


7.—个单链表中,在p所指结点之后插入一个s所指的结点时,可执行:s->next = p->
A. s = p->next;B. p-〉next=s->next;
C. p=s->next;D. p->next = s;
29.假定在单CPU条件下有下列要执行的作业,如下表所示。作业到来的时间是按作业 编号顺序进行的(即后面作业依次比前一个作业迟到一个时间单位)。
28.嵌入式操作系统的最大特点就是可定制性,即能够提供对内核进行配置或剪裁等功 能,可以根据应用需要有选择地提供或不提供某些功能,以减少系统开销。如从应用领域角度 看,可以分为面向信息家电的嵌入式操作系统,面向智能手机的嵌入式操作系统,面向汽车电 子的嵌入式操作系统,以及面向工业控制的嵌入式操作系统等。
文件链接是给文件起别名,即将该文件的目录项登记在链接目录中。这样,访问该文件的 路径就不只一条。不同的用户(或进程)就可以利用各自的路径来共享同一文件。




1.一Is it possible for you to workout the plan tonight ?A.I think so.B.I'1l do that.C.I'd love to.2.—Don't forget to come to our party this weekend!A. Not at all.B.You are welcome.C.Sure.See you.3.—We could let some of the staff work from home._?一That's a good idea.A.Do you have any good ideasB.What do you think of itC.Is there anything else4.一How did your meeting go yesterday ?一__actually,it was really frustrating.A.Very goodB.Not so goodC.Nothing special5.—Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?A.Yes,but I'll have English classesB.Sorry,I have an appointment with Dr. BrownC.I'm afraid I have no idea二、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

6.AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were__to be promoted into management jobs.A.more likelyB.more likeC.more unlikely7.__managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others,but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information.A.Not onlyB. Do not onlyC.Not only do8.There is no__the fact that he is the best student in the class.A.denyB.denyingC.denies[9.Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple,memorable terms colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon.A. whenB.thatC. who10.It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity__we transform creativity and visioninto the technologies.A.thatB./C. Whichpared__English,Chinese is generally believed to be more difficult to learn.A.withB.fromC. against12.___the importance of English,we should put more effort into it and try to learn itwell.A.GaveB.GivingC.Given13.He will write to me as soon a she home.A.will have returnedB.returnsC.will return14.Linda walked at the head,_by her colleagues.A.followedB.followingC.to fo11ow15.After days of investigation,the police were_reality.A.attemptingB. approvingC.approaching16.Every time I tried to say something,he would _to something else.A.move offB.move onC.move over17.He's left now,but productivity hasn't that much.A.carried onB. caught upC. picked up18.They_all their computing work,i.e.they arrange for some outside company to do the work.A. outsourceB.outsideC. outsell19.The leader at creating opportunities to provide rewards,recognition and thanksto his or her staff.A.exceedsB.excellentC.excels20.you can't__to sit back--even though it might be tempting.A.affordB.standC. Bear三、阅读理解(每小题4分,共40分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读〔2〕》2029-2030期末试题及答案〔试卷号:1354〕Sccllon 1 New Word*|A MuUrh cnch Yocabulaiy worti on the left with lhe correct dcrinitionon lhe righL(3 poinUcitch)L ________ eKnlnanan A. unknown2. ________ anonymous B. make »omronr fcrl better3. ________ d TAW buck C. writitig as un art form4. ________ international D・ jihow in thr form of n picture知 ______ rettMure E< rtnimrth of the same type6. ___ colliKniphy E. cquftl7. ________ depict (;• Hnrhnge8. ________ species H・ nut ricxihlr0. ________ trHNh 1. among othef countries10. _______ rigid J. disadvantage• unfavotiniblc ni^pcttH: Fill in lhe blunks »»lth words from the box bdm (3 points cuch)cognitivt:colkaKue» idrnlity intuitioninvolved maturnlian memory nruroxtentiHt p^yrholoK^i rrnrarchersDenr RonemnryeA。

you know. I f vr been looking for my identical twin niMrr for yem. nnd I (molly hiund her} J IJJI I pjiychulogiNtji predict • wr have rnnny hirniUritirft. A M you know t I f vc been )1 with work on the xcirnccof the brain. A N A 12 11 vr utudird king term13 • or how adulr* remember evenT» from childhood. WcIL my wiMcr is A14utudytntf the 。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》2028-2029期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359)Part 1 Vocabulary and StriKture | 10 points.Question% i—5 art based on the following Uuk.Dircctlanvi lhe appropriate words or cxprcssfonn from the tx>x to complete the followinK plinixruph. Ilirrr arc IliRKE evtni choirn that you don * t nrcd t Write your uiuwcr on the Answer SheetMy pArrnu played nn imporinnt ([) in my cducationnl development by hrlping mr in boih mAtcriol and、pirhud wny、to become fhr person th/it 1 Am today» They rnixrd my older brothrrsi and sitters (hey would g ■ Rood rxumple for me tind the other youngrhildrcn. Thry boughi vnnauB bookN (hAt helped tnr bci-ome A h/irdworking Rtuclrnl and a good rr/idcn They nUo 《3) me to experirneeM Muchvwrations and museum trip* that cnlnrHrd my pt-r^|>ectivr on life. _(4)_ ・ ihry looked CMrcfully nt my nXMaiination rrnultit in uchfxjl in order to motivate mr alwnyM to do my br«i. (5) • I owe all of my positivequahtirn io the efforts of my pnrenuA action Bt RAmr C roleA. resulting in 11 because (\ in such A way ihntA> exptwd K enabled C- providedA. Next H. In addition C Except thatA. In short K I MI G ToullyPart 2 PnruKneph (>n:flniznHon and hrwlupment [ 10 poinu ) Q U ZS IH 6 一8 urr ha^cd on the foIhminK tusk.(15 points)Rcntl the Introductory pnrxgrnph of un Choose the bwt uiiswcr to each(|ucsli(m t Write your nnswer A. B or C on the Answer ShccteWithout thr Internet« you would not be reading thm< There would be no woy to inAiantly (ind ihr nomc of rhe movie your hvoritr nctor was in five years ago or how much it CIJ M A to (ly tu Puerto Ruo^ ShoppinK retjuired going out in bad weather and terrible crowds You pnul your bilh by nendinK " leitcr through lhe posrol service lodayt with A couple a( clicks> you enn go Anywhere in thr world withnut lenving your computer. So you uhould not be surprmed th«t the Internet (m we know it) headlined the top 25 innovntions of the post quarter century • according TO a pnnei of technology leadeni.6. What type* a( introduction in thin?A. Defimtion/Explanatian.B. Prablcm Solution.C Setting the Scene.7 Which can Mrrvr AS thcuig Btaternent fur the zmy?A. -Shopping required Moing out in bod weather and terrible crowds.-B "Todfly, wuh■ col,P|c“f MckL you cun go anywhere in the world with outIrAving your computer. “"So you jihould not br thnt ibr Internet《邸wr know it) henrtlmnl ihr top 25innovnHw al I hr |)aMt quArtcr century • ncnirding ro n |Mncl of tcchTiah^y Inidmk "& Why doe. the writer u?te the rxnfnplc^ of chopping« findinK the tinrnc of nn Acfor. nnd poynig your bill”A. r()nhow how the Inirrnci ha» mndr some rhiriKM rosy.K To advcrhKr the COM of the Internet.C. Fo »how drnwbackn of the IntcrneLQm^tion 9 ( omplcfe the second pnniKruph by addinK supporllnic detnils. (25 poinK)•Hcod lhe lillr und lhe following panigrnphM first before you ctxnplrlr the ta»k.•Mulct %ure yatir tone :md the vncMbulary you use arc In unity with the rtkvunl pamKri*ph«L•Write about 60 KO worth. Write your answer on lhe Answer SheetMy Opinion on Campus DisciplineIn rermt years. univrrMtirn In < hinn have fried to admit more »tudrntR< While meeting pnhhc cknmnd (or higher cdiiCAiion> lheg iintvcrMticB are usually troubled with various problrmatte bt hnvior^ i)n the Mtudrnts f parit such nn 止中pin- rbuie nnd rntinR breakfnMi in thr rlsBnroomi 1 o dm I with t hc^r problcmn> many universitien earned out more strict di»ciplmca> Though many studentu arc nHninjit ihem. I believe thru these(JiAciphnt9 arc neceMjiary nnd hclpfu).卜irsl. these (h^ciphnt?^ urc nect^^nry io establish A proper environment lor rcjvrhiDg and leArning« (Add supporting dctnlla hm ) _____________________________ _____________ __________________Second• rhexe disciplines nrc ncccMsnry to prep/irc student» for thnr future enrrern- I Irarfird from n (nend that a mdum from A key univcrRHy wns (ired brcwiiRr hr hm! nut lollnwrd thr compnny9^ diftdpltne of nuf coming to oilier Intei and he udmittrd that he had been lutr (or chnn (rrqurntly when he wm at univer^hy. Il ran br ftccn thnf J fliudrnlfi do not ruliivnte * sennr ol dt ndpiinc nt “hod. they might hnvr various fuilurcA in their lulurr workPart 3 Writinx un E«Miy [50 point*]Quotlon 1() Write nn essay on Ihr folhming topicSome pri j *b I “ h c di.tanct?【BEing is an idyl w” of |fearrun|(. T。



国家开放大学电大本科《文学英语赏析》2022-2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:1062) t'MH I Lltrrury Fundanicnlnl* [30 pnlnls】Section L Mulch lhe with their writrn (10 网伽).WwkiL June EyrrM. A (linUtttaA Carol3. Vhe f >Li Man uni/ ihf .S<〃l v / Haue a Drtufn5. KisfltneWrllmA> Merlin laHhrr Kin«B. I oyerC・ Churlr* Dicken*IX Rdbert IxiuiM Stevcn»nnE. Harnld PinterF, Thumos Ihrily(;. (Charlotte Bnnitt111. Krur^f HrfmnKwwySretinn 2. I let Ide Mhrlhcr ihr hilhminu ^UlrnwuK urr (rur ( l| or 13“ (H (IU W 血叫.(I. Robert F ICI M in A hinwu* Americjin poS・7. I ady Hi'iuknvll z n comic iliArni.irf cn.-nivd hy ' Mmr Wilde in I)K”【・y / Ar/wpur/a/f^r (if Ernri/;R. Ilum/r/ h n well known comedy by William Sliukcuprnrc.9. The nuvcl T虹Hrari uf l)arknr\i rtposri lhe corruption, rrudty and birml t>| ihr cnlnnUl nyAtern In Alrka#Io 1虹$5 筋(、w uj〃,ja.v// “,|J Mr Hyde m n novel addrosin): queMum of cqunl n^hu hrtwern the black* nurl whites.StTlbm 3. ( hiMiu the corrrct In ctimplrlr (hr (olbiwing Mrnlmrrs (I"伊HnM)・11. A _ _____ in A hiiiriccn lim lyric poem which rhyme% In a highly conrrollrd wny.N couplet Ht wonnrlC. ballnd hmkuI2・_ i»A Mperirtl kind of where «n intninnntc (ihjcci i> Kivnn hiinun or antmofe charactcristk^A. Pun*^meuphor It Similc^utirtMphur(匚MEdphor・・・simile PrrM)nificati<m^Mnrtctphnr I3・M Rv«d not in txintriidirl Mtul rpnfutri nnr to believe nnd ukc (or Rrmiirdi nor in find •*lh nnil diwcournri but to wri«li nnd cunsidcr. H I hm >R <niotrd from ___________________ by ___________ .A> nn essay • FrAnc»> Bacon B> H Bpcct^h. Abr^bnni LinenlttC。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语》2024期末试题及答案关建字摘要:切题,基本,语法,内容,语言,评分标准,条理,文章,错误,结构竭诚为您提供优质文档,本文为收集整理修正,共7页,请先行预览,如有帮助感谢下载支持国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语(1)》2024期末试题及答案(试卷号:1351) Information for the examinees:•This examination consists of 4 parts. They are:Part J : Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part 11 : Reading comprehension (30 points)Part HI : Cloze (10 points)Part IV : Writing (30 points)•The total marks for this examination are 100 points . Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.•There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet;therefore^ you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.I . Vocabulary and Grammar(2 points each,30 points in total)Choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1.People often a club to make new friends.A. are joiningC・ join2.Colin the bass guitarist since Brian left.A. has beenC.has been being B. isD. wasB. joinsD. aren'tjoining3.When he crashed the car, he six bottles of beer.A. drank C. drinksB.was drinking D.had drunk4.When the judge returned to the courtroomteveryone immediately up.A・ stood C. stands B.was standing D.had stood5.Unfortunately. I see the manager so I wrote to her instead.A. couldn' tC・ didn't have to6.Hey girls,you make us some sandwiches?A. shouldC. canD.may B. must B. mustn' t D. can't7. I think computers become more intelligent than humans. I'm sure of it.B. might D. will definitely of Native American tents.B. is made D. has been madeA. are going to C. probably won't 8. The Wigwam Motel,ArizonaA. is making C ・ were made 9. He A. can't C ・ ought to10.be hungry-he^s just had lunch.B. must D ・ mightpeople prefer reality to the virtual world.A. Not any C. MuchB.A little【).Most11. The best game to buy is A. none C. any 12. You A. enjoy Alien Control 3 or Virtual History.B. either D. somemake a cake for his birthday.B. look forward to D ・ needtyour phone won't work.C- should 13. If the battery is too A. low C. down 14. We A. are C. come15. We've had this car since A. a long time C. more than 6 monthsIl e Reading comprehension(30 points)Passage A(4 points each f 20 points in total)B. soft D. slowalways on time for school on Monday.B. arrive D ・ getB. at least 3 years D. my aunt diedRead the article and then judge whether the statements followed arc true(T)or false (F) ? Write "T"or"F"at the corresponding place on the answer sheet.It's a typical Saturday afternoon on Cathedral Square in Peterborough^ in the east of England. Two noisy gangs of young people are sitting in the centre of the square. One group are wearing tracksuits and baseball caps and brand-new white trainers. A lot of them are wearing jewellery like gold chains andearrings. They're the'Chavs'. Opposite them are the 'Goths'. They're wearing black Doctor Marten boots,long black coats and black T-shirts with the names of their favorite bands on them. Some of them are wearing lipstick and eyeliner and a few of them have piercings. Nervous shoppers hurry past them t trying not to make eye contact. It seems to be quiet but you feel that at any moment a fight could start. The police say these young people are probably harmless-perhaps they just hang around the square because there's nothing better to do. But older people say they are tired of putting up with the noise and litter.These kinds of problems certainly aren't unique to Peterborough.But after trying several different methods, Peterborough City Council has a radical plan to change things.The council's controversial plan to bring peace to the city starts on a Tuesday morning during the half-term holiday.A group of fourteen Chavs and Goths of both sexes are travelling by bus to a secret location in the countryside, ten miles out of town. There are more Chavs than Goths-maybe it's hard for some Goths to get up in the mornings!When they finally arrive,supervisors ask them to put on camouflage clothing. And then the two gangs spend the rest of the morning pretending to shoot at each other.Don't worry-the guns are not reaKthey fire plastic balls filled with paint)and it's all for fun. But isn't it dangerous to fight aggression with aggression? Is a game of paintball really the best way to bring young people together? Steve Mayes, the organizer of the event, feels that it is. He thinks these controversial games give the two groups something to do and can start them talking, 'It gets rid of a lot of energy too-it's much better than playing games on Playstations and XBoxes>J he says. Meanwhile, the Chavs and Goths are fooling around : there's a lot of shouting and laughter and everyone appears to be having fun.At the end of the day Steve Mayes believes the event was a success-the two groups are already talking to each other.'It's like football,'says Denise,another organizer.You choose which team you belong to. But at the end of the day,Chavs and Goths are the same sort of people.'16.The scenes that are described in the first paragraph don't happen very often.17.The shoppers in Peterborough are afraid to look at the young people in the square.18.The police don't think the young people are dangerous.19.Peterborough isn't the only place where you can find such problems.20.Only boys are taking part in the council's events.Passage B(2points each,10points in total)Complete the email with one word chosen from the following five choices marked as A t B t C 9D 9and E and write your answer on the answer sheet.A. better C. were E.hadB. take D. idea31/1/2007Hi Steve,Interesting to hear that you're going to Egypt. If you 21 told me earlier, I would have found my old guide books and sent them to you. Never mind. I had a great time in Cairo,I'm sure you will too. You'd 22 take some warm clothes though,becausethe nights get quite cool at this time of year and you'll want an evening felucca ride on the river.You asked what to do.It's a good23to do the main tourist sights with a reputable tour company"—avoid the unlicensed pirates at the pyramids. Try to look round the old city and get away from the tourist trail. If you've got enough money, you could24 a trip on a cruise ship down the Nile.The most important thing, though, is to make the most of your time in Cairo. If I25you,】'd definitely eat the local food; kushary is the best food in the countryand you'll never have stomach problems-well,I didn't.Have a great time but don't bother to bring me a papyrus!Jim111. ClozeChoose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given and write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (2 points each MO points in total)WHAT ARE WE DOING TO OUR PLANET?You might not know this but, 26 the end of the century, scientists estimate that over 10,000 species of animal,plant and insect27 be dead. You may think thatthis is a long time in the future but,if I 28 you,I would start to worry now. In thetwenty animals that are alive now will be extinct. You will never see29 five yearstthem30 something is done quickly. This isn91 a wild guess, this is really going to1happenDon't wait until it's too late. We need your help as soon as possible.Telephone now to find out what you can do:0122 343 55626. A. by27. A. used to28. A. be29. A. previous30. A. however IV. Writing(30 points)B. onB. shouldB. wereB. thisB. otherwiseC. toC. willC. amC. nextC. uselessD. inD. mustD. will beD nowD. unless31. Write an opinion essay on the topic:u Eating animals is wrong. Do you agreed"Rememberto:(1 )Start with a topic sentence which summarises the main points of the essay.(2)Give your opinion at the end of the first paragraph to help your reader to prepare for thenext part.(3)Use linking words and phrases to show the structure of your argument.(4)Add reasons to support your opinion.(5)Start a new paragraph to show that you are moving to a new topic, in this case, the argumentsagainst.(6)Give more than one argument against your opinion.(7)Finish with a short summary of the arguments on both sides.(8)End with a strong reason for your opinion.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)1 .Vocabulary and Grammar)2points eachf30points in total)l.B 6. C 11. B 2. A7.D12. C3, D8.B13. A4. A9. A14. A5. A10. D15.DU Reading comprehension(30 points)Passage A(4 points eachf20 points in total)16. F17. T18. T19. T20. FPassage B(2 points each, 10 points in total)21.E22. A23. D24. B25. C[Il.Cloze(2points each,10points in total)26. AIV. Writing(30 points)31.写作题评分标准27. C28. B29. C30. D26—30分21—25分16—20分11— 15分6—10分内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式用词富有变化,有“闪光点”,基本无语言错误。



A. All over the world, people walk in their own characteristic ways.
B. The idea that people communicate volumes by their posture and walk is not new.
C. People have long been aware of the idea that it is essential to walk properly.
for young males when with one another is to sit on the base of the spind and their feet wide apart. Their respect position is like our military
many resources, and we create too much waste. The world is overflowing with pollution and
waste. We cannot continue like this forever. We should be more (5)
with their legs apart. When they sit, they put their feet on the floor with legs apart and, in
some parts of the country, they cross their legs by putting one ankle on the other knee.
Leg behavior indicates sex, status, and personality. It also indicates whether or not one



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语(1)》2022期末试题及答案(试卷号:1351) Information for the examinees:•This examination consists of 4 parts. They are:Part I : Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Part ]] : Reading comprehension (30 points)Part HI : Cloze (10 points)Part IV : Writing (30 points)•The total marks for this examination are 100 points ・Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.•There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore , you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.I . Vocabulary and GrammarC2 points each, 30 points in total)Choose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. _______ you _________ t he supporters club's Internet address?A.Are …knowingB.C. Can ••• knowD.2. In Britain, people __________ more money charities.A.are givingC. doesn't give3.______ the band _________ a lot?A.Is …rehearseC. Has ••• been rehearsing4.When her brother was in prison, sheA.had visited Does …knowDo ••• knowto animal charities than to childrenB.aren't givingD. giveB.Does ••• rehearsingD. Has …been rehearsed_______ him every month.B.visitedC.was visitingD. visits5.The law is that people pay tax. If you don't pay, you could go to prison.A. don't have toB. canC. have toD. can't6. I'll be on holiday in the mountains at Christmas so I meet you in town.A. won't be able toB. mustn'tC. couldn'tD. ought to7. Hey girls, you make us some sandwiches?D. may8. Mrs Porter's heart is very weak and she is very ill. The doctors say she ____________ die soon.A. 's going to C. might9. There are problems with the spaceship's door so the astronauts ____________ do a space walk on this voyage.A. will definitelyB. probably won'tC. will certainlyD. probably will10> The motel _______ by the Lewis family in the 1950s. A. has been started B. was started C. is being startedD. started11. You _______ have seen her at the station-she was at home with me! A. mustn't B. should C. couldn'tD. may12. ______ people waste time playing computer games. A. Much B. A little C. Lots ofD. Not any13. ______ people prefer reality to the virtual world. A. Not any B. A little C. MuchD. Most14. We ________ to buy some drinks before we get on the train. A. can B. stop C. think aboutD. need15. We would _______ the match if Paul hadn't been injured. A. wins B. win C. wonD. have wonII . Reading comprehension (30 points)Passage A(4 points each 920 points in total)Read the following script of a radio program* Choose the best answer for the questions followed. Then write your answer on the answer sheetPresenter ; [American accent] So. • . what did happen to Amelia Earhart on her last flight?With me in the studio I'm joined by Bruce Holtz, who has been studying the story for many years. Bruce, can you tell us some of the theories about Amelia's tragic accident?Bruce : [West Coast US accent] Well, according to some theories Amelia didn't actually die. ForA. shouldB. mustC. canB. will D. mustmany years some people believed that she survived and then worked for the Japanese during the war.Presenter: The Japanese? You have to remember that Japan was America's big enemy, even in the 1930s.Bruce: Yes, that's right. The story is that during the Second World War,the Japanese broadcast anti-US propaganda on the radio to America. This was read by someone who called herself Tokyo Rose, an American woman living in Japan. Some people thought that perhaps Tokyo Rose was Amelia Earhart. However, Amelia's husband listened to dozens of tapes of the broadcasts but he couldn't identify his wife's voice. So the theory seems unlikely. Presenter: Mmm. What other theories are there?Bruce: Well, another theory was that Amelia was actually a US spy and that she was caught and killed by the Japanese. In 1937 a 15-year-old boy said he heard Amelia Earhart on his radio on 2 July, the day she disappeared. He said that he heard a scream and the woman said Japanese soldiers had entered the plane.Presenter: Well, that sounds quite convincing, doesn't it?Bruce: Er, yes and no. You have to remember that Americans were very worried about Japan back then. Any information from the Pacific region about what the Japanese were doing was very useful. Amelia could have tried to get information-like taking photos. But if she was a spy, there would definitely be files and documents about this in the FBI and government records.The problem is that many researchers spent a long time searching these records in the 1990s and they didn't find any information at all about Amelia being a spy.Presenter: Which theories are more likely then?Bruce: Well, probably the simplest explanation is that Amelia simply ran out of gas and crashed into the ocean. In fact, Amelia did definitely mention that she was starting to run out of gas in her last radio message. But there was no sign of panic and we have since calculated that she must have had enough fuel for at least four more hours when she disappeared. So, it's an easy explanation but it's also easy to prove that it's not true. Perhaps the most intriguing story comes from the island of Nikumaroro in the Pacific. Years after Amelia's disappearancet some researchers on the island noticed that the islanders were using metal plates. The metal looked like it could have come from an aeroplane.Presenter: So you're saying that Amelia tried to land her plane on another island. This Niko, er... Bruce: Nikumaroro, yes. Perhaps they decided to land there because they knew the fuel would run out.Presenter: Or perhaps they had made a mistake-they thought they had reached their destination-Howland Island. But it was the wrong island.Bruce: Of course, that is also a possibility. Remember-these islands are very small and Amelia's plane would have been very high up above the ocean. You can imagine how easy it is to choose the wrong island by mistake. But remember that Fred Noonan was a veryexperienced navigator, perhaps the best in the world at the time.Presenter: But I thought that the US Navy spent 16 days looking for the planband that ships and Navyplanes explored all the islands in the area?Bruce: That is correct. The Navy claimed that they had searched the island in 1937. But who knows?The plane might have crashed into the sea as they were trying to land on the island and was never found.Presenter: OK. Now finally9 something I've really wanted to ask. I remember an episode of Star Trek from years ago that mentioned Amelia Earhart. The story suggested that Amelia and FredNoonan had been captured by aliens! Is there any evidence for this?Bruce: It's a nice story but I don't think you need me to answer that question. . t Presenter: Er, OK. Bruce Holtz, thank you.16.The messages broadcast by Tokyo Rose _________A.started in the 1930s.B.were read by an American.C.were very popular with Amelia's husband.D.supported the USA.]7. Researchers couldn't find any information on Amelia in the FBI records becauseA.she may have been killed by the Japanese.B.researchers only started looking in the 1990s.C.she probably wasn't a spy.D.researchers didn't look for long enough.18> When Amelia sent her last message, ________A.she still had gas for several hours' Hying.B.she was extremely worried about how much gas she had left.C.she had already run out of gas.D.she was about to crash.19.The story about the metal plates on Nikumaroro suggests that ____________A.Amelia had met the islanders.B.the plane might have landed or crashed nearby.C.the US Navy hadn't searched the area near the island.D.Fred Noonan wasn't good at navigating.20.Bruce doesn't want to answer the question about Star Trek because -------------------A.he hadn't seen it.B.he didn't have any evidence for the theory.C.he didn't think it was a serious question.D.he didn't like the series.Passage B(2 points each JO points in total)Read the following passage and match sentences A-F with gaps 21-25. There is one sentence you don't need. Then write your answer on the answer sheet.Orraway AdventureOrraway is run by a group of professional outdoor instructors with one goal; to bring our loveof adrenalin sports to you! We were recently voted one of the Top 50 Weekends in the UK by The Independent newspaper. Located in Abergavenny, South Wales, we are open 365 days a year.River bugsRiver bugging is the latest white-water activity sensation. This amazing action sport has never been offered to the public outside of New Zealand and Australia …until now! Only fifty River Bugs exist in the world, and we have ten of them! River Bugs look like a cross between a white water raft and an armchair. Designed for one person at a time, they give you all the thrill of white-water rafting, but on your own and in perfect safety. The user, who is known as a 'bugger', wears a helmet and is protected by inflatable chambers at the back and on the sides of the Bug. 灵・Then, you will be taught how t。



国家开放大学电大本科《人文英语3》2023-2024期末试题及答案(试卷代号:1379)-,交2 分,角小19 2 分)1-5皿:携择正确的偈句家成下列对话■并将答客停导耳&答IS纸上.L Limin• whnt S wrong with your Kirnnilniothcr?A. She not retired yet.B. She hun her l< g l<i$i week.C・ She KE n new liou^e juM recruily.2. I low dn<<?j ii cxplmti I hr CHUM A(nr thr inctr.ining luvridlr rrlinrs?—It cxplmnwA. a hciilthy surfing rnvironmrnt in needviLK pnrl of thv reason ih I hr influence of hurt net violrnr<\C・ I hr opctAting comp/inic!* don f t fihrr ihr ennirnt online3. —・ docsn f t it?Yesif n does. I hke rhe color nnd mylrA. I he ” d <lrr lit* m<- very muchIt Ii is gw in rain pxrtty AOOHC\ Vnu look wry brnutilul4. Where h Jnhn? I rcHildn*! find hitn.A. I lr very huAy working on hm projvchB. I wm Rorry but I'm flfrnid I run1! /turrv with you,C. 1 s叩hr could hnvc /CM <0 ibe rnectiriK rootn.5. I low con I deliver my speech in an ntirnctivr wny?A- Rcinrmhcri I hr g/inicn Hhoul<!n e l be mu cornphciiiiil.It rrn A C MH I ihni tny amlirtirv rnny find my *prrch boring.(「. Mnkr burr thui you urr tnlkniK*(心just frcittng your ilrulL二、词汇语法(共计30分,每小题2分)E—Z0题:阅谟下面的句子■从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能坝入空白处的鼓佳选项,并将答案序号写在答31纸上。



A. Aa matter of fuelIL A% n m»ttrr <4 hetthr riMchine?B. working「• worked8. 1 have a car rnynclf« but 1国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(1)》2022-2023期末试题及答案(试卷号:2158)I ・ Vc^abulMry und StructureDlrectloa^t ikneath cuch of the following sentences f there HFC four chukc* mnrkctl Mt>dD« ChonM thr one that bwt cotnpleteN the NcntcrKe. Murk your un^wer on the At Ih C ANSWERSHEET. (20 polnh) Exam pie \ The old couple at luU in finding a flat to rrn/. A# niana^rd H. did 1). luecfrded Th ,hfntrncr ihoutd read •“Id coup/r \ redfd at lusl in finding u flat S rffU.Thcrf/orf. you nhtmld ihnoir [).1. l f d my it was the nicestwc^vr rvri tnktMLA. vocAtinn B- vncAnon C. indication11 orrupHtion2< As n nursery tcflchcft you miKtn 11 bewith tbr children.A. impiossiblc B- impractical C\ importantIl inipntient3. "I hcrc WAS more work than I couldA. handle with B copr withC\ work over t fhey pfttd Avinit to (hr nvw noighburn>5.A. courtrou* K courtyard C. ctiurtehy (.)• cotirnKcotis. hr knew noihing about in7.「Hd you hnvein mind?A. special anythingIt nothinx tprciAl (二 unytliinn Rprnnl11 ^pvciiil nathinKA• would drive rather not would rather not driveC. would rather driveD. not would rather drive9i I t nny good Tnovis recently<—_______ huve | .:A« Nat B. EithrrC So D. Neither10. I don f t Are any aspirin in the medicine rnbinet.一-It b<- used up. I here is nothing left tn the box.A・ con H. mustG may [I shouldD . Silualiona) DialofnicsDirectionv: ( I KKJM1 A. B or C to complete each cnnvrrxHlinn. <1血只the senlenceib below. Mark your sinswvr DO the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Exitniplr| - Ohi look. Joni Mitrhrll HI town.— What? Sht、one of thr grrntest (oik singrrs in I hr world)A. Who、ihttt? rve never heard o( her.11 Sure* I'm in fuwiuC・ Yc^・ r(n ulod ahrcoming.Answer A ix correct hrcni^r thr convrrH«non should rc/id •"Oht look< Joni Mitchrll m in town.Who •» that I9 ur wnrr hrurd of h.r.What? She's one of the greatest folk singers in the world!"11. —________ •I'm <orry. there*n no morr pnntn. Wr junt rnn out of !(•••A. (\)uld I have onother R I…<4 winet plrnjic?B. Why(Jun f f you nend il bick unci get nomrtliinK el»c7C. ()K. now. PH have the ptirnNvera.12. — Wait! I won * 1 be nblc (o make i代I have A dcntijii npponnmrnt m 3,3()on Friday..A. It took nir wrckA to Rrt thnt upfxiintmrnuB. Could you pQMsihly chmiKe it to nomr other dny?C. Wht-n arc you KOing to rnccl thnl lutor of your、?13. — Whnt would you do if you had al! the time in the world?A. II I could find nnother joh« you know I'd take it in o mmute<K I would Mprnd two third* ol my time with thune people who are in ^rent need af help.C. I will trnv<?| to other countries trnd do everything I like-11. 11 ve Already mndr phns to go vinit my brother whoS nway wt rnllcgc but nawPm not Aiirr PI) hr nblc to.A. Thal f JI too bad. Why not?K Which univenity did you oriRinitlly decide to go to9C. Shenot written 10 me xince ln»t aummen15. — Why arr you thinking of leaving your present job?A. 1 want to gel her HornethinR thnt shr,ll like-11 The new joh will give me plenty of ehnnres to UovrLC. I * vc lived in Ikijing my wholv lifelfi< Whai n grrrti niovirf it funny when he forgai her rmrne?A. I KiitHs my mind wan somewhere cl<r<B. I f m afraid he might have gotten stuck in fhr truffic(w. Ycnh> it win one ol the funtiicst parts of the niuvicn.17. Do you mind if I !/ikc oft my com?.A. Of ciHir^r not • mnkv youraclf At home.Ik N D. thnnki. Ihrtl1 n rn/tlly mcr cif yuiL1 h«i '■ too kind ol you.(/niilfl you trll rnr which hu5 g(>e> to fhr Fine Art^ Muwcum?A. Sorry. Pvr never been therr.IL Yon r«n Mwqyit rakr n tnxLC・ I ihink No- I6 in OK.Sh< cnllrd to remind you that you hnvc ticket* fi>r thr tennis tournamenr«MO you fshould try to get hnmr bcforr six.At YenJ I carripletdy forgot about rhe flight! When it the phin leaving?B. (?ould you vail thr hAirniylist iin<l change thr uppoinfrnmt tr> larnorrow?C- ()h> no! I mudr nn Hp|xiintrnent to grt my hair cut then.2(L Jim' decided xo mprty rhnt ftirl who hr rurt on v^irritiun last mutitha.A. You*rr kidding! Hninr** I hopt* hc f % not making A lerribk- miaMkcIt fhut f MOCK! nrwv I hope「II bt able to take part tn the journeyC\ Rr/illy? They nre k<>ing on holiday again?111. C lo«r lc«tDirections y For each numbernJ blank In the following paisiugc> there urr four chuices ntnrkcd A ♦ H. C Midi,ChooM? the l)csl one and mark your answer <»n the ANSWER SHF E I. (20llw rnnnngcr of n Nmall buildinR company WOJT vrry _2J io gel n bill (or two whnt micr which one of hin workmen had bou-hR Hr nmi for thr worknmn and aiikcd him why hr had had the bill 22 to the compAny> "WML” thr w orkman wnnwered. M you remember the hon?ic wu wvrr "3 in Newbridge U&t week* don91 you? One of th<? thiuK?i we h”d io do there wa?i tu put In new clretnc wiring. Wrlh in one piner wc h^d to pa朴^omr wires ihrouwh n pipr _ aiul about nn meh nrroM. which WM built into wlid stone and hnd four I HU I X IH I M(⑥仙)«n n. _25 _ could think how to do thin iinlrnw I lud A good i<l<n. I went tnu .^hop and bought two white rnicce onu of Them male and thr other (rninir> Thm 1 tivd n thread <o thr body ol ihr mnlr tnouAe nnd put him itito thr pipe at onr end. 26 Bill held thr frrnnlc inot^r ai ihrother mil and prewted her grndy to m^ke hrr M|uruk- When the mnlr mouse hrAtd «hr feninlc mouNi?f» tqueAkx* he rushed nlong thr pip< 10 help hrr. I <uppo*e he wot 、«t nllmiith27 hr WDA only A rnotmr. Anywqy.心hr rwn through the pipe • hr 28 ilir threcid behind him# It wn» then quite eany (oi ua to tie one end of the thread to tbr electric wirvi* and pull them 29 the pipe. HThr mnnngcr 30 thr lull for I hr white ftner.2L A. iturprifird K norry C. atrnngv 0. lenrlul22. A> to lie seni K to sent C\ send I >. mnt23> A. mending H. denning C. rcpainnK I), utiting21. A. thirty feel-long K thirty foots lan|> C. thirty frvl long D. thirty fccru long25. A. None of u9 No one \in C Np o( u«l>. None g26. A. AM Bt w C・while r>. whrti27. A. even though K AS though 匚in (act D・sure enough23. A.pulled R pushed C< hftrd r>. brought29. A. nlong U through .C inside r>. towAird:&30. A. received K /igrred C< pAid D. coAhcdIV. Rending ConiprchcnsicmIMnTtion^t Hach <if the bdow 1% followed by wmc questiotu. For each question Ihrrcarc four an*wcrs marked B. C undD. Read the paMHgc^ CMrcfully and choose the best answer to ruch of (he qiwxtiont. Murk ynur answer <><i the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)31 - 35 are based on lhe following paisagt.For -vonir minut^n, all WAN quirt in thi? street. Th俨n. from ocrons the sirccG someone enme wnlking.It hxikcd hkv n man af niiddlr height« clrrs^rd tn a bin ramcont • H Milt hftt and rublx r *olcd hoot» or whoesi mid nmk”帜hulc Round while walkingi At mom ■ AO(1 • sliding ROund> No one wn> in Mijjht. ii wiu n wtreef wilh two rows of nbout fifty small houses» 4nd there were three lampN on either unit. The lamp neflrejii fhc child9 s house could be seen cltnrly> but the others were nitnuHt hidilrn by the nrnoke air. A car paired the rnd ol the street nnrl lighT* showed (ainvly« hul clrnrly rnciuRh io xhow the nmooth ukin of n wnrwirT H (ACC. The enr dKappr/irril AN the woman t wrapped up in hvr CLMitf reached the doorway of lh「child I hotiKc.Shr put ・key tn the lock quickly • pushed the door open and stepped in»ide« then closed thr daof without looking roundShr began lo brrathc hnr<L Shr IcAncd AgAiDKt the door for M tname nt • then B1 rai|:htenrd upif with an elfot*• and walked <ownrd> the door of thr front room• the passage IrAciing TO thr knrhcn«and the nnrrow stn)rcAjie« She hcMiimed outride the door* then went up the MiiirMt «|inckly but with hnr(Uy ti %ound> There wn> ennugh I IR H I from the nnrrow hull to ■how ihe four doors Irddiiig off n bmnll landing. She pushed each door open in turn nnd ethoOe n torch mmdr. nrnl the light (rll upon btdui wnlht furniturr> A bathroom hand』川%in. A mirror which fh^hed hriuhlnens bncki bin this wnM mil whm ih< woman W/IM looknig fan She turned away and wvnt <lown^tJHr*t nnd hcnitAied nKain AI the (rx»< of thr »lair«f thrn turned mwnrrh rh( knehen* Clmrly ihrrr WJIJI nathinK there# or in the ttmall wn>h-room t妙wnnted< Two rooms arniiinedi the front room and a smaller one next TO it. She opened the front room doon After n moment# she MW the child' bed And the child31・ The "hi ol the enr passing the end of the street showed thai .A. A woman WHN driving the car11 somronr wn> standing by a street lampC a man and a woman were walking up the streetD・ a woman was walking by herxelf up the street32- When the woman had closed the front door, she ______________ •A. looked round quicklyB> started brenthing x^ainC< rested Mure movingD. walked straight toward* the front room33. The woman went upMMirn __________ ・t\. in complrtr silence K after heAiuting for a moment(\ After looking imncle the kitchen D. as quickly as shr could34. When wns upm心.the woman ___ •A- JUIW that there was a wash-bastn in each roomH. noticed A mirror which she was looking forC< found a torch instdc one of the roomsIX opened four different door,35. ()ncc she WAR in the house, the woman behaved as il whai *he was looking forA. might be in the kitchenB> w»> morr likely to be up^tnrrsC. would be easily sren by the liftht Irom the hallD. would look fn^htening to a child(fu^ttons 36~VJ are based on fhr following passage.Gmcration^ of ?\mcnrans have been brought up to hrhrvc that n good breakfaa! is otte n( lite99 essentials Eating breakfast At the start o( the ctay, we have all been told, and told againt i,R5 nvccMMry as putting gasoline m thr family car before starting A trqxI Hit for many people thr thought of food hr«t thing in the morning is by no means apleasure< AO despite nil the efforts. they still rake no brrakfa&u Between 1977 and I983t the la!c*t year for which fiRures are avatlable f the number of people who didn't have breakfast increased by 33% from 8.8 million to IL 7 nulHon — accorciing to the Chicagobased Market Research Corporation of America^ For fho5c who feel pnin ol guilt About not rating breakfast • howrvert there is some good nrw^ Several studies in ihr hnt few VEiiris indjcute ihat> far ndults C5pedally9 there may be nothing wrong with omitting hrmkfasi. ~ Going without brcitkfast doM no! affect perforrnancrit M said Arrold E Bendtr• former professor ol nutrition at Queen Elizabeth (Tollrge rn lx)ndon« * nor doc^ giving people brefiklnst improve performance^ ”Scientific evidence linking hrenkfast to het ter health ar better performance in surprisingly inndequatcr ind most of rvernt work involves children t not adults u The lilcrmun!.” my* one rrsrrirrhrr. Dr. Ernesto Pollitt atthe University o( T CXHS. poor.”36. [ he Ifttriit yeur for which figures could be obtained is _______________ .A. I he yenr the author wrote I he articleB. 1977C\ any yenr between 1977 and 1983Il M8337. For those who do noi take hreakfaM the good nrwji in that ______________ .A- several studies have been done in thr past few yearsB. the amission ol breskfaRt doe® no Kann to odulis e healthC. adultsi have especially mnde studies in This fieldI h rating little :n the fnorninK ts good for health3B. giving people bruakUnt improve h* pvrformoncc° mran»_______________ .A anyonr without hrrakfasT does improve htn fjvrfurrnnnceK. not givrng people hreAkfn^t improves performanceC・ K HVIHK brrakb^t doesn e t improve pcrformancet eitherII people having breakfast do improve their prrfurmflncct too39. The word ^litcr4iUirr H in lhe la^l ^rntener triers to •A・ utorit-t. pncinA. |>Uyn. etc. B. written wurku on ■ |mrtj<:ulAf *ub)icl(\ any firinird mutrnn) U. I hr modern liicrRturr of Ainrricw40. Whut i» implied but NOT STATED by the author iti fhm 一・A> brctiklnxl dtws nut nffret performanreH. I)n Pollitt in in rt^rarch work /it itn inntituttun u! higher lc#trnitiHC ・ not cAiHig brcAkluib! niiKht alfrrf thr hrnhh of childrenD. Profesnor Brndrr oner t/iught collrgr ccnirnrh in riutmton in LondonV < rrunNlMtlonDirectlonMi Put each of the fullnwin|> ^cnlcncew Into Knglhh or ( hincnct u^ing the word(t> Rhen In I he brBeket If any. Write your answer on thr ANSWER SHEET. (20 point*)4 L (;,nphuluxima behevr (hut you enn Icnrii M lul nbout people?' p (dnnalnio bylookinK Mt the way they write12» W you hnvr io much ♦ person with « etild or bnndk ^onn thinH thut ihr person Im UMedt w 」mh ynur handii immcdinicly nherwmd 、.43> If the weather i» cohl« 1 pu! on iipnw wwnn clolhr* nnd go (or long wnlk> oh the *horr with my <h>g.H. MM 的建仗JB 饵先御决耶妲15成人们元次,小门的《枳未)问他・Uiuurk)t5. A.A 的M 以问 卜你足有可以带血仆么.比g 的成寿州,什么的.(bnnR)试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)I « (20%# - pilnls for r»ch Hrm« )2. I) 9. DI! (20% f 2 |N>lnts (nr meh Item. J20. A111 . (20%. : points for r>cb item.)25. A30. CI. H fi. DIL C13. H IL A15.18. C 22. DIV . (20% t ? |MiinU for cuch item.)3J- D 32. ;C3:L 35. H36. D 37. H 38. C 39. B 40. C\ (20^a, I pt»lnU for cnch llrni.)侦M、地?r,F4:•定所愉答案光金一样•,体准墉南会句jft•无仍法俐促・m • T分,介句血/巾大讷法靖误.将3 2分8下t符仆句息.有明显讷正情谀,相I分;4、n 1句息・句F无底诚tii.wo分.凡恤情况•的悄扣分•)。

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