John Dryden
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• In 1663, dryden married the sister of the poet Robert Sir Howard,though the marriage didn’t bring much happiness,it indeed help Dryden's living among the ranks of the royal family and nobles. • 1663年他与Robert Howard的持保皇主义观点的 妹妹伊丽莎白结婚。德莱顿偶尔也写诗提到婚姻 中的欢喜与愤怒。伊丽莎白比德莱顿长寿,育有3 个子女。
• The most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration Period was John Dryden, poet, playwright, and critic. During this period of revolution and counter-revolution, Dryden turned with the tide and always placed himself on the winning side. In 1659, he wrote an elegy (挽歌) on Cromwell’s death, singing the praise of the Protector. Two years later, he wrote an ode (颂诗)rejoicing at the • Restoration of Charles II. In 1682, he defended the Church of England against other religious groups, especially the Catholics. But three years later, when James II ascended the throne and intended to establish the Roman Catholicism as the national religion, he wrote a didactic (说教的)poem supporting the Roman Church. Owing to his successive changing of political and religious convictions, he has been called a time-server (趋炎附势者) by some critics.
John Dryden
• John Dryden (1631-1700) is English poet, playwright, literary critic. • the most notable representative of English classicism in the Restoration period. • the father of English literary criticism • the forerunner of the English literary criticism to a new level. • a poet laureate.
• 护国时期他来到伦敦,成为克伦威尔的部长John Thurloe的手下。他与清教徒诗人约翰·弥尔顿等 人出席了1658年克伦威尔的葬礼。同年发表了第 一首重要诗作《英雄诗章》,是为克伦威尔所作 的颂词。1660年又以《伸张正义》一诗迎接查理 二世复辟。 • 文艺复兴之后,他成为当时文坛和批评界的领军 人物,并表达了对新政府的拥护。他的非戏剧性 诗歌多是为了贵族政府而不是为自己写的,这对 一个桂冠诗人(他后来获得了这一封号)来说是 种义务。[4]1662年德莱顿被提名成为皇家学会成 员并当选。但他对于学会事物不热心,1666年因 拖欠会员费被开除。
Dryden was brought up in the strict puritan faith, and then to Cambridge in 1650 and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1654. From1660 to the end of the 17th century, he has been a dominant figure in British literature,1668-88-year post as poet laureate. he influenced Alexander Pope and other young writers , regarded as "glorious John" .
• “桂冠诗人”(The Poet Laureate),系英国王 室赐予御用诗人的专用称号,从17世纪英王詹姆 士一世(James 1,1566-1625)开始,延续到现 在,已经历三个世纪了,凡获得“桂冠诗人”称 号者,可领取宫廷津贴,每遇到王室喜庆或官方 盛典时,都要写作应景诗以点缀和宣扬喜庆事件, 歌功颂德,粉饰升平。 • 17世纪,在英国被封为第一位“桂冠诗人”的就 是John Dryden.
• 德莱顿出生在北安普敦郡Aldwincle的一个乡村,是 Erasmus Dryden与Mary Pickering的14个孩子们中 间最年长的,与斯威夫特是远亲。他的童年时光在 Titchmarsh附近的村子里度过,一般认为他在那接 受了最早的教育。1644年他被送往威斯敏斯特学府, 校长是Richard Busby,一位严厉而富有魅力的人。 [1]在这儿他写出了最早发表的诗歌——献给同学 Henry的挽歌。 • 1650年他前往剑桥大学三一学院。[2]1654年拿到 了学位,成绩是那一年里面最突出的。同年6月父 亲逝世,留给他一些能够赚取微薄收入的土地,但 还不足以赖以为生。[3]
• His famous poetry in early period "Annus Mirabilis" (1667), talked about the London fire, pestilence and war in the Netherlands and other major events in 1666,Dryden's poetry mostly adopts the heroic couplets (two lines of a rhyme, five step in each row, each step uses briefness iamb form). His directness, briefness, forcefully.. Dryden is a rich playwright, he has written nearly 30, tragicomedy, tragedy and comedy opera. He mainly imitate French tragedy poet Gaonaiyi and wrote many "heroic drama".It include the conquest of granada (1672) and "Oren - Caibi" (1676), etc. the theme of the hero tragedy is the contradiction between love and honor.
Dryden also rewritten Shakespeare's tragedy, Antony and Cleopatra) into (All the for love) • Dryden was the founder of the British literary criticism. His greatest work of literary criticism is An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. dryden's importance in the Restoration period is greater than that of any writer of the same age. Sohe the last quarter of the 17th century is, by common consent, the Age of Dryden. • After the death of dryden was buried in Westminster Abbey "poet Angle"
• After the glorious revolution, in order to make a living, dryden once again turned to the theater and other types of writing. • Dryden wrote ode is known for his dedicated to music in the female divine Cecilia, and write lyric ode: "song of saint Cecilia day" (1687) and so known as the power of music (1697), the poem in the music of praise for the wonderful art, dryden's ode and satirical poem marks the establishment of the classical poetry in Britain.