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1.The _____ (海豹) basks on the rocks in the sun.
2.The birds are ______ in the trees. (chirping)
3.The dog is ________ and friendly.
4.The __________ (历史的价值观念) evolve with society.
5.The process of a liquid turning into gas is called _______.
6.The chemical reaction between an acid and a base produces ______.
7.The cat chases after a _____ moving toy.
8. A __________ is known for its colorful feathers and loud calls.
9.My dad likes to go cycling in the ____ (park).
10.The _____ (水獺) loves to play in the water.
11.The ancient Egyptians used __________ to build their monuments.
12.The ______ is very friendly and loves children.
13.The __________ (历史的启迪之光) illuminates pathways.
14.The Earth's magnetic field protects us from harmful ______ from space.
15.Which of these is an insect?
A. Dog
B. Cat
C. Ant
D. Rabbit答案:C Ant
16.We will go to the _____ (zoo/museum) on Saturday.
17.What is the name of the fictional character who flies with Peter Pan?
A. Cinderella
B. Tinker Bell
C. Snow White
D. Ariel答案:b
18.My friend is a ______. He enjoys exploring different hobbies.
19.The teacher, ______ (老师), encourages creativity in class.
20.My puzzle has ______ pieces.
21.At the library, I found a book about ________ (恐龙). It had amazing ________ (插图).
22.What is 5 + 5?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 9
D. 12答案:A 10
23.We go hiking in the ___. (mountains)
24.I have a _____ (遥控飞机) that can fly high.
25.Listen and number.听录音排序。

26.The sky is ______ (blue).
27. A saturated solution can hold only a fixed amount of _______.
28.I enjoy listening to ________ (故事) from my grandparents.
29.I love to watch ________ (惊悚片) with friends.
30.Many plants need a good amount of ______ (水) to survive.
31.I want to _______ (学习) how to create a website.
32.I like to explore new ______ (地方) whenever I travel.
33.I saw a ________ in the park.
34.My friend is a talented __________ (作曲家).
35.The _______ (鸽子) coos softly in the park.
36. A __________ is a depression in the earth's surface.
37.The country famous for its mountains is ________ (瑞士).
38.Light can be _______ or absorbed by surfaces.
39.The goldfish's ______ (鳍) help it swim.
40.Which animal is known for carrying its home on its back?
A. Snail
B. Turtle
C. Crab
D. Worm答案:b
41. A _______ is a mixture of two or more substances that retain their individual properties. (混合物)
42._____ (herbivore) animals eat plants.
43.The chameleon changes color to ______ in.
44.My brother has a pet ______ (兔子) that is very cute.
45.The ________ (脊椎动物) relies on plants for habitat.
46.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?
A. Eiffel Tower
B. Leaning Tower of Pisa
C. Big Ben
D. CN Tower答案:A
47.The __________ is a major river in the Amazon rainforest. (亚马逊河)
48.We observed a ________ growing.
49.Listen and number.(听录音标号.)
50.The _____ (小鸟) is building a nest in the tree.
51.How many states are there in the USA?
A. 48
B. 50
C. 52
D. 54答案: B
52.The _______ (Gutenberg Bible) was one of the first major books printed using movable type.
53.The Earth rotates on its ______ once every hours.
54.The _____ (老虎) is a fierce hunter.
55.The ________ (气候变化影响) our way of living.
56.The __________ is known for its lush landscapes.
57.The crow is known for its ________________ (聪明).
58.The bee plays a critical role in ______ (授粉) plants.
59.The sandwich is very ___ (tasty/bland).
60.When I see someone I know, I wave and shout, "Hey, __!" (当我看到我认识的人时,我挥手喊:“嘿,!”)
61.My sister enjoys __________ (艺术创作).
62.I have a big _______ (名词) of toys. Each one brings back _______ (记忆).
63.Caterpillars eat a lot before becoming ______.
64. A puppy needs ______ (训练) to learn tricks.
65.What do you call a person who studies the weather?
A. Meteorologist
B. Biologist
C. Chemist
D. Geologist答案: A
66.What is the term for a baby kangaroo?
A. Joey
B. Kit
C. Pup
D. Cub答案:a
67.I have ___ (two/three) pets at home.
68. A dry ice is an example of a _____.
69.The ancient Greek philosopher _____ is known for his contributions to ethics.
70.My dad takes care of our _______ (我爸爸照顾我们的_______).
71.My dad is a ______. He loves to build things.
72.natural resource depletion) leads to shortages. The ____
73.I like to explore the ______ (城市) and discover new places.
74.My ___ (小仓鼠) runs in circles all night.
75.My ________ (玩具名称) is a fun way to express my thoughts.
76. A ____ is a playful creature that loves to chase after balls.
77.The ________ (交通信号) guides vehicles safely.
78.I can ______ (保持) a growth mindset.
79.island) is surrounded by water on all sides. The ____
80.The hummingbird can hover in ______ (空中) thanks to its wings.
81.I find it exciting to go on ________ (旅行).
82.The __________ shows the distribution of different types of rocks.
83.My favorite snack is _______ (饼干).
84.What is the name of the famous river that runs through Egypt?
A. Amazon
B. Mississippi
C. Nile
D. Yangtze答案: C. Nile
85.The _____ can vary in brightness and color.
86.What do we use to see underwater?
A. Binoculars
B. Telescope
C. Goggles
D. Glasses答案: C
87.The __________ (历史的回响) resonates through time.
88.She is a friendly ________.
89.The chemical symbol for chromium is __________.
90.The ant colony is very _________. (组织)
91.The ancient civilization of ________ is known for its contributions to mathematics.
92.What is the primary color of a stop sign?
A. Green
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Blue答案: B
93.What do we call the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?
A. Atmosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Hydrosphere
D. Biosphere答案: A
94., my toy can ________ (动词) different sounds. It surprises me and makes me feel ________ (形容词). I also have a ________ (玩具名) that can ________ (动词) really fast! Sometime
95.I like to feel the __________ on my skin during a sunny day. (阳光)
96.What is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda?
A. St. John's
B. All Saints
C. Liberta
D. Potters Village答案:a
97.The cake is _____ in the oven. (baking)
98.I want to be an _____ when I grow up. (artist)
99.My favorite toy is a ______ (玩具名). It is very ______ (形容词). I play with it every day. Sometimes, I take it to the ______ (地方).
100.archaeological site) reveals past civilizations. The ____。
