Hans Vermeer “功能理论”与“目的论”
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翻译行动论(theory of translational action)是霍斯-曼特瑞于80年代提出来的(Munday 2001:77)。
这种行动所涉及的参与者有:行动的发起者(the initiator)、委托者(the commissioner)、原文产生者(the ST producer)、译文产生者(the TT producer)、译文使用者(the TT user)及译文接受者(the TT receiver)。
目的论(Skopos Theory)是弗米尔于20世纪70年代提出来的。
(Munday 2001:78—79)。
后来莱思与弗米尔在合著的《翻译的理论基础》(Groundwork for a General Theory of Translation 1984)一书中,指出了目的论的具体准则(Munday 2001:78—79):(1)译文(TT)决定于其目的(determined by its skopos);(2)译文为目标语文化社会提供信息,其关注点是把源语语言文化信息转换为目标语语言文化信息;
(3)译文不提供模棱两可的信息;(4)译文必须能自圆其说(internally coherent);(5)译文不得与原文相悖(coherent with the ST);(6)上述所列五条准则的顺序表明其重要性的先后顺序,而所有准则都受目的论之支配。
诺德的《翻译的语篇分析》(Text Analysis in Translation 1988/1991)向读者展示了一个更为具体的功能语篇分析模式——跨越字词的层面,从语篇的角度来解释翻译。
她首先区分比较了两种类型的翻译:纪实性翻译(documentary translation)和工具性翻译(instrumental translation)。
1. Key Concepts of Skopostheorie
Skopos is the Greek word for “aim” or “purpose” and was introduced into translation theory in the 1970s by Hans Vermeer as a technical term for the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating. The major work on Skopos theory (Skopostheorie) is Groundwork for a General Theory of Translation, a book Vermeer co-authored with Katharina Reiss (Reiss and Vermeer 1984). Skopos theory focuses above all on the purpose of the translation, which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally
adequate result. This result is the TT (target text), which Vermeer calls the translatum. Therefore, in Skopos theory, knowing why an ST (source text) is to be translated and what the function of the TT will be of crucial for the translator.
There exist three possible kinds of purpose in the field of translation: the general purpose aimed at by the translator in the translation process (perhaps ‘to earn a living”), the communicative purpose aimed at by the TT in the target situation (perhaps “to instruct the reader”) and the purpose aimed at by a particular translation strategy or procedure (for example, “to translate literally in order to show the structural particularities of the SL”) (qtd. in Nord, 2001: 28). Nevertheless, the term Skopos usually refers to the purpose of the TT. And it is the receiver, or rather the addressee, who is the main factor determining the TT Skopos. Therefore, the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (Skopos) of the overall translational action.
2. Three Rules of Skopostheorie
According to Skopostheorie, there are three basic rules to govern the translator’s activities in the process of translation.
Skopos rule: refers to the top-ranking rule for any translation which indicates that a translation action is determined by its Skopos. Vermeer explains the Skopos rule as follows: Each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The Skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/interpret/speak/write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function (qtd. in Nord, 2001: 29)
However, the Skopos rule does not offer any general principle or strategy that can be employed to guide any specific translation process. Instead, they can only be determined according to the specific Skopos ready to be achieved by a translation. Since a translational action is determined by its Skopos, the Skopos rule is the top-ranking rule for some kind of translation.
Coherence rule: A translator is supposed to produced a text is at least likely to be meaningful to target-culture receivers. For this end, only when the TT conforms to the standard of intratextually coherent, can it make sense in the communicative situation and culture in which it is received and the receiver will have no difficulty in understanding it. A communicative interaction can only be regarded as successful if the receivers interpret is as being sufficiently coherent with their situation. Accordingly, as another important rule of Skopostheorie, the “coherence rule”, specifies that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the receiver’s situation (qtd. in Nord, 2001: 32). Here, being “coherent with” is synonymous with being “part of”the receiver’s situation. Since a translation is an offer of information about a preceding offer of information, it is expected to bear certain relationship with the corresponding ST.
Fidelity rule: Vermeer calls the relationship between a translation and the corresponding ST “intertextual coherence” or “fidelity” which is postulated as a further principle and referred to as the “fidelity rule” (ibid.). The important point is that intertextual coherence should exist between the ST and the TT, while the form it takes depends both on the translator’s interpretation of the ST and on the translation Skopos. The maximally faithful imitation of the ST is just one of the possible kinds of intertexual coherence.
In all, the three basic rules of the Skopostheorie are designed to govern the translator’s activities in the whole translation process. In most cases, however, a translation cannot satisfy the three rules at the same time due to the reason that the Skopos of the translation is frequently likely to deviate from the intention of the corresponding SL text. In general, the hierarchical order of
abidance of the three rules should be the Skopos rule first, the coherence rule second and then the fidelity rule, or to put it in another way, the demand for fidelity is considered subordinate to intratextual coherence (or the coherence rule), and both are subordinate to the Skopos rule. When a translation which is faithful to the ST cannot be effectively understood by the TT receiver, the translator should give up the fidelity rule and conform to the coherence rule, i.e. to make his translation meaningful in the target communicative situation and culture. If the Skopos requires a change of function, the required standard will no longer be intertextual coherence with the ST but adequacy or appropriateness with regard to the Skopos (qtd. in Nord, 2001: 32-33). And if the Skopos demands intratexual incoherence, the standard of intratextual coherence is no longer valid.
3. Translation Brief of Skopostheorie
Generally, the Skopos is specified by the translation brief, in which the initiator would give as many details as possible about the purpose, explaining the addressees, time, place, occasions and medium of the intended communication and the function the text is intended to have. (“Brief”is the English equivalent of the German word Ubersetzungsauftrag. It used to be translated as “commission”by Vermeer, ‘assignment”by Pochhacker and Kussmaul, etc. Here Nord adopts Janet Fraser’s term “brief”.) Exactly speaking, the translation brief includes the following information:
● The intended text function;
● The target text addressees;
● The time and place of text reception;
● The medium over which the text will be transmitted;
● The motive for the production or reception of the text.
This model specifies what kind of translation is needed so as to enables the translator to decide what information to include in the target text. Guided by the translation brief, the translator selects certain items from the SL offer of information (originally meant for source-culture addressees) and processes them in order to form a new offer of information in TL, from which the TL addressees can in turn select what they consider to be meaningful in their own situation.
4. Advantages of Skopostheorie over the Traditional Translation Theories
4.1 Traditional Equivalence-based Approaches
For centuries, the literal/free translation has been a heating topic for the translation theoreticians until the 1960s when they began to analyze the translation systematically. At that time, linguistic approaches were hot issues and the debate on meaning and equivalence was no doubt the focus therein. Over the following twenty years, many further attempts were made to define the nature of equivalence and one of the most important figures in translation studies is the American Eugene Nida. When he was translating and organizing the translation of Bible, he developed the theory of equivalence, which was then elaborated in two major works in the 1960s: Toward A Science of Translating(1964a) and the co-authored The Theory and Practice of Translation (Nida and Taber 1969). In the first book, Nida attempted to move translation, Bible translation in particular, into a more scientific era by incorporating recent studies in linguistics. He declared two basic orientation types of equivalence, namely formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Formal equivalence is approximate to ST structure. Since this type of translation is often used in an academic environment, the students are allowed to gain close access to the language and customs of the source culture (Munday, 2001). Dynamic equivalence is based on the principle of equivalent effect, where the “relationship between receptor and message should be
substantially the same as which existed between the original receptors and the message” (Nida, 1964: 159).
Nida also placed special emphasis on the purpose of the translation, on the roles of both the translator and the receivers, and on the cultural implications of the translators in the translation process:
When the question of the superiority of one translation over another is raised, the answer should be looked for in the answer to another question, best for whom? The relative adequacy of different translations of the same text can only be determined in terms of the intention, which each translation successfully fulfills the purpose for which it was intended. In other words, the relative validity of each translation is seen in the degree to which the receptors are able to respond to its message (in terms of both form and content) in comparison with (1) what the original author evidently intended would be the response of the original audience and (2) how that audience did, in fact, respond. The responses can, of course, never be identical, for interlingual communication always implies some difference in cultural setting, with accompanying diversities in value systems, conceptual presuppositions, and historical antecedents. (Nida, 1976: 64)
He produced an analytical procedure systematically for translators working with all kinds of text and his linguistic approach to translation has been influential on many subsequent and prominent translation scholars.
However, as time went by, Nida’s concept of formal and dynamic equivalence has come to be heavily criticized. Scholars felt that equivalence was still over concerned with the word level, and some translation scholars working in training institutions were also aware that the equivalence approach lacked consistency, because in translating Bible or literature works, the theorists of equivalence tended to accept this as the optimum translation procedure, but for pragmatic texts, such as C-E translation of publicity materials, they preferred the non-literal strategy and in some cases, equivalence might even not be called for at all. This different or even contradictory standard made the equivalence approach rather confusing, and some scholars got more and more doubtful and unsatisfied with. Under such circumstances, they started to seek for a more practical theory.
4.2 Advantages of Skopostheorie
From the above analysis, we can see that the disadvantages of the traditional equivalence-based approaches are that they just consider the static relationship between the ST and the TT without paying too much attention to some other dynamic relationships and factors. Equivalence-based theories focus on the ST according to which the features of the ST must be preserved in the TT, and the TT must be equivalent to the ST. They exclude many translational phenomena such as rewriting and reconstructing from the field of translation study and thus can hardly describe some common phenomena in translation study. Therefore, some scholars began to question the equivalence-based translation theories. New theories were called for. This is where Skopostheorie emerged in 1970s which intended to break up with linguistic translation theory and bridge the gap between theory and practice.
An important advantage of Skopostheorie is that it allows the possibility of the same text being translated in different ways according to the purpose of the TT and the commission which is given to the translator. In Vermeer’s words:
What the Skopos states is that one must translate, consciously and consistently, in accordance with some principle respecting the target text. The theory does not state what the principle is: this must be decided separately in each specific case. (Vermeer 1989/2000: 228)
So, using Vermeer’s own example, an ambiguity in a will written in French would need to be
translated literally, with a footnote or comment, for a foreign lawyer dealing with the case. On the other hand, if the will appeared in a novel, the translator might prefer to find a slightly different ambiguity that works in the TL without the need of a formal footnote, so as not to interrupt the reading process.
In a word, Skopostheorie enjoys advantages over the traditional translation theories attaching too much importance to “equivalence”or “faithfulness”. Because, traditionally, it is considered that the translator’s task is to offer the same amount and kind of information as the ST producer. This equivalence-based criterion was regarded as the standard to evaluate a translation. While Reiss and Vermeer maintain what the translator does is to offer another kind of information in another form, which has “directly challenge the traditional concept of equivalence as a constitutive feature of translation” (Nord, 2001:35)
(1) 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。
Westward the sun, ending the day’s journey in a slow descent behind the mountains.
Eastward the Yellow River, emptying into the sea.
To look beyond, unto the farthest horizon, upward!
Up another storey!
(2) 到过真正法国拉丁区的人,都知道这是一个文人艺术家的集散地,无论你是什么人,也要来感受澳门这间以此命名的餐厅。
France’s world famous Latin Quarter has inspir ed countless artists, musicians and writers during its long, distinguished history. And bathed in the delicate light of crystal chandeliers, the intimate ambience and soothing piano music of Macau’s very own La Comedie will almost certainly inspire you to create a masterpiece or two of your own. But before you go to work, be sure to savour a range of incomparably fine menu whose many highights include “Mousse of Salmon with Balsamique Vinegar” and “Pan-fired Sliced Chicken with Salad and Raspberry Seasoning”. And be sure to leave a little space at the end of your meal for La Comedie’s absolutely irresistible “Mango Sorbet”.
例如,早在19世纪初期,德国神学家兼翻译家施莱艾尔马赫(Freidrich Schleiermacher 1768-1834)在其《论翻译的不同方法》一书中就曾提出过两种不同的翻译策略选择:一是将译文读者领向原文作者,即顺从原文;另一是将原文作者,引向译文读者,即顺从译文(Munday 2001:28)。
后来的学者,如珀斯盖特(J.P.Postgate:1992)提出的前瞻式(prospective translation)和后顾式(retrospective translation)翻译方法,以及温努提(Lawrence Venuti:1995)提出的异化(foreignizing translation)和归化(domestication)的方法,都从不同的侧面强调了翻译方法与原文和译文各自的关系。
由于受不同交际场合和不同交际目标的影响,语篇呈现出许多不同的变体,这也就是我们所说的语篇类型(text types)。
(1) Spring are not always the saine. In some years, April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap and all the stage is filled at once, whole chorusos of tulips, ambesque of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum. The trees grow leaves overnight.
(2) Multiple reflections, mistakes, and diffraction effects at the edges of the sample are generally considered the main sources of errors. To enhance the measurement accuracy, special attention must be paid to the choice of the radiating elements, the design of the sample holders, and the sample thickness and location
between the two radiating elements.
如,将原文中的词组“whole chonlses of tulips,arabesque of forsythia,cadenzas of flowering plum”扩充为三个并列小句:“郁金香组成了大合唱,连翘构成了阿拉伯式图案,洋李唱出了婉转的歌声”,这种意译的翻译处理方法,使译文再现了原文中鲜明的生动形象特征。
(《红楼梦》第六回) A.“Since this is your idea, mother, and you’ve called on the lady before, why not go there tomorrow and see how the wind blows?” “Aiya! ‘The threshold of a noble house is deeper than the sea.’ And who am I? The servants there don’ t know me, it's no use my going.” (杨宪益、戴乃迭译)
B.“Well, if it’s as you say, Grannie, and being as you’ve already seen this lady, why not go there yourself and spy out the land for us?” “Bless us and save us!” said Grannie Liu. “You know what they say: ‘A prince’s door is like the deep sea.’ What sort of crea ture do you take me for? The servants there don’t know me; it would be a journey wasted.” (David Hawkes 译)
例如,“试试风头”这一原语中的习语,在杨译本中按照原文的表达方式再现为“see how the wind blows”;而在Hawkes译本中则选用了“spy out the land”,这样一个译语中的习语表达方式。
又如,感叹语“嗳哟哟”,在第一种译本里采用了音译的方法,直接将原文的表达方式移入译语中;而第二种译本则使用了译语里的习惯表达方式:“B1ess us and save us”。
(4) One night there flew over the city a little Swallow. His friends had gone away to Egypt six weeks before, but he had stayed behind, for he was in love with the most beautiful Reed. He had met her early in the spring, as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her.(Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince)
(5) and the historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence; the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional. And it is at the same time what makes a writer most acutely conscious of his place in time, of his own contemperaneity. (T. S Eliot, Selected Essays)
如,原文里本来有一个复合长句:He had met her early in the spring, as he was flying down the river after a big yellow moth, and had been so attracted by her slender waist that he had stopped to talk to her.在翻译时,译者采用了分拆句子的意译方法,将原来的长句改为五个小复句。
2010年2月4日,国际翻译学界的泰斗、德国功能派翻译理论创始人、德国海德堡大学翻译学院教授汉斯·费梅尔(Hans J.Vermeer,1930-2010)先生不幸病逝。
这是非洲马里学者阿马杜·巴(Amadou Hampate Ba,1991—1991)的一句名言:“一位长者驾鹤西去,一座知识的大厦焚毁倾覆”(德文:Wenn ein Greis stirbt,brennt eine Bibliothek.英文:When an old man dies,a library burns.)。
早在上个世纪60年代中期,先生就发表了众多研究中世纪德语专业文献的文章,对1966年出版的德语词典学中的里程碑《瓦里希》(Wahrig)大辞典、德罗斯多夫斯基(Drosdowski)主编的杜登大辞典、魏因里希(Harald Weinrich)和恩格尔(Ulrich Engel)分别编撰的德语语法有过学术价值很高的评述。