



Things I wish I’d known when I was youngerthings i wish i’d known when i was youngermost people learn over time, but often learning comes too late to be fully useful. there are certainly many things that now i know would have been extremely useful to me earlier in my life; things that could have saved me from many of the mistakes and hurts i suffered over the years—and most of those that i brought upon others too.i don’t believ e the romantic idea that my life has been somehow richer or more interesting because of all the times i made mistakes; nor the idea that mistakes were “put” there to help me learn. i made mistakes myself through ignorance, fear, and a foolish wish to have everyone like me, and life and work would have been less stressful and more enjoyable (and certainly more successful) without them. so here are some of the things i wish i had learned long ago. i hope they may help a few of you avoid the mistakes that i made back then.1. most of it doesn’t matter. so much of what i got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to be important. there are only a few things that truly matter to have a happy life. i wish i had known to concentrate on those and ignore the rest.2. the greatest source of sadness and hatred(hating) in this world is holding on to past hurts. look at all the terrorists and warlike groups! they keep some event long gone in mind, or base their good reasons for killing on some supposed historical ownership of a bit of land, or the wrong done hundreds of years ago.3. waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing itexactly right means waiting forever. one of the greatest advantages anyone can have is the willingness to make a fool of themselves publicly and often. there’s no better way to learn and develop. dare i say, it’s fun too.4. following the latest fashion, in work or in life, is spiritual and mental suicide. you can copy the most popular idea of the moment; or you can be a unique individual. the choice is yours. religion isn’t the opiate of the masses, fashion is.5. the quickest and simplest way to destroy any relationship is to listen to gossip. the worst way to spend your time is spreading more. people who spread gossip are the disease-carriers of our day. cockroaches are clean, kindly creatures in comparison.6. every winner is certain to be a loser in due course. it’s great to feel like a winner, but don’t imagine you can stay there for ever. the worst is being determined to do so, by any means available.。

【范文】things I wish I’d known revised教案

【范文】things I wish I’d known revised教案

things I wish I’d known revised教案TeachingPlanTeachingcontent:ThingsIwishI’dknownwhenIwasyoungTeachingaims:.Getthestudentstolearnsome“philosophyoflife”withdifferentreadingskills.2.Raisestudents’awarenessofpositivelyfacinglifeandhardshipsandmeanw hiledeveloptheirabilityofsolvingproblems.3.Enablestudentstotastethedifferencebetweenwesternand chinesebeliefsandencouragestudentstoidentifyandabso rb.4.Learntheimportanceofcooperatingandsharing.Teachingprocedure:.Pre-readingEnjoyasongtogetherwiththestudents.AsktheSstounderst andthelyrics.Thissongmainlytellsthesingerisregrettingwhathasbeen donebefore.Therefore,thispartisaimedtoeasethestuden tsandbringinthetopicoftheclassaswell.2.while-reading①Helpthestudentstogetthemainideaofthepassagebyreadin gthetitleandthefirsttwoparagraphs.Themainideaisthatwewishwehadknownthingswhenwewereyo ungersothatwecouldhavelivedabetterlife.ThisstepmainlyaimsatdevelopingSs’abilityofskimming.②EncourageSstopredictwhatwillfollow.Thefollowingissomeoftheauthor’stipssharedwithreaders.ThisstepisdesignedtotrainSs’skillofpredictinginacontext.③AskSstodoacarefulreadingandinformationsharing.)Sswillbegiven2to3minutestoreadthefollowingtips .AsktheSstomatchthetipsandexplanations.2)TeachergivessomepicturesorvideostohelpSsunderstan dsomedifficulttipsoraskthemtounderstandandillustrat ebyapplyingrelevanttips.Picturesofconflictsandwars----tip2Picturesoffashion---tip4&tip8Video1---tip5Video2---studentsgivetheirvariousanswersThispartisaimedtoenhanceSs’abilityofinformation-sorting.whencheckingSs’understandingoftheinformation,Sswilllearntoobservea ndsolveproblemsindependently.3.Post-reading①GettheSstosharewhichtipimpressesthemmostandofferrea sons.ThispartintendstofurtherSs’understandingofthetipsandteachthemtoshare.②AskSstofindouttheauthor’sdifferentbeliefsfromcommonones.ThispartisdesignedtohelpSsunderstanddifficultyinthe passage.③IntroducetheauthorThisstepaimstogiveSsinformationsourceofthewriter.④AskSstocreatetheirownlifephilosophyandshare.ThisstephighlightsSs’awarenessofpositivelyfacinglifeanddevelopSs’abilityofcooperating.⑤TeachersharesherownbeliefwithSs.⑥Appreciateapoem:IfIwereaboyagainThispartservesasaconcludingstep,whichisactuallyasup plementaryreadingofthisarticle.4.HomeworkAsktheSstowritedowntheirowntipsandsharethembyputtin gthemuponthewall.设计思路简介:这是一篇关于人生哲理的,结构很清晰:第一部分总起,概述为什么写这些生活感悟;第二部分分述,介绍9条感悟。



Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。


hugged Green tightly, saying “You've saved me today. I couldn't
thank you enough.” 感激的泪水顺着他的脸颊流下,彼得紧紧地拥抱着格林,说:“ 今天你救了我。我对你感激不尽。”
1. My mother was close to tears when she heard I was
admitted to a key university. 当得知我被重点大学录取时,我母亲差点儿就哭了。
2. With tears of gratitude rolling/streaming down his cheeks, Peter
what I was today. 我的付出和坚持固然重要,但是没有他的鼓励我就不会有今天的 成就。
[句式1] One's eyes got misty./One's eyes misted with tears.泪 眼模糊 [句式2] be close to tears 几乎要哭了 [句式3] tears roll down one's eyes/cheeks/face 泪水从眼睛/脸 颊/面部落下
disappointment, their father appeared. Their hearts began to
thump wildly as they were afraid of being scolded by their father. 天哪!锅里的那块面包也变黑了。当双胞胎失望地环顾四周时, 他们的父亲出现了。他们害怕被父亲责骂,心开始怦怦直跳。
wildly as I went on stage to collect the prize. 上台领奖时我感到心怦怦直跳。



Frozen I该片故事基于《安徒生童话》改编而成,讲述了公主安娜和喜爱冒险的山民克里斯托弗以及一只驯鹿、会说话的雪人一起踏上北上冒险的路程,而他们冒险之旅的目的是为了解除安娜的姐姐—冰雪皇后下的让她的王国陷入永恒寒冬的诅咒。


阿伦戴尔王国的两个公主Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining寒冷的冬天,伴随着山雨生出了她This icy force both foul and fair 冰雪的力量,危险而又美丽Has a frozen heart worth mining 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘So cut through the heart, cold and clear 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透Strike for love and strike for fear 为了爱不畏恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 一双善于发现美的眼睛Split the ice apart 割开坚冰And break the frozen heart 融化冰封之心Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go 嘿呦留神脚下放手去爱Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go 嘿呦留神脚下放手去爱Beautiful! Powerful 美丽!强大Dangerous! Cold 危险!冷酷Ice has a magic can't be controlled 寒冰的魔力无法被掌控Stronger than one, stronger than ten 胜过一人胜过十人Stronger than a hundred men 胜过一百人Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining寒冷的冬天,伴随着山雨生出了她This icy force both foul and fair 冰雪的力量,危险而又美丽Has a frozen heart worth mining 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘Cut through the heart, cold and clear 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透Strike for love and strike for fear 为了爱不畏恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 危险而又美丽Split the ice apart 割开坚冰Beware the frozen heart 小心冰封的心Come on, Sven! 快跟上斯温!Elsa. Psst! Elsa! 艾尔莎喂!艾尔莎Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒醒醒快醒醒!Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜回去睡觉I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我就是睡不着天醒着所以我也醒着So we have to play. 所以起来玩吧Go play by yourself. 你自己去玩吧Do you want to build a snowman? 你想堆雪人吗?Come on, come on, come on, come on. 快来快来快来快来!Do the magic! Do the magic!快用魔法!快用魔法!Ready? This is amazing! 准备好了吗?真是太神奇了!Watch this! 看这个!Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨我是雪宝我喜欢热情的拥抱I love you, Olaf. 我喜欢你雪宝Hang on! Catch me! Gotcha! 等一下!接住我!接住啦! Again! Wait! Slow down! 再来一次!等一下!慢一点!Anna! Anna! Mama! Papa! No,no…安娜!安娜!妈妈!爸爸!不,不……You're okay, Anna. I got you. 你会没事的安娜我陪着你Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾尔莎你做了什么?你的魔法又失控了!It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna!这是个意外对不起,安娜!She's ice cold. I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉我知道我们得去哪儿Ice? Faster, Sven! Sven! 冰? 再快点斯温 ! 斯温! Please... Help! My daughter! 请帮帮我们!我女儿!He is the King! Trolls...? 是国王 ! 地精? Shush. I'm trying to listen. 安静我正听着呢Cuties. I'm gonna keep you. 小可爱我要把你们留下来Your Majesty! 陛下!Born with the powers or cursed? 是生来就有还是中了恶咒?Born. And they're getting stronger. 生来就有而且越来越强大You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 幸好伤到的不是她的心The heart is not so easily changed, 心不容易恢复but the head can be persuaded. 但头的问题还是有办法的Do what you must. 请你尽力I recommend we remove all magic,我建议抹去所有和魔法有关的东西even memories of magic to be safe...甚至那些关于魔法的记忆,为了安全起见But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.但别担心我会留下那些快乐的记忆She will be okay. 她会没事的But she won't remember I have powers?但是她会忘记我拥有魔力吗? It's for the best. Listen to me, Elsa, 这样最好听我说艾尔莎your power will only grow. 你的魔法只会越来越强大There is beauty in it...but also great danger魔法固然美好但也有巨大的危险You must learn to control it. 你必须学会控制它Fear will be your enemy. 恐惧会成为你的敌人No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不我们会保护他她能学会控制它我确定Until then,we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.在此之前我们会锁上城门裁减仆从We will limit her contact with people, and keep her powers hidden from everyone...including Anna.减少她与别人的接触,不让任何人知道她的魔力,包括安娜Elsa? Do you wanna build a snowman 艾尔莎? 你想堆个雪人吗?Come on let's go and play 来吧,我们一起出去玩I never see you anymore. Come out the door我好久没见你了快出来吧It's like you've gone away 你就像消失了一样We used to be best buddies 我们曾是最好的伙伴And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why现在却不是了我希望你能告诉我为什么Do you wanna build a snowman 你想堆个雪人吗?It doesn't have to be a snowman 并不是一定要堆个雪人啦Go away, Anna. Okay bye 走吧安娜好吧再见The gloves will help. See... 戴着手套会有帮助瞧Conceal it. Don't feel it. 隐藏它不要去想它Don't let it show. 别让它显现出来Do you wanna build a snowman?你想堆个雪人吗?Or ride our bike around the hall?或是在大厅里骑车?I think some company is overdue 好久没人陪我玩I've started talking to the pictures on the walls我都开始对墙上的画说话了Hang in there, Joan. 撑住琼It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms这些空房间让人觉得有些寂寞Just watching the hours tick by 仅仅看着时间滴滴答答地走过I'm scared. It's getting stronger. 我很害怕魔力越来越强大了Getting upset only makes it worse. 不安只会让情况变得更糟Calm down. 冷静下来No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't wanna hurt you.不情别碰我拜托了我不想伤害你See you in two weeks. 两周后再见你们必须要去吗?你会没事的艾尔莎Elsa? 艾尔莎Please, I know you're in there 拜托了我知道你在里面People are asking where you've been 人们都在问你去哪儿了They say have courage and I'm trying to他们说要勇敢我也在努力I'm right out here for you. Just let me in我就在门外让我进去吧We only have each other 现在只剩我们彼此了It's just you and me 只有我和你What are we gonna do?我们该怎么办?Do you wanna build a snowman 你想堆个雪人吗?Three years later. 三年后Welcome to Arendelle! Merci, monsieur!欢迎来到阿伦黛尔谢谢您先生Watch your Steps please. The gates will opening Soon.请小心脚下城门马上就会打开Why do I have to wear this? 为什么我非得穿这个Because the Queen has come of age. 因为女王已经成年啦It's Coronation Day! 今天是加冕日!That's not my fault. 那又不是我的错- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!-你想要什么斯温 -给我个点心- What's the magic word? - Please! 那暗号是什么 -拜托了A..A... a... a! Share! 喂喂喂分享I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!我真不敢相信,他们终于把大门打开了And for a whole day! 而且打开一整天哦!Faster, Persi! 快点儿佩西!Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.啊,阿伦黛尔我们最神秘的贸易伙伴Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开那些门等我揭开你的秘密and exploit your riches. 挖掘你的财富Did I just say that out loud? 我是不是说得太大声了?Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to 我已经迫不及待想看看see the Queen and the Princess. 女王和公主了I bet they're absolutely lovely. 我打赌她们一定可爱极了I bet they are beautiful. 我打赌她们一定美丽动人Princess Anna? 安娜公主Huh? Yeah? 嗯?什么Oh, Sorry to wake you, No, no, no. You didn't.-抱歉叫醒了你, -不不不没关系I've been up for hours. 我已经起床很Who is it? 谁啊?It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.还是我小姐城门马上就要打开了- Time to get ready. - Of course!- 该做准备了 -当然!Ready for what? 准备什么?Your sister's coronation, ma'am. 您姐姐的加冕仪式小姐My sister's cor-neration. 我姐姐的加冕礼It's coronation day! 今天是加冕日!It's coronation day! 今天是加冕日!The window is open! So's that door 那些窗户和门都已经打开了I didn't know they did that anymore我不知道他们已经做了如此多的准备Who knew we owned 8000salad plates?谁知道我们有八千个沙拉碟呢? For years I have roamed these empty halls我在这空荡的大厅漫步多年Why have a ballroom with no balls 没有舞会要舞厅有什么用Finally, they're opening up the gates 终于他们要把城门打开了There'll be actual, real-life people 会有活生生的人来到这里It'll be totally strange 这感觉好奇怪But wow am I so ready for this change 可我早已准备好了'Cause for the first time in forever 因为有生以来第一次There'll be music, there'll be light 这里将会充满音乐和灯光For the first time in forever 有生以来第一次I'll be dancing through the night 我将彻夜翩然起舞Don't know if I'm elated or gassy 我不知道是兴奋还是胃胀气But I'm somewhere in that zone 但总之也差不多'Cause for the first time in forever 因为有生以来第一次I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone...我将不再孤单我等不及见到大家What if I meet "The one"? 如果我遇见“那个他”怎么办?Tonight, imagine me gown and all 今晚想象一下盛装出席的我Fetchingly draped against the wall 迷人地斜倚着墙The picture of sophisticated Grace 好一幅精致优雅的画面I suddenly see him standing there 蓦然回首看到我的他a beautiful stranger tall and fair 一位高大而又帅气的陌生人I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face 我只想嘴里塞满巧克力But then we laugh and talk all evening 但我们彻夜畅谈欢笑Which is totally bizarre 那感觉一定很奇妙Nothing like the life I've led so far 与我以前的生活截然不同For the first time in forever 有生以来第一次There'll be magic, there'll be fun 这里将会充满魔力和欢乐For the first time in forever 有生以来第一次I could be noticed by someone 我会受人瞩目And I know it is totally crazy 我知道这一定很疯狂To dream I'd find romance 梦想浪漫的来临But for the first time in forever 但有生以来第一次At least I've got a chance 至少我有了一次机会Don't let them in. Don't let them see 掩藏好自己不许人靠近Be the good girl You always have to be做个好女孩儿,就像你从前那样Conceal. Don't feel. 把真心封闭 Put on a show.演好这出戏Make one wrong move and everyone will know走错一步就会人尽皆知But it's only for today 但是,仅此一天It's only for today仅此一天 It's agony to wait 这痛苦的等待It's agony to wait 这痛苦的等待Tell the guards to open up the gate 通知守卫打开城门The gate For the first time in forever 打开城门有生以来第一次I'm getting what I'm dreaming of. 我梦寐以求的时刻即将到来Be the good girl you always have to be.做个好女孩儿,就像你从前那样A chance to change my only world. 一个改变我孤独世界的机会Conceal. 把真心封闭A chance to find true love 一个找到真爱的机会Conceal. Don't feel, Don't let them know 把真心封闭不让人看清I know it all ends tomorrow 我知道明天一切都将结束So it has to be today 所以必须抓住今天'Cause for the first time in forever 因为有生以来第一次For the first time in forever 有生以来第一次Nothing's in my way 没有什么能阻止我I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? 我很抱歉你受伤了吗Hey! I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. - Are you sure?-嘿对不我没事 -你确定?Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going. 没错我刚刚没看路- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.-但是我真的没事 -谢天谢地Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 我是南部群岛的汉斯王子- Princess Anna of Arendelle. - Princess...?-我是阿伦黛尔的安娜公主 -公主My Lady. Hi... again Oh boy. 公主殿下 .嗨又来了哦,老天Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,真尴尬不是说你只是因为我们是我很尴尬You're gorgeous. Wait, what? 你好帅,等下,怎么了?I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...and for every moment after我想正式地为我骑马撞到阿伦黛尔的公主,以及之后发生的一切而道歉No. No-no. It's fine.I'm not THAT Princess.不没关系我不是那位公主 I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...我的意思是如果你撞到我姐姐艾尔莎那就because, you know... 因为,你懂的 Hello.你好But, lucky you, it's-it's just me. 但是幸好只是我而已Just you? 只是你The bells. The coronation. 鸣钟了是加冕礼I... I... 我我I better go. I have to...I better go. 我要走了我必须得走了Bye! 再见Your Majesty, The gloves. 陛下手套(Sem hon heldr inum helgum eignum okkrýnd í þessum helga stað ek té fram fyrir yðr)Queen Elsa of Arendelle. 有请阿伦黛尔的女王艾尔莎Princess Anna of Arendelle! 有请阿伦黛尔的公主安娜Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.站这儿你确定我觉得不该好吧Hi.你好 Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi. 嗨,跟我打招呼吗?哦,嗨- You look beautiful... -Thank you.- 你看上去很美 -谢谢You look beautifuller. I mean, not fuller.你看上去更美我的意思,不是清洁工You don't look fuller, but more beautiful. 你不像清洁工,而是更美Thank you. 谢谢So, this is what a party looks like? 宴会就是这个样子的吗It's warmer than I thought. 比我想象中的要温馨得多And what is that amazing smell? 那奇妙的香味是什么Chocolate. 是巧克力Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.陛下这是鼬鼠城公爵Weselton. The Duke of Weselton. 是韦瑟顿韦瑟顿公爵Your Majesty, 陛下as your closest partner in trade, 作为您最亲密的贸易伙伴it seems only fitting that I offer you 我应该请您跳your first dance as Queen. 加冕后的第一支舞Thank you. Only I don't dance.But my sister does.谢谢可是我不跳舞但我妹妹可以What?Oh!- Lucky you...- Oh, I don't think...什么?哦-算你走运 -哦,我可不这么认为If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.如果头晕的话告诉我我会接住你Sorry. 抱歉Like an agile peacock... 像只灵活的孔雀Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.说起来打开城门真是太好了Why did they shut them in the first place? 为什么之前都要关闭呢Do you know the reason? Hmm? 你知道原因吗No. No... 我不知道Oh, all right. Hang on. 好吧抓紧了They don't call me "The Little Dipper" for nothing.我的外号"小北斗星"可不是浪得虚名Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.鸡一样灵巧猴一样可爱我能飞Let me know when you're ready for another round, My Lady.准备好再跳一轮的时候请告诉我殿下Well, he was sprightly. 他真是太活跃了Especially for a man in heels. 尤其他还穿着高跟鞋- Are you okay? - Yeah,I've never been better.-你还好吗 -我从来没这么开心过This is so nice. 感觉太棒了I wish it could be like this all the time.真希望我们能一直像现在这样Me too... 我也是But it can't. 但是不行- Why not? If... - It just can't.- 为什么不行? -反正就是不行Excuse me for a minute. 对不起,我离开一下- Glad I caught you. - Hans!- 真高兴我抓住你了 -汉斯I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide... Oops. Sorry.我经常一个人在大厅滑来滑去哦,不好意思Your physique helps, I'm sure too.我敢肯定,你的身材也起到了作用- What's this? - I was born with it,- 这是什么 -我生来就有这个Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.虽然我梦见我被地精亲吻过I like it. 我喜欢Yeah, The whole thing! You got it. 对所有的一切你懂的Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?等等你到底有多少个兄弟?Twelve older brothers. 十二个哥哥Three of them pretended I was invisible... 有3个当我完全不存在literally... for two years. 差不多有两年了把- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do. 太糟糕了 -哥哥们都这样And sisters. 姐姐也是Elsa and I were really close when we were little.小时候艾尔莎和我非常亲密But then, one day she just shut me out, and...但后来有一天她也把我拒之门外And I never knew why. 我从来不知道原因I would never shut you out. 我永远不会将你拒之门外Okay, can I just say something crazy? 好吧,我能说点疯话吗?I love crazy. 我喜欢疯话All my life has been a series of doors in my face我的生活不过是面前的一扇又一扇门And then suddenly I bump into you 但是突然之间我撞见了你I was thinking the same thing, because like 我也这么想因为就像I've been searching my whole life to find my own place我这一生一直在寻找自己的归宿And maybe it's the party talking 大概就是这派对里的偶遇Or the chocolate fondue 或是巧克力干酪But with you 但和你在一起I found my place 我找到了归宿I see your face 看到你的脸And it's nothing like I've ever known before 这感觉从未有过Love is an open... door 爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open... door 爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open... door 爱是一扇敞开的门With you! With you 和你在一起和你在一起Love is an open door 爱是一扇敞开的门- I mean it's crazy. - What?- 这太疯狂了 -什么?- We finish each other's... - Sandwiches! -我们完成了对方的 -三明治That's what I was gonna say 我正想说这个I've never met someone who thinks so much like me我从未遇到过和我如此默契的人Jinx... jinx again. 拉钩再拉钩Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation我们心意相通只有一个解释You and I were just meant to be 你和我是命中注定Say goodbye To the pain of the past 说再见过去的痛苦We don't have to feel it anymore 我们无需再那样活Love is an open... door 爱是一扇敞开的门Love is an open door 爱是一扇敞开的门Life can be so much more...with you... with you 生命有你更精彩Love is an open... door 爱是一扇敞开的门Can I say something crazy...? 我能说一些疯话吗?Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗Can I just say something even crazier? 我能说些更疯的话吗?Yes. 我愿意Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?不好意思能借过一下吗?Thank you. Oh, there she is. 谢谢她在那里Elsa! I mean... Queen... 艾尔莎我是说女王Me again. May I present, 我又来了请允许我介绍Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 南部群岛的汉斯王子Your Majesty. 陛下We would like...your blessing... 我们希望您能祝福of... our marriage! 我们的婚姻Marriage...? Yes!- 婚姻? -是的!I'm sorry, I'm confused. 不好意思我有点糊涂Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.我们还没有讨论细节We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.我们会花几天时间计划婚礼Of course we'll have soup, 当然婚礼上会有汤羹roast, and ice cream and then... 烤肉冰淇凌还有... Wait. Would we live here? 等等我们要住在这里吗?- Here? - Absolutely!- Anna!这里?当然!安娜!Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...我们可以邀请你12个哥哥过来一起住What? No, no, no, no, no. 什么?不不,那可不行Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...当然我们有足够的房间我不知道他们中一些人必须……Wait. Slow down. 等下,慢点No one's brothers are staying here.没有任何人的哥哥将会住在这里No one is getting married. Wait, what?没有人会结婚等等,什么?May I talk to you, please. Alone. 我能和你谈谈吗?单独No. Whatever you have to say, you... 不不论你想说什么you can say to both of us. 可以当着我俩的面说Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧你不能嫁给一个刚认识的人You Can if it's true love. 如果是真爱的话就可以Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜,你知道什么是真爱吗?More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你知道的多你只知道把人拒之门外You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你们请求我的祝福但我的回答是不Now, excuse me. 恕我失陪Your Majesty, if I may ease your... 陛下容我... No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.不用说了我认为你该走了The party is over. Close the gates. 派对结束了把门关上Yes, Your Majesty. 遵命陛下What? Elsa, no. No, wait! 什么艾尔莎不等等Give me my glove! 把手套还给我Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.艾尔莎求求你我不能再这样过下去了Then leave. 那就离开What did I ever do to you?! 我到底怎么惹到你了Enough, Anna. No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!够了安娜为什么你为什么把我拒之门外?Why do you shut the world out?! 你为什么把全世界拒之门外?What are you so afraid of?! 你到底害怕什么?I said, enough! 我说了够了Sorcery. I knew there was 妖术我就知道something dubious going on here. 这里有不可告人的秘密Elsa...? There she is. 艾尔莎她在那里The Queen!Yes,it is her!是女王!是的!是她!Queen Elsa Our beautiful queen1艾尔莎女王我们美丽的女王!Your Majesty! Long live the Queen! Queen Elsa...陛下女王万岁Come drink with us. Queen Elsa. 来喝一杯吧艾尔莎女王Your Majesty? Are you all right? 陛下?您没事吧?There she is! Stop her! 她在那里!拦住她!Please, just stay away from me. 拜托离我远一点Stay away! Monster... Monster! 离我远点怪物怪物Elsa! Elsa...Wait, Please! 艾尔莎艾尔莎等等求你Elsa, Stop! Anna! - No.- 艾尔莎停下安娜 -不The Fjord. Snow? Snow? Yes, snow! 海湾雪?雪?是雪!- Are you all right? - No. 你没事吧? -没事- Did you know? - No. 你之前知道吗 -不知道Look! It's snowing! It's snowing! 看下雪了下雪了The Queen has cursed this land! 女王诅咒了这片土地!She must be stopped! 一定要阻止她!- You have to go after her...- Wait, no! 你得追上她 -等等不!You! Is there sorcery in you, too? 你!你也会妖术吗?Are you a monster, too? 你也是怪物吗?No. No. I'm completely ordinary. 不不我绝对很普通That's right she is.In the best way. 没错她很普通我是说正常And my sister's not a monster. 我姐姐不是怪物She nearly killed me. 她差点杀死我You slipped on ice... Her ice! 你自己滑倒在冰上的 -她变出的冰It was an accident. She was scared. 那是意外她被吓坏了She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的她不是有意做这些的Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚的事是我的责任是我逼的她 So I'm the one that needs to go after her. - What?所以该由我去把她找回来 -什么?- Yeah. - Bring me my horse, please. 没错 -把我的马牵过来Anna, no. It's too dangerous. 安娜别这样这太危险了Elsa's not dangerous. 艾尔莎不危险I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会把她找回来让这里恢复正常- I'm coming with you...-No. 我跟你一起去 -不I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你留下帮我照看阿伦黛尔On my honor. 以我的名誉担保I leave Prince Hans in charge! 我委托汉斯王子管理这里Are you sure you can trust her? 你确定能信任她吗?I don't want you getting hurt. 我不想你受到伤害She's my sister, 她是我姐姐She would never hurt me. 她永远不会伤害我The snow glows white on the mountain tonight皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山Not a footprint to be seen 杳无人迹A kingdom of isolation 在这个与世隔绝的王国And it looks like I'm the Queen 我似乎才是女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside狂风呼号就像我心中汹涌的风暴Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried不管多努力再无法藏匿Don't let them in, Don't let them see 掩藏好自己别让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be做个好女孩就像从前一样Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know把真心封闭不让人看清Well, Now they know 如今被看清Let it go. Let it go 不再躲不再怕Can't hold it back anymore 秘密已经大白于天下Let it go. Let it go 不管他不害怕Turn away and slam the door 转过身甩上门I don't care what they're going to say 别人的话何必在乎它Let the storm rage on 就让狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway 冰封千里我也从不害怕It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small现在回首遥望从前往事变得微不足道And the fears that once controlled me 曾经桎梏我的恐惧Can't get to me at all 也都远的看不到It's time to see what I can do 展现自己拿出本领To test the limits and break through 冲破极限让自己也吃惊No right, No wrong, No rules for me 没有羁绊扔掉规矩I'm free! 世界由我Let it go! Let it go! 放宽心向前进I am one with the wind and sky 乘着风融化在天际Let it go! Let it go! 向前冲不后悔You'll never see me cry 我再没有眼泪Here I stand and 站在这里Here I'll stay 坚定不移Let the storm rage on 任那狂风怒号My power flurries through the air into the ground雪花漫天飘下这是我的魔法My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around冰片旋转纷飞是我的灵魂在升华And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast思绪结晶成冰凌是冰雪的爆炸I'm never going back 过去已是过去The past is in the past 是再也回不去Let it go! Let it go! 不沉溺不在意And I'll rise like the break of dawn 如晨曦一般冉冉升起Let it go! Let it go! 算了吧忘了吧That perfect girl is gone 别指望我回到过去Here I stand in the light of day 站在这里不再藏匿Let the storm rage on! 任那狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway 冰封千里我也从不害怕Elsa! Elsa! Elsa, It's me, Anna 艾尔莎! 艾尔莎!艾尔莎是我安娜Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.老妹我不是故意让你冰封夏天的I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault. 对不起都是我的错Of course, none of this would have happened当然如果她把秘密告诉我的话if she'd just told me her secret... ha... 也不会发生这样的事儿She's a stinker. 她这个家伙Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No. 不不不不回来不要跑Oooo-Kay. Snow, it had to be snow, 好吧雪干嘛一定是雪She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...Fire!Whoa!她就不能会点热带魔法变出白色沙滩和暖暖的..火!哇哦!Wandering Oaken's Trading Post. 旅人欧肯的交易站Ooh,And Sauna... Big summer blow out.哇,还有桑拿夏季大甩卖Half off swimming suits, clogs, 游泳衣半价木拖鞋And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有自产的防晒霜怎么样?Oh, great .哦,太好了For now, how about boots, 不过有靴子卖吗Winter boots... and dresses? 有冬靴和衣服吗That would be in our winter department. 那些在冬季用品区Oh. Um, I was just wondering, has another young woman,打听一下有没有别的年轻女子The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?比如女王之类的路过这里Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.这种暴雪天气只有你这种疯子会跑出来亲爱的You and this fellow... Hoo hoo. 你和这个家伙Big summer blow out. 夏季大促销- Carrots. - Hah?- Behind you.胡萝卜啊? 在你身后Oh, right. Excuse me. 哦好的不好意思A real howler in July, yes? 真是七月飘雪啊Where ever could it be coming from? 这是从哪里来的冷空气The North Mountain. North Mountain. 北山北山That'll be forty. 一共40块Forty? No, ten. 40块不行 10块成交Oh dear, that's no good. See. 亲爱的,不行看These are from our winter stock, 这是冬季库存商品where supply and demand have a big problem.现在供需极度不平衡You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你还说供需的问题I sell ice for a living. 我是卖冰块的Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.那现在你的生意可真难I mean, that is really... 我是说真是... Ahem. That's unfortunate. 真是不走运Still forty. But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna40块不能少但可以赠送你一次欧肯独家桑拿浴Hi, family. 嗨亲爱的们Ten's all I got. Help me out. 我只有10块通融一下Okay。

Things I wish I’d known when I was younger

Things I wish I’d known when I was younger

Things I wish I’d known when I was youngerThings I wish I鈥檇known when I was youngerMost people learn over time, but often learning comes too late to be fully useful. There are certainly many things that now I know would have been extremely useful to me earlier in my life; things that could have saved me from many of the mistakes and hurts I suffered over the years鈥昦nd most of those that I brought upon others too. I don鈥檛believe the romantic idea that my life has been somehow richer or more interesting because of all the times I made mistakes; nor the idea that mistakes were 鈥減ut鈥?there to help me learn. I made mistakes myself through ignorance, fear, and a foolish wish to have everyone like me, and life and work would have been less stressful and more enjoyable (and certainly more successful) without them. So here are some of the things I wish I had learned long ago. I hope they may help a few of you avoid the mistakes that I made back then.1. Most of it doesn鈥檛matter. So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to be important. There are only a few things that truly matter to have a happy life. I wish I had known to concentrate on those and ignore the rest.2. The greatest source of sadness and hatred(hating) in this world is holding on to past hurts. Look at all the terrorists and warlike groups! They keep some event long gone in mind, or base their good reasons for killing on some supposed historical ownership of a bit of land, or the wrong done hundreds of years ago.3. Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing it exactly right means waiting forever. One of the greatest advantages anyone can have is the willingness to make a fool of themselves publicly and often. There鈥檚no better way to learn and develop. Dare I say, it鈥檚fun too.4. Following the latest fashion, in work or in life, is spiritual and mental suicide. You can copy the most popular ideaof the moment; or you can be a unique individual. The choice is yours. Religion isn鈥檛the opiate of the masses, fashion is. 5. The quickest and simplest way to destroy any relationship is to listen to gossip. The worst way to spend your time is spreading more. People who spread gossip are the disease-carriers of our day. Cockroaches are clean, kindly creatures in comparison. 6. Every winner is certain to be a loser in due course. It鈥檚great to feel like a winner, but don鈥檛imagine you can stay there for ever. The worst is being determined to do so, by any means available. 7. Everything takes twice as long as you plan for and produces results about half as good as you hoped. There鈥檚no reason to be depressed about this. Just be aware of it and move on. 8. However hard you try, you can鈥檛avoid being yourself. Who else could you be? You can act and pretend, but the person acting and pretending is still you. And if you won鈥檛accept yourself鈥昦nd do the best you can with what you have鈥晈ho then has any duty to accept you? 9. The loudest noise in the world is the sound of people complaining. Don鈥檛add to it.Information about the author: Adrian Savage is a writer, an Englishman, and a retired business manager, who now lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can read his other articles at Slow Leadership (/blog/), the site for everyone who wants to build a civilized place to work and bring back the taste, enthusiasm and satisfaction to leadership and life. His first book, A Spark from Heaven? The Place of Potential in Organizational and Individual Development, was published in 2002. Recent articles on similar topics include Chickens, eggs, and happiness and Why perfection isn鈥檛a viable goal. His latest book, Slow Leadership: Civilizing the Organization, is now available at all good bookstores.Words and expressions: 1. hold on to: keep sth for longer than usual time 鎶撲綇涓嶆斁2. suicide: the act of killing oneself 3. a unique individual锛歛person who is original and different from others 4. opiate锛氶甫鐗?5. cockroaches: 锜戣瀭 6. in due course: at the right time and not before 鍦ㄩ€傚綋鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍒颁竴瀹氭椂鍊?7. depressed锛歷ery sad and without hope ?8. aware: knowing and realizing sth 鏄庣櫧鐨勶紝鐭ラ亾鐨?。



帮父母做家务英语作文六年级Hey there, folks! Today, I wanna chat about a little adventure I had when I decided to lend a helping hand to my dear old parents with some household chores. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not the type who jumps at the chance to clean toilets or dust furniture, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right?It all started on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when Mom and Dad were busy planning their weekly grocery trip. As they stood at the door, keys in hand, Dad turned around with a twinkle in his eye and said, "Hey, kiddo, why don't you surprise us by tidying up the living room while we're out?It'll be our little secret."My heart skipped a beat –secret missions are always fun! So, with a nod of determination and a secret grin, I waved them goodbye and set to work.First things first, I tackled the couch cushions. Oh boy, let me tell you, those things were hiding a treasure trove of remotes, socks, and who knows what else. It was like a mini-archaeological dig! As I piled up the odds and ends, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Dad's lost socks suddenly reappearing.Next up, the coffee table. Now, this was where things got interesting. I swear, every time I clean that thing, I discover a new universe of coasters,magazines, and random notes. One note, in particular, caught my eye: "Remember to buy milk." Classic Dad, always forgetting the essentials. I jotted down a quick "Done!" next to it, feeling like a superhero saving the day.But the real challenge came when I turned my attention to the floor. Those dust bunnies had multiplied like crazy! I armed myself with a vacuum cleaner that sounded like a mini-jet engine and went to town. It was a battle of wits and suction power, but I emerged victorious, leaving behind a trail of freshly vacuumed carpet that gleamed in the sunlight.Just as I was about to call it a day, Mom and Dad walked in, looking surprised and pleased all at once. "Wow, looks like someone's been busy!" Mom exclaimed. Dad, with a grin from ear to ear, added, "Looks like our secret weapon worked after all!"We all laughed, and for a moment, it felt like we were a team of superheroes, each with our own special power. And for me, the power of making my parents happy with a little bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of love? That's a superpower I'll always cherish.So, there you have it, folks. My tale of helping out my parents with some household chores, filled with laughter, surprises, and a whole lot of heart. It's not just about the cleaning; it's about the bond we share, the love we express, and the memories we create together. And hey, whoknows? Maybe next time, I'll even tackle that toilet cleaning with a smile on my face.。



弗朗西丝卡白蛾舞动翅膀时若想晚餐今晚工作完后随时可来麦迪逊郡之桥罗伯特·金凯畅述漫长之旅金凯摄影华盛顿州叶芝的诗白蛾舞动翅膀时若想晚餐今晚工作完后随时可来德梅因14里离婚专家律师弗朗西丝卡四天怀念罗伯特·金凯给弗朗西丝卡在无路的林中有欢乐妹妹Hi, sis.迈可请在这儿签名Michael, if I could just get you to sign this right here...便可拿到保险箱内的物件which gives you the contents of the safe deposit box.好的谢谢还有这份Thank you. And this one which clears the bank...使银行不用为箱内物件负责of all responsibility for the contents.这样真刺♥激♥It's kind of exciting.也许会发现你母亲有百万元的遗产Maybe we'll find out that your mother had secret millions. 我们开始好吗Why don't we get started?令慈葬在Your mother is interred at the Cedar Heights香柏山庄殡仪馆直至作出安排Funeral Home until arrangements can be made.我以为已安排好了I thought it was arranged.-遇到点问题 -有什么问题-There's a problem. -What problem?令慈确指示要火葬Your mother left explicit instructions to be cremated.-我之前也不知道 -她何时决定的-I don't understand it either. -When did she decide this?显然是在她死前Apparently just before her death.荒唐我不知有人会火葬的I don't know anybody who gets cremated.许多人这样做Lots of people do.我家没人这样做Nobody in my family did. Dad bought plots at Prairie Hills...爸早已为自己和母亲买♥♥下墓地one for him, one for Mom.-遗嘱清楚说明 -我不管它怎么说-The will clearly states... -I don't care what it says.也许妈神智不清Maybe Mom was delirious.不知道自己在说什么Maybe she didn't know what she was saying.若想火化If she wanted to be cremated,她为何让爸买♥♥两个墓地why the hell did she let Dad buy 2 plots?她很精确的说She was very specific.她想把骨灰撒落在罗斯曼桥She wanted her ashes to be thrown off Roseman Bridge.-什么 -真奇怪-What?! -Bizarre!你肯定这是妈写的吗Mr. Peterson, are you sure Mom wrote all this?见证人是狄璐丝太太It was notarized and witnessed by Mrs. Lucy Delaney.-你可以问她 -她是谁-Maybe you could ask her. -Who the hell is she?我记得她我不管I remember her, I just don't...我不管这是否合法I don't care if it's legal.我们不会火化她和把骨灰撒桥下We're not cremating her or throwing her ashes off some bridge 她可能四处飘散令我们无法扫墓where we can't visit her because she'll be blown all over!别人驾车还驶过她身上And people driving all over her, dogs...我们不会这样做We're not doing it.我不肯定这是基♥督♥教的做法I'm not even sure it's Christian.也许是意大利风俗她是意大利人Maybe it's an Italian thing. She was Italian.没关系Doesn't matter!继续吧Move on.我们待会再说We can come back to this.我们打开保险箱吧Why don't we open the box?迈可你看Michael, look at these.你见过这些照片吗Have you ever seen these pictures?是放在1965年的信封内It was in this envelope from 1965.她没戴胸罩She's not wearing a bra.那是杉树桥That's the Holliwell Bridge.-若有人想知道的话 -为何有两张地契-In case anyone's interested. -Why are there 2 deeds here? 这是他59年买♥♥的另外一亩地This is for the additional acres he purchased in '59.这个呢And this?是令慈卖♥♥掉的机器的收据Those were bills of sale from equipment your mother sold. 这是原来那块地的地契This is for the original land parcel.她的照片很漂亮Beautiful picture of her.什么事What?你能过来吗Could you come here for a minute?什么事What?到哪儿去Where are we going?她遗嘱中有说留给我些什么吗She say anything in there about me? About leaving me anything? 怎么回事What's going on?我们在想We were just wondering if it might be better...也许我和卡洛琳独自看箱内的东西会较好if Carolyn and I looked at this stuff ourselves.我们不想你们久候We don't want to keep you waiting around.相关法律的事物我会联络你I'll contact your office about the legal work.我挣扎"I struggle to...去明白这种方式能让我活下去put it together in a way that allows me to continue...知道我们有不同的生活knowing that we're on separate roads.可是我透过照相机镜头看见你在那儿But then, I look through the lens of my camera and you're there. 我开始写稿但却发现在给你写信I start to write an article and I find myself writing it to you.现在我明白It's clear to me now that我们正向对方走近we have been moving towards each other...在我们一生中走向那四天towards those 4 days, all of our lives."我不想再听烧了它I don't want to hear anymore. Burn the damn thing.我不想听I don't want to hear it.扔掉它Throw it away.他还说些什么What's he saying now?他说如果妈需要他He just goes on about how if Mom ever needed him...可通过国家地理杂♥志♥找他she could reach him through the National Geographic Magazine in D.C. 他是摄影师He was a photographer.他答应不再写信He promises not to write again.可是信上说And then, all it says is:我爱你罗伯特"I love you, Robert."罗伯特Robert!天啊Jesus!我会杀了他I'll kill him.不可能他死了That would be some trick.那是信中所说的He's dead. That's what this letter is...发自他的律师from his attorney.他把大部份东西留给了妈妈He left most of his things to Mom.并要求And requested...什么What?把他火化骨灰撒落在罗斯曼桥That he be cremated and his ashes thrown off Roseman Bridge.他该死我就知道妈妈不会想到这样做的Damn him! I knew Mom wouldn't have thought that up herself.是那变♥态♥的It was some damn perverted...摄影师在影响她photographic mind influencing her.那浑蛋何时死的When did the bastard die?82年'82.慢着那是Wait a minute, that was...在爸死后三年你认为呢3 years after Daddy... Do you think...?我不知道I don't know! I'm completely in the dark.我搬走了才会变成这样That's what I get for moving away.那时我们还年幼We were kids when this happened.我无法相信I can't believe it.你是否认为她Do you think that she...和他有性关系had sex with him?迈可你动画片肯定是看多了Must be nice inside your head with Peter Pan and the Easter Bunny. 别这样对我说话她是我母亲Don't talk to me like that. She was my mother!现在我知道她是Now I find that she was... She was a...什么别这么说A what? Don't say that!那我应该怎么想What am I supposed to think?我想不到她从没对我说I can't believe she never told me.我们一星期才交谈一次她怎能这样做We spoke at least once a week. How could she do that?她何时认识他爸爸知道吗When did she meet him? Did Dad know?那信封内还有什么Is there anything else in that envelope?没有我看没有了No, I don't think so.你念吧You read it.你念You read it.1987年1月"January, 1987.亲爱的卡洛琳Dear Carolyn:希望你和迈可同看此信I hope you read this with Michael.我相信他没法独个儿看这封信I'm sure he wouldn't be able to read it by himself... 他需别人帮助他了解此事and he'll need help understanding all this.首先和最重要的First and most of all...是我很疼爱你们I love you both very much.虽然我感到很好但我想把后事And although I feel fine, I thought I'd put my affairs... 处理妥当excuse that word, in order."想不到她还说笑话I can't believe she's making jokes.在看过保险箱后"After going through the safe deposit box...我相信你会找到这封信I'm sure you'll find your way to this letter.写信给自己的孩子并不容易It's hard to write this to my own children.我本可以让这事和我一起逝去I could let this die with the rest of me, I suppose.但年纪越大But as one gets older...顾虑越少one's fears subside.而越来越重要的What becomes more and more important...是将事情说出is to be known.人活在世上只是过客Known for all that you were during this brief stay. 如果离开人世也没让How sad it seems to leave this earth...你最疼爱的人知道你是谁without those you love是很可悲的the most ever really knowing who you were.不管如何母亲爱子女是容易的It's easy for a mother to love her children, no matter what.但我不知子女爱母亲是否容易I don't know if it's as simple for children.你们因父母管教不当而烦我们You're all so busy being angry at us for raising you wrong.他的名字叫罗伯特·金凯His name was Robert Kincaid.是个摄影师他65年到来这儿He was a photographer and he was here in 1965...替国家地理杂♥志♥拍摄桥的照片shooting a National Geographic article on the covered bridges of Madison County. 我们收到那期杂♥志♥感觉仿是名人Remember when we got that issue,可记得我们何时开始订阅那杂♥志♥when we got the subscription how we felt like celebrities?"那是罗斯曼桥That's Roseman Bridge.那一定是罗伯特·金凯了That must be Robert Kincaid.那是妈的饰物And that's Mom's medallion.我不想你们忌恨他"I don't want you to be angry with him.在你们知道整件事后I hope after you know the story,希望你们对他有好感甚至感激他you think well of him, even grateful."-感激 -此事全记在笔记簿内-Grateful? -"It's all there in the 3 notebooks."事情始于伊利诺州市集那个星期"It was the week of the Illinois State Fair.你们和爸爸前去展出The two of you were going with Dad to exhibit...卡洛琳的得奖公牛Carolyn's prize steer.你们周日起程我知道这样说不好It was the Sunday night you left. I know it sounds awful..."但我巴不得你们离去But I couldn't wait for you to leave.你们要到星期五才回来You were going to be gone until Friday.要去四天4 days.只是四天Just 4 days.理查德吃饭了Richard! Dinner!-我要你怎样关门的 -对不起-What I tell you about the door? -Sorry.你要感恩祈祷吗Would you like to say grace?祈祷Grace.噢还有酱汁的More sauces.给我一片面包A piece of bread.谢谢Thanks.该死的抽屉Damn drawer.我来Here.你不能对它发火You can't get mad at it.对不起我没发火Sorry. Didn't mean to yell.我不想你吃味浓的东西I want you to stay away from anything too spicy. 你答应我And you promise me.我发誓只抽滤嘴烟每天抽半包I swear. Only filters. No more than half pack a day. -我有我的任务 -是瑞医生说的-I've got my orders. -Doc Reynolds said so.我知道玩笑而已I know, I'm only kidding.-你真的不想去吗 -真的-Are you sure you don't want to go? -I'm positive.你有那么多余暇干什么What are you going to do as a woman of leisure?像工人般干活只是没那么勤快Same thing I do as a hired hand, except with less help. 我无法睡着的I won't be able to sleep.没你在我身旁我睡不着I can't sleep without you next to me anymore.四天而已It's only 4 days.你到哪里去了Oh, God, where have you been?你想念他们他们走了You missed them. They already left.你为何这么喜欢我我不喜欢你Why do you love me so much? I don't like you.下去Get down.你喜欢那首歌♥You like that song?只有你和我It's just you and me.就你和我Just you and me.我好像迷了路I get the distinct feeling that I'm lost.你要到依阿华州的吗You supposed to be in Iowa?那你没迷路Then you're not that lost.我找一座桥I'm looking for a bridge.找这附近一座有廊子的桥One of those covered bridges in this neighborhood. 罗斯曼桥Roseman Bridge?对了That's it.你快找到了它离这儿大概两里You're pretty close. It's only about 2 miles from here. 怎么走Which way?你往那儿走在卡特斯处左转You go that way and come to Cutter's and turn left. 卡特斯To Cutters?一个农场靠近大路的小房♥子Cutter's a farm. Small house, close to the road.有一条凶猛的大黄狗Big, mean yellow dog.大黄狗嗯Mean yellow dog. Okay.沿着那条路直走到了岔路Then you go along that road until you come to a fork. 桥就在不到半里处It's only... Less than half a mile.岔路之后往哪儿走And then where, after the fork?靠右The right.然后And then you...不不是那个岔路对不起No, no. Not that fork. Excuse me.你驶过彼得逊You pass Peterson's.彼得逊Peterson's.也是个农场Peterson's is a farm.驶过旧校舍便左转Past the old schoolhouse, you turn left.若有路牌会较容易It'd be easier to tell you...对你来说if the roads were marked.是啊It certainly would.我可带你去I can take you if you want.或是对你说Or I can tell you.我可带你去或只告诉你I can take you or tell you.怎么着都行我无所谓It's up to you. I don't care.我不想耽误你手里的活I wouldn't want to take you away.不我正想弄杯冰茶No, I was just going to have some iced tea, and then... 也没什么要紧的事儿split the atom, but that can wait.好吧Okay.我去穿上鞋I'll just get my shoes.没人坐就放杂物了I wasn't exactly expecting company.怎么走Where are we headed?出去向右走Out. Then right.出去Out...向右then right.依阿华气味很好Wonderful smell to Iowa.这气味很独特Kind of particular to this part of the country.你闻到吗You know what I mean?没No.很难说清It's kind of hard to explain.它发自土地I guess it's in the loam of the soil.有那种浓郁的泥土的That kind of rich, earthy...生机也许不是生机alive... Well, maybe not alive.你闻不到吗You don't smell it?也许因我住在这儿Maybe it's because I live here.我想是的Yeah, I guess so.但气味很香Smells great though.你是华盛顿州人Are you from Washington?是的我住在那儿直至二十多岁I lived there till I was in my mid-20s.结婚后移居芝加哥I moved to Chicago when I got married.你何时回去的When did you move back?离婚后After the divorce.你结婚多久了How long have you been married?很长时间Long time.很长时间Long time, huh?你从哪儿来介意我问吗Where are you from? Do you mind me asking? 不不介意我来自I don't mind your asking. I'm from...-我在意大利出生 -意大利-I'm born in Italy. -Italy?由意大利到依阿华在意大利哪儿From Italy to Iowa. Where in Italy?东部一小镇巴利We lived in a small town on the eastern side. 没人知道的小镇巴利No one's heard of it. Bari.我知道巴利I know Bari.不会吧No.是的Yeah.真的Really?一次有任务到希腊I was on assignment to Greece...要经过巴利前往布林底斯and I went through Bari to get to Brindisi.我向外眺望它好似迷人的去处I was looking out, it looked like pretty country.我就下了火车呆了几天So I got off the train and stayed a few days.你因乡郊景色迷人而下了火车You got off the train because it looked pretty?是的Yeah, I did.对不起Excuse me.抽烟吗Care for a cigarette?好的我要一根Sure, I'll have one.你在依阿华住了多久So tell me, how long have you lived in Iowa?很久你不识任何人便下火车Long. You just got off the train and stayed without knowing anyone there? 到了That's it.很漂亮It's beautiful.太好了Yeah, this is great.今天不拍只是做准备工作I won't shoot this today. I'll just do a little prep work.明天拍照现在光线不好Shoot it tomorrow. The light's no good right now.那么我等你吧So I'll just wait.没关系的I don't mind.我到下面去Go on down here.我看这儿是开始的好地方This is about as good a place to start as any.很漂亮的桥Beautiful bridge.漂亮你常来的吗Beautiful. You out here much?不No.这儿经常这么热吗Always this hot around here?是的这时节通常燥热Oh, yes. This time of year.若想喝汽水车厢后有There's some sodas in the truck if you'd like one.-你要喝吗 -现在不喝-Would you like one? -Not right now.我去拿一瓶I'll go get one.你在这儿呢There you are.给你发现了You caught me.我摘花给你I was picking you some flowers.男人仍这样做吗Men still do that, don't they? I'm not out of date, am I? 这有些过时了吧摘花表谢意Picking flowers as a sign of appreciation?不只是这些花有毒No, except those are poisonous.我开个玩笑对不起I'm kidding! I'm sorry.开个玩笑I'm just kidding.很抱歉I'm so sorry.你天生是虐待狂吗Are you sadistic by nature or what?我不知为何会这样做I don't know why I did that.-给 -很漂亮-Here. -They're beautiful.I'm sorry.你想找哪个电台You're looking for something specific?这儿收不到几个台There's not much selection.较早前离开芝加哥收听到一个电台I had a station out of Chicago earlier.播着不错的蓝调曲Played good blues.是1410频道It's 1410.很好听That's nice.还要抽吗Care for another cigarette?好的Sure.是那条凶猛的黄狗吗Is that the mean yellow dog?-它是白色的 -是黄色-Is it white? -No, it's yellow.多谢你的帮忙约翰逊太太I want to thank you for all your kindness, Mrs. Johnson. 叫我弗朗西丝卡吧Francesca.我叫罗伯特Robert.你要喝冰茶吗Would you like some iced tea?好Yeah.坐下吧Yes, sit down.你要柠檬吗-You like lemon? -Sure.也许Maybe...来点糖A little bit of sugar?好的若还想要If you want more...谢谢Thanks.你不怕吗"中毒"吗Aren't you afraid to have those in here?噢很抱歉也不知怎么I'm so sorry I did that. I don't know why...开那个玩笑why I said that.你住在哪儿Where are you staying?一处有小屋的地方Some place with small cabins.叫什么汽车旅店的Something or other motor inn.我还没来得及去登记I've got it written down, but I haven't checked in yet.你在这儿呆多久And how long are you here for?不知道四五天吧最多一星期I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 days, a week on the outside. 要看工作进度你的家人呢As long as it takes to do the work. Where's your family? 丈夫带着孩子参加州市集My husband took the kids to the state fair.小女的公牛参选My daughter is entering a prize steer.多大了How old?一岁半A year and a half.不我是指孩子No, I meant the kids.迈可十七岁卡洛琳十六岁Michael is 17. And Carolyn is 16.还是有孩子好啊That's nice, having kids.是可他们不再是孩子了They're not kids anymore.Things change.总要变的They always do.这是自然规律One of the laws of nature.许多人害怕改变但若Most people are afraid of change, but if you look at it... 把它视作天经地义的事as something you can count on, then it can be a comfort. 也就释然了There's not many things you can really count on.是啊是这样I guess.我看我是害怕改变的人I'm one of those people it frightens, I think.不我看不是I doubt that.你为何这么说Why do you say that?由意大利到依阿华是个大改变From Italy to Iowa, that's a big change.但理查德随军队到意大利But Richard was in the Army there.我在拿不勒斯时遇到他I met him when I was living in Naples.我对依阿华一无所知I didn't know anything about Iowa.只在乎它是美国而且I just cared that it was America...当然是和理查德一起and, of course, being with Richard.他是怎样的What's he like?他很洁净He's very clean.洁净Clean?是的我是说No. I mean...他有很多优点He's other things too.他工作很勤奋He's a very hard worker...体贴very caring...诚实honest.温柔He's gentle.是个好父亲He's a good father.和洁净And clean.洁净Clean.你喜欢住在依阿华吧And you like living here in Iowa, I guess?说吧我不会对别人说的Go ahead. I'm not going to tell anyone.应该说I'm supposed to say:这儿很好很宁静人们也好"It's just fine. It's quiet and the people are real nice." 这全是真的大部份是的And all that's true. Mostly.这儿宁静It is quiet.人们也好And the people are nice.在很多方面In certain ways.大家互相帮助We all help each other out.若有人生病或受伤邻居们都会来If someone gets sick or hurt, all the neighbors come in. 帮助摘玉米They pick the corn,收小麦或什么的harvest the oats or whatever needs to be done.在镇上可不用锁车In town, you can leave your car unlocked,孩子到处跑and let the kids run around.也不用担心Don't worry about them.这儿的人有许多There are a lot of nice...优点的things about the people here.我为那些特质而尊重他们And I respect them for those qualities.可是But...可是But?这儿没有It's not...少女时代what I dreamed of...我所梦想的as a girl.那天我写了些东西I scribbled something down the other day.我在路上经常这样做I often do that when I'm out on the road.我写的是这样的Kind of goes like this:曾经的梦"The old dreams...都是美梦were good dreams.虽未成真但庆幸我曾拥有过They didn't work out, but I'm glad I had them."我不知是何意思但日后或会有用I don't know what it means. I thought I might use it someday. 我了解你的感受Anyway, I think I know how you feel.想留下吃晚饭吗Would you like to stay for dinner?镇上的馆子不多There's not much in town.反正你也是独自吃And you'd have to eat alone.我也是So would I.那好啊太好了Yeah, I'd like that.吃家常饭的机会不多我喜欢I don't get a home-cooked meal too often out on the road. 好吧Okay.我怎么了This is ridiculous.我可以将胶片放进冰箱吗Do you mind if I put some film in the fridge?-可以 -外边的温度太高了-No, go ahead. -This heat out here isn't too forgiving.我可以帮你吗Anything I can do to help?-帮我什么烧菜吗 -是的我会烧菜-To help? What, cook? -Yeah, men cook.好的Okay, sure.我能做什么What can I do?你可以削胡萝卜You can scrape the carrot.削皮Scrape the carrots.磨碎它们做沙拉And grate them. Make a nice salad.这样削胡萝卜怎么样Scrape the carrots. Like that. How's that?很不错Very good. Very nice.不错吧Not bad, huh?别忘了把根去掉Don't forget to pick off the end.把根去掉Pick off end.让我拿这些Let me get these...对不起我也可把这些根去掉Excuse me. I can take the ends off of these too.对好主意Yes. That's a good idea.是这样吗This the way you do it?很好但不要用手指That's good. But don't use your fingers.会弄满手的气味Then they smell like...我给你柠檬I'll get you some lemon.要喝啤酒吗Would you like a beer?-我车上有 -啤酒好-I've got some in the car. -I would love a beer.趁机溜出去一会儿Anything to get out of a little work.真不错Very nice.不慢着越来越精彩了No, wait a second. It gets better.你试想我脖子上挂着三架像机还有脚架You must picture this: I have 3 cameras around my neck... 裤子挂在膝盖躲在树丛后and I've got a tripod, and my pants are around my ankles. 突然看见一头猩猩I'm behind a bush, and then suddenly I see this gorilla.健硕的猩猩正在看着我A huge gorilla, staring right at me...它的神情是很淫乱的with the most lascivious look you've ever seen.从没见过有毛的动物这么好色的More than any creature with that much hair.我一动也不动只好这样做I freeze, because that's what you're supposed to do.跟着它向我走过来And then it started coming towards me.跟着怎样And what?怎样了天啊What? My God!我...I can't...你脸通红了You're blushing.太难启齿了我It's a very painful subject. A very sore...真是异常痛苦的经历是真的sore subject matter, really.-怎么了 -我们订婚了-What happened? -We became engaged.你真的该You should really...你该把这些故事写下来write these stories down.我会的但她是有眼影的母猩猩I would, except this is a female gorilla. It had on eye shadow... 嘴上还涂了口红煞是好看and a little lip gloss on and it was so nice...我们仍有书信来往We still write.我不想把这事写下来I don't want to put this stuff down.我害怕I'm afraid...我的写作太技术性了I'm afraid my writing's a little too technical.当记者太长时间问题便是The trouble with being a journalist too long is...你不能自己去"创作"you stop allowing yourself to invent.我还是继续摄影吧I'll just stick to making pictures."创作"Making pictures.真不错I like that.你真的很喜欢这一行儿You really love what you do.我其实是沉迷其中I'm obsessed by it, really.你为何沉迷其中Why is that, do you think?我不知道I don't know.沉迷是没有理由I don't think obsessions have reasons.所以才是沉迷That's why they're obsessions.你的口吻像艺术家You sound like an artist.我不会这样说I wouldn't say that.国家地理杂♥志♥要的是构图规矩的照片National Geographic likes their photos in focus...不能带太多的个人见解我其实不介意and not too much personal comment. I don't mind really.我不是艺术家I'm no artist.这是很正常的情况That's one of the curses of being too well-adjusted, too normal. 我认为你不太正常I don't think you're so normal.真的Really?我不是那个意思I didn't mean it in the way...没有贬义的in the way that it sounded.没关系我会当是恭维话We'll just chalk it up to a compliment...继续说吧and move on.你喜欢教书吗Did you just love teaching?有时候喜欢Yes, when there was a当有某个学生出类拔萃particular student who can make a difference...他们均该出类拔萃的但却不是They're all supposed to, but they don't. You tend...你只会选其中一两个to single out 1 or 2 who加以栽培you think you can contribute something to.-你有吗 -不知道希望有一个念医学院-And did you? -I hope so. One went to medical school.你为何不教了呢Why'd you quit?为了我的孩子My children, my kids.而且And...理查德不愿我去工作Richard didn't like my working.但显然你怀念教书But you miss it, obviously.我从没去想I never think about it.你到过的地方中哪儿最刺♥激♥What's the most exciting place that you've ever been? -除非你太累了不想说 -最刺♥激♥的-Unless you're too tired to talk. -Most exciting...你问男人是否厌倦了谈自己You're asking if a man's那还不算老道tired of talking about himself? Been out much?抱歉我不是说你Didn't mean to make it sound like a dumb...不我是怕你觉得无聊Maybe it's a little dull for you...在荒僻地方对家庭主妇诉说telling this to some housewife in the middle of nowhere. 这是你的家也不是荒僻地方This is your home. This isn't nowhere.而且不沉闷啊And it's not dull.让我想想Let's see.最刺♥激♥的地方I guess I'd say that the会是非洲most exciting place I've been to was Africa.因为那是另一个世界Because it's another world.不单是那儿的人和文化It's not just the cultures and the people.那是很好的还有那儿的空气That's great, but it's the air.由朝至暮的颜色The colors from dawn to dusk.是真实的There's something tangible about it.人和野兽野兽和野兽The cohabitation of man and beast, and beast and beast. 物竞天择Who'll survive and who won't.适者生存There's no judgement about it either.你知道吗并没有外在的道德There's no imposed morality.只是顺其自然It's just the way it is.确实迷人It's beautiful, really.什么也没有有的是Just nothing like it. It's...旅人的天堂A voyeur's paradise.我真想去看看I'd love to see that.还有狩猎你可以和你的丈夫There's safaris. You can ask your husband.对Yeah.今晚夜色很美想去散步吗It's a beautiful evening. Would you like to take a walk? 这儿什么都有You've got it all right here.我是说真的这儿是个好地方I'm serious. This is as nice a place as I've ever been. "月亮的银苹果"The silver apples of the moon,太阳的金苹果"and the golden apples of the sun."是叶芝的诗Yeats. "The Song of Wandering Aengus."-流浪者安古斯之歌♥ 是吗 -是的-Good stuff, Yeats, huh? -Yes.现实主义简洁精练刺♥激♥感官Realism, economy, sensuousness...充满美感和魔力对我的爱尔兰血统很有吸引力beauty, and magic. All that appeals to my Irish ancestry. -有什么不对吗 -你想喝东西吗-Something wrong? -Would you like something to drink? 也许喝咖啡Coffee?也许喝白兰地Maybe some brandy?也许两种都喝Maybe some both.好吗Yes?喝吧Let's.你真的不要我帮忙Sure you don't want me to help?我现在不洗只是冲一下No. I'm not going to wash them now.呆会再洗I'll rinse them now. I'll do it later.弗朗西丝卡Francesca.你没事吧You all right?没事Yeah.弗朗西丝卡Francesca.什么事What?什么事What?我们没做错什么事We're not doing anything wrong.这些都可对孩子说Nothing you couldn't tell your kids.为古老的晚上和远方音乐干杯To ancient evenings and distant music?他把她灌醉就是这样He's getting her drunk. That's what happened.也许他强来因此她不能说出来Maybe he forced himself. That's why she couldn't tell us.他没有He did not.他是很好的一个人He's such a nice guy.他想和别人的妻子上♥床♥Trying to sleep with somebody's wife?!我看不是就算是也不是坏人I don't think so. And that doesn't make you a bad person. 他使我想起史提夫He reminds me of Steve in a way. Steve's...史提夫软弱不道德扯谎但不失为好人weak, immoral and a liar, but still a nice guy.他只是不该结婚He just shouldn't be married.至少不该娶我At least not to me.我饿了你饿吗I'm hungry. Are you getting hungry?没想到你的婚姻这么不幸I had no idea it's that bad, sis.别为我难过没人让我维持Please, don't feel sorry for me. Nobody's forcing me to stay. 你为何维持Why do you?-你介意我问你吗 -不-Do you mind if I ask you a question? -No.你为何离婚Why did you get divorced?我很少在家I was never around.如何维持家庭呢So, why'd I get married? That's a good question.我也许要有个家要有个根。



我学会变得勇敢英语作文Title: Embarking on the Journey to Become BraveLife is a canvas, and each of us is an artist, painting our own unique picture with the brushes of courage, perseverance, and growth. For me, learning to become brave has been a transformative journey, one that has taught me valuable lessons about myself and the world.In the past, I was a timid soul, afraid to step out of my comfort zone and face the unknown. The thought of trying something new or challenging myself filled me with dread. I was content with staying in the shadows, avoiding situations that might expose my vulnerabilities.However, I realized that this fear was holding me back from experiencing the fullness of life. I wanted to break free from the shackles of my own fears and embrace the possibilities that awaited me. I decided that it was time to learn to become brave.The first step was to identify my fears and acknowledge them.I took a moment to reflect on the things that scared me the most. Was it public speaking? Was it trying a new hobby? Or was it simply the fear of failure? Once I had a clear understanding of my fears, I could begin to address them one by one.I started small, challenging myself to do things that were slightly outside of my comfort zone. I joined a book club to improve my social skills and force myself to engage in conversation. I signed up for a dance class, even though I had two left feet. Each small step forward was a victory in itself, and I celebrated each one.As I gradually pushed myself to do more, I realized that the fear I had been carrying around was slowly diminishing. I began to see that my fears were often just illusions, created by my own mind to protect me from the unknown. As I faced them head-on, they lost their power over me.Another crucial aspect of learning to be brave was to develop a positive mindset. I started to focus on the opportunitiesthat awaited me instead of the potential risks. I reminded myself that every challenge was an opportunity for growth and that failure was simply a stepping stone to success.I also sought support from my friends and family. They were my cheerleaders, encouraging me to keep going when the road ahead seemed tough. Their belief in me gave me the strength to persevere and overcome my fears.Over time, I noticed a significant change in myself. I was no longer the timid person I had been before. I had become more confident, more outgoing, and more willing to take risks. I had learned to trust myself and my abilities, and I had discovered that I was capable of achieving more than I had ever imagined.In conclusion, learning to become brave has been a life-changing experience for me. It has taught me that fear is an illusion and that we have the power to overcome it. It has shown me that the only thing that limits us is our own mindset and that by facing our fears, we can unlock our true potential. As I continue on this journey, I am excited to see what new challenges andopportunities await me, and I am ready to embrace them with bravery and confidence.。



When I think back to that fateful day, the memory of the conversation still resonates with me. It was a moment that tested my values and my ability to stand up for what I believed in. The person in question was a close friend, and the request was something that, despite the pressure, I could not bring myself to agree to. Heres the story of why I had to say no.It was a sunny afternoon, and we were sitting in the schools courtyard, surrounded by the familiar chatter of our peers. My friend, lets call him Alex, had been acting strangely all day. He was more nervous than usual, and his eyes kept darting around as if he was looking for an escape route. Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to me, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination.Hey, I need a favor, he began, his voice barely above a whisper. You know the math test tomorrow, right? Ive been struggling with the material, and I was wondering if you could, you know, help me out a bit.At first, I thought he was asking for study tips or maybe some extra tutoring, which I would have been more than happy to provide. But as he continued, it became clear that what he was really asking for was something much more serious.I was thinking, maybe you could, like, let me copy your answers during the test? he said, his voice shaking slightly. I promise Ill make it up to you, and no one will ever know.I was taken aback. Cheating was something I had always considered to becompletely unethical. It went against everything I believed in, and the thought of being part of such a scheme made me feel sick to my stomach. But at the same time, I didnt want to lose my friendship with Alex. He was one of my closest friends, and the thought of hurting him or letting him down was almost as difficult as the thought of cheating itself.I took a deep breath and tried to gather my thoughts. Alex, I appreciate that youre asking me for help, and I want to support you, I began, choosing my words carefully. But I cant agree to this. Cheating is wrong, and its not something I can be a part of.He looked at me with a mixture of disappointment and anger. Youre not really my friend if you cant help me when I need it, he spat out, his voice filled with hurt.I could feel the sting of his words, but I knew I had to stand my ground. I am your friend, and thats exactly why I cant do this, I replied, my voice firm.I care about you, and I dont want you to get into trouble. Cheating will only make things worse in the long run.We sat in silence for a few moments, the tension between us palpable. I could see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between his desire to succeed and his understanding of what was right. Finally, he let out a sigh and looked at me, his expression softening.I guess I understand, he said, his voice barely audible. I just wish there was another way.I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. There is another way, I said, trying to sound encouraging. We can study together, and Ill do everything I can to help you understand the material. It wont be easy, but it will be worth it in the end.He nodded slowly, and I could see the relief in his eyes. We spent the rest of the afternoon going over the math problems, and I could tell that he was starting to grasp the concepts. It wasnt the easy way out, but it was the right way.In the end, Alex managed to pass the test on his own, and I was proud of him for making the right choice. It wasnt easy for either of us, and there were times when I questioned whether I had done the right thing. But deep down, I knew that I had made the right decision, not just for myself but for my friend as well.Saying no to Alex was one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do, but it was also one of the most important. It taught me the value of standing up for what I believe in, even when its difficult. It showed me that true friendship is about supporting each other in the right way, even when its not the easy way. And most importantly, it reminded me that sometimes, the best way to help someone is not to give them what they want, but to help them find the strength to do whats right.。

World on a Wire《世界旦夕之间(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本

World on a Wire《世界旦夕之间(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本

《世界旦夕之间》WORLD ON A WIRE原著:丹尼尔·F·加卢耶导演:赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德- 古恩特 - 我一会儿进去- Güther! - I'll be right in.我是国务卿温拉伯Secretary of State von Weinlaub.我是赫尔斯温拉伯先生的助手I'm Hirse, Mr. Von Weinlaub's assistant.你好我叫劳兹我是安♥全♥部♥的主管Hello, my name's Lause, I'm chief of security.请吧西斯金斯先生正等着你们Please, Mr. Siskins expects you.- 那是沃尔摩尔博士吗 - 是的- Wasn't that Dr. Vollmer? - It was.直接进入主题吧To get right to the point:斯莫莱克戎几乎全面运转Simulacron is almost fully operational.我的消息可能不够灵通I may seem ill-informed我很好奇“几乎”具体指什么but what interests me is your definition of "almost".当然国务卿先生Of course, Mr. Secretary.对不起I apologize.我们预测能力的误差水平The margin of error for our prognoses目前高达百分之五点八currently reaches as high as 5.8%.我明白了谢谢I see, thank you.好的沃尔摩尔教授会告诉您Yes. Professor Vollmer can tell you exactly更多详细的情况about the state of things.他正监管计算机的进展He's overseen development of the computer.我们知道西斯金斯先生We know that, Mr. Siskins.沃尔摩尔教授请你…Professor Vollmer, please...嗯你是国务卿?So, you're secretary of state?当然了Naturally.老实说我真不在乎I really don't care, to be honest.你带镜子了吗Do you have a mirror on you?镜子?A mirror?为什么这么问?Why?这里看看Here, take this.看见什么了?看看你看见什么了?What do you see? Come on, what do you see?我帮你先生…?Let me help you, Mr?温拉伯Von Weinlaub.对温拉伯Alright, von Weinlaub.就是你You are nothing more than the image others have made of you. - 好了 - 够了- That's all. - Enough!谢谢其他人呢Thank you. And the rest of you?沃尔摩尔!Vollmer!你也是西斯金斯You too, Siskins.想看看镜子里面吗来吧自己好好瞧瞧Want to look in the mirror? Go on, look at yourself.真是个悲伤的笑话It's a sad joke.别这样沃尔摩尔!That'll do, Vollmer!我受够了赫尔斯我们走This has gone far enough. Hirse, let's leave.头痛敲打敲打敲打Headache. It pounds and pounds and pounds.你知道是什么在我脑袋里敲打吗Do you know what's pounding in my head?我知道I know.劳兹…Lause...请进Please come in.为什么不躺一下?劳兹会带你回办公室Why don't you lie down? Lause will take you to your office. 来吧亨利Come on, Henri.这不是头痛It's not a headache.这更严重It's much, much more.我的头像要爆♥炸♥了So much that my head's about to explode.别这样Come on.我来了古恩特I'm coming, Güther.他们拒绝理解…They refuse to understand...那些可怜的虫子those poor worms.- 照顾好他 - 好的西斯金斯先生- Take care of him. - Yes, Mr. Siskins.真的很抱歉沃尔摩尔教授他…I must apologize for Professor Vollmer.没日没夜地工作He's been working day and night.他的神经很脆弱His nerves have always been delicate.就是在天才与疯子之间…The line between genius and madness, you know...古怪的癫子不是这样吗Strange kind of madness, wouldn't you say? 当然国务卿先生…Of course, Mr. Secretary...非常奇怪very strange.请等一下One moment, please.继续Go ahead.请…Please...- 但是我… - 看看你自己- But I... - Look at yourself.- 看见什么了? - 我- What do you see? - Me.斯蒂勒昨天回来了Stiller was due back yesterday.他一会儿过来亨利He'll come, Henri.我害怕I'm scared.我在这里呢I'm with you.你在这里You're here.我脑袋里有东西在不停跳动…The constant throbbing in my head...你听说过脑袋爆♥炸♥吗Have you ever heard of a head exploding? 比如裂成上千碎片?Like that, into a thousand pieces?不从没听说过No, never.真的吗总之…Really? Anyway...你记得吗小时候Do you remember? As a boy你总是玩you must have played“我看见了你看不见的东西”"I see something you don't".当然所有的孩子都玩过Sure, all kids do.古恩特…Güther...我知道一些你不知道的东西I know something you don't.一些没有人知道的东西Something no one must know.我的意思是世界末日It would mean the end of this world.亨利…Henri...沃尔摩尔!Vollmer!对不起酒吧在那边Sorry, the bar's over there.这是肩垫不是肌肉It's padding, not muscles.看起来很强壮To look manlier.不全是肩垫对不对?It's not all padding, is it?如果你感兴趣…If you're interested... Fred Stiller.电♥话♥薄里有我的名字I'm in the phone book.想喝一杯吗Can't you get a drink?我就是个无名小卒Guess I'm small fry.太遗憾了但你或许会成长起来Too bad, but maybe you'll grow.或许Maybe.威士忌?Whiskey?好的加水Yes, with water.莱纳两杯威士忌一杯加冰一杯加水Rainer, two whiskeys: One ice, one water. 好的西斯金斯先生Yes, Mr. Siskins.去参加葬礼吗Coming to the funeral?我会去的尽管…I'll be there, although...死人不会介意是不是?the dead don't really care, do they?您的威士忌Your whiskeys.谢谢Thank you.没有沃尔摩尔你能搞定电脑吗Can you debug the computer without Vollmer?我想可以I think so.我们耽搁不起政♥府♥快失去耐心了We can't afford further delays. The Ministry's impatient.顺便说一句…By the way...什么?What?哦没什么告诉我你想要什么车?Oh, nothing. Tell me, what's your dream car?什么?Pardon me?你想要什么车很简单的问题Your dream car. It's a simple question.[雪佛兰旗下著名跑车]哦好吧…克尔维特Oh, God... A Corvette.我知道了一辆克尔维特…I see, a Corvette...两百七十五马力275 HP.大约四万马克And about 40,000 marks.超出你的工资待遇了吧Beyond your wage bracket?那又怎样你问我想要什么车和我的工资没关系Somewhat, but you asked about my dream car, not my wage bracket. - 你想要什么待遇? - 下一个- What bracket do you want? - The next one.为什么你不像沃尔摩尔那样优秀Why not, if you're as good as Vollmer.我不能但我更顽强I'm not, but I'm tough.我看出来你在乎沃尔摩尔我们的观点不同I see you're aware Vollmer and I had our differences of opinion. 希望是这样I believe so.他是个蠢货你同意吗He was pigheaded, don't you agree?嗯我…Well, I...想想吧只有这样你才不会弄错…Think about it. Just so you don't misunderstand...这是个简单的假设不是提议It was simply a hypothesis, not an offer.我理解你西斯金斯先生I understood you, Mr. Siskins.两百七十五马力真了不起275 HP. Quite something.我是葛洛里亚I'm Gloria.很好想喝一杯吗Great. Care for a drink?香槟Champagne.还要别的吗What else?还是四十二二十六三十九?Still 42-26-39?三十九半你胖了整天坐着39 1/2. You get fat, just sitting around.但是每一寸都很可爱But every inch is precious.谢谢电脑怎么样了?Thanks. How's the computer coming?很好为西斯金斯工作感觉如何?OK, and how's working for Siskins?哦不我是认真的No, I mean it.我对斯莫莱克戎很感兴趣I'm very interested in Simulacron.你是不是真的创造了一个虚拟世界?Is it true you've created an artificial world? “世界”这个词太夸张了"World" is an exaggeration.目前我们有一万个身份单元Currently we've some 10,000 identity units.现在都需要That's all we need for now.世界是一个小容器你看呢?The world in a nutshell, you see?一万个人他们是人对不对?10,000 people. They're people, aren't they?像你一样As you like.对于我们来说他们只不过是回路但是对于他们…To us they're merely circuits. But to them...他们像我们一样生存…They live just like we do...盖房♥子听音乐吃东西…build roads, listen to music, eat...还做♥爱♥?And make love?对That, too.做♥爱♥ 享受生活…Make love, enjoy life...生孩子have kids.真令人兴奋Exciting.什么?Pardon me?做♥爱♥?Making love?是的对但是我的意思是一个现实的世界…Yes, that too. But I mean, a living world...一个装满微型集成电路片的盒子?in a box full of microchips?我们活着他们则像电视里为我们跳舞的人We're alive. They're like people on TV dancing for us.你描述事情的方式很迷人The way you describe it is fascinating.你很迷人You're fascinating.嗨劳兹!Hi, Lause!嗨你看见斯蒂勒了吗Hi. Have you seen Stiller?是的一分钟前过来Yeah, a minute ago. Come in.不我在这里等他把他带过来No, I'll wait here. Bring him to me.好的Sure.- 弗雷德跟我来 - 我?- Fred, come with me. - Me?劳兹想要见你Lause wants you.抱歉一会儿见Excuse me. See you later.很遗憾Pity.劳兹!Lause!我的天最终…我还是见到你了My God, finally! I have to see you.你看上去很不开心你去哪了?You look awful. Where have you been?沃尔摩尔死后我开车去了你的乡下老家After Vollmer's death, I drove to your place in the country. 你找到他了?You found him?是的但是…你去哪了?Yes, but... where were you?我比预期提前回来了I came back earlier than planned.怎么了?What's up?这不是说话的地方Not here.来…Come...嗯?Well?关于沃尔摩尔的死It's about Vollmer's death.但是…But...我认为那是意外I thought it was an accident.我不知道我没看见I don't know, I didn't see it.但是很奇怪But it was very strange.什么?什么奇怪?What? What was strange?沃尔摩尔很奇怪Vollmer was strange.他身上发生了一些事Something had happened to him.他死之前和我进行了简短的谈话I spoke to him shortly before he died.他很害怕He was afraid.然后他告诉我一些事情那些…Then he told me something that was so... 那些绝对疯狂的事情that was... absolutely crazy.什么?What?我不能告诉你太疯狂了I can't tell you, it's too crazy.也许他疯了Perhaps he was crazy.你知道什么是忧惧吗Do you know what fear is?知道劳兹Yes, Lause.我认为我知道I think so.你不知道You've no idea.好的行了不过…Alright, fine. But...告诉我他说什么了Tell me what he said.好的OK, then.听起来很不可思议但是谁知道…It sounds incredible, but who knows...看你怎么理解See what you make of it.哎呀看我笨得吓着你了吧My God, I'm so clumsy. I've startled you.我一会儿过去I'll be right there.“在稀薄的空气中消失"Vanished into Thin Air.昨晚在IKZ研究协会首脑赫伯特·西斯金斯家里At a party last night in the home of Herbert Siskins 举♥行♥的聚会...prominent head of the IKZ Institute...一名协会员工声称an Institute employee reports that安♥全♥部♥主管古恩特·劳兹Chief of Security Güther Lause vanished中途消失in the middle of a conversation.警♥察♥对此展开了调查”Police have opened an investigation. "你这是要干什么斯蒂勒?What are you up to, Stiller?关于劳兹和沃尔摩尔的事?What's this about Lause and Vollmer?我把我看见的告诉警♥察♥了I told the police what I saw.想让人觉得你和IKZ都是傻瓜?Trying to make yourself and the IKZ look ridiculous? 我说的可都是事实But it happened exactly as I described.好吧随便你了Fine, have it your way.失踪人口调查组警长莱纳Inspector Lehner, Missing Persons Bureau以及负责谋杀案件的斯达福斯探长and Detective Stuhlfauth, Homicide.斯蒂勒博士…Dr. Stiller...我们的技术总监our acting technical director.你好像是昨晚唯一见过劳兹的人You seem to be the only one who saw Lause last night. 你什么意思?What do you mean?我的人问过My men have interviewed每一个在聚会上的人没有人在那里见过劳兹everyone at the party. No one else saw Lause there.你是不是喝多了?Did you have too much to drink?不我没喝醉No, I wasn't drunk.我们的确没有在家里找到劳兹先生It's true that we didn't find Mr. Lause at home.但是这可能是个巧合But that could be a coincidence.对于沃尔摩尔的死劳兹说什么了?What did Lause say about Vollmer's death?他只是说他觉得奇怪He just said he found it strange.沃尔摩尔出事时你在哪里?Where were you when Vollmer died?在我的木屋里At my cabin.有别人吗With others?没有No.我们想看看沃尔摩尔出事的地点We'd like to see where Vollmer died.请带他们去机房♥看看Please show the gentlemen the computer room.好的斯蒂勒先生Yes, Mr. Stiller.再见Good-bye.这边This way.再见See you again.让我们把这件事放在一边Let's put this incident behind us.你已经做到了You already have.很好我想再和你谈谈沃尔摩尔的工作Good. I'd like to discuss Vollmer's job with you again.说吧Go ahead.之前我就说过…As I've already told you...沃尔摩尔是个蠢货我是说…Vollmer's pigheadedness, I mean...让我伤透脑筋It was a strain on my nerves.我不是蠢货I'm not pigheaded.这正是我想听到的That's what I wanted to hear.我会正确判断人的本性我知道我们四目相对I'm a good judge of human nature. I knew we'd see eye to eye. 告诉我你想要的车我就告诉你你是谁Tell me your dream car, I'll tell you who you are.哦那么…Oh, that...好我能试探出总监们的意向Good. I'll sound out the board of directors但我不想看到任何阻碍but I don't foresee any obstacles.再见…Good-bye...总监先生Mr. Director.帮我拿一片阿司匹林Bring me an aspirin, please.Right away.有事?Problems?是的我要晋升了Yes, I'm being promoted.弗雷德!Fred!他们管你叫技术总监?Did he name you technical director?你看上去不高兴You don't seem very pleased.我为什么不高兴?Why should I be?我会和沃尔摩尔一样和西斯金斯产生隔阂等等I'll have the same problems with Siskins as Vollmer did, just wait. 那你为什么接受?Then why did you accept?斯莫莱克戎是最让人兴奋的研究计划Simulacron's the most exciting research project在整个世界上in the entire world.没有能比得上它的Nothing else comes close.我会得到很多薪酬以及…I'll earn a good salary and...只是西斯金斯It's just Siskins.如果沃尔摩尔是对的那么…If Vollmer was right, then...玛雅…Maja...忘了这些吧Forget all this.我会的I'll forget it.谢谢Thanks.沃尔摩尔的办公室腾出来了吗Has Vollmer's office been emptied?没有他的东西还在那里His things are still there.取消我的预约我要去沃尔摩尔的办公室Cancel my appointments. I'll be in Vollmer's office.你在干什么?What are you doing?你吓坏我了You're hurting me.谢谢弗雷德·斯蒂勒Thank you, Fred Stiller.- 你是弗雷德·斯蒂勒? - 是的你在干什么?- You are Fred Stiller? - Yes, but what are you doing?前台保安让我进来的The guard at the front desk showed me in.你不是…?Aren't you?我是伊娃·沃尔摩尔I'm Eva Vollmer.- 我没认出来 - 正常- I didn't recognize you. - Naturally.我来收拾父亲的遗物I'm here because I was asked to pick up Father's things. [蒙特勒:瑞士某镇]- 我以为你在蒙特勒 - 回来一个月了- I thought you were in Montreux. - I've been back a month. 当你和你父亲…You were with your father when...他表现得奇怪吗?他看起来紧张吗?Was he acting strange? Did he seem nervous?我没注意到为什么这么问?Not that I noticed. Why?因为他…Because he...我想他是在做重要的研究I think he had made an important discovery.他没告诉我He couldn't tell me.他不再全神贯注He was a bit preoccupied, no more.如果你问我…You know, if you were to visit me...我乐意回答真的I'd like that, really.告诉我…Tell me...你父亲经常和古恩特·劳兹见面吗Did your dad see much of Güther Lause?你的叔叔古恩特·劳兹Your uncle, Güther Lause.从没听说过他Never heard of him.你不记得你的叔叔了?You don't remember your uncle?我清楚地记得I remember him very well.他叫雅各布雅各布·梅科纳His name was Jakob, Jakob Meixner.他四年前死了He died four years ago.伊娃?Eva?我能…Can I...我能帮你做点什么吗Can I be of any help?我能行的I'll manage.父亲给我留下一些钱还有房♥子Father left me a bit of money, and the house.弗雷德抱歉我错怪你了I apologize, Fred. I misjudged you.我以为你只是觊觎我父亲的职位I thought you were interested only in taking Father's job. 我应该多了解一些I should've known better.我想吃蛋糕I'd like some cake.去柜台拿你想要的东西Choose what you want at the counter.你被捕了跟我来You're under arrest. Come with me.呀弗朗茨你吓到我了Jeez, Franz, you scared me.那个That one.两杯威士忌And two whiskeys.怎么了斯蒂勒?What's up, Stiller?这里…Here...突然想到一个谜语画谜Here's a riddle I came across, a rebus.想象一下一个希腊勇士拿着一支矛Imagine a drawing of a Greek warrior holding a spear 面朝右边然后迈出一步looking to his right, and taking a step.还有一只乌龟和他动作一致With a turtle going the same way.首先…First...耳熟吗does that ring a bell?其次…Second...眼熟吗ever seen such a drawing?我?这都什么啊?Me? What's this all about?沃尔摩尔留给我一幅画Vollmer left me that drawing.你觉得是什么意思?Does it mean anything to you?硬要说的话就是怪异Bizarre, if you ask me.肯定怪异Bizarre, sure.- 这让你想起些什么吗 - 也许- Does it remind you of anything? - Maybe.什么?What?齐诺Zeno.齐诺悖论Zeno's paradox.阿基里斯和龟Achilles and the tortoise.阿基里斯想要抓住乌龟但是不行Achilles tries to overtake the tortoise, but cannot.当他到达那里时乌龟已经移♥动♥到前面了By the time he reaches where it was, the turtle has moved ahead. 这悖论和我们的工作有什么关系?What could the paradox mean to our work?我只是为民服务的心理学家I'm only the psychologist for our creations.但是…But...我想起这悖论意思是as I recall, the paradox is meant to show that移♥动♥是假象movement is an illusion.和我们的工作有什么关系What's the link to our work?沃尔摩尔死前表现得很奇怪Vollmer was acting very strange before he died.芝士蛋糕谁要的芝士蛋糕Cheesecake? Who ordered the cheesecake?也许有原因他说什么了?Maybe for a reason. What did he say?你要的芝士蛋糕?Did you order cheesecake?没有…我的意思是是的我想是我要的谢谢No... I mean, yes. I think I ordered it, thanks.他怎么奇怪了?How was he strange?他出事前三天和我下棋I played chess with him three days before he died.仿佛变了个人成了哲学狂He wasn't himself, he was rambling on about philosophy.还做出了令人震惊的发现He had made a shattering discovery.什么?What?他没有明说是个秘密之类的He wouldn't say. It was a secret. Something like that.弗雷德你为什么对这个这么感兴趣?Why are you so interested in it, Fred?我认为沃尔摩尔的死不是意外I don't think Vollmer's death was an accident.你什么意思?What do you mean?我知道沃尔摩尔和西斯金斯意见不合I know about Vollmer and Siskins' disagreements在仿真模型的应用方面on the applications of the simulation model.我不是说这个I said no such thing.好的OK, fine.顺便说一句我能想象到By the way, I can imagine what沃尔摩尔的令人震惊的发现是什么Vollmer's shattering discovery was.我打赌这和I bet it had to do with his attitude towards我们在他计算机上编写的“身份单元”有关the identity units we'd programmed in his computer.你记得他是怎么称呼他们的“我的孩子们”You remember how he called them "my children".他只是开玩笑He was only joking.若不问清自己You can't spend years feeding data into a computer这能否带来类似人类意识的产物that allows for the simulation of every aspect of human behaviour 又怎会耗费多年心血…without asking yourself if it might lead to the creation整理这些涉及人类行为各方面的数据of something resembling human consciousness.劳兹说过“让人震惊的发现”Lause spoke of a "shattering discovery".劳兹?是谁?Lause? Who's he?行了如果我不信任他绝不会去找警♥察♥的Stop. If I hadn't believed him, I'd never have told the cops.劳兹?警♥察♥?你什么意思?Lause? Cops? What do you mean?劳兹古恩特·劳兹Lause! Güther Lause!控制论和未来学的安♥全♥部♥长Chief of security at Cybernetics and Futurology!我们协会的Our Institute!放松Just take it easy.斯蒂勒你是说那个人吗Stiller, do you see that man?那是汉斯·伊利科恩That's Hans Edelkern.他已经连续五年担任IKZ的安♥全♥部♥长了He's been IKZ's chief of security for five years.记得吗You remember now?斯蒂勒Stiller!有火吗Got a light?不我的意思是点烟No, I mean it, for my cigarette.明白吗我不是想…Understand? I'm not trying to...泡我?真遗憾Pick me up? Too bad.总之我不抽烟Anyway, I don't smoke.谢谢对不起Thanks. Sorry.别在意Don't mention it.[总裁办公室]CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER葛洛里亚?Gloria?你有钢笔吗Do you have a pen?记下这些Then take this down联合钢铁有限公♥司♥总裁The chairman United Steel Inc亲爱的哈特曼先生Dear Mr Hartmann我很高兴接受您的邀请I accept your invitation with pleasure.在这样的情况下我会接受的In view of the situation, I would request请把我的来访当做私人拜访you treat my visit as primarily a personal one.如此卖♥♥个关子I'm sure you will understand我想您会理解的if I insist on the utmost confidentiality您忠实的赫伯特·西斯金斯Yours truly Herbert Siskins请进我亲爱的西斯金斯Please come in, my dear Siskins.可爱的两人A lovely couple.来自《每日新闻》的奥普请教一下Rupp, Daily News. A quick question:你的电脑只为国家使用吗Is your new computer solely for state use?随你问我不作回应Please, I have no comment.当然也不是在这里Certainly not here.去IKZ的新闻处问吧Ask at the IKZ press office.好的好的一个问题Yeah, yeah. One thing:有公♥司♥能获取这台电脑的数据吗Does a certain company have access to data obtained from the computer? 我有个建议…先生?A suggestion, Mr?奥普Rupp.何不写写我们的仿真模型Why not write about how our simulation model不是比电脑更有趣?is more than a computer?我会向主编提议的I'll suggest it to my editor.这是计算机科技的新时代It's a new generation of computer technology.谁获益?Who benefits?我认为是每一个人Everyone, if it's up to me.我能看一下你的身份证吗这是规矩May I see your ID, please? Regulations, you know.我知道I know.谢谢斯蒂勒先生Thank you, Mr. Stiller.我该做什么?对于人事档案需要特殊化清理How can I help you? For personnel files, you need special clearance. 不必只是职员名录罢了No, just the staff directory.哪个字母?Which letter?让我们看看LLet's try L.好的L…L什么?Alright, L... L what?问问“谁是古恩特·劳兹?”Ask it, "Who is Güther Lause?"谁是古恩特·劳兹?WHO IS GÜTHER LAUSE?不认识古恩特·劳兹Güther Lause is unknown.看看Have a look.好的Okay.伊利科恩问问关于伊利科恩的事情Edelkern. Ask it about Edelkern.怎么说?What's it say?当然是事实The truth, naturally:“汉斯·伊利科恩是IKZ的安♥全♥部♥长”"Hans Edelkern is chief of security at IKZ. "告诉我…女士?Tell me, Mrs?迈耶尔Meier.汉斯·伊利科恩的信息就只有这些?Know anything special about Hans Edelkern, anything at all? 伊利科恩先生?我认为不是的自己去问他吧Mr. Edelkern? I don't think so. Ask him yourself.嗨弗雷德Hi, Fred.在说我坏话吗Were there complaints about me?告诉我实话Tell me the truth.- 不没有 - 很好- No, that's not it. - Good.我担心…I was afraid...我是认真的I mean it.很好弗雷德你不需要解释That's alright, Fred. You don't have to explain.我确定你有自己的理由I'm sure you have your reasons.说说为什么不再次拜访我们?Say, why don't you visit us again?劳拉仍然在谈论我们上一次吃饭的事Laura still talks about our last dinner.说你是她认识的男人中最迷人的一个Says you're the most charming man around.真的吗我吗Really, am I?- 劳拉这么觉得 - 嗯那么…- According to Laura. - Well, then...知道了吧You see.给我们打电♥话♥Just give us a call.老实说我们非常期待We'd be thrilled, honestly.我这辈子就不认识叫劳拉的I've never met a Laura in my whole life.我还能做什么?Anything else I can do?不谢谢No, thanks.不客气You're welcome.我…我是为了劳兹来的I'm... I'm here about Lause.谁是劳兹?Who's Lause?没事弗里茨Forget it, Fritz.怎么了?Something wrong?早上好玛雅Morning, Maja.早上好Good morning.我是个礼物I'm a gift.西斯金斯认为你会很高兴的Siskins thought you'd be pleased.当然我当然很高兴Of course. Of course I'm pleased.目不转睛他们是这么说的吗A sight to behold. Isn't that what they say?是的是这么说的Yes, they do.玛雅呢?Where's Maja?她病了也许一会儿能来She's sick. Probably will be for some time.知道吗西斯金斯因为失去我而难过By the way, Siskins was very sorry to lose me. 我深感荣幸I'm deeply honoured.- 来杯咖啡吗 - 不谢谢- A cup of coffee? - No thanks.和你共事很开心I'm delighted to work with you.我也是The pleasure's all mine.帮我接去警♥察♥那里莱纳警长Get me the police, Inspector Lehner.好的斯蒂勒先生Yes, Mr. Stiller.请找莱纳警长Inspector Lehner, please.你好警长请问劳兹的事有线索了吗Hello, Inspector. I wanted to ask if you found out anything about Lause. 你是?Who is this?控制论协会的At the Cybernetics Institute.关于劳兹的案子古恩特·劳兹It's about the Lause case, Güther Lause.对不起我从没听说过劳兹Sorry I've never heard of a Lause老天你一定记得!My God, you must remember!西斯金斯的聚会一个男人失踪了Siskins' party, a man disappeared.我都告诉警♥察♥了I notified the police.别急斯蒂勒先生对此我一无所知Slowly Mr Stiller I don't know of any Lause case西斯金斯希望你两点半去他办公室Siskins wants you in his office at 2:30.谢谢你弗洛姆小姐Thanks Miss Fromm感觉如何How are you feeling?不知道No idea.不太好Not good.医生怎么说?What's the doctor say?我做了所有的检查…I had all the tests...验血blood验尿每项检查urine, everything.他们也没头绪But they don't know.没完没了的检查Chronic exhaustion.你呢…And you...你怎么样?How are you?西斯金斯让我两点半去参加会议Siskins asked me to a meeting at 2:30.真的吗Really?- 你现在和谁一起? - 哪里?- Who's with you now? - Where?工作At work.一个叫做葛洛里亚·弗洛姆的女人A woman named Gloria Fromm.四十二二十六三十九?42-26-39?三十九半你在那待得不短应该知道的39 1/2. From all that sitting. You should know. 我要走了I'll be going.早日康复Get well soon.谢谢Thanks.弗雷德?Fred?我仍然喜欢你I'm still fond of you.请坐斯蒂勒博士Have a seat, Dr. Stiller.喝点什么吗Care for a drink?- 咖啡? - 不必多谢- A coffee? - No, thanks. Really.好的我们开始Alright then, let's begin.你…?Would you?如你所知As you may know我是政♥府♥任命的税务委员会的一员I sit on the government- appointed commission也是“展望二〇〇〇”成员Perspective 2000作为一名钢铁专家as an expert on steel.加上你作为联合钢铁有限公♥司♥主席的能量Also in your capacity as chairman of United Steel Inc.这是当然的Of course, naturally.在这种威势之下我们更能集中火力And in this respect we're somewhat preoccupied尤其是近期的大潮中especially given certain recent trends传送运输系统in freight and transportation systems对钢铁的需求会在八十和九十年代that would have major repercussions in the 80s and 90s产生巨大反响on demand for steel.你对商业方面有了解吗Do you have a background in business?几乎没有Hardly.嗯我简要解释一下…Well, if I may briefly explain...在我们的部门调查不只是长♥期♥的也是…In our sector, investments are not only long-term, they're also... 很耗费资金的Very costly.让哈特曼说完斯蒂勒Let Mr. Hartmann finish, Stiller.不不你可以继续说很对No, no, you can put it that way. Quite right.很耗费资金或者说…一个调查Costly. In other words, an investment会花掉上亿的钱to the tune of several hundred million如果是在今天可以说要用二十年的时间if made today, would take, say, 20 years分期偿还to be amortized.- 如果你的分♥析♥没错的话 - 是的这是前提- If your analyses were correct. - If they were correct, yes.当然我们没有胡乱猜想Naturally we don't make wild guesses.我们依赖于科学的分♥析♥工具We rely on a whole slew of scientific analytical tools:经济和市场分♥析♥Economic and market analyses走势预测…进出口关系…trend forecasts, input-output relations...只举几个例子to name a few.但你自己清楚But you yourself know传统电脑技术…the limitations of the prognostic capacity预测能力的局限性of conventional computer technology这些机器和你的仿真模型相比and how much larger the margin of error is of such computers 产生的误差范围大多少compared to your simulation model.为什么跟我说这些?Why are you telling me all this?- 我不明白… - 他明白- I don't understand. - He does.斯蒂勒博士…Dr. Stiller...我们不是在谈论张罗个热狗摊We're not talking about opening a hot-dog stand。



高考续写必备内容黑暗的感觉:One foot into the darkness and the sense of detachment from reality nearly made me panic.续写思路描述内心的恐惧:续写句子:My heart raced as I felt the weight of the darknesspressing in around me, suffocating and oppressive.思路:强调内心的恐惧感,表现出对黑暗的压迫感。


回忆过去的经历:续写句子:I remembered the stories of those who had venturedinto the unknown and never returned, fueling my anxiety.思路:通过回忆过去的故事,增加紧张感和不安。


感受周围环境的变化:续写句子:The air grew colder, and I could hear the faint rustle ofleaves, as if the darkness itself was alive.思路:描绘周围环境的变化,增强神秘感和不安感。


内心的挣扎:续写句子:I fought against the urge to turn back, remindingmyself that courage often lay just beyond fear.思路:表现出内心的挣扎,强调勇气与恐惧之间的斗争。


决定继续前行:续写句子:Taking a deep breath, I stepped further into thedarkness, determined to face whatever lay ahead.思路:表现出决心和勇气,决定继续前行。



你就是我的遗憾英语作文You are the one I always think about before I fall asleep, the one who lingers in my mind even in my busiest moments. You are my regret, my what-if, my almost.I wonder what could have been if I had been braver, ifI had taken that leap of faith and confessed my feelings to you. Would we be together now, happy and content? Or would we have crashed and burned, leaving behind a trail ofbroken hearts and shattered dreams?I can't help but replay our moments together in my head, analyzing every word, every gesture, every smile. Did you feel the same way I did, or was I just imagining things? Was there a chance for us, or was it all in my head?I wish I had told you how I felt, how much you meant to me. Maybe things would have turned out differently, maybewe would have had a chance. But now all I have are memories of what could have been, of the love that was neverconfessed, the feelings that were never shared.You are my regret, my missed opportunity, my unspoken love. And I will always wonder what could have been if I had only been brave enough to tell you how I felt.。



THE PERSONS OF THE PLAY Lord Windermere Lord Darlington Lord Augustus Lorton Mr. Dumby Mr. Cecil Graham Mr. Hopper Parker, Butler Lady Windermere The Duchess of Berwick Lady Agatha Carlisle Lady Plymdale Lady Stutfield Lady Jedburgh Mrs. Cowper-Cowper Mrs. Erlynne Rosalie, Maid FIRST ACT
口无心的废话,就能大讨女人 的欢心。
哦,我可是有心的。 (接过她递 来的茶) (肃然)我希望你不是。达大 人,我不愿意跟你争吵。我很 喜欢你,你也知道。不过,要 是我认为你跟许多男人也一 样,就再也不喜欢你了。相信 我吧, 你比大多数的男人都好, 我有时候还认为你假装比他们 更坏呢。 我们都不免有点虚荣的,温夫 人。 为什么你的虚荣特别,是在装 坏呢?(仍坐在台左的桌旁) (仍坐在台左的中央)哦,这 年头混在上流社会装好人的狂 徒太多了,我倒认为,谁要是 装坏人,反而显得脾气随和, 性格谦虚。此外还有一点。要 是你装好人, 人人都把你当真。 要是你装坏人呢,谁也不会相 信。这正是乐观主义可惊的愚 蠢。 那你难道不“希望”大家都把 你当真吗,达大人? 才不呢,我不管大家。哪些人 是大家当真的呢?从主教一直 数到讨厌鬼,凡我们想得起的 笨蛋都是。我要的是“你”把 我当真,芸芸众生最要紧是 “你” 。 为什么——为什么要我? (犹豫了一下)因为我认为我 们可以成为好朋友。让我们做
达大人 温夫人



《father and son》的中英文歌词《father and son》,这首英文歌词,光是看到它的中英文对照的歌词就足够让人感动。

以下是店铺给大家带来father and son中英文歌词,以供参阅。

《father and son》的中英文歌词It's not time to make a change现在还不是做出改变的时候Just relax,take it easy请放松点吧,别紧张You're still young,that's your fault你还是太年轻了,那是你的命门There's so much you have to know你需要学习的东西还很多Find a girl, settle down找个女孩安定下来,不再浪迹天涯If you want, you can marry如果你想,那么你可以步入婚姻的殿堂Look at me,I am old看着我,我已逐渐老去But I'm happy但我却很活得很开心I was once like you are now我也曾像你这样年轻过And I know that it's not easy而且我知道那并不容易To become when you've found当你发觉外头有些奇妙的事情时Something going on务必保持冷静But take your time,think a lot凡事三思而后行Think of everthing you've got思考你所拥有的一切For you will still be here tomorrow 因为明天你的人依然会在这儿But your dreams may not而你的梦想却并非如此……How can I try to explain?我该怎么和你解释呢?When I do,it turns away again事实总是和意愿背道而驰And it's always been the same历史不断犯着相似的错误Same old story同样的故事正在发生From the moment I could talk此时此刻我应该教导你I was ordered to listen我也应该去聆听你的倾述Now there's a way, and I know可我知道那不是最好的方式That I have to go away我要离开你的生活I know, I have to go是的,我必须走……It's not time to make a change现在还不是做出改变的时候Just sit down请坐下and take it slowly慢慢去找出解决的办法You're still young,that's your fault你还是太年轻了,那是你的缺点There's so much you have to go through 你还需要经历更多风雨的洗礼Find a girl, settle down找个女孩安定下来,不再居无定所If you want, you can marry如果你想,那么你可以享受婚姻的幸福Look at me,I am old看着我,我已垂垂老矣But I'm happy但我依然为你感到欣慰All the times, that I've cried多少次我曾独自泪流Keeping all the things I knew inside将这所有的一切深藏心底And it's hard这是很不容易的But it's harder to ignore it但更难的是要对它视而不见If they were right,I'd agree如果那是对的,我将支持你的决定But it's them,they know但你知道,那始终不是我的想法Not me. Now there's a way, and I know 但现在我知道该怎么做了That I have to go away我会离开你的生活,让你自己去闯荡I know, I have to go.是的,我该走了……《father and son》的歌手简介Yusuf Islam尤素福·伊斯拉姆(1948年7月21日— ;原名:Steven Demetre Georgiou 斯蒂文·德米特·乔治乌;艺名:Cat Stevens凯特·斯蒂文斯)是二十世纪七十年代英国民谣摇滚的代表人物,1965年被制作人Mike Hurst发现后,以Cat Stevens为艺名,开始其创作生涯,1967年3月发行个人首张唱片《Matthew and Son》,1968年因感染肺结核暂别歌坛,1970年以《Mona Bone Jakon》复出,此后推出民谣摇滚史上经典之作《Tea for the Tillerman》(1970年)、《Teaser and the Firecat》(1971年),七十年代发行七张T op 10专辑,1977年底皈依伊斯兰教,次年改名为Yusuf Islam,1979年底退出歌坛。

w I s h的句型

w I s h的句型

w I s h的句型在现实生活中,wish 常用来表示祝愿,祝某人开心或好运等,但它的实际用法很多,涉及到很多的句型,而且它与hope 的区别也是它的主要关注点之一,因此学习它的必要性不言而喻。

使用wish 涉及到的常用句型有以下几种。

一、wish + (that) + 一般过去时Wish + (that) + 一般过去时,常用来讨论与自己相关的事。

1. 该句型用来谈论一些我们希望与在现在或将来有所不同的事情,通常是不可能或非常不可能的事情,例如:I wish I had a big car.我希望我有一辆大汽车。


I wish that we didn't need to work today.我希望我们今天不用上班。


I wish that you lived close by.我希望你住在附近。

I wish that John wasn't busy tomorrow.但愿约翰明天不忙。

与第二类条件句类似,在正式写作中,若涉及be 动词,则用were,而不用was,但是使用was 也是正确的,只是它不是“正规的语法”,例如:我要是有钱就好了。

I wish I were rich. (考试或写作专用)I wish I was rich. (其他非正式场合用)2. wish 与could 连用也表示同样的希望,用来讨论能力或可能性,例如:I wish that I could speak Spanish.我希望我能说西班牙语。

I just wish that everything could be as it used tobe.我只希望一切都能像以前一样。

I wish that we could go to the party tonight.我希望我们今晚能去参加聚会。

I wish that John could help you clean up.我希望约翰能帮你打扫卫生。

How i discovered words--helen keller 《海伦凯勒》

How i discovered words--helen keller 《海伦凯勒》

How I Discovered WordsHelen KellerThe most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant. I guessed vaguely from my mother's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen, so I went to the door and waited on the steps. The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturned face. My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring. I did not know what the future held of marvel or surprise for me. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle.Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbor was. "Light! Give me light!" was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour.I felt approaching footsteps. I stretched out my hand as I supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to reveal all things to me, and, more than all things else, to love me.The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. The little blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had dressed it; but I did not know this until afterward. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word "d-o-l-l". I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was simply making my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them, pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.One day, while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan put my big rag doll into my lap, also spelled "d-o-l-l" and tried to make me understand that "d-o-l-l" applied to both. Earlier in the day we had had a tussle over the words "m-u-g" and "w-a-t-e-r". Miss Sullivan had tried to impress it upon me that "m-u-g" is mug and that "w-a-t-e-r" is water, but I persisted in confounding the two. In despair she had dropped the subject for the time, only to renew it at the first opportunity. I became impatient at her repeated attempts and, seizing the new doll, I dashed it upon the floor. I was keenly delighted when I felt the fragments of the broken doll at my feet. Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. I had not loved the doll. In the still,dark world in which I lived there was no strong sentiment or tenderness. I felt my teacher sweep the fragments to one side of the hearth, and I had a sense of satisfaction that the cause of my discomfort was removed. She brought me my hat, and I knew I was going out into the warm sunshine. This thought, if a wordless sensation may be called a thought, made me hop and skip with pleasure.We walked down the path to the well-house, attracted by the fragrance of the honeysuckle with which it was covered. Someone was drawing water and my teacher placed my hand under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over one hand she spelled into the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed upon the motions of her fingers. Suddenly, I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten-a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that "w-a-t-e-r" meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free! There were barriers still, it is true, but barriers that could in time be swept away.I left the well-house eager to learn. Everything had a name, and each name gave birth to a new thought. As we returned to the house every object which I touched seemed to quiver with life. That was because I saw everything with the strange, new sight that had come to me. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces.I tried vainly to put them together. Then my eyes filled with tears; for I realized what I had done, and for the first time I felt repentance and sorrow.I learned a great many new words that day. I do not remember what they all were; but I do know that mother, father, sister, teacher were among them-words that were to make the world blossom for me, "like Aaron's rod, with flowers". It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me, and for the first time longed for a new day to come.From The Story of My Life。

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Adrian Savage
•an English writer •a retired business executive •Now he lives in Tucson, Arizona.
A. In an ad B. In his blog C. In a piece of news
பைடு நூலகம்
; / 食谱菜谱大全
饭桌上,李妻又高高兴兴地多端上来一条她最拿手的西湖醋鱼和一大盘子腰果虾仁。至于上好的月饼和各色南国新鲜瓜果,还是照例 又买了带来。那日里一整天都是半阴的。到了晚上,天儿仍然没有放晴的迹象。但对于耿正兄妹三人来说,他们想得是明年的这个时 候,他们就回到老家和亲人们团聚了!因此间,思念亲人们的心绪已经被渴望团聚的希望完全取代了!尽管爹爹不能和他们一起回去 了,但他们又能有什么法子呢,只能是顺其变了啊!老家那一带不是有一句人人皆知的俗语嘛:有奈无奈,赤着脚板儿走到五台!唉, 在好多的时候,人是需要,也只能顺势而变的。赤着脚板儿走向目的地,那既是无奈,但同时也是一种执著,一种坚持啊!为了实现 爹爹的那个美好的梦想,他们已经执著地坚持了!他们就要能够告慰爹爹的在天之灵了„„当时光进入到农历的十一月中旬时,已经 快到约定返家的最后期限了。尽管在此时,他们与李老乡联手经营的“昌盛丝绸行”的生意依然非常火爆,每日里顾客盈门,销售量 蒸蒸日上,但归途在即,他们不能再继续做下去了。细细计算一番,50%的店铺转让金,加上这几年分得的红利和兄妹三人的薪水,以 及开了这个铺子以后还剩余那几百两银子,数量已经相当可观的了。事实上,来到杭州这几年来,他们虽然购买了不少书籍,也添置 了有限的几套衣服,但这些支出算起来只不过是九牛一毛呢!总之,可以带回去的银子已经足够在老家“三六九镇”做一番事业,完 成爹爹当年带他们出发时立下的那个宏愿了。于是,他们决定将“昌盛丝绸行”全部转让给李老乡,然后衣锦还乡去了!那天晚饭后, 兄妹三人坐在宽敞的厅房里商量回家的事情。耿正掰着手指对耿英和耿直说:“我考虑过了,咱们返家的途中,有几件事情是必须做 的。首先是绕道去景德镇北门外给梁爷爷和梁奶奶上坟;接下来就去看望那个路边小饭店的大哥大嫂,只可惜当时没有问大哥的姓氏, 也没有看饭店的字号,不过那个小村庄的名字叫‘望山寨’我们是知道的;再就是去看望武昌镇的白娘娘、小青姐和东伢子;过江前, 还得替咱爹看看码头上的船老大伯伯、祭奠祭奠白幺爹;过江之后,咱们在汉口镇上再找一找张伯伯一家;过了黄河还要去滩头村看 看老爷爷和老奶奶,但愿二位老人家还健在!”耿英说:“这些都是必须做的!”耿直也说:“我很想念娘娘和小青姐姐呢!”耿英 说:“可以想见,娘娘他们知道了咱爹已经遭遇了不幸,肯定会很难过的啊!”耿正说:“谁说不是呢。要是我们在码头上见了船老 大伯伯,在汉口镇上找到张伯伯,再见到黄河边上的老爷爷和老奶奶,他们也都会很难过啊!而且更惋惜的是,我们连爹的尸骨也带 不回去„„”耿英听了哥哥这话,眼泪就止不住流了下来。耿