26131-b20 3GPP手机音频测试协议
2012-10-10 来源:摩尔实验室。
协议定义了各功能元素(如串口仿真协议(RFCOMM)、逻辑链路控制和适配协议(L2CAP)等各自的工作方式,而应用规范则阐述了为了实现一个特定的应用模型(Usage model),各层协议间和运转协同机制。
显然,Protocol 是一种横向体系结构,而Profile是一种纵向体系结构。
较典型的Profile有拨号网络(Dial-up Networking)、耳机(Headset)、局域网访问(LAN Access)和文件传输(File Transfer)等,它们分别对应一种应用模型。
中间协议层包括逻辑链路控制和适配协议(L2CAP,Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol)、服务发现协议(SDP,Service Discovery Protocol)、串口仿真协议(RFCOMM)和电信通信协议(TCS,Telephone control Protocol)。
鼎信通达综合接入网关 用户手册v2.2说明书
修正记录文档名称鼎信通达综合接入网关用户手册手册版本 2.2日期2014/10/18作者Porter修正说明同步支持IMS平台软件版本2.18.02.06或以上版本目录第一章产品介绍 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2产品外观 (2)1.3接口及指示灯介绍 (2)1.3.1DAG1000-4S接口及指示灯介绍 (2)1.3.2DAG1000-8S接口及指示灯说明 (3)1.3.3DAG2000-16S接口及指示灯介绍 (5)1.3.4DAG2000-24/32S接口及指示灯介绍 (6)1.3.5DAG2500-48/72S接口及指示灯介绍 (9)1.3.6DAG3000-128S接口及指示灯介绍 (12)1.4组网应用 (13)1.5功能和特点 (13)1.5.1支持协议 (13)1.5.2语音传真参数 (14)1.5.3补充业务 (14)第二章基本操作 (15)2.1话机操作 (15)2.1.1拨打电话号码或分机号 (15)2.1.2IP地址呼叫 (15)2.2呼叫保持 (15)2.3呼叫等待 (16)2.4呼叫转移 (16)2.4.1盲转(Blind) (16)2.4.2询问转移(Attend) (16)2.4.3三方通话 (17)2.5操作码列表 (17)2.6发送和接收传真 (19)2.6.1DAG(FXS)支持四种传真模式: (19)2.6.2T.38和Pass-Through (19)第三章设备自助设置 (20)3.1IP地址查询 (20)3.2恢复出厂设置 (20)3.3设置IP地址 (20)第四章WEB配置 (22)4.1WEB登陆 (22)4.1.1登陆准备 (22)4.1.2登陆WEB (24)4.2状态和统计 (24)4.2.1系统信息 (24)4.2.2注册信息 (26)4.2.3TCP/UDP统计 (26)4.2.4RTP会话统计 (27)4.3快速配置向导 (27)4.4网络 (27)4.4.1本地网络 (27)4.4.2VLAN参数 (29)4.4.3Qos (31)4.4.4LAN Qos (31)4.4.4DHCP服务(路由模式下可选配置) (31)4.4.5DMZ主机(路由模式下可选配置) (32)4.4.6转发规则(路由模式下可选配置) (33)4.4.7静态路由(路由模式下可选配置) (33)4.4.8防火墙(路由模式下可选配置) (34)4.4.8地址解析 (35)4.5SIP服务器 (35)4.6端口配置 (37)4.7高级选项配置 (39)4.7.1FXS参数 (39)4.7.2媒体参数 (41)4.7.3SIP参数 (43)4.7.4传真参数 (47)4.7.5拨号规则 (48)4.7.6功能键 (50)4.7.7系统参数 (52)4.7.8Action URL (54)4.8呼叫和路由配置 (55)4.8.1通配组 (55)4.8.2端口组 (55)4.8.3IP中继 (56)4.8.4路由参数 (56)4.8.5IP-Tel路由 (57)4.8.6Tel-IP/Tel路由 (58)4.8.7IP->IP路由 (58)4.9号码变换 (59)4.9.1IP-Tel被叫号码 (59)4.9.2Tel-IP改变主叫号码 (60)4.9.3Tel-IP改变被叫号码 (62)4.10管理 (63)4.10.1TR069参数 (63)4.10.2SNMP参数 (63)4.10.3Syslog参数 (64)4.10.4云服务器 (66)4.11安全设置 (66)4.11.1WEB访问控制列表 (66)4.11.2Telnet访问控制列表 (67)4.11.3密码修改 (67)4.11.4加密配置 (68)4.12工具 (69)4.12.1固件升级 (69)4.12.2数据备份 (69)4.12.3数据恢复 (70)4.12.4Ping测试 (70)4.12.5Tracert测试 (71)4.12.6Outward测试 (72)4.12.7网络抓包 (73)4.12.8恢复出厂设置 (73)4.12.9设备重启 (74)第五章术语 (75)关于本文档本文档主要描述综合接入网关(IAD)设备的外观、功能特性、配置及维护操作方法。
Skyworks Solutions Si4844-B20 模拟调谐数字显示 AM FM SW 收音
SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4844-B20模拟调谐数字显示 AM/FM/SW 收音机特性功能方框图⏹ 支持全球 FM 波段(64–109MHz)⏹支持全球 AM 波段(504–1750kHz)⏹支持 SW 波段(2.3–28.5MHz)⏹所有 AM/FM 地区波段可选⏹增强 FM/SW 波段覆盖范围⏹ 2 线控制接口⏹单声道/立体声和有效的电台指示器⏹数字音量支持⏹低音/高音支持⏹最少的 BOM 元件,无需手动校准⏹卓越的接收性能⏹FM 波段中国电视频道音频载波接收⏹EN55020 兼容⏹两节 AAA 电池,电源电压为 2.0 到 3.6V⏹支持宽波段铁氧体磁棒天线和空心环形天线⏹24 引脚 SSOP 封装⏹符合 RoHS该产品、其功能和/或其体系结构使用了以下一项或多项专利,以及其他正在申请或发布的国内外专利:7,127,217;7,272,373; 7,272,375; 7,321,324;7,355,476; 7,426,376; 7,471,940;7,339,503; 7,339,504.订购信息:请参阅第 21 页。
Si4844-B202SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4844-B20SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 3T ABLE OF C ONTENTSSectionPage1. Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42. Typical Application Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123. Bill of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134. Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144.2. FM Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154.3. AM Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154.4. SW Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154.5. Frequency Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.6. Band Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.7. Bass and Treble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.8. Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.9. Stereo Audio Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.10. Stereo DAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.11. Soft Mute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.12. Reference Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.13. Reset, Powerup, and Powerdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.14. Memorizing Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.15. Programming with Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175. Commands and Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186. Pin Description: Si4844-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207. Ordering Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218. Package Outline: Si4844-B20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229. PCB Land Pattern: Si4844-B20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2310. Top Marking: Si4844-B20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2411. Additional Reference Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Document Change List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Si4844-B204SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•1. Electrical SpecificationsTable 1. Recommended Operating Conditions 1,2ParameterSymbol Test ConditionMin Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage 3V DD 2— 3.6V Power Supply Powerup Rise TimeV DDRISE10——µsNotes:1.Typical values in the data sheet apply at V DD =3.3V and 25°C unless otherwise stated.2. All minimum and maximum specifications in the data sheet apply across the recommended operating conditions forminimum V DD =2.7V.3. Operation at minimum V DD is guaranteed by characterization when V DD voltage is ramped down to 2.0V. Partinitialization may become unresponsive below 2.3V.Table 2. DC Characteristics(V DD =2.7 to 3.6V, TA =–15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbolTest ConditionMinTypMaxUnitFM ModeSupply Current 1I FM —21.0—mA Supply Current 2I FMLow SNR level—21.5—mAAM/SW ModeSupply Current 1I AM—20.0—mASupplies and InterfaceV DD Powerdown CurrentI DDPD—10—µANotes:1.Specifications are guaranteed by characterization.2. LNA is automatically switched to higher current mode for optimum sensitivity in weak signal conditions.Si4844-B20SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 5Figure 1.Reset TimingTable 3. Reset Timing Characteristics(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6V, TA = –15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit RSTB Pulse Widtht PRST 100——µs 2-wire bus idle time after RSTB risest SDIO 100——µs 2-wire bus idle time before RSTB rises, and VDD valid time before RSTB risest SRST 100——µs RSTB low time before VDD becomes invalidt RRST——µsNotes:1.RSTB must be held low for at least 100µs after the voltage supply has been ramped up.2. RSTB needs to be asserted (pulled low) prior to the supply voltage being ramped down.RSTBVDDSDIOSCLKSi4844-B206SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Table 4. 2-Wire Control Interface Characteristics 1,2,3(V DD =2.7 to 3.6V, T A =–15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbol Test ConditionMin Typ Max Unit SCLK Frequency f SCLK 0—400kHz SCLK Low Time t LOW 1.3——µs SCLK High Timet HIGH 0.6——µs SCLK Input to SDIO ↓ Setup (START)t SU:STA 0.6——µs SCLK Input to SDIO ↓ Hold (START)t HD:STA 0.6——µs SDIO Input to SCLK ↑ Setup t SU:DAT 100——ns SDIO Input to SCLK ↓ Hold 4,5t HD:DAT 0—900ns SCLK input to SDIO ↑ Setup (STOP)t SU:STO 0.6——µs STOP to START Time t BUF 1.3——µs SDIO Output Fall Timet f:OUT—250nsSDIO Input, SCLK Rise/Fall Timet f:IN t r:IN—300nsSCLK, SDIO Capacitive Loading C b ——50pF Input Filter Pulse Suppressiont SP——50nsNotes:1.When V D =0V, SCLK and SDIO are low impedance.2. When selecting 2-wire mode, the user must ensure that a 2-wire start condition (falling edge of SDIO while SCLK ishigh) does not occur within 300ns before the rising edge of RST.3. When selecting 2-wire mode, the user must ensure that SCLK is high during the rising edge of RST, and stays highuntil after the first start condition.4. The Si484x delays SDIO by a minimum of 300ns from the V IH threshold of SCLK to comply with the minimum t HD:DATspecification.5. The maximum t HD:DAT has only to be met when f SCLK =400kHz. At frequencies below 400kHz, t HD:DAT may beviolated as long as all other timing parameters are met.200.1C b1pF----------+200.1C b1pF----------+Si4844-B20SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 7Figure 2.2-Wire Control Interface Read and Write Timing ParametersFigure 3.2-Wire Control Interface Read and Write Timing DiagramTable 5. FM Receiver Characteristics 1,2(V DD =2.7 to 3.6V, TA =–15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbol Test ConditionMin Typ Max Unit Input Frequencyf RF64—109MHz Sensitivity with Headphone Network 3(S+N)/N = 26 dB —2.2—µV EMFNotes:1.Additional testing information is available in “AN603: Si4822/26/27/40/44 DEMO Board Test Procedure.”Volume =maximum for all tests. Tested at RF =98.1MHz.2. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna,Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines.” Skyworks will evaluate schematics and layouts for qualified customers.3. Frequency is 64~109MHz.4. Guaranteed by characterization.5. V EMF =1 mV.6. F MOD =1kHz, MONO, and L =R unless noted otherwise.7. ∆f =22.5kHz.8. |f 2 – f 1| > 2MHz, f 0=2x f 1 – f 2.9. B AF =300Hz to 15kHz, A-weighted.10. At L OUT and R OUT pins.11. ∆f =75 kHz.12. Tested in Digital Volume Mode.SCLK70%30%SDIO70%30%STARTSTOP t f:INt r:INt LOWt HIGHt HD:STAt SU:STA t t t SU:DATt r:INHD:DATf:IN, t f:OUTSi4844-B208SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•LNA Input Resistance 4,5—4—k ΩLNA Input Capacitance 4,5—5—pF AM Suppression 4,5,6,7m = 0.3—50—dB Input IP34,8—105—dBµV EMFAdjacent Channel Selectivity 4±200 kHz —50—dB Alternate Channel Selectivity 4±400 kHz —65—dB Audio Output Voltage 5,6,7,12—80—mV RMS Audio Mono S/N 5,6,7,9,10—55—dB Audio Stereo S/N 3,4,5,7,9,10—55—dB Audio Frequency Response Low 4–3dB ——30Hz Audio Frequency Response High 4–3dB 15——kHz Audio Stereo Separation 5,11—40—dB Audio THD 5,6,11—0.10.5%Audio Output Load Resistance 4,10R L Single-ended 10——k ΩAudio Output Load Capacitance 4,10C LSingle-ended——50pFTable 5. FM Receiver Characteristics 1,2 (Continued)(V DD =2.7 to 3.6V, TA =–15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbolTest ConditionMin Typ Max Unit Notes:1.Additional testing information is available in “AN603: Si4822/26/27/40/44 DEMO Board Test Procedure.”Volume =maximum for all tests. Tested at RF =98.1MHz.2. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna,Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines.” Skyworks will evaluate schematics and layouts for qualified customers.3. Frequency is 64~109MHz.4. Guaranteed by characterization.5. V EMF =1 mV.6. F MOD =1kHz, MONO, and L =R unless noted otherwise.7. ∆f =22.5kHz.8. |f 2 – f 1| > 2MHz, f 0=2x f 1 – f 2.9. B AF =300Hz to 15kHz, A-weighted.10. At L OUT and R OUT pins.11. ∆f =75 kHz.12. Tested in Digital Volume Mode.Si4844-B20SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 9Table 6. AM/SW Receiver Characteristics 1, 2(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6 V, TA = –15 to 85 °C)ParameterSymbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Input Frequencyf RFMedium Wave (AM)504— 1750kHz Short Wave (SW)2.3—28.5MHz Sensitivity 3,4,5(S+N)/N = 26 dB — 30—µV EMF Large Signal Voltage Handling 5THD < 8%— 300— mV RMS Power Supply Rejection Ratio 5ΔV DD =100 mV RMS , 100 Hz— 40— dB Audio Output Voltage 3,6,8— 60— mV RMS Audio S/N 3,4,6— 55— dB Audio THD 3,6— 0.10.5%Antenna Inductance 5,7180—450µHNotes:1.Additional testing information is available in “AN603: Si4822/26/27/40/44 DEMO Board Test Procedure.”Volume =maximum for all tests. Tested at RF =520kHz and RF =6MHz.2. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in ““AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna,Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines.” Skyworks will evaluate schematics and layouts for qualified customers.3. FMOD =1kHz, 30% modulation, 2kHz channel filter.4. B AF =300Hz to 15kHz, A-weighted.5. Guaranteed by characterization.6. V IN =5mVrms.7. Stray capacitance on antenna and board must be <10pF to achieve full tuning range at higher inductance levels.8. Tested in Digital Volume Mode.Si4844-B2010SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Table 7. Reference Clock and Crystal Characteristics(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6V, T A = –15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbolTest Condition MinTypMaxUnitReference ClockXTALI Supported Reference Clock Frequencies *31.13032.76840,000kHz Reference Clock Frequency Tolerance for XTALI–100—100ppmREFCLK_PRESCALE 14095REFCLK31.13032.76834.406kHz Crystal OscillatorCrystal Oscillator Frequency —32.768—kHz Crystal Frequency Tolerance –100—100ppm Board Capacitance——3.5pF*Note: The Si4844-B20 divides the RCLK input by REFCLK_PROSCALE to obtain REFCLK. There are some RCLKfrequencies between 31.130kHz and 40MHz that are not supported. For more details, see Table 9 of “AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide.”Table 8. Thermal ConditionsParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Thermal Resistance* JA —80—°C/W Ambient Temperature T A –152585°C Junction TemperatureT J——92°C*Note: Thermal resistance assumes a multi-layer PCB with the exposed pad soldered to a topside PCB pad.Si4844-B20Table 9. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1, 2Parameter Symbol Value UnitSupply Voltage V DD–0.5 to 5.8VInput Current3I IN10mAOperating Temperature T OP–40 to 95︒CStorage Temperature T STG–55 to 150︒CRF Input Level40.4V PKNotes:1.Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operationshould be restricted to the conditions as specified in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure beyond recommended operating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.2. The Si4844-B devices are high-performance RF integrated circuits with certain pins having an ESD rating of < 2kVHBM. Handling and assembly of these devices should only be done at ESD-protected workstations.3. For input pins RST, SDIO, SCLK, XTALO, XTALI, BAND, TUNE2, TUNE1, IRQ, and LNA_EN.4. At RF input pins, FMI, and AMI.Si4844-B202. Typical Application SchematicNotes:1.Place C4 close to V DD2 and DBYP pins.2. All grounds connect directly to GND plane on PCB.3. Pin 6 and 7 leave floating.4. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna,Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines.” Skyworks will evaluate the schematics and layouts for qualified customers.5. Pin 8 connects to the FM antenna interface and pin 12 connects to the AM antenna interface.6. Place Si484x as close as possible to antenna jack and keep the FMI and AMI traces as short as possible.7. Recommend keeping the AM ferrite loop antenna at least 5cm away from the Si4844-B.8. Keep the AM ferrite loot antenna away from the MCU, audio amplifier, and other circuits which have AM interference.9. Place the transformer T1 away from any sources of interference and even away from the I/O signals of the Si4844-B.Si4844-B20 3. Bill of MaterialsTable 10. Si4844-B20 Bill of MaterialsComponent(s)Value/Description Supplier C1Reset capacitor 0.1µF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R MurataC4Supply bypass capacitor, 0.1µF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R MurataC5Coupling capacitor, 0.47µF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R MurataB1Ferrite bead 2.5k/100MHz MurataVR1Variable resistor (POT), 100k, ±10% KennonU1Si4844-B AM/FM/SW Analog Tune Digital Display Radio Tuner SkyworksANT1Ferrite stick,180–450μH JiaxinOptional ComponentsC2, C3Crystal load capacitors, 22pF, ±5%, COGVenkel(Optional: for crystal oscillator option)Y132.768kHz crystal (Optional: for crystal oscillator option)Epson or equivalentANT2Air loop antenna, 10-20μH variousS1Band switch Any, depends on customerR1Resistor, 203k, ±1%VenkelR2Resistor, 50k, ±1%VenkelR3Resistor, 180k, ±1%VenkelR4Resistor, 67k, ±1%VenkelSi4844-B204. Functional DescriptionFigure4.Si4844-B Functional Block Diagram4.1. OverviewThe Si4844-B is the analog-tuned digital-display digital CMOS AM/FM/SW radio receiver IC that integrates the complete receiver function from antenna input to audio output. Working with an external MCU with LCD/LED driver, Si4844-B can output the AM/FM/SW frequencies, band, Bass/Treble and stereo/mono information to display on LCD/LED, while using a simple potentiometer at the front end for analog-tune. Leveraging Skyworks' proven and patented digital low intermediate frequency (low-IF) receiver architecture, the Si4844-B delivers superior RF performance and interference rejection in AM, FM and SW bands. The Si4844-B is pin-to-pin compatible with the current Si484x-A tuning. The Si4844-B shares the advanced features of the Si484x-A and can support a wider range of FM and SW bands. It also supports China TV channels and audio reception in the FM band. The superior control algorithm integrated in Si4844-B provides an easy and reliable control interface while eliminating all the manually tuned external components used in traditional solutions.Like other successful audio products from Skyworks, Si4844-B offers unmatched integration and PCB space savings with minimum external components and small board area on a single side PCB. The high integration and complete system production test simplifies design-in, increases system quality, and improves manufacturability. The receiver has very low power consumption, runs off two AAA batteries, and delivers the performance benefits of high performance digital radio experience with digital display to the legacy analog-tuned radio market.The Si4844-B provides good flexibility in using the chip. The frequency range of FM/AM/SW bands, mono/stereo threshold, de-emphasis value, AM tuning step, AM soft mute level/rate, and Bass/Treble can be either configured by the MCU or by using external hardware to make a selection. The reference clock of the FM tuner can be provided either by the crystal or by the host MCU within tolerance.Si4844-B also has flexibility in selecting bands and configuring band properties, enabling masked Host MCU for multiple projects, and reducing the cost of development. Four tuning preferences are available tomeet different tuning preference requirements.4.2. FM ReceiverThe Si4844-B integrates a low noise amplifier(LNA) supporting the worldwide FM broadcast band (64to 109MHz) and the TV audio stations within the fre quency range in China are also supported. The FM band can also be configured to be a wider range such as 64–108 MHz in one band.Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis is a technique used by FM broadcasters to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of FM receivers by reducing the effects of high frequency interference and noise. When the FM signal is transmitted, a pre-emphasis filter is applied to accentuate the high audio frequencies. All FM receivers incorporate a de-emphasis filter which attenuates high frequencies to restore a flat frequency response. Two time constants are used in various regions. The de-emphasis time constant can be chosen to be 50 or 75μs. Refer to “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines.”The Si4844-B also has advanced stereo blending that employs adaptive noise suppression. As a signal quality degrades, the Si4844-B gradually combines the stereo left and right audio channels to a mono audio signal to maintain optimum sound fidelity under varying reception conditions. The Si4844-B can output a stereo signal to MCU with LCD/LED driver to display on the LCD/LED so that the user can easily discern the signal quality.The stereo on signal is defined using both RSSI and the Left and Right separation levels as these two specifications are the primary factors for stereo listening. The criteria can be set between two conditions: the Left and Right channels are separated by more than 6dB with RSSI at >20dB or Left and Right channels are separated by more than 12dB with RSSI at >28dB. The selection can be set up using different values of the external resistor or configured by the host MCU. Refer to “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines.”The user can also refer to the “AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide” for those who want to configure the value by host MCU.4.3. AM ReceiverThe highly integrated Si4844-B supports worldwide AM band reception from 504 to 1750kHz with five sub-bands using a digital low-IF architecture with a minimum number of external components and no manual alignment required. This patented architecture allows for high-precision filtering, offering excellent selectivity and SNR with minimum variation across the AM band. Similar to the FM receiver, the Si4844-B optimizes sensitivity and rejection of strong interferers, allowing better reception of weak stations.To offer maximum flexibility, the receiver supports a wide range of ferrite loop sticks from 180–450μH. An air loop antenna is supported by using a transformer to increase the effective inductance from the air loop. Using a 1:5 turn ratio inductor, the inductance is increased by 25 times and easily supports all typical AM air loop antennas, which generally vary between 10 and 20μH.A 9, 10kHz tuning step can be chosen by the external resistor or host MCU according to the different regions, and AM soft mute level can be programmed by the host MCU to have different tuning experiences. One of the AM bands can be configured as a universal AM band that simultaneously supports 9kHz and 10kHz channel spaces for all regional AM standards worldwide. Refer to “AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide” and “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines”for more details.4.4. SW ReceiverThe Si4844-B supports short wave band receptions from 2.3 to 28.5MHz in 5kHz step size increments. It can also be configured to have a wide SW band that can be used in SW radio with 1 or 2 SW banks. Si4844-B supports extensive short wave features such as minimal discrete components and no factory adjustments. The Si4844 supports using the FM antenna to capture short wave signals. Refer to “AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide”and “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines”for more details.4.5. Frequency TuningA valid channel can be found by tuning the potentiometer that is connected to the TUNE1 and TUNE2 pin of the Si4844-B chip.To offer easy tuning, the Si4844-B also outputs the tuned information to the MCU with LCD/LED driver to display. It will light up the icon on display if the RF signal quality passes a certain threshold when tuned to a valid station. Multiple tuning preferences are available. The user can choose to have the best performance (volume, stereo/mono effect) only at the exact channel, or the best performance in a larger range. Refer to "AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide" for more details. 4.6. Band SelectThe Si4844-B supports worldwide AM band with five sub-bands, US/Europe/Japan/China FM band with five sub-bands, and SW band with 16 sub-bands. Si4844-B provides the flexibility to configure the band and band properties at either the MCU side or the Tuner side, enabling masked MCU for multiple projects. For details on band selection, refer to “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines”and "AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide".4.7. Bass and TrebleThe Si4844-B further supports Bass/Treble tone control for superior sound quality. The Si4844-B can be set to be default normal, or programmed by the host MCU I2C-compatible 2-wire mode. FM has nine levels Bass/Treble effect and AM/SW has seven levels Bass/Treble effect. For further configuration details, refer to "AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide." 4.8. Volume ControlThe Si4844-B not only allows users to use the traditional PVR wheel volume control through an external speaker amplifier, it also supports digital volume control programmed by the host MCU. Si4844-B can be programmed to be Bass/Treble mode only or digital volume mode only; it can also be programmed to have the digital volume coexist with Bass/Treble in two modes. Refer to "AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide" and “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines” for more details.4.9. Stereo Audio ProcessingThe output of the FM demodulator is a stereo multiplexed (MPX) signal. The MPX standard was developed in 1961, and is used worldwide. Today's MPX signal format consists of left + right (L+R) audio, left – right (L–R) audio, a 19kHz pilot tone.Figure5.MPX Signal Spectrum4.9.1. Stereo DecoderThe Si4844-B's integrated stereo decoder automatically decodes the MPX signal using DSP techniques. The 0 to 15kHz (L+R) signal is the mono output of the FM tuner. Stereo is generated from the (L+R), (L–R), and a 19kHz pilot tone. The pilot tone is used as a reference to recover the (L–R) signal. Output left and right channels are obtained by adding and subtracting the (L+R) and (L–R) signals respectively.4.9.2. Stereo-Mono BlendingAdaptive noise suppression is employed to gradually combine the stereo left and right audio channels to a mono (L+R) audio signal as the signal quality degrades to maintain optimum sound fidelity under varying reception conditions. Three metrics, received signal strength indicator (RSSI), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and multipath interference, are monitored simultaneously in forcing a blend from stereo to mono. The metric which reflects the minimum signal quality takes precedence and the signal is blended appropriately.All three metrics have programmable stereo/mono thresholds and attack/release rates. If a metric falls below its mono threshold, the signal is blended from stereo to full mono. If all metrics are above their respective stereo thresholds, then no action is taken to blend the signal. If a metric falls between its mono and stereo thresholds, then the signal is blended to the level proportional to the metric’s value between its mono and stereo thresholds, with an associated attack and release rate.0575338231915Frequency (kHz)ModulationLevel4.10. Stereo DACHigh-fidelity stereo digital-to-analog converters (DACs) drive analog audio signals onto the LOUT and ROUT pins. The audio output may be muted.4.11. Soft MuteThe soft mute feature is available to attenuate the audio outputs and minimize audible noise in very weak signal conditions. An advanced algorithm is implemented to get a better analog tuning experience. The soft mute feature is triggered by the SNR metric. The SNR threshold for activating soft mute is programmable, as are soft mute attenuation levels and attack and decay rates.4.12. Reference ClockThe Si4844-B supports programmable RCLK input (to XTALI pin) with the spec listed in Table7. It can be shared with the host MCU to save extra crystal.An onboard crystal oscillator is available to generate the 32.768kHz reference when an external crystal and load capacitors are provided. Refer to "AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines" for more details.4.13. Reset, Powerup, and Powerdown Setting the RSTB pin low will disable analog and digital circuitry, reset the registers to their default settings, and disable the bus. Setting the RSTB pin high will bring the device out of reset.Figure1 shows typical reset, startup, and shutdown timings for the Si4844-B. RSTB must be held low (asserted) during any power supply transitions and kept asserted as specified in Figure1 after the power supplies are ramped up and stable. Failure to assert RSTB as indicated here may cause the device to malfunction and may result in permanent device damage.A powerdown mode is available to reduce power consumption when the part is idle. Putting the device in powerdown mode will disable analog and digital circuitry while keeping the bus active.4.14. Memorizing StatusThe Si4844-B provides the feature to memorize status from the last power down with a simple design on PCB, including frequency of the FM/AM/SW station. Refer to “AN602: Si4822/26/27/40/44 Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines”for details.4.15. Programming with CommandsTo ease development time and offer maximum customization, the Si4844-B provides a simple yet powerful software interface to program the receiver. The device is programmed using commands, arguments, properties, and responses.To perform an action, the user writes a command byte and associated arguments, causing the chip to execute the given command. Commands control an action such as powerup the device, shut down the device, or get the current tuned frequency. Arguments are specific to a given command and are used to modify the command. Properties are a special command argument used to modify the default chip operation and are generally configured immediately after powerup. Examples of properties are de-emphasis and soft mute attenuation threshold.Responses provide the user information and are echoed after a command and associated arguments are issued. All commands provide a 1-byte status update, indicating interrupt and clear-to-send status information. For a detailed description of the commands and properties for the Si4844-B, see "AN610: Si48xx ATDD Programming Guide."。
Javier GozalvezNew 3GPP Standard for IoTInternet of Thingsmajor milestone was achieved inthe Third-Generation Partner-ship Project’s (3GPP’s) Radio AccessNetwork Plenary Meeting 69 with thedecision to standardize the narrow-band (NB) Internet of Things (IoT), anew NB radio technology to addressthe requirements of the IoT. The newtechnology will provide improved in-door coverage, support of a massivenumber of low-throughput devices,low delay sensitivity, ultralow devicecost, low device power consump-tion, and optimized network archi-tecture. The technology can bedeployed in-band, utilizing resourceblocks within a normal long-termevolution (L TE) carrier, or in the un-used resource blocks within an L TEcarrier’s guard-band, or stand alonefor deployments in dedicated spec-trum. The NB-IoT is also particularlysuitable for the refarming of GlobalSystem for Mobile Communications(GSM) channels.Ericsson, AT&T, and Altair dem-onstrated over ten years of batterylife using LTE power-saving mode(PSM) on a commercial LTE IoT chipset platform. The demonstrationruns on Ericsson networks and Al-tair’s FourGee-1160 Cat-1 chip set fea-turing ultralow power consumption.Long-term battery life has becomea prerequisite for a vast number ofIoT applications. PSM is an EricssonEvolved Packet Core (EPC) featurebased on 3GPP (Release 12) for bothGSM and LTE networks. The featureis able to dramatically extend I oTdevice battery life up to ten yearsor more for common use cases andtraffic profiles. This capability isdefined for both LTE and GSM tech-nologies and lets devices enter anew deep-sleep mode—for hours oreven days at a time—and only wakeup when needed.Ericsson, Sony Mobile, and SKTelecom conducted lab testing ofthe key functionalities of LTE deviceCategory 0 and Category M (Machine-Type Communication). LTE Category0 has been standardized in the3GPP LTE Release 12 and is the firstdevice category specifically target-ing reduced complexity and, thus,reduced cost for the IoT. LTE CategoryM is a key theme in LTE Release 13,representing further cost savings andimproving battery lifetime. Wearabledevices and related applications wereselected for the user scenarios beingtested and trialed. The wearabledevice test use cases are focused onconsumer lifestyle and wellness ap-plications enabled through multiplesensors providing accelerometer,identification, pulse meter, and globalpositioning system functionality.Orange and Ericsson announceda trial of optimized, low-cost, low-complexity devices and enhancednetwork capabilities for cellular IoTover GSM and LTE. What the compa-nies claim will be the world’s first ex-tended coverage (EC) GSM trial willbe conducted in France using the900-MHz band, with the aim of en-hancing device reachability by up to20 dB, or a sevenfold improvementin the range of low-rate applications.This further extends the dominantglobal coverage of GSM in Europeand Africa to reach challenging lo-cations, such as deep indoor base-ments, where many smart metersare installed, or remote areas inwhich sensors are deployed for agri-culture or infrastructure monitoringuse cases. I n addition, EC-GSM willreduce device complexity and, thus,lower costs, enabling large-scale IoTdeployments. In parallel, the compa-nies will carry, in partnership withSequans, what they believe is theworld’s first LTE IoT trial using low-cost, low-complexity devices withone receive antenna (instead of two),and half-duplex frequency divisionduplex (FDD). This simplifies thedevice hardware architecture andreduces expensive duplex filters, al-lowing for a 60% cost reduction incomparison with the existing LTECategory 4. Ericsson will also dem-onstrate, together with Sequans,energy efficiency over GSM and LTEnetworks with the PSM technology.The PSM feature is applicable toboth GSM and LTE and supportedby EPC.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MVT.2015.2512358Date of publication: 24 February 2016AEricsson, MyOmega System Tech-nologies, Intel, and Telenor Connex-ion have partnered to build what they claim is the world’s first end-to-end site implementation of secure oT connectivity service for wine-makers. The service will enable wine-makers to collect data on air and soil humidity and temperature, as well as solar intensity, using IoT sensors and ntel-based oT gateways con-nected to a cloud service. The data can be used to perform a predictive analysis and to support resource management and real-time remote monitoring. Ericsson’s secure I oT service is based on the Ericsson De-vice Connection Platform integrated with the Authentication Federation Gateway. Built on the 3GPP standard Generic Bootstrapping Architecture for LTE, the implementation features what Ericsson claims is the world’s first end-to-end security and authen-tication capabilities for transferring sensor data to the cloud for process-ing and analysis.Berg I nsight estimates that LTE will be the leading technology for cellular I oT devices in 2019. The company estimates that global ship-ments of cellular oT devices will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.1% to reach 239.7 million units in 2020.Gartner estimates that 6.4 bil-lion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2016, which repre-sents an increase of 30% from 2015. This figure will reach 20.8 billion by 2020. The firm expects that IoT will support total services spending of US$235 billion in 2016, which repre-sents an increase of 22% from 2015. Fifth GenerationThe Radiocommunication Assembly of the International Telecommunica-tion Union (ITU) has endorsed a res-olution that establishes the road map for the development of fifth-generation (5G) mobile and the term that will apply to it: “I nternational Mobile Telecommunications (I MT) 2020.” The overall vision for the 5G systems, along with the goals, pro-cess, and time line for its develop-ment, is now in place. The detailedtechnical performance requirementsfor the radio systems to support 5Gwill be developed, in close collabo-ration with industry and nationaland regional standards organiza-tions, following the stringent timelines defined by ITU. New demands,including applications requiringvery high-data-rate communica-tions, many more devices withdiverse service requirements, betterquality of user experience, and bet-ter affordability, will require anincreasing number of innovativesolutions. Low-latency and high-reli-ability communication are perceivedas an enabler for the future develop-ment of new applications in healthcare, safety, business, entertain-ment, and other sectors.NTT DOCOMO, I nc., announcedthat a 5G trial it conducted withNokia Networks at the RoppongiHills high-rise complex in Tokyo, Ja-pan, achieved ultrahigh-speed datatransmission in excess of 2 Gb/s.The trial used millimeter-wave-length signals with an extremelyhigh frequency of 70 GHz, a key de-velopment for the eventual commer-cial use of 5G wireless technology inactual-use environments. Accordingto the company, to date, no test hadachieved a 5G data transmission ina commercial complex, such as ashopping mall, due to problems withbase stations being out of line ofsight and diffused reflections caus-ing the attenuation of highly direc-tional millimeter signals. This time,however, the trial was successfulbecause of the use of two technolo-gies: 1) beamforming, which focusesradio waves in a specific direction,and 2) beam tracking to controlbeam direction according to the mo-bile device’s location. n addition,in a separate trial that DOCOMOconducted with Samsung Electron-ics in Suwon-city, South Korea, amaximum data-receiving speed ofmore than 2.5 Gb/s was achievedin a vehicle travelling with a speedof 60 km/h. The trial used a 28-GHzhigh-frequency signal in combina-tion with beamforming with a highnumber of antenna elements andbeam tracking.DOCOMO conducted other tri-als recently in collaboration withvendors: DOCOMO and Ericssonverified the feasibility of a mas-sive multiple-input, multiple-output(MI MO) technology by achieving areal-time data-receiving speed ofmore than 10 Gb/s using Ericsson5G radio prototypes with a 15-GHzfrequency band. DOCOMO and Fu-jitsu confirmed a multi-base-stationcooperative transmission system byachieving a data-receiving speed ofover 11 Gb/s in a total of four mobiledevices with a 4.6-GHz signal. Anoutdoor data-transmission trial con-ducted by DOCOMO, DOCOMO Bei-jing Communications Laboratories,and Huawei Technologies achieveda multiuser (MU) MI MO transmis-sion of 43.9 b/s/Hz/cell, which was3.6-times more efficient than thepast outdoor trials of the LTE-Ad-vanced-based MU-M I MO technol-ogy. According to the companies,the trial with Huawei representsthe first large-scale MU-MIMO tech-nology test, with a concurrent con-nectivity of 24 user devices in themacrocell environment on the sub-6-GHz frequency band. Huawei alsoclaims that it was the first time theperformance of sparse code mul-tiple access and filtered orthogo-nal frequency-division multiplexing(F-OFDM) was validated in the field.SK Telecom and Nokia Networksdemonstrated Nokia Networks’ centi-meter-wave technology in a joint 5Gtrial in South Korea. The two compa-nies achieved 19.1-Gb/s transmission B erg I nsIght estImates that Lte wILL Be the LeadIng technoLogy for ceLLuLar I o t devIces In 2019.speed over the air using 256 quadra-ture amplitude modulation (QAM), 8 # 8 MIMO transmission and 400 MHz of bandwidth.Ericsson published its Mobil-ity Report that provides insight into the future of 5G networks, including a forecast of 150 million 5G mobile subscriptions by 2021. South Korea, Japan, China, and the United States are predicted to lead with the first, and fastest, 5G subscription uptake. 5G will connect new types of devic-es, enabling new use cases related to the I oT; the transition will open up new industries and verticals to information and communications technologies (I CTs) transformation. The report also reveals a signifi-cant increase in mobile video con-sumption, which is driving around six-times-higher traffic volumes per smartphone in North America and Europe (2015–2021). North America data traffic per active smartphone will grow from 3.8 to 22 GB per month by 2021; in Western Europe, the increase is from 2 to 18 GB per month. Other highlights from the lat-est Ericsson Mobility Report include: global mobile data traffic is forecast to grow tenfold by 2021, and video is forecast to account for 70% of to-tal mobile traffic in the same year;20 new mobile broadband subscrip-tions are activated every second; by the end of 2015, there will be one billion mobile subscriptions across Africa; ICT will enable savings in en-ergy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all other industrial sectors, with a total emis-sion reduction that could be up to 10 Gt of carbon dioxide emissions (15% of global GHG emissions in 2030). SpectrumThe World Radiocommunication Con-ference 2015 (WRC-15) concluded its deliberations as delegates signed the Final Acts that revise the Radio Regu-lations, the international treaty gov-erning the use of radio-frequency (RF) spectrum and satellite orbits. Around 3,300 participants, represent-ing 162 out of I TU’s 193 memberstates attended the four-week confer-ence 2–27 November 2015. Approxi-mately 500 participants representing130 other entities, including industry,also attended the conference as ob-servers. WRC-15 addressed morethan 40 topics related to frequency al-location and frequency sharing forthe efficient use of spectrum and or-bital resources. Following the grow-ing demand for spectrum for mobilebroadband services, WRC-15 identi-fied frequency bands in the L-band(1,427–1,518 MHz) and in the lowerpart of the C-band (3.4–3.6 GHz).WRC-15 achieved agreement on someadditional portions in other bandsthat were also allocated to mobilebroadband services to be used in re-gions where there was no interfer-ence with other ser vices. Tocounteract the difficulties encoun-tered in finding additional spectrumfor I MT in bands below 6 GHz,WRC-15 decided to include studies inthe agenda for the next WRC in 2019for the identification of bands above6 GHz that will allow technology tomeet demand for greater capacity.WRC-15 made a key decision that willprovide enhanced capacity for mo-bile broadband in the 694–790-MHzfrequency band in ITU Region 1 (Eu-rope, Africa, the Middle East, andCentral Asia) and a globally harmo-nized solution for the implementationof the digital dividend. Full protectionhas been given to television broad-casting as well as to the aeronauticalradionavigation systems operating inthis frequency band. The decision al-locates this band to the mobile ser-vice and identifies it for I MT in I TURegion 1, similarly to what was decid-ed by the WRC in 2007 for ITU Region2 (Americas) and Region3 (Asia-Pa-cific). WRC-15 identified spectrum inthe 694–894-MHz frequency band tofacilitate mobile broadband commu-nications for robust and reliable mis-sion critical emergency services inpublic protection and disaster relief,such as police, fire, ambulances,and disaster-response teams. WRC-15opened the way for the developmentby the International Civil Aviation Or-ganization of worldwide standards forunmanned aircraft systems, and iden-tified the regulatory conditions thatmay be applied to such systems inter-nationally. WRC-15 also agreed onspectrum for wireless avionics intra-communications to allow for theheavy and expensive wiring used inaircraft to be replaced by wire-less systems.Ofcom (United Kingdom) has con-firmed plans for releasing valuablenew airwaves that could be used tomeet the growing demand for mo-bile broadband services. An auctionis planned to take place in early 2016for the spectrum, which has beenmade available by the U.K. Ministryof Defence as part of a wider govern-ment initiative to free up public sec-tor spectrum for civil uses. A totalof 190 MHz of high-capacity spec-trum is being made available in twobands—2.3 and 3.4 GHz—which areparticularly suited for high-speedmobile broadband services. Ofcomproposes to auction the spectrum inlots of 10 MHz for the 2.3-GHz bandand 5 MHz for the 3.4-GHz band.Fourth GenerationChina Mobile Shanghai and The Re-search I nstitute of China Mobile, to-gether with Huawei, has successfullycompleted what they assert is theworld’s first massive MI MO solutiondeployment (ultralarge-scale multian-tenna system) on the fourth-genera-tion (4G) commercial network. Theresults of the tests indicated a down-link throughput per single cell ex-ceeding 630 Mb/s with a single20-MHz carrier. The massive MI MOsolution is an integral feature of L TEtime-division duplex (TDD) evolution[4.5G (4.5 generation)] and can po-tentially increase spectrum efficiencyby six to ten times in the future. I tscore is an ultralarge-scale multianten-na system, where each module inte-grates 128 RF channels and 128built-in antennas. The solution sup-ports all mainstream LTE-TDDfrequency bands. By using the three-dimensional (3-D) beamforming tech-nology, a single massive MI MO eNodeB installed at a height of 25 m is capable of providing 3-D coverageto a building 75-m tall as well as the surrounding roads. This demon-stration indicated that a single site could effectively solve coverage problems that previously could only be resolved with multiple legacy base stations.Ericsson, Vodafone, and Qual-comm Technologies, I nc., conduct-ed what they claim is the world’s first live testing of advanced carrier aggregation (CA) of LTE in licensed and unlicensed bands on a com-mercial mobile network. The trial uses the Ericsson RBS 6,402 indoor small cell, which supports LTE CA between licensed and unlicensed bands on Vodafone’s commercial network, connected to an LTE un-licensed-band-capable test device developed by Qualcomm Technolo-gies, I nc. The latest over-the-air re-sults were achieved by aggregating 20 MHz of Vodafone spectrum in Band 3 (1,800 MHz) with 20 MHz of the unlicensed 5-GHz band U-NI I-1 band. The testing validated LTE per-formance in the unlicensed band and fair coexistence with other tech-nologies like Wi-Fi within the unli-censed 5-GHz band. The Ericsson RBS 6402 indoor picocell includes a 5-GHz LTE-enabled radio in addi-tion to multiple LTE radio variants and an optional 2.4-GHz Wi-Fi mod-ule. The user equipment utilized in this trial is a test device powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X12 LTE modem.HKT and Huawei successfully demonstrated what they believe is the world’s first 4.5G 1-Gb/s mobile network. The demonstration intro-duces what the companies claim is a world-first four-component carrier CA network.Nokia Networks and TeliaSonera have conducted a live demonstra-tion of LTE-Advanced three-band CA (3# CA) using Category 9 devices. The companies showcased whatthey claim are record-breaking datarates of up to 375 Mb/s on a commer-cial network, marking an industryfirst in the Nordic region. The end-to-end demo, performed on Sonera’scommercial network in Helsinki, ag-gregated three LTE FDD carriers of20, 20, and 10-MHz bandwidth.Alcatel-Lucent has launched theDistributed Antenna System (DAS)RF Module (RFM), a widebandlow-power LTE interface card thatremoves the need for bulky radiotechnology in a public installation.To connect to a DAS today, serviceproviders must deploy remote ra-dio heads alongside duplexers andattenuators to reduce output pow-er, as well as cooling equipmentin areas where there is often lim-ited space. Working together withAlcatel-Lucent’s LTE radio accessportfolio, the DAS RFM connects toAlcatel-Lucent’s digital basebandunit, working directly with the ana-log DAS through RF signals that con-sume just one-eighth of the powerand heat dissipation of an averageremote radio head, reducing spacerequirements and optimizing costs.Bell Labs has completed a study onthe cost savings delivered by thenew DAS RFM, compared with atraditional remote radio head andassociated equipment. The studyshows that service providers can re-alize up to 30% cost savings in termsof the wireless and DAS equipmentrequired, up to 81% cost savings interms of power and cooling; up to78% cost savings in terms of energy.Ericsson and SK Telecom havenow deployed Ericsson Lean Carrierin urban, suburban, and rural areas.Ericsson Lean Carrier reduces, ormakes lean, the level of referencesignalling needed for good networkperformance. This leads to a cor-responding improvement of thedownlink data speed, which appliesto all parts of the 4G LTE network,with the highest performance gainsoccurring in the areas with mostcell overlap. In a large-scale deploy-ment, users can enjoy up to a 50% in-crease in downlink data speed witha network average increase of about10%. By reducing interference, Erics-son Lean Carrier enables new 256-QAM higher-order modulation to beutilized over a broader area, extend-ing the higher data speed advantageto the outdoor macro environment.According to Ericsson, its Lean Car-rier solution increases the use of256 QAM by up to 280%.Nokia Networks has delivered anew Flexi Zone outdoor modular basestation that it claims is the world’sfirst small cell to achieve over 1-Gb/speak data rate. A bundle of servicessimplify small-cell deployment andhelp operators to evolve to ultra-dense networks. Nokia Networks’new Flexi Zone G2 Multiband CA Out-door Micro-/Pico- Base Station (BTS)platform delivers capacity and great-er than 1 Gb/s peak data rates. By us-ing three RF module slots, operatorscan deploy and aggregate betweenvarious radio access technologiesand spectrum combinations, includ-ing up to three LTE licensed carrierbands or configurations offering acombination of LTE licensed carrierbands, unlicensed LTE bands (LTE-Uor LAA) and Wi-Fi.Nokia Networks, Deutsche Tele-kom, and Cosmote have demonstrat-ed what they claim is a world-first:LTE-Advanced 3 CA combining LTE-FDD in Band 3 (1.8 GHz) with LTE-TDD in Band 42 (3.5 GHz). With 400MHz of TDD spectrum bandwidthavailable in many countries, the com-panies believe that 3.5 GHz providesa good solution for capacity expan-sion to meet future demand based onLTE and LTE-A Pro technologies. hKt and h uaweI successfuLLy demonstrated what they cLaIm Is the worLd’s fIrst 4.5g 1-g B/s moBILe networK.StarHub has successfully de-ployed Nokia Networks’ TD-LTE, FDD-LTE, and outdoor small-cells solution as part of its 4G HetNet in Singapore. The HetNet showcased what the companies claim is the in-dustry’s first TDD-FDD voice-over-LTE handover, with zero call drops and high-definition voice continuity for subscribers. As part of the solu-tion, LTE-Advanced CA delivered high data rates, while Nokia Flexi Zone small cells were installed at strategic traffic hot spots to handle peak-hour data demand.4G Americas announced that LTE-Advanced has been commercially deployed on 100 networks world-wide in 49 countries. There are glob-ally 430 commercial LTE networks with 907 million total LTE subscrib-ers (with an expected forecast of 3.6 billion by 2020). The first LTE-Ad-vanced networks were deployed in South Korea in June 2013 and utilized CA. CA allows operators the ability to utilize disparate spectrum bands to create larger spectrum swaths to increase efficiencies and download speeds. LTE-Advanced will continue to evolve through LTE-Advanced Pro (3GPP Release 13 and beyond) even as 5G technologies are standardized in Release 14 and onward.A new report from the Global Mobile Suppliers Association, “Eval-uating the LTE Broadcast Opportu-nity,” forecasts that the market for LTE broadcast services will reach US$14 billion worldwide by 2020. The report also expects that LTE Broad-cast will reach a potential customer base of 2 billion by 2020. Over 30 mobile operators have been involved in technical lab or field trials of Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multi-cast Service with a view to using it to reduce the load on their networks by broadcasting popular TV and videocontent rather than sending it toeach viewer individually.Research and T echnologyZTE Corporation announced thecompletion of what it claims is theworld’s first precommercial test ofdistributed MIMO (D-MIMO) technol-ogy. The field test, conducted jointlyby ZTE and a partner, demonstratedan up to nine-times increase in datarate at the cell edge through the useof D-MI MO technology based onZTE’s proprietary Cloud Radio solu-tion. The outdoor part of the testcovered single-user and multiple-us-er scenarios in an environment withmultiple overlapping base stationsand used commercially available mo-bile device terminals.The coherent-joint transmission(JT) technology used in ZTE’s new D-MIMO system ensures full-phase syn-chronization among base stations sothat the jointly transmitted signal isamplified to the maximum level as itarrives at the antenna of a user ter-minal, minimizing interference withother terminals. Compared with thelegacy noncoherent-JT technology,ZTE reported that coherent-JT pro-vides 3 dB of additional gain at theantenna of a target user terminal andforms null steering at the antennasof other user terminals to minimizesignal interference, achieving MU-JT.The D-MI MO technology can ef-fectively improve the data rate at thecell edge through coordinated trans-mission among base stations, resolv-ing a major challenge facingoperators. The indoor D-MI MO testresult showed that the MU-JT tech-nology can form null steering to-wards multiple users to guaranteegood multiuser joint transmission inan enclosed and small space. Thecompany said that the service datarate of a single testing cell was atleast quadrupled in an ideal nonin-terference situation, and a number oftesting cells have enhanced their re-sistance to interference by morethan a hundred times.Alcatel-Lucent released figuresshowing that in the first half of 2015,the number of security threats onmobile networks has come increas-ingly from a seemingly unlikelysource—personal computers andlaptops. The research also found asignificant increase in the number ofspy-phone applications being detect-ed on both Android and iOS mobiledevices. The Motive Security LabsH1 2015 Malware Report examinesgeneral trends and statistics for mal-ware infections in devices connectedthrough mobile and fixed networks.Data are aggregated across fixed andmobile networks, where Motive Se-curity Guardian malware detectiontechnology is deployed, coveringmore than 100 million devices. In thefirst half of 2015, Alcatel-Lucent esti-mates that an 80% of malware infec-tions detected on mobile networkshave been traced to Windows-basedcomputers and laptops. This findingrepresents a significant change from2013 and 2014 when the source of mo-bile network infections were roughlysplit 50:50 between Android and Win-dows-supported devices. The Motivereport also found that cybercrimi-nals are quickly taking advantage ofunique opportunities in the mobileecosystem to spread spyware. I nfact, 10 of the 25 most prolific threatson smartphones are in the mobilespyware category and are often de-livered bundled with games and freesoftware. These sophisticated spy-ware applications enable the remotetracking of a phone owner’s move-ments as well as the monitoring ofphone calls, text messages, e-mails,and browsing habits.Qualcomm Technologies, I nc.announced the introduction ofQualcomm Snapdragon Smart Pro-tect. The upcoming Qualcommt he d-mImo technoLogy can effectIveLy Improvethe data rate at the ceLL edge through coordInated transmIssIon among Base statIons, resoLvIng a major chaLLenge facIng operators.Snapdragon 820 processor is the first platform offering Snapdragon Smart Protect, providing real-time, on-device machine learning designed to support accurate and effective de-tection of zero-day malware threats for improved personal privacy and device security. Snapdragon Smart Protect is also the first application to utilize Qualcomm Zeroth technol-ogy, augmenting conventional anti-malware solutions by supporting on device real-time malware detection, classification, and cause analysis us-ing an advanced cognitive computing behavioral engine. Snapdragon Smart Protect complements existing signa-ture-based antimalware solutions by analyzing and identifying new threats prior to new signature updates.University of Washington (UW) engineers have developed a novel technology that uses a Wi-Fi router—a source of ubiquitous but untapped energy in indoor environments—to power devices. The UW team used ambient signals from this Wi-Fi rout-er to power sensors in a low-resolu-tion camera and other devices. The team of UW computer science and electrical engineers found that the peak energy contained in untapped, ambient Wi-Fi signals often came close to meeting the operating re-quirements for some low-power de-vices. But because the signals are sent intermittently, energy leaked out of the system during silent pe-riods. The team fixed that problem by optimizing a router to send out superfluous power packets on Wi-Fi channels not currently in use—es-sentially beefing up the Wi-Fi signal for power delivery—without affect-ing the quality and speed of data transmission. The team also devel-oped sensors that can be integrated into devices to harvest the power. In its proof-of-concept experiments, the team demonstrated that the power over Wi-Fi system could wire-lessly power a grayscale, low-power Omnivision VGA camera from 17 ft away, allowing it to store enough energy to capture an image every 35 min. It also recharged the batteryof a Jawbone Up24 wearable fitnesstracker from zero to 41% in 2.5 h.Watt Lab, which belongs to theCentral Research Institute at HuaweiTechnology Corporation Limited,unveiled its new quick-charging lith-ium-ion batteries. These new batter-ies have achieved a charging speedten-times faster than that of nor-mal batteries, reaching about 50%capacity in mere minutes. Huaweipresented videos of the two typesof quick-charging lithium-ion bat-teries: one battery with a 600-mAhcapacity that can be charged to 68%capacity in 2 min and another witha 3,000-mAh capacity and an energydensity above 620 Wh/L, which canbe charged to 48% capacity in fiveminutes to allow 10 h of phone callson Huawei mobile phones. Thesequick-charging batteries underwentmany rounds of testing and havebeen certified by Huawei’s terminaltest department.Electrical engineers at the Uni-versity of California, San Diego,demonstrated a new wireless com-munication technique that works bysending magnetic signals throughthe human body. The new technol-ogy could offer a lower-power andmore secure way to communicateinformation between wearableelectronic devices, providing animproved alternative to existingwireless communication systems.An advantage of this system is thatmagnetic fields are able to pass free-ly through biological tissues, so sig-nals are communicated with muchlower path losses and potentially,much lower power consumption.I n their experiments, researchersdemonstrated that the magneticcommunication link works well onthe body, but they did not test thetechnique’s power consumption.Researchers showed that the pathlosses associated with magneticfield human body communicationare upwards of 10 million timeslower than those associated withBluetooth radios. The researchersbelieve that this technique does notpose any serious health risks. Sincethis technique is intended for appli-cations in ultralow-power commu-nication systems, the transmittingpower of the magnetic signals sentthrough the body is expected to bemany times lower than that of mag-netic resonance imaging scannersand wireless implant devices.IBM Research and Carnegie Mel-lon University (CMU) announcedwhat they claim is the first openplatform designed to support thecreation of smartphone applica-tions that can enable the blind tobetter navigate their surroundings.The IBM and CMU researchers usedthe platform to create a pilot appcalled NavCog that draws on exist-ing sensors and cognitive technolo-gies to inform blind people on theCMU campus about their surround-ings by whispering into their earsthrough earbuds or by creating vi-brations on smartphones. The appanalyzes signals from Bluetoothbeacons located along walkwaysand from smartphone sensors tohelp enable users to move withouthuman assistance, whether insidecampus buildings or outdoors. Thefirst set of cognitive assistance toolsfor developers is now available viathe cloud through IBM Bluemix. Theopen toolkit consists of an app fornavigation, a map editing tool andlocalization algorithms that canhelp the blind identify in real timewhere they are, which direction theyare facing, and additional surround-ing environmental information. Thecomputer vision navigation applica-tion tool turns smartphone imagesof the surrounding environmentinto a 3-D space model to help im-prove localization and navigationfor the visually impaired.Industry Forecasts and SurveysITU has released its flagship annualMeasuring the I nformation SocietyReport. The report reveals that3.2 billion people are now online,representing 43.4% of the global。
2 综述 ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5.1. 主串口............................................................................................................................. 34
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Q n 3.2.2. 关机 ................................................................................................................................ 26 PWRKEY 引脚关机............................................................................................ 26 e API 函数关机...................................................................................................... 27 fid 低压自动关机 ..................................................................................................... 27 3.2.3. 推荐的系统开关机电路 ................................................................................................... 28 3.3. 省电技术 ................................................................................................................................ 29
Fanvil BW320 说明书
7. 请依照本说明书指示方法使用,否则可能因此导致本产品受损。
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基带硬件 电源管理 原理图设 原理图 模块 计
止US充B 电Co;nn3e、ct电or池电充路放由电电电流流保不险能丝超在
Vbus上,防护器件(TVS)之前,电 流保险丝通过标准UL248-1和UL248-
音频功能 模块
Andriod 4。3、Firefox)的声压警
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基带硬件 器件选型
基本元器 件
规则 人工检查
要求。如果电流超过了充电器的额定 输出电流,充电器必须随产品一同做
基带硬件 器件选型
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规则 人工检查
基带硬件 各种接口 原理图设 原理图 功能模块 计
V0.0.2 徐莉
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4 与CN相关的 3GPP协议介绍..............................................................................10
4.1 21 SERIES....................................................................................................... 10 4.2 22 SERIES....................................................................................................... 10 4.3 23 SERIES........................................................................................................11 4.4 24SERIES........................................................................................................ 13 4.5 25 SERIES....................................................................................................... 14 4.6 26 SERIES....................................................................................................... 15 4.7 29 SERIES....................................................................................................... 16 4.8 32 SERIES....................................................................................................... 19 4.9 33 SERIES....................................................................................................... 27 4.10 35 SERIES....................................................................................................... 28 4.11 41 SERIES....................................................................................................... 29 4.12 42 SERIES....................................................................................................... 29 4.13 43 SERIES....................................................................................................... 30 4.14 44 SERIES....................................................................................................... 31 4.15 48 SERIES....................................................................................................... 31 4.16 49 SERIES....................................................................................................... 33 4.17 52 SERIES....................................................................................................... 33 4.18 补充业务相关协议...................................................................................... 33
外部回路 当把装置输出的接点连接到外部回路时,须仔细检查所用的外部电源电压,以防止所连接的回
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1.1 应用范围 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 功能配置 ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 性能特征 ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 订货须知 ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.5 产品执行标准...................................................................................................................... 3 第 2 章 技术参数 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 电气参数 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 机械结构 ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 环境条件参数...................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 通信端口 ............................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 型式试验 ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.6 认证 .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 保护功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.8 管理功能 ............................................................................................................................. 9 第 3 章 工作原理 .............................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述 ...................................................................................................................................11 3.2 装置启动元件.....................................................................................................................11 3.3 (短充)过流保护和零序保护 .......................................................................................... 12 3.4 (长充)过流保护和零序保护 .......................................................................................... 13 3.5 同期功能(可选) ............................................................................................................ 14 3.6 异常告警 ........................................................................................................................... 15 3.7 采样数据异常的处理......................................................................................................... 16 3.8 遥控、遥测、遥信功能 ..................................................................................................... 16 3.9 时间管理 ........................................................................................................................... 16 第 4 章 硬件描述 ............................................................................................................................ 19
音频 TDD
[音频]GSM手机TDD工作相关技术2009-01-23 18:03:13 阅读617 评论0 字号:大中小订阅大家都知道GSM手机有TDD噪声,但为什么噪声是217Hz呢?把手机等效成一个黑盒子,相同时间内进入手机的数据需要在相同的时间内发送出去。
先分析进入手机的话音数据:(1)Microphone——>采样——>PCM量化——>64Kbit/s数据流——>A律非线形量化(13bitGSM 协议规定)——>104Kbit/s数据流——>RPE-LTP语音编码——>13Kbit/s数据流以上是模数转换过程。
目录第1章基本知识 (1)1.1简介 (1)1.2安全须知 (1)1.3通用注意事项 (1)1.4使用手机的注意事项 (2)1.5使用电池的注意事项 (2)1.6使用充电器的注意事项 (2)1.7清洁和维护 (2)1.8一般注意事项 (2)第2章使用前 (3)2.1技术参数 (3)2.2SIM卡 (3)2.2.1 SIM/UIM卡的插入和取出 (3)2.2.2 记忆卡的插入和取出 (3)2.3电池 (3)2.3.1电池的拆卸和安装 (3)2.3.2电池的充电 (3)2.4开机 (3)第3章基本说明 (3)3.1键盘介绍 (3)3.1.1 基本按键 (3)3.2电话功能 (3)3.2.1 拨打电话 (3)3.2.2 接听电话 (4)3.2.3 拒绝电话 (4)3.3使用数据线 (4)第4章菜单介绍 (5)4.1手机模式切换 (5)4.1.1 模式设臵 (5)4.1.2 双模设臵 (5)4.2特效介绍 (5)4.3基本功能 (5)4.3.1 短信 (5)4.3.2 彩信 (5)4.3.3 通讯录 (6)4.3.4 通话中心 (6)4.3.5 情景模式 (7)4.3.6 手机设臵 (7)4.3.7 安全设臵 (7)4.3.8 恢复出厂设臵 (7)4.3.9 电子邮件 (7)4.3.10 小区广播 (8)4.4多媒体工具 (8)4.4.1 相机 (8)4.4.2 视频录像器 (8)4.4.3 视频播放器 (8)4.4.4 音乐播放器 (8)4.4.5 蓝牙 (8)4.4.6 电子书 (8)4.4.7 照片编辑器 (9)4.4.8 调频广播 (9)4.4.9 录音 (9)4.4.10 幻灯片 (9)4.5事务管理 (9)4.5.1 闹钟 (9)4.5.2 任务 (9)4.5.3 文件管理 (9)4.5.4 健康管理 (10)4.5.5 单位换算 (10)4.5.6 汇率换算 (10)4.5.7 健康管理 (10)4.5.8 码表 (10)4.6娱乐游戏 (10)4.6.1 Java (10)4.6.2 游戏: (10)4.7上网功能 (10)4.7.1 网络服务 (10)4.7.2 无线网络 (10)4.7.3 几种上网方式介绍 (10)4.8通话中菜单 (12)第5章常见问题 (13)5.1什么手机出现“请插入SIM卡”字样? (13)5.2PIN、PIN2、PUK、PUK2码和限制密码的查询及注意事项:. 135.3时常掉网情况发生 (13)5.4对方听不到声音 (13)5.5不充电或充电不显示 (13)5.6信号时有时无 (13)5.7电话无法拨出 (13)5.8手机待机时间短 (13)第1章基本知识1.1 简介感谢您选择X7系列彩屏移动电话。
SMSL D3 数字音频解码器说明书
使用说明书USER MANUAL安全注意事项注意∶为防电击,请勿打开机盖(或后盖)。
电源插头用于 完全中断机器的电源供应。
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USB使用XMOS第二代16核处理器XU216, 支持到原生DSD512和32位768kHz!时钟系统使用2颗美国ACCUSILICON超低相噪晶振。
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目录安全注意事项 (1)特点 (2)目录 (3)技术参数 (5)关于遥控器 (6)部件介绍......................................................................................7~8主机前面. (7)主机背面 (8)显示界面和操作介绍................................................................9-12恢复出厂设置/保修条款. (13)Table of contentSafety notes (14)Features (15)Specification (16)Remote Control (17)Functions..................................................................................................................................18~19 Main unit front (18)Main unit back (19)Operation Instructions.................................................................................................20-23 Factory Reset/Warranty Terms. (24)技术参数输入方式 B /光纤/同轴/I2S/ AES(EBU) 输出方式 ......................................................................................................单端线路/平衡线路 THD+N ............................................................................................................................0.001% 动态范围 ...........................................................................................................................112dB 信噪比 ..............................................................................................................................112dB USB传输方式 ............................................................................................................... 异步传输 USB兼容性 ...............................................................Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10, Mac OSX, Linux 位深 B / I2S 1bit,16~32bit 光纤/同轴/AES(EBU) 1bit,16~24bit 采样率 B / I2S PCM 44.1~768kHzDSD 2.8224~22.5792MHz 光纤/同轴/AES(EBU) PCM 44.1~192kHz 消耗功率 ..............................................................................................................................10W 待机功耗 ...........................................................................................................................<0.8W 体积 ...................................................................................................280X240X51mm(WxHxD)重量 ..................................................................................................................................3.96kg如果遥控器距离本机很近时操作仍无效,请用新电池更换。
MAX32620 MAX32621芯片评估板说明书
MAX32620-EVKIT#Evaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621MAX32620 Evaluation Kit19-7593; Rev 0; 4/15General DescriptionThe MAX32620 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a con-venient platform for evaluating the capabilities of the MAX32620/MAX32621 microcontrollers. The EV kit also provides a complete, functional system ideal for develop-ing and debugging applications. This EV kit supports both the MAX32620 and the MAX32621 (TPU enabled).EV Kit Contents●EV Kit Board with MAX32620 (or MAX32621)Microcontroller ●Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG Debugger withJTAG Ribbon Cable (for Connecting from Debugger to EV Kit Header J1) and USB Standard A-to-B cable (for Connecting from PC to Debugger) ●Standard A-to-B Micro-USB Cable (for Connectingfrom PC or Stand-Alone USB Power Supply to EV Kit Micro-USB Type-B Connector CN2) Allows Connection from PC USB Host to MAX32620/21 USB Device Controller Peripheral ●Standard A-to-B Micro-USB Cable (for ConnectingPC to EV Kit USB Connector CN1) Allows Virtual COM Port Interface to MAX32620/21 UART 0 or UART 1 via USB/UART BridgeBenefits and Features●Easily Load and Debug Code Using the SuppliedOlimex ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG DebuggerConnected via a Standard 20-Pin ARM JTAG Header ●Selectable Power Sources for PMIC Include USBPower via CN2, External Battery Through J2 Connector, or Bench Supply Through Test Points TP12 and TP13 ●Selectable Power Source for On-Board Peripherals(Switches, LEDs, OLED Display, Bluetooth ® LE Transceiver) ●Headers for Accessing MAX32620/21 I/O Pins andAnalog Front End (AFE) Input Signals ●Micro-USB Type-B Connection to MAX32620/21 USBDevice Controller ●Micro-USB Type-B Connection to USB-UART BridgeSelectable Between MAX32620/21 Internal UART 0 and UART 1 ●MAX32620/21 Internal Real-Time Clock (RTC) ●On-Board Bluetooth 4.0 BLE Transceiver with ChipAntenna ●General-Purpose Pushbutton Switches and IndicatorLEDs (All Connected to GPIOs) for User I/O ●Prototyping Matrix (0.1in Grid) with Integrated PowerRails for Customer CircuitryOrdering Information appears at end of data sheet.Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.Figure 1. MAX32620 EV Kit Contents in BoxEvaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621 MAX32620 Evaluation KitGetting Started1) While observing safe ESD practices, carefully re-move the EV kit board out of its packaging. Quicklyinspect the board to make sure that no damageoccurred during shipment. Jumpers/shunts were pre-installed prior to testing and packaging. By default,they select the USB interface as the source of power for the EV kit board. See Table 1 and Figure 4 for the default jumper settings and descriptions.2) The MAX32620/21 was preprogrammed with a demoprogram. To power up the board and run the demo,simply connect the Micro-USB cable to the Micro-USB jack found at the top left of the EV kit PCB. The jack is labeled CN2. The other end of the Micro-USB cable can be connected either to a computer or to a USB wall charger in order to get +5V power. No data is sent over USB in this demo.3) Once power is applied, the demo will run. The demodisplays text and graphics on the OLED display.4) If the OLED display does not show a graphicsscreen, then verify that the USB port is supplying+5V.5) Do not connect any of the additional USB cables orOlimex JTAG adapter until after the tool chain/drivers are installed.If the demo ran as expected, then the next step is to download and run the installer as described in the Quick Start (separate document). The installer is a small appli-cation that allows users to select which components they would like to download and install including tools, drivers, and documentation. A description of each component and the hard drive size required for each can be seen by clicking on each component.Figure 2. MAX32620 EV Kit Block DiagramEvaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621 MAX32620 Evaluation KitFigure 3. MAX32620 EV Kit BoardEvaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621 MAX32620 Evaluation KitDetailed Description of HardwareThis section describes each major function or component on the MAX32620 EV kit. This EV kit is general-purpose in nature and provides many user-selectable options, which are described in the following sections. Each jump-er setting is described and its default setting illustrated. Board PowerThe EV kit’s main power-supply input is +5V, made avail-able through Micro-USB type-B connector CN2. This is the default power source.Current MonitoringJumpers JP15, JP16, JP18, and JP19 provide conve-nient current monitoring points for VDD12 (JP15), VRTC (JP18), VDDB (JP19), and VDDA+VDD18 (JP16). PushbuttonsPushbuttons (normally open) SW1, SW2, and SW3 can be used to generate a logic 0 signal on their correspond-ing GPIO port pins. Firmware defines the action taken on switch closure.Pushbutton SW4 provides a global POR reset function for the MAX32620/21 by asserting the RSTN input. Pushbutton SW5 controls the PFN1 input of the PMIC. The function of the PFN1 input is configurable. Refer to the MAX14690 IC data sheet for complete information. USBThe MAX32620/21 provides an integrated USB2.0 full-speed interface (12Mbps). This interface is accessed through the Micro-USB type-B connector, CN2. This interface is also the default power source for the EV kit. USB-UART BridgeThe EV kit board provides a USB-to-UART bridge chip, FTDI FT230X. This bridge eliminates the requirement for a physical RS-232 COM port. Instead, MAX32620/21 UART access is through the Micro-USB type-B connector, CN1. Virtual COM port drivers and guides for installing Windows® drivers are available at . Default parameters are 115,200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.The USB-to-UART bridge can be connected to UART 0 or UART 1 of the MAX32620/21 with jumpers JP10 (RX), JP12 (TX), JP13 (CTS), and JP14 (RTS).LEDsThe EV kit board has four LEDs with series current- limiting resistors. LEDs DS1 (red), DS2 (green), DS3 (red), and DS4 (green) are connected to MAX32620/21 GPIO pins P3.0, P3.1, P3.2, and P3.3, respectively. LED GPIOs should be configured as open drain due to 3.3V LED source voltages. An LED is illuminated when the appropriate GPIO pin is driven low.Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) ControllerThe EV kit board has a low-power Bluetooth control-ler, EM9301. Communication with the MAX32620/21 is through SPI 2B. This particular SPI port was selected due to the additional flow control signals that it features. The EM9301 controller is Bluetooth specification V4.0 compli-ant. Refer to the EM Microelectronic EM9301 data sheet for additional details.ClockingThe MAX32620/21 operate from an internal 96MHz relaxation oscillator. The internal oscillator is adequate to run the core digital logic and peripherals. The accuracy of the internal oscillator is not suitable for accurate RTC timekeeping or USB operation. The external 32.768kHz crystal, Y1, provides the RTC with an accurate time base and is also used to calibrate the internal oscillator for the accuracy required for USB operation.JTAG ConnectorThe ARM standard 20-pin connector pinout is provided by shrouded header J1. Various debugger modules are available for this interface. The Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H debugger is supplied with the EV kit.Graphic OLED Display ModuleA 128 x 32 pixel graphic OLED display module, NHD-2.23-12832UCB3, is provided on the EV kit board. Communications with the NHD-2.23-12832UCB3 is through SPI 2A.Power Management IC (PMIC)The MAX14690 manages the EV kit power rails. It also manages the selection of EV kit power from either VBUS from CN2 or an (optional) external lithium-ion polymer battery. The MAX14690 can also function as a battery charger. Refer to the MAX14690 IC data sheet for addi-tional information.Prototyping AreaAn area for adding customer-specific circuitry is provided. This matrix is on a 0.1in spacing and is usable for solder or wire-wrap construction. Power and ground rails run through the matrix.Windows is a registered trademark and service mark of Microsoft Corp.Evaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621 MAX32620 Evaluation KitJumper DescriptionsTable 1 details the functions of the configurable jumper headers on the EV kit board. The headers are standard 0.1in spacing, 0.025in posts. Settings in Table 1 marked with an asterisk (“*”) indicate default placements. Figure 4 also shows the default placements highlighted in red.Table 1. Jumper Functions and Default SettingsJUMPER SETTING EFFECT OF SETTINGJP1 EN0Open Connection broken between MAX32620 GPIO3.0 and LED0. Closed*Connection enabled between MAX32620 GPIO3.0 an LED0.JP2 EN1Open Connection broken between MAX32620 GPIO3.1 and LED1. Closed*Connection enabled between MAX32620 GPIO3.1 and LED1.JP3 EN2Open Connection broken between MAX32620 GPIO3.2 and LED2. Closed*Connection enabled between MAX32620 GPIO3.2 and LED2.JP4 EN3Open Connection broken between MAX32620 GPIO3.3 and LED3. Closed*Connection enabled between MAX32620 GPIO3.3 and LED3.JP5 AIN0 TP SEL 1-2Connect MAX32620 AIN0 and BAT.2-3Connect MAX32620 AIN0 and PMIC_MON.JP6 AIN1 TP SEL 1-2Connect MAX32620 AIN1 to VBUS.2-3Connect MAX32620 AIN1 to PMIC_MON.JP7 FLASH PWR ENOpen Connection broken between 1.8V and FLASH VCC. The FLASH is disabled. Closed*Connection enabled between 1.8V and FLASH VCC.JP8 OLED PWR ENOpen Connection broken between 3.3V and OLED display VDD. Closed*Connection enabled between 3.3V and OLED display VDD.JP9 BTLE PWR ENOpenConnection broken between 3.3V and the EM9301 BLE controller.The controller is disabled.Closed*Connection enabled between 3.3V and the EM9301 BLE controller.JP10 RX SEL 1-2*Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 0 RX and FT230XS TXD. 2-3Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 1 RX and FT230XS TXD.JP113.3V PERIPH SEL 1-2Connection enabled between PMIC L3OUT and 3.3V peripherals. 2-3*Connection enabled between LDO U11 and 3.3V peripherals.JP12 TX SEL 1-2*Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 0 TX and FT230XS RXD. 2-3Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 1 TX and FT230XS RXD.JP13 CTS SEL 1-2*Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 0 CTS and FT230XS RTX. 2-3Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 1 CTS and FT230XS RTS.JP14 RTS SEL 1-2*Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 0 RTS and FT230XS CTS. 2-3Connection enabled between MAX32620 UART 1 RTS and FT230XS CTS.JP15 1.2V DUT ENOpen Connection broken between PMIC B1OUT (1.2V) and MAX32620 VDD12. Closed*Connection enabled between PMIC B1OUT (1.2V) and MAX32620 VDD12.JP16 1.8V DUT ENOpen Connection broken between PMIC B2OUT (1.8V) and MAX32620 VDD18. Closed*Connection enabled between PMIC B2OUT (1.8V) and MAX32620 VDD18.Evaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621MAX32620 Evaluation Kit Table 1. Jumper Functions and Default Settings (continued)*Default setting.Figure 4. Default Jumper PlacementJUMPER SETTING EFFECT OF SETTINGJP17L1IN SEL 1-2Connection enabled between BAT and PMIC L1IN input.2-3*Connection enabled between PMIC SYS and PMIC L1IN input.JP181.8V RTC DUT EN Open Connection broken between PMIC L1OUT (1.8V) and MAX32620 VRTC input.Closed*Connection enabled between PMIC L1OUT (1.8V) and MAX32620 VRTC input.JP193.2V DUT EN Open Connection broken between PMIC L2OUT (3.2V) and MAX32620 VDDB input.Closed*Connection enabled between PMIC L2OUT (3.2V) and MAX32620 VDDB input.JP203.3V LDO IN 1-2*Connection enabled between CN2-VBUS and 3.3V LDO input.2-3Connection enabled between PMIC-SYS and 3.3V LDO input.Evaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621MAX32620 Evaluation Kit ARM is a registered trademark and registered service mark and Cortex is a registered trademark of ARM Limited.Additional Resources●MAX32620 EV Kit Quick Start●MAX32620 EV Kit Data Sheet (this document) ●MAX32620 EV Kit Schematics (attached to this PDF)(see note) ●MAX32620/MAX32621 IC Data Sheet (see note) ●MAX32620/MAX32621 User’s Guide (see note) ●ARM® Cortex® Toolchain User’s Guide – README(see note) ●MAX32620/21 CMSIS Libraries – Firmware User’sGuide (see note) ●Example projects and app notes describing them(see note)Note: A lot of valuable information resides in the MAX32620 Resources component of the Installer. Once this component is installed, the information can then be found in the Windows Start menu under Maxim Integrated , or it can be found by exploring the installation directory. Documentation is “fetched” at the time of instal-lation in order to assist offline development. However, it is recommended to visit to check if updates have been made to any of the docu-ments.Technical SupportFor technical support, go to:/micro .#Denotes RoHS compliant.PARTTYPE MAX32620-EVKIT#EV KitOrdering InformationComponent List and SchematicsSee the following links for component information and schematics:●MAX3262x EV BOM ●MAX3262x EV SchematicsMaxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Evaluates: MAX32620, MAX32621MAX32620 Evaluation Kit REVISION NUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED4/15Initial release—Revision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated’s website at .Bill of Materials (BOM) (Rev 0, 4/15)Reference Qty 1Value BOM_Description Manufacturer_PN ANT112450AT42B100S ANTENNA CHIP 2.4GHZ 5020 SMT2450AT42B100MS BMP1, BMP2, BMP3, BMP4, BMP5, BMP6, BMP7, BMP88RB Bump BUMPER RECESSED #4 SCREW BLACK720C1, C3, C5, C64DNI DNI N/AC21DNI CAP CER 0.1UF 10V 10% X5R 0402GRM155R61A104KA01D C41DNI CAP CER 30pF 50V 5% NP0 0603C0603C300J5GACTUC12, C3324700pF CAP CER 4700PF 25V 10% X7R 0402GRM155R71E472KA01D C10, C13, C14, C17, C18, C21, C24, C26, C29, C34, C39, C40,17100nF CAP CER 0.1UF 10V 10% X5R 0402GRM155R61A104KA01D C42, C45, C58, C60, C61C151DNI CAP CER 4700PF 25V 10% X7R 0402GRM155R71E472KA01D C16, C19, C27, C31, C5951uF CAP CER 1uF 16V 10% X7R 0603GCM188R71C105KA64D C22, C23215pF CAP CER 15PF 50V 5% NP0 0402GRM1555C1H150JA01D C25147uF CAP CER 47uF 6.3V 20% X5R 1206C3216X5R0J476MC30, C322100pF CAP CER 100PF 50V 5% NP0 0402C1005C0G1H101J050BA C35, C44210nF CAP CER 10nF 25V 10% X7R 0603GRM188R71E103KA01D C36, C37247pF CAP CER 47PF 50V 1% NP0 0402C1005C0G1H470F050BA C381 4.7uF CAP CER 4.7uF 10V 10% X5R 0603C0603C475K8PACTUC411100nF CAP CER 0.1uF 16V 10% X7R 0603C0603C104K4RACTUC4311uF CAP CER 1UF 35V 10% X5R 0603GMK107BJ105KA-TC7, C8, C9, C11, C46, C47, C48, C52, C53, C54, C56, C62, C63131uF CAP CER 1UF 6.3V 10% X5R 0402C1005X5R0J105K050BB C49, C50, C51322uF CAP CER 22UF 4V 20% X5R 0603AMK107BJ226MA-TC55122uF CAP CER 22uF 6.3V 20% X5R 1206C3216X5R0J226M/0.85 C57110uF CAP CER 10UF 6.3V 20% X5R 0603CL10A106MQ8NNNCC641DNI DNI N/ACN1, CN22MICRO USB B R/A CONN RCPT 5POS MICRO USB B R/A105017-0001D21DFLS230L-7DIODE SCHOTTKY 30V 2A POWERDI123DFLS230L-7DS1, DS3, DS63RED LED 660NM RED WTR CLR 1206 SMD SML-LX1206SRC-TRDS2, DS4, DS73GRN LED 565NM WTR CLR GREEN 1206 SMD SML-LX1206GC-TRDS51BLUE LED 469NM BLUE DIFF 1206 SMD HSMR-C150HDR1120P 1x20CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 20POS (1x20)PEC20SAANJ1120P 10x2CONN HEADER LOPRO STR GOLD 20POS SHROUD5103308-5J212POS 2MM CONN HEADER PH TOP 2POS 2MM B2B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN)JH1, JH2, JH3318P 2x9CONN HEADER .100 DUAL STR 18POS (2x9)PEC09DAANJH412P 1x2CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 2POS (1x2)PEC02SAANJH518P 2x4CONN HEADER .100 DUAL STR 8POS (2x4)PEC04DAANJH61DNI CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 5POS (1x5)PEC05SAANJH71DNI CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 4POS (1x4)PEC04SAANJP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP7, JP8, JP9, JP15, JP16, JP18, JP1911JUMPER CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 2POS (2x1)PEC02SAANJP5, JP6, JP10, JP11, JP12, JP13, JP14, JP17, JP2093P 3x1CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 3POS (3x1)PEC03SAAN18SHUNT SHORTING SHUNT/JUMPER STC02SYANJP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP7, JP8, JP9, JP10(1-2), JP11(2-3), JP12(1-2), JP13(1-2), JP14(1-2), JP15, JP16, JP17(2-3), JP18, JP19,JP20(2-3)L11 3.3nH INDUCTOR MULTILAYER 3.3NH 0402MLK1005S3N3ST000L21 1.5nH INDUCTOR MULTILAYER 1.5NH 0402MLK1005S1N5ST000L3, L42HZ1206C202R-10FERRITE CHIP SIGNAL 2000 OHM SMD 1206HZ1206C202R-10L5, L62 2.2uH INDUCTOR POWER 2.2UH 1.05A SMD VLS201610ET-2R2M16Screw Steel MACHINE SCREW PAN PHILLIPS 4-40PMSSS 440 0025 PHMS1, MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, MS6, MS7, MS8, MS9, MS10,MS11, MS12, MS13, MS14, MS15, MS16MST1, MST2, MST3, MST4, MST5, MST6, MST7, MST88STANDOFF HEX STANDOFF 4-40 ALUMINUM 5/8"1808PCB11PCB MAX3262X NIMITZ EV KIT Eagle Circuits PCB-00048-1-0PROTO11DNI Proto Type Area 11x13 (0.1" LS)N/AQ11DNI MOSFET P-CH 8V MICROFOOT 4P UFBGA SI8439DB-T1-E1R1, R2, R383100RES 100 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF1000VR4, R6, R373470RES 470 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF4700VR5, R72332RES 332 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF3320VR8, R10, R13, R1540RES 0.0 OHM 1/10W JUMP 0603 SMD ERJ-3GEY0R00VR3, R9, R11, R14, R165DNI DNI N/AR121DNI RES 62 OHM 1/10W 1% 0402 SMD ERJ-2RKF62R0XR17, R19, R21, R23, R26, R27, R28, R50810K RES 10K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF1002VR18, R22, R403 4.75K RES 4.75K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF4751VR20127K RES 27K OHM 1/10W 1% 0402 SMD ERJ-2RKF2702XR24, R25227RES 27 OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF27R0VR291511K RES 511K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF5113VR301100K RES 100K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF1003VR311 2.7K RES 2.7K OHM 1/10W 1% 0603 SMD ERJ-3EKF2701VR32, R34, R35, R39, R41, R46-R49910K RES 10K OHM 1/10W 1% 0402 SMD ERJ-2RKF1002XR331100K THERMISTOR 100K OHM NTC 0402 SMD NCP15WF104F03RCR361DNI RES 4.7K OHM 1/10W 1% 0402 SMD ERJ-2RKF4701XR42, R43, R44, R4540RES 0.0 OHM 1/20W JUMP 0201 SMD ERJ-1GN0R00CSW1, SW2, SW33B3S-1000SWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0.05A 24V B3S-1000SW4, SW52B3S-1002 BY OMZ SWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0.05A 24V B3S-1002 BY OMZSW6, SW7, SW8, SW94DIP SW 6POS SMT SWITCH DIP 6POS HALF PITCH SMD TDA06H0SB1RT112450BL15B200BALUN 2.4GHZ WIFI/BLUETOOTH 8052450BL15B200ETP1, TP2, TP3, TP134BLK TEST POINT PC MULTI PURPOSE BLK5011TP4, TP5, TP6, TP941P CONN HEADER .100 SINGL STR 1POS PEC01SAANTP73DNI TEST POINT PC MULTI PURPOSE RED5010TP81DNI TEST POINT PC MULTI PURPOSE BLK5011TP10, TP122RED TEST POINT PC MULTI PURPOSE RED5010TP111PRPL TEST POINT PC MULTI PURPOSE PRPL5129U21MX25U12835FZ2I-10G IC FLASH 128MBIT 104MHZ 8WSON (8x6)MX25U12835FZ2I-10GU3, U5, U123MAX13030EETE+6-Channel High-Speed Logic Translators 16P TQFN MAX13030EETE+U41NHD-2.23-12832UCB3LCD OLED GRAPHIC 128 X 32 BLUE (63.2 x 43.1) mm NHD-2.23-12832UCB3U61EM9301V02LF024B+BLE Controller without DCDC EM9301V02LF024B+U71FT230XS-R IC USB SERIAL BASIC UART 16SSOP FT230XS-RU81MAX3207EAUT+ESD PROT DIFF SOT23-6MAX3207EAUT+U91DNI ESD PROT DIFF SOT23-6MAX3207EAUT+U10 1MAX14690EWX+MAX14690 PMIC 36P WLP MAX14690EWX+U111MAX1806EUA33+IC REG LDO 3.3V/ADJ 0.5A 8UMAX MAX1806EUA33+XU11MAX32620 SOCKET MAX32620 ME02 NIMITZ 81P WLP SKT C13951C13951 IRONWOODY1132.768kHz CRYSTAL 32.768KHZ 6.0PF 3.2x1.5 SMD ABS07-32.768KHZ-6-TY2126MHz CRYSTAL 26MHZ 10PF 3.2x2.5 SMD ABM8-26.000MHZ-10-1-U-TMAX3262xBLUE OLED GRAPHIC DISPLAY128 X 32 PIXELS 2.23 DIAGONAL/CS SDIN D/C/RES NHD-2_23-12832UCB3ANALOG FRONT ENDAIN0BAT AIN1AIN2AIN3VREFP0[7:0]PORT 0PORT 5JH1P5.7P4.7VDDBUSB2USB MICRO B RX SEL FT230XTXTX SEL RXESD TVS 1V8VBUSVCC ARM JTAG/SWD MISO MOSI EM930126 MHzVCC23V3SCK ANTP ANTNSEL 200 OHM DIFF MICROSTRIPWU/CSN RST BTLE CNTRL (noDCDC)IRQ2.4 GHz ANTENNA CHIPP5.6P4.2BTLE PWR ENUSB MICRO B1.2V BUCK 11.8V BUCK 2CHGIN POWERSW51.8V -2V LDO 13.2V LDO 2LDO 3VDD12VDD18VRTC MAX14690VDD 3V3BATPOLY LI-ION BATTERY (NOT PROVIDED)1V8RST_N SRST_NP5.4P5.53V33V3LED0LED13V3LED23V3LED3TO SRST_NRX0RX1TX0TX1EXT BAT MOSI2B MISO2B SCK2B SSEL2B P5.1P5.2P5.0P5.3PROTOTYPE AREA3V31V81V8_DUT3.6VFROM JTAGRST_N3V3LEDMOSI2A SCK2ASSEL2A P2.7P2.5P2.4RTS_N SELRTS_NCTS_N SELCTS_N CTS0_N P0.0P2.0P0.1P2.1CTS1_N RTS0_N RTS1_NP0.2P2.2P0.3P2.3P3.0P3.1P3.2JTAGMAX13031LEVEL TRANSLATOR I/O 1I/O 2VLL I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5I/O 6VCC 1V83V3I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5I/O 6MAX13031LEVEL TRANSLATOR I/O 1I/O 2VLL I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5VCC 3V3I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5SCLK 1V8SDA SCL MPC1MPC1VBUS G SDEXT SYSsi8439db 3V3VREFP6.0P54P55P60/PROG DNIMON PFN1CAPTHM DNIINT_N PFN2P1[7:0]PORT 1PORT 2PORT 3JH3JH2P2[7:0]P3[7:0]P4[7:0]P5[7:0]P6[0]PORT 4PORT 6CS_N SCLK S1/SIO0SO/SIO1WP_N/SIO2RST_N/SIO3VCCMX25U12835F FLASHP1.3P1.0P1.1P1.2P1.4P1.5SCK1SSEL1SDIO1_0SDIO1_1SDIO1_2SDIO1_3SET6 POS DIP SWSW6OLED EN6 POS DIP SWSW7BTLE EN6 POS DIP SWSW9FLASH EN1V81V81V81V8USBMAX3207VBUSDNI1V8_RTC_DUT3V2_DUT1V2_DUTP3.3SYSSYS0Pi-filter0Pi-filter 0Pi-filter 0Pi-filterBAT SYSReverse Polarity ProtectionSYSLED GPIOs OPEN-DRAIN3V33.3V LDO 3V3 LDO INL3OUTSYSLOW ENERGY BLUETOOTHPMICON BOARD REGULATORL3OUTUSB_VBUS 1V83V3 PERIPH SELP1.6P1.7P4.4P4.5P4.66 POS DIP SWPMIC ENAIN0 TP SELPMIC_MON PMIC_MONUSB_VBUSAIN1 TP SELPMIC_MONFLASH PWR ENOLED PWR ENJP1JP2JP3JP4EN0JH5ANALOG IN TPJP5JP6TP7TP9SW4SW1SW3SW2J1JH6U2JP7XU1U3U5U4U6JP8JP9Y2ANT1T1CN1USB TO UARTSESD TVS MAX3207USB/PWRCN2U8DNIU9U7FTDI CBUSJH7JP10JP12JP13JP14U10SW8JP15JP16JP17JP18JP19JP20JP113V3DS7J2TP12TP13TP11TP10DS5DS1DS2DS3DS4DS6PMIC LEDJH4EN1EN2EN3RESETLEVEL TRANSLATOR I/O 1I/O 2VLL I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5VCC 1V83V3I/O 1I/O 2I/O 3I/O 4I/O 5U12BAT SR2B2450AT42B100JST-PH connector –2mmQ1L1IN SEL MAX1806U11SDA0SCL0VDDATitleCopyright © 2013 - Maxim IntegratedMAX3262x EV Kit - Block DiagramMAX3262x EV Kit - Headers, LEDs & SwitchesMAX3262x EV Kit- MAX3262X, FLASH, JTAG & ANALOGMAX3262x EV Kit - OLED Display & LE BluetoothMAX3262x EV Kit - USB & Serial PortsMAX3262x EV Kit - PMIC & AUX POWER LDOsMAX32620-EVKIT#。
iHome SmartDesign iC3 手机扬声器系统用户指南说明书
Model iC3Portable stereospeaker system foryour Android device QUESTIONS? Visit SMART DESIGN for android™free alarm app works withsearch “iHome Sleep”G E T T I N G S T A R T E D1W E L C O M EThank you for choosing the iHome SmartDesign Series forAndroid featuring SmartSlide™ docking to charge your Android device in any position. This user guide will get youup and running quickly and provide helpful hints to maximizeenjoyment. For more information about this and other iHomeproducts, please visit This unit ships with the following items. Please check to seethat all items are present.1 iC3 speaker system2 SmartSlide™ USB to micro USB cable3 Stereo audio cable w/ 3.5 mm right angle plugs4 100-240V Universal AC power adaptor5 SmartSlide Cover Adhesive Insert SmartSlide™ Cover12345standardUSB plug microUSB plug2F E A T U R E S & F U N C T I O N S Power Button & Power Indicator Light Turn unit on/off lights up when unit is ONUSB portUSB Circuit SwitchSlide to A or B position for USB charging depending upon your device Battery Compartment Cover SmartSlide™ DockAux line-inCord Man agem ent Cha nnelRight SideBottom Left SideAdapter JackPlug in AC adaptor cable and connect to outletAdapter JackPlug in AC adaptor cable and connect to outletA B3Place unit on a stable surface. Plug the power adaptor into the AC jack on back of the unit and the other end into a working wall socket. You can now charge devices connected to the USB port.B A T T E R I E SC O N N E C T I N G T O A C P O W E R This unit can operate on AC power using theincluded 100V-240V universal AC adaptorfor charging and playing devices or on 4 AAbatteries (not included) for portable play.It will not charge devices while operatingon batteries.Installing/Replacing Batteries1. Push in and slide up to open the batterycompartment door located on the front ofthe unit.2. Insert 4 “AA” (LR6) batteries (not included),checking that the + and – ends of the batteriescompartment. We recommend the use ofalkaline batteries for longer life.3. Replace and close the battery compartmentcover.For Best Performance• Do not mix old and new batteries.• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc)or rechargeable batteries.• Make sure you dispose of batteries properly(see your local regulations).The unit uses 4 AA batteries (LR6) for portable use. When the sound becomes weak or distorted, it’s time to replace the batteries. The unit will not charge devices while operating on batteriesoutletS M A R T S L I D E ™ D O C K123This unit features a SmartSlide™ dock (patent pending), which allows you to dock and charge your Android device whether its micro USB port is located on the left, right or bottom of the Android device.1. Drop the standard USB connector end of the SmartSlide™ cable throughat either end of the dock.2. The round slotted connector with the micro USB plug can be rotated180° to match your Android device’s micro USB orientation. Turn theslotted connector so that the slot fits into the track and matches yourAndroid device’s micro USB port orientation. 3. Adjust to line up micro USB plug with your device’s micro USB port, thencarefully dock your Android device. 4Standard USB plug(see page 1)Cable ManagementAfter the micro USB cable is mounted on the SmartSlide™ track, wrap the USB cable around the channel on the bottom of the unit as needed. Be sure to leave enough slack for the cable to exit the product and plug the standard USB plug into the USB port on the left of the unit.Docking & Charging your Android DeviceMake sure your Android device’s firmware is up to date before use (consult the user manual of your Android device). Carefully dock your Android device onto the SmartSlide dock. Once the SmartSlide cable is connected to both your Android device and the unit’s USB port, monitor the Android device to observe its charging status. If it does not appear to be charging, move the USB Circuit Switch located on the bottom of the unit to the other position (A or B). NOTE : unit will only charge while connected to power with AC adaptor. It will not charge while operating on battery power.5A BBottom of unitDocking & Charging other devicesAn adhesive cover is included with the unit to support devices that do not require the SmartSlide™ micro USB cable. To use, peel off the adhesive backing and place the cover over the SmartSlide™. To charge the device, connect it to the USB port on the left of the unit. Observe the charging status of the device, and if needed, move the USB Circuit Switch locatedon the bottom of the unit to the other position (A or B).P L A Y I N G M U S I CLINE-IN JACKConnect one end of the included stereo 3.5mm audio cable into the line-in jack on the right of the unit and the other into the headphone or output jack of your audio device. Turn the audio device on and put it in play mode. Press the Power Button on the unit to turn it on. Adjust volume on your audio device as needed. When you are through listening, make sure to turn the unit off by pressing the Power Button. Remember to turn off your audio device, too.6T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G Symptom Possible reason SolutionUnit won’t turn on Device does not respond to the unit and/or device is playing but no sound comes out AC adaptor isn't plugged intoa working wall socket or notplugged into the power jackon back of the unitBatteries are weak/deadAudio cable and device arenot connected properlyUnit is not properly connectedto power source an/or PowerButton is not ONPlug the AC adaptor into a working wallsocket and plug the connector into thesupply jack on the unit. Make sure anyassociated wall switch that controls theoutlet the is ON.Replace with fresh AA batteriesCheck the volume setting on your device.Make sure your device is working properlybefore connecting. Check that the audiocable is firmly connected to both theline-in jack and to the headphone/audioout jack on your deviceMake sure the unit has fresh batteries or isproperly connected to AC power source.Check that the Power Button is lit up,indicating the unit is ON.7T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 8SymptomPossible reason Solution Erraticperformance No sound Sound distorted Device doesn’tcharge up External interference Volume is too low Volume is too high Sound source is distortedBatteries are weak (unit not connected to AC power)Unit is not connected to AC powerDevice uses a proprietarycharging protocol USB cable is not connected properlyMove unit away from potential sources of external interference such ascomputers, modems, wireless devices(routers) or fluorescent light.Turn volume up on your deviceTurn volume down on your deviceIf the original sound file (MP3) is old orof poor quality, distortion and noise areeasily noticed with high-power speakers.Try upgrading file from a trusted sourcesuch as iTunes.Replace with fresh AA batteriesPlease make sure the unit is connected to a working power outlet. The unit will not charge while operating on batteriesMove the USB Circuit Switch on the bottom of the unit to the A or B positionand monitor the charging status on yourdevice. If it still does not charge, yourdevice may require you to use thecharging accessory that came with it.Check that the USB plug is firmly andcorrectly connected to the USB port on the side of the unit and that the otherend is properly connected to yourdeviceI M P O R T A N T S A F E T Y T I P SWhen used in the directed manner, this unit has been designed and manufactured to ensure your personal safety. However, improper use can result in potential electrical shock or fire hazards. Please read all safety and operating instructions carefully before installation and use, and keep these instructions handy for future reference. T ake special note of all warnings listed in these instructions and on the unit.1. Water and Moisture – The unit should not be used near water. For example: near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, swimming pool or in a wet basement.2. Ventilation – The unit should be situated so that its location or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, it should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug or similar surface that may block ventilation openings. Also, it should not be placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or cabinet, which may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.3. Heat – The unit should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.4. Power Sources – The unit should be connected to a power supply only of the type described in the operating instructions or as marked on the appliance.5. Power-Cable Protection – Power supply cables should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them. It is always best to have a clear area from where the cable exits the unit to where it is plugged into an AC socket.6. Cleaning – The unit should be cleaned only as recommended. See the Maintenance section of this manual for cleaning instructions.7. Objects and Liquid Entry – Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into any openings or vents located on the product.8. Attachments – Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer.9. Lightning and Power Surge Protection – Unplug the unit from the wall socket and disconnect the antenna or cable system during a lightning storm or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time. This will prevent damage to the product due to lightning andpower-line surges.10. Overloading – Do not overload wall sockets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.11. Damage Requiring Service – The unit should be serviced by qualified service personnel when:A. the power supply cable or plug has been damaged.B. objects have fallen into or liquid has been spilled into the enclosure.C. the unit has been exposed to rain.D. the unit has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.E. the unit exhibits a marked change in performance or does not operate normally.12. Periods of Non use – If the unit is to be left unused for an extended period of time, such as a month or longer, the power cable should be unplugged from the unit to prevent damage or corrosion.13. Servicing – The user should not attempt to service the unit beyond those methods described in the user’s operating instructions. Service methods not covered in the operating instructions should be referred to qualified service personnel.14. Magnetic Interference: This product’s speakers contain powerful magnets which could cause interference or damage to sensitive equipment such as hard drives, CRT televisions and monitors, as well as medical, scientific, and navigational devices. Keep this unit away from these products at all times.9A G U I D E T O P R O D U C T S A F E T Y Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.••••••10L I M I T E D1Y E A R W A R R A N T Y iHome Products, a division of SDI Technologies Inc. (hereafter referred to as SDI Technologies), warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and conditions, for aperiod of 1 Year from the date of original purchase.Should this product fail to function in a satisfactory manner, it is best to first return it to the store where it was originally purchased. Should this fail to resolve the matter and service still be required by reason of any defect or malfunction during the warranty period, SDI Technologies will repair or, at its discretion, replace this product without charge (except for a $10.00 charge for handling, packing, returnUPS/postage, and insurance). This decision is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upon delivery of this product to the Factory Service Center listed below. The product must include proof of purchase, including date of purchase. The fee for service without proof of purchase is $20.00. Before returning this product for service, please first replace the batteries (if applicable) with fresh ones, as exhausted or defective batteries are the most common cause of problems encountered.If service is still required:1.Remove the batteries (if applicable) and pack the unit in a well padded, heavy corrugated box.2.Enclose a photocopy of your sales receipt, credit card statement, or other proof of the date of purchase, if within the warranty period.3.Enclose a check or money order payable to the order of SDI Technologies, for the sum of $10.00 ($20.00 without proof of purchase).4.Send the unit prepaid and insured, to the Factory Service Center listed below.Consumer Repair DepartmentSDI Technologies Inc.1330 Goodyear Dr.El Paso, TX 79936-6420Disclaimer of WarrantyNOTE: This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it was designed. It does not cover (i) products which have been damaged by negligence or willful actions, misuse or accident, or which have been modified or repaired by unauthorized persons; (ii) cracked or broken cabinets, or units damaged by excessive heat; (iii) damage to digital media players, CD’s or tape cassettes (if applicable);(iv) the cost of shipping this product to the Factory Service Center and its return to the owner.This warranty is valid only in the United States of America and does not extend to owners of the product other than to the original purchaser. In no event will SDI Technologies or any of its affiliates, contractors, resellers, their officers, directors, shareholders, members or agents be liable to you or any third party for any consequential or incidental damages, any lost profits, actual, exemplary or punitive damages. (Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties or exclusion of consequential damages, so these restrictions may not apply to you.) This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also haveother rights which vary from state to state.Your acknowledgment and agreement to fully and completely abide by the above mentioned disclaimer of warranty is contractually binding to you upon your transfer of currency (money order, cashier's check, or credit card) for purchase of your SDI Technologies product.Questions? Visit Toll Free Customer Service: 1-800-288-2792©SDI Technologies 2011 All rights ReservediC3-122211-A Printed in China。
蓝牙音频产品的测试方案作者:陈伟来源:《信息通信技术与政策》 2018年第9期编者按:对于蓝牙音频产品,除了外观、工艺、便携性等设计制造方面的因素,无线传输的可靠性、电池续航能力以及音质表现,直接关系到产品的质量和消费者的选择。
罗德与施瓦茨(中国)科技有限公司陈伟所撰《蓝牙音频产品的测试方案》一文针对蓝牙音频产品,提供了一套基于测试仪表CMW270 的整体测试方案,该方案包含无线射频测试、音频质量测试和功耗测试,可以覆盖到研发、认证和生产阶段。
最后,介绍了专门针对生产测试的非信令测试仪表CMW100 和自动化测试软件CMWRun。
1 引言作为当前最热门的通信技术之一,蓝牙技术已经普遍应用于智能手机、电脑、汽车以及无线音箱、健康手环等电子设备,受到了人们越来越多的关注。
据蓝牙组织统计,目前有不少于80 亿蓝牙设备;在未来,物联网高速发展中,蓝牙设备的数量会越来越庞大。
从2016 年开始,各大手机厂商逐步取消3.5mm耳机接口,作为智能手机的最佳拍档,蓝牙耳机会逐步替代有线耳机。
而无线音箱,在几个互联网巨头的带动下,智能音箱设备也开始受到消费者的关注,销量在2017 年已经显现出井喷之势。
本文围绕这3 个方面,提出一种基于CMW270 测试仪表的测试解决方案,该方案包含了无线射频测试、音频质量测试以及功耗测试。
2 蓝牙技术简述在20 世纪90 年代,为了减少通信之间的线缆连接,蓝牙技术得以初步发展,最初的传输距离只有10m左右,传输速率也只有最基础的1Mbit/s。
4-中国电信NB-IoT模块测试方法-功耗分册(征求意见稿 2017V1.2)
中国电信NB-IoT模块测试方法-功耗分册中国电信集团公司发布目录前言 (II)中国电信NB-IoT模块测试方法-功耗分册 (3)1 范围 (3)2 规范性引用文件 (3)3 缩略语、术语和定义 (3)3.1 缩略语 (3)3.2 术语和定义 (4)4 概述 (4)4.1 测试等级 (4)4.2 测试结果判断准则 (5)5 测试环境和素材 (6)5.1 测试网络仿真结构 (6)5.2 测试预置要求 (6)5.3 测试仪器仪表 (7)5.4 测试素材 (7)6功耗测试 (7)6.1模块待机功耗要求 (7)6.2模块休眠模式功耗要求 (8)6.3模块CP优化数据传输功耗要求 (11)6.4模块UP优化数据传输功耗测试 (21)7 详细更新历史 (31)前言本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。
本标准由中国电信集团公司市场部组织制定本标准起草单位:中国电信股份有限公司广州研究院本标准主要起草人:本标准于2017年XX月首次发布中国电信NB-IoT模块测试方法-功耗分册1 范围本规范规定了中国电信股份有限公司(简称中国电信)NB-IoT模块功耗测试要求。
2 规范性引用文件下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
[1] 中国电信物联网模块需求白皮书-NB-IoT分册[2] 中国电信NB-IoT终端设备技术要求3 缩略语、术语和定义3.1 缩略语下列缩略语适用于本标准。
中间电平的极值可在线性(dB信号电平)/线性(dB比)坐标 上对间断点之间画的直线中得出。测试过程中,声压不 得超过+10dBPa。
7.3.1 7.3.2 7.7 7.8.2 7.9 空闲信道噪声_发送 空闲信道噪声_接收 声学回声控制 接收失真 环境噪声抑制
接收灵敏度/频率响应是指人工耳的输出声压与 系统模拟器语音编码器的输入声压之比,以dB 值表示。(测量的声压参考ERP,对TYPE1型 人工耳来说,测量麦克风直接应用与ERP,不需 要额外的纠正,对TYPE3.x型人工耳来说,测量 麦克风应用DRP(鼓膜参考点),因此测量值需要 用矫正因子转换到参考ERP点的测量值。因 此,测试开始之前,应在配置人工耳位置部分 选择是参考ERP还是DRP)。 驱动语音编码器,获得系统参考值为-16 dBm0 的纯单音。 测量并评估人工耳处声压。
∑ 10
(1 / 5 7 .1 )( S U J E − W R )
计算频段4至17的RLR,采用下表的接收加权系 数,m=0.175。
由于系统模拟器语音解码器的输入灵敏度容限, 计算RLR时须考虑系统模拟器自身的灵敏度。 此外,不需要进行泄露校正。 接收响度取决于手机音量设置(根据3GPP TS 26.131,它应为-1 dB到+5dB之间),dB值越小说 明响度值越大,当手机上设置响度为最大值 时,RLR应不小于-13dB。为保护人耳,接受响 度不能超过某个固定值。 总体的PASS或FAIL信息由频率响应曲线和响度 评定值综合来决定,只有曲线和响度值都在容 限范围内才显示PASS。
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3GPP TS 26.131 V11.2.0 (2013-03)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;Terminal acoustic characteristics for telephony;Requirements(Release 11)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsUMTS, terminal, telephony, acoustic, LTE3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2013, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of i ts Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationContentsForeword (5)Introduction (5)1Scope (6)2References (6)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (7)3.1Definitions (7)3.2Abbreviations (7)4Interfaces (7)5Narrowband telephony transmission performance (9)5.1Applicability (9)5.2Overall loss/loudness ratings (9)5.2.1General (9)5.2.2Connections with handset UE (9)5.2.3Connections with desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE (10)5.2.4Connections with hand-held hands-free UE (10)5.2.5Connections with headset UE (10)5.3Idle channel noise (handset and headset UE) (11)5.3.1Sending (11)5.3.2Receiving (11)5.4Sensitivity/frequency characteristics (11)5.4.1Handset and headset UE sending (11)5.4.2Handset and headset UE receiving (12)5.4.3Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE sending (13)5.4.4Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE receiving (14)5.4.5Hand-held hands-free UE sending (15)5.4.6Hand-held hands-free UE receiving (16)5.5Sidetone characteristics (handset and headset UE) (17)5.5.1Sidetone loss (17)5.5.2Sidetone delay (17)5.6Stability loss (17)5.7Acoustic echo control (18)5.7.1General (18)5.7.2Acoustic echo control in desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE (18)5.7.3Acoustic echo control in hand-held hands-free UE (18)5.7.4Acoustic echo control in a handset UE (19)5.7.5Acoustic echo control in a headset UE (19)5.8Distortion (19)5.8.1Sending distortion (19)5.8.2Receiving (20)5.9Void (20)5.10Information on other parameters (not normative) (20)5.11Sending performance in the presence of ambient noise (20)5.11.1General (20)5.11.2Connections with handset UE (21)5.12Delay (21)5.12.1Handset UE (21)5.12.2Headset UE (21) headset (21) headset (21)5.13Echo control characteristics (21)5.13.1Handset (22)5.13.2Headset (22)5.13.3Handheld hands-free (23)5.13.4Desktop and vehicle mounted hands-free (23)6Wideband telephony transmission performance (23)6.1Applicability (23)6.2Overall loss/loudness ratings (23)6.2.1General (23)6.2.2Connections with handset UE (23)6.2.3Connections with desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE (23)6.2.4Connections with hand-held hands-free UE (24)6.2.5Connections with headset UE (24)6.3Idle channel noise (handset and headset UE) (25)6.3.1Sending (25)6.3.2Receiving (25)6.4Sensitivity/frequency characteristics (25)6.4.1Handset and headset UE sending (25)6.4.2Handset and headset UE receiving (26)6.4.3Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE sending (26)6.4.4Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE receiving (27)6.4.5Hand-held hands-free UE sending (29)6.4.6Hand-held hands-free UE receiving (29)6.5Sidetone characteristics (handset and headset UE) (31)6.5.1Sidetone loss (31)6.5.2Sidetone delay (31)6.6Stability loss (31)6.7Acoustic echo control (32)6.7.1General (32)6.7.2Acoustic echo control in desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE (32)6.7.3Acoustic echo control in hand-held hands-free UE (32)6.7.4Acoustic echo control in a handset UE (32)6.7.5Acoustic echo control in a headset UE (33)6.8Distortion (33)6.8.1Sending distortion (33)6.8.2Receiving (34)6.9Void (35)6.10 Sending performance in the presence of ambient noise (35)6.10.1General (35)6.10.2Connections with handset UE (35)6.11Delay (35)6.11.1Handset UE (35)6.11.2Headset UE (36) headset (36) headset (36)6.12Echo control characteristics (36)6.12.1Handset (37)6.12.2Headset (37)6.12.3Handheld hands-free (37)6.12.4Desktop and vehicle mounted hands-free (37)Annex A (informative): Change history (38)ForewordThis Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:Version x.y.zwhere:x the first digit:1 presented to TSG for information;2 presented to TSG for approval;3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc.z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.IntroductionThe present document specifies minimum performance requirements for the acoustic characteristics of 3G terminals when used to provide narrowband or wideband telephony.The objective for narrowband services is to reach a quality as close as possible to ITU-T standards for PSTN circuits. However, due to technical and economic factors, there cannot be full compliance with the general characteristics of international telephone connections and circuits recommended by the ITU-T.The performance requirements are specified in the main body of the text; the test methods and considerations are described in TS 26.132.1 ScopeThe present document is applicable to any terminal capable of supporting narrowband or wideband telephony, either as a stand-alone service or as the telephony component of a multimedia service. The present document specifies minimum performance requirements for the acoustic characteristics of 3G terminals when used to provide narrowband or wideband telephony.The set of minimum performance requirements enables a guaranteed level of speech quality while taking possible physical limits of the terminal design into account. Some performance objectives are also defined, if such design limits can be overcome. Care must be taken in applying performance objectives in isolation, not to degrade overall end-user speech quality.2 ReferencesThe following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.∙References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.∙For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.∙For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includinga GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the sameRelease as the present document.[1] 3GPP TS 26.132: "Speech and video telephony terminal acoustic test specification".[2] ITU-T Recommendation B.12 (1988): "Use of the decibel and the neper intelecommunications"[3] ITU-T Recommendation G.103 (1998): "Hypothetical reference connections".[4] ITU-T Recommendation G.111 (1993): "Loudness ratings (LRs) in an international connection".[5] ITU-T Recommendation G.121 (1993): "Loudness ratings (LRs) of national systems".[6] ITU-T Recommendation G.122 (1993): "Influence of national systems on stability and talker echoin international connections".[7] ITU-T Recommendation G.711 (1988): "Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies".[8] ITU-T Recommendation P.11 (1993): "Effect of transmission impairments".[9] ITU-T Recommendation P. 380 (2003): "Electro-acoustic measurements on headsets".[10] ITU-T Recommendation P.50 (1993): "Artificial voices".[11] ITU-T Recommendation P.79 (1999) with Annex G (2001): "Calculation of loudness ratings fortelephone sets".[12] ITU-T Recommendation G.223: "Assumptions for the calculation of noise on hypotheticalreference circuits for telephony".[13] ITU-T Recommendation P.340: "Transmission characteristics and speech quality parameters ofhands-free terminals".[14] ITU-T Recommendation P.501: "Test signals for use in telephonometry".[15] ITU-T Recommendation P.502: "Objective test methods for speech communication systems usingcomplex test signals".[16] 3GPP TS 06.77 (R99): "Minimum Performance Requirements for Noise Suppresser Application tothe AMR Speech Encoder".3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations3.1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of the present document the term narrowband shall refer to signals sampled at 8 kHz; wideband shall refer to signals sampled at 16 kHz.For the purposes of the present document, the terms dB, dBr, dBm0, dBm0p and dBA, shall be interpreted as defined in ITU-T Recommendation B.12 [2]; the term dBPa shall be interpreted as the sound pressure level relative to 1 pascal expressed in dB (0 dBPa is equivalent to 94 dB SPL).A 3GPP softphone is a telephony system running on a general purpose computer or PDA complying with the 3GPP terminal acoustic requirements (TS 26.131 and 26.132).3.2 AbbreviationsFor the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:ADC Analogue to Digital ConverterDAC Digital to Analogue ConverterDAI Digital Audio InterfaceDRP Eardrum Reference PointDTX Discontinuous TransmissionEEC Electrical Echo ControlEL Echo LossERP Ear Reference PointHATS Head and Torso SimulatorLSTR Listener Sidetone RatingMRP Mouth Reference PointOLR Overall Loudness RatingPCM Pulse Code ModulationPDA Personal Digital AssistantPOI Point of Interconnection (with PSTN)PSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkRLR Receive Loudness RatingSLR Send Loudness RatingSTMR Sidetone Masking RatingSS System SimulatorTX TransmissionUE User EquipmentUPCMI 13-bit Uniform PCM Interface4 InterfacesThe interfaces required to define terminal acoustic characteristics are shown in figure 0. These are the air interface and the point of interconnect (POI).NOTE 1: Includes DTX functionality.NOTE 2: Connection to PSTN should include electrical echo control (EEC).Figure 0: 3G Interfaces for specification and testing of terminal acoustic characteristics The Air Interface is specified by the 3G 25 series specifications and is required to achieve user equipment (UE) transportability. Analogue measurements can be made at this point using a system simulator (SS) comprising the appropriate radio terminal equipment and speech transcoder. The losses and gains introduced by the test speech transcoder will need to be specified.The POI with the public switched telephone network (PSTN) is considered to have a relative level of 0 dBr, where signals will be represented by 8-bit A-law, according to ITU-T Recommendation G.711 [7]. Analogue measurements may be made at this point using a standard send and receive side, as defined in ITU-T Recommendations.Five classes of acoustic interface are considered in this specification:- Handset UE including softphone UE used as a handset;- Headset UE including softphone UE used with headset;- Desktop-mounted hands-free UE including softphone UE with external loudspeaker(s) used in hands-free mode;- Vehicle-mounted hands-free UE including softphone UE mounted in a vehicle;- Hand-held hands-free UE including softphone UE with internal loudspeaker(s) used in hands-free mode.(See definition of softphone in Clause 3.1)NOTE: The requirements and performance objectives for a softphone UE shall be derived according to the following rules:- When using a softphone UE as a handset: requirements and performance objectives shall correspond to handset mode.- When using a softphone UE with headset: requirements and performance objectives shall correspond to headset mode.- When a softphone UE is mounted in a vehicle: requirements and performance objectives shall correspond to vehicle-mounted handsfree mode.- When using a softphone UE in hands-free mode:- When using internal loudspeaker(s), requirements and performance objectives shall correspond to hand-held hands-free.- When using external loudspeaker(s), requirements and performance objectives shall correspond to desktop-mounted hands-free.5 Narrowband telephony transmission performance5.1 ApplicabilityThe performance requirements in this sub-clause shall apply when UE is used to provide narrowband telephony, either as a stand-alone service, or as part of a multimedia service.5.2 Overall loss/loudness ratings5.2.1 GeneralAn international connection involving a 3G network and the PSTN should meet the overall loudness rating (OLR) limits in ITU-T Recommendation G.111 [4]. The national parts of the connection should therefore meet the send and receive loudness rating (SLR, RLR) limits in ITU-T Recommendation G.121 [5].For the case where digital routings are used to connect the 3G network to the international chain of circuits, the SLR and RLR of the national extension will be largely determined by the SLR and RLR of the 3G network. The limits given below are consistent with the national extension limits and long term objectives in ITU-T Recommendation G.121 [5]. The SLR and RLR values for the 3G network apply up to the POI. However, the main determining factors are the characteristics of the UE, including the analogue to digital conversion (ADC) and digital to analogue conversion (DAC). In practice, it is convenient to specify loudness ratings to the Air Interface. For the normal case, where the 3G network introduces no additional loss between the Air Interface and the POI, the loudness ratings to the PSTN boundary (POI) will be the same as the loudness ratings measured at the Air Interface. However, in some cases loss adjustment may be needed for interworking situations in individual countries.5.2.2 Connections with handset UEThe nominal values of SLR/RLR to the POI shall be:SLR = 8 ± 3 dB;RLR = 2 ± 3 dB.Where a user-controlled receiving volume control is provided, the RLR shall meet the nominal value for at least one setting of the control. When the control is set to maximum, the RLR shall not be ≤ (equal or louder than) -13 dB.With th e volume control set to the minimum position the RLR shall not be ≥ (equal or quieter than) 18 dB. Compliance shall be checked by the relevant tests described in TS Connections with desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UEThe nominal values of SLR/RLR to/from the POI shall be:SLR = 13 ± 4 dB;RLR = 2 ± 4 dB (for vehicle-mounted hands-free UE);RLR = 5 ± 4 dB (for desktop hands-free UE).1. For a vehicle-mounted hands-free UE:Where a user-controlled volume control is provided, the RLR shall meet the nominal value for at least onesetting of the control. It is recommended that a volume control giving at least 15 dB increase from the nominal RLR (louder) is provided for hands-free units intended to work in the vehicle environment. This is to allow for the increased acoustic noise level in a moving vehicle.RLR at the maximum volume control setting should be ≤ (equal or louder than) -2 dB.2. For a desktop hands-free UE:Where a user-controlled volume control is provided, the RLR shall meet the nominal value for at least onesetting of the control. It is recommended that a volume control giving at least 15 dB increase from the nominal RLR (louder) is provided for hands-free units. This is to allow for the increased acoustic noise level in the usage environment.RLR at the maximum volume control setting should be ≤ (equal or louder than) 1 dB.Compliance shall be checked by the relevant tests described in TS 26.132.NOTE: The target value for nominal RLR, as recommended in ITU-T G.111 Annex B – Table B.1 [4], lies between 1 and 3 dB. The higher RLR requirement of 5 dB for desktop hands-free is appreciative of thelimitations in transducer output with current typical form factors.5.2.4 Connections with hand-held hands-free UEThe nominal values of SLR/RLR to/from the POI shall be:SLR = 13 ± 4 dB;RLR = 9 +9 / -7 dB.As a performance objective it is recommended that the RLR at the maximum volume control setting is ≤ (equal or louder than) 2 dB.Where a user-controlled volume control is provided, the RLR shall meet the nominal value for at least one setting of the control. It is recommended that a volume control range ≥ 15 dB be provided. Compliance shall be checked by the relevant tests described in TS 26.132.NOTE: The target value for nominal RLR, as recommended in ITU-T G.111 Annex B – Table B.1 [4], lies between 1 and 3 dB. The higher RLR requirement of 9 dB for hand-held hands-free is appreciative of thelimitations in transducer output with typical form factors.5.2.5 Connections with headset UEThe nominal values of SLR/RLR to/from the POI shall be:SLR = 8 ± 3 dB;RLR = 2 ± 3 dB;RLR (binaural headset) = 8 ± 3 dB for each earphone.Where a user-controlled receiving volume control is provided, the RLR shall meet the nominal value for at least one setting of the control. When the control is set to maximum, the RLR shall not be ≤ (equal or louder than) -13 dB.With the volume control set to the minimum position the RLR shall not be ≥ (equal or quieter than) 18 dB and shall not be ≥ (equal or quieter than) 24 dB for a binaural headset.Compliance shall be checked by the relevant tests described in 3GPP TS Idle channel noise (handset and headset UE)5.3.1 SendingThe maximum noise level produced by the apparatus at the output of the SS under silent conditions in the sending direction shall be ≤ -64 dBm0p.NOTE 1: This level includes the eventual noise contribution of an acoustic echo canceller under the condition that no signal is received.NOTE 2: This figure applies to the total noise level with psophometric weighting. It is recommended that the level of single frequency disturbances should be ≤ -74 dBm0p in the frequency range from 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz. Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS ReceivingThe maximum (acoustic) A-weighted noise level at the handset and headset UE when no signal is applied to the input of the SS shall be as follows:If no user-controlled receiving volume control is provided, or, if it is provided, at the setting of the user-controlled receiving volume control at which the RLR is equal to the nominal value, the noise measured at the DRP with diffuse-field correction contributed by the receiving equipment alone shall be ≤ -57 dBPa(A).Where a volume control is provided, the measured noise shall be ≤ -54 dBPa(A) at the maximum setting of the volume control.For the nominal volume control setting, the level of single frequency disturbances should be ≤ -60 dBPa(A) in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. As a performance objective it is recommended that the level should be≤ -64 dBPa(A).NOTE: In a connection with the PSTN, noise conditions as described in ITU-T Recommendation G.103 [3] can be expected at the input (POI) of the 3G network. The characteristics of this noise may be influenced by the speech transcoding process (for further study).Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in 3GPP TS Sensitivity/frequency characteristics5.4.1 Handset and headset UE sendingThe sensitivity/frequency characteristics shall be as follows:The sending sensitivity frequency response, measured either from the mouth reference point (MRP) to the digital interface or from the MRP to the SS audio output (digital output of the reference speech decoder of the SS), shall be within a mask, which can be drawn between the points given in table 1. The mask is drawn with straight lines between the breaking points in table 1 on a logarithmic (frequency) - linear (dB sensitivity) scale.Table 1: Handset and headset sending sensitivity/frequency maskFigure 1: Handset and headset sending sensitivity/frequency maskCompliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Handset and headset UE receivingThe sensitivity/frequency characteristics shall be as follows:The receiving sensitivity frequency response, measured either from the digital interface to the DRP with diffuse-field correction or from the SS audio input (analogue or digital input of the reference speech encoder of the SS) to the DRP with diffuse-field correction shall be within a mask, which can be drawn with straight lines between the breaking points in table 2 on a logarithmic (frequency) - linear (dB sensitivity) scale.Table 2: Handset and headset receiving sensitivity/frequency mask for 8N application forceFigure 2: Handset and headset receiving sensitivity/frequency mask for 8N application force Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE sendingThe sending sensitivity frequency response from the MRP to the SS audio output (digital output of the reference speech decoder of the SS) shall be as follows:The sending sensitivity frequency response shall be within the mask which can be drawn with straight lines between the breaking points in table 3 on a logarithmic (frequency) - linear (dB sensitivity) scale.Table 3: Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free sending sensitivity/frequency maskFigure 3: Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free sending sensitivity/frequency mask Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE receivingThe receiving sensitivity frequency response from the SS audio input (analogue or digital input of the reference speech encoder of the SS) to the free-field shall be as follows:The receiving sensitivity frequency response shall be within the mask which can be drawn with straight lines between the breaking points in table 4 on a logarithmic (frequency) - linear (dB sensitivity) scale.Table 4: Desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free receiving sensitivity/frequency maskFigure 4: Desktop and vehicle-mounted receiving sensitivity/frequency mask Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Hand-held hands-free UE sendingThe sending sensitivity frequency response from the MRP to the SS audio output (digital output of the reference speech decoder of the SS) shall be as follows:The sending sensitivity frequency response shall be within the mask which can be drawn with straight lines between the breaking points in table 5 on a logarithmic (frequency) - linear (dB sensitivity) scale.Table 5: Hand-held hands-free sending sensitivity/frequency maskFigure 5: Hand-held hands-free sending sensitivity/frequency maskCompliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Hand-held hands-free UE receivingThe receiving sensitivity frequency response from the SS audio input (analogue or digital input of the reference speech encoder of the SS) to the free-field shall be as follows:The receiving sensitivity frequency response shall be within the mask which can be drawn with straight lines between the breaking points in table 6 on a logarithmic (frequency) - linear (dB sensitivity) scale.Table 6: Hand-held hands-free receiving sensitivity/frequency maskFigure 6: Hand-held hands-free receiving sensitivity/frequency maskCompliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Sidetone characteristics (handset and headset UE)5.5.1 Sidetone lossThe talker sidetone masking rating (STMR) shall be ≥ 15 dB and should be ≤ 23 dB for the nominal setting of the volume control. For all other positions of the volume control, the STMR shall be ≥ 10 dB.Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in 3GPP TS 26.132. The bandwidth for the sidetone path provided by the UE may in some terminals not be restricted to the narrowband range. In case the sidetone path operates in a mode other than narrowband (to be declared by the manufacturer), compliance shall be checked using the test described for “Wideband telephony transmission performance”.NOTE 1: Where a user-controlled receiving volume control is provided, it is recommended that the sidetone loss is independent of the volume control setting.NOTE 2: In general, it is recommended to provide a terminal sidetone path for handset and headset UEs.NOTE 3: In case the human air-conducted sidetone paths are obstructed (one example being some binaural insert type headset UEs), it is important to provide a terminal sidetone path.5.5.2 Sidetone delayThe maximum sidetone delay should be ≤ 5 ms, measured in an echo-free setup.NOTE: The measured result is only applicable where the level of the electrical sidetone is sufficiently high to be measured. While the STMR value may indicate the presence of sidetone it should be ensured that this isnot primarily due to the acoustical or mechanical sidetone path when interpreting sidetone delay results. Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Stability lossThe stability loss presented to the PSTN by the 3G network at the POI should meet the principles of the requirements in clauses 2 and 3 of ITU-T Recommendation G.122 [6]. These requirements will be met if the attenuation between thedigital input and digital output at the POI is ≥ 6 dB at all frequencies in the range 200 Hz to 4 kHz under the worst case acoustic conditions at the UE (any acoustic echo control should be enabled). For the normal case of digital connection between the Air Interface and the POI, the stability requirement can be applied at the Air Interface.The worst case acoustic conditions will be as follows (with volume control set to maximum for each following condition):Handset UE: the handset lying on, and the transducers facing, a hard surface with the ear-piece uncapped;Headset UE:for further study;Hands-free UE: no requirement other than echo loss.NOTE: The test procedure must take into account the switching effects of echo control and discontinuous transmission (DTX).5.7 Acoustic echo control5.7.1 GeneralThe echo loss (EL) presented by the 3G network at the POI should be sufficient during single-talk. This takes into account the fact that the UE is likely to be used in connections with high transmission delay and in a wide range of noise environments.See ITU-T Recommendation G.131 for general guidance.The use of acoustic echo control is not mandated for 3G networks and the connection between the UE and the POI is zero loss. Therefore the acoustic echo control provided in the UE should provide a sufficient TCLw at the POI over the likely range of acoustic end delays.If acoustic echo control is provided by voice switching, comfort noise should be injected. This comfort noise shall operate in the same way as that used in DTX.5.7.2 Acoustic echo control in desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-freeUEThe TCLw for the desktop and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE shall be ≥ 40 dB for any setting of the volume control. The TCLw for the desktop hands-free and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE shall be ≥ 46 dB when measured under free-field conditions at the nominal setting of the volume control.NOTE: A TCLw for the desktop hands-free and vehicle-mounted hands-free UE of ≥ 55 dB is recommended as a performance objective when measured under free-field conditions at the nominal setting of the volumecontrol. Depending on the UE idle channel noise in the sending direction, it may not always be possible tomeasure an echo loss ≥ 55 dB.The echo canceller should be designed to cope with the expected reverberation and dispersion. In the case of the hands-free UE, this reverberation and dispersion may be time variant. Compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS Acoustic echo control in hand-held hands-free UEThe TCLw for hand-held hands-free UE shall be ≥ 40 dB for any setting of the volume control.The TCLw for hand-held hands-free UE shall be ≥ 46 dB at the nominal setting of the volume control.NOTE: A TCLw for the hand-held hands-free UE of ≥ 55 dB is recommended as a performance objective when measured under free-field conditions at the nominal setting of the volume control. Depending on the UEidle channel noise in the sending direction, it may not always be possible to measure an echo loss ≥ 55 dB.。