
《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)是简·奥斯汀的另一部经典作品,首次出版于1811年。

参考文献[1] Austen, J. (1811). Sense and Sensibility. London: T. Egerton.[2] Gallagher, C., & Simpson, R. H. (Eds.). (2007). A Companion to Middle English Hagiography. Boydell & Brewer.[3] Langland, W. (Ed.). (2008). Piers Plowman: Text and Performance. Penn State Press.[4] Lorde, A. (1984). Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde (Vol. 5). Crossing Press.[5] Newman, B., & Benji de la Terre Attentive Radio editor of Whole Terrain Journal weakness Contributor Jeremy Smith is a freelance writer contributor of christian science monitor Puyallup WA Cheif contributors Dianne Saxe LeFirstpublished A ReefTranslation That State Administrator Gershaw Todd on is a EmeritTrust UK Trustee technicalsystem's CoCozzy “office hours&, G. (2004). Thesaints'legends in Middle English hagiography. York Medieval Press.以上文献仅供参考,本文所呈现的内容为独立创作。

SENSE AND SENSIBLILITY(理智与情感)透析记录这本文学作品是由奥斯汀(Austen,J.)所写的,看到作者的简介再结合这部小说,不难发现女主人公Elinor有作者的身影,也是作者所推崇的女性。
直到后来Edward因为母亲的原因把他赶出了家,丢了继承人的身份,她还是想尽办法,帮助Edward.最后lucy 与Edward的弟弟结婚了,看见Edward失落伤心的样子,Elinor就一直陪着他,最后Edward 终于感悟到Elinor的心意,两人终于再一起.这是我看的第二本英语原著书,虽然这次排版密密麻麻,而且比较难懂些,但是我还是坚持下来了。
我学到了以下的新单词:Inheritor,wretchedness,annuity,acquiescence,colonel,felicity,proof,conjecture,discompose,sau cy,retain,,misfotune,eligible,gratify.....继承人,可怜,养老金,默认,上校,证明,推测,使不安烦恼,粗鲁的,保持,不幸,合适的,使高兴........我会继续坚持下一本原著,越来越好....。

理智与情感英语影评"Sense and Sensibility" is a period drama that beautifully captures the essence of Jane Austen's novel of the same name. Directed by Ang Lee and released in 1995, the film is a poignant exploration of love, family, and social expectations in 19th-century England.The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters—Elinor (played by Emma Thompson) and Marianne—who, after the death of their father, find themselves and their mother (Greta Scacchi) in reduced circumstances. The film deftly portrays their struggles to navigate the complex world of romance and societal norms while maintaining their dignity and integrity.Emma Thompson's performance as Elinor is particularly noteworthy. She brings a quiet strength and restrained passion to the character, whose sense of duty often conflicts with her personal desires. Thompson also adapted the screenplay, for which she won an Academy Award.The cinematography is another standout feature of the film. The lush landscapes and elegant manor houses provide a vivid backdrop to the story, enhancing the themes of class and propriety. The costumes are equally impressive, with each character's attire reflecting their social status and personality.The film's score, composed by Patrick Doyle, is both hauntingand uplifting, perfectly complementing the emotional journey of the characters. It underscores the film's most dramatic moments without overpowering the dialogue or the narrative's subtleties."Sense and Sensibility" is also a testament to the strength of female relationships. The bond between the Dashwoodsisters is central to the story, showcasing their mutual support and occasional disagreements in a way that feels authentic and relatable.In conclusion, "Sense and Sensibility" is a masterful adaptation that stays true to the spirit of Austen's work. It is a film that resonates with audiences for its wit, its heart, and its keen observations on the human condition. Itis a timeless tale that continues to enchant viewers with its portrayal of love and life in the elegant, yet restrictive, society of the early 1800s.。

理智与情感,Sense,And,Sensibility篇一:《理智与情感》英语读后感《理智与情感》英语读后感Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is asensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic--a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she “loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister. Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edwardsuffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters reacts to their romanticmisfortunes, and the lessons they draw before coming finally to the requisite happy ending forms the heart of the novel. ThoughMarianne's disregard for social conventions and willingness toconsider the world well-lost for love may appeal to modern readers, it is Elinor whom Austen herself most evidently admired;a trulyhappy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure.This article is from internet, only for studying!篇二:电影《理智与情感》获奖剧本《理智与情感》Sense and Sensibility"SENSE AND __LITY"Screenplay byEmma ThompsonBased on the novel byJane Austen__ Ⅰ__ PARK__ ⅡBARTON PARK__ ⅢLONDON__ Ⅳ__ND__ ⅤBARTON __Chapter ⅠNorland ParkEXT. OPEN ROADS - NIGHT - TITLE __EA series of traveling shots. A well-dressed, pompous-lookingindividual (JOHN __D, 35) is making an urgent journey on horseback. He looks anxious.EXT. __ PARK - __ - MARCH 1800 - NIGHTSilence. Norland Park, a large country house built in theearly part of the eighteenth century, lies in the moonlitparkland.INT. __ PARK - MR __D'S __ - NIGHTIn the dim light shed by candles we see a bed in which a MAN (MR __D, 52) lies his skin waxy, his breathing laboured. __ Around him two silhouettes move and murmur, their clothing susurrating in the deathly hush. __. A WOMAN (MRS __D, 50) sits by his side, holding his hand, her eyes never leaving his face.(urgent)Is John not yet arrived?MRS __DWe expect him at any moment, dearest.MR __D looks anguished.MR __DThe girls--I have left so little.MRS __DShh, hush, Hey.MR __DElinor will try to look after youall, but make sure she finds a goodhusband. The men are such noodleshereabouts, little wonder none haspleased her.They smile at each other. MRS __D is just managing to conceal her fear and griefMRS __DBut Marianne is sure to find herstorybook hero.A romantic poet with flashing eyesand empty pockets?MRS __DAs long as she loves him, whoever heis.MR __DMargaret will go to sea and become apirate so we need not concernourselves with her.MRS __D tries to laugh but it emerges as a sob. An older __ANT (THOMAS) now enters, anxiety written on every feature.THOMASYour son is arrived from London,sir.MR __D squeezes his wife's hand.MR __DLet me speak to John alone.She nods quickly and he smiles at her with infinitetenderness.MR __DAh, my dear. How happy you have mademe.MRS __D makes a superhuman effort and smiles back. She allows THOMAS to help her out. She passes JOHN __D as he enters, presses his hand, but cannot speak. JOHN takes her place by the bed.JOHNFather...MR __D summons his last ounces of energy and starts to whisper with desperate intensity.MR __DJohn you will find out soon enoughfrom my will that the estate ofNorland was left to me in such a wayas prevents me from dividing itbetween my families.JOHN blinks. He cannot quite take it in.JOHNCalm yourself, Father. This is notgood for you.But MR __D continues with even greater determination.MR __DNorland in its entirety is thereforeyours by law and I am happy for youand Fanny.JOHN looks torn between genuine distress and unexpected delight.MR __DBut your stepmother my wife anddaughters are left with only fivehundred pounds a year, barely enoughto live on and nothing for the girls'dowries. You must help them.JOHN's face is a picture of conflicting emotions. Behind them is the ominous rustling of parchments.JOHNOf courseMR __DYou must promise to do this.A brief moment of sincerity overcomes JOHN's natural hypocrisy.JOHNI promise, Father, I promise.MR __D seems relieved. Suddenly his breathing changes. JOHN looks alarmed. He rises and we hear him going to find the DOCTOR.JOHNCome! Come quickly!But it is we who share the dying man's last words.MR __DHelp them.EXT. JOHN AND FANNY'S TOWN HOUSE - LONDON - DAY Outside the house sits a very well-to-do carriage. Behind it waits another open carriage upon which servants are laying trunks and boxes.FANNY (V.O.)'Help them?'INT. JOHN AND FANNY'S TOWN HOUSE - __G ROOM - DAY JOHN is standing in mourning clothes and a traveling cape.He is watching, and obviously waiting for, a pert WOMAN (FANNY __D) who is standing by a mirror looking at him keenly.FANNYWhat do you mean, 'help them'?JOHNDearest, I mean to give them threethousand pounds.FANNY goes very still. JOHN gets nervous. JOHNThe interest will provide them witha little extra income. Such a giftwill certainly discharge my promiseto my father.FANNY slowly turns back to the mirror.FANNYOh, without question! More thanamply...JOHNOne had rather, on such occasions,do too much than too little.A pause as FANNY turns and looks at him again.。

senseandsensibility理智与情感赏析Sense and SensibilityFrom,Jane Austen. Abstract:The story is about the encounter which was met while the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, were looking for their sincere true love. Women of that time in England, always took the marriage as the economic security or the tool to improve the social class, all these were not based on love or the rights as a woman, which was the ugly fashion of that time. Elinor and Marianne were different , they would like to choose the men they love , they would like to have the equal place with the men, share the love with each other , which were against the trend.Key words:sense sensibility love brave marriage fantasy romanceSummary:Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr. Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak.I think the author eventually admired of the heroine Ellinor, because she was both with heavy sentiment and sensibility. Here the author put on his ideal about the issue between sense and sensibility, is that the person can't be without feeling, but feelings should be restricted by sense. Ellinor was a emotional and calm young girl. When she was choosing a male, not just focus on the appearance or economy ,but mostly on the speaking and goodcharacter, so she fell in love with the frankly Edward. Later, she found Edward had engagement with Lucy, though she was very sad, but she tried to restrain the sadness and went to social intercourse and dinner party as usual. Finally,Edward was abandoned by his mother and Lucy. However , Ellinor still love him , they get married and get real love in the end.Different with Ellinor , her sister Marianne ,though she was clever, but too emotional, was always holding rich romantic and colorful fantasy, insisted to marry a outstanding and charming Mr. Right. Thirty-five years old colonel, Brandon showed her his affection, she thought he was too old, thus she refused him. Then she accidentally met a charming male, Werombi, and soon was madly in love with him. Unfortunately, she was abandoned soon which almost broke her heart, she lost her love and her life , what’s worse, she nearly killed herself. After a time , she learned from her sister Ellinor, she finally become sensible, and finally married Brandon who always loved her.The heroine:Elinor Dashwood —the sensible and reserved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is 19 years old at the beginning . She becomes attached to Edward Ferrars, the brother-in-law of her elder half-brother, John. Always feeling a keen sense of responsibility to her family and friends, she places their welfare and interests above her own, and suppresses her own strong emotions in a way that leads others to think she is indifferent or cold-hearted.Marianne Dashwood — the romantically inclined and eagerly expressive second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is 16 years old at the beginning of the book. She is the objectof the attentions of Colonel Brandon and Mr. Willoughby. She is attracted to young, handsome, romantically spirited Willoughby and does not think much of the older, more reserved Colonel Brandon. Marianne does the most development within the book, learning her sensibilities have been selfish. She decides her conduct should be more like that of her elder sister, Elinor.Opinion:After reading this novel , here comes a truth that people can't be too emotional, emotional feelings should be restricted by sense. The two sisters , for the same destination, love, which must contain sense and sensibility, they did not have a very clear opinion about that at first, however, after the long way they have come through, they came to know the point, and they have their true love finally. Obviously, the author explains such an idea from the very beginning till the end.References:1.The National Archives "Take a Break: Currency Converter".2.《英美文学作品赏析》3.《理智与情感》电影赏析。



下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语读后感,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!“理智与情感”英文读后感SENSE AND SENSIBILITY The story on Sense and Sensibility happened in the late eighteenth century, telling us that two sisters of Dashwood's pursued their love and marriage. The elder sister Elinor is full of sense and could deal with everything with calm thinking. However, his younger sister Marianne always attempt to understand the world with an excess of sensibility. They had a little sister who was too young to completely understand the passion and the pursuit of love of her two sisters. Their mother Mrs, Dashwood regarded everything as sentimentality who is very much like her daughter Marianne. Mrs. Dash wood married Mr, Dashwood after his first wife passed away. His ex-wife left a son called John Dashwood. After many years, Mr. Dashwood died of the acute disease and he left his estates and most of the money to his son. Mrs. Dashwood and her daughters didn't inherit anything. Although his son promised to take good care of his step mother and younger sisters, he didn't keep his word because of the selfness of his wife.Sense and Sensibility build a series of perse characters, however, for me, the most and powerful figure is Elinor. Elinor, the elder daughter of the Dashwoods, was a rational and emotional girl.At the very start, Elinor showed more sense and intelligence than her mother and younger sister. She workedcarefully and considerately. She was always polite and graceful no matter who she faced. Moreover, she could permanently keep calm and sensible when she talked with others no matter the topic they talked about. It seemed that she could do anything discreetly. In addition, Elinor is also a beautiful kind girl who was clever at discovering merit of other people. For Mrs. Jennings, Elinor always mentioned her warmth, generosity and justice, although the behavior of Mrs. Jennings showed that she was a silly woman. In order that Mrs. Jennings could enjoy herself at home in London but not receive the ridicule and indifference from Marianne, and that Marianne didn't hurt herself by overdoing anything, she accepted the invitation and headed for London with her younger sister. I think, all of these showed that she is a sane person but not showed that she lacked sensibility. By contrast, Elinor was full of emotion like her younger sister, however, she was better at controlling this kind of emotion. She lost her heart to Edward and never changed her mind no matter what happened to him. She didn't abandon Edward,regardless of the fact that he wasn't good at conversation and his behavior was prim. She loved himthanks to his integrity and tolerance. Her feeling of Edward was faithful and changeless, which proved that Elinor was rational as well as emotional. She owed a clear and lucid mind to control some unnecessary emotional impulse. Sense and kindness are the proper charm of Elinor.After reading this novel, I think, we should have unhealthy emotion but that doesn't mean emotional reasoning.As a person, if we owed the proper emotion andpersonality, and at the same time we can control it with reason and sense, we could get the true happiness.【参考译文】理智与情感的故事发生在第十八世纪末,告诉我们达什伍德的两个姐妹追求爱情和婚姻。

sense and sensibility 理智与情感赏析

Sense and SensibilityFrom,Jane Austen. Abstract:The story is about the encounter which was met while the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, were looking for their sincere true love. Women of that time in England, always took the marriage as the economic security or the tool to improve the social class, all these were not based on love or the rights as a woman, which was the ugly fashion of that time. Elinor and Marianne were different , they would like to choose the men they love , they would like to have the equal place with the men, share the love with each other , which were against the trend.Key words:sense sensibility love brave marriage fantasy romanceSummary:Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr. Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak.I think the author eventually admired of the heroine Ellinor, because she was both with heavy sentiment and sensibility. Here the author put on his ideal about the issue between sense and sensibility, is that the person can't be without feeling, but feelings should be restricted by sense. Ellinor was a emotional and calm young girl. When she was choosing a male, not just focus on the appearance or economy ,but mostly on the speaking and good character, so she fell in love with the frankly Edward. Later, she found Edward had engagement with Lucy, though she was very sad, but she tried to restrain the sadness and went to social intercourse and dinner party as usual. Finally,Edward was abandoned by his mother and Lucy. However , Ellinor still love him , they get married and get real love in the end.Different with Ellinor , her sister Marianne ,though she was clever, but too emotional, was always holding rich romantic and colorful fantasy, insisted to marry a outstanding and charming Mr. Right. Thirty-five years old colonel, Brandon showed her his affection, she thought he was too old, thus she refused him. Then she accidentally met a charming male, Werombi, and soon was madly in love with him. Unfortunately, she was abandoned soon which almost broke her heart, she lost her love and her life , what’s worse, she nearly killed herself. After a time , she learned from her sister Ellinor, she finally become sensible, and finally married Brandon who always loved her.The heroine:Elinor Dashwood — the sensible and reserved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is 19 years old at the beginning . She becomes attached to Edward Ferrars, the brother-in-law of her elder half-brother, John. Always feeling a keen sense of responsibility to her family and friends, she places their welfare and interests above her own, and suppresses her own strong emotions in a way that leads others to think she is indifferent or cold-hearted.Marianne Dashwood — the romantically inclined and eagerly expressive second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is 16 years old at the beginning of the book. She is the object of the attentions of Colonel Brandon and Mr. Willoughby. She is attracted to young, handsome, romantically spirited Willoughby and does not think much of the older, more reserved Colonel Brandon. Marianne does the most development within the book, learning her sensibilities have been selfish. She decides her conduct should be more like that of her elder sister, Elinor.Opinion:After reading this novel , here comes a truth that people can't be too emotional, emotional feelings should be restricted by sense. The two sisters , for the same destination, love, which must contain sense and sensibility, they did not have a very clear opinion about that at first, however, after the long way they have come through, they came to know the point, and they have their true love finally. Obviously, the author explains such an idea from the very beginning till the end.References:1.The National Archives "Take a Break: Currency Converter".2.《英美文学作品赏析》3.《理智与情感》电影赏析。

理性与感性:分析《理智与情感》中的情感表达1. 引言《理智与情感》是英国作家简·奥斯汀的经典小说之一,于1811年出版。
2. 理性与感性的概念理性和感性是两种不同但又相互关联的态度或心态。
3. 情感表达在《理智与情感》中的角色《理智与情感》以两个姊妹埃莉诺和玛丽安作为主要人物进行展开。
4. 理智的情感表达埃莉诺在小说中经常通过凝练而客观的方式来表达她自己的情感。
5. 感性的情感表达与埃莉诺相比,玛丽安更容易被情感所左右。
6. 对比与平衡《理智与情感》通过埃莉诺和玛丽安两位姊妹的对比,展现了理性和感性之间的张力。
7. 结论《理智与情感》中的情感表达揭示了人类复杂的内心世界,在言语之中探寻着理性和感性的边界。

理智与情感是一部由简·奥斯汀创作的小说,原名为"Sense and Sensibility"。
"Sense and Sensibility" is a novel written by Jane Austen. The novel tells the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, who represent different attitudes towards love and life, namely sense and sensibility. In the novel, Elinor represents sense, being calm, rational, and practical, while Marianne represents sensibility, being passionate, emotional, and romantic. Through the experiences and destinies of these two sisters, the novel explores the balance and significance of sense and sensibility in life.。

【微书评】《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)

【微书评】《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)发表于:2014-02-13【推荐理由】《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)该书主要讲述了达什伍德太太跟她的三个女儿——爱莲娜(Elinor)、玛丽安(Marianne)和玛格丽特(Margaret)一直倚靠达什伍德先生的财产过活,然而,当达什伍德先生过身后,四人顿失经济支柱。
由于她们的家诺兰(Norland)必须由他们的同父异母的兄长,约翰·达什伍德(John Dashwood)承继,所以她们一家都要被扫地出门。
约翰虽受父亲所托照顾后母和妹妹们,但最后仍因他自私刻薄的妻子芬妮(Fanny Dashwood)劝说而打消念头。
大约在这时候,诺兰来了一位拜访者,就是芬妮的兄弟,爱德华·费华士(Edward Ferrars),一个安静和善而有风度的绅士,很快便博得长女爱莲娜的爱慕,然而,正当他们日夜滋长感情之际,母亲和三姐妹却不得不搬走了。
达什伍德太太在远房表亲约翰·米德顿爵士(Sir John Middleton)的巴顿小屋找到了新的居所,搬家后,三姐妹忙于适应生活和结识朋友。
在这群人中,有一位绅士最为出众,那就是勃顿上校(Colonel Brandon),一位年约三十五的男士,富有而沈稳博学,是米德顿爵士的老朋友。
他显得对二女儿玛丽安相当感兴趣,于是某些多管闲事之人,例如:米德顿爵士的岳母詹宁斯太太(Mrs. Jennings),便开始胡乱猜测起来(玛丽安自然很不高兴),不仅仅因为二人年龄差距大,而且玛丽安认为年纪像勃顿上校般大的人根本不会有爱情,所以不大愿意接受他。
然而,在这时,玛丽安在外跌伤了脚,并被一位名为韦勒比(Mr. Willoughby)的先生救回。

《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)500字读后感

《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)500字读后感《理智与情感》是简·奥斯汀的代表作之一,以其细腻入微的描写和对社会风尚的嘲讽而备受喜爱。


电影理智与情感英语影评"Sense and Sensibility" is a film adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel of the same name. Directed by Ang Lee and released in 1995, the film is a period drama that skillfully captures the essence of Austen's narrative, blending romance, social commentary, and the complexities of human relationships.The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters—Elinor and Marianne—who, after the death of their father, find themselves in a precarious financial situation. The film explores their journey to find love and happiness amidst the rigid societal norms of early 19th-century England.The casting is impeccable, with Emma Thompson playing the reserved and sensible Elinor, and Kate Winslet portraying the passionate and impulsive Marianne. Thompson also adapted the screenplay, for which she won an Academy Award. The supporting cast, including Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant, and Gemma Jones, deliver strong performances that enrich the story.Visually, the film is a treat, with its lush landscapes and period-accurate costumes. It transports the viewer to the English countryside, evoking a sense of time and place that is both enchanting and authentic."Sense and Sensibility" is not just a love story; it is acommentary on the societal expectations placed on women of the time. It highlights the importance of balancing one's emotions with reason, a theme that is as relevant today as it was in Austen's era.The film's pacing is deliberate, allowing the audience to fully immerse themselves in the characters' lives and the intricacies of their relationships. The dialogue is sharp and witty, true to Austen's style, and the cinematography is both beautiful and evocative.In conclusion, "Sense and Sensibility" is a timeless piece of cinema that does justice to Austen's work. It is a film that resonates with viewers for its portrayal of strong, complex female characters and its exploration of love, family, and societal constraints. It is a must-watch for fans of period dramas and Austen's literary legacy.。
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Sense and sensibility From,Jane Austen.Abstract:The story is about the encounter which was met while the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne, were looking for their sincere true love. Women of that time in England, always took the marriage as the economic security or the tool to improve the social class, all these were not based on love or the rights as a woman, which was the ugly fashion of that time. Elinor and Marianne were different , they would like to choose the men they love , they would like to have the equal place with the men,share the love with each other , which were against the trend.Key words: sense sensibility love brave marriage fantasy romanceSummary: Elinor and Marianne, two daughters of Mr. Dashwood by his second wife. They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. The novel follows the Dashwood sisters to their new home, a cottage on a distant relative's property, where they experience both romance and heartbreak.I think the author eventually admired of the heroine Ellinor, because she was both with heavy sentiment and sensibility. Here the author put on his ideal about the issue between sense and sensibility, is that the person can't be without feeling, but feelings should be restricted by sense. Ellinor was a emotional and calm young girl. When she was choosing a male, not just focus on the appearance or economy ,but mostly on the speaking and good character, so she fell in love with the frankly Edward. Later, she found Edward had engagement with Lucy, though she was very sad, but she tried to restrain the sadness and went to social intercourse and dinner party as usual. Finally, Edward was abandoned by his mother and Lucy. However , Ellinor still love him , they get married and get real love in the end.Different with Ellinor , her sister Marianne ,though she was clever, but too emotional, was always holding rich romantic and colorful fantasy, insisted to marry a outstanding and charming Mr. Right. Thirty-five years old colonel, Brandon showed her his affection, she thought he was too old, thus she refused him. Then she accidentally met a charming male, Werombi, and soon was madly in love with him. Unfortunately, she was abandoned soon which almost broke her heart, she lost her love and her life , what’s worse, she nearly killed herself. After a time , she learned from her sister Ellinor, she finally become sensible, and finally married Brandon who always loved her.The heroine:Elinor Dashwood — the sensible and reserved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is 19 years old at the beginning . She becomes attached to Edward Ferrars, the brother-in-law of her elder half-brother, John. Always feeling a keen sense of responsibility to her family and friends, she places their welfare and interests above her own, and suppresses her own strong emotions in a way that leads others to think she is indifferent or cold-hearted.Marianne Dashwood — the romantically inclined and eagerly expressive second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood. She is 16 years old at the beginning of the book. She is the object of the attentions of Colonel Brandon and Mr. Willoughby. She is attracted to young, handsome, romantically spirited Willoughby and does not think much of the older, more reserved Colonel Brandon. Marianne does the most development within the book, learning her sensibilities have been selfish. She decides her conduct should be more like that of her elder sister, Elinor.Opinion:After reading this novel , here comes a truth that people can't be too emotional, emotional feelings should be restricted by sense. The two sisters , for the same destination, love, which must contain sense and sensibility, they did not have a very clear opinion about that at first, however, after the long way they have come through, they came to know the point, and they have their true love finally. Obviously, the author explains such an idea from the very beginning till the end.理智与情感的剧情简介 · · · · · ·老庄园主去世后,可怜的母女四人被长子逐出了庄园。