Unit3 短语句型及拓展 课件 牛津版高中英语必修第一册

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意味在某方面取得成功 mean achieving success in sth. 实现目标 meet/reach/realize a goal 与生理残疾作斗争 struggle with a physical disability 和某人一道做某事 join sb. in sth. 在个人灾难时期 during times of a personal catastrophe 预计她会难过 expect her to be sad 她保持开朗的样子 the way she remained cheerful
欣喜若狂 on cloud nine/over the moon 沮丧 feel blue/down in the dumps 由一位有经验的滑雪教练陪同 be accompanied by an experienced ski instructor 显示受伤的迹象 show signs of injury 按照严格的程序 follow strict procedures 急忙赶到医院 hurry to the hospital 令他们宽慰的是 to their relief 得到合理治疗 be properly treated
University 主持一个运动节目
host a sports programme
be proud of/take pride in 继续做一个受欢迎的人物
continue to be a popular figure
提倡为残疾人提供更好的医疗 advocate better treatment for disabled people 保持积极乐观 stay positive/optimistic 受桑兰鼓舞 be inspired by Sang Lan 特别注意 pay special attention to 问题的答案 the key to the answer 使你对这个话题有更好的理解 give you a better understanding of the topic 提倡追求愉悦 advocate going after pleasure
look back on/upon 在乡村
in the countryside 在…的前面 ahead of…
迫切想长大并独立 feel in a rush to grow up and be independent 作为一个天真无邪的孩子 as an innocent child 思考我的成就 think about my achievements 在不同时期 at different times 我最清晰和快乐的回忆 my most vivid and happiest memories 担心我的收入 worry about my income 使人们更长寿更健康 allow people to live longer and healthier
通过实现更小的目标 through reaching much smaller goals 角逐体操锦标赛 compete in gymnastics tournament 体操小将 a junior gymnast 开始赢得比赛 start winning competitions 继续努力 keep working hard 将她描述成精力充沛、快乐和勤奋 describe her as energetic,happy and hardworking 与父母分开生活 live apart from her parents
head directly for the doctor’s office 在A和B之间左右为难 feel caught/stuck between A and B 安排做某事
arrange to do sth. 对…感到厌倦 be tired of/be bored with/be fed up with/be sick of 回顾
a temporary feeling 使我们心情好
puபைடு நூலகம் us in good spirits 我们周围的世界
the world that surrounds us the world surrounding us 触及我们心灵的深处
touch the depths of our soul 持续很长时间
感激某事 have appreciation for
feel thankful to be alive 适应她的新生活
adapt to her new life
focus on goals
graduate from Peking
overcome her sorrow 对…感到自豪
本应该做某事 should have done 本可能做某事 may/might have done 过去一定做某事 must have done sth. 被急送往一家顶级医院 be rushed to a top hospital 由于她的严重伤势 because of her severe injuries 使她振作起来 cheer her up/lift her spirits 幸福的秘诀 the secret to happiness
last a long time/last long 对…好奇 be curious about 表达他们的担忧
express their concern
找到幸福的好办法 a good way of finding happiness 充满悲伤 be filled with sadness 迫切想做 be eager/anxious /dying to do sth. 对…满足 be content/satisfied/pleased/happy with 尽某人最大努力 try one’s hardest 愤怒 hot under the collar fly off the handle
致力于体操事业 devote herself to gymnastics 朝着一些特殊的事情奋进 work towards something special 本能够做 could have done 使她失去未来的幸福 cost her her future happiness 建立;支起;搭起 set up 意识到 be aware of 跌落到体操垫 fall to the gymnastics mat