人教版选修6 UNIT 4 Global warming词汇及句型精讲
(1)She has a mental toughness that did not come about by chance.她心理稳定,这不是偶然发生的。
(2016·江苏)(2)How did it come about that he knew where we were?他是怎么知道我们在什么地方的呢?It comes/came about that...……发生。
How does/did it come about that...?……是怎样发生的?When it comes to...当谈到……名师点拨come about相当于happen或occur,均无被动形式;且常用it作形式主语。
2.subscribe to同意;赞成;订购;捐助(1)I subscribed to the magazine for only 32 a year.订阅(2)How much did you subscribe to the disaster fund?捐助(3)Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?同意3.quantities of大量的4.go up上升;增长;升起5.result in导致 opposed to反对……7.keep on继续8.on the whole大体上;基本上9.on behalf of代表……一方;作为……的代言人(=on one’s behalf)代表……一方;作为……的代言人[选词填空]on behalf of,stand for,represent(1)What does WHO __________(代表)?(2)I apologize to you __________(代表) my family.(3)He __________(代表) our school to take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him.名师点拨(1)on behalf of是介词短语。
I can identify this watch as mine by the scratches on the back.2.他嗜巧克力如命,吃的停不下来。
He was so addicted to chocolate that he couldn’t stop taking it.3.史密斯先生从教学岗位上退休下来以后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好。
Mr.Smith took up photography as a hobby after he retired from teaching.4.相比较起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利。
By comparison,this house has the advantage of low price,but that house has the advantage of convenient transportation.5.他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售额。
It seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.6.热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课。
The eager students crowded into the lecture hall to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University.7.他们责怪他向队友发出的信号混乱不清。
They blamed him for sending confusing signals to the teammates.8.我们的产品仍然远远领先于我们竞争对手的产品。
Our product still has a good lead over that of our competitor.1.我不知道他如何能靠自己的薪水买得起一套新房子。
Engineering 3 (2017) 272–278ResearchClimate Change—ReviewThe 2 °C Global Temperature Target and the Evolution of the Long-Term Goal of Addressing Climate Change—From the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to the Paris AgreementYun Gao a ,*, Xiang Gao b , Xiaohua Zhang caDepartment of Science & Technology and Climate Change, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China bEnergy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100038, China cNational Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), Beijing 100038, Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oa b s t r a c tArticle history:Received 12 July 2016Revised 27 October 2016Accepted 20 January 2017Available online 16 March 2017The Paris Agreement proposed to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. It was thus the first international treaty to endow the 2 °C global temperature target with legal effect. The qualitative expression of the ultimate objective in Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has now evolved into the numerical temperature rise target in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. Starting with the Second Assessment Report (SAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-mate Change (IPCC), an important task for subsequent assessments has been to provide scientific informa-tion to help determine the quantified long-term goal for UNFCCC negotiation. However, due to involvement in the value judgment within the scope of non-scientific assessment, the IPCC has never scientifically af-firmed the unacceptable extent of global temperature rise. The setting of the long-term goal for addressing climate change has been a long process, and the 2 °C global temperature target is the political consensus on the basis of scientific assessment. This article analyzes the evolution of the long-term global goal for addressing climate change and its impact on scientific assessment, negotiation processes, and global low- carbon development, from aspects of the origin of the target, the series of assessments carried out by the IPCC focusing on Article 2 of the UNFCCC, and the promotion of the global temperature goal at the political level.© 2017 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Engineering andHigher Education Press Limited Company. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-NDlicense (/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Keywords:Climate changeInternational negotiationIntergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Long-term goalCritical vulnerability Intuitive building1. IntroductionThe ultimate objective determined by the United Nations Frame-work Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to achieve “stabili-zation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable eco-nomic development to proceed in a sustainable manner” [1]. As a framework convention, this expression only fixes the requirements of the stabilization of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in a qualitative manner, and does not define the quanti-tative level of concentration for avoiding “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” How to define a quantified long-term global goal to address climate change is one of the core issues for subsequent scientific assessment and international cli-mate negotiation.Previous Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assess-ment reports have made assessments of rising temperature and possible risks in the climate system under various emission scenar-ios. However, due to uncertainties in the science of climate change, limits in scientific cognition and development, the time lag and spatial difference between emissions and their consequences, and* Corresponding author.E-mail address: gaoyun@/10.1016/J.ENG.2017.01.0222095-8099/© 2017 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press Limited Company.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectjo ur n al h om e pag e: w w /locate/engEngineering273 Y. Gao et al. / Engineering 3 (2017) 272–278necessary value judgment other than scientific assessment for de-fining danger levels, the IPCC has never scientifically affirmed the indices that indicate “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system,” and thus cannot define the unacceptable extent of global temperature rise based purely on science.Scientific research into the 2 °C temperature rise started a long time ago; however, the 2 °C global temperature target was not con-sidered as the action goal until the decision of the Council of the European Union (EU) conference in 1996 [2]. After the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in 2009 and the Cancún Climate Change Conference in 2010, limiting the global temperature rise to below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels became the consensus of the in-ternational community. In 2008–2014, the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) made a comprehensive assessment of the climate system change, risks, emission budget, and mitigation pathway choice of 2 °C global warming on the basis of the research results available. After scientific assessment and a series of political push-es, one of the three goals reached at the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference was stated as “Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and pur-suing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre- industrial levels” [3]. Thus, the long-term goal of addressing climate change has evolved from a qualitative expression of stabilizing the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, in Article 2 of the UNFCCC, to a global temperature target with specific value, in Article 2of the Paris Agreement.This article analyzes the evolution of the long-term goal for ad-dressing climate change, and the related impact on future scientific assessments, negotiation processes, and global low-carbon develop-ment, from the aspects of the origin of the 2 °C global temperature target, the related IPCC conclusion for Article 2 of the UNFCCC, and the promotion of the global temperature goal at the political level. 2. Early scientific research related to the 2 °C targetStudies regarding the 2 °C temperature rise can be traced back to the 1970s, when an explorative study was carried out in the European natural and social sciences to push decisions related to climate change. According to the overview given by Randalls [4] on the history of the EU’s temperature control goal, the proposal for the global temperature control goal was very strongly related to the scientific study of climate sensitivity. Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) quantifies the response of the climate system to constant radiative forces on multi-century timescales. It is defined as the change in the global mean near-surface air temperature at equilibrium that is caused by a doubling of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration [5]. If the ECS is 2 °C, then the doubling of the CO2 concentration (generally taken as 550 ppm) will result in a global average temperature rise of 2 °C [6]. In 1967, Manabe and Wetherald [7] used a heat balance model and estimated a tempera-ture response of approximately 2 °C to doubling CO2 concentrations; in subsequent climate change science, and particularly in the esti-mation of the climate system model, the doubling of CO2 has been taken as the core scenario for calculation. Initially, the ECS value was estimated by experts, and in the subsequent IPCC’s First to Third As-sessment Reports, it was taken as 1.5–4.5 °C. In the IPCC’s Fourth As-sessment Report, ECS was determined as 2.0–4.5 °C [8]. However, on the basis of many subsequent studies, the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) made an elaborate analysis of this issue, considering it to be 1.5–4.5 °C, that is, extremely unlikely to be less than 1 °C and very unlikely to be greater than 6 °C [5]. With respect to mitigation, countermeasures and actions to address climate change involve a series of estimations and policy analyses on social and economic costs. In 1977, Nordhaus [9] made an explorative cost-benefit analy-sis of climate change using the CO2 concentration-doubling scenario; subsequent cost-benefit analyses of addressing climate change be-gan to take the doubling of CO2 or the 2 °C scenario as the starting point of exploration, reaching many research conclusions [10].In the 1980s, before the IPCC’s First Assessment Report (FAR) was released, climate change studies mostly focused on the relationship between increased anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, and the global average temperature, calling attention to possible threats from an-thropogenic factors. However, there was insufficient basis to deter-mine the indices that should be chosen and the specific figure that would be used as the global ultimate objective in addressing climate change. In addition, since addressing climate change involves com-plex fields, discussion at the political or policy level tends to give a relatively prudent expression of proposed reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, and to wait for further scientific research results [4]. At that time, some scholars proposed a study of the threshold value of climate change from wider perspectives, in order to determine the level at which climate change can be accepted or avoided; that is, they hoped to make a systematic assessment of various risks that may result from climate change, instead of paying attention only to carbon emission [11].3. IPCC’s First and Second Assessment Reports and decision of the European CouncilIn 1990, the IPCC released its FAR. Based on the progress of study in that period, the FAR pointed out that the emissions from human activities resulted in an obvious increase of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, aggravated the greenhouse effect, and caused the global near-surface air temperature to rise, thus inciting the international community to immediately effect political progress and discuss how to take action to deal with global climate change. In this report, the assessment was made under the “business-as-usual” emissions scenario (Scenario A), along with other scenarios with progressively increasing levels of the controls (Scenarios B, C, and D); these scenarios held that in around 2025, 2040, 2050, and 2100, respectively, the equivalent CO2 would be two times that of pre-industrial-revolution levels, and the global average temperature would rise by 0.1–0.3 °C per decade. In order for the concentration to remain stable at the level of that period (1990), it would be necessary to immediately reduce the anthropogenic emis-sion of greenhouse gases (mainly CO2) by 60%, and reduce methane by 15%–20% [12]. The IPCC’s FAR placed emphasis on the rising tem-perature effect due to the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases; the scientific basis was insufficient at that time to formulate suggestions for a specific goal. Considering that addressing climate change involves wide and complex fields, the UNFCCC was formed under the encouragement of the FAR, and established the qualitative expression of the ultimate objective.As an important scientific support for the UNFCCC’s negotiation process, the IPCC included an examination of approaches to the realization of Article 2 of the UNFCCC in the Second Assessment Report following a resolution of the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization. In addition, the IPCC specifically for-mulated a synthesis report to present information on the scientific and technical issues related to interpreting Article 2 of the UNFCCC [13]. In fact, since the IPCC’s Second Assessment Report (SAR), providing scientific information to assist the quantification of the long-term goal for the UNFCCC’s negotiation has been an impor-tant task in the IPCC’s scientific assessments. According to the SAR published in 1996, the scientific, technical, economic, and social science literature does suggest ways to move toward the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, but uncertainties remain for the judg-ment of what constitutes dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system and what needs to be done to prevent such274Y. Gao et al. / Engineering 3 (2017) 272–278and risk. Since both the magnitude and rate of climate change are very important, the basis for determining what constitutes “dan-gerous anthropogenic interference” would vary in different regions, depending on local characteristics, as would the consequences, ad-aptation, and mitigation capacity of the impact of climate change.Notably, the TAR introduced five “reasons for concern,” thus con-ceptually expressing the reasons for emphasizing the risks of climate change (Fig. 1) [14]. These five reasons include: ① risks to unique and threatened systems; ② risks from extreme climate events; ③ dis-t ribution of impact; ④ aggregate impact; and ⑤ risks from future large-scale discontinuities. In Fig. 1, the global average annual tem-perature represents the magnitude of climate change; however, it is pointed out that future impacts will be a function of the magnitude and rate of global and regional changes in mean climate, climate variability, extreme climate phenomena, socioeconomic conditions, and adaptation, depending on multiple aspects. The TAR also stat-ed that in the setting of the strategy, goal, and timetable to avoid “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system,” it is necessary to consider inertia and uncertainty in the climate, eco-logical, and socioeconomic systems; assess possible risks of climate change from more comprehensive and intuitive perspectives; and relate the risks with global mean near-surface air temperature. As shown in Fig. 1, although the TAR did not define which kind of tem-perature rise should become the index of “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system,” it showed that global warm-ing above 4 °C would pose extremely large risks. These five reasons for concern have been used consistently in subsequent IPCC assess-ments.In 2007, the IPCC released its Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), stating that the five “reasons for concern” identified in the TAR re-main a feasible framework for considering critical vulnerabilities. In the AR4, many risks are affirmed with higher confidence. For example, the report stated that regarding “unique and threatened systems,” observed climate change has had an impact on the polar and high mountain communities and ecosystems; if the global aver-age temperature becomes 1.5–2.5 °C higher than that in 1980–1999, approximately 20%–30% of the plant and animal species assessed so far are likely to face increased risks of extinction; and an increase of about 1–3 °C in the sea surface temperature would result in moreinterference. In the SAR, the conclusions related to the 2 °C temper-ature rise are that for the mid-range IPCC emission scenario (IS92), assuming the “best estimate” value of climate sensitivity and includ-ing the effects of future increases in aerosol concentrations, models project an increase in the global mean near-surface air tempera-ture relative to 1990 of about 2 °C, an increase in sea level of about 50 cm, a greater risk for small islands and low-lying coastal areas, and extensions of the geographical range and season for vector or-ganisms by 2100.The clear proposition that the global average temperature should not exceed 2 °C above the pre-industrial level was first raised in the decision of the European Council’s conference in 1996 [2]. Based on the IPCC’s SAR and the IS92, and after considering the possible risks of climate change, the European Council held that global greenhouse gas emissions should be halved from the 1990 figure, and that CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere should be stabilized at approxi-mately 550 ppm (twice the pre-industrial level), so as to realize the target of limiting the global average temperature rise to 2 °C above pre-industrial levels (the goal for global mitigation cooperation). The EU did not give a reason for this decision, and its definitive ex-pression did not find support in the IPCC’s SAR. The proposition does not currently receive wide international recognition.4. IPCC’s Third and Fourth Assessment Reports and promotion at the G8 SummitIn 2001, the IPCC released its Third Assessment Report (TAR), which provided newer and stronger evidence to prove that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities (probability > 66% but < 90%). The impacts of cli-mate change include both advantages and disadvantages, but the larger and quicker the change, the more obvious the leading posi-tion of adverse impacts. In the Synthesis Report of the IPCC’s TAR [14], Question 1 pointed out that the natural, technical, and social sciences can provide essential information and evidence needed for decisions on what constitutes “dangerous anthropogenic interfer-ence with the climate system.” However, such decisions are value judgments determined through sociopolitical processes that consid-er development, equity, and sustainability, as well as uncertainties Fig. 1. IPCC’s TAR: Corresponding figures for assessment and impact risks. SRES : Special Report on Emissions Scenarios ; A1Fl, A1B, A1T, A2, B1, and B2 are alternative development paths and related greenhouse gas emissions scenarios provide in SRES ; IS92a: Scenario a in IPCC emission scenario 1992. Source: Ref. [14], Fig. SPM-2 in Summary for Policymakers , Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability .275 Y. Gao et al. / Engineering 3 (2017) 272–278frequent coral bleaching and widespread mortality. Regarding ex-treme weather, the projected droughts, heat waves, floods, and their adverse impacts would increase. Regarding the distribution of im-pacts, regions with the weakest economies are often the most vul-nerable to climate change, and the low-latitude and less-developed regions face increasing risks. Regarding aggregate impacts, the net cost of impacts with increased warming would increase as time goes on. And finally, regarding the risks of large-scale singularities, global warming lasting for many centuries would result in a rise in the sea level, which would be much larger than that observed in the 20th century; melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets could oc-cur on century timescales.The IPCC’s reports should be neutral with respect to policy; thus, the IPCC only provides comprehensive, objective, open, and transparent assessment reports, and leaves readers to make their own judgments. It does not define “dangerous anthropogenic in-terference with the climate system.” Compared with the previous three assessment reports, the AR4 provided a clearer and more intuitive explanation and expression of risks, as shown in Fig. 2[15]. The important progress at this stage is that the scientific commu-nity has confirmed the importance of risk assessment and value judgment of climate change for the determination of the long-term goal, thus pushing the discussion of a global temperature goal into the political process.In February 2005, at the request of the European Council, the European Commission reported on a cost-benefit analysis of the medium- and long-term emission reduction strategy and goal [16]. This report assumed that, until 2100, the global average temperature would rise by 1.4–5.8 °C compared with that in 1990, and the Euro-pean temperature would rise by 2.0–6.3 °C. If the temperature rise could be controlled to within 2 °C, the benefits would be sufficient to offset the cost of the mitigation policy; if the temperature rose over 2 °C, it would probably result in quicker and more unpredict-able climate response, and even irreversible and disastrous conse-quences. Based on this report, European Parliament reiterated the 2 °C target in the same year, and held that the TAR’s conclusion had indicated the necessity to strengthen emission reduction and limit global risks [17]. In July 2005, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair asked the Gleneagles G8 Summit to list climate change as one of two priority themes, as the UK served as the rotating president of the G8 Summit. However, the G8 did not reach consensus on a global tem-perature goal.In 2006, Sir Nicholas Stern (the economic consultant for the Brit-ish Prime Minister) published The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, in which he wrote that if no timely actions were tak-en in the following decades, climate change would result in the loss of 5%–20% of global GDP; however, if immediate and powerful global mitigation actions were taken to stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at 500–550 ppm, the cost could be controlled at about 1% of global GDP per year [18]. After the publication of the IPCC’s AR4, climate change became one of the key topics of the G8 Summits in Heiligendamm (Germany) in 2007, in Toyako (Japan) in 2008, and in L’Aquila (Italy) in 2009. The final declaration made by the L’Aquila G8 Summit expressed willingness to limit the global temperature rise to within 2 °C of pre-industrial levels along with other countries, so that the global greenhouse gas emissions would be reduced by 50% before 2050, and so that devel-oped countries should reduce emissions by 80% or more by 2050. Although the scientific significance of taking a 2 °C temperature rise as the goal was unclear [19], a strong push from the EU at theFig. 2. IPCC’s AR4: Impact examples related to rising global average temperature. Source: Adapted from Ref. [15], Fig. 3.6 in Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report.276Y. Gao et al. / Engineering 3 (2017) 272–278political level extended the discussion of the global temperature goal from the scientific level to the international political and diplo-matic levels.5. From the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference to the Paris Climate Change ConferenceThe 35th G8 Summit in July 2009 and the subsequent Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF) were held just be-fore the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, attracting world-wide attention. The leaders of the 17 participating members of the MEF delivered a joint declaration requiring that the results of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference comply with the UNFCCC’s goal and scientific requirements, thus unanimously recognizing that the global average temperature rise shall not be over 2 °C higher than pre-industrial levels [20]. It was the first time that a consen-sus had been reached between the main developed and developing countries regarding the 2 °C target. This MEF Summit delivered a strong political signal to the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference at the end of the same year. Thanks to the efforts of major powers, the 2 °C global temperature target was written into the Copenhagen Accord. Since the Copenhagen Accord was not unanimously rec-ognized by all parties, it did not have legal effect. Part I—“A shared vision for long-term cooperative action”—of the Cancún Agreements formulated at the 2010 Cancún Climate Change Conference stated that nations should work together in “… reducing global greenhouse gas emissions so as to hold the increase in global average tempera-ture below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, and that Parties should take urgent action to meet this long-term goal … strengthening the long-term global goal on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge, including in relation to a global average temperature rise of 1.5 °C” [21]. The 2 °C global temperature target was a global political consensus from then on.Since 2009, the political consensus of the 2 °C global tempera-ture target has had a major impact on the international scientific community. Corresponding climate change trend simulation, impact assessment, and emission reduction path studies have taken it as the object of scenario studies. Since the IPCC assessment is based on peer-reviewed scientific research, the AR5 of the IPCC fully assessed the scientific research related to the 2 °C global temperature target in 2014. A report from the AR5 Working Group I made the first quan-titative assessment on the cumulative emission space under the 2 °C global temperature target. The global average surface warming in the 21st century and subsequent period would mainly depend on the cumulative emission of CO2. In this report, transient climate response to cumulative carbon emissions (TCRE) is defined as the global mean near-surface air temperature change per 1000 GtC (the shorthand for gigatons of carbon) emitted into the atmosphere. It quantifies the transient response of the climate system to cumu-lative carbon emissions. According to the AR5, TCRE is likely to fall within the range of 0.8–2.5 °C per 1000 GtC; this applies for cumu-lative emissions up to about 2000 GtC, until the time temperatures peak. Limiting the warming caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissions alone with a probability of > 33%, > 50%, and > 66% to less than 2 °C since the period between 1861 and 1880 will require cumulative CO2 emissions from all anthropogenic sources to stay between 0 and about 1570 GtC (5760 GtCO2), 0 and about 1210 GtC (4440 GtCO2), and 0 and about 1000 GtC (3670 GtCO2) since that period, respec-tively; however, an amount of 515 (445–585) GtC (1890 (1630–2150) GtCO2), had already been emitted by 2011 [5].Based on the assessment of different sectors, regions, and key risks, the AR5 Working Group II pointed out that in case of a temperature rise of 1 °C or 2 °C compared with pre-industrial levels, the risks incurred by the world would be on the medium to high level, and in case of a temperature rise over 4 °C or even higher, the risks would be high or very high [22]. The AR5 Working Group III provided the most viable scenario to achieve the goal of keeping the global temperature rise until 2100 within 2 °C compared with the pre- industrial level: to limit the greenhouse gas concentration to 450 ppm CO2e (the shorthand for carbon dioxide equivalents). It will be necessary to reduce the global greenhouse gas emissions until 2030 to 50 Gt CO2e, to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 by 40%–70% compared with the 2010 level, and to limit green-house gas emissions to net zero in 2100. The Report also assessed the development and technical choice in sectors such as energy, transport, building, human settlements, infrastructure, and spatial planning under this goal [23].In summary, the IPCC’s AR5 Synthesis Report defined the rela-tionship between cumulative anthropogenic emissions of CO2, glob-al average temperature change, and the potential risks to the climate system until 2050. As shown in Fig. 3[24], the risk level indicated by any given global temperature rise and the five major reasons corre-sponds to the cumulative anthropogenic emissions of CO2 within a certain range.The AR5 did not clearly define the indices and values constituting “dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” In fact, since it is highly sensitive for parties to consider the related information about Article 2 of the UNFCCC, when the AR5 Synthesis Report was reviewed and adopted at the IPCC’s 40th Session in Oc-tober 2014, the textbox providing information related to Article 2 of the UNFCCC was finally abandoned, and only the Preface of the Syn-thesis Report stated that the Report included information related to Article 2 of the UNFCCC. Nevertheless, the assessment conclusions drawn by the AR5 regarding the 2 °C global temperature target, as well as the scientific information required for decision-making (in-cluding emission budget, pathway, and technical choice) strength-ened the scientific basis for this political consensus.In 2011, the Durban Climate Change Conference established the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (hereinafter referred to as the Durban Platform). It launched the negotiation for an international mechanism applicable to all parties after 2020, and decided to strive for an ambitious global emission reduction goal with the timeframe for global greenhouse gas emis-sion peaking before 2050, taking into account reports such as the IPCC’s AR5 [25].From the launch of the Durban Platform to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement at the Paris Climate Change Conference, parties held different views about the expression of the UNFCCC’s prin-ciples, the scope of the agreement, and the legal form of the final results; however, the 2 °C global temperature target seemed indis-putable. The bilateral joint declarations delivered by China with the US, France, and the EU before the Paris Climate Change Conference had mentioned that it was required to “consider a global temper-ature goal within 2 °C.”† To a certain extent, this represented the consensus of China and the developed countries with respect to this issue. Based on scientific assessment and a series of political pushes, the Paris Agreement finally considered “holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels,” as one of three goals of the Agreement, and the 2 °C global temperature target was formally included in the international treaty with legal effect. During the 2016 Opening for the Signature of the Paris Agreement, held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 22 April, 175 parties (174 countries†US-China Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change on November 12, 2014, in Beijing, China; EU-China Joint Declaration on Climate Change on June 29, 2015, in Brussels, Belgium; France-China Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change on November 2, 2015, in Beijing, China.。
unit4 global warming--revision,extensive reading, language points
There is no doubt that…
1.There‘s some doubt ________he’ll keep his whether promise. whether 2. She had her doubts ________the new book would sell well. 3.There is no doubt ____they will ask for help. that if/ 4. I doubt ______ I will make a profit out of it. whether 5. It is typical of him to forget your birthday, so I doubt _______you will receive a present that from him!
What can we do about global warming?
A.tolerant; bear
put up with
be casual about economical
B.a promise to do sth.
1.The light bulb needs renewing.
replace (sth) with sth new
2.That should be a chance to renew our friendly relationship. 重新开始; 3.The book is overdue(过期),please renew it for another week . 续借,延长期限
全球变暖的原因和影响Causes and Effects of Global Warming英语作文
Causes and Effects of GlobalWarming>Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay:The emissions of greenhouse gases have caused global warming. One of the many effects of global warming is that it has led to an increase in the planet’s temperatures.The leading cause of global warming is the release of harmful and toxic gases into the atmosphere. Some of the harmful gases include carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These twogases are the main ones because of the burning of fossil fuels and industrial activities.There are various effects of global warming. Some of the results are acid rain, climate change and depletion of flora and fauna. Here in this article, we have provided short and long essays on Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay in English. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English for your information and knowledge and aim to help during school assignments or a speech on Causes and Effects of Global Warming.Long and Short Essays on Causes and Effects of Global Warming for Students and Kids in EnglishWe provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Causes and Effects of Global Warming” for reference.Short Essay on Causes and Effects of Global Warming 250 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Causes and Effects of Global Warming is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Global warming is one of the biggest concerns of people all around the world. One of the most important reasons is a concern because of the rising temperatures of the atmosphere every day.There are many reasons for the increasing temperature of the planet. One of the biggest reasons for global warming is the emission of harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Some greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and methane.There has been continuous emission of the greenhouse gases by the activity of the humans. Some of the humans’ activities that cause globalwarming are increasing automobiles, industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels. All the activities emit carbon dioxide in the air, which increases the temperature of the planet. The effects of global warming are visible in the environment around us. It is causing glaciers to melt, temperatures to rise, climate changes and unpredictable natural disasters.The increase in environmental temperature and climate change on the planet has become evident in the last five decades. The concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the earth has increased.Gases like water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, sulphur and nitrogen contribute to the greenhouse effect increase. People should come together and work toward solving the problem of global warming. The most significant cause of increasing greenhouse gases in the planet’s atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuels. These fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide in the environment, which leads to an increase in greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gases can absorb more heat from various sources and warm the temperature of the planet. The effects that the greenhouse gases have on the environment is called the greenhouse effect.When the environment starts to heat, it leads to changes in the atmospheric temperature and the changes in the sea level. Some of the changes in the atmosphere because of the greenhouse gases are melting of glaciers, soil erosion, famine, natural disasters, and the increase in the annual power of hurricanes. The changes in the environment that are affecting the lives of all the living creatures on the planet.Scientists and economists around the world are trying to find ways to reserve the changes of global warming. Many international organisations are trying to find ways to solve theproblem of worldwide warming and the effect that it is having on the environment.One such organisation working towards researching global warming is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organisation under the United Nations. It is an organisation working towards studying the causes, effects and effects to practical solutions.Long Essay on Causes and Effects of Global Warming 800 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Causes and Effects of Global Warming is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Global warming is increasing every year because of the continuous emission of greenhouse gases. They trap heat from various sources like the sun, electricity, burning fossil fuels, and stop them from escaping back into the atmosphere. The collection of the greenhouses gases leads to the increase or rise in the temperature on earth. The increasing weather on the planet has caused many problems on earth.Earlier, the planet was cool, and the natural cycles in the climate were going correctly. However, the constant change in the environment due to global warming has caused the natural process to become irregular, and it keeps fluctuating. There are fluctuations in the weather, temperature, health and climate.The rising temperature leads to the melting of the ice glaciers. When the glaciers melt, they increase the sea level drastically. In the past few decades, there has been an increase in temperature, sea level and the weather patterns. The various climatic changes happening aroundus are because of global warming. These effects of global warming are not coincidences. They are happening because of the activities of humans and the technological advancement of humans.When there is a little increase in the amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere, it causes a massive global temperature change. The continuous rise in the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide is dangerous and alarming because it is causing many changes.Many people are ignoring the changes in the environment. People continuously use morefossil fuels for their needs, and this is causing changes in the background. Due to the continuous burning of fossil fuels, the carbon dioxide emission in the air is increasing. This is leading to an increase in the temperature of the planet.Another cause of global warming is deforestation. It is causing the depletion of the plants, and it exposes the soil to direct sunlight. One of the best sources that absorb carbon dioxide is trees. However, due to the cutting of trees all around the planet, this source is depleting.Humans cut trees to make more space for human occupation in areas that should be forests. We deplete the green cover and are harming the environment. If there is a little increase in the level of greenhouses gases may impact global warming immensely.One of the major causes of global warming is the use of a chemical called chlorofluorocarbons. You will find the use of chlorofluorocarbons in refrigerators, and aerosols spray propellants and many other objects around you. These chlorofluorocarbons continuously damage the ozone layer, which increases the chance of theheat to remain on the planet. It is preventing the heat from escaping, which is increasing the temperature of the earth.The destruction of the ozone layer is due to the emission of chlorofluorocarbons. When the ozone layer starts depleting, it causes the change in the environments. It causes an increase in health disorders such as skin cancer, respiratory diseases, and respiratory problems.A significant effect of global warming is the damage it does to the seasonal crops and marine food. Marine life is facing the consequences of the changes in the climate asthe sea is heating up. The weather changes are drastic due to global warming. Summers are longer, and winters have shortened due to global warming. Many countries have banned the use of chlorofluorocarbons because of the effects that it has on the environment. Their ability to degrade the ozone layer and trap more heat than carbon dioxide is the main reason for the ban.There are many other causes of global warming. One of the causes of global warming is the emission of carbon dioxide by cars and other vehicles. The amount of carbon dioxide that isemitted by cars causes serious harm to the environment. In all the countries around the world, there has been an increase in the number of vehicles on the road. However, there has been a change because of the introduction of electric cars.An effect of global warming is the significant fluctuations in the weather change. There is going to be an extreme change in the weather because of global warming. It is leading to permanent changes in the climate. Another effect of global warming is ice melting. Globalwarming is causing the ice in the two poles of the planet to melt.The scientists are continuously working towards finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save the environment. Climate change and global warming are one of the things that most countries are trying to reverse. The increase in the emission of greenhouse gases is causing many problems in the environment.。
OB2283 Demo Board Manual(A)_天晖_130911
5 Thermal Test........................................................................................................................................ 20 6 Other important waveform ................................................................................................................. 20 6.1 CS, FB, Vdd & Vds waveform at no load/full load...................................................................... 20 6.2 Vds and Secondary diode waveform at full load, start/normal/output short ............................... 21 6.2.1 Vds and Secondary diode at full load, start/normal/output short ............................................ 21 6.2.2 Vds at full load, start waveform ............................................................................................... 21 6.2.3 Vds and Secondary diode at full load, normal waveform........................................................ 22 6.2.4 Vds and Secondary diode at full load, output short waveform................................................ 22
新时代大学英语 2》1-8单元课后新时代大 2》1-8单元作
新时代大学英语 2》1-8单元课后新时代大 2》1-8单元作In the 1960s and ‘70s, teams of engineers and computer scientists worked to build the foundation for a network of networks. (Para. 1)a. fundingb. findingsc. basisThe last few years have pointed toward mobile computing. (Para. 2)a. calculatingb. using a computerc. doing mathematicsSome devices remain perpetually connected unless you turn them off or set them to airplane mode. (Para. 2)a. settingb. coveragec. distanceThe machines … will rely upon high-speed physical connections capable of transmitting data at a blistering speed. (Para. 3)a. sending outb. implantingc. inputtingSending the equivalent of a Blu-ray disc full of data across a network in the blink of an eye will be the norm. (Para. 3)a. formb. backbonec. standardBy 2050, it‘s not unreasonable to guess that we could have eye implants allowing us to see the digital world without the need for a display. (Para. 4)a. screenb. recognitionc. recommendationEven if we decide that altering ourselves is ethically questionable, we can achieve a similar effect just by building display capabilities into a pair of glasses. (Para. 4)a. morallyb. privatelyc. pervasivelyImagine looking around you and activating a digital overlay that gives you volumes of information about your surroundings. (Para. 5)a. many booksb. large amountsc. a lot of contentA pervasive Internet coupled with the right mobile technology could make it happen. (Para. 5)a. connectedb. matchedc. welcomedDo you see the Internet becoming part of our perception of the real world around us or do you believe the two will forever remain separate concepts? (Para. 7)a. executionb. awarenessc. transmissionReading 1 > Language Enhancement > 2AScan for the verbs used in Reading 1 and complete the collocations.1)trace Its roots back to (Para. 1)2)build The foundation (Para. 1)3)set Them to airplane mode (Para. 2)4)view This world in dozens of different ways (Para. 4)5)achieve A similar effect (Para. 4)6)perform Routine tasks (Para. 5)7)grab A bite to eat (Para. 5)8)execute A quick command (Para. 6)9)have Instant access to (Para. 6)10)take A great interest in (Para. 7)BUse the collocations in Step A to complete the sentences.1)This set of books aims to familiarize students with the basic knowledge in physics so as to build the foundation For further specialized science.2)The new mobile phones allow safe access to games, music and address books during flights even if you set them to airplane mode**.3)Sure, you may achieve a similar effect by sending emails to your colleagues, but it adds a more personal touch if you deliver the news to them in person.4)In fact, many American giant corporate enterprises tracetheir roots back to Small, family-owned businesses.5)In normal times, thousands of workers perform routine tasks Of reactor (反应堆) maintenance at the nuclear power station.6)By moving the pointer to the icon (图标) and pressing a mouse button, you can execute a quick command Or convert the icon into a window.7)Internet-based products like online news, social media, web games, e-commerce enable their users to view this world in dozens of different ways8)People want to have instant access to Reports or books that promise to solve their technical problems in the blink of an eye.9)The technology company recruits those who have Internet work experience and take a great interest in Internet products.10)The staff were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office, grab a bite to eat And battle each other over strategy and technical decisions.Reading 1 > Language Enhancement > 3AWord Building Skill(s)Match the following words with the corresponding meanings in the box.1)predecessor sth. Formerly used2)predict say sth. Will happen3)pretend take on a false or misleading appearance4)precaution careful thought in advance to avoid risk5)perception the state of being aware of sth.6)permanent lasting for all time in the future7)pervasive existing in or spreading through every part of sth.8)perform play the part of; carry outBFill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing the proper words with the prefix “pre-” or “per-” from the box. Change the form where necessary.Predecessor Predict Pretend PrecautionPerception Permanent Pervasive Perform1)She began to raise money for her dream of a permanent,non-profit school for the higher education of women.2)You should be warm-hearted and pretend That this new colleague is one of your best friends.3)When changing the point of observation, we also change our understanding and perception Of the surrounding world.4)By using this test, the teacher could predict Whether the students are capable of doing this task.5)The car is some 40mm shorter than its predecessor.6)Jane admitted she was a bit worried about having to perform The leading female role after only a year of opera studies.Reading 1 > Language Enhancement > 4Translate into Chinese the following sentences from the text, leaving out the words in bold type.Translating Skill(s)1)In the 1960s and ‘70s, teams of engineers and computer scientists worked to build the foundation for a network of networks. (Para. 1)20世纪60年代和70年代,一些工程师和计算机科学家团队合作打下了将子网络再联结成网的基础。
a d j . n u c l e a r
m ent
r e ne wa bl e
2 . 同意 ; 赞成 ; 订 购 3 . 上升 ;n
5 . 反对
s u b s c i r b e t o g 0 u p
9 . 只要 S O l o n g a s
1 8 . c a t a s t r o p h e/ Z . 大 灾难 ; 浩 劫 1 9 . mi l d耐 . 温和的; 温柔 的 ; 淡 的 2 0 . c o n s e q u e n c e n . 结果 ; 后果 ; 影 响 2 1 . s t a t e v t . 陈述 : 说 明 2 2 . w i d e s p r e a d a d j . 分 布广 的 : 普 遍 的 2 3 . a d v o c a t e v t . 拥护 ; 提倡 ; 主 张 2 4 . c o mmi t me n t n . 承诺 : 交托 : 信奉 2 5 . r e f r e s h v t . 使恢复; 使 振作 2 6 . t r e n d/ / , . 趋势; 倾 向; 走 向 2 7 . e n v i r o n m e n t a l . 环境 的 2 8 . i n d i v i d u a l / 7 , . & . 个人 ; 个 别 的
二、 词 汇 拓 展
l 0 . 等 等 a n d S O o n 四、 重 点句 型
1 . c o m p a r e d t o/w i t h s b . /s t h . “ 与 … … 相
比” , 常作 状语
T h a t p r o b a b l y d o e s n o t s e e m mu c h t o y o u o r me , b u t i t i s a r a p i d i n c r e a s e wh e n
全球变暖原因(Causes of global warming)In recent decades, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs, nitrous oxide, nitrogen and ozone, which have been released by human activities, have been increasing. The composition of the atmosphere has changed from ruler to man in two. Many scientists claim that if this continues, the accumulation of greenhouse gases is likely to trigger global warming. In fact, local warming has occurred because of human influence.According to statistics and calculations, the global combustion of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has increased slowly for 6 consecutive years, in 1994 reached 59.25 tons. At the same time, deforestation has increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by between 1.1-3.6 million tons. For a long time, the global temperature has a close and significant correlation with the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Though there is no evidence that the carbon dioxide level is directly caused by the change of temperature, but since mid eighteenth Century, carbon dioxide, water and other greenhouse gases have reached the concentration of hitherto unknown in the past 160 thousand years.Although CFCs, methane and nitrogen oxides also accumulate in the atmosphere. But the effect of carbon dioxide on global temperatures is at least 60% higher than the sum of these gases combined. The rise in carbon dioxide levels is a major cause of the greenhouse effect.Global carbon emissions change with the growth of the economy. 1860, the global husband in 0.93 tons, in 1900 rose to 5.25 tonsrapidly, in 1950 reached 16.2 tons. However, 1/3 is still less than the amount of emissions in switzerland. Since 70s, the growth rate of emissions has slowed down, increasing by an average of 4.6% over the past 1950-1973 years, compared with an average increase of 1.6% over the past 1973-1988 years. In recent years, carbon emissions have been relatively stable, the reason is that the economic downturn in the western industrialized countries, and two, the former Soviet bloc economy is shrinking. However, steady growth still remains in the coming period.In recent years, growth in carbon emissions has occurred mainly in the industrialized countries of Asia and Latin america. However, according to the calculation of per capita emissions, developing countries only 0.5 tons, 100 industrialized countries emissions amounted to more than 3 tons. According to the total amount, developing countries account for only 1/3 of the global total, while developed countries occupy more than 2/3. It is interesting to note that the contribution rate of carbon emissions in developing countries is increasing and the big chicken is doubling every 14 years.By 2000, global carbon emissions are expected to grow at an annual rate of 1%-2%. However, even if carbon emissions remain at a steady level, they still exceed the capacity of the global oceans and forests to absorb, resulting in an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide trapped in the atmosphere. At the end of 1994, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere was more than 40 tons, and the carbon dioxide concentration rose from357/0ppm at the end of last year to 358.9ppm, the fastest growth rate in 6 years. Since 1980, more than 3500 tons of carbon havebeen added to the atmosphere, of which about 1500 tons remain in the atmosphereScientists estimate that global carbon emissions should be reduced by at least 60% in order to stabilize the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere. The Framework Convention on climate change, signed at the global summit in 1992, requires industrialized countries to formulate policies that will correspond to the next 10 years, and take practical steps.According to the determination and estimation, the average lower atmospheric temperature in 1994 is 15.32 C, since the 1991 Philippines Pilatus wave volcano the hottest year, according to the records, since 1987 is the 5 consecutive year the hottest. The average annual temperature of the lower atmosphere is also variable and unexplained, as is the daily temperature change in any place. In the last century, the trend of rising temperatures has become apparent. Now, global temperatures are 0.3-0.6 degrees higher than in 1880. 10 hottest years have emerged since 1980.Pilatus wave volcano eruption is the largest volcano in this century, it took millions of tons of dust into the upper atmosphere, and spread to the world. The dust blocks sunlight from enough to reduce the atmospheric temperature in the lower layer by half a degree celsius. But these dust particles settled at the surface of the earth at a very slow rate for the next two years. To the beginning of 1994, effect of Pira has ended the Tupi volcano, global temperatures began to return to the high level Pilatus wave before the outbreak of the volcano.Now, meteorologists have from all over the world temperature monitoring station to a series of data, the vast majority of meteorologists believe that with greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially the continuous accumulation of carbon dioxide, the trend of global warming will eventually recover. What is not clear now is when the warming trend will return How big is it?Funded by the agency of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (IPCC) pointed out that if the use of fossil fuels continue to increase long-term stability, the end of 2050, the global average temperature will reach 16-19 degrees, more than the previous rate of warming and accelerate global warming.Global warming, predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change, will have different impacts on the world. Although it is difficult to predict the extent to which each region of the globe is affected, higher temperatures will lead to rising sea levels and melting polar ice. Sea levels will rise by 6 centimeters every 10 years, and some coastal areas will be submerged. Global warming may also alter climate changes, including rainfall, soil temperature and season, which can cause damage and destruction to many ecosystems and threaten the safety of thousands of species. Climate change will have a major impact on humanity, and it could change the major food producing regions within decades.Two, ozone depletion and destructionHigher concentrations of ozone in the atmosphere from thesurface of about 10-50 km, 25 km maximum in the concentration of the ozone layer, forming an average thickness of 3 mm, it can absorb solar UV radiation, provides shielding ultraviolet ray to the earth, and the energy stored in the upper atmosphere, play a role in regulating climate. The destruction of the ozone layer will lead to excessive ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground, causing health hazards, causing changes in the stratospheric temperature, resulting in abnormal climate of the earth, affecting the growth of plants, ecological balance and other consequences.Nearly half a century, the rapid development of industry and agriculture, a large amount of nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere from human activities, supersonic flight and ozone layer in the height of the aircraft to launch all emit large amounts of nitrogen oxides and other gases into the ozone layer; in addition, a large number of people in production of CFC compounds (i.e. Freon), such as CFCL3 (Freon -11 CF2CL2 (-12), CCI2FCCIF2 (Freon), freon -113), CCIF2 (Freon -114), used as a refrigerant, deodorant, hair spray, which is the largest amount of Freon Freon -11 and -12. According to statistics, in 1973, the world produced two kinds of freon, about 4 million 800 thousand tons, and most of them were released into the ozone layer after the lower atmosphere. Freon in the troposphere is very stable, can stay in the atmosphere for a long time, does not change, gradually spread to the ozone layer, and ozone chemical reaction, and reduce the concentration of the ozone layer. The elimination of ozone is mainly due to the reactions of ozone and chlorine monoxide, such as reactive chlorine, free radical and chlorine free radical, and the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer.Since the discovery of a huge ozone hole over the Antarctic in the late 70s, the issue of ozone depletion has attracted much attention. It is estimated that ozone levels in the ozone layer decreased by 1%, increasing the amount of ultraviolet radiation to the ground by 2%, leading to an increase of 2% - 5% in skin cancer (30 in the United States each year - 400 thousand people). Recently, the United States and other countries have banned the use of CFC spray, and strictly control the production and use of other cfc. Recently, it has been estimated that the use of CFC in accordance with the 1977 level will reduce ozone by 5% - 9%. According to the United Nations Environment Programme of the latest statistics, the ozone reduction trend is still developing, the Antarctic smelly empty still expanding, and also appeared in a similar phenomenon in the Arctic stink hole, just some small range.At present, an important measure in the global environmental field to prevent ozone depletion is efforts to reduce the production of chemical ozone that consumes the stratospheric ozone. According to statistics and estimates, in 1994, global CFC production fell further, continued to decline for 6 consecutive years, and the total output fell by 77% from the peak in 1988.As the result of diplomatic efforts, in 1987 signed the Montreal protocol has been further strengthened in 1990 and 1992, industrialized countries agreed in December 31, 1995 to stop the production of CFC, the developing countries have signed 10 year grace period, 2005 to stop production. By the end of 1994, a total of 146 countries had signed the protocol.Although CFC production in developing countries is much lower than in industrialized countries, the demand for these chemicals has increased markedly. In early 90s, the use of India and other developing countries, China CFC is less than half of the United States, but some countries CFC consumption is almost at a rate of two digit growth.To help developing countries reduce and eliminate CFC, industrialized countries should establish funds to develop alternatives to CFC products. But fund donors have failed to live up to their promises. Between 1991 and 1994, donor countries donated only $393 million of their original pledges of $2/3. Lack of funds and technology remains the main difficulty in developing countries to reduce cfc.Another reason for the decline in CFC production is the growing international carbon black market". In 1994, imports of CFCs from the Russian and Estonia approaches to the European Union amounted to about 2500 tonnes,Equivalent to 10% of the EU's total legal imports. In the United States, a high licence tax on CFCs further stimulated opportunistic traders. In 1994, the amount of CFC illegally imported in the United States was estimated at around 10 thousand tons, accounting for 10% of the total output of the United states.It is now clear that the destruction of the ozone layer will increase the ultraviolet radiation on the earth's surface and increase biological damage. Experimental and epidemiologicalstudies have shown that an increase in UV beta may have different effects on humans and organisms, including non melanoma, increased skin morbidity and crop failure.。
鐘理主編環境工程專業英語課後習題Unit 1 (P.4)1 Based on Reading Material, put the following into expectancy :耐用期限,平均壽命poverty-stricken :貧窮の,貧困の,貧乏のsmog-laden air :煙霧彌漫の天空,煙霧繚繞の空氣,陰霾天氣global conditions :全球狀況haves and have-nots :富人和窮人underprivileged :社會地位低下の,相對貧困の,生活水平低下の,弱勢のsavanna :熱帶大草原,稀樹草原predator :食肉動物,捕食者environmental disruptions :環境破壞,環境失調2 Put the following into English.農藥—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥—chemical fertilizer有機廢物—organic wastes微生物—microorganism / microbe衰減—attenuation阻滯の—retardant / blocking稀釋—dilution添加劑—additive合成塑料—synthetic plastic再生—regenerationUnit 3 (P.19)1 Put the following into Chinese.(1) Raw materials that lose their usefulness because they sit on the shelf too long become waste.原材料放置過久會失去它們本身性能而變成廢棄物。
(2) Poor cleaning of parts or inadequate dragout time will reduce the usefulness of the process chemicals, increase the cost of waste disposal, and the cost of chemical replacement.不良の零件清洗或者不充分の接觸時間將減少工藝過程中化學品の有用性,增加處理廢棄物の費用以及替換化學藥品の費用。
3.高中英语教师面试:语法课《Globalwarming同位语从句教学》全英文教案及试讲逐字稿三、1.题目:语法教学试讲2.内容:There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.3.基本要求(1)讲解同位语从句;(2)全英试讲;(3)板书设计。
教案:Global warming (Appositive clause)1. Teaching aims1) Knowledge aimStudents will be able to understand the definition and usage of appositive clause and understand the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause.2) Ability aimStudents are able to identify appositive clauses and use them correctly.3) Emotional aimStudents can realize the importance of protecting our environment and learn to protect our only motherland.2. Important and difficult points1) Important pointStudents will be able to understand the usage of appositive clause and identify them correctly.2) Difficult pointStudents will be able to distinguish the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause.3. Teaching and learning methodsSituational teaching method; communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method4. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Lead inEnjoy a short video clip The earth song by Michael to students to lead to the topic about environmental protection.Step 2: Presentation1) Ask a question: What caused global warming? First, the teacher present the question to students and ask them to find the answer according to the text. Students find the sentence“There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming.”2) Ask students to talk about the relationship between the noun “doubt”and that clause. Then introduce the definition of appositive clause to students.3) Present more sentences to students and ask them to find out conjunctions of appositives clause.4) Present two sentences The news that our team has won the match made me excited. &The news that she told me made me excited. to students and ask them to find out which one is appositive clause and which one is attributive clause.5) Summary and supplement. The teacher gives summary and supplements about appositive clause.Step 3: PracticePresent some appositive clauses to students and ask them tochoose the appropriate conjunctions for each appositive clause.Step 4: ProductionAsk students to work in groups of four and design a poster about environment protection. Try to use appositive clause as many as possible. Step 5: Summary and homeworkThe teacher leads students to summarize what they have learned in this class.Homework: Finish the exercises about appositive clause in their text books.5. Blackboard designAppositive clauseThere is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomemon.试讲稿:语法教学(Appositive clause)GreetingHello, boys and girls. I am glad to see you again. Are you happy today? That’s great. I am so happy to hear that.1.Lead inBefore our class, let’s enjoy a video clip The earth song. Now look at the ppt and after you watch it, please tell me what’s the video about. Emm, what’s the video about? Yes, it’s about the environmental problems. So today let’s learn something about it.2.PresentationClass, please look at the handouts, I have a question for you. What caused global warming? Yeah, There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomemon. You guys got the correct。
高三一轮英语总复习-Unit 4 Global warming 课件【系列一】
人教版 选修六
Unit 4 Global warming
Ⅰ.单词 由简到难,水到渠成 【识记·阅读单词】 1.consume vt. 2.graph n. 3.random adj. 4.phenomenon n. 5.subscribe vi. vt. 6.fuel n. 7.per prep. 8.catastrophe n. mitment n. 10.motor n.
3.与“灾难”有关的名词集锦 earthquake地震 catastrophe大灾难 disaster灾难 flood洪灾 survivor幸存者 victim受难者 4.average用法小结 an average of平均有(后跟数词) on average平均起来 above average平均以上 below average平均以下 average out算出平均数
(2)He always has a tendency to Latin music. 他对拉丁音乐一直情有独钟。
(3)People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories per meal.(2015·课标全国Ⅱ,阅读理解B) _吃_饭__慢__的__人__每__顿__饭__可__能__要__少__消__耗__大__约___7_0_卡__路__里__。__________ (4)These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore.(2015·浙江,完形填空) _这_些__恰__恰__就__是__我__们__很__多__人__容__易__忽__视__的__花__销__。_______________ (5)Schedules tend to be flexible.(2014·浙江,阅读理解B) _时_刻__表__往__往__是__灵__活__的__。_________________________________
GLOBAL WARMING is the increase of the Earth’s average surface temperature due to a build-up of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. CLIMATE CHANGE is a broader term that refers to long-term changes in climate, including average temperature and precipitation.
Extinction of some species which are resident in the Arctic and Antarctic
Resident animals like polar-bear and penguin will lose their habitat. They can’t bear their next generation.
Simple Things To Do
Dress lightly when it’s hot instead of turning up the air conditioning. Or use a fan. Dress warmly when it’s cold instead of turning up the heat. Offer to help your parents keep the air filters on your AC and furnace clean.
When did Global Warming start?
The Earth’s climate is always changing. In the planet’s long history, there were Ice Ages when much of the land was covered with glaciers. There were hot steamy times when plants and animals that now live only in the tropics lived on almost every continent. So global warming—and global cooling—is nothing new.
⾼⼀英语必修⼆Unit5OntheRoad知识点全⽅位操练操练有答案必修⼆Unit 5 知识点全⽅⾯操练Section 1 Starting out ---Understanding ideasI.根据语境及括号内的汉语提⽰,补全句⼦。
1. The first time I saw my friends pet dog, I_______________ (爱上了它);it’s so cute and funny.2. Linda likes sharing personal experiences on her blog, and she often_________________ (在上⾯发照⽚)3. Last night, I _______________(决定完成阅读报告so I stayed up late .4. I have just met Tina three times up to now. so it's hard for me ________________(对…做出评论) what kind of per son she5. Online education does provide a good chance for people who _____________________(全职⼯作) and want to keep on learningⅡ.分析例句中的划线部分,并根据汉语意思进⾏句⼦仿写。
1. In less than 18 months, there were over 200,000 people reading my blog!(P50)______________________________________________________________________________放学后,有许多学⽣在操场上打篮球。
2. As a photographer, I love the bright light and amazing colours.(P51)______________________________________________________________作为⼀名经验丰富的教师,Mr Brown 深知如何激发学⽣的学习兴趣。
5) 非共沸制冷剂R401A和R401B
可作为过渡性替代物 性能与R12较接近。 能溶于聚醇类和聚酯类润滑油。
6) 非共沸制冷剂R407C 三元非共沸混合制冷剂
泡露点温差大,使用时最佳将热互换器作成逆流形式 不能与矿物润滑油互溶,但能溶于聚酯类合成润滑油 低温工况下,容积制冷量比R22要低得多。
溶水性差:优:制冷剂纯, t0稳定 缺:游离态旳水会在低温处结冰而发生“冰堵”
溶水性好:优:不会发生“冰堵” 缺:提升t0、氨溶于水中易腐蚀金属。
3.2.6 热力性质计算公式
氨——维里型状态方程 R123——索阿夫-瑞里奇状态方程 R134a——威尔逊拟合旳马丁-侯状态方程 其他12种氟利昂——道宁拟合旳马丁-侯状态方程
溶油性好: 优:润滑好,不易形成油膜,传热好;
注意氟利昂、氨与油旳比重旳比较而引起如润滑油互溶性 旳要求
1、润滑油作用: 降低运动部件机械磨损,确保压缩机正常运转; 冷却降温; 密封活塞与气缸、轴封摩擦面等间隙; 控制卸载机构。
3.2 制冷剂旳性质
3.2.1 对环境亲和度旳要求 1 ) 臭 氧 衰 减 指 数 ODP(ozone-depleting
potential) :
表达物质对大气臭氧层旳破坏程度。 应越小越好,ODP=0则对大气臭氧层无害。
2 ) 温 室 效 应 指 数 GWP(Global warming potential ):
表达物质造成温室效应旳影响程度。 应越小越好,GWP=0则不会造成大气变暖。
在2d部分的抄写内容中,我们重点学习了以下几个方面:1.词汇:通过学习与环保相关的词汇,如pollution(污染)、deforestation(森林砍伐)、global warming(全球变暖)等,加强学生在阅读和写作中的词汇储备。
例如:We are cleaning the park to protect the environment.(我们正在清理公园以保护环境。
)3.实用技巧:为了提高抄写效果,以下几点实用技巧值得同学们关注:- 认真审题,明确抄写要求。
- 词汇丰富,表达清晰。
- 保持书写工整,提高阅读体验。
- 适当拓展,展示思考。
《英语听力教程3》答案与听力材料呵呵....考试一路顺风......UNIT 1A.B. Keys:Part I Getting ready1: burning of the forests/tree removal (deforestation)/reduction of the world's rain forests2: global warming/greenhouse effect/emissions of CO2Part II The Earth at risk (I)A. Keys:1.a. More people--------?more firewood----?fewer treesb. More domestic animals------?more plants-----?fewer available plantsa, b--? More desert----?move south-----?desrtt expanding south----?no grass2. Growing crops stabilize soil, without them the top soil just blows away. But if there isn't enough rain the crops don't grow.3. People try to grow food to support themselves or to create ranches where cattle can be raised, or to get hardwood for export,or to make way for an iron ore mineB. Keys:1: Sahara Desert2: North America & most of Europe3: top soil blowing away4: tropical forests destruction5: animal/plant species becoming extinct6: climate change for the whole worldPart III The Earth at risk (II)A. Keys:1: Trees would hold rainfall in their roots. When forests in the higher up-river have been destroyed, all the rain that falls in the monsoon season flows straight into the river and starts the flooding.2: He implies that some national governments just consider the results of their policies in the near future, or just think as far ahead as the next election.B. Keys:1: flooding in Bangladesh2: Action to be taken3: population controlPart IV More about the topic: The Effects of Global Warming Keys:1: Warming up of the world2: Effects of global3: reduced potential for food production4: change of patterns of hear-related food poisoning, etc.Part V Do you know…?A. Keys:1: F 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: TB. Keys:Dos 1: your towels 2: Cut out 3: a wall-fire 4: fridge 5: wait until you've a full load6: a complete mealDon’ts 7: iron everything 8: the iron up 9: the kettle 10: to the brim11: hot foodUnit 2Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: International Union for the Conservation of Nature,United Nations, wildlife, policies2: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, trade, animals and plants, 1975, prohibits, 8000, controls,300003: United Nations Environmental Program,leadership, environment, quality of life4: World Wide Fund for Nature(formerly World Wildlife Fund) , 1961, Sahara Desert, North America & most of Europe,top soil blowing awayC. Keys:1: 2 2: 4 3: 5 4: 1,6 5: 3Questions:1: They work to conserve natural areas that contain endangered wildlife2: They are campaigning to provide sea sanctuaries for some of these endangered species.Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up3: It refers to the places of safety in the sea where sea animals are protected and allowed to live freelyPart II Christmas bird countsA. Keys:1: Jan. 3rd 2: more than 40 000 volunteers 3: 1 600 4: a 15 mile diameter5: an American artist 6: their natural habitats 7: the late 1800sB. Keys:1: start 2: sponsored 3: outside counting birds 4: experienced bird watchers5: anyone that is interested or concerned 6: scheduled 7: 10 people taking part8: 15 mile diameter circle 9: the total bird populations 10: the number of birds11: the longest-running bird census 12: undefinedPart III Dolphin captivityA.B. Keys:1: 1 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 26: Dolphins should be kept in captivity.7: There are educational benefits of keeping marine mammals in captivity.C. Keys:1: stress (family-oriented) 2: sonar bouncing off3: average age of death; life getting better for captive dolphins4: natural behabior patterns-altered5: suffering from fractured skulls, ribs or jaws6: can't learn from animals in the wild how they operate, breed, what they need, etc.Part IV More about the topic: Birds----A Source of WealthKeys:1:9300 2:Habitat 3:warmer climates 4:300 different species 5:colder climates 6:habitat alteration 7:esthetic value 8:Birds' populationPart V Do you know…?Keys:1: one and one-half million 2: 20 times3: 100 4: 40000 5: 65 million6: 3500 7: 2 million square miles 8: 3%9: 200 animal species 10: 100011: a third 12: two-thirds 13: three-quartersUnit 3 El Nino? La Nina? Part ID. warmer/ green house effect / sea levels/ climate zonesAs 1998 ends and people look forward to the last year of the century, the World Almanac spoke with experts about what comes next. Almanac editorial director says the experts believe the next century will bring lots of changes.Warm, of course, that our climate is going to continue getting warmer. That’s the subject, by the way, of another new article on the 1999 World Almanac. The greenhouse effect, exactly what causes it, and what steps to be taken to, perhaps to alleviate global warmings. I’ve seen recently that 1998 is goin g to go down as the warmest year ever on record. And so that’s going to be a major issue of the next century, and possible tremendous consequences of the global warmings, whether it is rising sea levels affecting the coastal areas; changes in climate zones affecting what crops can be grown, and in what regions. This is potentially a very significant trend to be watched.E. Cyclone: North or south of equator / Typhoon:/ Hurricane: Eastern PacificMajor ocean storms in the northern part of the world usually develop in late summer or autumn over waters near the equator. They are known by several different names. Scientists call these storms cyclones when they happen just north or south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. In the western Pacific Ocean or the China Sea, thesestorms are called typhoons. In the eastern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, they are called hurricanes.Part IIA. Outline 1. A. weather pattern/ global climateB. 1. twice a decade 2. 12-18 monthsC. 1. warmer weather/2. wetter than usual/ drier D. the decline of winds II. 1. droughtsB. a cyclic weather pattern/ about twice a decade/ wetter/ drier/ cold water away from South America’s west/ to expand eastward toward the America’s / move eastward too/ the weather around the world/ droughts/ rains and flooding/ on the South American fishing industry/ to become depletive/ the strength of it/Part III Lick ObservatoryB. location: an hour’s drive/ summit/Origin of the name: a wealthy businessmanSize: one meter diameter/ secondTime: 1888Present function: research/ an educational toolC. way of observation: human eyes; in the cold/ TV screen Gains and losses: Romance/ the sky/ efficiency/ reality/ universeQuestions:1. Because lick Observatory is near “Silicon Valley”, a region of the states high-technology.2. Because Lick Observatory was built on his estate and he was buried at the base of the telescope at this won request.3. By using the 19th century telescope, you have a feeling of romance with direct viewing with the human eyes. By sing the modern devices, you lose that romance but gain the efficiency. That’s an exchange.Part IV. The national climatic Data Center.A. OutlineI. A. 1951 B. headquarters C. satellites, radar, solar radiation system, airplanes, shipsII. B. collecting weather records from around the world D. publications about earth environment. E. requests fro information from all over the world.B. questions.1. The Department of Defense, the National Weather Service, the coastguard2. The office has written weather observations made by early American diplomat Benjamin Franklin and by the third President of the U.S.3. You can get the information by computer, microfilm and telephone4. American cities. Another publication has monthly reports from 1500 observation stations around the world.5.The center had more than 900,000 requests from government officials, business owners,Unit 4 Reports on Disasters & AccidentsPart I.1. firebomb/ shopping/ several /2. 1,000 tornadoes3. car ferry/ taken over/ Green Action Front4. South Korea/ 270/ thousands5. robbed/ 5/ lunchtime/ 10,0006. hurricane/ 100/ twenty/ 1007. Hijacked/ TuesdayPart II. Hurricanes & tornadoesA. 1. a storm 2. about 2000 3. the winds were up to 75 miles an hour 4. the Indian army 5. destroyed/ links / collapsed 6. more than 40 people 7. over 100,000 peopleLarge numbers of villages have been completely cut off. The officialsaid the death toll could reach 2000. the Indian army has been called into help the relief effort. From Deli. Here is David Willis.The storm with winds of up to 75 miles an hour struck India’s southeast coast, flattening homes, destroying crops and cutting transport links. Eyewitnesses reported tidal waves more than 12 feet high. The storm was followed by torrential rains, which swept away roads and railway lines, and flooded low lying areas. More than 40 people are thought to have died when a ferry sank. But most of the deaths have been due to flooding, houses collapsing or electrocutions. More than 100,000 people have been evacuated from their homes and are taking shelter in relief camps. After surveying the flooded area by helicopter, the chief minister said it resembled a burial ground. He’s appealed to the federal government to tr eat the incident as a national calamity. David Willis.B. 1. The worst of the heavy rains and thunderstorms appears to be over2. in parts of Europe3. During the past week4. Affected5. At least five6. because emergency warnings were issued before.C. 1. c 2 b 3. d 4. bNine hours Greenwich Mean Time. The news read by Wendy Gordon. The worst of the heavy rains and thunderstorms that have been sweeping parts of Europe during the past week appears to be over. Exceptionally heavy rainfall brought flooding to many parts of Germany, Switzerland, Northern Italy and France and chaos to rail and road transport. Although most flights are expected to be back to normal by this time tomorrow, there are expected to be serious delays on the German and Italian motorways over the forthcoming holiday weekend and train services are unlikely to be normalized for several days. A government spokeswoman in France announced that the damage to homes and property is expected to be at least four thousand million francs. It is reported that at least five people have lost their lives. Experts agree that casualty figures are low because emergency warnings were issued on the day before the storms began. The federal government in Switzerland has urged motorists and rail travelers not to travel during the next few days and no international traffic will be allowed on the main north-south motorway routes across the country until next Tuesday.Part III. EarthquakesA. Another earthquake, the fifth in three days, hit Japan last night. Hundreds of homes have now been destroyed or badly damaged, and thousands have been made homeless since the earthquakes started.Many of the homeless have begun to make themselves makeshift shelters from the rubble. Electricity, gas and water supplies have also been seriously disrupted. Experts believe that the country will be hit by more quakes during the next 48 hours.C.I. A. Sunday/ the 23rd B. in southern ItalyII. A. at least 400 B. many more than 400III. A. in small towns and villages outside Naples 1. hospital 2. church 3. private homesB. 1. eight or nine 2. in the streets or squares 3. countryside/ traffic jams 4. telephone lines/ 5. electricity and waterIV. A. 1. the fog 2. the cold weather B. roadrt.Part IV Earthquake TipsDuring an earthquakeA1. Main idea: to remember Tsunami victims2. Time : midday/ 3 minutes of silence/ people stopped/ flags lowered to half staff.3. Purpose: giving people a chance to remember all those who died.4. 1) Sweden/ 700+1200 Germany: +1000B1. large earthquake/ epicenter under water2. no/ most quakes no tsunamis3. depending on distance/ near the earthquake/ immediately / hardest hit area/ two hours away.4. a. water/ seriously withdrawing or coming in for no apparent reasonb. feeling an earthquake / witnessing a landslide at the coast Unit 5 People & Places (I) Part I1. Australia is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. Its total area of 3,000,000 square miles is about the same as that of the continental United States (excluding Alaska)2. the area of Nepal is about 54,000 square miles. Within its borders are five of the world’s highest peaks.3. Switzerland is a small, landlocked country, 15,944 square miles in area. It’s bordered by France, Austria, a nd Italy.4. more than 20,000,000 people live in Argentine. About 97 percent are of European stock. Most argentines live on the eastern plains. Fewer than 19% live in the dry western and northwestern provinces.5. Austria is 32,376 square miles in area. This makes it twice thesize of neighboring Switzerland. There are about 7,150,000 people living in Austria. More than one third of the people live in or near Vienna, the capital city.6. Colombia is the only country in South America with a coastline on the both sides of the continent. It is a big country with an area of 439,828 square miles and about 16,300,000persons live in Colombia.7. Saudi Arabia’s area is estimated to be about 830,000 square miles. Almost all of Saudi Arabia’s 7,000,000 people are A rabs. Today Saudi Arabia’s vast oil resources are paying for the modernization of the country. Conditions there are changing more rapidly than they have for centuries.8. Denmark proper has an area of only 16,575 square miles. It is the smallest of the Scandinavian countries—Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. But Denmark’s population of over 4,600,000 is greater than that of Norway and more than half that of Sweden. Part II CanadaB. outlineI. A. second only/ B. 26 million people C. 1 the Great Lakes 2 the Rocky Mountains 3 the Arctic islandsII. A. 1. 2. overcoat/ a fur hatIII. A. 1. American Indians 2 Germans 3 Italians, / Inuit B.English and FrenchIV. A. seafood B. meat dishes D. the sweet course E. good beer but not good local wines.V. A. most modern shopping centers B. 1 2. woolen 3. wood 4 leather 5 mapleVI. A. the Canadian dollar B. 10 am to 3pm Monday to Thursday, till later on Fridays.Part III Traveling around AustraliaA. Sydney: harbor: take a boat trip in an old sailing ship/ at a backpacker’s hotelThe Sydney Opera House: see concertsThe great Barrier Reef: tropical fish/ glass bottom/ at a resort hotel or at a guesthouseAyers Rock in Ulura National park: go hiking/ see cave paintings/ colors /at sunrise and sunsetKakadu National Park: go hiking/ wildlife / waterfalls/ in one of the campsites.B. 1. T 2 F 3 F 4. T 5 F 6. T 7. FStatements:1. When David was in Sydney, he didn’t stay there for night.2. The Great Barrier Reef is in South Queensland in Australia3. From what Nancy says, one can know that she is fond of swimming4. In Uluru national Park, Nancy can see the largest rock in the world.5. If Nancy likes to walk around the base of the rock, she has to walk about five miles.6. Nancy will bring her camera with her when she travels in Australia.7. There are no crocodiles in the tropical forest in Australia.Part IV. The Story of DenverOutlineI. A. 1l6 kilometers/ one mile above the sea levelB. population:C. 1. 300 days of sunshine a year2. about 35 centimetersII. Business and Marketing centerA. more than 1500 manufacturing companies1. Main activity: food processing2. other factories making equipment for the defense, space, high technology and transportation industries.3. gold productionB. the computer and communications industriesC. 1. offering the third highest number/ 2. that do business in other countriesIII. A. History B. Natural History C. North America/ 90,000 E. city park system F. a business area filled with old buildings, gas lights and vehicles pulled by horsesPart V. Do you Know…?ICELAND----- in the Atlantic/ a small population / an island countryBrazil----- a newly-built capital / a pretty large country/ famous for its jungles/ a South American countryNew Zealand----- hotter than Britain / a small population / a mountainous country/ a wet climate/ divided into two islands. Unit6People and Places (II)Part IPart II New ZealandersOutlineI. A. an island country in the South Pacific Ocean B. 2,575,000 II. A. free education for children from ages 3 to 19B. for children between the ages of 7 and 15C. The Government Correspondence School:III. A. one of the highest in the worldB. mainly one-story wooden homesC. meat and butterIV. Recreation B. musical / D. Concerts/ E operaV. A. camping/ fishing C. Rugby football D. soccer/ basketballB. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6 FStatements:1. New Zealand is about 1,400 miles from Australia2. More people live on the larger South Island than the North Island in New Zealand3. Most New Zealanders are of British origin.4. Children in New Zealand usually go to school at the age of5.5. Not many New Zealanders have their own cars.6. New Zealanders are fond of drinking a lot of tea.Part III. What do you think of Britain?Weather Food people Way of lifePaul Changeable; depressing;The best word: bleak Boring/ flavor$ taste/ enjoy it Snobbish;/ alive/ on fireCindy Cloudy/ sunshine D ull, / sweets Difficult/ reserved relaxed Usha Changeable/ OK Healthy/ bland Reserved/ friendly Fast Spiro Depressing / long; pleasant All right/ limited Friendly sincere Awful; / tiringB. 1. It must be tasty and full of flavor2. Spring and autumn3. Because the city life is fast4. for seven years5. there is a wider selection of dishes in Greek food.6. Usha is very good at making friends.Part IV Native peoples of AlaskaOutline1. A. 1 sea 2 fish 3 4 reindeerB 1 frame houses 2 hutsC 1 hunting 2. carvingII. A related/ differentB. 1 the sea 2 fishing boats 3 working inIII. Indians A. the interior 1. Canada 2 fishing, trappingB. near the sea 1. 2 means of livelihood: c. loggingPart V. Do you know…?1. T 2 T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. FStatements:1. The city of London is quite dirty.2. the speed of life in the countryside is relatively low.3. companies remain in the city despite high rents and office costs.4. the company selling office equipment had no choice but to close down its London office.5. shortly after the company closed down its London office, it went bankrupt.6. more and more fields in the countryside are being used for housing.7. with less land to farm, people now get fewer farming products.Unit7Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: delighted 2: care 3: afraid 4: shy 5: strangers 6: really 7: laugh at 8: seriously9: sympathetic 10: lectures 11: experience 12: think 13: grammar 14: meaning 15: time16: work 17: problems 18: read19: improve 20: somethingPart II Are you a good language leaner?A. Keys:1: instrumental 2: examinations 3: integrative 4: immigration 5: marry 6: confident7: a good ear 8: revision 9: monitor 10: organization 11: teacher 12: classroom 13: 24 hours 14: responsibilityB. Keys:1: eternal 2: solution 3: out-of-classroom 4: in-classroom 5: responsibility6: failed 7: blame 8: blamePart III Foreign accentsA. Keys:1: judge 2: accents 3: snobbish 4: posh 5: foreign6: talk 7: expect 8: BBCB. Keys: 1: strong 2: struggle 3: broken 4: sort 5: tellPart IV More about the topic: How to Enlarge your V ocabulary? Keys: (the red numbers after the statements mean that you should tick Women 1, 2 or 3 in the form)1. learn new words by reading, e.g. newspapers, magazines: 1、32. learn new words from TV, films, etc.: 23. look up new words in a dictionary: 1、24. ask a native speaker of English what a new word means: 25. keep vocabulary cards or a vocabulary notebook: 2、36. try to use new words in conversations or when writing letters: 27. guess the meaning of new words: 38. group words related to one topic: 39. figure out the words from the pronunciation: 210. do crossword puzzles: 1Part V Do you kn ow…?B. Keys: 1: lift, weekend 2: announcer or newsreader, smoking, training3: building 4: parkingUnit8Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1 : √2 : 03 : 04 : √5 : 0Part II Home schoolingA. Keys:1: About 300000 2: In reading and math 3: interests, questions 4: outsider,mixing with, well qualified, narrow views 5: time, desireB. Keys:1: snowfall, climate, Alaska, tourism2: spring, stars, telescope, satellites, space3: dinner, atlas, influence, greenhouse, deserts, ice capsPart III UK or US education?A. Keys:1: everything 2: fair idea, want to do 3: competent, narrow, one thing 4: beginning, lose yearsB. Keys:1: depth, general, wide 2: 90% 3: pure, technical, scientific, academic, practical use4: flexible, switch 5: far more, prepared, new skillsPart IV More about the topic: Co-educational or Segregated Schools Keys:1:to equip 2:require 3:shock 4:apart 5:true 6:get to know 7:live together8:compare 9:male 10:female 11:healthy attitude 12:mysterious creatures13:romantic heroes 14:physical 15:emotionalPart V Do you know…?Keys:1 : similar, Britain2 : 1732, life stories3 : 1751, Frenchmen4 : 1768, Scotland5 : 72000, 70006 : 8000, 10007 : 70 to 125 Unit9Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: F 2: T 3: F 4: FC. Keys:1: comedy 2: women 3: scenery 4: One 5: American 6: patriotism 7: European8: 1920s 9: maturity 10: popular 11: 1943 12: plot 13: hit 14: golden age15: all over the world 16: mainstay 17: music of Broadway 18: classicPart II Times SquareA. Keys:1: Because it is the name for the area around where Broadway crosses Forty-Second Street in Manhattan2: In 1904, it got its name in an area which was then called Long Acre Square.3: New York Times newspaper, New Year celebrations, Entertainment, Its huge colorful signsB. Keys:1: seedy, drug dealers, pornography or cheap knock-off,2: be widened, declined, upscale, Times Square clothing and accessoriesPart III What is a pub?A. (Outline) Keys:1: sign 2: name 3: sale of alcoholic drinks 4: 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 5: 6 p.m. - 11 p.m.6: Sundays 7: 7 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 8: accommodationB. Keys:1: That is because they seldom find the word "pub" in the name of a pub. Very often many pubs have names linked to royalty, sports, popular heroes or great occasions.2: The first thing to look for is a large sign either hanging over the street or placed on a pole outside the building.3: "Saloon Bar" is more comfortably furnished.4: That means the pub doesn't buy its drinks from one particular brewery only. It isn't tied to a brewery.C. Keys:1: coaches welcomed by appointment 2: bar food - lunchtimes only 3: pub accommodation 4: facilities for the disabled 5: a pub of historic interestPart IV More about the topic: The Song Yankee DoodleA. Keys:1: Colonists in the northeast part of America2: All Americans 3: American soldiersB. Keys:1: little 2: British 3: British 4: foolish 5: colonists 6: words 7: 1770s 8: soldiers 9: music 10: defeated 11: same 12: representsPart V Do you know…?A. Keys:1:It's Christmas Eve supper.2:There are 12 traditional dishes on the table.3:They just break wafers with each other, wishing each other good luck.4:The children go to the other room, where the big Christmas tree stands. Under the tree there are some Christmas presents.5:They go to church at midnight.B. Keys: 1:c 2:a 3:b 4:b 5:cUnit10Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: July 20. 1969 2: U.S. 3: descended 4: the first person5: step 6: leap7: two-and-a-half hour 8: flag 9: a phone called 10: feat11: heavens 12. world 13: moment 14: people 15: pride16: astronauts 17: module 18. legacy19: demonstration 20: chained 21: further 22: unlimitedPart II Standing on the moonA. Keys:1: the fifth person 2: nine hours and twenty-three minutes3: gather and photograph 4:peacefull, insignificantB. Keys:1: F 2: F 3: F 4: TPart III Grand projects of the ageA. Keys: 4, 2, 5, 3, 1, 6B. Keys:1: 1931, 102-floor high, 42 years, its limestone majesty2: 2009, $24 billion, electrity3: $330 billion, (still counting), 4300 miles, (still counting), automobile society, jobs, trade4: 1994, 24 miles, England, the Continent5: 1914, $380 million, 7800 milesPart IV More about the topic: World Wars (I& II)Missing…Part V Do you know…?Keys: 1: T 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: T 6: FUnit11Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:1: Tuesday, March 1st 2: Arts 3: Sciences 4: industry 5: technicians 6: 30 7: recognize 8: create 9: vote 10: 70 11: Album 12: gold 13: players 14: short 15: nominated 16: six 17: Pop Male 18: country singer19: The Hard WayPart II Karen Kain—a Canadian ballerinaA. Keys:1: In her hometown.2: When she was eleven years old.3: She also got academic training.4: When she was eighteen years old.5: He is an actor.6: For six weeks.7: For another ten years at the most.8: She will be playing Cinderella in an English pantomime.B. Keys:1: c 2: d 3: d 4: a 5: d 6: cPart III “The Scream”A. Keys:1: powerful 2: black 3: white 4: bridge 5: screaming6: at the end 7: loneliness 8: sadnness 9: hideB. Keys:1: For painting the bridge or the street2: For painting a field or a wall3: They somehow depress the picture4: For painting clouds5: They add to the depression of the screamerPart IV More about the topic: The Oscar Award and OthersKeys:I. 1: Oscar 2: motion pictures 3: Academy 4: 1929 5: ten6: gold 7: the statuette 8: librarian 9: director 10: first cousinII. 1: the theater 2: Theater Wing 3: 1947 4: actress-director 5: nicknameIII. 1: mystery writing 2: Mystery Writers 3: miniature 4: father 5: detectiveIV. 1: Science Fiction Convention 2: science fiction 3: silver4: rocket ships 5: founder 6: Amazing StoriesPart V Do you know…? Keys:1: T 2: F 3: F 4: F 5: T 呵呵....祝你考试顺利!加油!。
Text Organization
1. The text is, roughly speaking, organized in three parts - an opening, a body and a conclusion. The paragraph numbers of each part have been given to you. Now write down their main ideas.
4. The book is small enough to find sufficient room in your pocket. (fit) __f_it_i_n_t_o______
5. Both sides are trying to weaken the other by obstinately sticking to their own positions in the negotiations. (wear) wear (the other) down
2. In the text the author uses lots of facts to support his central point of view: America is deteriorating from “the Land of the Free” into “the most insecure nation”. Could you find any more supporting facts than the one that has been listed below, and write them down?
8. 8. To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the computer desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and __s_id_e_w__a_y_s____.
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• 全球平均云量可能在 “下降” • 限于资料的限制,到现 在为止,人类对云量的 观测仍然存在很大变数 • “云”成为气候研究中 存在最大变数、最大不 确定性的变量
Data from ISCCP
• 大气层顶的辐射近 乎于平衡,长期趋 势不明显 • 从能量平衡的角度 证明,温室气体只 是在地球大气内部 的高、底层之间, 重新调整了能量分ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ配,而并非改变地 球能量平衡 • 是全球变暖的重要 证据之一
• 水汽没有人为源 人类活动基本不能产 生或消耗水汽,因而 水汽都是“自然源” • 水汽的略微增加是对 全球变暖的响应,即 低层大气温度增加导 致水汽饱和度增加, 从而大气中容纳了更 多的水汽 • 水汽增加不是全球变 暖的原因
2010年我国极端天气回顾 /special/00 014E7J/southernchinarain.html
• 真实发生的GW是两种参数的结合: 均值增加(全球变暖) 方差变大(极端天气频发) • 暖事件数量会显著增加 • 冷事件数量会显著减少
全球1300+探空气象站 每天12小时收集数据
全球4000+提交气象数据的船只 全球1200+测量浮标,每天27000个海温数据
英国East Anglia大学气候研究所 美国国家气候数据中心 美国宇航局Goddard空间研究所
人类活动对 地球温度的 影响,在70 年代后超越 自然强迫因 素,成为全 球变暖主因
• 日最高温变暖较小 • 日最低温变暖较大 • 日较差减小 这与温室效应理论矛盾 温室效应理论认为日较差应没有趋势 • 对此问题现在还没有确定的解释 基本认为是云量/气溶胶增加导致的
平流层变冷 是温室效应 理论的重要 证据之一
平流层温度 温室效应 对流层温度
3.2 全球变暖的证据:大气
地表气温 日较差
辐射 水汽
降水 极端天气事件
WWII后,特别是1958年之后 国际气象组织(WMO)在全球范围内建立 Global Observing System
包含11000+地面气象站 每天6小时/甚至3小时/甚至1小时收集数据
NOAA Climate Services 此网站由美国国家海洋&大气管理局发布,公布最新的对 全球气候主要指标的监测结果
NASA’s Eye on the Earth 此网站美观漂亮,由美国宇航局发布,公布最新的卫星照 片和监测数据