16年第二套真题听力Conver satio n One对话一W: So Mike, you manage d the innova tionprojec t at CucinT ech.女:迈克,你在Cuci nTech公司负责了一个创新项目。
M: I did indeed.男:是的。
W: Well then, first, congra tulat ions!女:那么,首先,祝贺你!It seemsto have been very succes sful.这个项目看起来很成功。
M: Thanks, yes. I really helped things turn around at CucinT ech.男:谢谢,是的。
我真的帮助C ucinT ech扭转了局面。
W: Was the reviva l in theirfortun es entire ly due to strate gic innova tion?女:CucinT ech命运的逆转是否完全归功于战略创新?M: Yes, yes I thinkit was. CucinT ech was a compan y who were very much follow ing the pack, doingwhat everyo ne else was doing, and gettin g rapidl y left behind.男:是的,我认为是这样的。
CucinT ech以前只是一味地随大流,重复别人的做法,所以很快就落在了其他公司的后面。
I couldsee therewas a lot of talent there, and some greatpotent ial—partic ularl y in theirproduc t develo pment.我看到公司有很多人才并且公司存在巨大的潜力——尤其是公司的产品研发。
实用2016年6月大学英语六级真题(第2套)Part IDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essayon living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when peoplespend more and more time in the virtual world instead of interacting in the realworld. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 wordsSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At theend of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversationand the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, youmust choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) The project the man managed at CucinTech.B) The updating of technology at CucinTech.文档.实用C)The man's switch to a new career. D) The restructuring of her company.2. A) Talented personnel.B) Strategic innovation.C) Competitive products.D) Effective promotion.3. A) Expand the market.B) Recruit more talents.C) Innovate constantly.D) Watch out for his competitors.4. A) Possible bankruptcy.B) Unforeseen difficulties.C) Conflicts within the company.D) Imitation by one's competitors.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) The job of an interpreter.文档.实用B) The stress felt by professionals.C) The importance of language proficiency.D) The best way to effective communication.6. A) Promising.B) Admirable.C) Rewarding.D) Meaningful.7. A) They all have a strong interest in language.B) They all have professional qualifications.C) They have all passed language proficiency tests.D) They have all studied cross-cultural differences.8. A) It requires a much larger vocabulary.B) It attaches more importance to accuracy.C) It is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting.D) It puts one's long-term memory under more stress.Section B文档.实用Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of eachpassage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choosethe best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
2016年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第2套) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in thevirtual world instead of interacting in the real world. You are required to write at least 150 wordsbut no more than 200 wordsll diminish as one grows up.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear—man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26__________ : Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers?Users?Software writers? The answer depends on the robot. Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27__________ of computational power and engineering advances will28__________ enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled, 29__________ use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk- and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are 30__________ to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器) operator will 31__________ someone's privacy. A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32__________ of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33__________ and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34__________ space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35__________ and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.A. arises F. eventually K. preservingB. ascends G. interfere L. programmedC. bound H. invade M. proximatelyD. combination I. manifesting N. victimsE. definite J. penalties O. widespreadSection BReform and Medical Costs[A] Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and healthinsurance premiums. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem. The answer isthat no one has an easy fix for rising medical costs. The fundamental fix—reshaping how careis delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achievedonly through trial and error and incremental (渐进的)gains.[B] The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the SenateFinance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise inmedical costs over the long term. As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded,Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy literature these days iscontained in these measures.[C] Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, ispropelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services inthis country and thevolume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lotmore tests and treatments t1。
2016年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第2套) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in thevirtu al world instead of interacting in the real world. You are required to write at least 150 wordsbut no more than 200 wordsll diminish as one grows up.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear—man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26__________ : Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers?Users?Software writers? The answer depends on the robot. Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27__________ of computational power and engineering advances will 28__________ enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled, 29__________ use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk- and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are 30__________ to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器) operator will 31__________ someone's privacy. A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32__________ of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33__________ and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34__________ space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35__________ and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.A. arisesB. ascendsC. boundD. combinationE. definiteF. eventuallyG. interfereH. invadeI. manifestingJ. penaltiesK. preservingL. programmedM. proximatelyN. victimsO. widespreadSection BReform and Medical Costs[A] Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and healthinsuran ce premiums. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem. The answer isthat no one has an easy fix for rising medical costs. The fundamental fix—reshaping how careis delivered and how d octors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be achievedonly through trial and error a nd incremental (渐进的)gains.[B] The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the SenateFinanc e Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise inmedical costs o ver the long term. As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded,"Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy literature these days iscontained in these measures."[C] Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, ispropelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and thevolume of unnece ssary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lotmore tests and treatments t1han a patient really needs.[D] Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to addressthose pr oblems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.[E] Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospitals,nursing hom es and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savingsroutinely made in other in dustries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organizework. This proposal could save Medicare more than $100 billion over the next decade. Ifprivate plans demanded similar productivit y savings from providers, and refused to letproviders shift additional costs to them, the savings could be much larger. Critics sayCongress will give in to lobbyists and let inefficient providers off the hook T hat is far less likelyto happen if Congress also adopts strong upaygo” rules requiring that any increas e inpayments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.[F] The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税)on health insurance plans thatcost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family. It would most likely causeinsurers to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshold. Enrollees would have to pa y moremoney for many services out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to thinkt wice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it. Economists project thatmost empl oyers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages. The House billhas no similar tax. T he final legislation should.[G] Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers, or patients whohave trie d to understand their own parade of statements, know that simplification ought tosave money. Whe n the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, itstrade group offered to provid e standardized forms for automated processing. It estimated thatstep would save hundreds of billion s of dollars over the next decade. The bills would lock thatpledge into law.[H] The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medicalsystem to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted. This requires openinvestments to help doctors convert. In time it should help restrain costs by eliminatingredundant tests, preventing drug i nteractions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.[I] Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for thequantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness—is a primary reason that the cost ofcare is so high. Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments tocare for a particular illness or f or a patient's needs over a year. No one knows how to makethat happen quickly. The bills in both h ouses would start pilot projects within Medicare. Theyinclude such measures as accountable care or ganizations to take charge of a patient's needswith an eye on both cost and quality, and chronic di sease management to make sure theseriously ill, who are responsible for the bulk of all health care c osts, are treated properly. Forthe most part, these experiments rely on incentive payments to get do ctors to try them.[J] Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expandedand th e bad ones are dropped. The Senate bill would create an independent commission tomonitor the pi lot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urgeproviders to adopt re forms that work. The changes would have to be approved or rejected as awhole by Congress, maki ng it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.[K] The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which smallbusinesses a nd individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a publicoption. All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy tocompare. To get access t o millions of new customers, insurers would have a strong incentiveto sell on the exchange. And the head-to-head competition might give them a strongincentive to lower their prices, perhaps by acc epting slimmer profit margins or demandingbetter deals from providers.[L] The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to thefierce opposi tion of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it might not save muchmoney. The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather thanusing Medicare rates, as many ref ormers wanted.[M] The president's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how wellvarious tr eatments work. Is surgery, radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate (前列腺)cancer? Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its commonc ompetitors? The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.[N] Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care.(That would betrue only if you believed that patients should have an unrestrained right to treatments provento be inferior.) As a result, the bills do not require, as they should, that the results of thesestudi es be used to set payment rates in Medicare.[O] Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatmentsprove n to be superior. Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive. Butoverall, we suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot ofunnecessary or even dangerous tes ts and treatments.[P] The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiatedrug pric es in Medicare and Medicaid. Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretarywould get better deals than private insurers already get. We believe negotiation could work. Itdoes in other countries. [Q] Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs. Malpracticeawards do drive up insurance premiums for doctors in high-risk specialties, and there is someevidence that doc tors engage in "defensive medicine" by performing tests and treatmentsprimarily to prove they are n ot negligent should they get sued.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
2016年6月大学英语六级考试听力原文+答案Section ALong Conversations(长对话)Conversation OneM: So how long have you been a Market Research Consultant?W: Well, I started straight after finishing university.M: Did you study market research?W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that it's more important to get experience in different types of market research to find out exactly what you're interested in.M: So what are you interested in?W: Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising research, which means that I do two types of projects. Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time. The only problem with trackers is that it takes up a lot of your time. But you do build up a good relationship with the client. I also do a couple of ad-hoc jobs which are much shorter projects. M: What exactly do you mean by ad-hoc jobs?W: It's basically when companies need quick answers to their questions about their consumers' habits. They just ask for one questionnaire to be sent out for example, so the time you spend on an ad-hoc project tends to be fairly short.M: Which do you prefer, trackers or ad-hoc?W: I like doing both and in fact I need to do both at the same time to keep me from going crazy. I need the variety.M: Can you just explain what process you go through with a new client?W: Well, together we decide on the methodology and the objectives of the research. I then design a questionnaire. Once the interviewers have been briefed, I send the client a schedule and then they get back to me with deadlines. Once the final charts and tables are ready, I have to check them and organize a presentation.M: Hmm, one last question, what do you like and dislike about your job?W: As I said, variety is important and as for what I don't like, it has to be the checking of charts and tables.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q1: What position does the woman hold in the company?Q2: What does the woman specialize in at the moment?Q3: What does the woman say about trackers?Q4: What does the woman dislike about her job?Conversation TwoW: Hello, I'm here with Frederick. Now Fred, you went to university in Canada?M: Yeah, that's right.W: OK, and you have very strong views about universities in Canada. Could you please explain?M: Well, we don't have private universities in Canada. They’re all public. All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility. Since it's a government operated institution, things don't move very fast. If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you because he's a worker for the government. So I don't think it's very efficient. However, there are certain advantages of public universities, such as the fees being free. You don't have to pay for your education. But the system isn't efficient, and it does not work that well.W: Yeah, I can see your point, but in the United States we have many private universities, and I think they are large bureaucracies also. Maybe people don't act that much differently, because it’s the same thing working for a private university. They get paid for their job. I don’t know if they're that much more motivated to help people. Also, we have a problem in the United States that usually only wealthy kids go to the best schools and it's kind of a problem actually.M: I agree with you. I think it's a problem because you're not giving equal access to education to everybody. It’s not easy, but having only public universities also might not be the best solution. Perhaps we can learn from Japan where they have a system of private and public universities. Now, in Japan, public universities are considered to be the best.W: Right. It's the exact opposite in the United States.M: So, as you see, it's very hard to say which one is better.W: Right, a good point.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q5: What does the woman want Frederick to talk about?Q6: What does the man say about the curriculum in Canadian universities?Q7: On what point do the speakers agree?Q8: What point does the man make at the end of the conversation?Section BPassagesPassage OnePassage 1A recent International Labour Organization report says the deterioration of real wages around the world calls into question the true extent of an economic recovery, especially if government rescue packages are phased out too early.The report warns the picture on wages is likely to get worse this year, despite indications of an economic rebound. Patrick Belser, an International LabourOrganization specialist, says declining wage rates are linked to the levels of unemployment.“The quite dramatic unemployment figures, which we now see in some of the countries, strongly suggest that there will be greater pressure on wages in the future as more people will be unemployed, more people will be looking for jobs and the pressure on employers to raise wages to attract workers will decline. So, we expect that the second part of the year will not be very good in terms of wage growth.”The report finds more than a quarter of the countries experienced flat or falling monthly wages in real terms. They include, the United States, Austria, Costa Rica, South Africa and Germany.International Labour Organization economists say some nations have come up with polices to lessen the impact of lower wages during the economic crisis. An example of these is work sharing with government subsidies. Under this scheme, the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid layoffs. For this scheme to work, the government must provide wage subsidies to compensate for lost pay due to the shorter hours.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.Q9. What is the International Labor Organization report mainly about?Q10. According to an International Labor Organization specialist, how will employers feel if there are more people looking for jobs?Q11.What does the speak mean by "the work sharing scheme"?Passage TwoIs there really a magic memory pill or a herbal recall remedy? I have been frequently asked if these memory supplements work. You know, one of the first things I like to tell people when they ask me about the supplements, is that a lot of them are promoted as a cure for your memory. But your memory doesn’t need a cure. What your memory needs is a good work-out. So re ally those supplements aren’t going to give you that perfect memory in the way that they promise. The other thing is that a lot of these supplements aren’t necessarily what they claim to be, and you really have to be wary when you take any of them. The science isn't there behind most of them. They're not really well-regulated unless they adhere to some industry standard. You don't really know that what they say is in there, isn't there. What you must understand is that those supplements, especially in some eastern cultures, are part of a medical practice tradition. People don't just go in a local grocery store and buy these supplements. In fact, they are prescribed and they're given at a certain level, a dosage that is understood by a practitioner who's been trained. And that's not really the way they're used in this country. The other thing people do forget is that these are medicines, so they do have an impact. A lot of times people are not really aware of the impact they have, or the fact that taking them in combination with other medications might put you at increased risk for something that you wouldn’t otherwise being countering or be at risk for.Q12. What question is frequently put to the speaker?Q13. What does the speaker say about most memory supplements?Q14. What do we learn about memory supplements in eastern cultures?Q15. What does the speaker say about memory supplements at the end?【Lectures】(讲座—)Lecture 1The negative impacts of natural disasters can be seen everywhere. In just the past few weeks, the world has witnessed the destructive powers of earthquakes in Indonesia, typhoons in the Philippines, and the destructive sea waves that struck Samoa and neighboring islands.A study by the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters finds that, between 1980 and 2007, nearly 8,400 natural disasters killed more than two-million people. These catastrophic events caused more than $1.5 trillion in economic losses. U.N. weather expert Geoffrey Love says that is the bad news. "Over the last 50 years, economic losses have increased by a factor of 50. That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decreased by a factor of 10 simply because we are getting better at warning people. We are making a difference. Extreme events, however, will continue to occur. But, the message is that they may not be disasters."Love, who is director of Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction at the World Meteorological Organization, says most of the deaths and economic losses were caused by weather, climate, or water-related extremes. These include droughts, floods, windstorms, strong tropical winds and wildfires.He says extreme events will continue. But, he says extreme events become disasters only when people fail to prepare for them."Many of the remedies are well-known. From a planning perspective, it is pretty simple. Build better buildings. Don’t build where the hazards will destroy them. F rom an early-warning perspective, make sure the warnings go right down to the community level. Build community action plans. ”The World Meteorological Organization points to Cuba and Bangladesh as examples of countries that have successfully reduced the loss of life caused by natural disasters by taking preventive action.It says tropical cyclones formerly claimed dozens, if not hundreds of lives, each year, in Cuba. But, the development of an early-warning system has reversed that trend. In 2008, Cuba was hit by five successive hurricanes, but only seven people were killed. Bangladesh also has achieved substantial results. Major storm surges in 1970 and 1991 caused the deaths of about 440,000 people. Through careful preparation, the death toll from a super tropical storm in November 2007 was less than 3,500.Q16. What is the talk mainly about?Q17. How can we stop extreme events from turning into events?Q18. What does the example of Cuba serve to show?Lecture 2As U.S. banks recovered with the help of American government and the American taxpayers, president Obama held meetings with top bank executives, telling them it’s time to return the favor. “The way I see it are banks now having a greater obligation to the goal of a wide recovery,” he said. But the president may be giving the financial sector too much credit. “It was in a free fall, and it was a very scary period.” Economist Martin Neil Baily said. After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world’s largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed in investments in risky loans.Although he says the worst is just over, Bailey says the banking crisis is not. More than 130 US banks failed in 2009. He predicts high failure rates for smaller, regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due."So there may actually be a worsening of credit availability to small and medium sized businesses in the next year or so."Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend. But US Bankcorp chief Richard Davis sees the situation differently."We're probably more optimistic than the experts might be.With that in mind, we're putting everything we can, lending is the coal to our engine, so we want to make more loans. We have to find a way to qualify more people and not put ourselves at risk."While some economists predict continued recovery in the future, Baily says the only certainty is that banks are unlikely to make the same mistakes - twice. "You know, forecasting's become a very hazardous business so I don't want to commit myself too much. I don't think we know exactly what's going to happen but it's certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.”If the economy starts to shrink again, Baily says it would make a strong case for a second stimulus -- something the Obama administration hopes will not be necessary. Q19. What dose president Obama hope the banks will do?Q20. What is Martin Neil Baily’s prediction about the financial situation in the future? Q21. What does U.S. Bankcorp chief Richard Davis say about its future operation?Q22. What does Martin Neil Baily think of a second stimulus to the economy? Lecture 3A new study has failed to find any conclusive evidence that lifestyle changes can prevent cognitive decline in older adults.Still there are still good reasons to make positive changes in how we live and what we eat as we age.Cognitive decline is the loss of ability to learn new skills, or recall words, names, and faces that is most common as we age. To reduce or avoid it, researchers have examined the effect of smoking, diet, brain-challenging games, exercise and other strategies.Researchers at Duke University scrutinized more than 160 published studies and found an absence of strong evidence that any of these approaches can make a big difference.Co-author James Burke helped design the study. "In the observational studies we found that some of the B vitamins were beneficial." said. "Exercise, diet, cognitive stimulation showed some positive effects, although the evidence was not so strong that we could actually consider these firmly established."Some previous studies have suggested that challenging your brain with mentally stimulating activities might help. And Burke said that actually does seem to help, based on randomized studies - the researcher's gold standard."Cognitive stimulation is one of the areas where we did find some benefit. The exact type of stimulation that an individual uses is not as important as being intellectually engaged,".The expert review also found insufficient evidence to recommend any drugs or dietary supplements that could prevent or slow cognitive decline.However, given that there is at least some evidence for positive effects from some of these lifestyle changes, plus other benefits apparently unrelated to cognitive decline, Burke offered some recommendations."I think that by having people adopt a healthy lifestyle, both from a medical standpoint as well as nutritional and cognitive stimulation standpoint, that we can reduce the incidence of cognitive decline, which will be proof that these factors are, in fact, important."James Burke of Duke University is one of the authors of a study reviewing previous research on cognitive decline. The paper is published online by the Annals of Internal Medicine.Q23. According to the speaker, what might be a symptom of cognitive decline in older adult?Q24. According to James Burke, what does seem to help reduce cognitive decline?Q25. What did James Burke recommend to reduce the incidence of cognitive decline? KeysSection A1-81. D)Market research consultant2. A)Quantitative advertising research3. D)They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.4. B)Checking charts and tables.5. A)His view on Canadian universities.6. B)It is rather inflexible.7. C)Everybody should be given equal access to higher education.8. C)It is hard to say which is better, a public university or a private university.9-119.B)The worsening real wage situation around the world.10.A)They will feel less pressure to raise employees’wages.11.11.C)Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs.Section B12-1512. A)Whether memory supplements work.13. D)They are not on based on real science.14. D)They are prescribed by trained practitioners.15.B)Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks. Section C16-1816 D)How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced.17 B)By taking steps to prepare people for them.18 A)How preventive action can reduce the loss of life.19-2219 C)Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery20 B)Many smaller regional banks are going to fail21 D)It will try to provide more loans22 D)It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again23-2523 A)Being unable to learn new things.24 A)Cognitive stimulation.25 C)Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.。
2016年06月六级考试真题卷2Part I Writing(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots.Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives.You are requried to write at least150words but no more than200words.Part II Listening Comprehension(30minutes) Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer.from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions1to4are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)The project the man managed at CucinTech.B)The updating of technology at CucinTech.C)The man's switch to a new career.D)The restructuring of her company.2.A)Talented personnel.B)Strategic innovation.C)Competitive products.D)Effective promotion.3.A)Expand the market.B)Recruit more talents.C)Innovate constantly.D)Watch out for his competitors.4.A)Possible bankruptcy.B)Unforeseen difficulties.C)Conflicts within the company.D)Imitation by one's competitors.Questions5to8are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)The job of an interpreter.B)The stress felt by professionals.C)The importance of language proficiency.D)The best way to effective communication.6.A)Promising.B)Admirable.C)Rewarding.D)Meaningful.7.A)They all have a strong interest in language.B)They all have professional qualifications.C)They have all passed language proficiency tests.D)They have all studied cross-cultural differences.8.A)It requires a much larger vocabulary.B)It attaches more importance to accuracy.C)It is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting.D)It puts one's long-term memory under more stress.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions9to11are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A)It might affect mothers'health.B)It might disturb infants'sleep.C)It might increase the risk of infants,death.D)It might increase mothers'mental distress.10.A)Mothers who breast-feed their babies have a harder time falling asleep.B)Mothers who sleep with their babies need a little more sleep each night.C)Sleeping patterns of mothers greatly affect their newborn babies' health.D)Sleeping with infants in the same room has a negative impact on mothers.11.A)Change their sleep patterns to adapt to their newborn babies'.B)Sleep in the same room but not in the same bed as their babies.C)Sleep in the same house but not in the same room as their babies.D)Take precautions to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.Passage TwoQuestions12to15are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A)A lot of native languages have already died out in the US.B)The US ranks first in the number of endangered languages.C)The efforts to preserve Indian languages have proved fruitless.D)More money is needed to record the native languages in the US.13.A)To set up more language schools.B)To document endangered languages.C)To educate native American children.D)To revitalise America's native languages.14.A)The US govemment's policy of Americanising Indian children.B)The failure of American Indian languages to gain an official status.C)The US government's unwillingness to spend money educating Indians.D)The long-time isolation of American Indians from the outside world.15.A)It is being utilised to teach native languages.B)It tells traditional stories during family time.C)It speeds up the extinction of native languages.D)It is widely used in language immersion schools.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.Recording OneQuestions16to18are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A)It pays them up to half of their previous wages while they look for work.B)It covers their mortgage payments and medical expenses for99 weeks.C)It pays their living expenses until they find employment again.D)It provides them with the basic necessities of everyday life.17.A)Creating jobs for the huge army of unemployed workers.B)Providing training and guidance for unemployed workers.C)Convincing local lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits.D)Raising funds to help those having no unemployment insurance.18.A)To offer them loans they need to start their own businesses.B)To allow them to postpone their monthly mortgage payments.C)To create more jobs by encouraging private investments in local companies.D)To encourage big businesses to hire back workers with government subsidies.Recording TwoQuestions19to22are based on the recording you have just heard.19.A)They measured the depths of sea water.B)They analyzed the water content.C)They explored the ocean floor.D)They investigated the ice.20.A)Eighty percent of the ice disappears in summer time.B)Most of the ice was accumulated over the past centuries.C)The ice ensures the survival of many endangered species.D)The ice decrease is more evident than previously thought.21.A)Arctic ice is a major source of the world's fresh water.B)The melting Arctic ice has drowned many coastal cities.C)The decline of Arctic ice is irreversible.D)Arctic ice is essential to human survival.22.A)It will do a lot of harm to mankind.B)There is no easy way to understand it.C)It will advance nuclear technology.D)There is no easy technological solution to it.Recording ThreeQuestions23to25are based on the recording you have just heard.23.A)The reason why New Zealand children seem to have betterself-control.B)The relation between children's self-control and their future success.C)The health problems of children raised by a single parent.D)The deciding factor in children's academic performance.24.A)Children raised by single parents will have a hard time in their thirties.B)Those with a criminal record mostly come from single parent families.C)Parents must learn to exercise self-control in front of their children.D)Lack of self-control in parents is a disadvantage for their children.25.A)Self-control can be improved through education.B)Self-control can improve one's financial situation.C)Self-control problems may be detected early in children.D)Self-control problems will diminish as one grows up.Part III Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations as smart and capable as we are without a moral compass.As robots take on ever more complex roles,the question naturally_____(27).Who will be responsible when they do something wrong?Manufacturers?Users?Software writers?The answer depends on the robot.Robots already save us time,money and energy.In the future,they will improve our health care,social welfare and standard of living.The _____(28)of computational power and engineering advances will_____(29)enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled,_____(30)use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are_____(31)to be problems.Robot cars will crash.A drone(遥控飞行器)operator will_____(32)someone's privacy.A robotic lawn mower(割草机)will run over a neighbor's cat.Juries sympathetic to the _____(33)of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing _____(34)and damages What should government do to protect people while_____(35),space for innovation?plicated systems on which much public safety depends,like driverless cars,should be built_____(36)and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record.not the passenger's.A.arisesB.ascendsC.boundbinationE.definiteF.eventuallyG.interfereH.invadeI.manifestingJ.penaltiesK.preservingL.programmedM.proximatelyN.victimsO.widespreadSection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.Reform and Medical Costs[A]American are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and health insurance premiums.They need to know if reform will help solve the problem.The answer is that no once has an easy fix rising medical costs.The fundamental fix—reshaping how care is delivered andhow doctors are paid in a wasteful,abnormal system—is likely to be a achieved only through trial and incremental(渐进的)gains.[B]The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term.As report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded. "Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy Iiterature these days is contained in these measures."[C]Medical spending,which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy,is propelled by two things:the high prices charged for medical services in this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals,which often perform a lot more tests and treatments than patient really needs.[D]Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to address those problem,and why it is hard to know how well they will work.[E]Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospital,nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savings routinely made in other industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organize work.This proposal could save Medicare more than$100billion over the next decade.If private plans demanded similar productivity savings fromproviders,and refused to let providers shift additional costs to them,the savings could be much larger.Critics say Congress will give in to lobbyists and let inefficient provider off the hook(放过).That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong"pay-go"rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budge cuts.[F]The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税)on health insurance plans that cost more than$8,000for an individual or$21,000 for a family.It would most likely cause Insures to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshould.Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out of their own pockets,and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it. Economists project that most employers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages,The House bill has no similar tax. The final legislation should.[G]Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers,or patients who have tried to understand their own parade of statements,know that simplification ought to save money.When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts,its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing. It estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade.The bills would lock that pledge into law.[H]The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted.This requires open investments to help doctors convert.In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant test,preventing drug inter actions,and helping doctors find the best treatments.[I]Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for that the cost of care is so high.Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year.No one knows how to make that happen quickly.The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare.They include such measures as accountable care organizations to take charge of a patient's needs with an eye on both cost and quality, and chronic disease management to make sure the seriously ill,who are responsible for the bulk of all health care costs,are treated properly.For the most part,these experiments rely on incentive payments to get doctors to try them.[J]Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expanded and the bad ones arc dropped.The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work.The changes would have to beapproved or rejected as a whole by Congress,making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.[K]The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option.All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy to compare.To get access to millions of new customers,insures would have a strong incentive to sell on the exchange.And the head-to-head competition might give them a strong incentive to lower their prices,perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demanding better deals from providers.[L]The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics,it might not save much money.The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers,rather than using Medicare rates,as many reformers wanted.[M]The president's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how well various treatments work.Is surgery,radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate(前列腺)cancer?Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its common competitors?The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.[N]Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care.(That would be true only if you believe that patients should have an unrestrained right to treatments proven to be inferior.)As a result,the bills do not requires,as they should,that the results of these studies be used to set payment rates in Medicare.[O]Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior.Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive.But overall,we suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.[P]The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid.Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretary would get better deals than private insurers already get.We believe negotiation could work.It does in other countries.[Q]Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs.Malpractice awards do drive up insurance premiums for doctors in high-risk specialties,and there is some evidence doctors engage in "defensive medicine"by performing tests and treatments primarily to prove they are not negligent should they get sued.36.With a tax imposed on expensive health insurance plans,mostemployers will likely transfer money from health expenses into wages. 37.Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find it hard to influence lawmakers.'38.It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.49.Standardization of forms for automatic processing will save a lot of medical40.Republicans and insurance industry are strongly opposed to the creation of a public insurance plan.41.Conversion of paper to electronic medical records will help eliminate redundant tests and prevent drug interactions.42.The high cost of medical services and unnecessary tests and treatments have driven up medical expenses.43.One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated for the amount of care rather than its effect.44.Contrary to analysts'doubts,the author believes drug prices may be lowered through negotiation.45.Fair competition might create a strong incentive for insurers to charge less.Section CPassage OneQuestions47to51are based on the following passage.Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs,farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage(下水道污水)to irrigate and fertilize nearly49million acres of cropland,according to a new report-and it may not be a bed thing.While the practice carries serious health risks for many,those dangers are outweighed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food."There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers,"said Liqa Raschid-Sally,who led the study.The report focused on poor urban areas,where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food.Most of these operations draw irrigation water from local rivers or lakes.Unlike developed cities, however,these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities,and rivers effectively become sewers.(下水道)When this water is used for agricultural irrigation,farmers risk absorbing disease-causing XX,as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed.Nearly 2.2million people die a year because of diarrhea-related(与腹泻相关的)diseases,according to WHO statistics.XXX than80%of those cases can be attributed to contant with contaminated water and a lack of XXX anitation.But Pay Drechsel,an environmental scientist,argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreatedhuman waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said,while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty.Agriculture is a water-intensive business,accounting for nearly70%of global fresh water consumption.In poor,dry regions,untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business.In some cases,water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers. Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world.But frequently untreated human waste is used on grain crops,which are eventually cooked,minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases.With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50%per metric ton over the last year in some places,human waste is an attractive,and often necessary,alternative.In cases where sewage mud is used,expensive chemical fertilizer us can be avoided.The mud contains the same critical nutrients."Overly strict standards often fail,"James Bartram,a WHO water-health expert,said."We need to accept that fact across much of the planet,so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason."46.What does the author say about the use of raw sewage for farming?A.Its risks cannot be overestimated.B.It should be forbidden altogether.C.Its benefits outweigh the hazards involved.D.It is polluting millions of acres of cropland.47.What is the main problem caused by the use of wastewater for irrigation?A.Rivers and lakes nearby will gradually become contaminated.B.It will drive producers of chemical fertilizers out of business.C.Farmers and consumers may be affected by harmful bacteria.D.It will make the farm produce less competitive on the market.48.What is environmental scientist Pay Drechsel's attitude towards the use of untreated human waste in agriculture?A.Favorable.B.Indifferent.C.Skeptical.D.Responsible.49.What does Pay Dreschsel think of the risks involved in using untreated human waste for farming?A.They have been somewhat exaggerated.B.They can be dealt with through education.C.They will be minimized with new technology.D.They can be addressed by improved sanitation.50.What do we learn about James Bartram's position on the use of human waste for farming?A.He echoes Pay Drechsel's opinion on the issue.B.He chaltenges Liqa Raschid-Sally's conclusionC.He thinks it the only way out of the current food erisis.D.He deems it indispensable for combating global poverty.Passage TwoThese days,nobody needs to cook.Families graze on high-cholesterol take-aways and microwaved ready-meals.Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs.Which makes it odd that the kitchen has become the heart of the modern house,what the great hall was to the medieval castle,the kitchen is to the21st-century home. The money spent on kitchens has risen with their status.In America the kitchen market is now worth$170billion,five times the country's film industry.In the year to August2007,IKEA,a Swedish furniture chain,sold over one million kitchens worldwide.The average budget for a"major" kitchen overhaul in2006,calculates Remodeling magazing,was a staggering$54,000,even a"minor"improvement cost on average $18,000.Exclusivity,more familiar in the world of high fashion,has reached thekitchen:Robinson&Cornish,a British manufacturer of custom-made kitchens,offers a Georgian-style one which would cost£145,000-155,000—excluding building,plumbing and electrical work.Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it:"You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the word."The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants for the modem family tells the story of a century of social change.Right into the early20th century,kitchens were smoky,noisy places,generally located underground,or to the back of the house,as far from living space as possible.That was as it should be:kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middle classes wanted nothing to do with them.But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became a natter of interest to the educated classes.One of the pioneers of a radical new way of thinking about the kitchen was Catharine Esther Beecher,sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe.In American human's Home、published in1869,the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to use hold management,designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order.Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American, Chris Frederick,who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife. Her1919work,House-Engineering:Scientific Management in the Home, was based on detailed observation of a wife's daily routine.Sheborrowed the Principle of efficiency on the factory floor and applied mestic tasks on the kitchen floor.Frederick's central idea,that"stove,sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely".Inspired the first fully fitted kitchen,designed in the1920s by Mangarete Schutter. Libotsky.It was a modernist triumph,and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen.51.What does the author say about the kitchen of today?A.It is where housewives display their cooking skills.B.It is where the family entertains important guests.C.It has become something odd in a modern house.D.It is regarded as the center of a modern home.52.Why does the Georgian-style kitchen sell at a very high price?A.It is believed to have tremendous artistic value.B.No duplicate is to be found in any other place.C.It is manufactured by a famous British company.D.No other manufacturer can produce anything like it.53.What does the change in the status of the kitchen reflect?A.Improved living conditions.B.Technological progress.C.Women's elevated status.D.Social change.54.What was the Beecher sisters'idea of a kichen?A.A place where women could work more efficiently.B.A place where high technology could be applied.C.A place of interest to the educated people.D.A place to experiment with new ideas.55.What do we learn about today's kitchen?A.It represents the rapid technological advance in people's daily life.B.Many of its central features are no different from those of the1920s.C.It has been transformed beyond recognition.D.Many of its functions have changed greatly.Part IV Translation(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。
年 月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析 第 套注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 上作答。
遥控飞行器渐进的)消费税)前列腺注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 上作答。
下水道污水)下水道 与腹泻相关的£深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。
世纪 年代,中国政府创建了深圳经济特区,作为实施社会主义市场经济的试验田。
如今,深圳的人口已超过 万,整个城市发生了巨大的变化。
到 年,深圳的人均 已达 美元,相当于世界上一些发达国家的水平。
写作参考答案,【解析】本题讨论的是 虚拟社交越来越频繁.真实社交却越来越贫乏 这一社会现象,考生需要阐述这一问题将导致的结果。
第二段:从两方面阐述虚拟社交如何影响人的社交质量 在虚拟社交中人们喜欢伪装自己,同时建立起一块无形的盾牌躲避彼此。
听力 参考答案【解析】对话开头,女士就说迈克在 负责了一个创新项目,并接着说到项目似乎非常成功。
由此,可选定 项 男士在 负责的项目 。
【干扰项排除】①根据选项关键词 以及 ,可推测问题可能与工作相关。
②对话主要探讨的是战略上的创新,而 项 的技术革新 只是利用对话里的关键词 进行干扰; 项 男士转换到新的职业上 在对话中并未提及;对话谈论的是男士在 的工作情况,与女士公司无关,故排除 项 她公司的重组 。
【解析】女士问到是否 命运的逆转完全归功于战略创新,男士作了肯定回答,并表达了他对 的看法,认为这个公司以前只是一味地随大流,重复别人的做法。
由此可见, 以前缺乏战略创新,所以选 项。
大学六级听力原文Conversation OneM: Guess what?The worst food l've ever had was in France.W: Really? That's odd.I thought the French were all good cooks.M: Yes. That's right.I suppose it's really like anywhere else,though.You know, some places are good.Some bad.But it's really all our own fault.W: What do you mean?M: Well, it was the first time l'd been to France.This was years ago when I was at school.I went there with my parents' friends,from my father's school.They'd hired a coach to take them to Switzerland.W: A school trip?M: Right. Most of them had never been abroad before.We'd crossed the English Channel at night,and we set off through France,and breakfast time arrived,and the coach driver had arranged forus to stop at this little cafe.There we all were, tired and hungry,and then we made the great discovery.W: What was that?M: Bacon and eggs.W: Fantastic! The real English breakfast.M: Yes. Anyway,we didn't know any better-so we had it, and ugh...!W: What was it like? Disgusting?M: Oh, it was incredible!They just got a bowl and put some fat in it.And then they put some bacon in the fat,broke an egg over the top and put the whole lot in the oven for about ten minutes.W: In the oven! You're joking.You can't cook bacon and eggs in the oven!M: Well. They must have done it that way.It was hot, but it wasn't cooked.There was just this egg floating about in gallons of fat and raw bacon.W: Did you actually eat it?M: No! Nobody did.They all wanted to turn round and go home.You know,back to teabags and fish and chips.You can't blame them really.Anyway, the next night we were all given another foreign speciality.W: What was that?M: Snails. That really finished them off. Lovely holiday that was!Questions l to 4are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What did the woman think of the French?2. Who did the man travel with on his first trip to Switzerland?3. What does the man say about the breakfast at the little French cafe?4. What did the man think of his holiday in France?Conversation TwoM: You say your shop has been doing well.Could you give me some idea of what "doing well”means in facts and figures?W: Well, "doing well' means averaging$1,200 0r more a week for about 7 years,making almost a quarter of a million pounds.And "doing well" means your earnings are rising.Last year, we did slightly over 50,000and this year,we hope to do more than 60,000.So, that's good if we continue to rise.M: Now, that's gross earnings, I assume.What about your expenses?W: Yes, that's gross.The expenses, of course, go up steadily.And since we've moved to this newshop,the expenses have increased greatly,because it's a much bigger shop.So I couldn't say exactly what our expenses are.They are something in the region of six or seven thousand pounds a year,which is not mercially speaking, it's fairly low,and we try to keep our expenses as low as we can.M: And your prices are much lower than the same goods in shops round about.How do the local shopkeepers feel about having a shop doing so well in their midst?W: Perhaps a lot of them don't realize how well we are doing, because we don't make a point ofpublicizing.That was a lesson we learned very early on.We were very friendly with all local shopkeepers and we happened to mention to a local shopkeeper how much we had made that week.He was very unhappy and never as friendly again.So we make a point of never publicizingthe amount of money we make.But we are on very good terms with all the shops.None of them have ever complained that we are putting them out of business or anything like that.I think it's a nice friendly relationship.Maybe if they did know what we made.perhaps they wouldn't be so friendly.Questions 5 to 8are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?6. What does the woman say her shop tries to do?7. What do we learn about the goods sold at the woman's shop?8. Why doesn't the woman wantto make known their earnings anymore?Section BPassage OneBirds are famous for carrying things around. Some, like homing pigeons,can be trained to deliver messages and packages.Other birds unknowingly carry seeds that cling to them for the ride.Canadian scientists have found a worrisome,new example of the power that birds have to spread stuff around.Way up north in the Canadian Arctic,seabirds are picking up dangerous chemicalsin the ocean and delivering them to ponds near where the birds live.Some 1 0,000 pairs of the birds, called fulmars,a kind of Arctic seabird,make their nests on Devon Island,north of the Arctic Circle.The fulmars travel some 400 kilometers over the sea to find food.When they return home,their droppings end up all around their nesting sites,including in nearby ponds.Previously, scientists noticed pollutants arriving in the Arctic with the wind.Salmon also carry dangerous chemicals as the fish migrate between rivers and the sea. The bodies of fish and other meat-eaters can build up high levels of the chemicals.To test the polluting power of fulmars, researchers collected samples of deposit from 11 ponds on Devon Island. In ponds closest to the colony, the results showed there were far more pollutants than in ponds less affected by the birds. The pollutants in the ponds appear to come from fish that fulmars eat when they're out on the ocean. People who live, hunt, or fish near bird colonies need to be careful, the researchers say:The birds don't mean to cause harm, but the chemicals they carry can cause major problems.Questions 9 to 12are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.What have Canadian scientists found about some seabirds?10.What does the speaker say about the seabirds called fulmars ?11.What did scientists previously notice about pollutants in the Arctic?12.What does the speaker warn about at the end of the talk?Passage TwoIn recent years, the death rate among American centenarians-people who have lived to age 100 0r older-has decreased, dropping 14 percent for women and 20percent for men from 2008 t0 2014. The leading causes of death in this age group are also changing. In 2000, the top five causes of death for centenarians were heart disease, stroke, flu, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. But by 2014, the death rate from Alzheimer's disease for this age group had more than doubled-increasing from 3.8 percent t0 8.5 percent-making the progressive brain disease the second leading cause of death for centenarians. One reason for the rise in deaths from Alzheimer's disease in this group may be that developing this condition remains possible even after people beat the odds of dying from other diseases such as cancer.People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give in to diseases such as Alzheimer's which affects the mind and cognitive function. In other words, it appears that their minds give out before their bodies do. On the other hand, the death rate from flu dropped from 7.4 percent in 2000 t0 4.1 percent in 2014. That pushed flu from the third leading cause of death to the fifth.Overall, the total number of centenarians is going up. In 2014, there were 72,197 centenarians, compared to 50,281 in 2000. But because this population is getting larger, the number of deaths in this group is also increasing-18,434 centenarians died in 2000, whereas 25,914 died in 2014.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.13.What does the speaker say about the risk of dying for American centenarians in recent years?14.What does the speaker say about Alzheimer’s disease?15.What is characteristic of people who live up to 100years and beyond?Section CPassage OneOkay.So let's get started.And to start things off l think what we need to do is consider a definition.I'm going to define what love is but then most of the experiments I'm going to talk about are really focused more on attraction than love. And I'm going to pick a definition from a former colleague,who is now the dean at Tufts University but was here on our faculty at Yale for nearly thirty years.And he has a theory of love that argues that it's made up of three components: intimacy, passion,and commitment,or what is sometimes called decision commitment. And these are relatively straight,forward. He argued that you don't have love if you don't have all three of these elements.Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, of connectedness with someone, of bonding. Operationally, you could think of intimacy as you share secrets, you share information with this person that you don't share with anybody else. Okay. That's really what intimacy is, the bond that comes from sharing information that isn't shared with other people. The second element is passion. Passion is the drive that leads to romance. You can think of it as physical attraction. And Sternberg argues that this is a required component of a love relationship.The third element of love in Sternberg's theory is what he calls decision commitment, the decision that one is in a loverelationship, the willingness to label it as such, and a commitment to maintain that relationship at least for some period of time. Sternberg would argue it's not love if you don't call it love and if you don't have. Some desire to maintain the relationship. So if you have all three of these, intimacy, passion and commitment, in Sternberg's theory, you have love. Now what's interesting about the theory is what do you have if you only have one out of three or two out of three. What do you have and how is it different if you have a different two out of three? What'sinteresting about this kind of theorizing is it gives rise to many different combinations that can be quite interesting when you break them down and start to look them carefully. So what I've done is I've taken Sternberg's three elements of love, intimacy, passion and commitment, and I've listed out the different kinds of relationships you would have if you had zero, one, two or three out of the three elements.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. What does the speaker say about most of the experiments mentioned in his talk?17.What does Robert Sternberg argue about love?18. What question does the speaker think is interesting about Sternberg's three elements of love?Passage TwoHi! I am Elizabeth Hoffler, Master of Social Work. I am a social worker, a lobbyist, and a specialassistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers. Today we are going to be talking about becoming a social worker. Social work is the helping profession.Its primary mission is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic needs of all people,with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. We often deal with complex human needs. Social work is different from other professions, because we focus on the person and environment. We deal with the external factors that impact a person's situation and outlook. And we create opportunity for assessment and intervention, to help clients and communities cope effectively with their reality and change that reality whennecessary.In thousands of ways social workers help other people, people from every age, every background, across the country. Wherever needed, social workers come to help. The most well-known aspect of the profession is that of a social safety net. We help guide people to critical resources and counsel them on life changing decisions. There are more than 600,000 professional social workers in the country, and we all either have a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, or a PhD in Social Work. There are more clinically trained social workers than clinically trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses combined.Throughout this series you will learn more about the profession, the necessary steps to get a social work degree,the rich history of social work, and the many ways that social workers help ter in this series,you will hear from Stacy Collins and Mel Wilson, fellow social workers at the National Association of Social Workers. Stacy is going to walk you through the step-by-step process of becoming a social worker,and Mel will tell you about the range of options you have once you get your social work degree,as well as the high standards of responsibility the social workers must adhere to.The National Association of Social Workers represents nearly 145,000 social workers across the country.Our mission is to promote, protect, and advance the social work profession. We hope you enjoy this series about how you can make a difference by becoming a social worker. Next, we are going to talk about choosing social work. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. What does the speaker mainly talk about?20. What do social workers mainly do?22. What is Mel Wilson going to talk about in the series?Passage ThreeToday,I’d like to talk about what happens when celebrity role models get behind healthy ha bits, but at the same time, promote junk food. Currently, there's mounting criticism of Michelle Obama’s”Let’s Move!” campaign, which fights childhood obesity by encouraging youngsters to become more physically active,and has signed onsinger Beyonce and basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, both of whom also endorse sodas, which are a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. Now there's a lot more evidence of how powerful a celebrity-especially a professional athlete---can be in influencing children's behavior.In a report published by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts. The team focused on athletes since they are theoretically the. best role models for active, healthy lifestyles for children. After sorting the deals by category, they determined that among the 512 brands associated with the athletes, most involved sporting goods, followed closely by food and beverage brands.Sports drinks, which are often high in sugar and calories, made up most of the food and drink deals, with soft drinks and fast food filling out the remainder. Of the 46 beverages endorsed by professional athletes, 93% relied exclusively on sugar for all of their calories.It's no surprise that high-profile athletes can influence children's eating behaviors, but the scientists were able to quantify how prevalent these endorsements are in the children's environment. Advertisements featuring professional athletes and their endorsed products tend to get impressive exposure, on TV, radio, in print and online. And in 2010, the researchers reported that children ages 12 t0 17 saw more athlete-endorsed food and beverage brand commercials than adults.One reason any campaign wants a popular celebrity spokesperson is because kids are attracted to them no matter what they are doing. We can't expect kids to turn off that admiration when the same person is selling sugar. At best, kids might be confused. At worst, they'll think the messages about soda are the same as the messages about water, but those two beverages aren't the same.If children are turning to athletes as role models, it's in their best interest if their idols consistent .Consistent messaging of positive behaviors will show healthier lifestyles for kids to follow.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23.What is the aim of Michelle Obama’s campaign?24.What does research find about advertisements featuring professional athletes?25.What does the speaker t hink kid’s idols should do?。
2016年6月六级 第二套附赠真题的听力原文
2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题听力原文(第二套)Section AConversation OneW: So, Mike, you managed the innovation project at CucinTech.M: I did, indeed.W: Well, then. First, congratulations! It seems to have been very successful.M: Thanks. Yes. I really helped things turn around at CucinTech.W: Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation?M: Yes, yes. I think it was. CucinTech was a company who were very much following the pack, doing what everyone else was doing, and getting rapidly left behind. I could see there was a lot of talent there, and some great potential, particularly in their product development. I just had to harness that somehow.W: Was innovation at the core of the project?M: Absolutely. I f it doesn’t sound like too much of a cliché, our world is constantly changing and it’s changing quickly. We need to be innovating constantly to keep up with this. Stand still, and you’re lost.W: No stopping to sniff the roses?M: Well, I’ll do that in my personal life. Sure. But as a business strategy, I’m afraid there is no stopping.W: What exactly is strategic innovation then?M: Strategic innovation is the process of managing innovation of making sure it takes place at all levels of the company and that is related to the company’s overall str ategy.W: I see.M: So, instead of innovation for innovation’s sake and new products being created simply because the technology is there, the company culture must switch from these point-in-time innovations to a continuous pipeline of innovations from everywhere and everyone.W: How did you align strategies throughout the company?M: I soon became aware that campaigning is useless. People take no notice. Simply, it came about through good practice trickling down. This built consent. People could see it was the best way to work.W: Does innovation on this scale really give a competitive advantage?M: I’m certain of it. Absolutely, especially if it’s difficult for a competitor to a copy. The risk is of course that innovation may frequently lead to imitation.W: But not if it’s strategic?M: Precisely.W: Thanks for talking to us.M: Sure.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What seems to have been very successful according to the woman speaker?2. What did the company lack before the man’s scheme was implemented?3. What does the man say he should do in his business?4. What does the man say is the risk of innovation?Conversation TwoM: Today my guest is Dana Ivanovich, who has worked for the last 20 years as an interpreter. Dana, welcome.W: Thank you.M: Now, I’d like to begin by saying that I have on occasions used an interpreter myself as a foreign correspondent. So I’m full of admiration for what you do. But I think your profession is sometimes underrated and many people think anyone who speaks more than one language can do it.W: There are n’t any interpreters I know who don’t have professional qualifications and training. You only really get profession after many years in the job.M: And am I right in saying you can divide what you do into two distinct methods: simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.W: That’s right. The techniques you use are different. And a lot of interpreters will say one is easier than the other, less stressful.M: Simultaneous interpreting, putt ing someone’s words into another language more or less as they speak, sounds to me like the more difficult.W: Well, actually no. Most people in the business would agree that consecutive interpreting is the more stressful. You have to wait for the speaker to deliver quite a chunk of language before you then put it into the second language which puts your short-term memory under intense stress.M: You make notes, I presume?W: Absolutely. Anything like numbers, names, places have to be noted down, but the rest is never translated word for word. You have to find a way of summarizing it. So that the message is there, turning every single word into the target language would put too much strain on the interpreter and slow down the whole process too much.M: But with simultaneous interpreting, you start translating almost as soon as the other person starts speaking, you must have some preparation beforehand.W: Well, hopefully, the speakers will let you have an outline of the topic a day or two in advance, you have a little time to do research, prepare technical expressions and so on.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?6. What does the man think of Dana’s profession?7. What does Dana say about the interpreters she knows?8. What do most interpreters think of consecutive interpreting?Section BPassage OneMothers have been warned for years that sleeping with their new-born infant is a bad idea, because it increases the risk that the baby might die unexpectedly during the night. But now Israeli researchers are reporting that even sleeping in the same room can have negative consequences, not for the child, but for the mother. Mothers who slept in the same room as their infants, whether in the same bed or just the same room, had poorer sleep than mothers whose baby slept elsewhere in the house. They woke up more frequently, were awake approximately 20 minutes longer per night, and had shorter periods of uninterrupted sleep. These results held true even taking into account that many of the women in the study were breast-feeding their babies. Infants, on the other hand, didn’t appear to have worse sleep whether they slept in the same or different room from their mothers. The researchers acknowledge that since the families they studied were all middle-class Israelis. It’s possible the results would be different in different cultures. Lead author Lyati Sotski wrote in an email that the research team also didn’t measure father s’ sleep. So it’s possible that their sleep patterns could also be causing the sleepdisruptions for mums. Right now, to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers not sleep in the same bed as their babies, but sleep in the same room. The Israeli study suggests that doing so may be best for the baby, but may take a toll on mum.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. What is the long-held view about mother s’ sleeping with new-born babies?10. What do Israeli researchers’ findings show?11. What does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend mothers do?Passage TwoThe US has already lost more than a third of the native languages that existed before European colonization and the remaining 192 are classed by UNESCO as ranging between unsafe and extinct. “We need more funding and more effort to return these languages to everyday use,” says Fred Nawusky of the National Museum of the American Indian. “We are making progress, but money needs to be spent on revitalizing languages, not just documenting them.” Some 40 languages mainly in California and Oklahoma where thousands of Indians were forced to relocate in the 19th century have fewer than 10 native speakers. Part of the issue is that tribal groups themselves don’t always believe their languages are endangered until they are down to the last handful of sp eakers. “But progress is being made through emerging schools, because if you teach children when they are young, it will stay with them as adults and that’s the future,” says Mr. Nawusky, a Comanche Indian. Such schools have become a model in Hawaii, but t he islanders’ local language is still classed by UNESCO as critically endangered because only 1,000 people speak it. The decline in American Indian languages has its historical roots. In the mid-19th century, the US government adopted a policy of Americanizing Indian children by removing them from their homes and culture. Within a few generations, most had forgotten their native tongues. Another challenge to language survival is television. It has brought English into homes, and pushed out traditional storytelling and family time together, accelerating the extinction of native languages.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. What do we learn from the report?13. For what purpose does Fred Nawusky appeal for more funding?14. What is the historical cause of the decline in American Indian Languages?15. What does the speaker say about television?Section CRecording oneGreg Rosen lost his job as a sales manager nearly three years ago and is still unemployed. “I t literally is like something in a dream to remember what it’s like to actually be able to go out and put in a day’s work and receive a day’s pay.”At first Rosen bought groceries and made house payments with the help from unemployment insurance. It pays laid-off workers up to half of their previous wages while they look for work. But now, that insurance has run out for him and he has to make tough choices. He’s cut back on medications and he no longer helps support his disabled mother. It is a devastating experience. New research says the US recession is now over. But many people remain unemployed and unemployed workers face difficult odds. There is literally only one job opening for every five unemployed workers, so four out of five unemployed workers have actually no chance of finding a new job. Businesses have downsized or shutdown across America, leading fewer job opportunities for those in search of work. Experts who monitor unemployment statistics here in BucksCounty, Pennsylvania say about 28,000 people are unemployed and many of them are jobless due to no fault of their own. That’s where the Bucks County Careerlink comes in.Local director Elizabeth Walsh says they provide training and guidance to help unemployed workers find local job opportunities. “So here’s the job opening. Here’s the job seeker. Match them together under one roof,” she says. But the lack of work opportunities in Bucks County limits how much she can help. Rosen says he hopes Congress will take action. This month, he launched the Ninety-Niners Union, an umbrella organization of eighteen Internet-based grass roots groups of Ninety-Niners. Their goal is to convince law makers to extend unemployed benefits. But Pennsylvania State representative Scott Petri says governments simply do not have enough money to extend unemployment insurance. He thinks the best way to help the long-term unemployed is to allow private citizens to invest in local companies that can create more jobs. But the boost in investor confidence needed for the plan to work will take time. Time that Rosen says still requires him to buy food and make monthly mortgage payments. Rosen says he’ll use the last of his savings to try to hang onto the home he worked for more than twenty years to buy. But once that money is gone, he says he doesn’t know what he’ll do.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. How does unemployment insurance help the unemployed?17. What is local director Elizabeth Walsh of the Bucks County Careerlink doing?18. What does Pennsylvania state representative Scott Petri say is the best way to help the long-term unemployed?Recording TwoEarlier this year, British explorer Pen Huddle and his team tracked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice.“Well, we’ve been led to believe that we would encounter a good proportion of this older, thicker, technically multi-year ice that’s been around for a few years and just get thicker and thicker. We actually found there wasn’t any multi-year ice at all.”Satellite observations and submarine service over the past few years had shown less ice in the polar region. But the recent measurements show the lost is more pronounced than previously thought.“We are looking at roughly 80 percent loss of ice cover on the Arctic ocean in ten years, roughly ten years and 100 percent loss in nearly twenty years.”Cambridge scientist Peter Waddams, who’s been measuring and monitoring the Arctic since 1971, says the decline is irreversible.“T he more you lose, the more open water is created, the more warming goes on in that open water during the summer, the less ice forms in the winter, the more melt there is the following summer. It becomes a breakdown process where everything ends up accelerating until it’s all gone.”Martin Summercorn runs the Arctic program for the environmental charity the World Wildlife Fund. “The Ar ctic sea ice holds a central position in the earth’s climate system and it’s deteriorating faster than expected. Actually, it has to translate into more urgency to deal with the climate change problem and reduce emissions.”Summercorn says a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming needs to come out of the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit in December.“W e have to basically achieve there—the commitment to deal with the problem now. T hat’s the minimum. We have to do that equitably. And that we have to find a commitment that is quick.”Waddams echoes the need for urgency. “The carbon that we’ve put into the atmosphere keeps having a warming effect for 100 years. So we have to cut back rapidly now. Because it would take a long time to work its way through into ourresponse by the atmosphere. We can’t switch off global warming just by being good in the future. We have to start being good now.”Waddams says there is no easy technological fix to climate change. He and other scientists say there are basically two options to replacing fossil fuels. Generating energy with renewables or embracing nuclear power.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. What did Pen Huddle and his team do in the Arctic Ocean?20. What does the report say about the Arctic region?21. What does Cambridge scientist Peter Waddams say in his study?22. How does Peter Waddams view climate change?Recording ThreeFrom a very early age, some children exhibit better self-control than others. Now, a new study that began with about 1,000 children in New Zealand has tracked how a child’s low self-control can predict poor health, money troubles and even a criminal record in their adult years. Researchers have been studying this group of children for decades now. Some of their earliest observations have to do with the level of self-control the youngsters displayed. Parents, teachers, even the kids themselves, scored the youngsters on measures like “acting before thinking” and “persistence in reaching goals”.The children of the study are now adults in their thirties. Terrie Moffitt of Duke University and her research colleagues found that kids with self-control issues tended to grow up to become adults with a far more troubling set of issues to deal with.“The children who had the lowest self-control when they were age 3 to 10, later on had the most health problems in their thirties, and they had the worst financial situation. And they were more likely to have a criminal record and to be raising a child as a single parent on a very low income.”Speaking from New Zealand via Skype, Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed and weren’t just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.“Even the children who had above-average self-control as pre-schoolers could have benefited from more self-control training. They could have improved their financial situation and their physical and mental health situation 30 years later.”So, children with minor self-control problems were likely as adults to have minor health problems, and so on. Moffitt said it’s still unclear why some children have better self-control than others, though she says other researchers have found that it’s mostly a learned behavior, with relatively little genetic influence. But good self-control can be set to run in families in that children who have good self-control are more likely to grow up to be healthy and prosperous parents.“Whereas some of the low self-control study members are more likely to be single parents with a very low income and the parent is in poor health and likely to be a heavy substance abuser. So that’s not a good atmosphere for a child. So it looks as though self-control is something that in one generation can disadvantage the next generation.”But the good news is that Moffitt says self-control can be taught by parents, and through school curricula that have proved to be effective. Terry Moffitt’s paper “O n the Link Between Childhood Self-control and Adult s’Status Decades Later” is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23. What is the new study about?24. What does the study seem to show?25. What does Moffitt say is the good news from their study?。
2016年6月英语六级真题第二套Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spendmore and more time inthe virtual world instead of interacting in the real world.You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations as smart and capable as we are without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally_____(27). Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot. Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improveour health care, social welfare and standard of living. The _____(28)of computational power and engineering advances will _____(29)enable lower-costin-home care for the disabled,_____(30)use o f driverless cars that may reducedrunk and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are _____(31)to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器)operator will _____(32)someone's p rivacy. A robotic lawn mower(割草机)will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the _____(33)of m achines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing _____(34)and damages What should government do to protect people while _____(35), space for innovation? Big. complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built _____(36)and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record. not the passenger's.A.arisesB.ascendsC.boundbinationE.definiteF.eventuallyG.interfereH.invadeI.manifestingJ.penaltiesK.preservingL.programmedM.proximatelyN.victimsO.widespreadSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. Youmay choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. Reform and Medical Costs[A]American are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and health insurance premiums. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem. The answer is that no once has an easy fix rising medical costs. The fundamental fix—reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system—is likely to be a achieved only through trial and incremental(渐进的)gains.[B]The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term. As report in TheNew England Journal of Medicine concluded. "Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy Iiterature these days is contained in these measures."[C]Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, is propelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical servicesin this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lot more tests and treatments than patient really needs.[D]Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to tryto address those problem, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.[E]Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospital, nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savings routinely made in other industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organize work. This proposal could save Medicare more than $100 billion over the next decade. If private plans demanded similar productivity savings from providers, and refused to let providers shift additional costs to them, the savings could be much larger. Critics say Congress will give into lobbyists and let inefficient provider off the hook(放过). That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong "pay-go" rules requiring that any increasein payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budge cuts.[F]The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税)on health insurance plans that cost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for afamily. It would most likely cause Insures to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshould. Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out oftheir own pockets, and that would encourage them to think twice about whetheran expensive or redundant test was worth it. Economists project that most employers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages, The House bill has no similar tax. The final legislation should.[G]Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers, or patients who have tried to understand their own parade of statements, know that simplification ought to save money. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing. It estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. The bills would lock that pledge into law. [H]The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted .This requires open investments to help doctors convert. In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant test, preventing drug inter actions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.[I]Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for that the cost of care is so high. Most agree that the solution is topush doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year. No one knows how to make that happen quickly. The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare. They include suchmeasures as accountable care organizations to take charge of a patient's needs with an eye on both cost and quality, and chronic disease management to make sure the seriously ill, who are responsible for the bulk of all health care costs, are treated properly. For the most part, these experiments rely on incentive payments to get doctors to try them.[J]Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expanded and the bad ones arc dropped. The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work. The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.[K]The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option. All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy to compare. To get access to millions of new customers, insures would have a strong incentive to sell on the exchange. Andthe head-to-head competition might give them a strong incentive to lower their prices, perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demanding better deals from providers.[L]The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanksto the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it mightnot save much money. The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rateswith providers, rather than using Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.[M]The president's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how well various treatments work. Is surgery, radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate(前列腺)cancer? Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its common competitors? The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.[N]Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care. (That would be true only if you believe that patients should have an unrestrained right to treatments proven to be inferior.) As a result, the bills do not requires, as they should, that the results of these studies be used to set payment rates in Medicare.[O]Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentiallyfor treatments proven to be superior. Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive. But overall, we suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.[P]The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid. Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretary would get better deals than private insurers already get. We believe negotiation could work. It does in other countries.[Q] Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs.Malpractice awards do drive up insurance premiums for doctors in high-risk specialties, and there is some evidence doctors engage in "defensive medicine"by performing tests and treatments primarily to prove they are not negligent should they get sued.36.With a tax imposed on expensive health insurance plans, most employers will likely transfer money from health expenses into wages.37.Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find it hard to influence lawmakers.'38.It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.49.Standardization of forms for automatic processing will save a lot of medical40.Republicans and insurance industry are strongly opposed to the creation of a public insurance plan.41.Conversion of paper to electronic medical records will help eliminate redundant tests and prevent drug interactions.42.The high cost of medical services and unnecessary tests and treatments have driven up medical expenses.43.One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated for the amount of care rather than its effect.44.Contrary to analysts' doubts, the author believes drug prices may be lowered through negotiation.45.Fair competition might create a strong incentive for insurers to charge less.Section CPassage OneQuestions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage(下水道污水)to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland, according to a new report-and it may not be a bed thing.While the practice carries serious health risks for many, those dangers are outweighed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food."There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers," said Liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study.The report focused on poor urban areas, where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food. Most of these operations draw irrigation water from local rivers or lakes. Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers.(下水道)When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers risk absorbing disease-causing XX, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed. Nearly 2.2 million people die a year because of diarrhea-related(与腹泻相关的)diseases, according to WHO statistics. XXX than 80% of those cases can be attributed to contant with contaminated water and a lack of XXX anitation. ButPay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks. Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said, while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty.Agriculture is a water-intensive business, accounting for nearly 70% of global fresh water consumption.In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business. In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers.Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world.But frequently untreated human waste is used on grain crops, which are eventually cooked, minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases. With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50% per metric ton over the last year in some places, human waste is an attractive, and often necessary, alternative.In cases where sewage mud is used, expensive chemical fertilizer us can be avoided. The mud contains the same critical nutrients."Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said. "We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with littleor no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason."46.What does the author say about the use of raw sewage for farming?A.Its risks cannot be overestimated.B.It should be forbidden altogether.C.Its benefits outweigh the hazards involved.D.It is polluting millions of acres of cropland.47.What is the main problem caused by the use of wastewater for irrigation?A.Rivers and lakes nearby will gradually become contaminated.B.It will drive producers of chemical fertilizers out of business.C.Farmers and consumers may be affected by harmful bacteria.D.It will make the farm produce less competitive on the market.48.What is environmental scientist Pay Drechsel's attitude towards the use of untreated human waste in agriculture?A.Favorable.B.Indifferent.C.Skeptical.D.Responsible.49.What does Pay Dreschsel think of the risks involved in using untreated human waste for farming?A.They have been somewhat exaggerated.B.They can be dealt with through education.C.They will be minimized with new technology.D.They can be addressed by improved sanitation.50.What do we learn about James Bartram's position on the use of human wastefor farming?A.He echoes Pay Drechsel's opinion on the issue.B.He chaltenges Liqa Raschid-Sally's conclusionC.He thinks it the only way out of the current food erisis.D.He deems it indispensable for combating global poverty.Passage TwoThese days, nobody needs to cook. Families graze on high-cholesterol take-aways and microwaved ready-meals. Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs. Which makes it odd that the kitchen has become the heart of the modern house, what the great hall was to the medieval castle, the kitchen is to the 21st-century home.The money spent on kitchens has risen with their status. In America the kitchen market is now worth $170 billion, five times the country's film industry. In the year to August 2007, IKEA, a Swedish furniture chain, sold over one million kitchens worldwide. The average budget for a "major" kitchen overhaul in 2006, calculates Remodeling magazing, was a staggering $54,000, even a "minor" improvement cost on average $18,000.Exclusivity, more familiar in the world of high fashion, has reached the kitchen: Robinson&Cornish, a British manufacturer of custom-made kitchens, offers a Georgian-style one which would cost £145,000-155,000—excluding building, plumbing and electrical work. Its big selling point is that nobody else will haveit :"You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the word."The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants for the modem family tells the story of a century of social change. Right into the early20th century, kitchens were smoky, noisy places, generally located underground,or to the back of the house, as far from living space as possible. That was as it should be: kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middle classes wanted nothing to do with them.But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became a natter of interest to the educated classes. One of the pioneers of a radical new way of thinking about the kitchen was Catharine Esther Beecher, sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe. In American human's Home、published in 1869, the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to use hold management, designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order. Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American, Chris Frederick, who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife. Her 1919 work, House-Engineering: Scientific Management in the Home, was based on detailed observation of a wife's daily routine. She borrowed the Principle of efficiency on the factory floor and applied mestic tasks on the kitchen floor.Frederick's central idea, that "stove,sink and kitchen table must be placed in sucha relation that useless steps are avoided entirely". Inspired the first fully fitted kitchen, designed in the 1920s by Mangarete Schutter. Libotsky. It was amodernist triumph, and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen.51.What does the author say about the kitchen of today?A.It is where housewives display their cooking skills.B.It is where the family entertains important guests.C.It has become something odd in a modern house.D.It is regarded as the center of a modern home.52.Why does the Georgian-style kitchen sell at a very high price?A.It is believed to have tremendous artistic value.B.No duplicate is to be found in any other place.C.It is manufactured by a famous British company.D.No other manufacturer can produce anything like it.53.What does the change in the status of the kitchen reflect?A.Improved living conditions.B.Technological progress.C.Women's elevated status.D.Social change.54.What was the Beecher sisters' idea of a kichen?A.A place where women could work more efficiently.B.A place where high technology could be applied.C.A place of interest to the educated people.D.A place to experiment with new ideas.55.What do we learn about today's kitchen?A. It represents the rapid technological advance in people's daily life.B.Many of its central features are no different from those of the 1920s.C.It has been transformed beyond recognition.D.Many of its functions have changed greatly.Part IV Translation (30minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。
2016 年 6 月六级第二套真题及答案
2016年6月六级第二套真题及答案Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on studying online. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more people study online instead of attending school.. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A)Project organizerB)Public relations officer.C)Marketing manager.D)Market research consultant.2.A)Quantitative advertising research.B)Questionnaire design.C)Research methodology.D)Interviewer training.3.A)They are intensive studies of people’s spending habits.B)They examine relations between producers and customers.C)They look for new and effective ways to promote products.D)They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period.4.A)The lack of promotion opportunity.B)Checking charts and tables.C)Designing questionnaires.D)The persistent intensity.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)His view on Canadian universities.B)His understanding of higher education.C)His suggestions for improvements in higher education.D)His complaint about bureaucracy in American universities.6.A)It is well designed.B)It is rather inflexible.C)It varies among universitiesD)It has undergone great changes.7.A)The United States and Canada can learn from each other.B)Public universities are often superior to private universities.C)Everyone should be given equal access to higher education.D)Private schools work more efficiently than public institutions.8.A) University systems vary from country to country.B)Efficiency is essential to university management.C) It is hard to say which is better, a public university or a private one.D) Many private university in the U.S. Are actually large bureaucracies.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations, At the end of each conversations you will hear four questions, Both the conversations and the question-s will be spoken only once. After you hear a question. You must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A) Government’s role in resolving an economic crisis.B) The worsening real wage situation around the world.C) Indications of economic recovery in the United States.D) The impact of the current economic crisis on people’s life.10.A)They will feel less pressure to raise employees’ wages.B) They will feel free to choose the most suitable employees.C) They will feel inclined to expand their business operations.D) They will feel more confident in competing with their rivals.11.A) Employees and companies cooperate to pull through the economic crisis.B) Government and companies join hands to create hobs for the unemployed.C) Employees work shorter hours to avoid layoffs.D) Team work will be encouraged in companies.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A) Whether memory supplements work.B) Whether herbal medicine works wonders.C) Whether exercise enhances one’s memory.D) Whether a magic memory promises success.13.A) They help the elderly more than the young.B) They are beneficial in one way or another.C) They generally do not have side effects.D) They are not based on real science.14.A)They are available at most country fairs.B)They are taken in relatively high dosage.C)They are collected or grown by farmers.D)They are prescribed by trained practitioners.15.A)They have often proved to be as helpful as doing mental exercise.B)Taking them with other medications might entail unnecessary risks.C)Their effect lasts only a short time.D)Many have benefited from them.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16.A)How catastrophic natural disasters turn out to be to developing nations.B)How the World Meteorological Organization studies natural disasters.C)How powerless humans appear to be in face of natural disasters.D)How the negative impacts of natural disasters can be reduced.17.A)By training rescue teams for emergencies.B)By taking steps to prepare people for them.C)By changing people’s views of nature.D)By relocating people to safer places.18.A)How preventive action can reduce the loss of life.B)How courageous Cubans are in face of disasters.C)How Cubans suffer from tropical storms.D)How destructive tropical storms can be.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.19.A)Pay back their loans to the American government.B)Provide loans to those in severe financial difficulty.C)Contribute more to the goal of a wider recovery.D)Speed up their recovery from the housing bubble.20.A)Some banks may have to merge with others.B)Many smaller regional banks are going to fail.C)It will be hard for banks to provide more loans.D)Many banks will have to lay off some employees.21.A)It will work closely with the government.B)It will endeavor to write off bad loans.C)It will try to lower the interest rate.D)It will try to provide more loans.22.A)It won’t help the American economy to turn around.B)It won’t do any good to the major commercial banks.C)It will win the approval of the Obama administration.D)It will be necessary if the economy starts to shrink again.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.23.A)Being unable to learn new things.B)Being rather slow to make changes.C)Losing temper more and more often.D)Losing the ability to get on with others.24.A)Cognitive stimulation.B)Community activity.C)Balanced diet.D)Fresh air.25.A)Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging.B)Adopting an optimistic attitude towards life.C)Endeavoring to give up unhealthy lifestyles.D)Seeking advice from doctors from time to time.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line throughthe centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear-man-made creations as smart and capable as we are without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally_____(27). Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The _____(28)of computational power and engineering advances will _____(29)enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled,_____(30)use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are _____(31)to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器)operatorwill _____(32)someone's privacy. A robotic lawn mower(割草机)will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the _____(33)of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing_____(34)and damages What should government do to protect people while _____(35), space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, shouldbe built _____(36)and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record. not the passenger's.Section B A)arisesB)ascendsC)boundD)combinationE)definiteF)eventuallyG)interfereH)invadeI)manifestingJ)penaltiesK)preservingL)programmedM) approximatelyN)victimsO)widespreadDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from whichthe information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph ismarked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.Reform and Medical CostsA) Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and healthinsurance premiums. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem. The answer is thatno once has an easy fix rising medical costs. The fundamental fix-reshaping how care is deliveredand how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system-is likely to be a achieved only throughtrial and incremental (渐进的) gains.B) The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term. As report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded."Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy Iiterature these days iscontained in these measures."C) Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, ispropelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lot moretests and treatments than patient really needs.D) Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to address those problem, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.E) Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospital, nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savings routinely made inother industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organize work. This proposalcould save Medicare more than $100 billion over the next decade. If private plans demanded similar productivity savings from providers, and refused to let providers shift additional costs tothem, the savings could be much larger. Critics say Congress will give in to lobbyists and let inefficient provider off the hook(放过). That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong "pay-go" rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxesor budge cuts.F)The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税)on health insurance plans that costmore than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family. It would most likely cause Insures to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshould. Enrollees would have to pay more money for manyservices out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it. Economists project that most employers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages, The House bill has no similar tax. The final legislation should.G) Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers, or patients who have tried to understand their own parade of statements, know that simplification ought to save money. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offeredto provide standardized forms for automated processing. It estimated that step would savehundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. The bills would lock that pledge into law.H) The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical systemto electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted .This requires open investments tohelp doctors convert. In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant test, preventing drug inter actions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.I) Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system—doctors are rewarded for that the cost of care is so high. Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year. No one knows how to make that happen quickly. The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare. They include such measures as accountable care organizations to take charge of a patient's needs with an eye on both cost and quality, and chronic disease management to make sure the seriously ill, who areresponsible for the bulk of all health care costs, are treated properly. For the most part, these experiments rely on incentive payments to get doctors to try them.J) Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expanded andthe bad ones arc dropped. The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urge providers to adoptreforms that work. The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress,making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.K) The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option. All theplans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy to compare. To get access to millions of new customers, insures would have a strong incentive to sell on the exchange. And the head-to-head competition might give them a strong incentive to lower their prices, perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demanding better deals from providers.L) The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it might not save much money. Theone in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather than using Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.M) The president's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how wellvarious treatments work. Is surgery, radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate (前列腺) cancer? Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its common competitors? The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.N) Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care. (That would be trueonly if you believe that patients should have an unrestrained right to treatments proven to be inferior.) As a result, the bills do not requires, as they should, that the results of these studies beused to set payment rates in Medicare.O) Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior. Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive. But overall, wesuspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.P) The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drugprices in Medicare and Medicaid. Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretary would getbetter deals than private insurers already get. We believe negotiation could work. It does in other countries.Q) Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs. Malpractice awardsdo drive up insurance premiums for doctors in high-risk specialties, and there is some evidencedoctors engage in "defensive medicine" by performing tests and treatments primarily to prove theyare not negligent should they get sued.36. With a tax imposed on expensive health insurance plans, most employers will likely transfermoney from health expenses into wages.37. Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find ithard to influence lawmakers.'38. It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.39. Standardization of forms for automatic processing will save a lot of medical40.Republicans and insurance industry are strongly opposed to the creation of a public insuranceplan.41. Conversion of paper to electronic medical records will help eliminate redundant tests andprevent drug interactions.药物相互作用42. The high cost of medical services and unnecessary tests and treatments have driven up medicalexpenses.43. One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated for theamount of care rather than its effect.44. Contrary to analysts' doubts, the author believes drug prices may be lowered throughnegotiation.45. Fair competition might create a strong incentive for insurers to charge less.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2with asingle line through the centre.Passage oneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage (下水道污水) to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland, according to a new report-and it may not be a bed thing.While the practice carries serious health risks for many, those dangers are outweighed by thesocial and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food."There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers ofurban consumers," said Liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study.The report focused on poor urban areas, where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food. Most of these operations draw irrigation water from local rivers or lakes. Unlikedeveloped cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers.(下水道)When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers risk absorbing disease-causing XX,as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed. Nearly 2.2 million people die a year because of diarrhea-related (与腹泻相关的) diseases, according to WHO statistics. XXX than 80%of those cases can be attributed to contact with contaminated water and a lack of XXX sanitation.But Pay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said, while the freewater and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty.Agriculture is a water-intensive business, accounting for nearly 70% of global fresh water consumption.In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmersin business. In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transportingwaste to local rivers.Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world. Butfrequently untreated human waste is used on grain crops, which are eventually cooked, minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases. With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50%per metric ton over the last year in some places, human waste is an attractive, and often necessary, alternative.In most cases, the human waste is used on grain crops, which are eventually cooked, minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases. With fertilizer price jumping nearly 50%per metric ton over the last year in some places, human waste is an attractive, and often necessary, alternative.In cases where sewage mud is used, expensive chemical fertilizer use can be avoided. Themud contains the same critical nutrients."Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said. "We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be usedin agriculture for good reason."46.What does the author say about the use of raw sewage for farming?A)Its risks cannot be overestimated)B)It should be forbidden altogether.C)Its benefits outweigh the hazards involved.D)It is polluting millions of acres of cropland.47.What is the main problem caused by the use of wastewater for irrigation?A)Rivers and lakes nearby will gradually become contaminated.B)It will drive producers of chemical fertilizers out of business.C)Farmers and consumers may be affected by harmful bacteria.D)It will make the farm produce less competitive on the market.48.What is environmental scientist Pay Drechsel's attitude towards the use of untreated human waste in agriculture?A)Favorable.B)Indifferent.C)Skeptical.D)Responsible.49.What does Pay Dreschsel think of the risks involved in using untreated human waste for farming?A)They have been somewhat exaggerated.B)They can be dealt with through education.C)They will be minimized with new technology.D)They can be addressed by improved sanitation.50.What do we learn about James Bartram's position on the use of human waste for farming?A)He echoes Pay Drechsel's opinion on the issue.B)He chaltenges Liqa Raschid-Sally's conclusionC)He thinks it the only way out of the current food erisis.D)He deems it indispensable for combating global poverty.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.These days, nobody needs to cook. Families graze on high-cholesterol take-aways and microwaved ready-meals. Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs. Whichmakes it odd that the kitchen has become the heart of the modern house, what the great hall was tothe medieval castle, the kitchen is to the 21st-century home.The money spent on kitchens has risen with their status. In America the kitchen market isnow worth $170 billion, five times the country's film industry. In the year to August 2007, IKEA,a Swedish furniture chain, sold over one million kitchens worldwide. The average budget for a "major" kitchen overhaul in 2006, calculates Remodeling magazing, was a staggering $54,000,even a "minor" improvement cost on average $18,000.Exclusivity, more familiar in the world of high fashion, has reached the kitchen:Robinson&Cornish, a British manufacturer of custom-made kitchens, offers a Georgian-style onewhich would cost £145,000-155,000—excluding building, plumbing and electrical work. Its bigselling point is that nobody else will have it :"You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the word."The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants for the modem family tellsthe story of a century of social change. Right into the early 20th century, kitchens were smoky,noisy places, generally located underground, or to the back of the house, as far from living spaceas possible. That was as it should be: kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middle classeswanted nothing to do with them.But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became amatter of interest to the educated classes. One of the pioneers of a radical new way of thinking about the kitchen was Catharine Esther Beecher, sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe. In American human's Home、published in 1869, the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to usehold management, designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order.Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American,Chris Frederick, who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife. Her 1919 work,House-Engineering: Scientific Management in the Home, was based on detailed observation of awife's daily routine. She borrowed the Principle of efficiency on the factory floor and appliedmestic tasks on the kitchen floor.Frederick's central idea, that "stove,sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relationthat useless steps are avoided entirely". Inspired the first fully fitted kitchen, designed in the 1920sby Mangarete Schutter. Libotsky. It was a modernist triumph, and many elements remain centralfeatures of today's kitchen.51.What does the author say about the kitchen of today?A)It is where housewives display their cooking skills.B)It is where the family entertains important guests.C)It has become something odd in a modern house.D.It is regarded as the center of a modern home.52.Why does the Georgian-style kitchen sell at a very high price?A)It is believed to have tremendous artistic value.B)No duplicate is to be found in any other place.C)It is manufactured by a famous British company.D)No other manufacturer can produce anything like it.53.What does the change in the status of the kitchen reflect?A)Improved living conditions.B)Technological progress.C)Women's elevated status.D)Social change.54.What was the Beecher sisters' idea of a kitchen?A)A place where women could work more efficiently.B)A place where high technology could be applied.C)A place of interest to the educated people.D)A place to experiment with new ideas.56.What do we learn about today's kitchen?A)It represents the rapid technological advance in people's daily life.B)Many of its central features are no different from those of the 1920s.C)It has been transformed beyond recognition.D)Many of its functions have changed greatly.Part IV Translation (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET 2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。
2016 年6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第二套)解析Part I Writing【参考范文】Currently, on-line learning is booming all around the world as an increasing number of people prefer to use the Internet to take courses and acquire knowledge instead of attending school. E-learning provides many options in terms of time, location, subjects and costs. It can be predicted that students’ lives will absolutely and definitely be changed as e-learning becomes more and more popular in the future. Firstly, there is no doubt that online learning offers students more up-to-date knowledge, allowing them to keep up with the latest development in each field. Additionally, students can choose their learning location and time much more freely. Lastly, e-learners do not have to pay the expenses of transportation and accom- modation, so the cost of e-learning will be less than that of attending a traditional school. Consequently, that is the reason why a lot of people give up attending school in favor of e-learning. Although it is beneficial for students to choose online courses, the personal interaction between teachers and stu- dents in schools is irreplaceable. Therefore, we should combine attending school and e-learning together. Part III Reading comprehension (40 minutes)Section A【文章大意】随着人工智能的发展,机器人在生活中扮演的角色日益重要,但同时也出现了很多问题,对此,政府制定安全措施以减少潜在危害。
2016年6⽉英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第2套)2016年6⽉英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第2套) Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutes towriteashortessayonlivingin thevirtualworld.Trytoimaginewhatwillhappenwhenpeoplespendmoreandmoreti meinthevirtualworldinsteadofinteractingintherealworld.Youarerequiredtowritea tleast150wordsbutnomorethan200words Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) The project the man managed at CucinTech.B) The updating of technology at CucinTech.C)The man's switch to a new career.D) The restructuring of her company.2. A) Talented personnel.B) Strategic innovation.C) Competitive products.D) Effective promotion.3. A) Expand the market.B) Recruit more talents.C) Innovate constantly.D) Watch out for his competitors.4. A) Possible bankruptcy.B) Unforeseen difficulties.C) Conflicts within the company.D) Imitation by one's competitors.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) The job of an interpreter.B) The stress felt by professionals.C) The importance of language proficiency.D) The best way to effective communication.6. A) Promising.B) Admirable.C) Rewarding.D) Meaningful.7. A) They all have a strong interest in language.B) They all have professional qualifications.C) They have all passed language proficiency tests.D) They have all studied cross-cultural differences.8. A) It requires a much larger vocabulary.B) It attaches more importance to accuracy.C) It is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting.D) It puts one's long-term memory under more stress..SectionBDirections:Inthissection,youwillheartwopassages.Attheendofeachpassage,you willhearthreeorfourquestions.Boththepassageandthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefourchoicesmarkedA),B),C)andD).ThenmarkthecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet1with asinglelinethroughthecentre. PassageOneQuestions9to11arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard.9.A)Itmight affect mothers'health.B)Itmight disturb infants'sleep.C)Itmightincreasetheriskofinfants,death.D)Itmightincreasemothers'mentaldistress.10.A)Motherswhobreast-feedtheirbabieshaveahardertimefallingasleep.B)Motherswhosleepwiththeirbabiesneedalittlemoresleepeachnight.C)Sleepingpatternsofmothersgreatly affect theirnewbornbabies'health.D)Sleepingwithinfantsinthesameroomhasa negativeimpact onmothers.11.A)Changetheirsleeppatternsto adapt totheirnewbornbabies'.B)Sleepinthesameroombutnotinthesamebedastheirbabies.C)Sleepinthesamehousebutnotinthesameroomastheirbabies.D)T akeprecautionstoreducetheriskofsuddeninfantdeath syndrome. PassageTwoQuestions12to15arebasedonthepassageyouhavejustheard.12.A)AlotofnativelanguageshavealreadydiedoutintheUS.B)TheUSranksfirstinthenumberofendangeredlanguages.C)Theeffortsto preserve Indianlanguageshaveprovedfruitless.D)MoremoneyisneededtorecordthenativelanguagesintheUS.13.A)Tosetupmorelanguageschools.B)To document endangeredlanguages.C)ToeducatenativeAmericanchildren.D)TorevitaliseAmerica'snativelanguages.14.A)TheUSgovemment'spolicyofAmericanisingIndianchildren.B)ThefailureofAmericanIndianlanguagestogainanofficial status.C)TheUSgovernment's unwillingness tospendmoneyeducatingIndians.D)Thelong-timeisolationofAmericanIndiansfromtheoutsideworld.15.A)Itisbeingutilisedtoteachnativelanguages.B)Ittells traditional storiesduringfamilytime.C)Itspeedsupthe extinction ofnativelanguages.D)Itiswidelyusedinlanguage immersion schools.SectionCDirections:Inthissection,youwillhearthreerecordingsoflecturesortalksfollowed bythreeorfourquestions.Therecordingswillbeplayedonlyonce.Afteryouhearaquestion,youmustchoosethebestanswerfromthefourchoicesmarkedA),B),C)andD). ThenmarkthecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet1withasinglelinethroughthece ntre. RecordingOneQuestions16to18arebasedonthe recording youhavejustheard.16.A)Itpaysthemuptohalfoftheir previous wageswhiletheylookforwork.B)Itcoverstheir mortgage paymentsandmedicalexpensesfor99weeks.C)Itpaystheirlivingexpensesuntiltheyfindemploymentagain.D)Itprovidesthemwiththebasicnecessitiesofeverydaylife.17.A)Creatingjobsforthehugearmyofunemployedworkers.B)Providingtrainingand guidance forunemployedworkers.C)Convincinglocallawmakersto extendunemployment benefits.D)Raising funds tohelpthosehavingno unemploymentinsurance.18.A)Toofferthemloanstheyneedtostarttheirownbusinesses.B)Toallowthemto postpone theirmonthly mortgage payments.C)Tocreatemorejobsbyencouragingprivateinvestmentsinlocalcompanies.D)To encourage bigbusinessestohirebackworkerswithgovernmentsubsidies. RecordingTwo Questions19to22arebasedonthe recording youhavejustheard.19.A)They measured thedepthsofseawater.B)Theyanalyzedthewatercontent.C)Theyexploredtheoceanfloor.D)Theyinvestigatedtheice.20.A)Eightypercentoftheicedisappearsinsummertime.B)Mostoftheicewasaccumulatedoverthepastcenturies.C)Theiceensuresthe survival ofmanyendangered species.D)Theicedecreaseismoreevidentthan previously thought.21.A)Arcticiceisamajor source oftheworld'sfreshwater.B)ThemeltingArcticicehasdrownedmanycoastalcities.C)The decline ofArcticiceisirreversible.D)Arcticiceis essential tohuman survival.22.A)Itwilldoalotofharmtomankind.B)Thereisnoeasywayto understand it.C)Itwilladvancenucleartechnology.D)Thereisnoeasytechnological solution toit.RecordingThreeQuestions23to25arebasedonthe recording youhavejustheard.23.A)ThereasonwhyNewZealandchildrenseemtohavebetterself-control.B)Therelationbetweenchildren'sself-control andtheirfuturesuccess.C)Thehealthproblemsofchildrenraisedbyasingleparent.D)Thedeciding factor inchildren's academicperformance.24.A)Childrenraisedbysingleparentswillhaveahardtimeintheirthirties.B)Thosewitha criminal recordmostlycomefromsingleparentfamilies.C)Parentsmustlearntoexerciseself-control infrontoftheirchildren.D)Lackofself-control inparentsisa disadvantage fortheirchildren.25.A)Self-control canbeimprovedthrougheducation.B)Self-control canimproveone'sfinancialsituation.C)Self-control problemsmaybedetectedearlyinchildren.D)Self-control problemswill diminish asonegrowsup.Section ADirections:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on ,Answer Street 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear—man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26__________ : Who will be responsible when they do something wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot. Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27__________ of computational power and engineering advances will 28__________ enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled, 29__________ use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk- and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation. But there are30__________ to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞⾏器) operator will 31__________ someone's privacy.A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32__________ of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33__________ and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34__________ space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35__________ and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price the risk of the robots based on the manufacturer's driving record, not the passenger's.A. arisesB. ascendsC. boundD. combinationE. definiteF. eventuallyG. interfereH. invadeI. manifestingJ. penaltiesK. preservingL. programmedM. proximatelyN. victimsO. widespreadSectionBDirections:Inthissection,youaregoingtoreadapassagewithtenstatementsattach edtoit.Each statement containsinformationgiveninoneoftheparagraphs.Identifytheparagraphfromwhichtheinformationisderived.Youmaychooseaparagraphmorethanonce.Eachparagraphismarkedwithaletter.Answerthequestionsbymarkingt hecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet2. ReformandMedicalCosts[A]Americansaredeeply concerned aboutthe relentless riseinhealthcarecostsan dhealth insurancepremiums.Theyneedtoknowif reform willhelp solve theproblem.Theansweristhatnoonehasaneasyfixforrisingmedicalcosts.The fundamental f ix—reshapinghowcareisdeliveredandhowdoctorsarepaidinawasteful,abnormal system—islikelytobeachievedonlythrough trial anderrorandincremental(渐进的)gains.[B]ThegoodnewsisthatabilljustapprovedbytheHouseandabillapprovedbytheSen ateFinanceCommitteewould implement ortestmanyreformsthatshouldhelpslow theriseinmedicalcostsoverthelongterm.AsareportinTheNewEnglandJournalofMe dicineconcluded,"Prettymucheveryproposed innovation foundinthehealthpolicyliteraturethesed aysis contained inthesemeasures."[C]Medicalspending,whichtypicallyrisesfasterthanwagesandthe overall economy,ispropelledbytwothings:thehighpriceschargedformedicalservicesinthiscountry andthevolumeof unnecessary caredeliveredbydoctorsandhospitals,whichoften perform alotmoretestsandtreatmentsthanapatientreallyneeds.[D]HerearesomeoftheimportantproposalsintheHouseandSenatebillstotryto add ressthoseproblems,andwhyitishardtoknowhowwelltheywillwork.[E]BothbillswouldreducetherateofgrowthinannualMedicarepaymentstohospitals ,nursinghomesandotherprovidersbyamounts comparable tothe productivity sa vingsroutinelymadeinotherindustrieswiththehelpofnewtechnologiesandnewway sto organize work.This proposal couldsaveMedicaremorethan$100billionoverth enext decade.Ifprivateplansdemandedsimilar productivity savingsfromprovide rs,andrefusedtoletproviders shiftadditional coststothem,thesavingscouldbemu chlarger.CriticssayCongresswillgiveintolobbyistsandlet inefficient providersofft he hook ThatisfarlesslikelytohappenifCongressalsoadoptsstrongupaygo”rulesre quiringthatanyincreaseinpaymentstoprovidersbe offset bynewtaxesor budget cu ts.[F]TheSenateFinancebillwould impose an excise tax(消费税)onhealth insuranceplansthatcostmorethan$8,000foranindividualor$21,000forafamily.Itwouldmostlikelycauseinsurerstoredesignplanstofallbeneaththethreshold.Enrolleeswouldhavetopaymoremoneyformanyservicesoutoftheirownpocket s,andthatwould encouragethemtothinktwiceaboutwhetheranexpensiveor redu ndant testwasworthit.Economistsprojectthatmostemployerswould shift moneyf romexpensivehealthbenefitsintowages.TheHousebillhasnosimilartax.Thefinal le gislation should.[G]Anydoctorwhohaswrestledwith multiple formsfromdifferentinsurers,orpatie ntswhohavetriedto understand theirownparadeofstatements,knowthatsimplific ationoughttosavemoney.Whenthehealth insurance industrywasstillcooperatingin reform efforts,itstradegroupofferedtoprovidestandardizedformsforautomatedprocessing.Itestimatedthatstepwouldsavehundredsofbillionsofdollarsoverthene xt decade.Thebillswouldlockthat pledge intolaw.[H]Thestimuluspackageprovidedmoneyto convert the inefficient,paper-driven medicalsystemtoelectronicrecordsthatcanbeeasilyviewedandtransmitted.Thisre quiresopeninvestmentstohelpdoctors convert.Intimeitshouldhelp restrain costs byeliminating redundant tests,preventingdruginteractions,andhelpingdoctorsfi ndthebesttreatments.[I]Virtuallyallexpertsagreethatthefee-for-servicesystem—doctorsarerewardedf orthe quantity ofcareratherthanits quality oreffectiveness—isa primary reasont hatthecostofcareissohigh.Mostagreethatthe solution istopushdoctorstoacceptfi xedpaymentstocarefora particular illnessorforapatient'sneedsoverayear.Noone knowshowtomakethathappenquickly.Thebillsinbothhouseswouldstart pilot projectswithinMedicare.Theyincludesuchmeasuresasaccountablecareorganizationstotakechargeofapatient'sneedswithaneyeonbothcostand quality,and chronic dise asemanagementtomakesuretheseriouslyill,whoareresponsibleforthe bulk ofallhealthcarecosts,aretreatedproperly.Forthemostpart,theseexperimentsrelyon inc entive paymentstogetdoctorstotrythem.[J]Testinginnovationsdonogoodunlessthegoodexperimentsare identified andex pandedandthebadonesaredropped.TheSenatebillwouldcreatean independentc ommission tomonitorthe pilot programsand recommend changesinMedicare's p ayment policiesto urge providersto adopt reformsthatwork.Thechangeswouldha vetobeapprovedorrejectedasawholebyCongress,makingithardfornarrow-interes tlobbiesto bend lawmakerstotheirwill.[K]Thebillsinbothchamberswouldcreatehealth insurance exchangesonwhichsm allbusinessesandindividualscouldchoosefroman array ofprivateplansandpossibly apublicoption.Alltheplanswouldhavetoprovidestandard benefit packagesthatwouldbeeasytocompare.Togetaccesstomillionsofnewcustomers,insurerswouldha veastrong incentive tosellonthe exchange.Andthehead-to-head competition m ightgivethemastrong incentive tolowertheirprices,perhapsbyacceptingslimmer profitmarginsor demanding betterdealsfromproviders.[L]Thefinal legislation mightthrowapublicplanintothe competition,butthanksto thefierce opposition ofthe insurance industryandRepublicancritics,itmightnotsa vemuchmoney.TheoneintheHousebillwouldhavetonegotiaterateswithproviders,r atherthanusingMedicarerates,asmanyreformerswanted.[M]Thepresident'sstimuluspackageispumpingmoneyintoresearchtocompareho wwellvarioustreatmentswork.Issurgery,radiation orcarefulmonitoringbestforp rostate(前列腺)cancer?Isthelatestandmostexpensivecholesterol-loweringdruganybettertha nitscommoncompetitors?Thependingbillswouldspend additional moneyto accel erate thiseffort. [N]Criticshavechargedthatthis sensible ideawouldleadtorationingofcare. (Thatwouldbetrueonlyifyoubelievedthatpatientsshouldhavean unrestrained rig httotreatmentsproventobeinferior.)Asaresult,thebillsdonotrequire,astheyshould,thattheresultsofthesestudiesbeusedtoset payment ratesinMedicare.[O]CongressneedstofindthecouragetoallowMedicaretopaypreferentiallyfortreat mentsproventobesuperior.Sometimesthebesttreatmentmightbethemostexpen sive.But overall,we suspect thatspendingwouldcomedownthrough elimination ofalotof unnecessary orevendangeroustestsandtreatments.[P]TheHousebillwould authorize thesecretaryofhealthandhumanservicestonego tiatedrugpricesinMedicareandMedicaid.Some authoritative analystsdoubtthatt hesecretarywouldgetbetterdealsthanprivateinsurersalreadyget.Webelieve nego tiation couldwork.Itdoesinothercountries. [Q]Missingfromthesebillsisanyseriousattempttoreinin malpractice costs.Malpra cticeawardsdodriveup insurance premiumsfordoctorsinhigh-riskspecialties,and thereissome evidence thatdoctors engage in"defensivemedicine"byperformingt estsandtreatmentsprimarilytoprovetheyarenot negligent shouldtheygetsued. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
College English Test Band FourPart ⅡListening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.News Report OneYou probably think college students are experts at sleeping, but parties, preparations for tests, personal problems and general stress can rack a student’s sleep habits, which can be bad for the body and the mind. Texas Tech University is even offering a class called Improving Your Sleep Habits. People suffering from sleep-loss are at an increased risk from obesity, psychological problems and car crashes. Students who don’t get enough sleep have poorer attendance and lower grades. On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off sleeping than making last-minute preparations for a test. Two hundred college kids were taught to play some unfamiliar video games. Subjects who learned the games in the morninglost some skills when they played again 12 hours later, but they did much better after getting a good night’s sleep. So if you really want to do your job well,don’t forget to get some sleep.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1. What is the news report mainly about?2. What is the finding of the new study published in the journal Learning and Memory? News Report TwoLong queues, delayed flights and overcrowding at airports have become almost as much a topic for conversation in Britain as the traditional complaining about the weather. Meanwhile, there are complaints that poor service at London’s major airports is discouraging foreigners from doing business in Britain. Much of the criticism is directed at the British Airports Authority which runs seven major airports, including the three main ones serving London. The Competition Commission is now to investigate whether the British Airports Authority needs to sell off some of its assets.The idea is the competition between rival operators will lead to better service at airports. The British Airports Authority, recently bought by a Spanish company, says the root cause of the problem is not the ownership structure, but a lack of runway and terminal capacity, which is addressing through a program of heavy investment. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3. What is the Competition Commission going to investigate?4. What is the root cause of the poor service at British airports according to the British Airports Authority?News Report ThreeUnder the law in Massachusetts, tobacco companies have to measure the nicotine content of every type of cigarette and report the results. The Department of Public Health in Boston gathers and carefully examines the figures and then draws its conclusions. A hundred and sixteen brands were looked at for this study. Ninety-two were found to have higher nicotine yields than they did six years previously. The biggest increases tended to be in brands that were popular with young smokers. That worries the department because of the addictive nature of nicotine. Stand Glance, a professor of medicine in San Francisco, explains why. “The amount of nicotine that’s delivered in every cigaretteis 10 percent higher than it was six years ago,which means that it is easier to get hooked and harder to quit. The big tobacco companies have always insisted that they are frank with their customers about the dangers of smoking and provide them with enough detail to make an informed decision. However, none of them were prepared to comment on this study or discuss the detailed nicotine content of their products.”Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5. What do tobacco companies have to do under the law in Massachusetts?6. What do we learn from the study by the Department of Public Health in Boston?7. What do we learn from the news report about the big tobacco companies?Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Conversation OneM: And you know, one thing that I want to ask you.It’s great that you have had this experience of teaching in Indonesia and following up on what you just mentioned, what would you recommend for students who do not live in an English-speaking country and, you know, they want to learn. I don’t know about perfecting but they want at least to be able to communicate decently. How can they go about this?W: Yeah, it’s really hard. That’s the real struggle, because, right now,I do live in Holland, but I really don’t socialize much with Dutch people and my boyfriend’s English is so good that we just basically speak English all the time. So I have to make a real effort to practice. There is as much listening exposure as I want-all I have to do is turn on the TV.M: And reading also, right?W: Yeah, reading. There is plenty I can get to read and listen to, but for speaking, there really is no substitutefor trying to speak and use the language in a relaxed atmosphere.So, I think that’s really the challenge for people who live in a country where their target language isn’t spoken. And for that, gosh, what would I do? If I didn’thave people here, probably... try to find a club? In Sweden, they have a really cool system called Study Circles. Well, it’s not... it’s like a course. But really, you just have a course leader who is there, sort of, as a coach and guide and to help out, and you don’t get grades, and you go just because you want to learn.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. Where does the woman live right now?9. What does the woman say is the real challenge?10. What does the woman suggest doing to learn to speak a foreign language?11. What does the woman say about the Study Circles in Sweden?Conversation TwoW: Okay, Nathan. So we are talking about driving and are there any rules or regulations that you like to change?M: I’m not sure I want to change rules,but I’d like the police to be stricter on the rules. Like if people jump the traffic lights, I don’t know why there isn’t a camera of the traffic lights to stop people doing that. Or like speeding.It’s very easy to put speed cameras in certain places.W: Maybe car manufacturers should have some responsibility in limiting the power of their engines. What’s the point in producing an engine that’s big and powerful enough to golike 200 kilometers an hour when the speed limit is only 100.M: Right, but do you know there are no speed limits in Germany?W: People there do drive responsibly though. Often people break laws simply because the laws are there. If the law isn’t there, people will drive within their ability range. When you’ve got speed limits,this creates situations that actually present dangers on the road.M: Do you think Germans have better education about personal responsibility when driving?W: Possibly. They also have very good cars.M: Right.W: If you’ve got a good car that can go at a high speed, then it’s really nice to do that. M: But still with care.W: So I think it’s the restrictions that create the danger sometimes.M: Okay.W: Obviously, when driving through a residential area or where there is a school, you’ve got to have speed policemen.M: Speed bumps.W: Yes, speed bumps. Those speed bumps that force you to slow down. I think they are a good idea.M: So you don’t think fining people is useful?W: Not really, because the police don’t have time to police every single driver.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. What are the speakers mainly talking about?13. What does the woman think car manufacturers could do?14. What can we learn about people driving in Germany?15. What does the woman think of the police fining drivers?Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneBehind the cash register at a store in downtown San Francisco, Sam Azar swiped his credit card to pay for a pack of cigarettes. The store’s card reader failed to scan the card’s magnetic strip. Azar tried again and again. No luck. As customers began to queue, Mr. Azar reached beneath the counterfor a black plastic bag. He wrapped one layer of the plastic around the card and tried again. Success! The sale was completed. “I don’t know how it works, it just does.” said Mr. Azar who learned the trick from another clerk. Verifone, the company that makes the store’s card reader would not confirm or denythat the plastic bag trick worked. But it’s one of many low-tech fixesfor high-tech failures that people without engineering degrees have discovered, often out of desperation, and shared. “Today’s shaky economy is likely to produce many more such tricks. In postwar Japan, the economy wasn’t doing so great, so you couldn’t get everyday-use items like household cleaners.” says Lisa Katayama, author of Urawaza, a book named after the Japanese term for “clever life style tips and tricks”. “So people look for ways to do with what they had.”Today, Americans are finding their own tips and tricks for fixing malfunctioning devices with supplies as simple as paper and glue. Some, like Mr. Azar’s plast ic bag are open to argument as to how they work or whether they really work at all. But many tech home remedies can be explained by a little science.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. What happened when Sam Azar swiped his credit card to pay for his purchase?17. How did Sam Azar manage to complete the sale?18. What is today’s shaky economy likely to do?Passage TwoIf you are a graduate student, you may depend on your adviser for many things,including help with improving grades, acquiring financial support, forming an examining committee and getting letters of recommendation. If you’re a graduate teaching assistant, your adviser also maybe your boss. Academic departments vary in their procedures for assigning academic advisers to graduate students.In some departments, either the chairman or the director of graduate studiesserves for at leastthe first semester as a new student adviser.Then the student selects an adviserbased on shared academic interests. In other departments, a new student is assigned a faculty adviser based on some system of distribution of the departments’ advising load. Later, students may have the opportunity of selecting the adviser that they prefer.In any case, new graduate students can learn who their advisers or temporary advisers are by visiting or emailing the departmental office and asking for the information. Graduation requirements specify the number of credits you must earn, the minimum grade point average you must achieve and the distribution of credits you must have from among differing departments or fields of study. In addition, it is necessary to apply for graduation when you’re near the time that you will be completing your graduation requirements. Since graduation requirements vary among divisions of the university, you should consult the Bulletin of Information. You should also direct your questionsto your departmental office or academic adviser.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. What does the speaker say about the procedures for assigning academic advisers?20. How can new graduate students learn who their advisers are?21. What does the speaker say about graduation requirements?Passage ThreeJody Harbert is a diet and nutrition expert who travels around the stateto speak in middle and high schools.She primarily speaks to students in health classes, but sometimes the school will arrange for her to speak to several different groups of girls. Her biggest concern is the emphasis American culture places on thinness and the negative ways this affects girls today. Jody has a Ph.D. in nutrition, but more important, she has personal experience. Her mother talked her to diet when she was only eight years old. Jody has created several different presentations which she gives to different types of audiences, and she tries to establish an emotional connection with the students so that they will feel comfortable asking questions or talking to her privately. She shows them pictures and images from popular culture of beautiful women and explains how computers are used to make the women look even more thin and beautiful than they are in real life. She describes how the definition of beauty has changed over the years and even from culture to culture.She then talks about health issues and the physical damage that can occur as a result of dieting.Finally, she addresses self-respect and the notion that a person’s sense of beauty must include more than how much a person weighs. Sometimes, Jody feels that she succeeds in persuading some students to stop dieting. Other times, she feels that she fails. Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. Who does Jody Harbert primarily speak to?23. What is Jody Harbert’s biggest concern about American culture?24. Why does Jody Harbert show pictures of beautiful women to her audiences?25. What is Jody Harbert’s main purpose in giving her speeches?This is the end of listening comprehension.。
2016年6⽉⼤学英语六级真题卷⼆「完整版」 In theory, interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not. Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant(除臭剂),which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average. The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small. Magna, an advertising agency, reckons it will be worth about $138 million this year. That falls far short of the billions of dollars people once expected it to generate. But DirecTV, Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all invested in it. A new effort led by Canoe Ventures, a coalition of leading cable providers, aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year. BrightLine iTV, Which designs and sells interactive ads, says interest has surged: it expects its revenues almost to triple this year. BSkyB, Britain’s biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads. Yet there are doubts whether people watching television, a“lean back”medium, crave interaction. Click-through rates have been high so far(around 3-4%, compared with less than 0.3% online), but that may be a result of the novelty. Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together. 46.What does Colin Dixon mean by saying“It’s been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years”(Lines 4-5, Para.1)? A)Interactive television advertising will become popular in 10-12 years. B)Interactive television advertising has been under debate for the last decade or so. C)Interactive television advertising is successful when incorporated into situation comedies. D)Interactive television advertising has not achieved the anticipated results. 47.What is the public’s response to Cablevision’s planned interactive TV advertising program? A)Pretty positive. B)Totally indifferent. C)Somewhat doubtful. D)Rather critical. 48.What is the impact of the wide use of digital video recorders on TV advertising? A)It has made TV advertising easily accessible to viewers. B)It helps advertisers to measure the click-through rates. C)It has placed TV advertising at a great disadvantage. D)It enables viewers to check the sales items with ease. 49.What do we learn about Unilever’s interactive campaign? A)It proves the advantage of TV advertising. B)It has done well in engaging the viewers. C)It helps attract investments in the company. D)it has boosted the TV advertising industry. 50.How does the author view the hitherto high click-through rates? A)They may be due to the novel way of advertising. B)They signify the popularity of interactive advertising. C)They point to the growing curiosity ofTV viewers. D)They indicate the future direction of media reform. Passage Two Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage. What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: there’re no quick or easy answers. There’s work to be done, but workers aren’t ready to do it—they’re in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills, Our problems are“structural,”and will take many years to solve. But don’t bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view. There isn’t any. On the contrary, all the facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise. But it’s actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will to act. In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursing real solutions. The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared. Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category. Only three states. With a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn, have unemployment rates below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that we’re mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular? Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment—in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem deeply rooted, with no easy answers, makes them sound serious. I’ve been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression; it was almost identical to what Very Serious People are saying now. Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly, declared one 1935 analysis, because the workforce is“unadaptable and untrained. It cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may offer.”A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs—and suddenly industry was eager to employ those“unadaptable and untrained”workers. But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying: they offer a reason to do nothing about the mass unemployment that is crippling out economy and our society. So what you need to know is that there’s no evidence whatsoever to back these claims. We aren’t suffering from a shortage of needed skills, We’re suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isn’t a real problem, it’s an excuse—a reason not to act on America’s problems at a time when action is desperately needed. 51.What does the author think is the root cause of mass unemployment in America? A)Corporate mismanagement. B)Insufficient demand. C)Technological advances. D)Workers’ slow adaptation. 52.What does the author think of the experts’ claim concerning unemployment? A)Self-evident. B)Thought-provoking. C)Irrational. D)Groundless. 53.What does the author say helped bring down unemployment during the Great Depression? A)The booming defense industry. B)The wise heads’ benefit package. C)Nationwide training of workers. D)Thorough restructuring of industries. 54.What has caused claims of huge structural problems to multiply? A)Powerful opposition to government’s stimulus efforts. B)Very Serious People’s attempt to cripple the economy. C)Evidence gathered from many sectors of the industries. D)Economists’ failure to detect the problems in time. 55.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A)To testify to the experts’ analysis of America’s problems. B)To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment. C)To show the urgent need for the government to take action. D)To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation. Part IV Translation (30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2. 中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。
2016年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第2套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on e-learning. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more people study online instead of attending school. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Question 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A.The project the man managed at CucinTech.B.The updating of technology at CucinTech.C.The man’s switch to a new career.D.The restructuring of her company.2. A.Talented personnel.B.Strategic innovation.petitive products.D.Effective promotion.3. A.Expand the market.B.Recruit more talents.C.Innovate constantly.D.Watch out for his competitors.4. A.Possible bankruptcy.B.Unforeseen difficulties.C.Conflicts within the company.D.Imitation by one’s competitors.Question 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A.The job of an interpreter.B.The stress felt by professionals.C.The importance of language proficiency.D.The best way to effective communication.6. A.Promising.B.Admirable.C.Rewarding.D.Meaningful.7. A.They all have a strong interest in language.B.They all have professional qualifications.C.They have all passed language proficiency tests.D.They have all studied cross-cultural differences.8. A.It requires a much larger vocabulary.B.It attaches more importance to accuracy.C.It is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting.D.It puts one’s long-term memory under more stress.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Question 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A.It might affect mothers’ health.B.It might disturb infants’ sleep.C.It might increase the risk of infants’ death.D.It might increase mothers’ mental distress.10. A.Mothers who breast-feed their babies have a harder time falling asleep.B.Mothers who sleep with their babies need a little more sleep each night.C.Sleeping patterns of mothers greatly affect their newborn babies’ health.D.Sleeping with infants in the same room has a negative impact on mothers.11. A.Change their sleep patterns to adapt to their newborn babies’.B.Sleep in the same room but not in the same bed as their babies.C.Sleep in the same house but not in the same room as their babies.D.Take precautions to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Question 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A. A lot of native languages have already died out in the US.B.The US ranks first in the number of endangered languages.C.The efforts to preserve Indian languages have proved fruitless.D.More money is needed to record the native languages in the US.13. A.To set up more language schools.B.To document endangered languages.C.To educate native American children.D.To revitalize America’s native languages.14. A.The US government’s policy of Americanizing Indian children.B.The failure of American Indian languages to gain an official status.C.The US government’s unwillingness to spend money educating Indians.D.The long-time isolation of American Indians from the outside world.15. A.It is being utilized to teach native languages.B.It tells traditional stories during family time.C.It speeds up the extinction of native languages.D.It is widely used in language immersion schools.Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hoar a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Question 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A.It pays them up to half of their pervious wages while they look for work.B.It covers their mortgage payments and medical expenses for 99 weeks.C.It pays their living expenses until they find employment again.D.It provides them with the basic necessities of everyday life.17. A.Creating jobs for the huge army of unemployed workers.B.Providing training and guidance for unemployed workers.C.Convincing local lawmakers to extend unemployment benefits.D.Raising funds to help those having no unemployment insurance.18. A.To offer them loans they need to start their own businesses.B.To allow them to postpone their monthly mortgage payments.C.To create more jobs by encouraging private investments in local companies.D.To encourage big businesses to hire back workers with government subsidies.Question 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A.They measured the depths of sea water.B.They analyzed the water content.C.They explored the ocean floor.D.They investigated the ice.20. A.Eighty percent of the ice disappears in summer time.B.Most of the ice was accumulated over the past centuries.C.The ice ensures the survival of many endangered species.D.The ice decrease is more evident than previously thought.21. A.Arctic ice is a major source of the world’s fresh water.B.The melting Arctic ice has drowned many coastal cities.C.The decline of Arctic ice is irreversible.D.Arctic ice is essential to human survival.22. A.It will do a lot of harm to mankind.B.There is no easy way to understand it.C.It will advance nuclear technology.D.There is no easy technological solution to it.Question 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A. The reason why New Zealand children seem to have better self-control.B.The relation between children’s self-control and their future success.C.The health problems of children raised by a single parent.D.The deciding factor in children’s academic performance.24. A. Children raised by single parents will have a hard time in their thirties.B.Those with a criminal record mostly come from single parent families.C.Parents must learn to exercise self-control in front of their children.ck of self-control in parents is a disadvantage for their children.25. A. Self-control can be improved through education.B.Self-control can improve one’s financial situation.C.Self-control problems may be detected early in children.D.Self-control problems will diminish as one grows up.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.The robotics revolution is set to bring humans face to face with an old fear --man-made creations as smart and capable as we are but without a moral compass. As robots take on ever more complex roles, the question naturally 26 : Who will be responsible when they dosomething wrong? Manufacturers? Users? Software writers? The answer depends on the robot.Robots already save us time, money and energy. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living. The 27 of computational power and engineering advances will 28 enable lower-cost in-home care for the disabled, 29 use of driverless cars that may reduce drunk-and distracted-driving accidents and countless home and service-industry uses for robots, from street cleaning to food preparation.But there are 30 to be problems. Robot cars will crash. A drone (遥控飞行器) operator will 31 someone's privacy. A robotic lawn mower will run over a neighbor's cat. Juries sympathetic to the 32 of machines will punish entrepreneurs with company-crushing 33 and damages. What should governments do to protect people while 34 space for innovation?Big, complicated systems on which much public safety depends, like driverless cars, should be built, 35 and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents. Governments should set safety requirements and then let insurers price theSection BDirections:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Reform and Medical Costs[A] Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and health insurance premiums. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem. The answer is that no one has an easy fix for rising medical costs. The fundamental fix --reshaping how care is delivered and how doctors are paid in a wasteful, abnormal system -- is likely to be achieved only through trial and error and incremental (渐进的) gains.[B] The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term. As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded, "Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy literature these days is contained in these measures."[C] Medical spending, which typically rises faster than wages and the overall economy, is propelled by two things: the high prices charged for medical services in this country and the volume of unnecessary care delivered by doctors and hospitals, which often perform a lot more tests and treatments than a patient really needs.[D] Here are some of the important proposals in the House and Senate bills to try to address those problems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.[E] Both bills would reduce the rate of growth in annual Medicare payments to hospitals, nursing homes and other providers by amounts comparable to the productivity savings routinely made in other industries with the help of new technologies and new ways to organize work. This proposal could save Medicare more than $100 billion over the next decade. If private plans demanded similar productivity savings from providers, and refused to let providers shift additional costs to them, the savings could be much larger. Critics say Congress will give in to lobbyists and let inefficient providers off the hook(放过). That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong "pay-go" rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.[F] The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax (消费税) on health insurance plans that cost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family. It would most likely cause insurers to redesign plans to fall beneath the threshold. Enrollees would have to pay more money for many services out of their own pockets, and that would encourage them to think twice about whether an expensive or redundant test was worth it. Economists project that most employers would shift money from expensive health benefits into wages. The House bill has no similar tax. The final legislation should.[G] Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers, or patients who have tried to understand their own parade of statements, know that simplification ought to save money. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing. It estimated that step would save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade. The bills would lock that pledge into law.[H] The stimulus package provided money to convert the inefficient, paper-driven medical system to electronic records that can be easily viewed and transmitted. This requires open investments to help doctors convert. In time it should help restrain costs by eliminating redundant tests, preventing drug interactions, and helping doctors find the best treatments.[I] Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system -- doctors are rewarded for the quantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness -- is a primary reason that the cost of care is so high. Most agree that the solution is to push doctors to accept fixed payments to care for a particular illness or for a patient's needs over a year. No one knows how to make that happen quickly. The bills in both houses would start pilot projects within Medicare. They include such measures as accountable care organizations to take charge of a patient's needs with an eye on both cost and quality, and chronic disease management to make sure the seriously ill, who are responsible for the bulk of all health care costs, are treated properly. For the most part, these experiments rely on incentive payments to get doctors to try them.[J] Testing innovations do no good unless the good experiments are identified and expanded and the bad ones are dropped. The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare's payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work. The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.[K] The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a publicoption. All the plans would have to provide standard benefit packages that would be easy to compare. To get access to millions of new customers, insurers would have a strong incentive to sell on the exchange. And the head-to-head competition might give them a strong incentive to lower their prices, perhaps by accepting slimmer profit margins or demanding better deals from providers.[L] The final legislation might throw a public plan into the competition, but thanks to the fierce opposition of the insurance industry and Republican critics, it might not save much money. The one in the House bill would have to negotiate rates with providers, rather than using Medicare rates, as many reformers wanted.[M] The president's stimulus package is pumping money into research to compare how well various treatments work. Is surgery, radiation or careful monitoring best for prostate(前列腺) cancer? Is the latest and most expensive cholesterol-lowering drug any better than its common competitors? The pending bills would spend additional money to accelerate this effort.[N] Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care. (That would be true only if you believed that patients should have an unrestrained fight to treatments proven to be inferior.) As a result, the bills do not require, as they should, that the results of these studies be used to set payment rates in Medicare.[O] Congress needs to find the courage to allow Medicare to pay preferentially for treatments proven to be superior. Sometimes the best treatment might be the most expensive. But overall, we suspect that spending would come down through elimination of a lot of unnecessary or even dangerous tests and treatments.[P] The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid. Some authoritative analysts doubt that the secretary would get better deals than private insurers already get. We believe negotiation could work. It does in other countries.[Q] Missing from these bills is any serious attempt to rein in malpractice costs. Malpractice awards do drive up insurance premiums for doctors in high-risk specialties, and there is some evidence that doctors engage in "defensive medicine" by performing tests and treatments primarily to prove they are not negligent should they get sued.36. With a tax imposed on expensive health insurance plans, most employers will likely transfer money from health expenses into wages.37. Changes in policy would be approved or rejected as a whole so that lobbyists would find it hard to influence lawmakers.38. It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.39. Standardization of forms for automatic processing will save a lot of medical expenses.40. Republicans and the insurance industry are strongly opposed to the creation of a public insurance plan.41. Conversion of paper to electronic medical records will help eliminate redundant tests and prevent drug interactions.42. The high cost of medical services and unnecessary tests and treatments have driven up medical expenses.43. One main factor that has driven up medical expenses is that doctors are compensated for the amount of care rather than its effect.44. Contrary to analysts' doubts, the author believes drug prices may be lowered through negotiation.45. Fair competition might create a strong incentive for insurers to charge less.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Facing water shortages and escalating fertilizer costs, farmers in developing countries are using raw sewage(下水道污水) to irrigate and fertilize nearly 49 million acres of cropland, according to a new report -- and it may not be a bad thing.While the practice carries serious health risks for many, those dangers are outweighed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food."There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers," said Liqa Raschid-Sally, who led the study.The report focused on poor urban areas, where farms in or near cities supply relatively inexpensive food. Most of these operations draw irrigation water from local rivers or lakes. Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers (下水道).When this water is used for agricultural irrigation, farmers risk absorbing disease-causing bacteria, as do consumers who eat the produce raw and unwashed. Nearly 2.2 million people die each year because of diarrhea-related (与腹泻相关的) diseases, according to WHO statistics. More than 80% of those cases can be attributed to contact with contaminated water and a lack of proper sanitation. But Pay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.Those dangers can be addressed with farmer and consumer education, he said, while the free water and nutrients from human waste can help urban farmers in developing countries to escape poverty.Agriculture is a water-intensive business, accounting for nearly 70% of global fresh water consumption.In poor, dry regions, untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business. In some cases, water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers.Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world. But frequently untreated human waste harvested from lavatories is delivered to farms and spread asfertilizer.In most cases, the human waste is used on grain crops, which are eventually cooked, minimizing the risk of transmitting water-borne diseases. With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50% per metric ton over the last year in some places, human waste is an attractive, and often necessary, alternative.In cases where sewage mud is used, expensive chemical fertilizer use can be avoided. The mud contains the same critical nutrients."Overly strict standards often fail," James Bartram, a WHO water-health expert, said. "We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason."46. What does the author say about the use of raw sewage for farming?A) Its risks cannot be overestimated.B) It should be forbidden altogether.C) Its benefits outweigh the hazards involved.D) It is polluting millions of acres of cropland.47. What is the main problem caused by the use of wastewater for irrigation?A) Rivers and lakes nearby will gradually become contaminated.B) It will drive producers of chemical fertilizers out of business.C) Farmers and consumers may be affected by harmful bacteria.D) It will make the farm produce less competitive on the market.48. What is environmental scientist Pay Drechsel's attitude towards the use of untreated human waste in agriculture?A) Favorable.C) Indifferent.B) Skeptical. D) Responsible.49. What does Pay Drechsel think of the risks involved in using untreated human waste for farming?A) They have been somewhat exaggerated.B) They can be dealt with through education.C) They will be minimized with new technology.D) They can be addressed by improved sanitation.50. What do we learn about James Bartram's position on the use of human waste for farming?A) He echoes Pay Drechsel's opinion on the issue.B) He challenges Liqa Raschid-Sally's conclusion.C) He thinks it the only way out of the current food crisis.D) He deems it indispensable for combating global poverty.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.These days, nobody needs to cook. Families graze on high-cholesterol take-aways and microwaved ready-meals. Cooking is an occasional hobby and a vehicle for celebrity chefs. Which makes it odd that the kitchen has become the heart of the modem house: what the great hall was to the medieval castle, the kitchen is to the 21st-century home.The money spent on kitchens has risen with their status. In America the kitchen market is now worth $170 billion, five times the country's film industry. In the year to August 2007, IKEA, a Swedish furniture chain, sold over one million kitchens worldwide. The average budget for a "major" kitchen overhaul in 2006, calculates Remodeling magazine, was a staggering $54,000; even a "minor" improvement cost on average $18,000.Exclusivity, more familiar in the world of high fashion, has reached the kitchen: Robinson & Cornish, a British manufacturer of custom-made kitchens, offers a Georgian-style one which would cost £145,000-155,000 --excluding building, plumbing and electrical work. Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it: "You won't see this kitchen anywhere else in the world."The elevation of the room that once belonged only to the servants to that of design showcase for the modern family tells the story of a century of social change. Right into the early 20th century, kitchens were smoky, noisy places, generally located underground, or to the back of the house, and as far from living space as possible. That was as it should be: kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middle classes wanted nothing to do with them.But as the working classes prospered and the servant shortage set in, housekeeping became a matter of interest to the educated classes. One of the pioneers of a radical new way of thinking about the kitchen was Catharine Esther Beecher, sister of Harriet Beecher Stowe. In American Woman's Home, published in 1869, the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to household management, designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order.Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American, Christine Frederick, who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife. Her 1919 work, Household Engineering: Scientific Management in the Home, was based on detailed observation of a housewife's daily routine. She borrowed the principle of efficiency on the factory floor and applied it to domestic tasks on the kitchen floor.Frederick's central idea, that "stove, sink and kitchen table must be placed in such a relation that useless steps are avoided entirely", inspired the first fully fitted kitchen, designed in the 1920s by Margarete Schütter- Lihotsky. It was a modernist triumph, and many elements remain central features of today's kitchen.51. What does the author say about the kitchen of today?A) It is where housewives display their cooking skills.B) It is where the family entertains important guests.C) It has become something odd in a modem house.D) It is regarded as the center of a modem home.52. Why does the Georgian-style kitchen sell at a very high price?A) It is believed to have tremendous artistic value.B) No duplicate is to be found in any other place.C) It is manufactured by a famous British company.D) No other manufacturer can produce anything like it.53. What does the change in the status of the kitchen reflect?A) Improved living conditions. C) Technological progress.B) Women's elevated status.D) Social change.54. What was the Beecher sisters' idea of a kitchen?A) A place where women could work more efficiently.B) A place where high technology could be applied.C) A place of interest to the educated people.D) A place to experiment with new ideas.55. What do we learn about today's kitchen?A) It represents the rapid technological advance in people's daily life.B) Many of its central features are no different from those of the 1920s.C) It has been transformed beyond recognition.D) Many of its functions have changed greatly.Part IV Translation (30 minutes)Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.深圳是中国广东省一座新开发的城市。
2016年6月大学英语六级真题(第2套)Part IDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on living in the virtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in the virtual world instead of interacting in the real world。
You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 wordsSection ADirections: In this section,you will hear two long conversations。
At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions。
Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer。
from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard。
2016年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第2套)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short ess ay on living in thevirtual world. Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in thevirtual world instead of interacting in the rea l world。
You are required to write at least 150 wordsbut no more than 200 w ords Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions。
Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer。
from the four choices marked A), B),C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard。
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