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Tal老师在这节课上做的除了播放一支关于saying goodbye的视频之外,第一件事是问学生们,我现在非常紧张,我该怎么办?
学生们回复了很多答案,也刚好是之前T al之前课上教授的方法,比如深呼吸、冥想、锻炼、拥抱某人,以及,it’s ok to be nervous, 紧张很正常,接受它的存在。


再然后,让同学们站起来分享一下,当然第一个吃螃蟹的人会需要巨大的勇气,所以Tal鼓励说,“courage is not about not having fear, it’s about having fear and going ahead anyway. If courage was about not having fear, I would not be teaching this class. ”
分享的过程中,Tal大多也会做出点评,或点头称赞,或补充说明,比如有的同学说以前自己有拖延症,听了Tal老师的课知道了,拖延症实际并不可怕,而且大多数人都有,于是Tal补充到:“70% of students in universities complain about procrastination, it’s a huge issue, and one of the ways to overcome it, the best way to overcome it is to just do it, just start. Remember the five minute take-off, that’s so important. ”
1. appreciate
2. the most personal is the most general
3. learn to fail or fail to learn, it’s part of our life.
4. more is not always better. not easy to simply, that’s so very important.
5. every day is a beautiful day and to be grateful for that somehow makes it easier to go out and try to do things that maybe even we didn’t like.

还有一个即将毕业的大四学生说了一段感人肺腑的话,也表示自己到大四才上这门课的遗憾,她说,整个大学阶段,最重要的并不是你的论文、你的一些讨论的问题,而是周围的同学,因为当你毕业了以后可能再也没有机会和他们共度美好时光了,“it’s very important to prioritize what is meaningful for you and what you really, really want to do in this school, because before you know it it will over.”


you are going to continue to have those ups and downs, the only difference i hope that you will experience now is that when you experience a painful emotion you will look at i t and say “oh, i’m human, it hurts, i wish it weren’t that way, but i accept it, just like you accept the law of gravity. because the law of gravity is as much part of physical nature as painful emotion is a part of human nature.” permission to be human.

there can be too much of a good thing, easier said than done to simplify. but remember that a much better predictor of well being than material affluence is time affluence. simplify. assert y ourself say no at times when it’s appropriate, find out what you really really want to do with your life and do it.

to cultivate relationship means to invest in them, to put time into them, to share, to open up.
1. 每周四次锻炼,每次30分钟
2. 做瑜伽或者冥想,如果时间不允许,那就多做几次深呼吸
3. 每天大概8小时的睡眠时间
4. 触摸、拥抱
1. exercise at least four times a week for 30 minutes
2. if you can, if you are interested, do some formal yoga or mindful meditation, sitting meditation, if not, at the very least breathe, breathe deeply a few times a day. three deep breathes can make a big difference.
3. sleep. when possible 8 hours or somewhere around 8 hours a night of sleep
4. and touch. hug, embrace- and underused sense is so important.

be known rather than be validated. whether it’s with our romantic partner, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our class. the foundation of the growth of intimacy and passion in long term relationships.

Peter Drucker said "Don’t call me to tell me how wonderful it was, call me and tell me what you are doing differently." This is the core of change.
Carlton’s study shows that the people who succeed, the most who are the happiest succeed the most in the ultimate currency in a long term ones who are lifelong learners, always asking questions, always finding out more. but there are many people with good intentions, but good intentions are not enough. what we also need is the foundation, the empirical, rigorous, scientific foundation of things that work. and when we know these things, then we pay them forward, then we share them.
So each time you go to one of those wonderful places, exotic or otherwise, remember to simplify, remember to take care of yourself, remember to exercise, remember to assert yourself and say no when appropriate, remember to cultivate your relationships, remember what it is that is really really important for you in your life.
