裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第07课

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detective n.侦探


1) discover, recognize 发现(不好的事物),察觉

2) investigate and solve (crime…) 侦察,侦查

eg. A machine has been invented to detect gold. 已发明一种机器来寻找金子。eg. Many machines have been used to detect the fatal virus.


eg. The woman employed a private detective to detect her husband.


detection n.发现,查明,查出

the detection of a crime 破案

detector n. 探测器

detectable adj. 可发现的,可探知的

detective n. 侦探

employ a private detective 雇用一名私人侦探

a detective novel 一部侦探小说

a detective story 侦探故事

airport n. 机场

port 港口;港口城市

passport 护照

harbour 港湾,避难所

Rearl Harbour 珍珠港

airport (民航)飞机场

airfield (小型)飞机场,飞机起落的场地,跑道

railway station 火车站

terminal (铁路,公路等的)终点站

tube station 地铁站(Br)

(the underground railway station)

a subway station 地铁站(U.S.)

metro (尤指巴黎的)地下铁路


handbag 手提包

water-gate 水门

water bird 水禽,尤指淡水中的

blood test 验血

silkworm 蚕

air 有关的合成词

airsick 晕机的

airplane 飞机(美)

air raid 空袭

airman 飞机驾驶员或乘务员

airmail 航空邮件

airtight 不透气的

air-conditioner 空调


1) 预料,认为,猜想

eg. Who has eaten up the cake? 是谁把蛋糕吃光了?

I expect/think/suppose it was Tom. 我认为是汤姆。

eg. Will you be late? 你会迟到吗?

I don't expect/think/suppose so. 我认为不会。

2) 期待,盼想

eg. The children were expecting Christmas presents from their parents.


eg. The detectives were expecting a parcel of diamonds from South Africa. 侦探们正在期待着一包来自非洲的贵重的钻石。

3) 期望,乞求

eg. You expect too much of your child.你对孩子的期望太高。

eg. You are expected to do your duty. 期望你完成职责。

as might be expected 或as might have been expected 按照所想

eg. As might have been expected, he won the first prize.


be expecting (口语)怀孕

与expect 相关的词

expectancy [ɪk'spektənsi:]

n. [U] 预料,期望

life expectancy 平均寿命

expectation [,ekspek'teiʃən]

(常用复数)(成功、幸运等的)期望;(尤指有继承遗产的)指望against all expectations 出乎意料

beyond all expectations 出乎意料地(的)

come up to a person's expectations 正如所愿

fall short of a person's expectations 未能如愿,与期望有差距

in expectations of 预计含有


1) of great value, worth or use 贵重的,值钱的

a valuable parcel of diamonds 一包贵重的钻石

expensive ←→cheap / inexpensive

eg. That painting is too expensive to buy. 那副画太贵了不能买。

dear 珍视的,价高的(常作表语)(Br.)

eg. She lost everything that was dear to her. 她散失了所有宝贵的东西。valuable 尤指在买卖中可带来高额利润的

a valuable parcel of diamonds 一包贵重的钻石

precious 珍贵的,宝贵的

precious diamonds 极其珍贵的钻石

precious moments together 在一起的宝贵时光

eg. Life is precious. 生命是宝贵的。

eg. She is precious to him. 她对他来说是很重要的。

costly : costing much 昂贵的;贵重的

a costly diamond necklace 一条贵重的钻石项链
