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U1-2 完成句子

1.Eddie 不想住在宫殿里,他想住在第五街道上那家最好的餐馆旁边

Eddie’d live in . He wants to live the best restaurant .

2. 在大多数家里,人们在餐厅吃饭。

,people have dinner in the .

3. 躺床上听音乐真好。

It’s great .

4. 客厅是聊天和看电视的最佳场所。

Chat and watch TV.

5. ----你住在哪层楼?----我和我的家人住在七楼。

---Which floor ?

----I live with my family.

6. 这间办公室的面积超过50平方米

The office has

7. 我国的钓鱼岛的面积为4,380,000平方米。

Diao Island of our country is four .

8. 你有属于自己的卧室吗?(两种)

Do you have ?

Do you have ?

9. 我们学校的每一间教室看上去既宽敞又干净

The classrooms in our school and .


How many classmates your birthday party?


You’re a bedroom and a bathroom .

12. 我们社区里的志愿者很受欢迎,他们经常帮助我们解决各种各样的困难

。They often .

13. 你能帮我找人修理我的自行车吗?

Can you help me my bicycle?

14. 你愿意等我们回电话吗?

Would you like ?


my fridge. I it for me.


My uncle’s family their new neighbours .


What the city ?


Is there your computer?

Your computer ?

Your computer ?


When she is alone, better.


The college students often help them with .



1.not like to, a palace, next to, in Fifth Street.

2.In most homes,dinning room

3.to listen to music in bed

4.The living room is the best place to

5.do you live on, on the seventh floor

6.an area of over 50 square metres

lion three hundred and eighty thousand square metres in size

8. a bedroom of your own; your own bedroom

9. Each of; looks big; clean

10.would you like to invite to

11. really lucky to own;of your own

12.The volunteers in our neighbourhood are very popular; help us with all kinds of problems

13. find anyone to fix

14. to wait for us to call back

15. There’s something wrong with; will ask an engineer to check

16. are going to visit; the day after tomorrow

17. will; be like in the future

18. anything wrong with; Is broken; Is not working

19. listening to music makes her feel

20. with different skills; all kinds of problems.
