



城市 环境 设计 学术 146 | 12 | 2023364摘要:既有高校校园绿色改造能有效推动我国绿色校园的发展。


本文通过对比国外的LEED 、Green Mark 、STARS 、Green Metric 及我国相关评价标准体系的发展演变、关联衔接、编制机构等方面的典型特征,提出整合优化我国体系框架的思路:协调框架形成逻辑关系和对政策的响应;增设《绿色校园评价标准》的中间框架层级;插入“模块式”地域性因素框架;利用信息化平台优化对标准编制的统筹等,为推动高校校园绿色改造工作提供参考。

Abstract: Retrofitting the existing higher education institutions' campuses into green campuses can effectively promote the development of green campus in China. However, there is still a lack of specific assessment standards in China, relevant evaluation and guidance should be coordinated by the evaluation system made up of Assessment Standard for Green Campus, Assessment Standard for Green Building, and Assessment Standard for Green Retrofitting of Existing Building. Integration and optimization of the framework of the above standards can make their coordination smoother and evaluation more scientific. This paper compares the typical features of LEED, Green Mark, STARS, Green Metric, and other foreign systems, and the related standards of the evaluation system in China in terms of the development, evolution, correlation, and influencing factors of the framework, and puts forward the idea of integrating and optimizing the evaluation system framework for green retrofitting of higher education institutions' campus in China as follows: coordination framework logic formation and response to policy; add the intermediate frame level of Assessment Standard for Green Campus; Insert "modular" regional factor framework; use information platform to optimize the overall planning of standard compilation. To provide a reference for promoting the green retrofitting of higher education institutions' campuses.关键词:高校校园;绿色改造;评价标准;体系框架Keywords: higher education institutions' campuses; green retrofitting; evaluation standard; system framework刘金日宋昆陈国瑞赵迪*LIU Jinri SONG Kun CHEN Guorui ZHAO Di*文章编号: 1672-9080(2023)12-0364-08DOI : 10.19974/ 21-1508/TU.2023.12.0364中图分类号:TU 984.14文献标志码:A收稿日期: 2022-09-08修回日期: 2023-03-08基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于多目标优化的既有高校校园绿色化改造评价与设计方法研究―以京津冀地区为例”(批准号:52078325)作者简介刘金日,硕士,男,同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司;天津大学建筑学院硕士。



2021.03 LANZHOUXUEKAN 作者简介:赵琦,首都经济贸易大学城市经济与公共管理学院讲师;陈醉,复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院博士生(通讯作者)。


中国应急管理政策工具类型及其发展沿革———基于中央层面政策文本的分析赵 琦 陈 醉摘 要 合理地使用政策工具是有效实现应急管理政策目标的重要手段。




关键词 应急管理政策;政策工具;应急管理领域;大数据分析中图分类号C931 文献标识码A 文章编号1005-3492(2021)03-0046-17一、引言随着全球化、城市化、民主化、工业化进程不断加速,人类社会充斥着更多不确定性,公共危机的发生日益成为现代社会的一种常态。






2007年第26卷第7期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS ·927·化工进展Fischer-Tropsch合成钴基催化剂研究进展纪玉国1,赵震1,余长春2,段爱军1,姜桂元1(中国石油大学(北京)1重质油国家重点实验室;2CNPC催化重点实验室,北京,102249)摘要:综述了近年来钴基催化剂在费托合成反应中的研究进展。


关键词:Fischer-Tropsch合成;Co;助剂;制备中图分类号:TQ 51;O 643.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2007)07–0927–07 Progress of cobalt-based catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesisJI Yuguo1,ZHAO Zhen1,YU Changchun2,DUAN Aijun1,JIANG Guiyuan1(1 State Key Laboratory of Heavy oil Processing,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China;2 CNPC Key Laboratory of Catalysis,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China)Abstract:The recent development of cobalt-based catalysts in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is reviewed. Particular attention is paid to the influence of supports,promoters,preparation methods,cobalt precursors,calcination and reduction conditions on the catalytic activity and selectivity control in the preparation of supported cobalt catalysts. In addition,the catalysis mechanism for the F-T synthesis over cobalt-based catalysts is also discussed. Some suggestions to study the catalysts in the future are also given.Key words:Fischer-Tropsch synthesis; cobalt; promoters,catalyst preparationCo基催化剂和Fe基催化剂是常用的Fischer-Tropsch(F–T)合成催化剂,其活性组分分别为Co 和Fe。



英文参考文献原文复印件及译文专业:自动化08级1班姓名:学号:080412122指导教师:赵奇完成日期年月SCM theory and the minimum MCU AdventWith the development of automation technology and microelectronics technology, as well as the fieldbus technology becomes more mature, numerical control technology in the production process is applied more and more widely, on the site of the signal collection, transmission and data processing is put forward higher requirements.Intelligent transmitter is composed of sensor and microprocessor ( computer ) and the phase structure. It makes full use of the microprocessor computing and storage capacity, the sensor data processing, including the measurement signal processing (such as filtering, amplification, A/D conversion ), data display, automatic calibration and automatic compensation.The microprocessor is the core of intelligent transmitter. It can not only carry on the data computation, storage and data processing, but also through a feedback loop to adjust to the sensor, data acquisition to achieve the best. The microprocessor has a variety of software and hardware function, so it can complete the traditional transducer difficult task. So intelligent transmitter reduces sensor manufacturing difficulty, and largely improves the performance of the sensor lord. In addition, intelligent transmitter also has the following characteristics:1 with automatic compensation ability, through the software on the sensor's nonlinear, temperature drift, drift and automatic compensation.Self diagnosis, after power for the sensor to check all parts of self, the sensor is normal, and make judgments.Data processing is convenient and accurate, according to internal procedures, automatic data processing, such as statistical processing, removal of abnormal value.2 with two-way communication function. The microprocessor can receive and process the sensor data, can also be information feedback to the sensor, thus the process of measurement adjustment and control.The information can be stored and can be stored in memory, the characteristics of sensor data, configuration information and compensation characteristics.3 has a digital interface output function, the output of the digital signal conveniently and computer or field bus connectionThe difference between the transmitter and sensorIn editing software in the process of joining the watchdog circuit. Theapplication of watchdog circuit, so that the chip can be in no condition to realize continuous work. But there are still some problems:1the watchdog circuit at run-time, meaning, system error. 2circulation process error too many times, the watchdog can not effectively resolved3 in measurement and control system in the period of time in one-chip, computer peripheral devices such as a large amount of time, is not running, waiting for orders. In these cases, the hardware watchdog is to use a timer, to monitor the main program operation, that is to say in the main program of the operatio n process, we will in time to time before the timer is reset if the dead cycle, or PC pointers can't come back. Then time to time will make chip reset.SCM is the main computer components are integrated on a single chip microcomputer. It is a collection of counting and many interfaces in one microcontroller, is widely used in intelligent products and industrial automation, and51 SCM SCM is the most typical and the most representative one.Signal generator in the teaching, testing, monitoring and other fields have a very wide range of applications, but also with the modern electronic communications technology development, often requires high precision and adjustable frequency signal generator.The design of direct use A T89C51 SCM as an important component of the wave generator, coupled with clever software design and simple external circuit, a frequency, adjustable amplitude sine wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave and Fang Bo and other signals. Signal frequency, amplitude, through the keyboard input directly, by the LED display. And various types of existing waveform generator comparison, ATMEL AT89C51 is a highly effective micro controller, which produces a small number of signal interference, output stability, high reliability, especially the simple and convenient operation, low cost, very suitable for teaching and experimental physics laboratory use.Microchip security, SCM and technology development department vice president Steve Drehobl said:" Microchip continuously expand 8microcontroller applications, creating a new generation of ultra compact flash memory device, using PIC MCU into non-traditional applications. These6pin device with high cost-effectiveness replaces the discrete logic or mechanical function, reduces the number of components and board space, also give engineers more design flexibility.The United States of America microchip technology company ( Microchip Technology ) recently launched the world 's smallest6 pin package chip ( MCU ), thePIC microcontroller architecture powerful functions into ultra small volume of the SOT-23 package, the single chip microcomputer application domain expands further, in some space is extremely limited and cost requirements for lower application field is expected to have a brilliant future.Traditional single chip market, MCU products can be used on a number of different fields, such as home appliances to the automotive, communications, office automation and industrial control. According to market analysis firm IC Insight global MCU market data,2003total sales of $10400000000, at $12200000000 in2004. Although each main MCU suppliers have already introduced 16bit,32 bit single chip, but the market is still used in most8 bit single chip microcomputer products, accounted for the overall market of about 40%. Therefore8 bits single chip computer still has large application market, mainly in such products in the ease of use, cost advantages, while performance can meet most of the needs of applications. This Steve Drehobl said:"8 bit single chip has the advantages of easy operation and use characteristics, design staff will soon be able to master the principles and methods of using8 bit single chip microcomputer; design cycle is short, design tool is more than 16,32design tool much cheaper; third, in reality, we are more according to what kind of application can produce what kind of performance to determine how many bits MCU used. If in those using8 bit single chip can meet the needs of the application, you must use 16 bit and 32 bit, from the function, more abundant, but the cost rise. Again, the current problems should not be ignored. If the excessive use of electric current, battery power consumption is relatively large单片机理论与最小MCU问世随着自动化技术的发展和微电子技术的进步,以及现场总线技术的日益成熟,数控技术在生产过程中的应用越来越广泛,对现场信号的采集、传输和数据处理提出更高的要求。





在概述专业群相关定义及特征的基础上,积极发掘当下高职院校在专业群建设中暴露出的诸多问题,并辅以成都GM 学院电气自动化技术专业群建设案例,提出针对性策略,以期推动高职院校专业群建设的整体发展。

[关键词]“双高计划”;高职院校;专业群建设[中图分类号]G647[文献标志码]A[文章编号]2096-0603(2023)27-01圆员-04“双高计划”背景下高职院校专业群建设研究———以成都GM 学院电气自动化技术专业群建设为例赵天琦(陕西科技大学镐京学院,陕西西安712046)中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划(简称“双高计划”),是指中国共产党中央委员会和中华人民共和国国务院为建设一批引领改革、支撑发展、中国特色、世界水平的高等职业学校和骨干专业(群)的重大决策建设工程,亦是推进中国教育现代化的重要决策,被称为“高职双一流”[1]。






2019年15期众创空间科技创新与应用Technology Innovation and Application区域综合科技服务平台绩效评价指标研究*赵威(西南交通大学经济管理学院,四川成都610013)1研究背景随着我国经济发展和产业升级,企业对现代科技服务业发展提出了更高的要求,但是我国在这方面仍然存在一些突出问题,如模式缺乏创新、科技创新支撑不足、为实体经济提供服务的能力薄弱等[1];对此,科技部在2017年启动了“现代服务业共性关键技术研发及应用示范”重点专项定向项目。









[84] Ahrn S,Nobaek S,Jeppss on B,et al.The norm allactobacillus flora in health y hu man rectal and m ucosa[J].JAppl M icrobiol,1998,85:88-94.[85] M ller M,Lier D.Fermentation of fructans by epiphyticlactic acid bacteria[J].J Appl Bact,1994,76:406-411. [86] Naaber P Smid t I,S tsepetova J,et al.Inhibition ofClostridium d iff icile s train s by in testianl L ac tobacillus s pecies[J].M ed M icrobiol,2004,53:551-554.[87] King D E,Egan B M,Geesey M E.Relation of dietary fatand fiber to elevation of C-reactive protein[J].Am JCardiol,2003,92:1335-1339.[88] Campbell T C,Ju nchi C.Diet and chronic degen erativedis eases:pers pective from Chin a[J].Am J Clin Nutr,1994,59(suppl):S1153-S1163.[89] Knekt P,Kumpulainen J,Ja rvinen R,e t al.Flavonoidin take and ris k of ch ronic dis eases[J].Am J Clin Nutr,2002,76:560-568.(收稿日期2008-06-20)药事管理与知识产权中药作为天然药品申报进入加拿大的案例简析赵利斌1 ,白 剑2,朱永宏1,郭治昕1,孙 鹤1,3,4(1.天津天士力集团公司研究院,天津 300410; 2.北京市食品与药品监督管理局安监处,北京 100053;3.天津大学药物科学与技术学院,天津 300072;4.美国M IN ERV A医药研究院,华盛顿 20850)摘 要:2008年7月15日,天士力集团的复方丹参滴丸和柴胡滴丸作为传统药的申请通过了加拿大卫生部的全部评审程序,获得了产品许可证书,表明上述两个品种将作为一种特殊的治疗性产品,取得在加拿大上市并销售的合法地位。






[关键词]高血压;血脉理论;脉胀;针刺法;病机[中图分类号]R544.1[文献标志码]A[文章编号]0257-358X (2023)12-1256-05DOI :10.16295/ki.0257-358x.2023.12.003Exploring Clinical Application of Acupuncture in Treatment of Hypertension Based on Blood Vessel TheoryAN Chengfei ,LI Zefang ,DU Yuzheng ,ZHAO Qi(First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine/National Clinical ResearchCenter for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion ,Tianjin 300193,China)AbstractAs an important risk factor for the onset and mortality of cardiovascular and cerebrovasculardiseases ,hypertension has shown an increasing trend in recent years.This disease pertains to the category of“vessel swelling ”in traditional Chinese medicine with the disease location in blood vessels.It is caused bythe imbalance of the blood vessel system composed of qi -blood -vessel.Based on blood vessel theory ,the author holds that the physiological mechanism of blood pressure is the multi -dimensional comprehensive action of heart -qi -blood -vessel ,that is heart qi disease is begins first ,blood disease develops ,and vessel disease runs through the whole disease ,which is the major pathological mechanisms of hypertension.Acupuncture for regulating heart and dispersingwind combined with dredging liver and lowering pressure ,resolving phlegm and dispersing stasis with invigorating and activating spleen and stomach ,and tonifying kidney and harmonizing vessel with regu 鄄lating yin and yang has been applied in clinic ,so as to innovate in the theory and treatment of hyper 鄄tension.[收稿日期]2022-12-10[基金项目]国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2018YFC1704102);国家中医药管理局中医药行业科研专项项目(编号:201507001-08);天津市卫生和计划生育委员会中医中西医结合科研课题项目(编号:2015083)[作者简介]安成飞(1996—),男,河北邢台人,2022年级博士研究生,研究方向:针灸推拿临床及基础研究。






【关键词】国际公约;传统药物;知识产权保护;世贸组织与贸易相关的知识产权问题;秘鲁Research on the Traditional Medicine’s IPR Protection in the International Area and Peru’s PracticeZhao Qi,Cao Yang(China Pharmaceutical University,Jiangsu Nanjing211198,China)ABSTRACT The regulations about how to protect traditional medicines are not individually prescribed in the International Conventions,but the prescriptions on the protection of intellectual property of traditional medicines are embodied in some agreements such as the agreements for protection of human rights,biodiversity,and traditional knowledge,and so on.In this article,the author,taking Peru’s Practice as an example,summarized several international protective conventions which have played important roles in the protection of intellectual property rights of traditional medicines so that the great importance can be learned by the developing countries.KEY WORDS International Conventions;Traditional Medicine;Protection of Intellectual Property Rights;TRIPS;Peru作者简介:赵琪,女,硕士。






1 研究区域概况郑州市华林都市家园位于郑州市金水区南阳路农业路口(见图1),居住区面积大,空间类型复杂,老年群体多。

一期多层建筑建成时间为2000年,二期高层建筑建成时间为2002年,57栋单体,占地面积59 162 m 2,建筑面积113 000 m 2,绿地率为35%。

该居住区有住户3 932户,老年人占比约30%。


2 研究过程2.1 评价因子的选择根据对居住区慢行空间的初步调研结果与国内外相关研究,征询内部与外部专家意见,结合研究目的最终确定慢行空间评价类别为公共设施、活动空间、空间基底、景观绿化四类,结合对场地的实地观察记录,根据老年人对慢行空间环境的需求,确定相应评价因子(见表1)。

并摘要 文章从使用者的角度对建成并使用一段时间后的建筑或户外空间进行评价,适用于公共空间、公园绿地等方面的评估。


文章以POE 为主要研究理论,结合使用者行为观察法、半结构访谈法、场地考察法对居住区慢行空间进行综合评估,提出了适老化更新策略。

关键词 居住区;慢行空间;适老化;POE 中图分类号 TU984文献标识码 ADOI 10.19892/ki.csjz.2024.01.07Abstract The paper evaluates the buildings or outdoor spaces built and used for a period of time from the user’s perspective, which is applicable to the evaluation of public spaces, parks and green spaces, and so on. POE can evaluate the use of slow-moving spaces and facilities from the perspective of the elderly and provide a relevant basis for their ageing-friendly renewal. The paper takes POE as the main research theory, combines the user behavior observation method, semi-structured interview method, and site inspection method to conduct a comprehensive assessment on the slow walking space in the residential area, and puts forward the aging-friendly renewal strategy.Key words residential area; slow moving space; aging adaptability; POE慢行空间是居住区户外空间的重要组成部分,指为步行和非机动车交通提供服务的空间场所,要满足使用者对作者简介:赵宗泽(1996—),男,研究方向:建筑设计及其理论通信作者:张东辉(1966—),男,教授,研究方向:建筑设计及其理论作者单位:1.郑州大学建筑学院;2.河南工业大学设计艺术学院基于POE 的城市居住区慢行空间适老化更新研究——以郑州市为例Study on the Aging Adaptability of Slow Moving Space in Urban Residential Areas Based on POE: A Case of Zhengzhou City赵宗泽1 赵 奇2 张东辉1Zhao Zongze 1, Zhao Qi 2, Zhang Donghui 1釆用李克特量表法,将评价因子分为五个等级:很好、较好、一般、较差、很差(分别赋值5、4、3、2、1)。



1 引言
中图分类号:TN948 文章编号:1674-2583(2019)05-0123-02 DOI:10.19339/j.issn.1674-2583.2019.05.050 中文引用格式:赵琦,张林,戴旭,王伟.音频比对监测在中波转播台的应用[J].集成电路应用, 2019, 36(05): 123-124.
随着广播电视事业的飞速发展,对广播信号的传 输质量及传输内容的安全性要求也越来越高[1-11]。
延时指标测量等功能,为实时监测发射机播出内容 和工作状态提供安全的技术保障。
2. Chaoyang Radio and Television Monitoring Station, Liaoning 122099, China. 3. Tieling Radio 325, Liaoning 112001, China. 4. Chaoyang Radio and Television Station, Liaoning 122099, China. )



专利名称:KIT FOR AMPLIFYING TCR FULL-LENGTH SEQUENCE AND USE THEREOF发明人:ZHOU, Qing,周清,WANG, Fei,王飞,ZHAO, Xiaoying,赵小莹,YIN, Yuelu,尹悦露,LI, Guibo,李贵波,CHAO, Cheng-chi,赵正琦,YANG, Naibo,杨乃波申请号:CN2017/104109申请日:20170928公开号:WO2019/061198A1公开日:20190404专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Provided in the present invention are a kit for amplifying a TCR full-length sequence and a use thereof, wherein the kit includes a nanoliter microporous chip. In the present invention, the TCR α/β matching and amplification of 5,124 single T cells at most can be carried out in one step by using the nanoliter microporous chip as a reaction vessel.申请人:BGI SHENZHEN,深圳华大生命科学研究院地址:Main Building, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District Shenzhen, Guangdong 518083 CN,中国广东省深圳市盐田区北山工业区综合楼, Guangdong 518083 CN 国籍:CN,CN代理人:BEYOND ATTORNEYS AT LAW,北京品源专利代理有限公司更多信息请下载全文后查看。



2018年15期设计创新科技创新与应用Technology Innovation and Application上海郊区居民住宅二次供水设施改造设计赵杨(上海达望元水务工程设计有限公司,上海201315)引言二次供水是指单位或个人将城市公共供水或自建设施供水经储存、加压,通过管道再供用户或自用的形式,是城市供水系统(原水供应、制水生产、清水输送、二次供水)四大环节的最后一环。










世界最新医学信息文摘 2018年 第18卷 第47期179投稿邮箱:sjzxyx88@·临床监护·快速康复在胃肠外科中的应用赵琦(南京中医药大学附属医院,江苏 南京 210029)0 引言“加速康复外科”(Fast Track Surgery ,FTS )是微创外科的延伸领域,是根据循证医学论证并通过优化围手术期处理与干预,减少创伤与应激,从而达到减少并发症、加速康复并缩短住院时间的理念。

FTS 需外科、康复、麻醉、护理等多学科协作,其中快速康复护理干预是 FTS 的重要组成[1-2],我科2017年5月至2017年11月对在院的5 例患者行快速康复护理,现将围术期快速康复经验报告如下。

1 临床资料本组男患者3 例,女患者2 例,年龄41-72岁,其中胃癌根治术2 例,结直肠癌3 例,术后住院天数均在7-10 d ,有1 例发生切口感染,医生为患者置入腹腔双套管接负压冲洗并吸引,冲洗一周后感染得到控制,拔除腹腔双套管冲洗,病人均顺利康复出院。

2 护理2.1 术前心理护理。


通过交谈得知有2 例患者对手术室环境存在陌生感,2 例患者对麻醉后的效果存在顾虑,1 例患者对术前晚睡眠质量担忧。



2.2 术前呼吸道护理。



具体方法为:①将呼吸训练器与吸气软管连接,一手拿住呼吸训练器,平静呼气后,用嘴含吸管,慢慢吸气,使白色活塞缓慢往上升,白色活塞升到目标刻度后停顿5-10 s 等到白色活塞下降至底部,松开吸管,平静呼气,每次都记录呼吸训练器上活塞达到的读数。






关键词:新能源;电力系统;储能技术Research on Energy Storage Technology in New Energy Power SystemZHAO Qi(China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation, North China Company, Renqiu 062550, China)Abstract: With the development of society, the market demand for electricity is more and more large, the problem of power supply shortage is more and more prominent. This paper discusses the specific application of energy storage technology in the new energy power system, and gives some feasible solutions. In the new energy power system, through the rational use of energy storage technology, energy storage conversion can achieve the purpose of energy conservation and emission reduction, so as to achieve the efficient utilization of renewable resources, so as to ensure the stability and security of the power system, further promote the sustainable development of new energy power system.Keywords: new energy; electric power system; energy storage technology0 引 言从现有的新能源电力系统来看,新能源的发展和利用以太阳能与风能为主。



信息科学科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald99①作者简介:赵隽(1982—),女,硕士,讲师,研究方向为计算机数据库研究。

DOI:10.16660/ki.1674-098X.2010-5640-3742计算机数据库系统在信息管理中的实践思考①赵隽(长春师范大学 吉林长春 130032)摘 要:我国计算机技术的发展、通信技术水平的提升给人们的生活带来了极大便利。





关键词:计算机数据库系统 信息管理 实践 具体分析中图分类号:TP311.13文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2021)01(b)-0099-03Practical Thinking of Computer Database System in InformationManagementZHAO Jun(Changchun Normal University, Changchun ,Jilin Province,130032 china )Abstract: The development of computer technology in China and the improvement of communication technology have brought great convenience to people's life. People can use network technology to get the information and network resources they want anytime and anywhere. And information technology can not only bring convenience to people, but also can provide people with daily office services. Many enterprises begin to realize the importance of information, attach importance to information management, and actively apply information in actual operation and management. With the maturity of computer technology, enterprises continue to improve the scheme, ef fectively combine database system with information management, enhance their market competitiveness, and improve the quality and level of information management.Key Words: Computer database system; Information management; Practice; Specific analysis在现代时代发展背景下,企业要顺应时代发展趋势,形成现代化的办公模式。

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外文资料姓名:赵琦学号:2007110166专业:05财务管理(3)班二零零九年六月The new accounting system under the asset impairment accounting treatment With China's socialist market economy, accounting system in constant development and change in China's accession to the WTO, reform of the accounting system and accelerated the pace of international practice, which, to our accounting system and the norms proposed A higher demand. At the same time, since the development of China's capital market, listed companies to diversify the Group of the development of its business and becoming more complex and varied, the existing system of corporate accounting and business accounting standards also need to keep pace with the development of the capital market in a timely manner The development of appropriate accounting standards and guidance to be bound to disclose information of listed companies, accounting and other related issues. February 15, 2006, including the Ministry of Finance released a basic guideline and 38 specific criteria, including corporate accounting standards system, which indicates that China and the International Financial Reporting Standards convergence of accounting standards for business enterprises to establish a formal system, to improve our country The socialist market economic system and raise the level of opening up and accelerate China's integration into the global economy is of great significance.For a long time, enterprise prevalent over-estimated the value of the assets, financial reporting of assets "bubble" has seriously affected the correct user information in decision-making, reduced investor confidence in the company, but also to the economic development of many adverse Impact. In order to change this situation, accounting for impairment of assets came into being. Along with economic progress, and the establishment of capital markets development, accounting information users of accounting information on the quality of the continually increasing demands from the asset impairment accounting more and more attention. 1997 Asian financial crisis, so that all countries recognize that overestimation of the assets of the post-bubble economy of the great dangers, and enhance the quality of a true reflection of the assets of the accounting information. In 1998 the International Accounting Standards Board issued the "International Accounting Standards No. 36 - Impairment of Assets," stressed the importance of asset quality, standardize the asset impairment accounting practice. In view of the assets of the listed companies to overestimate the prevalence of the problem, the Ministry of Finance issued a series of asset impairment accounting policy. However, in practice only listed company assets for impairment as a tool to manipulate profits, accounting information in the quality of assets has notbeen a significant increase in our enterprise value of the assets of the widespread false, to a certain extent, affected the corporate financial reporting The authenticity and reliability, according to the Ministry of Finance, "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets" step up asset impairment accounting treatment of research, norms for asset impairment accounting treatment of a major theoretical and practical significance.First, impairment of assets related to the concept of resolution(A) assetsInternational Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) in its July 1989 release of "prepare the financial statements of the framework" of assets to the definition is: "As the asset is a matter of the past by corporate control, is expected to lead to future economic benefits The resources flow to the enterprise. "Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in its December 1985 release of the Financial Accounting No. 6, the concept of notice "elements of financial statements," the assets will be defined as "a particular asset is the main result of past transactions or events and to obtain or The control can be expected in the future economic benefits. "June 21, 2000 the State Council issued the "enterprise financial accounting report of the Ordinance" is defined as assets "means the assets of the past transactions or events formed by enterprises owned or controlled resources, the resources are expected to bring economic benefits to business would" .(B) of the assets of the main features of1, an asset is expected to give businesses the economic interests of the future of economic resourcesThis is the essence of assets, also has assets of the most important quality characteristics. Whether tangible or intangible, to become assets, it is necessary to generate economic benefits with the ability to independently or together with other resources through the effective use, directly or indirectly, for a net cash inflow of enterprises, or else Should not be recognized as assets, not in the balance sheet reflects the assets side.2, assets in the past by the transactions or events formedOnly in the past occurred in the economy in order to increase or decrease in business enterprise's assets, and not in accordance with contract plans or to confirm an asset. For example,by buying companies, such as the construction of its own way of the formation of a particular piece of equipment, which related to transactions or events have been taken place, can be identified as corporate assets; but through negotiations may be the economic compensation, in the end did not get the two sides Legal documents approved before the assets can not be used as corporate accounting. Only focus on "past transactions or events," to make "the economic interests of the inflow of" guaranteed.3, enterprise assets are owned or controlled by"Owner" means the ownership of its business; "control" means the business is not entitled to ownership, but has mastered a real asset in the future economic benefits and risks (that is, assets of the risks and rewards have been transferred to enterprises), by The use of the assets to obtain future economic benefits. Assets of the enterprises must be under the control of resources generated by economic interests can be reliably into the enterprise, providing service, regardless of whether or not it has a corporate title. Produce economic benefits of a lot of resources, but this can only generate economic benefits of enterprise resource can be recognized as a corporate asset.(C) Impairment of Assets"Impairment of Assets" refers to the result of external factors or internal use or to change the scope of which led to lower the value of assets, with the result that assets may be coming into the business of all economic interests than the book value of existing assets. "Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 8 - Impairment of Assets," impairment of assets, refers to the amount of recoverable assets below their book value, including individual assets and the assets of the group. As the assets obtained in the first, when made in accordance with the actual cost, its book value and investors expected the amount of recoverable generally consistent. However, with operating activities, socio-economic environment of uncertainty will affect the future cash flows, so that the book value of assets and the amount of recoverable occurred in a departure from. When the amount of recoverable assets below book value, the difference can obtain the future economic benefits to zero or negative value. At this time the book value of assets will not be able to reflect its true value, book value and the recoverable amount is the difference between the impairment of assets, assets in accordance with the definition of an intrinsic requirement, it should be recognized impairment of assets.(D) asset impairment recognition standardsAsset impairment loss recognized standards, currently there are three: the permanent standard, the possibility of economic criteria and standards.Permanent standard is the only permanent (expected in the future period can not resume) asset impairment losses only to be confirmed. In support of the main reasons for this standard could have been prevented confirmation temporary impairment losses. However, to distinguish what is a temporary impairment, what is permanent impairment is difficult to adopt such standards may result in deliberately deferred authorities confirmed that the impairment loss; Moreover, the standards do not meet permanent "assets that can generate Future economic benefits of economic resources "concept.Standard refers to the possibility of asset impairment losses may be recognized. The United States and other countries in the possibility of the use of standards, recognition and measurement basis is not the same as confirming the use of future cash flows do not discount the value of the use of fair value measurement. Therefore, if the future cash flows do not discount the value is greater than the book value, even if the fair value is less than book value, asset impairment loss is not confirmed. The main purpose is to keep with the historical cost framework and to avoid unnecessary impairment loss on the confirmation.Standard economic means as long as the impairment occurred (for example, when the recoverable amount is less than book value) to be confirmed, and confirmed that the same measures. As the economic criteria used in estimating the value of determining the amount of recoverable when considering "the possibility", no longer require the amount recovered is less than book value to evaluate the possibility. "International Accounting Standards No. 36 - Impairment of Assets", the widespread adoption of standards.Asset impairment accounting for asset impairment of assets held by the confirmation process, and it rejected the only actual transactions have taken place before the confirmation of traditional practices, and adopt the following confirmation of the idea: as long as an item Changes in the price or value can be reliably measured and useful for decision-making, it should confirm the value. The resulting problems include asset impairment recognized in the time, manner, which should be recognized as accounting, and other factors.有关新会计制度下的资产减值问题的会计处理随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,会计制度体系也处于不断的发展变化中,在我国加入WTO后,会计制度改革加快了与国际惯例接轨的步伐,由此,对我国的会计制度和规范提出了更高的要求。
