Design for a large underground space

福州滨海新区位于福州城市发展东拓南进的主要发展轴上,是18个国家级新区之一,距离福州老城区中心约40 km;它邻近福州长乐国际机场,其主要发展轴西连莲花山,东临台湾海峡,背山面海,景色宜人。
滨海新区CAZ 核心区共计4个地块,总用地面积约14万 m 2,建筑面积约50万 m 2。
其地下空间设计充分利用区域规划要素,采取多种设计策略,将CAZ 核心区高强度开发、轨道交通枢纽门户、地下环路系统等利用片区统筹的方式为实现立体城市提供空间,对有限的空间资源进行最大限度的利用(见图2)。
1 CBD 与CAZ 之概念辨析美国社会学家伯吉斯(Burgess)基于他创建的城市同心圆模型在1923年提出了中央商务区(central business district, CBD)的概念。
但随着城市的不断发展,CBD 也暴露出越来越多的问题:城市中心区地价、物价飞涨,居民大量流失,“有商无民”现象不断加剧;中央商务区白天“钟摆式通勤”,夜晚与周末成为“死城”;城市中心区零售商业比重大幅下降。
这些问题都导致传统摘要 文章以福州滨海新区CAZ(central activities zone)核心区为实践案例,探讨TOD 一体化开发下的城市中央活动区地下空间设计策略。
首先对CBD 与CAZ 进行概念辨析,进而阐述了该项目设计的总体理念;在此基础上梳理了滨海新区CAZ 核心区地下基盘系统、交通换乘枢纽、低碳地下空间三个设计要点,总结相关城市设计与建筑设计经验。

工程建设与设计Construction&Druign ForProjecl青岛井冈山路地铁站地下空间建筑设计的思考Thoughts on the Underground Space Design of the Jinggangshan Road Station ofQingdao Subway王海琳(中铁第一勘察设计院集团有限公司,西安710043)WANG Hai-lin(China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.Ltd.,Xi'an710043,China)【摘要】青岛井冈山路地铁站的地下空间设计是依托井冈山路地铁站,与周边多个商业建筑联系的地下建筑,规模较大,且地处青岛黄岛区最为繁华的地段。
[Abstract]The underground space design of t he Jinggangshan road station of Q ingdao subway is based on Jinggangshan road subway station and connected with many surrounding commercial buildings.It is of l arge scale and located in the most prosperous area of Qingdao's Huangdao bined with the characteristics,location and surrounding environment of the project,this paper expounds the design ideas of underground space,providing reference for similar projects.【关键词】地下空间;建筑设计;下沉广场[Keywords]underground space;architectural design;sinking square【中图分类号1TU922【文献标志码】A【文章编号】1007-9467(2020)02-0022-03 [D01]10.13616/ki.gcjsysj.2020.02.0071项目概况青岛地铁井冈山路站地下空间开发是结合该地铁站设置的地下空间开发,分一期、二期2部分工程,总建筑面积约1.4x10^2。

Status of the development of solid garage Stereo garage is the storage which is used for automatic parking and scientific storage of kinds of automobile. As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays ,the hard-to-park problem has become a common phenomenon. Mechanical stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play and maximize the number of parking cars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studies the type mechanical parking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage, and regards of the two factors of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.On the basis of investigation on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, we choose three-layer and three-formulistic garage structure as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up-down and translation ear-base, it is made of three pares -part of ear-base structure part of driving-framework and part of control system. The paper simply introduces main structure and characteristics of garage and also gives a short introduction to its control system. The finite element reliability checking of steel structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage. Including intension of the framework structure axes etc. The paper adopted PLC as control system in designing the up-down and translation stereo garage, PLC software of OMRON company was used to weave the program of control system, through debugging running. The result proved that adopted PLC as control system is simple and easy to realize. The characteristic of stabilization ,credibility , speediness and high capability made the control system very perfection of mechanical parking systems-general safety requirement and the facts of the up-down and translation stereo garage the paper introduced some safety technique which was used in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safetyfor car and make the whole stereo garage safety and running smooth .On the base of the project "Optimal design of the mechanisms in the stereoscopic garage",some mechanisms in the lift park garage has been designed optimally. At the first, we established the running mode and the structure of the mechanisms adapted to the running mode. And then, we chose the immobile comb as the parking space and the steel structure framework as support, the optimal design on the two mechanisms was carried through. The optimal design on the immobile comb and the steel structure framework was carried through with augmented multipliers method. At the end, the result of the optimal design is that the immobile comb will be more reasonable and decreased the whole weight of the garage and the load of the steel structure framework, and the weight of the steel structure framework become more light.With the rapid development of shanghai ,the settlement of the difficult of parking of shanghai has already reached the very urgent stage. In the city center where every inch of land is precious ,especially the area which such vehicles as the hotel ,market ,shopping center location ,etc. Dr.eye.concentrate ,can only develop to the sky ,to underground ,so has built and already to a great deal of three-dimensional garage parking reached the essential stage ,at the same time there are many advantages too in the three-dimensional garage parking.First ,economize the space. Generally speaking ,its floor space is about 1/2~1/25 of the level parking area ,machinery type "three-dimensional" .The garage can both be installed with ground underground ,the greatest advantage can fully utilize the small area to develop to the high altitude, try one's best to store more vehicles ,the place that the land resource in short supply ,the vehicle is big in capacity to park in the way best. For example ,are most suitable for using "vertical circulation" on the limited residential quarter ground on the space three-dimensional garage of the type. 8 storey s of every groups of this kind of garage ,that is to say ,only parked the three-dimensional garage built up on the area of a car and park 8 cars originally.Second ,automation is controlled ,easy to use. The three-dimensional automatic degree of garage parking is very high ,can hoist or lower the rotatory type ,for example ,district residents come off duty and park ,so long as according to the number that the brass-wind instrument is corresponding with the parking stall ,this parking stall will be rotated and landed to the ground ,after the car owner parks the good vehicle ,and then according to the number ,the parking stall circles round and rises ,restored to the throne again. From a complete set and install the intellectual administrative system of the parking area after installing the large-scale underground parking of the three-dimensional garage ,go on one on duty to manage hour through professional staff member of technical training.Third ,three-dimensional garage build cost lower than the traditional parking area greatly. It is reported, the occupation of land and building cost in the traditional parking area is quite high. Do not generally get on very well ,ordinary each occupation of land in the parking stall ,about 15 square meters ,the floors ,the floor space of each parking stall of underground parking is above 25 square meters at least on the ground. If use the three-dimensional garage parking, can park one group and 8 parking stalls of three-dimensional garage parking on the vacant lot of 30 square meters ,the average floor space of each parking stall is less than 4 square meters. In respect to building cost ,the house property developer of the district builds an underground parking stall to need to invest 60,000-80,000 yuan at present ,the construction cost of some top-grade underground parking stalls of office building is up to more than ten ten thousand yuan especially. If install the three-dimensional garage ,is it increase parking stall is can cost stand thin to reach 50,000-60,000 yuan each construction of parking stall to try one's best in a situation that the area of space does not change.Fourth, it is safe and reliable and beautifying the environment. Allocate the automatic detection system, various kings of sage organizations, autoalarm , fire-fighting system and other stick precautions facility. The automobile will not damage , loses. Suit measures to local conditions, utilize fragmentary vacant lot , shapebeautiful garage beyond mix ,beautify the urban environment.。

城市建筑┃建筑设计┃U RBANISM A ND A RCHITECTURE ┃A RCHITECTURAL D ESIGN49珠江新城海心沙地下空间设计研究The Space Design of Hoi Sham Sand in the New City of Pearl River■ 郭 颖 ■ Guo Ying[摘 要] 土地资源的开发利用一直是城市颇为重要的课题。
[关键词] 亚运开闭幕式主会场地下空间 功能 赛时 景观 平战结合[Abstract] The development and utilization of land resources has been a very important topic of the city. Guangzhou, where the land is very expensive, has been in constant attention and increase the value of the utilization and development of underground space. The underground space is the foundation of the building, and do a good job of underground space design is particularly important. In this article, the author as the designer of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games opening and closing ceremony of the main venue for the underground space, feel that in addition to the Asian Games left our good memories, more technical thinking. Through thinking the process of the underground construction design, the author study many aspects of the functional use of underground space, underground space parking function, games underground space, the blend design of underground space and landscape, the user-friendly design of the underground space and the peacetime combination of design on the underground space, then introduces the way that the architectural design of the underground space in Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games opening and closing ceremonies of the main venue.[Keywords] The underground space of Asian Games opening and closing ceremony of the main venue, function, race mom- ent, landscape, combine peacetime with wartime一、 项目简介珠江新城海心沙地下空间及公园工程坐落于珠江新城海心沙岛,是第16届广州亚运开闭幕式主会场。

城市建筑┃建筑设计┃U RBANISM A ND A RCHITECTURE ┃A RCHITECTURAL D ESIGN65从北极阁地下商业中心谈地下空间的开发与利用Discussion on Exploitation and Utilization of Underground Space from the Arctic Cabinet Underground Commercial Center■ 赵来云 ■ Zhao Laiyun[摘 要] 未来地下空间的开发利用将会是一个全新的格局,特别是在合理满足功能的前提下,要积极推动发展商业开发利用,实施多元化的手段、多种途径来提升地下商业空间的经济效益。
[关键词] 地下空间 经济效益 商业价值 设计[Abstract] Development and utilization of underground space will be a new pattern in the future, especially in the premise of rational functions, to actively promote the development and utilization of commercial, to implement diversified means and ways to improve economic benefit of underground commercial space. The proportion of commercial space in the development and utilization of underground space in city is upward. How to plan and design rationally and effectively for underground space, making the underground commercial space and city environment fusion, How to guide the business opportunities success into the underground, in order to maximize the value of the underground space, decides the success or failure of the development of underground space.[Keywords] underground space, economic benefits, commerc- ial value, design地下空间是指属于地表以下,主要针对于建筑方面来说的一个词汇,它的范围比较宽泛,比如地下停车场、地下商场、地下隧道、矿井、军事等建筑空间。

明挖顺作法英语The "open-cut method" is a construction technique that involves excavating a site to create a tunnel or a large underground space. It's a common practice in civil engineering, especially when the depth of the excavation is relatively shallow.This method offers several advantages, such as ease of access to the construction site and the ability to monitor the progress closely. Workers can directly see the excavation process and make adjustments as needed, ensuring quality control.However, the open-cut method also comes with challenges. It can disrupt the surrounding environment, affecting traffic and causing inconvenience to local residents. Proper planning and mitigation strategies are crucial to minimize these impacts.In urban areas, where space is at a premium, the open-cut method may not always be feasible. Alternatives like the tunnel boring machine (TBM) are often used to create underground passages with less surface disruption.Safety is a paramount concern in open-cut construction. Workers must be protected from potential hazards such as falling debris and unstable ground. Strict safety protocols and regular inspections are essential.Despite the challenges, the open-cut method remains a vital tool in modern construction. With careful planning and execution, it can lead to efficient and successful projects, contributing to the development of infrastructure and urban landscapes.In conclusion, the open-cut method is a versatile approach in civil engineering, balancing the need for accessibility and control with the demands of safety and environmental impact. It requires a delicate balance of expertise and foresight to execute effectively.。

城市地下空间开发标准化建设City underground space development is a crucial aspect of urban planning and infrastructure construction. As cities grow and populations increase, the need for utilizing underground space becomes even more pressing. Standardized development of underground space plays a significant role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of urban environments. By establishing clear guidelines and regulations for the construction and management of underground spaces, cities can better harness the potential of their subterranean areas while also addressing various challenges and risks associated with such development.城市地下空间的发展是城市规划和基础设施建设的一个关键方面。
One of the key benefits of standardized development of underground space is the enhancement of urban functionality andefficiency. By optimizing the use of underground areas for various purposes such as transportation, parking, commercial activities, and utilities, cities can alleviate congestion on the surface, improve mobility, and enhance the overall livability of urban environments. Standardized development ensures that underground spaces are designed and utilized in a systematic and organized manner, leading to better integration with the surrounding urban fabric and infrastructure.地下空间标准化开发的主要好处之一是增强城市的功能性和效率。

"Underground Garages: InternationalPerspectives"1. Design InnovationsUnderground garages in countries like the United States and Canada are pushing the boundaries of design. These facilities often incorporate green building principles, with features like natural lighting, ventilation systems, and even rooftop gardens that blend seamlessly with the urban environment.2. Space UtilizationIn densely populated cities like London and Tokyo, underground garages are marvels of space utilization. These cities have mastered the art of maximizing limited space, creating multilevel parking structures that stretch deep beneath the surface.3. Security and SafetyEuropean countries, such as Germany and France, place a strong emphasis on security and safety in their underground garages. Stateoftheart surveillance systems, welllit areas, and clear signage are standard features, ensuring thatdrivers and their vehicles are wellprotected.4. Automated Parking Systems5. Environmental Considerations6. Community Integration"Underground Garages: International Perspectives" (Continued)7. Urban Planning Strategiescities such as Amsterdam and Copenhagen have integrated underground garages into their urban planning strategies to maintain the historic beauty of their city centers. These garages are often constructed beneath public squares or parks, preserving the integrity of the city's surface landscape while providing muchneeded parking spaces.8. Accessibility and InclusivityIn the United Kingdom, underground garages are designed with accessibility in mind. They feature wide parking bays, clear signage, and elevators that cater to all users, including those with disabilities. This focus on inclusivity ensures that these facilities are usable everyone.9. Disaster ResilienceIn earthquakeprone regions like California and Japan, underground garages are built to withstand natural disasters. They incorporate flexible designs and materials that can absorb seismic activity, protecting both the structure itself and the vehicles within.10. Economic ViabilityIn major financial hubs like New York and Dubai, the economic viability of underground garages is a critical factor. These cities have seen the value in premium parking spaces, with some underground garages offering luxury amenities and valet services to attract highend users.11. Historical PreservationIn cities with rich histories like Rome and Athens, underground garages are often designed to coexist with archaeological sites. Constructors take great care to preserve the historical remains discovered during excavation, sometimes incorporating these finds into the garage's design.12. Public Transportation IntegrationIn cities like Montreal and Moscow, underground garages serve as extensions of the public transportation network. They are designed with direct connections to subway stations and bus terminals, encouraging the use of public transit and reducing overall traffic congestion.13. Energy Efficiency14. Community EngagementThe global approach to underground garages is a dynamic and evolving field, reflecting the diverse needs and innovative solutions of cities around the world. As urbanization continues, the lessons learned from theseinternational perspectives will inform and inspire the design of future underground parking solutions."Underground Garages: International Perspectives" (Continued)15. Smart Technology Integration16. Aesthetics and ArtCities like Paris and Barcelona are known for their appreciation of art and design, and this extends to their underground garages. These facilities often feature artistic installations, murals, or unique architectural elements that transform the utilitarian space into something visually appealing.17. Water ManagementIn cities prone to flooding, like Mumbai and Jakarta, underground garages are designed with sophisticated water management systems. These systems include drainage, pumping stations, and sometimes even flood barriers to protect the garage and its contents from unexpected water levels.18. Air Quality ControlIn London and Beijing, where air quality is a significant concern, underground garages are equipped withair filtration systems. These systems help to maintain clean air within the garage, reducing the amount of pollution that drivers and their vehicles are exposed to.19. Noise ReductionIn cities like Zurich and Sydney, where the quality of life is highly valued, underground garages are designed with noise reduction in mind. Soundabsorbing materials and careful engineering help to minimize the noise that vehicles generate, contributing to a quieter urban environment.20. Bicycle ParkingIn cyclingfriendly cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam, underground garages often include dedicatedbicycle parking areas. These sections provide secure and convenient storage for bikes, encouraging more people to choose cycling as a mode of transportation.21. Emergency Preparedness22. Green Spaces and Urban AgricultureSome cities, like Chicago and Singapore, are experimenting with integrating green spaces and urban agriculture into underground garages. Rooftop gardens and vertical green walls not only beautify the space but also contribute to urban sustainability.23. Heritage InterpretationIn cities with a rich cultural heritage, such as Istanbul and Mexico City, underground garages are sometimes designed to include interpretive centers. These centersshowcase the historical significance of the site, offering a unique educational experience for visitors.The international approach to underground garages is a testament to the multifaceted nature of urban development. As cities continue to grow and evolve, the design and function of these subterranean spaces will play an increasingly important role in shaping the urban experience for residents and visitors alike.。

During the implementation process, regular inspections and quality control measures should be carried out to ensure that the landscapingwork is progressing according to plan and that any issues or complications are addressed promptly.在实施过程中,应进行定期检查和质量控制措施,以确保绿化工作按计划进行,并且及时解决任何问题或复杂情况。It is also important to keep residents informed about the progress of the landscaping work and to addressany concerns or disruptions that may arise during the construction process.重要的是要让居民了解绿化工作的进展情况,并解决在施工过程中可能出现的任何担忧或干扰。

迁到地底去作文500字英文回答:Living underground has always been a fascinating idea for me. The thought of a hidden world beneath our feet, with its own unique ecosystem and way of life, is truly intriguing. Moving to the underground would mean leaving behind the hustle and bustle of the city and immersing myself in a completely different environment.One of the main advantages of living underground is the protection it offers from the elements. No more worrying about extreme weather conditions or natural disasters. The underground provides a stable and controlled climate, ensuring a comfortable living environment all year round. For example, during the scorching summer months, I can enjoy cool temperatures underground, while in the winter, I can avoid the freezing cold.Another benefit of living underground is the increasedsense of security and privacy. In the surface world, it's easy for anyone to see what you're doing or where you're going. But in the underground, I would have a greater sense of control over my own space and privacy. I could design my own underground home with hidden entrances and secret rooms, creating a sense of mystery and intrigue. Additionally, the underground would provide a natural barrier against unwanted intruders, ensuring a higher level of safety and security.Furthermore, living underground would offer a unique opportunity to explore and discover new things. The underground world is still largely unexplored, and there could be countless hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Imagine stumbling upon ancient artifacts or uncovering a hidden underground river. The possibilitiesfor exploration and adventure are endless.However, there are also some challenges and drawbacksto consider when moving underground. One of the main concerns is the lack of natural light. Sunlight isessential for our physical and mental well-being, andliving without it could have negative effects on our health. To overcome this challenge, underground communities would need to invest in advanced lighting systems that mimic natural sunlight, providing the necessary light for plantsto grow and for humans to thrive.Another challenge is the limited space underground. Unlike the surface world, where we have vast expanses of land, the underground is confined and limited in size. This means that careful planning and efficient use of spacewould be necessary to ensure a comfortable living environment. Innovative architectural designs and compact living solutions would be essential to make the most of the available space.In conclusion, moving underground offers a unique and intriguing lifestyle. It provides protection from the elements, increased security and privacy, and opportunities for exploration and discovery. However, it also presents challenges such as the lack of natural light and limited space. Despite these challenges, I believe that with the right technology and innovative solutions, livingunderground could be a viable and exciting option for the future.中文回答:迁移到地底生活一直是我非常着迷的想法。

关于管廊的英文文献Utility Tunnels: A Comprehensive Overview.Introduction.Utility tunnels, also known as underground serviceducts or utility corridors, are subterranean structures designed to house and protect essential utility services, such as electricity, telecommunications, water supply, and wastewater drainage. They play a crucial role in theefficient and reliable delivery of utilities to urban areas, industrial complexes, and large-scale developments. This article provides a comprehensive overview of utility tunnels, covering their design, construction, operation,and maintenance.Design Considerations.The design of utility tunnels is driven by various factors, including the types of utilities to beaccommodated, the available space, and the geological conditions at the site. Key design considerations include:Space requirements: The size and shape of the tunnel must accommodate the necessary utility lines and provide sufficient clearance for maintenance and inspection activities.Ventilation: Adequate ventilation is essential to remove heat and moisture generated by the utilities and ensure a safe working environment.Drainage: The tunnel must be designed to prevent flooding and provide proper drainage for any water leaks or spills.Structural integrity: The tunnel structure must withstand the weight of the overlying soil and other loads, including traffic and construction activities.Security: Measures should be taken to prevent unauthorized access and protect the utilities frompotential threats.Construction Methods.Utility tunnels can be constructed using various methods, depending on the soil conditions, the depth of the tunnel, and the available space. Common construction methods include:Cut-and-cover: The tunnel is excavated from thesurface and covered with a roof structure.Trenchless: The tunnel is constructed undergroundusing techniques such as tunneling machines or pipe jacking.Shield tunneling: A large-diameter tunneling shield is used to bore the tunnel and install the tunnel lining simultaneously.Materials.The materials used in the construction of utilitytunnels must meet specific requirements for strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion. Common materials include:Concrete: Concrete is widely used for tunnel linings due to its strength, durability, and fire resistance.Steel: Steel is used for tunnel linings that require higher strength or corrosion resistance.Polyethylene: Polyethylene pipes are often used for utility lines within the tunnel due to their flexibility and corrosion resistance.Operation and Maintenance.Utility tunnels require ongoing operation and maintenance to ensure their safety and reliability. Key aspects include:Inspection and monitoring: Regular inspections and monitoring of the tunnel structure, utilities, andventilation systems are essential for early detection of any potential issues.Maintenance: Maintenance activities include cleaning, repair, and replacement of utility lines, as well as any necessary structural repairs.Emergency response: Emergency plans should be in place to address potential incidents such as leaks, fires, or power outages.Benefits of Utility Tunnels.Utility tunnels offer several benefits over traditional above-ground utility installations:Reduced congestion: Utility tunnels remove utilities from the street level, reducing traffic congestion and improving aesthetics.Improved reliability: Underground tunnels protect utilities from damage due to weather events, accidents, orvandalism.Enhanced safety: Tunnels provide a safe environmentfor utility workers to perform maintenance and repair tasks.Space utilization: Tunnels free up valuable street space for other purposes, such as sidewalks, bike lanes, or green spaces.Conclusion.Utility tunnels are essential infrastructure components that play a critical role in the efficient and reliable delivery of utilities in urban and industrial environments. By providing a protected environment for vital utility services, tunnels enhance safety, reduce congestion,improve reliability, and optimize space utilization. Proper design, construction, operation, and maintenance are key to ensuring the long-term performance and durability ofutility tunnels.。

民宿地下停车位面积标准Under current standards, the minimum size of a parking space in a guesthouse's underground parking lot is often determined by local regulations. These regulations may vary depending on the city or region. It is important for guesthouse owners to be aware of these specific guidelines when planning the layout and design of their parking facility to ensure compliance with the law.根据当前的标准,民宿地下停车场停车位的最小尺寸通常由当地法规规定。
Guesthouses with limited space may face challenges when it comesto providing adequate parking for their guests. In densely populated areas or popular tourist destinations, the demand for parking spaces can be high. Therefore, having a clear understanding of the minimum size requirements and maximizing the use of available space is crucial for guesthouse owners to provide a convenient and safe parking experience for their guests.空间有限的民宿可能在为客人提供充足停车位方面面临挑战。
城市地下空间工程 英文介绍

城市地下空间工程英文介绍Underground Space Engineering in CitiesWith the rapid development of urbanization, the limited area available above ground has led to an increase in the utilization of underground space in cities. City planners and engineers have turned underground space into a new frontier of urban development, providing solutions for various urban problems such as overpopulation and congestion.The scope of underground space engineering is broad and includes transportation, sewage treatment, power supply, emergency shelters, commercial spaces, and even residential areas. These are accomplished through the construction of large-scale underground infrastructure such as tunnels, subways, underground malls, and parking lots.One of the most significant challenges in developing underground space is maintaining safety and preventing environmental degradation. Heavy equipment is needed during the construction process, which can cause noise pollution and affect the safety of nearby buildings. Additionally, underground constructions can lead to soil subsidence, reducing the stability of surrounding buildings.However, proper planning and design can mitigate risks associated with underground construction. Engineers use a variety of geotechnical and structural methods such as soil reinforcement, grouting, and water sealing to ensure the safety and durability of underground structures. Vertical drainage systems and soil reinforcement techniques can help mitigate the effects of soil subsidence caused by undergroundconstruction.In conclusion, underground space engineering is an essential aspect of modern urban construction. Proper planning, design and engineering can provide a significant solution to many urban challenges such as overpopulation,lack of space, and congestion. By utilizing underground space, cities can continue to grow sustainably, while ensuring that the safety of nearby buildings and the environment is not compromised.。

防空洞形状英文作文The Unique Shape of Bomb SheltersBomb shelters, often referred to as air-raid shelters, were a crucial part of civilian defense during wartime. Their primary function was to provide a safe haven for civilians during air raids or bombings. The design and shape of these shelters were carefully planned to maximize protection and safety.Typically, bomb shelters were designed with asemi-circular or arched roof, resembling a tunnel. This shape was chosen for its structural stability and ability to disperse the force of any potential blast or debris. The arched design not only provided strength but also helped to deflect and distribute the impact of explosions away from the occupants inside.The walls of these shelters were often thick and reinforced with concrete to further enhance their protective capabilities. The entrance was typically narrow and reinforced, designed to minimize the risk of collapse or damage in case of an attack.Inside, the shelters were usually divided into small rooms or sections to provide some privacy and to distribute theoccupants evenly, ensuring that everyone had enough space in case of an emergency.The unique shape and design of bomb shelters played a vital role in saving countless lives during wartime. Even today, in some parts of the world, these shelters stand as a reminder of the resilience and ingenuity of humankind in the face of adversity.。

The subterranean commercial street of Lanxi is a unique and bustling hub of activity nestled beneath the citys surface. This underground marketplace offers a distinctive shopping experience, as it is not only a place to find a variety of goods but also a cultural and social center for the local community.Upon entering the Lanxi underground commercial street, visitors are immediately greeted by the vibrant atmosphere and the bright, welllit spaces. The street is lined with a diverse array of shops and stalls, each offering their own unique products and services. From the latest fashion trends to traditional handicrafts, there is something for everyone in this underground haven.One of the most striking features of the Lanxi underground commercial street is its architecture. The design incorporates elements of both modern and traditional styles, creating a harmonious blend that reflects the citys rich history and its forwardthinking spirit. The use of natural materials, such as stone and wood, adds warmth and character to the space, while the incorporation of modern lighting and technology ensures that the street remains a comfortable and inviting place to visit.In addition to shopping, the Lanxi underground commercial street also offers a variety of dining options. From local street food vendors to upscale restaurants, there is a wide range of culinary experiences to be enjoyed. Visitors can sample the flavors of Lanxis regional cuisine, as well as dishes from around the world, all within the confines of this underground oasis.The street also serves as a cultural center, hosting a variety of events and performances throughout the year. From live music and dance performances to art exhibitions and workshops, there is always something happening in this lively underground space. These events not only provide entertainment for visitors but also help to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage of Lanxi.One of the key benefits of the Lanxi underground commercial street is its accessibility. Being located beneath the city, it is protected from the elements, making it a comfortable destination to visit in any weather. This also makes it an ideal place for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy, as the underground setting is free from the challenges of navigating steep hills or uneven terrain.In conclusion, the Lanxi underground commercial street is a remarkable example of urban innovation and cultural preservation. Its unique blend of shopping, dining, and entertainment options, combined with its welcoming atmosphere and accessible design, make it a mustvisit destination for anyone traveling to Lanxi. Whether you are looking toexplore the citys rich history, indulge in some retail therapy, or simply enjoy a day out with friends and family, the Lanxi underground commercial street has something to offer for everyone.。

城市地下空间工程毕业设计【中英文实用版】Task Title: Urban Underground Space Engineering Graduation Design 任务标题:城市地下空间工程毕业设计This graduation design project focuses on the development and utilization of urban underground space.这个毕业设计项目重点关注城市地下空间的发展和利用。
The first step of the project is to conduct a thorough literature review on the current state of urban underground space engineering, including its history, current practices, and potential future developments.项目的第一个步骤是进行彻底的文献综述,内容涉及城市地下空间工程的历史、当前实践和潜在的未来发展。
The next step involves analyzing existing case studies of successful urban underground space engineering projects, with the aim of identifying key factors that contribute to their success.下一步涉及分析现有的成功城市地下空间工程项目的案例研究,旨在识别导致它们成功的关键因素。
Based on the findings from the literature review and case studies, the project will then proceed to develop a conceptual framework for the planning and design of urban underground space projects.基于文献综述和案例研究的发现,项目将继续发展一个城市地下空间项目规划和设计的概念框架。

建造空间站英语作文Building a Space Station。
Building a space station is a monumental task that requires careful planning, precise engineering, and international cooperation. In recent decades, the idea of constructing a space station has transitioned from science fiction to reality, with projects like the International Space Station (ISS) serving as prime examples of human ingenuity and collaboration in space.To begin with, the construction of a space station involves extensive preparation on Earth. Scientists and engineers must first design the station, consideringfactors such as its purpose, size, layout, and the equipment it will house. This phase often involves collaboration between space agencies, research institutions, and aerospace companies from different countries, each contributing their expertise to the project.Once the design phase is complete, the next step is to assemble the necessary components. These components may include modules for living quarters, laboratories, power generation, communication, and propulsion systems. Each module must be meticulously designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space, including microgravity, radiation, and extreme temperatures.One of the key challenges in building a space station is launching the components into orbit and assembling them in space. This typically involves multiple launches of rockets carrying various modules and payloads. Once in space, astronauts use robotic arms, spacewalks, and other techniques to connect the modules and install them into place.International cooperation plays a crucial role throughout the construction process. Space agencies from different countries often collaborate on space station projects, pooling their resources, expertise, and technology to achieve common goals. The ISS, for example, is a joint effort involving NASA, Roscosmos, ESA, JAXA, andCSA, among others.Moreover, building a space station requires careful consideration of logistical challenges such as resupply missions, crew rotations, and maintenance activities. Spacecraft are regularly sent to the station to deliver supplies, equipment, and new crew members, ensuring its continuous operation and sustainability.In addition to the technical aspects, building a space station also presents unique scientific opportunities. Once operational, space stations serve as valuable platforms for conducting research in various fields such as astronomy, biology, physics, and materials science. The microgravity environment of space allows scientists to conduct experiments that are not possible on Earth, leading to new discoveries and advancements.Furthermore, space stations play a vital role in international cooperation and diplomacy. They serve as symbols of collaboration among nations, demonstrating what can be achieved when countries work together towards acommon goal. Projects like the ISS have brought together astronauts from different countries, fostering friendships and partnerships that transcend political boundaries.In conclusion, building a space station is a complex and challenging endeavor that requires careful planning, international cooperation, and dedication. From the design and assembly of the modules to the logistical considerations and scientific opportunities, constructing a space station involves a multitude of tasks and responsibilities. However, the rewards are immense, as space stations not only expand our understanding of the universe but also serve as beacons of human achievement and cooperation in space.。

三元桥We+联合办公空间,北京,中国Milena Lazzaretti【期刊名称】《世界建筑》【年(卷),期】2018(000)003【总页数】6页(P44-49)【作者】Milena Lazzaretti【作者单位】【正文语种】中文1 入口吧台/Bar in the entrance area北京三元桥We+联合办公空间位于北京市朝阳区远洋新干线D座,空间使用面积为800m2,分为首层、二层和地下层。
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Y. Yuan, H.-L. Zhao and X.-F. BaoLarge underground spaces are required when constructing multifunctional buildings. These constitute one of the major engineering projects for the World Exp0 2010 in Shanghai, China. Restrictions caused by a building's function, and requirements for arranging municipal pipelines, mean that options for structural systems are limited. This paper presents a scheme design for a large underground space. To achieve a spacious underground passage and to resist the heavy load of the soil that holds pipelines, major structural systems are taken into consideration. Performance criteria for a scheme design involve safety, serviceability and economics. Subsequently, comparisons of a conventional reinforced concrete (RC) system, a prestressed RC system, and a steel-concrete composite (SCC) system are made with regard to these criteria. It is found that a conventional RC structure cannot provide adequate resistance to heavy load at a large column span. Correspondingly, prestressed RC slabs can replace conventional RC structures with the required structural capacity, but suffer drawbacks because construction space is confined. A composite system is desirable for an underground space with a large span and heavy load. Specifically, it has a convenient construction procedure and high economic efficiency which takes advantage ofindustrial manufacturing of steel members and reduction of concrete formwork.l. INTRODUCTIONUnderground space can be used for subways, passages and pipelines. These spaces are usually limited in their dimensions. A large underground space can meet requirements For expanding capacity for the smooth transfer of large quantities of people. There can, however, be major concerns for their structural systems when these are combined with other underground facilities.This paper presents the planning and design ror a portion oF an underground space. The space in question belongs to a multifunctional building, which is the main building for World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China. The building consists of two storeys above ground and two underground levels, constructed along 'Expo Axis'. It will bc over 1000 m long and 100 m wide.The underground spaces will function as a transportation hub, and the above-ground section will serve as a sightseeing corridor. The project's distinctive features are that several roads cross the building, and municipal pipelines lie beneath the road surface.Moreover, underground space below the pipelines is needed for a large number of people to walk around. This situation meant that during the design stage for this underground structure, special consideration had to be given to safety and serviceability for bearing heavy load, an open space for passage, and a clear ceiling for ventilation.Usually, design of a structure includes two aspects: a horizontal structural system and a vertical structural system. Because the vertical structural system in this case only relates to the design of columns, the investigation of this paper focuses mainly on the horizontal structural system. There are several conventional horizontal structural systems used in underground construction, such as the waffle floor system, the girderless floor system, and the shallow-beam floor system. In local construction practices lhese are generally conducted with reinforced concrete (RC). As for the heavy Ioad-bearing underground structure with a large space, the limitation of these systems will result in enlargement of the cross-section, an incrcase in reinforcing ratios, and difhculty in avoiding cracks under service load combination.A steel-concrete composite (SCC) structural system offers improved performance as it combines the benefits of two construction materials. RC is inexpensive, massive and stiff, while steel members are strong,lightweight and easy to assemble. The steel and concrete components can act as an integral part to provide strength and stiffness to meet the design objectives. Furthermore, composite systemsfacilitate and accelerate construction through industrial manufacture of steel components and reduction of concreting formwork.During the past several decades, a wide range of research has promoted development of design guidelines for composite systems. Practical aspects of design and construction are included in standards and specifications, for example, Eurocode 4,2 load and resistance factor design specification (LRFD),3 AIJ-SRC code4 and Chinese codes.5,6 These design guidelines cover steel-reinforced concrete {SRC) beams, steel-concrete composite (SCC) beams connected by bonders, and various types of composite beam-column connections. The design for the large underground space of the multifunctional building is based on a contrast of a composite system with conventional ones. First, the comparison is conducted in terms of safety, especially load-bearing capacity. Second, serviceability, including deflection and concrete cracking, is considered. Finally, the comparison is made with respect to economic efficiency. The SCC structural system with high strength has a favourable performance appropriate for a large underground space in this case.2. ARCHITECTURAL SCHEME2.1. FunctionThe multifunctional building should be an important landmark within the Expo district. It was designed to function as a main sightseeing corridor for pedestrians, and a multiple traffic hub connecting mass transit railway with entrance-exit passageways to the Expo site. Four major Expo pavilions, the Chinese pavilion,the theme pavilion, the Expo centre and the entertainruent ventre, will be built along both sides of the Expo Boulevard. Most entrancc-exit passageways are linked with a bus stop, subway station or Maglev station. This building could also provide favourable solutions for the orderly organisation and channelling of the massive passenger flows through the underground and above ground. The multifunctional building is 1100 m long and 110 m wide, as shown in Fig.1. It consists of a three-storey above-ground architecture and a two-level underground space. These layers, with different elevations, as shown in Fig. 1 (b), have their special functions correspondingly.From -6.5 m to -1.0 m is the second underground level (UL-2). It connects with several subway stations and the basements of major pavilions. UL-2 functions mainly as a channel for visiting passenger flow. The first underground level (L-1) is from -1 m to 4.5 m. Municipal pipelines are located in this level, where therearc rour urban roads. Roads traverse the building at the top of UL-1 with an elevation of 4.5 m. The ground floor (GF) is at elevation 4.5 m and extends up to 10 m to provide semi-open space. The GF level serves as a main entrance passage and links with urban roads on the ground, where municipal pipelines are installed below. The first floor (FF), located at 10 m, connects directly with the elevated platforms of the theme pavilion, expo centre and entertainment centre. This level serves as an entrance passage and sightseeing corridor. At elevation of 18.5 m is the roof ofthe sightseeing corridor.2.2. Confinements to underground structureDue to the building's scale and multifunctionality, difficulties arise fo r structural designers fro m the specified structural confinements of the building. As 50% of visitors will use the building's underground levels, a large underground space must be designed to provide a clear ceiling for ventilation and expedite pedestrian flow. Therefore, specific confinements, such as a large span between columns and large net height from floor to ceiling, are set to the underground structure. On the other hand, to ensure the safe and efflcient use of municipal pipelines, they are installed beneath ground level and are surrounded by a substantial amount ofsoil, and this results in a heavy load on any large-span underground structure.The architectural requirements for large span can be seen in the investigated portion, ranging from axis Ato axis F and from axis Y-l to axis Y-11, as shown in Fig.2(a). The span from columns at axis Y-5 to those at axis Y-7 is up to 22.7 m; additionally, the span from columns at other Y axes to their adjacent axes is Approximately 11.3 m. Meanwhile, the spans between columns in the x direction are 8.3 m for the portion covering axes B, C, D and E where pipelines are located.In the elevated view ofaxis Y-5 shown in Fig. 2 (b), the height ofeach level is 5.5 m for both above-ground and underground storeys. To fulfil architectural requirements, the limitation of the nel height is 4 m for UL-2. Accordingly, the depth of the floor system for UL-1 can reasonably be expected to be no more than l.5 should be noted that the overburden filling in the UL-1 floor frame is about5 m, to hold municipal pipelines and to support urban roads.3. STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSUsually, schematic designs for a structure include two aspects: a horizontal stru ctural system and a vertical structural system. As in this case the vertical structural system relates only to column design, the investigation prescntcd focuses mainly on the horizontal structural system.3.1. Conventional structural systemsThere are scvcral conventional horizontal structural systems applied in underground construction, for example waffle floor, shallow-beam floor, and girderless floor. They are generally built from RC in local construction practices.3.1.1. Waffle floor system. A waffle floor system consists of decussate girders and thin two-way slabs. Girder depth increases sharply with span increment. Thus, if the girder span and the bearing load are large, it is difflcult to master the depth of a floor system within a desirable range. Generally, waffle floor systems adapt to modcrate-scale underground structures.3.1.2. Shalloul-beam system.Shallow-beam systems reduce the net height efficiently. They are also relatively flexible. In this system, beams are substantially wider than columns, but with quite a shallow depth near to or the same as the thickncss Of thc floor slab. The joint and hinge regions must have sufficient tie and stirrup reinforcement. In the casc of large span and heavy loads, excessivc deflection usually occurs andjoints may be hard to handle. This type or structural system is suitable for urderground structures with exacting demands for floor heights.3. 1.3. Girderless floor system.A girderless floor system is also a convcntional type of RC floor in which a flat slab with substantially uniform thickness is supported directly upon column caps, without the intervention of girders. Investigation has shown that the tension stress distributed in the slab can cause severe concrete cracks when spacing between columns is relatively large.3.2. Novel structural systemsPrestressed RC structures and SCC structures are relatively new structural systems For underground construction. There is limited knowledge of their structural performance and implementation.3.2.1. Prestressed RC system.As for prestressed RC systems, the slab or bcam can be prestressed by means of stressing tendons extending longitudinally to create an upward camber to reduce the deformation and prevent the concrete cracking. This system has a favourable performance, especially for heavy loads and large-span structures. Relatively, theconstruction process is more complicated, especially for underground space. Adequate operational space must be provided for tensioning tendons; therefore, it is usually appropriate for shallow embedded structures.3.2.2. SCC floor system. SCC floor systems can serve as highly efficient horizontal structural systems, combining the benefits of structural steel (strength, ductility, favourable tensile performance, reducing deadweight) with those of concrete (stiffness, favourable compressive performance). Investigations have shown that concrete slabs provide lateralsupport for steel beams, preventing torsional buckling.8 In addition, concret slabs also increase the flexural stiffness for a constituted composite beam. Of such high strength and stiffness, a hybrid system would provide larger column-spacing flexibility and would improve floor-deflecting resistance under heavy loads.4. ASPECTS OF SCHEMA TIC DESIGNTo achieve a safe and economical large-span underground structure, designs should be made in the light of comprehensive comparisons. Both structural capacity and economic performance are taken as significant criteria in the comparison of these structural systems.4.1. Structural capacity4.1.1. Safety.Safety is the most fundamental factor affecting a structure's function. Safety corresponding to structural failure is associateed with the ultimate limit state. The major conccrns over structural safcty are static eqluilibrium (locally or for the structure as a whole), the resistance of individual cross-sections (strength and deformation) and structural member stability. The unique feature of the Expo underground space, and the combination of heavy loads and structural confinement, bring about special challenges to structural safety during the design process. Large structural resistance is needed f'or structural members with exacting confinements. The adequate load-bearing capacity of a structural member is the basic factor related to safety.There is an even more serious question concerning structural safety. Structures must be sufficiently robust to withstand extreme events such as earthquakes and other impacts. A large quantity of soil infills the limited part of UL-1; as a result, the non-uniformity of mass distribution leads to inertial forccs with great disparity for adjacent elements. Structural Failure may be induced or excessive displacements may endanger pipelines. Due to undesirable inertial effects, the structure requires reliable connections and stiffness.4. 1.2. Serviceabrlity. Serviceability generally corresponds to the normal operations of the structure associated with such characteristics as deflections and vibration, and visual effects such as cracking due to shrinkage or thermal effects which do not affect structural safety.A required level of serviceability is determined according to user needs in structural performance and related local specifications. In terms of the required performance, the crack width of concrete is expected to be no more than 0-3 mm; the limitation on the interstorey drift is l/800 times the storey height and the limitation on the maximum interstorey drift is 1-5 times the average interstorey drift; the deflection limits for girder are selected as: floor girders live Ioad deflection (L/500) and floor girder deflection (H/400). At service load levels, no plastic hinges are allowed,to avoid permanent deformations under service loads.4.2. Economical considerationEconomic efficiency is also a design consideration, especially for such a large-scale structure, The proposal scheme for this underground space should have a low cost based on ensuring adequate safety and serviceability capacity. Materials and construction cost are the most significant components of the total cost identified in the fmancial estimate.4.2.1. Materiat cost.Material cost varies considerably according to the type of material used in the underground structure. Materials can be decisive when determining the size and quantities of the structural members required for structural capacity, as well as for determining the processing method.There are three traditional materials: structural steel, concrete and steel strand rope. Concrete, which must be more or less associated with steel reinforcing bars, is the cheapest material. Usually, RC is extensively used in underground structures. Structural steel, including structural shapes, plates, steel joists, and steel deck, takes second place. The strength of steel can increase by almost an order of magnitude compared with concrete. The gain in volume and weight savings of structural members is one ofefficiency. Steel strand rope is the most expensive material and its processing is also complicated.4.2.2. Construction efficiency.Construction costs include the machinery and labour costs involved in excavating soil, constructing a foundation pit and configuring the structure. In this project, accounting for the scale of the structure, the amount of work needed to excavate the underground space, the support and bracing of the foundation pit and the configuration of the underground structure, is considerable. Accordingly, the cost for the underground structure's construction may dominate the overall construction cost. In order to improve economic efficiency, the proposed structural system must be easy to construct in an underground space. Meanwhile, shallow foundations are favourable to improve construction efilciency. Obviously, large external loads such as soil weight and vehicular load will be applied to the structure; therefore the structure's own weight should be limited wherever possible.5. COMPARISON BETWEEN STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSComparisons with respect to safety, serviceability and economy were conducted between the structural systems as given below. Hereby, it should be noted that very heavy large loads applied on the floor of UL-1 arise from the overburden of 5 m, as well as the loads transferring from the live load of the road surface and the dead load of the pavement. The total vertical equivalent uniform load acting on the floor is approximately 130 kN/m2. On the other hand, the floor frame system supporting such heavy loads must be designed as a large span structure with columns spacing of 22.7 m and 8.3 m in two directions respectively. The depth of slab and girders is limited to 1-2 m, excluding the height of ceiling equipment.For this project, six girders supported by columns at axis A to F are termed transversal girders. At the same time, girders supported by columns at axis Y are termed longitudinal girders.5.1. Conventional RC systemIn an RC floor system, the assembly of horizontal load-carrying units (consisting of concrete slabs, cross-coupling beams and the corresponding connections) are arranged according to flexible column spacing and load condition. Six transversal girders could be designed as upstanding RC girders with a large depth approximating to 5 m. The upstanding part could be inserted in the soil because transversal girders are parallel and do not intervene with pipelines. However, longitudinal girders at axis Y-5 and Y-7 could not provide the adequate resistance to load effects when they are designed as RC girders with a depth of1-2 m, even if compensated by excessive steel reinforcements. This does not satisfy safety requirements.When it comes to serviceability, the RC structural system has an inadequate performance. Concrete cracking arises easily in large concrete members due to serious shrinkage or thermal effects. Additionally, accounting for the large load, the width of concrete cracks is difficult to control in the limitation of 0.3 mm. Therefore, an RC floor system is not suitable for an underground space with large span and heavy load.5.2. Prestressed RC systemA prestressed RC system has improved structural capacity, particularly, a greater resistance to deformation and cracking. Its favourable structural performance has been proved when applied to structures with a certain span.A prestressed RC floor system could be applied in the area covering axis Y-l to Y-3 and Y-9 to Y- 11 (Jongitudinal side spans). In this area, besides the heavy load and large span of 11m, control of concrete cracking is also a significant concern with any design with large longitudinal length. Longitudinal girders are designed as post-tensioned prestressed RC girders; longitudinal prestressed tendons are installed in concrete slabs aiming to control the cracking. By means of theoretical analysis on crack-resistance, prestressed RC floor systems demonstratc that prestressing is effective in crack confinement.Consequently, when all the dimensions of girders are limited in the expected range, the prestressed RCfloor system not only provides adequate load-bearing capacity but also fulfils the requirements of serviceability. However, for an underground structure, the limitation is that the operating space for an construction is usually confined by surrounding soil strata.5.3. Composite systemGenerally, a composite steel and concrete floor system includes SRC composite beams, and SCC beams. SRC composite beams are shaped steel beams encased by RC. The almost fully composite interaction is achieved merely by chemical bonding and natural f'riction if the acting loads are no more than 80% of the ultimate capacity. SCC beams are composite flexural members formed by connecting bare steel beams and RC slabs. The interaction is achieved through the use of headed studs or other bonders along the steel girder-concrete slab interfaces.Composite floor systems could be applied in the area from axis Y-4 to Y-8. in this area, the major concern is that the transversal spacing between columns is large, up to 22.7 m. High structural capacity is neccssary. Transversal girders are also designed as upstanding SRC girders. Longitudinal girders are also designed as SRC girders. Moreover,longitudinal secondary SCC beams could be arranged between transversal girders with a distance of 22 m. The shaped steelin SRC and SCC girders shares strength resistance and obtains great improvement for the entire strength of a composite girder. With the limited dimensions, composite structural members could provide adequate strength. Additionally, reliable connections between composite girders can be processed successfully to achieve the required stiffness and strength for the structural system. A composite floor system is found to be compliant with safety requirements.Accounting for the composite effect, concrete slabs act as an integral part of the beam and lead to an increase in stiffness of composite girders. The deflection under service load is in an allowable range. Furthermore, the concrete usage decreases and shaped steel shares in resisting loads, meaning the concrete cracking could be controlled efficiently. A composite system could fulfil serviceability requirements.As mentioned above, a composite structure is capable of ensuring system stiffness, strength and structural integrity, and providing desirable structural capacity.5.4. Economic efficiencyAs for economic efficiency, a massive RC structural system will not exactly be economical. Due to enlargement of member size, the cost of material including concrete and steel reinforcements, forming work, casting and concrete maintenance would increase considerably. Additionally, heavy structuraJ self-weight and beam depths for an RC system raise the foundation cost considerably.A prestressed RC system is a comparatively light-framed system, with relatively small structural members, even for a large span. However, its construction process is complicated. The cost for stressing tendons and construction, especially in an underground space, would be great.Composite systems have high economic eftlciency. Cross-sections can be small for large-span girders; the foundation cost can be low for light self-weight. The steel frame erected may first be used to anchor the concrete formwork instead of special formwork, thus enabling speedy construction. Furthermore, steel members are usually manufactured industrially, which lowers construction costs.The consumption of several structural systems for underground structures, shown in Fig. 3, is compared with the same overburden and different spans. The SCC system has the highest economic efficiency with a span larger than 10 m. Therefore, the composite system has the most favourable economic performance for an unclerground space of a multifunctional building.6. CONCLUSIONSThis paper investigates a schematic design for the underground space of a multifunctional building in the World Exp0 2010 project. According to thearchitectural function and structural confinements, floor depth is limited and span between columns is large to attain efficient use of space. The more serious challenge is that this large underground space must be subject to heavy loads.In order to propose a desirable structural system whichcould overcome challenges, performance criteria involving safety, serviceability and economics are given specifically, and then several structural systems including a conventional RC system, a prestressed RC system and an SCC system are compared with respect to these criteria.A conventional RC system is not suitable for a large-span underground space. Due to the floor depth confmement, an RC structural system does not have adequate strength and cannot satisfy safety requirements. Meanwhile, the concrete crack is difficult to control within acceptable serviceability limits.A prestressed RC system, within the confinements, could provide the required structural capacity. In particular, concrete cracking can be controlled effectively by means of the prestressing. Its construction process is complicated however, and operating space is limited in an underground space. These factors may result in undesirable economic performance. In the structural scheme, it is applied in the area oflongitudinal side spans.An SCC structural system is desirable and feasible. It has the potential to offer adequate resistance for safety, and satisfies serviceability requirements. Moreover, a composite system is economical, especially when employed in an underground structure with a deep overburden and large span.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors appreciate the very constructive comments from the reviewers. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. 50678133). The authors also appreciate the support of the Bureau of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination.REFERENCES1. VIEST l. M., COLACO J. P., FURL,ONO R. W. and GRIFFrS L. G.Composite Construction: Design for Buildings. McGraw-Hill,New York, 1997.2. EUROPEAN COMM丌TrEE FOR STANDARDIZAnON. Eurocode 4: Design ofComposite Steel and Concrete Structures-Part l.1: GeneralRules and Rules.for Buildinqs. CEN, Brussels, 1994.。