FactorySuite 基本介绍


FactorySuite-生产制造管理信息系统 (MMI)

FactorySuite-生产制造管理信息系统 (MMI)

e™ 2000是世界上第一个集成的、基于组件的 MMI 系2000,可以访问管理工厂所需的全部信息。


您还需要各种功能 – 可视– 以使工厂真正有效率,而所提供的适当的生产制造信息能够使操作员、工程师、维FactorySuite 包括下列基本部件:HMI 。


SuiteVoyager™ – 推出了可通过Internet/Intranet获取信息并进行控制的"瘦"的SuiteV oyager系列. SuiteV oyager 向工业自动化领域提供了第一个可缩放的,可扩展的多种语言的生产制造信息门户InContro l™ – 用于基于 Windows ® N T™ 的机器和过程控制。

InTrac k™ – 用于资源管理。

Server、InTrack 和 InTouch 能够实时提供过程和产品信息,InBatch 和量处理和统计信息,还可以为跨企业用户发布信息在上。

2000 部件都已经集成在一起,这意味着更少的用户编程、FactorySuiteFactorySuite —所有部件同时升级,所以可保证整套系统即插2000 可采集和管理生产信息,形象化分解生产过程,跟踪和使用多种工具箱更能扩充套件的功能性.世界上任何生产制造环境—汽车、化学、制药、石油和天然气、纺织—都能从 FactorySuite 2000 的强大功能中得到益处。

MMI 的新纪元✮FactorySuite 2000 是一个真正集成的生产制造管理信息系统,更强的功能,更紧凑的集成,更可靠的性能,和同样执著的承诺,即创造了方便易用的软件,已成为 Wonderware 的品质保证。

应用程序FactorySuite 2000 可适用在连续、批量和离散的制造环境。

四个版本的套件可用在不同的制造环境中开发应用程序:1) FactorySuite包含 InTouch、IndustrialSQL、FactorySuiteWeb Server 和 InControl。

安装包制作工具 SetupFactory 详解-精

安装包制作工具 SetupFactory 详解-精

安装包制作工具 SetupFactory 详解时间2014-11-19 13:12:00 博客园-原创精华区原文/SavionZhang/p/4106338.html主题技术2014-11-19Setup Factory是一个强大的安装程序制作工具。


可建立快捷方式,也可直接在 Windows 系统的注册表加入内容,还能在 Win.ini 和 System.ini 内加入设定值,更可以建立反安装选项等等。



下面截图中使用的SetupFactory版本为V9.0.3. 0 汉化版。




















FactorySuite 基本介绍

FactorySuite 基本介绍

FactorySuite 基本介绍?Wonderware FactorySuite 概括FactorySuite 2000 是世界上第一个既整合又分散的MMI 系统,使用FactorySuite 2000,你可以得到工厂里所有你想得到的信息。


而FactorySuite 2000可以为你带来这所有的一切。

FactorySuite 基本介绍?Wonderware FactorySuite 概括FactorySuite 2000 包含以下核心产品:? InTouch:可视化人机界面? InControl :基于Windows_NT的机器和处理控制? InSQL:第一个实时的工厂数据库? InTrack:资源管理和跟踪? InBatch:配方混合和管理??I/O Server:目前主流的通讯连接程序FactorySuite 基本介绍??安装FactorySuite的系统要求??带Pentium 100或更高处理器的任何IBM 兼容个人计算机。

? 64M RAM支持(我们建议5K标记名要求8M内存支持,32K标记名要求64M内存支持,60K标记名要求128M内存支持) ??定位装置,例如鼠标、轨迹球和触摸屏。

? Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2或Windows NT 4.0 SP6a ??带2M以上内存的显示适配器?网络适配器注意:InTouch 7.1不再支持Windows 3.x,InTouch 7.11不再支持Windows 9x, ME 安装InTouch 7.11 ?InTouch使用Wonderware FactorySuite 安装程序进行安装。

?InTouch 在Microsoft Windows 2000 或Windows NT 操作系统下运行。

Intouch 使用介绍

Intouch 使用介绍

下一代工业自动化软件的开发平台 Wonderware ArchestrA™Wonderware 企业级应用和信息系统的新平台 -- ArchestrAWonderware 在过去的 5 年中投入了巨大的人力和资金为工业应用开发这样一个强大的平台(见图一) 。

Wonderware 很早就认识到在一个统一的平台之上创建和运行工业应用程序的重要性。

这样的一个新的平 台框架使应用程序的开发者能专著于充分利用他们本行业的专业知识,而不用再底层技术细节上花费过多 的精力。

这个全新的技术叫做:ArchestrA™ -- 她不是传统意义上的一个单独的产品,而是一个平台,一套底层服 务。

这个新的技术给工业自动化应用的开发者:从系统集成商、OEM、增值销售商到最终用户带来巨大的 好处。

(图一) Wonderware 将工业自动化软件都需要的一些的共同的基本的功能和服务( Services )抽象出来,构成 ArchestrA™ 平台。

她旨在将用户从复杂的底层技术中解放出来,他们只需要“组合”的技能,而不是“编 程” 技术, 并专注于他们已经熟悉的本行业的专业知识。

这个平台构架在微软操作系统和相关软件 (例如.Net 框架)之上。

ArchestrA™ 致力于提供一个可以在各种自动化行业实施的,包含通用底层结构的平台。

ArchestrA™ 提供如 下一些公共服务: • 设计和开发环境 Design and development environment • 部署机制 Deployment Services• 脚本和计算服务 Powerful scripting and calculation services • 报警和事件子系统 Alarm and Event subsystem, for management, delivery, printing, and historization services for alarm and events • 强大的内置的历史纪录和数据传输服务 Powerful built in historization and guaranteed delivery services • 规模可伸缩性 Built in distributed architecture services for scaleability • 集成硬件驱动 Integration with and data acquisition from all types of field devices • 对象间通讯和命名服务 Inter-object communications and name service management services • 版本管理服务 Version management services • 安全机制服务 Security Model services • 集中授权和部署服务 Centralized license management and deployment services • 集中故障诊断服务 Centralized system diagnostics and system administration services • 对象和应用服务的国际化 Internationalization of objects and application services • 界面编辑服务 Graphical/UI editing services, with multiple runtime rendering services • 报表和查询服务 Reporting and Query services • 支持 OPC 和 SQL 等工业标准 Common support for industry standards such as OPC and SQL 这个仍然可以扩展的特点列表,预示着在不久的将来工程师们开发工业自动化应用的方式将会发生巨大的 变化!工程师们将用一种全新的,以工厂为中心(Plant-centric ) ,组件化对象化的方式进行系统设计。




在这里推荐使用Setup Factory 7.0,这是一款强大的安装程序制作工具。


可建立快捷方式,也可直接在Windows 系统的注册表加入内容,还能在Win.ini 和System.ini 内加入设定值,更可以建立反安装选项等等。



我在这里简单介绍一下如何使用Setup Factory 7.0来制作一个安装程序。



由于在首次安装完Setup Factory 7.0后,默认语言为英文(可能会根据软件版本而不同),这样在制作安装程序时很不方便,因此需要先将默认语言改为中文简体。





















7. 制造商的缩写扩展 - 将缩写记忆为一个简单的词组或句子,可以更容易地记忆制造商的名称。

例如,PDF的扩展可以记为"Portable Document Format"。










LEASE CONTRACTFORSTANDARD FACTORY PREMISESBETWEEN(PLEASE INSERT THE NAME OF THE LESSOR)AND(PLEASE INSERT THE NAME OF THE LESSEE)CONCERNING(PLEASE INSERT THE NAME OF THE STANDARD FACTORY PREMISES)(MONTH) (DATE), (YEAR)(PLACE), CHINALEASE CONTRACT FOR STANDARD FACTORY PREMISESTABLE OF CONTENTS1.LEASE (1)2.TERM OF LEASE AND FIT-OUT PERIOD (1)3.RENT AND FEES (2)4.DELIVERY AND TAKING POSSESSION OF THE FACTORYPREMISES (4)5.REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE (6)6.ALTERATION AND REBUILDING (7)7.RETURN (8)8.OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS (8)9.TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES (10)10.REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES (11)11.TERMINATION (12)12.INSURANCE (13)13.FORCE MAJEURE (13)14.NOTICE (14)ERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION (15)16.MISCELLANEOUS (15)APPENDIX 1 (18)CERTIFICATE OF BUILDING OWNERSHIP OF THE PREMISES (18)APPENDIX 2 (19)STATE-OWNED LAND USE RIGHT CERTIFICATE OF THE LAND (19)APPENDIX 3 (20)BASIC INFORMATION OF THE FACTORY PREMISES (20)APPENDIX 4 (21)REQUIREMENTS OF THE FACTORY PREMISES UPON DELIVERY (21)This Lease Contract for Standard Factory Premises (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is entered into by and between the following parties in (Please insert the execution place), the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) on (Month) (Date), (Year):Party A (Lessor): (Please insert the name of the Lessor)Party B (Lessee): (Please insert the name of the Lessee)(Party A and Party B hereinafter referred to individually as the “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.)After full negotiation, Party A and Party B hereby enter into this Contract on the lease of the No. (Please insert the serial number) standard factory premises located in (Please insert the location):1.LEASEParty A hereby agrees to lease to Party B certain premises of the No. (Please insert the serial number) standard factory premises, with a construction area of (Please insert the area of the premises) square meters (the “Premises”), located in (Please insert the location), whose details are more specifically and fully described in the Building Ownership Certificate attached hereto as Appendix 1, together with the State-owned land use rights of the land (the “Land”) pertaining to the Premises with a total area of (Please insert the area of such Land) square meters (the “Land Use Right s”), which is obtained by granting (the boundary of the Land, and the nature and term of the Land Use Rights, etc. are more specifically and fully described in the State-owned Land Use Rights Certificate attached hereto as Appendix 2), and all fixtures and improved facilities currently existing on the Land, all public utilities and facilities related to the Premises and the L and (jointly referred to as the “Facilities”Facilities, together with the Premises and the Land Use Rights hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Factory Premises”in this Contract), for Party B’s use. The basic information of the Factory Premises is provided for in Appendix 3 of this Contract. Party B agrees to lease from Party A the Factory Premises.2.TERM OF LEASE AND FIT-OUT PERIODParty B hereby leases the Factory Premises from Party A for a period of (Please insert the number) months (the “Term of Le ase”). Unless otherwise provided hereinafter, the Term of Lease shall commence on (Month) (Date), (Year) and expire on (Month) (Date), (Year). (Month) (Date), (Year) shall be the commencement date of the lease.Party A agrees to provide Party B with no less than (Please insert the number) months as the fit-out period before the commencement date of the lease (the “Fit-out Period”).The fit-out period shall commence on the next day of the date on which Party A delivers the Factory Premises to Party B in accordance with Article 4 hereof (“Commencement Date of the Fit-out Period”).Party B is entitled to request renewal the lease of the Factory Premises (“R enewal”) with a notice to Party A in writing no later than (Please insert the number) months prior to the expiration of the Term of Lease. Under such circumstances, the Parties shall discuss and confirm the rent for the renewed term in accordance with the stipulation concerning the mark up of the rent for the renewed term as provided in Section 3 of Article 3 of this Contract. If the Parties reach a consensus of the rent for the renewed term, the Parties shall sign a renewal contract with the same terms and conditions hereof (except for the rent and the term of the lease), unless the Parties may agree otherwise.3.RENT AND FEES3.1Unless this Contract is early terminated, and provided that Party A permits Party B to occupyand use the Factory Premises, Party B shall pay Party A the occupation fee of the Factory Premises during the fit-out period (“Factory Premises Occupation Fee”) and the Rent during the Term of Lease.3.2The Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent during the Term of Lease shall becalculated as follows.(a)The Factory Premises Occupation Fee shall be: (Please insert the amount of such Feeor the formula to calculate such Fee);(b)Rent of the Factory Premises during the Term of Lease (“Rent”) shall be: (Pleaseinsert the amount of such Rent or the formula to calculate such Rent);3.3Upon the expiry of the Term of Lease, if Party B requests to renew the lease, the Parties maydiscuss adjustment to the Rent according to the then fair market rate and actual conditions of the Factory Premises. Upon Party A’s consent, however, the mark up of the total rent for the renewed term shall in no event exceed (Please insert the stipulated mark up) percent of the Rent provided in Section 2 (2) of Article 3 of this Contract, viz. total Rent of the Factory Premises shall not exceed USD (Please insert the amount of such total Rent)/month during the renewal term.3.4Both the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent shall be settled on a quarterly basis.If the expiry date of the fit-out period is a date other than the last day of a calendar quarter, the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent payable by Party B to Party A shall be thesum of the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent payable for such a calendar quarter, which are, respectively, calculated on a pro-rata basis based on the actual number of days of the fit-out period, for the Factory Premises Occupation Fee, and the term of lease, for the Rent, within such a calendar quarter. The Factory Premises Occupation Fee or the Rent or the total amount of the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent for each calendar quarter shall be paid before the twentieth (20th) day of the second month of each quarter following the Commencement Date of the Fit-out Period. If the Commencement Date is a date other than the first day of a calendar quarter, or the termination date of the Term of Lease is a date other than the last day of a calendar quarter, the Factory Premises Occupation Fee or the Rent for the first and the last quarter shall be prorated on a daily basis and paid respectively on or before the last day of the first and the last quarter.3.5Party B shall pay the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent by cash or check-only-for-account. Within three (3) days of receipt of the payment from Party B, Party A shall issue to Party B an official receipt which complies with financial regulations and requirements stipulated in the tax law.3.6Within three (3) days from Party A’s delivery of the Factory Premises to Party B, Party Bshall pay an amount equal to three (3) month’s Rent without any deduction to Party A in advance as deposit (the “Deposit”) for Party B to perform the Contract. The Deposit shall not bear interests to Party B. Upon the expiration of the Term of Lease or earlier termination, the Deposit shall be returned to Party B pursuant to the provisions of this Contract after deducting all amounts payable and unpaid by Party B.3.7In the event that Party B delays to pay the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and/or the Rent,Party A may demand a penalty from Party B in an amount equal to (Please insert the rate of such penalty) (__%) of the overdue amount of the Factory Premises Occupation Fee and/or the Rent on daily basis. Party B, however, is not responsible for such penalty if such overdue is not attributable to Party B.3.8Party B shall bear all the fees and charges arising from its use of public utilities of the FactoryPremises during the Term of Lease.3.9The Parties hereby acknowledge that Factory Premises Occupation Fee and the Rent payableby Party B to Party A hereunder shall be all the payment payable by Party B to Party A in connection with and for the lease of the Factory Premises hereunder, and, unless expressly provided otherwise hereunder, Party B shall not be required to and not be obligated to pay any other fees or charges to Party A for the lease of the Factory Premises hereunder, nor shall Party B bear any other liabilities in connection with the Factory Premises.3.10Any account hereunder shall be paid in RMB. In the event that any account is calculated inUSD, it shall be converted into RMB according to intermediate exchange rate of RMB against USD posted by the People’s Bank of China on (Please insert the date) of the then current month.4.DELIVERY AND TAKING POSSESSION OF THE FACTORY PREMISES4.1PossessionBoth Parties hereby agree that Party B shall have the right to take possession of the Factory Premises on the Commencement Date of the Fit-out Period, and take exclusive possession of the Factory Premises for the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease, thereby permitting Party Ba full and unrestricted 24-hour use of the Factory Premises.4.2Preparation of the Factory PremisesPrior to Party B’s possession of the Factory Premises, Party A shall, at its own cost, prepare the Factory Premises so that Party B is able to make a full and proper use thereof for the purposes of this Contract. Party A shall, in particular, ensure that, prior to or on the date of Party B’s possession of the Factory Premises pursuant to this Contract:(a)The construction of the Factory Premises has been completed and passed thecompletion acceptance in accordance with (Please insert the construction standards).The basic outfits are as follows:(Please insert the particulars for such basic outfits).The Parties agree that, in case the basic outfits of the Factory Premises set forth in this Section 2(1) are in conflict or have discrepancies with those set forth in Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 hereof, those of a higher requirement shall prevail.(b)The Factory Premises shall have elec tricity and water supply facilities for Party B’sproduction and business operation. The diameter of pipe of water supply shall be(Please insert the number) mm, the diameter of water meter shall be (Please insertthe number) mm and the box-style transformer substation shall have a capacity of(Please insert the number) KVA. The electricity wiring system of the FactoryPremises shall be safe and comply with the standards stipulated in the relevant PRClaws and regulations with the electricity circuit of the Factory Premises separate fromthat of other buildings. All the abovementioned facilities shall be in a good conditionand shall fully comply with all relevant State and local laws and regulations of thePRC.(c)The Factory Premises shall comply with all the relevant safe standards, structurallysound without leakage or any other damage.(d)The Factory Premises shall have fire protection facilities in compliance with the lawsand regulations and the requirements of the fire protection department.(e)Sewage (wastewater) central processing system has been established by (Pleaseinsert the place where the Factory Premises is located). Party B may dischargesewage or waste water possibly created during the process of its production and dailyoperation to the sewage central processing system that satisfy the minimumdischarging standard required by the aforesaid sewage central processing system.Party A ensures that the process of sewage or waste water by the sewage centralprocessing system complies with all applicable State and local laws and regulations onenvironment protection of the PRC and release Party B from any and all obligations orlosses incurred from improper processing of above mentioned sewage centralprocessing system.(f)The Factory Premises shall be clean and free from all refuse, waste and all otherdeposit, debris, cast-off and impediment in, out and neighbouring the Factory Premises.4.3Party A shall deliver the Factory Premises to Party B in accordance with the conditionsagreed herein before (Month) (Date), (Year). Party A shall serve fifteen days prior notice to Party B for the inspection of the Factory Premises. Party B shall conduct an inspection on the Factory Premises within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice. If the result of the inspection is eligible, Party B shall issue a written acceptance certificate to Party A. The date on which Party B issues such written acceptance certificate shall be delivery date of the Factory Premises. If the result is not eligible, Party B shall prepare a written report to Party A, listing all items of defects and non-compliance with the delivery conditions under this Contract which are detected in the inspection hereunder. Party A shall promptly provide a written response to such report as to whether it agrees to correct the defects and non-compliance, and, if it agrees, the plan and time schedule for correcting such defects and non-compliance shall be prepared, however, Party A shall not unreasonably refuse such correction. All corrective actions shall be completed within seven (7) days after Party B submits the report pursuant to this Section. If any of such corrective actions is not reasonably expected to be completed within such seven(7) days period, reasonable plan and timetable for the completion of such correction shall beproposed by Party A as may be acceptable to Party B to the greatest extent. After Party A completes the correction, it shall provide Party B with reasonable time to conduct aninspection on the Factory Premises again. If the result of the re-inspection is eligible, Party B shall issue a written acceptance certificate to Party A.4.4In the event that Party A fails to deliver the Factory Premises to Party B on or before (Month)(Date), (Year), Party A shall pay a penalty to Party B in an amount equal to (Please insert the rate of such penalty) (__%) of the monthly rent on daily basis. Party B is entitled to rescind the Contract in the event that the overdue is over 30 days.4.5Notwithstanding Section 4 of Article 4 hereinabove, in the event any corrective action set forthin Section 3 of Article 4 above is not completed by Party A, or Party A is in breach of any of its obligations of repair and maintenance under Article 5 hereof, Party B shall be entitled to take possession and make use of the Factory Premises in accordance with this Contract, and reserve the right to terminate this Contract pursuant to the provisions hereof. On the condition that Party B chooses to continue to use the Factory Premises, the Factory Premises Occupation Fee or the Rent for the respective quarter shall be reduced for each day of Party A’s breach of its obligations hereunder by an daily amount equal to (Please insert the reduction percentage) (__%) of the quarterly Factory Premises Occupation Fee or the Rent.Such reduction of the Factory Premises Occupation Fee or the Rent shall not release Party A from any obligations of compensating losses suffered by Party B or impeding Party B from obtaining compensation for such breach pursuant to law or this Contract.5.REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE5.1Repair by Party ADuring the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease, Party A shall, at its own cost, repair and maintain the Factory Premises.Party A shall carry out its obligation of repair and maintenance under this Contract properly and without delay. All such repair and maintenance shall be carried out without hindrance or damage to Party B’s normal business operations out of normal scope and extent and with at least three days prior written notice to Party B except for emergency repair. However, if the repair and maintenance are upon Party’s request, Party A shall repair and maintain immediately or on the time requested by Party B and shall not be restricted by the notification time mentioned above. If Party A fails to carry out the repair and maintenance hereunder within ten (10) days of Party B’s notice, or for repair of the main body, fails to make appropriate arrangement for the repair and maintenance within ten (10) days after a written notice is given by Party B and complete the repair within a reasonable time, except that it is not feasible to carry out the aforesaid repair and maintenance due to external factors such aswhether and etc., or it is reasonably delayed due to Party B’s default, Party B shall have the right to terminate this Contract.5.2Repair by Party BIf Party A fails to conduct the repair and maintenance promptly as required herein, Party B shall have the right to make such repair and maintenance by itself or by means of employing a third party, and be entitled to request Party A to reimburse all direct expenses, or be entitled to directly deduct such expenses from the Factory Premises Occupation Fee or the Rent to be paid to Party A pursuant to this Contract, and Party B shall offer to Party A copies of payment vouchers proving actual incurrence of the above mentioned costs. Both Parties hereby confirm that payment or deduction of the said expenses does not prevent, lessen or influence Party B’s rights to claim for compensation against Party A for its delayed repair and maintenance under laws and this Contract.During the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease, Party B shall at its own cost be responsible for the repair and maintenance of any addition, alteration or rebuilding of the Factory Premises it conducts.6.ALTERATION AND REBUILDING6.1Party A hereby agrees that, during the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease, on the premiseof complying with Section 2 below, Party B is entitled to, at its own cost, make any new construction, reconstruction, addition, alteration, improvement or fit-out to any part of the Factory Premises (hereinafter referred to as “I mprovements”), including but not limited to altering to (Please insert the parts to be improved) of the Factory Premises.6.2If Party B intends to make Improvements to the interior of the Factory Premises (includingouter walls of the Premises), it shall obtain written consent from Party A in advance.However, Party A shall not unreasonably refuse the Improvements, which will not damage the structure of the Factory Premises significantly. If Party B intends to make Improvements to the exterior of the Factory Premises, it shall obtain approval from relevant government departments in advance (if necessary), and such Improvements shall not damage public utilities in (Please insert the place where the Factory Premises is located).6.3If it is necessary for Party B to acquire consent to the Improvements from relevantgovernment departments, Party A shall, at its own cost, apply for and make its best efforts to obtain all relevant permits, approvals and registrations necessary for conducting and completing such Improvements from the government agencies.6.4Party B’s Improvements made under this Section 1 of Article 6 shall be regarded as a part ofthe Factory Premises hereunder and Party A shall collect no additional Factory Premises Occupation Fee or R ent for such Party B’s Improvements.7.RETURNUpon the expiration of the Term of Lease or earlier termination of the Contract, Party B shall not be obligated to recover Improvements or alterations of the Factory Premises to the conditions on delivery and shall be entitled to choose to dismantle them or not, except for recovering original bearing structures of the Factory Premises on the Commencement Date of the Fit-out Period. If Party B chooses to dismantle them, it shall not be responsible to compensate for or repair normal non-structural wear-and-tear or damage incurred from normal use or dismantlement of Improvements; if Party B chooses not to dismantle them, the Improvements shall be owned by Party A.8.OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES AND OBLIGATIONS8.1In addition to the responsibilities and obligations under this Contract, Party A shall also assumethe following responsibilities and obligations:(a)Make its best efforts to ensure that Party B will be able to conduct all activitiesrelated to its production and business operations in the Factory Premises under allcircumstance during the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease;(b)Deliver the Factory Premises to Party B in accordance with the time and conditionsset forth in Article 4 of this Contract and ensure Party B to normally use the FactoryPremises throughout the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease without being disturbed;(c)Prior to the Commencement Date of the Fit-out Period, at its own cost, apply for andobtain all permits required by the government for legally using all public utilities of theFactory Premises for Party B;(d)Install independent or separate meters, at its own cost, for all public utilities for theFactory Premises, and unless for reasons beyond Party A’s co ntrol, ensureuninterrupted supply of electricity, water and other utilities to the Factory Premisesthroughout the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease.(e)Charge fees for electricity, water and other public utilities supplied to and actuallyused by Party B at such rates and time as Party A is charged by the respectivesuppliers without any surcharge, and upon the request of Party B, assist Party B toestablish direct relations of supply with the respective suppliers of electricity, waterand other public utilities in the name of Party B.(f)Promptly pay all applicable taxes and other financial obligations, which are imposed onParty A with respect to the lease, possession and use of the Factory Premises byParty B hereunder in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and safeguardagainst any negative influence on Party B’s lease, possession and use of the FactoryPremises due to arrears of tax and fees.(g)During the Fit-out Period and the Term of Lease, ensure a full and free access to theFactory Premises for all personnel, visitors and guests of Party B from the nearestpublic roads, and permit the Party B to use all pathways, easements or roads of suchnature, whether in current use or to be built in the future around or relating to theFactory Premises.(h)Obtain and maintain during the Term of Lease all the necessary registrations orapprovals for Party B’s lease of the Factory Premises from relevant government orother departments, complete all relevant procedures and bear all the relevant fees andcharges, including but not limited to applying for and obtain the Lease Certificate tothe relevant registration agency within (Please insert the number) days after theformal execution of this Contract, deliver the original of such Lease Certificate toParty B as early as possible.8.2In addition to the responsibilities and obligations under this Contract, Party B shall also assumethe following responsibilities and obligations:(a)Shall not sublease the Factory Premises to a third party without Party A’s consent;(b)Shall be responsible for indemnifying or repairing damages of the Factory Premisesand its ancillary facilities resulting from improper use or other factitious factors;(c)Provide necessary assistance for Party A’s inspection, reparation and maintenance ofthe Factory Premises;(d)Use the Factory Premises in accordance with the business scope set forth in itsbusiness license;(e)Comply with relevant PRC laws and regulations on environmental protection.9.TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES9.1Taxes and Fees(a)Unless otherwise expressly provided hereunder, Party A shall pay all taxes, fees andcharges that shall be borne by Party A under the laws pertinent to the execution andperformance of this Contract, including, but not limited to, (i) all taxes, fees andcharges levied or charged by the government, which are necessary to be paid forParty A’s execution and performance of the Land-Use-Right Granting Contract,obtaining the Land Use Right, the Premise Ownership Certificate, any other permitsand approvals enabling and qualifying Party A to lease the Factory Premises to PartyB under this Contact, and for confirming the boundary, area and purpose of use of theFactory Premises; and (ii) the land use fee, property taxes in any form, rental tax,stamp duties, registration fee of this Contract or other fees arising in connection withthis Contract, which shall be paid by Party A under the laws and regulations of thePRC;(b)Unless otherwise expressly provided hereunder, Party B shall pay all the taxes, feesand charges related to the execution and performance of this Contract, which isprescribed by the law to be borne by Party B;(c)Unless otherwise expressly provided hereunder, if there is no law, regulation or policyspecify explicitly which Party shall bear such fees and charges, the Parties shall sharein equal proportion the fees and charges related to the performance of this Contractand for both Parties’ common interests.9.2Right to Pay InsteadIf either Party fails to pay taxes, fees and charges in accordance with this Contract, the other Party shall be entitled to pay instead and to request compensation for such payments, including all losses and damages incurred therefrom.9.3IndemnificationOne Party shall indemnify the other Party for all claims and damages, which may occur due to any default of the other Party to pay any taxes, fees or charges as set forth above. However, both Parties agree that, the capped amount of such indemnification shall not exceed the total amount of the Rent of (Please insert the number) months hereunder.10.REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES10.1Party A’s Representations and Warranties(a)It is the sole owner of the Factory Premises as evidenced by the Certificates ofBuildings Ownership and the State-owned Land Use Right Certificate attached heretoas Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.(b)The Land Use Right under this Contract has been legally and appropriatelytransferred under the name of Party A, and Party A has paid in full the price, taxes,fees or charges (including but not limited to the land use right granting fee) payable orrelated thereto;(c)It has obtained all necessary approval, permission and authorization (including, but notlimited to, the approval, permission and authorization necessary under the law or itscorporate documents), and has the right to lease the Factory Premises to Party B as aforeign invested enterprise for the purpose of use under this Contract;(d)The Factory Premises are free from any mortgages and any other restraints orencumbrances that would affect Party B’s use of the part or whole of the FactoryPremises under this Contract. After the Contract takes effect, Party A is entitled tomortgage the Factory Premises to a third party given that Party A gives Party B awritten notice in advance. However, Party A’s mortgage of the Factory Premisesshall not affect Party B’s rights hereunder. Especially, Party A shall cause andundertake that, when the mortgagee realizes its mortgage right, the new owner of theFactory Premises will issue a written commitment to Party B indicating it will fullyperform Party A’s obligations and responsibilities hereunder.(e)On the Commence Date of the Term of Lease, no government or administrativedepartment, military unit, organization, company or any other entity or individual in anyform or of any description has the right to use, occupy or control the Factory Premisesor any other part thereof or has any other claim to or right over the Factory Premiseswhich may in any manner whatsoever adversely affect Party B’s right to use theFactory Premises for the purposes hereunder, and/ or subjec t Party B’s right to usethe Factory Premises to any conditions other than those specified herein, and no suchclaim is pending and no plan or proposal to grant any such claim;(f)On the date of Party B’s occupation of the Factory Premises, there shall be noenvironmental pollution that will in any way interfere with Party B’s businessoperation or result in non-compliance with any PRC environmental protection laws or。



简单⼯⼚(SimplePattern)模式⼀、简单⼯⼚(Simple Factory)模式Simple Factory 模式根据提供给它的数据,返回⼏个可能类中的⼀个类的实例。


Simple Factory 模式实际上不是 Gof 23个设计模式中的⼀员。

⼆、简单⼯⼚(Simple Factory)模式⾓⾊与结构⼯⼚类⾓⾊Creator (LightSimpleFactory):⼯⼚类在客户端的直接控制下(Create⽅法)创建产品对象。

抽象产品⾓⾊Product (Light):定义简单⼯⼚创建的对象的⽗类或它们共同拥有的接⼝。


具体产品⾓⾊ ConcreteProduct (BulbLight, TubeLight):定义⼯⼚具体加⼯出的对象。

三、简单⼯⼚(Simple Factory)模式演化1) Simple Factory 模式演化(⼀)除了上⾯的⽤法外,在有些情况下Simple Factory可以有抽象产品⾓⾊扮演,⼀个抽象产品类同时是⼦类的⼯⼚。

2) Simple Factory 模式演化(⼆)三个⾓⾊全部合并:与单例模式(Singleton)相近,但是有区别。

四、有点与缺点优点: ⼯⼚类含有必要的判断逻辑,可以决定什么时候创建哪⼀个产品类的实例,客户端可以免除直接创建产品对象的责任,⽽仅仅“消费”产品。


缺点: 当产品有复杂的多层等级结构时,⼯⼚类只有⾃⼰,以不变应万变,就是模式的缺点。






MES方面的软件主要有:Wonderware公司的FactorySuite2000套装软件,它是一种优秀的MES软件开发工具(Intrack 和InBatch),同时也提供了一个良好的运行环境(Intouch)。


Invensys Intelligent Automation;软件类别:ERP,制造执行系统(MES)数据库平台:Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle ,服务器平台:OS 400, UnixSiemens Energy & Automation ;软件类别:制造执行系统(MES)。

Honeywell Hi-Spec Solutions;软件类别:制造执行系统(MES),电子商务,数据库平台;MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle ;服务器平台:Digital Open VMS, Unix;适用行业:消费品,食品&饮料,医药&生命科学,流程型(化工&塑料),批量。

Indus International ;软件类别:CRM,企业资产管理 (EAM),ERP,制造执行系统(MES);数据库平台:Oracle, Sybase;服务器平台:OS 400, UnixRockwell Software ;软件类别:企业资产管理(EAM),制造执行系统(MES),供应链管理,APS技术,仓库管理;数据库平台:MS Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle;服务器平台:Windows NT Server;适用行业:航空航天,汽车,消费品,食品&饮料,半导体,机械制造,按定单生产,医学,生命科学,流程型(化工&塑料),批量型。

Kronos Inc.;软件类别:制造执行系统(MES);数据库平台:IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, Oracle;服务器平台:Novell Netware, OS 400, Unix, Windows 2000 Server, Windows NT Server。



factoryio外部素材摘要:1.Factoryio 简介2.Factoryio 的外部素材功能3.Factoryio 外部素材的使用方法4.Factoryio 外部素材的优势和应用场景5.结论正文:一、Factoryio 简介Factoryio 是一款基于Python 的工业物联网平台,可以帮助用户快速构建工业物联网应用。


二、Factoryio 的外部素材功能Factoryio 提供了丰富的外部素材功能,允许用户在外部系统中创建、编辑和管理素材。


三、Factoryio 外部素材的使用方法1.登录Factoryio 平台,进入“外部素材”模块。




四、Factoryio 外部素材的优势和应用场景1.丰富的素材类型:Factoryio 支持多种素材类型,可以满足不同应用场景的需求。

2.易用的编辑器:Factoryio 的外部素材编辑器简单易用,无需专业技能即可轻松上手。

3.高效的数据管理:通过Factoryio 外部素材功能,用户可以方便地管理和维护素材数据,提高工作效率。

4.应用场景:Factoryio 外部素材功能可以广泛应用于工业物联网、智慧城市、智能交通等领域,为用户提供丰富的数据展示和交互体验。

五、结论Factoryio 的外部素材功能为用户提供了便捷的素材管理和编辑手段,可以满足不同应用场景的需求。



finite的英文介绍Finite is a term that is commonly used in various fields of mathematics, computer science, and logic. It refers to something that has a definite or limited size, quantity, or extent. In other words, a finite entity is one that can be counted, measured, or enumerated. This concept is in contrast to the idea of infinity, which represents something that is boundless or without end.In mathematics, the term "finite" is used to describe sets, numbers, and functions that have a specific or countable number of elements or values. For example, a finite set is a collection of objects that can be listed or counted, such as the set of natural numbers from 1 to 10. Similarly, a finite number is one that can be expressed as a whole number or a fraction, such as 5, 7/3, or -12. Finite functions, on the other hand, are those that map a finite domain (input) to a finite codomain (output).One of the fundamental concepts in mathematics is the idea of a finite set. A finite set is a collection of distinct objects that can be counted or enumerated. The size or cardinality of a finite set is thenumber of elements it contains. For example, the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is a finite set with a cardinality of 5. Finite sets are often represented using curly braces {} and can be combined using set operations such as union, intersection, and complement.In contrast to finite sets, there are also infinite sets, which are collections of objects that cannot be counted or enumerated. The set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...) and the set of real numbers are examples of infinite sets. These sets have an unlimited number of elements and cannot be exhaustively listed.Another important concept in mathematics is the idea of finite numbers. Finite numbers are those that can be expressed as a whole number or a fraction. These numbers include the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...), the integers (0, ±1, ±2, ...), the rational numbers (fractions), and the real numbers (including both rational and irrational numbers). Finite numbers have a specific value and can be compared, added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided.In contrast to finite numbers, there are also infinite numbers, such as the set of real numbers, which cannot be fully enumerated or represented as a single value. These infinite numbers have no definite or countable end and are often used to represent continuous quantities or quantities that cannot be precisely measured.In computer science, the concept of finite is also important. Computers and digital systems are designed to work with finite data, such as binary digits (bits) and finite-precision numbers. The memory and storage capacity of computers are also finite, meaning that they can only store a limited amount of information. Finite state machines, which are fundamental models in computer science, are also based on the idea of finite states and transitions.In logic, the concept of finite is used to describe the size or scope of logical statements and reasoning. A finite logical statement is one that can be completely specified or enumerated, such as "All cats are mammals" or "There exists a prime number greater than 10." In contrast, infinite logical statements, such as "For all natural numbers, there exists a greater natural number," cannot be fully specified or enumerated.The concept of finite is also important in many other fields, such as physics, engineering, and economics. In physics, for example, the finite speed of light and the finite nature of the universe are fundamental concepts. In engineering, the finite capacity of physical systems, such as the limited power output of a generator or the finite storage capacity of a battery, must be taken into account in the design and operation of these systems. In economics, the concept of finite resources, such as limited natural resources or finite laborsupply, is crucial for understanding economic processes and decision-making.In conclusion, the concept of finite is a fundamental idea that underpins many areas of mathematics, computer science, logic, and other fields. It represents the idea of something that is limited, countable, or measurable, in contrast to the concept of infinity, which represents the boundless or unlimited. Understanding the properties and implications of finite entities is essential for solving problems, designing systems, and reasoning about the world around us.。






在将其带入句子中,可以这样理解,比如Factory managers sometimes bribeauditors.这段话的意思就是,工厂经理有时贿赂审计员。















(2) 缺乏MES技术标准。MES的设计、开发、实施、维护缺乏技术标准,影响了
(3) 集成性还没有完全解决。由于缺乏统一的工厂数据模型,MES各功能子系统之
7. MES可量化的直接经济效益 (MESA调查)
8. MES的主要供应商
6. MES的功能作用
平均降低:35% 降低的幅度:10-80%
平均降低:36% 降低的幅度:0-90%
Rockwell Automation公司的RSBizware
Siemens 公司的SIMATIC IT Production Suite



六、工业过滤器系列Industrial Filter Series(一)KCFC6-001:袋式过滤器◆适用范围:适用于医院、生物制药、汽车制造、洁净室、电子光学、喷涂车间、空调通风系统的净化过滤;◆特点:采用优质超细熔喷粘合而成的纤维滤料,经无缝熔接,确保运行的高度可靠性,耐高温达到80℃,耐湿度强,可达100%RH湿度,过滤效率G3、G4、F5(EN779),阻燃级别F1,外框采用铝合金或镀锌外框,规格可按客户要求定制。

(一) KCFC6-001:Bag Air Filter◆Applications: It applies to the purification of hospital, biological pharmacy, automobile manufacturing, clean workshop,electronics, spraying workshop, air conditioning and ventilation system;◆Features: Its purifying materials are glued by high quality superfine melt-blown with seamless, to ensure the operationreliability, high temperature resistance for 80 ℃, strong humidity resistance for 100% RH humidity, thepurifying efficiency should be G3, G4, F5 (EN779), flame retardant level should be F1, the frame is made byaluminum alloy or galvanized frame. Its specifications can be customized.(二)KCFC6-002:初效板式过滤器◆适用范围:空调机组、喷涂车间、空压机及燃气轮机通风系统、洁净车间预置过滤等◆特点:采用优质合成纤维或进口玻璃纤维为滤料,经折叠或平铺加工成型,具有阻力低、容尘量大、易更换、成本低等优点,外框采用硬质防水纸板框,也可选用铝合金或镀锌外框,过滤等级G2、G3、G4、F5(EN779),可选厚度1"(20mm),2"(46mm),4"(96mm)。

manufacturability 英标

manufacturability 英标

manufacturability 英标什么是"manufacturability"(制造可行性)?如何根据英标制定和评估制造可行性?本文将详细介绍"manufacturability"的定义、制定和评估过程。



根据英标(British Standards),制造可行性是根据要求制定和评估的。







在这个过程中,设计人员需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 材料选择:选择适合产品需求的材料,并考虑其可获得性和成本效益。

2. 制造工艺:评估产品的制造过程,并确定哪些工艺是适合的。


3. 零部件设计:评估产品的零部件,并确定是否存在过于复杂或难以加工的部件。


4. 生产装备:评估生产所需的设备和工具,并确保它们可用且适用于产品生产。

5. 质量控制:制定质量控制计划,以确保产品符合质量标准。







manufacture形容词【最新版】目录1.制造形容词的含义2.manufacture 的词源和演变3.manufacture 的用法和例句4.manufacture 的同义词和反义词正文【1.制造形容词的含义】“manufacture”是一个英语单词,其形容词形式为“manufactured”,主要用来描述通过人工或机械生产出来的商品、产品或物品。



【2.manufacture 的词源和演变】“Manufacture”这个词源于拉丁语“manu factura”,意为“手工制作”。




【3.manufacture 的用法和例句】“Manufacture”作为形容词时,通常用于描述通过人工或机械生产出来的物品。

以下是一些例句:- The factory manufactures a wide range of electronic products.(工厂生产各种电子产品。

)- We are looking for a reliable supplier to manufacture our products.(我们正在寻找一个可靠的供应商来生产我们的产品。

) - The company has been manufacturing cars for over 50 years.(该公司生产汽车已有 50 多年的历史。

)【4.manufacture 的同义词和反义词】“Manufacture”的同义词包括“produce”、“make”和“create”,这些词都表示生产或制造的过程。







概念敏捷制造的定义敏捷制造(Agile Manufacturing)是一种基于市场需求快速响应、高度灵活、资源高效利用的制造方式。

















Factor保健食品海外旗舰店2006年,GLOBAL MASTER(中国)成立,旗下王牌品牌Factor斐科特正式进入中国市场,它作为专为亚洲人研制的健康营养食品,专业品质获得了数项国际荣誉:FDA认证、生物技术211协议、GMP认证、GLP认证、欧洲植物药典标准、美国药典,2009年首批通过北美CGMP认证。

1899年起,美国GLOBAL MASTER公司一直致力于向全球生物医药行业输送最前沿的技术专利。


Factor斐科特系列产品全部由世界顶级健康营养机构研发,该机构与243个研发中心及65个国家级生物实验室保持着良好的合作关系,产品所用原料均来自于全球137个纯天然原料采集基地,并由美国生产基地生产,全部达到行业标准和要求,绝对保证每一粒产品的有效性和安全性;GLOBAL MASTER拥有自己的草药种植园,并且对这些药草有机地进行保险加工;拥有一套科学、标准、严格的检测程序,以此作为控制产品质量的保障;拥有世界一流的实验室,其设备达到并通过GMP标准;在国内上市的Factor斐科特系列产品已达70余款,覆盖了人体几乎全部脏器和基础体质的保养,为各类人群提供全方位的呵护和关怀。

Factor品质——安全、纯天然、高含量、高浓缩、口感好Factor品牌文化——随餐一粒、笑容常伴2008年,GLOBAL MASTER旗下的Factor斐科特品牌系列产品被指定为2008别克中国高尔夫球俱乐部联赛唯一营养膳食补充剂。

2010年,GLOBAL MASTER旗下的Factor斐科特品牌系列产品成为中国国家羽毛球队指定产品。

2021年12月,GLOBAL MASTER旗下的Factor斐科特品牌正式入驻天猫国际。

美国GLOBAL MASTER旗下王牌品牌斐科特高品质膳食营养补充品世界顶级营养机构研发为各类人群提供全方位呵护和关怀安全、纯天然、高含量、高浓缩、口感好随餐一粒、笑容常伴。

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FactorySuite 基本介绍?Wonderware FactorySuite 概括FactorySuite 2000 是世界上第一个既整合又分散的MMI 系统,使用FactorySuite 2000,你可以得到工厂里所有你想得到的信息。


而FactorySuite 2000可以为你带来这所有的一切。

FactorySuite 基本介绍?Wonderware FactorySuite 概括FactorySuite 2000 包含以下核心产品:? InTouch:可视化人机界面? InControl :基于Windows_NT的机器和处理控制? InSQL:第一个实时的工厂数据库? InTrack:资源管理和跟踪? InBatch:配方混合和管理??I/O Server:目前主流的通讯连接程序FactorySuite 基本介绍??安装FactorySuite的系统要求??带Pentium 100或更高处理器的任何IBM 兼容个人计算机。

? 64M RAM支持(我们建议5K标记名要求8M内存支持,32K标记名要求64M内存支持,60K标记名要求128M内存支持) ??定位装置,例如鼠标、轨迹球和触摸屏。

? Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2或Windows NT 4.0 SP6a ??带2M以上内存的显示适配器?网络适配器注意:InTouch 7.1不再支持Windows 3.x,InTouch 7.11不再支持Windows 9x, ME 安装InTouch 7.11 ?InTouch使用Wonderware FactorySuite 安装程序进行安装。

?InTouch 在Microsoft Windows 2000 或Windows NT 操作系统下运行。



授权FactorySuite系统的授权信息可以通过授权查看实用工具查看,运行授权查看工具的方法是在WindowMaker Help 的“关于”对话框里面。

要知道更详细的授权信息,请在安装InTouch之后查看《FactorySuite 系统管理员指南》。

技术支持Wonderware技术支持提供许多支持选项,来回答有关Wonderware 产品及其实施的问题。

在联系技术支持前,请先参考《InTouch 用户指南》中的有关章节,以寻求您使用InTouch 系统时所遇问题的可能解决方法。

如果您觉得有必要求助于技术支持,请提供以下信息: 1. 您的软件序列号。

2. 您所运行的InTouch 版本。

3. 您所使用的操作系统类型和版本。

例如,Microsoft Windows NT 第 4.0 SP5 版(或以上版本的)工作站。

4. 描述所遇系统错误消息的准确用词。

5. 来自Wonderware Logger、Microsoft Diagnostic utility (MSD) 或任何其它诊断应用程序的任何相关输出列表。

6. 您所尝试的解决方法的细节和结果。

7. 有关如何重现问题的细节。

8. 如果所遇问题是老问题,请提供指定的Wonderware 技术支持案例号。

有关技术支持的详细信息,请参阅您的联机《FactorySuite 系统管理员指南》。

InTouch 组件通过运用InTouch您可以创建强大的、功能齐全的应用程序,充分利用Microsoft Windows 的关键功能,包括ActiveX 控件、OLE图形和网络等。

InTouch可以通过添加自定义ActiveX 控件、向导、常规对象以及创建InTouch QuickScript 等来进行充分地扩展。

InTouch 包括三个主要程序,它们是InTouch 应用程序管理器、WindowMaker 和WindowViewer此外,InTouch 还包括诊断程序Wonderware Logger 。

InTouch 应用程序管理器用于组织您所创建的应用程序,也可以用于将WindowViewer 配置成一个NT 服务程序,为基于客户机和基于服务器的结构InTouch 组件体系配置网络应用程序开发(NAD)以及配置动态分辨率转换(DRC) 和(或)分布式报警。

DBDump 和DBLoad 数据库实用程序也是从应用程序管理器启动的。


这些显示窗口可以连接到工业I/O 系统和其它Microsoft Windows 应用程序。

WindowViewer 是用于显示在WindowMaker 中创建的图形窗口的运行时环境。

WindowViewer 执行InTouch QuickScript执行历史数据的记录和报告、处理报警记录和报告,并且可以充当DDE 和SuiteLink 通讯协议的客户机和服务器。

第一次运行InTouch 您第一次运行INTOUCH.EXE 时,系统会自动创建INTOUCH.INI 文件。


当您配置应用程序时,您的设置将写入INTOUCH.INI 文件中。



第一次运行InTouch 要首先运行InTouch : 1. 启动InTouch程序(intouch.exe)。

“欢迎使用欢迎使用欢迎使用欢迎使用InTouch 应用程序管理器应用程序管理器应用程序管理器应用程序管理器”对话框出现。

2.单击“下一步”,“欢迎使用InTouch 应用程序管理器”对话框再次出现,显示启动目录的缺省路径。

例如C:\Program Files\factorysuite\InTouch 3.要指明不同的目录,请在输入框中输入目录路径,或单击“浏览” 来寻找目录。

4. 单击“完成”。

5. “InTouch - 应用程序管理器”出现,并自动搜索您计算机中的当前InTouch 应用程序。


第一次运行InTouch 要创建新的应用程序:1 . 在“文件”菜单上,单击“新建”,或单击工具栏上的“新建”工具。


2. 单击“下一步”,“创建新应用程序”向导再次出现。

缺省条件下,系统将显示InTouch 目录的路径,后跟"NewApp"。

3. 在输入框中,键入用以创建应用程序的目录路径,或单击“浏览”来寻找该目录。

4. 单击“下一步”。




第一次运行InTouch 5. 在“名称”框中,为新应用程序图标输入一个唯一的名称,当应用程序在“InTouch 应用程序管理器应用程序管理器应用程序管理器应用程序管理器”窗口中列出时,将显示该图标。

6. 在“描述”框中,输入应用程序的描述文字(描述框是一个可选项,输入的描述内容最长可达255 个字符)。

第一次运行InTouch7. 单击“完成”。

“InTouch - 应用程序管理器”重新出现,并显示图标及您为新应用程序指定的名称。

第一次运行InTouch8. 要打开某个应用程序,选择该应用程序并单击鼠标右键,然后在“文件”菜单中单击您要用于该应用程序的程序名;或者从列表中选择该应用程序,然后在工具栏中单击WindowMaker 工具(新应用程序不能执行WindowViewer )。


应用程序管理器–介绍您可以使用InTouch 应用程序管理器来创建新应用程序,在WindowMaker或WindowViewer 中打开现有的应用程序、删除应用程序,以及运行InTouch DBDump 和DBLoad 标记名字典实用程序。

InTouch 应用程序管理器要运行InTouch 应用程序管理器:启动InTouch程序(intouch.exe)“InTouch 应用程序管理器” 对话框出现:InTouch应用程序管理器当您从列表中选择某个应用程序时,其名称及描述文字将出现在屏幕底部的框中。


当您选择某个应用程序时并单击鼠标右键时,会出现一个菜单,从此菜单也可以执行InTouch 应用程序管理器的多个菜单命令。


键入新名称,然后按Enter 键。





InTouch应用程序管理器要查找应用程序:1 . 在“工具”菜单上,单击“查找应用程序”。


InTouch应用程序管理器 2. 找到您要搜索的应用程序目录,然后单击“确定”。

InTouch 应用程序管理器重新出现,显示选定目录中找到的所有应用程序的图标。

InTouch应用程序管理器要查看应用程序属性:1. 从列表中选择应用程序。

2. 在文件菜单上,单击属性。

属性对话框出现:InTouch 应用程序管理器要查看节点属性:在“工具”菜单上,单击“节点属性”。

“节点属性”对话框出现:提示:要快速访问“节点属性” 对话框,右击窗口的任意空白区域,然后单击“节点属性”。

InTouch应用程序管理器您可以使用此对话框来配置下列项目:?作为NT服务运行的WindowViewer ?网络应用程序开发(NAD) ?动态分辨率转换(DRC) InTouch应用程序管理器要配置应用程序管理器的显示窗口:1. 在“查看”菜单上,单击您要应用的命令,或右击任意列标题,或单击应用程序管理器窗口的空白区域,或在所出现的弹出式菜单上单击详细资料(不是应用程序名) 2. 指向“视图”,将出现下面的子菜单: 3. 选择您要应用的命令。

InTouch应用程序管理器应用程序管理器工具:缺省条件下,当初次运行InTouch 时,将显示应用程序管理器的工具栏和状态栏。
