
提出建议的英语作文范文4篇建议信的英语作文一To Whom It May Concern,As a student at our university, I should first commend you for the additional computers that you have recently added to the computer rooms.I am writing to you to request that the Internet be installed in the dormitories.As you know, the World Wide Web has become an increasingly more important tool at university. Not only do professors require students to use the Internet for research, but much communication is done between professors and students through email as well. In addition, some professors are beginning to post their lecture notes online for students to review in their own time.While there are a few computer labs with Internet access throughout campus, with over 20,000 students living in the dorms, there is a great need for more Internet access areas. Thank you for your time.Yours sincerely,Li Ming建议信的英语作文二Dear Mr. Headmaster,I am Li Yue, a student from class one,senior II. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among us students : littering and scribbling. It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does harm to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behavior. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with the joint efforts of bother teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. Thank for your consideration.Yours faithfully,Li yue建议信的英语作文三Dear Mr. Headmaster,I am Li Yue, a student from class one,senior II. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behavior among us students : littering and scribbling. It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does harm to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behavior. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with the joint efforts of bother teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future. Thank for your consideration.Yours faithfully,Li yue建议信的英语作文四Dear President,I am a student of Class Seven, Grade Two of our school. I am writing to share some advices with you. We all know that study is the most important task for senior students, so it’s necessary for us to spend most of our time in study. However, proper rest is necessary for us as well. But in our school, we only have a short night to rest, whic h I think it’s not good to us. I did a survey in our school that collect the ideas about having a longer rest every week. Almost all students say that they need more time to rest and relax. Therefore, according the opinions of our students, I would like to advise that set an afternoon and a night for students to have a good rest. Proper rest can help students 出现恶意脚本 on study better. I will be more than happy that you could accept the suggestion.Sincerely yours,Canny尊敬的校长,您好!我是我们学校二年七班的一名学生。

建议信英语范文带翻译意见信英语作文带翻译Dear school,I want to give you some advice. Would you mind giving us more PE classes? So we can have a goood time everyday. And can we have less homework everyday?It is too much to finish on time. Third, could you let us to leave school eraly? It is too late when we get home.If you can think about my advice, I would be very glad.Yours,David.亲爱的学校;我想要给你提一些建议。
Can you imagine that I’m now in the United States, a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting! I made some friends on the trip over and they have been very kind and helpful. Still, you know how much I miss you and your cooking? My mouth waters at the mere thought of those delectable Chinese dishes you prepare. Last night, my friends invited me to dinner. They had some strange ways of describing their hunger. For instance, there was“I’m starving to death”,“I’m famished”, and “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse”, which has asimilar expression in Chinese; I’m sure you know the one. How about“I’m making a pig of myself”! A little confusing, hmm? Anyway, this stuff may be useful to you as an English teacher, so I’m also sending a tape. You can listen to our conversation and hear some real modern American English.想要戒烟的朋友们,不要轻易相信一些广告戒烟产品的奇效,任何事情都要一个过程Want to quit smoking friends, do not easily believe that some ads on smoking cessation products usually, anything a process,坚定的意志力才是戒烟的长久之计!下面给大家几个辅助性的建议,希望帮到有需, willpower is go on for long to quit smoking! To everybody below several supplementary suggestions, hoping to helpthe need要的人:To the people:1.饭后一个小时不要抽烟,对脾胃伤害很大;1 an hour after the meal not to smoke, stomach hurt;2.上厕所时不要抽烟,对肾的伤害很大;Don't smoke 2 toilet, on renal damage significant;3.睡前不要抽烟,会影响睡眠;3 before going to bed not smoking, will affect sleep;4.不要在女人孩子面前抽烟,尽量不要让他人吸二手烟,自己控制不住,别伤害了他4 don't smoke in front of women and children, try not to allow others to second-hand smoke, oneself controls not to live, don't hurt him.人;People;5.慢慢减少量,循序渐进,烟龄较长的朋友,一下子切断了身体会有些反常;5 slowly reduce the amount of smoke, step by step, older friends, all of a sudden cut off some anomalous body;6.平时可以煮点甜粥喝,蜜糖水,水果最好,喉糖也不错。

建议信一本好书模板英语作文120词第一篇:Dear Tony,A lot of people ask me which book is my most favorite one, and I always proudly answer them, which is all history about China.This will be a long story for me to read this book. First time I touched this book is when I was 5 years old. My mother bought it to me as my 5-years-old gift. This is a really wonderful present to me, which is opening a history gate to me , a totally innocent boy. I almost forgot the dinner after I read the first page.As me, this is the most important book in my life and now I still read it and recite some part of it. I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experience.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 第二篇:Dear Amy,I’ve read a book called “The Lion King”. I already watch it in the cartoon when I was little, but now Ireverse the story by reading the book.It was a book about the King of the private land called Mufasa, he have a brother called Scar, a jealousy person.He wants to be the future king, to be the leader of all animals. But his dream is broken by the newborn baby of Mufasa – Simba~! A really cute little lion, because hewill become the future king after Mufasa’s death,therefore there’s no chance for Scar.This is a good story for everyone, it’s easy for children to understand the main story, but you have to face it and learn things from it, don’t let it happens nexttime to make a better future~!Yours sincerely,Li Hua 第三篇:Dear Alice,I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but Harry Porter is my favorite one. the story is very long but I am interested in it.Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fictionstory is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it's the best book I've ever read.Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world.Yours sincerely,Li Hua。

下面,小编帮你整理了高一英语作文建议信模板及范文,希望你喜欢!高一英语作文建议信模板Dear______,①Youhaveaskedmeformyadvicewithregardto______,andIwil ltrytomakesomeconductivesuggestionshere.②Inmyhumbleopinion,youwouldbewisetotakethefollowinga ctions:______(建议的内容).③Ihopeyouwillfindtheseproposalsuseful,andIwouldberea dytodiscussthismatterwithyoutofurtherdetails.Yourssincerely,Liming高一英语作文建议信范文篇1Deareditor,environmentalproblemsarebecomingmoreandmoreseriousa llovertheworld.withthedevelopmentofindustryandagriculture,carsmake greatnoisesandgiveoffpoisonousgas.becauseofpopulati onexpansionandoverdevelopment,resourceshasbecomeles sandless.Treesonthehillshavebeencutdown,andwastewat erisbeingpouredcontinuouslyintorivers.Thewholeecolo gicalbalanceoftheearthischanging.massivedestructionofenvironmenthasbroughtaboutnegativeeffectsandevenp osesagreatthreattomansexistence.wemustfacethesituationthatexistsandtakeactionstosol veourenvironmentalproblems.wehopethatallthesemeasur eswillbeeffectiveandbringbackahealthfulenvironment.YourstrulyLihua高一英语作文建议信范文篇2Dearprincipal,somestudentsthinkthepricesofthedishesaretoohighandt hatthechoicesaretoolimited.Anotherconcernisthatthet imespentinwaitingissolongthatwehavelesstimetohavear est.meanwhile,somestudentsthinkthatthetasteofthefoo disawful,whichleadstoalotofwaste.thepricesbemorereasonableandthechoicesofdishesbemorevarious.Isincerelyhopeyoucanadoptmysuggestions.Thankyou!Yours,Lihua高一英语作文建议信范文篇3Deareditor,environmentalproblemsarebecomingmoreandmoreseriousa llovertheworld.withthedevelopmentofindustryandagriculture,carsmake greatnoisesandgiveoffpoisonousgas.becauseofpopulati onexpansionandoverdevelopment,resourceshasbecomeles sandless.Treesonthehillshavebeencutdown,andwastewat erisbeingpouredcontinuouslyintorivers.Thewholeecologicalbalanceoftheearthischanging.massivedestruction ofenvironmenthasbroughtaboutnegativeeffectsandevenp osesagreatthreattoman'sexistence.wemustfacethesituationthatexistsandtakeactionstosol veourenvironmentalproblems.wehopethatallthesemeasur eswillbeeffectiveandbringbackahealthfulenvironment.YourstrulyLihua高一英语作文建议信范文篇4Dearpeter,Iwasverysadtohearthatyouweresufferinginyourstudies. Iwouldliketosharesomeadvicewithyouonhowtostudyeffic iently.Firstly,youcantalkwithsomeclosefriendsaboutyourprob lemsandaskfortheirhelp.Thisisanimportantwaytodealwi thyourproblemsdirectly.secondly,trytostudyinapositi veway.Thiswilldecreaseyourstudypressure,makingstudy inganeasyjob.Third,spendtimedoingexercise.notonlydo seexercisebuildupourbody,butalsoitprovidestimeforus st,youcanlistentosomesoothingmus ic,whichwillbeagoodwaytoimproveyourcurrentdepressed mood.Ihopeallthisinformationcanbenefityou.高一英语作文建议信范文篇5Dear______,①Youhaveaskedmeformyadvicewithregardto______,andIwil ltrytomakesomeconductivesuggestionshere.②Inmyhumbleopinion,youwouldbewisetotakethefollowinga ctions:______(建议的内容).③Ihopeyouwillfindtheseproposalsuseful,andIwouldberea dytodiscussthismatterwithyoutofurtherdetails.Yourssincerely,LimingDearpresident,Iamastudentofclassseven,gradeTwoofourschool.Iamwrit ingtosharesomeadviceswithyou.weallknowthatstudyisth emostimportanttaskforseniorstudents,soitsnecessaryf orustospendmostofourtimeinstudy.however,properresti snecessaryforusaswell.butinourschool,weonlyhaveasho rtnighttorest,whichIthinkitsnotgoodtous.Ididasurvey inourschoolthatcollecttheideasabouthavingalongerres teveryweek.Almostallstudentssaythattheyneedmoretimetorestandrelax.Therefore,accordingtheopinionsofours tudents,Iwouldliketoadvisethatsetanafternoonandanig htforstudentstohaveagoodrest.properrestcanhelpstude ntsfocusonstudybetter.Iwillbemorethanhappythatyouco uldacceptthesuggestion.sincerelyyours,canny猜你感兴趣:1.三篇高中英语书信作文范文2.高中书信类英语作文模板3.关于高中英语书信类作文的万能模板4.英语建议信范文3篇5.高中英语作文申请信范文。

那么今天小编在这里给大家整理一下高一英语作文建议信,我们一起看看吧!高一英语作文建议信篇1Dear President,I am Li Ming, a second year student in the Education Department of OUF university. Im writing to inform you of the true conditions of our canteen service.I dont know how to begin my account because the service is really bad. Please read my letter patiently and do something about it. We would be grateful for whateveryou do for us students.Firstly, the quality of the food is bad. For instance, the rice is too hard. Whats more, some dishes are not fresh sometimes. As a matter of fact, the poor food has already caused some stomach problems among the students.Secondly, the service is not good enough. Some staff members give us short measure when they are in a bad mood.Now and then they behave like robbers, robbing you of your appetite. Worst of alit they never smile.Thirdly, the price is too high. A small cake made from rice and dates cost as much as 0.6 yuan! It will cost us a good 6 yuan to fill our stomach with such cakes.After all we are poor students. I wish my opinion would call your attention to the canteen service on campus. We are badly in need of your help. Looking forward to an early reply.Respectfully yours,高一英语作文建议信篇2Dear Mary,Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at thestation. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.Yours sincerely,Annie高一英语作文建议信篇3Dear editor,I have read many articles on the school magazine. I find that almost all the essays on the school magazine are about the daily trifles in the campus. It is good for us to know the whole things in the campus. But I think if there are some articls about current affairs andlearning methods must be better. Current affairs can open students’ eyes to know more about the world. Sharing learning methods can help some students find the best way for themselves to study.I hope you will find these proposals useful and put into effect as soon as possible. Yours Sincerely,Li Lei高一英语作文建议信篇4Dear Mr. Wang,We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation. As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.高一英语作文建议信篇5Dear John,I know you’re going to set up an English program for middle school students. So I’m writing to suggest a program —“All-round Guangzhou”. This program will cover topics like the history, education, famous scenic spots, food and famous people of Guangzhou. It would be better to broadcast it on weekends so that we students can have the chance to watch it.Besides, you can also invite some middle school students to get involved in the program, which will surely ar ouse other students’ interest in it. Not only will this program help students improve their English, but also get them to know more about the culture of Guangzhou so as to introduce Guangzhou to foreign visitors. I am sure it will be well-received by the middle school students. I hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.Sincerely yours,Li Hua。

英语作文建议信范文高三〔精选25篇〕篇1:英语作文建议信英语作文建议信A Letter of Suggestion【express your wish to be a volunteer.】Dear Wang Qishan,I am a senior in Peking University. The Beijing Olympic Games is ing in two years. After watching the Athens Olympic Games, I can not help writing to you.First of all, here is my suggestion for the preparation work of the 2023 Beijing Olympic Games. The construction work of the sports building must be pleted in time according to the contract. In Athens, the swimming stadium was not acplished in time so that the event had to be held in the open air, which has brought negative effect on the performance of athletes. In one word, to protect the international image of China and ensure the Olympic petition, we must finish our preparation work well and in time.篇2:建议信英语作文建议信英语作文Dear Mr. Wang,We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views.In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation. As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides, we need a little more time tothink for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for exle, in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently.By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.篇3:英语建议信常用句子建议信句型开头I’m glad to receive your letter for asking me how to …….I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on …….我很快乐收到你的来信,问我关于……的问题I’m very glad to receive your letter and it’s a pleasure to tell you something about……我很快乐收到你的来信,我很荣幸告诉你关于……的问题After I read your letter, I am sorry to know that……读完你的信,我很难过地知道……You asked me for my advice on …… and I will try to make some suggestions.你询问我关于……的意见,我试着给一些建议。

建议信----A Letter of Suggestion一、假定你叫李华,最近,你的好友林浩来信说他升入高中以后感到不太适应,不知道如何结交新朋友。
范文(一)Dear Lin Hao,I’m glad to receive your letter. From your letter, I know you have the problem of how to make new friends in high school. The following are my suggestions.First, you should smile and try to be friendly when you meet people. You should also care about your schoolmates. If you are always ready to help them, they will understand you better. Second, it is important for you to be a good listener. That way, when people are with you, they will feel comfortable and happy. Finally, it is better for you to take an active part in class activities where you can show your talent.I hope my advice will be helpful to you. May you be happy in your new school. YoursLi Hua范文(二)、Dear Li Ming,In your letter, you said you are not good at communicating with others and often feel lonely. I think you can just make it so long as you can follow the advice below.First, you should learn about your classmates’ likes and dislikes. Second, you should take an active part in the discussion held in your class and show your own opinion actively, and at the same time, learn to listen to others patiently. Then you can make friends with more people. Third, it will be a good idea to help others when necessary.With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you if you can do the above. I hope you will find these ideas usefulYours,Li hua二、根据提示,写一篇150词左右的建议信。

建议信(一)假定你是李华, 你的朋友张柯发e-mail给你, 就买什么样的英语词典想听听你的建议。
请根据下列提示, 用英语给他回一封120个词左右的e-mail, 推荐他买电子词典。
1. 方便、快捷;2. 内置多部词典、能发音;3. 能储存资料;4. 其他……建议信(二)假设你是李华, 请根据以下要点写一封信, 劝说全校同学过低碳生活(live a low-carbon life)。
1. 陈述理由: 为什么要过低碳生活? (环境质量日益恶化等)2. 如何过低碳生活? 提出至少三条建议。
(必要时才开灯; 让电器按节能方式运转; 骑自行车; 限制塑料袋使用; 垃圾分类等)最新中小学教学word试卷-可编辑There are several factors leading to my suggestion. To begin with, with the electronic dictionarybeing much smaller than the common one, it is convenient for you to carry it wherever going. Additionally, you can get what you want in the electronic dictionary as soon as possible, forconsulting this kind of dictionary is really a piece of cake. When meeting with the useful material,you can store it as much as possible because there is much RAM(内存)in it. What makes itoutstanding from a variety of others, I think, is that it can give you a vivid, clear and correct pronunciation just like a teacher standing by you. With so many advantages, why not buy one?I do hope my suggestion will be useful to you.Yours,Li HuaAs living a low-carbon life is a good way to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, I shall carryout my plan in the following ways. To begin with, I shall only turn on the lights when necessaryand keep the refrigerator and air conditioners working in the low-carbon mode to save energy. Additionally, the bus or bicycle will be my first choice. Last but not least, not only will I limit theuse of plastic bags when I am shopping, but also I will separate my rubbish into non-recyclableand recyclable waste whenever it is possible.I hope that more and more schoolmates will join in the activity.最新中小学教学word试卷-可编辑。

英语作文建议信的格式范文英语作文建议信的格式范文(精选8篇)英语作文建议信的格式范文篇4英语作文建议信的格式范文篇5英语作文建议信的格式范文篇7Dear classmates:When you study in this beautiful campus and work hard for our bright future, we believe that every one of us is eager to have a clean campus, eager for healthy life, longing for green, and yearning for a good living environment.School is a place for educating people.Environmental education is one of the basic means to improve our ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality.Building a conservation minded and environment-friendly campus is not only the need for our own development, but also our students social responsibilities.In order to enhance your awareness of environmental protectionand make our campus and class environment more tidy and beautiful, and to create a green and harmonious campus environment, our campus environment volunteer activities group earnestly put forward the following suggestions to teachers and students.1, establish the concept of green civilization, consciously care for the environment, and regard individual environmental protection as part of personal civilization.2, do not litter, litter, do not spit, do not pick the campus every tree and Bush love of public green space.3.Protect the equipment, equipment and public property to keep the equipment in good condition and try to reduce the damage and maintenance.4, save water, cherish water resources, reduce water pollution; save electricity, do people go lights out, dont turn on the lights lit, to avoid the white lightand light of the situation, the computer room computer with time after shutdown5, save paper, use as little as paper napkin, draft paper, and so on as far as possible.6, life is frugal, no random waste of food, no leftovers, to cultivate good habits.7, try not to use plastic bags as little as possible, and try to use less disposable paper cups and plastic cups as much as possible.8, from my start, call the school students to set up environmental awareness, in order to create a green harmonious campus to create a force.Review the worthies country and home, by being defeated by excessive, the Chinese nation has always advocated saving, parents and teachers have alsorepeatedly stressed that the protection of the environment, so we must take their mission, foster environmental awareness, develop the habit of saving resources, begin from me, start from little things, to build a harmonious campus environment friendly type of work!SignatureSpecific date英语作文建议信的格式范文篇8Small citizens of the earth village:The earth that we live on is only one, and how much it needs our protection.However, some of the small citizens do not listen to you.You see, the discarded food on the table, the mountain ofdisposable chopsticks, the running water.Such a picture is really shocking.The earth, the human mother, the cradle of life.It was so beautiful and so spectacular.But now, human beings for their own interests, at the expense of luancailuanwa, pollutant emissions...So...A tall bald mountain, a clear river black...Mother earth is a moan of pain...If the earth is polluted, our lives will be destroyed in our hands.As a member of the earth, we have the responsibility and obligation to protect the earth.Start from small things and start from your side.Protect our home, let our earth restore the original face.Therefore, I suggest:1.minimize the use of disposable items, reduce white pollution, self-made shopping bags and baskets.2.in life, in the study, or in the work, we must save resources.Water, electricity, control.To put an end to all kinds of waste, consumption also needs to be frugal.3.all recycled articles, such as waste paper, waste plastic, waste metal and so on, should be classified and recycled.It is the resources that can be regenerated continuously, thus reducing the pollution of waste.4.trees afforestation, love the side of the ground,a plant, a tree.A variety of flowers and trees, to greening the environment, to prevent the pollution of the environment.5.pay attention to personal hygiene, do not spit anywhere, do not mess with people, do not smoke in many places, and do not make noise.Citizens, protect the environment.Remember: we have only one earth.We have to work together to protect our homes.That way, we can live in the cradle of fresh air, grow up under a smiling face and bathe in the clear spring.Citizens, remember, we have only one earth.A student in a primary school October 25th。

英语建议信篇1To Whom It May Concern,As a student of this university, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning the quality of the library service.In the first place, I find that most keyboards of the library computers are in poor operation, which brings much inconvenience to the users. I would also recommend the library to improve the efficiency of purchasing new books and subscribing to academic journals. Last but not least, the study rooms need to be furnished with a better lighting system.I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration.英语建议信篇2Dear Miss Wang,I’m a student from GuiZhou Experimental High School. I have a problem. I argued with my best friend Lisa for some very tiny things and said some bad words to her a few days ago. Then, we never talk to each otherany more.Now, I feel quite lonely sometimes and don’t want to lose my best friend. I know she must be hurt by my words, and I am not sure that she still want to be my friend or not? I do want to change this situation, but I don’t know how. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.Yours, Jim What is Jim’s problem? If you were Miss Wang, what would you say? Dear Jim, Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to . Here are a few suggestions. First, it is important to . Then, it also helps to . Besides, it should be a good idea to . You can also . As to , I suggest . In addition,. Im sure. Im looking forward to.英语建议信篇3Dear Manager, I’m writing in response to your invitation to guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.I was a guest at your hotel last month and I found that the level of customer service was excellent. Indeed, every member of your staff, from the manager to the room-cleaning maid, was, without exception, extremelypolite and helpful. The standard of the rooms was far beyond what I had expected.However, I found that the hotel restaurant stopped serving breakfast at 8:30am. As I was on holiday, I would have liked to take my breakfast at around 9:30, thus I was unable to do so.I also spoke to several other guests who expressed the same disappointment. In addition, I feel that if you could supply newspapers in Chinese, the quality of stay for Chinese speakers, of whom the number has been on a steady rise in the past few years, would be considerably enhanced.I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvement of your overall service. Looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully, Kenny Gao。

英语四级作文建议信篇1Dear ________,I’m very ___________ to know / learn that __________. I am writing to voice my suggestions / proposals / views concerning _________. In my opinion,_________. On the on hand,__________. On the other hand,__________.As to _________, I would like to suggest / recommend that __________, because __________. It would be __________. In addition,___________. I am sure that __________.Please inform me of your feedback on __________. I am looking forward to __________.Truly yours,_________英语四级作文建议信篇2Dear Li Hua:It’s long time we haven’t seen each other. I miss you very much. How’s everything going on with you? I am busy preparing for PETS 4.I would appreciate if you could help me buy PETS 4 English oral textbook which was issued by the Beijing Press, because the books were sold out here.Drop in when you are free. I often think of those happy days we spent together when we were at University.Please let me know as soon as possible once you get the book. My best wishes.Yours truly,Wang Lei亲爱的李华:很长一段时间我们都没有见面。

英语作文关于如何学好英语建议信范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Tips for Learning English Awesomely!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 5th grader who really loves learning English. It's such a fun and useful language. I want to share my best tips for learning English well. Get ready to become an English superstar!First up, listen to lots of English. Hearing the language over and over is key. It trains your ears and brain to get used to the sounds and rhythms. Find English songs, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, or podcasts you enjoy and listen as much as you can. Sing along to the tunes and repeat what you hear out loud. It's awesome practice.Next, read all kinds of English books, comics, magazines, websites - anything you find interesting! The more you read, the better you'll understand vocabulary, grammar, and how sentences look. If you come across words you don't know, write them down and look up the meanings. Before you know it, your reading skills will go through the roof!Another big tip is to practice speaking and having conversations every chance you get. English is meant to be spoken, so use it! Talk to yourself, read out loud, or find a language partner to chat with. At first, speaking can feel scary, but the more you do it, the more natural and comfortable it will become. Don't be afraid to make mistakes - that's how you learn!Here's a super important one: Get creative and have fun with English! Make up silly songs or raps using new vocab words. Act out stories you've read or write new ones. Keep a journal about your day entirely in English. The possibilities are endless. When learning is enjoyable, you'll pick it up so much faster.Write lots of English too! Start with simple sentences about your life and gradually work up to longer paragraphs and stories. Check your writing for errors and have others give you feedback. The more you write, the better you'll get at expressing yourself clearly.Don't forget to study the grammar and vocabulary too. Learn new words every day by making flashcards or word lists. Study grammar rules and do practice exercises. But don't just read and memorize - use the new words and grammar in your own speaking and writing right away!Another top tip is to immerse yourself in English as much as possible. Put yourself in situations where you have to use and think in English. Watch TV without subtitles, change your phone's language to English, or find a pen pal to write to. The more you surround yourself with English, the quicker you'll learn.Finally, and this one is really important: Be patient with yourself and don't get discouraged! Learning a new language takes an enormous amount of time and effort. Some days will be discouraging when the words don't come easy. But stick with it! Celebrate your small wins and trust that you're making progress. Have confidence and keep practicing. You've got this!Those are my top tips for leveling up your English in an awesome way. Use them faithfully and before long, you'll be an absolute pro! English is an amazing adventure full of new worlds to discover. So let's explore together and have tons of fun mastering this incredible language!篇2Title: My Journey to English MasteryHey there, fellow students! I know learning English can be a real challenge, but trust me, with the right mindset and some handy tips, it can be an exciting adventure. Let me share with youmy personal journey and the strategies that have helped me conquer this language like a boss!It all started when I was just a little kid, barely able to tie my own shoelaces. My parents, being the awesome people they are, introduced me to the world of English through fun cartoons and rhymes. At first, I'll admit, it sounded like gibberish to me, but as time passed, those catchy tunes and vibrant animations helped me pick up basic words and phrases without even realizing it. That's when I learned my first lesson: making learning enjoyable is the key to staying motivated.As I entered elementary school, English lessons became a part of my daily routine. I won't lie, there were times when I felt like giving up, especially when it came to grammar rules and vocabulary lists. But then, my brilliant teacher showed me a trick that changed everything – using visuals and stories to remember new words and concepts. Suddenly, learning English became an adventure, with each new word being a treasure to unlock the mysteries of this fascinating language.One of the most significant challenges I faced was pronunciation. Those pesky vowels and consonant combinations made my tongue twist like a pretzel. But you know what helped me? Listening to English songs, audiobooks, and movies! Byconstantly exposing my ears to native speakers, I slowly but surely improved my pronunciation and developed a better understanding of the language's rhythm and intonation.Another game-changer for me was finding a study buddy or two. We would practice conversations, play word games, and even create our own little English club. Having friends who shared the same goal made the learning process more fun and accountable. We motivated and challenged each other, turning English lessons into a friendly competition.As I progressed through the grades, I discovered the magic of reading. English books and stories opened up entire worlds for me, introducing me to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. Not only did reading improve my vocabulary and comprehension, but it also fueled my imagination and creativity.I began to see English not just as a subject to study, but as a gateway to endless possibilities.I also realized the importance of putting my knowledge into practice. Whether it was writing short stories, participating in classroom discussions, or joining an English club, every opportunity to actively use the language helped solidify my skills. It's like riding a bicycle – the more you practice, the more confident and natural you become.Now, as I approach the end of my elementary school journey, I can proudly say that I have come a long way in my English mastery. It hasn't been an easy path, but the rewards have been well worth the effort. English has become more than just a subject; it's a tool that has opened doors to new friendships, opportunities, and a deeper understanding of the world around me.So, my dear friends, if you're struggling with English like I once did, don't lose hope. Embrace the challenges, find what works best for you, and most importantly, have fun with the process. English is not just a language; it's a passport to endless adventures and discoveries. Trust me, the journey is worth taking, and the destination is truly rewarding.Happy learning, and remember, you've got this!篇3Title: My Tips for Becoming an English Superstar!Hi friends! My name is Jamie and I'm a 5th grade student. Like many of you, English is not my first language, but I've worked really hard and now I'm one of the top English students in my class. Today, I want to share my secrets on how you can become an English superstar too!First off, let's talk about vocabulary. Building a strong vocabulary is like giving your brain a bigger toolbox to work with. The more words you know, the better you can express yourself and understand what others are saying. My favorite way to learn new words is by reading, reading, and reading some more! Whenever I come across an unknown word, I write it down and look up the definition. Then I try to use that word in my writing or speaking as much as possible until it really sticks.Another fantastic way to pick up vocabulary is by watching movies, TV shows, or YouTube videos in English. At first, you may need subtitles in your language to follow along. But as you get better, try watching without subtitles and just letting the English wash over you. You'll be surprised how many words you can pick up through context clues!Speaking of context, that brings me to my next tip: immerse yourself in English as much as possible! The more you surround yourself with the language, the faster it will start to feel natural. At home, I change my phone and computer settings to English. I also listen to English music, podcasts, or audiobooks during free time. Basically, any chance I get to expose my brain to more English input, I take it!When it comes to actually practicing your English skills, conversation is key. It can be scary at first to speak up, but the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll become. If you can, find a friend who is also learning English and practice conversing with each other. You can take turns being the speaker and listener. If you get stuck on a word, don't be afraid to use body language or describe what you mean another way. The important thing is keep that conversation flowing!For writing practice, I like to keep an English journal or start a blog. At the beginning, my entries were really simple, just describing my day or thoughts. But over time, as my skills improved, I started experimenting with more complex sentences and vocabulary words I had learned. Having an audience (even if it's just your future self!) can be really motivating to keep writing.Grammar is probably the trickiest part of learning any new language. There are so many rules to memorize! My best advice is to take it step-by-step and be patient with yourself. English grammar doesn't always follow logic, so you kind of just have to drill those rules into your brain through repetition. Make grammar practice as fun as possible by turning it into games, watching short videos explaining the concepts, or even making up silly songs to remember the rules.Finally, don't let mistakes discourage you! Even native English speakers make errors sometimes. The most important thing is that you keep trying and learning from your mistakes. If someone corrects you, be thankful, because that's how you'll improve. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Every new English word or phrase you master is a step towards becoming fluent.Well, those are my top tips for learning English! It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but it's SO worth it to be able to communicate in this incredibly useful global language. If an English-learner like me can do it, you can too. So keep practicing, keep having fun with it, and I'll see you on the road to becoming an English superstar!篇4How to Become an English MasterHi there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 10-year-old girl who loves learning English. I know it can be tough sometimes, but I've picked up a few tricks that have really helped me along the way. Are you ready to become an English master like me? Let's get started!First things first, you need to make English a part of your daily life. It's not enough to just study it in school. You have to surround yourself with the language as much as possible. One way to do this is by listening to English music, watching English movies or TV shows, and reading English books or comics. Even if you don't understand everything at first, keeping your ears and eyes exposed to the language will help it sink in over time.Another important thing is to practice, practice, practice! The more you use English, the better you'll get. Don't be afraid to make mistakes – that's how we learn! Speak English with your friends, family, or even to yourself when you're alone. You can also join an English club at school or in your community, where you can practice with other students.One of my favorite ways to practice is by keeping an English journal. Every day, I write down new words I've learned, interesting phrases I've heard, or just anything that's on my mind. It's a great way to work on your writing skills, and you can look back at your old entries to see how much you've improved over time.Speaking of new words, it's really helpful to keep a vocabulary notebook or flashcards. Whenever you come across a word you don't know, write it down along with its definition andan example sentence. Then, review your notebook or flashcards regularly to help those new words stick in your brain.Don't forget about grammar, either! Learning the rules of English grammar can seem boring, but it's important for putting sentences together correctly. Try to make it fun by playing grammar games or doing exercises that involve writing silly stories or jokes.Another great way to improve your English is by finding a pen pal or language partner. You can write letters or emails back and forth, or even chat with them online or over the phone. Having a real person to communicate with will make practicing English feel more natural and exciting.If you ever feel stuck or discouraged, don't give up! Learning a new language is hard work, but it's also really rewarding. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and be patient with yourself. You're doing great!Oh, and one more thing – don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Your teachers, parents, or older siblings can offer guidance and support. You can also look for resources like English learning websites, apps, or tutoring services.Well, those are my top tips for becoming an English master. Just remember to keep a positive attitude, have fun with it, and never stop practicing. Before you know it, you'll be speaking, reading, and writing English like a pro! Good luck, and happy learning!篇5Dear Friend,Learning English can be a lot of fun, but it also takes hard work. Since you asked me for some tips, I'll share what has helped me along the way. I'm still learning, but these ideas have really made a difference!First, read as much as you can in English. Reading is like a workout for your brain – the more you do it, the stronger you'll get. Start with easy books or comics that you enjoy, even if they seem a bit babyish at first. As you read more, you'll pick up new words and get used to how sentences are put together. Pretty soon, you'll be ready for harder books!Another great way to learn is by listening. Watch movies or TV shows in English, or look for audiobooks you can listen to. At first, you might not understand everything, but that's okay! Payattention to the sounds and rhythms of the language. The more English you hear, the easier it will become.Speaking is important too. It might feel weird at first, but practice makes perfect! Try reading aloud to yourself, or find a friend who's also learning English so you can chat together. You could even talk to yourself or your stuffed animals when no one's around. The more you use the language, the more comfortable you'll become.Writing is another skill you'll need to work on. Start a journal and write a little bit each day, even if it's just a few sentences about your day. Or write letters to an imaginary pen pal. When you're ready, ask your teacher to check your writing and suggest ways to improve.Don't be afraid to make mistakes! That's how we all learn. If you mess up a word or say something the wrong way, don't get discouraged. Just make a note of it and keep practicing. Mistakes are proof that you're trying, and that's awesome.One thing that has really helped me is finding English media I really enjoy. I love reading the Dog Man comics and watching Pokemon shows. When you like what you're reading or watching, it makes learning feel more like fun than work.Speaking of fun, there are lots of cool apps and games for practicing English these days. Ask your parents or teacher to help you find some good ones to download. Playing language games is a great way to pick up vocabulary without even realizing it.Having the right learning materials is important too. A good dictionary can be super helpful when you come across words you don't know. And workbooks with exercises and quizzes will give you chances to practice different skills.But the most important thing of all is to not give up! Learning a new language takes time and patience. There will be days when it feels really hard. That's normal – everyone goes through ups and downs. Just keep at it, little by little, day by day. As long as you don't quit, you'll make progress.One last tip: make learning English a part of your daily routine. Maybe you could read for 20 minutes each morning, and do a language exercise after school. Or watch an English TV show while eating breakfast. The more you immerse yourself in the language, the faster you'll improve.So those are my suggestions! I know it's a lot to remember, but the key ideas are:Read, listen, speak, and write as much as you canFind English media you genuinely enjoyUse apps, games, workbooks, dictionaries, and other good learning toolsDon't be afraid to make mistakes – that's how you learn!Be patient, stick with it, and make English part of your daily lifeLearning a language is a marathon, not a sprint. If you keep putting in the effort, you'll be amazed at how much progress you can make! Just don't get discouraged, and remember to have fun with it.Let me know if any of these tips are confusing or if you need any other advice. I'm rooting for you!Your friend,[Your name]篇6How to Be a Super English LearnerHi friends! My name is Emma and I'm going to share some tips with you on how to become a total English superstar. I've been learning English since I was really little and now I'm one ofthe best students in my class. It wasn't always easy, but I kept practicing and never gave up. If you follow my advice, I'm sure you'll get amazing at English too!The most important thing is to have fun while you're learning. English can be really hard with all the crazy spelling rules and vocabulary to remember. But if you enjoy it and play games to practice, it won't feel like work at all. One of my favorite ways to learn is by singing along to English songs and watching movies and TV shows in English. The stories are so interesting and the characters speak in a way that's easy for kids to understand. I've learned tons of new words and expressions from all the English media I consume.Another really good tip is to read, read, read as much as you can! Start with simple books and comics since the language will be easier. As you get better, you can move on to longer chapter books and novels. Reading is an awesome way to learn new vocabulary in context and it helps your comprehension skills a lot. My parents started reading English bedtime stories to me when I was a baby so I got used to hearing the language from a very young age. Whenever you read, make sure you have a dictionary nearby so you can quickly look up any words you don't know.Don't be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English - that's how we learn! It can feel embarrassing at first, but the more you practice conversations, the more natural it will start to feel. My English teacher is always telling us to raise our hands and participate as much as possible during class. You could also find a language partner to chat with online or join an English club at school. The more you speak out loud, the better your pronunciation will become.Here are some other quick tips that have helped me a ton:• Keep an E nglish vocabulary journal and write down new words you learn along with sample sentences• Listen to English podcasts and audiobooks made for kids - it's great listening practice• Play word games and apps to build your English skills• Be curi ous and try to learn English words for things you're interested in like sports, animals, technology etc.• Don't get discouraged! Learning a new language is super hard but also really coolEnglish has opened up so many opportunities for me already.I can read awesome books and understand movies from around the world. I can make friends with kids from other countries. Andsomeday I'll be able to travel and talk to people anywhere! English is a powerful skill that will help you out so much in life.I really hope these tips give you the confidence to take your English abilities to new levels. Just remember to study hard, practice as much as possible, and most importantly - have fun with it! Learning English is an exciting journey of discovering a whole new language and culture. Trust me, when you finally become fluent, it'll feel absolutely amazing. You've got this!。
2022年建议信的英语作文模板_Recommendation letter 3篇

建议信的英语作文模板_Recommendationletter 3篇导读:关于”建议信“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Recommendation letter。
关于”建议信“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Recommendation letter。
高分英语作文1:Recommendation letterDear Mr. / MS: as a teacher of xxx school, I am writing to recommend Miss XX to help you evaluate whether her / his application has been accepted into your project, and considering that her / his financial aid is considered to be a promising student, her / his ideas are very creative and mature, (she / he is developing a database management system with me as the main leader) This subsystem is designed for the material information management of no foundry in Dongfeng Automobile factory. She / she has read many books on software engineering and has taken courses in database principle and management.She was deeply aware that the design of database management system determines the quality of the whole software system. She tried her best from the beginning of the project, from the ysis of user needs to the design of the whole system, from the detailed design. In the final programming process, she was calm headed, everystep was full of innovation, full use of her ability and creativity, and she firmly focused on her goal Ignoring all the interference, she successfully achieved her goal in the final software test, only found some defects in her subsystem.Therefore, her talents have been proved to be a very graceful woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work. If you need any further information during the deliberation process, I would appreciate it if you could give her favorable consideration to her application for your doctoral degree. Please feel free to contact mesincerellyxxx.中文翻译:尊敬的先生/女士:作为我是xxxx学校的老师,我写信给您推荐XX,以帮助您评估她/他的申请是否被录取到您的项目中,并考虑到她/他的经济资助被认为是一个有前途的学生,她/他的思想很有创意和成熟,(她/他是在以我为主要负责人,开发了一个数据库管理系统项目的子系统,该子系统是为东风汽车厂无铸造厂的物料信息管理而设计的,她/她阅读了许多软件工程方面的书籍,并选修了数据库原理和管理的课程。

英语作⽂建议信篇1Dear bob,亲爱的.bob I am glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to study English very good. 我很⾼兴能收到你的来信并让我给你提出⼀些怎样学好英语的建议。
Here are a few suggestions.这⾥有⼀些建议 First. I think it is important to recite English words ,第⼀,我认为背诵英语单词很重要it is very important to study English .这对学习英语来说很重要 then ,it also helps to reading English newspa-pe-r and English magazine .他可以帮助你读英语报纸和英语杂志Oh. while you elect English newspa-pe-r and English magazine you must be able to yourself .哦当你选择英语报纸和英语杂志的时候,要选择适合你⾃⼰的besides, it should be a good idea to watching English movie .还有⼀个好的想法就是去看英语电影 you can also private your English listing when you are relaxing .当你在放松的时候你同时也可以提升你的英语听⼒能⼒。
As to your situation,以你现在的情况I suggest you can taking more and more English exercises. 我建议你可以多做⼀些英语练习题In addition you can private your English grammar .此外,你也可以提⾼农的英语语法 if you can hard. 如果你会努⼒I am sure you can private your English in a short time.我可以确定你的英语在很短的时间内有提⾼ I am looking forward to your English level have a big change.我很期望你的英语⽔平有⼀个很⼤的变化。

高中英语作文:建议信《建议信一:关于学习英语的建议》Dear friend,I hear that you are having trouble learning English. Here are some suggestions. Firstly, read English newspapers and books to expand your vocabulary. Secondly, watch English movies and TV shows to improve your listening skills. Also, try to speak English with your classmates or friends as much as possible. Finally, keep a diary in English to practice your writing. I hope these tips will help you.Best regards,[Your Name]《建议信二:关于保持健康的建议》Dear classmates,As we all know, health is very important. Here are my suggestions on keeping healthy. Firstly, have a balanced diet with more fruits and vegetables. Secondly, do regular exercise, like jogging or swimming. Thirdly, get enough sleep every day. Remember, a healthy body is the foundation of a happy life.Best wishes,[Your Name]《建议信三:关于减少压力的建议》Dear Lily,I know you are under a lot of pressure recently. Here are some ways to reduce stress. You can listen to music when you feel stressed. Also, taking a walk in nature can help you relax. Moreover, talk to your friends or family about your problems. Don't keep everything to yourself. Hope you feel better soon.Yours truly,[Your Name]《建议信四:关于环保的建议》Dear citizens,As environmental protection is becoming more and more important, here are some suggestions. Firstly, reduce waste by recycling and reusing. Secondly, use public transportation or bike instead of driving cars. Thirdly, plant more trees and flowers. Let's work together to make our city a better place.Sincerely,[Your Name]《建议信五:关于提高学习效率的建议》Dear Tom,If you want to improve your study efficiency, here are some tips. Make a study plan and stick to it. Find a quiet place to study without distractions. Take regular breaks to avoid burnout. Also, use different study methods to keep it interesting. Good luck with your studies.Yours,[Your Name]。

英语作文建议信万能模板必修一Dear [Recipient's Name],。
I am writing to offer some suggestions on how to improve the study habits and academic performance of students in our school. As a concerned member of the school community, I believe that these suggestions can help create a more conducive learning environment and ultimately benefit the students' educational experience.First and foremost, I believe that it is important for students to develop good time management skills. Many students struggle to balance their academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities and personal commitments. By teaching students how to prioritize their tasks and manage their time effectively, we can help them avoid the stress and anxiety that often accompany academic pressure.Additionally, I suggest that our school implement a mentorship program to provide students with academic guidance and support. This program could pair older students with younger ones, allowing them to share their experiences and offer advice on how to succeed in school. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, we can create a more supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students.Furthermore, I believe that it is important to encourage students to take advantage of the resources available to them, such as tutoring services and study groups. By promoting these resources and making them easily accessible, we can help students who are struggling academically to improve their performance and reach their full potential.In addition to these suggestions, I also believe that it is important for our school to foster a culture of academic integrity. By emphasizing the importance of honesty and ethical behavior in academic work, we can help students develop a strong sense of responsibility and respect for the work of others.Lastly, I would like to suggest that our school consider implementing a rewards system to recognize and celebrate academic achievement. By acknowledging the hardwork and dedication of our students, we can motivate them to strive for excellence and take pride in their academic accomplishments.In conclusion, I believe that by implementing these suggestions, our school can create a more supportive and nurturing learning environment that will benefit the academic performance and overall well-being of our students. Thank you for taking the time to consider these suggestions, and I hope that they will be helpful in improving the educational experience for all students.Sincerely,。

建议信英语作文带翻译Title: Writing a Recommendation Letter。
Dear [Recipient's Name],。
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing tooffer my enthusiastic recommendation for [Name of theperson you're recommending], who is [your relationship with them, e.g., a colleague, student, etc.]. 。
During our time together, I have had the opportunity to observe [Name] in various capacities, and I can confidently say that they possess a remarkable blend of skills, dedication, and character that make them an exceptional candidate for [purpose of the recommendation, e.g., the job, scholarship, etc.].First and foremost, [Name] demonstrates outstanding [specific skills or qualities, e.g., leadership, communication, problem-solving, etc.]. Their ability to[provide examples or instances of their skills in action] has consistently impressed me and those around them. They exhibit a strong work ethic and are always willing to go above and beyond what is expected of them.Moreover, [Name] is a quick learner and adapts well to new challenges and environments. Whether it's [mention any specific instances where they demonstrated adaptability or willingness to learn], they approach each task with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. This quality notonly makes them an asset but also ensures their continuous growth and development.Furthermore, [Name] is an excellent team player. They effectively collaborate with their peers, respect diverse opinions, and contribute positively to group dynamics.Their ability to [provide examples of their teamwork skills, such as leading group projects or resolving conflictswithin a team] showcases their exceptional interpersonal skills and leadership potential.In addition to their professional attributes, [Name] isalso [mention any personal qualities or characteristicsthat are relevant, such as integrity, reliability, etc.]. They consistently demonstrate integrity in their actions and interactions, earning the trust and respect of those around them.In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend [Name] for [purpose of the recommendation]. Their combination of skills, dedication, and personal qualities make them an outstanding candidate who will undoubtedly excel in any endeavor they pursue. Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information.Sincerely,。
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篇一:2015英语作文常用句型及建议信的模板1.重点句型1). it’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说2). …so …that …如此…以至于…… too … to do 太…而不能…such …that …如此…以至于…3). not…until…直到…才…例: i didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.4).the reason why + 句子 is that + 句子…的原因是…例:the reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie.5). that is why + 句子那是…的原因6). that is because + 句子那是因为…7). it is said that + 句子据说…例:it is reported that + 句子据报道…8). there is no doubt that + 句子毫无疑问…9). it goes without saying that + 句子不言而喻,毫无疑问10). there is no need to do 没必要做…11). there is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义12).as is known to all, +句子众所周知as we all know, +句子据我们所知it is generally/ publicly known / considered that…, 众所周知13) find it + adj to do…觉得/发现做…是…的。
例︰i find it necessary to take down notes while listening.14) not only…but also 不但…而且.....例︰in just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’sdegree.15)in order to 为了.... 例︰he worked very hard in order to realize his dream. 19) 就我的看法……;我认为……in my opinion, as far as i’m concerned20) 随着人口的增加…… with the increase/growth of the population, …随着科技的进步…… with the advance of science and technology, …21). since + s + 过去式, s + 现在完成式.例:since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.2. 提建议1.had better (not) do 最好(不)做2.how about / what about doing …怎么样?3.i think you should do 我认为你应该…4.i suggest / advice that you should do 我建议你做…5.if i were you, i would do…我要是你的话,我会做…6.it’s best to do 最好做…7.why not do / why don’t you do…? 为什么不…3. 表示喜欢和感兴趣1.like / love doing2.enjoy doing3.be fond of doing 喜欢做…4.be keen on n/doing 喜欢做…5.prefer to do a rather than do b 宁愿做a也不愿做b6.be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing4. 努力做…1.try to do努力做…2.strive to do 努力做…3.try one’s best to do = do one’s best to do 竭尽全力做…4.make efforts to do = make every effort to do 尽力做…5.do what sb can (do ) to do 尽力做…6.spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做…7.do what / everything sb. can to do 尽某人全力做…5. 打算做… / 计划做…1.intend / plan to do 打算做…2.be going to do 打算做…3.decide to do 决定做…4.determine to do决定做…5.be determined to do决定做…6.make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做…6. 表示想/希望1.want to do= would like to do 想做…2.hope to do 希望做…3.expect to do 期待着做…4.wish to do 希望做…5.consider doing 考虑做…7. 只加doing 作宾语的动词1.finish 完成practice 练习 suggest建议 consider 考虑mind 介意enjoy 喜欢 +doing2.固定句型look forward to doing 盼望做… keep on doing 坚持做…dream of doing 梦想做… can’t help doing 情不自禁地做…keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做…be busy (in ) doing be busy with + 名词忙于做…spend time / money (in )doing spend time / money on + 名词花费时间做… have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing或with + 名词做…有困难8.学习用定语从句先行词+关系词+定语从句高中英语满分书信作文模板——建议信dear ______,①you have asked me for my advice about ______ , and i will try to make some suggestions here.②in my opinion, _____(建议的内容).③i would appreciate it very much if you could consider my suggestions.i will be looking forward to your reply.yours sincerely,li ming高中英语满分书信作文模板——请求信dear ______ ,①i am writing ask to _____(请求的内容).②could you please ___________-②would you mind ___________③i wonder if you could___________ ⑥thank you for your attention to these requests.. ⑧i look forward to a favorable reply.yours sincerely, li ming高中英语满分书信作文模板——询问信dear ______ , ①i am ______(自我介绍). ②i am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding ______(要询问的内容).③first of all, what are ______(第一个问题)? ④secondly, when will ______(第二个问题)? ⑤thirdly, is ______(第三个问题)?⑥i would also like to inquire ______(将最重要的问题单独成段). ⑦could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?⑧thank you for you kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.yours sincerely, li ming假设你是新华中学的学生张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。
请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:☆帮他分析原因☆给他提出建议☆陈述你帮助他的具体打算篇二:建议信英语作文英语写作练习:a letter for advicedear miss wang,i’m a studentfrom guizhou experimental high school. i have a problem. i argued with my best friendlisa for some very tiny things and said some bad words to her a few days ago. then,we never talk to each other any more.now, i feel quite lonely sometimes and don’t want to lose my best friend. i know she must be hurt by my words, and i am not surethat she still want to be my friend or not? i do want to change this situation, buti don’t know how. i would be grateful if you could give me some advice.yours, jim what is jim’s problem? if you were miss wang, what would you say? dear jim, (写作模板) im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on howto(引出主题). here are a few suggestions. first, it is importantto . then, it also helpsto . besides,it should be a good idea to .you can also . (此三句不同的句式提出建议) as to , i suggest (有时根据需要具体到某一反面). in addition, (其他建议). im sure (预测可能的结果,给对方以行动的信心和决心). im looking forward to (表达愿望).sincerely yours,miss wang英语建议信格式提出建议常用句型i suggest that… why not do…? why don’t youdo…? you would better do/ not do… if i were you,i would…… it seemsto me that you could…… i think it would be more beneficial if you could……i feel that it would be beneficial if… you may consider doing… as you mayagree that i would like to suggest that…英语建议信格式-结尾常用句式i hope that mysuggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway.i would be morethan happy to see improvement in this regard.i believe thatyou will take my suggestions into serious account.i would be readyto discuss about this matter with you to further details.whatever youdecide to do, good luck with your studies/work!写作中常用连接词:(1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…(2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。