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例1:Researchers at Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School recently described what may prove to be the first simple, reliable blood test to detect cancer long before it’s visible on an X ray or before any symptoms appear. Radiologist Eric T. Fossel and his colleagues employed a device relatively new to medical diagnosis—the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR), which classifies chemical molecules by their response to radio waves in magnetic field. In a person with cancer, NMR detects a characteristic abnormality in certain lipoprotein molecules.
Which of the following can serve as the appropriate title for the passage?
A. A New Medical Device
B. Blood Test for Cancer
C. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
D. The Enemy of Cancer

例2:By learning the life cycle of insects, scientists have found ways to control insect pests. The scientists who study insects are called entomologists. Entomologists discover what an insect is like in each stage of its development, where it lives, and what it eats. From these facts, a plan for controlling the insect can often be
worked out. For example, the eggs of the stalk borer are laid on the stems of wild plants in late summer and stay there all winter. They hatch in May or June, and then the larvae bore into the stems of the wild plants. Later, the larvae move on to cultivated plants, where they again bore into stems. In August the larvae become pupae in the stems of the cultivated plants. About three weeks later, they come out as adults and lay their eggs on wild plants. Burning the wild plants in late autumn or early spring greatly reduces the number of stalk borers that attack cultivated plants.
The main topic of the passage is _______________.
A. the life cycle of insects
B. scientists’ use of their life cycles to control insect pests
C. the life cycle of the stalk borer
D. the work of entomologists

例3:Man, even in the lower stage of development, possesses a faculty which, for want of a better name, I shall call Number Sense. This faculty permits him to recognize that something has changed in a small collection when, without his direct knowledge, an object has been removed from or added to the collection.
Number sense should not be confused with counting, which is probably of a much later vintage, and involves, as we shall see, a rather intricate mental process. Counting, so far as we know, is an attribute exclusively human, whereas some brute species seem to possess a rudimentary number sense akin to our own. At least, such is the opinion of competent observers of animal behavior, and the theory is supported by a weighty mass of evidence.
The main idea of this passage is that ________________.
A. man’s rudimentary number sense is found in lower species
B. counting is not to be confused with number sense
C. birds have a limited number sense
D. number sense is a primitive form of counting

例4:The suggestion that computers will be our brain’s successor seems absurd: how can the richness of human thought be compared to the mechanical thinking of a computer? It is true that the electronic brains of today are very primitive compared with the human brain; in fact, they have little going for them except a prodigious memory and some math skills. Yet the newest models can be wired up to follow an argument, ask pertinent questions, and write pleasing poetry and music. They can also carry on somewhat distracted conversations so convincingly that their human partners do not know they are talking to a machine. In another few decades, according to the current trends—we will see the computer as an emergent form of life, competitive with man.
The main idea of this passage is _______________.
A. the human brain is a most complicated device and nothing can surpass it
B. it is ridiculous to think that computers will be more intelligent than human beings in the future
C. to tell people that there are two different visions of the human brain
D. to reveal the bright prospects of the computer





例:The meridians of longitude are imaginary great circles drawn from pole to pole around the earth. By international agreement, the meridian of longitude passing through Greenwich, England, is numbered zero. The earth is divided into 360 degrees, and the meridians are numbered east and west from Greenwich. There are 180 degrees of longitude east of Greenwich and 180 degrees in the westerly direction. New York has a longitude of 74 degrees west which means it lies on the 74th meridian west of Greenwich.
Since the sun appears to travel around the earth in 24 hours, it will move 360/24 or 15 degrees in one hour. This reasoning can be used by navigators to determine their longitude. Imagine that we have set sail from Greenwich, England, after having set a very accurate clock, or chronometer, to the local Greenwich Time. As we travel westward toward New York, we notice that the sun is going “slower” than our chronometer. At the time that our timepiece reads 12 o’clock, the sun has not quite reached the zenith. As a matter of fact, we our clock reads noon, what it really means is that it’s noon in Greenwich, England. Our clock continues to tell us the time, not at our present location, but at Greenwich. Let us wait until the sun is directly overhead (noon at our location) and then read the time on our clock. Suppose it reads 1 o’clock. This means that there is one hour’s difference in time between our longitude and that of Greenwich. As we mentioned earlier, this corresponds to exactly 15 degrees of longitude, so our longitude must be 15 degrees west. The world is divided into 24 time zones, and each zone corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude. New York is approximately 5 time zones west of Greenwich, so the time difference must be about 5 hours. By maintaining chronometers on Greenwich time, ships can determine their longitude on any sunny day by merely noting the difference in hours between Greenwich time and local sun time and multiplying this difference by 15 degrees.
Of course, longitude gives only half of the information needed to determine our precise location. We must also know our latitude, which tell us how far we are north or south of the equator. The Equator is the zero line for the measurement of latitude. Circles are drawn parallel to the equator to indicate other values of latitude. There are 90 degrees of south latitude.
In the Northern Hemisphere, there is a star called Polaris almost directly over the North Pole. This makes it possible to determine the latitude of a given point by setting our sextant to measure the angle between Polaris, the North Star, and the horizon. Mathematicians tell us that this angle is equal to the latitude at the point in question.
To get an idea of our location, therefore, we need to know the local time, Greenwich time, and the angle between Polaris and the horizon.
1. In order to get the precise location of a ship, the navigator must know _____________.
A. his latitude
B. both his latitude and longitude
C. local time
D. the number of degrees he is east or west of Greenwich
2. In order to determine latitude, the navigator must know__________________.
A. Greenwich time and local time
B. a good deal of mathematics
C. the angle between Polaris and the horizon
D. Greenwich time, local time, and the angle between Polaris and the horizon.
3. A navigator’s chronometer will always show ____________________________.
A. local time
B. noon time
C. Greenwich time
D. sun time
4. In relation to the earth, the sun will move ________________________________.
A. 7000 miles per hour
B. twice as fast as Polaris
C. 1/48 of the world’s circumference
D. fifteen degrees in one hour
5. It can be inferred that the number of degrees of latitude in the North Hemisphere is ________.
A. 18 degrees
B. 36 degrees
C. 54 degrees
D. 90 degrees
例1:Phantom seeing occurs most among the elderly, presumably because vision tends to deteriorate with age.
Some 15 percent of the people who lose all or part of their vision report phantom visual experiences. The proportion may be higher because some people avoid discussing phantom vision for fear of being labeled as psychologically disturbed.
It can be inferred from the passage that ____________________________.
A. people with a limited amount of normal vision never report phantom visual experiences
B. if a person loses all of his vision, he will experience phantom seeing sooner or later
C. about 15 percent of old people have phantom visual experiences
D. most of the people who report phantom visual experiences are not necessarily mentally ill


例2:Telecommunications developments enable the sending of messages via television, radio, and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with multitudes of messages. Satellites have extended the power of communications to report events at the instant of occurrence. Expertise can be shared world wide through teleconferencing, and problems in dispute can be settled without the participants leaving their homes and/or jobs to travel to a distant conference site. Technology has facilitated the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.
From the passage we can infer that ______________________________.
A. electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages
B. it will become more difficult for people to keep secrets in an information era
C. people will spend less time holding meetings or conferences
D. events will be reported on the spot mainly through satellites

例3:Drugs (substances) that affect the central nervous system and alter perception, mood, and behavior are known as psychoactive substances. Psychoactive substances are commonly grouped according to whether they are stimulants, depressants, or hallucinogens. Stimulants initially speed up or activate the central nervous system, whereas depressants slow it down. Hallucinogens have their primary effect on perception, distorting and altering it in variety of ways including producing hallucinations. These are the substances often called psychedelic (from the Greek word meaning “mind-manifesting”) because they seemed to radically alter one’s state of consciousness.
From the paragraph we can infer that _______________________.
A. stimulants function positively on the mind
B. hallucinogens are in themselves harmful to health
C. depressants are the worst type of psychoactive substances
D. the three types of psychoactive substances are commonly used in groups






例1:Before we reject the vision, let us consider some recent developments in the computer industry in relation to the capacity of the human brain. At the present time, brains are greatly superior to computers. As average human brain weighs three pounds, consumes electrical energy at the rate of 25 watts, and occupies a volume of one tenth of a cubic foot. Within this small volume, the brain houses between 10 billion and 100 billion items of information. The first of the truly modern generations of computer is represented by the IBM 360 machine, which appeared in 1960. This computer has a memory that holds a few million items of immediately accessible information. Although the capacity of such a machine is far less than that of the brain, it consumes about 100,000 watts of electrical power, and occupies hundreds of cubic feet of space. Scaling the 360 computer upward in size, a machine matching the human brain in memory capacity would consume electrical energy at the rate of one billion watts—half the output of the Grand Coulee Dam—and occupy most of the space in the Empire State Building. Its cost would be in the neighborhood of $10 billion. The machine would be a prodigious artificial intelligence, but it would be a clumsy imitation of the human brain.
According to the passage, at the present time, human brains are superior to computers in all the following aspects EXPECT in_____________.
A. weight
B. energy consumption
C. capacity
D. math skills.
例2:Some people think that all the oxygen is taken out of the air in the lungs and that what we breathe out is pure carbon dioxide. But these ideas are not correct. Air is a mixture of gases that is mostly nitrogen. This gas is not used in the body. So the amount of nitrogen does not change as air is breathed in and out. But while air is in the lungs, it is changed in three ways. First, about one-fifth of the oxygen in the air goes into the blood. Second, an almost equal amount of carbon dioxide comes out of the blood into the air. Last, moisture from the linings of the air passages and air sacs evaporates until the air almost saturated.
The process by which carbon dioxide and oxygen are transferred depends on all of the following EXCEPT_________________.
A. the presence of nitrogen in the blood
B. the flow of blood
C. the moisture in the air sac linings
D. the process of diffusion


And 表接近和递进
1. 利用上下文词语意义的互相联系猜测词义
The fishermen make their canoes from tree trunks. They go from island to island in these light marrow boats and collect turtles' eggs
Example :
Jogging has become very popular in some countries, It is believed to be a good exercise for old people .
2. 利用文章中词与词的同义和反义关系猜测词义
Friends and family are important to Jared, so he makes a point of keeping in touch with kith and kin even when his schedule gets hectic.
(kith=friends; kin=family/relatives)
If you happened to be sitting in the woods outside the city, you might have witnessed a strange sight. You would have seen a very proud looking man riding along horseback, saying something
While the aunt loved Mary deeply, she absolutely despised his twin brother Smarty.
I thought Chad would give me a straightforward account of events, but instead he obfuscated the facts with evasive, misleading answers.
In the northern regions the winters are generally cold and humid, and the summers hot and dry.
例1 With as many as 120 varieties in existence, discovering how cancer works is not easy. The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s, when they discovered that oncogenes, which are cancer-causing genes, are inactive in normal cells. Anything from cosmetic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknown. If several oncogenes are driven into action, the cell, unable to turn them off, becomes cancerous.
The word “dormant” in this paragraph most probably means_________
A. dead
B. ever-present
C. inactive
D. potential
例2:Literary persons, even the greatest, are seldom spectacular. Those who lead lives of heroic action have neither the time nor usually the desire, even if they have the ability, to express themselves in writing. Those who gallop down valleys of death do not sing about that experience; they leave it to gentle poets living comfortably in country retreats. Moreover, to be a great writer one must spend more of one’s time at a table in the laborious and wholly prosaic act of writing. Few writers attract a Boswell, unless the details of their lives, their sayings, and their oddities happen to be preserved in writing, they soon become little more than a name. Even with all the elaborate apparatus of modern publicity, few readers could without notice write more of the biography of any living writer than could be contained on a postcard. The word is always so much greater than the man.
The word “prosaic” as used by the author means most nearly _______________.
A. unpoetical
B. exhausting
C. romantic
D. dull
3. 寻找定义或对该词或短语的解释和说明:
Lipids, or fats, can be measured in the laboratory.
Models, or smaller representations of full-size objects, are placed in the wind tunnels.
Our uncle was a nomad, and incurable wanderer who never could stay in one place.
Superlight beams, called lasers, have many medical uses.
标志3:破折号――,或破折号与that is连用
In terms of public legitimation—that is, in terms of garnering support from state legislators, parents, donors, and university administrators—English departments are primarily places where advanced literacy is taught.
She says that while the Bush Administration rejected the Kyoto Protocol—the international agreement on Climate Change—support for such initiatives is growing on Capitol Hill.
Pam placed the flowers on her grandfather’s grave, then stepped back to read the simple epitaph on the headstone: “In loving memory of John Gray: husband, father, soldier.”
In photosynthesis the chloroplasts in plants change dioxide and water into carbohydrates.
Photo-: relating to light; chloro-: relating to color; hydra-: relating to water


描述客观态度的形容词有objective, factual(实事求是),informative(提供信息的)等。


In my view, in my opinion, personally, I think, I hold

褒义词:amazing, optimistic, compassionate(有同情心的),positive, useful, admiring, interesting, sympathetic, wonder, support等。

贬义词:ironic, critical, pessimistic, negative, disappointing disgusting, contemptuous(轻蔑的),skeptical等。

中性词:indifferent, impassive, uninterested, ambivalent(矛盾的),neutral, apathetic(冷淡的),disinterested(漠不关心的)等。





