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1 材料与方法
1.1 材料来源 试验用鱼为月鳢苗种场提供的日龄为 30d的月鳢幼鱼,共计1000尾,平均体重为1.47±0.08g,体 长为3.73±0.26cm。试验饲料共4种,分别是红线虫、蚯蚓、
文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2017)15-0123-3
Effects of Different Diets on the Growth and Development of Larvae of Channa asiatica
Chen Daiyu et al. (1School of Agriculture and Forest Engineering and Planning,Tongren University,Tongren 554300,China) Abstract:In order to study effects of different diets on the growth and development of larvae of Channa asiatica,at the water temperature of 23~28℃,a 120d growth experiment which studied the influence of 4 kinds of food(artifi⁃ cial feed ,red worms,earthworm,corn meal)on the growth of Channa asiatica was performed based on the change of their survival rate and the rate of grain in body weight from July to November in 2016.The results showed the growth of larvae of Channa asiatica feed on artificial feed was the fastest which was(1024.00±15.78),followed by larvae of Channa asiatica,red worms and earthworm and the difference among groups feed on different food ,and the growth of larvae of Channa asiatica feed on artificial feed was the slowest which was -6.00%.The survival rate of lar⁃ vae of Channa asiatica feed on corn meal was 15.28%,the other groups of it was 100%.Regression analysis was car⁃ ried out on the artificial feed of larvae of Channa asiatica. Relationship between body weight and age,the growth model is H = 0.5182 D0.5593 ,the relationship of the total length and age is L = 0.519 D0.5588,the relationship of body weight and body length is H = 0.0193 L . 2.7856 Key words:Channa asiatica;Different diets;Larvae;Growth
安徽农学通报,Anhui Agri.Sci.Bull.2017,23(15)
陈代宇 梁正其* 覃应梅
(铜仁学院农林工程与规划学院,贵州铜仁 554300)
摘 要:为了研究不同饵料对月鳢幼鱼生长的影响,2016 年 7 月至 2016 年 11 月,采用人工配合饲料、红线虫、
蚯蚓、玉米面对月鳢幼鱼进行 120d 的生长试验。通过对增重率和成活率变化,探讨 4 种不同饵料对月鳢幼鱼
率为 1024.00%;其次依序为蚯蚓、红线虫。投喂玉米面的试验组最低,增重率为-6.00%。除投喂玉米面的月
月鳢(Channa asiatica)属于鲈形目,鳢科,月鳢属,俗 称七星鱼、山花鱼等[1]。月鳢肉质细嫩、肌间刺少、味道鲜 美、蛋白质含量高、具有滋补强身、活血生肌,体表有花纹 具有食用、药用、观赏的作用[2]。月鳢属于动物性食性[3], 主要分布于长江以南广大丘陵、山区的沼泽溪流中[4]。
在月鳢的生长发育过程中,饵料的种类、质量、适口 性对其生长发育起着重要的影响,月鳢摄食不同的饵料 其生长速度、对疾病的抵抗力以及对环境的适应力等都 会有所不同,因此对不同饵料、饲养条件对月鳢生长影响 的研究是月鳢饲料开发以及人工养殖的先决条件之一。 目前,国内对月鳢做很多研究,有陈一骏等[2]对月鳢的生 物学特性及其养殖技术进行了研究;唐勇等[1]研究了月鳢
的养殖技术;杨代勤等[4]对月鳢食性的进行了初步研究; 黄均等[5]对月鳢肌肉营养成分进行了分析及营养价值评 定进行了研究,而对月鳢的营养需求、生物饵料以及饲养 条件方面的未见报道。为了解不同饲养条件、不同饵料 对月鳢幼鱼生长的影响,本次试验用不同的饲养条件饲 养月鳢幼鱼,观擦不同试验组月鳢的生长情况,初步研究 本次试验所采用的不同饲养条件对月鳢幼鱼生长的 影响。
鳢幼苗成活率为 15.28%,其他组均为 100%。对采用人工配合饲料饲养的幼鱼的体重与日龄进行回归分析,
其生长模型是:H = 0.518D0.5593,全长与日龄的相关关系:L = 0.519D0.5588 ,体重与全长的相关式:H= 0.019L2.7856。
中图分类号 S965.199
1.1 材料来源 试验用鱼为月鳢苗种场提供的日龄为 30d的月鳢幼鱼,共计1000尾,平均体重为1.47±0.08g,体 长为3.73±0.26cm。试验饲料共4种,分别是红线虫、蚯蚓、
文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2017)15-0123-3
Effects of Different Diets on the Growth and Development of Larvae of Channa asiatica
Chen Daiyu et al. (1School of Agriculture and Forest Engineering and Planning,Tongren University,Tongren 554300,China) Abstract:In order to study effects of different diets on the growth and development of larvae of Channa asiatica,at the water temperature of 23~28℃,a 120d growth experiment which studied the influence of 4 kinds of food(artifi⁃ cial feed ,red worms,earthworm,corn meal)on the growth of Channa asiatica was performed based on the change of their survival rate and the rate of grain in body weight from July to November in 2016.The results showed the growth of larvae of Channa asiatica feed on artificial feed was the fastest which was(1024.00±15.78),followed by larvae of Channa asiatica,red worms and earthworm and the difference among groups feed on different food ,and the growth of larvae of Channa asiatica feed on artificial feed was the slowest which was -6.00%.The survival rate of lar⁃ vae of Channa asiatica feed on corn meal was 15.28%,the other groups of it was 100%.Regression analysis was car⁃ ried out on the artificial feed of larvae of Channa asiatica. Relationship between body weight and age,the growth model is H = 0.5182 D0.5593 ,the relationship of the total length and age is L = 0.519 D0.5588,the relationship of body weight and body length is H = 0.0193 L . 2.7856 Key words:Channa asiatica;Different diets;Larvae;Growth
安徽农学通报,Anhui Agri.Sci.Bull.2017,23(15)
陈代宇 梁正其* 覃应梅
(铜仁学院农林工程与规划学院,贵州铜仁 554300)
摘 要:为了研究不同饵料对月鳢幼鱼生长的影响,2016 年 7 月至 2016 年 11 月,采用人工配合饲料、红线虫、
蚯蚓、玉米面对月鳢幼鱼进行 120d 的生长试验。通过对增重率和成活率变化,探讨 4 种不同饵料对月鳢幼鱼
率为 1024.00%;其次依序为蚯蚓、红线虫。投喂玉米面的试验组最低,增重率为-6.00%。除投喂玉米面的月
月鳢(Channa asiatica)属于鲈形目,鳢科,月鳢属,俗 称七星鱼、山花鱼等[1]。月鳢肉质细嫩、肌间刺少、味道鲜 美、蛋白质含量高、具有滋补强身、活血生肌,体表有花纹 具有食用、药用、观赏的作用[2]。月鳢属于动物性食性[3], 主要分布于长江以南广大丘陵、山区的沼泽溪流中[4]。
在月鳢的生长发育过程中,饵料的种类、质量、适口 性对其生长发育起着重要的影响,月鳢摄食不同的饵料 其生长速度、对疾病的抵抗力以及对环境的适应力等都 会有所不同,因此对不同饵料、饲养条件对月鳢生长影响 的研究是月鳢饲料开发以及人工养殖的先决条件之一。 目前,国内对月鳢做很多研究,有陈一骏等[2]对月鳢的生 物学特性及其养殖技术进行了研究;唐勇等[1]研究了月鳢
的养殖技术;杨代勤等[4]对月鳢食性的进行了初步研究; 黄均等[5]对月鳢肌肉营养成分进行了分析及营养价值评 定进行了研究,而对月鳢的营养需求、生物饵料以及饲养 条件方面的未见报道。为了解不同饲养条件、不同饵料 对月鳢幼鱼生长的影响,本次试验用不同的饲养条件饲 养月鳢幼鱼,观擦不同试验组月鳢的生长情况,初步研究 本次试验所采用的不同饲养条件对月鳢幼鱼生长的 影响。
鳢幼苗成活率为 15.28%,其他组均为 100%。对采用人工配合饲料饲养的幼鱼的体重与日龄进行回归分析,
其生长模型是:H = 0.518D0.5593,全长与日龄的相关关系:L = 0.519D0.5588 ,体重与全长的相关式:H= 0.019L2.7856。
中图分类号 S965.199