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Hoisting Operation Permit and Approval Management Procedure.
1. Project Application.
1.1 The project manager shall submit a hoisting operation application to the safety management department, including the following information:
Project name and location.
Hoisting equipment type, specification, and quantity.
Hoisting weight and height.
Hoisting method and process.
Safety measures.
2. Application Review.
2.1 The safety management department shall review the application and conduct a site inspection.
2.2 If the application meets the safety requirements, the safety management department shall issue a hoisting operation permit.
3. Hoisting Operation Plan.
3.1 The project manager shall develop a hoisting operation plan based on the permit, including the following information:
Hoisting operation sequence.
Hoisting equipment layout.
Personnel assignment.
Safety precautions.
4. Hoisting Operation Briefing.
4.1 The project manager shall conduct a hoisting operation briefing for all personnel involved, including the following information:
Hoisting operation plan.
Safety regulations.
Emergency response procedures.
5. Hoisting Operation Supervision.
5.1 The safety management department shall supervise the hoisting operation and ensure compliance with the permit and operation plan.
5.2 The project manager shall appoint a qualified person to be responsible for the hoisting operation.
6. Hoisting Operation Completion.
6.1 Upon completion of the hoisting operation, the project manager shall submit a completion report to the safety management department.
6.2 The safety management department shall conduct a final inspection to ensure the safe removal of all hoisting equipment.
7. Hoisting Operation Approval.
7.1 The safety management department shall review the completion report and conduct a final inspection.
7.2 If the hoisting operation is completed safely and in accordance with the permit and operation plan, the safety management department shall issue a hoisting operation approval.
8. Safety Precautions.
8.1 All hoisting equipment shall be inspected and tested regularly.
8.2 Only qualified personnel are permitted to operate hoisting equipment.
8.3 All personnel involved in hoisting operations must wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
8.4 Hoisting operations shall be conducted in a safe and controlled environment.
8.5 Emergency response procedures shall be in place in case of accidents.
9. Responsibilities.
9.1 The project manager is responsible for the overall safety of the hoisting operation.
9.2 The safety management department is responsible for
approving and supervising hoisting operations.
9.3 All personnel involved in hoisting operations are responsible for following the safety regulations and procedures.
10. Penalties.
10.1 Any violation of the hoisting operation permit or approval shall result in penalties, including fines or suspension of operations.。
