









2003年第1版目录1. 产品概述2. 适用范围3. 技术参数4. 工作原理5. 结构简述6. 环境、运输、贮存要求7. 机器的安装及调整8. 机器的使用9. 机器常见故障及其排除方法10. 离心机安全使用规范11. 质量保证期1产品概述PSB型系列离心机是平板式人工上卸料间歇操作过滤离心机,该系列离心机结构简单,性能可靠,操作、维修方便,过滤时间可随意掌握,滤渣能充分洗涤,固相颗粒不被破坏,滤袋清洗方便。











2003年第1版目录1. 产品概述2. 适用范围3. 技术参数4. 工作原理5. 结构简述6. 环境、运输、贮存要求7. 机器的安装及调整8. 机器的使用9. 机器常见故障及其排除方法10. 离心机安全使用规范11. 质量保证期1产品概述PSB型系列离心机是平板式人工上卸料间歇操作过滤离心机,该系列离心机结构简单,性能可靠,操作、维修方便,过滤时间可随意掌握,滤渣能充分洗涤,固相颗粒不被破坏,滤袋清洗方便。



上海西门子开关 产品介绍 说明书

上海西门子开关 产品介绍 说明书

■ 上海西门子开关有限公司2的严格管理不仅贯穿于内部生产的各个流程,同时延伸至对供应商的日年在闵行经年底公司二期厂房扩建工程的竣平方米,体现了西门子根植于中国、长期服务于中国客户的信心和承诺。





目 录ContentsSiemens Switchgear Ltd., Shanghai (SSLS) is a joint venture of Siemens Ltd., China (SLC) and Shanghai Power Transmission & Distribution Company, holding the manufacturing license to apply the latest tech-nology of Siemens vacuum circuit-breaker and medium voltage switchgear in P. R. China.Since established in 1993, relying on Siemens powerful resources and internal boundless cooperation, SSLS has provided reliable products, first-class service and innovative solutions for more than two thousand key projects both for domestic and overseas. SSLS has established a good reputation and leading position in China due to its large contribu-tion to the technique innovation and development of local switchgear industry.SSLS is a market oriented company with commitment to customers’satisfaction and to fulfill the demands for the medium voltage switchgear, with high quality and excellent reliability, by means of dynamically intro-ducing and constantly developing the applicable technique and prod-ucts to the local market. Customer’s success is our first priority. We pledge to provide the most value-added product and service, promise on-time delivery, and establish solid business partner relationship with customers, in result to create the maximum value for our customers.SSLS began to implement the customer-oriented quality management early in1996, and established a comprehensive quality management system in 2004 integrated with ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. The company utilizes the highly sophisticated machines and testing fa-cilities in production process. The high qualification of operators along with continuous in process quality control guarantee our well established and high quality standards at all times. The strict quality control is not only carried out throughout entire production processes, but also ex-tended to the daily management of our suppliers. We take environment protection as our social responsibility; meanwhile closely look after employees’ occupational safety and health.To meet the growing marketing demands, a modern factory was built up in Minhang Economic & Technological Development Zone in 2004. With the completion of second phase expansion at the end of 2006, the land plot increased to 50000sqm and shop floor to 23000sqm, which em-bodies Siemens’ commitment to root in China and serve long-term for Chinese customers.According to company’s strategy to create more competence and shorter time-to-market, SSLS R&D center was established in 2004. R&D cen-ter closely integrates into the Siemens PTD global R&D network, could share the latest Siemens technique and resources in-phase. By pre-dicting the market needs, SSLS fosters R&D in developing reliable and innovative products and tailored solutions to add value for customer’s business.Siemens switchgear has an effective system of on-site servicing from a quick-respondent, well-equipped and rich experienced field service team and a network setup all over China. The team is responsible for the guidance of on-site installation and operational safety, commit to re-spond to emergency calls within the shortest possible time and to mini-mize down time.SSLS was ranged as the Top 500 Revenue of Industrial Companies in Shanghai 7 years in row since 2000. The products won the title of Shang-hai Reputed Product 4 years in row since 2003. The company was awarded as “Good Credit Enterprise” due to its high commercial credit, and won the title of “Top 10 Fast-growing Companies in China Electric Industry” in 2006 due to over 30% increase of sales revenue continu-ously over the past three years.PRODUCT INTRODUCTIONSSLS provides air insulated Switchgear rated from 7.2 to 24kV with type 8BK20, 8BK30, 8BK40 and specially designed for Chinese market in 2007 NXAIR S, and vacuum circuit breakers type 3AH3, 3AH5, 3AH2-EP as well as SION, the latest generation of Siemens VCB synchro-nously selling world wide.All products are type tested in XIHARI to ensure the safety of personnel and operation.公司简介Company Introduction■产品介绍3■ 上海西门子开关有限公司4● Draw-out section and access door fully inte-grated interlock system.● Safe and easy draw-out section movementbehind closed cubicle door.● Easy draw-out section transfer or exchange,using central service truck, independent of floor quality.● Earthed metal partitions and shutters.● Connection of HV cables is available from front or rear part of the panel optionally.● Back-to-back or face-to-face designs available for double bus-bar design.●Reinforced insulation which fulfills Chinese system and local climate.●Direct line-up with 8BK30 Vacuum ContactorSwitchgear.● 可移开部分与柜门之间有可靠的联锁● 前门关闭后,能够很安全而且容易地移动可移开部分● 先进的中置式结构,使用专门的小车能够方便地搬运或更换可移开部分,不受现场地面平整度的限制● 金属隔板与活门均接地● 根据用户需要,可由前门或开关柜的后部进行电缆接线● 开关柜可以面对面布置,也可以背靠背布置(双母线回路)●加强了绝缘,更适合中国电力系统和气候● 可直接与8BK30型开关柜(F - C 回路)联接供电典型客户上海供电局北京供电局兰溪电厂秦皇岛港口宁波小港纸业兰州石化TYPICAL CUSTOMER Shanghai PSBBeijing PSBLanxi Power PlantQinghuangdao HarborNingbo Xiaogang Paper MillLanzhou Petro 产品特点SPECIFIC FEATURES 电气技术数据 ELECTRICAL DATA (MAXIMUM VALUES )8BK20 Switchgear with Draw-Out Circuit-Breakers, Air-Insulated, Metal Clad8BK20型金属封闭/铠装可移开式空气绝缘断路器柜■ 产品介绍5● Draw-out section and door integrated in the inter-lock system.● Minimal space requirement.● Vacuum contactor and HVHRC fuses on draw-outsection. Vacuum contactor is able to operate fre-quently due to its long mechanic life-1 millionoperations.● Draw-out section easily to move inside the cubicle.● Cable connection in front of cubicle.● Directly line-up with circuit-breaker panel of type 8BK20.● Special wheels on bottom of draw-out section provide an easy movement during in and out the cubicle.● Reinforced insulation to meet Chinese system andlocal climate.● 可移开部分与室门之间装有可靠的联锁装置● 占用空间少● 可移开部分装有真空接触器和高压限流熔断器。



Imagine T2
这是一款五驱动, 五分频设计的传统落地音箱, 势必重新定义性能和款式的标准。 隐藏 在光滑外观下的是一款结实的箱体, 其内部和我们的旗舰产品Synchrony One一样被分成 三个独立的腔体, 声音的频响曲线非常平滑response。
Imagine mini
这是一款令人惊艳的小型大功率2分频迷你型监听音箱, 是时 尚的家庭影院系统或多通道系统的完美选择。 Imagine mini采用 的Turbo-Magnet™技术提供了可控且具有延展性的低音。 mini Stand 配套的音箱支架既凸显了mini音箱的简洁线条又隐藏掉那些难 看的线缆。 mini Bracket 定制的上墙支架, 适用于mini和Imagine mini C, 采用了一种完全 灵活的多角度旋转设计。
Imagine mini C
与Imagine mini系列完美匹配的Mini C中置音箱, 大小适中, 是强 大家庭影院系统的重要成员之一, 这款双低音中置音箱带来了 引人注目的音乐表现。
Imagine T
这款2.5分频三驱动全频落地式音箱, 为那些想听到现场声 音的人定义了新的标准。
Imagine B
对心理声学的痴迷体现在他所有的设计中。 ” — Robert Reina, Stereophile
(授权转载自Stereophile第 22期)

简直不敢相信这个花费能获得如此震撼的效果。 丰富的细节带来细腻的情感体验。 — Adam Rayner, Home Cinema Choice



目录1.罐下采样器 (1)2.浮动出油装置 (6)3.油罐自动切水器 (9)4.油罐油品随位调合旋转喷头 (15)5.密闭取样器系列 (18)6.管道采样器系列 (44)1.罐下采样器1.1.引言为了解决储罐内液体采样繁琐的问题,我公司根据国家标准GB/T4756-1998《石油液体手工取样法》检验的规定,结合多年采样器的生产实践经验研制出的PTBS型系列罐下采样器产品,深受用户好评。














多国认证简介一俄罗斯GOST认证自1995年俄罗斯联邦法律《产品及认证服务法》颁布之后,俄罗斯开始实行产品强制认证制度,对需要提供安全认证的商品从最初的数十种发展到现在数千种,商品上市基本实行准入制,要求国内市场上市产品必须有强制认证标志.近年来,俄罗斯逐步加强了进口商品的强制性管理,将产品强制认证扩展到了海关.1999年5月12日,俄联邦国家海关委员会第282号令颁布了"进入俄联邦海关领土需出具强制认有PCT标志的国家标准《商品质量证书》"(GOST证书)和《卫生安全证书》,才能进入俄罗斯市场,对于绝大多数中国商品而言,只要获得了俄国家带有PCT标志的GOST证书,就等于拿到了进入俄罗斯国门的通行证.强制认证产品范围:主要包括:食品,家用电脑,电子产品,轻工业品,化妆品,家具,玩具,陶瓷等, 向俄罗斯出口的大多数产品都属于强制性认证范围,动物性和植物性产品还必须有动植物物检疫证明,食品还必须有卫生证.一般家电和IT产品认证包括GOST R和Hygienic这两种认证一般通过CB去申请,所需资料如下:1)CB certificate and report2)EMC测试报告3)工厂检查报告4)工厂ISO 9000证书(针对Hygienic)5)俄文说明书或6)英文说明书以及在进口产品时发放俄文使用说明书的声明7)照片文件8)申请表9)人体工学测试报告(monitor)申请流程:GOST R Mark:认证周期:1-2周证书有效期:未经厂检的GOST R证书有效期为一年,经过厂检的GOST R证书有效期为三年.二新加坡PSB认证新加坡消费品保护法规1991指定新加坡标准,生产力和创新委员作为产品安全职能机构,负责对消费者保护(安全要求)注册方案(CPS)涉及的产品进行许可和注册.只有带"SAFETY"标志的注册产品才能在新加坡销售.目前新加坡只要求安全而对EMC只是自愿原则.安全要求:在IEC标准要求下,产品还要符合热带条件测试.新加坡电压:AC 230V\50Hz验厂:一般需要(如果通过莱茵CB去申请有莱茵的工厂检查报告可以不再工厂检查).说明书:要求英文证书有效期:证书有效期为一年.申请周期:一般3-4周.通过CB转证所需资料:CB CertificateCB test ReportCircuit Diagram with component valueBOM ListRating labelUser Manual in EnglishPower Supply CB Cert & Report (for PC)Colour Photo ( Front view, back view , side view , internal view , power supply view and PCB view )(for PC)Power cord set information and certificateAuthorization LetterPSB Safety Mark:三波兰(Poland)认证波兰(Poland)认证B标志认证是波兰目前的强制性认证.出口到波兰的电子电气产品都必须通过B标志认证.B标志涵盖产品安全,电磁兼容和卫生要求.认证机构:PCBC,BBJ电压:AC 230V/50Hz验厂:需要或指定机构的验厂报告说明书:波兰文认证周期:4-5周申请方式:CB报告或GS报告+EMC报告的基础上申请.通过CB转证所需资料1.CB证书及报告2. EMC测试报告3. 工厂检查报告4. 产品照片5. 波兰文使用手册6. 申请信7. 授权信8. 产品与报告一致宣告信9.标签10.当地代理商信息Poland safety mark:四沙特(SASO)认证SASO 是沙特阿拉伯标准组织"SAUDI ARABIAN STANDARDS ORGANIZATION"的英文缩写.制定了进口标准和进口程序,阐明了对所有进口商品,产品以及与度量,标度,商标,商品和产品的鉴定,检验方法和检验,测试标准.ICCP 是国际符合性认证计划“International Conformity Certification”的缩写。

PSA PSB 系列 小型,高精度压力传感器 控制器 说明书

PSA PSB 系列 小型,高精度压力传感器 控制器 说明书

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psb m4u 8 无线主动降噪高清耳机用户手册说明书

psb m4u 8 无线主动降噪高清耳机用户手册说明书

無線主動降噪高清耳機用户手册说明感谢您购买 PSB Speakers M4U 8 头戴式耳机。


借助 45 年以上音频领域的杰出经验和研究成果验,M4U 头戴式耳机提供了无以伦比的音质、全天候舒适度和可折叠携带的便携性,可满足音乐发烧友和专业人士的需要。

PSB 的逼真音质和时尚的人体工学设计让您无论在何处都能忙里偷闲地体验一场个人音乐会。

规格信息工作温度范围: 5°C – 40°C 工作频率范围: 蓝牙 2.4G 最大输出功率: 5.5mW 输入额定值: 5VDC, 1A 电池额定值: 1.2V, 750mAh 电池充电时间: 4 小时 重量: 332g符合 2014/53/EU 欧盟指令的基本要求和其他相关条款。

生产日期:产品序列号第二部分的第一个数字表示生产的年份;“7” 是指 2017 年。

责任方:Lenbrook Industries Limited.633 Granite Court, Pickering, Ontario, Canada,邮编:L1W 3K1.电话:(905) 831-6333,传真:(905) 831-6936Bluetooth® 文字商标和标志是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc 拥有的注册商标,NAD Electronics 对此类商标的任何使用都已得到许可。

N-Mark 是 NFC Forum, Inc. 在美国以及其他国家的商标或注册商标。


OSHA 指导方针关于噪音暴露的限值《职业安全健康管理》(OSHA) 已经针对最大日常暴露和音压级【以分贝 (dB)为单位】发布耳机使用建议。

分贝是随着音量成倍增加的安全信息请阅读本手册以确保尽可能了解您的 PSB 产品和音乐。

本设备符合《联邦通讯委员会规则》(FCC Rules) 第 15 节之规定。



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PSB 自定义声音系列用户指南说明书

PSB 自定义声音系列用户指南说明书

the CustomSound seriesThank you for purchasing PSB Speakers CustomSound In-Wall/In-Ceiling Speaker. These are high performance architectural speakers, providing superior stereo and home theatre sound for commercial and residential applications. Their slim and discrete profile virtually disappears in the room due to their small dimensions, low profile perforated grille and ‘frameless’ design. They are easy to install and conceal in all types of rooms. Designed inside the anechoic chamber at Canada’s National Research Council, this CustomSound In-Wall/In-Ceiling Speaker is engineered using PSB’s unparalleled driver technology, from their award-winning series of In-Room loudspeakers. The new PSB CustomSound models employ clay-filled polypropylene woofer cones, titanium ferro-fluid cooled tweeter domes and carefully designed phase plugs to turn ordinary rooms and commercial spaces into live performances. Please read this booklet to help assure that you are getting the most out of your PSB product and your music.CS600 SeriesThere are three models in this series featuring frameless magnetic grilles with invisible scrims. They are for In-Ceiling applications due to the depth of the speaker. The provided round and square grilles (CS600 series only) simplify and reduce your inventory requirements.Each model features an improved simple, fool proof mounting system using heavy duty doglegs. Cutting templates are included. Pre-construction brackets and Back Boxes are also available.CS610 – 2-Way In-Ceiling Speaker• Concentrically mounted driver features a Wave Guide and ball-joint pivot mount assembly so the tweeter can be aimed toward the listening position for enhanced musical imaging.• Tweeter level adjustment to ‘dial in’ the upper frequency response of the speaker and its acoustic environment to achieve the most musical balance for every room.CS630 – Stereo/Surround In-Ceiling Speaker• Features a dual voice coil equipped version of the CS610 woofer and a pair of aluminium dome tweeters.• Offers acoustic adjustments for the mid/woofer and tweeter levels.• Provides stereo sound in small spaces like bathrooms and hallways and can be used as surround effects speakers in home theatres.• The tweeter array can be rotated after installation to get the best high frequency coverage.• Two discrete channels, it can be wired as bipole, dipole, or as surround plus surround rears in a 7.1 theatre.CS650 – Premium 2-Way In-Ceiling Speaker• Employs a premium woofer for robust bass output and extension.• Upgraded 1” titanium tweeter with Wave Guide and indexed adjustment for precise adjustment of the tweeters acoustic axis.• Also featured are acoustic adjustments for the mid/woofer and tweeter level.E N G L I S HEnclosed Models - In-Wall (W) and In-Ceiling (C) applications.W-LCR – In Wall Speaker (Enclosed)• 2-way design employing two 5 ¼-inch (135mm) woofers along with a 1-inch (25mm) titanium dome tweeter .•Perfect speaker for most installations, both as a 2-channel zone speaker and as part or all of a surround sound system.W-LCR2 - In-Wall Speaker (Enclosed)• A 3-way loudspeaker design employing two of the 5 ¼-inch (135mm) woofers with a 4-inch (100mm) midrange speaker and a 1-inch (25mm) titanium dome tweeter .•The midrange and tweeter are on a rotatable sub-assembly for uniform dispersion whether the speaker is oriented vertically or horizontally.C-LCR - In-Ceiling Speaker (Enclosed)• 2-way design employing two 5 ¼-inch (135mm) woofers with a 1-inch (25mm) titanium dome tweeter .•The drivers are on an angled baffle, in a deeper box for better dispersion recessed into the ceiling.C-SUR – In-Ceiling Speaker (Enclosed)• Employs two 5 ¼-inch (135mm) woofers and two 1-inch (25mm) tweeters in a 5.1/7.1 dual mode configuration. • Each woofer/tweeter pair has its own crossover and input.•A single CustomSound C-SUR can be used for both the surround and surround back channels providing an ideal solution for a 7.1 theatre in smaller rooms.ADDITIONAL FEATURES…Square Grille OptionThis adaptor is used to change from round to square grilles and should be installed on the speaker before installation.Dog LegsThe provided Dog Legs are used to lock the speaker into the ceiling or wall.BackcanBackcans are sold seperately for the following open back models only:• BCN 600 for CS610/CS650 speakers • BCN 630 for CS630 speakerThe Backcan attaches to the back of the speaker and provides:• Speaker isolation for better sound quality.• Seismic tabs that secure the speaker to prevent damage or injury, should it dislodge from the ceiling or wall (included on the CS610, CS630 and CS650).o This tab is provided on the back of each Backcan for connection to an independent secondary support point.o Some construction codes require using this secondary support point, which requires connecting a support line to a separate secure support point. Consult construction codes in your region.NOTE: The CS600 Series provides seismic tabs directly on the speaker if the Backcan isn’t used.WARNING: Ceiling speakers can generate substantial vibration. It is HIGHL Y RECOMMENDEDto use the seismic tab as a secondary support point in case the ceiling tile or structure breaks.The packing materials are designed to protect the speaker from damage during transport. If visible or concealed damage occurs during handling, please notify your authorized PSB dealer, or the shipping company that delivered your loudspeaker. We highly recommend retaining all packaging, as it may be needed to transport the speakers in the future.Required T oolsThe following tools will be needed for typical installations:• Tape measure• Pencil, level• Utility knife• Wallboard saw (and extra blades)• Screwdriver• Drill, drill bits• Fish tape or probe wire• Flashlight• Speaker wire of the appropriate length and gaugeIn addition to the supplies and material listed above, paint and extra fine sandpaper may be necessary if you wish to change the colour of the grille from the standard white finish.Speaker WireIf speaker wire is not yet installed, follow these guidelines for the correct speaker wire. If wires are installed, check to ensure each cable and length of run meets the following standards:Gauge Maximum Length16 AWG (1.3mm2)30 ft (9 m)14 AWG (2.1mm2)50 ft (15 m)12 AWG (3.3mm2)90 ft (27 m)NOTE: Leave at least 14” (36cm) of extra wire length at the speaker location to ease the installation.PaintingWARNING: Construction dust or paint on the speaker drivers can negatively affect their performance and if significant, will void their warranty. The grille is constructed of painted steel. It can be painted following standard painting practices and techniques. Prior to painting, remove the scrim covering from the grille to avoid damaging the material. Apply as many coats of paint as needed (thinned slightly) to produce an even surface and avoid blocking grille perforations. Please note that spraying will yield best results.Let a painted grille dry thoroughly in a well-ventilated area before carefully reapplying the grille scrim with reusable adhesive and installing it on the speaker.LayoutCustomSound In-Wall/In-Ceiling speakers are designed to be mounted in walls or ceilings. In part, due to their wide dispersion characteristics and other aspects of their superb sonic performance, the mounting position in a room is very flexible. Based on different requirements and the variety of room shapes and sizes, we highly recommend consulting your local PSB authorized dealer, or contacting a local CEDIA certified custom install specialist nearest you.Speaker LocationsBefore installation, it is strongly suggested to consider and plan theprobable location of listeners in relation to speaker locations. Ideally,listeners should have a clear line-of-sight.Please read and understand all safety and preparation information onthese pages to ensure installation is done accordingly.Preparing Ceiling and WallIf you are unsure about completing this process, we highly suggestconsulting your local PSB authorized dealer, or contacting a local CEDIAcertified custom install specialist nearest you.WARNING: Ensure each spot chosen is safe for cutting. Do not cut through mounting surfaces that could have potential hazards such as electrical wiring, conduits, plumbing or asbestos insulation concealed behind them.If there is some type of moveable insulation in the ceiling, please proceed after reviewing these tips:• Wear hand, mouth, nose and eye protection before handling insulation containing fibreglass.• Beware of hidden nails when reaching into the ceiling to remove insulation.• Cut or push the insulation away before inserting the speaker.• Be sure to keep a 4-6 in. (10-15 cm) area around the speaker hole free from any types of insulation to maximize acoustic performance.• Loose blown in insulation should not be used in the location of the speaker as it can cause damage to the woofer if the Backcan (sold separately) is not used.NOTE:Using the Cut Out T emplateNOTE: Locate the wall studs prior to installation as they could interfere with the placement of the speakers.1. Centre the template in the location where the centre of the speaker grille will be located. 2. Position the template in place on the mounting surface (e.g., use painter’s tape). 3. Trace along the cutting line of the template with a pencil.New Construction1. For open back model speakers (CS610, CS630, CS650) use the stud plate and/or metalwings to lock the speakers in place. 2. For enclosed model speakers (W-LCR, W-LCR2, C-LCR, C-SUR) use the appropriatein-wall/in-ceiling installation bracket, locate the locking tabs and connect both halves of the bracket together until secure. 3. Take the four metal stud wings and lock them in place in the proper direction of themounting studs (W-LCR, W-LCR2, C-LCR, C-SUR).4. Place the assembled bracket in the desired location of the speaker , with the outlinededge facing outwards from the wall. Use the included double sided tape (only included with the CS600 models) when lining up all bracket locations before screwing into place.5. Use the appropriate hardware to secure each metal stud wing to the applicablemounting studs. 6. Before installing wall or ceiling panelling such as drywall, map each bracket location foreasier installation of the speaker once wall or ceiling panelling has been installed.7. For further install instructions, please follow the instructions listed in the “ExistingConstruction” section and all “New Construction” instructions listed within the section.E N G L I S HExisting Construction1. Drill a hole large enough so that the blade of your cutting tool can be inserted.2. Drill a hole inside the area drawn with the template.3. Choose a spot near the centre or close to the outside edge of the drawn area, based on thelocation, that will be easier to begin cutting with a cutting tool. NOTE: Be sure to cut carefully to make the opening as symmetrical as possible. The speaker will overlap some of the cutting edge, masking any minor cutting issues.4. Hold the cutting blade perpendicular to the mounting surface. Try to keep the blade as straightas possible while the opening is cut, to ensure the blade follows the outline. 5. For ceiling installations, insert the tip of the saw or cutting tool into the pilot hole and cutseventy-five percent around the cutting line.6. Place one hand under the surface cut out to support it and continue to complete cutting the opening.7. Remove the cut-out section.8. Make sure all material and debris are cleaned from the hole. This material can interfere with a proper seal between the speaker and themounting surface.Preparing Speaker Cable WiresA speaker cable consists of two insulated wires. The insulation around one wire is marked (stripped, collared, or ribbed) to identify it as positive, while the other wire is negative.Using the appropriate tools install the speaker cable in the desired locations for the installation. When the speaker cable is within reach of the speaker opening:1. Push all insulation and debris from the inside of the speaker opening and ensure blown insulation is atleast 4 to 6 in. (10 to 15 cm) from the surrounding of the opening.2. Locate and pull at least 14 in. (36 cm) of speaker cable out from the speaker opening.3. Make sure to allow enough cable to connect the wires to the speaker from a comfortable position.4. Strip approximately 1/2 in. (13 mm) of insulation from both wires.5. Twist the bare end of each wire so loose strands will not touch across terminals.Connecting the SpeakersWhen connecting speaker wire, be sure to connect each wire to the proper speaker and amplifier/receiver terminal for correct polarity, positive to positive (+) and negative to negative (-). Ensure both channels move forward and backward together (in-phase).Bare Wire Connectionpost.NOTE : This connection will accept up to 8-gauge wire.E N G L I S HObserve Proper Connection Polarity1. Slide the bare end of the positive lead into the correct, spring-loadedterminal post colour-coded red or marked (+).2. Slide the bare end of the negative lead into the correct, spring-loadedterminal post colour-coded black or marked (-). 3. The wire through each terminal post should be slightly pushed over toavoid contact with wire strands from other terminal posts, or speaker circuitry. 4. Ensure all wiring is properly secured before proceeding with installation.For more information on installing speaker cable, consult a local CEDIA certified custom installation specialist or professional electrician.Installing the Backcans (Optional)1. Connect the speaker terminals (with the speaker wire) to thespeaker input before installing the Backcan on the speaker .Ensure proper connection polarity is followed -- see “Observe Proper Connection Polarity” diagram for reference.2.Once the speaker wires are connected, place the Backcan onthe rear of the speaker . Do not press on the speaker driver cones as the speaker is guided into the opening.3. One of the four mounting bosses has an alignment tab toensure it is installed the same way all the time.4. Install 4 screws (provided) to firmly lock on and seal the Backcan.Inserting the Speaker1. Using two hands and holding the edge of the speaker , guide the speaker into the openingand ensure the speaker cable is not being pinched. 2. Make sure not to press on the speaker driver cones as the speaker is guided into theopening, and be careful not to damage or remove any of the gasket material on the edge of the speaker if present. 3. With the speaker in place, tighten one of the dogleg screws until the frame of the speakeris pressed firmly against the mounting surface. Avoid tightening the screws with too much pressure as it can cause damage to the mounting surface. 4. Locate the opposing dogleg screw and repeat the process, as these two tightened doglegscrews will hold the speaker in place temporarily.5. Repeat the same process with the other doglegs to firmly secure the speaker in place.Installing and Removing GrillesThe CustomSound In-Wall and In-Ceiling models use high-strength magnets for easy installation of the grilles to the speaker . The speaker is equipped with several magnetic strips along the edge of the speaker . 1. Centre the grille over the speaker until it is firmly locked in place.2. If the grille will not lock into place, check to ensure the grille is properly centred on theframe and all magnets are clear of debris.E N G L I S HLISTENING…T esting SpeakersWith the speakers installed, ensure the speakers are functioning properly before finalizing the installation.• Before turning on the receiver/amplifier, make sure there is no unused speaker cable connected to either component. Attached cable that is free at one end can cause a short and damage your equipment.• Turn on the receiver/amplifier and play material that you are familiar with to try and recognize differences or irregularities in the sound of the speaker.• Ensure reproduced sounds are clear and free of distortion.Please refer to your receiver or amplifier manufacturer’s manual for more information on surround modes, room EQ, and other speaker calibration settings.PROTECTING YOUR INVESTEMENTFor long lasting enjoyment of your PSB speakers, you should respect their limits and avoid excessive volume levels for music or movie playback. Excessive volume levels can damage all types of speakers.If your speakers are pushed to excessive volume levels, they could be driven into “clipping”, which could result in severe and permanent damage. When listening to your speakers at loud levels, check for any signs of harsh, distorted midrange and diminishing resolution. If detected, turn the volume down immediately.NEVER TEST PEAK LISTENING LEVELS OF YOUR SPEAKERS BY TURNING THE VOLUME UP ALL THE WAY!CARING AND CLEANING…It is essential to maintain and clean your speakers periodically. However, excessive cleaning may cause damage and jeopardize the longevity of the product. When not in use, avoid storing the speakers in extreme hot or cold temperatures and humidity and avoid exposing them to liquids. Grille CareAfter removing the grille, vacuum the front of the speaker on a low setting. Lightly wipe the surface and perforated holes with a damp cloth to remove residue or dust from the grille. If deeper cleaning is required, use a non-hazardous cleaning product and wipe the surface. Allow the grille to dry thoroughly before carefully reattaching it to the speaker.Driver CareDuring light cleaning, avoid touching speaker cones as this could cause permanent damage. If deeper cleaning is required, we suggest using a lint brush to clean the speaker cones and rubber surrounds. Never touch the metal tweeter domes.TROUBLESHOOTING…Issue: Audible DistortionI. If a speaker begins to sound distorted or fatigued, follow the speaker wire from the speaker in question to the receiver/amplifier to ensurewires are in good condition, are firmly connected and are not touching across terminals.II. Check connections from the source of music to the receiver/amplifier.III. At the speaker, release the spring-loaded terminal posts and remove the affected speaker to reveal the cable. Make sure the wires are in good condition, are firmly connected and are not touching across terminals.Issue: Low or No VolumeI. If there is low or no volume output, check that the receiver/amplifier is powered on and all receiver/amplifier settings are correct.II. If the receiver/amplifier is indeed powered on, check and ensure that the cable connections to the receiver/amplifier are in good condition, are firmly connected and are not touching across terminals.III. If other stereo speakers are connected to a second set of audio outputs on the amplifier/receiver, make sure to select the proper A or B speaker setting to match A or B outputs connected to the speakers.If service is required, please visit your local authorized PSB service centre, or our PSB Speakers website and open a support ticket in the PSB Lounge (/lounge).If you have moved since your purchase, the nearest authorized PSB dealer will be able to assist you. If the problem is not resolved, please contact us directly and provide the model name, serial number, date of purchase, dealer name, and a full detailed description of the issue.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONAt the end of its useful life, this product must not be disposed of with regular household waste. It must be returned to a collection point for recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. The symbol on the product, owner’s guide and packaging, points this out.The materials can be reused in accordance with their markings. Through re-use, recycling of raw materials, or other forms of recycling of old products, you are making an important contribution to the protection of our environment.Y our local administrative office can advise you of the responsible waste disposal point.We appreciate your purchase of our product and thank you for taking the time to read this owner’s guide. We hope you enjoy the exceptional satisfaction that PSB Speakers offer and wish you many years of enjoyable listening.Real Sound for Real People.All specifications are subject to change without notice. PSB, PSB Speakers and CustomSound are trademarks of, or used under license by, PSB Speaksers, a division of Lenbrook Industries Limited. © 2018 18-016 PSB All other trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved.。



PSB140船用喷洒装置使用维护说明书青岛光明环保技术有限公司(青岛光明应用技术研究所)地址:中国青岛香港中路77号香岛大厦401室邮编:266071 电话:0086-532-85896353 传真:0086-532-85896354 Http:// E-mail:*************目录........................................................................一、简介 (2)二、工作原理 (2)三、船速度的选择 (3)四、结构与安装 (4)㈠喷洒臂 (4)㈡喷洒泵站 (5)㈢管线 (6)五、使用与注意事项 (6)(一)开机前准备 (6)(二)使用注意事项 (6)(三)停机 (7)六、保养与维修 (7)(一) 保养 (7)(二) 故障及排除 (7)七、主要技术参数 (8)一、简介PSB140船用喷洒装置属水面溢油污染处理设备,当溢油层较薄时,在有关部门允许下使用该设备向水面喷洒溢油分散剂达到尽快消除油污染的目的。








二、工作原理图 1 工作原理及流程图1.喷洒臂组2.短胶管3.喷嘴4.阀门Ⅰ5.阀门Ⅱ6.连接胶管7.流量计 8. 阀门Ⅲ 9.压力表 10.自吸离心泵 11.柴油机12.不锈钢过滤器 13.溢油分散剂存储容器柴油机通过三角皮带带动自吸离心泵,自吸离心泵通过吸液管将溢油分散剂从溢油分散剂存储容器中抽出,压力泵送到两组喷洒臂中,通过喷洒臂上的10个喷嘴均匀地喷洒到水面上,通过球阀Ⅰ、球阀Ⅱ、可以转换单独使用一组喷洒臂或同时使用两组喷洒臂;球阀Ⅲ可以用来调节喷洒速率;压力表9显示喷洒压力,流量计7显示喷洒液的瞬时流量和累积流量。

Parker Hannifin Corporation 产品:PSB 电压电切开关系列 型号:MSG

Parker Hannifin Corporation 产品:PSB 电压电切开关系列 型号:MSG

Code F1
Flange (front face)
Fitting (front face, tube
PSB UK.INDD 25.08.22

without lock
Cylinder lock (not for scale knob)
Code A 1
[bar] to 315 see diagram max. 1/s Hydraulic oil according to DIN 51524
[°C] -20...+70 (NBR: -25...+70) [cSt] / [mm²/s] 20 ... 400 [cSt] / [mm²/s] 30 ... 80
Pressure Switch Series PSB
Switching pressure difference PSB040
X = switching differential All characteristic curves measured with HLP46 at 50 °C.
12 Electrical connections
PSB UK.INDD 25.08.22
Electrical connection EN175301-803
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Catalogue MSG11-3500/UK
040 100 160 250

12-11_PSB 压力继电器

12-11_PSB 压力继电器

流体传动产品 (上海) 有限公司
样本号 HY11-3500/CP
性能曲线 / 电气接口
开关切换压力差 PSB040
第 12 章 液压辅件 PSB 系列压力继电器
上升切换点压力 pVO / bar
上升切换点压力 pVO / bar
下降切换点压力 pVU / bar
粗体字选项 = 短交货周期
NG06 安装尺寸
NG10 安装尺寸
12 - 46 目录
流体传动产品 (上海) 有限公司
代号 A S
调节机构 内六角螺钉 带刻度的调节手柄
代号 F1 V1
连接形式 法兰 (前面) 管接头 (前面, Ø6 管子)
代号 省略
锁定机构 不带锁 带筒形锁 (对带刻度 的调节手柄不适用)
代号 A 1
密封件 NBR (丁腈橡胶) FPM (氟橡胶)
粗体字选项 = 短交货周期
12 - 42 目录
下降切换点压力 pVU / bar
流体传动产品 (上海) 有限公司
样本号 HY11-3500/CP
第 12 章 液压辅件 PSB 系列压力继电器
12 - 45 目录
流体传动产品 (上海) 有限公司
样本号 HY11-3500/CP
PSB 压力继电器用中间转接板
第 12 章 液压辅件 PSB 系列压力继电器
订货代号 H06PSB-994 H10PSB-996 H06PSB-993 H10PSB-995



三:国家三包政策 1、2013年国家强制实施产品三包 政策 2、产品召回条例的实施
四:FOMERL-Q的条款要求 1、与大众签署质量协议和或框架 协议 的Formel-Q质量协议4.2中规定。 2、大众强制所有一级供应商在 2013 年第三季度必须实施PSB。
1.问题:高田公司生产的安全气囊,当气 囊打开时,发生器的碎片会飞出,有造成 乘客伤害的潜在风险
▪ 建议及推荐措施;
▪ 停线决定 ▪ 领导,指向
生产领 导者



客户 代表
▪ 客户沟通窗口 ▪ 反馈合约情况
反馈生产情况 纠正措施的实施效果的测 量; 负责生产相关的文件更新 (CP,FMEA,etc)
忽略不 轻度危 危机

灾难性 的
法律申 述沟通
▪ 基于法律法规对风险 进行评估
▪ 对沟通、信息以及内 部措施进行指示;
▪ 面对权威机构及媒体;



专家 ▪
▪ 对要求及风险特性进行 评估;
▪ 给予当前时间发展的潜在 后果进行评估;
2.召回情况: 梅赛德斯奔驰向质检总局 汇报并宣布在中国大陆召回S500 4MATIC S63 AMG 4MATIC车型,与 2015年10月至2016年1月之间生产,总 共21辆。 问题:安全带的伸出臂在拉伸后不能完全 回缩到设置位置,在某些情况下会丧失保 护功能,会带来安全风险;

Real Time Automation 460PSBC-NNA4 产品介绍说明书

Real Time Automation 460PSBC-NNA4 产品介绍说明书

460PSBC-NNA4CONTACT US!1-800-249-1612 Real Time Automation GatewaysA Solution, A Philosophy, the RTA Way. We understand the long hours spent on a factory floor and thepressure to keep a line running and product flowing. That’s how Real Time Automation came to be. Youwant easy-to-use solutions where the hardest part is to open the box. You need customer support secondto none. If you get all that and a fun customer experience all the better. Thirty years later, our mission remains the same: To move your data where you need it, when you need it, and how you need it.Get Your BACnet/IP Server Devices Connected to a PROFINET IO Controller overWi-FiThe 460PSBC moves data between a network of up to 32 BACnet/IP servers and a PROFINET IO controller using Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n at 2.4GHz with AES encryption 128-bit.With the 460PSBC, you are making a direct connection between PROFINET IO data and your BACnet/IP servers.How Do I Use the 460PSBC-NNA4 in My Application?BACnet/IP server data will be mapped into 10 PROFINET IO slots. Each Slot will be assigned a data type and consist of up to 128 bytes of data, This data is mapped to and from BACnet/IP analog and binary objects.It’s really that simple. Need to modify your data as it passes from one protocol to the other? No problem. Each data mapping you apply can be modified with up to three mathematic functions. Add 4 to a value, multiply by 4 and divide by 10 with ease.Why Use Real Time Automation as a Gateway Supplier?While there are certainly other companies offering protocol gateways, there is no one who provides the level of support and service that you receive from RTA. When you call, a live person answers the phone. When you talk with sales, you will get honest answers and recommendations. When you get support, it is from an engineer who had a hand in the product’s development, and support doesn’t require a ticket or 24-hour wait.FEATURES •Fully configurable PROFINET device •Supports up to 1280bytes of data in each direction on PROFINETIO•Fully configurable BACnet/IP client •BACnet/IP supports device, binary I/O/V,analog I/O/V, multi-state I/O/V, and character string valueobject types•Effortless Browser Based Configuration, no programmingsoftware is required •Simple data translation allows you tomanipulate data as itpasses between protocols• Guaranteed Stock •5-Year HardwareWarrantyReal Time Automation, Inc.************************** - 1-800-249-1612Made in theU.S.A.Always InStockReady toShipExpertSupportProfinet IO ServerMaximum Number of Slots 10 Slots in, 10 Slots out Slot Data Segment Sizes8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 BytesEach Slot Can be Defined for a Single Data Type of Int8, int16, int32, int64, UInt8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, float, double, binary8, binary16 or binary32,Short String Total Data Supported in Each Direction1280 Bytes Maximum Profinet IO Controller Connections 1String Support 1 string per slotBACnet/IP Client Operation ModeBACnet/IP ClientSupported Object Types Device, BI/BO/BV, AI/AO/AV, MI/MO/MV, Character String ValueSupported Service CodesRead Property-A, Read Property Multiple-A, Write Property-A, Write Property Multiple-A, Device Dynamic Binding-A Maximum Connections32Number Read/Write Scan Lines per Device 200 Total - 100 reads & 100 writes Scan Line SupportUp to 128 Objects INCLUDED WITH GATEWAY 3’ power cable with flying leads5-year hardware warrantyIPSetup software – automatically locates RTA gateway on the networkUnlimited firmware feature upgrades for lifeCAT5 crossover cable for direct connection to PC during programming Complete, unlimited access to our industry leading support staff ManualELECTRICAL / ENVIRONMENTALDC Input Voltage 12-24 VDC .Maximum Baud Rate 115K baud Operating Temperature -40 C to 85 C Certification RoHS-Compliant, UL, CUL, CE Approvals ENCLOSURE / HARDWARE Size 3.88" x 2.57" x 1.06" Weight 5.5 oz Enclosure Type Anodized Aluminum Mounting Din rail or panel mount LEDs Power LED & 2 general purpose LEDs on side GATEWAY FEATURES & FUNCTIONSAlarming Set <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, and change-of-state ruleson any data moving through the gateway. If alarmrule is triggered an email notification can be sent. Gateway SecurityYou can configure up to 9 different users access todiagnostic and configuration screens. Translation TableAllows for data manipulation during protocol translation. Scaling and other data format changes can occur in the gateway.Status and CountersProtocol specific status, counters, and error messages are accessible within the gateway’s diagnostics page. They can also be delivered to a connected device.NOT EXACTLY WHAT YOU WERE LOOKING FOR? Real Time Automation offers a full line of gateway products. Give us a call at 1-800-249-1612. Or, check out a listing at/products . We also offercustomizations for unique applications.Diagnostic Logging PageAllows users to see and log start up sequences, protocol specific messages & error messages.CATALOG # DESCRIPTION460PSBC-NNA4Connects a PROFINET IO controller with up to 32 BACnet/IP servers over wireless。

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2003年第1版目录1. 产品概述2. 适用范围3. 技术参数4. 工作原理5. 结构简述6. 环境、运输、贮存要求7. 机器的安装及调整8. 机器的使用9. 机器常见故障及其排除方法10. 离心机安全使用规范11. 质量保证期1产品概述PSB型系列离心机是平板式人工上卸料间歇操作过滤离心机,该系列离心机结构简单,性能可靠,操作、维修方便,过滤时间可随意掌握,滤渣能充分洗涤,固相颗粒不被破坏,滤袋清洗方便。



















































































