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反演前,搜集有关模型参数的先验知识、从而使模型参数的理论响应朝着先验信息方向偏置、目标函数: φβ=--+--()()()() d Gm d Gm Dm h Dm h T T 2
式中: d :实际地震记录
m :模型参数
G :Jacobi 矩阵
D :对角线矩阵
β:Lagrange 常数
为了加快运算速度,可以对解估计考虑长度约束,使其缩小搜索范围,目标函数如下: φββ=+=+-q q e e x x L T T 12
02 ()
e=d-G m
L 0 x 的摄动边界(长度)
三、随机反演 随机反演就是不断迭代以下非线性方程:
∆ m G G C C G S d T m n T =+---()()221 式中:
C m 模型协方差矩阵
C n 噪声协方差矩阵 ∆ m 模型参数的矫正值
这方程有个特点:D 直接依赖于解,反过来m 又极大地受到D 的影响,阻尼因子是根据数据的噪声方差和模型方差自动修改的,由概率论出发,可以证明输出的估计解有稀疏特征。
Ax b =
αααββj j j j j j j j j
j j j j
j j j j j
j j j j
g g p Ap x x p
g g Ap g g g g p g p
式中:g 梯度向量
p 共轭梯度向量
x 解向量
αβj j ,+1 分别表示x 、p 的修正因子.
j 迭代序号
()A A Id x A b T T +=
αααββj j j
j j j j j j j j
j j j j
j T j j j j j j j j j j
T g g Ap Ap p dp x x p h h Ap g A h y g g g g p g p
h b Ax g p A h =+=+=-
000y 0
(,)(,)Ap Ap p A Ap j j j T j =
φ()|()()|min w x t y t p =-−→−
x(t) 井旁地震道.
y(t) 合成地震记录.
w w J R J R x y n n T n n n +-=+-11()()
J=∂∂y w / 为Jacobi 矩阵
R n+1=diag{|r k n |p-2
r J w x y k n k j j j n n
k =∑--,()∆
y n 第n 次迭代的合成记录
如果精度不要求太高,直接取L 2模.
r r A A I s s i i T i i +-=++-11()()λ
Jacobi 矩阵:
A S t r w t ij i i
i j =
=-∂∂τ()() 式中:
r :反射系数幅值.
BCI 具体实施 根据地震资料的初步解释建立一个地质模型.其次确定层间类型,用测井数据进行简单的距离加权内插,这样建立的模型作为宽带约束反演的初始输入模型.
φ()||||||||||||m D F W M M W M M p I I I pri p C x I x I pri p =-+-+∇-∇................5.1
D 、F 分别实际地震记录和合成地震记录.
M I 波阻抗模型参数
M i pri 波阻抗模型参数的先验值
∇x 横向梯度
W I ,W C 为波阻抗模型先验值以及波阻抗横向连续性的约束权系数.
||·||P p 模.
如果我们用前述的模型方差和噪声方差作约束,并且假设随机序列服从0 均值的高斯概率密度
∆M G G D F i T n m i =+--()()σσ22
式中模型参数受长度约束: L M U i ≤≤
It is well known that logging can provide relatively reliable lithological parameters of the subsurface medium and has a higher vertical resolution in the vicinity of wellbore whereas seismic data has a denser lateral sample rate and is sensitive to lateral lithological variations.In this paper,we use logging data as constrains and seismic data as a base to extrapolate borehore parameter to crosshle by means of the BCI technique improved under the condition of no damaging to the precision of seismic inversion.By sodoing,the resolution and precision in detecting formation lithological and structural paramrters in larger area are inproved. the techniques is also suitable for the study of thin and inter_bedded reservoirs.
Broad-band constraint invertion is a mehod to obtain parameters such as interval veolocities,which utilizes trial iterative on the basis of waveform similarity.it is a widely solving method of the nonlinear geophysical problem .it is well known that there are no seismic inversion which can overcome the nonuniqueness of solutions,only when the nature of the adopted inversion method and the factors leading to the nonuniqueness are thoroughly understood,can the inversion method be correctly used and the global minimum solution appoximating the truth be derived.
In this paper,some skills ,principles and ways are proposed to effectively decrease the nonuniqueness of the solution and to make the inteval parameters derived from real data through BCI basically consistent with the acoustic logging curves 。
A lot of material is looked over in the course of searching a subject of constrained inversion ,so that I can grip the leading edge.firstly ,the paper develops the theory of constrain into a set of system;Secondly ,a Generalized Conjugate Gradient Method is created on the base of bible Conjugate Gradient Method 。
I achieve the following results in the constrained inversion field:
1)begining with the founded theory of constrained inversion ,using the Gauss density hypothesis values ,I extrapolate a set of theorical system of stochastic inversion,and set forth the broad-band behave of stochastic inversion。
2)Begining with bible conjugate gradient,I extrapolate the Generalized Conjugate gradient with which the paper resolve the problem of slow calculating velocity.
3)Using the prior information and well-logging constrians to resolve nonuniqueness of inversion ,the paper set forth how to renew the low frequency and high frequency from logging constrains in details ,which is proved in practice ,too。
4)this thesis change traditional damping factor of broad-band into rate between noise variance
and variance in modeling space each point. It is verified in practice and point by point 2
theory that it can have high resolution profile.
5)Because the thesis is the first research in the micro_apparatus,it lie in lots of questions,such as map-making etc.,we can’t use any ready-made software,so the paper develope filter,spectral anolysis,and compress noise program so on.which forms a set of software-wrap,it is known that is scarce in the thesis reply in my nature。
Theoretical modeling and data processing show that this method is characteried by high accuracy ,good stability,excellent adaptability and nice noise -resistant ability and that is results in high-resolution synthetic seismograms.
it is said that the inversion method is ahead of my nature。
一、chart of reservior parameter of physical property Array
chart of reservior parameter of physical property
二、Constrained Inversion ‘s Objecu function
Before inversion ,we collect a lot of prior information relative to model parameters,and give the response of model parameter a bias to prior information.
Object function:
φβ=--+--()()()() d Gm d Gm Dm h Dm h T T 2
where : d :seismic data. m :model parameter.
G :Jacobi matrix.
D :diagonal matrix.
β:Lagrange constant
In order to fasten calculating veolocity and substract searching field ,may consider length constrans of solution estimate.Object function is following :
φββ=+=+-q q e e x x L T T 1202 ()
where :
e=d-G m
L 0 the perterbation length of x.
3.Stochastic Inversion
Stochastic inversion is contineously iterate following nonlinear function ∆ m G G C C G S d T m n T =+---()()221
where :
C m - model convariance matrix.
C n -noise convariance matrix. ∆ m - corrected value of model parameters.
It is charactoristic of Cm directly depending on solution m.On the contrary ,m is influenced greatly by Cm matrix .so lon as we give out enough noise variance ,the solution must be seeked out .It can be proved that the soution estimate has sparse behave.
Noise variance &Model variance
we definite the noncoherence part between trace and trace as noise on which we may derive out noise variance 。
Model variance merely can be achieved in the couse of continueously iteration. while the couse of iteration is contineous ,model variance gradually increase to result to sparse solution ,so that it has higher resolution 。
4.Generilized Conjugate gradient Metheod
equation group Ax b =
it’s bible conjugate gradient calaulating method is following:
αααββj j j j j j j j j
j j j j
j j j j j j j j j
g g p Ap x x p g g Ap g g g g p g p ==+=-==+++++++++(,)(,)
11111111 where:
g —gradient rector.
p —conjugate gradient vector
x —solution vector
αβj j ,+1—modifying factor of x,pvector.
j —iterating ordinal
On the base of above-mentioned theory,we may calculate out the solution of following equation group. ()A A Id x A b T T +=
The solution of generalized conjugate gradient method is: αααββj j j
j j j j j j j j
j j j j
j T j j j j j j j j j j j
T g g Ap Ap p dp x x p h h Ap g A h y g g g g p g p h b Ax g p A h =+=+=-=-==+=-==-+++++++++++ ,(,)(,)
000y 0
we may have two forms to parametor for different condition.it can be proved: (,)(,)Ap Ap p A Ap j j j T j =
5.Broad-band Constrained Inversion
5.1 wavelet inversion:object function is following
φ()|()()|min w x t y t p =-−→−
x(t)—the seismic record nearby well
y(t)—the synthesized seismograph
the iterating form is following:
w w J R J R x y n n T n n n +-=+-11()()
J=∂∂y w / Jacobi matrix
R n+1=diag{|r k n |p-2
r J w x y k n k j j
j n n k =∑--,()∆
y n —the n itrating synthsizing record
if we don’t request h igh accuracy we may let p equal to 2.
5.2 wavelet interpolation:On the condition of being constrained by the logging
data,crosshole wavelet may be interpolated out .Of course,wavelet may use multitrace inversion technique which take place wavelet each trace with multitrace average wavelet 。
5.3 reflection coefficient Inversion
On the basis of object function of broad-band inversion,the paper adopt delaying pulse model 。
r r A A I s s i i T i i +-=++-11()()λ
Jacobi matrix :
A S t r w t ij i i
i j ==-∂∂τ()() where:
r —the amplitude value of reflect coefficient.
5.4 Specific implement of BCI
Firstly ,a geological model is founded on the base of the migration section of seimic
material preliminary interpretation.Secondly,we found cross-layers model arcording to the result of interprertation then simply interpolate crosshole data through wellbore data. The model is used for preliminary model of BCI.
Where jib site change continously,we may adopt the technical know-how which is the results of ahead trace as initial value of rear trace.it may reduce the perturbation of model parameters,thus result in velocity to double.In fact ,this is similar to a sort of smooth solution of geological model .it is often more effective than multi-trace inversion .Practice verify that iteration procedure can correctly modify initial model to real model 。
Object function of BCI:
φ()||||||||||||m D F W M M W M M p I I I pri p C x I x I pri p =-+-+∇-∇................5.1 D,F — seismic data and synthetic seismograms
M I —wave imperdance model parameter
M i pri —prior value of imperdance model parameter
∇x —lateral gradient
W I ,W C —constraints weight coeffient of imperrdance model and constraints weight coeffient imperdance lateral continuity.
||·||P —L p module
means of the object function:
item1 express recording residual error;
item2 express prior constraints
item3 express smoothing model constraints
When model parameter is random series obeying 0 average Gauss probability density distribution,the object function may be simplified arcording to above-mentioned damping factor :
∆M G G D F i T n m i =+--()()σσ22
Here model parameter is constrained by length::
L M U i ≤≤
5.5 The results of numerical analysis:
1)The effect of damping factor on inversion results:The resolution increse while damping factor gradually reduce and model variance constraint gradually enhance.if inversion lose constrains of damping factor,equation tend to unstable 。
2)The effect of wavelet pricision on the inversion result.The higher pricision is,the more accurate inversion results is.When wavelet deviate real wavelet,the resuts is bader and bader and discredulous 。
3)the effect of initial modeling on inversion :when the mid-layer velocity is higher than that above it or below it ,the result may be bad 。
4)high resolution section:defineing differient pamping factor,we may have diffrent coeffient section ,so long as the S/N is greater than 1the results is credulous.
5)The effect of smooth time-window:it may be better if don’t process the edge in the time-window.。