S Ek
2 j
j 1
考虑扭转耦联计算的结构每个振型 j振型 在i层也都有水平地震作用 F x ji 、F y ji 、F tji ,
水平地震作用的扭转效应按完全二次型 组合法CQC加以组合:
j1 k1
3.2 选取足够的结构振型数
1 、当结构振型数取为15个时,因为有效质量系数(规 范称为参与质量)为49.81%,不足90%。同时底层剪 重比只有0.9%,也小于楼层最小剪重比(1.6%)。所以 此结构选取15个结构振型数是不够的,也可说对某些 结构振型数取少了,会得出不满足楼层最小剪重比的 现象。
2、 当结构振型数取为45个时,有效质量系数(规范称 为参与质量)为93.23%,超过90%,并且基底剪力比 取15振型数时明显增大,达到30177.50 kN,底层剪重 比达到2.6%,满足楼层最小剪重比的要求。
侧刚模型进行振型分析时结构自由度数相对较少,计算耗 时少,分析效率高,但应用范围有限制。
对于N层无塔的结构,侧刚模型的结构自由度数为 3*N个。例如某个10层无塔结构,其结构自由度数为30 个。
对于有塔结构侧刚模型的结构自由度的计算会复杂些。 首先要确定独立的刚性楼板数 M,其结构自由度数为 3*M个。
例如某个30层多塔结构,共有3塔。第1塔层数为1~30, 第2塔层数为6~25(第1~5层与其它塔相连),第3塔 层数为4~28(第1~3层与其它塔相连),则独立刚性 楼 板 数 M=30+(25-5)+(28-3)=75, 结 构 自 由 度 数 为 3*75=225个。
CADWORXCADWorx Plant Professional 2006CADWorx Plant Professional 2006是美国COADE公司研发的基于Autocad平台的3D工厂设计软件。
自动生成立面图和剖视图自动生成轴测图(ISOGEN)自动生成应力分析轴测图adworx.equipment.V2009adworx.equipment.V2009设备参数模型软件,具备所有在工厂设计中轻松进行3D设备建模的功能.该软件包能让你快捷而轻松地准确生成如容器,交换器,罐体及泵等设备CADWorx DataSheets 2008 (设备采购规范系统):COADE CADWorx DataSheets 设备及仪表采购规范输出系统CADWorx Datasheets 模组是一客制化功用来产生智慧的仪表及设备采购规范书,这样能够使用单独或连接外部资料库,譬如连结至CADWorx P&ID Pro专案,来提供双向的连结到仪表及设备资料表。
CADWorx P&ID Professional 2008 (智慧型绘图系统):功能强大的设备模型设计软件,它包含强大的可变模型设计与产生的功能,利用灵活的复制能力,可以简单快速地创建出各种设备零件,管道,还可将设计的部分快速的插入到复杂的模型中。
建模实习周记优秀范文篇一第十二周今天我接着学习PKPM(08版)系列软件,主要学习了结构平面计算机辅助设计软件(PMCAD),PMCAD是整个结构CAD的核心,它建立的全楼结构模型是PKPM 各二维、三维结构计算软件的前处理部分,也是梁、柱、剪力墙、楼板等施工图设计软件和基础CAD的必备接口软件。
螺杆压缩机-技术数据-screwline sp630说明书
Technical DataSCREWLINE SP63050 Hz60 HzPumping speedm 3x h -1(cfm)Ultimate total pressurembar (Torr)Maximum exhaust pressure with reference to the ambient pressure Intake pressure limits, max.mbar (Torr)Noise level 1)dB(A)Permissible ambient temperature °C (°F)Contamination degree 2)Water vapour tolerance (with gas ballast)mbar (Torr)Water vapour capacity (with gas ballast)kg x h -1(gal x h -1)Relative humidity of the ambient air 3)%Installation locationCooling Power supplyVV Vcos fNominal powerkW (HP)Power consumption at ultimate pressurekW (HP)Motor rotational speed rpm Type of protection IPThermal protection class Lubricant filling (ANDEROL 555)l Intake flange and exhaust flange compatible with bolt flangesMaterials(components in contact with the gas)Weight, approx.kg (lbs)Dimensions (W x D x H)mm (in.)1)With sealed off lines at ultimate pressure (in accordance with ISO 4871)2)In accordance with EN 501783)In accordance with EN 60721-3-34)This flange is required when ISO-K flanges are to be connected (P/N 267 50)630 (371)630 (371)Յ0.01 (Յ0.0075)Յ0.01 (Յ0.0075)+ 200 mbar (150Torr)+ 200 mbar (150Torr)p ex = p amb p ex = p amb – 050 mbar (037Torr)– 050 mbar (037Torr)1030 (773)1030 (773)7375+10 to +40 (+50 to +104)+10 to +40 (+50 to +104)3340 (30)40 (30)14 (3.7)14 (3.7)max. 95max. 95up to 3000 metres (9.800 feet)up to 3000 metres (9.800 feet)(above sea level)(above sea level)AirAir 56 A / 200 V 52 A / 210 V 28 A / 400 V24 A / 460 V0.890.9015 (20)15 (20)< 11 (< 15)< 11 (< 15)293035305555F F 1515EN 1092-2 - PN 6 - DN 100EN 1092-2 - PN 6 - DN 100EN 1092-2 - PN 16 - DN 100EN 1092-2 - PN 16 - DN 100ISO 1609-1986 (E)-100 (DN 100 ISO-K) 4)ISO 1609-1986 (E)-100 (DN 100 ISO-K) 4ASME B 16.5 NPS4 class 150ASME B 16.5 NPS4 class 150Aluminum, alumnium anodic oxidised,Aluminum, alumnium anodic oxidised,C steel, CrNi steel,C steel, CrNi steel,grey cast-iron, FPM (FKM) ((Viton))grey cast-iron, FPM (FKM) ((Viton))530 (1166)530 (1166)1630 x 660 x 880 (64 x 26 x 35)1630 x 660 x 880 (64 x 26 x 35)Additional Technical Data SCREWLINE SP630 F50 Hz60 HzCoolingWater connection GWater temperature °C (°F)Minimum water feed pressurebar (psi, gauge)Nominal flow at a water feed temperatureof 25°C (77 °F)l/min (gal/min)Noise level 1)dB(A)1)Wth sealed off lines at ultimate pressure (in accordance with ISO 4871)Water Water1/2" ISO 228-11/2" ISO 228-1+5 to +35 (+41 to +95)+5 to +35 (+41 to +95)2 (15) 2 (15)12 (3)12 (3)71711)Must mount to adapter Part No. 119 0212)For information on the dust filter please refer to the Product Section C02, Section "Accessories”3)Not for ATEX pumps4)Can only be installed as a service provided by Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum5)Flushing kit /air inlet kit used together1)Must mount to adapter Part No. 119 0212)Flushing kit /air inlet kit used togetherFor all enquiries and orders relating to category 1 and 2 ATEX products please exclusively use our ATEX questionnaire. You can find this questionnaire at the end of the full-line catalog together with the fax forms orin the Internet under “/leyboldvacuum”under Download Documents in the area Documentation.SP-GUARD1)Can only be installed as a service provided by Oerlikon Leybold VacuumThe monitoring system SP-GUARD was specially developed for constantly monitoring the operational status of the screw vacuum pump SCREWLINE SP630 in real-time.The operational parameters are constantly collected and evaluated.In this way a high degree of reliability is attained.AccessoriesOrdering InformationVacuum Pump OilsThe vacuum pump oil ANDEROL 555detailed below was qualified for usage in the SCREWLINE line of pumps through a comprehensive series of experiments under application conditi-ons in our own factory laboratories.Lubricating oils for vacuum pumps must meet tough requirements. They need to have excellent lubricating pro-perties and resistant against thermal decomposition and increased mecha-nical stress.Safety data sheets are available to professional users from:E.mail“*********************************”orInternet“/leyboldvacuum”.Part No. EK 110 000 820Part No. EK 110 000 792Part No. EK 200 10 272Part No. EK 200 10 891Part No. EK 200 00 193Maintenance kit stage 1SP250 for changing the gear oil 7 l ANDEROL 555,oil filter cartridge and gaskets SP630 for changing the gear oil 15 l ANDEROL 555,oil filter cartridge and gaskets Oil ANDEROL 55501 liter (1.1 qt)05 liters (5.3 qt)20 liters (21.1 qt)Maintenance Kitfor changing the Gear OilOur oils are subjected to an involved qualification process with respect to their technical suitability in our vacuum pumps.Our warranty commitment is depen-dent on the usage of lubricating oils which are qualified by us.No liability will be assumed for any damage caused by the use of types of oil which have not been qualified or which are unsuitable.Miscellaneous。
Artios CAD中文教程Word版
6.按 并按两下你所要加入目录的可调整大小的设
❖ 一、PSCAD概述 ❖ 二、PSCAD的基本设置 ❖ 三、EMTDC概述 ❖ 四、X4新特性概述
1.1 仿真流程 1.2 主界面 1.3 基本术语 1.4 仿真规模限制
1.1 仿真流程
PSCAD/EMTDC:PSCAD 代表电力系统计算机辅助设计, 并且是EMTDC的图形用户接口。PSCAD的开发成功, 使得用户能更方便地使用EMTDC进行电力系统分析,使 电力系统复杂部分可视化成为可能。最初EMTDC代表直流 暂态(Electromagnetic Transients in DC),至今已被广 泛地应用在电力系统许多类型的模拟研究(Electromagnetic Transients including DC)。
➢ 组件页面大小设置。
第 35 页
EMTDC(Electromagnetic Transients including DC)对电 磁和机电系统采用时域内微分方程进行描述并求解,方程 求解中采用固定步长。EMTDC的程序结构也适用于无电磁 或机电系统时控制系统的描述。
EMTDC由Dennis Woodford博士于1975年在Manitoba Hydro 编制初版,目的是为当时研究Nelson River HVDC电力系统 提供一种功能强大和更为灵活的仿真工具。
提供了用户可配置的 对所有项目均起作用 的一些选项
第 17 页
用于调整编译器检查设置 以及与系统内存相关的消 息和运行相关事件。
案例仿真内存需求超过该值时 将在运行前告警。
PSCAD仅显示同样信息的第一 条而忽略后续消息。也可设置 为输出同样消息的条数。
ANSI选项时间:2021.02.04 创作:欧阳育*ANSI31,铁、砖和石*ANSI32, 钢*ANSI33, 青铜、黄铜和紫铜*ANSI34, 塑料和橡胶*ANSI35,耐火砖和耐火材质*ANSI36, 大理石、板岩和玻璃*ANSI37,铅、锌、镁和声/热/电绝缘体*ANSI38,铝ISO 选项ISO02W100, 划线ISO03W100, 划、空格线ISO04W100, 长划、点线ISO05W100, 长划、双点线ISO06W100, 长划、三点线ISO07W100, 点线ISO08W100, 长划、短划线ISO09W100, 长划、双短划线ISO10W100, 划、点线ISO11W100, 双划、点线ISO12W100, 划、双点线ISO13W100, 双划、双点线ISO14W100, 划、三点线ISO15W100, 双划、三点线其他预定义选项*SOLID, 实体填充*ANGLE, 角钢*AR-B816, 8x16 块砖顺砌*AR-B816C, 8x16 块砖顺砌,用灰泥接缝*AR-B88, 8x8 块砖顺砌*AR-BRELM, 标准砖块英式堆砌,用灰泥接缝*AR-BRSTD, 标准砖块顺砌*AR-CONC, 随机的点和石头图放大的图案为*AR-HBONE, 标准的砖块成人字形图案 @ 45 度角*AR-PARQ1, 2x12 镶木地板: 12x12 的图案*AR-RROOF, 屋顶木瓦图案*AR-RSHKE, 屋顶树木摇晃的图案*AR-SAND, 随机的点图案*BOX, 方钢*BRASS, 黄铜材质*BRICK, 砖石类型的表面*BRSTONE, 砖和石*CLAY, 粘土材质*CORK, 软木材质*CROSS, 一系列十字形*DASH, 划线*DOLMIT, 地壳岩层*DOTS, 一系列点*EARTH, 地面*ESCHER, Escher 图案*FLEX, 软性材质*GOST_GLASS,玻璃材质*GOST_WOOD,木材材质*GOST_GROUND,地面*GRASS, 草地*GRATE, 格栅区域*GRAVEL,沙砾图案*HEX, 六边形*HONEY, 蜂巢图案*HOUND, 犬牙交错图案*INSUL, 绝缘材质*LINE, 平行水平线*MUDST, 泥沙*NET, 水平/垂直栅格*NET3, 网状图案*PLAST, 塑料材质*PLASTI, 塑料材质*SACNCR, 混凝土*SQUARE,对齐的小方块*STARS, 六芒星*STEEL, 钢材质*SWAMP, 沼泽地带*TRANS, 热传递材质*TRIANG, 等边三角形*ZIGZAG, 楼梯效果时间:2021.02.04 创作:欧阳育。
填充图案欧阳家百(2021.03.07)ANSI31, ANSI 铁、砖和石ANSI32, ANSI 钢ANSI33, ANSI 青铜、黄铜和紫铜ANSI34, ANSI 塑料和橡胶ANSI35, ANSI 耐火砖和耐火材料ANSI36, ANSI 大理石、板岩和玻璃ANSI37, ANSI 铅、锌、镁和声/热/电绝缘体ANSI38, ANSI 铝ISO——国际标准ACAD_ISO02W100, 划线ACAD_ISO03W100,划空格线ACAD_ISO04W100, 长划、点线ACAD_ISO05W100, 长划、双点线ACAD_ISO06W100, 长划、三点线ACAD_ISO07W100, 点线ACAD_ISO08W100, 长划、短划线ACAD_ISO09W100, 长划、双短划线ACAD_ISO10W100, 划、点线ACAD_ISO11W100, 双划、点线ACAD_ISO12W100, 划、双点线ACAD_ISO13W100, 双划、双点线ACAD_ISO14W100, 划、三点线ACAD_ISO15W100, 双划、三点线AR-B816, 8x16 块砖顺砌AR-B816C, 8x16 块砖顺砌,用灰泥接缝AR-B88, 8x8 块砖顺砌AR-BRELM, 标准砖块英式堆砌,用灰泥接缝AR-BRSTD, 标准砖块顺砌AR-CONC, 随机的点和石头图案AR-HBONE, 标准的砖块成人字形图案 @ 45 度角AR-PARQ1, 2x12 镶木地板: 12x12 的图案AR-RROOF, 屋顶木瓦图案AR-RSHKE, 屋顶树木摇晃的图案AR-SAND, 随机的点图案BOX, 方钢BRASS, 黄铜制品BRICK, 砖石类型的表面BRSTONE, 砖和石CLAY, 粘土材料CORK, 软木材料CROSS, 一系列十字形DASH, 划线DOLMIT, 地壳岩层DOTS, 一系列点EARTH, 地面ESCHER, Escher 图案FLEX, 软性材料GRASS, 草地GRATE, 格栅区域GRAVEL,沙砾图案HEX, 六边形HONEY, 蜂巢图案HOUND, 犬牙交错图案INSUL, 绝缘材料JIS_LC_20, LC JIS A 0150(@20)*JIS_LC_20A, LC JIS A 0150(@20戝) *JIS_LC_8, LC JIS A 0150(@8)*JIS_LC_8A, LC JIS A 0150(@8戝)*JIS_RC_10, RC JIS A 0150(@10)*JIS_RC_15, RC JIS A 0150(@15)*JIS_RC_18, RC JIS A 0150(@18)*JIS_RC_30, RC JIS A 0150(@30)*JIS_STN_1E, STONE JIS A 0150(@1) *JIS_STN_2.5, STONE JIS A 0150(@2.5) *JIS_WOOD, WOOD JIS A 0150*LINE,平行水平线 *MUDST,泥沙*NET,水平/垂直栅格*NET3,网状图案 0-60-120*PLAST,塑料制品*PLASTI,塑料制品*SACNCR,混凝土*SQUARE,对齐的小方块*STARS,六芒星 *STEEL,钢制品*SWAMP,沼泽地带*TRANS,热传递材料*TRIANG,等边三角形*ZIGZAG,楼梯效果。
加州空气工具20060CAD 6.0 HP 20 Gallon 无油机械工艺空气凝聚器说明书
ULTRA QUIET & OIL FREEAIR COMPRESSOROWNER'S MANUALCALIFORNIA AIR TOOLS20060CAD6.0 HP20 GALLON220 VOLTS 60 HERTZAUTOMATIC DRAIN VALVE Customer Support 1-866-409-45812TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION __________________________________2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS _______________5 AIR COMPRESSOR COMPONENTS__________________7 PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST ______________________8 Package Contents & Assembly____________________8 Inspect for Damage _____________________________8 Save Packaging ________________________________8 Compressor Location ___________________________8 Electrical Power ________________________________9 OPERATING THE AIR COMPRESSOR ________________9 Introduction ___________________________________9 Assembly _____________________________________9 Test Run _____________________________________10 Daily Operation________________________________10 MAINTENANCE _________________________________11 Draining the Air Tank ___________________________11 Changing the Air Filter__________________________11 Testing for Leaks ______________________________11 Cleaning _____________________________________11 STORAGE ______________________________________11 TROUBLESHOOTING ____________________________12 SPECIFICATIONS________________________________13 Electrical Circuit _______________________________13 Air Passage Drawing ___________________________13 WARRANTY ____________________________________14Thank you for purchasing a California Air Tools, Inc. Air Compressor.Record the model and serial numbers indicated on your air compressor’s nameplate:Model No.________________________________________Serial No.________________________________________Date of Purchase:_________________________________Store/Dealer:_____________________________________3Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581How to find a local service center:Even quality built equipment might need service or repair parts. Contact the California Air T ools Customer Service Department: Phone: 1-866-409-4581Online: Please provide the information below:Model number and Serial number and specifications shown on the Model number/Serial number plate. Part number or numbers shown in the parts list section of the owner’s manual for your air compressor model. A brief description of the trouble with the air compressor.Do not return your air compressor for service or parts to the store/dealer where purchased.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSSafety Messages & Signal Words:4Customer Support: 1-866-409-45815Customer Support: 1-866-409-45816Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581LOCATIONS OFIMPORTANT LABELSRead these important labels before operating.These labels provide important safety and maintenanceinformation. These labels should be considered as permanent parts of the air compressor. Should any of these labels become illegible, damaged or removed, please contact California Air T ools Customer Service department at 1-866-409-4581 for replacements.PRODUCT LABELAB CDEFGHCustomer Support: 1-866-409-4581PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST Package ContentsModel: 20060CADPackage contents:* Air Compressor* 3’ Tubing (for auto drain valve)* Owner's ManualAssembly:Install the Air Filters.1. Screw the six air filters into the 6 ports located onthe top side of the motor heads.Inspect for DamageBefore using the air compressor, make sure the air tank is not damaged, inspect all parts for damage, and check that all pipes are firmly connected.Do not use the air compressor if any damage is found. If damaged, have an authorized service center inspect and test the air compressor to ensure that is working properly.Save PackagingSave all outside packaging in case you ever need to return the product for service or repair.Compressor LocationUse on Flat SurfaceFor proper operation, the air compressor must be placed on a flat surface with an incline no greater than 15 degrees.Maintain a Clear AreaIt is very important that the air compressor is positioned so that there is adequate airflow around the machine. There must be at least 2 feet of obstacle-free space surrounding and above the air compressor.Use in Areas with Clean AirFor proper operation and to maximize the longevity of the air compressor, it is very important that the air drawn into the air compressor is clean. The air compressor should not be used in areas where dust or particulates are in the air. This will damage the motor and impair proper operation.IMPORTANT: Always use the air filter, properly installed.8Customer Support: 1-866-409-45819Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581Electrical PowerElectrical Power RequirementsBefore using the air compressor, refer to the serial label for voltage and amperage requirements. Make sure you have asufficient electrical supply for supporting the motor's requirements. Use a dedicated 220 Volt 60 Hertz circuit 208 Volts requires a buck boost transformerLow voltage and/or an overload circuit can cause the motor's overload protection system circuit breaker to trip. NEMA L6-30R Outlet (receptacle) is required.OPERATING THE AIR COMPRESSORSave this manual for future reference.IntroductionThis air compressor features a compact structure, stable, performance, a high airflow rate, easy operation and lowmaintenance. Because the air compressor produces no oil in the airflow, it can be used for air supplies that need oil-free air. The motor directly drives the pistons and does not need any lubrication or oil to function for a long period of time.Assembly1. Attach the air hose to the 1/2” NPT Female Port located on the right end of the air compressor air tank.2. Install the (6) air filters into the 6 ports located on the top right and left of the motor heads.3. Make sure the manual drain valve is in the off position and that the air compressor power switch is in the OFF position4. Ensure that the power supply you are going to use is operating normally. Use a dedicated ( 220 Volts 60 Hertz) outlet. 208 Volts requires a buck boost transformer5. Insert the power supply cord into a NEMA L6-30R (receptacle)6. Extension cords are not recommended.10Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581AIR COMPRESSORTest RunBefore using the air compressor for the first time, complete a test run as follows:1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position. Plug the power supply cord into a power supply socket. Start the aircompressor by turning the power switch to the ON position. The pressure gauge reading will slowly rise as pressureincreases inside the air tank. When the gauge reading reaches 120 -125 PSI, the pressure switch will automatically turn the power off. This indicates the compressor is working normally. 2.Starting the compressor:1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position.2. Attach the air hose or air fitting to the Female 1/2” NPT port located on the right end of the air compressor air tank.3. Close the manual drain valve.4. Plug the power supply cord into a power supply socket.5. Turn the power switch to the ON position.6. Let the motor run and tank fill until motor turns off.7. Operate air tool normally.8. T o regulate the air to the air hose. have the air compressor and air tool both turned on and running. Turn the regulator knob to the right to increase the pressure and to left to decrease the air pressure to the hose and air tool.. Do not use continously (running) for more than (1) hour.Shutting down the compressor:1. Turn the power switch to the OFF position.2. Unplug the power supply cord.3. Reduce the pressure in the air tank through the air hose.4. Draining the air tank regulatorly from the manual drain valve will help prevent corrosion in the air tank.Note: If the Air Compressor is not working properly, the pressure gauge will indicate that there is a decrease in pressure in the air tank. If there is an air leak from the compressor the pressure in the air tank decreases, the pressure switch resets and the motor automatically turns back on.If you detect an air leakage, turn the power switch to the Off position, release the air from the tank by pulling on the safety valve. Unplug the power supply cord and contact Customer Support for Assistance.Turn the power switch to the Off position, unplug the power supply cord and release the air from the manual drain valve. At this point proceed to the next step (daily operations) starting the air compressor to continue to use.11MAINTENANCEDraining the Air TankThe frequency at which you should drain the air tank depends on the environmental conditions and the amount of operating time logged.Your air compressor is equiped with an EZ-1 Auto Drain Valve that automatically drains the air tank.1. Place the drain tube from the auto drain valve into a waste container capable of holding water.2. The Auto Drain Valve will open at the beginning of a cycle to drain the water out of the air tank.3. Empty the waste container of water regularly.4. Highly recommended to manually drain the air tankregularly (Daily) from the ball drain valve to remove excess water. 5. Draining the air tank protects parts from rust and corrosion.Changing the Air FilterThe air filters are designed to reduce noise and help prevent particulates in the air from entering and damaging the air compressor.After being used for a period of time, the air filter will become clogged. This will reduce the air intake capabilities of the aircompressor, reducing performance. Therefore, the air filter must be replaced regularly.1. Open the lid of the air filter and remove the old air filter element.2. Replace with a new air filter element and close the lid.Testing for LeaksMake sure all connections are tight. Do not overtighten. A small leak in any hose or pipe connection will reduce the air compressor's performance.T o test for small leaks, spray a small amount of soapy water on the area suspected of leaking. If the soap bubbles, replace the broken part.CleaningClean items with a soft brush, or wipe with a moistened cloth using a biodegradable solvent.Do not use flammable liquids such as gasoline or alcohol. Always keep parts clean from dirt and dust for better performance.STORAGEBefore storing for a prolonged period of time: 1. Turn off the power supply.2. Disconnect the power cord from the power supply.3. Release all of the pressure and moisture from the air tank through the manual drain valve.4. Clean the air compressor to remove all dirt and dust.5. Cover the air compressor with a cover to protect the unit from dust and moisture.6. Do not stack or store any items on top of or around the aircompressor. Damage could occur.TROUBLESHOOTINGGo to the “Maintenance & Trouble Shooting Guide” Tab12Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581SPECIFICATIONS Electrical CircuitAir Passage DrawingMotorEarth wire(Green)Red cords forCapacitorElectric cordfor motorSolenoidvalveElectric cordfor motorPressureswitchOverload protector(MAX temperature 135°C)Pressure switchSafety valvePressure gaugeRegulator Pressure gaugeBall valveFilterDrain valveAir intakeCheck valveSolenoidvalveCompressor Tank13 Customer Support: 1-866-409-4581CALIFORNIA AIR TOOLS INC. LIMITED WARRANTYThis warranty is limited to Air Compressors distributed by:California Air Tools, Inc.8560 Siempre Viva RoadSan Diego, CA 92154Limited WarrantyCalifornia Air T ools Inc. will repair or replace, free of charge, to the original retail customer who purchased a California Air T ools, Inc. Air Compressor from an authorized dealer, distributor or distributor’s dealer in North America.This warranty does not transfer to subsequent owners.California Air T ools Inc. will repair or replace, at its option, any parts of the portable air compressor that are proven by an authorized service center to be defective in material or workmanship under normal use during the applicable warranty time period as stated below. This limited warranty covers the cost of the replacement parts and labor for all defects when installed by an authorized service center. Transportation charges are the responsibility of the customer. Any part replaced under warranty becomes the property of California AirT ools Inc.All parts replaced under warranty will be considered as part of original product, and any warranty on those parts will expire coincident with the original product warranty.Limited Warranty PeriodsNon-commercial / Non-rental (personal use by a retail customer): 12 months parts and laborCommercial / Rental (usage for income, business use): 12 months parts and laborThe limited warranty period begins on the date of retail purchase by the original purchaser.Invoice or receipt is required for warranty claims.Disclaimers, Limitations of Remedies & ExclusionsThis warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to state.Disclaimer of Other WarrantiesT o the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, this limited warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of any and all other warranties, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any other implied warranties that may arise from the course of dealing or usage of the trade. California Air T ools Inc. hereby declaims and excludes all other warranties. T o the extent that California Air T ools Inc. products are consumer products under applicable federal and state law with respect to any customer, the duration of any implied warranties (including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) are limited to the shortest duration permitted by applicable law or the Limited Warranty period provided herein, whichever is longer.Limitations of RemediesCalifornia Air T ools Inc. shall not be liable to customer, or anyone claiming under customer, for any other obligations or liabilities, including but not limited to, obligations or liabilities airing out of breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tort or any theory of strict liability, with respect to the air compressor or California Air T ools Inc. acts or omissions or otherwise. T o the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, California Air T ools Inc. shall not in any event be liable for incidental, compensatory, punitive, consequential, indirect, special or other damages, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of income, loss of time, loss of sales, injury to personal property, or liability customer incurs with respect to any other person, or any other type or form of consequential damage or economic loss.14ExclusionsIn addition to the foregoing disclaimers, limitations and terms, this limited warranty shall not apply to and does not cover accessories, nor does it cover products that are in any way subject to any of the following:1. Improper setup, installation or storage.2. Lack of proper maintenance and service.3. Accident, damage, abuse or misuse.4. Abnormal operating conditions or applications.5. Repair or modification by customer or any third party without written consent of California Air T ools Inc.6. Use under operating conditions or in applications not recommended by California Air T ools Inc.7. Abnormal wear.8. The use of accessories or attachments not recommended by California Air T ools Inc.9. Repairs without California Air T ools prior written approval10. Incorrect voltage, improperly wired or failure to have a certified licensed electrician install the air compressor.11. Acts of God.The application of these exclusions will be determined at the sole discretion of California Air T ools Inc.RegistrationWarranty registration with California Air T ools Inc. is required on all products.You can mail the enclosed registration form or complete on-line at under the “Contact Us” T ab.Warranty is also available by keeping and showing your original receipt from the date of purchase to an Authorized California Air T ools Service Center.Maintenance & Trouble ShootingGo to the “Maintenance & Trouble Shooting Guide” TabServiceDo not return your air compressor to the place of purchase.Warranty is available by showing your original receipt with the date of purchase to an Authorized California Air T ools Service Center.For all customer service inquiries.Contact California Air T ools Customer Service1-866-409-4581 M - Th (8am - 4pm) Fri (8an-2pm) Pacific Time**************************************Go to the “Contact Us” TabClick on the Parts or Service Tab for faster service.15。
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>Spas和PM的联合应用 1.1组合结构框架部分
1. 对于体育场,机场等结构,经常由下部砼框架,上部框架网 架组成。对于框架部分,往往比较规则,此时用pm建模并导 入,再用子结构拼装上部结构的方式,是最方便快捷的。 导入后对荷载的处理方式不同,板自重,屈服方式和有限元 方式。斜板荷载,投影和板面积。 子结构拼装时的拖动和定位点。(拖动和移动,节点合并) 子结构的选择集。 对截面的合并。
1. 选择集可以将部分网格选择为一个组。 2. 通常将具有相同属性的网格归为一组。
1. 除了可以手工选择,也提供了多种自动归类功能。 2. 采用自动截面统计如选择集功能。stschoosebysect
这两种重合检查如果采用一般的几何关系判断, 都会导致计算效率异常低下。SpasCAD针对建筑 结构特点,采用特殊算法,把几个小时甚至几十 个小时的计算量,在几秒内完成。 对于重合网格,还进一步设计了自动排除重合的 功能。
对于错层,越层,斜杆对位等复杂而容易出错的 pm建模操作,利用SpasCAD的检查功能可以辅助 设计。
5. 增加屈曲组合,用“BUCKLING”识别。 6. 提供了荷载组合的excel导入方式,处理大量的组合项更 快捷。
在处理复杂工程的过程中,演化出更强的辅助功能 ,来帮助用户解决模型问题。 三个查询工具:全局显示控制,属性框,查询id。
• 投影到基面方式,来斜边对齐。
1.工程经验表明,当处理大型桁架,网架等结构,需要根据 杆件截面、荷载类型等原则对构件进行分组。 2.否则将对模型处理效率带来很大影响。 3.通过选择集(即分组),并以其为媒介,可以将多种处理灵 活组合,达到事半功倍的效果。
空间结构建模 Spas CAD
建研科技股份有限公司 张欣
• • • • • • • • • • … 斜柱斜墙。 自定义荷载工况与自定义荷载组合 通用弹簧阻尼支座 满应力优化设计 结构的屈曲分析 温度应力的分析 预应力、混凝土收缩应力的模拟 斜板、厚板转换层等弹性楼板的应力计算与配筋 设计 中(大)震弹性、中(大)震不屈服设计 动力时程分析
1.SpasCAD能分离建模,然后将模型拼装到一起。 2.如上模型的多次拼装组合。 3.插入点。
1.导入导出spt文本格式。能直接在excel中编辑。 2.巧妙修改注释行的作用。
节点 注释行 格式行
复杂结构中存在大量的荷载类型,也可以用excel的方式来导 入。
Pmsap不仅可以将弹性板/膜和其他构件进行整 体分析,并且可以配筋。
同类高亮显示。 305类截面,任意形式,手工修改的用法。 刚性杆。
305截面结合自定义材料。实现任意形式杆件, 任意材料杆件分析。例如铝合金。
1. 节点间距查找的意义。 2. 重合自动处理。 3. 对模型的自动校正。
对于建筑结构,过小的间距一般都意味着存在模 型不合理的地方,构件过小或间距过近容易造成 计算异常。 节点间距检查:建议50mm和500mm,检查两次,针 对性的排除相当一部分问题。
网格重合会导致重合布置构件,重合墙板也难以 查出,此类错误会造成刚度,质量异常,连接关 系混乱,是比较严重也容易犯的问题。
1.当前程序运行目录, 版本等。
2.总信息。 3.层统计,特殊杆件。 4.截面统计。
1. SpasCAD提供了更灵活的方法,来处理模型。 2. 灵活运用各种功能的组合,能起到事半功倍的效 果。
1. 总显示控制项,全集。 2. 几个特殊显示。 3. 快速控制键。楼板
1. 选楼层,单击和多选方式。 2. 选择集的显示和高亮。整体和当前显示。
1.构件基本信息丰富,和pm联合应用。 2.梁柱支撑长度,方向。墙板面积,法向。
1. 多项查找。 2. 模型检查统计,pmsap对应关系,辅助sat查数检 报错。
3. 导入dxf网格或导入子结构时,都会将图层读入选择集。
谢 谢
采用非比例阻尼和CCQC算法更适合此类结构的分析 。
桁架,网架,大跨结构,采用反应谱法分析竖向 地震更精确。
问题分析: 按规范算法,增加质量时(恒荷载),当增加质 量的位置在原质心以下,导致全楼竖向地震作用放 大,以上时导致全楼竖向地震作用减小。
Spas和PM的联合应用 1.3 辅助pm建模查错
2. Pm导入后,数检中两处需要注意的地方: >20边墙板,凹 形墙板。 无法导入时,常是.pm和.sat文件出现错误,单独考出.jws 过一遍pm.
1. 导入时读入图层到选择集 2. 子结构多次叠加,实现多用途分组。
Pmsap完整版,S1八层版,sts八层版,Spas部分 功能没有区别。
1.Pm方式:平面网格,08版上节点高,柱墙底标高 等完成空间模型的搭建。优缺点,解决问题的限 制。
2.Spas方式:空间网格,多种途径输入,所有杆件 墙板,荷载,约束等都依附于空间网格。 3. 本身不需要明确的楼层划分,不需要组装,整体 模型。 4.统一相当于satwe包括特殊构件定义在内的,分析 设计之前的所有功能。
3. 4. 5.
Spas和PM的联合应用 1.2结合pm出施工图
1. 2. 目前Spas接力pmsap,能到设计阶段给出配筋面积,但还不 能接力施工图软件。 可以用pm出框架部分施工图。
Spas和PM的联合应用 1.3 辅助pm建模查错
1. Pm由于上节点高,底标高顶标高,支撑连接节点的方式,来 实现三维模型连接、跨层等建模,再加上柱节点偏心等问题 ,经常出现数检不过的问题。
工程中常见需要设置支座的情况,例如隔震支座,大跨 屋顶与底部主体结构的连接支座,连廊与两侧主体结构 的连接支座等。抗规5.1.5条文说明,降低了大阻尼 (0.2-0.3)的地震影响系数,长周期部分最大降幅10%, 有利于消能减震技术的推广。在SpasCAD&PMSAP中可以定 义并计算通用支座。
斜墙会有很大的面外荷载,所以用普通墙的分析 方式是不合适的。
PMSAP自动将斜墙(斜墙、非矩形墙)转为弹性板6 单元,并自动根据洞口位置划分板块。
按应力配筋。 和单元精度相关,过小的单元可能应力集中。 一般配筋值稍大。
竖向地震作用百分比增量 : Fvi' Fvi Gk ( Zc Hk ) Fvi GeZc Gk Hk Zc : 原质心高度 Hk : 新增质量距原质心距离
结论: 大底盘,异形结构等质量不均匀的结构,应采用 反应谱算法计算竖向地震。
桁架,网架,大跨结构等,由于结构形式复杂, 经常出现有效质量系数难以满足的情况。 为此PMSAP增加了剔除无效振型的功能,有效解 决此问题。
钢-砼混合结构,隔震减振结构等过去计算采用“ 近似比例阻尼法”方法(直接在此处修改振型阻尼 比,就是近似比例阻尼法,钢-砼混合结构一般输 入4%),带有相当的主观性,误差难以控制,估算 一个合适的阻尼比,是一件很困难的事。