Payroll 22 dice and dice game

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专利名称:Payroll 22 dice and dice game
发明人:Eugene Joseph Cherven
摘要:The Payroll22 Dice Set was designed with Letter and Number Characters in place of Dots. Each Die of the Set have different Characters and different background colors. The different background colors allow quick reference to having a correct Set. All Number characters are colored White and their point value is their face value. The “A”
and “X” are colored gold and each have a point value of 11. The “B” and “C” are colored silver and each have a point value of 10. The Dice produce scores ranging from 6 to 22 when totaling the point value of each Die rolled. An “A” and “X” score is called a PAYROLL. Alpha-numeric Characters are used to play the Game similar to Blackjack which is played with Playing Cards of similar Characters and scoring. The Game is played on a Unique Cloth Layout and a dice Table. Many of the Blackjack rules apply Including Insurance Bets which pays 4 to 1 in place of 2 to 1. 3 Special Bets are New with the Game and pay 33 to 1 if the Shooter or the House get a PAYROLL score. If both the Shooter and House get a PAYROLL score (Tie), the payoff is 1000 to 1. For Regular bets, PAYROLL scores pay 3 to 2 and Tie scores are Pushes. Both the Shooter and House roll the Dice to compete for the highest Score and both may roll a second time but must keep the second score as final. Since the PAYROLL 22 Dice Game is played like Blackjack and is not Craps, the States that Ban Craps may allow the use of PAYROLL 22 to be played in their State.
