ULTEM 1010R-7101



模块 化的含 义是,可 以根 据需求 精确 地 确定 所需的 通道数。换 言之,不为 无用的 通 道耗费 资金和 空间。而如 固定位数 的多通 道 PLC 插件板或外形较厚的模块则做不 到这一 点。
灵活 性意味 着根据 应用场 合既 可以为 每 个通道 自由选 择输入电 压,也可以 装入不 同 的机电式继 电器或者半导 体继电器 (光电 耦 合器) 。固 定的可编程控制 器插件板在这 方 面也是 望尘莫 及。灵活性 也意味着 系统可 以 随时 扩展,并且 可以随 时方便、便 宜地更 换 可插拔式继电器和光电耦合器。
PLC 接口 带回拉式弹簧连接 由 底座接线端子 PLC-BSP…/21 和 可插拔微型继电器组成, 用于安装在 3 上
输入电压 UN
12VDC 24VDC 24VAC/DC 48VDC 60VDC 120VAC/110VDC 230VAC/220VDC2)
12VDC 24VDC 24VAC/DC 48VDC 60VDC 120VAC/110VDC 230VAC/220VDC2)
(164,)2 mm
可插拔继电器 和光电耦合器,
两个转换 触点 传感器型 执行器型 通用型
按实际应用优化的 系列产品
可选用螺钉连接或者回拉式 弹簧连接两种形式
U 通断容量高
一体化集成输入电路 和保护电路
执行 器 (例如 电磁阀、接 触器等)的 所 有连接线 (包括回线) 都被直接连接在 PLC 执行器接口上。
传感 器 (例 如接 近开 关、限位 开关 等) 的所有连 接线 (包括开 关的供电)都直 接在 PLC 接口上有相应的连接位置。与传统的耦 合元 件相比,可以 节省两 个输出 接线端子 或 者馈 入连接端 子,同时节 省了中 间接线工 作 和宝贵的开关柜空间。



安捷伦agilent毛细管色谱柱包括哪些系列2000 年,发明熔融石英GC 毛细管柱的公司——安捷伦agilent科技公司与第一个用交联硅氧烷聚合物制造GC 固定相的公司——J&W Scientific 合并。

2010 年,安捷伦并购了瓦里安,在现有超高惰性(UltraInert)、高效(High Efficiency)、LTM、PAH、UltiMetal 和用户定制GC 色谱柱的基础上,增加了PLOT、Select、VF、CP-Sil 和填充柱品种。


1)HP-1--------二甲基聚硅氧烷柱说明:这是最常用的非极性键合固定相,具有极好的热稳定性并且在高温下流失很小,具有低的检测限相似的固定相:DB-1,Rtx-1,SPB-1,CP-Sil 5CB,MDN-1,DB-1h.t.,AT-1,007-1恒温/程序升温温度范围:-60至325/350℃,-60至300/320℃0.53内径,-60至260/280℃>2.0mm液膜应用:胺类、烃类、农药、多氯联苯、酚类、含硫化合物2)HP-35--------二苯基-65%-二甲基硅氧烷共聚物说明:HP-35柱是用苯基取代甲基的聚硅氧烷固定相柱。






Reverse Transcription System
1. Description..........................................................................................................1 2. Product Components and Storage Conditions ............................................2 3. Reverse Transcription Protocol.......................................................................2
Printed in USA. Revised 3/09 Part# TB099 Page 1
Product Components and Storage Conditions
Size 100 reactions Cat. # A3500
Product Reverse Transcription System
3.A. Reverse Transcri magnesium concentration may be optimized for any given sequence to achieve better yields. **Final concentration of reaction components: 5mM MgCl2; 1X Reverse Transcription Buffer (10mM Tris-HCl [pH 9.0 at 25°C]; 50mM KCl; 0.1% Triton® X-100); 1mM each dNTP; 1u/μl Recombinant RNasin® Ribonuclease Inhibitor; 15u/μg AMV Reverse Transcriptase (High Conc.); 0.5μg Oligo(dT)15 Primer or Random Primers per microgram RNA; 50ng/μl 1.2kb Kanamycin Positive Control RNA, poly(A)+ mRNA or total RNA.

RNA 6000 Nano Kit for 2100 Bioanalyzer Systems Qui

RNA 6000 Nano Kit for 2100 Bioanalyzer Systems Qui

RNA 6000 Nano Kit for 2100 Bioanalyzer SystemsQuick GuideThe complete RNA 6000 Nano Kit for 2100 Bioanalyzer Systems Kit Guide can be found in the online help of the Agilent 2100 Expert software.Kit ComponentsAgilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit (5067-1511)Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Chips Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Reagents (5067-1512) & Supplies25 RNA Nano Chips (yellow) RNA 6000 NanoLadder (1 vial, 5067-1529)2 Electrode Cleaners (blue) RNA 6000 Nano Dye Concentrate (1 vial)(green) RNA 6000 Nano Marker (2 vials)Syringe Kit (red) RNA 6000 Nano Gel Matrix (2 vials)1Syringe 4 Spin Filters (5185-5990)Tubes for Gel-Dye Mix30 Safe-Lock Eppendorf Tubes PCR clean (DNase/RNase free) for gel-dye mixFor Research Use OnlyNot for use in Diagnostic Procedures.Assay PrinciplesAgilent RNA kits for the 2100 Bioanalyzer system contain chips and reagents designed for sizing and analysis of RNA fragments. Each chip contains an interconnected set of microchannels that is used for separation of nucleic acid fragments based on their size as they are driven through it electrophoretically. This kit is designed for use with the 2100 Bioanalyzer system only.Applications and KitsAgilent RNA kits are designed for the analysis of total RNA (eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and plant) and mRNA samples. Available kits: Agilent RNA 6000 Nano kit (5067-1511), RNA 6000 Pico kit (5067-1513) and Small RNA kit (5067-1548) Storage Conditions•Freeze unopened RNA ladder at -28–-15°C (-18–5°F). Prepared ladder aliquots need to be stored at -28–-15°C (-18–5°F). Keep all other reagents and reagent mixes refrigerated at 2–8°C (36–46°F) when not in use to avoid poor results caused by reagent decomposition.2•Protect dye and dye mixtures from light. Remove light covers only when pipetting. Dye decomposes when exposed to light.•Store the chips at room temperature.Equipment Supplied with the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer System•Chip priming station (5065-4401)•IKA vortex mixerAdditional Material Required (Not Supplied)•RNaseZAP® recommended for electrode decontamination and routine electrode cleaning •RNase-free water recommended for routine electrode cleaning•Pipettes (10µL and 1000µL) with compatible tips (RNase-free, no filter tips, no autoclaved tips)•0.5mL and 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes (RNase-free)•Microcentrifuge ( 13000g)•Heating block or water bath for ladder/sample preparationSample preparationFor total RNA or mRNA analysis, the sample concentration must be within the specified range. If the concentration of your particular sample is above this range, dilute with RNase-free water.SpecificationsSetting up the Chip Priming Station1Replace the syringe:a Unscrew the old syringe from the lid of the chip priming station.b Release the old syringe from the clip. Discard the old syringe.c Remove the plastic cap of the new syringe and insert it into the clip.d Slide it into the hole of the luer lock adapter and screw it tightly to the chip priming station.2Adjust the base plate:a Open the chip priming station by pulling the latch.b Using a screwdriver, open the screw at the underside of the base plate.c Lift the base plate and insert it again in position C. Retighten the screw.Physical Specifications Analytical SpecificationsTotal RNA AssaymRNA Assay Analysis time30min Quantitative range 25–500ng/µL 25–250ng/µL Samples per chip 12Qualitative range 5–500ng/µL 5–250ng/µL Sample volume 1µL Sensitivity (S/N>3)5ng/µL in water25ng/µL in water Kit stability 4 months Quantitative precision (within a chip)10% CV 10% CV Kit size25 chips12 samples/chip = 300 samples/kitQuantitative accuracy11Determined analyzing the RNA ladder as sample20%20%Maximum salt concentration in sample100mM Tris 0.1mM EDTA or 125mM NaCl 15mM MgCl 2100mM Tris 0.1mM EDTA or 125mM NaCl 15mM MgCl 233Adjust the syringe clip:a Release the lever of the clip and slide it up to the top position.Essential Measurement Practices•Handle and store all reagents according to the instructions on the label of the individual box.•Avoid sources of dust or other contaminants. Foreign matter in reagents and samples or in the wells of the chip will interfere with assay results.•Allow all reagents to equilibrate to room temperature for 30min before use. Thaw samples on ice.•Protect dye and dye mixtures from light. Remove light covers only when pipetting. The dye decomposes when exposed to light and this reduces the signal intensity.•Always insert the pipette tip to the bottom of the well when dispensing the liquid. Placing the pipette at the edge of the well may lead to poor results.•Always wear gloves when handling RNA and use RNase-free tips, microcentrifuge tubes and water.•It is recommended to heat denature all RNA samples and RNA ladder before use for 2min and 70°C (once) and keep them on ice.•Do not touch the 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument during analysis and never place it on a vibrating surface.•Always vortex the dye concentrate for 10s before preparing the gel-dye mix and spin down afterwards.•Use a new syringe and electrode cleaners with each new kit.•Use loaded chips within 5min after preparation. Reagents might evaporate, leading to poor results.•To prevent contamination (e.g. RNase), it is strongly recommended to use a dedicated electrode cartridge for RNA assays.•Perform the RNase decontamination procedure for the electrodes daily before running any assays. Refer to the kit guide for details on electrode cleaning and decontamination.Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Assay ProtocolPreparing the RNA Ladder1Spin the ladder down and pipette in an RNase-free vial.2Heat denature the ladder for 2min at 70°C.3Immediately cool the vial on ice.4Prepare aliquots in recommended 0.5mL RNase-free vials with the required amount for typical daily use.5Store aliquots at -28–-15°C (-18–5°F). After initial heat denaturation, the frozen aliquots should not require repeated heat denaturation.6Before use, thaw ladder aliquots on ice (avoid extensive warming).Preparing the Gel1Pipette 550µL of RNA gel matrix (red ) into a spin filter.2Centrifuge at 1500 g ±20% for 10min at room temperature.3Aliquot 65µL filtered gel into 0.5mL RNase-free microcentrifuge tubes. Use filtered gel within 4 weeks. Store at2–8°C (36–46°F).Handling ReagentsThe dye can cause eye irritation. Because the dye binds to nucleic acids, it should be treated as a potential mutagen.Kit components contain DMSO. DMSO is skin-permeable and can elevate the permeability of other substances through the skin.✓Follow the appropriate safety procedures and wear personal protective equipment including protective gloves and clothes as well as eye protection.✓Follow good laboratory practices when preparing and handling reagents and samples.✓Always use reagents with appropriate care.✓For more information, refer to the material safety data sheet (MSDS) on .Agilent Technologies Inc. 2001-2022Printed in Germany, Edition: 11/2022*G2938-90037*Part No: G2938-90037 Rev. E.00Document No: SD-UF0000031 Rev. E.00Allow the RNA dye concentrate (blue ) to equilibrate to room temperatureVortex RNA dye concentrate (blue ) for 10µL of RNA marker (green ) in all 12sample wells and in the well marked.to find information on your local Contact Visit the Agilent website. It offers useful information, support, and current developments about the products and /en/product/automated-electrophoresis/bioanalyzer-systems .Put a new RNA chip on the chip priming station.µL of gel-dye mix in the well marked .mL and then close the chip priming µL of gel-dye mix in the wells marked .µL of prepared ladder in well marked .Pipette 1µL of sample in each of the 12 sample wells. Pipette 1(green ) in each unused sample well.Put the chip horizontally in the IKA vortexer and vortex for 1 9 µl gel-dye 9 µl gel-dye1 µl ladder 1 µl sample5 µl marker。












Elecsys T-uptake是采用免疫学方法定量测定人血清或血浆的甲状腺素结合力(TBC),其中加入了外源性的T4来饱和TBG。


・ 第1步:15ul标本,外源性T4与生物素化的T4-聚半抗原混匀。


・ 第2步:加入钌(Ru)标记的抗T4抗体和链霉亲和素包被的微粒。



・ 第3步:反应混和液吸到测量池中,微粒通过磁铁吸附到电极上,未结合的物质被清洗液洗去,电极加电压后产生化学发光,通过光电倍增管进行测定。




粒子浓度0.72mg/ml,生物素结合能力: 470ng生物素/mg粒子。

TMT 蛋白标记试剂盒使用说明90064

TMT 蛋白标记试剂盒使用说明90064

INSTRUCTIONSTMT Mass Tagging Kits and90060 TMTduplex Isotopic Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 5 duplex isotopic experiments Contents:TMT0 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg90061 TMTsixplex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 1 sixplex isobaric experiment Contents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 1 × 0.8mg90062 TMTsixplex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 2 sixplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 2 × 0.8mg90063TMTduplex Isobaric Mass Tagging Kit, sufficient reagents for 5 duplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT0 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT2-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT2-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgDissolution Buffer (1 M triethyl ammonium bicarbonate), 5mLDenaturing Reagent (10% SDS), 1mLReducing Reagent (0.5M TCEP), 1mLIodoacetamide, 12 × 9mgQuenching Reagent (50% hydroxylamine), 1mLPierce™Trypsin Protease, MS Grade, 2 × 20µgTrypsin Storage Solution, 250µLAlbumin, Bovine, 2.5mg90064TMTsixplex Isobaric Mass Tagging Kit, sufficient reagents for 5 sixplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT0 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgDissolution Buffer (1M triethyl ammonium bicarbonate), 5mLDenaturing Reagent (10% SDS), 1mLReducing Reagent (0.5 M TCEP), 1mLIodoacetamide, 12 × 9mgQuenching Reagent (50% hydroxylamine), 1mLPierce Trypsin Protease, MS Grade, 5 × 20µgTrypsin Storage Solution, 250µLAlbumin, Bovine, 2.5mg90065TMTduplex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 5 duplex isobaric experiments Contents:TMT2-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT2-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg90066TMTsixplex Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 5 sixplex isobaric experimentsContents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg90067TMTzero Label Reagent, 5 × 0.8mg, sufficient reagents for 5 samples90068TMTsixplex Label Reagent Set, sufficient reagents for 12 sixplex isobaric experimentsContents:TMT6-126 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-127 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-128 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-129 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-130 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgTMT6-131 Label Reagent, 2 × 5mgStorage: Upon receipt store at -20°C. Reagents are shipped with dry ice.Note: These products are for research use only − do not use for diagnostic procedures.ContentsIntroduction (3)Procedure Summary (4)Important Product Information (4)Additional Materials Required (4)Material Preparation (5)Preparing and Labeling Peptides with the TMT Isobaric Mass Tags (5)Troubleshooting (6)Additional Information (6)A.Data Acquisition Methods (6)B.Data Analysis and Quantitation (7)rmation Available from our Website (8)Related Thermo Scientific Products (8)General References (8)IntroductionThe Thermo Scientific™ TMT™ Isobaric Mass Tagging Kits and Reagents enable multiplex relative quantitation by mass spectrometry (MS). Each mass-tagging reagent within a set has the same nominal mass (i.e., isobaric) and chemical structure composed of an amine-reactive NHS-ester group, a spacer arm and an MS/MS reporter (Figure 1). The reagent sets can be used to label two or six peptide samples prepared from cells or tissues. For each sample, a unique reporter in the low mass region of the MS/MS spectrum (i.e., 126-127Da for TMT2 and 126-131Da for TMT6 Isobaric Label Reagents) is used to measure relative protein expression levels during peptide fragmentation.The TMTduplex™ Isotopic Label Reagent Set contains TMTzero™ and one of the TMTsixplex™ Reagents (TMT6-127) to be used as “light” and “heavy” tags for MS-level peptide quantitation similar to duplex isotopic metabolic labeling (e.g., SILAC) or isotopic dimethylation labeling. These isotopic pairs can also be used in targeted quantitation strategies, including selective reaction monitoring (SRM, see the Additional Information Section). Advantages of the TMTduplex and TMTsixplex Isobaric Label Reagents include increased sample multiplexing for relative quantitation, increased sample throughput and fewer missing quantitative channels among samples.Figure 1.Chemical structure of the TMTLabel Reagents. A. Functional regions of thereagent structure, including MS/MSfragmentation sites by higher energy collisiondissociation (HCD) and electron transferdissociation (ETD). B. TMTduplex Reagentstructures and isotope positions (*); only HCDdifferentiates between these two reporters.C. TMTsixplex Reagent structures and isotopepositions (*).Procedure SummaryProtein extracts isolated from cells or tissues are reduced, alkylated and digested overnight. Samples are labeled with the TMT Reagents and then mixed before sample fractionation and clean-up. Labeled samples are analyzed by high resolutionOrbitrap LC-MS/MS before data analysis to identify peptides and quantify reporter ion relative abundance (Figure 2).Figure 2. Schematic for using the Thermo Scientific TMTsixplex Isobaric Mass Tagging Reagents.Important Product Information• The TMT Reagents are moisture-sensitive. To avoid moisture condensation onto the product, vial must be equilibrated to room temperature before opening.•Anhydrous acetonitrile is the recommended solvent to dissolve reagents. Stock solutions are stable for one week when stored at -20°C. For long term storage of unused reagent, remove all solvent by drying and store with desiccant at -20°C. Anhydrous ethanol can be used as an alternative solvent to dissolve reagents but is not recommended for stock solution storage.• The TMT Reagents are amine-reactive and modify lysine residues and the peptide N-termini. All amine-containing buffers and additives must be removed before digestion and labeling.• All samples must be digested, labeled and then mixed equally before desalting, fractionation and LC-MS/MS. For optimal results, use 25-100µg of peptide for each labeling reaction.• To avoid contamination of MS samples, always wear gloves when handling samples and gels. Use ultrapure MS-grade reagents. Perform sample preparation in a cleaned work area.• The TMTzero Label Reagent can be used to optimize methods before multiplexed analysis of samples with the TMTduplex or TMTsixplex Reagent Set.Additional Materials Required• Microcentrifuge tubes• Anhydrous acetonitrile (Thermo Scientific™ Acetonitrile HPLC grade, Product No. 51101) • Water, LC-MS Grade (Product No. 51140) • Chilled (-20°C) acetone• Protein assay (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ BCA Protein Assay Kit, Product No. 22235) • 75-300µm capillary C 18 reversed-phase column• High-resolution Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer, ion trap or time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer with online or offline liquid chromatography (LC) system• Data analysis software such as Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ or Mascot™ Software (Matrix Science, Ltd.)• Optional: C18 spin tips or columns (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ C18 Spin Columns, Product No. 89870 or Pierce™ C18 Tips, Product No. 87784)Material PreparationNote: The 50% hydroxylamine and 10% SDS stock solutions provided with the kit may precipitate during storage. Warm both solutions to room temperature and vortex before use. The amounts listed below are sufficient for preparing and labeling 6 samples.Add 500µL of the Dissolution Buffer (1M TEAB) to 4.5mL of ultrapure water.100mM TEAB (triethylammonium bicarbonate)Lysis Buffer Add 200µL of the Denaturing Reagent (10% SDS) to 1.8mL of 100mM TEAB.200mM TCEP Add 70µL of the Reducing Reagent (0.5M TCEP) to 70µL of ultrapure water. Then add 35µL of the Dissolution Buffer (1M TEAB).5% Hydroxylamine Add 50µL of the Quenching Reagent (50% hydroxylamine) to 450µL of 100mM TEAB. Preparing and Labeling Peptides with the TMT Isobaric Mass TagsNote: BSA can be used as a control sample for method optimization. Dissolve BSA to 1mg/mL using 100mM TEAB. Use 25-100µg of protein per labeling reaction. The Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Mass Spec Sample Prep Kit for Cultured Cells can also be used to prepare peptide digests for TMT reagent labeling.A.Preparing Whole Cell Protein Extracts1.Culture cells to harvest at least 100µg of protein per condition. For best results, culture a minimum of 2 × 106 cells.Note: Rinse cells 2-3 times with 1X PBS to remove cell culture media. Pellet cells using low-speed centrifugation(i.e., < 1000 × g) to prevent premature cell lysis.2.Lyse the cells by adding five cell-pellet volumes of Lysis Buffer (i.e., 100μL of Lysis Buffer for a 20μL cell pellet).Note: Lysis buffers such as 8M urea (Product No. 29700) in 50mM TEAB or HEPES buffer, pH 8 may be used as alternative denaturing cell lysis buffers. For urea-based lysis buffer, protein samples must be diluted to < 1M urea before digestion, and the final C18 desalting step (C.6) is not optional. Addition of protease and/or phosphatase inhibitors during lysis is optional and may interfere with MS analysis.Note: Depending on the Lysis Buffer used it may be necessary to reduce sample viscosity by shearing DNA using a microtip sonicator or addition of a nuclease (e.g., Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Universal Nuclease for Cell Lysis, Product No. 88700)3.Centrifuge lysate at 16,000 × g for 10 minutes at 4°C.4.Carefully separate the supernatant and transfer into a new tube.5.Determine the protein concentration of the supernatant using established methods such as the BCA Protein Assay Kit(Product No. 23227).Note: Use samples at ≥ 2mg/mL. Less concentrated samples may be used; however, it might be necessary to use larger volumes of reducing/alkylating reagents.6.Transfer 100µg per condition (two for the TMTduplex or six for the TMTsixplex Label Reagents) into a newmicrocentrifuge tube and adjust to a final volume of 100µL with 100mM TEAB.7.Add 5µL of the 200mM TCEP and incubate sample at 55°C for 1 hour.8.Immediately before use, dissolve one tube of iodoacetamide (9mg) with 132µL of 100mM TEAB to make375mM iodoacetamide. Protect solution from light.9.Add 5µL of the 375mM iodoacetamide to the sample and incubate for 30 minutes protected from light at roomtemperature.10.Add six volumes (~600µL) of pre-chilled (-20°C) acetone and freeze at -20°C. Allow the precipitation to proceed for atleast 4 hours up to overnight.Note: Methanol/chloroform is the recommended solvent for precipitation of proteins derived from tissue extracts.11.Centrifuge the samples at 8000 ×g for 10 minutes at 4°C. Carefully invert the tubes to decant the acetone withoutdisturbing the white pellet. Allow the pellet to dry for 2-3 minutes.B.Protein Digestion1.Resuspend 100µg of acetone-precipitated (or lyophilized) protein pellets with 100µL of 50mM TEAB.Note: An acetone-precipitated pellet might not completely dissolve; however, after proteolysis at 37°C, all the protein (peptides) will be solubilized.2.Immediately before use, add 20µL of the Trypsin Storage Solution to the bottom of the trypsin glass vial and incubate for5 minutes. Store any remaining reagent in single-use volumes at -80°C (e.g., 2.5µg of trypsin per 100µg of protein).3.Add 2.5µL of trypsin (i.e., 2.5µg) per 100µg of protein. Digest the sample overnight at 37°C.C. Peptide Labeling1.Immediately before use, equilibrate the TMT Label Reagents to room temperature. For the 0.8mg vials, add 41µL ofanhydrous acetonitrile to each tube. For the 5mg vials, add 256µL of solvent to each tube. Allow the reagent to dissolve for 5 minutes with occasional vortexing. Briefly centrifuge the tube to gather the solution.Note: Reagents dissolved in anhydrous acetonitrile are stable for one week when stored at -20°C. Anhydrous ethanol can be used as an alternative solvent to dissolve reagents but is not recommended for stock solution storage.2.Optional: Measure protein digest concentration using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Quantitative Fluorescent PeptideAssay (Product No. 23290) or Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay (Product No.23275).3.Carefully add 41µL of the TMT Label Reagent to each 100µL sample (25-100µg protein digest). Alternatively, transferthe reduced and alkylated protein digest to the TMT Reagent vial.4.Note: Labeling more than 100µg of protein digest per reaction requires additional TMT Label Reagent.5.Incubate the reaction for 1 hour at room temperature.6.Add 8µL of 5% hydroxylamine to the sample and incubate for 15 minutes to quench the reaction.bine samples at equal amounts in new microcentrifuge tube and store at -80°C.Note: TMT-labeled peptide concentration can be measured using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ QuantitativeColorimetric Peptide Assay. The Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Quantitative Fluorescent Peptide Assay cannot be used to measure TMT-labeled peptide concentrations.8.Optional: Clean-up samples with C18 spin tips (Product No. 87784) or columns (Product No. 89870)before LC-MSanalysis. Peptide clean up is recommended before LC-MS analysis but is not required. Fractionation of labeled peptides using Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ High pH Reversed-Phase Peptide Fractionation Kit (Product No. 84868) isrecommended before LC-MS analysis to increase the number of peptide identifications.TroubleshootingProblem Possible Cause SolutionPoor labeling An amine-based buffer was used Use a non-amine-based bufferIncorrect buffer pH Make sure the buffer pH is ~8.0Too much sample was used Label 25-100µg per sampleProtein precipitation Lack of detergent present Add detergent, such as 0.05% SDS to the preparationpH decreased Make sure the pH is > 7.5Additional InformationA.Data Acquisition MethodsQuantitation of peptides labeled with Thermo Scientific™ Tandem Mass Tag™ Reagents requires a mass spectrometer capable of MS/MS fragmentation, such as an ion trap, quadrupole time of flight, time of flight-time of flight (TOF-TOF) or triple quadrupole instrument. Higher energy collision dissociation (HCD) is recommended for TMT reporter ion fragmentation. Optimal HCD fragmentation energy is instrument-dependent and can be optimized using TMTzero Reagents.Electron transfer dissociation (ETD) may be used as an alternative fragmentation method for peptide identification and quantitation. The choice of MS/MS fragmentation method(s) depends on the instrument capabilities such as collisionally induced dissociation (CID), pulsed-Q dissociation (PQD), higher energy collisional dissociation (HCD), or electron transfer dissociation (ETD). TMT Reagent reporter ions are not visible in ion traps following traditional CID fragmentation.Table 1. Instruments and MS/MS fragmentation options for peptide identification and quantitation withThermo Scientific TMT Reagents.Instrument Fragmentation Method Reference(s)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap™ Fusion™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer HCD/SPS-MS3 McAllister, G.C., et al. (2014), Viner,et al. (2013)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Elite™ Mass Spectrometer HCD/MS3 McAllister, G.C., et al. (2012), Viner,et al. (2012)Thermo Scientific Q Exactive™ MassSpectrometerHCD/MS2 Wühr, et al. (2012)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Velos Pro™, LTQ-Orbitrap™ XL, or MALDI-Orbitrap™ XL Mass Spectrometer HCD/MS2 Ting, et al. (2011), Wenger, et al(2011), Schirle, et al. (2012), Lee, etal (2011), Xiong, et al. (2011),Strupat, et al. (2008)Thermo Scientific™ Velos Pro™ ion trap Trap HCD/MS2 Biringer, et al. (2011)Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Elite ETD, Velos Pro ETD, LTQ-OrbitrapXL ETD HCD/MS2 orETD/MS2Viner, et al. (2009)Q-TOF CID Van Ulsen, et al. (2009)TOF-TOF CID Dayon, et al. (2008)Triple Quadrupole CID/SRM Stella, et al (2011), Byers, et al.(2009)B.Data Analysis and QuantitationThe masses for peptide modification by the TMT zero, duplex, and sixplex reagents are present in the UNIMOD database () and are listed below. Several software packages directly support the modifications by TMT Reagents and the relative quantitation of reporter ions released from labeled peptides, including Thermo Scientific™ Proteome Discoverer™ 1.1 and above, Matrix Science Mascot™ 2.1 and above, and Proteome Software Scaffold™ Q+. For data acquired using a combination of fragmentation methods (i.e., HCD/MS3 or HCD/ETD), Proteome Discoverer may be necessary to merge spectra for identification and quantitation.Table 2. Modification masses of the Thermo Scientific TMT Label Reagents.Label ReagentReagentReporter IonModificationMass(monoisotopic)ModificationMass(average)HCDMonoisotopicReporter Mass*ETDMonoisotopicReporter Mass**TMT0-126 126 224.152478 224.2994 126.127726 114.127725TMT2-126 126 225.155833 225.2921 126.127726 114.127725TMT2-127 127C 225.155833 225.2921 127.131081 114.127725TMT6-126 126 229.162932 229.2634 126.127726 114.127725TMT6-127 127N 229.162932 229.2634 127.124761 115.124760TMT6-128 128C 229.162932 229.2634 128.134436 116.134433TMT6-129 129N 229.162932 229.2634 129.131471 117.131468TMT6-130 130C 229.162932 229.2634 130.141145 118.141141TMT6-131 131 229.162932 229.2634 131.138180 119.138176 * HCD is a collisional fragmentation method that generates six unique reporter ions from 126 to 131Da.**ETD is a non-ergodic fragmentation method that generates six unique reporter ions from 114 to 119Da.rmation Available from our Website•Tech Tip Protocol #49: Acetone precipitation of proteins•Tech Tip Protocol #19: Remove detergent from protein samplesRelated Thermo Scientific Products90110 TMT10plex™ Isobaric Label Reagent Set, 10 × 0.8mg90113 TMT10plex Isobaric Mass Tag Labeling Kit90406 TMT10plex Isobaric Label Reagent Set, 10 × 5mg90114 1M Triethylammonium bicarbonate (TEAB), 50mL90115 50% Hydroxylamine, 5mL90100 iodoTMTzero™ Label Reagent, 5 × 0.2mg90101 iodoTMTsixplex™ Label Reagent Set, 1 × 0.2mg90103 iodoTMTsixplex Isobaric Mass Tag Labeling Kit90076 Immobilized Anti-TMT Antibody Resin90075 Anti-TMT Antibody, 0.1mL90104 TMT Elution Buffer, 20mL84840 Pierce™ Mass Spec Sample Prep Kit for Cultured Cells23227 BCA Protein Assay Kit23275 Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay23290 Pierce Quantitative Fluorescent Peptide Assay90057 Pierce Trypsin Protease, MS Grade90051 Lys-C Protease, MS Grade88300 Fe-NTA Phosphopeptide Enrichment Kit88301 Pierce TiO2 Phosphopeptide Enrichment and Clean-up Kit84868 Pierce High pH Reversed-Phase Peptide Fractionation Kit88321 Pierce Peptide Retention Time Calibration Mixture, 200µL87784 Pierce C18 Tips, 100µL bed, 96 tips89870 Pierce C18 Spin Columns, 25 columns28904 Trifluoroacetic Acid, Sequanal GradeGeneral ReferencesAltelaar A.F., et al. (2012). Benchmarking stable isotope labeling based quantitative proteomics. J Proteomics Oct 22. pii: S1874-3919(12)00704-X.doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2012.10.009.Bantscheff, M., et al. (2008). Robust and sensitive iTRAQ quantification on an LTQ Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Mol Cell Proteomics7:1702-13.Biringer, R.G., et al. (2011). Quantitation of TMT-Labeled Peptides Using Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation on the Velos Pro Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. Application note # 520. Byers, H.L. (2009). Candidate verification of iron-regulated Neisseria meningitidis proteins using isotopic versions of tandem mass tags (TMT) and single reaction monitoring, J Prot73(2):231-9.Dayon, L., et al. (2008). Relative quantification of proteins in human cerebrospinal fluids by MS/MS using 6-plex isobaric tags. Anal Chem80(8):2921-31. Dillon, R, et al. (2011). Discovery of a Novel B-Raf Fusion Protein Related to c-Met Drug Resistance. J Proteome Res10(11):5084-94.Erikson, B.K., et al. (2015). Evaluating multiplexed quantitative phosphopeptide analysis on a hybrid quadrupole mass filter/linear ion trap/orbitrap mass spectrometer. Anal Chem87(2):1241-9.Keshishian, H., et al. (2015). Multiplexed, quantitative workflow for sensitive biomarker discovery in plasma yields novel candidates for early myocardial injury. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015 Feb 27. pii: mcp.M114.046813Lee, M.V., et al. (2011). A dynamic model of proteome changes reveals new roles for transcript alteration in yeast. Mol Syst Biol 7:514.McAllister, G.C., et al. (2014). MultiNotch MS3 enables accurate, sensitive, and multiplexed detection of differential expression across cancer cell line proteomes. Anal Chem86(14):7150-8.McAllister, G.C., et al. (2012). Increasing the multiplexing capacity of TMTs using reporter ion isotopologues with isobaric masses. Anal Chem 84(17):7469-78.Murphy, J.P., et al. (2014). Combining amine metabolomics and quantitative proteomics of cancer cells using derivatization with isobaric tags. Proteomics 86(7):3585-93.Paulo, J.A., et al. (2014). A comprehensive proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of yeast deletion mutants of 14-3-3 orthologs and associated effects of rapamycin. Nature(2-3):474-86.Ross, P.L., et al. (2004). Multiplexed protein quantitation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using amine-reactive isobaric tagging reagents. Mol Cell Proteomics 3(12):1154-69.Savitski, M.M., et al. (2014). Tracking cancer drugs in living cells by thermal profiling of the proteome. Science346(6205):1255784Schirle, M., et al. (2012). Kinase inhibitor profiling using chemoproteomics. Methods Mol Biol795:161-77.Schwartz, J. et al. (2008). Relative quantitation of protein digests using tandem mass tags and pulsed-Q dissociation (PQD). Application note # 452.Stella, R., et al. (2011). Relative Quantification of Membrane Proteins in Wild-type and PrP-knockout Cerebellar Granule Neurons. J Proteome Res doi: 10.1021/pr200759m. Strupat K., et al. (2008). Accurate MS and MSn Analysis with the Thermo Scientific MALDI LTQ Orbitrap. Application note # 30150.Ting, L., et al. (2011). MS3 eliminates ratio distortion in isobaric multiplexed quantitative proteomics. Nature Methods8: 937–940.Van Ulsen, P., et al. (2009). Identification of proteins of Neisseria meningitidis induced under iron-limiting conditions using the isobaric tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling approach. Proteomics9(7):1771-81.Viner, R.I., et al. (2013). Increasing the multiplexing of protein quantitation from 6- to 10-Plex with reporter ion isotopologues.PN_ASMS_W617_RViner_R1.Viner, R.I., et al. (2012). Relative quantitation of TMT-labeled proteomes – Focus on sensitivity and precision. Application note #566.Viner, R.I., et al. (2009). Quantification of post-translationally modified peptides of bovine α-crystallin using tandem mass tags and electron transfer dissociation. J Proteomics72(5):874-85.Wenger, C.D., et al. (2011). Gas-phase purification enables accurate, multiplexed proteome quantification with isobaric tagging. Nat Methods 8(11):933-5. Xiong, L., et al. (2011). Mass spectrometric studies on epigenetic interaction networks in cell differentiation. J Biol Chem 286(15):13657-68.Zhang, T., et al. (2010). Improving quantitation of TMT-labeled peptides using stepped higher-energy collisional dissociation. Application note # 483 Products are warranted to operate or perform substantially in conformance with published Product specifications in effect at the time of sale, as set forth in the Product documentation, specifications and/or accompanying package inserts (“Documentation”). No claim of suitability for use in applications regulated by FDA is made. The warranty provided herein is valid only when used by properly trained individuals. Unless otherwise stated in the Documentation, this warranty is limited to one year from date of shipment when the Product is subjected to normal, proper and intended usage. This warranty does not extend to anyone other than Buyer. Any model or sample furnished to Buyer is merely illustrative of the general type and quality of goods and does not represent that any Product will conform to such model or sample.NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE GRANTED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON INFRINGEMENT. BUYER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR NON-CONFORMING PRODUCTS DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD IS LIMITED TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OF OR REFUND FOR THE NON-CONFORMING PRODUCT(S) AT SELLER’S SOLE OPTION. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO REPAIR, REPLACE OR REFUND FOR PRODUCTS AS THE RESULT OF (I) ACCIDENT, DISASTER OR EVENT OF FORCE MAJEURE, (II) MISUSE, FAULT OR NEGLIGENCE OF OR BY BUYER, (III) USE OF THE PRODUCTS IN A MANNER FOR WHICH THEY WERE NOT DESIGNED, OR (IV) IMPROPER STORAGE AND HANDLING OF THE PRODUCTS.Unless otherwise expressly stated on the Product or in the documentation accompanying the Product, the Product is intended for research only and is not to be used for any other purpose, including without limitation, unauthorized commercial uses, in vitro diagnostic uses, ex vivo or in vivo therapeutic uses, or any type of consumption by or application to humans or animals.Current product instructions are available at . For a faxed copy, call 800-874-3723 or contact your local distributor.© 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Tandem Mass Tag and TMT are trademarks of Proteome Sciences plc. iTRAQ is a trademark of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. Mascot is a trademark of Matrix Science. Scaffold is a trademark of Proteome Software. Unless otherwise indicated, all other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Printed in the USA.。



工具代码............................................................................. 70 产品安全............................................................................. 74 工业用电池螺丝刀............................................................... 75 电动螺丝刀 – Eliza, EBL..................................................... 84 电动螺丝刀 – 电动微扭螺丝刀MicroTorqueTM..................... 87 电动螺丝刀 – Tensor DL..................................................... 90 电动螺丝刀 – Tensor SL..................................................... 91 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor DS................................................. 92 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor S.................................................... 98 电动拧紧扳手 – Tensor ST............................................... 103 Tensor DS / DL控制器.......................................................111 Power Focus.................................................................... 112 Power Focus / ETX拧紧轴和电缆..................................... 130 Power MACS 4000 / QST拧紧轴和电缆........................... 133 Power MACS / QMX拧紧轴和电缆................................... 141 刀头和动力套筒................................................................ 149 扭力臂............................................................................... 156



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药学专业分析化学与药物分析的关系分类:一般性问题|制药化学工业|化学工业|工业技术文献类型:pdf 和txt 出版时间:2001作者:董钰明[1] 冯葳[2] 等关键词:药学专业分析化学药物分析医学院校全文长度:3753个字期刊名称:兰州医学院学报.2001,27(4).-77-78文献来源: 第六图书馆机构:[1]兰州医学院药物分析教研室730000 [2]兰州医学院图书馆查看次数:130 分类号:TQ460.7 R914.1全文:药学专业分析化学与药物分析的关系第六图书馆药学专业分析化学药物分析医学院校兰州医学院学报董钰明冯葳等[1]兰州医学院药物分析教研室730000 [2]兰州医学院图书馆2001第六图书馆兰州医凹卷第4期JLtuMdCi.e20.2a ̄ceolDc01Ⅷ7r—,NM—7·7药学专业分析化学与药物分析的关系董钰明冯葳段生玉分析化学是药学专业的一门必修基础课,时学大约为20学时(中包括实验14学时)占药学4其4,专业本科总学时的1%左右,见分析化学是药学5可专业非常重要的基础课。










Power Rating at 70℃
Rating Voltage
Max. Working Voltage
Max. Over- Load
T.C.R (PPM/℃)
D(±0.5%) E-96&(Ω)
F(±1%) E-96&E-24
G(±2%) E-24
0.5%,1%:±(1.0%+0.05Ω) 2%,5%:±(2.0%+0.1Ω) 0Ω : 50mΩ or less
Moisture Resistance
AEC-Q200-REV C-Test 6 MIL-STD-202 Method 106
T=24 hours / Steps 7a& 7b
Cycle ,10Cycles . Notes : not required. Unpowered .
Sn Plating
Resistive Element Ceramic Substrate
Ni Plating
3. Type Designation:
Product Code RMS : Anti-Sulfurated
Chip Resistor
-0.1 0.40±0.20 0.40±0.20
0.45±0.10 0.50±0.10 0.55±0.10 0.60±0.10 0.60±0.10 0.60±0.10



TM710e水分仪技术规格TM710e探头检测范围:每个探头最多可测多达4种元素(水分/尼古丁/糖份/温度)测量范围和精度(%绝对值)水 分:范围0-60% 仪器精度±0.1%到±0.8%(烟丝:0.3%,梗丝:0.3%,叶片:0.5%,梗条:0.8%) 尼古丁:范围0-6% 仪器精度±0.1%糖 份:范围0-30% 仪器精度±1%温 度:范围1-120度 仪器精度±1度测量波段:达16个(VFS技术)探头到产品操作距离:250mm(标准)工作距离范围:150-350mm(±100mm)采样面积:60mm圆周块环境光敏感度:不敏感响应时间:0.1秒到1000秒指数或线性的标定调较:快速标定,预标定,勿须常规再标定可靠性:灯泡、马达保用5年,系统平均无故障时间(MTBF)10年●水分检测速度150次/秒;●测量高度(镜头至物料表面的距离)250mm±100mm;●可提供多达16波段近红外检测信号;●采样面积φ60mm;●铸铝外壳反射式传感器探头,带内置水冷却系统,使探头可在50ºC以上、80ºC以下正常工作;●符合CE认证;●内部工作状态诊断、监视、保护系统;●内置窗口污染监测器;●探头密闭标准为IP65(NEMA 4),对工作环境无特殊要求;●双探测器专利技术,提供高速信号处理功能,并有效地排除了环境因素(如温度、光线等)的干扰,从而提高了测量精度,使高速检测、单光路设计成为可能;●离轴聚光镜专利技术,充分利用近红外光能量;●24格变焦聚光镜,排除了物料抖动对测量精度的干扰;●统一电压输入24V直流电源。



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Temperature Panel and Benchtop Meters1⁄8DIN Size with LCD DisplayModel BS6000ASingleThermocouple Input$495Model BS6050Single RTD Input$495Model BS6051Six-Channel RTD Selectable$595Specifications for DP5000A and BS6000 SeriesInputs:Thermocouples: J, K, T, E, N, R, S; RTD Pt100, 2-, 3-, or 4-wire, Alpha 0.00385,Thermistor: 2252 Ωat 25°C (77°F).Display: 4-digit, backlit LCD Accuracy:±0.15% of rdg + 0.2°C at orabove 0°C (+0.4°F) at or above 32°F)±1°C below 0°C (±2°F below 32°F)Resolution:0.1°to 999.9°; 1°above 1000°Temperature Coefficient:0.01% of rdg/°CCold Junction Compensation: 0.0075°C/°C (0.0135°F/°F)Ambient Temperature : 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature:-40 to 50°C (-40 to 122°F)Humidity: 0 to 70% non-condensing Power : 110 Vac (standard),Optional 230 Vac or 9 to 30 Vac/dcM-101ߜEasy-to-Read Backlit LCD ߜ°C/°F Switchable ߜ0.1°/1°Auto Ranging ߜThermocouple Selectable by Rear Panel SwitchesߜFront Panel Splash-Proof (IP65)ߜCan Be Used with OS36, OS37, and OS38 Infrared Probes ߜOptional RS-232ߜBenchtop Portable Meters ߜRugged ABS Case ߜAvailable as Single- or Six-Input ModelsDimensions:DP5000A, DP5050, DP5060:96 x 48 x 120 mm (3.78 x 1.89 x 4.72")BS6000A, BS6050, BS6060:118 x 57 x 150 mm (4.65 x 2.24 x 5.90")BS6001A,BS6051, BS6061:148 x 67 x 190 mm (5.83 x 2.64 x 7.48")Weight:DP5000A, DP5050, BS5060: 255 kg (0.56 lb)BS6000A, BS6050, BS6060: 500 g (1.1 lb)BS6001A, BS6051, BS6061: 850 g (1.87 lb)The DP5000A and BS6000 series of temperature panel and benchtop meters are both highly versatile and accurate. Available in thermocouple and infrared inputs, thermistor and RTD versions with 0.1 degree resolution, auto ranging to 1 degree above 1000°. The thermocouple versions are switch selectable for one of six thermocouple types from the rear panel. The DP5000A series is micro-processor driven andfully self-calibrating, offering exceptional accuracy and long term stability. The backlit LCD is easy to read in any light conditions from dim to bright sunlight, or fluorescent lighting.To Order (Specify Model Number)Model No.Price DescriptionDP5000A $245T/C input panel meter with infrared sensor input*DP5050245RTD input panel meterDP5060245Thermistor input panel meterBS6000A*495Benchtop meter: 1 T/C and OS36, OS37 OS38 input BS6001A*595Benchtop meter: 6 T/C and OS36, OS37 OS38 inputs BS6050495Benchtop meter: 1 RTD input BS6051595Benchtop meter: 6 RTD inputBS6060495Benchtop meter: 1 thermistor input BS6061595Benchtop meter: 6 thermistor inputsMDP5000A Series$245ShownModel OS36-K-50 probe, $185See Section JShown smaller than actual sizeModel NumberPriceDescriptionDP5000-BRACKETS $7Replacement panel bracketsDP5000-SBRACKETS7Panel brackets with adjustable screwsAccessoriesModel NumberPriceDescription-9/30N/C 9 to 30 Vac/Vdc -230N/C230 VacPower OptionsOrder SuffixPriceDescription-C2$40RS-232 communicationsCommunications OptionsInputRangeIron-Constantan-200 to 1200˚C -328 to 2192˚F CHROMEGA ®- ALOMEGA ®-200 to 1372˚C -328 to 2502˚F CHROMEGA ®- Constantan -200 to 1000˚C -328 to 1832˚F Copper - Constantan-200 to 400˚C -328 to 752˚F Platinum - 10% Rhodium/ Platinum -50 to 1767˚C -58 to 3212˚F Platinum - 13% Rhodium/ Platinum -50 to 1767˚C -58 to 3212˚F OMEGA-P ®- Nicrosil -200 to 1300˚C -328 to 2372˚FOMEGA-N ®- NisilInput Ranges for DP5000 and BS6000 Series* Can be used with OS36-K-50and OS36-K-440. Also will work with OS37and OS38units with either 20:1 or 100:1 fields of view. Comes complete with power cord, mating connector(s), operators’ manual. OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order.Ordering Example: BS6050-C2,single RTD input benchtop thermometer and RS-232 communications, $495 + 40 = $535. OCW-1 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 3-year warranty to a total of 4 years ($53), $535 + 53 = $588J K E T S R NCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。





一、Ultim1000的特点Ultim1000具有以下突出特点:1. 高温稳定性:Ultim1000能够在高温环境下保持良好的力学性能,其熔点高达343°C,短期耐温高达380°C,使其在高温工作环境下具有出色的表现。

2. 优异的机械性能:Ultim1000具有高强度和刚度,能够承受高应力和冲击负载,具有出色的耐磨性和耐疲劳性。

3. 耐化学性:Ultim1000对许多化学品具有良好的耐腐蚀性,包括酸、碱、有机溶剂等,使其在化学工业和电子行业等领域有广泛应用。

4. 优秀的电气绝缘性能:Ultim1000具有良好的电绝缘性能,能够在高电压和高电场环境下保持稳定,因此被广泛应用于电子和电气工程领域。

二、Ultim1000的制备方法Ultim1000的制备方法主要有以下几种:1. 热成型法:通过将Ultim1000粉末或颗粒加热至熔融状态,然后注塑或挤出成型。

2. 挤出法:将Ultim1000颗粒加热至熔融状态后,通过挤出机将熔融物料挤出成型,再通过冷却固化得到最终产品。

3. 真空热压法:将Ultim1000颗粒置于真空环境下,加热至熔融状态后,通过压力将熔融物料压制成型,再通过冷却固化得到最终产品。

三、Ultim1000的应用领域由于其卓越的性能,Ultim1000在许多领域都有广泛应用,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 航空航天领域:Ultim1000具有高温稳定性和耐化学性,适合用于制造航空航天设备中的关键部件,如发动机零部件、燃料系统和导航仪表等。

2. 医疗器械领域:Ultim1000具有良好的生物相容性和耐高温的特点,常用于制造医疗器械和人工器官等,如手术器械、骨植入物和牙科材料等。


ASTM D 638
ASTM D 638
ASTM D 638
ASTM D 638
弯曲STM D 790
ASTM D 790
0.320J /厘米
ASTM D 3029
ASTM D 1044
1.00E +17欧姆厘米
1.00E +17欧姆厘米
ASTM D 257
ASTM D 150
ASTM D 149
ASTM D 149
ASTM D 150
ASTM D 1525
UL 746B
UL RTI,机械冲击

ultem1000 导热系数

ultem1000 导热系数

ultem1000 导热系数



Ultim1000的导热系数通常在0.3-0.4 W/(m·K)之间。






ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率

ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率

在今天的文章中,我们将探讨ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率。

让我们来了解一下ultem 1010材料的基本特性,并深入探讨它在光学领域中的重要应用。

1. ultem 1010材料简介ultem 1010是一种高性能工程塑料,具有优异的热稳定性、机械强度和化学稳定性。


由于其优良的耐高温性能和机械强度,ultem 1010在航空航天、汽车、医疗器械等领域得到了广泛的应用。

2. ultem 1010材料在光学领域中的应用ultem 1010材料不仅在工程领域有着重要的应用,它在光学领域也具有独特的优势。



在850nm处的折射率是指ultem 1010材料在850纳米波长的光线下的折射率,因为在这一波长范围内,很多光学应用都需要使用到。

3. ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率的意义ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率对于光学透镜、光学器件、激光设备等方面的设计和性能有着重要的影响。



了解ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率对于光学元件的设计和性能具有重要的实际意义。

4. 个人观点和理解个人认为,ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率作为其光学特性之一,对于光学应用来说具有非常重要的作用。


随着光学技术的不断发展,ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率将会在更广泛的光学应用中发挥出更大的作用。

总结:通过本文的讨论,我们了解了ultem 1010材料在850nm处的折射率及其在光学领域的重要意义。

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