A behavioral architecture for strategy execution








表1 常见经济作物样本收集二、常见哺乳动物样本选择对于哺乳动物,一般选择雄性个体作为研究对象(除研究产奶、产仔等性状外),并且要求所研究的对象年龄相近。


表2 常见哺乳动物样本收集三、常见家禽类样本选择对于家禽而言,一般会选择家系群体(全同胞家系或半同胞家系)。



表3 常见家禽类样本收集四、林木类样本选择对于林木类,一般选择同一物种的多个样本,多个样本做到表型丰富。

表4 林木类样本收集五、其他物种样本选择对于原生生物以及昆虫等的取样策略,可以参考表5中已发表的文献。

表5 其他物种样本收集有这么多文献支持,各位看官是不是已经整明白了GWAS该如何取材呢?最后,小编再温馨提示一句,根据文献统计及项目经验,一般来说,GWAS的样本大小要不少于300个才是极好的。

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主要参考文献迈克尔·波特(美):《竞争战略》(Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy,1980.)陈小悦译,华夏出版社1997年版。

迈克尔·波特(美):《竞争优势》(Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage,1985.)陈小悦译,华夏出版社1997年版。

迈克尔·波特(美):《国家竞争优势》(Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations,1990.)李明轩等译,华夏出版社2002年版。

戴维·贝赞可等(美):《公司战略经济学》(David Besanko, David Dranove and Mark Shanley, The Economics of Strategy,1996.)武亚军等译,北京大学出版社1999年版。

尼尔·胡德和斯蒂芬·扬(英):《跨国企业经济学》(Neil Hood and Stephen Young, The Economics of Multinational Enterprise,1979.)叶刚等译,经济科学出版社1994年版。

托马斯·加拉文、杰拉德·菲茨杰拉尔德、迈克·莫利[英]:《企业分析》(Thomas Gavavan, Gerar Fitzgerald, Mike Morley, Business Analysis, London, 1993.)马春光等译,生活·读书·新知三联书店1997年版。

伊莱扎·G·柯林斯等(美)《工商管理新论》(Eliza G. C. Collins, Mary Anne Devanna, The New Portable MBA,1994),张宇宏等译,上海译文出版社1997年版。





1. 实体声明(Entity Declaration)```vhdlentity mux_4to1 isportA, B, C, D : in std_logic;S : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);CLK : in std_logic;Y : out std_logicend mux_4to1;```2. 端口声明(Port Declaration)端口声明定义了输入和输出端口的类型。


```vhdlarchitecture behavioral of mux_4to1 issignal input_mux : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);beginA <= input_mux(0);B <= input_mux(1);C <= input_mux(2);D <= input_mux(3);end behavioral;```3. 内部信号声明(Internal Signal Declaration)内部信号声明是为了辅助模块内的信号传输和处理。


```vhdlarchitecture behavioral of mux_4to1 issignal input_mux : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);signal mux_out : std_logic;beginA <= input_mux(0);B <= input_mux(1);C <= input_mux(2);D <= input_mux(3);end behavioral;```4. 内部结构设计(Internal Structure Design)内部结构设计定义了多路选择器的逻辑结构。



模拟建筑英语作文模板及范文英文回答:Architecture Simulation: A Comprehensive Guide。

Architecture simulation plays a crucial role in modern architectural design and construction. It allows architects and engineers to create virtual models of buildings and environments, enabling them to analyze and test different design options, optimize building performance, and identify potential problems before construction begins.Components of Architecture Simulation。

3D modeling: Creating detailed digital representations of buildings and their surroundings.Physics engines: Simulating the physical behavior of buildings, including structural integrity, wind loads, and thermal performance.Occupancy simulation: Modeling human interactionwithin buildings, including crowd movement, space utilization, and behavioral patterns.Building information modeling (BIM): Integrating information from multiple disciplines into a single digital model for comprehensive building design and analysis.Types of Architecture Simulation。






1. 目标市场不明确:公司可能没有明确的目标市场,这使得整合营销策略的定位和推广变得困难。


2. 缺乏一致的品牌形象:公司可能在不同的市场渠道和推广活动中传递着不一致的品牌形象,这可能导致客户对品牌的混淆和不信任。


3. 渠道冲突:公司可能使用多个不同的市场渠道进行推广,但这些渠道之间可能存在冲突,导致资源浪费和不协调。


4. 效果评估困难:整合营销策略涉及多个市场渠道和推广活动,公司可能难以准确评估每个渠道和活动的效果。


5. 缺乏内部协作:整合营销涉及多个部门和团队的合作,如果内部沟通和协作不畅通,将会影响整合营销策略的执行效果。


6. 不完整的客户触点:公司可能在整合营销策略中忽视了某些重要的客户触点,导致客户体验不完整。



7. Digital Marketing challenges: With the increasing importance of digital marketing in today's era, companies may face challenges in effectively integrating digital marketing into their overall integrated marketing strategy. It is essential to have a comprehensive online presence and utilize various digital platforms to reach and engage with customers. The solution is to invest in digital marketing training for the marketing team, hire experienced digital marketing professionals, and collaborate with digital agencies to enhance the digital marketing efforts.8. Lack of customer segmentation: Without proper customer segmentation, companies may struggle to tailor their marketing messages and promotions effectively. It is crucial to divide the target market into specific segments based on demographics, psychographics, and behavioral patterns. This will enable the company to create targeted marketing campaigns and deliverpersonalized messages to different customer segments. The solution is to conduct market research and analyze customer datato identify key segments, and then tailor marketing strategies accordingly.9. Insufficient budget allocation: Integrated marketing campaigns require adequate financial resources to execute effectively. Companies may face challenges in allocating sufficient budgets to various marketing channels and initiatives. The solution is to conduct a thorough budget analysis, prioritize marketing activities based on their potential return on investment, and allocate budgets accordingly. It is also important to constantly evaluate the performance of each marketing channel and make necessary adjustments to optimize the budget allocation.10. Integration across multiple channels and touchpoints: Companies may struggle with integrating their marketing efforts across various channels and touchpoints. With the proliferation of different marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, and traditional advertising, it is crucial to ensure a consistent brand message and customer experience across all touchpoints. The solution is to develop a detailed marketing communication plan that outlines the messaging, visuals, and customer journey across different channels. This will ensure a cohesive and seamless experience for customers.11. Measuring the effectiveness of integrated marketing campaigns: Companies may find it challenging to measure the effectiveness of their integrated marketing campaigns accurately. It is essential to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for each marketingchannel and align them with overall marketing goals. Implementing data analytics tools and marketing automation platforms can help track and analyze the performance of different marketing initiatives. Regular reports and analysis will provide insights into the success of the integrated marketing strategy and enable necessary adjustments to optimize results.12. Adapting to market changes: The business environment is constantly evolving, and companies need to adapt their integrated marketing strategies to stay relevant. This requires staying updated with market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitors' activities. The solution is to regularly monitor and analyze market trends, conduct competitor analysis, and seek customer feedback. Thiswill enable the company to identify opportunities and potential threats, and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.In conclusion, implementing an integrated marketing strategy comes with its set of challenges. However, with careful planning, market research, clear objectives, effective communication, and continuous evaluation, companies can overcome these challenges and successfully execute their integrated marketing campaigns. A well-executed and cohesive integrated marketing strategy can help companies gain a competitive edge, reach their target audience effectively, and drive business growth.。



自己选择的职业我们应该怎样做英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Choosing a Career Path: A Student's Guide to Navigating the JourneyAs students, we are constantly bombarded with questions about our future plans and career aspirations. Fromwell-meaning relatives to career counselors, everyone seems to have an opinion on what we should do with our lives. However, the truth is that the decision of choosing a career path is a deeply personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. In this essay, I will share my thoughts and insights on how we, as students, can navigate this journey of self-discovery and make informed choices about our careers.Firstly, it is crucial to understand that choosing a career is not a one-time decision; it is an ongoing process of exploration, self-reflection, and adaptation. Our interests, values, and goals evolve over time, and our career choices should reflect that dynamic nature. As students, we should embrace this fluidity andremain open to new experiences and opportunities that may shape our perspectives.One of the most important steps in this process isself-assessment. We must take the time to carefully examine our strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values. This introspection can be facilitated through various means, such as personality tests, career assessments, or simply by engaging in honest conversations with ourselves. By understanding our unique traits and inclinations, we can better align our career choices with our authentic selves.Another valuable resource in our career exploration is seeking guidance and mentorship. Reaching out to professionals in fields that interest us can provide invaluable insights into the day-to-day realities of their work, the challenges they face, and the skills required for success. Additionally, connecting with alumni from our institutions or attending career fairs can open doors to networking opportunities and potential internships or entry-level positions.Experiential learning is also a powerful tool in our arsenal. Internships, volunteering, or even part-time jobs can offer hands-on experience in various industries, allowing us to test the waters and gain a better understanding of what a particularcareer entails. These experiences can either solidify our interest in a field or prompt us to reconsider our options, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making.As we navigate this journey, it is essential to remain adaptable and open-minded. The world of work is constantly evolving, and new career paths are emerging all the time. We should embrace this change and be willing to pivot when necessary. Additionally, we should not feel pressured to conform to societal expectations or follow a predetermined path. Our career choices should align with our personal values, goals, and aspirations, not those imposed upon us by external forces.Furthermore, it is crucial to recognize that our career paths are not linear. We may find ourselves changing directions multiple times throughout our professional lives, and that is perfectly normal. The key is to embrace lifelong learning and continuously develop our skills and knowledge to remain relevant and adaptable in an ever-changing job market.In conclusion, choosing a career path as a student is a complex and deeply personal journey. It requires self-reflection, exploration, and a willingness to embrace change and uncertainty. By seeking guidance, gaining practical experience, and remaining true to our authentic selves, we can makeinformed decisions that align with our passions and aspirations. Remember, the path we choose today is not set in stone; it is merely the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth, learning, and self-discovery.篇2My Chosen Career Path: How to Make it HappenAs a student, one of the biggest decisions we have to make is what career path to pursue after finishing our studies. With so many options out there, it can be really tough to decide. I've spent a lot of time thinking about my interests, skills, and values to figure out what might be a good fit for me career-wise. After weighing all the pros and cons, I've decided that I want to become a software engineer. But simply deciding on a career is just the first step - now I need a game plan for actually making it happen. Here's my strategy for positioning myself for success in landing that dream software engineering job.The most obvious place to start is by majoring in computer science or a related technical field like computer engineering or information systems. The core programming, data structures, algorithms, and computer architecture courses will give me the foundational knowledge I need. But simply checking the boxesfor major requirements isn't enough. I need to go above and beyond by taking electives to dive deeper into specialized areas like mobile app development, cybersecurity, machine learning, cloud computing, or whatever particularly interests me. The more advanced technical skills I can pick up, the stronger candidate I'll be.Of course, book knowledge alone isn't sufficient preparation for a career in this field. Gaining real-world experience through internships, co-ops, freelance projects, and personal coding endeavors is absolutely crucial. Nothing shows passion and capability like actually building apps, programs, websites, or tech tools outside of class. Summer internships at tech companies would be ideal for getting my feet wet in an industry setting and making connections. But in the meantime, I should actively look for on-campus opportunities like undergrad research projects, coding clubs, hackathons, freelance gigs, and developing apps or websites for student organizations. The more tangible things I have to show employers, the better.Speaking of employers, actively networking and making industry contacts needs to be a major priority throughout college. Going to career fairs, tech events, guest speaker sessions, and setting up informational interviews with people working thekinds of roles I want is key. Making positive impressions and getting my name and face out there now will only help down the line when I'm applying for jobs or looking for people to provide references. I also need to clean up my online presence by filling out a professional LinkedIn profile, contributing to coding forums and discussion boards, and making sure there's no embarrassing social media content that could put off potential employers.In addition to developing technical expertise and making connections, I need to work on refining some key soft skills that are highly valued in the tech world. Things like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, creative thinking, and time management. Looking for opportunities to hone these transferable skills through group projects, part-time jobs, leadership roles in clubs, and community involvement. Many computing roles require collaborating across teams and communicating complex technical information to non-technical people, so I can't neglect this crucial aspect of career prep. It will also really help to see if I can find a mentor, either through my university's alumni network or by reaching out to developers at companies I'm interested in, to provide guidance and insights along the way.Finally, as I get closer to graduation and entering the job market, there are some practical steps I'll need to take to give myself the best chance at landing a position aligned with my goals. Polishing up my resume with all of my coding projects, internships, extracurriculars, and skills will be important. As will drafting customized cover letters highlighting how my specific qualifications and passion for software engineering equip me for each role I apply to. I'll likely also need to brush up on common interview techniques like coding tests, technical questions, behavioral interviews, and communicating solutions out loud while analyzing code. Practicing mock interviews and interview prep courses could be smart investments to increase my chances.At the end of the day, there's no singular guaranteed path to landing my dream software engineering job. It's going to take a multi-pronged effort combining a strong technical education, hands-on coding experience, networking, soft skills development, personal branding, interview prep, and a ton of persistence. But if I follow the plan I've laid out here and remain focused on constantly improving and putting my best foot forward, I'll position myself to be an incredibly competitive candidate that companies will be eager to hire. It's going to take serious dedication and hustle, but for a career I'm genuinelyexcited about, it will all be worth it in the end. With strategic planning and flawless execution, turning this dream into reality is completely achievable!篇3How We Should Pursue Our Chosen CareerAs students, we all face that pivotal moment when we must decide on a career path to follow after finishing our studies. This choice can feel daunting, as it will shape the trajectory of our professional lives for years to come. However, with careful consideration, dedication, and a purposeful approach, we can increase our chances of thriving in our chosen fields.Firstly, it's essential to have a genuine passion for the career you select. Our interests and natural inclinations should guide us towards professions that align with our values, strengths, and aspirations. When we love what we do, we are more likely to remain motivated, engaged, and driven to excel. Conversely, pursuing a career solely for external factors, such as societal pressures or financial incentives, can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment in the long run.Once we have identified our calling, we must commit to acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. This might involvepursuing additional education, such as a specialized degree, certification, or training program. In today's competitive job market, having a strong academic foundation and relevant qualifications can give us a significant advantage. However, learning should not be confined to the classroom; seeking out internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level positions can provide invaluable hands-on experience and expose us to the practical realities of our chosen field.As we embark on our career journeys, it's crucial to cultivate a growth mindset. The world is constantly evolving, and the job market is ever-changing. Industries that were once thriving may become obsolete, while new and emerging fields open up exciting opportunities. Embracing a willingness to adapt, learn new skills, and stay abreast of technological advancements can make us more resilient and better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern workforce.Networking and building professional relationships should also be a priority. Attending industry events, joining professional associations, and connecting with mentors or established professionals in our desired fields can open doors and provide invaluable guidance. These connections can lead to valuableinsights, potential job opportunities, and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of our chosen professions.Furthermore, we must be prepared to make sacrifices and work tirelessly to achieve our goals. Success rarely comes easily; it often requires long hours, unwavering dedication, and a willingness to go above and beyond. However, the rewards of pursuing a fulfilling career can far outweigh the challenges we may face along the way.As we progress in our careers, it's essential to maintain a healthy work-life balance. While ambition and drive are admirable traits, neglecting our personal well-being can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and a lack of overall fulfillment. Setting boundaries, making time for hobbies, and fostering meaningful relationships outside of work can help us recharge and approach our professional endeavors with renewed energy and perspective.Moreover, we should strive to continuously develop our soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. These transferable skills are highly valued across various industries and can significantly contribute to our professional success, regardless of the specific career path we choose.Throughout our journeys, we must also remain ethical and principled. Integrity, honesty, and a strong moral compass should guide our actions and decisions. Building a reputation for professionalism and ethical conduct can not only bring personal satisfaction but also contribute to the positive reputation of our chosen professions.Lastly, it's essential to recognize that our careers are not static; they are dynamic and ever-evolving. As we gain experience and exposure, our interests and goals may shift, leading us to explore new paths or pivot in unexpected directions. Embracing this fluidity and being open to change can open up exciting opportunities for growth and personal fulfillment.In conclusion, pursuing our chosen careers is a journey that requires thoughtful preparation, unwavering dedication, and a willingness to adapt and grow. By following our passions, continuously learning, networking, maintaining a healthy balance, developing our soft skills, and upholding ethical principles, we can increase our chances of finding success and fulfillment in our professional endeavors. The road may be challenging, but the rewards of a purposeful and meaningful career make the effort worthwhile.。



调节心情的英语作文英文回答:Mood regulation is the process by which an individual maintains an optimal emotional state and responds to emotional challenges. It is an essential component of mental health and well-being, as it helps us to cope with stress, adversity and emotional turmoil.There are a number of different ways to regulate mood. Some common strategies include:Mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness is a practice that involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety and depression, and improving overall well-being.Thought-challenging: This technique involves identifying and challenging negative thoughts that cancontribute to low mood. By challenging these thoughts, we can begin to change the way we think about ourselves andthe world around us, which can lead to a more positive mood.Behavioral activation: This strategy involves engaging in activities that are likely to improve mood, such as exercise, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies.Social support: Having a strong social network can bea powerful buffer against low mood. Talking to friends, family or a therapist can help us to feel supported and understood, which can improve our mood.Medication: In some cases, medication may be necessary to treat mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. Medication can help to regulate neurotransmitters in the brain that are involved in mood regulation.It is important to find a mood regulation strategy that works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what works for one person may not work for another. If youare struggling to regulate your mood, talk to a therapist or mental health professional who can help you find the best approach for you.中文回答:情绪调节是指个体维持最佳情绪状态并应对情绪挑战的过程。

vhdl 中的generate语句

vhdl 中的generate语句

vhdl 中的generate语句VHDL是一种硬件描述语言,它提供了一种描述硬件电路的方式,使用VHDL可以创建数字电路和系统级设计。



generate语句的格式如下:generategenerate_statement...end generate;generate语句中的generate_statement可以是任意VHDL语句,包括if语句、case语句、for循环等。



下面是一个例子,用generate语句实现一个4路选择器:entity mux_4to1 isport (a : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);s : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);y : out std_logic);end mux_4to1;architecture behavioral of mux_4to1 isbeginprocess(a, s)begincase s iswhen '00' =>y <= a(0);when '01' =>y <= a(1);when '10' =>y <= a(2);when '11' =>y <= a(3);end case;end process;end behavioral;上面的代码实现了一个4路选择器。


使用generate语句可以简化代码: architecture behavioral of mux_4to4 isbegingen : for i in 0 to 3 generateprocess(a(i), s)begincase s iswhen '00' =>y(i) <= a(i)(0);when '01' =>y(i) <= a(i)(1);when '10' =>y(i) <= a(i)(2);when '11' =>y(i) <= a(i)(3);end case;end process;end generate;end behavioral;上面的代码使用一个generate语句生成了四个选择器。



1.管理与组织导论管理者:(manager)基层管理者:(first-line managers)中层管理者:(middle managers)高层管理者:(top managers)管理:(management)效率:(efficiency)效果:(effectiveness)计划:(planning)组织:(organizing)领导:(leading)控制:(controlling)管理角色:(management roles)人际关系角色:(interpersonal roles)信息传递角色:(informational roles)决策制定角色:(descisional roles)技术技能:(technical skills)人际技能:(human skills)概念技能:(conceptual skills)管理的普遍性:(universality of management)2.管理的历史劳动分工:(division of labor)工作专业化:(job specialization)工业革命:(industrific revolution)科学管理:(scientific management)一般行政管理理论:(general administrative theory) 管理原则:(principles of management)官僚行政组织:(bureaucracy)定量方法:(quantitative approach)组织行为:(organizational behavior)霍桑研究系统:(Hawthorne studies systems)封闭系统:(closed systems)开放系统:(open systems)权变理论:(contingency approach)劳动力多元化:(workforce diversity)电子企业:(e-business)电子商务:(e-commerce)内部网:(intranet)学习型组织:(learning organization)知识管理:(knowledge management)质量管理:(quality management)3.组织文化与环境管理万能论:(omnipotent view of management) 管理象征论:(symbolil view of management) 组织文化:(organization culture)强文化:(strong cultures)社会化:(socialization)工作场所精神境界:(workplace spirituality)外部环境:(external environment)具体环境:(specific environment)一般环境:(general environment)环境的不确定性:(environment uncertainty)环境的复杂性:(environment complexity)利益相关群体:(stakholders)4.全球环境中的管理狭隘主义:(parochialism)民族中心论:(ethnocentric attitude)多国中心论:(polycentric attitude)全球中心论:(geocentric attitude)跨国公司:(multinational corporation)多国公司:(multidomestic corporation)全球公司:(global company)跨国或无边界组织:(transnational or boredrless organization) 初始全球化组织:(born globals)全球外购:(global sourcing)出口:(exporting)进口:(importing)许可证经营:(licensing)许可经营:(franchising)战略同盟:(strategic alliance)合资企业:(joint venture)外国子公司:(foreign subsidiary)市场经济:(market economy)计划经济:(command economy)民族文化:(national culture)5.社会责任与管理道德古典观点:(classical view)社会经济学观点:(socioeconomic view)社会义务:(social obligation)社会响应:(social responsiveness)社会责任:(social responsinility)社会屏障筛选:(social screening)管理的绿色化:(gerrning of management)以价值观为基础的管理:(values-based management) 道德:(ethics)自我强度控制点:(ego strength locus of control)道德准则:(code of ethics)社会企业家:(social entrepreneur)社会影响管理:(social impact management)6.制定决策决策:(decisions)决策制定过程:(decision-making process)决策标准问题:(decision criteria problem)理性的:(rational)有限理性:(bounded rationality)满意的承诺升级:(satisfied escalation of commitment) 直觉决策:(intuitive decision making)结构良好问题:(structured problems)程序化决策:(programmed decision)程序:(procedure)规则:(rule)政策:(policy)结构不良问题:(unstructured problems)非程序化决策:(nonprogrammed decisions) 确定性:(certainty)风险性:(risk)命令型风格:(directive style)分析型风格:(analytic style)概念型风格:(conceptual style)行为型风格:(behavioral style)启发法:(heuristics)7.计划的基础陈述目标:(stated goals)真实目标:(real goals)战略计划:(strategic plans)运营计划:(operational plans)长期计划:(long-term plans)短期计划:(short-term plans)具体计划:(specific plans)方向性计划:(directional plans)一次性计划:(single-used plans)持续性计划:(standing plans)传统目标:(traditional goal setting)手段-目标链:(means-ends chain)目标管理:(management by objectives)使命:(mission)承诺概念:(commitment concept)正式计划部门:(formal planning department) 8.战略管理战略管理:(strategic management)组织战略商业模式:(strategies business model ) 战略管理过程:(strategic management process) 机会:(opportunities)威胁:(threats)资源:(resources)能力:(capabilities)核心竞争力:(core competencies)SWOT分析法:(SWOT analysis)公司层战略:(corporate strategy)增长战略:(growth strategy)相关多元化:(related diversification)非相关多元化:(unrelated diversification)稳定性战略:(stability strategy)更新战略:(renewal strategies)紧缩战略:(retrenchment strategy)扭转战略:(turnaround strategy)BCG矩阵:(BCG matrix)业务层战略:(business strategy)战略业务单元:(strategic business units) 竞争优势:(competitive advantage)成本领先战略:(cost leadership strategy) 遵循差异化战略:(differentiation strategy) 聚焦战略:(focus strategy)徘徊其间:(stuck in the middle)战略灵活性:(strategic flexibility)市场先入者:(first mover)9.计划的工具技术环境扫描:(environment scanning)竞争对手情报:(competitor intelligence) 预测:(forecasts)定量预测:(quantitative forecasting)定性预测:(qualitative forecasting)标杆比较:(benchmarking)资源:(resources)预算:(budget)甘特图:(Gantt chart)负荷图:(load chart)事件:(events)计划评审技术:(the program evaluation and review technique) 活动:(activities)松弛时间:(slack time)关键路径:(critical path)盈亏平衡分析:(breakeven analysis)线性规划:(linear programming)项目管理:(project management)脚本:(scenario)10.组织结构与设计组织结构设计:(organazational structure design)工作专门化:(work specialization)职能部门化:(functional departmentalization)产品部门化:(product departmentalization)地区部门化:(geographical departmentalization)过程部门化:(process departmentalization)顾客部门化:(customer departmentalization)跨职能团队:(cross-functional teams)指挥链:(chain of command)职权:(authority)职责:(responsibility)统一指挥:(unity of command)管理跨度:(span of control)集权化:(centralization)分权化:(decentralization)员工授权:(employee empowerment)正规化:(formalization)机械式组织:(mechanistic organization) 有机式组织:(organic organization)单件生产:(unit production)大批量生产:(mass production)连续生产:(process production)简单结构:(simple structure)职能型结构:(flanctional structure)事业部型结构:(divisional structure)团队结构:(team structure)矩阵型结构:(matrix structure)项目型结构:(project structure)无边界组织:(boundaryless organization) 虚拟组织:(virtual organization)学习型组织:(learning organization)组织结构图:(organizational charts)11.沟通与信息技术沟通:(communication)人际沟通:(interpersonal communication) 组织沟通:(organizational communication) 信息:(message)编码:(encoding)解码:(decoding)沟通过程:(communication process)噪声:(noise)非语言沟通:(nonverbal communication) 体态语言:(body language)语调:(verbal intonation)过滤:(filtering)信息超载:(information overload)积极倾听:(active listening)正式沟通:(formal communication)非正式沟通:(informal communication) 下行沟通:(upward communication)横向沟通:(lateral communication)斜向沟通:(diagonal communication)沟通网络:( communication networks)小道消息:(grape-vine)电子邮件:()即时消息:(instant messaging)音频邮件:(voic)电子数据交换:(electrinic data interchange)电话会议:(teleconferencing)可视会议:(videoconferencing)网络会议:(webconferencing)内部互联网:(intranet)外部互联网:(Extranet)实践社区:(communities practive)12.人力资源管理高绩效工作实务:(high-performance work practices)人力资源管理过程:(human resource management process) 工会(labor union)反优先雇佣行动计划:(affirmative action)人力资源规划:(human resource planning)职务分析:(job analysis)职务说明书:(job description)职务规范:(job specification)招聘:(recruitment)解聘:(decriuitment)甄选:(selection)效度:(validity)信度:(reliability)工作抽样:(work samping)评估中心:(assessment centers)真实工作预览:(relistic job preview)上岗培训:(orientation)绩效管理系统:(performance management system)书面描述法:(written essay)关键事件法:(critical incidents)评分表法:(graphic rating scales)行为定位评分法:(behaviorally anchored rating scales) 多人比较法:(multiperson comparisons)360度反馈法:(360-degree feedback)基于技能薪酬:(skill-based pay)浮动工资:(variable pay)精简机构:(downsizing)性骚扰:(sexual harassment)基于家庭的福利:(family-friendly benefits)13.变革与创新管理组织变革:(organizational change)变革推动者:(change agent)组织发展:(organizational development)压力:(stress)14.行为的基础行为:(behavior)组织行为学:(organizational behavior)员工生产率:(employee productivity)离职率:(turnover)组织公民行为:(organizational citizen behavior)工作满意度:(job satisfaction)工作场所不当行为态度:(workplace misbehavior attitudes) 认知行为:(cognitive component)情感成分:(affective component)行为成分:(behavior component)组织承诺:(organizational commitment)组织支持感:(perceived organizational support)认知失调:(cognitive dissonance)态度调查:(attitude surveys)人格:(personality)马基雅维里主义:(machiavellianism)自尊:(self-esteem)自我控制:(self-monitoring)印象管理:(impression management)情绪:(emotion)情绪智力:(emotional Intelligence)知觉:(perception)归因理论:(attribution theory)基本归因错误:(fundamental attribution error) 自我服务偏见:(self-serving bias)假设相似性:(assumed similarity)刻板印象:(stereotyping)晕轮效应:(halo effect)操作性条件反射:(operant conditioning)社会学习理论:(social learning theory)行为塑造:(shaping behavior)15.理解群体与团队群体:(group)形成阶段:(forming)震荡阶段:(storming)规范阶段:(norming)执行阶段:(performing)解体阶段:(adjourning)群体思维:(groupthink)地位:(status)社会惰化:(social loafing)群体内聚力:(group cohesiveness)冲突:(conflict)冲突的传统观点:(traditional view of conflict)冲突的人际关系观点:(human relations view of conflict) 冲突的交互作用观点:(interactionist view of conflict) 积极冲突:(functional conflict)消极冲突:(disfunctional conflict)任务冲突:(task conflict)关系冲突:(relationship conflict)过程冲突:(process conflict)工作团队:(workteams)自我管理团队:(self-managed work teams)跨职能团队:(cross-functional team)虚拟团队:(virtual team)社会网络构造:(social network structure)16.激励员工动机:(motivation)需要层次理论:(hierarchy of needs theory) 双因素理论:(two-factor theory)保健因素:(hygiene factors)激励因素:(motivators)三种需要理论:(three-needs theory)成就需要:(need for achievement)权力需要:(need for power)归属需要:(need for affiliation)目标设置理论:(goal-setting theory)自我效能感:(self-efficacy)强化理论:(reinforcement theory)强化物:(reinforcer)工作设计:(job design)工作扩大化:(job enlargement)工作丰富化:(job enrichment)工作深度:(job depth)工作特征模型:(job characteristics model) 公平理论:(equity theory)参照对象:(referents)分配公平:(distributive justice)程序公平:(procedural justice)期望理论:(expectancy theory)压缩工作周:(compressed workweek)弹性工作制:(flexible work hours)弹性时间制:(flextime)工作分担:(job sharing)远程办公:(telecommuting)账目公开管理:(open-book management)员工认可方案:(employee recognition programs) 绩效工资方案:(pay-for-performance program) 股票期权:(stock options)17.领导领导者:(leader)领导:(leadership)行为理论:(behavioral theories)独裁型风格:(authoeratic style)民主型风格:(democratic style)放任型风格:(laissez-faire style)定规维度:(initiating strueture)关怀维度:(consideration)高-高型领导者:(high-high leader)管理方格:(managerial grid)权变模型:(contingency model)最难共事着问卷:(least-preferred co-worker questionnaire) 情境领导理论:(situational leadership theory)成熟度:(readiness)领导者参与模型:(leader participation model)路径-目标理论:(path-goal theory)交易型领导者:(transactional leaders)变革型领导者:(transformational leaders)领袖魅力型领导者:(charismatic leader)愿景规划型领导:(visionary leadership)法定权利:(legitimate power)强制权利:(coercive power)奖赏权力:(reward power)专家权利:(expert power)参照权利:(referent power)信誉:(credibility)信任:(trust)授权:(empowerment)18.控制的基础控制:(controlling)市场控制:(market control)官僚控制:(bureaucratic control)小集团控制:(clan control)控制过程:(control process)偏差范围:(range of variation)直接纠正行动:(immediate corrective)彻底纠正行动:(basic correvtive action)绩效:(performance)组织绩效:(organizational performance)生产率:(productivity)组织有效性:(organizational effectiveness)前馈控制:(feedforward control)同期控制:(concurrent control)走动管理:(management by walking around)反馈控制:(feedback control)经济附加值:(economic value added)市场附加值:(market valueadded)平衡计分卡:(balanced scorecard)管理信息系统:(management information system)- - -标杆比较:(benchmarking)员工偷窃:(employee theft)服务利润链:(service profit chain)公司治理:(corporate governance)19.运营与价值链管理运营管理:(operations management)制造型组织:(manufacturing organizations)服务型组织:(service organizations)价值链:(value chain)价值链管理:(value chain management)组织过程:(organizational processes)知识产权:(intellectual processes)质量:(quality)批量定制:(mass customization)- - 总结资料。

喜欢的建筑 英语作文

喜欢的建筑 英语作文

When it comes to architecture,there are countless styles and structures that can captivate the heart and mind.My favorite type of architecture is one that seamlessly blends aesthetics with functionality,creating spaces that are not only visually appealing but also serve a purpose in the community.Historical Significance and Cultural HeritageOne of the most enchanting aspects of architecture is its ability to reflect the history and culture of a place.Buildings like the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Taj Mahal in India are not just architectural marvels they are symbols of a nations heritage and pride.These structures have stood the test of time,telling stories of the past and inspiring the present.Innovation and Modern DesignIn contrast to historical structures,modern architecture often pushes the boundaries of what is possible with new materials and technologies.Buildings like the Burj Khalifa in Dubai or the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao showcase the ingenuity of contemporary architects.These structures are not only functional but also serve as artistic expressions that challenge our perceptions of space and form.Sustainability and EcoFriendly PracticesAs the world becomes more aware of environmental issues,sustainable architecture is gaining popularity.I admire buildings that incorporate ecofriendly practices,such as the use of solar panels,green roofs,and rainwater harvesting systems.These structures not only reduce their environmental footprint but also promote a healthier living environment for their occupants.Community Spaces and Public BuildingsArchitecture that serves the community is particularly appealing to me.Public libraries, community centers,and parks are examples of spaces that bring people together and foster a sense of belonging.These buildings are designed to be inclusive,accessible,and welcoming to all members of the community.Personal Connection and Emotional ImpactOn a personal level,architecture can evoke emotions and create lasting memories.A childhood home,a university campus,or even a favorite coffee shop can hold a special place in ones heart.These spaces become a part of our identity and contribute to oursense of belonging.ConclusionIn essence,my favorite architecture is a harmonious blend of history,innovation, sustainability,community service,and personal connection.It is the kind of architecture that not only stands out for its beauty but also for its ability to enrich the lives of those who interact with it.Whether its a historic monument or a modern skyscraper,the best architecture leaves a lasting impression and contributes positively to the world around it.。




在这个领域中,有几本书籍被广泛推荐,它们涵盖了从理论基础到实际应用的各个方面:1.《博弈论与行为策略》("Game Theory andBehavioral Strategy"):这本书深入探讨了博弈论的基本概念,并着重于如何将博弈论应用于实际决策过程中,特别是在心理因素和人类行为模式方面。

2.《思考,快与慢》("Thinking, Fast and Slow")by 丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman):虽然这本书不完全关于博弈论,但它提供了对人类思维过程的深刻洞察,尤其是在决策制定中的直觉与逻辑思维之间的相互作用,这对理解博弈论中的心理因素非常重要。

3.《博弈论与心理学:理解人类行为》("Game Theoryand Psychology: Understanding HumanBehavior"):这本书专门探讨了博弈论和心理学之间的联系,研究了人们在竞争和合作情境下如何做出决策。

4.《无形的手:心理学如何塑造市场竞争》("TheInvisible Hand: How Psychology Shapes MarketCompetition"):这本书将博弈论的原理应用于市场经济学,探讨了心理学因素如何影响市场行为和竞争策略。

5.《博弈论实验:理论与实践》("Game TheoryExperiments: Theory and Practice"):结合实验心理学和博弈论,这本书通过各种实验研究展示了理论模型在真实世界中的应用和局限。





克制自己的英文小作文英文回答:Self-control is a vital life skill that allows individuals to regulate their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in accordance with their goals and values. It is the ability to resist impulsive actions and temptations, and to persevere in the face of challenges and setbacks. Self-control has been linked to numerous positive outcomes, including academic success, career achievement, and healthy relationships.Developing strong self-control requires a combination of cognitive and behavioral strategies. Cognitivestrategies involve identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, setting realistic goals, and developing a positive self-image. Behavioral strategies include practicing mindfulness, delaying gratification, and engaging in regular exercise and healthy eating habits.One effective cognitive strategy for improving self-control is to use self-talk. By engaging in positive self-talk, individuals can challenge negative thoughts and reinforce positive ones. For example, instead of thinking "I can't control my spending," an individual can say "I am in control of my finances and I am making wise choices."Another cognitive strategy is to set realistic goals. When goals are too ambitious, they can be discouraging and lead to a lack of motivation. By setting smaller, more achievable goals, individuals can build confidence and stay motivated to pursue their objectives.Developing a positive self-image is also crucial for self-control. When individuals have a strong sense of self-worth, they are more likely to believe in their ability to achieve their goals and resist temptations. Self-esteem can be built through positive affirmations, journaling, and surrounding oneself with supportive people.中文回答:自律是一种重要的生活技能,它使个人能够根据其目标和价值观来调节自己的思想、情绪和行为。



青蛙冬眠的英语作文Title: The Hibernation of Frogs。

Frogs are fascinating creatures that exhibit a remarkable survival strategy known as hibernation duringthe winter months. Hibernation is a period of dormancywhere an animal's metabolic rate decreases significantly, allowing it to conserve energy and endure harsh environmental conditions. In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating world of frog hibernation, exploring its mechanisms, significance, and adaptations.First and foremost, it's essential to understand why frogs hibernate. As ectothermic animals, frogs rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. During the winter, when temperatures drop, frogs face the risk of freezing to death if they remain active.Hibernation allows them to avoid this fate by entering a state of torpor, where their physiological processes slow down, and they become inactive.The process of hibernation in frogs begins as temperatures start to decline in the autumn months. Sensing these changes, frogs undergo physiological and behavioral adaptations to prepare for hibernation. One crucial adaptation is the accumulation of glycogen in their liver and muscles, which serves as a long-term energy reserve during hibernation. Additionally, frogs seek out suitable hibernation sites, such as burrows, mud at the bottom of ponds, or under leaf litter, where they can remain insulated from the cold.Once in hibernation, frogs enter a state of suspended animation. Their heart rate slows down, their breathing becomes shallow, and their metabolism decreases dramatically. By conserving energy in this way, frogs can survive for months without needing to feed. However, despite their apparent inactivity, frogs are not entirely dormant during hibernation. They periodically rouse from their torpor to reposition themselves or seek out water if their hibernation site becomes too dry.One of the most remarkable aspects of frog hibernation is their ability to withstand freezing temperatures. Unlike warm-blooded animals, frogs do not maintain a constant internal body temperature. Instead, they are capable of tolerating significant fluctuations in temperature. As temperatures drop, frogs produce antifreeze compounds in their blood, preventing ice crystals from forming inside their cells and tissues. This adaptation allows them to survive even if the water around them freezes solid.The duration of frog hibernation varies depending on factors such as species, geographic location, and local climate conditions. In milder climates, some frogs may only hibernate for a few weeks, while in colder regions, hibernation can last for several months. As temperatures begin to rise in the spring, frogs gradually emerge from hibernation, reawakening their metabolism and resumingtheir normal activities.The significance of frog hibernation extends beyond individual survival; it also plays a vital role in ecosystem dynamics. During hibernation, frogs serve as asource of food for predators such as snakes, birds, and mammals, helping to sustain these populations during the lean winter months. Additionally, the nutrients released by decomposing frogs contribute to nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems, enriching the surrounding environment.In conclusion, frog hibernation is a remarkable adaptation that enables these amphibians to survive harsh winter conditions. Through physiological and behavioral adjustments, frogs are able to enter a state of dormancy where they conserve energy and withstand freezing temperatures. Studying frog hibernation not only deepens our understanding of amphibian biology but also highlights the interconnectedness of organisms within ecosystems. As we continue to explore the mysteries of nature, the hibernation of frogs stands as a testament to theresilience and adaptability of life on Earth.。



Organization BehaviorChapter1anizational behavior (OB):A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within organization, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness2. Managers doManagement functionPlanningA process that includes defining goals,establishing strategy(策略), anddeveloping plans to coordinate〔调整〕activitiesControllingMonitoring activities to ensure they arebeing accomplished as planned andcorrecting any significant deviations〔背离〕.OrganizingDetermining what tasks are to be done, whois to do them, how the tasks are to begrouped, who reports to whom, and wheredecisions are to be made.LeadingA function that includes motivatingemployees, directing others, selecting themost effective communication channels, andresolving conflictsManagement role: 1) interpersonal(人际角色)Figurehead(头面人物) Leader(领导者) Liaison(联络人)2) informational(信息传递者)Monitor(监控者) Disseminator(传递者) Spokesperson(发言人)3) Decisional(决策角色)Entrepreneur(创业者) Disturbance handler(混乱处理者)Resource allocator(资源分配者) Negotiator(谈判者) Management skills: 1) Technical skillsThe ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise〔专门技术〕.2) Human skillsThe ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups.3) Conceptual skillsThe mental ability to analyze and diagnose(诊断) complex situations.3. Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities1) Traditional managementDecision making, planning, and controlling2) CommunicationExchanging routine(例行的) information and processing paperwork3) Human resource managementMotivating, disciplining, managing conflict, staffing(人员指挥), and training 4) NetworkingSocializing, politicking(政治活动), and interacting(相互影响) with others4. Challenges and Opportunities for OB1) Responding to GlobalizationIncreased foreign assignmentsWorking with people from different culturesOverseeing movement of jobs to countries with low-cost labor2) Managing Workforce Diversity(差异,多样性)Embracing diversityChanging demographics〔人口〕Implications for managersRecognizing and responding to differences3) Improving Quality and ProductivityQuality management (QM)Process reengineering4) Responding to the Labor ShortageChanging work force demographicsFewer skilled laborersEarly retirements and older workers5) Improving Customer ServiceIncreased expectation of service qualityCustomer-responsive cultures6) Improving People Skills7) Empowering(授权) People8) Stimulating(刺激) Innovation(改革) and Change9) Coping with “Temporariness(临时性)〞10) Working in Networked Organizations11) Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts12) Improving Ethical(伦理的) Behavior5. Independent and dependent variables2) Independent variable1) individual-level variables个体水平变量人们带着不同的特点进入组织,这些特点将影响到他们在工作中的行为。



Marketing Management营销管理New Products Development新产品开发Service Industry Marketing服务业营销Advertising广告Business Negotiation商业谈判International Marketing国际市场营销Sales Channels销售渠道Public Relationship公共关系Consumer Behavior消费者行为Systems of Management Information管理信息系统Marketing Research营销调研accessibility 可进入性accessory equipment markets 附属设备市场account management policies 客户管理策略positioning定位additions to existing product lines 现有产品线的增加administered vertical marketing systems 管理式垂直营销系统market segmentation市场细分sales promotion销售促进advertising feedback 广告反馈advertising frequency 广告频率advertising media 广告媒体advertising reach 广告接受人数advertising message 广告信息advertising source 广告信息来源agent middleman 代理商allowance 折让alteration 退换American Marketing Association 美国营销协会annual marketing plan 年度营销计划assurance 保证attitudes of consumers 消费者态度availability 可获得性/供货能力awareness (产品)知晓度/知名度baby boomers 婴儿潮出生的一代人backward channels for recycling 回收的后向渠道backward integration 后向垂直一体化banner advertisements 横幅标语广告bar codes 条形码barter 实物交易basic physical needs 基本生理需要BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长—份额矩阵before tests 事前测试Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc。


2. Architectural Design: These towers often showcase intricate architectural details and decorative elements, such as ornate facades, turrets, or spires. Their design can vary based on the architectural style and historical context.
2. The Burj Khalifa: As the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai features a distinctive corner spire that adds to its iconic design. The tower offers breathtaking views of the cityscape and has become a major tourist attraction.
4. Symbolic Significance: Corner towers can symbolize strength, power, and grandeur. They often serve as landmarks or symbols of a particular era or architectural style, adding character and identity to the erall structure.
Examples: 1. The Tower of London: The White Tower, located at the corner of the Tower of London complex, is a famous example of a corner tower. It showcases Norman architecture and has served various purposes throughout history, including as a royal residence and a prison.



VHDL 大小写不敏感 eqcomp4.vhd 库 包 实体
--eqcomp4 is a four bit equality comparator
文件名和实体 名一致
Library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity eqcomp4 is port(a, b:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); equal :out std_logic); end eqcomp4; architecture dataflow of eqcomp4 is begin equal <= ‘1’ when a=b else ‘0’; End dataflow;


用于设计复杂的、多层次的设计。支持设计库 和设计的重复使用 与硬件独立,一个设计可用于不同的硬件结 构,而且设计时不必了解过多的硬件细节。 有丰富的软件支持VHDL的综合和仿真,从而 能在设计阶段就能发现设计中的Bug,缩短设 计时间,降低成本。 更方便地向ASIC过渡 VHDL有良好的可读性,容易理解。

– 枚举(Enumeration) – 整数( Integer) – 浮点数(Float) – 物理(Physical)

复合类型( CΒιβλιοθήκη mposite)VHDL数据类型--枚举

列举数据对象可能存在的值,一般用于 定义状态机的状态
– Type states is (idle, start, running, pause, stop) – Signal current_state : states;



名称:模式的名称和一个简短的摘要 别名:模式的其他名称,如果知道的话 例子:用来说明问题存在和需要模式的一个真实世界的例子 语境:模式可以应用的情形
解决方案:以该模式为基础的基本解决方案原理 结构:模式结构方面的详细的规格说明 动态特性:描述模式运行期间行为的典型场景
参考:《Design Principles and Design Patterns》, Robert C. Martin /resources/articles/Principles_and_Patterns.pdf
面向对象设计原则(1) - SOLID
Adapter_Object Bridge Composite Decorator Facade Flyweight Proxy
行为型 Interpreter Template Method Chain of Responsibility Command Iterator Mediator Memento Observer State Strategy Visitor
子类必须能够替换它们的基类(IS-A);如果调用的是父类的话,那么换成子类也 完全可以运行
接口隔离原则(ISP, Interface Segregation Principle)
每一个接口应该是一种角色;多个客户特定的接口强于一个通用目的的接口,不应 该强迫客户程序依赖它们不用的方法
已解决的例子:针对解决没有包括在上述小节中例子的一些重要方面讨论 变体:模式变体或特例的简短描述 已知使用:从已存在的系统中给出模式使用的例子 效果:模式提供的优点和模式存在的潜在不足 参见:参考那些解决相似问题的模式,并且参考其他一些模式,有助细化






在2011年年底《战略管理学报》(strategic management journal)的“战略管理的心理学基础”专刊上,来自牛津大学、悉尼大学和ucla的三位学者thomasc.powell,danlovallo和craig r.fox发表了题为《行为战略》(behavioral strategy)的主题论文,给出了行为战略的定义,明确了行为战略研究尚未解决的四个核心问题,并提出了一个整合的研究框架。














小学上册英语第二单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A ____(waste diversion) strategy promotes recycling and composting.2.What do we call a young sheep?A. CalfB. LambC. KidD. Foal3.The chemical formula for sodium sulfate is __________.4.What do we call a computer program that helps us to create documents?A. BrowserB. Word processorC. SpreadsheetD. GameB5. A substance that decreases the pH of a solution is called an _____.6.They are going to ________ the zoo.7.I have a ___ (funny) joke to tell.8.The _____ (whale) is huge.9.What is the name of our galaxy?A. AndromedaB. Milky WayC. WhirlpoolD. Triangulum10.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on evolution?A. Albert EinsteinB. Isaac NewtonC. Charles DarwinD. Louis Pasteur11. A ______ (植物工厂) can grow food year-round.12.What do we call a sweetened beverage made from tea?A. Iced TeaB. Sweet TeaC. LemonadeD. Fruit Punch13.My favorite place to relax is the ________ (沙滩).14.The flowers are ________ (香气四溢).15.What is the name of the famous American actress known for "The Hunger Games"?A. Jennifer LawrenceB. Kristen StewartC. Emma WatsonD. Shailene WoodleyA16.I want to _______ (了解) different countries.17.Which planet is known for its rings?A. EarthB. JupiterC. SaturnD. MarsC18.We achieve ________ (goals) through hard work.19. A _______ is a substance that can change the rate of a chemical reaction. (催化剂)20. A gecko can climb walls using its ______.21.What is the capital of Suriname?A. ParamariboB. AlbinaC. Nieuw NickerieD. MoengoA22.What is the main ingredient in pasta?A. RiceB. WheatC. CornD. BarleyB23.I have a __________ (拼图) of animals that I love to complete.24.We should _______ a healthy diet.25.What do we call the movement of water in the ocean?A. CurrentB. WaveC. TideD. RipplesA26.The __________ is known for its vast empire and military prowess. (罗马帝国)27.What is the capital of Portugal?A. LisbonB. MadridC. RomeD. Paris28.What is the opposite of strong?A. WeakB. FeebleC. FragileD. All of the aboveD29.Which planet is known as the blue planet?A. MarsB. JupiterC. EarthD. SaturnC30.What do we call the process of making something from scratch?A. CraftingB. ManufacturingC. ProductionD. CreationD31.The chemical symbol for neptunium is ______.32.What do we call the soft part of the bread?A. CrustB. CrumbC. LoafD. Slice33.What do we call the person who fixes cars?A. DoctorB. MechanicC. TeacherD. Chef34.What do we call the process of forming clouds?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. SublimationB35.The _____ (生态友好) practices promote sustainability.36.What do we call the act of inspiring others to take action?A. MotivationB. EmpowermentC. EncouragementD. All of the AboveD37.I love to play ______ (sports) with my friends.38.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. FlourB. SugarC. WaterD. Salt39.The element with atomic number is __________.40.The stars are ______ (not) visible during the day.41.What is the opposite of up?A. DownB. LeftC. RightD. Across42.The chameleon can change its _______.43.The _____ of a star is determined by its size and temperature.44.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. ExcitedB. JoyfulC. SadD. Angry45.Planting bulbs in the fall leads to beautiful ______ in the spring. (秋天种植球茎会在春天盛开美丽的花朵。

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A Behavioral Architecture for Strategy Execution in the RoboFlagGameLyle Chamberlain1, Japeck Tang1, Megha Watugala1, Julie A. Adams2, and Michael Babish31 Division of Engineering and Applied ScienceCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA{lyle, japeck, megha@}2 Department of Computer ScienceRochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, NY 14623 USAadamsj@3Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringCornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA1.1 AbstractStrategy definition for teams of multiple mobile robots with fewer human operators than robots is a continuing area of research. Before strategies can be defined, the medium upon which they are implemented must be understood. This paper describes the development of a hybrid multi-agent behavioral control architecture used to implement the strategies for game play in the RoboFlag environment. Additionally, the graphical-based human-robotic interface is described. A framework has been built upon which systematic evaluation of strategy definition components can be performed.2IntroductionA significant amount of research has been conducted in the area of robot control, particularly concerning the best way to control m robots with n users where m is much greater than n, with or without a human-in-the-loop [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. When there are more robots than users, it becomes difficult to control the actions of the individual robots. Furthermore, the user may not be the best agent to control various aspects of the robot, such as low-level point-to-point motion behavior. Thus, it is desirable to find the optimal balance between autonomous behaviors as well as the level and manner of human interaction required to efficiently control one robot, a group of robots, or a whole team of robots.Human control depends largely on the method of strategy definition used to communicate with and p rogram the robot team. In searching for a strategy definition technique, the difference between defining a strategy and implementing a strategy must be recognized. A strategy definition that does not take into account real world issues is useless; consequently, this work initially focused on strategy implementation. The intention was to provide a control architecture definition that indicates exactly what information is needed in order to complete a task. Classifying this information provides a basis to describe a strategy in RoboFlag.Two teams were tasked with developing a control paradigm to address the issues of strategy definition, strategy execution, and human-in-the-loop control for the RoboFlag game [7]. The authors' team, team Ithaca, traveled from California Institute of Technology (CalTech) to conduct this research at Cornell University. Their opponents, team Pasadena, from Cornell University went to CalTech to work. The research was conducted as part of CalTech's ten-week Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program [8]. At the end of the ten-week period, the teams participated in a final RoboFlag competition at Cornell [9].3Design GoalsIt was determined that the architecture would not provide static central control, thus avoiding the temptation to use a central controlling agent readily available in the RoboFlag environment. It was recognized that coordinated play might be more difficult to achieve, but that the results would be more applicable to real world/combat system designs. With this main design criterion in mind, the following design goals were set: •Create a distributed control architecture that:o Is robust to real-world situations,o Provides easy introduction of Human-in-the-Loop Control,o Provides inter-agent communication,o Provides team control distributed or dynamically assigned to a leader, and o Provides appropriate abstraction to describe RoboFlag game play. •Develop competitive and useful robot behaviors and team strategies to run on thearchitecture.•Develop a Human-Robotic interface.4Control ArchitectureA control architecture was developed that follows the popular three-layer hybrid control technique. The three-level architecture provides a method to overcome the inherent weaknesses of several different control methods [4, 6, 10, 11, 12].The lowest level of the architecture contains modules that are designed to handle mathematically continuous control problems. This level is implemented via the point-to-point navigation method. This navigation method incorporates the obstacle avoidance methodology provided within the RoboFlag environment. The architecture’s second level handles discrete states and continuous time. This level activates one of many different behaviors appropriate to the current situation dependent upon the internal state. For purposes of this work, the first layer is treated as provided and unchangeable, thus the behaviors reside in the second layer. The third layer permits the representation of both timeand state in a discrete manner. This representation allows Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents that are less useful for real-time control, such as planners, to be employed. Essentially, this layer contains a representationof a series of events that must occur as well as communicates with the second layer to select actions that are executed in real-time.This implementation of the three-layer architecture uses behavioral control located inthe second and third layers, though the third layer is not strictly constrained to behavior-based computation. A behavior-based control methodology was chosen because of its inherent distributed nature [13]. If a systemhas inherently distributed control resulting in emergent behaviors in just one robot, we hypothesize that emergent team behaviors will follow similar design methods. The distributed team control is further modeled by representing inter-robot communications as inter-behavior connections across robots. Subsumption is employed as the behavior coordination mechanism [13, 14].A cooperative multitasking environment was implemented that executeson each robot. This environment supports Simple Behaviors and Compound Behaviors.A Simple Behavior is define by Pirjanian et.al. [6] as:“A behavior is a perception to actionmapping module that, based on selectivesensory information, produces (recommends for) actions in order tomaintain or achieve a given, well specifiedtask objective.”For example, a Simple Behavior executes a simple task such as Stay On Circle.The Stay On Circle behavior attempts to maintain a robot’s position on a circle with a given center and radius. A Compound Behavior is a collection of Simple Behaviors arbitrated by a subsumption network. A Compound Behavior can be treated as a single behavior, but it provides several discrete statesand is usually designed to provide a complex goal-achieving behavior. For example, the Circle Defense Compound Behavior causesthe robots to form a circle around their defense zone to protect their flag. Throughout the summer a library of nearly forty Simple Behaviors was developed that can be used to quickly develop goal-achieving CompoundBehaviors.Figure 1. Behavior Organization. A Compound Behavior consists of one or more Simple or Compound behaviors arbitrated by a subsumption network.Figure 1 shows an example of a Compound Behavior. The boxes represent behaviors, and the circles represent nodes in the subsumption network [13]. In this arbitrary example, the “I” node inhibits SimpleBehavior 2’s signal if Simple Behavior 1 is active. The “S” node subsumes the Compound Behavior’s output with Simple Behavior 2’s signal if there is a conflict.The Compound Behaviors can be employed as Competency Modules, in other words, a lower-level strategy. A singleCompetency Module executes at a time, and represents the second control layer. Compound Behaviors can also be employed asStrategy Modules. A Strategy Module represents a higher-level third control layer. Strategy modules determine which competency module should be executed based on the current game conditions, thus permitting the representation of more complexstrategies. Strategy modules may include inter-robot communications, dynamic team leadership, and state-based strategy execution. Both the strategy module and competency module layers model communications as inter-behavior connections across agents.Figure 2 provides the arrangement of the Strategy and Competency Modules into a three-layer architecture. This architectureFigure 2. The Three-Layer Architecture Implementation. Destination connects to the first layer, Competency Module represents the second layer, and Strategy Module represents the third.resides on each individual robot. The figure is divided into three sections (not to be confused with the three control layers). The middle section contains the second and third controllayers in the form of the Competency andStrategy Modules, respectively. Dotted boxes indicate components that are dynamically instantiated by their corresponding ModuleManager. The Competency Module Manager receives requests from the Strategy Module toinstantiate specific Competency Modules.Currently, the Strategy Module Manager onlyreceives requests to instantiate a Strategy Module from the human operator, who decideswhich strategy the robot should execute.The Auto Connect Inputs section contains input buffers that represent a robot's sensors and communications interface. Boththe Strategy Module and the Competency Module can connect to these buffers. The Auto Connect Outputs section contains objects to which the Strategy Module and Competency Module can connect. The Strategy Module can connect only to theCompetency Module Manager and the Communications buffer. Thus, it can only indirectly control the robot by requesting a certain type of goal-achieving behavior. The Competency Module connects to theDestination buffer. This buffer contains an (x, y ) navigational coordinate and other navigational parameters for the navigationcode provided in the RoboFlag environment.5Human InterfaceAn objective of the RoboFlag SURF program was the development of a human-robotic interface that would allow either a single user or multiple users to control the RoboFlag team during a game situation. This project chose to provide human control in the form of “Virtual Sensors.” Virtual Sensors are Simple Behaviors with a communications connection modeled as an inter-behavior connection to the human controller. Essentially, the human controller is treated the same as the robotic entities. This design permits the human(s) to interject control at any desired level simply by connecting the virtual sensor to the appropriate location in the subsumption network of either a Strategy Module and/or a Competency Module. Conversely, the robot can inform the human(s) of its situation and desires by establishing connections with the Virtual Sensors in the human interface client.Figure 3. The human-robot interface with the Circle Defense Competency Module executing, parameter editing, line-of-sight fog of war, and fading obstacle.In order to interact with the robots, a graphical-based human-robotic interface was developed, as shown in Figure 3. The interface provides various methods for selecting and controlling the robots, including selecting destinations. In addition, the human can select robot strategies as well as modify the strategy parameters during the game via the panel on the right side of the figure. Figure 3 demonstrates the robots executing the Circle Defense strategy and the EditParam button has been pressed. The interface also provides a status panel that indicates each robot’s state, fuel level, as well as the currently running Strategy Module and Competency Module. The users are provided with the robot's area of visibility, or Fog of War, that indicates sensory line-of-sight information. Furthermore, the interface provides a persistence display of enemy robots and obstacles after they have left the viewing regions of the team's robots. This persistence is represented by a version of probabilistic fading.6Game PlayThe final competition against team Pasadena provided insight into the usefulness of the system. From the beginning, our work focused primarily on developing a distributed control scheme; consequently, the human-robot interface was not as developed as the opposition’s. This was a calculated risk. The intention was that our robot team would require minimal human supervision, enabling it to perform complicated plays in which EVERY robot significantly contributed.The primary problem was associated with obstacle avoidance. The obstacle avoidance employed for this work was that provided with the RoboFlag environment. It was incorporated as part of the First Control Layer. Behaviors in the Second Layer often contradicted the obstacle avoidance feedback. With no way to coordinate these opposing behaviors, the robots occasionally became unstable near obstacles, veering into them or rapidly oscillating in place. The obstacle avoidance routine necessitated constant human supervision of the entire robot team—negating any advantage the high level of autonomy should have provided. Future versions will incorporate obstacle avoidance in the Second Layer.In all games, we made use of all three human teammates. Two were “operators,” each in charge of either offense or defense. The third human was an “overseer” who maintained overall team situational awareness and directed the two operators. In times ofintense game play in one area of the field, bothoperators would simultaneously control the affected robots.An informal game was played withoutobstacles. It was found that suddenly the robot team’s operation became more autonomous. The robots required much less “babysitting,” and the team was able to simultaneously attack and defend on multiple fronts with minimal human supervision.During the between-game periods, wewere able to quickly modify the robots’ behavior networks to adapt to game conditions. One behavior in particular was causing problems due to increased sensor noise on game day. With the library of nearly forty basic behaviors and the modular nature of the infrastructure, we were able to quickly prototype and test alternative control networks in the few minutes allotted between games.7 Conclusions and Future WorkIn conclusion, we ask “are we closer to defining a general method for strategydescription?” The answer is “yes.” Competency Modules provide an abstractionof the game concepts and goals. Our strategyand game play during the competitionconsisted of human selection of CompetencyModules for each robot, as well asnavigational coordinates used to guide a robotto a strategically useful destination. The thirdabstraction layer, the Strategy Module, contains one preliminary development. Thelimited project time (ten weeks with three people) hindered the team’s ability to complete the Strategy Module. Therefore, it was more effective to allow the humans toselect the appropriate Competency Modules.Future work should focus on developing theStrategy Modules that coordinate the positioning and Competency Module selectionof cooperating teammates.Due to time constraints, strategies andbehaviors were developed in parallel with theoverall infrastructure and architecture. Communications was one of the lastinfrastructure features implemented; consequently, most of the strategies andbehaviors were designed to operate without explicit communication. Balch and Arkin [15] demonstrate that useful communication between robots can be achieved implicitly through environmental modification and detection of peer robot position. Only one strategy employing explicit communication was developed. It is used to coordinate the refueling activities of peer robots, when the internal state (fuel level) of a peer robot cannot be ascertained from sensory data. For most tasks, implicit communication proved adequate.Team Ithaca defined several strategiesthat work fairly successfully while creating a human-robotic interface with many useful features. Since most of the time was spent designing and developing the architecture, the human-robot interaction problems or the ease of strategy definition have not been fully explored. These represented goals of this project. However, we feel that the developed system is a useful tool for further research in both these domains.8 AcknowledgmentsThe work described in this paper wassupported in part by: the Defense AdvanceResearch Projects Agency under cooperativeagreement F30602-01-2-0577; the Air ForceResearch Laboratory, Information Directorate,PECASE award F49620-02-0388; and theCaltech SURF Program.References[1] Adams, J.A. 1995. Human Management ofa Hierarchical System for the Control of Multiple Mobile Robots. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania. [2]Arkin, R.C. and Balch, T. 1998. Cooperative Multiagent Robotic Systems. In Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots edited by D. Kortenkamp, R.P. Bonasso, and R. Murphy. AAAI Press. [3]Mataric, M.J. 1997. Behavior-Based Control: Examples from Navigation, Learning, and Group Behavior. Journal ofExperimental and Theoretical ArtificialIntelligence, Special Issue on SoftwareArchitectures for Physical Agents. 9(2-3):323-336.[4] Parker, L.E. 1998. 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