英译汉 静态与动态

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A Course book on English-Chinese Translation
Static vs. Dynamic
By Dong yue Yang Shuyi
看到我国的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的飞机声,令我特 别神往。
English-Chinese Translation
2. 英语形容词与汉语动词的转换 在英译汉时, “系表结构”中用来表达情 感、思维、知觉等意义的形容词,常常被译成 相应的动词。
We are very grateful to you for meeting us at the airport. 我们非常感谢你来机场接我们。
English-Chinese Translation
4. 英语副词与汉语动词的转换 英语中在系动词之后用作表语的副词,以 及用于复合宾语的副词,往往可转成汉语动 词
For example:
If you insist on going, let me fetch him first.
English-Chinese Translation
1. 英语名词与汉语的动词的转换 英语名词具有很强的表意功能,很多汉语 中的动词功能在英语中是用名词来行使的。而 动词是汉语的优势词动词可以充当句子的多种 成分,没有太多的限制。因此在进行英汉互译 时,有大量的英语名词在翻译时可以对应成汉 语的动词。
Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it, off the regular streamers, off chattered motorboats and off yachts , all day they amble up the towpath, looking for what?
English-Chinese Translation
For example:
Lenin was a great lover of literature when he was a c hild.
列宁小时候酷爱文学。 The sight and sound of our jet plane filled me with sp ecial longing.

Verb dominance
In chinese,by contrast ,as verbs are not restricted by inflected forms ,a sentence may contain several verbs ,which constituted predominance of verbs over nouns.
I am doubtful whether she is still alive. 我怀疑她是否还活着
English-Chinese Translation
3. 英语介词与汉语动词的转换 介词是英语特有的词类,英语常用介词短语 来客多了,这个小地方就拥挤不堪。 搭 班船的,坐 取代动词短语,使英语的静态特征更为显著。 包船的, 驾 游艇的,一批批涌到,从早到晚,通过那 因此,在英译汉时,可以将英语介词或介词短 条纤路,漫步进村观光,想看什么呢 ? 语与汉语动词或动词短语直接进行转换,使得 译文更加地道
Noun Dominance

In English ,because a verb is restricted by
tenses ,voices ,moods and so on, a sentence usually contains one predicate verb. Instead ,nouns ,especially abstract nouns are highly frequently used to express ideas which would be expressed by verbs ,for many abstract nouns derive from verbs and are less restricted than verbs .So English is characterized by nominalization or predominance of nouns over verbs.
Static vs. Dynamic

就汉语和英语对比来看,在语言运用中,英语 倾向于多用名词,因而叙述多呈现静态(stative), 而汉语多用动词,因而叙述多呈现动态(dynamic)。
The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very sp病人,因此病人很快就 康复了。
Static vs. Dynamic

英语中的动作意义常常借助于名词、形容词、 介词或副词来表达,句中少有动词。相反的, 汉语中动词出现频率很高,动词甚至可以充当 几种句子成分。 English makes more use of nouns, adjectives,and prepositions,and is therefore more static .Chinese often employs verbs ,adverbs ,verbal phrases ,repetition of verbs ,and is therefore more dynamic.
Static vs. Dynamic

在任何语言中,名词和动词都是最重要的 词类;任何语言中的句型都可以归纳为静态和 动态两大类。 究竟是名词用的多,即名词优势(noun dominance)还是动词优势(verb dominance), 不仅取决于这个民族认识世界和反映客观现实 的方式特点,还取决于语言本身的结构特点。