


Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
5 V USB INPUT RFAULT 100 kW FAULT Signal Control Signal FAULT EN ILIM GND PowerPAD RILIM 15 kW 0.1 mF IN OUT 120 mF * TPS2550/51 USB Data USB Port
• • • • • • •
TPS2550 TPS2551
SLVS736B – FEBRUARY 2008 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2008 ........................................................................................................................................

hp color LaserJet 2550 系列打印机 说明书

hp color LaserJet 2550 系列打印机 说明书
hp color LaserJet 2550 系列打印机
版权与许可 © 2004 版 权 所 有 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 未经事先书面许可,严禁进行任何形式的复 制、改编或翻译,除非版权法另有规定。 此处包含的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。 HP 产品和服务的所有保修事项已在产品和 服务所附带的保修声明中列出,此处内容不 代表任何额外保修。HP 公司对此处任何技 术性或编辑性的错误或遗漏概不负责。 产品号 Q3702-90964 Edition 1, 6/2004ivZHCN目录
1 打印机基本信息
快速访问打印机信息 ..................................................................................................................2 用户指南链接 ...................................................................................................................... 2 何处查找详细信息 ...............................................................................................................2 打印机配置 ................................................................................................................................ 4 HP color LaserJet 2550L .................................................................................................... 4 HP color LaserJet 2550Ln .................................................................................................. 4 HP color LaserJet 2550n .................................................................................................... 5 打印机功能 ................................................................................................................................ 6 打印机部件 ................................................................................................................................ 9 接口 ..................................................................................................................................... 9 软件 ......................................................................................................................................... 11 软件和支持的操作系统 ...................................................................................................... 11 软件提示 ........................................................................................................................... 12 用于 Windows 的软件 ....................................................................................................... 13 用于 Macintosh 的软件 ..................................................................................................... 14 卸载打印软件 .................................................................................................................... 15 打印介质规格 ........................................................................................................................... 17 一般准则 ........................................................................................................................... 17 纸张与打印介质 ................................................................................................................ 17 打印和存放环境 ................................................................................................................ 18 信封 ................................................................................................................................... 18 标签 ................................................................................................................................... 19 投影胶片 ........................................................................................................................... 20 支持的介质重量和尺寸 ...................................................................................................... 20








由于M-MODE专用于工厂调校,且所有M-MODE的项目均包含在D-MODE 中。




再按一下“D-MODE”键,则可退出D-MODE 模式,屏幕显示消失。


按“STAND BY”开关两下,即可退出S-MODE。



2550/800十二辊超级压光机使用说明书二О一一年一月目录一、概述 (1)二、主要技术规范 (1)三、结构简述 (3)四、安装及调整 (6)五、设备维修、保养与安全 (7)六、超级压光机液压系统用油及各润滑部位使用润滑油润滑剂 (8)七、随机工具及随机文件 (9)八、附表 (9)一概述2550mm十二辊超级压光机(以下简称超压机)适用于整饰铜版卡纸、铜版纸、画报纸、照相纸、书写纸、低定量涂布纸、半透明高档包装纸等高档文化用纸及包装用纸、特种纸,用以提高纸张的平滑度、光泽度、紧度及厚度的均匀性,改善纸张的外观质量、物理性能和印刷适应性能。










二主要技术规范1 净纸宽度:2550mm,压光机纸宽:2716mm2 工作车速:50~800m/min3 引纸车速:5~15m/min4 最大工作线压:4300kN/m5压光辊轨距:3800mm。

6 压光辊总数:12。





D Converts Light Intensity to Digital Signal D Infrared Compensation to ApproximateHuman Eye ResponseD Companding A/D for Wide Dynamic Range D Rejects 50 Hz/60 Hz Lighting Ripple D Two-Wire SMBus Serial InterfaceD Single Supply Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)D Low Active Power (1 mW typ)D Power Down ModeDLow-Profile Surface-Mount PackageDescriptionThe TSL2550 is a digital light sensor with a two-wire, SMBus serial interface. It combines two photodiodes and a companding analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on a single CMOS integrated circuit to provide light measurements over an effective 12-bit dynamic range.The TSL2550 is designed for use with broad wavelength light sources. One of the photodiodes (Channel 0) is sensitive to visible and infrared light, while the second photodiode (Channel 1) is sensitive primarily to infrared light. An integrating ADC converts the photodiode currents to Channel 0 and Channel 1 digital outputs. Channel 1 digital output is used to compensate for the effect of the infrared component of ambient light on Channel 0digital output. The ADC digital outputs of the two channels are used to obtain a value that approximates the human eye response in the commonly used unit of Lux.This device is intended primarily for use in applications in which measurement of ambient light is used to control display backlighting such as laptop computers, PDAs, camcorders, and GPS systems. Other applications include contrast control in LED signs and displays, camera exposure control, lighting controls, etc. The integrating conversion technique used by the TSL2550 effectively eliminates the effect of flicker from AC-powered lamps, increasing the stability of the measurement.8 SMBData 7 NC 6 NC 5 SMBCLKPACKAGE D 8-LEAD SOIC (TOP VIEW)V DD 1NC 2NC 3GND 4Terminal FunctionsAvailable OptionsAbsolute Maximum Ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)†. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Supply voltage, V DD (see Note 1) 6 V Digital output voltage range, V O–0.3 V to +6 V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Digital output current, I O±10 mA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SMBus input/output current, I(SMBIN)–1 mA to 20 mA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Operating free-air temperature range, T A –25°C to 85°C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Storage temperature range, T stg –25°C to 85°C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ESD tolerance, human body model 2000 V †Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.NOTE 1:All voltages are with respect to GND.Recommended Operating ConditionsElectrical Characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Operating Characteristics, V DD = 3.3 V, T A = 255C (unless otherwise noted) (see Notes 2, 3, 4)and infrared 940 nm LEDs are used for final product testing for compatibility with high volume production.3.The 640 nm irradiance E e is supplied by an Al I nGaP light-emitting diode with the following characteristics: peak wavelengthλp = 640 nm and spectral halfwidth ∆λ½ = 17 nm.4.The 940 nm irradiance E e is supplied by a GaAs light-emitting diode with the following characteristics: peak wavelengthλp = 940 nm and spectral halfwidth ∆λ½ = 40 nm.5.The sensor Lux is calculated using the empirical formula shown on p. 12 of this data sheet based on measured Ch0 and Ch1 ADCcount values for the light source specified. Actual Lux is obtained with a commercial luxmeter. The range of the (sensor Lux) / (actual Lux) ratio is estimated based on the variation of the 640 nm and 940 nm optical parameters. Devices are not 100% tested with fluorescent or incandescent light sources.AC Electrical Characteristics, V= 3.3 V, T = 255C (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONSMBDATASMBCLKStartConditionStop ConditionPSMBDATAt SMBCLKPSSFigure 1. SMBus Timing DiagramsStart byFrame 1 SMBus Slave Address Byte Frame 2 Command ByteACK by Stop by ACK by Figure 2. SMBus Timing Diagram for Send Byte FormatStart by MasterFrame 1 SMBus Slave Address Byte Frame 2 Data Byte From TSL2550ACK by Stop by MasterNACK by Figure 3. SMBus Timing Diagram for Receive Byte FormatTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSSPECTRAL RESPONSIVITYλ – Wavelength – nmFigure 404000. e l a t i v e R e s p o n s i v i t yFigure 5NORMALIZED ADC OUTPUTvs.SUPPLY VOLTAGEV DD – Supply Voltage – VN o r m a l i z e d A D C O u t p u t2.533.544.555.560. OF OPERATIONAnalog-to-Digital ConverterThe TSL2550 contains an integrating analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that integrates a photodiode current.First it integrates channel 0 photodiode current and then it integrates channel 1 photodiode current. At the end of the conversion cycle for each channel (approximately 400 ms), the conversion result is transferred to the appropriate channel 0 or channel 1 ADC register. The transfer is double-buffered to ensure that invalid data is not read during the transfer. After the data is transferred, the TSL2550 automatically begins the next conversion cycle. Approximately 800 ms is required for both Channel 0 and Channel 1 ADC registers to be updated. A VALID bit is used to indicate that data has been written to the ADC register after ADC is enabled.Interface to the ADC and control of other device functions is accomplished using the standard 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBus) interface. Both versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the SMBus are supported.Digital InterfaceThe TSL2550 contains an 8-bit command register that can be written and read via the SMBus. The command register controls the overall operation of the device. There are two read-only registers that contain the latest converted value of each of the two ADC channels. The SMBus slave address is hardwired internally as 0111001 (MSB to LSB, A6 to A0).Both the send byte protocol and the receive byte protocol are implemented in the TSL2550. The send byte protocol allows single bytes of data to be written to the device (see Figure 6). The written byte is called the COMMAND byte. The receive byte protocol allows single bytes of data to be read from the device (see Figure7). The receive data can be either the previously written COMMAND byte or the data from one of the ADCchannels.S = Start Condition P = Stop Condition Shaded = Slave TransmissionFigure 6. Send Byte ProtocolS = Start Condition P = Stop Condition Shaded = Slave TransmissionFigure 7. Receive Byte ProtocolCommand RegisterThe command register contains eight bits as described in Table 1 and defaults to 0 (0x00) at power-up. A command summary appears in Table 2.Table 1. Command Register Data FormatThe command register is used primarily to select which register will be read during a read cycle (RSEL) and to control the power consumption of the device (ADCEN and PON). When ADCEN and PON are high, the device is in the full powered-up state and is fully operational. When ADCEN and PON are low, both the ADC and the internal oscillator are powered down, resulting in minimum power consumption. Both ADCEN and PON should always be asserted and de-asserted together. The remaining bits (B4, B3, and B2) in the command register should always be written 0. For details on using the command register, see the Operation section, below.Table 2. Command SummaryADC RegisterThe TSL2550 contains two ADC registers (channel 0 and channel 1). Each ADC register contains two components to determine the logarithmic ADC count value: CHORD bits and STEP bits. The CHORD bits correspond to the most significant portion of the ADC value and specifies a segment of the piece-wise linear approximation. The STEP bits correspond to the least significant portion of the ADC count value and specifiesa linear value within a segment. CHORD and STEP bits all equal to 0 corresponds to a condition in which thelight level is below the detection limit of the sensor. CHORD and STEP bits all equal to 1 corresponds to an overflow condition.Each of the two ADC value registers contain seven bits as described in T able 3. The specific ADC value register read depends on the last written RSEL field to the command register, as described above and in the Operation section, below.Table 3. ADC Register Data FormatThe MSB of the ADC register (VALID bit B7) is used to indicate that data has been written to the ADC register after the ADC and internal oscillator are activated as described in Command Register section.Bits 6 through 0 contain the 7-bit code representing the ADC count value, which is proportional to a photodetector current. In this code, the ADC count value is represented by a piece-wise linear approximation to a log function. The transfer function is broken into 8 chords of 16 steps each. (This code is very similar to µ-law code used in audio compression — it differs in that it does not have a sign bit and it is not inverted.) T able 4 shows the relationship between the CHORD and STEP bits and the CHORD and STEP numbers and values. These are used to calculate the ADC count value.Table 4. CHORD and STEP Numbers and Values vs Register BitsNOTES: A.CHORD VALUE = INT (16.5 × ((2C) – 1))B.STEP VALUE = 2CThe ADC count value is obtained by adding the CHORD VALUE and the product of the STEP NUMBER and STEP VALUE (which depends on CHORD NUMBER).ADC Count Value+((Chord Value))(Step Size)(Number of Steps)) The ADC count value is as a formula:ADC Count Value+(INT(16.5((2C*1))))(S(2C))where:C is the CHORD NUMBER (0 to 7)S is the STEP NUMBER (0 to 15)as defined in Table 4.OperationAfter applying VDD, the device will initially be in the power down state. To operate the device, issue an SMBus Send Byte protocol with the device address and the appropriate command byte to read ADC channel 0 or ADC channel 1 (see T able 2). T o obtain the conversion result, issue an SMBus Receive Byte protocol with the device address. The data byte received will correspond to the value in the ADC register (0 or 1) specified by the previous command. If a conversion has not been completed since power up (either through V DD or ADCEN/PON), the valid bit will be 0, and the data will not be valid. If there is a valid conversion result available, the valid bit will be set (1), and the remaining 7 bits will represent valid data from the previously selected ADC register. Data may be read repeatedly from the currently selected ADC register, and although it will remain valid, the ADC register will not be updated until a new conversion completes for that channel (800 ms total since there are two serial 400 ms per channel conversion times). Note also that the command register itself may be read, as a check to be sure that the device is communicating properly.To power down the device for reduced power consumption, issue an SMBus Send Byte protocol with the device address followed by 0 to clear the ADCEN and PON bits.APPLICATION INFORMATIONThe TSL2550 is intended for use in ambient light detection applications, such as display backlight control, where adjustments are made to display brightness or contrast based on the brightness of the ambient light, as perceived by the human eye. Conventional silicon detectors respond strongly to infrared light, which the human eye does not see. This can lead to significant error when the infrared content of the ambient light is high, such as with incandescent lighting, due to the difference between the silicon detector response and the brightness perceived by the human eye.This problem is overcome in the TSL2550 through the use of two photodiodes. One of the photodiodes (Channel0) is sensitive to both visible and infrared light, while the second photodiode (Channel 1) is sensitive primarilyto infrared light. An integrating ADC converts the photodiode currents to Channel 0 and Channel 1 digital outputs. Channel 1 digital output is used to compensate for the effect of the infrared component of light on the Channel 0 digital output. The ADC digital outputs from the two channels are used in a formula to obtain a value that approximates the human eye response in the commonly used Illuminance unit of Lux:Light Level(lux)+(Ch0Counts)(0.46)(e(*3.13R))where:R = (Ch1 Counts) / (Ch0 Counts)The formula above was obtained by optical testing with fluorescent and incandescent light sources. The light level calculated from the formula will be slightly higher than the actual light level for sunlight and will be slightly lower than the actual light level for composite fluorescent and incandescent light sources.Table 5 contains a summary of the typical sensor outputs for several common light sources.Table 5. Sensor Output SummaryLight from 50 or 60 Hz sources, and especially fluorescent lighting, has a high harmonic content. Since the TSL2550 integrates the ambient light over an approximately 400 millisecond interval (per channel), this light ripple is typically reduced to less than ¼ LSB.Power Supply DecouplingThe power supply lines must be decoupled with a 0.1 µF capacitor placed as close to the device package as possible. The bypass capacitor should have low effective series resistance (ESR) and effective series inductance (ESI), such as the common ceramic types, which provide a low impedance path to ground at high frequencies to handle transient currents caused by internal logic switching.MECHANICAL DATAPACKAGE DPLASTIC SMALL-OUTLINEDETAIL AA2y 6y 1.8 +NOTES: A.All linear dimensions are in millimeters.B.Package is molded with an electrically nonconductive clear plastic compound having an index of refraction of 1.55.C.Actual product will vary within the mechanical tolerances shown on this specification. Designs for use of this product MUST allowfor the data sheet tolerances.D.This drawing is subject to change without notice.PRODUCTION DATA — information in this document is current at publication date. Products conform to specifications in accordance with the terms of Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions, Inc. standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.NOTICETexas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions, Inc. (TAOS) reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this document to improve performance or for any other purpose, or to discontinue them without notice. Customers are advised to contact TAOS to obtain the latest product information before placing orders or designing TAOS products into systems. TAOS assumes no responsibility for the use of any products or circuits described in this document or customer product design, conveys no license, either expressed or implied, under any patent or other right, and makes no representation that the circuits are free of patent infringement. TAOS further makes no claim as to the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does TAOS assume any liability arising out of the use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages.TEXAS ADVANCED OPTOELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS, INC. PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED FOR USE IN CRITICAL APPLICATIONS IN WHICH THE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE TAOS PRODUCT MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. USE OF TAOS PRODUCTS IN LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS IS EXPRESSLY UNAUTHORIZED AND ANY SUCH USE BY A CUSTOMER IS COMPLETELY AT THE CUSTOMER’S RISK.LUMENOLOGY is a registered trademark, and TAOS, the TAOS logo, and Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions are trademarks of Texas Advanced Optoelectronic Solutions Incorporated.。
















DCS的核心概念是危险分散,数据集中的计算机控制系统,因此DCS 的发展过程,就是在不断的运用计算机技术、通讯技术和控制技术的最新成果,来构建一个完整的集散控制体系,DCS给用户提供的是一个完整的面向工业控制的安全可靠高效灵活的解决方案。







T2550自治控制系統(Autonomous Control System)英國歐陸公司新一代的集散控制系統(DCS)T2550是繼T100、T102、T103、T940後的新世代集散控制系統,新系統的名字叫“自治控制系統”(Autonomous Control System),這系统中包含了多個“自治控制器”(Autonomous Controller)互相之間連接到100Mbps 的高速工業以太網(如下圖二所示),其主要特點就是要屏棄傳統的擴展機座層的概念,在這先進的糸統中每一個機座都安裝上一個集合控制和通訊於一身的“自治控制器CPU”,它的主要功能是自行獨立處理從現塲檢測回來的信號、决策並執行控制策略任務,對本身機座上所有I/O 作出快速響應,此外,每台”自治控制器”都支持對等通訊功能,所以它們之間都能互相通訊和協調控制策略,由於這特出的功能,在一個大型的控制系統中,由這些“自治控制器”組成的系統就能發揮前所未見的優點。






GB9448-1999 代替GB9448-1988GB9448-1999焊接与切割安全自2000-5-1 起执行前言本标准是根据美国标准ANSI/AWS Z49.1《焊接与切割安全》对GB 9448—1988《焊接与切割安全》进行修订的,在技术要素上与之等效;在具体技术内容方面有如下变动:——本标准以我国标准作为引用依据。

由于标准体系的不同,在引用相关标准技术内容的部分,做了不同程度上的调整,文字叙述上亦有相应的改动;——ANSI/AWS Z49.1《焊接与切割安全》中个别内容重复、难以操作的部分结合我国的实际国情均做了适当删改;——根据我国的实际情况,保留了ANSI/AWS Z49.1《焊接与切割安全》中没有、但在原标准中存在、而且证明确实有效合理的技术内容;——本标准主要适用于一般的焊接、切割操作,故删除了原标准中与操作基本无关的内容及特殊的安全要求,如:登高作业、汇流排系统中的设计、安装细节等;——根据技术内容的编排需要,本标准增加了附录部分。

本标准自实施之日起,同时代替GB 9448-1988。






第一分篇通用规则1 范围本标准规定了在实施焊接、切割操作过程中避免人身伤害及财产损失所必须遵循的基本原则。


2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。



GBJ87-1985 工业企业噪声控制设计规范GB/T2550-1992 焊接及切割用橡胶软管氧气橡胶软管GB/T2551-1992 焊接及切割用橡胶软管乙炔橡胶软管GB/T3609.1-1994 焊接眼、面防护具GB/T4064-1983 电气设备安全设计导则GB/T5107-1985 焊接和切割用软管接头GB7144-1985 气瓶颜色标记GB/T11651-1989 劳动防护用品选用规则GB15578-1995 电阻焊机的安全要求GB15579-1995 弧焊设备安全要求第一部分:焊接电源GB15701-1995焊接防护服GB16194-1996 车间空气中电焊烟尘卫生标准JB/T5101-1991 气割机用割炬JB/T 6968-1993 便携式微型焊炬JB/T 6969-1993 射吸式焊炬JB/T 6970-1993 射吸式割炬JB7496-1994 焊接、切割及类似工艺用气瓶减压器安全规范JB/T 7947-1995 等压式焊炬、割炬3 总则3.1 设备及操作3.1.1 设备条件所有运行使用中的焊接、切割设备必须处于正常的工作状态,存在安全隐患(如:安全性或可靠性不足)时,必须停止使用并由维修人员修理。

EPSON ETI2550SP 产品指南说明书

EPSON ETI2550SP 产品指南说明书

Do not open the ink bottles until you are ready to fill the ink12 W hen the message to see the setup manual is displayedon the LCD screen, press and hold the OK button for3 seconds.13 P ress the button to start charging the ink. Ink chargingtakes approximately 20 minutes. Ink charging is completewhenstops flashing.20 minutesNote: The ink bottles included with the printer are designed for printer setup and not for resale. After some ink is used for charging, the rest is available for printing.Caution: Do not turn off the product or load paper while theproduct is charging or you’ll waste ink.1 M ake sure the product is not charging. Then flip thefeeder guard forward, raise the paper support, and tilt itbackwards slightly.2 S lide the edge guide to the left.3 LMobile printing optionsTo print from a mobile device, your product must be set up forwireless printing or Wi-Fi Direct ®. See the online User’s Guide for instructions.iOS/Android ™Epson Connect™Connect wirelessly from your tablet, smartphone, or computer. Print documents and photos from across the room or around the world./iprint /connectAny problems?Network setup was unsuccessful.• M ake sure you select the right network name (SSID). The product can only connect to a network that supports 2.4 GHz.• I f you see a firewall alert message, click Unblock or Allow to let setup continue.• I f your network has security enabled, make sure you enter your network password (WEP key or WPA passphrase) correctly. Passwords must be entered in the correct case.There are lines or incorrect colors in my printouts.Run a nozzle check to see if any of the print head nozzles areclogged. Then clean the print head, if necessary. See the online User’s Guide for more information.Setup is unable to find my product after connecting it with a USB cable.Make sure the product is on and securely connected as shown:Any questions?Quick GuideBasic information and troubleshooting.User’s GuideWindows: Click the icon on your desktop or Apps screen to access the online User’s Guide .OS X: Click the icon in Applications/Epson Software/Guide to access the online User’s Guide.If you don’t have a User’s Guide icon, go to the Epson website, as described in the next column.4 S5 P6 Select the paper settings on the product’s control panel.Note: If your computer does not have a CD/DVD drive or you areusing a Mac, an Internet connection is required to obtain the product software.1 M ake sure the product is NOT CONNECTED to yourcomputer.Windows ®: If you see a Found New Hardware screen, click Cancel and disconnect the USB cable.2I nsert the product CD or download and run your product’ssoftware package:/support/et2550 (U.S.) orepson.ca/support/et2550 (Canada)3 F ollow the instructions on the screen to run the setupprogram.OS X: Make sure you install Software Updater to receive firmware and software updates for your product.4 W hen you see the Select Your Connection screen, selectone of the following:• Wireless connectionIn most cases, the software installer automatically attempts to set up your wireless connection. If setup is unsuccessful, you may need to enter your network name (SSID) and password.• Direct USB connectionM ake sure you have a USB cable (not included).5 W hen software installation is complete, restart yourcomputer.。



1. 概述加工中心通常带有刀库和附件库,选择一个高效可靠的刀具管理方案是加工中心设计与改造过程中必须着重考虑的。

原德国KOLB公司的CUBIMAT T/IT/VT/HT系列五面体龙门加工中心产品具有基本相同的机床结构,如图1是VT2500型带移动分度台的17轴机床示意图,它具有3个刀库U1/U2/U3、1个附件库U(自带3个附件头)、1个装卸刀库U4,配置2个机械手E1/E2及其水平移动轴V、垂直移动轴Q和旋转轴E3。


图1 CUBIMAT VT2500机床轴示意图SIEMENS 840D数控系统可选配刀具管理功能,它具有刀具装载、卸载、重新定位等功能,提供刀具管理数据修改功能FC块和后台数据块作为PLC接口,根据刀库结构形式来组态,灵活方便、功能强大,可适用于转塔式、链式、抽屉式以及一些特殊结构的刀库。



如果将这些轴改变为PLC轴,则可以通过PLC 程序来控制轴移动,为方便调试及点动操作,可设置单键切换回NC轴。

2. 机床参数MD18080——通用刀具管理功能定义,它有10位,分别激活相应的刀具管理功能,可根据机床需求设定。





T 2550MODEL•Cost effective controllerProgrammable Automation Controller (PAC)Specification SheetP l a n t F l o o rVisualisationOperation ViewerStore & ForwardInformation Server Reporting ReportsOperation Server (System Platform)ValveEquipment ModulePhasesConfigurationAt the heart of the system is the LINtools configuration and engineering station. LINtools is a comprehensive set of configuration, test, documentation and commissioning tools for strategy elements distributed over the LIN control backbone. The LINtools suite includes graphical configuration of block structured continuous control, sequence control SFC’s, ladder and graphics for any LIN based product. VIEW and Online reconfiguration modes allow dynamic monitoring and editing of running databases and flow charts.LINtools follows the IEC 61131-3 standard for sequence configuration, while adopting a decoupling of continuous and sequential strategy appropriate to complex process control. LINtools is designed for simplicity and productivity. Online help, free-format text annotation and area editing are included to make LINtools easy to use and configuration easy to understand and reuse. LINtools runs on a standalone or networked PC.IEC 61131Languages appropriate for the I/O type and for the application °Function Block Diagram°Sequence Function Chart°Structured Text°Ladder Logic ControlOnline reconfigurationLarge and complex control systems are expected to serve many needs and work well for long periods without shutdown under ever varying workloads. Online reconfiguration provides a useful foundation for enhancement of a deployed control system and allows modification of the systems application software while it is running. It allows active strategy components to be modified, wrapped with additional functionality or replaced with a different implementation. The T2550 PAC has generic support for adding and hot swapping I/O. Online reconfiguration can use the same or new I/O interfaces and any internally available variables.You can tentatively add and delete function blocks and wires to create a new or improved control strategy for your application –while the process is running. You can then try and untry the strategy to ensure it is correct before final application. A secure file tracking system is provided for version control.Continuous controlContinuous strategies are configured graphically on screen using ‘block structured’ techniques implemented across the system. The control configurator supports a comprehensive library of functions together with powerful editing and compound definition facilities. Merging allows the re-use of similar sections of databases, avoiding duplication of effort. Free text can be placed on the screen or attached to function blocks for simple production of descriptive documentation.Context-sensitive help reduces the need of referring to manuals.SequenceSequences are configured graphically using Sequential Function Charts (SFCs) following the IEC 61131-3 standard. Steps initiate Actions which may be Structured Text statements (ST) or nested SFCs. Transitions determine when control passes from one step to the next. By accessing the continuous control strategy this configurator presents the available points through a menu system – eliminating the need to remember the names of points and reducing the likelihood of typing errors.The sequence configurator supports text annotation and context-sensitive help. A combination of mapping lists and generic Sequential Function Charts are available to easily duplicate identical SFC models on different units (tags).Action blockAction blocks in the continuous control strategy have their functionality defined in Ladder diagrams or Structured Text (ST) within a standard template. These are particularly useful for implementation of plant control modules.Auto I/O configurationThe instrument can automatically create its own LIN Database, including all necessary module and I/O Function Blocks, based on the I/O detected in the Base Unit. When the detection is complete, an operational database is created and runs automatically.Automatic database creation is available from within LINtools when connected to a network containing T2550 PACs. This function allows new I/O to be added to an existing configuration, on line.DocumentationLINtools provides an electronic documentation facility including the graphical representation of the control strategy and a listing of the block parameters and connections. This can be transferred across the network and output can be to a printer, Postscript or AutoCAD compatible format. Free-format user annotations can be added to complete your documentation requirements.Multi-setpoint programmerMany applications need to vary the process value over time. Temperature control is one such application in which it is very common to ‘ramp’ the process value (channel) from one level to another over a set time period using a setpoint program.The PAC provides support for multiple setpoint programs that can be run simultaneously. Each program is capable of profiling up to eight channels, with up to 32 segments per profiled channel. In addition to controlling the setpoint during each segment of the profile, the controllers can also be used to activate up to 16 digital events during a segment.The setpoint program feature enables an operator to select and run a pre-configured setpoint program. A preview facility allows the operator to view the selected program before running it. Once the program is running, the setpoint and achieved processvalues are plotted on the trend screen.Eurotherm Part No. HA029159 Issue 9 December 093PAC Specification SheetData archivingData archiving is used to copy selected parts of the history, i.e.,one or more history files (.uhh) to primary, secondary or tertiary FTP Servers..Historian store and forward‘Store and forward’ is a self healing 21 CFR Part 11 data archiving system which automatically stores data during a communication failure in the T2550 PAC and then forwards this data to theconfigured data historian server once communication is reinstated.The T2550 PAC provides dual redundant data acquisition using Secure.uhh files created at the local level, which results in a secure electronic recording system with total data integrity.Alarm managementAlarms are managed and collected within the T2550 PAC to provide features such as alarm status and priority,acknowledgement, date and time stamping at the source, as well s suppression and local message historian storage.Open communicationsThe PAC provides a special function block to define any simple serial communications protocol. This function block can be used to integrate many 3rd party devices which use ASCIIcommunications, such as bar code readers and particle counters.Direct control over transmit and receive also allows multi-node connections.HMI ReportsHMI Reports provides an intuitive reporting package to develop and print reports using the secure data from the T2550 PAC. The package includes a report studio for configuring report projects and a run-time execution module to generate and print reports in many different formats to printers and file servers, and via e-mail. HMIreports is also optionally available as a web portal.Setpoint program wizardFor ease of use, LINtools incorporates a wizard for creating a setpoint program. By following the on screen prompts and editing the parameters as required, a setpoint program can be simply and quickly created with all required blocks automatically created and added to the database.Setpoint program editorIn addition to the setpoint program wizard, programs can be created or edited off–line using the setpoint program editorsupplied with LINtools. As an ActiveX, this tool can be inserted in any of your visualization packages.Redundant recording and archivingPAC Programmable Automation Controllers have internal non-volatile flash memory for secure tamper resistant data storage,providing for redundant data logging. In addition all PACprocessors support Ethernet connectivity. As such, data stored within the internal flash memory can be configured to periodically archive to primary, secondary and tertiary FTP servers. Archiving files to FTP servers provides a secure, infinite archiving capacity.Data historianData historian is used to store PV’s, message and alarminformation in the internal flash memory in order to generate historical data in the form of a set of secure, tamper resistant history files.The following example provides estimated memory durationbased on an 8-way base logging 16 Parameters to a single group.FTP pushFor efficiency, historical data files are automatically deleted on a first in first out (FIFO) basis from the internal flash memory of the PAC (7Mb for history). In order to ensure longevity of data the PAC is able to push historical data files (.uhh) to primary,secondary or tertiary FTP servers at user defined intervals. Thus,depending on the archive strategy chosen, data is never lost. As an alternative, Eurotherm Review can be used to pull data directly from the T2550 PAC255BF base unitThe base unit is fitted with the T2550 PAC I/O controller modules plus additional I/O modules. These modules plug onto terminal units, which provide the wiring interface between the plant or machine and the I/O modules. Bases are available in 5 sizes to suit the number of modules required in a particular system.Communication between the I/O modules and the processor is effected by the use of a passive internal module I/O bus running the width of the base. Each module position is tracked separately for additional security during live replacement of I/O modules.The base consists of an aluminium extrusion, the internal I/O bus and mounting supports. It is designed to be DIN rail mounted or directly fixed to a bulkhead or mounting plate. Both base and modules can be installed horizontally or vertically.MechanicalI/O Module capacity0 46816Width (mm)36164214264467 Weight no modules (Kg)0.20.450.60.7 1.2all modules (Kg)0.5 1.3 1.7 2.1 3.7 Height:180mmDepth:102.9-132.9mm with retaining lever raised Mounting:DIN rail or Bulkhead, can be mountedhorizontally or verticallyDIN rail:Use symmetrical DIN rail to EN50022-35 x 7.5 or 35 x 15Casing:Without additional protection IP20 Ventilation space:25mm free space above and belowTermination unitsThe I/O modules are mounted on the base using terminalassemblies. Terminal assemblies provide the interface betweenthe input and output signals and the I/O modules. Terminalassemblies and I/O modules are keyed to inhibit insertion ofthe incorrect module to prevent damage to both equipmentand plant.Individual termination units provide for easy modulereplacement leaving the field wiring connected. Modules areinserted and removed from the termination unit using a unique,tool-less, locking lever system.Test disconnect unitsTerminal assemblies have an optional fuse or link (isolator or disconnect). This provides a series of connections between thecustomer terminals and the I/O module, permitting pluggablefuse or link units to be placed in series with the signal. Fuse andlink units are not interchangeable.T2550 PAC - General SpecificationsSupply voltage range:19.2 to 28.8V dcVA requirements: < 80W maximum for fully loaded rackFuse rating: 4A time lag (Not customer replaceable)IOC warm start time:12 hours without external batteriesIOC power consumption: 1.5W maximumSurge current:8A maximumModule pwr consumption:See individual module specification EnvironmentalOperating temperature:0 to 55°CStorage temperature:-25 to 85°CRelative humidity: 5 to 95% (non-condensing)RFIEMC emissions:BS EN61326-1:2006EMC immunity:BS EN61326-1:2006SafetyBS EN61010-1:2001Installation cat II, Pollution degree 2Safety earth and screen connections are madeto clearly marked earth terminals at thebottom of the baseVibrationEN60068-2 test FCVibration:IEC1131-2 section peak amplitude 10-57Hz;1g, 57-150HzShock:20g static shockDiagnostic LED’sDiagnostic LED’s indicate module diagnostic status.All modules: A green LED at the top indicates the moduleis powered and operating correctlyPAC analogue modules: Have red LEDs for each channel to indicatechannel failurePAC digital modules: Have Yellow LEDs for each channel to indicatethe channel state.Processor module:Primary processor and communications diagnostics are available from the LEDs on the front of the processor module. More advanced diagnostics are available remotely using LINtools monitor online over Ethernet to review the diagnostic blocks.PAC Controller module: A green LED at the top indicates themodule is powered and operating correctly Internal diagnostics: A red LED indicates failure of the internalself diagnostic routinesBattery (if installed): A green LED indicates battery health Serial communications: A yellow LED indicates communications activityORDER CODEPassivebackpaneTerminal Unitfor the T2550PAC8 Module (as shown)1616 Module6 ModuleAny type of I/O module canbe placed at any slot positionTerminal Units click into place to suitthe T2550 PAC I/O module required214mm264mm467mmModule Side View102.9mm180mm4 Module164mmTerminal Unit forT2550 PAC I/O moduleSPECIFICATIONS Mechanical DetailsCPU redundancyProcessor redundancy is available for continuous, logic and sequence control.A pair of processors operate in primary / secondary configuration with a high speed data link between them providing exact tracking of the control,logic and sequence databases. Transfer from the primary to secondary processor is bumpless.The non-active processor can be replaced while the system is running and on synchronisation it loads its strategy from the active primary processor.Redundant:< 0.6s bumpless transfer for processor and I/O Changeover time: dependant on application size Synchronisation time: dependant on application sizeProcessor SwitchoverDuring a processor switch over all outputs remain at the last value. The new primary processor begins executing is application from precisely the same point as the original processor.Each processor has its own Ethernet IP address and each redundant pair uses two neighbouring node addresses on the ELIN network. This enables the system to communicate with the primary while still continuously testing communications to both processors. On processor switch over the ELIN node address is dynamically swapped to allow SCADA applications to display and log uninterrupted data. Changeover amongst LIN nodes is transparent.The following conditions can cause the processor to switch over:Hardware failure:Failure of primary controller internal health checks.Hardware removal: Removing the primary processor will cause the secondary to take immediate control.Removing the secondary will have no effect on control but will cause a system alarm on redundant configured systems.Internal communications:Primary and secondary controllers continually monitor the communications to the I/O on the local base. Should the primary controller not be able to communicate with the I/O and the secondary can still communicate with the I/O changeover will occur.If the secondary processor observes a fault in the primary communications or can see more I/O modules the secondary processor will request a changeover.External communications:Each processor in a redundant pair continuously monitors external controller communications. Should the primary controller not be able to communicate with other declared nodes on the LIN network and the secondary can still communicate with the declared nodes a change over will occur.If the secondary processor observes that it can see more declared nodes,the secondary processor will request a changeover.Manual request:A user can request a changeover if a secondary processor is running, synchronised and healthy.Removable flash memory card:The storage of the cold start application Power supply connectionThe duplex terminal unit supports dual power supply connection. In the event of a single power supply failure both processors are still supplied allowing redundant operation to continue uninterrupted.A super capacitor maintains memory for up to 12 hours in the event of complete power failure to facilitate hot start of the processors. An external battery can be fitted to extend this back up time on the redundant system.Super cap (Processor):Maintains memory/real time clock and enables hot start for up to 12 hours in absence of battery backup inputSimplex (O base):Battery support for data in SRAM and the Real-Time Clock for a minimum of 72 hourcontinuous (5 year intermittent use)Redundant:Additional terminals for an external battery connection to support SRAM and the Real-Time ClockInternal battery type:Lithium Manganese Dioxide PA250983External rechargeable battery:Use S9537 Battery charger:Use S9538Watchdog RelaysEach processor is fitted with a single watchdog relay.Watchdog relay:SPST, 1 per CPU, connectable in parallel or seriesContact rating (resistive):24V ac/dc at 0.5A Isolation:30V ac rms or 60V dcLive plug-inProcessors and I/O modules can be replaced while powered without any disturbance to the field wiring or other inputs and outputs – reducing downtime and minimising disturbance to other signal conditioning strategies.T2550 PAC – ORDER CODEControl specificationsContinuous Database resourcesMaximum database size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .default max values 210k bytes Database resourcesNumber of database blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630Number of database templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50Number of template libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Number of external databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Number blocks in local Dbase cached elsewhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1260Number blocks in remote Dbases cached locally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315Number of server tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Number of field-to-field connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1260Sequence Control ResourcesSequence memory Programme data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105k bytes SFC ResourcesNumber of root SFCs loadable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Number of steps loadable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420Number of ‘wires’ permitted going into and out of step . . . . . . . . . . . . .1407Number of transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630Number of ‘wires’ permitted going into transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .840Number of action associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1680Number of actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .840User TasksMultiple tasks are available to the user to tune the update rate of I/O response and the control function.User Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4User task update ratesTask I – Synchronous to Fast I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10ms or N*10ms Only version 2 10ms I/O types can be assigned to this task (see table below) .Task 2– Auxiliary task to task1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10ms or N*10ms Runs at task 1 rate or integer multiple of task 1 rateTask 3– Synchronous to Standard I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110ms or N*110ms All analogue and digital I/O types can be assigned to this taskTask 4– Auxiliary task to task3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110ms or N*110ms Runs at task 3 rate or integer multiple of task 3 rate Supported I/O Module TypesThe T2550 PAC shares I/O modules with the 2500 I/O.Notes†The T2550 PAC supports only Version 1 modules in simplex operation.*Version 2 Ana Out modules can run at the 10ms task on 4 or 6-way bases. Continuous strategy function blocks categoriesF = Foundation, S = Standard, C = Control, A = AdvancedCommunicationsEthernet communicationsEthernet The PAC supports Ethernet LIN (ELIN) protocol that provides secure peer-to-peer communications between bases and to other Ethernet devices over 10/100baseT Ethernet from each processor. Simultaneously itcan support Modbus-TCP Master or Slave to other Modbus-TCP devices.ELIN portConnectors:Shielded RJ45 connector per processor Network medium:Ethernet Cat5Network type:LIN over EthernetSpeed:10/100baseTNetwork topology:Star connection to a switchLine length (maximum):100 metres, extendible by repeater Allocation of IP address:Fixed, DHCP, Link-Local, BootPBroadcast storm protection:Integrated in the processorLIN address:8-way switch-bank – Duplex (bits SW2-8)10-way switch-bank – SimplexMax numbers of slaves:16 Modbus TCP slavesSerial communicationsThird party devices such as PLCs supporting Modbus can be readily integrated into the ELIN based architecture by direct connection to T2550 PAC control units. The Modbus communications allows a T2550 PAC to be used as a gateway providing access to database elements in any ELIN node.RS422/485 serial communicationsConnector:2x RJ45 connectorComms medium:RS422 (5-wire) or RS485 (3-wire), jumper select Line impedance:120Ω-240Ω twisted pairLine length: 1220m maximum at 9600 bits/secUnits per line:16 maximum (electrical loading) expandableby use of buffersMax number of slaves:64 serial slave devicesNote:Use of a comms buffer/isolator is recommendedModbus/J-BUSProtocol:Modbus/J-BUS RTU configurable master or slave Data rate:Selectable 600-38.4k bits/secData format:8 bit, selectable parity 1/2 stop bitsModbus data tables:64, configurable as registers or bits Maximum table length: 200 registers or 999 bitsRedundancy:Modbus communications are supported bythe PAC in simplex and redundant mode3 GWF may be run simultaneously1x Modbus TCP master1x TCP slave1x Modbus RTU slave or masterMax (GWF) file size: 20k bytesProfibusPhysical medium:2-wire, RS485Connectors:Single 9-way D-typeData rate:Determined by Profibus master, 12MB max. Isolation:50V dc; 30V acOpen communicationProtocol:Device drivenData rate:1200 to 38.4k bits/secData format:7 or 8 data bits, none/even/odd parity,1 or2 stop bitsORDER CODEI/O ModuleFuseDisconnectorsHealth StatusExternal Battery ConnectorSerial Communications Port24V dcand Power (Terminal Unit)I/O Status2500MF-A Two channel analogue inputThis analogue input module is used to monitor analogue signals from a wide range of plant sensors. The mA and TC inputs each require the appropriate terminal unit.The second channel of the AI2 has a special high impedance range for use with zirconia probe inputs.No of channels: 2Input types: TC, RTD, Volts, mA, mV, Potentiometer, Pyrometer, Zirconia probemV range: -150mV to +150mV at input impedance >100MΩmA range: -22mA to +22mA with 5Ω burden in the terminal unitVolts range: -10.2V to +10.2V at input impedance 303kΩ RTD support: Support for 2, 3 and 4 wire resistance thermometer devicesOhms range: 0 to 600Ω 3- or 4-wire lead compensation Hi Ohms range: 0 to 5kΩ 3- or 4-wire lead compensation Pot range: 5% to 95% ‘rotation’ of 100Ω to 5kΩ pot Resolution: Better than 0.001% of range Linearity:Better than 0.003% of range Input filtering: OFF to 999.9 secondsInput accuracy: Electrical input factory calibrated to better than 0.1% of readingSystem isolation: Reinforced, 264V ac maximumChannel isolation: Reinforced, 264V ac maximum between thermocouple channelsFunctional:264V ac maximum between RTD, volts and mA Series mode rejection:60dB (50-60Hz, 1mA rms)Common mode rejection:120dB (50-5kHz, 50V rms)Power consumption: 2W maximumTC Input specification Linearisation types: J, K, L, R, B, N, T, S, C, PL2, PT100, Linear, SqRoot, plus customCJC system:Measured by RTD fitted on terminal unit Initial CJC accuracy: ±0.5°C typical (±1°C maximum)CJC rejection:Better than 30:1 over -10°C to +70°CNote:User calibration options can improve performance, limited only by noise and non-linearity.2500MF-C Three channel analogue inputProvides three isolated current input channels specifically designed to meet the requirements of modern two wire transmitters. Each channel has its own isolated 24V supply for transmitter excitation.Each channel’s 24V dc supply is protected against short circuit and utilises a sophisticated trip and try system in which the module senses over current and cuts the power. After a period the circuit checks for continued circuit malfunction.The module can be optionally fitted with disconnects to allow isolation of an individual input to allow work on the loop to continue safely.No of channels: 3Input range:-28mA to +28mAResolution: Better than 1uA (16 bits with 1.6 sec filter time)Linearity:Better than 10uAInitial accuracy: Factory calibrated to better than ±0.1% of reading Input filtering:OFF to 999.9 secondsBurden resistance: 60Ω nominal, 50mA max currentChannel PSU: 22-25V dc, current limited 30mA nominal, self-resettingSystem isolation: Reinforced, 264V ac maximum Channel isolation: Functional, 50V ac maximum Power consumption:4W maximumNotes:er calibration options can improve performance, limited only by noise and non-linearity.2.Total burden can be increased to 250Ω or HART by cutting a link track on the terminal unit.AI2 – ORDER CODEAI3 – ORDER CODE2500MF-D Four channel analogue inputThis analogue input module is used to monitor analogue signals from a wide range of plant sensors. The mA and TC inputs each require the appropriate Terminal Unit.No of channels: 4Input types: TC, mV, mA, PyrometermV range: -150 - +150mV at input impedance >100MΩ mA range: -22 - +22mA with 5Ω burden in the terminal unit Resolution: Better than 0.001% of range Input filtering:OFF to 999.9 secondsInitial input accuracy: Electrical Input Factory Calibrated to better than 0.1% of readingSystem Isolation: Reinforced, 264V ac maximumChannel isolation: Functional, 264V ac maximum separating Ch1and Ch2 from Ch3 and Ch4Series mode rejection:60dB (50-60Hz, 1mA rms)Common mode rejection:120dB (50-5kHz, 50V rms)Power consumption: 2W maximumTC Input specification Linearisation types: J, K, L, R, B, N, T, S, C, PL2, linear, SqRoot, plus customCJC system:Measured by RTD fitted on terminal unit Initial CJC accuracy: ±0.5°C typical (±1°C maximum)CJC rejection:Better than 30:1 over -10°C to +70°CNotes:er calibration options can improve performance, limited only by noiseand non-linearity.2.Wiring care and sensor choice should be used to prevent ground loops when using non-isolated TC’s.2500MF-E Two channel analogue outputThis analogue output module provides two isolated analogue output channels. Each output can be independently configured for current or voltage mode.The module can be optionally fitted with disconnects to allow isolation of an individual output to allow work on the individual loop to continue safely.No of channels: 2Current output: -0.1 to 20.5mA; 10V dc max. compliance with total burden less than 500ΩVoltage output:0 to 10V dc; 20mA max. compliance with total load greater than 500ohms-0.5 to 10.5 V dc; 8mA max. compliance with total load greater than 1500ΩResolution:Better than 1 part in 10,000 (15 bit typical)System isolation: Reinforced, 264V acChannel isolation: Functional, 264V ac maximum Power consumption:2.2W maximumAI4 – ORDER CODEAO2 – ORDER CODE。

Panduit CT-2525CH、CT-2550CH和CT-2570CH紧固头说明书

Panduit CT-2525CH、CT-2550CH和CT-2570CH紧固头说明书

CT-2525CH, CT-2550CH and CT-2570CHPA25383A01 Rev. 07 1-2019CRIMPING HEADS USED WITH THE CT-2500, CT-2500/E; orCT-2500/L, CT-2500/LE TOOLS© Panduit Corp. 2019CT-2525CH CT-2550CH CT-2570CHCT-2525CH Crimping head for installing the following Panduit products:#26 – #22 AWG (0,14 – 0,5 mm2)insulated terminals and splices,#22 – #10 AWG (0,5 – 6,0 mm2) fully insulated disconnects, insulated parallel splices;and specific #22 – #14 AWG (0,5 – 2,5 mm2) barrel insulated disconnects.CT-2550CH Crimping head for installing the following Panduit products:#22 – #10 AWG (0,5 – 6,0 mm2) insulated terminals and splices;and specific insulated disconnects.Reduced crimp effort advantage for #12 – #10 AWG (4,0 – 6,0mm2) terminations.CT-2570CH Crimping head for installing most of the following Panduit products:#22 – #10 AWG (0,5 – 6,0 mm2) non-insulated terminals, disconnects; and specificnon-insulated splices.CRIMPING HEAD INSTALLATION(See Page 2)Monthly Maintenance1. Thoroughly clean all surfaces.2. Oil the locating pins.NOTE: In the interest of higher quality and value, we are constantly improving and updating our products. Consequently, pictures in this manual may sometimes vary from the productenclosed.E-mail:EU Website:/emeaEU Email:emeatoolservicecenter@Technical Support:1-800-777-3300Panduit EuropeEMEA Service CenterAlmelo, NetherlandsTel: +31-546-580-452Fax: +31-546-580-441© Panduit Corp. 2019INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CT-2525CH, CT-2550CHand CT-2570CHCRIMPING HEAD INSTALLATION1. Rotate crimping head adapter fully --clockwise (see Figure 1).2. Press retract slide to lower pistoncompletely.3. Pull out the pins for mounting adifferent crimping head on theadapter.4. Before installing a different crimpinghead, slide the crimp dies to the fullopen position. Lock the head withthe locating pins (see Figure 2),paying attention that the pins arelocked securely before starting.5. The crimping cycle is terminatedwhen the dies are completely closedand the maximum crimping force isreached, which is indicated by theauto retraction of the piston.Refer to the CT-2500, CT-2500/E(PA25346A01); or CT-2500/L,CT-2500/LE (PA28113A01) OperationManual for complete tool and crimpinghead instructions.ATTENTION: The crimping process can be interrupted at any time by releasing the trigger.After having terminated the crimping process and prior to changing the heads, remove battery to avoid unintended starts.DIE CLOSURE GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS – CT-2525CHCRIMP POCKET ENGLISH GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS METRIC GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS AWG / mm2“G” Dia. (GO) “NG” Dia. (NO GO) “G” Dia. (GO) “NG” Dia. (NO GO) Pocket “A” .0835” .091” 2,12 mm 2,31 mm22 – 14 / 0,5 – 2,5 .0765” .084” 1,94 mm 2,13 mm12 – 10 / 4,0 – 6,0 .1005” .108” 2,55 mm 2,74 mmDIE CLOSURE GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS – CT-2550CHCRIMP POCKET ENGLISH GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS METRIC GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS AWG / mm2“G” Dia. (GO) “NG” Dia. (NO GO) “G” Dia. (GO) “NG” Dia. (NO GO) 22 – 14 / 0,5 – 2,5 .1015” .108” 2,57 mm 2,74 mm12 – 10 / 4,0 – 6,0 .1475” .154” 3,74 mm 3,91 mmDIE CLOSURE GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS – CT-2570CHCRIMP POCKET ENGLISH GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS METRIC GO / NO GO GAGE MEMBERS AWG / mm2“G” Dia. (GO) “NG” Dia. (NO GO) “G” Dia. (GO) “NG” Dia. (NO GO) 22 – 18 / 0,5 – 1,5 .0515” .060” 1,31 mm 1,53 mm16 – 14 / 1,5 – 2,5 .0735” .082” 1,87 mm 2,09 mm12 – 10 / 4,0 – 6,0 .0995” .108” 2,53 mm 2,75 mm。



5、采用1GbE和10GbE可插拔模块、10/100和10/100/1000铜线模块;领先的万兆 以太网端口密度可选冗余N-1交换机结构和N+1电源。 6、交换机群集是Avaya的高级弹性解决方案,它采用分离式多链路中继(SMLT) 和多链路中继路由协议提供全面保护,防止任何单个组件、链路或节点故障。 这种解决方案提供不到一秒的故障恢复,还有基于用户会话的负载均衡,均采 用网络边缘(用户或服务器)的基于标准的动态链路聚合
解决方案优势: 7、全网支持SPB。 SPB的一大特点是,它遮蔽了设备、链路和协议,通过一个逻辑 上的扩展以太网LAN ,为多个端点提供连接。这个概念非常简单,并且SPB是以一 种相当特别而有趣的方式实现它的。它采用了一种名为Intermediate System-toIntermediate System(IS-IS)的既有动态链路状态路由协议,并对其加以扩展,在 SPB域的各个节点之间共享拓扑、可达性和设备信息。每个节点都依据自己的判断 审视网络,包括抵达任意目的地的最佳路径,因而得以创建出一个全面分布式、动 态维持的解决方案。
低培训和运营成本。此外,运用Device Manager工具或基web
的用户界面能够更简单地通过图形管理界面管理ERS 2500。
1、使用1台ERS5530-24TFD 为核心交换机,6台ERS4548GT为接入交换机,每2台 ERS4548GT进行堆叠,从而满足网络需求。 2、ERS5530-24TFD交换机有24个1000BASE-T端口,包括12个组合1000BASET/1000BASE-SFP端口,以及2个10GBASE-XFP端口。通过两个1000兆线路捆绑和每组 接入交换机互连。多余的1000兆和10000兆端口可以与服务器或网络设备互连。 3、ERS4548GT有48个10/100/1000BASE-T端口,包括4个组合10/100/1000BASE-T 或 1000BASE-SFP端口。通过两个1000兆端口与核心交换机互连,其余的端口用于连 接计算机终端设备。








2007.7.12.下午彩色电视机超级芯片资料汇总一.超级芯片机芯掩膜型号:1.长虹彩电超级芯片机芯掩膜型号对照:类别机芯主芯片掩膜后的编号主要机型东芝CN-18TMPA8803CH08T0601SF1498E、SF2170ETMPA8823CH08T0604PF2118E、PF2191ETMPA8829CH08T0602PF2591E、PF2918E飞利蒲CH16TDA9370 CH05T1602/1604/1607SF2151、SF2199TDA9373CH05T1606PF2598、SF2998、PF3415TDA9373 CH05T1608PF2992TDA9383CH05T1601SF2515、SF2915、PF2939TDA9383CH05T1603SF2939、SF25832.康佳彩电超级芯片掩膜型号对照:类别机芯主芯片掩膜后的编号主要机型飞利蒲K系列TDA9380CKP1402SA P2162K、T2168K、T2168N、P2179KT2176K、T2176NTDA9383CKP1403SA T3468K、P3460K、P2960K、P2961K、P2962K、P2962K1、P2998K、T2975K、T2968K、T2968N、T2976K、P2562K、P2579K、T2568K、T2568N 微科S系列VCT3801A/03A CKP1602S/4S T3473S、P3483S、P3460S、P3476SP2960S、P2967S、P2971S、P2971SN、P2975SN、P2571SVCT3801A CKP1604S1P3472S、T2902S、T2926S、T2927S、T2973S、T2975S、T2976S、T2977S、T2978S、P2961S、P2962S、P2972S、T2520S、T2522S、T2526S、T2573S、T2576S、T2578S、T2173S、T2176S、P2171S、P2172S飞利蒲SK系列TDA9370CKP1419S T21SK076、T21SK068、T21SK026、T21SK022、T21SK078、P21SK056、P21SK056V、P21SK177、P15SK107TDA9373CKP1417S T34SK068、T34SK073、T34SK173、T29SK068、T29SK076、T29SK178、P29SK061、P29SK067、P29SK077、P29SK151、P29SK282、T25SK068、T25SK076、T25SK062、25SK071、P25SK107东芝SE系列TMPA8823CKP1303S P21SE071、P21SE072、P21SE151、P21SE282、T21SE358、A21SE090、A14SE086TMPA8829CKP1302S P34SE138、P31SE292、P29SE072、P29SE073、P29SE077、P29SE151、P29SE281、P29SE282、T25SE073、T25SE120、P25SE051、P25SE071、P25SE072P25SE282、T25SE167、T25SE358 三洋SA系列LA76931CKP1504S P21SA326、T21SA326、T21SA026、T21SA073、T21SA120、T21SA236、T21SA267、P21SA281、P21SA282、P21SA376、P21SA383、P21SA390、P21SA387、T14SA073、T14SA076、T14SA1283.厦华彩电超级芯片机芯掩膜型号对照:类别机芯主芯片掩膜后的编号主要机型三洋TS、TF、MT2935ALA76930LA76930TS2135、TS2550、TF2955、MT2935A、MT3435A、HT3261TW系列TMPA8807TMPA8829W2935、W3416、W3430TK系列TDA9373OM8373TK2916、TK2953、TK2955、TK34164.TCL彩电超级芯片机芯掩膜型号对照:类别机芯主芯片掩膜后的编号主要机型东芝S11TMPA8823 13-A04V02-TOP N14K6S12TMPA8823 13-A01V14-TOP NT21281C、NT21A61、A T21231S12TMPA8823 13-00S12-03M00NT21A52、AT21266B、21G6、N21G6S12TMPA8803 13A8803C-PNP NT21A71S13TMPA8873 13-PA8873-PSP NT21A71AS21TMPA8829 13-A01V10-TOP29B1、29B2、29A1S22TMPA8859 13-A01V15-TOP NT25281C、N25B2、AT34266BS22TMPA8859 13-T00S22-04M0029G6、29B2、29A1S22TMPA8857 13-PA8857-PSP25V8A21SDA55513-SDA555-XFP NT29181、NT2965B、NT34181飞利蒲UOC TDA938013-TDA9380-NP2999UZ、2999U、AT2575V UL21TDA937313-A01V01-PHP AT21211A、AT29211A、AT25289B、34A3UL11TDA937013-A02V02-PHP A T21211A、NT21A11US21OM837313-TOUS21-01M00AT25181、AT25189B、NT25A42、NT25A21US21OM837313-OM8373-N3P NT29181B、NT29A41BUL12OM837013-TOUL12-01M0AT21181、AT2165、NT21A31UL12OM837013-TOUL12-02M0AT21289A、NT21181S、N21T5UL12OM837013-OM8370-00P A T21266A三洋Y机芯LA7693013-WS9301-AOP AT2116YY机芯LA7693013-WS9302-AOP AT21266YY12LA7693113-LA76931-TPR21V88Y12LA7894013-OLA780-40S N21K3Y22LA7693213-TOOY22-01M0125B5、N25B6BY22LA7693213-LA76932-NPR29V885.海信彩电超级芯片机芯掩膜型号对照:类别机芯主芯片掩膜后的编号主要机型飞利蒲UOC 1TDA9373PS/N2/AI TDA9373PS/N2/AI0743TF2911UFHISENSE-UOC001TDA9373PS/N2/AI TDA9373PS/N2/AI1078HISENSE-UOC002UOC 2TDA9370PS/N2/AI TDA9370PS/N2/AI1148TC2175GF UOC 3TDA9373PS/N2/AI TDA9373PS/N2/AI1162TC2575GF 三洋USOC LA76932F LA76932N-57C7TF2919CH东芝2inl-SA TMPA8801HISENSE8803-1TC2111ATMPA8821HISENSE8823-2 TMPA8823CPNG-4PV5TMPA8851HISENSE8853-3TC2118H(10)2inl-SC TMPA8827HISENSE8829-1 TMPA8829CPNG-4H83TF2918HHISENSE8829-2 TMPA8829CPNG-4PV4TMPA8857HISENSE8859-3 TMPA8859CPNG-5J09TF2902DH二.超级芯片实测数据:1.TMPA8803 (长虹CH08T0601):脚号功能电压V(开机)对地电阻(200K档)1波段电压/A V切换开关 4.2734K2波段电压/A V切换开关0.1329K3键盘形成电压输入 5.0565K4地0.000.005复位电压 5.02 5.8K6晶振输入 2.27∞7晶振输入 2.44∞8地0.000.009电源5V 5.0714.7K10地0.000.0011地0.000.0012沙堡脉冲输出 1.09∞13行激励脉冲输出 1.790.6K14行AFC滤波 6.56∞15场激励脉冲形成 4.20∞16场锯齿波形成 4.8610.6K17行电源8.940.4K18空0.000.9K19cb(B-Y色差)信号输入 2.47∞20Y(亮度)信号输入 2.49∞21cr(R-Y色差)信号输入 2.48∞22地0.000.0023色度信号输入 2.54146K24外接视频信号输出 2.47∞25数字电源+3.2V 3.460.7K26TV视频输入 2.61∞27自动亮度控制输入 4.4430.4K28音频输出(单声道用) 3.5528.3K29中放电源+9V8.980.3K30TV视频输出 3.82 3.4K 31第二伴音中频输入 1.87 3.2K32外接音频输入(单声道)0.0319.4K33第二伴音中频输入 2.91∞34DRNT 2.18∞35锁相环滤波 2.63∞36SV 5.000.3K37S-REG 2.1820.8K38去加重(监视信号输出) 4.40∞39中放AGC滤波 1.95∞40地0.000.0041中频输入0.00∞42中频输入0.00∞43高放AGC输出 3.8512.2K 44Y/C电源+5V 4.980.40K 45监视信号输出 1.54 3.20K46黑电平延伸 2.85(变化)∞47AFC滤波2,57∞48白平衡自动调整(未用)0.000.0049RGB电源+9V8.910.40K 50R信号输出 2.58133K 51G信号输出 2.45133K 52B信号输出 2.65(变化)133K53地0.000.0054地0.000.0055CPU电源+5V 5.04128K 56静音控制输出0.0423.2K57数据线 5.0423.0K58时钟线 5.0423.1K59脉宽调制信号输出 5.04∞60调谐电压输出 4.63∞61N/M第二伴音吸收控制输出4.0017.5K 62同步识别信号输入 4.3846.3K63遥控信号输入 4.9843.6K64电源开/关控制0.02 (待机1.6V) 21.5K2.TDA9370(长虹CH05T1602/04/07):脚别功能电压V(开机)对地电阻(200K档)1FM/TV开关 5.0016.2K2时钟线 2.83(变化)17.7K3数据线 2.59(变化)17.9K4调谐电压输出 2.8316.4K5键盘扫描输入/LED驱动0.1528.4K6键盘扫描输入 3.6128.5K7波段(TV)/复位(FM) 4.3814.5K8波段(TV) 4.3814.2K9地0.000.0010低音提升开/关控制 2.8517.6K11(TV)伴音制式控制/(FM)收音控制5.0017.7K12地0.000.0013PLL滤波 2.29∞14模拟电源+8V7.98 1.30K15电源去藕 4.9730.7K16PLL2滤波 3.26∞17PLL1滤波 3.89∞18地0.000.0019去藕 3.9837.9K20智能音量控制0.00∞21场激励输出 2.36∞22场激励输出 2.40∞23中频信号输入 1.8537.1K24中频信号输入 1.8537.1K25场参考电压设置 3.8438.7K26场振荡电容外接端 3.78∞27高放AGC输出 2.3522.828音频信号去加重 3.11∞29伴音解调去藕 2.27∞30模拟地0.000.0031伴音PLL滤波 2.27∞32伴音中频信号输入0.38∞33行激励脉冲输出0.3725.0K34沙堡脉冲输出0.4629.7K35A V音频信号输出 3.69∞36EHT(高压)检测输入 1.6120.4K37中放PLL滤波 2.41∞38视频全电视信号输出 3.24∞39电源+8V7.95 1.30K40视频全电视信号输入 3.84∞41地0.000.0042A V视频输入(S端子Y输入) 3.31∞43S端子色度信号输入 1.5283.7K44音频输出 3.288.70K45DVD插入开关 1.8428.9K46DVD V信号输入 2.52∞47DVD Y信号输入 2.52∞48DVD U信号输入 2.52∞49ABL控制信号输入 2.24∞50黑电流检测输入 6.02∞51R 信号输出 2.14 1.1K52G 信号输出 2.23 1.6K53 B 信号输出 2.04 1.1K54 3.3V模拟电源 3.2923.9K55地0.000.0056 3.3V数字电源 3.6124.0K57晶振地0.000.0058接晶体端 1.77∞59接晶体端 1.61∞60复位端(本机接地)0.000.0061 3.3V数/模电源 3.61 4.9K62静音0.0018.9K63待机控制0.00(待机2.65V)32.9K64遥控信号输入 4.7533.7K3.TDA9383(长虹CH05T1601):脚号功能电压V(开机)对地电阻(200K档)1频段切换控制 4.36 6.40K2时钟线(SCL) 2.96(变化) 6.50K3数据线(SDA) 2.72(变化) 6.50K4调谐电压输出 1.979.30K5键盘及指示灯控制0.009.80K6频段切换控制0.00 4.70K7重低音音量控制0.00∞8主路伴音音量控制 1.177.00K9地0.000.0010待机开/关控制0.00(待机2.53) 4.90K11DK/M制切换 3.210.3K12地0.000.0013锁相环滤波 2.347.50K14+8V电源8.05 1.40K15TV部分去藕 5.067.10K16行AFC2 3.567.60K17行AFC1 3.967.70K18地0.000.0019带隙去藕端 4.06 6.70K20枕形失真校正输出0.747.60K21负极性场锯齿波输出 2.357.70K22正极性场锯齿波输出 2.367.70K23中频输入 1.897.30K24中频输入 1.897.30K25场基准电流设置 3.927.50K26场锯齿波形成 3.847.50K27RF-AGC控制输出0.967.20K28音频去加重 3.21 6.60K29伴音解调去藕 2.407.70K30地0.000.0031伴音窄带PLL滤波 2.287.60K32伴音中频输入 4.947.30K33行激励脉冲输出 3.03 6.70K34行逆程脉冲输入/沙堡脉冲输0.857.40K 35A V音频输入(未用) 3.757.80K36HET保护输入 1.987.30K37中频PLL锁相环滤波 2.497.70K38全电视信号输出 3.41 6.60K39+8V电源7.94 1.30K40TV视频信号输入 3.967.70K41地0.000.0042A V视频或S端子Y信号输入 3.397.70K 43S端子C信号输入 1.537.70K44音频输出(到伴音功放) 3.52 6.80K45RGB/YUV切换开关 1.707.50K46DVD V信号输入 2.607.90K47DVD Y信号输入 2.607.90K48DVD U信号输入 2.607.90K49束电流(ABL)控制输入 3.20 6.40K50黑电流检测输入 5.877.90K51红(R)基色输出 2.70 1.10K52绿(G)基色输出 3.15 1.10K53蓝(B)基色输出 2.13 1.10K54TV数字部分供电 3.170.70K55地0.000.0056芯片内微处理部分供电 3.260.70K57地0.000.0058时钟振荡输入 1.7012.1K59时钟振荡输入 1.709.96K60复位端(本机接地)0.000.0061周边数字电路供电 3.260.70K62A V切换控制0.0012.2K63A V切换控制0.0012.0K64遥控信号输入 4.7312.4KEEE4.VCT3801A/F(康佳CKP1604S):本参考数据适用于小“S”机芯。

欧陆 T2550的使用经验

欧陆 T2550的使用经验


1、校验仪的使用:校验仪是调试的有效工具,有些地方容易出错,用校验仪模拟4-20mA 信号时,如果屏幕显示mA,仪器向外提供电能,如果显示SIM ,仪器不向外供电。

2、温度压力补偿,FLOWCOMP 的使用。

下图是温度压力补偿模块的使用示例:Primary:原始流量PressIn:补偿压力TempIn:补偿温度Flow:补偿后的流量Pref: 设计压力Tref: 设计温度Pabs: 标准大气压Tabs:273.2PrimIndex:指数DCFindx: 指数DefaultP:默认补偿压力DefaultP:默认补偿温度Pfault: 是否用默认补偿压力计算Tfault: 是否用默认补偿温度计算ScalingK: 补偿系数计算的过程是根据一组数据(比如设计环境状态的数据):补偿前后的流量,补偿压力、温度,确定ScalingK值。




4、A3模块的接线:P1,C1,P2,C2,P3,C3 模块向外供电I1,C1,I2,C2,I3,C3 模块不向外供电5、MODBUS(RS-485)通讯,T2550做从站,PKS-C300系统做主站6、MODBUS(RS-485)通讯,T2550做主站,S7-300做从站。

硬件接线插脚定义如下图示,特别注意橙色/白色接A,橙色接B,某些资料是错误的说明:从站偏移地址为2 的hold数据,主站用偏移地址40002,功能码3,6读写似乎不能成功,主站用偏移地址2,功能码3,6读写,能读不能写;从站偏移地址为2 的read数据,主站用偏移地址40002,功能码4读似乎不能成功,主站用偏移地址2,功能码4读,成功。

富士通PRIMERGY CX2550 M4多节点服务器说明书

富士通PRIMERGY CX2550 M4多节点服务器说明书

Data SheetFUJITSU PRIMERGY CX2550 M4 多節點伺服器PRIMERGY CX400 M4 適用之雲端 / 高效能運算(HPC) 優化伺服器節點FUJITSU PRIMERGY伺服器能執行任何工作負載與因應瞬息萬變的業務需求。





FUJITSU PRIMERGY CX多節點系統是雲端、超融合式與高效能運算解決方案的理想平台,提供資料中心與分公司大量的運算效能,以執行虛擬化環境、複雜運算、伺服器整併及高可用性情境。

PRIMERGY CX2550 M4FUJITSU PRIMERGY CX2550 M4 伺服器為小巧的伺服器節點,僅用2U(PRIMERGY CX400 M4)便可達最多四座獨立伺服器的最高運算密度。

此款雙插槽伺服器節點採用最新的Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable Family及16 DIMM插槽(最高可達2,048 GB的DDR4記憶體)。

採用雙儲存磁碟配置的CX2550 M4適用於主流企業的工作負載、雲端與高效能運算情境。

此款伺服器節點也進一步提供多種類的模組方案,以滿足未來的個別需求;除內建的基本LAN功能外,此款節點也額外提供2個PCIe Gen3 x16插槽,及選配的CPU 直接高速互連(Intel® Omni-Path Architecture),具備低通信延遲、低功耗、高處理能力的優點。



第38卷 第1期2009年3月热力透平THE R M AL TU RB IN EVol.38No.1Mar.2009DEH 系统孤网运行控制技术解决方案张 静(南京汽轮电机集团有限责任公司技术部,南京210037)摘 要:汽轮机在许多场合存在孤网运行工况,而常规汽轮机DEH 系统在孤网运行中遇到不稳定的问题无法满足用户运行需求,文中介绍DEH 系统通过采取合适的硬件选型措施和完善的孤网控制逻辑,实现汽轮机孤网运行的控制要求。

关键字:孤网;一次调频;DEH中图分类号:T K267 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-5549(2009)01-0065-03Solution for DEH System in Isolated Network RunningZH A N G J ing(Nanji ng Turbine &Electric Machiner y (Group)C o.Ltd.,Technical Departm ent,N anjing 210037,China)Abstract: Steam tur bine runs in the iso lated co ndition fr equently.Ho wever ,the unstable pr oblems of DEH system w ill o ccur in co nv entional st eam turbine during running in the iso lated co nditio n and fail to meet t he needs of many custo mers.T he essay is t o intro duce ho w the steam turbine w ill be pro bably contr olled in the iso lated netw or k r unning condition throug h DEH system appr opriat e hardwar e co nfiguration and perfect isolated netw or k co nt ro l lo gic.Key words: isolated netwo rk;pr imary frequency modulation;DEH收稿日期:2008-10-27作者简介:张静(1967-),男,安徽人,高级工程师,南京汽轮机电机集团技术部工作,一直从事汽轮机控制系统设计开发。








可以在PID出口增加MA TH模块(ADD,SUB等),用以记录OP值。













♦应用中FEA TT数量超限是导致控制器不能正常运行的重要原因。

华硕 PRIMERGY TX2550 M7 台式机或4U 机柜服务器说明书

华硕 PRIMERGY TX2550 M7 台式机或4U 机柜服务器说明书

PRIMERGY TX2550 M7Tower or 4U Rack server<-- order code E-part (bold) -- <-- order code L-part (bold)<-- "name" of this part<--description of this part, in same cases as well description of content <--requires a free PCIe slot --> means total amount of PCIe slots reduced <--indicates how often this part can be configured in the related Server<-- "PYB" order code (bold) for BTO(Built to Order) part <-- "PY-" order code (bold) for Loose delivery part <-- Limitation for this partFujitsu is providing the content of this document with very high accuracy. In case you identify a mistake, we would kindly encourage you to inform us. We kindly ask for understanding, that errors still may occur and that Fujitsu may change this document without noticeText fields with grey color offer extra information for related topics (e.g prerequesites, technical back ground, configuration rules, limitations, …PCI Riser left (CPU2) PCI Riser right (CPU1)The front views shown below represent all possible drive options; they do not represent the base units.For information on base units and HD drive cage for each drive option, please see chapter “base” and "HD_cage"16x HDDs/SSDs + 8xHDDs/SSDs/NVMes24x HDDs/SSDs 24x HDDs/SSDs + 8xHDDs/SSDs/NVMes12x HDDs/SSDs4x HDDs/SSDs8x HDDs/SSDs8x HDDs/SSDs16x HDDs/SSDsXCC MCCXCC MCC MCC XCC MCC MCC MCC MCC XCC MCC XCC MCC MCC MCC MCC MCC MCCPRIMERGY TX2550 M7System configurator andorder information guidePreferred slots for controller assignementGeneral drive numbering schemeRear side view (incl. riser card option; refer to sheet "Description" for details)TX2550 M7 front views of expandable base units and corresponding HD drive cage options:1x 9.5mm bay is available for a slim optical drive in the upper drive area.1x HBA- or RAID-Controller. Refer to section "RAID" for options. onboard SATA(Max. qty. for Disk is eight.)3x 1.6x5.25" bays are available for an optical and/or backup drives in the upper drive area.FHD drive cage is a metal box providing bays for 3.5" HDDs or 2.5" HDDs/SSDs/PCIe-SSDs. Choose out of thefollowing HD cage upgrade kits, depending on pre-selected TX2550 M7 base unit and the targeted configuration. Each upgrade kit contains all relevant parts such as metal cage, backplane, cables and mounting material.Upgrade kits for the upper drive area require the completion of the mid drive area.Up to 3x 1.6x5.25" bays are available in the upper drive area for an ODD and/or backup drive configurations; in the 12x3.5" configuration, a 9.5mm bay is available for a slim ODD. Refer to sections "ODD" and "backup" for details.Upgrade kits are available either ex-factory (E-codes) or as loose delivery party (L-codes).RAID configurations are recommendations; refer to section "RAID" for available options.Please refer to “Upgrade kit for the upper drive area with PYT2557TBN/ PYT2557R2N/ PYT2557TCN/ PYT2557RAN3x 1.6x5.25" bays are available for an optical and/or backup drives in the upper drive area.3x 1.6x5.25" bays are available for an optical and/or backup drives in the upper drive area.1x HBA- or RAID-Controller. Refer to section "RAID" for options. onboard SATA(Max. qty. for Disk is eight.)The mix configuration informationPRIMERGY TX2550 M7System configurator and order information guidewill be EOL in CQ2'24S26361-F3267-E2S26361-F3267-L2DVD-RW supermulti SATA all formats, DUAL/DL, DVD-RAM only W2K, W3K and LinuxDVD-RW supermulti ultra slim all formats, DUAL/DL, DVD-RAM only W2K, W3K andWith most configurations the TX2550 M7 offers 3 x 1.6” bay in the accessible drives area located at the top of the Tower Server (or at the right side of the Rack) for various ODD and or backup drives. Depending on the HDD drive configuration there may be some or all of these 1.6” bays already occupied-please find the number of available bays and the size listed as point 3)at each of the drive bundles. All bundles with limitations are highlighted with 2 exclamation marks in the front (e.g. "!! 1x 9.5mm ...")PCI riser card configurationStandard Model only(PYT2557TAN/PYT2557TBN/PYT2557TCN/PYT2557R3N/PYT2557R2N/PYT2557RAN)6x PCIe slots are on board, with optional PCIe riser card up to 10x PCIe slots are available.You can choose between 6 different PCI riser card (Options a – f), depending on the selected PCIe card or GPGPU. Please refer to the tables below for more details and for the installation rules.Required 'Configuration Thermal Design 30°C(CTD30)[PYBETA1]'Possible configurations with each PCIe riser card option*Support brackets are required for the cooling of passively cooled FH GPUs.PRIMERGY TX2550 M7System configurator andorder information guidePRIMERGY TX2550 M7System configurator andorder information guidePRIMERGY TX2550 M7System configurator andorder information guide。



T2550基本功能一、硬件方面:(1)、T2550控制器兼容的IO模件清单:(2)、T2550特性如下:1):T2550 的通信是通过以太网LIN通信协议,我们常说的ELIN网络;2):控制器相互冗余,供电冗余;3):T2550主从控制器冗余,在正常冗余工作模式下,主从控制器之间的高速数据连接使得从处理器真正的跟踪控制数据库,实现主从控制器无扰动切换;4):T2550可带电插拔;(一般拔出的控制器要10S后再上电,另拔插要注意主从关系,一般先把从、故障控制器)(3)、T2550的硬件设置:T2550的前面板布局:(见电子书的2.3.1)(4)、T2550后面板布局:SW1:S1一般设置为ON,S2~S7,根据分配地址做相应的跳线。

请将switch2的2、3 两个开关置为1,将CPU置为热启动/冷启动方式,不要使用自动生成数据库的方式。


(5)、T2550的网络结构:每一个T2550模块都有一个10/100Mbase T端口通过标准的RJ45接口进行以太网通信。


注意:1)禁止一对冗余的控制器连接到一只交换机上;2) 禁止在处于运行中的控制器随意调换;3)禁止在运行中的交换机上测试网线;4)禁止把已配置好的控制器在网络上随意调换;5)禁止网络线、控制器受力、拉扯;6)禁止把T2550控制器中的CF卡随意调换二、软件方面1、关于T2550中TASK设置4个TASK设置,一般设置原则是N*110 ms(N=1,2,3,4….)。

正常情况下,将TASK任务设置为TASK1=110ms、TASK2=220ms、TASK3=330ms、TASK4=440ms,一般组态全部设置为TASK3=330 ms。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1):T2550 的通信是通过以太网LIN通信协议,我们常说的ELIN网络;

请将switch2的2、3 两个开关置为1,将CPU置为热启动/冷启动方式,不要使用自动生成数据库的方式。


每一个T2550模块都有一个10/100Mbase T端口通过标准的RJ45接口进行以太网通信。


2) 禁止在处于运行中的控制器随意调换;
4个TASK设置,一般设置原则是N*110 ms(N=1,2,3,4….)。

正常情况下,将TASK任务设置为TASK1=110ms、TASK2=220ms、TASK3=330ms、TASK4=440ms,一般组态全部设置为TASK3=330 ms。




2)硬件同步:用小一字器轻轻捅一下SYNC SWITCH。

见演示组态,在组态中添加TOD_DIAG,然后在LINOPC中勾中SYNC TIME,下载组态即可。



[LIN] ProtocolName=NET(LIN网络协议名称)
[IP] DHCP=off(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol动态主机分配协议)
该文件需要从控制器里拷贝至PC机用记事本等文本编辑器或者欧陆自带的软件(Eurotherm LIN Instrument Options Editor)打开和编辑(打开时要在左侧的Instrument里选择T2550),如下图:
