Under the Tuscan Sun

欧美励志电影篇一:职场人士必看的9部外国励志电影职场人士必看的9部外国励志电影1《权利的迷醉》 Comedy Of Power本片的故事取材于法国最着名的ELF石油集团政治黑金丑闻,但导演把臭名昭着的贪腐大案弱化成为故事的背景,着力刻画了“权利”这把双刃剑对于一个成功女性的影响,人性的内省成了影片的重头戏。
2《永不妥协》Erin Brockovich影片取材于发生在美国的一个真实事件,影片充满激情、动人心弦。
3 《拜金女郎》Material Girls艾娃和坦丝这对姐妹曾经拥有年轻女郎梦想得到的一切—年轻、美貌、多金,是一家价值数百万美元的化妆品公司的继承人??然而,父亲突然去世,家族公司莫名其妙地卷入一场产品丑闻,公司濒临倒闭,信用卡里无钱可刷??她们过往的绚烂生活顷刻间成了泡影!父亲白手起家创建起来的化妆品帝国将不复存在。

影片简介:Bridget Jones is a single, thirty three year old woman who has a monotonous life. She has some bad habits - smoking and drinking too much - but she annually writes her New Year's resolutions in her diary, determined to stop smoking, drink no more than fourteen alcohol units a week, and eat more pulses. In the two novels and screen adaptations, Bridget's mother is bored with her life as a housewife in the country and leaves Bridget's father. Bridget repeatedly flirts with her boss, Daniel Cleaver. A successful barrister named Mark Darcy also keeps popping into Bridget's life, being extremely awkward, and sometimes coming off a bit rude. After Bridget and Mark reach an understanding of each other and find a sort of happiness together, she gains some self-esteem and cuts down on her cigarette consumption. However, Bridget's obsession with self-help books plus several misunderstandings cannot keep the couple together forever.
Under the Tuscan Sun《托斯卡纳艳阳下(2003)》完整中英文对照剧本

在签名活动开始之前Before I start signing these,托斯卡尼艳阳下我要感谢今晚在场的一个人I need to thank somebody who's here tonight.大学和她在一起的时候等等这么说不对When I had her at State... wait. That didn't sound right.我没和她在一起过想法倒是有I never had her. Wanted her, but never had her.我想说的是我在州立大学上她的课的时候What I meant to say was when I took her class at State,遇到了作家最棘手的困境缺乏灵感I had the worst case of writer's block in the world.我的想法都非常糟糕拿不出手All I had were terrible ideas. I hated them all.正当我想退选这门课时I was just about to drop the class她对我说了一番话改变了一切when she said something to me that changed everything. 她说She said,糟糕的想法就像操场上被当做替罪羊的孩子"Terrible ideas are like playground scapegoats,只要给予适当的鼓励given the right encouragement,他们就会成为天才they grow up to be geniuses."就算想法糟糕她也让我选定一个努力写She told me to take one of my terrible ideas and work on it. 我做到了Well, I did.弗朗西丝·梅斯喜欢糟糕主意的人Frances Mayes, who loves terrible ideas.我可以舌吻你吗May I please French kiss you now?快去吧威廉小子Yeah, go for it, William boy!已婚人士威廉抱歉Married, William. Sorry.-为我骄傲吗 -无以复加- Proud of me? - Ridiculously.弗朗西丝不可思议你怎么做出来的Frances, these are amazing. What did you do to them?巧克力的关键是火候朋友Chocolate is timing, my friend.剩下的就只能靠魔法了The rest is magic.教授好Hey, Professor.-我好渴酒在哪 -那里- I am so thirsty. Where's the wine? - There.汤姆真是个走运的混♥蛋♥Tom is one lucky bastard.老婆是作家还会做布朗尼蛋糕A literary wife who makes brownies?我发誓要是你还是裸体烹饪I swear, if you tell me you cook in the nude,我就回家自杀I'll go home and kill myself.从不裸体丁字裤而已Never in the nude. Always in a thong.其实如果你了解弗朗西丝一点Actually, if you knew Frances better,就会知道布朗尼是逃避的信♥号♥♥you'd know these brownies are a sign of avoidance.-谢谢 -不客气- Thanks. - You're welcome.-小说怎么样了 -不是很顺利- How's the novel going? - Not so well.当然拖稿必定如影随形But the procrastination, of course, is coming along fabulously. 很快自我厌恶情绪滋生Then soon it will breed abject self-loathing,然后再变成一个写作机器and then I'll just become a writing machine.-这就是她的写作流程 -汤姆呢- It's her process. - What about Tom?他的书怎么样了How's his book going?很好他现在就在家写着呢Fine. He's home writing right now.-你认识汤姆吗 -最近见过一面- You know Tom? - I met him recently.巧遇吧Sort of by coincidence.另一件巧事就是你评论过我的一本书The other coincidence is that you reviewed a book of mine. 我评论过吗我喜欢吗I did? Did I like it?-你不喜欢 -很遗憾- You didn't. - Well, I'm sorry.我敢肯定有很多其他评论家喜欢你的书I'm sure there were a lot of other critics who loved it.我个人看法别太放心上And I really hope you didn't take it personally.你说我的主角"不切实际"You called my lead character "Unrealistic".我觉得不好的评论应该看完就忘I think that bad reviews should just be forgotten.给他一块布朗尼Give him a brownie.我想送你这块布朗尼And I would like to give you this brownie.作为和解的礼物It comes in peace.你说你没兴趣读一本这样的小说You said you just couldn't get interested in a novel小说主人公是中年男子where the protagonist was a middle-aged guy却整日活在who spent all of his time他那青少年的幻想中living out his horny teenaged fantasies.我只是觉得这很讽刺I just find that ironic.讽刺为什么Ironic? Why?问你丈夫吧Ask your husband.他刚才说什么What did he just say?弗朗西丝Frances.弗朗西丝Frances?我有个不幸的消息告诉你I've got some unfortunate news for you.我刚和你丈夫的律师通完电♥话♥I just got off the phone with your husband's attorney他们要...要追索赡养费and they're going to... they're going to pursue alimony.我现在自己都是勉强营生How can we be talking about alimony赡养费从何谈起...when I hardly make enough money to...但是你...你曾经婚内资助过他But you... you supported him during the marriage.对但当时他在做研究和写书Yes, but while he was researching and writing his book.我工作的时候他是在假装工作I worked while he pretended to be.不幸的是现在只讲数字不讲情Unfortunately, this is just about the math.-是他有了外遇 -加州是婚姻免责州- Well, he was having an affair. - California's a no-fault state. 他的律师表示His attorney indicated你丈夫更想要一次偿清赡养费that your husband would prefer an alimony buyout.既然你们两个生活得比较简朴Since you two were living rather modestly,我想这个数目不会太大I don't think the numbers should be too bad.他们可能会开They're probably talking about something like20万$200,000.-我可没这么多钱 -很遗憾你有- I don't have that kind of money. - Unfortunately, you do. 房♥子吗The house?你买♥♥下它后它的价格就一路飙升Its value went through the roof since you bought it.而且我翻新过用我妈的钱And renovated it, with my mother's money.现在全部属于社区资产了Well, it's all... it's all community property now.这么说他得到半个房♥子加上赡养费So he gets half the house and alimony?数目还有回旋余地Well, there's leeway in the numbers我们会尽可能争取and we'll make all the arguments we can.而且我们有个谈判的筹码他想要房♥子But there is a bargaining chip. He wants the house.-他想继续住在那 -是的- He wants to keep living there? - Yeah.如果你让他得到房♥子And if you let him have it, well,你就能获得笔数目可观的钱you could end up with a lot of money in your pocket.我知道他特别想要房♥子I understand he wants it pretty badly.对不起这太不现实了Sorry. This is so surreal. Um...他怎么可能有钱买♥♥下我那半房♥子How... how would he even find the money to buy me out of my half? 显然他的新欢喜欢那地方Apparently she likes the place.周围有不错的学校It's near the right schools.学校她莫非...Schools. She's...你会挺过去的You're gonna get over this.你一定会的弗朗西丝You will, Frances.你一定会重新找到幸福的Someday you're gonna be happy again.对Right.-桌子呢 -桌子搬走- And the desk? - The desk goes.不桌子留下No. The desk can stay.-沙发呢 -搬走吧- The couch? - Yes, please.我们快点把沙发搬出去Vamos con la sofa, por favor, y de aprisa.等等不沙发还是留下吧Wait a minute. No. The sofas can stay.回来先别搬走No, esperate. Esperese para alla, por favor. -椅子呢 -也不用搬- How about the chairs? - They stay, too.这样所有东西都留着除了Actually, everything's going to stay except 除了那边的箱子except those boxes over there,那三个装书的箱子those three boxes with the books in them. 如果你不介意的话If you don't mind.-你确定吗 -是的- You're sure? - Yeah.卧室呢The bedroom?不No.-厨房♥ -不用- Kitchen? -No.把纸箱搬走Levantense los cartones, por favor.那我们完工了So then we're done?完工了We're done.你离婚了You gettin' a divorce?看得出来吗It shows?这是带家具的短租公♥寓♥ These are furnished short-term apartments. 每户都差不多That's all we get.住在2B的邻居是个律师Your neighbor in 2B, he's an attorney.他的离婚官司拖拖拉拉三年了His divorce has been draggin' on for three years.人不错还免费给其他房♥客提供法律咨♥询♥ Nice guy. Gives free legal advice to the other tenants.如果他哭得让你心神不宁If his crying gets on your nerves,你敲敲墙他就会停you just bang on the wall. He'll stop.抱歉Sorry.住你楼上的人是个医生The guy in the apartment above you is a doctor.他给人开安♥眠♥药♥He hands out the sleeping pills.-你是做什么的 -我是作家- What do you do? - I'm a writer.那你可以帮其他人写自杀遗言So you can help the others with their suicide notes.你是故意搞笑的吧Ah, you're one of those funny landlords.也不是Not really.这是你的钥匙Well, here's your keys.祝你住得愉快Have a good stay.谢谢Thanks.这就是家了Home.你用蛋糕和香槟庆祝婚姻开始Ta-da! You start a marriage with cake and champagne,也该这样庆祝结束you should finish it that way, too.开始和结束都该乐起来The beginning and the end should be fun, fun, fun.那中间的恼人岁月岂不是很惨Too bad about those pesky years in the middle.-抱歉来晚了 -许个愿吧- Sorry. - Make a wish.医院那边差点失控Things got crazy at the hospital.你正好赶上祝酒You made it in time for the toast.了不起只浪费了一年时间Bravo. And it only took a year.-为重获自♥由♥干杯 -敬自♥由♥- To freedom. - To freedom.谢谢Thanks.你没喝啊你根本没喝啊You're not drinking. You're not drinking!-好运在第五次降临了 -天啊派蒂- Fifth time was a charm. - Oh, my God! Patti!-什么时候生 -五月- When are you due? - May.五月太好了May! Oh, my God.我要当姨妈了我要当姨妈了真棒I'm going to be an auntie! I'm going to be an auntie. Yes.-小小的打乱了我们的计划 -当然了- It changes our plans a little bit. - Well, of course.我们本打算去托斯卡尼来次浪漫的十天之旅We were about to take a 10-day tour to romantic Tuscany,但我不想让派蒂在头三月坐飞机but I don't want Patti flying during her first trimester.小牺牲而已Small sacrifice.所以我们决定把经济舱机票升级成头等舱So we decided to change our coach tickets into an upgraded ticket 送给你for you.这非常好也很慷慨谢谢你们This is amazing. Really generous. Thank you.但我不能接受But, no.你怎么能拒绝托斯卡尼呢How can you say no to Tuscany?不你看我又说了No. Like that.这是消沉的你在说话That's your depression speaking.消沉的我不会说意大利语Well, it doesn't speak Italian.倒记得点高中学的法语It speaks a little high-school French.而且我已经不消沉了Besides, I'm not depressed anymore.那你为什么还在离婚者营地Then what are you still doing和那些窝囊废一起生活living at Camp Divorce with all those losers?你留点口德他们是我的邻居Be nice. Those are my people.你不属于那个地方That's not a place you live.得了吧Guys, come on.我很感谢你们Thank you so much.但是我现在没法There is no way that I can go去托斯卡尼浪漫旅行懂吗on a romantic tour of Tuscany right now, okay?我没准备好和别人约会I mean, I'm not ready to meet anyone.你不会的我们保证Oh, you won't. That we can assure you.这是个同性恋团It's a gay tour of romantic Tuscany.所以你可以非常放松So it would be very relaxing for you.大多数是成双成对Mostly couples,不会有人找你搭讪没话找话no one would be there to hit on you or check you out, 你可以集中精力and you could just concentrate去倾听你心底的声音and listen to your own inner voice.我心底的声音它会说My inner voice. My inner voice that would be saying,"我他妈来托斯卡尼游同性恋团干嘛""What the fuck am I doing on a gay tour of Tuscany?"弗朗西丝那可是意大利意大利Frances, it's Italy. Italy.而且你正好可以开始写作Plus, you could use it as a time to start writing.我很忙我有好多书得评论呢派蒂Well, I'm busy. I have to review all those books, Patti.自己的书倒撂一边了Instead of working on your own book.你要这么刻薄吗还是荷尔蒙失调Are you being mean, or just hormonal?行我回来前你们俩可别杀了对方Okay. Don't kill each other until I get back.我们能不能说说孩子Can we please just talk about the baby?-我觉得你有危险了 -什么危险- I think you're in danger. - Of?一蹶不振的危险Of never recovering.当你遇到徒有躯壳的人的时候You know when you come across one of those empty-shell people, 你会想你到底怎么了and you think, "What the hell happened to you?"这些人都经历过一段时光Well, there came a time in each one of those lives曾经徘徊在十字路口where they were standing at a crossroads.十字路口神啊这太奥普拉了Crossroads. God, that is so Oprah.在那他们得决定向左还是向右走Someplace where they had to decide to turn left or right.这时候不要做胆小鬼弗朗西丝This is no time to be a chickenshit, Frances.我不是胆小鬼派蒂我不是I'm not being a chickenshit, Patti. I'm not.好吧那就答应我考虑一下Okay, just promise me you'll think about it.我会考虑的好吗I'll think about it. Okay?我看你是在找地方住吧I got a feelin' about you. Are you lookin' for a place to stay? 对差不多吧Yeah, I guess.-你离婚了吗 -什么- You gettin' a divorce? - What?我们有短租公♥寓♥We got short-term apartments,但别担心有些人一住就是好几年but don't worry, some people stay for years.有作家医生...We got a writer, we got a doctor...-对不起 -没关系- Sorry. Sorry. - It's okay.-你想过来吗 -不想- You wanna come over? - No!可能过会Maybe later.我居然讲可能过会"Maybe later."-喂 -派蒂我什么时候出发- Hello? - Patti, when do I leave?大家好我是大卫这是你们的司机埃多拉多Hi, everybody, I'm David. This is your driver, Edoardo.你们是旅行在外的同性恋And you are gay and away.欢迎你们开始And welcome to your first day托斯卡尼浪漫之旅的第一天of our romantic tour of Tuscany.我看见你们大多数人Now, I saw most of you all hobnobbing在飞机上都聊过并且互相认识了and getting to know each other on the plane,但我想另外确认一下你们都见过弗朗西丝了but I wanted to make extra sure that you've all met Frances. 嗨弗朗西丝Hey, Frances.弗朗西丝是异性恋Now, Frances is straight她刚从一场可怕的离婚中逃脱出来and she just survived a terrible divorce,她的朋友派蒂叮嘱and according to her friend Patti,她很需要我们的支持she really needs our support.弗朗西丝So, Frances,站起来让大家给你打个招呼吧why don't you stand up and let everyone say hello? 来吧弗朗西丝快来Come on, Frances, come on.嗨Hi.让那混♥蛋♥见鬼去弗朗西丝尽情玩Screw the bastard, Frances! Have some fun!大家听好了跟着向日葵走Okay, everyone, follow the flower.天哪居然在下雨Good God, I can't believe it's raining!对不起Sorry.你杯子空了还要点吗You're empty. You need a little more?你还想要酒吗葡萄酒You want more wine? More vino?不好意思黑妞能来杯喝的吗Excuse me, can a black gal get a drink up here?可以Yes, she can.弗朗西丝来点吗Frances, a little more?-谢谢 -来给- Thank you. - Yes, here you go.你好Buon giorno.-来一串 -葡萄吗- Uno buncho. - Un grappolo?-3000元 -什么- Sono tremila. - What?-3000 -3000- Tremila. - Tremila...谢谢日安Grazie. Buon giorno.很赞不是吗Pretty awesome, isn't it?是可以这么说很赞Yes, I think you could say that. Pretty awesome.我要怎么写这些God. How am I gonna get through all of these?我该怎样下笔描述这一切I mean, how do you even begin to describe all of this? 你要是有笔我可以帮你写Well, if you have a pen, I could write it for you.你是个好作家吗Are you a good writer?以前是I used to be.好吧试一下All right, well, have a go.-写给我妈 -亲爱的妈妈- To my mom. - Dear Mom.亲爱的妈妈Dear Mom,今天是科尔托纳的赶集日it's market day in Cortona.广场上的开放宴会所有人都受邀参加The piazza is an ongoing party, and everyone is invited. 陈词滥调都在这世界的中心汇集Cliches converge at this navel of the world,让你几乎想笑出声来you almost want to laugh.但你还是忍♥不住觉得But you can't help feeling that Italians意大利人比我们更懂得享乐know more about having fun than we do.我把集市上买♥♥的一颗热葡萄塞进嘴里I eat a hot grape from the market肆意的甜蜜在口腔蔓延and the violet sweetness breaks open in my mouth.甚至闻起来也是紫色的It even smells purple.真希望我能长久驻足于此I wish I could stay here longer,但塔楼的钟声提醒我时间不早了but the bell of the campanile reminds me of time."叮当咚"地响而不是"叮咚""Ding-dang-dong," The bell says, instead of "Ding-dong".真希望你也在这里I wish you were here.爱你的Love...罗德尼Rodney.谢谢Thanks."甚至闻起来也是紫色的""Even smells like purple"?我妈绝不会相信这是我写的My mom will never believe that I wrote this.你自己留着吧还"叮当咚"呢Keep it. "Ding-dang-dong", goes the bell!不好意思I'm sorry.向往阳光Bramasole.向往阳光Bramasole.是"渴望"和"太阳"两个词的结合From "bramare", to yearn for, and "sole", the sun.这是个漂亮的小别♥墅♥It's a nice little villa.很破败但尚可补救Rather run-down, but redeemable.-你要买♥♥下它吗 -不不不- Are you going to buy it? - No! No, no, no.我只是游客今天才来这I'm just a tourist. Here for the day.那又怎样So?我是说谁不想在托斯卡尼买♥♥个别♥墅♥ Well, I mean, who wouldn't want to buy a villa in Tuscany?但依我现在的生活状况来看But the way my life has been going,这肯定是个糟糕的主意that'd be a terrible idea.糟糕的主意Terrible idea.这不正是你所爱吗Don't you just love those?抱歉各位紧急停车Sorry, everybody. Unscheduled stop.天哪羊Oh, my God, sheep.真难以想象不是吗It's surreal, isn't it?向往阳光停车Stop the bus.-停车 -什么- Stop the bus. - What?有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?该死Shit.不好意思Oh, excuse me.对不起打扰了Oh, I'm sorry. Mi scusi...需要帮忙吗夫人Can I help you, signora?是的我以为这个房♥子要出♥售♥ Yes. I thought the house was for sale.我没有预约I didn't make an appointment.房♥子是要出♥售♥The house is for sale.但很遗憾已经有人要买♥♥了But unfortunately someone is already buying it.我们非常喜欢并且今天就要买♥♥下We like it very much and we'll buy it today.很好请等一下Very good. One moment, please.不好意思Excuse me.他们同意了价格想买♥♥下这么快我们开价太低了再提高至少2000万里拉抱歉对不起I'm sorry. I'm sorry.恐怕价格有变I'm afraid there has been a change in the price.现在要加2000万里拉了It is now 20 million lire more expensive.为什么五分钟后就突然升值了吗Why? It didn't get more valuable in the last five minutes. 既然你们决定要买♥♥The contessa feels that she has asked too little,伯爵夫人感觉自己要价太低了since you have agreed to buy it.这是什么荒唐逻辑That logic is absurd!打扰一下Excuse me?价格是多少What is the price?你要和我们竞争吗Are you bidding against us?等等我们接受新价格Wait. We accept the new price.不这房♥子这么漂亮想买♥♥的人必须要付双倍价钱伯爵夫人说The contessa says that既然大家都对这别♥墅♥有兴趣since there is so much interest in the house,它的价格现在翻倍the price is now double.-十秒一个新价吗 -是的- Since the last 10 seconds. - Normale.你们这些贪婪的美国人You greedy Americans.总觉得自己高人一等You think you are so entitled.然后毁了一切You ruin everything.很多美国人也觉得很抱歉A lot of us feel really badly about that.咱们走吧再去普罗旺斯看看法♥西♥斯♥分子她呢她开的什么价我来问问吧价格真的加倍了吗Is it really double the price?-价格仍加倍吗 -是的- Il prezzo e veramente il doppio? - Si.我没那么多钱I can't pay double the price.但请告诉伯爵夫人But please tell the contessa that这是我刚卖♥♥掉了房♥子剩的钱美元this is what I got from my house recently, in dollars.她卖♥♥了房♥子剩的钱Ha venduto la sua casa per questa cifra.减去装♥修♥的开销Minus the work on the place,锤子水桶等工具开销hammers, buckets,人力花销men,巧克力等食物花销chocolate.以及当发现自己犯下滔天大错之后And a rental car to drive off a cliff悬崖勒马的花费when this all turns out to have been a terrible mistake.我只能出这个价That's what I can pay.夫人你连房♥子都还没参观过呢Signora, you've not even seen the house.我Well, I...我不想回旧金山了I can't go back to San Francisco.不不行No... No.很抱歉夫人I'm sorry, signora.伯爵夫人一家世代居住在这里The contessa's family have lived here for generations,她对这里很难割舍还望海涵so understandably it is very difficult for her to sell.钱不是重点她需要的是Money is not the only issue. She needs...一个神谕一个征兆Un segno di Dio. Un segno.一个征兆明白了我也相信征兆A sign. I understand. I believe in signs, too.好吧十分感谢Well, thank you. Thank you.不客气Prego.让我帮你Please...感谢上帝就是它这就是征兆Grazie, Dio! Il segno, il segno!-她说什么 -感谢旧金山- What'd she say? - San Francesco ti ringrazio.在意大利刚才发生的事就是很好的征兆In Italy, what happened to you just now is a very good sign. -真的吗 -是的- It is? - Yes.现在参观一下这幢房♥子怎么样我们先为你开个户First we open an account for you.然后你转账就行了Then you transfer the money.这是对你地♥产♥的法定说明Here is the legal description of the land,两头牛犁两天two oxen, two days.-什么意思 -这是传统- I'm sorry? - It's old-fashioned.法律规定The legal description.通过两头牛犁地用时来丈量土地的大小The land is measured by how long it would take two oxen to plow it.有道理That makes sense.向往阳光这就行了吗Just like that?一张表没填钱款也还没转账Before I've filled out all the forms or the money's been transferred?这是房♥子又不是踏板车还怕你偷走不成It's a house, not a Vespa. What are you going to do, steal it?况且马尔蒂尼夫人很喜欢你Besides, Signora Martini likes you.好剩下的交给我们行了Okay. We'll take care of the rest later. Normale.-行了吗 -行了- Normale? - Normale.行了Normale.就这样我在异乡买♥♥了一幢别♥墅♥I have bought a house in a foreign country.一幢得两头牛犁地两天的别♥墅♥A house and the land it takes two oxen two days to plow.而我既没有犁更没有牛Not having a plow or an ox,只好相信他们了I'll have to take their word on that.很多人买♥♥♥房♥♥后都会为自己的冲动而懊悔Buyer's remorse is a very common affliction among new homeowners.不过就算你此刻胃里翻江倒海Just because you have an acid stomach或突然有想哭的冲动and a sudden urge to weep,却不代表你做错了that doesn't mean you've made a mistake.众所皆知老房♥子总有一些特别之处Everybody knows old houses have their quirks.尤其是一幢有300年历史的房♥子Especially 300-year-old houses.老房♥主留给了我1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥个空酒瓶I have inherited 10,000 empty wine bottles,一颗葡萄one grape,1958年的整套《民族》报纸every issue of La Nazione printed in 1958,《民族》为意大利历史最悠久的地区性报纸之一还有各式各样的前房♥客and assorted previous tenants.克服买♥♥♥房♥♥懊悔症的诀窍就是制定一个计划The trick to overcoming buyer's remorse is to have a plan.挑一个房♥间作自己的卧室Pick one room and make it yours.细细品鉴房♥间的每一处Go slowly through the house.谦逊一些耐心感受它所经历的故事Be polite. Introduce yourself so it can introduce itself to you.你干了什么You did what?弗朗西丝在托斯卡尼买♥♥了幢别♥墅♥Frances bought a house in Tuscany!那你要住在那里吗一个人And you're gonna live there? Alone?我才不孤单虫子陪着呢I'm not there alone, I'm there with bugs.宝宝怎么样了How's the belly?一切都好天哪真没想到你会这样做It's growing. It's good. God, I can't believe you did this.-你已经买♥♥下来了吗 -是啊怎么了- Did you already sign? - Yes. Why?怎么你觉得我不该买♥♥吗What, you think I shouldn't have?别跟我说我做错了Are you telling me I made a mistake?说不准你觉得呢I don't know. Did you?我不知道啊但明明是你给我大谈特谈Well, I don't know. You're the one who made the什么徒有躯壳的人站在十字路口"empty-shell person standing at the crossroads" speech.好吧是我说的Oh, yeah, that was me.行你就这样买♥♥啦Okay. Wow! So you bought a villa in Tuscany.-房♥子怎么样啊 -还得装♥修♥一下- What's the place like? - It needs a little work.谁来装♥修♥Well, who's gonna do it?-我来 -你来- I am. - You are?我印象中你动手能力没那么强吧I guess I never realized you were so handy.我能自力更生I can do things, you know.还记得我修好过水管吗Remember I fixed that drain?你厨房♥那个不那是我修的In your kitchen? No, that was me.是我递给你那什么橡胶玩意I handed you the rubber thingy.你说塞子那是汤姆递的The plunger? That was Tom.太烦人了你干嘛提到他I can't believe it. Why, why did you just say his name? 抱歉我忘了十分抱歉I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry.我能搞定这一切I can make this work. You know?当然我不是说Of course I didn't mean所有的活都我♥干♥ 我可是在意大利I was gonna do all the work myself. I'm in Italy.我可以雇那些罗马众神肌肉发达的后裔I can hire the muscular descendants of Roman gods来干那些体力活to do the heavy lifting.那好吧好好监督告诉他们该干什么Yeah, right then. Just supervise, tell them what to do.-还没遇到那谁吗 -谁- So have you met him yet? - Uh... Who?-你的真命天子 -拜托派蒂- The guy you're gonna meet. - Patti, please.我们这开始下雨了You know what, it's starting to rain here a little bit,我得挂了so I think I have to go now.等等范妮...Wait, Fran...代我亲亲宝宝好吗I want you to kiss the belly for me, okay?-范妮我 -再见- Fran, I... - Bye-bye.-打星69回拨意大利好使吗 -不行吧- Can you star-69 Italy? - No.星69为美国电♥话♥服务用于对未知号♥码的回拨我试试I'm gonna try.有人吗Hello?到了Okay.一秒两秒One-one thousand... Two...妈啊Jesus!好了Okay...快停吧Stop it!天哪Oh, my God!天哪Oh, my God!没事了你在这很安全You're gonna be okay. You're safe here.别乱飞好吗会吓死我的Just don't fly around, okay? You'll freak me out.夫人Signora?梅斯夫人Signora Mayes?早上好Buon giorno.看来你在暴雨中活下来了I see you have survived the storm.我没事不过洗衣机挂了I'm alive. But the... the washing machine is dead.是的它被雷劈废了Yes. It was electrocuted.还好你没有被劈到I'm happy to see that you were not.你是专门来看我的吗You... you came to check on me?你今天要见几个承包商You are meeting the contractors today我来搭把手and I came to help you.-其中一个已经到了 -到了- I believe one of them is already here. - Here?楼下Downstairs.是到了He's here.我希望拆掉这堵墙I was hoping to take this wall down,把这两个小房♥间整合成一个大的turn these two small rooms into one big room.好主意Oh, wonderful.你品味这么出众You should have been an architect.该做个建筑师You have excellent taste.那我说的这些到底能搞定不So, do you think it can be done?暖气管一周浴室三天Heating pipes, a week. The bathrooms, three days.夫人给我你房♥子的钥匙Signora, give me the keys of this place一个月之内我将还您一座宫殿and in one month I will give you back the keys to your palace. 交给我就行Just... just leave it to me.工匠之神啊拆了这里吧San Melchiorre dei carpentieri, qui crolla tutto!轰隆轰隆轰隆Boom, boom, boom!来Andiamo.我几年前就修过这个Feci io questo lavoro. Era anni fa, eh...他说很早以前就修过这个了He says he fixed it himself many years ago.是吗想看看别的地方吗Really? Oh. You wanna see the rest of the house?行可以Okay. Yes, yes.这可不行我得重建这堵墙Oh, ma non e possibile. Eh, lo deve rifare questo muro. 他建议你重新砌一堵墙He suggests that you rebuild the wall.这对整个花♥园♥的结构十分重要E 'importante per la struttura del giardino.这对整个花♥园♥的结构十分重要It is important for the structure of the garden.我去叫我的建筑队C'ho la squadra giusta, ora li chiamo.他有一队建筑专家He has a team of experts.早安Buon giorno.你好女士我们来自波兰不是意大利人Hello, miss. We are not Italian. We are from Polonia. 波兰你们都会英语吗Poland? Do you all speak English?只有我会而且也只会一点点Only me. And only a little.-我叫帕维尔 -帕维尔很高兴认识你- I am Pawel. - Pawel. Nice to meet you.早安Buon giorno.-杰吉 -杰吉你好- Jerzy. - Jerzy.你好Hello.-扎卜皮诺 -扎卜皮诺你好。

大树为我们遮蔽了炙热的阳光的英语The Shelter of the Mighty Trees.Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often find ourselves seeking refuge from the harsh realities of the world. One such refuge, often overlooked in the midst of our urban jungles, is the majestic presence of trees. These silent giants stand tall, their branches extending wide, offering a welcome break from the relentless glare of the sun.The sun, a blazing orb of fire in the sky, casts its warmth upon the earth, but at times, its intensity can be unbearable. It's then that we turn to the trees, those ancient guardians of life, for protection. Their dense foliage acts as a natural umbrella, blocking out the harsh rays and replacing them with filtered light that dances playfully on the ground.Beneath the canopy of these trees, the air becomescooler, the sounds of birdsong and rustling leaves provide a calming melody, and the sense of peace is palpable. This is a sanctuary from the heat, a place where one can escape the suffocating embrace of the sun and find solace in the shade.The trees, with their deep roots and strong trunks, have been around for centuries, witnessing the rise andfall of civilizations, the coming and going of generations. They stand as silent witnesses to our own lives, offering comfort and companionship in their own unique way.Their presence is not just a physical one. Trees have a profound emotional and psychological impact on us. They instill a sense of tranquility and serenity that is hard to find in today's fast-paced world. Just being in their vicinity can have a calming effect on our minds, helping us to de-stress and reconnect with nature.Moreover, trees are essential to our survival. They provide us with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and act as natural air purifiers. Their roots stabilize the soil,preventing erosion, and their branches provide habitats for a diverse array of wildlife. In essence, trees are the lifeblood of our planet, and their role in maintaining the ecological balance cannot be overstated.However, in today's world, where development and urbanization are at an all-time high, trees are often considered obstacles to be cleared for the construction of roads, buildings, and other infrastructure. This is atragic irony, as it is these same trees that provide us with so much, both physically and emotionally.It is high time that we recognized the value of trees and protected them, not just for their ecological importance but also for the well-being of our own species. We need to create more spaces for them in our cities, plant more trees, and ensure that their survival is a priority.In conclusion, trees are not just inert objects in our environment; they are living beings that play a crucialrole in our lives. They provide us with shade from the sun, oxygen to breathe, and a sense of peace and tranquilitythat is essential for our mental well-being. It is our responsibility to cherish and protect them, ensuring that they continue to thrive and enrich our lives for generations to come.。

1.Fantaghirò / Cave of the Golden Rose / 金玫瑰洞2.On Golden Pond / 金色池塘3.Till We Meet Again / 待到重逢时(休-格兰特演坏人~~)4."Beauty and the Beast" / 侠胆雄狮(恩,美女与野兽,瞧这英文名起的~~)5.If The Shoe Fits / 魔鞋(那个女的叫"不露相",男主角黑了点)6.情梦古堡(故事发生在苏格兰,第一次见穿裙子的男人)7.Journey to the Center of the Earth / 地心探险8.The Harvey Girls / 哈维姑娘(歌舞片,她还演过绿野仙踪)9.环游地球80天/Around The World In 80 Days (皮尔斯-布鲁斯南)10.Where The Spirit Lives11.The Million Pound Note / 百万英镑 (派克啊~~)12.Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure / 拯救落井幼儿 (偶觉得是现在一切如"讲述"类节目的前身)13.Jane Eyre (mini) / 大英百科小说-简爱14.Mercy Mission: The Rescue Of Flight 771 / 救援飞行(又一个真实的故事,ms发生在平安夜)15.Town Torn Apart / 小镇的分歧16.Flight of the Navigator / 飞碟导航员17.Short Circuit / 霹雳五号18.Killer Crocodile / 杀人鳄鱼潭19.Christmas Eve圣诞前夜20.The Invisible Man / 隐形人21.Follow the River (TV) / 沿着河走22.Electric Dreams / 电脑梦幻曲 (那时候电脑还很稀罕,何况是有思想的电脑~~)23.The Valley of Decision / 空谷芳草(钢铁家族的财产争夺,还有爱情~~)24.大西洋底来的人25.冰上浪漫曲 /Cutting Edge (刀齿~~)26.Gulliver's Travels (TV) / 小人国历险记 / 格列佛游记27.Crocodile Dundee / 鳄鱼邓迪 / 鳄鱼先生28.Thorn Birds, The (mini) / 荆棘鸟29.Yesenia / 叶塞尼亚30.Murder on the Orient Express / 东方快车谋杀案31.Golden Fiddles / 金色小提琴32.J'ai é;pousé; une ombre / 我嫁了个影子 / I Married a Dead Man33.Romance on the Orient Express / 东方快车恋曲34.Dead Letter Office / 死信办公室35.The Shrimp on the Barbie / 地狱来的人36.怪鸭历险记 / Count Duckula (这个,是我喜欢的~~)37.Gargoyles / 夜行神龙 (这个也是~~)38.The Earthling / 荒野有情天 / 天涯一孤雏39.Date with an Angel / 天使在人间40.I'll Take Manhattan风雨娉婷41.失眠者的梦Dream for an Insomniac42.女富豪的秘密生活Too Rich: The Secret Life of Doris Duke43.千面娇娃 / Penelope (抢自己丈夫的银行,偷宾客的贵重物品,是为了吸引丈夫的注意,心理医生有病也要看心理医生~~)44.Tri veteráni / 三个老兵 (说谎是要长鼻子的~~)45.Roi et l'oiseau, Le / 国王与小鸟46.Art Attack / 艺术创想 (还是我喜欢的~~ympk)47.出生入死 / la piovra48.玛格里特-米切尔传 A Burning Passion: The Margaret Mitchell Story (艺术来源于生活,<飘>的作者的传记,一生只有这一部作品也很厉害的~~)49.神秘岛Fantasy Island TV-Series 1978-198450.Borrowed Hearts: A Holiday Romance(买来得家庭,原来天使路过的时候是会有声音的~~)51.20,000 Leagues Under the Sea / 海底两万里52.Izu no odoriko / The Izu Dancer / 伊豆的舞女53.绝唱 /Katsumi Nishikawa 山口百惠(永远记得片末的脚步声)54.Divided We Fall分道不扬镳55.Tafelspitz / 味浓情更浓奥地利/德国 (幸运饼,"想要抓住男人的心,就先抓住他的胃"的模范版本)56.Sissi茜茜公主57.维多利亚女王M?dchenjahre einer K?nigin58.油炸绿番茄Fried Green Tomato at the Whistle Stop Cafe59.正南方Due South60.伪装者The Pretender(佳艺剧场播出的电视剧)61.Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All (TV) / 往日情怀62.Splash美人鱼63.几世情缘64.宫廷秘史:女皇的遗嘱65.宫廷秘史I:皇帝的遗嘱66.宫廷秘史III:我是皇帝67.宫廷秘史IV:巨人的陷落68.Singin' in the Rain 雨中曲69.王勃之死70.为奴隶的母亲71.相伴永远 (蔡畅和李富春的爱情故事)72.随风而去 (胡维臣的故事,很多外国电影中文译名的作者)73.Secrets 隐私74.Yes, Minister / 是,大臣 BBC75.Yes, Prime Minister / 是,首相 BBC76.霹雳贝贝77.蝴蝶 (法)78.剪刀手爱德华79.亲爱的,我把孩子变小了80.亲爱的,我把孩子变大了81-83.回到未来三部曲84.浪漫之旅85.Supergirl / 女超人86.Roots (mini) / 根87.The Ginger Tree姜树88.霹雳游侠(Knight Rider) (这车可真好啊~~)89.The Maid男保姆90.Guilty Until Proven Innocent / 无罪的判决 / 冤狱91.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 误闯亚瑟王宫 (马克吐温原著)92.Krummerne/克拉姆的一家93. 远大前程 / 不要说再见94. Never Tell Me Never (1998) (TV)95.Tuesday相约星期二96.Holiday Affair(TV) / 圣诞之恋97. 《一个夏天的故事》 / 仲夏之恋 / 夏日故事98. The Thorn Birds: The Missing Years 荆棘鸟99.Amy / 艾美的世界100.The House of the Spirits / 金色豪门 / 第六感之恋101.The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns/矮仙传奇 / 魔幻帝国 / 精灵帝国102.The Boy Who Could Fly / 屋顶上的男孩 / 冲上碧云天103.The Secret Life of Ian Fleming (TV) / 谍海奇才 / Spymaker104.Ali Baba et les quarante voleurs / Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves / 阿里巴巴和四十大盗105.魔鬼的交易Devil's Food (1996) (TV)106.当年巨头World War II: When Lions Roared (1994) (TV) / Then There Were Giants 107.The Nanny天才保姆108.Return to Peyton Place / 重返故里109.The 300 Spartans / 三百斯巴达勇士 / 三百侍卫110.Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines / How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes / 飞行器上的好小伙111.Detskiy sad / 幼儿园 / Kindergarten112.Little House on the Prairie / 草原小屋 / 连续剧集113.Gigi / 金粉世界 / 琪琪114.Anne of Green Gables (TV) / 清秀佳人 / 红发的安115.Get Smart [TV-Series 1965-1970] / 糊涂侦探116.Stranded (TV) / 荒岛求生记117.A Hazard of Hearts (TV) / 山庄奇缘118.A Room with a View / 看得见风景的房间 / 窗外有蓝天119.Rouge et le noir, Le / 红与黑120.Garrison's Gorillas [TV-Series] / 加里森敢死队121.Magic Moments 魔法时刻 (TV)122.Here Come the Littles / 小不点123.The Return of the Antelope 羚羊号历险记124.Map of the Human Heart / 心中的地图125.I Dream of Jeannie126.Mr. Smith Goes to Washington / 史密斯先生到华盛顿 / 史密斯游美京127.The Saint of Fort Washington / 燃烧华盛顿 / 同是天涯沦落人128.Project X / X计划129.天堂回信 / An Answer from Heaven130.FairyTale: A True Story / 精灵传奇131.Tora! Tora! Tora!偷袭珍珠港 / 虎!虎!虎! / 偷袭珍珠港132.Blood and Sand / 碧血黄沙133.Silver Streak / 银线号大血案 / 疯狂列车134.Green Card / 绿卡135.Growing Pains / 成长的烦恼136.我的父亲A Voyage Round My Father(1982) (TV)137.My Girl / 小丫头 / 小鬼初恋138.Free Willy / 人鱼的童话 / 威鲸闯天关139.An Affair to Remember / 金玉盟 / 难忘的时刻140."Return to Eden" / 重返伊甸园141.The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders (TV) / Moll Flanders / 摩尔·弗兰德斯142.Gro?e Liebe wider Willen143.The English Wife / 英国妻子144.The Man Who Cried / 纵情四海 / 哭泣的恋人145. Roswell / 罗斯维尔 / E星恋 (此为电视剧版本)146.Falling in Love / 坠入情网 / 信是有缘147.The Paper Chase / 力争上游 / 平步青云148.friendships field / 友情天地dy Hawke / 鹰狼传奇 / 鹰女150. Harem (TV) / 后宫的规条151.Vincent et moi / Vincent and Me / 文森特与我152.托斯卡纳艳阳下/Under the Tuscan Sun / 托斯卡尼艳阳下153.As des as, L' / 王中王 / 金牌教练154.Sluzhebnyy roman / 办公室的故事155.罗斯威尔(TV) / Roswell / Roswell (TV)156.Manon of the Spring / 玛侬的复仇 / 恩怨情天157.Jean de Florette / 男人的野心 / 恋恋山城158.Working Girl / 上班女郎 / 打工女郎159.the Reef / Passion's Way / 暗礁ntern Hill / 小丘月圆 / 灯塔山的故事161.Somewhere in Time / 似曾相识 / 时光倒流七十年162.Victim of Love (TV) / 惊悚情 / 受害者的爱163.The Shell Seekers / 海边拾贝人 / 故里寻梦164.Courage Mountain / 勇气之峰 / 强渡关山165.Amy / 听不到的说话 / 艾美的世界166.公主新娘The Princess Bride / 公主新娘167.Kommissar Rex / Inspector Rex (Australia) / Rex: A Cop's Best Friend (UK) 168.RoboCop / 机器战警 / 铁甲威龙169.Family Blessings / 合家喜庆170.This Can't Be Love (TV) / 这可不是爱171.阿尔卑斯山的少女 / Heidi172.The Slipper and the Rose / 灰姑娘 / 新仙履奇缘173.Scarecrow And Mrs. King (1983) (TV) 侠骨柔情174.Spuk im Hochhaus (1982) TV-Series 高楼轶事175.女奴伊佐拉/"Escrava Isaura" (1976) / 女奴伊佐拉176.My Favorite Martian / 马丁叔叔 / 火星人马丁叔叔 [TV-Series 1963-1966]177.Merilyn and Me / 梦露与我178.Flowers for Algernon (TV) / 献给阿尔吉侬的花束 / 寻找失去的爱179.Mac and Me / 新外星人 / 宇宙精灵180.Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story / 杰克与仙豆 / 杰克与豆茎181.AQUILE (1989) TV 飞行员与模特 / Top Jet182.batteries not included / 鬼使神差 / 小灵精183.Aladdin (1967) (TV) 青年与神灯184.砂器 / 砂之器185.Kamata koshin-kyoku / 蒲田进行曲 / 情义两心知186.Mann zum Vernaschen, Ein / 爱似甜点187.The Heroes of Telemark / 铁勒马九壮士 / 血染雪山红188.Mannequin / 神气活现 / 穿梭梦美人189.Shaughnessy190.Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman / 新超人191.Sissi - Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin / 茜茜——皇后的命运192.Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin / 茜茜公主 2193.Madame Curie / 居里夫人 / 居礼夫人194.Pride and Prejudice / 傲慢与偏见195.Goodbye, Mr. Chips / 万世师表196.Grace Kelly: The American Princess197.A Little Princess / 公主奇遇记 / 小公主198.The Sound of Music / 音乐之声 / 真善美199.Victor/Victoria / 雌雄莫辩 / 维克多和维克多利亚200.San Francisco / 火烧旧金山 / 三蕃市大地震201.Kramer vs. Kramer / 克莱墨夫妇202.Big / 大人 / 长大203.The Great Escape / 大逃亡 / 胜利逃亡204.Contact / 接触 / 接触未来205.David Copperfield / 大卫·科波菲尔206.The Cassandra Crossing / 卡桑德拉大桥 / 飞越夺命桥207.Gone with the Wind / 乱世佳人 / 飘208.Corazón salvaje / 冷酷的心209.Death on the Nile / 尼罗河上谋杀案 / 尼罗河谋杀案。

一次难忘的经历英语作文英文回答:An Unforgettable Experience。
In the tapestry of life, experiences weave intricate threads that shape our being. One such thread, forever etched in the annals of my memory, is an extraordinary encounter that left an enduring mark on my heart and mind. It was during a transformative journey to the verdant hills of Tuscany that I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the intricate dance between nature and human creativity.As our group embarked on a leisurely hike through the rolling vineyards, the Tuscan sun cast a golden glow upon the landscape. The air was fragrant with the scent of blooming lavender and wild rosemary, mingling harmoniously with the earthy perfume of the vines. With each step, I marveled at the undulating terrain, its gentle slopes adorned with rows of perfectly manicured grapevines.Upon reaching the crest of a hill, a breathtaking vista unfolded before our eyes. Nestled amidst the vineyards,like a verdant jewel, lay the Villa di Borghina, itselegant facade adorned with intricate carvings and timeworn patina. It was here that we were greeted by the venerable patriarch of the Antinori family, Marchesi Piero Antinori,a man whose passion for winemaking spanned generations.As we stepped into the ancient halls of the villa, we were transported back in time to the era of the Renaissance. The walls were adorned with exquisite frescoes depicting scenes from mythology and history, while the vaultedceilings echoed with centuries of whispered conversations. Marchesi Antinori, with his gentle demeanor andencyclopedic knowledge, guided us through the labyrinthine corridors, sharing the rich history of his family and their unwavering commitment to the art of winemaking.But it was in the cellars of the villa that the true magic unfolded. Here, row upon row of oak barrels slumbered, each holding the promise of a liquid treasure. MarchesiAntinori led us through the dimly lit corridors, his voice resonating through the silence as he explained the meticulous process of aging and blending that transformed grapes into masterpieces.As we sampled the exquisite wines, each sip became a journey of discovery. The Tignanello, with its complexnotes of black cherry, spice, and leather, whispered talesof bold innovation. The Solaia, a symphony of elegance and power, showcased the perfect balance of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon. And the Guado al Tasso, a Tuscan icon, exuded an earthy charm that spoke of ancient traditions and modern finesse.Beyond the wine itself, it was the passion and dedication of the Antinori family that left an enduring impression on me. Their unwavering commitment to excellence, their profound respect for nature, and their unwavering belief in the power of human creativity inspired me to dream bigger and strive for greatness in all that I do.As we bid farewell to the Villa di Borghina, I felt aprofound sense of gratitude for the extraordinaryexperience I had shared. It was not merely a visit to a winery, but a pilgrimage to the heart of Tuscany, where the pursuit of perfection had been elevated to an art form. The memories of that day would forever remain etched in my mind, a testament to the transformative power of human ingenuity and a celebration of the enduring bond between nature and the human spirit.中文回答:一次难忘的经历。

under the tuscan sun 托斯卡纳艳阳下

Her requirements are simple, should not be difficult to reach. However, at the moment, there is no sign to thrive.
She just wants a wedding in this house and she wants a family in this house.
"No matter what happens, always keep your childish innocence."
Past is history; Present is gift; And future is mystery.
Tomorrow is another day, especially the day after tomorrow, to me.
Frances buys Bramasole in Cortona, a house rather run-down but redeemable.
She regrets to have bought an old house in a foreign country for a time. The thunder, the storm, the snake, etc. She feels alone.
Frances Mayes, an American writer, goes to Tuscany, Italy for a ten-day trip which her good female friend offers her a special gift after her divorce.
Patti forgot her pain and became a happy mother. a family with mother and son.
介词on, in, under用法详解

介词on, in, under用法详解作者:inQ老师来源:本站原创适用年级:七年级(上) 适用单元:Unit4在《英语(新目标)》七年级(上册)Unit4中,我们学习到了介词on,in,under的基本用法。
现归纳如下:1、表示主动意义的情况:(1)on的后面接非动作名词或不及物意义的动作名词,如:The student on duty come to the classroom very early this morning.值日的那个学生今天一早就来到了教室。
The workers were on strike.工人们在罢工。
(2)on后面接动名词时,常作状语,相当于as soon as…引导的时间状语从句,如:On reading the letter(= As soon as he read the letter), he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, though no fault of his own.一看完信,他就知道他法国家里的一个仆人无辜地被关进了监狱。
On his arrival in Paris(= When he arrived in Paris), he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison.他一到达巴黎,立即被人认为是贵族,因而被投进了监狱。
(3)on + the + 动词转化来的名词,表示一个正在进行的动作。
如:Keep the kettle on the boil.(= boiling)让壶里的水开着。

职场人士必看的9部外国励志电影职场人士必看的9部外国勉励电影1《权利的迷醉》 Comedy Of Power本片的故事取材于法国最知名的ELF石油集团政治黑金丑闻,但导演把臭名昭着的贪腐大案弱化成为故事的布景,着力刻画了权利这把双刃剑关于一个成功女人的影响,人道的内省成了影片的重头戏。
2《永不退让》Erin Brockovich影片取材于产生在美国的一个实在工作,影片充溢热情、动听心弦。

英语电影MP3与LRC清单怪物史莱克:霍尔一家Shrek The Halls街角的商店The Shop Around the Corner汉娜姐妹Hannah And Her Sisters搏击俱乐部Fight Club功夫熊猫:盖世五侠的秘密Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five 事不过三Three and Out劲歌飞扬Raise Your Voice先婚后友Wedding Daze魔术师The Illusionist返家十万里Fly Away Home荒岛余生Cast Away爱情达阵Leatherheads哈维最后的机会Last Chance Harvey闪电狗Bolt我是传奇I Am Legend黄昏之恋Love in the Afternoon本杰明·巴顿奇事The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button成名之路Almost Famous紫罗兰Purple Violets字典情人The Sleeping Dictionary新娘大战Bride Wars电话情缘The Other End of the Line一日钟情One Fine Day芭比和12个跳舞的公主Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses美国风情画American Graffiti奇异的恩典Amazing Grace终情之吻The Last Kiss不速之客The Visitor超越边界Beyond Borders低俗小说Pulp Fiction萨维奇一家The Savages生死朗读The Reader好好先生Yes Man机智问答Quiz Show问尘情缘Ask The Dust美国鼠谭西部历险记An American T ail Fievel Goes West良家妇女A Good Woman不朽的园丁The Constant Gardener睡前故事Bedtime Stories纨绔子弟Man About Town回家的路不止一条All Roads Lead Home浪漫鼠德佩罗The Tale Of Despereaux贫民窟的百万富翁Slumdog Millionaire梦想奔驰Dreamer校园风云Election暮光之城Twilight八月钱潮August芭比之森林公主Barbie As The Island Princess新乌龙女校St Trinian's发射失败Failure to Launch卢旺达饭店Hotel Rwanda意外之夫The Accidental Husband银行大劫案The Bank Job耶稣诞生The Nativ ity Story芭比娃娃之真假公主Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper 铁拳男人Cinderella Man神经病人Sicko伯爵夫人The White Countess骗局The Hoax恋爱刺客John Tucker Must Die好运之人The Lucky Ones四角关系Imagine Me and You狮入羊口Lions for Lambs家有仙妻Bewitched相思成灾Love and Other Disasters澳洲乱世情Australia普通人Ordinary People芭比之钻石城堡Barbie and the Diamond Castle阿帕鲁萨镇Appaloosa一条名叫旺达的鱼A Fish Called Wanda七磅Seven Pounds老友有钱Friends with Money美国梦American Dreamz柳暗花明Away From Her亚瑟王King Arthur亿万未婚夫The Bachelor道菲尔太太Mrs. Doubtfire业余小偷Small Time Crooks蕾切尔的婚礼Rachel Getting Married幸运查克Good Luck Chuck女人领地In the Land of Women幸福已逝Grace Is Gone最美好的事The Sweetest Thing歌舞青春3:毕业季High School Musical 3: Senior Year未竟一生An Unfinished Life新郎上错床A Guy Thing神偷大话王Where The Money Is神奇四侠Fantastic Four鸠占鹊巢The Other Boleyn Girl马达加斯加2:逃往非洲Madagascar:Escape 2 Africa恋爱编织梦How to Make an American Quilt丛林大反攻2 Open Season 2身为人母Little Children飞行者The Aviator10件或更少 10 Items or Less防火墙Firewall寻找梦幻岛Finding Neverland市政大厅City Hall庸人哈尔Shallow Hal物归原主Closing the Ring自由作家Freedom Writers女男变错身It's a Boy Girl Thing利欲两心Two For The Money天堂的彼端The Other Side of Heaven师奶杀手The Ladykillers修女也疯狂2 Sister Act 2 Back In The Habit不老泉Tuck Everlasting她找我Then She Found Me糊涂侦探Get Smart情不自禁爱上你I Could Never Be Your Woman赛末点Match Point四月碎片Pieces of April魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring 宝贝猪进城记Babe Pig in the City关键投票Swing Vote野孩子Wild Child乔丹传人Like Mike今年圣诞节This Christmas真爱之吻Penelope第一夫人的保镖Guarding Tess完美圣诞节The Perfect Holiday极地特快The Polar Express妈妈咪呀Mamma Mia新抢钱夫妻Fun with Dick and Jane圣诞节时娶我吧A Christmas Wedding灯火阑珊处Around the Bend狙击电话亭Phone Booth康州圣诞Christmas in Connecticut圣诞故事A Christmas Story我去世的吃醋女友Over Her Dead Body亲亲老爸Dan In Real Life舞梦成真Make It Happen北极的圣诞老人兄弟Fred Claus冰风暴The Ice Storm心灵点滴Patch Adams女生向前翻Stick It墨西哥人The Mexican复制贝多芬Copying Beethoven两杆老烟枪Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels十二月男孩December Boys钢铁巨人The Iron Giant风中奇缘2:伦敦之旅Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World妈妈的新男友My Mom's New Boyfriend大话王Liar Liar美国版我的野蛮女友My Sassy Girl无忧无虑Happy-Go-Lucky简·奥斯丁的遗憾Miss Austen Regrets义海雄风A Few Good Men血色黑金There Will Be Blood勇敢的人The Brave One美丽坏宝贝Pretty Persuasion上海之吻Shanghai Kiss独领风潮T ake the Lead日历女孩Calendar Girls火星的孩子Martian Child我的朋友是明星Popstar水果硬糖Hard Candy和平战士Peaceful Warrior纽约时刻New York Minute无间道风云The Departed猜火车Trainspotting完美的世界A Perfect World芝加哥Chicago魔戒III The Lord of the Rings III The Return of the King遗愿清单The Bucket List成为朱莉娅Being Julia末代皇帝The Last Emperor小猪巴比Babe宛如天堂Just Like Heaven哈利·波特与凤凰社Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix 欲望都市Sex And The City最后的假期Last Holiday初恋50次50 First Dates大力士Hercules不可儿嬉The Importance of Being Earnest征婚广告Must Love Dogs新郎不是我Made Of Honor铁血教练Coach Carter奇怪博士Doctor Strange侦察Sleuth托斯卡尼艳阳下Under The Tuscan Sun时光倒流七十年Somewhere in Time机器管家Bicentennial Man感谢你抽烟Thank You for Smoking加勒比海盗3 Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End 呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights确定地可能Definitely, Maybe威尼斯商人The Merchant of Venice律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde 霍顿与无名氏Horton Hears a Who马语者The Horse Whisperer角斗士Gladiator戴珍珠耳环的少女Girl With A Pearl Earring南方与北方North and South难耐的残酷Intolerable Cruelty小公主A Little Princess (95年版)加菲猫的狂欢节Garfield's Fun Fest功夫熊猫Kung Fu Panda大学之旅College Road Trip阿尔菲Alfie奔腾年代Seabiscuit一吻定江山Never Been Kissed迷失东京Lost in Translation谈谈情跳跳舞Shall We Dance一夜风流It Happened One Night天才雷普利The Talented Mr. Ripley冲锋陷阵Remember the Titans冒牌老爸Big Daddy面纱The Painted Veil大喜之日The Wedding Date第一女儿First Daughter钢琴课The Piano双层公寓Duplex魔鬼代言人The Devils Advocate苔丝Tess男人百分百What Women Want小飞侠Peter Pan(真人版)变形金刚Transformers比赛计划The Game Plan伟大辩手The Great Debaters附注:我爱你P S I Love You遇见比尔Meet Bill冷山Cold Mountain地狱神探Constantine飞越疯人院One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest钟楼怪人2 The Hunchback of Notre Dame II高校天后Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen阿基拉和拼字比赛Akeelah and the Bee蜘蛛侠Spider Man爱在日落余晖时Before Sunset遇见波莉Along Came Polly随爱沉伦Down with Love拜见岳父大人2 Meet The Fockers局内人The Insider小鹿斑比2 Bambi II我为蜜月狂The Heartbreak Kid呷醋外父2 Father Of The Bride II美丽心灵的永恒阳光Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind日落之后After The Sunset温布尔登Wimbledon杯酒人生Sideways黄金罗盘The Golden Compass半梦半醒的人生Waking Life霍华德庄园Howards End偷天陷阱Entrapment美少女拉拉队2 Bring It On Again剪刀手爱德华Edward Scissorhands新岳父大人Father Of The Bride魔力玩具盒The Last Mimzy猜猜谁来吃晚餐Guess Who's Coming To Dinner蜜蜂总动员Bee Movie六天七夜Six Days Seven Nights机器人历险记Robots国家宝藏2:夺宝秘笈National Treasure: Book of Secrets甘地传Gandhi香草天空Vanilla Sky美女拉拉队4:一鼓作气Bring It On: In It to Win It饮料杯历险记Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters 小熊维尼故事书The Book Of Pooh结婚证书License to Wed丑小鸭和我The Ugly Duckling And Me复制娇妻The Stepford Wives美好的一年A Good Year街舞少年Stomp The Yard小熊维尼历险记The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh加菲猫:现实世界历险记Garfield Gets Real独立日Independence Day朱诺Juno小熊维尼新年新希望Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year 泰山2 T arzan II钟楼怪人The Hunchback Of Notre Dame亡命感应Premonition第九号爱情香水Love Potion No 9小公主The Little Princess星银岛Treasure Planet27宜嫁 27 Dresses人工智能A.I. Artificial Intelligence蓝莓之夜My Blueberry Nights拜见岳父母大人Meet the Parents星尘Stardust洛丽塔Lolita小记者大侦探Get A Clue美少女啦啦队Bring It On新婚告急Just Married查林十字街84号84 Charing Cross Road艾尔文和花栗鼠Alvin And The Chipmunks完美陌生人Perfect Stranger后天The Day After Tomorrow忍者神龟TMNT贴身情人Two Weeks Notice亚瑟和他的迷你王国Arthur And The Invisibles名利场Vanity Fair少数派报告Minority Report爱情有什么道理The Thing Called Love撞车Crash一生的唯一Once二见钟情While You Were Sleeping这个男人来自地球The Man From Earth马格瑞姆的玩具店Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium费城Philadelphia八月迷情August Rush霍兰先生的乐章Mr Holland's Opus阿尔法狗Alpha Dog偶像有约Win A Date With Tad Hamilton贝隆夫人Evita罗宾汉Robin Hood楚门的世界The Truman Show国王班底All the King's Men瓶中信Message in a Bottle安妮Annie平民天后The Lizzie McGuire Movie魔法保姆Nanny McPhee小姐与流氓2:狗儿逃家记Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure 牛仔裤的夏天The Sisterhood Of The Traveling PantsMaid In manhattan 曼哈顿女佣高校男生The History Boys小姐与流氓Lady and the Tramp穿越苍穹Across the Universe逍遥法外Catch Me If You Can魔法奇缘Enchanted伊莉莎白:辉煌年代Elizabeth: The Golden Age美国派6:兄弟会American Pie Presents: Beta House熊的传说2 Brother Bear 2超市夜未眠Cashback灰姑娘2 Cinderella II: Dreams Come True莎翁情史Shakespeare in Love一个头,两个大Me, Myself and Irene我的心The Heart of Me美国派4:集体露营American Pie: Band Camp美国派5 American Pie 5 The Naked Mile总统千金欧游记Chasing Liberty尽善尽美As Good as It Gets神探南茜Nancy Drew安妮·霍尔Annie Hall秘密花园The Secret Garden天国王朝Kingdom Of Heaven神犬也疯狂6 Air Buddies超人高校Sky High爱得过火Because I Said So窗外有蓝天A Room with a View奥斯汀书会The Jane Austen Book Club冲浪企鹅Surf's Up爱是妥协Something's Gotta Give纽约深秋Autumn in New York大学新生Sydney White美味情缘No Reservations一夜大肚Knocked Up赎罪Atonement邪恶新世界Happily Never After惊声尖笑2 Scary Movie II101斑点狗续集101 Dalmatians II发胶Hairspray高校风云School Ties足球尤物She Is the Man喜剧之王The King Of Comedy葬礼上的死亡Death at a Funeral不可饶恕Unforgiven爱再来一次If Only灵异第六感The Sixth Sense时时刻刻The Hours爱在黎明破晓时Before Sunrise美人鱼Aquamarine碧海蓝天The Big Blue单亲插班生About a Boy小熊维尼:嘟嘟的万圣节历险Poohs Heffalump Halloween Movie 爱玛Emma回到未来3 Back to the Future Part III辛普森一家The Simpsons Movie女孩要什么What a Girl Wants兵临城下Enemy at the Gates小熊维尼:春天的百亩森林Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo 爱情盛宴Feast of Love麻雀变王妃The Prince and Me战争之王Lord Of War保姆日记The Nanny Diaries不一样的天空What's Eating Gilbert Grape甜心辣舞Honey风雨哈佛路Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story快餐帝国Fast Food Nation劝导Persuasion百万美元宝贝Million Dollar Baby曼斯菲尔德庄园Mansfield Park梦幻女郎Dreamgirls闪亮之屋Deck the Halls雪季过客Snow Cake足球老爹Kicking And Screaming诺桑觉寺Northanger Abbey天气预报员The Weather Man石破天惊The Rock英国病人The English Patient蝴蝶效应The Butterfly Effect全民情敌Hitch成为简·奥斯汀Becoming Jane回到未来2 Back to the Future 2超完美夺分The Perfect Score歌舞青春2 High School Musical 2傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice BBC哈里波特与魔法石Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone绝配男女Perfect Opposites波特小姐Miss Potter牧场之家好作伴A Prairie Home Companion花木兰Mulan年度人物Man of the Year战鸽快飞Valiant仙履奇缘3:时间魔法Cinderella III: A Twist in Time料理鼠王Ratatouille圣诞夜惊魂The Nightmare Before Christmas美少女啦啦队3 Bring It On: All or Nothing怪物史莱克3 Shrek The Third出租汽车司机T axi Driver为你疯狂Addicted to Love拜金女郎Material Girls纯真年代The Age of Innocence超完美男人The Perfect Man别惹蚂蚁The Ant Bully这个杀手不太冷Leon the Professinal杜玛Duma超级礼物The Ultimate Gift小飞侠Peter Pan欲望号街车A Streetcar Named Desire继母StepMom贱女孩Mean Girls浓情巧克力Chocolat白雪公主Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs雾水总统Dave小美人鱼2:重返大海The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea 缘分天注定Serendipity明星雇员Employee of the Month居家男人The Family Man隔世情缘Kate and Leopold女兵报到Cadet Kelly高校音乐剧High School Musical舞出我人生Step Up埃及王子The Prince of Egypt幸运数字斯莱文Lucky Number Slev in小美人鱼The Little Mermaid博物馆惊魂夜Night At The Museum分手男女The Break-Up神奇遥控器Click熊的传说Brother Bear终极细胞战Osmosis Jones死亡诗社Dead Poets Society风中奇缘Pocahontas相信男人Trust the Man好奇的乔治Curious George天生一对The Parent Trap哈利波特2:消失的密室Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BJ单身日记2:理性边缘Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason修女也疯狂Sister Act狂野大自然The Wild廊桥遗梦Bridges of Madison County恐怖地带Outbreak查理和巧克力工厂Charlie and the Chocolate Factory勇闯黄金城The Road to El Dorado星际宝贝Lilo And Stitch鼠国流浪记Flushed Away机械公敌I, Robot儿女一箩筐Cheaper by the Dozen倒霉爱神Just My Luck我爱哈克比I Heart Huckabees初恋的回忆A Walk to Remember超人归来Superman ReturnsK歌情人Music and Lyrics恋爱假期The Holiday当男人爱上女人When A Man Loves A Woman国家财宝National Treasure爱国者The Patriot女王The Queen汽车总动员Cars天使之城City of Angels鲨鱼故事Shark T ale一球成名/进球Goal南方公园South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut钢琴家The Pianist真爱至上Love Actually夏洛特的网Charlotte's Web四眼天鸡Chicken Little心灵捕手Good Will Hunting简爱Jane Eyre现代罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo + Juliet加勒比海盗Pirates of the Caribbean当哈利遇上莎莉When Harry Met Sally白宫奇缘The American President小鬼当家3 Home Alone 3穿PRADA的恶魔The Devil Wears Prada辛德勒的名单Schindlers List快乐大脚Happy Feet当幸福来敲门The Pursuit of Happyness史努比的故事Snoopy's Story10-12恋恋笔记本The Notebook往日情怀The Way We Were斯通家族The Family Stone新婚奥客You Me and Dupree史努比的故事Snoopy's Story 7-9哈利·波特3:阿兹卡班的囚徒Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 疯狂农庄Barnyard史努比的故事Snoopy's Story 4-6绿里奇迹The Green Mile黑客帝国The Matrix阳光小美女Little Miss Sunshine流言蜚语Rumor Has It史努比的故事Snoopy's Story 1-3丛林大反攻Open Season录取通知Accepted世贸中心World Trade Center黄昏Half Light伊丽莎白镇Elizabethtown蝴蝶梦Rebecca公主日记2:皇室婚约The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement哈利波特与火焰杯Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire爱丽丝梦游仙境Alice in Wonderland辣妈辣妹Freaky Friday优势合作In Good Company春心荡漾Prime特洛伊Troy圣诞精灵Elf小鬼当家2 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York逃离圣诞Christmas With The Kranks难以忽视的真相An Inconvenient Truth小妇人Little Women莫扎特传Amadeus僵尸新娘Corpse Bride偷钱上哈佛Stealing Harvard小鬼当家Home AloneBJ单身日记Bridget Jones's Diary玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2王牌播音员Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy 回到未来Back To The Future达·芬奇密码The Da Vinci Code窈窕淑女My Fair Lady虫虫特攻队A Bug's Life奶牛美女Cow Belles母女情深Terms of Endearment怪兽屋Monster House海底两万里20,000 Leagues Under the Sea大鱼Big Fish晚安,好运Good Night, And Good Luck史密斯夫妇Mr. & Mrs. Smith触不到的恋人The Lake House玩具总动员Toy Story雾都孤儿Oliver Twist篱笆墙外Over The Hedge七个毕业生St. Elmo's Fire小鹿斑比Bambi为戴茜小姐开车Driving Miss Daisy冰河世纪2:消融Ice Age:The Meltdown绿卡Green Card小红帽Hoodwinked歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera精灵鼠小弟2 Stuart Little II精灵鼠小弟Stuart Little加菲猫2双猫记Garfield: A T ail Of Two Kitties海蒂Heidi走出非洲Out of Africa保镖The Bodyguard美丽心灵A Beautiful Mind101只斑点狗101 Dalmatians珍珠港Pearl Harbor冰上公主Ice Princess风云人物It's a Wonderful Life女孩梦三十13 Going On 30超人总动员The Incredibles魂断蓝桥Waterloo Bridge第凡内早餐Breakfast at Tiffany's美国派American Pie傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice美国往事Once Upon a Time in America幸福终点站The Terminal爱情故事Love Story加菲猫Garfield小鸡快跑Chicken Run四个婚礼一个葬礼Four Weddings and a Funeral 阿拉丁Aladdin蒙娜丽莎的微笑Mona Lisa Smile理智与情感Sense and Sensibility偷心Closer教父The Godfather甜心先生Jerry Maguire雨人Rain Man特工插班生The Man Who Knew Too Little克莱默夫妇Kramer vs. Kramer毕业生The Graduate我为玛丽狂There's Something About Mary缘份没法挡The Wedding Planner燃情岁月Legends of the Fall美国丽人American Beauty小马精灵Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron卡萨布兰卡Casablanca十日拍拖手册How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Sweet November 甜蜜的十一月海底总动员Finding Nemo森林王子/森林泰山George of the Jungle永不妥协Erin Brockovich狮子王2 Lion King II: Simba's Pride弦动我心Music of the Heart落跑新娘Runaway Bride海上钢琴师Legend Of 1900云中漫步A Walk In The Clouds诺丁山Notting Hill人鬼情未了Ghost勇敢的心Braveheart小熊维尼寻找罗宾Poohs Grand Adventure风月俏佳人Pretty WomanA Cinderella Story 无线两心知泰山T arzan情归巴黎SabrinaLion King 狮子王第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black狮子王1 1/2 狮子王3 Lion King 1 1/2牧场是我家Home on the Range乱世佳人/飘Gone with the Wind美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast大河恋A River Runs Through It女人香Scent of a Woman怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2音乐之声The Sound of Music怪物史瑞克Shrek肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption 怪物公司Monster Inc.Brokeback Mountain 断背山泰坦尼克号Titanic冰河世纪Ice Age马达加斯加Madagascar西雅图夜未眠Sleepless in Seattle我最好朋友的婚礼My Best Friend's Wedding Legally Blonde 律政俏佳人Roman Holiday 罗马假日Sweet Home Alabama情归阿拉巴马The Princess Diaries公主日记Forrest Gump 阿甘正传You've Got Mail电子情书。

1. 《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday)《罗马假日》是一部经典的浪漫喜剧片,讲述了一个美国记者和一位皇室公主之间在意大利罗马的浪漫爱情故事。
2. 《初恋这件小事》(Crazy Little Thing Called Love)这部泰国电影讲述了一位平凡女生对高中校草暗恋多年的故事。
3. 《托斯卡尼艳阳下》(Under the Tuscan Sun)这是一部根据真实故事改编的浪漫电影,讲述了一位美国女作家远离痛苦的离婚后,在意大利托斯卡纳买下一幢破旧的房子,重新开始自己的生活。
4. 《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)《泰坦尼克号》是一部家喻户晓的经典爱情电影,描绘了一位贫民窟女孩和一位富家子弟之间在号称“无坚不摧”的泰坦尼克号上的跌宕起伏的爱情故事。
5. 《我是山姆》(Sleepless in Seattle)这部美国浪漫爱情片以西雅图为背景,讲述了一个缺乏父爱的小男孩帮助父亲重新找到爱情的故事。

(每题1分,共10分)( ) 1. A.1:15B.1:45C.2:15( ) 2. A.May 8th B.March 18th C.July 18th( ) 3. A.present B.parent C.prepare( ) 4. A.supermarket B.restaurant C.department( ) 5. A.two big eyes B.four long legs C.a funny face( ) 6. A.blue Tshirt B.pink dress C.yellow jacket( ) 7. A.a glass of water B.a cup of tea C.a piece of bread( ) 8. A.sunny and hot B.windy and cool C.rainy and wet( ) 9. A.American musician B.French painter C.Chinese writer( ) 10. A.Spring Festival B.Dragon Boat Festival C.Midautumn Festival二、听对话和问句,选出相应的答句,将答案编号写在题前的括号内。
(每题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A.Played basketball.B.Read a story book.C.Went swimming.( ) 2. A.Tshirts.B.Jackets.C.Sweaters.( ) 3. A.Spring.B.Winter.C.Summer.( ) 4. A.At 10:00.B.After 8:00.C.Before 8:00. ( ) 5. A.30.B.45.C.10.三、听短文,根据短文的内容选择正确的答案。

The park is a sanctuary for both the residents and the wildlife in a bustling city.It offers a haven of tranquility where one can escape the hustle and bustle of urban life. Here is a detailed description of a typical park environment,written in English.The EntranceUpon entering the park,visitors are greeted by lush greenery and the sweet scent of blooming flowers.The entrance is often adorned with wellmaintained flower beds and trimmed hedges,setting the tone for the natural beauty that awaits within.The Walking PathsThe park features a network of winding paths that meander through the landscape.These paths are typically paved with cobblestones or asphalt,providing a smooth surface for joggers,walkers,and cyclists alike.Along the paths,one can find benches strategically placed for resting and enjoying the scenery.The FloraThe park is a botanists dream,with a diverse array of plant species.From towering oaks and maples to delicate ferns and wildflowers,the park boasts a rich tapestry of greenery. Seasonal changes bring about a kaleidoscope of colors,with cherry blossoms in spring, vibrant foliage in autumn,and evergreens providing a constant backdrop.The FaunaWildlife is an integral part of the parks ecosystem.Birds chirp melodiously from the treetops,while squirrels scurry about,collecting acorns.In the early morning or at dusk, one might catch a glimpse of a fox or a deer making its way through the underbrush.The Water FeaturesMany parks incorporate water elements such as ponds,lakes,or fountains.These not only add to the visual appeal but also serve as habitats for ducks,swans,and fish.The gentle sound of flowing water creates a soothing ambiance,enhancing the parks tranquil atmosphere.The PlaygroundA vital part of the park is the childrens playground,equipped with swings,slides,andclimbing frames.This area is often filled with laughter and joy as children play and explore,supervised by parents or caregivers.The Sports FacilitiesFor the more athletically inclined,the park may include sports facilities such as basketball courts,tennis courts,or soccer fields.These areas are hubs of activity, especially on weekends,with games and matches taking place.The Picnic AreasPicnic areas,often shaded by large trees,provide an ideal spot for families and friends to gather for a meal or a leisurely afternoon.Picnic tables and barbecue grills are commonly available for public use.The Educational AspectsSome parks also serve as outdoor classrooms,with informational signs about the local flora and fauna,or historical markers explaining the parks significance.This educational aspect enriches the visitors experience by providing context and knowledge.The MaintenanceThe parks pristine condition is thanks to the diligent work of park rangers and maintenance staff.They ensure that the grounds are clean,the plants are healthy,and the facilities are safe for all visitors.The Evening HoursAs the sun sets,the park takes on a different charm.Streetlights cast a warm glow,and the sounds of the city fade into the background,replaced by the symphony of the night. The park becomes a quiet place for contemplation or a romantic stroll under the stars.In conclusion,a park is more than just an open space it is a living,breathing part of the community.It offers a respite from the citys pace,a place for recreation,and a connection to nature.Whether its a quick lunch break or a weekend family outing,the park plays a vital role in the wellbeing of urban dwellers.。

令人震撼的风景英文作文Title: Breathtaking Landscapes: A Journey ThroughNature's Marvels。
Nature has a way of leaving us awe-inspired and speechless with its breathtaking landscapes. From towering mountains to serene lakes, from lush forests to vast deserts, the Earth offers an array of scenic wonders that captivate the soul and ignite the imagination.One of the most stunning landscapes I have ever encountered is the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States. Carved by the mighty Colorado River over millionsof years, the Grand Canyon stretches for miles, revealing layers of colorful rock formations that tell a story of geological history. Standing on the rim of the canyon, gazing out at its vastness, one can't help but feel humbled by the sheer scale and beauty of this natural wonder.Another unforgettable landscape is the fjords of Norway.These narrow, deep inlets are flanked by steep cliffs and dotted with picturesque villages, creating a scene of unparalleled beauty. Sailing through the fjords, surrounded by towering mountains and crystal-clear waters, is a truly magical experience that leaves a lasting impression on anyone fortunate enough to witness it.Closer to home, the rolling hills of Tuscany in Italy offer a different kind of beauty. Here, vineyards and olive groves stretch as far as the eye can see, punctuated by ancient hilltop towns and cypress trees. The soft golden light of the Tuscan sun casts a warm glow over the landscape, creating a scene that seems straight out of a painting.In Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is a natural wonder that defies description. Stretching for over 2,300 kilometers along the coast of Queensland, the reef is home to an astonishing array of marine life, including colorful coral reefs, tropical fish, and majestic sea turtles. Snorkeling or diving in the clear turquoise waters of the reef is like entering a different world, one filled withbeauty and wonder at every turn.Of course, no discussion of breathtaking landscapes would be complete without mentioning the majestic peaks of the Himalayas. Spanning several countries including Nepal, India, and Bhutan, the Himalayas are home to the world's highest mountains, including Mount Everest. Trekking through the Himalayas, surrounded by snow-capped peaks and dramatic valleys, is a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience that leaves a lasting impression on all who undertake it.These are just a few examples of the countless breathtaking landscapes that can be found around the world. Whether it's the rugged beauty of a desert canyon, the serene tranquility of a mountain lake, or the vibrant colors of a coral reef, nature has a way of captivating our hearts and minds like nothing else can. As we journey through life, may we always take the time to appreciate and protect the remarkable beauty of our planet's landscapes.。
浮流市润浪学校高中英语基础知识 短语的讲解与训练高中全册英语试题

论功能,英语词组(短语)主要可分为名词性词组(短语)(noun phrase)、形容词性词组(短语)(adjective phrase)、介词词组(短语)(prepositional phrase)和副词性词组(短语)(adverb phrase)及动词词组(短语)(verb phrase)五种。
1. 名词性词组名词性词组(短语)和名词功能一样,在句子中常充当主语、宾语和宾补等。
如:The state of Johore lies in the southern part of Malaysia.(主语)Yesterday I visited the publishing house you introduced to me.(宾语)All the members present told him to go out of the meeting room.(宾补)第1句的the state of Johore是名词词组(短语),作主语;第2句的publishing house是动名词词组(短语),作宾语;第3句的to go out of the meeting room是动词不定式,作宾补。
2. 形容词性词组形容词性词组(短语)和形容词功能一样,在句子中常充当定语、表语等。
其表现形式主要有三种:一是形容词词组(短语),如例④中的full of Chinese chestnuts;二是介词词组(短语),如⑤;三是现在分词词组(短语)或过去分词词组(短语),如例⑥-⑦;The basket full of Chinese chestnuts is made of bamboo.Bankers are people of great wealth.Have you seen the thief running for his life?The rat, chased by a cat, ran into a ditch.3. 介词词组(1)介词词组(短语)一般由由介词与名词或代词或相当于名词的其他词类所构成。

The Jungle Book 2
The Rundown
Good Boy!
Uptown Girls
Matchstick Men
Old School
The Haunted Mansion

handwriting中文意思是什么3篇【推荐】handwriting的中文意思是什么1英[ˈhændraɪtɪŋ]美[ˈhændˌraɪtɪŋ]第三人称复数:handwritings基本解释名词书法,手书; 笔迹,字迹动词亲手写(handwrite的ing形式)相关例句名词1. Is that signature in your handwriting?那个签名是你的笔迹吗?2. Your handwriting is very good.你的书法很好。
handwriting的中文意思是什么21. To help munity staff and residents improve their handwriting and enrich their cultural life, the munity invited a local famous calligraphy teacher to hold the class.2. The words “ Beijing 2008 " also resemble vivid shapes ofChinese characters in handwriting, voicing in concise strokes the countless feelings Chinese people possess towards the Olympics.3. On the *r screen, the user"s marks show up as handwriting embedded in the document.4. Parents require him to have additional English and handwriting classes, which Zhu believes are unnecessary.5. Justice Lam ruled that there is no reason to allow either side to call more than one expert to give opinion on the handwriting.6. The judge said Wang"s signature on the 2006 will was skillfully faked as not even handwriting experts could prove it to be a forgery.7. Justice Lam"s assessment that the will presented by Chan was a forgery was based on the finding of a handwriting expert at the first trial.handwriting的中文意思是什么3篇扩展阅读handwriting的中文意思是什么3篇(扩展1)——out of state的中文意思是什么3篇out of state的中文意思是什么1州外参考例句:1. Basic contents: equilibrium state, state properties diagram, state postulate, equation of state, quasi-static process and reversible process, etc.基本内容:*衡状态,状态公理与状态方程式,准静态过程和可逆过程,热力过程、热量和功量,热力循环等。

1 AOLFive hundred kilometres over Europe,ShipOM-45 moved north.In a room at the backof the ship,Kiah watched the numbers onthe computer in front of him.‘Time for dinner,’Rillasaid.The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move.Rillawent across the room to his table.Shebegan to watch the numbers,too.‘What's wrong with thesatellite?’she asked.Shewas a beautiful girl,about twenty yearsold,with long black hair and big eyes.‘Nothing's wrong with thesatellite,’Kiah answered quietly.‘It'sthe AOL.’He began to write the numbersin the book on his table.Suddenly,the numbersstopped changing.Kiah looked at Rilla.‘OverEurope,’he said.‘It'shappening.The AOL is breaking up.Thereare big holes in the AOL and they're getting bigger.’‘You're right!Shallwe see Captain Seru now,before dinner?’Kiah stood up.He wasnearly two metres tall,with dark eyesand hair.‘Yes,comeon,’he said.*欧阳光明*创编 2021.03.07Quickly,they went toCaptain Seru's room.They waited at thedoor.‘Come in!’captainSeru called.She was a little woman witha fat face.‘Come in!Wouldyou like a drink?’‘No,thankyou,’Kiah answered.‘I'dlike you to look at these numbers.’Kiahgave Capt ain Seru his book.1 人工臭氧层OM-45号宇宙飞船在欧洲上空500公里的高度向北飞行。
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Under the Tuscan Sun
Fefe said you have to live spherically in many directions.Never lose your childish enthusiasm,and things will come your way.
Between Austria and ltaly,there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering.It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew someday the train would come.
Signora, Please stop being so sad. If you continue like this, I will be forced to make love to you. And I've never been unfaithful to my wife.
How are you ever going to be happy if you keep wallowing? Listen,
when I was a little girl, I used to spend hours looking for ladybugs. Finally, I'd just give up and fall asleep in the grass. When I woke up, they were crawling all over me.
They say they built the train tracks over the Alps before there was a train that could make the trip.They built it anyway. They knew one day the train would come.
Any arbitrary turning along the way, and I would be elsewhere, I would be different.
What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contain. The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game.It's such a surprise.
Fefe said you have to live spherically in many directions.Never lose your childish enthusiasm,and things will come your way.
Between Austria and ltaly,there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering.It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the
mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew someday the train would come.
Signora, Please stop being so sad. If you continue like this, I will be forced to make love to you. And I've never been unfaithful to my wife.
How are you ever going to be happy if you keep wallowing? Listen, when I was a little girl, I used to spend hours looking for ladybugs. Finally, I'd just give up and fall asleep in the grass. When I woke up, they were crawling all over me.
They say they built the train tracks over the Alps before there was a train that could make the trip.They built it anyway. They knew one day the train would come.
Any arbitrary turning along the way, and I would be elsewhere, I would be different.
What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contain.
The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game.It's such a surprise.。