英语选修六unit3 A healthy life精品PPT课件


人教版高中英语选修六《Unit3 A healthy life》课件

人教版高中英语选修六《Unit3 A healthy life》课件
Welcome to my class!
4 wives
Advice from grandad

Eat more vegetables

Keep yourself warm
transpor tation
Do more exercise
Part 2
Content: This passage is about grandad's advice on giving up _________. smoking

Structure: 2 parts
part 1- a letter
part 2 - an Internet page
physically addicted to Firstly, become ________ habit nicotine. Secondly, become addicted through ________. mentally Lastly, become ________ addicted.
1. How many parts does the reading text consist of?
Two parts.
a letter an Internet page
2.What’s the main idea of the letter?
Summing up: Smoking is harmful to all of us.

人教英语选修六课件:Unit 3 A healthy life

人教英语选修六课件:Unit 3 A healthy life
▪ You can be one of those people, too! Here are some pieces of advice:
▪ Give yourself a little time off, even if it's just five minutes. Do something you

Ever wonder why we feel so
good when
▪ walking barefoot on the grass or planting
▪ feet in the sand? Notice that we seem to
▪ so well at the beach? This is
▪ 不要狼吞虎咽。这对我们来说通常是 个问题,因为我们的快餐文化似乎容许我 们吃得很匆忙。但是,享受过程,去品尝 ,去闻一闻,因为这样做有利于消化,而 且你还会变得更加平静,精力更加集中。
▪ 你有焦虑感吗?那就深呼吸吧!通过 深吸几口气就可以镇静下来。
▪ 与旧友恢复联系。因特网让我们比以 前更容易找到多年未联系的人了。这不仅 能让你“重续旧情”,还能让你记起那些 欢乐而幽默的时光——那些多年未曾想过
▪ 词海拾贝 ▪ 1.fulfilling adj. 令人高兴的;令人满意

▪ 2.take in 吸收,接受,领会,摄入 ▪ 3.gobble v. 狼吞虎咽 ▪ 4.digestion [U] n.消化 ▪ 5.joyous adj. 充满幸福和欢乐的 ▪ 6.gratitude [U] n.感激
scientifically proven:
▪ when our bodies make direct contact


Try a new sport. Playing soccer, basketball or anything else year-round is one way to get hurt or become bored with a sport. Try to play different sports. ③Learning to play a new sport is fun and usually builds your skills in other areas. Tennis is great for hand-eye coordination (协调). Skateboarding helps your balance. Golf makes you concentrate under pressure.
You should (not) ...
It would be a good idea to...
Don‘t to...
You don’t have to...
It's OK/all right to...
It‘s not a good idea to...
Mind your head/step!
Is it OK if I...?
I wonder if I could smoke here.
Would/Do you mind if I...?
类别 语法
课程标准要求掌握的项目 it的用法 (The use of“it”) (1) It is amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. It is not easy to stop smoking. It is no good crying over spilt milk. It is a beautiful day. It is 10 kilometres to the castle.

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(第一课时) 课件(共33张PPT)

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(第一课时) 课件(共33张PPT)

Choose a day that is not _s_tr_e_s_s__fu_l_to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _b__e_n_e_f_it_s_ you will get from stopping smoking.T_h_r_o_w__a__w_a_y all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to __q_u_i_t_ . _R__e_r_e_a_d_ the list of benefits you wrote when you _f_e_e_l_l_ik_e__ smoking. Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on to_k_e_e_p__y_o__u_r_s_e_lf__b_u_s.y
1.physically addicted to nicotine 2.addicted through habits 3.mentally addicted
Harmful physical 1.do terrible damage to heart and
effects for smokers
to other people near the smoker.
Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance
be unable to enjoy sport
Read the second part of the text and the following question: What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?

高中英语(人教版)选修六 Unit3 A Healthy Life-reading课件 (共32张PPT)

高中英语(人教版)选修六 Unit3 A Healthy Life-reading课件 (共32张PPT)
Summarize the advice to stop smoking:
Choose a day that is not __s_tr_e_s_s_f_u_l _ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _b_e__n_e_fi_ts___ you
will get from stopping smoking. T_h_r_o_w a_w__a_y all
寿光一中 பைடு நூலகம்爱军
We’re suffering too much stress.
Are you a healthy person?
What is a healthy person?
A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind. A healthy life should include_ph_y_s_ic_aal nd _m_e_n_ta_lhealth.
Because he wanted to help James
Read para3 and fill in the blanks
Information from the reading
__Fir_st_____(首先) ,
become _______________
★3. affect their babies’_________ ★ 4. affect the health of ______________
5. smell _________ 6. have the ends of the fingers turn _________ 7. become ____________ quickly

高中英语 unit 3 A healthy life课件 新人教版选修6

高中英语 unit 3 A healthy life课件 新人教版选修6

Read the following passage and write a short article on the topic “How to help drug addicts?”
Tips: Try to use as many words as we learned today!
2. What’s a healthy life?
To be true healthy a person must be well in mind, body and spirit.
Can you name any ways of
Healthy Life?
What are the possible effects of taking drugs?
Possible effects of taking drugs
➢damaging you body ➢lacking friends ➢be unable to enjoy sports ➢having difficulty in becoming pregnant ➢……
1. Rice production has increased greatly in China over the last few years, largely _d_ue_to__ super hybrid rice.
2. With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of _s_t_r_e_s.s 3. When I _qu_i_t_/_q_ui_t_t_e_d playing sport I become very fat and unhealthy. 4. M__e_n_t_a_l health is as important as physical health. 5. Now that I am _p_r_e_g_n_a_nt_ I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be



• Are you under a lot of stress?
1. Always. 2. Often. 3. Not really.
• Do you go for short holidays and
vacations? 1. Very rarely. 2. Sometimes. 3. Often.
Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?
Top 6 reasons for young students’ smoking 1. Reduce pressure. 2. Curiosity. 3. Popular actors and kids do it. 4. It is cool. 5. Mothers or fathers smoke. 6. To attract other’s attention
• Make your own advertisement for antismoking as a group for the show next Monday. • Read the article on page 2 of teens “AIDS: the killer virus”, and compare it with the text on page 22 of our textbook, figuring out new information and present to us tomorrow.
major cause of stroke very addictive raises blood pressure suppresses immune function dulls senses of smell and taste reduces stamina wrinkles your skin leads to depression and fatigue may cause fatal heart attacks may cause emphysema (肺气肿) may cause gum disease may cause cancer


A. Using scientific theory. B. His failure in love. C. His sports activity. D. His own experience.
Retell the text
James’ grandad writes him a letter to advise him to __q_u_i_t __smoking. James’ grandad says that there are three different ways you can become__a_d_d_i_c_te_d__ to cigarettes. You can become _p_h_y_s_ic_a_l_ly_addicted to nicotine. This means that after a while your body becomes_a_c_c_u_s_to_m__e_d to having nicotine in it. You can also become addicted _th_r_o_u_g_h__habit. Lastly, you can become _m__en_t_a_ll_y__ addicted. It is difficult to give up but if you try, you can _m__a_n_ag_e___. Smoking does __d_a_m_a_g_e___to smokers and _n_o_n_-_sm__o_k_e_r_s _. James’ grandfather also thinks it is ___ti_m_e___for James to stop smoking. He hopes James can live as __lo_n_g__an__d_h_e_a_lt_h_y_a__li_f_e__as he has.

选修6unit3 a healthy life ___Reading公开课 PPT

选修6unit3 a healthy life ___Reading公开课 PPT

Watch the video first and then discuss and write some suggestions to someone who wants to stop smoking according to the second part of the text.
Writing It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. First…… Second…….
1. The grandpa is 82 years old now. 2. The grandpa thinks it easy to quit
smoking. 3. The grandpa is living a healthy life
Read the first part carefully, and try to finish the following chart.
smoking. D. Millions have managed to quit smoking
and so can you.
Summarize the article “how can you stop smoking”.
Choose a day that is not _st_r_e_s_sf_u_l_ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _b_e_n_e_f_it_s_ you will get from stopping smoking. _T_h_r_o_w_ away all your cigarettes. _R__em__i_n_d_ yourself you are a non-smoker when you feel like _s_m__o_k_in_g__. Develop some other habits to keep yourself _b_u_s_y_. If you feel nervous or _st_r_e_ss_e_d_, try some _r_el_a_x_a_t_io_n_

Unit 3 A healthy life 新人教版选修6.pptx

Unit 3 A healthy life 新人教版选修6.pptx

3.He was presented with an award for saving a woman at the
his own life.
4.Let’s go swimming in that big pool,because swimming is
③My father has quit smoking at last.我父亲终于戒了烟。 ④I got my present job when I quit the army.
3.The majority of smokers say that they would like to
—是的,他们已经习惯了就餐时不说话。所以正确答案为 D 项。 5risk n. 危 险 ; 风 险
v. 使冒险;冒……风险 (回归课本 P20)He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of taking
他认为他必须决定每一步而不冒险。 [归纳拓展]
spite of 7.take risks(a risk) 8.get into 9.at risk
1. I do hope so because I want you to live
as I have.
you feel like smoking a cigarette,
4.The old man said the accident

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(第一课时) 课件(共24张PPT)

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(第一课时) 课件(共24张PPT)

Appeal ! No smoking
Let me try!
take actions!
Discuss and talk, using what we have learnt.
More solutions!
He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
1. smelt terrible. 2. The end of his fingers were
turning yellow. 3. became breathless. 4. wasn't enjoying sports as much. 5. was taken off the school football team.
Further Understanding
What kind of person do you think Jame’s grandad is? Three of the
following are right EXCEPT___D____
A.He is fit and leads an active life. B.He loves his grandson. C.He reads the Internet though old enough. D.He is afraid that he will die.
3. _m__e_n_t_a_ll_y___ addicted
Information from the reading passage
Harmful effects of smoking
1. do terrible damage to __h_e_a_r_t _a_n_d__lu_n_g_s_________ .



Some people think being psychologically healthy is very important. In my view, it’s essential to keep physically and psychologically healthy. To keep physically healthy, you should do sports like running, playing basketball etc. Today more and more people are going to the fitness centers. There are some popular ways to keep fit like yoga which is a sensation in many big cities today.
In this way you can keep psychologically healthy. It is more sensible to have a positive attitude. When you meet with some hardship, you should not be sad. You should have confidence in yourself and do something to relax. You should say to yourself: “I can make it. I am one in a million. I am special in this world.” In this way, you will definitely have a
3.Share your list with others in your class and make a class list of important health issues.

6-3Unit 3 A healthy life(143张ppt)

6-3Unit 3 A healthy life(143张ppt)

①get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯) ②slide into 溜进
③break into 闯入
④run into 遇上;撞上
⑤look into 向里看;调查;凝视
⑥pour into 倒入;涌入
⑦drop into 顺便拜访
⑧sink into 陷入
⑬withdrawal n. ________ ⑭packet n. ________
2. 高频单词·应用 ① ________ vt.& n. 滥用;虐待 ② ________ vt. 禁止;取缔 ③ ________ adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的 ④ ________ n. 压力;重音 vt. 加压力于;使紧张 ⑤ ________ n. 结果;效力 ⑥ ________ adj. 失望的;沮丧的 ⑦ ________ adj. 感到惭愧或羞愧的 ⑧ ________ vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强 vi. 变强
Ⅰ.教材语境还原 1. Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding ________ difficult to give it up. 你妈妈告诉我,你许久之前已经开始吸烟了,而且现在你觉 得很难把它戒掉。 2. ________ ________ you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 每当你想要抽烟的时候,你就提醒自己是个不抽烟的人。
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E1 . Talk about the healthy life he leads through
his own experience.
Para. 3
Different ways 1. physically addicted to
people can become nicotine
addicted to
• Do you booze? 1. Every day. 2. Socially. 3. Never.
• Do you have a breakfast every morning? 1. No time for it. 2. I do manage a quick breakfast most of the times. 3. I have a nice healthy breakfast.
• The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
• Are you under a lot of stress? 1. Always. 2. Often. 3. Not really.
• Do you go for short holidays and vacations? 1. Very rarely. 2. Sometimes. 3. Often.
B3 . Tell us some different ways of becoming
C5 . The writer’s hope for his grandson and
advice on stopping smoking.
D4 . Tell us the harmful effects of smoking.
Para. 4
heart & lung
difficulty in unhealthy pregnancy babies
What are the suggestions James’ grandfather gives to quit smoking?
Suggestions on how to __q_u_i_t__ smoking:
disease • No. 6: Accidents • No. 7: Type 2 diabetes
• For Men • No. 1: Heart disease • No. 2: Cancer • No. 3: Accidents • No. 4: Chronic lower
respiratory diseases • No. 5: Stroke • No. 6: Type 2 diabetes • No. 7: Suicide
• You do physical exercise 1. Very rarely. 2. Once or twice a week. 3. Four times a week.
• Do you spend quality time with family? 1. Rarely. 2. I manage an hour every evening. 3. I devote considerable time to family.
2. 2. addicted through
3. 3. mentally addicted
yellow fingersports
The harmful effects of smoking
affect… non-
News report: top 7 threats
• For Women • No. 1: Heart disease • No. 2: Cancer • No. 3: Stroke (中风) • No. 4: Chronic lower
respiratory diseases • No. 5: Alzheimer's
How can I stop smoking?
1)_P_r_e_p_a_re__y_o_u_rs_e_lf_ 2)_B_e__d_et_e_r_m_i_n_ed___ 3)_B_r_e_a_k_t_h_e_h_a_b_i_t _ 4)_R_e_l_a_x_________ 5)_G_e_t_h_e_lp__if_y_o_u__n_eed it 6)_K_e_e_p_t_r_y_in_g_____
• You need to visit the doctor 1. Quite often. 2. Sometimes. 3. Rarely.
• A. Leading a healthy and happy lifestyle. • B. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle. • C. Not leading a healthy life.
Are you leading a healthy lifestyle?
—— a health quiz
• Do you sleep at least 7-8 hours every night? 1. No 2. Sometimes 3. Yes
• Do you smoke? 1. Yes, big time. 2. Occasionally. 3. Never.
Here's what we need to know to live a longer, healthier life.
•Don’t smoke!
Advice from Grandad
Find the main idea of each para.
2A. James’ problem of smoking.