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A 1 2 3 accord n. agreement; harmony

affect vt. to put on a pretense of : feign

afford v. to supply or provide

appropriate vt. to take or use (something) especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc.

arch adj. chief, principle adj. having or showing an amused feeling of being superior to or knowing more than other people: saucy, mischiveous

arrest vt. to stop the progress of something

arresting ad. catching the attention, striking, impressive

assume vt. to take to or upon oneself : undertake

august adj. of supreme dignity or grandeur, venerable, eminent


balloon v. to increase rapidly

bait v. to try to make (someone) angry by

using criticism or insults

v.to persecute or exasperate with unjust,

malicious, or persistent attacks

bent adj. dishonest, corrupt

betray vt. to show (something, such as a

feeling or desire) without wanting or

trying to


bridle v. to react in an angry way brook v. tolerate

buck v. to oppose or resist (something or someone)

buoy v. to cause (someone) to feel happy or


v. to lift or improve (something)


catch n. a hidden problem that makes something more complicated or difficult to do

champion v. to fight or speak publicly in support of (a person, belief, cause, etc.)

check v. to block the progress of something

chest n. the place where money of a public institution is kept : treasury; also : the fund so kept

control n. an experiment in which the subjects are treated as in a parallel experiment except for omission of the procedure or agent under test and which is used as a standard of comparison in judging experimental effects —called also control experiment

court v. to give a lot of attention and praise to (someone) in order to get approval,

support, etc.


crab v. to complain about peevishly spoil, ruin carp v. to complain in an annoying way

chisel v. to employ shrewd or unfair practices on in order to obtain one's end

climate n. the prevailing influence or environmental conditions characterizing a group or period : atmosphere

closet adj. hiding the fact that you are a particular type of person: private

consume vi. to waste or burn away : perish vt. to destroy (something) with fire continent adj. restrictive

cow v. to make (someone) too afraid to do something

cower v. to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid


damp v. to make (something) less strong or active

dampen v. to make (something) less strong or


vi. to become deadened or depressed

dock v. to take away a part of E

embarrass v. to hamper the movement of; hinder; impede

entrance v. to fill (someone) with delight and


