
Java模拟试题(一)一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)2.paint()方法使用哪种类型的参数?A Graphics 硬记g.drawString(“Hello World”) G gB Graphics2DC StringD Color3.指出正确的表达式A byte=128; 整数型默认为int btyte的范围-2的8次方到2的8次方-1 超过范围B Boolean=null; 没有变量名,Boolean b=null;C long l=0xfffL;D double=0.9239d; 没有变量名4.指出下列程序运行的结果public class Example{String str=new String("good");char[]ch={'a','b','c'};public static void main(String args[]){Example ex=new Example();ex.change(ex.str,;System.out.print(ex.str+" and ");Sytem.out.print(;}public void change(String str,char ch[]){str="test ok";ch[0]='g'; 下标为0的位置变为g,}}String字符串不能被改变,数组可以改变A good and abcB good and gbcC test ok and abcD test ok and gbc5.运行下列程序, 会产生什么结果public class X extends Thread implements Runable{public void run(){System.out.println("this is run()");}public static void main(String args[]){Thread t=new Thread(new X());t.start();}}A 第一行会产生编译错误怀疑人生B 第六行会产生编译错误C 第六行会产生运行错误D 程序会运行和启动7.容器被重新设置大小后,哪种布局管理器的容器中的组件大小容器大小的变化而改变?A CardLayoutB FlowLayout 硬记C BorderLayoutD GridLayout8.给出下面代码:public class Person{static int arr[] = new int[10];public static void main(String a[]){System.out.println(arr[1]);}}那个语句是正确的?A 编译时将产生错误;B 编译时正确,运行时将产生错误;C 输出零;写在方法外面的变量都会初始化,默认值为int 是0D 输出空。

5设某为float型变量,y为double型变量,a为int型变量,已知某=2.5f,a=7,y=4.22则表达式某+a%3某(int)某%(int)y的值为4.5 6设某为float型变量,y为double型变量,a为int型变量,b为long型变量,c为char型,则表达式某+y某a/某+b/y+c的值为double 类型7设有数组定义:intMyIntArray[]={10,20,30,40,50,60,70};则执行以下几个语句后的输出结果是120int=0;for(inti=0;i<MyIntArray.length;i++)if(i%2==1)+=MyIntArray[i] ;Sytem.out.println()选择题1.在浏览器中执行applet程序,以下选项中的哪个方法将被最后执行(C)。

18、Java 语言最初是面向哪个应用领域设计的?( C )

蓝桥杯java模拟赛试题及答案蓝桥杯Java模拟赛试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Java中,下列哪个关键字用于定义类?A. classB. interfaceC. enumD. struct答案:A2. 在Java中,哪个关键字用于定义一个方法?A. functionB. methodC. procedureD. action答案:B3. 下列哪个是Java中的合法标识符?A. 2variableB. variable2C. variable#2D. variable!答案:B4. Java中,哪个关键字用于实现接口?A. implementsB. extendsC. includesD. contains答案:A5. 在Java中,哪个关键字用于定义一个包?A. packageB. groupC. bundleD. container答案:A6. Java中,下列哪个是正确的数组声明方式?A. int[] array;B. array int[];C. int array[];D. array[] int;答案:A7. 在Java中,哪个关键字用于定义一个构造方法?A. constructorB. initializerC. setupD. method答案:D8. Java中,哪个关键字用于实现多态?A. overrideB. extendsC. implementsD. abstract答案:A9. 下列哪个是Java中的引用数据类型?A. intB. charC. StringD. boolean答案:C10. 在Java中,哪个关键字用于抛出异常?A. throwB. throwsC. exceptionD. error答案:B二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述Java中异常处理的机制。

17. 阅读下列代码,i 值为( )时输出结果中不包括“Test2”。(答案写到答题卡)【选一项】 switch(i){ default: System.out.println("无匹配"); case 1: System.out.println("Test1"); case 2: case 3: System.out.println("Test2"); break; case 4: System.out.println("Test3"); break; }
6. 分析如下所示的 java 代码,编译运行后的输出结果是( )。答案写到答题卡) 【选一项】 public static void main(String arg[]){ boolean b=true; System.out.println(b); if(b){ System.out.println(”真”); }else{ System.out.println(”假”); } }
10. 分析如下所示的 Java 代码,编译运行后的输出结果是( )。(答案写到答题卡) 【选一项】 public static void main(String args[]){ int a=100; while(a%2==0){ System.out.print(a); a=a/4; } }
A. 1002561 B. 10025 C. 100 D. 25
1. 下面( )是合法的 Java 变量名。(答案写到答题卡) 【选二项】
A. _myString B. $a+b C. myString D. 9myString
2. 在 Java 中,源文件 中包含如下代码段,则程序编译运行结果是( 答题卡) 【选一项】 public class Test{ public static main(String[] args){ system.out.println(“Hello!”) } }
Java程序设计 模拟试题一

( )(A)J2SE (B)J2ME(C)J2EE (D)JDK6.02.在单一java文件中import、class和package的正确出现顺序是_________。
( ) (A)package, import, class(B)class, import, package(C)import, package, class(D)package, class, import3.在一个线程中执行Sleep(1000)方法,将使得该线程在多少时间后获得对CPU的控制(假设Sleep过程中不会有其他事件唤醒该线程)?_________。
( ) (A)正好1000毫秒(B)不到1000毫秒(C)大于或等于1000毫秒(D)不确定4.在Java语言中负责并发管理机制的是_________。
( ) (A)垃圾回收(B)虚拟机(C)调度机制(D)多线程5.下面哪个关键字可以对对象加互斥锁_________。
( ) (A)transient (B)synchronized (C)Serializable (D)Serialize6.下列程序的输出结果是________。
( ) public class Test{public static void main(String args[]){int i,j,m=0;for (i=10;i<15;i++){for (j=4;j<i;j++){if (j%2==0) continue;if (j%3==0) break;m+=j;}}System.out.println("m="+m);}}(A)m=30 (B)m=15 (C)m=60 (D)m=407.以下程序的输出结果为________。

2023年计算机二级JAVA考试模拟试题及答案2023年计算机二级JAVA考试模拟试题及答案1). 下面( )是合法的标识符。
A.$personsB.2UsersC.*poi ntD.this正确答案:A答案解析:此题考察Java 标识符的命名,属于考试重点内容,应该掌握。
Java 中标识符的命名规那么是:标识符以字母、下画线或美元符作为首字符的字符串序列;标识符是区分大小写的;标识符的字符数没有限制。
由此可见,Java 中标识符不能以数字开头,所以选项B错误;不能以“*”开头,选项C错误;this 是专用标识符,具有专门的意义和用处,选项D 错误,只有选项A 正确。
2). 设有一个已按各元素的值排好序的顺序表(长度大于2),现分别用顺序查找法和二分查找法查找与给定值k相等的元素,比拟的次数分别是s和b,在查找不成功情况下s和b 的关系是( )。
A.s =bB.s》bC.sD.s》=b正确答案:B答案解析:顺序查找的根本思想是:从表的一端开场,顺序扫描线性表,依次将扫描到结点的关键字和给定值k进展比拟,假设当前扫描到结点的关键字与k相等,那么查找成功;假设扫描完毕后,仍未找到关键字等于k的结点,那么查找失败。
根本思想是:首先将待查的k值和有序表R[O]~R[n -1]的中间位置mid上的结点的关键字进展比拟,假设相等,那么查找完成;否那么,假设R[mi d]. key》k,那么说明待查找的结点只可能在左子表R[O]~R[mi d -1]中,我们只需在左子表中继续进展折半查找,假设R[mi d]. key3). 定义一个表示10个值为null的字符串数组,下面选项正确的选项是( )。
A.String []a;B.String a[];C.char a[10][];D.String a[]=new String[10];正确答案:D答案解析:此题考察字符串数组变量的声明。

选择题1、JAVA所定义的版本中不包括:( D )A、JAVA2 EEB、JAVA2 CardC、JAVA2 MED、J AVA2 HEE、J AVA2 SE2、下列说法正确的是( A )A、JAVA程序的main方法必须写在类里面B、JAVA程序中可以有多个main方法C、JAVA程序中类名必须与文件名一样D、J AVA程序的main方法中如果只有一条语句,可以不用{}(大括号)括起来3、变量命名规范说法正确的是( B )A、变量由字母、下划线、数字、$符号随意组成;B、变量不能以数字作为开头;C、A和a在java中是同一个变量;D、不同类型的变量,可以起相同的名字;4、下列javaDoc注释正确的是( C )A、/*我爱北京天安门*/B、//我爱北京天安门*/C、/**我爱北京天安门*/D、/*我爱北京天安门**/5、为一个boolean类型变量赋值时,可以使用( B )方式A、boolean = 1;B、boolean a = (9 >= 10);C、boolean a="真";D、b oolean a = = false;6、以下( C )不是合法的标识符A、STRINGB、x3x;C、voidD、d e$f7、表达式(11+3*8)/4%3的值是( D )A、31B、0C、1D、28、( A )表达式不可以作为循环条件A、i++;B、i>5;C、bEqual = str.equals("q");D、c ount = = i;9、运算符优先级别排序正确的是(A )A、由高向低分别是:()、!、算术运算符、关系运算符、逻辑运算符、赋值运算符;B、由高向低分别是:()、关系运算符、算术运算符、赋值运算符、!、逻辑运算符;C、由高向低分别是:()、算术运算符、逻辑运算符、关系运算符、!、赋值运算符;D、由高向低分别是:()、!、关系运算符、赋值运算符、算术运算符、逻辑运算符;10、以下程序的运行结果是:( B )public class Increment{public static void main(String args[]) {int a;a = 6;System.out.print(a);System.out.print(a++);System.out.print(a);}}A.666B.667C.677D.67611、下列值不为true的表达式有( C )。

JAVA模拟测试模拟试题一模拟试题一一、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1、Java程序主要分为两种类型: 应用程序和()。
3、假若float y=54.23; int x=(int)y;这时x的值为()。
4、在Java中,两个连续等号(= =)是等于运算符,那么一个等号是()运算符。
二、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1、Java Application 源程序文件的扩展名为( )。 B..class C..html D..exe2、设有3个整型变量x=1,y=2,z=3,则表达式y+=z--/++x 的值是( )。
A.3 B.3. 5 C.4 D.53、Java的核心包中,提供编程应用的基本类的包是()。 B.Java.util C.Java. AppletD.Java.rmi4、下列代码中,将引起一个编译错误的行是()。
1)public class Test{2) int m,n;3) public Test(){}4) public Test(int a){m=a;}5) public static void main(String args[]){6) Test t1,t2;7) int j,k;8) j=0;k=0;9) t1=new Test();10) t2=new Test(j,k);11) }12) }A、第3行B、第5行C、第6行D、第10行5、已知String对象s=”abcdefg”,则s.substring(2,5)的返回值为( )A、“bcde”B、“cde”C、“cdef”D、“def”三、程序改错(每题10分,共20分)1、改正下面程序段中的错误(共5处)public Class Test { //1public static void main(String args) { //定义主方法2 int i1,i2,i3;float f;char c;System.out.println("int:" + i1); //3c = “A”; //4f = 3.0; //5}}2、改正下面程序段中的错误(共4处)public class Student{String id;Strng name;int salary;public void Test(String id, String name, int salary){ // = id; = name;this.salary = salary;}public void changeInfo(String id, int salary){ //2 boolean result;if(id =={ //3this.salary = salary;result = TRUE; //4}else{result = false;}return result;}}四、阅读程序题(每题5分,共10分)1、写出下面程序的运行结果class a1 {int x=10;int y=31;public void Printme( ) {System.out.println("x="+x+" y="+y);}}public class tt3 extends a1 {int z=35;public void Printme( ) {System.out.println(" z="+z);}public static void main(String arg[]) {a1 p2=new a1( );tt3 p1=new tt3( );p1.Printme( );p2.Printme( );}}运行结果为:2、写出下面程序的运行结果class P1 {private int n=9;int nn; P1( ) {nn=n++;}void ma() {System.out.println("n="+n);}}public class tt2 extends P1 {public static void main(String[] args) {P1 m1=new P1( );System.out.println("m1.nn="+m1.nn); );}}运行结果为:五、程序设计1、(10分)编写一个Java应用程序,要求从键盘输入两个整数,计算这两个数据之和,并输出2、(20分)编写一个学生类Student ,要求:(1) 学生类Student 属性有:id : long型,代表学号name : String类对象,代表姓名age : int型,代表年龄sex : boolen型,代表性别(其中:true表示男,false 表示女)phone : String类对象,代表联系电话(2) 学生类Student的方法有:Student(long i , String n , int a , boolean s , long p) : 有参构造函数,形参表中的参数分别初始化学号、姓名、年龄、性别和联系电话。

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第一单元 试题
A. 类 B. 字符型 C. 数组型 D. 接口
6.JAVA程序经常用到“递归”,“递归”的基本思想是( )
A. “让别人反复调用自己”
B. “自己反复调用别人”
C. “自己反复调用自己”
D. 以上说法都不对
二、判断题 1.若循环变量在for语句前面已经有定义并具有循环初值,则初始语句可以为空(分号不可省略)。()…while循环的执行过程是无条件执行循环体一次,在根据判断条件决定是否继续执行循环体。() 3. Java语言的任何类型,包括整型、浮点型、字符和布尔型都可以使用运算符“==”来比较是否相等,用运算符“!=”来判断是否不 等。() 4.Java语言提供了三个专门的循环控制语句:for语句、while语句和do…while语句。() 5.Java语言提供了三个专门的循环控制语句:for语句、while语句和do…while语句。() 6.程序中的break语句是用于退出switch的,若无则程序将不再比较而是依次执行所有语句。()

网络管理模拟试题3一、填空题(每空2分,共计60分)1、在排队论中,可以通过、和 3个要素描述各种典型网络,获得各性能指标间的关系。
参考答案:信道数、业务量、等待时间2、 ISO提出基于OSI的CMIP,它的英文全拼是;IETF提出基于TCP/IP的SNMP,它的英文全拼是。
参考答案:Common Management Information Protocol、Simple Network Management Protocol3、在ATM交换网中,一般采取、和的3级控制模型。
参考答案:网桥、路由器、网关6、管理信息的定义包括、和 3种方式。
参考答案:网络层、区域层、元素层10、 NGN将网络分成4层:、、和。
参考答案:边缘接入层、传送层、控制层、业务和应用层二、简答题(每题8分,共计40分)1、面向对象的分析技术的优点是什么?参考答案:面向对象的分析技术的优点包括:封装性(Encapsulation )是指将某些东西包装和隐藏起来,让外界无法直接使用,只能通过某些特定的方才能访问,其特性被称为“成员变量”(Member Variable),其行为被称为“成员函数”(Member Function),被封装的特性只能通过特定的行为去访问;继承性(Inheritance)是指后代具有祖先的某些特点,后代还可以具有自己独有的特征;多态性(Polymorphism)是指同一操作作用于不同的类的实例,将产生不同的执行结果,即不同类的对象收到相同的消息时,得到不同的结果。

10年JAVA模拟试题A一、单项选择题(1~35每小题1分,36~50每小题2分,共65分)1.Java虚拟机(JVM)在运行JAVA代码时,不会进行的操作是A)加载代码B)校验代码C)编译代码D)执行代码2.JAVA程序的并发机制是A)多线程B)多接口C)多平台D)多态性3.在方法内部使用,代表对当前对象自身引用的关键字是A)super B)This D)Super D)this 4.对鼠标点击按钮操作进行事件处理的接口是A)MouseListener B)WindowsListenerC)ActionListener D)KeyListener5.AWT中用来表示颜色的类是A)Font B)Color C)Panel D)Dialog 6.Java中属于跳转语句的是A)try B)catch C)finally D)break 7.下面说法哪个是正确的( )A)Applet可以访问本地文件B)对static方法的调用需要类实例C)socket类在ng中D)地址代表本机8.下列哪个方法可用于创建一个可运行的类( )A)public class X implements Runable{ public void run(){......}}B)public class X implements Thread{ public void run(){......}}C)public class X implements Thread{ public int run(){......}}D)public class X implements Runable{ protected void run(){......}}9.Java编程所必须的默认引用包为( )A)java.sys包B)ng包C)java.new包D)以上都不是10.Java Applet源程序文件的扩展名为( )。
A).java B).class C).html D).exe11.设a = 3,则表达式(--a)<<a的值是( )。

《Java程序设计》模拟练习一一.选择题(每题2分,共20分)1、编译Java Application 源程序文件将产生相应的字节码文件,这些字节码文件的扩展名为(b )。
A. .javaB. .classC. .htmlD. .exe2、设x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3,则表达式y+=z--/++x 的值是( a )。
A. 3B. 3. 5C. 4D. 53、下列哪种方法在Applet生命周期中只执行一次(a )A.init B.startC.stop D.run4、类Cycle的main()方法为:public static void main(String args[]){(args[0]);}则运行时如果命令行语句为java Cycle one two three,则输出结果为(b)A CycleB oneC twoD three5、下面哪一个是Thread类中的静态方法( d)A.start() B . stop()C . run()D . sleep(long m)6、关于下列语句哪个答案是正确的(a )A 不能编译成功B 可以编译成功,输出trueC 可以编译成功,但无输出D 以上均不对7、声明公用的abstract方法的正确格式是( c)A public abstract void add() {}B public abstract add();C public abstract void add();D public virtual add();8、下列程序结果正确的是(b )public class Test {public static void main (String args []) {Ad a1=new Ad();Ad a2=new Ad();}}class Ad{static int total = 10;public int add(int i){total=total+i;return total;}}A 11,12B 11,13C 11,11D 12,129、基于的一个程序中包含一个Panel,Panel其中包含一个Label,在Frame和Panel中分别有下面的一些语句://Frame里面的语句setFont( new Font(" Serif", Font. ITALIC, 18 );setBackground( Color. cyan );//Panel中的语句setBackground( Color. white );setForeground( Color. magenta );请问Label用什么颜色和字体显示(a)A. Background = white; foreground = magenta; font = Serif Italic style, 18 pointB. Background = cyan; foreground = black; font = Serif Italic style,18 pointC. Background = cyan; foreground = black; font = system default style for labelsD. Background = white; foreground = magenta; font = system default style for labels10、语句for(int x=0,y=0;(y!=0)&&(x<4);x++)的执行次数是( b )A 无限次B 一次也不执行C 执行4次D 执行3次二.简答题(每题4分,共20分)1. 对比分析Java与其它高级语言的编译和运行过程,说明Java具有平台独立性的原因?2.简述创建线程体的两种方式3.说明对象的基本概念和主要特征4.什么是JDBC5.方法重写和方法重载的特征分别是什么?举例说明三.判断题(每题1分,共10分)1.Java中的的字符使用的是16 位的Unicode 编码。

《J A V A语言程序设计》期末考试模拟试题一、单选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1、编译Java Application 源程序文件将产生相应的字节码文件,这些字节码文件的扩展名为( B )。
A. .javaB. .classC. .htmlD. .exe2、设 x = 1 , y = 2 , z = 3,则表达式 y+=z--/++x 的值是( A )。
A. 3B. 3. 5C. 4D. 53、在Java Applet程序用户自定义的Applet子类中,一般需要重载父类的( D )方法来完成一些画图操作。
A. start( )B. stop( )C. init( )D. paint( )4、不允许作为类及类成员的访问控制符的是( C )。
A. publicB. privateC. staticD. protected5、为AB类的一个无形式参数无返回值的方法method书写方法头,使得使用类名AB作为前缀就可以调用它,该方法头的形式为( A )。
A. static void method( )B. public void method( )C. final void method( )D. abstract void method( )二、填空题(每空格1分,共20分)1、开发与运行Java程序需要经过的三个主要步骤为编辑源程序、编译生成字节码和解释运行字节码。
MyApplet必须是 Applet 类的子类并且存储该源程序文件的文件名为MyApplet 。
3、如果一个Java Applet程序文件中定义有3个类,则使用Sun公司的JDK编译器编译该源程序文件将产生 3 个文件名与类名相同而扩展名为 . class 的字节码文件。
4、在Java的基本数据类型中,char型采用Unicode编码方案,每个Unicode码占用 2 字节内存空间,这样,无论是中文字符还是英文字符,都是占用 2 字节内存空间。

1、类Test1定义如下:public class Test1{public float aMethod(float a,float b){}____}根据方法重载的定义,将以下哪种方法插入下划线部分是不合法的。
(B )public float aMethod(float a,float b,float c){}public float aMethod(float c,float d){}public float aMethod(int a,int b){}public float aMethod(int a,int b,int c){}2、为AB类的一个无形参无返回值的方法method书写方法头,使得使用类名AB作为前缀就可以调用它,该方法头的形式为(A )。
static void method()public void method()final void method()abstract void method()3、有以下方法的定义,ReturnType method(byte x,float y){return(short)x/y*2;}请选择该方法的返回类型( B)。
**byteshortintfloat4、定义一个表示20个值为null的字符串数组,下面选项正确的是(D )。
String[] aString a[]char a[20][]String a[]=new String[20]5、关于方法的形参和实参,下列说法正确的是(C )。

模拟试题一一、单项选择题(20*2=40分)1、下列选项中不属于Java虚拟机的执行特点的一项是( )。
A、异常处理B、多线程C、动态链接 D、简单易学2、下列选项中属于 Java语言的安全性的一项是( )。
A、动态链接B、高性能C、访问权限 D、内存跟踪3、在Java语言中,那一个是最基本的元素?()A、方法B、包C、对象D、接口4、编译一个定义了3个类和10个办法的Java源文件后,会产生多少个字符码文件,扩展名是什么?()A、13个字节码文件,扩展名是.classB、1个字节码文件,扩展名是.classC、3个字节码文件,扩展名是.javaD、3个字节码文件,扩展名是.class5、以下关于面向对象概念的描述中,不正确的一项是( )。
A、在现实生活中,对象是指客观世界的实体B、程序中的对象就是现实生活中的对象C、在程序对象是通过一种抽象数据类型来描述的,这种抽象数据类型称为类(class)D、在程序中,对象是一组变量和相关方法的集合6、下列关于注释语句的描述中,正确的一项是( )。
A、以//开始的是多行注释语句B、以/*开始,*/结束的是单行注释语句C、以/**开始,*/结束的是可以用于生成帮助文档的注释语句D、以/**开始,*/结束的是单行注释语句7、下列描述中,不正确的是( )。
A、Java不支持多线程B、一个Java源程序中不允许有多个公共类C、Java程序可以划分为两大类:Application和AppletD、Java通过接口支持多重继承8、下列标识符中,合法的一个是( )。
A、$#@!$B、$--$C、2$$2D、$22$9、下列说法中,正确的一项是( )。
A、双精度数强制转换成单精度数后,其数值精度会提高B、Java语言中的布尔变量可以和整型变量相互强制转换C、强制转换是将存储长度长的数据转换为长度短的数据D、强制转换是将存储长度短的数据转换为长度长的数据10、设有定义int x=5;则执行以下语句后,x的值为( )。

JAVA试题及答案(50道选择题)1、JA V A所定义的版本中不包括:()A、JA V A2 EEB、J A V A2 CardC、J A V A2 MED、JA V A2 HEE、JA V A2 SE2、下列说法正确的是()A、JA V A程序的main⽅法必须写在类⾥⾯B、J A V A程序中可以有多个main⽅法C、J A V A程序中类名必须与⽂件名⼀样D、JA V A程序的main⽅法中如果只有⼀条语句,可以不⽤{}(⼤括号)括起来3、Java中,在如下所⽰的Test类中,共有()个构造⽅法。
public class Test{private int x;public Test(){x=35;}public void Test(double f){This.x=(int)f;}public Test(String s){}}A、0B、1C、2D、34、变量命名规范说法正确的是()A、变量由字母、下划线、数字、$符号随意组成;B、变量不能以数字作为开头;C、A和a在java中是同⼀个变量;D、不同类型的变量,可以起相同的名字;5、下列javaDoc注释正确的是()A、/*我爱北京天安门*/B、//我爱北京天安门*/C、/**我爱北京天安门*/D、/*我爱北京天安门**/6、为⼀个boolean类型变量赋值时,可以使⽤( )⽅式A、boolean = 1;B、b oolean a = (9 >= 10);C、b oolean a="真";D、boolean a = = false;7、以下( )不是合法的标识符A、STRINGB、x3x;C、v oidD、de$f8、表达式(11+3*8)/4%3的值是( )A、31B、0C、1D、29、()表达式不可以作为循环条件A、i++;B、i>5;C、b Equal = str.equals("q");D、count = = i;10、运算符优先级别排序正确的是()A、由⾼向低分别是:()、!、算术运算符、关系运算符、逻辑运算符、赋值运算符;B、由⾼向低分别是:()、关系运算符、算术运算符、赋值运算符、!、逻辑运算符;C、由⾼向低分别是:()、算术运算符、逻辑运算符、关系运算符、!、赋值运算符;D、由⾼向低分别是:()、!、关系运算符、赋值运算符、算术运算符、逻辑运算符;11、以下程序的运⾏结果是:( )public class Increment{public static void main(String args[]) {int a;a = 6;System.out.print(a);System.out.print(a++);System.out.print(a);}}A.666B.667C.677D.67612、下列值不为true的表达式有()。

Java面向对象程序设计模拟试题1一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. Java语言属于A. 机器语言B. 高级语言C. 自然语言D. 汇编语言2. Java源文件的扩展名是A. docB. exeC. javaD. class3. Java语言的字符使用的字符编码是A. ASCIIB. UnicodeC. UTF-8D. GB23124. Java中int类型所占字节数是A. 1B. 2C. 4D. 85. 给定下面代码段,程序运行结果是public class Foo{public static void main(String[] args){int i = 1;int j = i++;if((++i > j) && (i++ == j)){i += j;}System.out.println("i = "+i) ;}}A. i = 1B. i = 2C. i = 3D. i = 4 if内的判断也会对数值有影响6. 设有Circle类,执行下面语句后,哪个对象可以被垃圾回收器回收Circle a = new Circle();Circle b = new Circle();Circle c = new Circle();a = b;a = c;c = null;A.原来a所指的对象B.原来b所指的对象C.原来b和c所指的对象D.原来c所指的对象7. 下列程序段的运行结果为int index = 1;int foo[] = new int[3];int bar = foo[index];int baz = bar + index;A. baz 的值为0B. baz 的值为1C. baz 的值为2D. 抛出一个异常8. 执行下列语句后输出的结果是String s = "\"Hello,World!\"";System.out.println(s.length());A. 12B. 14C. 16D. 189. 下列代码执行后输出foo的结果为int index = 1;String[] test = new String[3];String foo = test[index];System.out.println(foo);A. ""B. nullC. 抛出一个异常D. 代码不能编译10. 下面程序运行结果为class Super{public int i = 0;public Super(String text){i = 1;}}public class Sub extends Super{public Sub(String text){i = 2;}public static void main(String[] args){Sub sub = new Sub("Hello");System.out.println(sub.i);}}A. 该程序有编译错误B. 编译成功输出0C. 编译成功输出1D. 编译成功输出211.下面代码在运行时会产生什么异常int a[] = {1,2,3,4,5};System.out.println(a[5]);A. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionB. IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionC. ObjectClastExceptionD. NullPointerException12.有下列一段代码,执行后输出结果为。
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scjp模拟试题(一)Question No: 11.public class test (2. public static void main (String args[]) {3. int i = 0xFFFFFFF1;4. int j = ~i;5.6. }7. )What is the decimal value of j at line 5?A. 0B. 1C. 14D. –15E. An error at line 3 causes compilation to fail.F. An error at line 4 causes compilation to fail.答案: CQuestion No: 2Given:Integer i = new Integer (42);Long 1 = new Long (42);Double d = new Double (42.0);Which two expressions evaluate to True? (Choose Two)A. (i ==1)B. (i == d)C. (d == 1)D. (i.equals (d))E. (d.equals (i))F. (i.equals (42))答案: D, EQuestion No: 3Exhibit :1. public class test (2. private static int j = 0;3.4. private static boolean methodB(int k) (5. j += k;6. return true;6. )7.8. public static void methodA(int i) {9. boolean b:10. b = i < 10 | methodB (4);11. b = i < 10 || methodB (8);12. }13.14. public static void main (String args[] ) (15. methodA (0);16. system.out.printIn(j);17. )18. )What is the result?A. The program prints “0”B. The program prints “4”C. The program prints “8”D. The program prints “12”E. The code does not complete.答案: BQuestion No: 4Given1. Public class test (2. Public static void main (String args[]) (3. System.out.printIn (6 ^ 3);4. )5. )What is the output?答案: 5Question No: 5Given:1. public class Foo {2. public static void main (String [] args) {3. StringBuffer a = new StringBuffer (“A”);4. StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer (“B”);5. operate (a,b);6. system.out.printIn{a + “,” +b};7. }8. static void operate (StringBuffer x, StringBuffer y) {9. x.append {y};10. y = x;11. }12. }What is the result?A. The code compiles and prints “A,B”.B. The code compiles and prints “A,A”.C. The code compiles and prints “B,B”.D. The code compiles and prints “AB,B”.E. T he code compiles and prints “AB,AB”.F. The code does not compile because “+” cannot be overloaded for StringBuffer.答案: DQuestion No: 6Exhibit:1. Public class test (2. Public static void stringReplace (String text) (3. Text = text.replace (‘j’ , ‘i’);4. )5.6. public static void bufferReplace (StringBuffer text) (7. text = text.append (“C”)8. )9.10. public static void main (String args[]) (11. String textString = new String (“java”);12. StringBuffer text BufferString = new StringBuffer (“java”);13.14. stringReplace (textString);15. BufferReplace (textBuffer);16.17. System.out.printIn (textString + textBuffer);18. )19. )What is the output?答案: JAVAJAVAQuestion No: 7Exhibit:1. public class test {2. public static void add3 (Integer i) }3. int val = i.intValue ( );4. val += 3;5. i = new Integer (val);6. )7.8. public static void main (String args [ ] ) {9. Integer i = new Integer (0);10. add3 (i);11. system.out.printIn (i.intValue ( ) );12. }13. )What is the result?A. Compilation will fail.B. The program prints “0”.C. The program prints “3”.D. Compilation will succeed but an exception will be thrown at line 3. 答案: BQuestion No: 8Given:1. public class ConstOver {2. public ConstOver (int x, int y, int z) {3. }4. }Which two overload the ConstOver constructor? (Choose Two)A. ConstOver ( ) { }B. Protected int ConstOver ( ) { }C. Private ConstOver (int z, int y, byte x) { }D. Public Object ConstOver (int x, int y, int z) { }E. Public void ConstOver (byte x, byte y, byte z) { }答案: A, CQuestion No: 9Given:1. public class MethodOver {2. public void setVar (int a, int b, float c) {3. }4. }Which two overload the setVar method? (Choose Two)A. Private void setVar (int a, float c, int b) { }B. Protected void setVar (int a, int b, float c) { }C. Public int setVar (int a, float c, int b) (return a;)D. Public int setVar (int a, int b, float c) (return a;)E. Protected float setVar (int a, int b, float c) (return c;) 答案: A, CQuestion No: 10Given:1. class BaseClass {2. Private float x = 1.0f ;3. protected float getVar ( ) ( return x;)4. }5. class Subclass extends BaseClass (6. private float x = 2.0f;7. //insert code here8. )Which two are valid examples of method overriding? (Choose Two)A. Float getVar ( ) { return x;}B. Public float getVar ( ) { return x;}C. Float double getVar ( ) { return x;}D. Public float getVar ( ) { return x;}E. Public float getVar (float f ) { return f;}答案: B, DQuestion No: 11Which two demonstrate an “is a” relationship? (Choose Two)A. public interface Person { }public class Employee extends Person { }B. public interface Shape { }public class Employee extends Shape { }C. public interface Color { }public class Employee extends Color { }D. public class Species { }public class Animal (private Species species;)E. interface Component { }Class Container implements Component (Private Component[ ] children;)答案: D, EQuestion No: 12Which statement is true?A. An anonymous inner class may be declared as final.B. An anonymous inner class can be declared as private.C. An anonymous inner class can implement multiple interfaces.D. An anonymous inner class can access final variables in any enclosing scope.E. Construction of an instance of a static inner class requires an instance of the enclosing outer class.答案: DQuestion No 13Given:1. package foo;2.3. public class Outer (4. public static class Inner (5. )6. )Which statement is true?A. An instance of the Inner class can be constructed with “new Outer.Inner ()”B. An instance of the inner class cannot be constructed outside of package foo.C. An instance of the inner class can only be constructed from within the outer class.D. From within the package bar, an instance of the inner class can be constructed with “new inner()”答案: AQuestion No 14Exhibit:1. public class enclosingone (2. public class insideone{}3. )4. public class inertest(5. public static void main (string[]args)(6. enclosingone eo= new enclosingone ();7. //insert code here8. )9. )Which statement at line 7 constructs an instance of the inner class?A. InsideOnew ei= InsideOn();B. Eo.InsideOne ei = InsideOne();C. InsideOne ei = InsideOne();D. EnclosingOne.InsideOne ei = InsideOne();答案: DQuestion No 15Exhibit:1. interface foo {2. int k = 0;3. }4.5. public class test implements Foo (6. public static void main(String args[]) (7. int i;8. Test test = new test ();9. i= test.k;10.i= Test.k;11.i= Foo.k;12.)13.)14.What is the result?A. Compilation succeeds.B. An error at line 2 causes compilation to fail.C. An error at line 9 causes compilation to fail.D. An error at line 10 causes compilation to fail.E. An error at line 11 causes compilation to fail.答案: AQuestion No 16Given:1. //point X2. public class foo (3. public static void main (String[]args) throws Exception {4. printWriter out = new PrintWriter (new5. (System.out), true;6. out.printIn(“Hello”);7. )8. }Which statement at PointX on line 1 allows this code to compile and run?A. Import;B. Include;C. Import;D. Include;E. No statement is needed.答案: AQuestion No 17Which two statements are reserved words in Java? (Choose Two)A. RunB. ImportC. DefaultD. Implement答案: B, CQuestion No 18Which three are valid declarations of a float? (Choose Three)A. Float foo = -1;B. Float foo = 1.0;C. Float foo = 42e1;D. Float foo = 2.02f;E. Float foo = 3.03d;F. Float foo = 0x0123;答案: A, D, FQuestion No 19Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools, Question No 19Given:8. int index = 1;9. boolean[] test = new Boolean[3];10. boolean foo= test [index];What is the result?A. Foo has the value of 0.B. Foo has the value of null.C. Foo has the value of true.D. Foo has the value of false.E. An exception is thrown.F. The code will not compile.答案: DQuestion No 20Given:1. public class test(2. public static void main(string[]args){3. string foo = args [1];4. string foo = args [2];5. string foo = args [3];6. }7. )And command line invocation:Java Test red green blueWhat is the result?A. Baz has the value of “”B. Baz has the value of nullC. Baz has the value of “red”D. Baz has the value of “blue”E. Bax has the value of “green”F. The code does not compile.G. The program throws an exception.答案: GQuestion No 21Given:8. int index = 1;9. int [] foo = new int [3]; bar = foo [index]; baz = bar + index;What is the result?A. Baz has the value of 0B. Baz has the value of 1C. Baz has the value of 2D. An exception is thrown.E. The code will not compile.答案: BQuestion No 22Given:1. public class foo {2. public static void main (String[]args) {3. String s;4. system.out.printIn (“s=” + s);5. }6. }What is the result?A. The code compiles and “s=” is printed.B. The code com piles and “s=null” is printed.C. The code does not compile because string s is not initialized.D. The code does not compile because string s cannot be referenced.E. The code compiles, but a NullPointerException is thrown when toString is called.答案: CQuestion No 23Which will declare a method that forces a subclass to implement it?A. Public double methoda();B. Static void methoda (double d1) {}C. Public native double methoda();D. Abstract public void methoda();E. Protected void methoda (double d1){}答案: DQuestion No 24You want subclasses in any package to have access to members of a superclass. Which is the most restrictive access modifier that will accomplish this objective?A. PublicB. PrivateC. ProtectedD. TransientE. No access modifier is qualified答案: CQuestion No 25Given:1. abstract class abstrctIt {2. abstract float getFloat ();3. }4. public class AbstractTest extends AbstractIt {5. private float f1= 1.0f;6. private float getFloat () {return f1;}7. }What is the result?A. Compilation is successful.B. An error on line 6 causes a runtime failure.C. An error at line 6 causes compilation to fail.D. An error at line 2 causes compilation to fail.答案: CQuestion No 26Exhibit:1. public class test(2. public int aMethod()[3. static int i=0;4. i++;5. return I;6. ]7. public static void main (String args[]){8. test test = new test();9. test.aMethod(); j = test.aMethod();11.System.out.printIn(j);12.}13.)What is the result?A. Compilation will fail.B. Compilation will succeed and the program will print “0”C. Compilation will succeed and the program will print “1”D. Compilation will succeed and the program will print “2”答案: DQuestion No 27Given:1. class super {2. public float getNum() {return3.0f;}3. }4.5. public class Sub extends Super {6.7. }Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?A. Public float getNum() {return 4.0f; }B. Public void getNum () { }C. Public void getNum (double d) { }D. Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }答案: BQuestion No 28Which declaration prevents creating a subclass of an outer class?A. Static class FooBar{}B. Private class FooBar{}C. Abstract public class FooBar{}D. Final public class FooBar{}E. Final abstract class FooBar{}答案: DQuestion No 29Given:1. byte [] arry1, array2[];2. byte array3 [][];3. byte[][] array4;If each array has been initialized, which statement will cause a compiler error?A. Array2 = array1;B. Array2 = array3;C. Array2 = array4;D. Both A and BE. Both A and CF. Both B and C答案: FQuestion No 30Exhibit:1. class super (2. public int I = 0;3.4. public super (string text) (5. I = 16. )7. )8.9. public class sub extends super (10. public sub (string text) (11. i= 212. )13.14. public static void main (straing args[]) (15. sub sub = new sub (“Hello”);16. system.out. PrintIn(sub.i);17. )18. )What is the result?A. Compilation will fail.B. Compilation wil l succeed and the program will print “0”C. Compilation will succeed and the program will print “1”D. Compilation will succeed and the program will print “2”答案: AQuestion No 31Given:1. public class returnIt (2. returnType methodA(byte x, double y) (3. return (short) x/y * 2;4. )5. )What is the valid returnType for methodA in line 2?A. IntB. ByteC. LongD. ShortE. FloatF. Double答案: FQuestion No 32Given the ActionEvent, which method allows you to identify the affected component?A. GetClass.B. GetTarget.C. GetSource.D. GetComponent.E. GetTargetComponent.答案: CQuestion No 33Which is a method of the MouseMotionListener interface?A. Public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent)B. Public boolean mouseMoved(MouseEvent)C. Public void mouseMoved(MouseMotionEvent)D. Public boolean MouseMoved(MouseMotionEvent)E. Public boolean mouseMoved(MouseMotionEvent)答案: AQuestion No 34Exhibit:1. import java.awt*;2.3. public class X extends Frame (4. public static void main(string []args) (5. X x = new X ();6. X.pack();7. x.setVisible(true);8. )9.10. public X () (11. setlayout (new GridLayout (2,2));12.13. Panel p1 = new panel();14. Add(p1);15. Butt on b1= new Button (“One”);16. P1.add(b1);17.18. Panel p2 = new panel();19. Add(p2);20. Button b2= new Button (“Two”);21. P2.add(b2);22.23. Button b3= new Button (“Three”);24. add(b3);25.26. Button b4= new Button (“Four”);27. add(b4);28. )29. )Which two statements are true? (Choose Two)A. All the buttons change height if the frame height is resized.B. All the buttons change width if the Frame width is resized.C. The size of the button labeled “One” is constant even if the Frame is resized.D. Both width and height of the button labeled “Three” might change if the Frame is resized.答案: C, DQuestion No 35You are assigned the task of building a panel containing a TextArea at the top, a label directly below it,and a button directly below the label. If the three components are added directly to the panel. Whichlayout manager can the panel use to ensure that the TextArea absorbs all of the free vertical space whenthe panel is resized?A. GridLayout.B. CardLayout.C. FlowLayout.D. BorderLayout.E. GridBagLayout.答案: EQuestion No 36Which gets the name of the parent directory file “file.txt”?A. String name= File.getParentName(“file.txt”);B. String name= (new File(“file.txt”)).getParent();C. String name = (new File(“file.txt”)).getParentNa me();D. String name= (new File(“file.txt”)).getParentFile();E. Directory dir=(new File (“file.txt”)).getParentDir();String name= dir.getName();答案: BQuestion No 37Which can be used to encode charS for output?A.答案: BQuestion No 38The file “file.txt” exists on the file system and contsins ASCII text. Given:38. try {39. File f = new File(“file.txt”);40. OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f, true);41. }42. catch (IOException) {}What is the result?A. The code does not compile.B. The code runs and no change is made to the file.C. The code runs and sets the length of the file to 0.D. An exception is thrown because the file is not closed.E. The code runs and deletes the file from the file system.答案: AQuestion No 39Which constructs a DataOutputStream?A. New dataOutputStream(“out.txt”);B. New dataOutputStream(new file(“out.txt”));C. New dataOutpu tStream(new writer(“out.txt”));D. New dataOutputStream(new FileWriter(“out.txt”));E. New dataOutputStream(new OutputStream(“out.txt”));F. New dataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(“out.txt”));答案: FQuestion No 40What writes the text “” to the end of the file “file.txt”?A. OutputStream out= new FileOutputStream (“file.txt”);Out.writeBytes (“/n”);B. OutputStream os= new FileOutputStream (“file.txt”, true); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(os);out.writeBytes (“/n”);C. OutputStream os= new FileOutputStream (“file.txt”);DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(os);out.writeBytes (“/n”);D. OutputStream os= new OutputStream (“file.txt”, true);DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(os);out.writeBytes (“/n”);答案: BQuestion No 41Given:1. public class X (2. public object m () {3. object o = new float (3.14F);4. object [] oa = new object [1];5. oa[0]= o;6. o = null;7. return oa[0];8. }9. )When is the float object created in line 3, eligible for garbage collection?A. Just after line 5B. Just after line 6C. Just after line 7 (that is, as the method returns)D. Never in this method.答案: DQuestion No 42Given:3. string foo = “ABCDE”;4. foo.substring(3);5. foo.concat(“XYZ”);6.Type the value of foo at line 6.答案: ABCDEQuestion No 43Which method is an appropriate way to determine the cosine of 42 degrees?A. Double d = Math.cos(42);B. Double d = Math.cosine(42);C. Double d = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42));D. Double d = Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42));E. Double d = Math.cosine(Math.toRadians(42));答案: CQuestion No 44You need to store elements in a collection that guarantees that no duplicates are stored and all elementscan be accessed in natural order. Which interface provides that capability?A. Java.util.Map.B. Java.util.Set.C. Java.util.List.D. Java.util.StoredSet.E. Java.util.StoredMap.F. Java.util.Collection.答案: DQuestion No 45Which statement is true for the class java.util.HashSet?A. The elements in the collection are ordered.B. The collection is guaranteed to be immutable.C. The elements in the collection are guaranteed to be unique.D. The elements in the collection are accessed using a unique key.E. The elements in the collections are guaranteed to be synchronized.答案: CQuestion No 46Given:1. public class IfTest (2. public static void main(string[]args) {3. int x = 3;4. int y = 1;5. if (x = y)6. system.out.printIn(“Not equal”);7. else8. system.out.printIn(“Equal”);9. }10. )What is the result?A. The output is “Equal”B. The output in “Not Equal”C. An error at line 5 causes compilation to fall.D. The program executes but does not print a message. 答案: CQuestion No 47Exhibit:1. public class test (2. public static void main(string args[]) {3. int 1= 0;4. while (i) {5. if (i==4) {6. break;7. }8. ++i;9. }10.11. }12. )What is the value of i at line 10?A. 0B. 3C. 4D. 5E. The code will not compile.答案: EQuestion No 48Given:3. int i= 1, j= 10 ;4. do (5. if (i++> --j) continue;6. ) while (i<5);After execution, what are the values for I and j?A. i = 6 and j= 5B. i = 5 and j= 5C. i = 6 and j= 4D. i = 5 and j= 6E. i = 6 and j= 6答案: DQuestion No 49Given:1. switch (i) {2. default:310-025Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools, - 27 -3. System.out.printIn(“Hello”);4. }What are the two acceptable types for the variable i? (Choose Two)A. CharB. ByteC. FloatD. DoubleE. Object答案: A, BQuestion No 50Given:1. public class foo {2. public static void main (string[]args)3. try {return;}4. finally {system.out.printIn(“Finally”);}5. }6. }What is the result?A. The program runs and prints nothing.B. The program runs and prints “Finally”C. The code compiles, but an exception is thrown at runtime.D. The code will not compile because the catch block is missing.答案: BQuestion No 5151. Which correctly create an array of five empty Strings?A. String a[] = new String[5];for (int i=0;i<5;a[i++]=””);B. String a []={“”,””,””,””,””};C. String a[5];D. String [5] a;E. String [] a = new String[5];for (int i = 0 ;i<5;a[i++] = null);答案:A、BQuestion No 5252. Which cannot be added to a Container?A. an AppletB. a ComponentC. a ContainerD. a MenuComponentE. a panel答案:DQuestion No 5353. Which is the return value of Event listener?s method?A. StringB. AWTEventC. voidD. int答案:CQuestion No 5454. If we implements MouseListener, which is corrected argument of its method? (short answer) 答案: MouseEventQuestion No 5555. Use the operator “>>” and “>>>”. Which statement is true?A. 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 >> 4 give0000 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000B. 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 >> 4 give1111 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000C. 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 >>> 4 give0000 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000D. 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 >>> 4 give1111 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000答案: B、CQuestion No 5656. Give following fragment.Outer: for(int i=0; i<3; i++)inner:for(int j=0;j<3;j++){If(j>1)break outer;System.out.println(j+”and”+i);}Which will be output?A. 0 and 0B. 0 and 1C. 0 and 2D. 0 and 3E. 1 and 0F. 1 and 1G. 1 and 2H. 1 and 3I. 2 and 0 J. 2 and 1 K. 2 and 2 L. 2 and 3答案: A、EQuestion No 5757. Examine the following code which includes an inner class:public final class Test4 implements A{class Inner{void test(){if (Test4.this.flag);{sample();}}private boolean flag=false;}public void sample(){System.out.println(“Sample”);}public Test4(){(new Inner()).test();}public static void main(String args[]){new Test4();}}What is the result:A.Print out “Sample”B.Program produces no output but termiantes correctly.C. Program does not terminate.D.The program will not compile答案:AQuestion No 5858. What is written to the standard output given the following statement: System.out.println(4|7);Select the right answer:A.4B.5C.6D.7E.0答案:DQuestion No 5959. Look the inheritance relation:person|----------------| |man womanIn a source of java have the following line:person p=new man();What statement are corrected?A. The expression is illegal.B. Compile corrected but running wrong.C. The expression is legal.D. Will construct a person?s object.答案:CQuestion No 6060. Look the inheritance relation:person|----------------| |man womanIn a source of java have the following line:woman w=new man():What statement are corrected?A. The expression is illegal.B. Compile corrected but running wrong.C. The expression is legal.D. Will construct a woman object.答案:AQuestion No 6161. Which can NOT be used in declaring or declaring and initializing an automatic (method local) variable?A. finalB. staticC. expressionsD. Constants of non-primitive typeE. initialized arrays (such as “ {“Hello”,”Good bye”}”).答案:B。