



Unit 5 Pioneers of Flight Key to ExercisesOpenerReading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasThe article consists of three stories about pioneers of flight.The first story is about a Chinese named Wan Hu, who made an unsuccessful attempt at spaceflight in A.D.1500. He built a spaceship powered by 47 rockets using gunpowder. His idea was crazy, but his dream of flight came true 500 years later when China successfully launched its first manned Shenzhou V spaceship. The second one is about the Spruce Goose, a flying boat designed to meet the need of transporting troops and materials during World War II. It was made entirely of wood and still holds the record for the greatest wingspan. Although it was never put to use, many of its design features have been incorporated into today’s cargo planes. The last is about Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous artist of the Renaissance. Apart from his great artistic work, he also drew sketches of flying devices with flapping wings controlled and steered by human pilots. Five hundred years later, a professional parachutist made a successful jump using a wood and canvas parachute based on one of da Vinci’s designs/sketches.2.2 Digging into detail1. Because it was powered by rockets.2. It was the biggest airplane ever built up to that time, and stillholds the record for the greatest wingspan. Besides, it was made entirely of wood.3. No, because it was behind schedule and was not completed until wellafter the war.4. Da Vinci’s flying machines have wings that flap like birds inflight.5. Because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand theirpassion for flight, their spirit of innovation, and their courage to try and make their dream come true.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. A4. B5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. He regards learning as a daily experience as well as a lifetimemission.2. His plan is to design a new model, into which some features ofprevious models will be incorporated.3. The ship, with 1,000 passengers aboard, was bound for New York.4. It’s one thing to learn the rules of politics from books. It isquite another to get into the complex world of real-life politics.5. At yesterday’s sports meet, my roommate Brian broke the record ofour school in the men’s 100-meter race.6. Jack had a hard time grasping the basic concepts of mathematics.7. They are working on a new project, which calls for a(n) enormousamount of time and energy.8. After I bought this iPad, I put into storage my old computer.9. The new law tries to maintain a balance between national interestsand individual rights.10. The teacher drew a(n) analogy between the human heart and a pumpto help students understand how it works.11. If we teachers believe in education and focus on students’ growth,our labor will eventually pay off.12. On display in the exhibition room is a new device to harness windpower.13. His newly published book, which has made waves in literary circles,is based on events that the writer himself has witnessed.14. At the meeting, he tried to steer the discussion away fromcriticizing the educational experiment.15. The money was given to Ann as a scholarship, with no conditionsattached.1.21. steer2. behind schedule3. ahead of his time4. Transportation of5. confirmed6. put on display7. harnessing8. had its roots in1.31. The artist drew a sketch of the young lady before going into a moredetailed painting.2. Brown currently is focusing on devising/designing a new type ofwashing machine that does not use water.3. We need to adopt a different approach to music in education.4. Usually a label with your name and address is attached to yoursuitcase before you check in at the airport.5. A new system should be devised because the old system simply doesn’twork.2. Collocation1. We rejected the proposal as a matter of principle.2. Although I am not an American football fan, it doesn’t mean I haveno interest in it.3. Demand for coal is down and so are the prices.4. Biking is a green alternative to driving.5. Our research on climate change focuses on its effect on theenvironment.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. Our reading room has many interesting books as well as the latest magazines.2. The 300-page book contains many pictures of the artist as well assome of his famous paintings.3. For character building, one needs to succeed as well as fail sometimes.4. The latest model of the Huawei mobile phone is very popular at homeas well as abroad.3.21. Legend has it that the guy invented chess to please his King.2. Word has it that the CEO of my company will retire next year.3. Rumor has it that he has spent all his money on this crazy and risky plan.4. Legend has it that those who step onto this stone will have good luck.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeLong, long ago Greek legend has it that Daedalus, a brilliant inventor, was imprisoned together with his son Icarus on an island in the Mediterranean. In order to escape, Daedalus devised a clever plan and sketched out his idea to his son. They would both fly away from the island like birds. It was risky, but both thought it worth a try.Using feathers attached together with wax and string, Daedalus made them both a pair of wonderful wings. Harnessed to these they were able to take to the air, leaving those on the ground who witnessed their flight amazed at their strange device. As they flew off over the sea their escape seemed certain. But Icarus, ignoring the warnings of hisfather, came too close to the sun. The wax holding his wings together melted and he plunged to his death in the ocean below.4.2 Translation1. How to harness the power of the rockets is the key to the successfullaunch of a spaceship.2. The 20th century witnessed the growth of the aviation industry.3. During World War II, the United States needed giant cargo planesfor transportation of war materials.4. The film The Aviator is based on the life of Howard Hughes.5. The professor thinks that more money should be invested in/put intoresearch in the field of energy efficiency.6. They are carrying out a secret mission.7. “Focus on the content of the article. Don’t worry about individualwords,” said the teacher to the students.8. Wan Hu’s plan was too risky and too primitive to be successful.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. T9. T 10. T2. Translation1. 他俩合起来的履历看上去令所有真正的飞行冒险家都羡慕不已。

全新大学英语第二版 BOOK1-UNIT 5 教案设计

全新大学英语第二版 BOOK1-UNIT 5 教案设计

Teaching Plan of Unit 5, Book 1Work to Live or Live to WorkText A The Company ManTeaching Objectives:Students will be able to1.understand the main idea and structure of Text A ;2.Appreciate how the bitter and ironic tone of this text is mainly achieved (by choice of words andselection of details) and how emphasis and irony can be reached(by using some rhetorical device);3.learn to describe a person (A typical workaholic) by using some supporting details;4.master the key language points and grammatical structures in Text A and learn how to use them incontext;5.understand the cultural background related to the content;6.conduct a series of reading, speaking and writing activities centered upon the theme of the unit;7.Write a letter of condolence or sympathy letter in an appropriate way.Time Allotment: 4-5 class hoursTeaching Methodology: student-centered; group work, pair workTeaching Procedures:I. Pre-reading tasks1. Think- pair-share: Ask students to brainstorm proverbs about work.Suggested answers:1) All work and no play make Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. (English Proverb)2) Business sweetens pleasure, and labour sweetens rest.工作后消遣更愉快,劳动后休息更舒畅。



Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesI. Teaching ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1.grasp the main idea (dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success)andthe structure of the text(narration with a flashback);2.appreciate the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character; a surprising ending; use of3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speeding and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.II. Key Points:The structure, the writing skill, and the main idea of the text will be the focus. Only a few words and sentences, which will be the obstacles for students’ understanding of the text, will be explained in class.III. Difficult Points:Some sentences whose meanings are difficult to understand and whose structures are hard to analyze:1. Line 21-23(Para.4): Where he flew would always coincide with his mother’s stories. Where he flew was with a keen eye for detail and the free spirit of his mo ther’s love.2. Line 53-54(Para. 9): The runway felt different this time. It startled him for a brief moment. Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay.IV. Teaching Materials: Power point and materialsV. Teaching Methods: Lecturing, practicing and discussing.VI. Teaching Timing: 8 sessions of classVII. Teaching Process:1st -2nd periods:Pre-reading; Teacher’s Introductory Remarks and Students’ Discussion related to the topic.3rd -4th periods: While-Reading (Understanding the title of text A; Analyzing the organization of the text; Explaining Difficult sentences and language points in the text; Summing up the main idea of the text)5th-6th periods: Dealing with the exercises after Text A. Check on Ss’ home reading (Text B); Post-Reading Task: Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks7th-8th periods: Listening and speaking tasks.A. Pre-reading tasks1.T asks SS the following questions on the song Coming out Dark:(5minutes)Consider the title of the song, what does "Dark" refer to?(near death ;loss of consciousness after the car accident; slow and painful recovery; despair)How is the song related to the theme of he unit?(To get over despair after injury is also a form of overcoming obstacles.)2.Do you know these proverbs??(13minutes)1)T dictates the following Proverbs to SS:Where there's a will, there's a way.(有志者事竟成。



教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校BOOK ⅡUnit Five DreamsTeaching Aims:In this unit students are required to :1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture;2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;4)read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension;5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages t o acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.Useful Information“Dreams surely are difficult, confusing, and not everything in them is brought to pass for mankind. For fleeting (飞逝的,短暂的) dreams have two gates; one is fashioned of horn (牛角) and one of ivory (象牙). Those which pass through the one of sawn (saw: 锯;用锯子切割)ivory are deceptive (欺骗性的), bringing tidings (消息,音讯) which come to nought (无,零), but those which issue from the one of polished horn bring true results when a mortal (凡人,人类) sees them.” ——Ho mer, a Greek writerWhile our own understanding of dreams is certainly more complex than that of Homer, there are still many things aboutdreams which we do not understand. We know when dreams occur,or “bad dreams”, butwe know they can be either “good dreams” there is still much disagreement about what, if any, significancedreams have to our life while we are awake.The interpretation of dreams has been a favorite activity ofpeople for as long as we have had recorded history. Some of thesedream interpreters have become famous, and some, like the European psychologist Sigmund Freud, felt that all dreams have meanings which relate to our personal relationships with family members and friends. Freud felt that many dreams have sexual meanings, but other dream experts reject this idea.Part One Preparation1. A Dream PollRead the following statements below. Put a tick in the space provided if you agree, and a zero if you don’t.Dreams can___ 1) predict the future;___ 2) warn you of health dangers;___ 3) seem more real than reality;___ 4) provide an answer to a problem;___ 5) present a work of art to a creative mind;___6) stimulate powerful physical response in the body;___7) point out personality flaws (缺陷);___ 8) make you feel good;___ 9) make you feel very tired;___10) make you live longer.Sample1) I don’t think dreams can predict the future. I never take dreams seriously. To me, dreams are just nonsense. Some people claim thatwhat they dreamed came true. If this is the case, it is only by accident.2) Dreams can make me feel good. After a good night’s sleep and some sweet dreams, I feel happy and full of energy when I wake upin the morning. But of course, I don’t like terrible dreams whichmake me very tired.2. Talking About Your DreamsDirections:Work in pairs and discuss your dreams. Base yourdiscussion about dreams on the following questions.1) Do you have recurring dreams, that is, dreams that you oftenhave?2) Have you ever wondered about the meanings of your dreams? Doyou have any explanation for your dreams?3) Why do you think people dream?SampleA: How often do you dream?B: I dream almost every night.A: What sort of dreams do you have? Are they connected to yourdaily life?B: Yes, I always dream about things that are connected to dailylife. For example, after I play computer games for a long time, Idream of playing computer games. Sometimes, I can’t find a book, but then I dream that I have found it.A: Do you have recurring dreams?B: Yes. I often dream of having to take an exam I haven’tprepared for.A: Have you ever wondered about the meanings of your dreams?Do you have any satisfactory explanations for your dreams?B: I am curious about the meanings of my dreams, but I don’thave any explanations for them. Someone told me that if I dreamof coffins or water, I will be rich. I did dream of water, but I amstill very poor. I ask my parents for money every month.A: Why do you think people dream?B: It is hard to say. However, as a Chinese saying goes, we thinkof something too often and we dream of it during the night. Ithink when the body is at rest, the minor part of the braincontinues to work. That may be the reason why we dream.Part Three In-Class ReadingAre You a Dreamer?General Reading1. Background InformationA.Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)An Austrian doctor who developed a new system for understanding the way that people’s minds work, and a new way of treating mental illness called psychoanalysis (心理分析). He believed that the bad experiences that people behave as children canaffect their mental health as adults, and that by talking to mentally illpeople about their past life and feelings, the hidden causes of theirillness can be found. He wrote The Interpretation of Dreams and TheEgo and the Id. His ideas, especially about the importance of sex,had a very great influence on the way that people thought in the 20th century.B. Carl Jung (1875-1961)A Swiss psychiatrist (精神病医师,精神病学家) who studiedthe importance of dreams and religion in problems of the mind,and divided people into two groups, introverts (格性内向的人) and extroverts (性格外向的人). Jung developed the idea of the collective unconscious (集体无意识:在荣格心理学里指一个社会、一个民族或整个人类共有的头脑中部分无意识状态,是精神遗传的产物,包含诸如科学观、宗教观、伦理观等), the belief that people’s feelings and reactions are often based on deep memories ofhuman experience in the past. He worked with Sigmund Freud untilthey had a serious disagreement.2. Organization AnalysisPart Para Main IdeaPart I Para.1Introduction: Questions concerning dreams have puzzled human beings.Part II Para.2-3Scientific facts about dreams and sleep.Part III Para.4-6Possible causes of dreams.Part IV Para.7-9Dream interpretation.Part II Para.2-3 Scientific facts about dreams and sleep.Para.2 Dreaming occurs when we are in REM sleep.(When does dreaming occur?)Para.3 The main purposes of sleeping: to give us rest and to allow us to dream.(What are the main purposes of sleeping?)Part III Para.4-6 Possible causes of dream.Para.4 Some dreams may have a physiological cause.Para.5 That explanation is not enough and there are disputes. Para.6 Another cause is people’s reflection of inner fears. Part IV Para.7-9 Dream interpretation.Para.7 The earliest dream dictionary included symbols such as drinking wine to indicate short life and drinking water to indicate a long life.Para.8 Artemidorus’ dictionary includes symbols such as right hand (father), left hand (mother) and dolphin (a good omen).Para.9 There are countless interpretations, while people should read with care.Detailed ReadingWord study:1. analysis:1)a careful examination of sth. in order to understand it better 分析The close analysis of sales figure shows clear regional variations.对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。



教学目标:1. 让学生了解西方文化中关于友谊的价值观和观念。

2. 培养学生阅读理解能力,提高对文章主旨和大意、段落层次、关键词汇的把握。

3. 培养学生的口语表达能力,通过讨论和角色扮演等形式,让学生学会表达自己的观点和感受。

教学重点:1. 理解文章主旨和大意。

2. 掌握段落层次和关键词汇。

3. 学会表达关于友谊的观点和感受。

教学难点:1. 理解文章中涉及的文化差异。

2. 学会运用正确的口语表达方式。

教学过程:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍友谊在西方文化中的重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 学生分享自己关于友谊的故事或经历。

二、课文阅读1. 学生自主阅读课文,完成阅读任务。

2. 教师检查学生的阅读情况,解答学生在阅读过程中遇到的问题。

3. 学生汇报阅读心得,教师点评。

三、课堂讨论1. 教师提出关于友谊的问题,引导学生展开讨论。

2. 学生分组讨论,分享自己的观点和感受。

3. 各小组代表发言,教师点评。

四、角色扮演1. 教师将学生分成若干小组,每组选择一个关于友谊的场景进行角色扮演。

2. 学生根据课文内容,进行角色分配和台词准备。

3. 各小组进行角色扮演,其他学生观看并给予评价。

五、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调友谊在西方文化中的重要性。

2. 学生分享自己的学习心得,教师点评。

六、作业布置1. 阅读课文,思考以下问题:(1)文章中提到的友谊有哪些特点?(2)友谊对人们的生活有哪些影响?2. 写一篇关于友谊的短文,表达自己对友谊的理解和感悟。






课时:2课时教学目标:1. 掌握本单元的核心词汇和短语,如:civility, civilization, fortune, bewilder, statesman, housewife等。

2. 理解课文内容,掌握文章结构,提高阅读理解能力。

3. 通过课堂讨论和实践活动,提高学生的口语表达能力和团队合作能力。

教学重点:1. 核心词汇和短语的掌握。

2. 课文内容的理解。

教学难点:1. 课文中的复杂句型。

2. 文章主题的把握。

教学准备:1. 课件:课文内容、词汇、短语、练习题等。

2. 教学辅助材料:相关背景资料、图片等。

教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 课前预习检查:了解学生对课文内容的掌握情况。

2. 介绍本单元主题:家庭与婚姻。

二、课文精读1. 词汇学习:讲解课文中的核心词汇和短语,如:civility, civilization, fortune, bewilder, statesman, housewife等。

2. 句子分析:分析课文中的复杂句型,如:复合句、并列句等。

3. 课文内容理解:引导学生阅读课文,理解文章结构,把握文章主题。

三、课堂讨论1. 讨论课文中的家庭观念和婚姻观念。

2. 学生分组讨论:针对课文中的某个观点,展开辩论。

四、实践活动1. 角色扮演:学生分组扮演课文中的角色,进行对话练习。

2. 家庭故事分享:请学生分享自己的家庭故事,增进对家庭的理解。

第二课时一、复习导入1. 复习上节课所学内容,检查学生对课文的理解程度。

2. 引导学生回顾家庭与婚姻的主题。

二、课文精读1. 词汇巩固:再次讲解本单元的核心词汇和短语,并进行练习。

2. 句子分析:引导学生分析课文中的复杂句型,提高阅读理解能力。

三、课堂讨论1. 讨论家庭与婚姻在现代社会中的地位和作用。

2. 学生分组讨论:针对家庭与婚姻的问题,提出解决方案。

四、实践活动1. 家庭关系模拟:学生分组模拟家庭关系,进行角色扮演。

2. 家庭价值观讨论:引导学生思考自己的家庭价值观,并进行分享。



教案Experiencing English大学体验英语综合教程第三版第二册大学外语教学部教学小结This is the fifth unit of Book Two. In the Listening and Speaking section, students will learn some communicative skills about interview. Passage A is about Bill Gates’ advices to students onstudy. Passage B is about Christopher Reeve —playing his most famous role Superman.课外拓展1. Education in the U. S.The development of formal education in the United States differed from that in other Western societies in three fundamental respects: First, Americans possessed a profound faith in education as a principal means to achieve increasingly complex individual and social goals. Second, Americans were path-breakers in providing more years of schooling for a larger percentage of children a nd adolescents than any previous society. Third, Americans’ remarkable faith in mass schooling was implemented through a largely decentralized organization.2.Grade Schools in the U.S.U.S. students generally go through elementary schools (kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade), middle schools (grades 6 – 8) or junior high schools (grades 7 – 9), and high schools (grades 9 –12 or 10 – 12).3. Boston UniversityBoston University, a private institution of higher learning and research, is located in Boston, Massachusetts. It was founded in 1839 in Newbury, Vermont, and moved to Boston in 1867. The university is divided into six colleges: allied health sciences, communication, continuing education, engineering, general studies, and liberal arts; and nine schools: arts, dentistry, education, law, management, medicine (which includes the School of Public Health), social work, theology, and a graduate school.软件项目实训报告项目名称个人财务管理系统设计与实现姓名刘志欣学号1212210139班级13计本1。



通过文本解读,引导学生理解作 者的意图和表达方式,提高学生
结合课文内容,进行语言知识和 文化背ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的拓展,拓宽学生的知
通过写作练习,培养学生的写作 技巧和表达能力,提高学生的写
03 teaching method
Interactive teaching
Network resource
Network resources refer to online materials and resources that can be accessed through the internet or digital libraries. These resources can provide additional information, examples, and exercises to supplement the textbook content.
01 Course Introduction
Course objectives
使学生掌握Unit 5的词汇、语 法和表达方式,了解相关的语
提高学生的听、说、读、写、 译等语言技能,培养其跨文化
激发学生对英语学习的兴趣和 热情,培养其自主学习和合作
Teaching content words and expressions
• 通过词汇练习和记忆方法,提高词汇量和词汇运用能力。
Teaching content words and expressions



课时:2课时教学目标:1. 掌握本单元的生词和短语,理解其用法。

2. 理解并分析课文内容,提高阅读理解能力。

3. 学会运用本单元所学的语法知识进行写作。

教学内容:1. 词汇:掌握本单元的生词和短语,包括名词、动词、形容词等。

2. 语法:学习现在分词和过去分词的用法,以及它们在句子中的不同作用。

3. 课文:理解课文内容,分析作者的观点和论证方法。

教学过程:第一课时一、导入(10分钟)1. 复习上一单元所学内容,检查学生的掌握情况。

2. 引导学生思考本单元的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

二、词汇教学(30分钟)1. 介绍本单元的生词和短语,讲解其含义和用法。

2. 通过例句让学生理解词汇的用法,并进行练习。

三、语法教学(20分钟)1. 讲解现在分词和过去分词的用法,以及它们在句子中的不同作用。

2. 通过例句让学生理解语法知识,并进行练习。

四、课文阅读(30分钟)1. 学生自主阅读课文,了解文章大意。

2. 教师引导学生分析课文内容,包括作者的观点、论证方法等。

五、课堂练习(20分钟)1. 布置相关练习题,巩固学生对词汇、语法和课文内容的掌握。

2. 学生独立完成练习,教师巡视指导。

第二课时一、复习导入(10分钟)1. 回顾上一节课的学习内容,检查学生的掌握情况。

2. 引导学生思考本节课的学习目标。

二、课文精讲(30分钟)1. 教师讲解课文中的重点句子和段落,分析作者的观点和论证方法。

2. 引导学生思考问题,培养学生的批判性思维。

三、写作指导(20分钟)1. 教师讲解本单元的写作技巧,包括如何运用现在分词和过去分词等语法知识。

2. 学生根据所学内容进行写作练习,教师巡视指导。

四、课堂练习(20分钟)1. 布置相关练习题,巩固学生对本单元所学知识的掌握。

2. 学生独立完成练习,教师巡视指导。

五、总结(10分钟)1. 回顾本节课的学习内容,总结所学知识。

2. 强调学习重点,布置课后作业。

教学评价:1. 通过课堂练习和课后作业,检查学生对本单元所学知识的掌握情况。



一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握本单元的核心词汇,如:culture, tradition, diversity, globalization等。



2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生的阅读理解能力,能够把握文章主旨和细节。



3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯。


二、教学内容1. 单元主题:Cultural Differences and Interpersonal Communication2. 文章类型:阅读理解、词汇学习、语法讲解、口语交际、写作练习三、教学过程1. 导入新课(1)通过提问或小组讨论,引导学生回顾上一单元所学内容。


2. 阅读理解(1)学生自主阅读课文,完成课后练习题。


3. 词汇学习(1)教师带领学生学习本单元核心词汇,并举例说明其在语境中的用法。


4. 语法讲解(1)讲解动名词作主语、宾语、表语的用法。


5. 口语交际(1)教师组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟真实场景,练习跨文化交际。


6. 写作练习(1)教师给出写作题目,要求学生根据所学内容进行写作。


7. 课堂小结(1)教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。


四、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与度、回答问题的准确性等。

2. 课后作业:检查学生对本单元知识的掌握程度。

3. 写作练习:评估学生的写作能力和表达能力。



全新版大学英语第二册第5单元教案Teaching plan of Unit 5, Book 2Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesText A True HeightTeaching Objectives:Students will be able to:1.understand the maid idea ( dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way tosuccess ) and structure of the text ( narration with flashback);2.appreciate certain narrative skills (using details to bring out character; a surprise ending; use ofpuns);3.grasp the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;4.understand the cultural background related to the content;5.express themselves more freely on the theme of overcoming obstacles after doing a series oftheme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities;6.write a personal description with the focus on characteristic featuresTime Allotment: 5-6 periodsTeaching Method: Interactive, communicativeTeaching Procedures:I.Warming up1.Watch a part of video about a disabled person, Nick Vujicic2.More stories about overcoming obstaclesRead the stories about some figures in history to see how they overcame their obstacles, and guess who they are. ( See PPT Warm-up Exercises )3. Discuss the following questions in groupsA. what have you learned from these disabled people whom you’ve just learned from the video and the stories;B. what are the obstacles that you have been faced with in your life.C. the ways in which you overcame such difficulties4. After discussion, T may give Ss some suggestions on Overcoming Obstacles1)Get started.Often, once you begin, you'll find the task is easier than you expect.2)Break your task into smaller tasks.Take one big task and break it into smaller tasks. For instance, do part of your assignment each time rather than the entire one.3) Work with the time you have.Don't wait until you have time to do the entire thing. Instead, even if you only have fiveminutes, get started.4) Set small deadlines.After meeting each deadline, give yourself a reward. For example, play video games when you finish an hour of studying.5)Set anti-deadlines.If you don't finish your homework by 8:00, you can't watch your favorite TV program.6)Eliminate distractions.Turn off the TV. Don't answer the phone.7) Ask for help.Sometimes, the reason you don't start is because you don't know what to do. If that's the case, ask for help.8) Begin now.What one thing can you do right now that will move you closer to your goal.* Background InformationOlympicsOrganized and governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.1. Olympic symbol: five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a white field—represents the continents of the world joined in friendship2. Olympic motto: swifter, Higher, Stronger.3. Olympic Offices: Lausanne, Switzerland.4. Main events in Olympic history:--776 B.C.~392 A.D. Ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia.--1896~now Modern Games began.--1912 Women are allowed to compete in the Games.--1924 Winter sports has been added to the Games.--2008 Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games.II. Global ReadingQuestions about the text1. What does the text title “True Height” mean?It has more than one meaning. It may refer to:1) the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another;2) the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.2. As the text consists of the main story and a flashback, can you figure out the flashback?The flashback is from Para. 3~5* Part Division of the Text* Scanning practice:Scan the whole text to find out all the words and phrases that are related to sports or stadium. And think about their Chinese equivalents. (For more details, see ppt.)III. Detailed ReadingFurther UnderstandingFor Part 1Description : Use your own words to draw a picture of the stadium on that day, including the weather, Michael’s appearance and inner feeling, the audience’s response, etc.For Part 2Questions and Answers1.From the description of Michael’ parents, what can you learn about his parents?(Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.)2.What p ersonality traits are attributed to Michael’s success?(He is diligent, perseverant, optimistic, ambitious, etc.)For Part 3Compare Michael’s reaction before and after he cleared the bar at different height of the pole ( See PPT : Global Reading Chart Completion )For Part 4Discussion1.Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’s blindness until the last sentence?2.Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?*Key words:. sweat, fantasy, numerous, passion, coincide, alternate, vain, startle, in one’s mind’s eye* Writing SkillsAs the text consists of the main story and a flashback, the narration has to switch from the ongoing competition to earlier events and then return to the ongoing competition. How does the author manage to make these parts in the text flow smoothly?1.One way is to repeat a key word in the last sentence of a paragraph in the first sentence of thenext paragraph, e.g.It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.2.Another way is to pick up a key idea from a previous paragraph and repeat it in the sentenceintroducing the next paragraph, e.g.All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.IV. After Reading* DictationDictate the following proverbs to students and translate them into Chinese1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。




















比如,以“_____”为题,写一篇不少于 120 个单词的短文。








Unit 5 (教案)现代大学英语第二册 Quick Fix Society

Unit 5 (教案)现代大学英语第二册 Quick Fix Society

Unit 5 Quick Fix societyI. Teaching ObjectivesThrough learning this passage can students:Know something about the authorLearn some background information about Pennsylvania Dutch TownLearn some useful words, phrases and expressionsLearn the writing devices in expositionLearn the pros and cons of the rapid paced society through text appreciation and debate II. Teaching ContentsPennsylvania Dutch townText appreciation and analysisWriting techniques of expositionDebate in classIII. Teaching FocusBackground informationWriting device of expositionDebate in classIV Teaching TechniquesLecturing, group discussion, debateStepⅠBackground information(10minutes)I Background Information1. Fast Roads in the U.S.• Highways: connect cities• Superhighways: a road with six or more lanes• Interstate highways: connect cities in different states• Freeways: roads within a city• Expressways: fast roads in or near cities• Turnpike: pay money before you use it2. Pennsylvania Dutch TownLocationThe heart of the Pennsylvania Dutch Country is Lancaster County. It is located in south central Pennsylvania, one and half hours west of Philadelphia. Most of the Amish Country attractions are in Lancaster County, and almost all of the local Amish people live here as well.People: AmishThe Amish are a religious group who live in settlements in 22 states of the U.S. and Ontario, Canada. The oldest group of Old Order Amish, about 16,000—18,000 people live in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The Amish stress humility, family and community, and separation from the world.Amish’s beliefsThe Amish was part of the early Anabaptist movement in Europe, which took place at the time of the Reformation. The Anabaptists believed that only adults who had confessed theirfaith should be baptized, and that they should remain separate from the larger society. They also believe in non-resistance and basic Bible doctrines.Amish’s lifestyle• These people as a whole are not as materialistic as modern society today. They do not use electricity or modern conveniences.• Amish men have beards, but not mustaches.• Most Amish are trilingual: dialect of German, High German and English.• Old Order children attend one-room schools through the eighth grade.•They are a private people who believe God has kept them together. They are a strong example of a community that supports and cares for its members. They are a people apart; they are also a people together.Antique shopping (Para. 2)Pennsylvania Dutch town is called “Sunday Antiques Capital of the United States”. Over 3,000 antique dealers gather here to display and sell their merchandise.Antique shopping (Para. 2)Pennsylvania Dutch town is called “Sunday Antiques Capital of the United States”. Over 3,000 antique dealers gather here to display and sell their merchandise.Outlet shopping (Para. 2)Here, you’ll find over 240 factory outlet stores featuring nam e brands and quality merchandise prices at reduced prices.3. Cliff’s Notes•Cliff’s notes are a series of reference books written to help undergraduate students to understand and appreciate important literary works.•With such notes, students don’t hav e to read the work itself and be able to write papers and take exams.4. Civil WarCivil War was the war from 1861 to 1865 fought between the northern and southern states. The Civil War battlefield mentioned in paragraph 2 is the battlefield of famous Gettysburg battle in July, 1863. At Gettysburg, Union army defeated Confederate army. This victory is the turning point of the Civil War. After the campaign, on November 19, President Lincoln delivered the well-known Gettysburg Address.5. BeethovenLugwig Van Beethoven is one of the greatest composers in the world.His famous symphonies include: No. 5 (Fate); No. 6 (Pastoral); No. 9 (Choral)6. USA TodayUSA Today is one of the most popular daily national newspapers serving the interest of a general public in the United States.II Text AppreciationDiscuss the following questions or topics.1) If you agree that people are getting too impatient and too obsessed with the quick fix for everything, what examples would you give to illustrate your point? (Base your observations on your experience in China. ) How is it reflected in our transportation and communication? How is it shown in our eating habits? Does it affect our consumption habits as well as our production? How about entertainment or amusement? Are our reading, writing, learning habits also changed? What has this "fast-fix" attitude done to our human relationships? Has it caused health problems? Has it reduced our capacity for enjoying life?2) If you disagree with the author and think that the desire for speed is basically good, how would you defend your position?Text Analysis1. Theme:Let’s slow down and enjoy what nature offers us and what mankind has left us and rediscover life.2.Structure:Part 1 (Paras. 1—3 ): Her ride on fast roads and her return trip of a country roadPart 2 (Paras. 4-6 ): Now instead of later Faster instead of slower Superficially instead of thoroughlyPart 3 (Paras. 7--8 ): Slow down and rediscover life3. Further Discussion•Why did the writer take the turnpikes and inters tates? Did they have any fun on the way? •Why did the writer take another way back? How did she feel this time?•What is the attitude of modern people to do everything? How does it affect our life?•Why did the author write this article? Was she suggesting we stop using all time-saving techniques and products?4 Sentence Paraphrase1. For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again. (Para. 1)---The 4-hour drive on fast roads was tedious; the only fun we had was to count the exit signs we were passing and to figure out how we’d feel if we stopped again.2. Getting there certainly didn’t seem like half the fun; in fact, getting there wasn’t any fun at all. (Para. 1)---We had expected that our ride to West Virginia would be fun, and that half of the fun we’d get from the trip would come from it. But we were wrong. It wasn’t fun at all.3. We toured a Civil War battlefield and stood on the little hill that fifteen thousand Confederate soldiers had tried to take on another hot July afternoon, one hundred and twenty-five years ago, not knowing that half of them would get killed in the vain attempt. (Para. 2)---We visited a Civil War battlefield and stood on the little hill. One hundred and twenty-five years ago, on a hot July afternoon, 15,000 soldiers fighting for slavery, while trying to occupy the hill, had no idea that they would fail and that half of them would bekilled in the battle.4. We stuffed ourselves with spicy salad s and homemade bread in an “all-you-can-eat” farmhouse restaurant, then wandered outside to enjoy the sunshine and the herds of cows—no little dots this time—lying in it. (Para. 2)---We had a meal in a farmhouse restaurant where for a certain amount of money you could eat as much as you wanted, and we fed ourselves with lots of spicy salads and homemade bread. After the meal, we walked leisurely outdoors to enjoy the sunshine and watch the herds of cows—this time they did not seem like little dots—lying in the sunshine.5. And we returned home refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated. (Para. 2)---When we got home, we not only felt fresh and energetic, but also felt that we had experienced a new way of life.6. In fact, most Americans are constantly in a hurry—and not just to get from Point A to Point B. Our country has become a nation in search of the quick fix—in more ways than one. (Para. 3)---In fact, most Americans are always in a rush. People are not only trying to find the fast way to get around from place to place, but also looking for ways of getting things done quickly in various aspects of life.7. Once upon a time, Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification. We puta little of each paycheck away “for a rainy day”. (Para. 4)---In the past, Americans were patient to have their desires satisfied. We saved a little money each time we got paid in case we might need it in the future.8. If we wanted a new sofa or a week at a lakeside cabin, we saved up for it, and the banks helped us out by providing special Christmas Club and Vacation Club accounts. (Para. 4)---If we wanted to buy some new furniture or spend a week at a lakeside, we could open special accounts at the banks to save money for it.9. and if we are in a hurry to lose weight, we try the latest miracle diet, guaranteed to take away ten pounds in ten days… unless we’re rich enough to afford liposuction. (Para. 4)---If we want to lose weight quickly, we try the most recent miracle diet which is said to be effective and is sure to make us lose a pound per day. If we are rich enough to pay for the operation, we can have our unneeded fat removed from our bodies.10. We like our information fast, too: messages flashed on a computer screen, documents faxed from your telephone to mine, current events in 90-second bursts on Eyewitness News, history reduced to “Bicentennial Minutes”. (Para. 5)---For information, we also want to get it fast by skimming through what is offered on the web. Documents are faxed to one person from another. We are informed of what is happening at home and abroad through TV programs through which we get very brief accounts of current events. We learn the history of the past 200 years quickly from “Bicentennial Minutes”.11. Even our personal relationships have become compressed. Instead of devoting large parts of our days to our loved ones, we replace them with something called “quality time”, which, more often than not, is no time at all. (Para. 6)---Even our personal relationships are affected. Instead of spending much of our time with our loved ones, we now talk about giving them full attention in the limited time after work. But usually we have no time to do that at all.12. As we rush from book to music to news item to relationship, we do not realize that we are living our lives by the iceberg principle—paying attention only to the top and ignoring the 8/9 that lies just below the surface. (Para. 6)---When we rush through books, music, news and relationship, we are paying attention to the surface and will never get into the heart of anything.13. When did it all begin, this urge to do it now, to get it over with, to skim the surface of life? (Para. 7)---When did this quick-fix lifestyle/attitude toward life begin?14. But I am saying that all of us need to think more seriously about putting the brakes on our “we-want-it-all-and-we-want-it-nor” lifestyle before we speed completely out of control. (Para. 8)---But what I do want to say is this: before we go too far, all of us need to think seriously about changing our lifestyle of seeking a quick fix in our lives.III Language StudyWords:1. advocatev. to publicly support an idea or a plann. someone who strongly and publicly supports someone or somethingExamples:•He advocates building more schools.•The re is no point advocating high salaries for teachers unless we can do it.•He is a tireless advocate of political reform.2. antiqueadj. being old and therefore valuablen. an old object such as a piece of furniture or jewellery that is valuable because it is rare, beautiful, or well madeExamples:•It is an antique rosewood desk.•The palace is full of priceless antiques.3. compressv. a. to press or squeeze something so that it fits into a smaller spaceb. to write something in fewer wordsc. to make a process last for a shorter time than usualExamples:•The machine compresses old cars into blocks of scrap metal.•Try to compress your notes so that they are easier to learn.•You’d better compress two months’ work into one.4. condensev. a. to cause (a gas or vapor) to change to a liquidb. to remove water from (milk, for example)c. to make a piece of writing shorter by removing some partsExamples:•Steam condensed on the bathroom mirror.•condensed milk(炼乳)•condensed story(缩写本)5. deferv. to delay something until a later datedefer to sb./sth(formal) to agree to accept someone’s opinion or decision because you have respect for that person.Examples:• Let’s defer the decision for a few weeks.• I will defer to Mr. Walter on this point.defer, postpone, delayDefer implies an intentional delaying.Postpone implies an intentional deferring, commonly until a definite time.Delay causes to be behind schedule•I __defrred__ paying the bills.•The bus wa s __delayed__ by a cloudburst.•We would like to __postphne__ your appointment until Saturday.6. depositn. a. a first payment that you make when you agree to buy something expensive such as a car or house.b. an amount of money you pay when you rent something that is returned to you when you stop renting itc. an amount of money that you pay into a bank accountd. a layer of metal that has formed in soil or rockExamples:•We put down a deposit on a house last week.•You will have to pay one month’s rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.•I’d like to make a deposit, please.•Rich mineral deposits have been discovered in the area.7. guaranteev. a. to promise sth. will happenb. to make sth. certainn. a. an agreement that if sth. you buy does not work, it will be repaired or replacedb. a formal and firm promise that sth. will be done or will happen.Examples:•The government guaranteed to free the captives.•The rain guarantees a good crop this year.•The new television had a guarantee with it.•Is there a guarantee of work after training?8. outletn. a. a shop or a place where a particular product is soldb. a way of expressing strong feelings that you would normally not express Examples:•Most of their sales are through traditional retail outlets.•He plays basketball as an outlet for stress.9. refreshv. to make someone feel less tired or less hot refresh one’s memory to make someone remember something refresh someone’s drink to add more of an alcoholic drink to someone’s glass.Examples:•A shower will refresh you.•I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the route.•Can I refresh your drink?10. revitalizev. to put new strength or power into sth.Example:•They hope to revitalize the neighborhood by providing better housing.11. scalelarge scale大规模evolutionary scale进化等级the bathroom scales浴室磅秤the scale on a thermometer温度计上的刻度Richter scale里氏震级a scale of 1∶250 1∶250的比例尺scales of fish鱼鳞12. skimv. a. to remove floating fat or solids from the surface of a liquidb. to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in itc. to move along quickly, nearly touching a surfaceExamples:•After simmering the meat and vegetables skim the fat off from the surface.•Just skim through the second section to save time.•The swallows were skimming over the water.Phrases and Expressions:1. agree with sb.If something agrees with you, it doesn’t make you feel ill.Examples:•Stop taking the medicine if it doesn’t agree with you.•I find that country life really agrees with me.2. as manythe same number as another particular numberExample:•Those coolies were great. I could eat as many again.3. can’t wait to do sth. = can hardly wait to do sth.to be very excited about something or keen to do itExample:•I can’t wait to go to school then: I will be a big kid, and I’ll make friends andlearn so much at school.4. get sth. over with (把••••••做完了事)to do and finish something difficult that you have to doExamples:•I’ll speak first if you like—I’d rather get it over with quickly.•He looked upon the marriage ceremony as a mere formality—something to be got over with as quickly as possible.5. help out救助,协助(渡过难关)to help somebody in a difficult situationExamples:•Who is helping out in the garden this afternoon?• I’ve often helped Bob out when he has been a bit short of money.6. linger over/onto stay somewhere a little longer, especially because you do not want to leave Examples:•They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.•She let her eyes linger on him.7. more often than not = as often as noton most occasionsExamples:•Nancy comes over on Saturday more often than not.•More often than not, the argument could have been avoided.all too often: used for saying that something makes you sad or upset because it happens more often than you think it should•All too often, parents leave their children home alone.every so often: sometimes, but not frequently8. off the rackoff-the-rack (AmE)/ off-the-peg (BrE)ready madeExamples:•It was only a cheap suit, bought off the rack/off the peg.on the rack: in a difficult situation that you cannot deal with•The interviewer’s questions pu t the President on the rack.9. put away 处理掉(吃,把...收好,拿开,排斥)Examples:•My grandfather had put away over $100,000.•Put away all your books on the desk. The guest might come any time.•Please put all negative thoughts away.•The boy put away the dinner in just a few minutes.10. put brakes on使停顿put a brake on/ put the brakes on sth.to stop sth. that is happeningExamples:•The high level of debt continued to put a brake on economic recovery.•The town government put the brakes on all these projects by giving them less money.11. save sb. the trouble of doing sth.to make somebody able to avoid extra effort or workExample:•Fast-food restaurants are popular because they save people the trouble of cooking.12. save upto keep or store something so that you can use it in the futureExamples:•The y are saving up for a new car.•She spent all the money I have saved up for our trip.13. stuff witha. to fill sb. with food until one is not hungryb. to fill a container or space with sth., especially sth. softExamples:•They stuff the children with f ood.•The bed was stuffed with cotton so it was very soft.IV Word Formation and GrammarWord Formation:1. Prefix—super-: more, larger, greater, or more powerful than usualsuperego超我superficial肤浅的superhero超级英雄supernatural超自然的superstructure上层建筑superstore大型商场supertanker巨型油轮2. Prefix—pre-a. before someone or sth. b. in preparationprecedent先例,前例preface前言premature早熟的precaution预防措施preconception预想precondition前提,先决条件preview(电影等)预演,预映3. Root—centenarycentennial (AmE)/centenary (BrE):adj. 一百周年纪念的n.一百周年纪念centenary一百周年纪念bicentenary二百周年纪念tercentenary三百周年纪念quatercentenary 四百周年纪念quincentenary 五百周年纪念Grammar:GerundDefinition: Gerund is used as a noun, but like a verb it can take an object.Example:•For four hours, our only real amusement consisted of counting exit signs and wondering what it would feel like to hold still again.1. Now it’s no use your saying anything, Mother—I’ve made up my mind.---Saying: Gerund as subject2. … all we are good at is saving time… not spending time.---Saving and spending: Gerund as predicative3. Why doesn’t everybody try slowing down and exploring the countryside?---Here the “Gerund” as object4. The scene is set in the comfortable, well furnished living room of an American upper-class family, the Kents.---Here the “Gerund” as attributive modifier.5. After all, why waste 45 minutes listening to the whole thing when someone else has saved us the trouble of picking out the best parts?---“Gerund” as apposition to “trouble”V. AssignmentFinish the exercises after the text in the textbook.VI. Debate1. IS the fast speed in our life good or not?2. Divide the students into 5 groups and ask them to debate.VII. Reference Answer1. Word Formation1) Study the following words and find out what the following prefixes mean:The prefix “super-” means ____________________________________.The prefix “pre-” means ______________________________________.The prefix “micro-“ means:_____________________________________The prefix “bi-“ means: ________________________________________The prefix “inter-“ means: ______________________________________2)Translate into Chinese the words in bold type:(1 超人(2 超级明星;超自然的(3) 洲际的;超级公路(4) 预计;芯片/集成电路;超级计算机(5) 半月刊; 预先安排好的(6) 工业化前的;微生物学;显微镜(7) 学前的;史前的(8) 预先确定的(9) 过早的;先决条件(10) 互相关联的;互动3)Study the following compound words:an “all-you-can-eat” farm restaurant;a “we-want-it-all-and-we-want-it-now” lifestyle;an “I-hate-to-wait” kind of attitude; ;a wait-and-see policy;an “I- told –you- so” kind of look;4) Give the adjective forms of the following nouns and verbs.1) attentive2) personal3) convenient4) symbolic5) favorable, favorite6) true, truthful7) impatient8) weighty9) informative10) devoted11) massive12) moved, moving13) medical, medicinal14) pervasive15) musical2. P ut the following into English1) fast food2) best seller3) homemade bread4) musical excerpts5) express mail6) life style7) personal relationship8) mass movement9) subtle changes10) pastoral scenery11) rear-view mirror12) exit sign13) Civil War battlefield14) horse carriages15) antique cars16) factory outlets17) quality time18) deferred gratification19) credit card20) ready-made clothes21) automatic teller machine22) convenience store23) Polaroid camera24) current affairs25)news briefings26) Fifth Symphony27) classic novels3. Rewrite the sentences below using the expressions given in the brackets.1)We have decided to slow down in our economic growth so as to devote ourselvesmore to the improvement of people’s living s tandard.2)Lucy is good at swimming. More often than not she can win a prize in a contest.3)My sister said that she wanted to be on her own instead of working for thatcompany any longer, but she had not saved up enough for capital. She wondered ifI could help her out.4)Thanks to government policy that the unemployment rate has dropped. It wasreduced to less than four percent for the first half of the year.5)Joe was crazy about the raw fish and he stuffed himself with it. That night, the fishdidn’t agree with him, and he had a terrible stomachache. Finally he had to go to the hospital for quick relief.6)I am getting sick and tired of this unpleasant job. We have been lingering over itfor almost a week. Let’s finish it today somehow to get it over and done with.7)The new president ordered professors to double their publications in three yearshoping that that would make the school more famous. Well, he sped out of control..Teaching suffered because the professors did not have enough time to devote to it.Th e quality of their publications also suffered and so did the professors’ health.4. Put in the appropriate prepositions or adverbs.1)up; out2)down; at3)up4)aside/away; out of; with5)On; with.6)with; off.7)in; out8)in; of; on9)into; around; at10)out; in5.Translate1)The government will have to decide when and how to put brakes on the economy before it speeds out of control.2)Why waste money building an airport in the middle of nowhere? We must not ignore the fact that what people here need most is clean water and clean air.3)They thought they might take a different route on their return trip so as to explore the great canyon in Tibet.4)She traveled around the world and came back home quite a changed person, educated and greatly revitalized.5)There is no easy fix for our social problems. We should explore all possibilities and move one step at a time.6)All old traditions die a slow and lingering death. Customs and habits that have taken so long to form can’t be expected to disappear overnight.7)Madam Chang was considered a pioneer who advocated combining classic Chinese music with Western music.8)I was so stunned when I heard the news, that for quite some time I didn’t know what to say.9)The soldiers are learning how to survive in the wilderness.10)I’ll go there with you if you insist. But really I won’t be much help to you. Grammar1.Point out the difference between the gerund and the infinitive when they are usedas object after the same verb.1)try doing sth: to do sth to see if it works or will be successful2)try to do sth: to make an effort or take action to do sth that you may not be able todo3)like doing sth: to enjoy doing sth, referring to a general preference4)like to do sth: to want or prefer to do sth, referring a particular case5)begin to do sth:very little difference6)begin doing sth:Note: A number of verbs can have either a gerund or a to-infinitive as object with little difference in meaning. They include: attempt,begin, bother, continue, fear, hate, love, prefer, start, etc. However, when these verbs are used in a continuous tense, they take a to-infinitive as object, e.g.I’m beginning to like the food here.Some township enterprises are continuing to expand.Verbs that often take a gerund as their object: admit, advise, avoid, deny, enjoy, fancy, (can’t/couldn’t) help, keep, mind, miss, practice, risk, suggest, etc.Verbs that can have a to-infinitive as their object: agree, decide,hope,offer, promise, choose, expect, intend, mean, plan, refuse, fail, manage, pretend,tend, want, etc7)regret doing sth: to feel sorry about sth you did or did not do8)regret to do sth:formal used in writing to express sad feelings about sth that isdisappointing or unpleasant9)stop doing sth: not to continue what your have been dong10)s top to do sth: to stop (doing one thing) so as to do another(Note: He re “to do sth” is an adverbial of purpose, not an object.)11)m ean doing sth: to have or represent a particular meaning12)m ean to do sth: to intend to do sth2.Practice using the gerund and the to-infinitive.A. Complete the statements or questions using the gerund or the infinitive formof the verb in brackets.1) to live 2) living, living 3) arguing 4) to watch5) pretending 6) to perform 7) trying 8) Settling downB. Translate, choosing between the gerund and the to-infinitive.1)Remember to bring your ID with you when you go to the airport.2)I remember feeling greatly disappointed after my first job interview.3)Finally they decided to apologize to the passengers for what had happened. at theairport.4)I’m sorry that I clean forgot to pass the message to Big Li.5)At midday we stop to have lunch in a fast food restaurant.6)I stopped listening about the disaster on the radio, but I was too shocked to moveout of the chair.3.Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.(1) affect (2) signs (3) passing (4) depend (5) providing(6) lack (7) Whether (8) superficial (9) on (10) isolated4.Learn to recognize and use various forms of attributive modifiers (定语).1.Identify the grammatical form of the underlined attributive modifiers in thesentences and note their position.The attributive modifiers are all placed after the nouns they qualify.Their grammatical form:1)prepositional phrase2)adjective phrase3)three to-infinitive phrases4)past participle phrase5)present participle phrase6)adjective。



教学目标:1. 通过阅读,了解文章背景知识,拓展学生视野。

2. 培养学生快速获取文章主旨大意和细节信息的能力。

3. 增强学生阅读理解、分析问题和解决问题的能力。

4. 培养学生表达个人观点、参与讨论的能力。

教学重点:1. 理解文章主旨大意和细节信息。

2. 掌握文章的写作手法和修辞手法。

3. 分析文章中的观点和论据。

教学难点:1. 理解文章中较为复杂的句子结构。

2. 分析作者的观点和论据。

教学过程:一、导入1. 利用图片或视频,展示与文章主题相关的背景知识。

2. 引导学生讨论文章主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

二、阅读1. 学生自主阅读文章,注意理解文章主旨大意和细节信息。

2. 教师提问,引导学生分析文章中的观点和论据。

3. 学生分享自己的阅读心得,教师点评并总结。

三、讨论1. 分组讨论文章中的重点段落,分析作者的写作手法和修辞手法。

2. 学生分享讨论成果,教师点评并总结。

四、拓展活动1. 学生根据文章内容,撰写一篇短文,表达自己的观点。

2. 学生进行角色扮演,模拟文章中的场景,加深对文章内容的理解。

五、总结1. 教师总结本节课的学习内容,强调重点和难点。

2. 学生回顾本节课的学习成果,提出自己的疑问。

教学步骤:Step 1:导入- 展示与文章主题相关的图片或视频。

- 引导学生讨论文章主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

Step 2:阅读- 学生自主阅读文章,注意理解文章主旨大意和细节信息。

- 教师提问,引导学生分析文章中的观点和论据。

Step 3:讨论- 分组讨论文章中的重点段落,分析作者的写作手法和修辞手法。

- 学生分享讨论成果,教师点评并总结。

Step 4:拓展活动- 学生根据文章内容,撰写一篇短文,表达自己的观点。

- 学生进行角色扮演,模拟文章中的场景,加深对文章内容的理解。

Step 5:总结- 教师总结本节课的学习内容,强调重点和难点。

- 学生回顾本节课的学习成果,提出自己的疑问。

教学评价:1. 学生对文章主旨大意和细节信息的理解程度。



全新版大学英语第二版听说教程2 Unit 5介绍本文档是针对全新版大学英语第二版听说教程2 Unit 5的内容进行讲解和总结。









学习内容详解1. 交通工具本单元将介绍各种常见的交通工具,并学习相关词汇和表达方式。


1.1 汽车在这个单元中,学生将学习与汽车相关的词汇和表达方式,如汽车品牌、汽车零件等。


1.2 公交车本单元中,学生将了解公交车的相关词汇和表达方式。


1.3 火车在本单元中,学生将学习与火车相关的词汇和表达方式。


1.4 飞机这个单元中,学生将学习与飞机相关的词汇和表达方式。


2. 交通状况本单元将教授学生如何描述交通状况,并学习一些用于描述交通状况的常用表达方式。



全新版⼤学进阶英语第⼆册第五单元答案Unit 5 Pioneers of Flight Key to ExercisesOpenerReading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension CheckFocusing on the main ideasThe article consists of three stories about pioneers of flight.The first story is about a Chinese named Wan Hu, who made an unsuccessful attempt at spaceflight in He built a spaceship powered by 47 rockets using gunpowder. His idea was crazy, but his dream of flight came true 500 years later when China successfully launched its first manned Shenzhou V spaceship. The second one is about the Spruce Goose, a flying boat designed to meet the need of transporting troops and materials during World War II. It was made entirely of wood and still holds the record for the greatest wingspan. Although it was never put to use, many of its design features have been incorporated into today’s cargo planes. The last is about Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous artist of the Renaissance. Apart from his great artistic work, he also drew sketches of flying devices with flapping wings controlled and steered by human pilots. Five hundred years later, a professional parachutist made a successful jump using a wood and canvas parachute based on one of da Vinci’s designs/sketches.Digging into detail1. Because it was powered by rockets.2. It was the biggest airplane ever built up to that time, and stillholds the record for the greatest wingspan. Besides, it was made entirely of wood.3. No, because it was behind schedule and was not completed until wellafter the war.4. Da Vinci’s flying machines have wings that flap like birds inflight.5. Because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand theirpassion for flight, their spirit of innovation, and their courage to try and make their dream come true. Understanding difficult sentences1. A2. B3. A4. B5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1. He regards learning as a daily experience as well as a lifetimemission.2. His plan is to design a new model, into which some features ofprevious models will be incorporated.3. The ship, with 1,000 passengers aboard, was bound for New York.4. It’s one thing to learn the rules of politics from books. It isquite another to get into the complex world of real-life politics.5. At yesterday’s sports meet, my roommate Brian broke the record ofour school in the men’s 100-meter race.6. Jack had a hard time grasping the basic concepts of mathematics.7. They are working on a new project, which calls for a(n) enormousamount of time and energy.8. After I bought this iPad, I put into storage my old computer.9. The new law tries to maintain a balance between national interestsand individual rights.10. The teacher drew a(n) analogy between the human heart and a pumpto help students understand how it works.11. If we teachers believe in education and focus on students’ growth,our labor will eventually pay off.12. On display in the exhibition room is a new device to harness wind power.13. His newly published book, which has made waves in literary circles,is based on events that the writer himself has witnessed.14. At the meeting, he tried to steer the discussion away fromcriticizing the educational experiment.15. The money was given to Ann as a scholarship, with no conditions attached.1. steer2. behind schedule3. ahead of his time4. Transportation of5. confirmed6. put on display7. harnessing8. had its roots in1. The artist drew a sketch of the young lady before going into a more detailed painting.2. Brown currently is focusing on devising/designing a new type of washing machine that does not use water.3. We need to adopt a different approach to music in education.4. Usually a label with your name and address is attached to your suitcase before you check in at the airport.5. A new system should be devised because the old system simply doesn’t work.2. Collocation1. We rejected the proposal as a matter of principle.2. Although I am not an American football fan, it doesn’t mean I haveno interest in it.3. Demand for coal is down and so are the prices.4. Biking is a green alternative to driving.5. Our research on climate change focuses on its effect on the environment.3. Sentence Patterns1. Our reading room has many interesting books as well as the latest magazines.2. The 300-page book contains many pictures of the artist as well assome of his famous paintings.3. For character building, one needs to succeed as well as fail sometimes.4. The latest model of the Huawei mobile phone is very popular at homeas well as abroad.1. Legend has it that the guy invented chess to please his King.2. Word has it that the CEO of my company will retire next year.3. Rumor has it that he has spent all his money on this crazy and risky plan.4. Legend has it that those who step onto this stone will have good luck.4. Comprehensive PracticeClozeLong, long ago Greek legend has it that Daedalus, a brilliant inventor, was imprisoned together with his son Icarus on an island in the Mediterranean. In order to escape, Daedalus devised a clever plan and sketched out his idea to his son. They would both fly away from the island like birds. It was risky, but both thought it worth a try.Using feathers attached together with wax and string, Daedalus made them both a pair of wonderful wings. Harnessed to these they were able to take to the air, leaving those on the ground who witnessed their flight amazed at their strange device. As they flew off over the sea their escape seemed certain. But Icarus, ignoring the warnings of his father, came too close to the sun. The wax holding his wings together melted and he plunged to his death in the ocean below.Translation1. How to harness the power of the rockets is the key to the successfullaunch of a spaceship.2. The 20th century witnessed the growth of the aviation industry.3. During World War II, the United States needed giant cargo planesfor transportation of war materials.4. The film The Aviator is based on the life of Howard Hughes.5. The professor thinks that more money should be invested in/put intoresearch in the field of energy efficiency.6. They are carrying out a secret mission.7. “Focus on the content of the article. Don’t worry about individualwords,” said the teacher to the students.8. Wan Hu’s plan was too risky and too primitive to be successful.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. T9. T 10. T2. Translation1. 他俩合起来的履历看上去令所有真正的飞⾏冒险家都羡慕不已。



全新版大学英语第二册第5单元教案(总12页)-本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-Teaching plan of Unit 5, Book 2Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesText A True HeightTeaching Objectives:Students will be able to:1.understand the maid idea ( dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way tosuccess ) and structure of the text ( narration with flashback);2.appreciate certain narrative skills (using details to bring out character; a surprise ending; use ofpuns);3.grasp the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;4.understand the cultural background related to the content;5.express themselves more freely on the theme of overcoming obstacles after doing a series oftheme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities;6.write a personal description with the focus on characteristic featuresTime Allotment: 5-6 periodsTeaching Method: Interactive, communicativeTeaching Procedures:I.Warming up1.Watch a part of video about a disabled person, Nick Vujicic2.More stories about overcoming obstaclesRead the stories about some figures in history to see how they overcame their obstacles, and guess who they are. ( See PPT Warm-up Exercises )3. Discuss the following questions in groupsA. what have you learned from these disabled people whom you’ve just learned from the video and the stories;B. what are the obstacles that you have been faced with in your life.C. the ways in which you overcame such difficulties4. After discussion, T may give Ss some suggestions on Overcoming Obstacles1)Get started.Often, once you begin, you'll find the task is easier than you expect.2)Break your task into smaller tasks.Take one big task and break it into smaller tasks. For instance, do part of your assignment each time rather than the entire one.3) Work with the time you have.Don't wait until you have time to do the entire thing. Instead, even if you only have fiveminutes, get started.4) Set small deadlines.After meeting each deadline, give yourself a reward. For example, play video games when you finish an hour of studying.5)Set anti-deadlines.If you don't finish your homework by 8:00, you can't watch your favorite TV program.6)Eliminate distractions.Turn off the TV. Don't answer the phone.7) Ask for help.Sometimes, the reason you don't start is because you don't know what to do. If that's the case, ask for help.8) Begin now.What one thing can you do right now that will move you closer to your goal.* Background InformationOlympicsOrganized and governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.1. Olympic symbol: five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a white field—represents the continents of the world joined in friendship2. Olympic motto: swifter, Higher, Stronger.3. Olympic Offices: Lausanne, Switzerland.4. Main events in Olympic history:--776 .~392 . Ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia.--1896~now Modern Games began.--1912 Women are allowed to compete in the Games.--1924 Winter sports has been added to the Games.--2008 Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games.II. Global ReadingQuestions about the text1. What does the text title “True Height” mean?It has more than one meaning. It may refer to:1) the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another;2) the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.2. As the text consists of the main story and a flashback, can you figure out the flashback?The flashback is from Para. 3~5* Part Division of the Text* Scanning practice:Scan the whole text to find out all the words and phrases that are related to sports or stadium. And think about their Chinese equivalents. (For more details, see ppt.)III. Detailed ReadingFurther UnderstandingFor Part 1Description : Use your own words to draw a picture of the stadium on that day, including the weather, Michael’s appearance and inner feeling, the audience’s response, etc.For Part 2Questions and Answers1.From the description of Michael’ parents, what can you learn about his parents(Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.) 2.What personality traits are attribute d to Michael’s success?(He is diligent, perseverant, optimistic, ambitious, etc.)For Part 3Compare Michael’s reaction before and after he cleared the bar at different height of the pole ( See PPT : Global Reading Chart Completion )For Part 4Discussion1.Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’s blindness until the last sentence?2.Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?*Key words:. sweat, fantasy, numerous, passion, coincide, alternate, vain, startle, in one’s mind’s eye* Writing SkillsAs the text consists of the main story and a flashback, the narration has to switch from the ongoing competition to earlier events and then return to the ongoing competition. How does the author manage to make these parts in the text flow smoothly?1.One way is to repeat a key word in the last sentence of a paragraph in the first sentence of thenext paragraph, .It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.2.Another way is to pick up a key idea from a previous paragraph and repeat it in the sentenceintroducing the next paragraph, .All of M ichael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.IV. After Reading* DictationDictate the following proverbs to students and translate them into Chinese1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。

Unit 5 教案新部编本-新世纪大学英语第二册

Unit 5 教案新部编本-新世纪大学英语第二册

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Unit 5 Fame and SuccessLecturer: Cai Jie 蔡洁Classes: 注会11401 (53)Teaching Objectives:1. To understand the proper attitude towards fame and success.2. Grasp the key words, phrases and structures.Teaching Contents1. Lead-in activities2. Text Organization (Text A)3. Language points ( key words, phrases and difficult sentences)4. Grammar Focus ( the usage of infinitives)5. Guided Practice (Listening practice ,oral practice and written exercises) Teaching Focus1.Infinitiveage of language points and expressions3.Understanding of the textTime Allotment:Teaching Methods:●Explanation●Group discussion●Questions and answers●Multi-media●PerformanceTeaching Procedure:1.Warm-up Activity1) Discuss and DebateStep OneDirections:Some people say, “Fame is like a double-edged sword.” What is your opinion? Work in pairs or groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being famous.Step Two:Directions:You are required to have a class debate on whether fame does us more good than harm. Divide the class into two groups with opposite views.2) Quotes about fame and success.1 There is no such thing as genius; it is nothing but labour and diligence.世间无所谓天才,它仅是刻苦加勤奋。

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Teaching plan of Unit 5, Book 2Unit 5 Overcoming ObstaclesText A True HeightTeaching Objectives:Students will be able to:1.understand the maid idea ( dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way tosuccess ) and structure of the text ( narration with flashback);2.appreciate certain narrative skills (using details to bring out character; a surprise ending; use ofpuns);3.grasp the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;4.understand the cultural background related to the content;5.express themselves more freely on the theme of overcoming obstacles after doing a series oftheme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities;6.write a personal description with the focus on characteristic featuresTime Allotment: 5-6 periodsTeaching Method: Interactive, communicativeTeaching Procedures:I.Warming up1.Watch a part of video about a disabled person, Nick Vujicic2.More stories about overcoming obstaclesRead the stories about some figures in history to see how they overcame their obstacles, and guess who they are. ( See PPT Warm-up Exercises )3. Discuss the following questions in groupsA. what have you learned from these disabled people whom you’ve just learned from the video and the stories;B. what are the obstacles that you have been faced with in your life.C. the ways in which you overcame such difficulties4. After discussion, T may give Ss some suggestions on Overcoming Obstacles1)Get started.Often, once you begin, you'll find the task is easier than you expect.2)Break your task into smaller tasks.Take one big task and break it into smaller tasks. For instance, do part of your assignment each time rather than the entire one.3) Work with the time you have.Don't wait until you have time to do the entire thing. Instead, even if you only have five minutes, get started.4) Set small deadlines.After meeting each deadline, give yourself a reward. For example, play video games when you finish an hour of studying.5)Set anti-deadlines.If you don't finish your homework by 8:00, you can't watch your favorite TV program.6)Eliminate distractions.Turn off the TV. Don't answer the phone.7) Ask for help.Sometimes, the reason you don't start is because you don't know what to do. If that's the case, ask for help.8) Begin now.What one thing can you do right now that will move you closer to your goal.* Background InformationOlympicsOrganized and governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Olympic Games are the most important international sports event in the world held every four years.1. Olympic symbol: five interlocking red, blue, yellow, black, and green circles on a whitefield—represents the continents of the world joined in friendship2. Olympic motto: swifter, Higher, Stronger.3. Olympic Offices: Lausanne, Switzerland.4. Main events in Olympic history:--776 B.C.~392 A.D. Ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia.--1896~now Modern Games began.--1912 Women are allowed to compete in the Games.--1924 Winter sports has been added to the Games.--2008 Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games.II. Global ReadingQuestions about the text1. What does the text title “True Height” mean?It has more than one meaning. It may refer to:1) the new bar heights that Michael cleared one after another;2) the tremendous obstacles Michael had overcome in attaining his goal.2. As the text consists of the main story and a flashback, can you figure out the flashback?The flashback is from Para. 3~5* Part Division of the Text* Scanning practice:Scan the whole text to find out all the words and phrases that are related to sports or stadium. And think about their Chinese equivalents. (For more details, see ppt.)III. Detailed ReadingFurther UnderstandingFor Part 1Description : Use your own words to draw a picture of the stadium on that day, including the weather, Michael’s appearance and inner feeling, the audience’s response, etc.For Part 2Questions and Answers1.From the description of Michael’ parents, what can you learn about his parents?(Michael’s mother is romantic and passionate, while his father is a hard-core realist.)2.What personality traits are attributed to Michael’s success?(He is diligent, perseverant, optimistic, ambitious, etc.)For Part 3Compare Michael’s reaction before and after he cleared the bar at different height of the pole ( See PPT : Global Reading Chart Completion )For Part 4Discussion1.Why does the author keep the secret about Michael’s blindness until the last sentence?2.Who would you admire better, a Michael Stone with a sound body or a blind Michael Stone?*Key words:. sweat, fantasy, numerous, passion, coincide, alternate, vain, startle, in one’s mind’s eye* Writing SkillsAs the text consists of the main story and a flashback, the narration has to switch from the ongoing competition to earlier events and then return to the ongoing competition. How does the author manage to make these parts in the text flow smoothly?1.One way is to repeat a key word in the last sentence of a paragraph in the first sentence of thenext paragraph, e.g.It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event.As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying.2.Another way is to pick up a key idea from a previous paragraph and repeat it in the sentenceintroducing the next paragraph, e.g.All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work.IV. After Reading* DictationDictate the following proverbs to students and translate them into Chinese1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。
