)Hiros‎h ima 39210‎8广岛(日本)Hisan‎o hama‎39211‎1久之滨(日本)Hitac‎h i 39211‎4日立(日本)Hosos‎h ima 39211‎7细岛(日本)Iho 39212‎0辑保(日本)Imaba‎r i 39212‎3今治(日本)Imari‎39212‎6伊万里(日本)Innos‎h ima 39212‎9因岛(日本)Irako‎39213‎2伊良湖(日本)Ishig‎a ki 39213‎5石垣(日本)Ishin‎o maki‎39213‎8石卷(日本)Itoza‎k i 39214‎1系崎(日本)Iwaku‎n i 39214‎4岩国(日本)Iyo Mishi‎m a 39214‎7伊予三岛(日本)Konos‎h ima 39222‎2小松岛(日本)Konos‎h ima 39222‎5神岛(日本)Kudam‎a tsu 39222‎8下松(日本)Kure 39223‎1吴(日本)Kuros‎a ki 39223‎4黑崎(日本)Kushi‎r o 39223‎7钏路(日本)Maizu‎r u 39224‎0舞鹤(日本)Marug‎a me 39224‎6丸龟(日本)Mateg‎a ta 39224‎9马刀泻(日本)Matsu‎n aga 39225‎2松永(日本)Matsu‎y ama 39225‎5松山(日本)Matuz‎a ka 39225‎8松坂(日本)Mega 39226‎1妻鹿(日本)Mihar‎a 39226‎4三原(日本)Miike‎39226‎7三池(日本)Mikaw‎a 39227‎0美川(日本)Minam‎a ta 39227‎3水俣(日本)Misim‎a 39227‎6三岛(日本)Misum‎i 39227‎9三角(日本)Mitsu‎k oshi‎m a 39228‎2三子岛(日本)Miyak‎o 39228‎5宫古(日本)Miyaz‎a ki 39228‎8宫崎(日本)Miyaz‎u 39229‎1宫津(日本)Mizus‎h ima 39229‎4水岛(日本)Moji 39229‎7门司(日本)Monbe‎t su 39230‎0门别(日本)Mukai‎s hima‎39230‎3向岛(日本)Muror‎a n 39230‎6室兰(日本)Mutsu‎r e 39230‎9六连(日本)Nagas‎a ki 39231‎2长崎(日本)Nagau‎r a 39231‎5长浦(日本)Nagoy‎a 39231‎8名古屋(日本)Naha 39232‎1那霸(日本)Nakag‎u suku‎39232‎4中城(日本)Nanao‎39232‎7七尾(日本)Naoet‎s u 39233‎0直江津(日本)Naosh‎i ma Islan‎d 39233‎3直岛(日本)Negis‎h i 39233‎6根岸(日本)Nemur‎o 39233‎9根室(日本)Niiga‎t a 39234‎2新舄(日本)Niiga‎t a Higas‎h i 39234‎5新舄东(日本)Niiha‎m a 39234‎8新居滨(日本)Nishi‎n omiy‎a 39235‎1西宫(日本)Noshi‎r o 39235‎4能代(日本)Ogish‎i ma 39236‎0扇岛(日本)Oita 39236‎3大分(日本)Okaya‎m a 39236‎6冈山(日本)Omaez‎a ki 39236‎9御前崎(日本)Omina‎t o 39237‎2大凑(日本)Omish‎i ma 39237‎5大三岛(日本)Onaha‎m a 39237‎8小名滨(日本)Onomi‎c hi 39238‎1尾道(日本)Osaka‎39238‎4大板(日本)Otaru‎39238‎7小樽(日本)Owase‎39239‎0尾鹫(日本)Rumoi‎39239‎3留萌(日本)Sagan‎o seki‎39239‎6佐贺关(日本)Saiki‎39239‎9佐伯(日本)Sakai‎39240‎2界(日本)Sakai‎d e 39240‎5坂出(日本)Sakai‎m inat‎o 39240‎8境港(日本)Sakai‎s enbo‎k u 39241‎1界泉北(日本)Sakat‎a 39241‎4酒田(日本)Sakit‎o 39241‎7崎户(日本)Saseb‎o 39242‎0佐世保(日本)Senda‎i 39242‎3仙台(日本)Shiba‎u ra 39242‎6芝浦(日本)Shika‎m a 39242‎9饰磨(日本)Shimi‎z u 39243‎2清水(日本)Shimo‎d a 39243‎5下田(日本)Shimo‎n osek‎i 39243‎8下关(日本)Shimo‎t su 39244‎1下津(日本)Shins‎a ki 39244‎4师崎(日本)Shiog‎a ma 39244‎7盐斧(日本)Sinmi‎n ato 39245‎0新凑(日本)Suzak‎i 39245‎3须崎(日本)Tachi‎b ana 39245‎6桔(日本)Tadot‎u 39245‎9多度津(日本)Tagon‎o ura 39246‎2田子浦(日本)Takam‎a tsu 39246‎5高松(日本)Takum‎a 39247‎1诧间(日本)Tama Sima 39247‎4玉岛(日本)Taman‎o 39247‎7玉野(日本)Tanab‎e 39248‎0田边(日本)Tatey‎a ma 39248‎3馆山(日本)Taniv‎a ma 39248‎6谷山(日本)Tobat‎a 39248‎9户田(日本)Tokac‎h i 39249‎2十胜(日本)Tokai‎39249‎5东海(日本)Tokuy‎a ma 39249‎8德山(日本)Yokka‎i chi 39256‎7四日市(日本)Yokoh‎a ma 39257‎0横滨(日本)Yokos‎u ka 39257‎3横须贺(日本)Yoris‎h ima 39257‎6寄岛(日本)Yotuk‎u ra 39257‎9四仓(日本)Yura 39258‎2由良(日本)Sappo‎r o 39290‎1札幌(日本)Okina‎w a 39290‎2冲绳(日本)SODEG‎A URA 袖浦(日本)。



搜索日志题目搜索日志内容 评论索引作,,好好生活,,让天天都好开心。

笨鸟东南飞candy [339]年龄是个秘密*限90字Please6月21日的期盼到7月1日的失落,十天的时间很短,心情的反差很大。




然后还是去工地,去银行,去工地,来办公室再边聊天边工作,走了些人,整个单位工作的流程和效率都是一团糟,头痛欲裂我绝计不是刻意要让你从满怀希望再看着你失望,也绝计不是没有把你放在最重的位置来对待,对你的所有也从来都不是勉强,也并非你从我这里得到的都是我赐给你的幸运 我也想好好的,简简单单的相爱原谅我,不要你原谅我的行为,我知道再多的客观原因都只是给我自己找借口,只要你原谅我的无能为力。

生活感悟[79]评论[14]URL 2005/07/01回来两天了晴,39度回来37个小时了,从前夜下飞机的那一刻到现在,汗没停止过一分钟。
























Iljin catalogue-日进简介

Iljin catalogue-日进简介

Headquarters527, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, KoreaTel. 82-2-553-1795 Fax. 82-2-566-5621/ 553-1799URL. Date of Issue. 201606Wherever you need us, We are thereTomorrow02 Vision 04 Message from the CEO 06 Automotives Business 12 Industrial Business 16 New Value R & D 18 World Class Quality 20 Eco Friendly 23Worldwide LocationsContents19731970's -Foundation Phase1973. 07Established ILJIN CORPORATION.1978. 12Established ILJIN FORGING (Currently ILJIN BEARING).1978. 12Started supplying transmission parts to Hyundai Motor Company.1990's -Growth Phase1994.01ILJIN INDUSTRIAL (Presently ILJIN BEARING) signed a technological tie-up agreement with KOYO in Japan.1994.06Started automotive bearing business and installed equipment to manufacture generation 2 wheel bearings.1997.07Established ILJIN INDIA.1999.07~11Started supplying wheel bearings, ball joints, tie rod ends and stabilizer links to Ford, Australia.2010's - The SecondTake-off Phase2010.09Established ILJIN ALABAMA.2011.05Established BEARING ART.2013.06Completion of BEARING ART Young-ju.2014.09Established North America R&D Center.2015.06Established CHONGQING ILJIN.2016.01Established ILJIN GLOBAL INDIA.2016.01Established Europe R&D Center.2000's -Global Growth2000.04ILJIN INDUSTRIAL (Currently ILJIN BEARING) developed Generation 3 Wheel Bearings.Started providing Generation 3 wheel bearings to Federal Mogul.2001.11Generation 3 wheel Bearings were selected as the next world-class product by Korean Government.2002.01Established ILJIN AUSTRALIA.2002.03Awarded key wheel bearing programs by 2 North American OEM’s.2002.10Established BEIJING ILJIN.2003.03Established ILJIN USA and Tech Center.2005.11Established ILJIN SLOVAKIA.2006.11Established TIANJIN ILJIN.2008.02Established ILJIN AMERICA. (Currently ILJIN USA SC)2008.04Established ILJIN GmbH.(Currently ILJIN BEARING GmbH)History1980's -Take-off Phase1982.08Established BLOXWICH KOREA(Currently ILJIN GLOBAL) as a joint venture company.1986.01Established DONG-A INDUSTRIAL (Currently ILJIN Corp.).1986.02Exported "center link" parts to Moog, USA.1988.11Started manufacturing ball joints and tie rod ends.Since establishment in 1973, ILJIN has led the global wheel bearingmarket through growth and innovation. We strive for the highest level of customer satisfaction through customer focus, a top-down quality focus, based on "creative innovation management." Today ILJIN is a world class company that realizes the highest customer values.We provide world class solutions that meet our customers’ needs.02 / 03Make It Happen· P erform all work with professionalism and commitment.·S haring information amongst team members, departments and within the corporation.· M utual cooperation and collaboration facilitates rapid, high quality solutions.Thebusiness cultureHello.Welcome to ILJIN, where our focus is on creating the ultimate customer satisfaction through the supply of the best quality products at the lowest cost.ILJIN was established in 1973 and has grown to be a world-class automotive component design and manufacturing company. We began our company as a forging supplier and further evolved into chassis and wheel bearing businesses. We have now expanded into powertrain and industrial bearings to meet the needs of the global marketplace.ILJIN has expanded its R&D centers with a network connecting Korea, the U.S. and Germany. This network allows us to respond to our customers on a 24 hours 7 days a week real time basis. In addition, ILJIN concentrates its competencies toward the development of environmentally friendly, lightweight, fuel efficient, and EV focused components. Currently our company is also investing in new technologies in Railcar bearings and Aircraft landing gear bearings.We have emerged as a progressive, quick-reacting company that continuously develops diversified products for new and existing markets. ILJIN is now one of the leading bearing companies in the world – driven by our business culture of “Creativity”, “Teamwork”, with a “Make it Happen” spirit.ILJIN strives to be a world-class company prioritizing customer satisfaction based not only on creative thinking and innovative technologies, but through the passion and challenging spirit of the entire ILJIN team.Thank you.CEO/Chairman Sang Il LeeMessage from the CEO04 / 0506 / 07Starting with the production of transmission gears and hot-forged automotive parts,ILJIN has developed technologies, taken on constant challenges, and played a major rolein the production of wheel bearings and the development of steering and chassis parts.Currently, we are supplying parts to automobile companies not only in Korea, butalso in the USA, Europe, China, India, and so on, as ILJIN emerges as a global business.ILJIN will continue moving forward to become synonymous with the world's bestautomotive parts by ensuring quality excellence, global cost competitiveness andtechnical competitiveness.2-1)PRODUCTS(BEARINGS)Technology driven!The world has become smaller as technology grows. ILJIN has become a leader in the automotive industry by driving our products towards improved safety and performance.08 / 09Wheel Bearings· Both Non-Driven/Driven application · Integrated with hub and shaft· Integrated with outboard inner race and hub shaft · Minimized change in bearing clearance· Excellent serviceabilityWheel bearings are installed on automotive wheels, and are used to support axle loads and send power to the wheels. There are two basic types of wheel bearings : Ball(Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing) and Roller(Double Row Tapered Roller Bearing) for passengercars through heavy truck applications, with integral ABS encoder and sensor technologies.Gen.1Gen.2Gen.3· Both driven and non-driven applications.· Close tolerance between knuckle & hub.· Non-Driven application.· Good serviceability.Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing Double Row TaperedRoller Bearing· L CA (Lower Control Arm) is a suspension component installed between knuckle and body (cross member) and is used to keep wheels aligned in all positions.· B all joint connects the steering knuckle to the control arm, allowing it up-and-down/rotational movement. It is installed on the steering knuckle or the control arm.· T ie Rod End connects the steering gear box and the steering knuckle. It allows up-and-down/steering movement of the stabilizer· T his is an assembly of wheel components in the vehicle front axle assembly. It is connected to the knuckle, hub assembly, disk, caliper and various links, and supports driving, steering and suspension functions.· C ABJ (Cross Axis Ball Joint) is installed on Knuckle or Arm, and allows the wheels' articulation(up/down).· S tabilizer Link is designed to minimize roll angle so that riding performance improves. Installed at the end of the stabilizer, it allows up-and-down movement of the stabilizer.· U CA (Upper Control Arm) is a suspension component installedbetween knuckle and body and is used to keep wheels aligned in all positions.· H ybrid Ball Joint/CABJ is installed on Knuckle or Arm and allows the wheels' articulation (up/down). It is effective in enhancing lateral stiffness and alignment of chassis.· T his assembly is designed to improve opening/closing performance of doors for better safety. It distributes loads and thereby prevents accidental opening/ closing of the automobile’s doors.Powertrain10 / 11Powertrain comprises of bearings used for automotive transmission and axle: these include tapered roller bearings, angular contact ball bearings,and deep groove ball bearings. These bearings support radial directional /axial loads generated by gears and withstand lubricant contaminants.Ball JointTie Rod EndCorner ModuleCABJStabilizer LinkUpper Control ArmHybrid Ball Joint/CABJDoor CheckerChassis & SuspensionChassis & Suspension components are designed to connect the body of the automobile to the wheels. These parts help maintain proper strength, and absorb road impact to enhance comfort. Additionally, Chassis & Suspension enhance the vehicle’s handling characteristicsand make it easier to control the vehicle when external/internal forces are applied on road wheels (e.g., driving, braking or steering).LightweightLower Control Arm· T he Single Row Tapered Roller Bearing with Steel Cage is applied to the output shaft and differential. It supports one side of axial, radial and moment loads.- Optimized design for longer life and high load.- Improved bearing life under contaminated environment from the special heat treatment application.· T he Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing with Flange is a flange type bearing that supports both axial, radial and moment loads.· T he Single Row Tapered Roller Bearing with Plastic Cage is a single taper rolling bearing with plastic cage. It is applied to the output shaft and differential and it supports one side of axial, radial and moment loads.- Realization of low torque for improving fuel efficiency - Optimized design for low noise and weight reduce-Improved bearing life under contaminated environment from the special heat treatment application.Single Row Tapered Roller Bearing with Steel CageDouble Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing with FlangeSingle Row Tapered Roller Bearing with Plastic CageIndustrialBusiness12 / 13Pitch Bearing Yaw Bearing 14 / 15· T RB’s are used in many industrial applications including gear boxes, construction equipment, farm equipment, and mining.[Pitch Bearing] Pitch bearing connects the blade (wing) with the hub which is rotated by wind. It also rotates the angle of each wing.[Yaw Bearing] The yaw bearing connects the nacelle (wind-turbine body) to the tower supporting it.· A ngular contact ball bearings are used in excavator travel reducers. They are usually mounted in a groupof two or more opposing preloaded units and are designed to carry combined loads, in both axial and radial directions. They are also applied to general machinery and industrial equipment.· R ailroad car axle bearings ensure a smooth ride reducing the frictional resistance to the rotation axis of the rail. These highly convenient bearings have a simple structure and are easy to maintain and reduce friction, which increases fuel economy. They are self contained, pre-greased, sealed and pre-adjusted.Taper Roller Bearing (TRB) Slewing Bearing Angular Contact Ball Bearing (ACBB) Railway BearingIndustrial BearingsILJIN is committed to providing world class quality products for our customers.16 / 17R&D centerOur R&D centers continuously focus on improving our design, analysis, prototyping, testing, and processing technologies. This allows us to optimize designs and manufacture at lower costs with short lead times to achieve high competitiveness globally.In addition, we design based on customers` needs through design and automated analysis simulations, while ensuring high product quality with low manufacturing cycle times for maximizing customers'satisfaction.Advanced R&DOur advanced R&D develops high technology & high value products, including bearings for automotive, construction machinery, railways. We test and measure rolling fatigue in our bearings and assess maintenance in all external environments.Chassis R&DOur chassis R&D provides the best designs to satisfying customers’ needs using computer simulations to reduce costs, guarantee quality and minimize manufacturing cycle times. In addition, we focus on lightening products’ weights and developing products integrating electronics, while developing hybrid, carbon and glass fiber chassis parts.ILJIN R&D creates value for our customersILJIN makes large investments in R&D to provide the best products for our customers. We have adopted the most advanced research technologies and employed highly talented employees to create customer satisfaction.Our R&D focuses on creative new solutions that help our customers achieve their targets. In automotive, we are reducing friction in seals, using new mechanisms to reduce weight, and downsizing designs - all to improve fuel economy, CO 2 emissions and overall performance.New ValueR&D18 / 19ILJIN's global approach to consistent high qualityILJIN is able to provide world-class and cutting-edge products through its implementation of IMS (ILJIN Management System) at all global locations. Through IMS the principles of transparency, simplicity, quick response, and sustainability are our main focus. Our system fosters and promotes a unique company culture, creativity, make it appen, and responsibility throughout all business functions. Combined with customer driven certifications, IMS gives ILJIN a competitive advantage in serving customers globally.World ClassQualityIMS is also implemented into our manufacturing process. These processes are driven and shaped by the core principles surrounding IMS. Building on these principles has allowed us to develop and refine leading manufacturing processes. The results of these processes are world-class products serving automotive and industrial markets.Our IMS had yielded favorable results which are proven through customer awards and certifications. With our culture of continuous improvement focused on ethical and sustainable principles, ILJIN will ensure a path of global growthand continued customer satisfaction.that our business operates in an environmentally friendly manner.Our locations also work with the surrounding local environment in mind. We operate under all local laws and ordinances in order to positively impact our direct surroundings. With each step foward in technology, our processes become more refined and environmentally friendly.ILJIN recognizes its social and environmental responsibilities globally and works to perform aboveand beyond all expectations.Creating innovative technology to ensure a sound environmental futureILJIN cares about the environment. Because all raw materials are derived from the environment, ILJIN knows that environmental care and a profitable business must go hand-in-hand. ILJIN locations hold ISO 14001certification. This certification strictly ensuresEcoFriendly20 / 21Worldwide LocationsILJIN continuously expands globally in order to supply the highest quality products at the lowest cost, while partnering with our customers.ILJIN AUSTRALIATIANJIN ILJIN CHONGQING ILJINILJIN BEARING GmbHILJIN SLOVAKIAILJIN INDIAPUNETEHRANILJIN GLOBAL INDIABEIJING ILJINBEIJING ILJIN SHANGHAI1st Plant, 2nd PlantBeijing PlantYancheng BranchSales OfficeSales OfficeSales OfficeHEADQUARTERSILJIN GLOBALILJIN GLOBALILJIN GLOBAL ILJIN BEARINGILJIN Corp.BEARING ARTBEARING ART527, Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel. 82-2-553-1795 Fax. 82-2-553-1799HEADQUARTERS602105 B1 & B2 Sipcot Industrial Park, Irrungattukottai, Sriperumbudur Taluk, Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu, IndiaTel. 91-44-4710-2000 Fax. 91-44-4710-2147129/2,Pashan Sus Road, Pune, Maharashtra 411 021ILJIN INDIAILJIN GLOBAL INDIA3043 112 Lambeck Drive, Tullamarine, VIC 3043, AustraliaTel. 61-3-8347-6000 Fax. 61-3-9310-4114#1, 8B03-08, Changshou Development District, Chongqing, ChinaILJIN AUSTRALIACHONGQING ILJIN14 Downing Drive, Phoenix City, AL 36869, USA Tel. 1-334-297-4494 Fax. 1-334-297-4122ILJIN ALABAMA65760 Duesseldorfer Strasse 13, D-65760 Eschborn, GermanyTel. 49-6196-76105-100 Fax. 49-6196-76105-200ILJIN BEARING GmbHSALES OFFICE97216 Pravenec 422, 972 16 Pravenec, Slovakia Tel. 421-(0)46-544-0102 Fax. 421-(0)46-544-1073ILJIN SLOVAKIAJecheon 1st Plant16, Bio valley 1-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungbuk, Korea Tel. 82-43-652-8711 Fax. 82-43-652-6644Jecheon 2nd Plant165, Hanbang expo-ro, Bongyang-eup, Jecheon-si, Chungbuk, KoreaTel. 82-43-652-8711 Fax. 82-43-652-6644Jecheon 3rd Plant170, Hanbang expo-ro, Jecheon-si, Chungbuk, Korea Tel. 82-43-652-8711 Fax. 82-43-652-6644Y oungwol Plant241, Bamjae-ro, Buk-myeon, Y eongwol-gun, Gangwon-do, KoreaTel. 82-33-372-9851 Fax. 82-33-372-9849Gyeongju Plant310, Anhyeon-ro, Hyeongok-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk KoreaTel. 82-54-770-7500 Fax. 82-54-770-7579ILJIN GLOBAL1st Plant4419, Saneop-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea Tel. 82-54-770-5555 Fax. 82-54-770-55492nd Plant70, Gongdan-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea Tel. 82-54-770-5555 Fax. 82-54-770-55493rd Plant85, Gongdan-ro, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea Tel. 82-54-770-5555 Fax. 82-54-770-5549ILJIN BEARINGSouth KOREABeijing Plant101200 #15 Xinggu W. RD, Xinggu Industrial Zone, Pinggu, Beijing, ChinaTel. 86-10-6995-0789 Fax. 86-10-6995-0689Y ancheng Branch224007 51 Lao Shan RD, Yancheng, Jiangsu, China Tel. 86-515-8902-5201 Fax. 86-515-8899-9050BEIJING ILJINMichigan28055 Haggerty Road, Novi, MI 48377-2902, USA Tel. 1-248-848-1020 Fax. 1-248-848-0566South Carolina1705 Poplar Dr Ext Greer, SC 29651-6518, USA Tel. 1-864-848-4801 Fax. 1-864-848-4811ILJIN USA1st Plant301700 NO.12 Quan Da Road WuQing Development Area, TianJin, ChinaTel. 86-22-8219-2555 Fax. 86-22-8219-25002nd Plant301700 NO. 16. Xin Ping Road WuQing Development Area, TianJin, ChinaTel. 86-22-8295-5001 Fax.86-22-8219-2500TIANJIN ILJIN1st Plant45, Y urim-ro, 13 beon-gil, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea Tel. 82-54-770-7500 Fax. 82-54-770-75192nd Plant247-80 Hwasangongdan-gil, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, KoreaTel. 82-54-770-7500 Fax. 82-54-770-7519ILJIN Corp.Gyeongju Plant310, Anhyeon-ro, Hyeongok-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, KoreaTel. 82-54-770-7500 Fax. 82-54-770-7579Y oungju Plant105, Bangu-ro, Jangsu-myeon, Y eongju-si, Gyeongbuk, KoreaTel. 82-70-4161-5000 Fax. 82-54-631-8713BEARING ARTILJIN USA (MICHIGAN)ILJIN ALABAMAILJIN USA (SOUTH CAROLINA)PUNE (INDIA)411045 C - 304, Gold Coast Society, Baner Road , Pune , IndiaTel. 91-20-41244059SHANGHAI (CHINA)200120 Room2302, Hongjia Tower, No.388 Fushan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China Tel. 86-21-6886-9844 Fax. 86-21-688-69214TEHRAN (IRAN)Baran Complex, 10th Banafsheh St., Austria SQ., 22nd District, Tehran, Iran Tel. 98-21-4475-0874We work for the future rather than for convenience.We strive to produce products & solutions that enhance our every day lives.Our future is based on technologies that are environmentally friendly.22 / 23ILJIN is a global leader.Customer focused Technology focused Environment focusedILJIN Global technologies advancing excellence in the world.。



Fieldbus systemOperation ManualEX600-SEC1 / EX600-SEC2•Diagnostics switch: Allocates the diagnostic data to the input data.•V_SEL switch: Select the number of outputs (size) occupied by the SI unit.•HOLD/CLEAR switch: Sets the output status when the fieldbus has a communicationerror or is in idling state.•Configuration memory switch: When the manifold configuration memory switch is setON and the power supply is switched ON, the system willcompare the stored configuration with the manifoldconfiguration. If the configuration is different, diagnosticerror will be generated.Thank you for purchasing an SMC EX600 Series Fieldbus system.Please read this manual carefully before operating the product and make sure youunderstand its capabilities and limitations.Please keep this manual handy for future reference.To obtain more detailed information about operating this product, pleaserefer to the SMC website (URL ) or contact SMCdirectly.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/orequipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of"Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and mustbe followed in addition to International standards (ISO/IEC) and other safetyregulations.NOTEThe direct current power supply to combine should be UL1310 Class2 powersupply when conformity to UL is necessary.The output rating is tested as a DC output for General use.Maintenance•Maintenance should be performed according to the Safety Instructions.•Perform regular maintenance and inspections.There is a risk of unexpected malfunction.•Do not use solvents such as benzene, thinner etc. to clean each unit.They could damage the surface of the body and erase the markings on the body.Use a soft cloth to remove stains.For heavy stains, use a cloth soaked with diluted neutral detergent and fully squeezed, then wipe upthe stains again with a dry cloth.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more informationabout maintenance.AssemblyAssembling the unit as a manifold(1)Connect a unit to the end plate.Tighten the joint brackets to a torque of 1.5 to 1.6 Nm.(2)Add more I/O units.Up to 10 units (including the SI unit) can beconnected to one manifold.(3)Connecting the SI unit.After connecting the required I/O units, connectthe SI unit.The method is as above in (1), (2).(4)Mounting the valve plate.Mount the valve plate (EX600-ZMV) to the valveApply 0.6 to 0.7 Nm tightening torque to the screws.(EX600-ZMV )Insert the valve plate into the valveplate mounting groove on the sideof the SI unit.Fix using the valve plate screws(M4 x 6) supplied, to a torque of 0.7to 0.8 Nm.Installation•Direct mounting(1)When joining six or more units, fix the middlepart of the complete EX600 unit with anintermediate reinforcing brace (EX600-ZMB1)before mounting, using 2-M4 x 5 screws.Tightening torque: 0.7 to 0.8 Nm.(2)Mount and tighten the end plate at one end ofthe unit. (M4)Tightening torque: 0.7 to 0.8 Nm.to the operation manual of the correspondingvalve manifold.Mounting and Installation(2)Mount the end plate bracket (EX600-screws.Tightening torque: 0.7 to 0.8 Nm.(3)Hook the DIN rail mounting groove on to the DINrail.(4)Press the manifold using its side hooked to theDIN rail as a fulcrum until the manifold is locked.(EX600-(5)Fix the manifold by tightening the DIN rail fixingscrews of the EX600-ZMA2. (M4 x 20)Tightening torque: 0.7 to 0.8 Nm.The tightening torque at the valve side depends onthe valve type.Refer to the operation manual of the correspondingvalve manifold.Wiring•Connect the M12 connector cable.The M12 SPEEDCON connector connection method is explained below.(1)Align mark B on the metal bracket of the cable connector (plug/socket) with mark A.(2)Align with mark C on the unit and insert the connector vertically.If they are not aligned, the connector cannot be connected correctly.(3)When mark B has been turned 180 degrees (1/2 turn), wiring is complete. Confirmthat the connection is not loose. If turned too far, it will become difficult to remove theSetting and AdjustmentThe status display LED displays the power supply and communication status.Commissioning•Parameter Setting •Hardware Configuration •I/O Map •DiagnosticTroubleshootingRefer to the LED Display. Refer to the SMC website (URL )for more information about troubleshooting.SpecificationsRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) formore information about product specifications.Outline with DimensionsRefer to the product catalogue or SMC website (URL ) formore information about outline dimensions.Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights ReservedAkihabara UDX 15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JAPANPhone: +81 3-5207-8249 Fax: +81 3-5298-5362URL Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more informationabout these settings.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more informationabout LED state.Refer to the SMC website (URL ) for more informationabout setting and adjustment.•DIN rail mounting(Not available for SY series valves. Refer to theSY catalogue.)part of the complete EX600 unit with anintermediate reinforcing brace (EX600-before mounting, using 2-M4 x 6 screws.Tightening torque: 0.7 to 0.8 Nm.•Mounting the markerThe signal name of the input or output devices and unitaddress can be written to the marker, and can beinstalled to each unit.Mount the marker (EX600-ZT1) into the marker grooveas required.。

GraphisFirst Gravure

GraphisFirst Gravure

066 gra_h_takami-h 北貴美 065 gra_h_suzuka-i 石川鈴華 064 gra_h_miina-y 062 gra_h_kirara-a 061 gra_h_rei-h 059 gra_h_marilyn 058 gra_h_jun-k 057 gra_h_miyu-n 056 gra_h_nurie-m 054 gra_h_rui-n 053 gra_h_airin 051 gra_h_mina-m 050 gra_h_riria-h 049 gra_h_koisaya 吉原ミィナ 063 gra_h_misaki-m 森美咲 花鳥レイ まりりん 中居みゆ 美花めりえ 夏川るい 愛鈴 真鍋美奈 姬咲りりあ 恋小夜
神谷 旬果 田丸 春日由衣 相庭ココ 二宫ナナ ひなた唯 瀬名一花
Mayu Kamiya Mika Tamaru Yui Kasuga Coco Aiba Nana Ninomiya Yui Hinata Ichika Sena Midori Mizuno Kana Yume Maho Ichikawa Ai Eikura Mio Ayame Saki Yano Mayuka Akimoto Kyouko Maki Azusa Maki An Shinohara
80 70 100 100 80 90 80 60 60 80 80 75 95 100 75 75 90 90 90 90 75 90 90 90 21 18 18 21 12 15 18 27 24 27 12 24 24 30 24 21 18 15 9 15 18 24 18
107 gra_h_midori-m 水野 碧 由愛可奈 106 gra_h_kana-y 105 gra_h_maho-i 市川まほ 104 gra_h_ai-e 103 gra_h_mio-a 102 gra_h_saki-y 101 gra_h_mayukaa 100 gra_h_kyoukom 099 gra_h_azusa-m 098 gra_h_an-s 097 gra_h_yuuri-k 096 gra_h_maria-e 095 gra_h_rin-f 094 gra_h_ren-a 093 gra_h_rina-a 092 gra_h_hitomi-t 091 gra_h_reina-f 榮倉あい あやめ美桜 矢野 沙紀 秋元まゆ花 真木今日子 眞木あずさ 篠原杏

登记识别情报通知书の様式の変更日一覧(空栏は変更日未 …

登记识别情报通知书の様式の変更日一覧(空栏は変更日未 …

恵庭出張所 室蘭支局
平成27年4月27日 平成27年4月20日





登記識別情報通知書の様式の変更日一覧(空欄は変更日未定) (平成27年6月15日現在)
129/419(30.8%) 変更日(予定の場合は赤で表示)
甲賀支局 長浜支局



Package‘sinaplot’October14,2022Type PackageTitle An Enhanced Chart for Simple and Truthful Representation ofSingle Observations over Multiple ClassesVersion1.1.0Date2017-04-10Maintainer Nikos Sidiropoulos<**********************>Description The sinaplot is a data visualization chart suitable for plottingany single variable in a multiclass data set.It is an enhanced jitter stripchart,where the width of the jitter is controlled by the densitydistribution of the data within each class.Depends R(>=3.1.0),plyr(>=1.8.4)Suggests rmarkdown,knitr,RColorBrewerImportsLicense GPL(>=2)LazyData TRUEVignetteBuilder knitrRoxygenNote6.0.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Nikos Sidiropoulos[aut,cre],Sina Hadi Sohi[aut],Nicolas Rapin[aut],Frederik Otzen Bagger[aut]Repository CRANDate/Publication2017-04-2117:58:31UTCR topics documented:blood (2)sinaplot (2)Index61blood Expression data from2095AML/ALL and healthy bone marrow cells.DescriptionExpression data from2095AML/ALL and healthy bone marrow cells.Usagedata(blood)FormatA data frame with2095rows and2columns(Class(AML/ALL subtype),Gene expression values).Sourcehttp://servers.binf.ku.dk/bloodspot//geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE13159/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE15434/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE61804/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE14468/sinaplot sinaplotDescriptionThe SinaPlot is a data visualization chart suitable for plotting any single variable in a multiclass dataset.It is an enhanced jitter strip chart,where the width of the jitter is controlled by the density distribution of the data within each class.Usagesinaplot(x,...)##Default S3method:sinaplot(x,groups=NULL,method=c("density","counts"),scale=TRUE,adjust=0.75,bins=50,bin_limit=1,maxwidth=1,seed=NULL,plot=TRUE,add=FALSE,log=FALSE,labels=NULL,xlab="",ylab="",col=NULL,pch=NULL,...)##S3method for class formulasinaplot(formula,data=NULL,...,subset,na.action=NULL,xlab,ylab)Argumentsx numeric vector or a data frame or a list of numeric vectors to be plotted....arguments to be passed to plot.groups optional vector of length(x).method choose the method to spread the samples within the same bin along the x-axis.Available methods:"density"and"counts".See Details.scale a logical that indicates whether the width of each group should be scaled relative to the group with the highest density.Default:TRUE.adjust adjusts the bandwidth of the density kernel when method=="density"(see density).bins number of bins to divide the y-axis into when method=="counts".Default:50.bin_limit if the samples within the same y-axis bin are more than bin_limit,the sam-ples’s X coordinates will be adjusted.maxwidth control the maximum width the points can spread into.Values between0and1.seed a single value that controls the random sample jittering.Set to an integer to enable plot reproducibility.Default NULL.plot logical.When TRUE the sinaplot is produced,otherwise the function returns the new sample coordinates.Default:TRUE.add logical.If true add boxplot to current plot.log logical.If true it uses a logarihmic scale on the y-axis.labels labels for each group.Recycled if necessary.By default,these are inferred from the data.xlab,ylab axis labels.pch,col plotting characters and colors,specified by group.Recycled if necessary.formula a formula,such as y~grp,where y is a numeric vector of data values to be split into groups according to the grouping variable grp(usually a factor).data a data.frame(or list)from which the variables in formula should be taken.subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used for plotting.na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs.The default is to ignore missing values in either the response or the group.DetailsThere are two available ways to define the x-axis borders for the samples to spread within:•method="density"A density kernel is estimated along the y-axis for every sample group.The borders are thendefined by the density curve.Tuning parameter adjust can be used to control the density bandwidth in the same way it is used in density.•method="counts":The borders are defined by the number of samples that occupy the same bin and the parameter maxwidth in the following fashion:xBorder=nsamples*maxwidthValuex discrete x-coordinates,split by groupy input valuesgroup input groupsscaledfinal x-coordinates,adjusted by sinaplotNULLNULLExamples##sinaplot on a formula:data("blood",package="sinaplot")boxplot(Gene~Class,data=blood)sinaplot(Gene~Class,data=blood,pch=20,add=TRUE)##sinaplot on a data.frame:df<-data.frame(Uni05=(1:100)/21,Norm=rnorm(100),5T =rt(100,df=5),Gam2=rgamma(100,shape=2)) boxplot(df)sinaplot(df,add=TRUE,pch=20)##sinaplot on a list:bimodal<-c(rnorm(300,-2,0.6),rnorm(300,2,0.6))uniform<-runif(500,-4,4)normal<-rnorm(800,0,3)distributions<-list(uniform=uniform,bimodal=bimodal,normal=normal) boxplot(distributions,col=2:4)sinaplot(distributions,add=TRUE,pch=20)##sinaplot on a vector:x<-c(rnorm(200,4,1),rnorm(200,5,2),rnorm(400,6,1.5))groups<-c(rep("Cond1",200),rep("Cond2",200),rep("Cond3",400))sinaplot(x,groups)par(mfrow=c(2,2))sinaplot(x,groups,pch=20,col=2:4)sinaplot(x,groups,scale=FALSE,pch=20,col=2:4)sinaplot(x,groups,scale=FALSE,adjust=1/6,pch=20,col=2:4)sinaplot(x,groups,scale=FALSE,adjust=3,pch=20,col=2:4)#bloodpar(mfrow=c(1,1))sinaplot(blood$Gene,blood$Class)old.mar<-par()$marpar(mar=c(9,4,4,2)+0.1)groups<-levels(blood$Class)sinaplot(blood$Gene,blood$Class,pch=20,xaxt="n",col=rainbow(18)) axis(1,at=1:length(groups),labels=FALSE)text(1:length(groups),y=par()$usr[3]-0.1*(par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3]), xpd=TRUE,srt=45,adj=1,labels=groups)par(mar=old.mar)Index∗datasetsblood,2blood,2density,3plot,3sinaplot,26。





地址:东京都中央区新川1-23-5SHINKAWA-EAST,1-23-5,SHINKAWA,CHUO-KU,TOKYO Tel:0081-3-5541-2053 Fax:0081-3-5541-2140E-mail:YOUSIHARA@aicinc.co.jp社长:本村博志资本金:23,000万日元从业人数:175人设立:1979年1月业务内容:食品特色:消费物资输入各国(株)爱峰商会AIHOO TRADINGCO,LTD。


NISSHINCHO,OMIRATel:0081-48-668-5055 Fax:0081-48-668-1243社长:荻谷弘康复资本金:1,500万日元老派从业人数:4人设立:1983年6月业务内容:冷冻蔬菜等农业产业加工品特色:中国贸易的多年的业务经验有专业商社(株)葵源六甲AOLGEN-ROKKOCORP地址:京都府京都市南区久世高田町126Tel:0081-75-931-5525 Fax:0081-75-931-5584社长:杉山正义资本金:1000万日元老派从业人数:3人设立:1993年3月业务内容:食品青山贸易(株)http/AOYAMA TRADECO,LTD地址:兵车县姬路市青山14641464,AOYAMA,HIMEJI,HYOGOTel:0081-792-66-6035 Fax:0081-792-67—4624 E-mail:aoyamaz@siluer.ocn.ne.jp社长:赵善云资本金:1000万日元从业人数:15人设立:1992年10月业务内容:化学品(株)本铺AKACHAN HONPOCO,LTD地址:大阪府大阪市中央区南本町3-3-213-3-21 MINAMI-HONMACHI,CHUO-KU,OSAKATel:0081-6-6251-0625 Fax:0081-6-6251-3340社长:小原正司资本金:19000万日元从业人数:2700人设立:1941年2月业务内容:进口生活用品及生产资料朝阳贸易(株)ASAHI TRADINGCO,LTD地址:东京都中央区八丁堀4-10-4 白铜第一HKUDODALLTLBLDG,4-10-4,HATTYOBORL,CHUO-KU,TOKYO Tel:0081-3-3351-0771 Fax:0081-3-3351-2344社长:华井满资本金:9600万日元从业人数:50人设立:1968年9月业务内容:原料羽毛,进出口食品原料及健康食品(株)亚细亚交易AJAKOEKICO,LTD地址:大分县别府市原町18-2418-24,HARA-MACHI,BEPPU,OITATel:0081-977-21-0888 Fax:0081-977-21-2048 E-mail:tukasaki@mocha.ocn.ne.jp社长:圜田展久资本金:2000万日元从业人数:3人设立:1972年5月业务内容:进口竹制品制药(株)ASGENPHARMACEUTICAL CO,LTDhttp/www.asgen.cojp地址:爱知县名古屋市东区泉2-28-22-28-2,IZUML,HLGASHI-KU,NAGOYATel:0081-52-9031-1212 Fax:0081-52-931-1331E-mail:asgen@asgen.co.jp社长:水墅昌树资本金:1000万日元从业人数:60人设立:1968年1月业务内容:中药材,中成药,化工医药品,食品原料(株)甘栗太郎AMAGURITARO CO,LTD地址:东京都千代田区神田松永町1111,MATSUNAGACHO,KANDA,CHIYODA-KU,TOKYO Tel:0081-3-3251-9021 Fax:0081-3-3251-9280社长:田中康则资本金:1280万日元从业人数:130人设立:1956年11月业务内容:天津甘栗(株)新井清太郎商店SEITARO ARAICO,LTD地址:神奈川县横浜市中区尾上町1-81-8,ONOE-CHO-NAKA-KU,YOKOHANATel:0081-45-681-6729 Fax:0081-45-662-2357社长:新井光世资本金:2000万日元从业人数:100人设立:1888年4月业务内容:香辛料,辣椒干,脱水蔬菜,植物生产品,柳腾制品,轻工品。




こんにちはkonniqiwa. 空尼其瓦。

























































FURUNO GP-1650系列高精度GPS DGPS WAAS收音机与显示器说明书

FURUNO GP-1650系列高精度GPS DGPS WAAS收音机与显示器说明书

s High-accuracy GPS/DGPS/WAASreceivers 6" AR-coated high-contrast brightLCD for optimum viewing under direct sunlights Display of ship's track, waypointsand planned route on a precision electronic charts Works with FURUNO MiniChart orNAVIONICS ®Nav-Chart and C-MAP NT Charts Versatile display modes including:qCourse Plot q Nav Dataq Steering Display q Highways Course plot in True Motion North-up/Course-up or Relative Motion North-up/Course-ups Automatic or manual selection eitherWAAS, DGPS or GPS (GP-1650WD/1650WDF)s Built-in DGPS beacon receiver withGPS/DGPS combo antenna (GP-1650WD/1650WDF)s 50/200 kHz, 600 W dual-frequencyecho sounder (GP-1650WF/1650WDF)s Waterproof display suited for flybridgeinstallationModels GP-1650W/1650WD/1650WF/1650WDFTRADE MARK REGISTERED MARCA REGISTRADACatalogue No. N-852COLOR LCD GPS/WAAS PLOTTERThe future today with FURUNO's electronics technology.FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya City, Japan Telephone: +81 (0)798 65-2111Telefax: +81 (0)798 65-4200, 66-4622 URL: www.furuno.co.jpGP-1650W:GPS/WAAS plotterGP-1650WD:GPS/WAAS plotter with DGPS beacon receiver GP-1650WF:GPS/WAAS plotter with echo sounderGP-1650WDF:GPS/WAAS plotter with DGPS beacon receiver and echo sounderPhoto: Model GP-1650WDF (Navionics ®Nav-Chart )with integral DGPS Receiver and Echo sounderOwn shipPlanned routeOwn ship's trackCursorNavionics ®Nav-ChartCompact sensitive GPS/DGPS antennaGPS/DGPS /WAAS combo antennaFor all boaters...FURUNO GP-1650 series offerAccurate Positioning with WAAS,High Contrast Bright LCD for optimum viewing under the direct sun lightThe GP-1650W series are GPS/DGPS/WAAS plotters with video plotting and echo sounding capabilitydesigned for pleasure craft and coastal fishing boats.This compact and cost-effective series offersextremely accurate position fixes - 10 m for the basic GPS, 3 m where WAAS service is available and 5 m with DGPS (DGPS version).The Display modes include Course Plot, Nav Data,Steering and Highway. The Steering mode provides an intuitive indication of course to steer and cross-track-error. The Highway mode is useful when you are following a series of waypoints along a planned route.The GP-1650WF and GP-1850WDF with the 50/200kHz echo sounder module present detailedinformation on fish and bottom. The echo sounder data can be displayed jointly with course plot or alone on the full size screen.The useable chart cards are Furuno MiniChart/Navionics ®Nav-Chart or C-MAP NT Chart cards.Chart cards contain accurate spot sounding,coastlines, depth contours, buoys, lighthouses and other navigational features.Navionics ®Nav-ChartC-MAP NT ChartC-MAP NT ChartC-MAP NT ChartC-MAP NT ChartGPS RECEIVER CHARACTERISTICS1.Receiver Type Twelve discrete channels, C/A code, all-in-viewintegral WAAS processor2.Receive Frequency L1 (1575.42 MHz)3.Accuracy GPS: 10 m (95%)DGPS: 5 m (95%)WAAS: 3 m (95%)4.Time to First Fix12 seconds typical (Warm start)5.Tracking velocity999 knots6.Geodetic System WGS-84, NAD-27, and others7.DGPS CapabilityGP-1650WD/1650WDF:DGPS beacon receiver built inGP-1650W/1650WF:External DGPS beacon receiver transmittingdata in RTCM SC104 v.2.1 format throughRS-232C interface or optional internal DGPS4.Rectifier PR-62 for 115/230 VAC mains5.Temperature Sensor T-02MTB/T-02MSB/T-03MSB (GP-1650WF/GP-1650WDF)6.Speed/Temperature Sensor ST-02MSB/ST-02PSB (GP-1650WF/GP-1650WDF)7.Internal DGPS beacon receiver kit for GP-1650W/GP-1650WF8.Connector kit for connecting temp or speed/temp sensor9.RAM cardTransducers(Specify when ordering GP-1650WF/1650WDF.)1.520-5PSD (Plastic thru-hull)2.520-5MSD (Bronze thru-hull)3.520-5PWD (Plastic transom)4.525ST-MSD (Bronze thru-hull with speed/temp sensor)5.525ST-PWD (Plastic transom with speed/temp sensor)。

Being the output image adjustment null

Being the output image adjustment null

专利名称:Being the output image adjustment null 发明人:深沢 賢二,中見 至宏,鍬田 直樹,枝常 伊佐央申请号:JP2001218744申请日:20010718公开号:JP4205320B2公开日:20090107专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a picture output apparatus capable of accurately outputting color space information when generating picture data. SOLUTION: A color printer 20 has a CPU 31 which executes a gamma correction and a matrix operation M on picture data in an RGB color space obtained by a matrix S-operation. The CPU 31 gamma-converts the picture data using a preset gamma value. The matrix operation M is to convert the RGB color space to an XYZ color space. The CPU 31 reference color space tags to reflect the color space during generating the picture data, and executes a matrix operation using a matrix M corresponding to a written color space.申请人:セイコーエプソン株式会社地址:東京都新宿区西新宿2丁目4番1号国籍:JP代理人:特許業務法人明成国際特許事務所更多信息请下载全文后查看。


日本料理的 SA SI SU SE SO
在家的日子很难熬,当然像我这样天天看动画 确实好难过。 不过昨天看的 《桃李皆桃 地上最强的新娘》 学到了一点点 东西 ```` 日本料理的SA SI SU SE SO,是日本料理中必须的5种佐料, さは砂糖、しは塩、すはお酢、せは醤油、そはお味噌です。 SA代表砂糖,SI代表盐,SU代表醋,SU代表酱油,SO代表味精。
其实这个日本料理的SA SI SU SE SO和中国的~~~ 五味瓶 、开门七件事:柴米油盐酱醋茶 等俗语十分相似。
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