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His Philosophy of Education
• 有教无类。 • In teaching people, there is no discrimination (of class,
type, etc.) • 学而不厌,诲人不倦。 • Learning without satiety, instructing others without being
• 知之为知之, 不知为不知,是知也。 • What you know, you know, what you don‘t know,
you don’t know. This is knowledge.
His Philosophy of Education
礼之用,和为贵。 The most valuable use of the rites is to achieve harmony.
四海之内皆兄弟也; All Men Are Brothers.
Confucian quotes
1.By nature, men are nearly alike; by
孔子(名秋 字仲尼),鲁国人,
出生于551BC 35岁,逃往齐国
Founder of the Confucian school and Confucianism
Symbol of Chinese culture
His Philosophy of Education
• 温故而知新, 可以为师矣。 • Reviewing what you have learned and learning
anew, you are fit to be a teacher. • 学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆。 • Learning without thinking leads to confusion;
• 诗,可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。 • An apt quotation from Book of Poetry can
stimulate the imagination, endow one with breeding, enable one to live in a community, and give expression to grievances.
• If a student is not eager, I won’t teach him; if he is not struggling with the truth, I won't reveal it to him. If I lift up one corner and he can’t come back with the other three, I won’t do it again.
thinking without learning ends in danger. • 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。 • To prefer it is better than only to know it. To
delight in it is better than merely to prefer it.
德不孤,必有邻; Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎; Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?
Top 10 key thinkers in the world (1984)
about Confucius
Winston Sun
Main article: Ren ( Humanity ) (a concept central to Confucianism)
Love of people︰
One’s parents
Confucius & Confucianism
Also named as Master Kong
Humanity (仁) Righteousness (义) Ritual (礼) Knowledge (智) integrity (信) Loyalty (忠) Filial piety (孝)
lengths it becomes completely ordered.
Li (礼)
• 不学礼,无以立。 • If you don’t learn li you will have no structure. • 道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻; 道之以德,
• If you govern the people legalistically and control them by punishment, they will avoid crime, but have no personal sense of shame. If you govern them by means of virtue and control them with propriety, they will gain their own sense of shame, and thus correct themselves.
三三人人行行,,必必有有我我师师焉焉。。择择其其善善者者而而从从之之,,其其不不善善者者 而而改改之之。。
fairness, politeness and love of learning, and
he was reputed to be quite tall. He traveled extensively and studied at the imperial capital, Zhou, where he is said to have met and spoke with Lao Zi, the founder of Daoism.
Li (礼)
• Li has two meanings: • Propriety: a set of manners or knowledge
of how to behave in a given situation. • Ritual: when life is detailed to Confucius
practice, they get to be wide apart
wwhhaatt性yy相oouu近ss也aa,yy aa习nn相dd远ccaa也rr。rryy
33. .WWhheennI Iwwaalklkaalolonnggwwitihthtwtwooooththeerrss, ,ththeeyy mmaayysseerrvveemmeeaassmmyyteteaacchheerrss. .I Iwwililllsseelelecctt ththeeirirggooooddqquuaaliltiiteiessaannddfofolllolowwththeemm, ,ththeeirirbbaadd qquuaaliltiiteiessaannddaavvooididththeemm。。
He established first private school in China and accepted the students from everywhere.
Subjects: Manners, Music, Literature, Riding, Archery and Mathematics 现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
A Great educator& Thinker
Winston Sun
(born Kong Qiu, styled Zhong Ni) was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu in 551 B.C., a poor descendant of a deposed noble family. As a child, he held make-believe temple rituals; as a young adult, he quickly earned a reputation for
wearied. • 三人行, 必有我师焉:择其善者而从之, 其不善者而改之。 • When three men are walking together, there is one who
can be my teacher. I pick out people’s good and follow it. When I see their bad points, I correct them in myself.
regulated. 家齐而后国治 The families being regulated, the States were rightly
governed. 国治而后天下平 The States being rightly governed, the entire world
was at peace.
His Philosophy of Education
• 子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之‘文’也?”子曰: “敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之‘文’也。”
• Zi Gong asked: “Why was Kong Wen Zi called ‘Wen’ ?” Confucius replied: “He was quick and devoted to learning, and not ashamed to asked those below him. That is why he is called ‘Wen’”.
He have 3000 students. Among them, 72 became famous scholars.
Winston Sun
His Philosophy of Education
• Education target: • the first person to open a private school to common
people • Course content:
morality, proper speech, government, the refined arts
• Pedagogical[pedə'gɔdʒikəl] methods:
He poses questions, or uses apt analogies, and waits for his students to arrive at the right answers. • Education goal: to create superior men
The people
Everything in the world (universal love)
不学礼无以立 Don't learn ritual indescribable made 身修而后家齐 The persons being cultivated, the families were
Confucianism: Canon 经典
• Four Books 四书 • Analects • Mencius • The Great Learning • The Mean
《论语》 《孟子》 《大学》 《中庸》
Confucius’s sayings:
己所不欲,勿施于人。 What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.