
” 而且啊,中国的外卖服务简直让他惊呆了。
” 而且他特喜欢中国的移动支付,出门根本不用带钱包,一个手机走天下,方便得不得了。



一. 春节的文化底蕴中国春节有着悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴,为国外人士提供了一个了解中国文化和传统的绝佳机会。
二. 春节的家庭团聚中国春节被誉为"人世间最温暖的时刻",因为它是家庭团聚的时刻。
三. 春节的特色美食中国春节期间,各种美食也是不可或缺的一部分。
四. 春节的民俗活动除了家庭聚会和美食,中国春节还有一些特色的民俗活动。

的 城 市 、唯 一 有 飞机 场 和 可 以直 接 办 理 外 国人 签 证 与居 留 证 的 县
上个月底 “ 一个 面积相 当于两个 叉乌小 商品城、25 华南城的 外,义乌也 面对许多问 题。一 个比较大的问题是过度依赖 当前
OB S VER [ ER 观察家]
美 国学 者 看 浙 江 ( 六 ) 之
如果 依赖过 的发展模式,义 呜的小米就很危险。过去,创新是义呜成功的 个 父键的因 { 素。现 : 人的 问题过义 足 能够 成为创新 的 先锋 。 I ,最
文/ 马克
深层次挖掘义乌潜力 现在可能 较害 败 是比 怕失
而 缺 乏勇 于
多 资金 。 另外 ,考 虑到 义 乌广 大 的外 国
义乌商城集团可以按照建连锁商店的模式 把 义乌商品推 向全国农村市场
OBS ERVER [ 观察家]
信 息渠道 出现 。 中国网络 的普遍 性和 交通的发达 ,都给采购者和 生产者
更 多的接 触 机会 。 因此 ,像 义乌这 样 独
项 目是 广 东省 政 府 的 十 大 重 点项 目之
立 而综合 的市场优 势 已经 没有 以前 多
了。 最 关键 的 问题 是 ,如果 市 场摊 位 的 供 应 开始 超 过 市 场摊 位 的 需求 ,那 将 产
, 。
其次,中 国消 费者的财 富一
直 都 在 提 高 ,偏 好 和 习 惯 也 是 一 直 在 变, 因此 ,品 质 比较 好 和 比较 多样 化 的 产 品会越 来越 受欢 迎 。 国 际 商 贸 城 ’ 在 番 禺 化 龙 镇 奠 基 动
外国人对中 国真实评价

同时,中国的科技创新也让人刮目相看,比如 5G 技术、电子商务、移动支付等等,这些都走在了世界前列。

1. 义乌的由来:相传在春秋时期,越国的勾践为了复仇,派范蠡在诸暨南门外的山上建立了一座城池,用来训练军队。
2. 义乌的“鸡毛换糖”:在过去,义乌的百姓生活比较贫困,为了生计,他们经常用鸡毛换糖。
3. 义乌的“十八腔”:义乌有着丰富的方言文化,被称为“十八腔”。
4. 义乌的“小商品城”:义乌是中国著名的小商品城,这里的商品种类繁多,价格便宜,吸引了众多国内外的商人和游客。


1. 传统习俗的延续中国新年的庆祝活动从舞龙舞狮、放鞭炮到舞蹈表演、展览会,华人社区都会策划丰富多样的庆祝活动。
2. 浓厚的节日氛围华人社区在中国新年期间常常会通过布置店铺、房屋、公共场所等来营造浓郁的节日氛围。
3. 传统美食的享用中国新年期间的传统美食也是华人眼中的亮点之一。
1. 独特的传统仪式洋人眼中的中国新年是一场充满神秘和仪式感的盛会。
2. 多彩多样的活动中国新年在国外通常会有各种各样的活动和庆祝仪式,比如舞狮表演、传统音乐演出、艺术展览等。


义乌景色描述1. 引言义乌位于中国浙江省金华市,是中国东部经济发达地区的一座小城。
2. 城市风光2.1 东阳湖东阳湖是义乌最大的湖泊,也是一大亮点。
2.2 义乌大峡谷义乌大峡谷位于义乌市区的西南部,是一处以奇峰险岭、悬崖峭壁而著称的风景名胜区。
2.3 红妆大酒店红妆大酒店是义乌市的地标性建筑,也是一个综合性文化产业项目。
3. 名胜古迹3.1 菩提寺菩提寺是义乌市的一处古老寺庙,建于南宋时期,已有上千年的历史。
3.2 千年古镇千年古镇是义乌市的一处具有悠久历史的古镇,据说已有上千年的历史。
4. 自然风光4.1 神仙洞神仙洞位于义乌市区的东北部,是一座天然形成的溶洞,被誉为中国东南地区的九大洞穴之一。

起放。 我买的烟花是我最喜欢的, 可以产生巨响
的那种, 而且我 买了很多, 店主人告诉我 , 那叫二 踢脚。 燃放时, 空气中弥漫着烟雾, 每一次爆炸都 照亮了天空, 放出不 同的颜色。 我真的很震撼 , 中 国人竟然在几千年前就发明了鞭炮。 由于是第一 ”
次放二踢脚, 华加伟犯了一 个错误 : 我不知道 , “
三十的垃圾不能倒掉 , 如果倒掉就意味着将财富倒掉 了。 埃及人赛德在 义乌经营着一家外贸公司, 他习惯 在春 节假 期时 回祖 国团聚 , 自己休个假 。 给 但回国前 , 他会 亲自
略 胜
… …
“ : 。 .
逛庙会是北京 ^ 过年必不i ! > 的内容, 多老外喜欢去 很 逛—逛: 兀 传统小吃, 几 吃 样 买 个空竹. 风车这样的传统玩意
可持 续 发展 的 框架 。 杜丹 德 博士 认 为温总 理 是位 “ 保 环
总理 ” 他 还专 门为本刊撰 写文章 回忆了 自己与温 总理 的 , 这次会见 ,“ 对于一个饮 水思源的新兴大国来说 , 这一举措
( 指春节座谈会) 让人深深感动又 尊敬” 座谈会上, 。
北京 航空航 天大学 中法工程师 学院法方院长 张多雷 ( a Jn e D ry 则介绍 了学 院合 作办 学的情 况 , 总理表 示 中国 oe ) 温
V 洋女婿放二踢脚 烟火让人又爱又恨
吃年夜饭、 看春 晚、 鞭炮 、 放 串亲戚… 一 洋女婿 的中国 春节更有生活的气 息。 尤金是 山东潍坊学 院外语系的一名教师。 0 7 他和 2 0年, 潍坊 姑娘 夏毅喜结良缘 , 0 8 2O 年女儿素菲亚降生。 由于妻子 工作比寝 , 家里照顾孩子、 打扫卫生、 采购年货的任务就落 在了放假在家的尤金身上。 春节期1 尤金和妻子、 司, 女儿会到 岳父母家一起吃年 夜饭 、 看春晚、 放鞭炮 , 陪着老人走亲 再

老外对中国的看法英文作文As an outsider, my view of China is that it is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture. I am always amazed by the diversity of its people, languages, and customs. From the bustling cities to the rural countryside, China is a country of contrasts and contradictions, where ancient traditions and modern innovations coexist in a unique way.One thing that strikes me about China is its rapid economic growth and development. In recent years, China has become a major player in the global economy, with a booming tech industry and a growing middle class. However, this growth has also come at a cost, with concerns about pollution, inequality, and human rights abuses.Despite these challenges, I am impressed by China's resilience and determination to overcome them. The Chinese people are hardworking and innovative, and I believe that they will continue to make progress in addressing theseissues.Another aspect of China that I find intriguing is its political system. As a foreigner, I do not fully understand the complexities of China's government and its relationship with the people. However, I am aware of the country'sstrict censorship laws and limited freedom of speech, which can be concerning.At the same time, I also recognize that China has made significant strides in improving the lives of its citizens, particularly in areas such as education and healthcare. It is clear that the government plays a crucial role in shaping the country's future, and I am curious to see how this will evolve in the coming years.Overall, my view of China is one of admiration and curiosity. I believe that it is a country with immense potential, but also one that faces significant challenges. As an outsider, I hope to continue learning more about China and its people, and to contribute in any small way I can to its ongoing development and growth.。

义乌旅游感受英文作文英文:I recently visited Yiwu, a city in Zhejiang Province known for its wholesale markets. As a tourist, I was pleasantly surprised by the city's vibrant atmosphere and friendly people.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Yiwu International Trade City, which is the largest wholesale market in the world. Walking through the endless rows of shops, I was amazed by the variety of products available, from household items to clothing to electronics. It was truly a shopper's paradise.Another memorable experience was visiting Xiuhu Lake, a scenic spot located in the center of the city. The lake is surrounded by parks and gardens, making it a great place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. I also had the opportunity to try some local street food, which wasdelicious and affordable.Overall, I found Yiwu to be a fascinating and unique destination. The city's bustling markets and beautiful scenery make it a great place to visit for both businessand leisure.中文:我最近去了义乌,这是一个以批发市场闻名的浙江省城市。

向外国人介绍中国是过春节的英语作文60词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Holiday - Chinese New Year!Hi, my name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. My favorite holiday is Chinese New Year! It's the biggest and most fun celebration in China. I can't wait to tell you all about it.Chinese New Year happens in January or February every year. The exact date changes based on the lunar calendar. It's a very old tradition that has been celebrated for thousands of years! The holiday lasts for 15 days, but the main celebrations happen on New Year's Eve and the first few days of the new year.Weeks before the holiday, my whole family helps clean our home from top to bottom. We want to sweep away any bad luck and make room for good luck in the new year. My mom buys lots of delicious foods and new clothes for us to wear. The markets are packed with people shopping!On New Year's Eve, we have a huge feast with all my favorite dishes - dumplings, noodles, fish, and sweet rice balls. Afterdinner, my parents give me and my little sister small red envelopes with money inside called "hongbao." Getting hongbao is one of the most exciting parts! We kids look forward to it all year.At midnight, we set off firecrackers and fireworks to celebrate the new year's arrival. The loud bangs are supposed to scare away any evil spirits! I love watching the colorful fireworks light up the sky. After the firecrackers, families stay up late into the night playing games and eating snacks.The first few days, we visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. The adults give us kids more hongbao, and we politely wish them a happy new year by saying "Gong Xi Fa Cai!" which means wishing you prosperity. My grandma always cooks my favorite candied fruits.Everywhere you go, you see red decorations and the words "Fu Dao Le" which means bringing in wealth and happiness. People put up papercut-outs of the words on doors and windows. There are also dances with colorful lions and dragons!For two weeks of holiday, there are no classes, so I get to sleep in late and play with my cousins all day. I love Chinese New Year! It's a time for family, fun, good food, and good luck for the year ahead. I can't wait until next year's celebration!篇2The Spring Festival is the biggest holiday in China! It's when we celebrate the new year. We clean our houses, put up decorations, eat delicious foods, and get lucky money in red envelopes from our families. My favorite part is watching the amazing fireworks light up the sky at midnight on New Year's Eve!The Spring Festival is a time of joy, family, and new beginnings. It's a special celebration that brings people together and lets us appreciate our rich Chinese culture and traditions. Let me tell you more about this wonderful holiday!One of the most exciting things about the Spring Festival is all the preparation we do in the weeks leading up to it. My family and I spend days cleaning every corner of our home from top to bottom. We want to sweep away any bad luck from the old year and make room for good fortune in the new year. Mama says it's important to start fresh.Once our house is spotless, we decorate it with bright red lanterns, papercuttings of lucky characters, and colorful niu niang dolls. Red is the main color because it represents happiness, wealth, and prosperity in Chinese culture. We hangniu niang dolls because the legend says they will keep evil spirits away. I love helping put up all the decorations - it makes our home look so vibrant and festive!Another fun Spring Festival tradition is eating delicious foods that symbolize luck and wealth. We make dumplings shaped like ingots of gold or silver. Each dumpling has a special filling like pork, cabbage, or sweet red bean paste. Eating dumplings brings prosperity. We also eat nian gao, a sweet sticky rice cake. Its name sounds like "year higher" which means your levels of success and wealth will increase in the coming year. Yum!My absolute favorite Spring Festival food is tang yuan, sweet rice balls in hot sweet soup. Each one is stuffed with sweet fillings like black sesame, peanut, or red bean paste. The round shape of tang yuan represents togetherness and wholeness. When I was little, I would try to sneak as many tang yuan as I could from the pot because they're so delicious! Now I help my grandma make them by rolling the dough into little balls.On New Year's Eve, we gather for a huge reunion dinner with our extended family. The kitchen is filled with the amazing smells of simmering dumplings, frying spring rolls, and roasting Beijing duck. We kids can't wait for the meal because we know the adultrelatives will start handing out lucky red envelopes filled with cash after we eat! Getting "hong bao" is the best.After our feast, it's nearly time to welcome the new year. We all get dressed up in our nicest clothes, usually new outfits purchased specially for the occasion. We kids feel so grown up and fancy! Right before midnight, we go outside and light strings of firecrackers. The loud pops and bangs scare away any lingering evil spirits from the old year. Boom! Boom! Out with the old, in with the new!When the clock strikes twelve, the sky lights up with vibrant fireworks in reds, greens, golds, blues, and purples. We "ooh" and "ahh" at the breathtaking bursts and blooms of sparkling color. Fireworks are a symbol of good luck and new life. Watching them always fills me with joy and makes me feel like anything is possible in the year ahead.For the next few days, we visit the homes of relatives and family friends. We kids love this because everyone just dotes on us! We stuff ourselves with candies, seeds, and other little treats. The best part is when our relatives hand us crisp new hong bao full of lucky money. I always try to be on my very best behavior around them.Overall, the Spring Festival is such a magical time. I love learning about its rich traditions, eating all the yummy symbolic foods, receiving lucky red envelopes, and of course the amazing fireworks under the night sky. Chinese New Year is the most wonderful way to start a new cycle of the calendar and welcome a fresh year ahead. I hope one day you can experience the joy and excitement of the Spring Festival for yourself!篇3It's Chinese New Year!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I go to school in Beijing, China. Today I want to tell you all about my favorite holiday - Chinese New Year!Chinese New Year is the biggest and most important celebration in China. We call it "Chunjie" which means Spring Festival. It marks the start of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The date changes every year but it's always sometime in late January or early February.Preparing for Chinese New Year is really fun and exciting! A few weeks before, my family cleans our whole house from top to bottom. We want to sweep away any bad luck and make room for incoming good luck and fortune. My mom buys lots of prettyred decorations with lucky symbols like fu characters for happiness. We hang them on the doors and windows.My favorite part is putting up the chunlian Spring Festival couplets! These are red papers with black ink calligraphy sayings. They go on each side of our front door. My grandpa is really good at calligraphy so he always writes them for us. I like trying to guess what the sayings mean. Usually it's something about wishing for a prosperous new year.On New Year's Eve, we have a huge family reunion dinner called nian ye fan. My aunts, uncles, and cousins all come over. My grandma cooks a big fancy meal with lots of different dishes like dumplings, fish, chicken, and noodles. Each food has a lucky meaning - like long noodles for long life! After dinner, the kids get红包lai see lucky money in red envelopes from the adults.At midnight, we watch amazing fireworks lighting up the sky! People set off firecrackers and fireworks everywhere to scare away evil spirits and bad luck. It's so bright and loud and exciting!I love this part so much.The next few days, we visit different relatives and friends houses for more food and celebrations. We watch the incredible New Year's TV show specials they put on every year. There's singing, dancing, comedy acts, magic shows, it's awesome!I also get a couple weeks off school for Chinese New Year break. We play games, eat lots of yummy snacks and candy, watch movies, and just enjoy the holiday! The streets are decorated with lanterns, red banners, and festive displays.Towards the end of the New Year celebration on the 15th day, we have the Lantern Festival. My grandparents take me to see the beautiful glowing lanterns and try fun activities like eating tang yuan rice balls, guessing lantern riddles, and watching the incredible dragon dances under the full moon! It's all so magical.Well, that's how my family celebrates Chinese New Year! It's the most wonderful time of year. The festivities last over two weeks and there's delicious food, firecrackers, red decorations, spending time with loved ones, and great luck and fortune for the coming year ahead. Doesn't that sound amazing? I can't wait for next year's celebration!I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite Chinese tradition. Let me know if you have any other questions! Xin nian kuai le - Happy New Year!篇4Here's a 60-word essay introducing Chinese New Year to foreigners, in the voice of an elementary school student, followed by a 2000-word article in English:Chinese New Year is so fun! We clean our homes, wear new clothes, eat yummy food like dumplings, and get red envelopes with money! There are fireworks, lion dances, and families together. The New Year animal this year is the rabbit. I hope you can celebrate with us!Chinese New Year: A Joyous Celebration Steeped in TraditionAs a young Chinese student, I'm always excited when Chinese New Year comes around. It's a time of vibrant celebrations, delicious food, and cherished family gatherings – a festival that truly captures the essence of our rich culture and heritage.Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year, is the most important and grandest festival in China. It marks the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, which is based on the cycles of the moon and sun. This ancient tradition dates back thousands of years and is deeply rooted in our cultural identity.One of the most fascinating aspects of Chinese New Year is the unique way we determine the zodiac animal for each year. The Chinese zodiac cycle consists of 12 animals: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Each year is represented by one of these animals, and the cycle repeats every 12 years. This year, we welcome the Year of the Rabbit, a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity.Preparations for Chinese New Year begin weeks in advance, with families engaged in a thorough house cleaning process known as "sweeping away the dust of the old year." We believe that starting the new year with a clean and tidy home will bring good luck and fortune. It's a tradition that not only promotes cleanliness but also symbolizes letting go of the past and embracing a fresh start.As the festival draws nearer, the excitement in the air becomes palpable. Cities and towns across China are adorned with vibrant decorations, including lanterns, couplets, and intricate paper-cuts featuring auspicious symbols like the character "fu," which means happiness and good fortune.One of the most beloved traditions during Chinese New Year is the reunion dinner, a grand feast held on New Year's Eve. Families, no matter how far apart they may be, make every effortto come together and share this special meal. The table is laden with an array of delectable dishes, each holding symbolic meaning and representing wishes for the coming year.For instance, dumplings, or jiaozi, are a must-have dish during the reunion dinner. Their shape resembles ancient Chinese ingots, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Fish is another staple, as the Chinese word for fish, "yu," sounds similar to the word for surplus, signifying an abundance of good fortune.After the reunion dinner, the real celebrations begin. Firecrackers are lit, filling the air with their thunderous cracks and pops, believed to ward off evil spirits and usher in good luck. Lion and dragon dances, performed by skilled dancers, weave through the streets, captivating audiences with their vibrant colors and energetic movements.For children like me, one of the highlights of Chinese New Year is receiving red envelopes, or hongbao, filled with money from our elders. These little red packets, adorned with auspicious symbols and well-wishes, are a symbol of blessings and good luck for the coming year.As the festivities continue, we take part in various traditional activities, such as watching spectacular fireworks displays,visiting temple fairs, and enjoying performances like acrobatics, opera, and puppet shows.One of the most iconic symbols of Chinese New Year is the lantern festival, which marks the end of the celebrations on the 15th day of the lunar new year. During this time, cities and villages are illuminated by countless lanterns of various shapes and sizes, creating a breathtaking and magical atmosphere.Chinese New Year is not only a time of celebration but also a reminder of the importance of family, tradition, and cultural heritage. It brings together generations, bridging the gap between the past and the present, and instilling a sense of pride and belonging in the hearts of Chinese people around the world.As a young student, I treasure these moments of joy, laughter, and togetherness that Chinese New Year brings. It's a time when the air is filled with the tantalizing aromas of traditional dishes, the sound of firecrackers echoing through the streets, and the warmth of family embraces.While the festivities may seem grand and elaborate, at their core, they represent the simple yet profound values that have been passed down through generations – values of unity, gratitude, and hope for a prosperous and auspicious year ahead.So, to my friends from around the world, I invite you to experience the magic of Chinese New Year. Immerse yourself in the vibrant colors, captivating performances, and rich traditions that have been carefully preserved for centuries. And if you ever have the chance to celebrate with us, you'll truly understand why this festival holds such a special place in the hearts of the Chinese people.篇5Chinese New Year is Super Cool!Hi friends! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. I really love Chinese New Year - it's my favorite time of the whole year! I want to tell you all about how awesome it is.Chinese New Year isn't just one day, it's a whole 2 week festival! It starts at the end of January or in February based on the lunar calendar. Lunar means it goes by the cycles of the moon instead of the regular 365 day calendar. Isn't that neat?The celebration is all about saying bye to the old year and hello to the new one. We have to get our houses spick and span clean before New Year's Day. My mom makes me tidy my room really good. No dust bunnies allowed! We clean to sweep away any bad luck and make way for good incoming fortune.Then we decorate everywhere with red lanterns, couplets with lucky sayings, and papercuttings. Red is a lucky color that scares away monsters and bad spirits. I love putting up the decorations - it makes everything feel so warm and festive! We even decorate the front door with upside-downfu symbols for luck.On New Year's Eve, we have a huge reunion dinner with all our family - aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, everyone comes! We eat lots of yummy foods like dumplings, noodles for long life, fish for surplus, and sweet desserts. My favorite part is the kids getting hong bao - pretty red envelopes with money inside from the grown-ups!After our big feast, we watch the national New Year's broadcast on TV with the awesome dance shows, comedy acts, and countdown to midnight. Then we light firecrackers and fireworks to scare away the mythical beast Nian that's afraid of the loud noises and red colors. Stay away Nian, this is a party just for us!For the next two weeks, it's non-stop fun and no school! We visit family, watch spectacular parade performances with colorful dragons and lions, hang out with friends, eat delicious goodies,and get more hong bao. At night, streets and parks turn into dazzling light shows with beautiful lantern displays.My most favorite part might be on the 15th day of the new year - it's the Lantern Festival! We go out with our family and walk around carrying bright lanterns in all cool animal or character shapes, watching fireworks, eating tangyuan (sticky rice balls), and solving lantern riddles. It's so magical!I hope you can come visit China during our New Year sometime. You'll get to experience 5,000 years of amazing traditions and have a total blast! Shing Nien Kuai Loh (Happy New Year)!篇6Chinese New Year is So Fun!My favorite holiday is Chinese New Year! It's when we welcome the new year. Chinese New Year is also called Spring Festival. It lasts for 15 days, from New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival.On New Year's Eve, my whole family gets together for a huge feast! We eat dumplings, noodles, fish, and other yummy foods. Eating dumplings at New Year means you will have a wealthy life.Eating noodles means you will have a long life. My grandma makes the best dumplings in the world!After dinner, we kids get hang around waiting for the New Year to begin at midnight. When midnight strikes, we set off firecrackers and fireworks outside to scare away evil spirits! The night sky lights up so bright and colorful. Firecrackers make a huge booming sound that I can feel in my chest. It's so exciting and thrilling!In the morning, I get up early to get my red envelope from my parents. The red envelope has money inside as a gift for kids. We call it "lucky money." I always get so excited to see how much is in my red envelope! Then I put on my new clothes that my parents bought for me to wear on New Year's Day. Wearing new clothes symbolizes a new start.For breakfast, we eat nian gao which is a sticky sweet rice cake. The name sounds like "year higher" which means we wish for better luck and prosperity in the new year. Yum! I love the chewy texture and sweet taste.After breakfast, I visit my relatives and friends with my parents. We say "Gong Xi Fa Cai" to each other which means "Wishing you prosperity in the new year!" The adults give kids red envelopes too.At my relatives' houses, I get to see the decorations. Everything is red because red symbolizes luck, joy, and happiness. There are poems and couplets on red paper hung on doors. There are paper cut-outs of the zodiac animal of that year. There are orange trees with bright oranges because oranges represent wealth. It's so pretty and festive!One of my favorite traditions is watching the CCTV New Year's Gala on TV with my family. It's a huge variety show with singing, dancing, comedy, and more. Over 700 million people watch it every year! I get to stay up really late to watch it. I always fall asleep before it ends though.I love Chinese New Year! It's full of family time, yummy food, fun traditions, and wonderful decorations. We celebrate for 15 days until the Lantern Festival at the end. I can't wait until next year!。

『浙』十年特别视点 SPECIAL FEATURE: ZHEJIANG IN THE PAST DECADE35外国夫妇“浙”十年文/集体采写浙江是中国改革开放先行地,浙江吸引了来自世界各地的外籍人士前来创业、工作、学习和生活,还有些人举家移居“浙”里,成为新浙江人。
意大利夫妇在滨江——“我们喜欢入乡随俗”最近,脸书@Binjiang Feel 等海外社交账号上一段老外打太极的视频引起近20万人次浏览和分享。
The Massimo family.Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.36保持平和的心态。
” 马西莫说,这或许与他们一家对中国的向往有关,初到滨江后他们就很快习惯了这里的一切。

关于义乌的英语小作文Nestled in the heart of Zhejiang Province, Yiwu, a city renowned for its bustling markets and rich culture, offers a captivating tapestry of trade and tradition. This vibrant hub is not just a gateway to economic prosperity but also a testament to the resilience and enterprising spirit of its people.The city's markets are legendary, drawing merchants and tourists from around the globe. The Yiwu International Trade City, in particular, is a colossal complex housing tens of thousands of shops offering a vast array of goods. From everyday items to exotic goods, the city's markets are a one-stop shop for all your trading needs. The energy and hustle-and-bustle of these markets are a testament to the hard work and entrepreneurship of Yiwu's denizens.Beyond its economic might, Yiwu is also renowned forits vibrant culture. The city is home to numerous temples and historical landmarks that reflect its rich historical heritage. The Yiwu Museum, for instance, offers a glimpse into the city's past, housing artifacts and exhibits that chronicle its evolution. Moreover, the city's bustlingnightlife and diverse cuisine further add to its cultural charm.Yiwu's people are its greatest asset. They are friendly, hardworking, and always ready to welcome visitors with warmth. Their enterprising spirit and innovation have been the driving force behind the city's remarkable growth. From small-scale entrepreneurs to global business tycoons, the people of Yiwu have always been at the forefront of trade and industry.In conclusion, Yiwu is much more than just a trading hub; it's a city that embodies the spirit of enterprise, culture, and tradition. Its markets, historical landmarks, and vibrant nightlife offer a unique experience that leaves a lasting impression on every visitor. As Yiwu continues to grow and prosper, it remains a beacon of hope andinspiration for people from all over the world.**义乌的魅力:繁荣的市场与活力四溢的文化**位于浙江省心脏地带的义乌,以繁忙的市场和丰富的文化而闻名,展现出一幅贸易与传统的迷人画卷。


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义乌: 老外感受
徐晓恩 张建成 胡 梦 文并摄
为改变欧洲国家一些商人对 中国商品的不信任, 奔德花 钱请专业人士拍摄了一部 《 欢迎您到中国义乌来》 的V D。 C 片中介绍 了义乌日新月异的城市、 现代化的市场群 、 琳琅满
目的商品以及义乌地 理方位、 交通住宿情况和人文环境 , 还 用英文和德文解说 , 分发给欧美客商。 奔德说, 他还想像马 可波罗那样出本书, 让更多的欧美人知道中国、 知道义乌。
F t a1 esi . v
也门人阿罕迈德和穆德 : 特别喜欢中国过年的气氛
除夕那天 , 笔者在刚刚于今年1 E设立的义乌国际贸 月4 t
易服务中心, 遇上也门外商阿罕迈德和穆德。
土耳其人奥兹坎和夏拉普夫妇: 好好休息 , 义乌更像我们家
义乌稠州北路上 , 有许多外国人经营的餐厅, 其中一家 名为苏坦的伊斯兰建筑风格的土耳其餐厅, 格外引人注目。 餐馆 的外墙装饰得很华丽, 厚厚幔子坠在窗户两侧 , 平 添了几分中东风情。 老板奥兹坎・ 塞泽尔是一位3 岁的土耳其 5 人, 两年前带着新婚 妻子来 到义乌, 开始经营餐馆生意。 见 到他俩 , 觉得这对夫妻特有明星相 , 长得一个是帅哥一个是 美女。 奥兹坎把一位美丽的姑娘介绍出来 , 说这是他的侄女, 刚来 到中国, 准备留学 , 专习中文。 言下之意 , 以后他的餐厅 就没有语言障碍了 。
与奔德一样 , 今年春节, 自约旦的商人雷锋也入 乡随 来 俗, 忙着跟大伙一道, 挂灯笼、 贴春联 、 粘窗花, 喜迎中国龙
龙年春节, 小商品王国义乌充满着中国年的气氛 , 挂灯 年 春 节。 笼、 赏花灯、 观舞龙 、 贴春联……大街小巷一派祥瑞景象。 今年2 岁的雷锋, 7 毕业于约旦一所大学电子商务专业, 义乌常驻有来自世界各国的1 万余名外商, . 3 中国传统佳 2 0 年1月慕名来义乌市场做外贸生意。 05 0 初来乍到, 他就听 节与文化正在走进这些外国人的心中。 说中国有个专做好事 、 无私奉献的雷锋, 心中很仰慕 , 于是 取了一个中文名字一一雷锋。 德 国人奔德 : 贴春联谈感受 雷锋开办的公司生意越做越 好。 知恩图报 , 雷锋每天吃 龙年春节到了, 在义 鸟经商的德国商人奔德, 也学着 中 过 晚饭后就来到培训中心 , 时而辅导经营户学 习英语, 时而 国人的过年模样 , 在义乌自家房 子门楣上贴起了红红的春 帮助各国客商报名注册。 这些年来, 他风雨无阻为中国文化 联。 奔德的春联也 是用中文的行书写的, 上联为: 商城 义乌 的全球化默默奉献。 政通人和 ; 下联是 : 异国商人 安居乐业 ; 横批为: 风水宝地 。 雷锋坦诚地说, 我在义乌学会汉语, 在义乌赚到钱 , 理 兴高采烈的奔德指着这副对联跟我们说 : 这副春联我是专 所 当然也要回报义乌。 “ 况且我 已取名雷锋, 可不能徒有虚名 门请人写的, 表达了我们一家这些年在义乌的真实感受。 ” 呀! 如今接受过雷锋英语辅导的经营户数以千计, 他的诚恳
T e J danan bu i es m an Moha m a J h or i sn s m d am ipu sup l t n t l t an er s a
hi r t d s en e apar en i . m t ti Ywu n
约旦人雷锋: 争取做个地道的义乌人
德 国商 人 奔德 夫 妇 及 孩 子 与 员工春 节合 影
Mr and Mr sort d h r . s J f ser an t eichi r ,an wo e p o ee os or h o i eb at he S i g l en d d t m l y s D e f p ot n cel r i of a on t pr n
今年3岁的阿罕迈德是伟途国际有限公司总经理, 9 问起 阿罕迈德准备怎么过中国年? 阿罕迈德是一个中国通, 9 8 19 年就来到义乌做生意, 所 以他 见证了义乌市场的代代升级。 他说 , 义乌经商环境越来 越好, 最重要的是能让外商安居乐家。 阿罕迈德的两个孩子 都在义乌外国语学校读书, 这边有专 门的阿拉伯语班, 像他 孩子一样, 现在有10 5个多孩子在读。 阿罕迈德说特别喜欢中国过年 的气氛, 的过年方式也 他 是很符合两国文化的, 一年也门过年 , 走亲访友; 一年留在中 国过年 , 今年轮到在中国过年, 所以准备到广州, 而且为了避 开春运, 决定选择在年初一出门。 他说留在中国过年 的时候 , 他总是选择到中国一个城市 去体会不同的过年氛围, 他扳起手指 , 报上一 串的中国城市 名: 上海 、 北京、 深圳 、 大连 、 门…… “ 的理想是带着老 厦 我 婆孩子把中国的主要城市都走一个遍。 ” 曾在上海同济大学留学 、 0 0 2 0 年来义乌做 生意的3 岁 8 也 门外商穆德 , 倒是准备像地地道道的中国人一样来过年。 他说过年 的计划是从年前1多天开始安排的,“ 0 乡下农庄钩 鱼、 踢足球、 开小型演唱会” 内容丰富多彩。 。 穆德的妻子、 孩子都跟在 身边 , 有个弟弟在附近城市金 华的浙江师范大学留学; 今年他还准备把另外一对双胞胎弟 弟也接过 来, 到浙师大留学。 他说 , 明年过年会更热闹。
儿叫平 安
待人、 乐于助人也让他与当地众多的经营户交上了朋友。 龙年春节, 雷锋 的手机都被打爆了, 拜年的短信也是接 连不断, 许多经营户都邀他到家里做客、 吃年夜饭。“ 今天这 个请吃饭 , 明天那 个邀我 玩, 义乌人太好客了, 在这里过年 有一种在家的感觉。 雷锋也学着义乌人, ” 到超市里买了许多 富有中国传统年味的年货 , 挨个到义乌朋友家串门, 给他们 拜年 , 还收到了好几个红包呢。 朋友真诚 的邀请, 让雷锋既感动又觉得新鲜。 雷锋激动
E C U I S 春特穗 X L S E V
地说 :“ 今年 我之 所以留在 义乌过春节, 是想趁节 日 就
空闲时间, 加强与经营户感 情 的交流 , 多了解义乌的风
土人情、 历史 文化 , 请 同
朋 友参 谋参 谋 , 年后想在 这里买套房子, 我要争取做 个地地道道的义 鸟 ” 人。
谈 及在义乌过年, 奔德与妻子郭忠华一脸喜悦: 义乌不 但是经商赚钱的好地方, 而且政府很开明, 每年市里召开人 代会都邀请外商旁听, 领导还专门抽时间听取境外商人的意
见和建议 , 准许外国人考驾照 、 帮助解决子女读书问题…… 要不然 , 我不可能一家4 口都扎根义乌。
约旦商人雷锋 在租房 内挂灯 笼
出生在德国不来梅的奔德今年s t, o 身材高大魁梧 , 戴 副金丝眼镜 , 言行举止颇有些绅士风度。 奔德2 0年就来到了义乌, 00 十多年来, 奔德不但收获了爱 情、 播种了希望, 而且也成就了事业。 婚后, 奔德与妻子郭忠华 有了两个可爱的孩子, 并在义乌江边买下一幢5 层的楼房。 生活安定 , 事业有成。 深深爱上义乌的奔德, 连两个孩 子的取名也注入了中国和谐社会建设的元素, 儿子叫和平, 女