Dynamic Equivalence




关于博物馆英语翻译论⽂ 博物馆,是⼈类历史⽂化的宝库,承担着传承⽂化、记忆历史的重任,博物馆英语翻译具有⼀定的难度。

下⽂是店铺为⼤家整理的博物馆英语翻译论⽂的范⽂,欢迎⼤家阅读参考! 博物馆英语翻译论⽂篇1 浅谈五⾢华侨博物馆标语翻译 摘要:江门五⾢华侨博物馆馆内所有陈列、摆设均设有相关标语,为访客作⽂字讲解。


关键词:动态对等翻译;⽂化差异;⼈名翻译;⾝份翻译;长句处理 1 . 引⾔ 江门市博物馆⼜名五⾢华侨华⼈博物馆,坐落于中国第⼀侨乡——江门,是⼀所国有地级综合性博物馆,主要展⽰与五⾢华侨华⼈相关的⽂物与资料。





2 . 概述翻译标准和原则 翻译标准和原则是翻译理论研究中极为重要的内容,与翻译理论研究、翻译实践和翻译事业的进步发展有着密切联系。

2 . 1“信、达、雅” “信、达、雅”⼀说,是中国近代著名翻译家、翻译理论家严复在其《天演论·译例⾔》中提出的。



奈达翻译理论奈达翻译标准Dynamic Equivalence译成“动态对等”曲解了奈达翻译理论

奈达翻译理论奈达翻译标准Dynamic Equivalence译成“动态对等”曲解了奈达翻译理论
动 最 多、影 响 最 大的理论 。“ 的功 绩在 于 :1 他 .把 就 是这 个 意 思 。 ‘ 态 ’一词 表 明这 是 两 种关 系 信 息论 与 符号 学引进 了翻 译理 论 ,提 出了 ‘ 态 的对等 :一边是原文对原文的接受者 ,另一边是 动
对等 ’的翻译标 准;2 .把 现代语 言学的最新研 译文对译文的接受者 。同一信息 ,用两套不同的 究成果应用到翻译理论 中来 ;3 .在翻译 史上第 语 言 ,接 受 者 不 同 ,却 要 产 生 出基 本 相 同 的效 这就是等效翻译的主要原则 。 2 ”[ 1 个把 社会 效 益 ( 读者 反 应 )原 则纳入 翻 译标 准 果 , 令 人 十分 遗憾 的是 ,奈 达提 出 的翻译 标 准是 之 中。 ”尤其是他的动态对等理论 ,一举打破 中

收稿 日期 :2 1—1- 1 0 0 0 2
作者简介 :李 田心 (9 6 ) 14 一 ,男,湖 南衡 阳人 ,广 东外语 外贸大学南国商 学院教授 ,韩 山师范学院教授 。

7 ・ 4
D nmiE uvl c ,不是 “ 态 对 等 ” ya c qi e e an 动 。将 D — y
i e ms o h e r e t n tr ft e d g e o whih t e e tr ft e c he r c p o s o h me s g n t er c p o n ua er s n oi i u s a ei h e e t rl g g e po d t t n s b- a sa tal t e a ma n r a t e e e t r i t e t n ily h s me n e s h r c p o s n h s u c a g a e o r e ln u g .Thi e p n e c n n v rbe i e t- s r s o s a e e d n i c l frt ec lu a n itrc ls ti g r o f a , o h u t r la d h so ia etn sa et odi-



E u g e n e N i d aDynamic Equivalence and Formal EquivalenceEugene A. Nida (1914-- ) is a distinguished American translation theorist as well as a linguist. His translation theory has exerted a great influence on translation studies in Western countries. His work on translatoin set off the study of modern translation as an academic field, and he is regareded as “the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline”(Snell-Hornby 1988:1; Baker 1998:277)Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence is his major contribution to translation studies. The concept is first mentioned in his article “Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating”(1959) (《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》)as he attempts to define translating. In his influential work Toward a Science of Translating (1964) (《翻译原则科学探索》), he postulates dynamic equivalent translation as follows:In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation) one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that existed between the original receptors and the message (1964:159) However, he does not give a clear definition of dynamic equivalence untill 1969. In his 1969 textbook The Thoery and Practice of Translation(《翻译理论与实践》), dynamic equivalence is defined “ in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the messages in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptores in the source language”(1969:24)The expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalencev” in his work From One Language to Another (1986, with De Waard)(《从一种语言到另一种语言》). However, there is essentially not much difference between the two concepts. The substitution of “functional equivalence” is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”, which is mistaken by some persons for something in the sense of impact ( Nida 1993:124). In Language, Culture andTranslating(1993)(《语言与文化:翻译中的语境》, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level. The minimal level of “functional equivalence” is defined as “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of thetext must have understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as “The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and aprreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224). The two definitions of equivalence reveal that the minimal level is realistic, whereas the maximal level is ieal. For Nida, good translations always lie somewhere between the two levels (Nida 19954:224). It can be noted that “functional equivalence” is a flexible concept with different degrees of adequacy.Dynamic EquivalenceA term introduced by Nida(1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation (see also Formal Equivalence). Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation in which “the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”(Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200, emphasis removed). In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the threefold process of Analysis, Transfer and Restructuring (Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200); formulating such a translation will entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items, making lingguistically implicit ST information explicit, and building in a certain amount of REDUNDANCY(1964:131) to aid comprehension. In a translation of this kind one is therefor not so concerned with “matching the receptor-language message with the source-laguage”; the aim is more to “relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida 1964:159). Possibly the best known example of a dynamically equivalent solution to a translation problem is seen in the decision to translate the Biblical phrase “Lamb of God” into and Eskimo language as “Seal of God”: the fact that lambs are unkown in polar regions has here led to the substitution of a culturally meaningful item which shares at least some of the important features of the SL expression (see Snell-Hornby 1988/1955:15). Nida and Taber argue that a “high degree” of equivalence of response is needed for the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that this response can never be identical with that elicited by the original(1969/1982:24). However, they also issue a warning about the limits within which the processes associated with producing dynamic equivalence remain valid: fore example, a comparison with the broadly simialr category of Linguistic Translaton reveals that only elements which are linguistically implict in TT-rather than any additional contextual information which might benecessary to a new audience—may legitimately be made explicit in TT. The notion of dynamic equivalence is of course especially relevant to Bible translation, given the particular need of Biblical translations not only to inform readers but also to present a relevant message to them and hopefully elicit a response(1969/1982:24). However, it can clearly also be applied to other genres, and indeed in many areas ( such as literary translation) it has arguably come to hold sway over other approaches (Nida 1964:160). See also Fuctional Equivalence. Further reading: Gut 1991; Nida 1964,1995: Nida & Taber 1969/1982.奈达(Nida)(1964)在《圣经》翻译中所采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程的两个基本趋向之一(另见Formal Equivalence[形式对等])。











比喻花钱浪费,大手大脚,英语是spend money like water,而汉语是"挥金如土"。

英语中有许多关于船和水的习语,在汉语中没有完全相同的对应习语,如to rest on one's oars(暂时歇一歇),to keep one's head above water(奋力图存),all at sea(不知所措)等等。



西方翻译理论 第三讲 dynamic equivalence

西方翻译理论 第三讲 dynamic equivalence
• From a lingusitic and semiotic angle, Jakobson approaches the problem of equivance with the following definition:
• 'Equivalence in difference is the cadinal problem of language and the pivotal concern of linguistics.'
• 2 Dynamic equivalence
• Dynamic equivalence is based on what Nida calls 'the principle of equivalent effect', where 'the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message.
• Examples of differences are easy to find. They occur at:
• the level of gender: e.g. honey is masculine in French, German and Italian, feminine in Spanish, neuter in English, etc.
• These include hierarchical structuring, which differentiates series of words according to their level (for instance, the superordinate animal and its hyponyms goat, dog, cow, etc.) and techniques of componential analysis. The latter seek to identify and discriminate specific features of a range of related words. The results can be plotted visually to assist in making an overall comparison.



Eugene NidaDynamic Equivalence and Formal EquivalenceEugene A. Nida (1914-- ) is a distinguished American translation theorist as wellas a linguist. His translation theory has exerted a great influence on translationstudies in Western countries. His work on translatoin set off the study of moderntranslation as an academic field,and he is regareded as“the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline”(Snell-Hornby 1988:1; Baker 1998:277 )Nida’ s theory of dynamic equivalence is his major contribution to translation studies.The concept is first mentioned in his article“Principles of Translationas Exemplified by Bible Translating” (1959)(《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》) as he attempts to define translating.In his influential work Toward a Science of Translating(1964)(《翻译原则科学探索》) , he postulates dynamic equivalent translation as follows:In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation) one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, butwith the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and messageshould be substantially the same as that existed between the original receptors and the message (1964:159) However, he does not give a clear definition of dynamicequivalence untill1969. In his1969 textbook The Thoery and Practice of Translation (《翻译理论与实践》), dynamic equivalence is defined“ in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the messages in the receptor language respond to it insubstantially the same manner as the receptores in the source language”(1969:24)The expression“dynamic equivalence”is superseded by“functional equivalencev” in his work From One Language to Another (1986, with De Waard)(《从一种语言到另一种语言》). However, there is essentially not much difference between the two concepts.The substitution of“functional equivalence” is just to stressthe concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic” ,which is mistaken by some persons for something in the sense of impact ( Nida 1993:124).In Language, Culture and Translating(1993) (《语言与文化:翻译中的语境》,“functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: theminimal level and the maximal level. The minimal level of “ functional equivalence ”is defined as“The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend itto the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text musthave understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as“The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and aprreciate it in essentiallythe same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224). The two definitions of equivalence reveal that the minimal level is realistic,whereas the maximal level is ieal.For Nida,good translations always lie somewherebetween the two levels (Nida 19954:224). It can be noted that“functional equivalence” is a flexible concept with different degrees of adequacy.Dynamic EquivalenceA term introduced by Nida(1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation (see also FormalEquivalence).Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translationin which “ the messageof the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”(Nida& Taber1969/1982:200,emphasis removed).In other words,a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the threefold process of Analysis,Transfer and Restructuring(Nida& Taber 1969/1982:200);formulating such a translation will entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items,making lingguistically implicit ST information explicit,and building in a certain amount of REDUNDANCY(1964:131)to aid comprehension. In a translation of this kind one is therefor not so concerned with“ matching the receptor-language message with the source-laguage ”; the aim is more to“relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida1964:159).Possibly the best known example of a dynamically equivalent solution to a translation problem is seen in the decision to translate the Biblical phrase“Lamb of God” into and Eskimo language as “Seal of God ” : the fact that lambs are unkown in polar regions hashere led to the substitution of a culturally meaningful item which shares at leastsomeof the important features of the SL expression(see Snell-Hornby1988/1955:15). Nida and Taber argue that a“high degree” of equivalence of response is neededfor the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that thisresponse can never be identical with that elicited by the original(1969/1982:24).However, they also issue a warning about the limits within which the processesassociated with producing dynamic equivalence remain valid:fore example, a comparison with the broadly simialr category of Linguistic Translaton reveals that only elements which are linguistically implict in TT-rather than any additionalcontextual information which might be necessary to a new audience — may legitimatelybe made explicit in TT. The notion of dynamic equivalence is of course especiallyrelevant to Bible translation, given the particular need of Biblical translationsnot only to inform readers but also to present a relevant message to them andhopefully elicit a response(1969/1982:24).However, it can clearly also be applied to other genres, and indeed in many areas ( such as literary translation) it hasarguably come to hold sway over other approaches (Nida1964:160). See also Fuctional Equivalence. Further reading: Gut 1991; Nida 1964,1995: Nida & Taber 1969/1982.奈达( Nida )(1964)在《圣经》翻译中所采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程的两个基本趋向之一(另见 Formal Equivalence[ 形式同等 ] )。


Eugene Nida
Functional equivalence
尤金· A· 奈达( Eugene A.Nida), 语言学家,翻译家, 翻译理论家。
奈达较之其他语言学家和翻译理论家在全世 界更有影响原因之一是,在自1946年起的 近60年里,他周游了世界,帮助译者解决了 《圣经》翻译中的实际问题,而其他语言学 家和翻译理论家缺乏这种机会。
1.There is certainly some historical possibility. 历史上的确有这种可能性。 从历史上看,这种可能的确存在。 2. The actor has a smaller circle of admirers. 那个演员没有那么叫座。 3. environmentally damaging waste 危害环境的废物。
Titles of papers
从功能对等的角度浅谈《民法通则》英译本 中法律术语的翻译 从“功能对等”理论浅析NBA赛事用语的汉 译 从功能对等角度浅析英汉习语翻译 从功能对等理论看《水浒传》中粗话、脏话 的翻译
本文作者拟从功能对等理论的角度对儿童文学翻译进行分析,尝试提 出在功能对等理论的指导下儿童文学翻译的儿童本位原则。 与传统的翻译理论不同,奈达的功能对等理论从另一角度提供了一个 翻译批评的标准。要达到理想的翻译,就要找到与原文最自然且最贴 近的对等语,而不是拘泥于单纯的形式对等。换句话说,译文的读者 对译文的反应要与原文读者对原文的反应等值。以往的翻译理论重 视译文与原文的对照,单纯从语言转换的角度来研究翻译。与以往不 同的是功能对等理论强调读者的主体作用,它指出翻译的目的是使译 文接受者对译文信息的反应与原文接受者对原文信息的反应基本相 同。 本文尝试以这一理论为基础,根据儿童文学及其翻译的特点和要求, 通过对儿童文学《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》几个译本中的大量翻译实例, 从意义对等,形式对等,文化对等三个方面进行详尽的分析,研究儿童 文学翻译的方法和技巧,最后得出结论:功能对等理论可作为儿童文 学英汉翻译的原则,它对翻译中词句的选择、修辞的传达以及文化差 异的处理都具有指导意义,揭示本文的主题儿童文学翻译应在功能对 等理论的指导下以儿童为中心,以归化为主,异化为辅。



基本标准:忠实而通顺 所谓忠实,首先指忠实于原文的内容。译者必须把原作的内容完整、准确地表 达出来,不得改变、歪曲、遗漏或增加。忠实还指保持原作的风格——民族风 格、语体风格、作者个人的语言风格。对这些风格,译者不得任意破坏和改变, 不能以译者的风格代替原作的风格。原作如果是通俗的口语体,译文不能译成 文皱皱的书面体;原作是文雅的,译文不能是粗俗的;原文富有西方色彩,译 文不能冠以东方色彩。反之亦然。 所谓通顺,指译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范。译文必须是明白、流畅的, 而不应该是晦涩拗口的。译文中不得有文理不通,逻辑混乱的现象。但须指出, 译文的通顺程度要和原文的通顺程度相应或一致。例如在文艺作品中,作者有 时故意采用一些非规范语言以刻画人物或渲染气氛,译文就不能片面追求通顺 而加以改变,应尽可能体现原作的语言特征或风格,这正是忠实的具体体现。 忠实与通顺是相辅相成的。忠而不顺,读者读不懂,也就谈不上忠;顺而不忠, 丢失原作风格与内容,通顺也就失去了作用,使翻译成了编译或乱译。忠实是
in terms of style.”
2.翻译的标准 翻译标准,是翻译活动所必须遵循的准绳 ,是衡量译文 质量的尺度,是翻译工作者不断努力以期达到的目标。 要确立翻译标准,首先必须分析翻译的对象,即原作。 原作包括两个方面:内容与形式。内容指原作中所叙述 的事实,说明的事理,描写的人、物,以及所反映出来 的作者的思想、感情、态度、观点和立场。形式指语言 形式,即作者所使用的词汇、语法、修辞手段等的总和。 内容和形式是相互联系、相互制约的。内容决定形式, 形式影响内容。
3.翻译的过程 3.1 原文的理解 3.2 语言的表达
3.1 原文的理解 1.语义的理解
1.We eat what we can and what we can’t we can. 能吃的我们就吃,不能吃的我们就做成罐头。


Response) (4)动态对等论(Dynamic Equivalence)
(1)语言共性论(Language Universality)
a.各种语言具有同种的表达力。 b.“一种语言所能表达的事情,必然能用另一种 语言表达。” c.人类的共性多于差异,在人类经验和表达方式 中,都存在着一种“共核”(common core)。
“White as snow”(白如雪,雪白) (1)“White as frost”; (2)“白如白鹭毛”、“ 白如蘑菇”等 (3)“很白”或“非常白”
(2)翻译信息论(Message of Translation)
翻译是把一种语言所表达的信息转变为另一 种语言的信息的活动,也就是把一种代码编 码的信息转换成另一种代码的信息,翻译的 目的就是通过传递信息,起到交际的作用。
不同的语言之间存在着同构现象 (isomorphs)
同 构 体 (isomorphism)
2 —— 4 —— 8 16 —— 32 —— 64
to grow like mushroom As dumb as an oyster
三)“动态对等”理论 贡献及局限
贡献 1.从微观角度考虑,“功能对等”解决了长期 以来“意译”与“直译”之争。 归化(domestication)
structure) eg:Will the train arrive?
→ The train will arrive. {Inversion → Will the train arrive? transformation}
3)各种语言学分支的诞生: 心理语言学(psycholinguistics) 社会语言学(sociolinguistics) 语用学(pragmatics) 符号学(semiotics)



1.Eugene Nida: Formal equivalence and Dynamic equivalence.Formal equivalence focuses on the message itself, in both form and content. In such a translation one is concerned with such correspondences as poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept. Viewed from this formal orientation, one is concerned that the massage in the receptor language should match as closely as possible, that the message in the receptor culture is constantly compared with the message in the source culture to determine standards of accuracy and correctness. Dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of expression, and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture; it does not insist that he understand the cultural patterns of the source-language context in order to comprehend the message. Of course, there are varying degrees of such dynamic-equivalence translations. One of the modern English translations which, perhaps more than any other, seeks for equivalent effect is J.B.Philips’ rendering of the New Testament. In Romans 16:16 he quite naturally translates” greet one another with a holy kiss as “give one another a hearty handshake all around.”他从《圣经》中摘取的例子“Lamb of God”, “Lamb”在献祭语境里代表“无辜”,照字面翻译(formal equivalence)可能会在另一种文化如爱斯基摩文化中产生理解困难。

















关键词:功能对等,广告翻译,翻译策略VIAbstractsWith the full development of the economy and the economic globalization trend becoming increasingly evident,advertising is playing a more and more important role in modem society,as a result,there is an increasingly higher requirement in advertising translation.However,despite the fact that people have taken a great dealof practical activities in the field of advertising translation,the Chinese theoreticalresearch of advertising translation still far failed to meet the needs of the community,advertising translation has not yet been fully developed.Advertising is a cross—language,cross—cultural communicative activities,having a direct impact on the consumer psychology and beliefs of the importers,and thereby affecting the share and sales of commodities in the target market.Because of the language and cultural differences between English and Chinese,the advertising translation is a very flexible and complex task.In SO many translation theories,Nida’S functional equivalence theory puts forward such a concept:the reaction ofthe receptors in the target language should be substantially the same as the receptors in the source language.This theory is consistent with the characteristics of advertising translation,that is,the target text should have the same persuasion function as the original text.From this perspective,functional equivalence theory should be a best guiding theory of advertising translation.While pointing out through analysis that the functional equivalence theory is one of the best guiding principles for advertising translation,this thesis focuses on how to deal with the language and cultural differences involved in advertising translation,besides in the end,common strategies of translation are given on the basis of examples.Chapter One first introduces the general theory of translation,and then elaborates on Nida’S functional equivalence theory. Chapter Two includes the basic knowledge of the advertising and advertisement,as well as the language features of advertising,SO as to pave the way for the latter chapters.In the third Chapter,firstly,,thefeasibility of Nida’S functional equivalence theory in advertising translation is fullyVIIelaborated through analysis and discussion,and based on this,the writer further discusses the overall requirements for advertising translation in style,form and content.Chapter Four shows the current strategies of advertising translation.In thischapter,the author states at the outset that the advertisements should be translated totwo levels of equivalence,that is,the language level and the cultural level.Under theguidance of functional equivalence theory,in order to achieve the closest natural equivalence,the author proposes strategies of adaptation based on specific examples of typical advertising translation.The final chapter outlines and summarizes the wholetext,where the author points out the inadequacy of the thesis and the direction offurther study.Keywords:functional equivalence,advertising translation,translation strategies IntroductionAs China is deepening its opening up to the outside world,especially after joining WTO,the international economic activities develop rapidly and the international advertisements grow vigorously.There is a strong need for efficient international advertising communication.Thus the amount of advertising translation keeps increasing.As a specialized and important area of translation,advertising translation has its own features and rules,which deserve an intensive and systematic study.We all know that a successful advertising translation Can influence the customers imperceptibly but enormously,and it can arouse people’S interests in buying the products and bring about profit for a company.While on the other hand,afailed advertisement will not only cause economic losses but also directly influence the image of a company even a country.Incommensurate to its ever growing importance,advertising translation still remains an under explored field as a branch inthe discipline of translation,the study of advertising translation,especially that between the English and Chinese languages,is far from satisfactory in accordance with its need.Until now,no systematic theoretical research on this issue has been sufficiently conducted.There are only a small number of papers making a summary ofthe experience achieved from the advertising translation practice,among which the majority is published in college journals instead of Chinese key joumals.Many of thearticles are descriptive rather than analytical,dealing with specific aspects of advertising translation,such as translation of rhetoric,slang,brands and slogans,andaesthetic properties and SO forth.This thesis,adopting an analytical approach,discusses the application of Nida’S functional equivalence theory in advertisement translation.Instead of focusing on the specific techniques,it tends to focus on thegeneral principles and general translation strategies that should be followed.In general,it consists of four chapters with introduction and conclusion:Chapter One first introduces the general theory of translation,and then presents Nida’S functionalequivalence theory,its development,content and essence.In chapter Two,basic knowledge of advertising has been discussed in great detail,including the development of advertising,definition of advertising and advertisement,classificationof advertising,purposes and functions of advertising,and features of advertising language which have been analyzed from three aspects,namely,lexically, syntactically and rhetorically.Based on the first two chapters,it is thus safe to drawthe conclusion that the application of the functional equivalence in advertising translation is practical and feasible,therefore in the third chapter,the writer firstelaborates on the feasibility of Nida’S functional equivalence theory in advertising translation through analysis and discussion,and then under the guidance of Nida’Sfunctional equivalence,the writer further discusses the overall requirements for advertising translation in style,form and content.Chapter Four is the most important part of this thesis,which shows the current strategies of advertising translation.SinceNida’S functional equivalence theory proposes that translation shall be target languageoriented and target culture oriented,strategies of adaptation are definitely reasonableand unavoidable.In this chapter,a number of examples are quoted to illustrate the application of Nida’S functional equivalence in advertising translation.The conclusionsummarizes the whole thesis,and the author points out the inadequacy of the essay and the direction of further study.2Chapter One Literature ReviewAny factual analysis and practical application need a systematic theory as the backup.With regard to the field of advertising translation,the author will first of allreview briefly the notion of equivalence and Nida’S functional equivalence theory,as the guiding theory in dealing with advertising translation.1.1 Notion of Translation EquivalenceThe first significant statement on translation was made by Cicero(1 06BC-43)in the first century BC,proposing“not to translate word for word,but to translate sensefor sense”.Since then,translation theories have developed for more than 2000 years.The term‘‘equivalence’’first appeared in J.R.Firth’s writing when he stated that‘‘theSO—called translation equivalents between two languages are never really equivalent’’(Firth,1 957).With the development of linguistics and the linguistic-oriented translation studies in the west,“the concept of translation equivalence has been anessenti al issue not only in translation theory over the last 2000 years,but also inmodern translation studies”(Wilss,200 1:1 34).“Translation is the replacement of arepresentation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in asecond language”(Meetham&Hudson,1 969:7 1 3).The main goal of translation is toestablish a particular type of correspondence between the source text and the target text.The nature of correspondence has been referred to as“faithfulness’’or ‘‘fidelity'’,or more predominantly,to the notion of“equivalence”.Therefore,equivalence is a central concept in the translation theory.But to gain a full equivalence in translation isonly ideal for all translators.Since“there are,properly speaking,no such things asidentical equivalents”(Belloc,1 93 1:37),one must try to find the closest possible equivalence in translation.Generally,Studies of translation equivalence could becategorized into the following types:1)referential or denotative equivalence where source language and target language words supposedly refer to the same thing in the real world;2)connotative equivalence where source language and target language words trigger the same or similar associations in the minds of native speakers of thetwo languages;3)quantitative—scheme equivalence where relationships of lexical equivalence,in particular in the area of terminology,are distincted as one-to —oneequivalence,one—to-many equivalence,one—to-part-of-one equivalence or nil equivalence;4)text—normative equivalence where source language and target language words are used in the same similar contexts in their respective languages;5)textual equivalence where source language and target language information flows are similar and the cohesive roles of source language and devices in their respective textsare more or less the same;6)cultural equivalence where source language and target language cultural information are commonly shared by their respective readers.These six categories of translation equivalence mentioned above can be regarded as equivalence in different degrees,with regard to different levels of presentation and atdifferent ranks.However,such classification seems uncontrollable.According to Eugene Nida,equivalence can be generally categorized into two types,of which one is formal equivalence and the other is functional。



学科教育论文功能对等理论对大学英语翻译教学的启示Enlightenment of Functional Equivalence Theory on College English Translation TeachingZHOU Jingdan〔Wuhan Donghu University, Wuhan, Hubei 430212〕Abstract Translation capability is an important aspect of the integrated use of language ability. For a long time, it has been a college English translation teaching college English teaching weak link. Most of the traditional emphasis on language translation method form rather than language content, focusing on language knowledge and light cultural awareness training. This is resulting in one of the main students' English comprehensive use of low capacity. Therefore,the introduction of translation theory to translation teaching has an important guiding significance. In this paper, to explore the famous American translation theorist Nida's functional equivalence theory, based on the analysis of the college English translation teaching problems and proposed countermeasures.Key words translation teaching; Functional Equivalence Theory; countermeasures培养学生的翻译能力是大学英语教学的一个重要方面。



Eugene NidaDynamic Equivalence and Formal EquivalenceEugene A. Nida (1914-- ) is a distinguished American translation theorist as well as a linguist. His translation theory has exerted a great influence on translation studies in Western countries. His work on translatoin set off the study of modern translation as an academic field, and he is regareded as “the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline” (Snell-Hornby 1988:1; Baker 1998:277)Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence is his major contribution to translation studies. The concept is first mentioned in his article “Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating”(1959) (《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》)as he attempts to define translating. In his influential work Toward a Science of Translating (1964) (《翻译原则科学探索》), he postulates dynamic equivalent translation as follows:In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation) one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that existed between the original receptors and the message (1964:159) However, he does not give a clear definition of dynamic equivalence untill 1969. In his 1969 textbook The Thoery and Practice of Translation(《翻译理论与实践》), dynamic equivalence is defined “ in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the messages in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptores in the source language”(1969:24) The expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalencev” in his work From One Language to Another (1986, with De Waard)(《从一种语言到另一种语言》). However, there is essentially not much difference between the two concepts. The substitution of “functional equivalence” is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”, which is mistaken by some persons for something in the sense of impact ( Nida 1993:124). In Language, Culture and Translating(1993)(《语言与文化:翻译中的语境》, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level. The minimal level of “functional equivalence” is defined as “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as “The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and aprreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224). The two definitions of equivalence reveal that the minimal level is realistic, whereas the maximal level is ieal. For Nida,good translations always lie somewhere between the two levels (Nida 19954:224). It can be noted that “functional equivalence” is a flexible concept with different degrees of adequacy. Dynamic EquivalenceA term introduced by Nida(1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation (see also Formal Equivalence). Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation in which “the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”(Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200, emphasis removed). In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the threefold process of Analysis, Transfer and Restructuring (Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200); formulating such a translation will entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items, making lingguistically implicit ST information explicit, and building in a certain amount of REDUNDANCY(1964:131) to aid comprehension. In a translation of this kind one is therefor not so concerned with “matching the receptor-language message with the source-laguage”; the aim is more to “relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida 1964:159). Possibly the best known example of a dynamically equivalent solution to a translation problem is seen in the decision to translate the Biblical phrase “Lamb of God” into and Eskimo language as “Seal of God”: the fact that lambs are unkown in polar regions has here led to the substitution of a culturally meaningful item which shares at least some of the important features of the SL expression (see Snell-Hornby 1988/1955:15). Nida and Taber argue that a “high degree” of equivalence of response is needed for the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that this response can never be identical with that elicited by the original(1969/1982:24). However, they also issue a warning about the limits within which the processes associated with producing dynamic equivalence remain valid: fore example, a comparison with the broadly simialr category of Linguistic Translaton reveals that only elements which are linguistically implict in TT-rather than any additional contextual information which might be necessary to a new audience—may legitimately be made explicit in TT. The notion of dynamic equivalence is of course especially relevant to Bible translation, given the particular need of Biblical translations not only to inform readers but also to present a relevant message to them and hopefully elicit a response(1969/1982:24). However, it can clearly also be applied to other genres, and indeed in many areas ( such as literary translation) it has arguably come to hold sway over other approaches (Nida 1964:160). See also Fuctional Equivalence. Further reading: Gut 1991; Nida 1964,1995: Nida & Taber 1969/1982.奈达(Nida)(1964)在《圣经》翻译中所采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程的两个基本趋向之一(另见Formal Equivalence[形式对等])。



[英语作文]The Theory of “Dynamic Equivalence” and its Application in EC Translation等效翻译理论及其在英汉翻译中的应用英文回答:Title: The Theory of "Dynamic Equivalence" and its Application in English-Chinese TranslationAbstract:This essay delves into the concept of dynamic equivalence, a theory that has significantly influenced translation practices, particularly in English-Chinese (EC) contexts. By examining the principles and objectives of dynamic equivalence, this paper aims to explore how it can be effectively applied to EC translation, highlighting the challenges and strategies involved.Introduction:The quest for accurate and meaningful translation has been a cornerstone of linguistic studies. Eugene Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence stands out as an essential milestone in translation theory. It advocates for a translation that not only conveys the message but also the spirit and cultural nuances of the source text, ensuring a similar response from the target audience as the source audience.Body:1. Understanding Dynamic Equivalence:- Definition and contrast with formal equivalence.- The focus on the receptor's cultural setting and the need for adaptation.- The goal of achieving equivalent effect rather than word-for-word accuracy.2. Cultural Considerations in EC Translation:- The significance of cultural differences between English and Chinese.- Examples of culturally embedded expressions and idioms that require dynamic equivalence.- Strategies for translating cultural elements without losing the original message or intent.3. Applying Dynamic Equivalence in Practical Translation:- Analyzing context to determine the appropriate level of adaptation.- Techniques for maintaining the original flavor while making necessary cultural adjustments.- Balancing literal and free translation to achieve the best possibleoutcome.4. Challenges Faced by Translators:- Overcoming the limitations of language and culture.- Striking a balance between faithfulness to the original and readability in the target language.- Managing the subjectivity inherent in determining the 'equivalent effect' on different audiences.5. Case Studies:- Evaluation of translated works that have successfully applied dynamic equivalence.- Analysis of translations where dynamic equivalence could have improved the outcome.Conclusion:The theory of dynamic equivalence offers a valuable framework for translators working between English and Chinese. While challenges persist in practice, understanding and applying the principles of dynamic equivalence can lead to translations that are not only accurate but also culturally sensitive and effective in evoking a comparable response from the target audience. As global communication continues to grow, the importance of such translation theories will only increase, underscoring the need for further research and refinement in the field.References:- Nida, E. A., & Taber, C. R. (1982). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Brill.- Munday, J. (2016). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications. Routledge.- Gentzler, E. (2001). Contemporary Translation Theories. Routledge.Acknowledgments:The author would like to thank the academic community for their contributions to the field of translation studies, particularly those who have expanded upon the theory of dynamic equivalence. Special thanks go to colleagues who provided insightful discussions and feedback during the preparation of this essay.Note: This outline is intended as a starting point for a more comprehensive essay on the topic. It should be expanded upon with specific examples, detailed analysis, and scholarly references to meet the expectations of an academic paper.中文回答:题目:“动态对等”理论及其在英汉翻译中的应用文摘:动态对等理论对英汉翻译实践产生了重要影响,本文对这一理论进行了深入探讨。



从杨宪益《红楼梦》英译本看习语的等效翻译来源:[本站]浏览:[ ]1引言《红楼梦》是我国古代的一部伟大著作,其语言生动活泼、准确传神,习语更是俯拾皆是,而且这些习语都负载以浓厚的文化特色。



他把对等分为形式对等( formal equivalence)和动态对等(dynamic equivalence),之后又将动态对等改为功能对等( functional equivalence)。


翻译对等(translation equivalence)是指原文(source text)和译文(target text)之间的具体对等关系,是译者在把原文译成译文时要达到的目的。







如何能使原文和译文产生同样的效果,关键就在于“自然”:对译文接受者的接收渠道和原文接受者的渠道之间的差别,译者有一个全面而细微深入的了解,他根据新的接收渠道的特点改变信息的形式,甚至调整部分内容,使译文中的形式与内容的统一体适应新的接收渠道,和原文的统一体适应原文接受者的渠道一样,才有可能产生相同或基本相同的效果(金堤, 1989: 23)。




二、文化差异的处理是与从语义到文体将源语 再现的目的语紧密相联的。只有当译文从语言 形式到文化内涵都再现了源语的风格和精神时, 译作才能被称作是优秀的作品。

例如:“I am a college student.”可直接译 为“我是一名大学生。”译语和源语基本 对等。但这仅仅是翻译的最低标准—形式 对等。而汉语、英语属于两种完全不同的 语系,差异很大翻译中过分强调形式对等 往往导致费解。
例如:西湖(the West Lake);
五指山(the Five Finger Hill);
珠江(the Pearl River); 白天鹅宾馆(the White Swan Hotel); 南天门(the South Heavenly Gate)。

第二,如果意义和文化不能同时兼顾,译 者只有舍弃形式对等,通过在译文中改变原文的形式 达到再现原文语义和文化的目的。
尤金A· 奈达(Eugene A.Nida),语言学 家,翻译家,翻译理论家。当代翻译理论 的主要奠基人,其理论核心是功能对等。
《翻译科学探索》 《语言与文化——翻译中的语 境》
1、把信息论与符号学引进了翻译理论,提出了 动态对等的翻译标准; 2、把现代语言学的最新研究成果应用到翻译理 论中 来; 3、在翻译史上第一个把社会效益(读者反应)原 则纳人翻译标准之中,他提出的动态对等这一开 放式的理论,打破中国传统译论中静态分析翻译标 准的局面,为我们建立新的理论模式提供了方向。
例如:“He thinks by infection , catching an opinion
like a cold. ”“人家怎么想他就怎么想,就像人家得了 伤风,他就染上感冒。” 在此句的英文原文中,原文 的内涵并不是靠词汇的表面意义表达出来的,而是 隐藏在字里行间里。



功能对等的基本点就是将原语文本的读者的理解和欣赏方式不译语文本 的接受者的理解和欣赏的方式加以比较
• 最低层次 (mininal equivalence)
• 最高层次 (maximum equivalence)
“译文达到高度的对等,使目的语听 众或读者在理解和欣赏译文时所作 出的反应,与原文听众或读者对原 文的理解和欣赏所作出的反应基本 上一致”。
保存原文的比喻、形象和民族特色,“不妄解原文的字句”。即用符 合译语规范和习惯的对等语再现原文的全部意义。有时,归宿语言中 没有的,而表达功能所必需的,即使生搬硬套出发语的词语和句型也 视为正法。 eg: 西湖(the West Lake), 五指山(the Five Finger Hill); 珠江(the Pearl River), 白天鹅宾馆(the White Swan Hotel), 南天门(the South Heavenly Gate)
从社会、文化角度出发,把译文的“读者反应”放 在首位,认为“翻译就是在译入语中再现不原语的 信息最贴近的自然对等物,首先就其意义而言,其 次是就其风格而言。”
• 奈达翻译理论形成于20 世纪60年代并于80年代介绍到中 国, “功能对等”是他的中心翻译思想之一 1964年, 奈达在《翻译科学探索》中首次提出了“动态对 等”的概念, 提出将翻译研究的重点从对静态的文本信息 的关注转移到读者对文本动态信息的关注。
第三阶段 建立在社会符号学基础上的功能对等理论 →奈达认为翻译即翻译意义, 而符号学是分析意义的最全面 的系统,逐步采用社会语言学和社会符号学的方法来处理 翻译问题。 →他认为,必须把语言看作一种符号现象,对他迚行解释时丌 可脱离它的社会环境。并把意义重新区分为修辞意义、语 法意义和词汇意义,各类意义又分为所指意义和联想意义 两个层次。 →以“功能对等”取代“动态对等”,从而使其含义更清楚



浅析奈达的形式对等与动态对等-----以余华《活着》英译本为例题目(中文):浅析奈达的形式对等与动态对等-----以余华《活着》英译本为例题目(英文):On Formal Correspondence and Dynamic Equivalence of Eugene A. Nida---Taking the English Version of To Live by Yu Hua as an Example摘要在西方,等值问题一直是翻译界的中心话题。






关键词:形式等值动态等值活着AbstractEquivalence has long been considered as the primary concern in western countries. Nida’s theory on equivalence has had a great impact on China’s translation circle since introduced in 1980s.Nida introduces two kinds of theories: formal equivalence (FE) and dynamic equivalence (DE). FE centers on the message and content of the original text, aiming to present exotic culture, while DE regards meaning and spirit as the main concern, aiming to produce a text that can receive the same responses from readers.By taking one of the most famous contemporary writers—Yu Hua’s novel To Live as an example to analyze the application of FE and DE and their difference, I hope readers could both comprehensively realize the scientific approach and the deficiency of this theory, which is conducive to the translation work.Keywords: formal equivalence; dynamic equivalence; T o Live Chapter1 Introduction and literature review1.1 IntroductionAs a controversial concept in history of translation, equivalence is undoubtedly aprimary standard we use to assess the quality of translation works. Correspondingly, it is unavoidable for translators to strike a balance in the question of equivalence and provide the best version for readers. Eugene Nida, an American translation master has put forward a series of insightful theories on equivalence. Undoubtedly, his formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence is of great significance for later translators to probe, especially for Chinese translators lacking in original and systematic translation theories.Yu Hua is considered as one of the most influential writers in China with a variety of literary works concerning the stories of China’s past decades. To Live remains as his most re presentative work. Culturally specific as it is, it’s been translated into many languages including English. The English version To live serves as a perfect example for Nida’s theories on equivalence. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the application of formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence, helping the readers to have a more comprehensive picture of and also directly percieve the theory.This thesis is comprised of four Chapters. The first chapter includes a general introduction of this thesis and the literature review containing both domestic and international condition about the studies on translation equivalence. In the following chapter, the writer has a brief introduction of Yu Hua as well as his major literature works, among which To Live will be specifically analyzed here. The third chapter not only gives the reader a framework of Nida’s theories of formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence respectively, but also their differences in detail. Having had a comprehensive picture of this thesis and its related knowledge, the fourth chapter mainly demonstrates the application in the English version of Huozhe---To Live. Several typical abstract这里的abstract是指在小说中提取的某些部分will be discussed and analyzed as examples of this two kinds of equivalence. Furthermore, four aspects of dynamic equivalence will be showed respectively:meaning, style ,fluency and reader’s response. The writer’s conclusion and so me personal point of views will be intensively generalized in the last chapter. All in all, by a combination of theory and practice in this thesis, the writer hopes readers not only。

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Equivalence: Source Language Oriented
Natural: translation should not “exhibit in its grammatical and stylistic forms any trace of awkwardness or strangeness. ”(Nida & Taber 1969:13)
(Principles of Correspondence, 1964:134)
Dynamic Equivalence
"...the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language"(Nida and Taber, 1969: 24).
(Principles of Correspondence, 1964:127)
Definition of Translating 2 Orientations 4 Requirements of Translation 3 Constrains of D-E/Basic Factors of Translation
Receptor Language Oriented
Closest: no ident binds the two orientations together
2 Orientations
Writer →
Reader oriented
Receptor Language Oriented
Dynamic Equivalence
Reader ←
Writer Oriented
Source Language Oriented
Formal Equivalence
4 Basic Requirements
1 Make Sense 2 Convey spirit & manner of the original 3 Naturalness of Expression in TT 4 Producing similar response
Where is a cliff when you need one?
Eugene Nida Dynamic Equivalence
Nida & Equivalence
Nida's definition of Translating (The Theory and Practice of Translation, Nida & Taber 1969 )
In substantially the same Response: Similar response
A Bossy Wife VS 红太狼
3 Basic Factors
Nature of the Message Purpose of the Text Audiences' Decoding Ability
"Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of styles." (Nida & Taber 1969:12)