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---- Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions
(listing more than 300 definitions)
Porter & Samovar
The deposit(沉淀物) of knowledge,
experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
- New economic arena (multinational corporations) - Ever-increasing world population (finite natural
resources, pollution, international conflicts)
Warming up
Can you tell what went wrong?
“Help yourself” VS. “Be my guest”
3) Culture is subject to change
Oct. 5, 2005 21st Century Changing Tastes “This July China Daily reported severe obesity affects 16 to 20 per cent China’s young urbanites.” “A major study released by Centre for Public Nutrition and Development last September found as income increases, energy intake increases. But a high percentage of that extra energy comes from fat. And grains and potatoes were eaten less.”
Hall: Culture is everything and everywhere
Sir Edward Tylor’s definition in 1871 (first use of this term):
“that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”
or bad, etc. Car parking
Case Study
Richard, an engineer from the United States, was invited to take tea with one of his British colleagues while he was in England. This was a purely social, relaxed occasion. Tea was served along with sugar and cream. As he helped himself to some sugar and cream, he sensed he had done something wrong.
Make a list of images from your home culture and try to explain what they express about who the people of your culture are and what their relationship is to people from other cultures.
5 Self-actualization
4 Esteem 3 Belongingness 2 Safety
1 Physiological needs
The Characteristics of Culture
Subject to change
4) Culture is transmitted from generation to generation
5) Culture is based on symbols
6) Culture is integrated
7) Culture is adaptive (acculturation)
Linell Davis: five metaphors
1) Culture is learned consciously or unconsciously: (enculturation)
**through Proverbs, Folktales, Myths, and legends
**through Art e.g. Beijing Opera
Kroeber and Kluckhohn (1952)
Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other as conditioning elements of further action.
Session 1
Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication
Importance of Intercultural
Why did you choose this course?
Chances for IC are caused by globalization - Spurring development of transportation and
**through Mass Media
2) Most part of culture is unconscious Culture as an iceberg
Behaviour Traditions Artefacts – buildings, clothes, art etc.
communication systems (shortened touring time, television networks, the internet, international film industry) - Cultural migration between nations (multiculturalism)
(to be more easily understood)
Culture is like an iceberg some is visible (history, literature, customs) most is invisible (feelings and attitudes)
Culture is our software physical selves as the hardware, become human when programmed with the software of culture
Which image do you prefer? Which do you think are the images that most truly express how people feel about themselves and the world?
Lecture Outline
On the surface: customs and behavior
More deeply: what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following
In a word: Ctuhletumre is all about meanings
----Intercultural Communication: A Reader
Basic functions of culture
Culture makes all things easy. - by and
people --- making life less confusing - by providing us with structure --- the skills
Intercultural communication
right attitudes
1. What is culture?
way of doing things(10
way of thinkin g(90%)
Beliefs Perceptions
Attitudes Values
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
Culture is like the water a fish swims in notice everything except the water
and rules necessary to adapt to our world
A culture can also be understood as a particular way to satisfy our human needs.
Let’s follow Abraham Maslow!
What people eat What people wear What games children play How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good
(listing more than 300 definitions)
Porter & Samovar
The deposit(沉淀物) of knowledge,
experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.
- New economic arena (multinational corporations) - Ever-increasing world population (finite natural
resources, pollution, international conflicts)
Warming up
Can you tell what went wrong?
“Help yourself” VS. “Be my guest”
3) Culture is subject to change
Oct. 5, 2005 21st Century Changing Tastes “This July China Daily reported severe obesity affects 16 to 20 per cent China’s young urbanites.” “A major study released by Centre for Public Nutrition and Development last September found as income increases, energy intake increases. But a high percentage of that extra energy comes from fat. And grains and potatoes were eaten less.”
Hall: Culture is everything and everywhere
Sir Edward Tylor’s definition in 1871 (first use of this term):
“that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”
or bad, etc. Car parking
Case Study
Richard, an engineer from the United States, was invited to take tea with one of his British colleagues while he was in England. This was a purely social, relaxed occasion. Tea was served along with sugar and cream. As he helped himself to some sugar and cream, he sensed he had done something wrong.
Make a list of images from your home culture and try to explain what they express about who the people of your culture are and what their relationship is to people from other cultures.
5 Self-actualization
4 Esteem 3 Belongingness 2 Safety
1 Physiological needs
The Characteristics of Culture
Subject to change
4) Culture is transmitted from generation to generation
5) Culture is based on symbols
6) Culture is integrated
7) Culture is adaptive (acculturation)
Linell Davis: five metaphors
1) Culture is learned consciously or unconsciously: (enculturation)
**through Proverbs, Folktales, Myths, and legends
**through Art e.g. Beijing Opera
Kroeber and Kluckhohn (1952)
Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other as conditioning elements of further action.
Session 1
Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication
Importance of Intercultural
Why did you choose this course?
Chances for IC are caused by globalization - Spurring development of transportation and
**through Mass Media
2) Most part of culture is unconscious Culture as an iceberg
Behaviour Traditions Artefacts – buildings, clothes, art etc.
communication systems (shortened touring time, television networks, the internet, international film industry) - Cultural migration between nations (multiculturalism)
(to be more easily understood)
Culture is like an iceberg some is visible (history, literature, customs) most is invisible (feelings and attitudes)
Culture is our software physical selves as the hardware, become human when programmed with the software of culture
Which image do you prefer? Which do you think are the images that most truly express how people feel about themselves and the world?
Lecture Outline
On the surface: customs and behavior
More deeply: what the behavior and customs mean to the people who are following
In a word: Ctuhletumre is all about meanings
----Intercultural Communication: A Reader
Basic functions of culture
Culture makes all things easy. - by and
people --- making life less confusing - by providing us with structure --- the skills
Intercultural communication
right attitudes
1. What is culture?
way of doing things(10
way of thinkin g(90%)
Beliefs Perceptions
Attitudes Values
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
Culture is like the water a fish swims in notice everything except the water
and rules necessary to adapt to our world
A culture can also be understood as a particular way to satisfy our human needs.
Let’s follow Abraham Maslow!
What people eat What people wear What games children play How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good