









2. 模糊控制的基本原理和应用模糊控制是一种基于模糊逻辑推理的控制方法,具有较强的鲁棒性、自适应性和非线性控制能力。






4. 模糊控制器的设计和实现模糊控制器是基于模糊控制算法实现的,主要包括模糊化、规则库、推理和解模糊化四个模块。





智 能控 制 理论 的 发展 ,这些 先 进 的控 制技 术 也逐 渐 被 应用 于 智能
车辆 控制 系统 上 ,本文 将 常规 PD I 与模 糊控 制思 想相 结合 ,用 一种 模 糊 自适应PD 制方 法实 现 了智能 车辆 的路 径跟 踪 ,并相应 地给 I控
2 车 辆 位 姿 误 差 模 型
T CHNI OR E C F UM/ 术 论 坛 I O o 技 2 l/2 1
基于模糊 自适应 P 的智 能车辆 路径跟踪控制 I D
L ne F l w i Cont ol orI el ge a olo ng r nt l ntVehi e Ba ed on F z f i cl s uz y Ada i e PI ptv D
1 引言
研 究热 点 。智 能车 辆 在运 行 过 程 中 由控 制系 统感 知 和检 测 道路 信
控 制系 统 是决 定 智能 车辆 整 体 性能 好坏 的关键 。学 者们 针 对 智能
线 方 向与 横坐 标 的 夹 角 为 。现 将全 局 坐标 系 中的跟 踪 误 差转 化
在 车辆 局部坐 标 系 中跟 踪参 考点 的误 差如 下 。
m a e r s c i e y b sn o v n i n l P D n uz y a a i e P D o to l o ih s h w z y d e pe t l y u i g c n e t a I a d f z d pt I c n r l ag rt m ,s o f z v o v u
第 一作 者 : 肖灵 芝 ,女 , 18 年生 ,硕 士研 究生 ,从事 95 汽车电子与信号技术研 究。
cnrl r r dutda tmaiayb s gfzyrao igmeh d T es lt nrsl , hc r o t l eajse uo t l yui z esnn to . h i ai eut w i ae oe a cl n u mu o s h


离等 ) 递 给 驾驶 人 员 , 时 在 路 况 与 车 况 的 综 合 信 息 中辨 识 传 同
节 节 气 门 或 制 动器 , 自车与 前 车 保 持 期 望 的 安 全距 离 。距 离 使 控 制 包 括 上位 控 制 和 下 位 控 制 。 位控 制根 据 传 感 器 获取 的 自 上 车 与 前 车 的相 对 速 度 和 相 对 距 离 . 定 使 自车保 持 期 望安 全 距 确 离 所 需 要 的 加速 度 ; 下位 控 制 则 用 以实 现期 望 的加 速 度 。
目 前 ,国 内 外 对 上 位 控 制 器 的 设 计 采 用 了许 多 方 法 , 如 PD 控 制 、 模 控 制 等【 在 上 位 控 制 器 的设 计 中除 了 考虑 系统 I 滑 l 1 。
是 否 构 成Leabharlann 安全 隐 患 , 在 不 安 全 情 况 下 , 并 自动 采取 措 施 控 制 汽 车 . 汽车 能 主动 避 开 危 险 , 证 车 辆 安 全 行 驶 。 本结 构如 图 使 保 基
Ap l a o s 2 0 4 ( ) 2 1 2 3 p c t n , 0 7,3 7 : 2 - 2 . i i
Abta t n ti p pra d vras t c ytm m dli peet rta d i i p it u ta s i n e dii e sr c:I hs ae r e—sia ess o e s rsne fs n t s on d ot ht a s g t r n b — i sn e di e t  ̄i h vg
E ma ly l i g u @ 1 3 c m - i: u i n g o 6 .o p
YU - lg. U F s e gAlo i m fr rv r sitn e s se Li pn LI a— h n . g rt h o d e assa c y tm b s d o uz y i fr n eCo p tr En i e rn n i ae n f z n e e c . m ue gn e ig a d



2009年9月第16卷第5期控制工程C o n t r o l E n g i n e e r i n g o f C h i n a S e p .2009V o l .16,N o .5文章编号:1671-7848(2009)05-0618-05 收稿日期:2008-06-27; 收修定稿日期:2008-08-13 作者简介:潘学军(1966-),男,辽宁沈阳人,副教授,博士,主要从事复杂工业过程优化与控制、先进控制技术应用等方面的教学与科研工作。

基于模糊P I D 的智能汽车控制系统潘学军,张兆惠(大连理工大学信息与控制研究中心,辽宁大连 116023)摘 要:针对道路标志线特征提出准确而快速的道路检测的方法,在此基础上对人-车-路闭环系统进行分析。

汽车动力学系统具有较强的非线性特性,很难用传统的方法建立准确模型,因而应用基于专家经验的模糊P I D 控制方法对系统进行研究,讨论P I D 参数的自适应整定方法,并建立控制系统。



关 键 词:智能汽车;模糊P I D 控制;图像处理;控制系统中图分类号:T P 273 文献标识码:AF u z z y P I DC o n t r o l S y s t e mf o r I n t e l l i g e n t V e h i c l eP A NX u e -j u n ,Z H A N GZ h a o -h u i(R e s e a r c h C e n t e r o f I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o n t r o l ,D a l i a nU n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y ,D a l i a n 116023,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :Am e t h o d i s i n t r o d u c e d t o m a k e i n t e l l i g e n t v e h i c l e i d e n t i f y t h e a n t i c i p a n t t r a c kq u i c k l y a n dp r e c i s e l y ,a n d t h e d r i v e r -v e h i -c l e -r o a d c l o s e d -l o o p s y s t e mi s a n a l y z e d .T o t h e d i f f i c u l t y o f d e s i g n i n g a n a c c u r a t e m o d e l f o r t h e v e h i c l e d y n a m i c s y s t e mw i t h s t r o n g n o n -l i n e a r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ,a f u z z y P I Dc o n t r o l l e r i s i n t r o d u c e da n da c o n t r o l s y s t e m i s d e s i g n e d .T h e f u n c t i o na n dc o n t r o l s t r a t e g y o f t h e P I Df a c t o r s a r e d i s c u s s e d .E x p e r i m e n t s s h o wt h a t t h e d r i v e r m o d e l p r o v i d e s b e n e f i t s t o t h e i n t e l l i g e n t v e h i c l e s y s t e ma n d i t i s a b l e t o f o l -l o wt h e a n t i c i p a n t t r a c k a c c u r a t e l y a n dq u i c k l y .K e yw o r d s :i n t e l l i g e n t v e h i c l e ;f u z z y P I Dc o n t r o l ;i m a g e p r o c e s s ;c o n t r o l s y s t e m1 引 言智能汽车自主驾驶技术的研究在公路管理、交通运输等方面有着广阔的应用前景,受到广泛的重视。





1. 电动汽车控制系统概述电动汽车控制系统主要包括电机控制器、电池管理系统、制动系统、转向系统及车身稳定控制系统等。


2. 模糊控制技术介绍模糊控制技术是一种基于人类直觉的控制方法,它通过建立模糊规则来处理各种不确定性问题,包括非线性、时变和复杂的动态系统。


3. 基于模糊控制的电动汽车控制系统设计基于模糊控制的电动汽车控制系统要实现的功能包括电机调速、制动控制、转向控制、车身稳定控制等。





为了更好地实现基于模糊控制的电动汽车控制系统的设计,设定以下模糊规则:- 根据电机负载、电机转速、电机电流等参数输入,控制电量的输出信号。

- 当电动汽车的负载增加时,控制器倾向于输出更高的电量。

- 当电机转速增加时,对电机的电量输出应较为平缓,以保证电动汽车的平稳加速。

- 在电动汽车停止或制动时,控制器应输出零电量。









































网络的 自主车导 向控制器 , 立了模糊 神经 网络控制器 的结 构 , 由实验数据产 生训 练样本 。该控制器通 过精确控 建 并 制两个驱动轮的差 动转速实现路径 跟踪 。实 验结果表 明采 用模糊 神经 网络的导 向控 制器能够稳定地 实现 跟踪导 向 路径的控制功能. 关 键 词: 自主车 ; 神经网络 } 向控制 导
文献标识码 ; A 中 图分 类 号 : P 4 T 2
近年 来 , 自主 车 ( V) 向 控制 , 其 是 轨 迹 控制 的 精确 度 问题 在 机 器视 觉 和智 能 控制 研 究 领域 正 受 AL 导 尤 到 普遍 的关注 引。在 AL 的各 种 导 向方式 中 , V 需要 把 检测 到 的偏差 信号 通 过一定 的 数学模 型 进行 计算 以 实 现控制 。以前一 般采用 一点 或 两点 采集 信 号 , 采用 线性 控 制方式 实现 导 向控 制 , 实 际测试 其轨 迹控制 的 经 误 差较 大 模 糊 B P神 经 网络 由于具 有大 规模 并 行性 、 冗余 性 、 错性 、 容 本质 的非 线性 及 自组织 、 自学 习、 自适 应 能力 , 适合 于 自主 车 的智能 导 向控制 , 因而 本 文 利 用模 糊 B 网络 , 立 基 于 固定 路 径 的 AL 控 制 系统 , P 建 V 实 验结果 表 明 , 其轨 迹偏 差 动过程 中 , 右 轮 的轮 速是 关 于时 间的 函 则 左
设 电机转 速 与 轮速 相 等 , 个 驱 动 轮直 径 完 全 相 等 ( 为 , , 两 记 一 电机 电枢 电压 为 【, ) , 时间 常 数 为 T , 有 m则
=; ; = .
表示 任一 瞬时 与 下一 瞬 时的 时 间间 隔 ; 两个 驱 动 轮连 线 中垂线 与路 径 中心线 之 间 的夹 角 ; 为 自主 0为 △



基于模糊控制的电动汽车动力传动系统控制1. 引言1.1 背景介绍电动汽车作为新能源汽车的重要代表之一,具有环保、节能和高效的优势,受到了广泛关注和支持。





1.2 研究目的本研究的主要目的是探讨基于模糊控制的电动汽车动力传动系统控制方法,并通过实验研究对比传统控制方法,评估模糊控制在动力传动系统中的性能优劣。




1.3 研究意义本研究的意义在于通过基于模糊控制的电动汽车动力传动系统控制方法的研究和实践,进一步提高电动汽车的性能和效率,降低能源消耗和排放程度。




2. 正文2.1 电动汽车动力传动系统概述电动汽车动力传动系统是指电动汽车中负责将电能转换为机械能并驱动车辆运行的系统。


h a u t o ma t i c ll a y a n d h a s h i . g h c o n t r o l p r e c i s i o n a n d i d e l a c r u i s e p e r f o m a r n c e .
中图分类号 : U 4 6 3 . 6 文献标志码 : A
De s i g n o f Ve h i c l e Ad a pt i v e Cr u i s e Co nt r o l Sy s t e m Ba s e d o n Fu z z y Co nt r o l
自动切换其工作模式 , 实现巡航系统 的智能化。该系统综合考虑 了跟车系统 中前车车速 、 加速度 、 车距等各 种因素 , 利用模糊控 制技术的优点 , 提高控制系统的性能 。利用 M a t l a b仿真及硬件在环技术进行实验研究 ,
结果表 明该控制系统能够实现巡航模 式的 自适应切换 , 并且具有较高的控制精度和理想 的巡航性能 。 关键词 : 自适应巡航 ; 跟车巡航 ; 分层控制 ; 模 糊控制
第l 5卷 第 5期 2 0 1 3年 9月
大 连 民 族 学 院 学 报
J o u r n a l o f D a l i a n Na t i o n a l i t i e s Un i v e r s i t y
Vo 1 . 1 5, No . 5
S e p t e mb e r 2 01 3
a n a d a p t i v e c r u i s e c o n t r o l s y s t e m wi t h hi e r a r c hi c a l l y c o n f i g u r e d s t r u c t ur e i s d e s i g n e d. I t c a n s wi t c h t h e c r u i s e o p e r a t i n g mo d e a u t o ma t i c a l l y a c c o r d i n g t o t h e d iv r i n g c o n d i t i o n s t o i mp l e me n t t h e i n t e l l i g e n c e o f c r ui s e s y s t e m.Ta k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t v a r i o u s f a c t o r s i n f o l l o wi ng mo d e c r u i s e s y s t e m,













四、基于模糊控制的纯电汽车再生制动控制模型1. 输入变量的选择在本研究中,我们选择了以下输入变量作为模糊控制的输入:- 车速:用于反映车辆的行驶速度,它直接影响再生制动力的大小。

- 制动力需求:用于表示驾驶员对制动力的需求大小。

- 电池充电状态:用于反映电池的充电情况,进而影响再生制动力输出。

2. 输出变量的选择在本研究中,我们选择了再生制动力作为模糊控制的输出变量,通过控制再生制动力的大小来实现对纯电汽车制动性能的调节。

3. 模糊控制规则的设计通过观察和分析纯电汽车制动过程中的实际数据,我们可以建立一套模糊控制规则。





制( FNNC)和神经网络预测( NNP)的智能循迹控制策略。





【作者单位】哈尔滨工业大学汽车工程学院,威海264209; 华晨汽车工程研究院,沈阳 110141;哈尔滨工业大学汽车工程学院,威海 264209;哈尔滨工业大学汽车
工程学院,威海 264209
1.基于模糊神经网络的智能车辆路径跟踪 [J], 杨君;马戎;刘婷;付维平
2.基于模糊神经网络的智能车辆避障方法研究 [J], 张桥
3.基于转角补偿的智能车辆循迹控制系统 [J], 杨阳阳;何志刚;汪若尘;陈龙
4.智能车辆循迹的自适应神经网络动态面控制 [J], 李磊
5.基于模糊神经网络的车辆间距智能自适应控制 [J], 余晓江;胡学军;胡于进;王学林




罢 薰

甩 甩 N Ⅲ


2.1模糊自适应控制模块设计 模糊自适应控制器是传统PID控制与现代模糊控制的结 合,所以其结构包含PID控制器与模糊控制结构,具体原理框
N ~
唁 曙

7.0 NS


1 2
啪 加 嘲 M
啪 加


曲 再

姻 砧
在Matlab命令窗121输..A.fuzzy命令,打开FIS编辑器,设置 两个输入端和三个输出端.双击打开其中一个输入端,进入
Membership Function
其中设定速度v为汽车定速巡航系统开启时预先设定的速 度,实际车速v即为汽车实际行驶速度,被控系统为影响车速 的汽车动力学系统,由于控制器的作用是降低实际车速与设定 车速之间的误差,所以反馈机构采用负反馈。根据PID控制器 原理:
式(1)中e(c)是PID控制器的输入量,为给定值和被控对 象输出值的差,称偏差信号:
基于模糊自适应方法对汽车定速控制的研究田丽伟,等 PID控制器基本数学模型为:



基于模糊控制的智能寻迹小车(深圳大学工程技术学院自动化系,广东 深圳)【摘要】本文基于语言规则与模糊推理实现了智能小车的路径识别与运动控制。


【关键词】智能小车;模糊控制;路径识别The Smart Car for Route Recognition and Tracking Based onFuzzy Control【Abstract】The rule of language and fuzzy control are applied to route recognition and tracking of a smart car. The kinematics equations of smart car are deducted, analysis and simulation are carried out for the motion of smart car under different speed and route. The functions in fuzzy control toolbox of Matlab6.5 are employed to check the validation of input and output. The experiment results demonstrate the smart car based on a 16bit-MCU of Freescale is capable of racing in the specific racetrack.【Key Words】smart car; fuzzy control; route recognition【教师点评】:利用模糊控制算法实现智能车的自动路径识别有一定的创新意义。



1.基于内积真值流推理的模糊控制算法 [J], 闫心丽
2.基于模糊推理的自适应PID控制算法仿真 [J], 邓华军;周士芸;冯春杰
3.基于智能模糊控制的汽车自动驾驶系统 [J], 王英健;王玉凤;范必双
4.基于多特征融合的汽车先进辅助驾驶系统前方车辆检测方法 [J], 陈学文;陈华清;裴月莹
5.基于智能网联的汽车辅助驾驶系统 [J], 黄晓延;王妍;李乐



基于模糊控制的智能小车控制系统开发智能小车控制系统第28卷2021年12月计算机应用Computer App licati onsVol . 28Dec . 2021文章编号:1001-90812021 S2-0350-04基于模糊控制的智能小车控制系统开发程志江, 李剑波新疆大学电气工程学院, 乌鲁木齐830008czj010111@163摘要:对具有自动道路检测和自动跟随功能的智能小车控制系统的开发进行了介绍。

该智能车配有红外光电传感道路检测装置、速度检测装置、电机驱动装置、转向控制舵机等设备, 以飞思卡尔16位单片机MC9S12DG128B 为控制核心。

设计了道路寻优模糊控制程序, 并用C 语言程序开发了模糊控制程,实现了对直道、蛇形弯道以及大半径弯道三种典型道路的自动跟随。

运行效果表明智能车对任意道路具有较好的跟随性, 同时具有较高的车速。

关键词:智能小车; 道路检测; 控制系统; 微处理器; 模糊控制; C 语言中图分类号:TP273+. 4 文献标志码:AD evelop m en t of s mart car πs cotrol CHENG Zhi 2J College ofElectrician Engineering, , Chinadevel m of s ability of aut omatic r oad detecting and aut omatic r oad foll owing was ol s car was composed of r oad detecting device of infrared sens or, s peed detecting orservo and Freescale πs 16bitMCU ofMC9S12DG128B, which is the core ofthe contr ol contr ol p r ogra m was designed for the r oad self 2op ti mizati on . Further more, the fuzzy contr ol p rogra m was devel oped with C language . A s a resualt, the s mart can detect and foll ow the typ ical r oad of straight r oad, snake r oad and big radius r oad aut omatically . It is indicatedthat the car can fell ow random r oad p referably with high s peed .Key words:s mart car; r oad detect; contr ol syste m;MC U; fuzzy contr ol;C language0 引言智能小车是具有自动导航功能的智能汽车的缩微模型,基本导航原理为:利用机器视觉, 使智能车能沿着预设有黑色引导线的白色道路前进, 实现自主导航。




1.基于模糊PID方法的全液压四轮驱动底盘电液防滑控制系统设计 [J], 左志宇;倪静;韩绿化;张晓东;顾建;毛罕平
2.车辆底盘集成控制系统的电动机控制 [J], 牛礼民;陈龙;赵又群;汪若尘
3.基于模糊PID的工程车辆远程控制系统 [J], 黄水军;苏凡囤;宋胜利
4.基于模糊PID的工程车辆远程控制系统 [J], 黄水军; 苏凡囤; 宋胜利
5.基于车辆感知和模糊PID的隧道照明控制系统 [J], 杜冠峰;秦会斌









1.基于模糊算法的智能小车控制系统的研究 [J], 肖红霞;周密
2.基于遗传算法的智能小车模糊控制系统的研发 [J], 程志江;李剑波
3.基于路径记忆算法的智能小车控制系统的设计 [J], 苏敏;梁银丽;汪道辉
4.基于模糊控制算法的智能小车避障系统设计 [J],
5.基于模糊控制算法的智能小车避障系统设计 [J], 车雨红

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I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2017, 2, 41-49Published Online March 2017 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2017.02.05Available online at /ijemeFuzzy Logic-Based Control for Autonomous Vehicle: A SurveyIshaya Emmanuel*Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, 84004, Nigeria.AbstractFuzzy set, since its advent has played an important role in control systems and many other area of applications. One o f such area is the control of autonomous vehicle. There seem to be some difficulty however, for a new timer trying to get a clear picture of the autonomous navigation problem. To this end, this survey presents a panoramic view of the Intelligent Transportation Systems with some few example of the Advance Driver Assistance Systems and a good discussion on the autonomous systems with its eminent problems. More attention was focused on the fuzzy controllers designed for collision avoidance; as its performance has largely simplified and smoothens the collision avoidance process of an autonomous vehicular system.Index Terms: Fuzzy Logic, Autonomous Vehicle, Robot, Obstacle Detection, Collision avoidance.© 2017 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionFrom the very onset, researchers have sort for ways to replace the human operator, that is pliable and susceptible to errors, with some sort of machinery –that is less prone to error, effective, efficient, and never complains of tiredness due to monotonous routine. It is as a result of this quest the technological community has experienced a revolution taking forms like: at its primitive stage, implementation of devices that aid simple calculation to a more complex stage that constitutes the application of machinery and machine systems for industrials production processes; this also entails the use of robotics for surgical procedures [1, 2, 3] and autonomous devices for planetary explorations. More recently, these technological advancements resulted to the implementation of simple but powerful household [4] robots for domestic chores like laundry, vacuum and dishing to a more complex task handling robots like the mobile nurse [5] implemented to assist bedridden patients.Another interesting aspect of this revolution is the implementation of vehicular systems capable of driving along country and urban settings [6, 7, 8] without human aid of whatsoever form. Nowadays, virtually every process can be automated by some intelligent machine and controllers as evident in [9] which reported that the Corresponding author.E-mail address:International Federations of Robotics concluded that there have been a 19% increase in the use of robots with a statistics of 86,200 to 106,300 units in just a space of three years –2004-2007. The aforementioned revolution gave birth to an art (Intelligent Transport Systems) which focuses on the implementation of Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Automatic Ground Vehicle (AVD) as some call it, or Unmanned Ground Vehicle (AVG) as others see it. Whichever name it is called, the idea or rationale is to design and implement a vehicular system capable of simulating the human driving operation and do it very well. The need to implement ADAS and AVG boils down to the fact that, since human drivers’ factors are responsible for about 95% of road accidents [10, 11], which can be attributed to the human susceptibility pointed earlier, it is believed however, that a well programed autonomous vehicle should outperforms the human drivers; or better still, a set of warning systems can assist the driver with promptings of potential collision or information about the environment. This has been the goal and a successful one (to some extent) since report [13] has it that the use of ADAS (Adaptive Cruise Control- ACC) considerably reduced the chances of vehicle collision. Many ADAS systems have been proposed and some implemented in the top class cars of some automakers. Few of these are: Adaptive Cruise Control System that helps to keep reasonable distance between front cars and the ADAS aided system by regulating vehicular speed; [11] presents a rich survey on Intelligent Collision Systems and ACC; Lane Detection System [16] helps maintain track by detecting the road lanes; speed bumps detector [15]; potholes detectors [16, 17, 10]; Overtaking Maneuver Systems [18]; Car Parking System, Terrain Classification System [19, 20, 21, 8], etc. Although, the ADAS systems have considerably helped the driving process, however, the need to implement a fully autonomous vehicle cannot be undermined since its use has gained grounds in medical and military reconnaissance, exploration of terrains yet safe for humans, media report in war infested zone, etc. As such, efforts have been channeled to the design and implementation of autonomous vehicle by researchers from all around the world. To serve as incentive to researchers in the art, challenges have been organized in different countries aimed at exploring a given navigation problem. Example of such is the DARPA Urban Challenge won by [22], The Vehicle Following Problem, etc. Other problems explored in the art are: Lane and Wall Following Problems, Search and Rescue Robot implementation, Children Cone Play Simulation Problem, etc. These have gone a long way in the automation of navigation process as there now exists sophisticated but easy to use sonar, range finders and cameras; development of libraries (e.g. OpenCV) and API’s (Application Programming Interface) that ease the robot’s implementation process; and design of fast image processing schemes [52]; miniaturized rovers and mechatronic/mini robots’ devices for prototyping, etc. However, much work is still in progress with the aim of making the autonomous vehicle capable of working in real-timing with high speed. It is along this line of thought this review focuses on presenting an overview of the autonomous vehicle system with few literatures in the art as there exist tons of published papers on this subject. This work also presents brief discussion on the fuzzy logic-based controllers which stands as the heart of this peer review. The paper is organized thus: the following section ushers an overview of autonomous vehicle, followed by section three –discuses fuzzy control systems, next is section four –presents some fuzzy controllers, and section five concludes the work.2.Autonomous VehicleAutonomous vehicle design and implementation started gaining attention in the research community around late 80’s and early 90’s [11], this may be attributed to the fact that their use has gained ground in medicine, military reconnaissance, industrial applications, domestic appliances, touring guide etc. Albeit any area autonomous robot has been employed, its fundamental operation is to move from one part to another while recognizing obstacle and providing means for collision avoidance in the process. This however, boils down the navigation process into obstacle detection and collision avoidance, hence the two major problems in the art. For an autonomous vehicle to successfully accomplish the task of moving from one point to another, it needs to have the mechanism that enables it know what the environment looks like. This implies the use of vision systems that provid e the autonomous robot with the ability to detect obstacle and act befittingly. Although, other means that requires the use of model representation of the world, as will be seen shortly, are in place forobstacle-free path planning, however, a vision system enables the robot to better thrive in an environment characterized with uncertainties –an inherent characteristic of the urban or country settings. This vision system consists of sensors and image processing algorithms for obstacle detection; examples of some sensors often used are:•RADAR: radio detecting and ranging e.g. sonar, ultrasonic sensors, etc.•LIDAR: Light Detecting and Ranging e.g. IR sensor,•Stereo imaging: the use of either two or single camera for acquiring a 3D or 2D image representation of the environment respectively.It is noteworthy herein that while the use of Stereo imaging systems gives more information about the environment, it however requires complex calculations that often constrains the real-time operation of the robot [12]. On the other hand, sonars are fast in operation and simple to implement even though their use is restricted to ranging and obstacle pinging without any information about the environment, except maybe in case of multi-sensor systems as would be seen shortly. Operating concurrently with the obstacle detection system is the collision avoidance mechanism that bespeaks the robot’s ability to either stop when an obstacle is pinged or employ some control decision to detour around the obstacle. Devices that aid the avoidance process are controllers –these make decision, and actuators that perform the task. Subsequent section shed more light on controllers, for now, examples of some actuator are steeper motors, DC motors, servo, etc. interested readers should consult [25] for more examples of actuators. The obstacle detection and collision avoidance subsystems makes up the autonomous vehicle system, hence the subsequent subsection presents brief review of these.i.Obstacle DetectionSome classifications exist for obstacl e detection systems, one of which, is the Qualitative and Quantitative obstacle detection approach proposed by Zhang et al. [25]. By qualitative, the authors meant, obstacle detection system whose results hinge on the presence or absence of obstacle without further information; in this vein, they proposed the Known Ground Plane and the Unknown Ground Plane algorithms for obstacle detection. On the quantitative side, they proposed a third algorithm that computes a partial 3D structures of the obstacle. Polarizing proposed literatures according to this categorization for obstacle detection in the art, [26, 25] polarizes to the qualitative obstacle detection approach and the schemes found in [27, 25, 19, 7, 23, 28] categorizes as the quantitative obstacle detection approach. Another interesting concept is the Multi-sensor approach for obstacle detection. Systems deployed with this approach constitutes the use of different sensors (radar, stereos, sonar) for obstacle detection. This approach also introduces the concept of data/sensor fusion architecture whereby all information from the sensors are fused to produce inputs to the control systems. [6, 8, 29] are some of the literatures that explored this approach.ii.Collision AvoidanceXu et al. [30] categorizes the approaches employed to solve the navigation control problem into: model-based method and fuzzy logic with the neural network reactive based methods. Interested readers can consult [31, 32] for more on the model based method of collision avoidance schemes. Fuzzy logic and Neural network reactive has been combined for a fine, robust and adaptive control, however, fuzzy logic, by itself, can achieve a fast and considerably smooth control as seen shortly. Although difficult to place under any of the subsections, mobile robot’s navigation process classification suggested in [33] on autonomous robot need some audience. The authors presented three categorization proponents in the art employed in recent times. First is the model based approach in which the robot maintains a copy of the world’s mod el for obstacle free path planning. [5] applied this method. Sensor based approach [10, 30, 34], which emphasizes only the use of sensors information about the environment for navigation decision. And last on the list is Hybrid approach. Systems [35, 5]deployed with thisapproach combine both model and sensor information for autonomous navigation process. Model in this concept is not restricted to the environment’s map on which the autonomous vehicle operates, but is extended to accommodate both goals and target-based approaches.3.Fuzzy Logic Control SystemsFuzzy logic, since its advent [36] has assumed an important role in control systems; not only in control systems has fuzzy set (as was called at its birth) gain grounds, its use has found place in many areas as presented in [37]. Fuzzy logic was first employed for the control system of a steam engine reported in [38], Hombland and Ostergard presented the first application of fuzzy logic controller in an industrial process for a cement kiln [43]. Nowadays, consumer product’s (vacuu m cleaners, air conditioner, washing machine, etc.) controls are programed with calculus of fuzzy rules (CFR) that tend to increase the Machine Intelligent Quotient [39] by modeling the human expertise using linguistic variables that conceptualizes the fuzziness in human decision making. Unlike conventional controls that often require lot of time and high computational cost, fuzzy logic conceptualizes the human operational experience –of an operator –into a controller that comprises of IF/THEN rules which simulates the operators "know how" in an algorithmic manner made up of fuzzy sets [40]. The ease with which this can be done results to a fall in the cost of consumer products. Fuzzy control systems, unlike expert systems, are made up of four parts thus: th e fuzzifier –this convert crisp input variables to linguistic term in a process known as fuzzification; the rule base houses the IFTHEN rules; the inference module employs if-then rule on inputs to infer the control action as would be done by the human operator; and the defuzzifier is responsible for converting the results into crisp output in a process called defuzzification. Figure 1 [41] depicts a general fuzzy controller with the fundamental processes, however, many methods have been put in place for these process. Example is the MinMax, Centroid or Center of Gravity method used for defuzzification [42]. Fuzzy control systems (FCS) are classified into two types namely: model-free and model based FCS [44]. When compared with its equivalent conventional PID (Proportional Derivative-Integral) control systems, model-free FCS’s show a better performance, which may be accrued to the fact that a lot of work have been directed toward its development. On the other hand, model based fuzzy comprises of Type-1 FCS, Type-2 FCS and Type-3 FCS [45]. Readers interested on getting more insight on the concept of fuzzy control systems can visit [45], this survey contains a comprehensive knowledge on the fuzzy control system and its industrial application that spans from manufacturing, servo controls, robotics, up to automotive. For light on the emerging Hybrid systems –fuzzy logic plus soft computing methodology e.g. neural network, genetic algorithm etc. –readers can consult [46]. Others who may wish to explore fuzzy logic networked systems can check [44] as the authors have done justice to the subject and also provided future trends to help researchers sail with the tide. This paper would be lacking if the brilliant work done in [37] is not lay bare; as it presents a well packed survey on the fuzzy software systems in virtually all the application areas of fuzzy logic which include GIS, image processing, handwriting recognition, etc.4.Fuzzy Controllers for Autonomous VehicleAs evident in the previous section, fuzzy controllers, due to their higher speed and smooth control [47], are better option to tackle the real-time issue [32] of obstacle detection and avoidance control in autonomous navigation. As such, this section presents selected literatures that employed fuzzy algorithm in the art. However, this review article presents contributions from different literatures without any critique of whatsoever to the researchers’ effort. Beom and Cho [34] proposed: A Sensor Based Obstacle Avoidance Controller for a mobile robot using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network. Herein, the implemented robot (LCAR), equipped with a set of eighteen ultrasonic sensors, uses neural net work (aka Situation Classifier) to estimate the obstacle(s) position from range image; the distance to the obstacle, heading angle and obstacle direction constitute the fuzzy input variables with increasing steering angle and velocity as the outputs. Xu et al. [30] employed fuzzy logic for real–time reactive control in navigating an intelligent autonomous robot in a changing environment having multiple static obstacles of different form. Fuzzy logic was used to navigate an obstacle away from trap and endless loop –the local trapping and oscillating wandering problem –by using the new virtual target location, obtained from the "local target switching scheme", and the perspective distances of the obstacle to steer and accelerate the wheel and steering of the mobile robot (Nomad 200). Hodge and Trabia [48] proposed a "Steering Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Autonomous Vehicle" that simulates the human reasoning approach for avoiding obstacles. The scheme separates the obstacle avoidance process into a set of task handled by modules implemented as fuzzy controllers.Fig.1. Basic Configuration of a Fuzzy Logic SystemFirst is the driving task that further consist of target steering plus obstacle avoidance steering; next is the bug steering module that handles the problem of trapping and wandering, and last is the module that handles the vehicles orientation in respect to its goal. In all cases, except the orientation controller, appropriate inputs (steering angle, target angle and obstacle’s distance) are fuzzified to yield corrected steering angle. Narouzi et al. [47] improve their previous work –Recursive Line Extraction Algorithm from 2D Laser Scanner Applied to Navigating a Robot –by proposing a fuzzy controller for the navigation scheme implemented on a search and rescue robot (NAJI V). The fuzzy controller decides path using lines and fusion data obtained from Lasar and sensors. In practice, the Lasar scanner provides the fuzzy controller with distance and angle of obstacle for command generation. On the contrary, if the scanner information contains obstacle and wall, sonar information is combined with obstacle distance for navigation. Depending on the output membership function, eight fuzzy rules assigns positive or negative (forward or backward) speed to the wheels, hence by concurrent assigning values to the speed and steering angle, the robot is able detour an obstacle without stopping. Gardeazabal et al.[50] combined image processing and Type-I fuzzy algorithm to implement an obstacle avoiding mobile robot which uses information (i.e. object distance and attack angle) from a stereo vision camera to generate fuzzy rules that control the collision avoidance process. The proposed fuzzy controller processes the object distance and the attack angle to yield a tun ed velocity for the robot’s navigation along its preprogrammed circular trajectory. Baasandorj et al. [50] implemented a path planning and obstacle avoidance algorithm using Modal Predictive Control and fuzzy logic in a rather complex environment consisting of static and mobile obstacles. The scheme applied fuzzy logic to control obstacle detection and determines the robot’s orientation. Ultrasonic sensors provide the distance and angle, of the nearest obstacle in relation to the goal, these represent the inputs and the heading angle as the output. Bounini et al. [14] in their work, "Autonomous Vehicle and Real Time Lanes Detection and Tracking", applied fuzzy rules to maintain the position of vehicle at the center of the right lane. In operation, the fuzzy controller generates steering angle in relation to the vehicles direction that keep and track the center of road lanes. Cao and Hall [33] employed command fuzzy technology in a hybrid approach for the navigation of an autonomous guided rover (BEARCAT). With the aid of CCD cameras and Plaroid sensors, BEARCAT was able to detect lanes for maintaining track and to detect obstacle respectively.Center of gravity defuzzification method defuzzifies output from each behavi oural controllers. Maslak and Butkiewiez [51] presented sonar based approach for autonomous navigation vehicle equipped with a pair of GPROA21 distance IR (Infrared Sensor), DFRduino motor shield and Arduino Uno microcontroller for obstacle sensing and collision avoidance actuation. A five fuzzy rul e controller having distance as input represented with three linguistic variables and angle of drive as output was design for the collision avoidance process. The authors converted angle of drive into differential drive speed on the wheels thereby allowing the vehicle to detour obstacle. Thongchai and Kawamura [42] implemented a behavior based Multi-sensor obstacle detection and avoidance robot (HelpMate) designed with a set of behaviors that ranks from the highest to lowest thus: task oriented –divides into goal and wall following, obstacle avoiding and emergency behavior. A fuzzy controller module was designed for each behavior having inputs (distance of obstacle) from all sonar represented using Gaussian membership function. Method of centroid defuzzifies ou tputs (angular velocity) for HelpMate’s navigation. Claudia et al. [12] proposed a simple image processing; and Gaussian-noise robust algorithm using 3D depth sensors (Xtion Pro Live) for obstacle(s) detection. The proposed algorithm employs Kolmogorov-Smi rnov test for image processing, these yields obstacle’s distance and angle fed to a scalable fuzzy controller which, using fine linguistic variables, generates steering angle and wheel speed for collision avoidance. Gazebo Simulator was used to validate the proposed scheme. It is noteworthy at this juncture that fuzzy logic is not constrained to the implementation of control logic for autonomous robot, it has also been used in the obstacle detection process. Example is the work of Zoubir and Abdelnaheb [52] who employed fuzzy rules for the fast detection of edge in stereo images processing. Cabreira et al. [53] also used fuzzy obstacle detection function, constantly called to estimate the closeness of obstacle to the robot in the path selected by a genetic algorithm. As stated earlier, this work only presents few literatures in the art, however the literature contained herein can set a foundation for a starter in the art.5.ConclusionThis work started by presenting a background to the autonomous navigation problem for the unmanned ground vehicle; this further enumerate some ADAS systems which is another good research area for those interested in intelligent transportation systems. It continued by bringing to spotlight the need for vehicles to be fully autonomous notwithstanding the many ADAS systems already in play in the automobile industries. A detailed description of the autonomous problem was discussed with different classification of the methods/approaches employed to address the obstacle detection and avoidance problem. This featured the qualitative and quantitative obstacle detection algorithms. As for the collision avoidance problem, the conventional model-based methods consisting PI and PID approach was juxtaposition with the fuzzy logic plus neural networ k reactive based approach. A whole section was dedicated to fuzzy logic control system’s review, and pointers where placed to direct curious readers to some well-nourished survey papers that are sure to solidify readers’ knowledge of the concept of fuzzy l ogic in various areas of application, and introduces the vast materials, software, models and API’s available for the implementation of fuzzy systems. The author at this point may wish to make clear the fact that some interesting issue –like the multi-obstacle environment that often leads to trapping and oscillating/wandering which is often an issue inherent to target or goal-based approach has not been considered. 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