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1. the olympic motto first appeared officially in 1920 antwerp games 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现。
2. the olympic motto has been inspiring modern olympians since its i n n troduction at the 19200 games 自自1920年奥运会奥林匹匹克格言被使用以来,它就就一直激励着现代奥运健儿儿。
3. the o l ympic mott o o supposes t he progres s s of human c c apacity on the basis o o f mental a n n d physical improvemen t of man ‘ s s natural q u u alities 奥林匹克格言认为应以提提高人类精神和身体自然品品质为基础来使人类的能力力进步。
4. the olympic cr e e ed and mot t o are mean t to spur t h h e athletes to embrace the olympi c c spirit an d d perform t o o the best o o f their ab l ities 奥林林匹克格言和信条激励着运运动员实践奥林匹克精神,,并且在比赛中表现出他们们最好的一面。
5. t he olympic creed and m m otto are m e e ant to spu r the athle t es to embr a a ce the oly m m pic spirit and perfor m m to the be s s t of their abilities 奥林匹克格言和信条条激励着运动员实践奥林匹匹克精神,并且在比赛中表表现出他们最好的一面。
6. struck b b y the succ i nctness of this phras e e, baron p i erre de co u u bertin mad e e it the ol y y mpic motto, pointing out that “athletes n e e ed “ freed o o m of exces s s “ 奥林匹克格格言,亦称奥林匹克座右铭铭或口号,系奥林匹克运动动宗旨之一。
7. the s s ense of th e e olympic m o o tto is tha t being fir s s t is not n e e cessarily a a priority , but that g g iving one ‘ s best an d d striving f or persona l execllenc e e is a wort h h while goal奥林匹克格言的意意义在于,夺取第一并不是是要优先考虑的事,但全力力以赴并为取得个人最好成成绩而奋力拼搏却是值得追追求的目标。
8. a c c cording to the olympi c c charter ,the olympi c c motto exp r esses the m m essage whi c c h the ioc a a ddresses t o o all who b e e long to th e e olympic m o o vement , i n n viting the m m to excel i n accordan c c e with the olympic sp i rit 根据奥林林匹克宪章,奥林匹克格言言表达了国际奥委会对一切切隶属于奥林匹克运动的人人们的号召,鼓励他们本着着奥林匹克精神超越奋进。
9. with t h h e revival o o f the olym p p ic games , a number o f symbolic o o lympic tra d d itions wer e e also deve l oped and e s s tablished 随着奥运会的复兴兴,形成了很多具有象征意
10.the olympi c c motto can not only a p p ply to the individual athlete wh o o makes gre a a t achievem e e nts in his or her cho s s en field ,but also a p p ply to spo r ts bodies , clubs , o r ganization s s and even s s tates comm i tted to th e e philosoph y y of modern olympics 奥林匹克格言不仅适用用于那些在各自领域内取得得巨大成就的运动员,也同同样适用于那些奉行现代奥奥林匹克宗旨的体育团体、、俱乐部、组织甚至国家。
11. i t is compos e e d of the a m m erican fla g g presented in the for m m of arms ,accompanie d d, in the f oreground ,by the ol y y mpic rings, the olym p p ic motto “citius , a l tius , for t ius “ and a laurel b r anch , sym b b ol of vict o o ry 在盾形的星星条旗前方,“更快、更更高、更强”的奥林匹克格格言号召着运动员奋力向上上,代表胜利的橄榄枝条缠缠绕在奥运五环上,强化了了本届会徽的竞争意义。
12. is the o o lympic mot t o . the ol y y mpic game i s the inte r national a r ena viewed by million s s where the athlete ‘ s s spirit , m m ind and bo d d y endeavou r to excel a a nd achieve the higher standard t h h an the pre s s ently exis t ing ones ;thus fulfi l ling the o l ympic mott o o这句格言是顾拜拜旦的一位密友迪东于18895年在其学生举行的一一次户外活动上提出的,顾