





阀门基础知识培训了解公司的结构和运作方式 明确与阀门有关的术语熟悉阀门类型及用途了解所供产品种类能对常用产品进行推介能够准备完善的询价和报价能对常用阀门进行选型和计算公司基本结构及运作模式阀门有关的术语阀门种类及用途tyco所供产品的主要类型如何向用户推介几种主要产品 如何准备完善的询价和报价如何做一个好的AE公司的运作模式市场销售技术支持合同执行售后服务阀门有关的术语压力等级&钻孔标准:ANSI150#,300#,400#,600#,800#,900# 1500#,2500#,4500#DIN/ISO/BS PN6,10,16,20,25,40,50,64, 100,150,250,320,420JIS 10K,20K,30K…含义:温压等级钻孔标准材料的温压值:ANSI B16.34K-Lok钻孔标准:常用钻孔标准:ANSI B16.5/ ANSI B16.47,A/BDIN 2501JIS B2213/14/15GB9113: 与DIN标准相近...钻孔标准:流量系数:流量系数是衡量阀门流通能力的指标,值越大说明流体流过阀门的压损越小;阀门流量系数取决于:阀门类型,尺寸,结构,开启角度,流向等;流量系数值是通过试验确定的,它是指流体流经阀门产生单位压力损失时流体的流量;流量系数:Cv=the flow rate of water in US gpm that will pass through a valve with a pressure drop of 1psi @ 60o FCv液体=Qx(RD/σP) 1/2Kv=the flow rate of water in m3/hr that will pass through a valve with a pressure drop of 1bar @ 20o CKv液体=Qx(RD/σP) 1/21Kv=0.8650Cv气蚀:定义:液体流经截流元件时,由于速度加快,压力降低,低压区的液体会气化产生起泡,气泡进入较高压力区时就突然破裂,这一过程就叫气蚀。



●压力密封的瓷套管是由棕色 C130 高强 瓷做成。 ●上端盖和底盘由耐腐的合金材料做成。 ●扭力控制断头螺栓的机械接管与电缆导 体连接并由防油填充胶和热缩管密封。 ●硅橡胶应力锥提供电应力控制。 ●应力锥和电缆与瓷套管内壁之间使用绝 缘油填充。 ●根据不同的电缆护套和铠装结构采用不 同的电缆固定及密封装置。 ●提供支撑绝缘子以用于分别接地和交叉 互联。
●轻质的压力密封复合绝缘套管 ●预制式工厂试验硅橡胶应力锥 ●扭力控制机械接管 ●热缩管密封 ●安装时不需要特殊工具 ●绝缘油常压填充(可由终端顶端注入) ●独立绝缘底盘 ●金具采用耐腐蚀合金材料制成 ●按 IEC62067、GB/Z18890-2002 设计及 试验
底板 支撑绝缘子 电缆固定及密封装置
●轻质的压力密封瓷套管 ●预制式工厂试验硅橡胶应力锥 ●扭力控制机械接管 ●热缩管密封 ●安装时不需要特殊工具 ●绝缘油常压填充(可由终端顶端注入) ●独立绝缘底盘 ●金具采用耐腐蚀合金材料制成 ●按 IEC62067、GB/Z18890-2002 设 计及试验
底板 支撑绝缘子 电缆固定及密封装置
公司介绍........................................................................................... 3 OHVT-245C户外电缆终端................................................................. 4 OHVT-245P户外电缆终端................................................................. 6 PHVS-245/PHVT-245拔插式干式终端.............................................. 8 EHVS-245S / EHVS-245I整体预制式中间接头..................................10 OHVT-126DF全干式柔性电缆终端....................................................12 OHVT-145CC户外电缆终端.............................................................14 OHVT-123PBC户外电缆终端...........................................................16 OHVT-145D户外电缆终端............................................................... 18 PHVS-145/PHVT-145插拔式干式终端.............................................20 EHVS-145/170中间接头..................................................................22 EHVS-Y2干式Y型接头.....................................................................24 EHVS-145S / EHVS-145I整体预制式中间接头..................................26 PHVS-52kV内锥可分离式连接器.......................................................28 OHVT-52H/72H热缩型户外/户内电缆终端..........................................30 EHVS-52H/72H中间接头.................................................................32 EHVM-PHVX-TEST-PLATE-CN压力测试板..................................34 HVTC-TESTCAB测试电缆...............................................................35 大电流测试装置.................................................................................36 安装工具. .........................................................................................37 试验设备. .........................................................................................38 用户使用报告....................................................................................41 国内高压电缆附件供货记录.................................................................42 典型应用. .........................................................................................49 质量承诺和服务承诺. .........................................................................52



10-2014, Rev. © 2014 Tyco Electronics Corporation,a TE Connectivity Ltd. companyDatasheets and product specification according to IEC 61810-1 and to be used only together with the ‘Definitions’ section.Datasheets and product data is subject to the terms of the disclaimer and all chapters of the ‘Definitions’ section, available at /definitionsDatasheets, product data, ‘Definitions’ sec-tion, application notes and all specifications are subject to change.1Power PCB Relay RZH 105°C 16An 1 pole 16A, 1 form C (CO) or 1 form A (NO) contact n DC coil 400mWn 5kV/10mm coil-contact, reinforced insulation n Ambient temperature 105°C n Product in accordance to IEC 60335-1Typical applicationsOven control, cooking plate controlApprovalsVDE Cert. No. 40023970, cULus E214025, CQCTechnical data of approved types on requestContact DataContact arrangement 1 form C (CO) or 1 form A (NO)Rated voltage 250VAC Max. switching voltage 400VAC Rated current 16A 1) Limiting making current,form A contact, max. 4 s, duty factor 10 % 30A Breaking capacity max. 4000VA Contact material AgNi 90/10 or AgSnO 2Frequency of operation, with/without load 360/72000h -1Operate/release time max. 8/6ms Bounce time max., form A/form B 4/6ms Contact ratings Type Contact Load Cycles IEC 61810RZH3-1C4 A/C (NO/NC) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 10x103RZH3-1A3 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 40x10³ RZH3-1A3 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 20x 10³ RZH . -1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 18 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 30x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 100x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 300x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 30x103 RZH . -1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 50x103UL 508RZH3-1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 150x103 RZH3-1C4 A/C (NO/NC) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 10x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 10 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 300x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 12 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C 150x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 105°C 30x103 RZHH-1A4 A (NO) 16 A, 250 VAC, resistive, 85°C50x103Contact Data (continued)Mechanical endurance>10x106 operations1) Continuous thermal load >10A at 105°C requires reduction of coil power to 49% of rated power after 100ms.Coil DataCoil voltage range 3 to 48VDC Operative range, IEC 61810 90...110% U RTDCoil insulation system according UL1446class FCoil versions, DC coil Coil Rated Operate Release Coil Rated coil code voltage voltage voltage resistance power VDC VDC VDC Ω±10% mW 1) D003 3 2.1 0.3 22 410 D005 5 3.5 0.5 60 420 D006 6 4.2 0.6 90 400 D009 9 6.3 0.9 200 400 D012 12 8.4 1.2 360 400 D024 24 16.8 2.4 1440 400 D048 48 33.6 4.8 5730 4001) Continuous thermal load > 10 A at 105°C requires reduction of coil power to 49% of rated power after 100 ms.All figures are given for coil without pre-energization, at ambient temperature +23°C.Other coil voltages on request.Insulation DataInitial dielectric strength between open contacts 1000V rms between contact and coil 5000V rms Clearance/creepagebetween contact and coil ≥10/10mmMaterial group of insulation parts IIIa Tracking index of relay basePTI250VF0305-AZ10-2014, Rev. 1014© 2014 Tyco Electronics Corporation,Datasheets and product specification Datasheets and product data is subject to the/definitionsDatasheets, product data, ‘Definitions’ sec-2Power PCB Relay RZH 105°C 16A (Continued)Other DataMaterial compliance: EU RoHS/ELV, China RoHS, REACH, Halogen contentrefer to the Product Compliance Support Center at/customersupport/rohssupportcenterResistance to heat and firestandard cover version according EN 60335-1, par.30Ambient temperature -40 to 105°CCategory of environmental protectionIEC 61810 RTII - flux proofVibration resistance (functional), 30 to 500Hzclosing form A contact >15gopening form A contact >20gopening form B contact >5gShock resistance (destructive) 100gTerminal type PCB-THTMounting distance ≥2mmWeight 10gResistance to soldering heat THTIEC 60068-2-20 270°C/10s2)Packaging/unit tube/20 pcs., box/500 pcs.2) The use of foaming flux is not permitted.PCB layout / terminal assignmentBottom view on solder pinsDimensionsS0163-BF16 A, pinning 5 m m16 A, pinning 5 m mS0163-BERecommended pcb hole for manual mounting:k1.3mmFor automated mounting please ask fordetailed drawing.Product code structure Typical product code RZ H 3 -1A 4 -D012TypeRZ Power PCB Relay RZVersionH Hot version 105°CVersion3 double pinning 5mm, 16A (1 form A or 1 form C)H double pinning 5mm, 16A High performance (1 form A)Contact Configuration1A 1 form A (1 NO) contact1C 1 form C (1 CO) contactContact material4 AgNi 90/103 AgSnO2Coil versionCoil code: please refer to coil versions tableProduct code Version Contacts Contact material Coil Part number RZH3-1C4-D012 16A, 105°C 1 form C (CO) AgNi 90/10 12VDC 2-1415899-5RZH3-1C4-D024 pinning 5mm 24VDC 2-1415899-6RZH3-1A4-D009 1 form A (NO) 9VDC 2-1415899-7RZH3-1A4-D012 12VDC2-1415899-8RZH3-1A4-D024 24VDC2-1415899-9 RZHH-1A4-D009 16A, 105°C 9VDC 6-1415899-2 RZHH-1A4-D012 pinning 5mm 12VDC 6-1415899-6 RZHH-1A4-D024 High performance 24VDC 6-1415899-7RZH3-1A3-D012 16A, 105°C, pinning 5mm 1 form A (NO) AgSnO2 12VDC 9-1415899-0。



Grain size < 0,2 μm 0,2 - 0,5 μm 0,5 - 0,8 μm 0,8 - 1,3 μm 1,3 - 2,5 μm 2,5 - 6,0 μm > 6,0 μm
German designation Nano Ultrafein Feinst Fein Mittel Grob Extragrob
中国总部 北京市朝阳区雅宝路10号凯威大厦1203室 电话: 010-85634883 上海市浦东金桥出口加工区金豫路750号 电话: 021-38608288 全面服务热线: 400 6501 388

工程产品 硬质合金棒料 旋转切削工具解决方案
硬质合金棒料Biblioteka 实心未精磨棒料 Ø 1,2 - 32,3 mm, length 325 + 10 mm ........................................................ 2
公司 全球总部 美国宾夕法尼亚州、拉特罗布15650 Technology路 1600号 电话: 800 446 7738 (美国与加拿大) 电子信箱: ftmill.service@
欧洲总部 Rheingoldstrasse 50 CH 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall 瑞士 电话: 0041 52 6750 100 电子信箱: @











30,000_CN 三偏心蝶阀中文样本

30,000_CN 三偏心蝶阀中文样本

!" -
! 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 4a 4b 4c 4d 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 6a 6b 6c 7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 8a 9a 9b ! !"# !"#$ !"#$% ASTM A216 WCB Stellite R Gr.21 ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A105 ASTM A516 Gr.60 ISO 3506 A4 (AISI 316) UNS S31803 (Duplex)+ AISI 316 + ASTM A182 F6a AISI 410 AISI 410 AISI 316 AISI 316 AISI 316 ISO 3506 A2 (AISI 304) ISO 3506 A2 (AISI 304) ASTM A516 ISO 3506 A2 (AISI 304) AISI 316 + AISI 316 AISI 410 AISI 316 AISI 316 ISO 3506 A4(AISI 316) AISI 410 AISI 304 ( )
!"#$% ml/min
1.Vanessa !"#$ API 598 , API 6D ISO 5208 2. API 598 1 ml 16 3. FCI 70-2 IEC 534-4 1 ml 6.67 4.FCI 70.2 IEC 534.4 !"#$%&'()*+ 5.IV 6. 7.VI
! ! ! +815 (+1500 F ) ! WC6, CF8M !"#$% !"# !" +815 !"#$ !"#$%&'()*+ ! 600 !"#$% !"#$% !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()*"+,-./01 !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()*+,- ./,0 !"#$%&' !"# !"#$% !"





则检验方法是:选择一水平位置的目标A,用盘左,盘右观测之,取他们读书差得到2倍的c值: 2c=L-R?180?J6级仪器的2C绝对值应小于20″1由观测数据得平均值2C=|-4″|,20″则全站仪视准轴垂直于横轴的条件得到满足。






测距仪2置A点时测量距离DAC、DAB ;全站仪置C点时测量距离DAC、DCB.;全站仪置B 点时测量距离DAB、DCB。


K=DAB-(DAC+DCB)DAC=(93.761+93.763) ,2=93.762DBC=(93.143+93.147) ,2=93.145DAB=(186.912+186.908) ,2=186.910K=DAB-(DAC+DCB)=0.003m得,加常数为0.003m。

全站仪检验报告(二)全站仪的检验检验时间:2013年03月30日14:00-17:00 pm 天气:多云,视野清晰检验地点:检验小组信息: 组别:组员:组员分工:架棱镜——全站仪——、记录计算——观测与读数: 检验报告撰写:3检验内容:一:视准轴垂直于横轴的检验 1检验方法:视准轴不垂直于横轴的误差c,对水平位置的目标的影响x=c,且盘左,盘右的x绝对值相等而符号相反,此时横轴不水平的影响Xi=0。



Hydromatik 4)
L 10 fixed
L 10 variable mm
146 146 157
146 157 157 157 178 178 211 211 231
197 197 202
197 202 202 202 205 205
- 432
R1 R2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8/D9
310 475 740
890 1030 1030
1030 18
1300 1030
1100 34
3000 14
Output pinion 4)
z/m 14/8 13/10 11/14 11/14 12/16 12/16 12/18 12/18 13/22 13/22 16/24
16 12 16 35 91 91 21 21 34 34 26 26 338 357 38 38 100 100
20 12 30 25 91 110 24 24 36 36 30 30 399 413 45 64 113 113
20 20 25 37 130 90 28 22 43 35 30 24 409 415 28 34 127 123
Project related installation drawings can be made availble on request as dimensions and technical data are subject to change due to continues development.



尿道悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁的2种方法比较刘英民;王朋欣;李红娟;郭志鑫;史建庚;李胜军;王鹏【摘要】目的比较经阴道无张力吊带术(TVT)和经阴道尿道中段补片悬吊术2种方法治疗女性压力性尿失禁的疗效.方法回顾性分析我院采用TVT治疗女性压力性尿失禁92例和采用经阴道尿道中段补片悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁患者93例的临床资料及术后随访3~18个月的情况.结果 TVT组和经阴道尿道中段补片悬吊术组比较,手术时间(31±16/29±17) min,术中出血量(46±13/39±11)ml,术后疗效、术后并发症等方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 TVT和经阴道尿道中段补片悬吊术都是治疗女性压力性尿失禁的有效手术方法.【期刊名称】《河北医药》【年(卷),期】2011(033)013【总页数】2页(P1963-1964)【关键词】尿失禁;经阴道无张力吊带术;经阴道尿道中段补片悬吊术【作者】刘英民;王朋欣;李红娟;郭志鑫;史建庚;李胜军;王鹏【作者单位】073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科;073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科;073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科;073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科;073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科;073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科;073000,河北省定州市人民医院泌尿外科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R694.54压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)是女性的一种常见病和多发病,给生活、社交及卫生等方面带来麻烦。

据报道,女性尿失禁发病率为10% ~60%,约1/2为压力性尿失禁[1]。

我院采用经阴道无张力吊带术(tension-free vaginal tape,TVT)和经阴道尿道中段补片悬吊术治疗SUI患者共185例,取得满意疗效,报告如下。



E 2.910.2.0/02.1466.1 SIZE 1CO N TE N TSPGE1016.2.1 External Gear Pump6.2.2 Specifications 6.2.3 Hydraulic fluids 6.2.4 Viscosity range 6.2.5 Temperature range 6.2.6 Seals 6.2.7 Filtration6.2.8 Installation notes 6.2.9 Drive shafts 6.2.10 Mounting flange 6.2.11 Ports6.2.12 Preferred series354ORDERING CODE6.2.1 External Gear PumpE 2.910.2.0/02.146TECHNICAL INFORMATION6.2.2 Specifications the performance will be reduced. T o find out whether a pump with threaded ports can be used in a high pressure application, please consult HYDAC.6.2.3 Hydraulic fluidsThe pump series is designed for use withHL Hydraulic oil (normal mineral oil) andHLP Hydraulic oils of the R&O type (Rust and Oxidation inhibitor) 6.2.4 Viscosity rangeNormal operating viscosity: 16 - 200 cSt (mm²/s)For other viscosity ranges, please contact HYDAC.6.2.5 Temperature range Ambient temperature range -22 to 55 °CFluid temperature range NBR-25 up to 85 °C Viton-15 up to 90 °C3566.2.6 SealsThe pump series is equipped with NBR seals.If special hydraulic fluids are used, the seal material must be changed if required. Please contact HYDAC.6.2.7 FiltrationFor maximum service life of the pump and system components, the system should be protected from contamination by effective filtration. Cleanliness class:21/18/15 to ISO 4406:1999orClass 9 to NAS 1638 or cleaner.At system pressures above 160 bar cleanliness class:19/17/14 to ISO 4406:1999orClass 8 to NAS 1638 is required.6.2.8 Installation notesA. MountingThe pump can be installedhorizontally or vertically with the shaft at the top. If the pump is installed on the tank or above the oil level, the distance between the pump inlet and the oil level should not exceed 1 metre.When installing a HYDAC pump always ensure that the fluid remains in the pump during stoppages. B. Suction pipeIf the pump is installed above the oil level, particular attention must be paid to the suction pressure. The cross-section of the suction pipe must be equal to or larger than the cross-section of the pump port. The suction pressure must be kept within the values specified.Minimum suction pressure: 0.8 bar abs.Maximum suction pressure: 2.2 bar abs.C. DriveUse a flexible coupling whenever possible. There must not be any radial or axial forces on the pump shaft. The maximum misalignment of the shafts is 0.2 mm and the angular deviation must be less than 0.2°.Drive shafts with tang are for direct mounting onto an electric motor or a gearbox. The driver for the tang is not included.For indirect drives (with gear, chain or belt drives) please consult Hydac.E 2.910.2.0/02.146DIMENSIONS6.2.9 Drive shafts6.2.10 Mounting flange358E 2.910.2.0/02.1466.2.12 Preferred series360E 2.910.2.0/02.14E 2.910.2.0/02.146362E 2.910.2.0/02.14E 2.910.2.0/02.146364E 2.910.2.0/02.14。



圣懋控制4343 蓄热式燃气烧嘴蓄热式烧嘴从窑炉烟气中回收热量预热燃烧空气,能显著提高传统烧嘴或带换热器烧嘴的燃烧效率。

此外,4343系列烧嘴的NOx释放量极低,几乎可以与冷空气烧嘴相媲美; 同时它耐热、抗腐蚀,可以在较恶劣的工业环境中使用。


与传统烧嘴相比,温度越高节省的燃料越多; 其内部有结构紧凑的热量存储交换器, 烧嘴成对工作,一个烧嘴加热时另一个烧嘴排气。



特 点:∙ 燃烧效率高∙ NOx释放量低∙ 炉温低于788℃时,为普通蓄热式高速烧嘴;高于788℃时,燃料切换到烧嘴两旁的喷嘴超低氮氧化物排放量北美独有的LNI技术是现有蓄热式烧嘴的真正最好的技术。

下面的图表说明了TwinBed II在性能方面是如何超越其他蓄热式烧嘴的—即使与带有烟气再循环的烧嘴相比(FGR)。


圣懋控制4422 低NOx烧嘴4422 燃气烧嘴广泛地应用在热处理、非铁熔炉、窑炉、烤炉、空气加热炉、干燥机、化工过程设备和其他要求温度高度均匀的领域中。

特 点:∙ 空气/燃料比范围宽,可从2000%过量空气到50%过量燃料∙ NOx的释放量在任何空气/燃气比下都较小∙ 过量空气使温度均匀性好∙ 操作温度可达1093ºC,温度高于1093ºC的窑炉可选4425烧嘴∙ 可用于焦炉煤气加热1 Btu/h = 0.0002884kw1 Btu = 1.046KJ=0.252Kcal1 scfh = 0.028m3/hr 1”wc = 0.249kpa1 osi = 0.431Kpa=4×10-3 公斤/cm21 inch = 2.54cm F = 32 + 1.8×℃1 lb = 0.4536kg4425 高温燃气烧嘴4425 系列烧嘴是专为高温窑炉(如锻造炉、陶瓷炉、金属熔炉、玻璃熔炉等)设计的一系列高温烧 嘴,是通用型4422系列烧嘴的高温型,广泛的应用于各种工业场合。

中文版 TYCO禁用物质标准TEC-138-702 E

中文版  TYCO禁用物质标准TEC-138-702 E

TEC-138-702产品环境符合性规范26Jan10 Rev E供应商产品环境符合性要求82010 Tyco Electronics, Harrisburg, PA第 1 页,共* 商标 | 表示有改动1. 1. 范围 内容本规范涵盖供应商产品环境符合性方面的适用文档、定义和要求。

概述所规定的供应商要求包括:1) 淘汰“禁用物质”;2) 控制使用“受限物质”;3) 告知是否使用某些“关注物质”;4) 披露材料含量信息。

应用向泰科电子 (TE) 供应的所有材料、零件、部件及/或产品(如指明,还包括包装材料),无论是成品还是半成品,均受制于本规范规定之要求。

目录1.范围 (1)1.1. 内容........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2. 概述........................................................................................................................................................1 1.3. 应用........................................................................................................................................................1 1.4. 目录........................................................................................................................................................1 2. 适用文件 (3)2.1. 规范和标准..............................................................................................................................................3 2.2. 表格........................................................................................................................................................3 2.3. 法律和条例(包括所有修订).................................................................................................................3 2.4. 网站.. (5)3. 定义................................................................................................................................................................54.要求 (7)4.1. 仅就 A 类部件而言..................................................................................................................................7 4.2. 仅就 B 类部件而言..................................................................................................................................8 4.3. 锡须抑制.................................................................................................................................................8 4.4. 变更程序.................................................................................................................................................8 4.5. 产品/材料检测.........................................................................................................................................8 4.6. 产品标签.................................................................................................................................................9 4.7. 包装......................................................................................................................................................10 4.8. 法律/告知要求.......................................................................................................................................10 4.9. 有害物质管理系统和记录保存 (10)5.有害物质和豁免清单 (11)5.1.一般信息 (11)5.2.有害物质清单-表 2 (12)5.3.豁免清单-表 3 (17)表 12. 适用文件在本文指定的范围内,以下文件构成本规范的组成部分。



CRNA semi-rigid, flame-retarded, polyolefin heat-shrinkable tubing.Excellent abrasion resistance, good strain relief performance, outstandingphysical and electrical performance, excellent chemical and solvent resistance.CRN semi-rigid, flame retarded,polyolefin based heat-shrinkable tubing displays excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals and solvents combined with excellentelectrical properties. The tubing is tough and semi-rigid which makes it ideally suitable for applications requiring strain relief or abrasion resistance. Widely used throughoutindustry for component protection and strain relief of sensitive areas such as solder and crimp joints.Temperature ratingOperating temperature range: -55°C to +135°C Minimum shrink temperature:+110°C Minimum full recovery temperature:+135°COrdering informationInside diameter Wall thickness Standard package* Pack size differ on color options.D (min) d (max)W (nom) 1.22m Expanded as Recovered Recovered Length supplied after heating after heating quantitymm mm mm m Orderi n g description 1.2 0.6 0.51 60 CRN-3/64-color code 1.6 0.8 0.51 60 CRN-1/16-color code 2.4 1.20.51 60CRN-3/32-color code3.2 1.6 0.51 60 CRN-1/8-color code 4.8 2.4 0.64 60 CRN-3/16-color code6.4 3.2 0.64 30 CRN-1/4-color code 9.5 4.8 0.76 30 CRN-3/8-color code12.7 6.4 0.76 30 CRN-1/2-color code 19.1 9.5 0.89 30 CRN-3/4-color codeOther lengths and sizes are available subject to special order.Standard colors Standard color Black ClearCode(-X not flame retarded)Tyco Electronics Corporation Tyco Electronics UK Ltd.Tyco Electronics Raychem K.K.Tyco Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd.300 Constitution DriveFaraday Road3816 Noborito, Tama-kuAsia Pacific HeadquartersMenlo Park, CA 94025-1164Dorcan, Swindon, SN3 5HH Kawasaki, Kanagawa 214-853326 Ang Mo Kio, Industrial Park 2USAUnited KingdomJapanSingapore 569507Tel:(800) 926-2425 (US &Canada)Tel:+44 1793 528171Tel:+81 44 900 5102Tel: +65 4866 151Tel:+1 (650) 361-3860(All other countries)Users should independently evaluate the suitability of the product for their application.For more information about this product visit and All information, including illustrations, is believed to be reliable. Users, however, should independently evaluate the suitability of each product for their applicat ion. Tyco Elect ronics Corporat ion makes no warrant ies as t o t he accuracy or complet eness of t he informat ion, and disclaims any liabilit y regarding its use. Tyco Electronics Corporation’s only obligations are those in the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for these products and in no case will Tyco Electronics Corporation be liable for any incidental, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the sale, resale, use, or misuse of the product. Tyco Electronics Corporation’s Specifications are subject to change without notice. In addition, Tyco Electronics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in materials or processing without notification to the Buyer which do not affect compliance with any applicable specification.ApprovalsUL 224 125°C File E35586 MIL-DTL-23053/6 Class 1 (color) and 2 (clear)CSA LR31929 (black only)Performance T estT est methodT est requirementHeat ageing:ISO188 (168 h at 175°C) Ultimate elongation: 150% (min)Corrosion resistance: ASTM D2671 (16h at 175°C) No corrosion of mirrors Dielectric strength: IEC 24320 MV/m*Flame retardancy: ASTM D2671 (Procedure B) Duration of burning 60s max.Fluid resistance:24 h at 23°C, ISO 37 T ensile strength: 12 MPa (min)Ultimate elongation: 200% (min)T est fluids:Aircraft & Fuel to ISO1817 test liquid B Phosphate Ester ISO1817 test liquid 103Lubricating oil ISO1817 test liquid 101*Not clear product (X).For full product performance details consult Raychem Specification RK 6003.SpecificationsRaychem Specification RK 6003.Material Safety Data Sheet available on request.Installation instructions available on request.Raychem and CRN are trademarks of Tyco Electronics Corporation.© 2001 T y c o E l e c t r o n i c s C o r p o r a t i o n H 00000 2/02。

interrtaco 快换接头样本

interrtaco 快换接头样本

公司介绍THE COMP ANYI ntertraco is a fully integrated manufacturer of hydraulic hosefittings, quick disconnect couplings and hydraulic valves.Our broad range of components has been designed and isconstantly developed to service the most diversified customer'sneeds in hydraulic, chemical, off-shore, agricultural andindustrial applications.The market scope, experience and distribution of our productsmake them the right choice in today's demanding market.The subject brochure presents our range of quick disconnectcouplings, swivel joints and in-line valves. Array The catalogue is designed for our customers as a workingtool to assist them in chosing and selecting the correct productfor their specific application.If there are applications outside of the standard range, wecan work jointly with our customers to develope andmanufacture specific products to meet their requirements.Intertraco是一家集液压软管配件、快速接头和液压阀的完整集成生产商。

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Tyco Fire & Building Products is a leading manufacturer and distributor of water-based fire suppression systems and components, offering one ofthe broadest lines of fire protection system equipment worldwide.Continually expanding its capabilities through aggressive research and product development, it provides its customers effective fire protection and construction solutions for residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. Tyco Fire & Building Products serves a diverse group of specifiers, including architects, engineers, contractors, and associated industries with a nationwide network of distribution and manufacturing facilities. Tyco takes pride in the introduction of new and innovative products, technologies and product application extensions.With over 150 years in the industry, Tyco Fire & Building Products is uniquely qualified to provide and developcost effective solutions customized to any building configuration and fire protection application. Our patented solutions provide significant performance advantages with lower installation and maintenance costs.Tyco Fire & Building Products also offers theindustry’s most complete fire protection designsoftware package through its SprinkCAD® programs.TaBle oF ConTenTs AUTOMATIC SprInklerSStandard Spray Sprinklers .................7 – 10 Extended Coverage Sprinklers.............11 – 16 Storage Sprinklers.......................17 – 22 Rapid Response™ Sprinklers ..............23 – 26 Dry Sprinklers .........................27 – 30 Special Purpose Sprinklers................31 – 36 Sprinkler Accessories ....................37 – 38 Nozzles & Nozzle Accessories .............39 – 42 SySTeM VAlVeS & DeVICeSWet System Valves & Devices .............43 – 46 Dry System Valves & Devices..............47 – 50 Deluge & Preaction Systems ..............51 – 56 General Purpose Valves ..................57 – 60 Specialty Items.........................61 – 64 pIpInG & eleCTrICAl prODUCTSGrooved Piping Products.................65 – 68 CPVC Pipe & Fittings....................69 – 70 Electrical Devices.......................71 – 76 SpeCIAlTy SySTeMSFoam Systems..........................77 – 82 Aquamist® Systems .....................83 – 85In 1881, industry pioneer FrederickGrinnell patented the first “sensitive”automatic fire sprinkler incorporating anumber of features still found in modernday units. Since that time, many of themajor advancements in firesprinkler technology canbe attributed to Grinnelland other leading namesin the industry that arenow part of Tyco Fire &Building Products.The history of our companyis one of tremendous growththrough organic developmentand acquisition with over 150 years in the industry,to create a single powerful global resource for owners,and those to whom they turn for engineering advice andsupport. Today our company is proud tobe associated with our corporate andWe stand behind every product we manufacture leading The Way For More Than 150 years T Yco Fire & Building ProducTs Fire ProTecTion general Products catalog TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTSThe indusTry leaderBest-in-class solutions start with best-in-class technology,and only Tyco Fire & Building Products offers more ofboth. That’s how we are able to simplify installationand improve the performance of fire protection andmechanical systems, providing the owner with thelowest installed cost. Here are just some of theindustry-leading technologies we have developed:• Storage Fire Protection Solutions such as K-14,K-25 and K-17 ESFR Technology. It was the firstof the ESFR technology, and we pioneered it.• Extended Coverage Ordinary and Light HazardFire Sprinkler Technology• The First Residential Sprinklers for Life SafetyTyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalog• Office Buildings • Banks • Factories • Theaters • Light &Ordinary Hazard OccupanciesA p p l I C A T I O n S:TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalogPainted, customY3551, TY3531TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTSFire ProTecTion general Products catalogatural Brass, chrome10TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalogTyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalog 11• Office Buildings • Hotels • Hospitals • High-Piled Storage • “Big-Box” RetailingA p p l I C A T I O n S :a g ePolyester, chrome PlatedTyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS13Fire ProTecTion general Products catalog1TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalogright White, chromePainted, Bright White, offTyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS1Fire ProTecTion general Products catalogTyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalog 1 s P r i n k l e r s • High-Piled Storage • In-Rack Storage • Warehouse• High Challenge Occupancies A p p l I C A T I O n S :1TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalogthe frame shadow effects that often produceTyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS1Fire ProTecTion general Products catalog20TyCO FIre & BUIlDInG prODUCTS Fire ProTecTion general Products catalogatural Brass, lead coated, atural Brass, lead coated Y3133, TY3231, TY4133,g4/s3 with shieldg4 s1g2Ws-2 shield• Single Family Homes• Apartments • Student • Hotels• Beamed Ceilings• Sloped CeilingsA p p l I C A T I O n S:Always refer to the product’s Technical Data Sheet for a complete description of all Listing and Approval criteria, design parameters, installation instructions, care and maintenance guidelines, and our limited warranty.• Unheated Warehouses• Freezing Conditions • Loading DocksA p p l I C A T I O n S :n k l e r sdesigned for use in applications requiring dryPendent shown" nPT (standard order)hite coated, chromeHsW shown" nPT (standard order)A p p l I C A T I O n S:s P rBack-To-Back ApplicationBack-To-BackHip ApplicationHipSingle DirectionalApplicationBBSingleAREA3WITH APSPRINKLERSApAtticAttic PlusCombustible Concealed sprinkler discharge Patternstandard spray sprinkler discharge Pattern3mm bulb shown3mm bulb shownsignal White, grey White,Always refer to the product’s Technical Data Sheet for a complete description of all Listing and Approval criteria, design parameters, installation instructions, care and maintenance guidelines, and our limited warranty.• Improve Appearance • ConcealClearance Holes• Onsite Emergency Storage Supply • Protection from Mechanical or A p p l I C A T I O n S :i n k l e r a c c e s sstyle 65 style 401style 60• Flammable Liquid Tanks & Operations • Equipment or Processes that Require Special Designs • Cable Trays • Clean Rooms • Computer Rooms• Conveyors • Fuel Storage • Gas Turbines • Historic Sites & Museums • Industrial Process Equipment • Machining Centers • Ferries • Offshore Platforms A p p l I C A T I O n S :c c e s s o r i e sk=1.8 (25,9) k=3.0 (43,2) k=5.6 (80,6) k=1.8 (26,0) k=4.6 (66,2) k=6.0 (86,4)43Fire Protection General Products catalogTyco Fire & Building ProducTs • HeatedWarehouses • Factories • Hospitals • Stores• Apartment or Condominium Complexes • Single Family Residencesa P P l i c a T i o n s :S t e m V a L V e S & DaV-1 alarm ValveButterfly Valve to44Tyco Fire & Building ProducTs Fire Protection General Products catalogTyco Fire & Building ProducTs45Fire Protection General Products catalog46Tyco Fire & Building ProducTs Fire Protection General Products catalog47Fire Protection General Products catalogTyco Fire & Building ProducTs • Unheated Warehouses • Parking Garages • Attic Spaces • Loading Docks, & Other Areas Exposed To Freezinga P P l i c a T i o n s :L V e S & D e V i c e STyco Fire & Building ProducTsFire Protection General Products catalog 48Butterfly Valve to control Water supply dPV-1 dry Pipe Valveair50Tyco Fire & Building ProducTs Fire Protection General Products catalog。
