



41—49期甲类三副航海天文学真题汇总41期1、天文三角形的三边分别是 ______。

A. 高度、赤纬和时角B. 极距、顶距和余纬C. 高度、方位和位置角D. 天赤道、垂直圈和时圈2、当天体通过 ______时,其高度变化最慢。

A. 天赤道B. 真地平圈C. 测者子午圈D. 东西圈3、下述正确的说法是 ______。

A. 每一季节内测者所见的全部星空称为该季星空B. 经度不同的测者所见的“四季星空”也不相同C. “四季星空”是指测者在同一季节每天22点左右所见的星空D. “四季星空”是指测者在同一季节每天4点左右所见的星空4、以太阳的周日视运动的周期作为时间的计量单位得到 ______。

A. 恒星时B. 视时C. 平时D. 协调世界时5、 ______作为该时区的区时。

A. 时区边界的地方平时B. 世界时C. 平时D. 时区中线的地方平时6、世界各国标准时可由______查得。

A. 中版《航海天文历》B. 天体高度方位表C. 英版《无线电信号表》第二卷法定时部分D. 航海表7、潮差最大的潮汐称为 ______。

A. 分点潮B. 回归潮C. 大潮D. 小潮8、从潮信表查得某海区的平均高潮间隙MHWI为1125,则5月20日(农历十一)的高潮潮时约为_____。

A. 1101;2325B. 1125;2349C. 0725;1949D. 0625;19009、某地当日潮汐资料为:0600;500cm, 1200;100cm,则0800潮高为 ______。

A. 400cmB. 300cmC. 200cmD. 100cm10、英版潮汐潮流中,关于流速前正、负号的说法中正确的是 ______。

A. 正号一般代表落潮流向B. 负号一般代表涨潮流向C. 正负号代表的具体流向在表中有说明D. 正负号和流向无关11、半日潮港,涨潮流箭矢上标注2kn,则该处大潮日涨潮流第三小时内的平均流速为 ______。

A. 2/3knB. 4/3knC. 8/3knD. 2kn12、天体真出没是指 ______的瞬间。



航海学 目录第一章 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 第二章 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 基础知识。

地球形状、地理坐标与大地坐标系………………………………. 地球形状………………………………………………………….. 地理坐标………………………………………………………….. 大地坐标系………………………………………………………….. 航向和方位………………………………………………………….. 方向的确定和划分…………………………………………………… 航向、方位和弦角……………………………………………………… 向位的测定和换算……………………………………………………… 能见地坪距离,物标能见距离和灯标射程…………………………… 能见地坪距离和物标能见距离 灯标射程 航速与航程 航速与航程的概念与计算 船速与计程仪改正率的测定与计算 海图 比例尺与投影变形 地图投影 恒向线与墨卡托投影海图 墨卡托网的绘制 港泊图和大圆海图的投影方法 识图 海图基准面、海图标题栏和图廓注记 高程、水深和底质 航行障碍物 助航标志图式 其他重要的海图图式 海图分类和使用 海图分类和使用注意事项 海图资料可信赖程度的鉴别 电子海图显示和信息系统(ECDIS) 光栅海图 船舶定位 海图作业的规定与要求 海图作业的基本要求 确定推算船位和观测船位的时间间隔要求;应记入航海日志的重要数据 航迹绘算 航迹绘算的基本概念 航迹绘算的基本方法 风流压差的测定 最小距离方位与正横方位法 连续定位法 叠标导航法 雷达观测法-2-2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 第三章 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 第五章 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 第六章 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.5 6.6 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3航迹计算 航迹计算法适用时机 平均纬度法与墨卡托航法的特点和适用范围 单航向航迹计算 路标定位 路标的识别与方位、距离的测定 方位定位 距离定位和单标方位、距离定位 移线定位 时间系统 天体视运动 天球坐标系 天体周日视运动 天体周年视运动 时间系统 视时;平时;世界时;协调世界时 区时 时间系统的正确使用 拨钟、船过日界线的日期调整 法定时、标准时的概念;世界各国或地区执行的法定时资料的查阅 航路资料 潮汐与潮流 潮汐基本成因与潮汐术语 中版《潮汐表》与潮汐推算 英版《潮汐表》与潮汐推算 潮流推算 航标 航标的种类与作用 中国海区水上助航标志制度 国际海区水上助航标志制度 航线与航行方法 大洋航行 大洋航线 大洋航线选择与航行注意事项 冰区航行 沿岸航行 沿岸水域航线设计 沿岸航行特点和航行注意事项:正确把握转向时机;判断观测船位得可靠性 狭水道航行 安全水深、富余水深的确定 导航、转向、避碰 岛礁区航行 雾中航行 船舶交通管理 船舶交通管理系统(VTS) 船舶定线 船舶报告系统-3-第七章 航海仪器 7.1 现代点子定位仪器 7.1.1 罗兰 C 导航系统的组成和使用注意事项 7.1.2 GPS/DGPS 卫星导航系统 7.1.3 AIS 系统 7.2 雷达 7.2.1 雷达影像失真的特点及产生原因 7.2.2 雷达干扰波和假回波的种类、特征与抑制 7.2.3 影响雷达测距。

航海技术考试 选择题 49题

航海技术考试 选择题 49题

1. 航海中,船舶在海上航行时,最常用的航行方式是:A. 直线航行B. 曲线航行C. 航迹航行D. 航向航行2. 航海图上的等高线表示:A. 水深B. 陆地高度C. 风速D. 温度3. 航海中,船舶的航向是指:A. 船舶前进的方向B. 船舶的航行速度C. 船舶的航行时间D. 船舶的航行距离4. 航海中,船舶的航速是指:A. 船舶前进的速度B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行时间D. 船舶的航行距离5. 航海中,船舶的航迹是指:A. 船舶实际航行的路径B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间6. 航海中,船舶的航行时间是指:A. 船舶从起点到终点的总时间B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行距离7. 航海中,船舶的航行距离是指:A. 船舶从起点到终点的总距离B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间8. 航海中,船舶的航行计划是指:A. 船舶从起点到终点的详细计划B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间9. 航海中,船舶的航行安全是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的安全B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间10. 航海中,船舶的航行规则是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中应遵守的规则B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间11. 航海中,船舶的航行设备是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中使用的设备B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间12. 航海中,船舶的航行信号是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中发出的信号B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间13. 航海中,船舶的航行标志是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中使用的标志B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间14. 航海中,船舶的航行障碍是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中遇到的障碍B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间15. 航海中,船舶的航行风险是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中可能遇到的风险B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间16. 航海中,船舶的航行管理是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的管理B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间17. 航海中,船舶的航行记录是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的记录B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间18. 航海中,船舶的航行报告是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的报告B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间19. 航海中,船舶的航行检查是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的检查B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间20. 航海中,船舶的航行维护是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的维护B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间21. 航海中,船舶的航行修理是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的修理B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间22. 航海中,船舶的航行保养是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的保养B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间23. 航海中,船舶的航行更新是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的更新B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间24. 航海中,船舶的航行改进是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的改进B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间25. 航海中,船舶的航行优化是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的优化B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间26. 航海中,船舶的航行调整是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的调整B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间27. 航海中,船舶的航行控制是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的控制B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间28. 航海中,船舶的航行监督是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的监督B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间29. 航海中,船舶的航行指导是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的指导B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间30. 航海中,船舶的航行培训是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的培训B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间31. 航海中,船舶的航行研究是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的研究B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间32. 航海中,船舶的航行分析是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的分析B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间33. 航海中,船舶的航行评估是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的评估B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间34. 航海中,船舶的航行预测是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的预测B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间35. 航海中,船舶的航行模拟是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的模拟B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间36. 航海中,船舶的航行实验是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的实验B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间37. 航海中,船舶的航行测试是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的测试B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间38. 航海中,船舶的航行验证是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的验证B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间39. 航海中,船舶的航行确认是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的确认B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间40. 航海中,船舶的航行批准是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的批准B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间41. 航海中,船舶的航行许可是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的许可B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间42. 航海中,船舶的航行授权是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的授权B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间43. 航海中,船舶的航行委托是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的委托B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间44. 航海中,船舶的航行代理是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的代理B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间45. 航海中,船舶的航行合作是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的合作B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间46. 航海中,船舶的航行协调是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的协调B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间47. 航海中,船舶的航行沟通是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的沟通B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间48. 航海中,船舶的航行交流是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的交流B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间49. 航海中,船舶的航行信息是指:A. 船舶在航行过程中的信息B. 船舶的航行方向C. 船舶的航行速度D. 船舶的航行时间答案:1. A2. A3. A4. A5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A10. A11. A12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A17. A18. A19. A20. A21. A22. A23. A24. A25. A26. A27. A28. A29. A30. A31. A32. A33. A34. A35. A36. A37. A38. A39. A40. A41. A42. A43. A44. A45. A46. A47. A48. A49. A。

期航海学二三副(Forty-four voyages two and three)

期航海学二三副(Forty-four voyages two and three)

44期航海学二三副916(Forty-four voyages two and three)Forty-four nautical studies of _916No. 2/3 of 500 gross tons and above vessels in coastal navigation areas(1 point for each question, 100 questions)1. When the calculation of precision is higher in navigation, the earth is usually treated as:A, spheroidB, ellipsoidC, ellipsoidD, irregular geometryAnswer: BGeographical longitude and geographical latitude are based on the _____.A, the sphere of the earthB, the earth ellipsoidC, earth ellipsoidD, spherical rectangular coordinate systemAnswer: B3. The direction of the warp and weft direction is determined according to _____.A, the direction of the departure point relative to the point of arrivalB, the point of arrival relative to the departure pointC. The geographical coordinates of the starting pointD, the geographical coordinates of the arrival pointAnswer: B4, 40 ° N phi at some point on the earth, lambda = 120 ° E, it is symmetrical to the center of the earth point is:A, 40 ° S, phi lambda = 120 ° WB, 40 ° S phi, lambda = 120 ° E40 ° N, C, phi lambda = 060 ° W40 ° S, D, phi lambda = 060 ° WAnswer: D5. Which of the following is a definite problem in establishingthe geodetic coordinate system? Ⅰ, determine the ellipsoid parameters; Ⅱ, locate the center of the ellipsoid; Ⅲ, determine the direction of the axisA, Ⅰ, ⅡB, Ⅰ, ⅢC, Ⅱ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: DThe law of the circular direction of the half circle is:A, in SE semicircle, circle is equal to 180 ° with semicircle readingsB, in the NE semicircle, circle is equal to 360 ° minus the semicircle readingsC, in SW semicircle, circumference is 180 °, semicircle readingsD, in NW semicircle, circumference is 270 °, semicircle readingsAnswer: C7. The side Angle is:A, the Angle between the first and last line to the target lineB, object directionC, true heading minus true directionD, the Angle of the true north to the bearing lineAnswer: A8, a ship sudra heading 140 °, sudra 2 ° E, the measured something tuo compass bearing 350 °, then the target Angle is:A, 210 °B, 152 ° to the leftC and 148 ° to the leftD, 212 °Answer: A9, a ship heading 045 °, the geomagnetic 2 ° W, 1 ° E compass, the ship left beam target true bearing as follows:A, 314 °B, 316 °C and 135 °D, 134 °Answer: A10, one wheel by 44 ° N sail southward along the meridian, poor log readings of 240 ', delta L = 0%, regardless of outside influences and navigation error, etc., has arrived in the latitude of _____.A, equal to 40 ° NB and more than 40 ° NC, less than 40 ° ND. Can't be sureAnswer: C11. The height of the setting object is H (unit: m), and the height of the observer is e (unit: m). In theory, the observer can see the horizontal distance D, (unit: n mile) for _____.A, 2.09B, 2.09C, 2.09 + 2.09D, 2.20Answer: A12. Which of the following factors does the beacon tower range of the Chinese charts and charts?A, high lightB. Light intensityC, ground curvatureD. the actual eye height of the observerAnswer: DThe speed of water is the speed of the ship in _____. Ⅰ, no romantic; Ⅱ, have no flow wind; Ⅲ, flow without wind; Ⅳ, romanticA, only ⅠB, Ⅰ ~ ⅣC, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅣD, Ⅰ, ⅡAnswer: B14, a sailing ship, the relative log type change rate of the ship, delta L = 0%, the sea area has the flow, the velocity is 2kn, the distance of the log after 1h is:A, 0 '0.B, a + 2 '0.C, 2 '-. 0D. It depends on the wind and flow direction of the sea areaAnswer: A15. On the mertograph, a graphic on the graph is similar to that on the ground.A, graphics with A certain areaB, infinitesimal graphicsC, any size of the graphD, graphics within the entire mapAnswer: BThe limit accuracy of the scale of the drawing error in chart painting is no more than 0.1 mm, and the scale is 1:10 000.A, 5 mB, 10 mC, 15 mD, 2 mAnswer: BEqual Angle transverse cylindrical projection, or gauss-klug projection, is often used to draw in sailing:A, hemisphere star mapB, large circle chartC, Mercator sea chartsD, large scale harbor planAnswer: DThe ships are sailing along the coast and along the coast, usually using the constant route line, which is because:A and the Mercator chart is A straight line, the shortest route between two pointsB, sailing on the constant direction line, the ship is easy to operate and has little impact on the voyageC, constant direction line is equal Angle route, and can maintain the equiangular characteristics of the chartD and the constant - direction line can be kept in line with the increasing of the latitudeAnswer: B19. The increasing rate of latitude of each parallel in the Mercator chart is:A, fixedB. Change with longitudeC, change with local scaleD, change with the scale of chart scaleAnswer: AThe following statement about gauss projection is incorrect:A, use the earth as an ellipsoidB, the earth axis is perpendicular to the cylinder axisC, the projection cylinder is tangent to a meridian planeThe D, the equatorial projection, is a straight lineAnswer: AThe datum of the chart is usually made on the surface of the elevation, which is marked on the chart. Ⅰ, mountains; Ⅱ, islands; Ⅲ, Ming reefA, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅰ, ⅢC, Ⅰ, ⅡD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: D22. What is usually included in the chart gallery? Ⅰ, title; Ⅱ, figure number; Ⅲ, sheet; Ⅳ, small correction; Ⅴ, publishing and distribution; Ⅵ, important attention and warning; Ⅶ, coordinate systemA, Ⅰ ~ ⅣB, Ⅱ ~ ⅤC, Ⅲ ~ ⅥD, Ⅳ ~ ⅦAnswer: B23. The height on the chart above refers to:The height of the sea floor is higher than that of AB. The height of the depth datum of the chartC. Average above sea levelD, the height above the height of the average spring tideAnswer: B24. A blank area on the surface of the sea, indicating the area _____.There is no navigational danger, there is no need to measureB. After measurement, the water depth is sufficientC, without detailed measurements, should be regarded as an unreliable areaD. Navigation danger zoneAnswer: C25. The abbreviation "M.S." in the notes of the chart is:A, layered bottom quality, upper layer for sand, lower layer for mudB. Layered bottom. Upper layer is mud, lower layer is sandC. The composition of the sand is more than the composition of the mudD, the composition of the mud is much more than the composition of sandAnswer: DThe suitable submerged reef refers to _____.A, the average spring tide shows an arc of rockB. At the high tide of the average spring tide, the arcing rock above the depth datum levelC. Deep datum surface suitable for flood reefD. Isolated rock below the depth datumAnswer: C27. The light quality of more than 160 flashes per minute is:A, flashB. quick flashC, very quick flashD, super quick flashAnswer: D28, chart symbol "154", "said Ⅰ, the measured depth; Ⅱ, depth, inaccurate; Ⅲ, depth of mining scale chart since childhoodA, ⅠB, Ⅰ or ⅡC, Ⅰ or ⅢD, Ⅱ or ⅢAnswer: D29. The chart can be divided into:A, navigation chart, reference diagramB. Navigation charts, reference drawings and special drawingsC, reference drawings and special drawingsD, refer to the drawing, special drawing and location mapAnswer: A30. What are the characteristics of a chart with high reliability in data? Ⅰ, it; Ⅱ, new purchase figure; Ⅲ, thecurrent landscape; Ⅳ, scale as large as possible; Ⅴ, in time for the correctionA, Ⅰ ~ ⅤB, Ⅱ, ⅣC, Ⅲ, ⅣD, Ⅲ ~ ⅤAnswer: D31. The raster chart is digitally processed by the paper chart. Which is correct for the following information about the raster chart?A. It can be arbitrarily enlarged or reduced when usedB: the performance of the monitor can't be scaled arbitrarilyC, are limited by the original drawing scale, cannot be arbitrarily enlargedD, subject to the original drawing, cannot be arbitrarily enlargedAnswer: CWhich of the following situations can be suspended temporarily?A, the navigation is near dangerB. Navigation through narrow channels and fishing areasC, encountering great wavesD. navigation through fog areaAnswer: B33. The rules of the rules of the sea chart and the vessels of vessels below 15kn shall be observed at least once every other _____.A, 15 minutesB, 0.5 hoursC, 1 hourD, 2 ~ 4 hoursAnswer: BThe ship is sailing in the wind,The wind is affecting the speed of the downward wind.A, less than the windB, equal to wind speed/not necessarily parallel to the windC, less than wind speed/not necessarily parallel to the windD = the wind speed/must be parallel to the windAnswer: C35. In the case of the airway plot, the flow triangle is composed of the following vector lines. Ⅰ, planning routes or calculate track line; Ⅱ, true course line; Ⅲ, current vector; Ⅳ, flow pressure differenceA, Ⅰ ~ ⅣB, Ⅰ, Ⅲ, ⅣC, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢD, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, ⅣAnswer: CTo 090 °, 36, a ship plan track speed 10 kn; The flow is proportional, the velocity is 4kn. The true course of the wheel shall be:A, 112 °B, 068 °C and 114 °D, 066 °Answer: C37. When a tripartite of a single object is used to determine the difference between the wind and the flow, the drawing can be obtained.Track lineB. Plan the flight lineC. Parallel track parallel linesD, heading parallel linesAnswer: CSailing along a certain range, 38, a round here range azimuth is 030 °, 1 ° W variation, deviation 2 ° W, then the measured wind pressure difference is:A, - 3 °B, + 3 °C, 0 °D, 4 °Answer: BHeading 045 °, 39, a wheel project wind pressure differential - 5 °, sailing close to a small island on radar continuous observation tuo on the island of compass bearing and distance, to find out when the island's closest tuo compass bearing 323 ° (sudra difference of 2 ° E), then the actual wind pressure difference is:A, + 5 °B, 5 °15 ° C and +D, 15 °Answer: A40, sailing is mainly suitable for: Ⅰ, sea area chart size proportion, in order to improve the prediction accuracy; Ⅱ, fishing sail frequent steering occasions; Ⅲ, modern navigation in the navigator in calculationA, Ⅰ, ⅡB, Ⅱ, ⅢC, Ⅰ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: DThe thing between two points at the same latitude is _____ between two points.A, the differenceB, the shortest distanceC, latitudes arc lengthD, large arc lengthAnswer: C42. The key to the use of position identification is:A, the voyage of the ship shall not be affected by the windB. The initial position shall be correctC. ships shall sail along the coastThe ship shall sail towards the objectAnswer: BThe navigational instruments used when using the object to indicate distance are:A, compassB, radarC, sextantD, azimuth instrumentAnswer: C44. When using the light of lighthouse at night for orientation, the first test should be:A, the flash cycle is short, and the beacon is near the beamB, a long flash cycle, a lighthouse near the beamC, flash cycle short, lighthouse near the end lineD, the flash cycle length, the lighthouse near the end lineAnswer: D45. When locating the distance, the test should be first:A, the object near the beamB. Close to the end of the objectC, distant objectsD, any objectAnswer: AIn order to improve positioning accuracy, it should be noted that:A, select the right side of the object for observationB. Select the object mark near the fore-and-aft line to observeC. Select the closer object mark for observationD. Select the isolated object for observationAnswer: C47, a ship TC356 °, 1025 measured a lighthouse TB022 °. 5, no romantic, if the use of special move line positioning for the lighthouse beam distance equal to the distance between the two observations, is the second time the bearings should be followed:A, 086 °B, 045 °C and 041 °D, 056 °Answer: C48. The largest tidal wave is called:A, the tidal waveB, return tideC, the tideD and neap tideAnswer: CThe difference ratio refers to the _____ before the main port.A, the difference between tide and tideB, jet lag and tidal rangeC, tidal difference, tidal range and correction valueD, the tidal difference ratio and the mean sea time correctionAnswer: C50. The average high water interval of the tidal range is 1125 MHWI, while the high tide of May 20 (the 11th lunar calendar) is about:A, 1101; 2325B, 1125; 2349C, 0725; 1949D, 0635; 1900Answer: DThe tide height is equal to _____ at any time. T: time difference at any time and low tideA, low tide + tidal range * (1 + cos (t/t * 180 °)] / 2B + tidal range, the height of high x [1 - cos (t/t * 180 °)] / 2C, the height of high - tidal range * (1 + cos (t/t * 180 °)] / 2D + tidal range, low ebb tide x [1 - cos (t/t * 180 °)] / 2Answer: D52. The name of the rotary flow chart center is:A, the place name of the placeB, attached to the portC, the main portD, the chart name of the chartAnswer: CThe average velocity of the flood tide in the spring tide is as follows:A, two-thirds of knB, four thirds knC, 8/3 knD, 2 knReference: D 9239754. If a buoy is found off the coast of our country, the color of the beacon is black and horizontal, and the danger is in its _____.A, northB, eastC, southD, on the west sideAnswer: AWhich of the following statements concerning the fuel reserve of the ship is correct?A, the near shore navigation area, the reserve quantity is not less than one day consumption quantityB. Coastal zone, with no more than 2 days of fuel consumptionC. Ocean shipping area, the storage capacity is not less than3 daysD. All kinds of navigation areas shall have no less than 2 days of fuel consumptionAnswer: D56. In the waters beyond the boundary of the navigation system, the ship _____.A can sail on any courseB) the same heading shall be on the same direction as the general direction of traffic flow within the outer navigationC. Shall be sailing in the same direction as the general direction of traffic flow in the inner navigationD, shall be sailing in the same direction as the general direction of the traffic flow along the coastAnswer: B57, a single position line can be used for: Ⅰ, safety; Ⅱ, navigation; Ⅲ, determination of compass errorA, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅱ, ⅢC, Ⅰ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, ⅡAnswer: A58. Navigation of narrow waterways, in order to avoid sailboats and non-motor vessels, it is usually necessary to enter and leave port at the time of _____.A, high tideB, ebb tideC, slack waterD, the tideAnswer: CThe superposition navigation is located above the front marks and your boat should be _____.Turn leftB, turn rightC. Protection courseD, turn left and rightAnswer: C60, a wheel in the narrow waterway navigation, plan heading 220 °, select routes in front of a single target to leading mark orientation navigation, such as the voyage measured the leading mark compass bearing 220 °, the wheel variation 1 ° E, deviation 2 ° W, then the wheel should be:A, turn leftB, adjust the heading to the rightC, keep the courseD. Can't be sureAnswer: A61, a wheel plan ahead with new routes to a single target certain steering time, change to the new heading 060 °, such as 2 ° E, for the gyro compass error is when the wheel measured the leading mark tuo compass bearing, can immediately turn to howmany?A, 058 °B, 062 °C and 060 °D, 238 °Answer: A62, adopt bearing risk aversion, such as pick one safety on the left side of the target with dangerous route, and risk hedge target is located in the rear, hedging method is 060 °, sudra 2 ° W, in which of the following circumstances suggests that there isn't that sailing ship dangerous?????A, the measured tuo compass bearing 060 °B, the measured tuo compass bearing 058 °C, the measured true bearing 062 °D, the measured true bearing of 058 °Answer: CThe navigation of the islands and reefs should be chosen at low tide, back to the sun and the sun at the height of _____.A, high and upperB, higher, lower windC, lower and upperD, lower, lower windAnswer: A64. In order to improve the reliability of the sounding, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the heading to make the adjustment route _____.A, parallel to the shorelineB, perpendicular to the coastlineC, parallel to the parallel linesD, perpendicular to the contour lineAnswer: DThe competent authority of the safety supervision and administration of the shipping traffic management system in China is:A, national maritime bureauB. Local port authorityC, state oceanic administrationDepartment of transportationAnswer: A66, the service content of VTS center for shipping are: Ⅰ, his state of ship, navigation atlas sailing, hydrology and meteorology, p (pass) against and other related information services; Ⅱ, sailing difficult or bad weather conditions, or the ship failed or damage, to provide navigation services; Ⅲ, salvage or remove pollution information and coordinate relief effortsA, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅰ, ⅢC, Ⅰ, ⅡD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: D67. To learn about the reporting procedures and contents of a VTS area, you can refer to _____.A, the first volume of radio signalB, the second volume of radio signalC. Volume 5 of the radio signal tableD. Six volumes of the radio signal sheetAnswer: D68. According to the ship report system of IMO, participate in _____.A, the vessel traffic management system is voluntaryB, the vessel traffic management system is mandatoryC. The reporting system of ship search and rescue is mandatoryD. the reporting system for ship search and rescue is voluntaryAnswer: DIn order to reduce positioning error, the intersection of two position lines should be close to _____.A, 60 °B, 90 °C and 120 °D, 0 °Answer: B70. GPS satellite navigation provides global, all-weather, high-precision and _____.A, continuous, irregular positioning and navigationB, continuous, near-real-time positioning and navigationC, intermittent, irregular positioning and navigationD, intermittent, close to timing location and navigationAnswer: B71. In GPS satellite navigation system, the deviation of the navigator channel is:A, satellite errorB. Signal propagation errorC. Geometric errorD, satellite navigation errorAnswer: D72. The navigation of the ship is near the expected turning point. The GPS navigator makes the alarm, and the "ARV" alarm is displayed on the screen.A, get to the policeB, more anchorsC, yawD. distance policeAnswer: A73. Equipment capable of providing speed information for shipborne AIS is:A, ARPAB. GPS navigatorC, compassD, logAnswer: D74. Compared with radar/ARPA, the advantages of shipborne AIS are:A, automatic alarm area can be setB, can carry on the obstacle transmissionC, can receive SART signalD, with multiple display modesAnswer: B75. The following shape has the strongest reflection performance of the radar wave:A, flat objectB, corner reflectorC, globular objectsD, cylindrical objectsAnswer: B76, factors of the radar target echo the radial extension is: Ⅰ, pulse width; Ⅱ, CRT spot diameter; Ⅲ, target glintA, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅰ, ⅡC, Ⅰ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: DThe size of the echoes of the objects indicated by Marine navigation radar is related to the subject matter _____.A total areaB. Total volumeC. Vertical projection onto the faceD, the back horizontal stretch has areaAnswer: C78. The relationship between the intensity and distance of the radar wave interference is:A, the distance increases, the intensity decreases sharplyB. The intensity increases sharply when the distance increasesC, as the distance increases, the intensity decreases slowlyD, distance increases, intensity slowly increasesAnswer: A79, inhibition or weaken the radar Shared frequency interference method is: Ⅰ, using the same frequency interference suppressor; Ⅱ, switch to smaller the process; Ⅲ, to switch to another band radarA, Ⅰ, ⅡB, Ⅰ, ⅢC, Ⅱ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: DThe echo of 80, on the radar screen may appear many times the conditions are: Ⅰ at close range, target; Ⅱ, target reflection intensity is strong; Ⅲ, no special requirementsA, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅰ, ⅢC, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, ⅡAnswer: D81 on the radar screen of side-lobe ech o characteristic is: Ⅰ, distance is equal to the true echo distance; Ⅱ, symmetrical distribution in true echo on both sides; Ⅲ, more strength in both sides more weakA, Ⅰ, ⅡB, Ⅰ, ⅢC, Ⅱ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: D82. In the radar approach, two straight lines are found in the middle of the screen and the curved curve is shown in the middle, indicating that:A, :B. Radar ranging error is "+"C. Radar ranging error is "-"D, multiple reflection echoesAnswer: C83. Which of the following measures is incorrect in order to reduce the positioning error of the radar?A. The control button should be adjusted properly to make the echo image stable and clearB. Adjust the control buttons as far as possible to make the echo near 2/3 radiusC, should be used as far as possible in the true north direction display mode and use EBL measurementD, should be selected as far as possible with the method of pointing upward and measuring with a mechanical azimuth scaleAnswer: D84. When the ship is sailing, the radar chooses to show the true motion of the water, and the stationary object of the echo position shown on the fluorescent screen is:A, same speed boatB, small island and other stationary objectsC. Floating objects on waterD. shipAnswer: B85. In the following objects, the targets used for radar positioning are:A, buoyB. A higher lighthouse in the complexC. steep bank AngleD. the beachAnswer: C86. Concerning the radar transponder, the following statement is correct:A, according to the transponder's own regular firing pulse signalB, launch after the radar pulse excitationC. At least two radars are fired simultaneouslyD, controlled by radar transponder operatorAnswer: B87. According to the principle formula of the speed log of the doppler log, which parameters are related to the speed of the ship? Ⅰ, transmitting frequency; Ⅱ, pulse repetition frequency; Ⅲ, pulse width; Ⅳ, doppler frequency shift; Ⅴ, acoustic wave propagation speedA, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅣC, Ⅰ, Ⅳ, ⅤD, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, ⅤAnswer: CThe image features of rain and snow interference on the radar screen are:A, radial point lineB, the scattered light of the screenC. Dense point echo group, such as cotton flocculationD, the bright disc near the center of the screenAnswer: CThe speed and distance measured by a relative log is relative to _____.The speed and range of wind and flowB. The speed and distance of waterC, the speed of water and the distance from the groundThe speed and range of motion of the groundAnswer: BThe tracking depth of the acoustic correlation log is 200 meters.If the water depth of the navigation area is 50 meters, the speed of the log will be:Absolute speedB. Relative speedC, relative speed or absolute speedD, zeroAnswer: A91. The echo sounder that is separated from the transmitter and receiver should be modified to correct the _____ error in the shallow water.A, zeroB, baselineC, the speed of soundD. Undersea slopeAnswer: B92. The geomagnetic South Pole has _____ magnetic quantity; Magnetic North Pole has _____ magnetic quantity.A, and negative. isB, are; negativeC, negative; negativeD, are; isAnswer: B93, the main reason for the deviation of magnetic compass produce is: Ⅰ, magnetic induction ship; Ⅱ, geomagnetic; Ⅲ, permanent magneticA, Ⅱ, ⅢB, Ⅰ, ⅡC, Ⅰ, ⅢD, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, ⅢAnswer: C994. The main axis of the free gyroscope in north latitude is oriented to the east as the visual movement, which is due to the effect of _____.A, the angular velocity of the earth's rotationB, the horizontal component of the angular velocity of the earth's rotationC, the vertical component of the angular velocity of the earth's rotationD, the angular velocity of high-speed rotation of spindleAnswer: C95. The factors that cause the change of gyrocompass control torque are:A latitude,B. AzimuthC, height AngleD, principal axis force momentAnswer: CThe latitude error of gyro compass is caused by the use of the _____ damping method, and the _____ is accompanied by the increase of latitude.A, vertical axis, increaseB, horizontal axis, increaseC, vertical axis, decreaseD, horizontal axis, decreaseAnswer: AThe baseline error of gyro compass refers to the compass.A, course reading errorB. Deviation from the true northC, deviation from the north deviationD, deviation from horizontal planeAnswer: A98. If the gyrocompass is started, the power switch on the power box is connected, and the gyro motor _____.A, rotation, workB, no rotation, no workC, rotation, no workD, no rotation, workAnswer: C99, observation of low altitude azimuth compass error, when the estimated position error is less than _____ in the sea, heightis not more than 35 °, computing azimuth can replace object s true bearing.A, 10B, 20C, 30D, 60.Answer: B(1) when a heavenly body is true, it means the moment of _____.A, the center of the heavenly bodies is horizontalB. The center of the celestial body is really flat through the geocentric horizonC. The center of the celestial body is really flat on the groundD. The center of the celestial body is visible by the observerAnswer: B。










大学航海学考试练习题及答案41.[单选题]某轮船速17kn,航行2h后相对计程仪读数差为36.’0,计程仪改正率=0%,已知该轮实际航程34n mile,则该轮航行在__________中。

A)@无风无流B)@ 顶风顺流C)@ 顶风顶流答案:C解析:2.[单选题]以下哪种水文气象因素的急剧变化会引起潮汐变化的反常现象()。

( )A)降水B)气压C)结冰D)以上都会答案:D解析:3.[单选题]根据《水上水下活动通航安全管理规定》,遇有紧急情况,需要 ,作业单位可以边申请边施工。

( )A)维修、拆除水上水下构筑物或者设施B)对航道进行修复或者对航道、码头前沿水域进行疏浚C)进行调查、测量、科学试验等水上水下施工活动D)在内河通航水域进行的气象观测、测量、地质调查答案:B解析:4.[单选题]高斯投影,即高斯-克吕格投影,在航海上适宜用来绘制_________A)@经差小、纬差大的狭长区域的海图B)@ 高纬地区海图C)@ 大比例尺港泊图D)@以上均是答案:D解析:5.[单选题]当直航船一经发觉让路船显然没有遵照规则规定采取适当的行动时,直航船即可采取_________ 。


A)地方平时B)恒星时C)世界时D)区时答案:A解析:8.[单选题]关于两方位定们,以下说法正确的是:A)@定位简单、直观,但不易判定船位的正确性B)@ 定位复杂、繁琐,但易判定船位的正确性C)@ 定位简单、直观,但不易判定船位的正确性D)@定位复杂、繁琐,且不易判定船位的正确性答案:C解析:9.[单选题]两船在下列情况下,不一定符合对遇局面的是_________ 。

A)在夜间,能看见他船的前后桅灯成一直线,并看见其两舷灯B)在相反航向上,且在同一航向的延长线上对驶C)在航向交叉角度小于半个罗经点的航向上对驶D)以上均有可能答案:D解析:10.[单选题]雷达上的旁瓣回波位于真回波的( )。




1.[单选题]在用计算法求取航向时,其方向的判断是:A)@起航点的纬度和经度B)@ 到达点的纬度和经度C)@ 两点间的纬差和经差,经差在前纬差在后D)@两点间的纬差和经差,纬差在前经差在后答案:D解析:2.[单选题]船位差是()。

( )A)推算船位到观测船位的方向和距离B)观测船位到推算船位的方向和距离C)推算船位到观测船位的方向和时间D)观测船位到推算船位的时间和方向答案:A解析:3.[单选题]如果推算船位点(计算点)在天文船位圆之上,则高度差 Dh _____ 。

A)大于0B)小于0C)等于0D)无法确定答案:C解析:4.[单选题]航用海图的必备条件是___________A)@图上恒向线为直线B)@ 等角投影C)@ 大圆弧为凸向赤道的曲线D)@A+B答案:D解析:5.[单选题]大风浪天提高船舶稳性,常采取的措施有:A)降低重心B)固定活动物件C)消除自由液面D)以上均是答案:D解析:6.[单选题]为提高推算船位的精度应__________。

C)I、 II、 IIID)I、 II、 III、 IV答案:C解析:7.[单选题]在进行三维定位中,至少需( )颗GPS卫星。

A)2B)3C)4D)5答案:C解析:8.[单选题]某轮沿30N纬线向东航行,此时不能使用哪中航迹计算方法进行计算?A)@中分纬度算法B)@ 平均纬度算法C)@ 墨卡托航法D)@以上均不适用答案:C解析:9.[单选题]抛起锚口令由_______发出。

A)大副B)驾驶台C)渔捞员D)渔捞长答案:B解析:10.[单选题]由格林午圈起______度量到______的弧距, 称为天体格林时角。

A)沿真地平圈向西/天体垂直圈B)沿天赤道向东/天体时圈C)沿天赤道向东/天体垂直圈D)沿赤道平向西/天体时圈答案:D解析:11.[单选题]船舶操舵后,在转舵阶段将:A)出现速度降低,向转舵一侧横倾现象B)出现速度降低,向转舵相反一侧横倾现象C)出现速度增大,向转舵一侧横倾现象D)出现速度增大,向转舵相反一侧横倾现象答案:A解析:12.[单选题]太阳视运动是____ 。

航海技术考试 选择题 60题

航海技术考试 选择题 60题

1. 航海中,什么是“航向”?A. 船的实际运动方向B. 船的计划运动方向C. 船的当前位置D. 船的速度2. 航海图上的“磁差”是指什么?A. 磁北与真北之间的角度差B. 磁北与罗经北之间的角度差C. 真北与罗经北之间的角度差D. 磁北与地理北之间的角度差3. 航海中,什么是“航速”?A. 船的实际运动速度B. 船的计划运动速度C. 船的当前位置D. 船的航向4. 航海中,什么是“航迹”?A. 船的实际运动轨迹B. 船的计划运动轨迹C. 船的当前位置D. 船的航向5. 航海中,什么是“航标”?A. 用于导航的标志B. 用于通信的标志C. 用于测量的标志D. 用于救援的标志6. 航海中,什么是“航海日志”?A. 记录航行情况的日志B. 记录天气情况的日志C. 记录船员情况的日志D. 记录货物情况的日志7. 航海中,什么是“航海图”?A. 用于导航的地图B. 用于通信的地图C. 用于测量的地图D. 用于救援的地图8. 航海中,什么是“航海仪器”?A. 用于导航的仪器B. 用于通信的仪器C. 用于测量的仪器D. 用于救援的仪器9. 航海中,什么是“航海规则”?A. 用于导航的规则B. 用于通信的规则C. 用于测量的规则D. 用于救援的规则10. 航海中,什么是“航海信号”?A. 用于导航的信号B. 用于通信的信号C. 用于测量的信号D. 用于救援的信号11. 航海中,什么是“航海天气”?A. 用于导航的天气B. 用于通信的天气C. 用于测量的天气D. 用于救援的天气12. 航海中,什么是“航海时间”?A. 用于导航的时间B. 用于通信的时间C. 用于测量的时间D. 用于救援的时间13. 航海中,什么是“航海距离”?A. 用于导航的距离B. 用于通信的距离C. 用于测量的距离D. 用于救援的距离14. 航海中,什么是“航海方位”?A. 用于导航的方位B. 用于通信的方位C. 用于测量的方位D. 用于救援的方位15. 航海中,什么是“航海高度”?A. 用于导航的高度B. 用于通信的高度C. 用于测量的高度D. 用于救援的高度16. 航海中,什么是“航海深度”?A. 用于导航的深度B. 用于通信的深度C. 用于测量的深度D. 用于救援的深度17. 航海中,什么是“航海速度”?A. 用于导航的速度B. 用于通信的速度C. 用于测量的速度D. 用于救援的速度18. 航海中,什么是“航海方向”?A. 用于导航的方向B. 用于通信的方向C. 用于测量的方向D. 用于救援的方向19. 航海中,什么是“航海位置”?A. 用于导航的位置B. 用于通信的位置C. 用于测量的位置D. 用于救援的位置20. 航海中,什么是“航海路线”?A. 用于导航的路线B. 用于通信的路线C. 用于测量的路线D. 用于救援的路线21. 航海中,什么是“航海计划”?A. 用于导航的计划B. 用于通信的计划C. 用于测量的计划D. 用于救援的计划22. 航海中,什么是“航海目标”?A. 用于导航的目标B. 用于通信的目标C. 用于测量的目标D. 用于救援的目标23. 航海中,什么是“航海任务”?A. 用于导航的任务B. 用于通信的任务C. 用于测量的任务D. 用于救援的任务24. 航海中,什么是“航海安全”?A. 用于导航的安全B. 用于通信的安全C. 用于测量的安全D. 用于救援的安全25. 航海中,什么是“航海风险”?A. 用于导航的风险B. 用于通信的风险C. 用于测量的风险D. 用于救援的风险26. 航海中,什么是“航海管理”?A. 用于导航的管理B. 用于通信的管理C. 用于测量的管理D. 用于救援的管理27. 航海中,什么是“航海技术”?A. 用于导航的技术B. 用于通信的技术C. 用于测量的技术D. 用于救援的技术28. 航海中,什么是“航海知识”?A. 用于导航的知识B. 用于通信的知识C. 用于测量的知识D. 用于救援的知识29. 航海中,什么是“航海经验”?A. 用于导航的经验B. 用于通信的经验C. 用于测量的经验D. 用于救援的经验30. 航海中,什么是“航海技能”?A. 用于导航的技能B. 用于通信的技能C. 用于测量的技能D. 用于救援的技能31. 航海中,什么是“航海设备”?A. 用于导航的设备B. 用于通信的设备C. 用于测量的设备D. 用于救援的设备32. 航海中,什么是“航海工具”?A. 用于导航的工具B. 用于通信的工具C. 用于测量的工具D. 用于救援的工具33. 航海中,什么是“航海材料”?A. 用于导航的材料B. 用于通信的材料C. 用于测量的材料D. 用于救援的材料34. 航海中,什么是“航海资源”?A. 用于导航的资源B. 用于通信的资源C. 用于测量的资源D. 用于救援的资源35. 航海中,什么是“航海环境”?A. 用于导航的环境B. 用于通信的环境C. 用于测量的环境D. 用于救援的环境36. 航海中,什么是“航海条件”?A. 用于导航的条件B. 用于通信的条件C. 用于测量的条件D. 用于救援的条件37. 航海中,什么是“航海要求”?A. 用于导航的要求B. 用于通信的要求C. 用于测量的要求D. 用于救援的要求38. 航海中,什么是“航海标准”?A. 用于导航的标准B. 用于通信的标准C. 用于测量的标准D. 用于救援的标准39. 航海中,什么是“航海规范”?A. 用于导航的规范B. 用于通信的规范C. 用于测量的规范D. 用于救援的规范40. 航海中,什么是“航海程序”?A. 用于导航的程序B. 用于通信的程序C. 用于测量的程序D. 用于救援的程序41. 航海中,什么是“航海方法”?A. 用于导航的方法B. 用于通信的方法C. 用于测量的方法D. 用于救援的方法42. 航海中,什么是“航海技巧”?A. 用于导航的技巧B. 用于通信的技巧C. 用于测量的技巧D. 用于救援的技巧43. 航海中,什么是“航海策略”?A. 用于导航的策略B. 用于通信的策略C. 用于测量的策略D. 用于救援的策略44. 航海中,什么是“航海决策”?A. 用于导航的决策B. 用于通信的决策C. 用于测量的决策D. 用于救援的决策45. 航海中,什么是“航海评估”?A. 用于导航的评估B. 用于通信的评估C. 用于测量的评估D. 用于救援的评估46. 航海中,什么是“航海分析”?A. 用于导航的分析B. 用于通信的分析C. 用于测量的分析D. 用于救援的分析47. 航海中,什么是“航海研究”?A. 用于导航的研究B. 用于通信的研究C. 用于测量的研究D. 用于救援的研究48. 航海中,什么是“航海调查”?A. 用于导航的调查B. 用于通信的调查C. 用于测量的调查D. 用于救援的调查49. 航海中,什么是“航海实验”?A. 用于导航的实验B. 用于通信的实验C. 用于测量的实验D. 用于救援的实验50. 航海中,什么是“航海测试”?A. 用于导航的测试B. 用于通信的测试C. 用于测量的测试D. 用于救援的测试51. 航海中,什么是“航海训练”?A. 用于导航的训练B. 用于通信的训练C. 用于测量的训练D. 用于救援的训练52. 航海中,什么是“航海教育”?A. 用于导航的教育B. 用于通信的教育C. 用于测量的教育D. 用于救援的教育53. 航海中,什么是“航海培训”?A. 用于导航的培训B. 用于通信的培训C. 用于测量的培训D. 用于救援的培训54. 航海中,什么是“航海指导”?A. 用于导航的指导B. 用于通信的指导C. 用于测量的指导D. 用于救援的指导55. 航海中,什么是“航海咨询”?A. 用于导航的咨询B. 用于通信的咨询C. 用于测量的咨询D. 用于救援的咨询56. 航海中,什么是“航海服务”?A. 用于导航的服务B. 用于通信的服务C. 用于测量的服务D. 用于救援的服务57. 航海中,什么是“航海支持”?A. 用于导航的支持B. 用于通信的支持C. 用于测量的支持D. 用于救援的支持58. 航海中,什么是“航海合作”?A. 用于导航的合作B. 用于通信的合作C. 用于测量的合作D. 用于救援的合作59. 航海中,什么是“航海交流”?A. 用于导航的交流B. 用于通信的交流C. 用于测量的交流D. 用于救援的交流60. 航海中,什么是“航海网络”?A. 用于导航的网络B. 用于通信的网络C. 用于测量的网络D. 用于救援的网络1. B2. A3. A4. A5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A10. A11. A12. A13. A14. A15. A16. A17. A18. A19. A20. A21. A22. A23. A24. A25. A26. A27. A28. A29. A30. A31. A32. A33. A34. A35. A36. A37. A38. A39. A40. A41. A42. A43. A44. A45. A46. A47. A48. A49. A51. A52. A53. A54. A55. A56. A57. A58. A59. A60. A。




1.[单选题]根据在雷达上设置平行线导航的操作示意图(图中虚直线为EBL,虚线圆半径为D),针对航海实践中利用雷达导航设置操作,以下说法正确的是( )。

A)必须事先设置如图中半径为D的距离(图中虚线圆),D为船到险物标的距离B)雷达设置为艏向上的相对运动显示方式C)设置与计划航线(CA)相平行的直线且与距离圆相切(图中虚直线EBL)D)观察雷达中选中的物标回波与EBL之间位置关系保持相离答案:C解析:A)247°.5B)202°.5C)157°.5D)225°答案:A解析:3.[单选题]船舶航行中,突然发现有人落水,为了防止船舶和螺旋桨对落水者造成伤害,应立即怎样操纵船舶?A)向落水者相反一舷操满舵,并停车B)向落水者相反一舷操满舵,并加速C)向落水者一舷操满舵,并停车D)向落水者一舷操满舵,并加速答案:C解析:4.[单选题]已知测者纬度等于 60°N,天体赤纬等于 25°S,该天体在周日 视运动中______。

A)永不升出B)降没时间大于升出时间C)升出时间大于降没时间D)永不降没答案:B解析:5.[单选题]GPS卫星导航仪在( )时,需要初始化输入。


( )A)北方位标B)南方位标C)东方位标D)西方位标答案:B解析:7.[单选题]根据IMO船舶报告系统文件,船舶报告分为一般报告和特殊报告,一般报告有Ⅰ.危险货物报告(DG,Dangerous goods report);Ⅱ.有害物品报告(HS,Harmful substancesreport); Ⅲ.航行计划报告(SP,Sailing plan);Ⅳ.船位报告(PR,Position report);Ⅴ.变更报告(DR,Deviation report);Ⅵ.最终报告(FR,Final report); Ⅶ.海洋污染报告(MP,Marine pollutants report); Ⅷ.其他报告(Any other report)()。




1.[单选题]某轮由45S纬线向南航行,无航行误差,计程仪改正率为0.0%,则1h后实际船位位于推算船位的 (不考虑风流影响)。

A)北面B)南面C)同一点 D不一定答案:A解析:2.[单选题]大比例尺港泊图可以采用下列那种投影方式?A)@高斯投影B)@ 平面图C)@ 心射投影D)@以上都可答案:D解析:3.[单选题]英版灯标表中某一灯标的灯质为"AlWR",在备注栏中标有"040 ~ 275(235)”,说明在该灯的:A)@正南方可看到红、白交替的灯光B)@ 正北方可看到红、白交替的灯光C)@ 正南方看到白光、北方看到红光D)@正南方看到红光、北方看到白光答案:B解析:4.[单选题]三方位定位时,为便于船位的确定。

一般要求三物标分布范围大于180,下列哪种情况满足此要求?A)@三物标位于正横前两舷B)@ 三物标位于正横后C)@ 三物标位于正横一舷D)@三物标既位于正横前后又位于两舷答案:D解析:5.[单选题]S-VDR(船载简型航行数据记录仪)记录数据中,不需要连接的传感器是( )。

A)测深仪B)计程仪C)罗经D)GPS答案:A解析:6.[单选题]球鼻首标志绘在船首两侧:D)空载水线以上答案:C解析:7.[单选题]必须使用移线定位的场合是:A)@一个时刻只能获得一条船位线的情况B)@ 测于定位时C)@ 只有一个导航物标可用的时候D)@以上都是答案:A解析:8.[单选题]已知测者纬度 30°S,天体赤纬 10°N,则该天体降没于_____A)NW 象限B)正西C)SW 象限D)降没象限不能确定答案:A解析:9.[单选题]英版图式“ Obstn”表示___________A)@沉船残骸及其它有碍抛锚和拖网的地区B)@ 深度不明的障碍物C)@ 鱼栅D)@贝类养殖场答案:B解析:10.[单选题]回声测深仪向海底发射( )。











A)格林午圈B)测者午圈C)测者铅垂线D)天轴5.[单选题]远处陡直岸线在雷达荧光屏上变成向扫描中心凸出的回波,它是( )。

①二次扫描假回波;②雷达存在测距误差;③雷达存在方位误差A)①B)②C)③D)②③6.[单选题]拟定航线时,应尽可能选择________的航用海图(A)新版大比例尺B)新版小比例尺C)现行版大比例尺D)现行版小比例尺B)@ FBC)@ FCD)@FD8.[单选题]在GPS卫星导航系统中、多径效应属于( )。

A)几何误差B)信号传播误差C)卫星误差D)卫星导航仪误差9.[单选题]由起航点3010’N,12008’E至到达点1030’N,14505’E的纬差与经差为:A)4440’N,02457’EB)1940’S,02457’EC)1940’N,02457’WD)4040’S,02457’W10.[单选题]英版海图通常采用_________为深度基准A)@理论最低潮面B)@ 天文最低潮面C)@ 平均大潮低潮面D)@平均低低潮面11.[单选题]从理论上说,大潮出现在()。

( )A)近日点B)上弦日C)下弦日D)朔望日12.[单选题]在天文三角形P N ZB 中, P N 为仰极, Z 为天顶, B 为 天体, 则该三角形的BP N Z 角称为__________。




1.[单选题]在电子海图显示与信息系统中,关于海图显示,下列说法错误的是?A)@可以在给定的投影方式下合成和显示海图B)@ 不能隐去本船在特定航行条件下不需要的信息C)@ 可以分层次显示海图信息2.[单选题]某船陀罗航向043,陀罗差-1,该船左舷60处物标陀罗方位为________A)102B)103C)343D)3423.[单选题]在太阳附近的航用行星是 。


( )A)降水B)气压C)结冰D)以上都会5.[单选题]陀螺罗经及计程仪误差,会影响雷达被跟踪目标( )的精度。

A)CPAB)相对方位C)真矢量D)相对矢量6.[单选题]海图图式“S”表示该区地质为_______ (A)沙B)泥C)淤泥D)岩石7.[单选题]已知太阳在某地上中天的时差等于-2m 15s,则该天太阳上 中天的地方平时为___ 。


A)首先离B)尾先离C)平行离D)自力离9.[单选题]在简易墨卡托图网上,纬度1’的长度与1赤道里的长度 _________A)@在任何纬度都相等B)@ 在任何纬度:都相等C)@ 在赤道上相等D)@在赤道上不相等10.[单选题]船舶恒向恒速运动时,陀螺罗经将产生( )。

A)速度误差B)摇摆误差C)冲击误差D)纬度误差11.[单选题]航向稳定性好的船可同时判断为:A)追随性好B)旋回性差C)追随性差D)旋回性好12.[单选题]某轮船速15kn,航行2h后相对计程仪读数差为28.’0,计程仪改正率=0%,已知该轮实际航程为26n mile ,则该轮航行在_________中A)@顺风顺流B)@ 顶风顺流C)@ 项流顺风D)@顶风顶流13.[单选题]天体通过 的瞬间称为上中天____。



航海学大连海事大学1.1.1 地球形状·用大地球体描述地球形状,大地球体是大地水准面团城的球体.·常用的大地球体的近似体有两个:地球圆球体(用于简便的航海计算,如航迹计算,简易墨卡托海图绘制,大圆航向和航程计算);地球椭圆体(用于较精确的航海计算等,如定义地理坐标,墨卡托海图绘制)1.航海上为了简化计算,通常将地球当作:A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D.不规则几何体2.航海上进行精度较高的计算时,通常将地球当作:A.圆球体B.椭圆体C.椭球体D.不规则几何体3.航海学中,使用地球椭圆体为地球数学模型的场合是:I.描述地球形状时;II.定义地理坐标时;III.制作墨卡托投影海图时;IV.计算大圆航线时;V,制作简易墨卡托图网时A.I、II B.II、III C.III、IV D.III、V4.航海学中,使用地球圆球体为地球数学模型的场合是:I.描述地球形状时;II.定义地理坐标时;III.制作墨卡托投影海图时;IV.计算大圆航线时;V.制作简易墨卡托图网时A.Ⅰ、ⅡB.Ⅱ、ⅢC.Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅳ、Ⅴ5.航海学中的地球形状是指:A.地球自然表面围成的几何体B.大地水准面围成的几何体C.地球圆球体D.以上都对6.航海学中的地球形状用描述。

A.地球自然表面围成的几何体B.大地球体C.地球椭圆体D.以上都对1.1.2 地理坐标1.1.2.1 地理经度和地理纬度的定义和度量方法.地理坐标包括地理经度和地理纬度,是建立在地球椭圆体基础之上.地理经度(Long.,λ:格林经线和某地经线所夹的赤道短弧或该短弧所对应的球面角或球心角.地理纬度(lat.,ϕ):地球椭圆子午线上某点的法线与赤道面的交角.7.地理经度以作为基准线的A.赤道. B.格林经线C.测者经线D.测者子午圈8.某地地理经度是格林子午线与该地子午线之间的A.赤道短弧B.赤道短弧所对应的球心角C.极角D.A.B.C都对9. 地理坐标的基准线是A.经线、纬线B.赤道、经线C.格林子午圈、纬圈D.赤道、格林子午线10.地理经度的度量方法是A.由格林子午线向东度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~180ºB.由格林子午线向西度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~180ºC.由格林子午线向东度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~360ºD.A或B11.地理经度的度量方法是A.由该点子午线向东或向西度量到格林子午线,度量范围0~180ºB.由该点子午线向东或向西度量到格林子午线,度量范围0~360ºC.由格林子午线向东或向西度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~180ºD .由格林子午线向东或向西度量到该点子午线,度量范围0~360º12.所谓“地埋纬度”是指A .地球上某点的法线与赤道面的交角B .地球上某点和地心连线与赤道面的交角C .地球椭圆子午线上某点和地心连线与赤道面的交角D .某点在地球椭圆子午线上的法线与赤道面的交角13.地理经度和地理纬度是建立在_____基础上的。



中华⼈民共和国海事局第44期航海英语真题(附答案)中华⼈民共和国海事局2006年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第40期)科⽬:航海英语试卷代号:903适⽤对象:⽆限航区、近洋航区⼆/三副(本试卷卷⾯总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择⼀个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上⽤2B铅笔涂⿊.第1题⾄68题,每题1分,第69题⾄76题,每题1.5分,第77题⾄81题每题4分.⼀.单项选择题1.Several shoals ____ reported to exist in the area south-west of the Brothers.A. haveB. have beenC. hasD. has been2.The lighthouse if ____ at night may be in trouble. A(0593)A. invisibleB. it is invisibleC. isn’t visibleD. visible3.What is the use of the books of admiralty list of lights and fog signals? Their use is to ____.A. mention signal stations and ice, storm, traffic and port signalsB. give the international numbers of lightsC. give the correction of the lights and fog signalsD. give the information on the lights and fog signals4.Attention is ____ the advice on the use of charts in the Mariner’s Handbook Chapter 3,Section 1A. fixed toB. needed forC. pushed toD. drawn to5.Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ____.A. latitude scale near the middle of the track lineB. longitude scale near the middle of the track lineC. latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chartD. latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale6.Isogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating ____.A. points of equal variationB. points of zero variationC. the magnetic latitudeD. magnetic dip7.Low at 34N 135E esly slwly intst NC. This description is most likely to be under the heading of ____.A. GL WNGB. GEN SYNC. STM WNGD. T Y WNG8.It is dangerous for vessels without the use of radar ____ the estuary.A. to getB. to approachC. to proceedD. to close9.No navigational aids are shown and the chart is not kept corrected for alterations in depths inside the pecked lines. For more detailed information, the larger scale charts must be ____.A. referred toB. appreciatedC. met withD. concerned10.Orders of the master to the officers of the watch which he must comply with are ____.A. night ordersB. standing ordersC. commands by masterD. requirements by master11.____ is a full nautical record of a ship’s voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch.A. Sea protestB. Deck bookC. Accident reportD. Seaman’s book12.A wise captain gives clear direction in his _D___ for the officers on watch to call him if in any doubt whatsoever.A. deck logbookB. master’s noteC. bell bookD. master’s standing orders13.The master should ____ necessary precautions to prevent accidents or damage.A. doB. takeC. setD. have14.Mooring ____ are placed on both banks of the Suez Canal about 200m apart.A. bollardsB. ballastsC. bandsD. benefits15.Port of registry refers to the port where ____.A. the ship has been namedB. the ship has been builtC. the ship has been signedD. the ship has been registered16.Any person maintaining a listening watch on a bridge to bridge radio-telephone must be able to ____.A. speak EnglishB. repair the unitC. speak SpanishD. send Morse code17.Where shall the key to CO2 room be kept?A. In master’s cabinB. In third officer’s cabinC. In a break-glass-type enclosureconspicuously located adjacent to the roomD. In a locked locker conspicuously located adjacent to the room18.Instruction on how to conduct search and rescue are given in the _____ which is primarily designed for uuse by merchant ship.A. MARPOLB. IRPCSC. SOLASD. MERSAR19.A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a ____.A. polluterB. emitterC. spillerD. oilier20.The pilotage-quarantine anchorage, ____ between Damen Island and Qingshan Island, is defined by the lines ____ the given points. B(1293)A. situated / connectedB. situated / connectingC. situating / connectedD. situating / connecting21.The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted ____. D(2664)A. whiteB. international orangeC. yellowD. red22.When anchoring a vessel, it is best to release the anchor when _______.A. going full asternB. going full aheadC. going slow asternD. dead in the water23.It is sometimes necessary to moor bow and stern to two mooring buoys in order to ____.A. avoid any swing in a restricted spaceB. shelter the ship from strong windsC. prevent to touch with other vesselsD. make a convenience of cargo discharging24.Reducing the liquid free surface in a vessel reduces the __A___.A. roll periodB. metacentric heightC. waterplane areaD. vessel’s draft25.When are you allowed to throw plastic garbage overboard?A. Being more than 25 miles from shortB. Only at night when it’s darkC. Being more than6 miles from shore D. Never26.A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move ____. B(2269)A. in a straight lineB. to portC. from side to sideD. to starboard27.When underway in a channel, you should keep to ____. B(0059)A. the middle of the channelB. the starboard side of the channelC. the port side of the channelD. the side of the channel with the widest turns28.The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the rules when ____. D(0162)A. there are no other vessels aroundB. operating in a narrow channelC. the master enters it the ship’s logD. necessary to avoid immediate danger29.Your ship is steaming at night with the gyro pilot engag ed. You notice that the vessel’s course is slowly changing to the right. Which action should you take first? ____. B(1055)A. Notify the engine room of the steering malfunctionB. Change to hand steeringC. Call the masterD. Send the quartermaster to the emergency steering station30.A vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,provisions or cargo while under way can be regarded as ______.A. a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverB. a vessel engaged in laying,serving or picking up a navigation mark,submarine cable or pipeline.C. a vessel not under commandD. a power-driven vessel.31.A line on the Earth B the equator is a ____.A. gnomonic curveB. small circleC. meridianD. great circle32.The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are ____.A. untrueB. impossibleC. suspectfulD. unimportant33.When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed ____ (and decimals of a minute if necessary), north or south of the equator and east or west of Greenwich.A. fathoms and metersB. miles and kilometersC. arc and degreesD. in degrees and minutes34.The navigational term set of current means ____.A. velocity of current in knotsB. direction from which the current flowsC. estimated currentD. direction toward which the current flows35.When there are small differences between the heights of two successive high tides or two successive low tides, the tides are called ______.A. diurnalB. semi-diurnalC. solarD. mixed36.The sprinkler system of a survival craft is used to ______.A. cool the craft in a fireB. cool the engineC. spray oil on the sea to calm itD. spray personnel during a fire37.Keeping the draft at or below the load line mark will insure that the vessel has adequate ____.A. ballastB. reserve buoyancyC. displacementD. rolling periods38.The terminal staff tallies the cargo mainly before the ship’s ____________.A. loadingB. leavingC. arrivingD. sailing39.The tropical cyclone at 15.8N,132.4E has yesterday afternoon ____ into a tropical storm with max winds 70 knots near center. )A. upgradedB. decreasedC. becomeD. changed40.A hurricane moving northeast out of the gulf passes west of your position. You could expect all of the following except ____.A. higher than normal swellsB. high windsC. winds veering from south, through west, to northwestD. light showers41.Generally speaking, with ____ the weather becomes cloudy or overcast with strong winds.A. high pressuresB. low pressuresC. weak pressuresD. strong pressures42.Upon underwater ____ by divers, there are no apparent ____ on the bottom plates of the said vessel.A. detection, defectsB. detection, defectsC. defects, detectionD. defects, detection43.Molded depth is measured from the ____.A (2038)A. inside of the shellB. outside of the shellC. top of the center vertical keelD. top of the garboard stake44.The portable radio apparatus means ____. C (0588)A. the radio apparatus fitted on the portsideB. the radio with a portable equipmentC. the radio equipment which is easily movableD. the portable radio with some apparatuses45.Cleaning, painting and repairing work is known as ____________A.Maintenance workB. Lashing workC. Tallying workD. Overtime work46.SWEEP INT on radar panel is the abbreviation of ____. D(1325)A. sweep introductionB. sweep interestC. sweep intentionD. sweep intensity47.The abbreviation PPI in the Sperry collision avoidance system means ___.A. plan position indicatorB. plain position indicatorC. plane position indicationD. policy proof of interest48.Deviation is the angle between the ____. A. true meridian and the axis of the compass cardB. true meridian and the magnetic meridianC. magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardD. axis of the compass card and the degaussing meridian49.The best way to test the INMARSAT-C terminal is to ________.A. send a message to a shore terminal and wait for confirmationB. compose and send a brief message to your own INMARSAT-C terminalC. send a message to another terminalD. see if the send light flashes, then proper operationhas been confirmed.50. Would you please ___ on the radar.A.. switchB. to switchC. switchedD. will switch51. A Doppler log in the bottom return mode indicates the ____.A. velocity of the currentB. bottom characteristicsC. depth of the waterD. speed over the ground52. Where should the GMDSS Radio Log be kept on board ship?A. In the Captain’s OfficeB. In the sea cabin.C. At the GMDSS operating positionD.Anywhere on board the vessel53. Which equipment is the primary source of generating a locating signal?A.DSC only B.DSC and EPIRB C.SART and DSC D.EPIRB and SART54. When it is advisable to remain on VHF channel 14 you should say ____.A. stand by on VHF channel 14B. come to VHF channel 14C. VHF channel 14 is the best place for you to stay byD. remain in channel 14 and not change55. International distress signal in VHF calling for help is ____.A. Help, Help, HelpB. Mayday, Mayday, MaydayC. Save, Save, SaveD. Rescue, Rescue, Rescue56. A vessel’s quarter is that section which is ____.A. abeamB. dead asternC. just aft of the bowD. on either side of the stern57. What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder?A. Sea bottomB. Ship’s speedC. Speed of currentD. Water temperature and density58. In order to help protect a natural fiber rope from rotting, the line must be ____.A. dried, and stowed in a place with adequate ventilationB. stowed in a hot, moist compartmentC. stowed on deck at all timesD. stowed in any compartment59. Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged. blast from around. the bend. You should._____.A. back your engine;B. stop your engine and. drift;C. answer with one prolonged. blast;D. sound. the danger signal.60. When steering by autopilot, how often should manual steering be checked?A. Every dayB. When time allowsC. At least once a watchD. No checking is necessary61. You receive word that a person has fallen overboard from the starboard side. You should first ____.A. notify the masterB. put the wheel hard rightC. put the engines full asternD. sound the man overboard alarm62. A fire started by spontaneous combustion can be expected in which condition? C(2633)A. paints, varnish or other liquid flammables are stowed in a dry stores lockerB. inert cargoes such as pig iron are loaded in a wet conditionC. oily rags are stowed in a metal pailD. clean mattress are stored in contact with an electric light bulb63. A round through the vessel carried out by a crewmember of the watch at certain intervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected defines ____. A(1024)A. fire patrolB. fire controlC. smoke detectionD. fire drill64. A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should ______.A. remain on course and hold speedB. remain on course but slack the speedC. change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD. change course and put the stern to the wind65. What type of radar can activate a Racon?A. X-band radarB. S-bandC. C-band radarD. No radar can66. If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after you abandon a vessel in a survival craft, you should_____.A. go in one direction until the fuel runs outB. plot a course for the nearest land.C. take a vote on which direction you should go d. shut down the engine(s) and set the sea anchor67. A continual worsening of the list or trim of any floating ship indicates ______.A. negative GMB. progressive floodingC. structural failureD. an immediate need to counterflood68. Deficient oxygen content inside a chain locker can be detected with ____.A. litmus paperB. a combustible gas indicatorC. an oxygen breathing apparatusD. an oxygen indicator⼆.关联题(每组关联题题⼲下有4个⼩题,每⼩题4个选项)第⼀组:Admiralty Standard Navigational Charts (SNC) are produced in a range of scales for safe ocean navigation covering passage planning, harbour and nautical hazards, anchorages, coasts and off shore navigation. To ensure safe navigation, it is recommended that mariners always use the largest scale chart available. Inparticularly busy seaways, the Admiralty SNC series is supplemented by Mariners Routeing Guides which advise on routes planning and all necessary regulations appropriate to the area of navigatin. Admiralty Notes to Mariners , weekly editions contain information which enables the mariners to keep his charts and books up to date for the latest reports received83. To ensure safe navigation the mariners should always use ___________A.ocean navigation chartB. coastal and off-shore navigation chartC. Admiralty Standard Navigational ChartD. the largest scale chart available84. An Admiralty SNC is kept up to date by ___________A. Admiralty Notes to MarinersB. Mariners Routeing GuidesC. routes planningD. all necessary regulations85. All Admiralty Standard Navigational Charts are produced_________.A.in a standard scaleB. in different scalesC.in two scales, of which one is larger than the otherD.in largest scales which are available for safe ocean navigation86. It is inferred that__ _______A. Admiralty Notes to Mariners are published only when latest reports are receivedB. coasts and off shore navigation is not covered by ocean navigationC. in particularly busy seaways, the only use of Admiralty SNC series is not enoughD. Mariners Routeing Guides shall be used to keep charts and books up-to-dateDABC第⼆组:The bulker’s officer of the watch (OOW) had detected, both visually and by radar, the presence of a group of flashing boats on his starboard bow at a distance of at least ten nautical miles. These boats were crossing ahead, but the OOW quickly established that there was a risk of collision with at least one of the group.There was ample sea room to starboard to make a bold alteration of course, which would have left all of the fishing boats well clear to port. However, the OOW instead made only a small alteration of course to starboard which gave a closest point of approach to the nearest fishing vessel of only half a nautical mile. Unfortunately, the developing close quarters’situation was not monitoredproperly after an inadequate watch handover on the bulk carrier. Despite the relieving OOW’s last-minute hard-a-starboard manoeuvre, the bulk carrier struck the fishing vessel, causing it to capsize and quickly sink.87.The accident arose out of ____________.A. limited sea roomB. improper lookoutC. certain mechanical failureD. some negligence in navigation88. These boats were crossing ahead, but the OOW quickly established that there was a risk of collision with at least one of the group.89. After the OOW made a small alteration of course to starboard, the two ships were in a ________.A. heading-on situationB. crossing situationC. overtaking situationD. dangerous situation90. The responsibility of the accident should be on the part of ___________.A. the bulk shipB. the relieved OOWC. the fishing boat in collision with the bulk shipD. The relieving OOW’s taking last-minute hard-a-starboard manoeuvre第三组:第⼀组:INSERT is to be used for the insertion of all new data or, together with the DELETE command, when a feature has moved position sufficiently that the MOVE command is not appropriate. For example: Delete feature and insert in a different position. AMEND is to be used when a feature remains in its existing charted position but has a change of characteristic. SUBSTITUTE is to be used when one feature replaces an existing feature and the position remains as charted. The new feature is always to be shown first.MOVE is to be for features whose characteristics/descriptions remain unchanged, but they are to be moved small distances. DELETE is to be used when features are to be removed from the chart or, together with the INSERT command, when features are moved a significant distance such that the MOVE command is inappropriate.91. When a position is to be moved sufficiently, _______ command is to be used for this correction.A. MOVEB. INSERTC. DELETED. any one of A, B, C92. When is MOVE to be used?A. a position is to be moved sufficientlyB. a position is to remain unchangedC. the features are to be shifted small distance but their descriptions/characteristics arenot changedD. the features are to be moved sufficiently but their descriptions/characteristics arenot changed93. A feature’s charted position is not to be changed but its characteristic to be changed, _______command is to be used.A. MOVEB. SUBSTITUTEC. INSERTD. AMEND94. Under what condition is SUBSTITUE command to be used?A. features are to be removed from the chartB. an existing feature is to be replaced by new one in the original placeC. when features are moved a small distance such that the MOVE command is inappropriateD. a feature remains in its original position and has no change of characteristic。



44期甲类大副航海学试题及答案2007年第6期海船船员适任统考试题(总第44期)科目:航海学试卷代号:911适用对象:无限航区3000总吨及以上船舶船长/大副1. 英版海图的绘制基于下列哪一种大地坐标系?Ⅰ、WGS-84;Ⅱ、东京1918;Ⅲ、欧洲1950A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢB. Ⅱ、ⅢC. Ⅰ、ⅡD. Ⅰ、Ⅲ2. 舷角是:A. 船首尾线至物标方位线的夹角B. 物标的方向C. 真航向减去真方位D. 真北至物标方位线的夹角3. 某轮由纬度60°S沿子午线向北航行,计程仪读数差为600′,计程仪改正率△L=0%,不考虑外界影响和航行误差等,则到达点的纬度______。

A. 等于50°SB. 在50°S北面C. 在50°S南面D. 无法确定4. 物标高度为H(单位:m),测者眼高为e(单位:m),则理论上物标地理能见距离DO(单位:n mile)为______。

A. 2.09B. 2.09C. 2.09 +2.09D. 2.205. 通常英版海图和灯标表中灯塔灯光的最大可见距离可能与下列哪些因素有关?Ⅰ、测者眼高;Ⅱ、灯高;Ⅲ、射程;Ⅳ、地面曲率;Ⅴ、地面蒙气差;Ⅵ、能见度A. Ⅰ~ⅢB. Ⅳ~ⅥC. Ⅲ~ⅤD. Ⅰ~Ⅵ6. 英版海图某灯塔灯高69英尺,该轮额定光力射程18海里,你船眼高45英尺,当气象能见度为10海里时,该灯塔灯光最大可见距离为:A. 18.0海里B. 17.2海里C. 12.2海里D. 10.0海里7. 某船电磁计程仪指示的航速为12kn,计程仪改正率ΔL=0%,当时流速为3kn,试问顶流时该船对水速度是多少?A. 15knB. 12knC. 9knD. 3kn8. 某轮船速12kn,逆风逆流航行,流速1kn,风使船减速1kn,则1h后船舶对水航程为:A. 9n mileB. 10n mileC. 11n mileD. 12n mile9. 测速标之间的距离为3n mile,往返两次测定船速,两次航行时间分别为:10m36s和11m24s,则相应的船速为:A. 16.0knB. 16.2knC. 16.4knD. 16.6kn10. 下列有关墨卡托海图局部比例尺的说法中,哪一个准确?A. 墨卡托海图内各点局部比例尺相同B. 墨卡托海图同一纬线各点的局部比例尺不同C. 墨卡托海图某点各方向局部比例尺相同D. 墨卡托海图上某点各个方向的局部比例尺可能都不相同11. 海图绘制工作中绘画误差不超过0.1mm,比例尺为1:5000000的海图的极限精度为:A. 100mB. 300mC. 500mD. 700m12. 恒向线在地面的形状是:Ⅰ、子午线;Ⅱ、球面螺旋线;Ⅲ、等纬圈A. Ⅰ、ⅡB. Ⅱ、ⅢC. Ⅰ、ⅢD. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ13. 纬度渐长率是指墨卡托海图上______。











( )A)通航安全评估后B)办理《水上水下活动许可证》时C)办理《水上水下活动许可证》前D)活动开始前答案:D解析:3.[单选题]载重线圆圈的中心应位于:A)船中以前1/4船长处B)船中以后1/4船长处C)船中处D)船中略后答案:C解析:4.[单选题]船长≧50米的船舶桅灯的最小能见距离为_________ 。

A)2海里B)3海里C)5海里D)6海里答案:D解析:5.[单选题]一个自由陀螺仪要成为实用的陀螺罗经,必须对其施加( )。

A)进动力矩和稳定力矩B)控制力矩和稳定力矩C)进动力矩和阻尼力矩D)控制力矩和阻尼力矩答案:D解析:6.[单选题]某轮由45N先向北航行600n mile ,再分别向西、向南和向东各航行600n mile ,则该轮最终到达点位于其起始点的_______B)@ 西面C)@ 同一点D)@无法确定答案:B解析:7.[单选题]日常生活和工作不用恒星时作为时间的计量单位的原因是()。

( )A)恒星时与地球的自转无关B)恒星时的周期不固定C)恒星时与地球的公转有关D)恒星时与昼夜的关系不固定答案:D解析:8.[单选题]根据《水上水下活动通航安全管理规定》,遇有紧急情况,需要 ,作业单位可以边申请边施工。

( )A)维修、拆除水上水下构筑物或者设施B)对航道进行修复或者对航道、码头前沿水域进行疏浚C)进行调查、测量、科学试验等水上水下施工活动D)在内河通航水域进行的气象观测、测量、地质调查答案:B解析:9.[单选题]已知地方时角 LHA=120°E,说明该时角是__________。

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1.航海学中,使用地球圆球体为地球数学模型的场合是:Ⅰ、描述地球形状时;Ⅱ、定义地球坐标时;Ⅲ、制作墨卡托投影海图时;Ⅳ、计算大圆航线时;Ⅴ、制作简易墨卡托图网时A. Ⅰ、ⅡB. Ⅱ、ⅢC. Ⅲ、ⅣD. Ⅳ、Ⅴ2.地理坐标的基准线是:A. 经线、纬线B. 赤道、经线C. 格林子午圈、纬圈D. 赤道、格林子午线3.已知到达点经度λ2=126°11'.3W,两地间的经差Dλ=22°24'.7W,则起航点经度λ1为:A. 103°46'.6WB. 148°36'.0EC. 104°13'.4WD. 148°36'.0W4.下列哪项是建立大地坐标系时应明确的问题?Ⅰ、确定椭圆体的参数;Ⅱ、确定椭圆体中心的问题;Ⅲ、确定坐标轴的方向A. Ⅰ、ⅡB. Ⅰ、ⅢC. Ⅱ、ⅢD. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ5.罗经点方向ENE换算成圆周方向为:A. 067°.5B. 079°.75C. 056°.25D. 033°.756.某船真航向040°,测得某物标真方位050°,则该物标的相对方位(舷角)为:A. 10°B. 10°左C. 50°D. 10°右7.陀罗航向是:A. 真北和陀螺北之的夹角B. 真北和航向线之间的夹角C.陀螺北和航向线之间的夹角D. 陀螺北和方位线之间的夹角8.船舶在航行中,要求经常比对磁罗经航向和陀螺航向,其主要目的是:A. 求罗经差B. 求自差C. 及时发现陀螺罗经工作的不正常D. 为了记录航海日志9.将1n mile规定为1852m后,在航海实践中所产生的误差______。

A. 在赤道附近最小B. 在两极附近最小C. 在纬度45°附近最小D. 在纬度45°附近最大10.设物标高度为H(单位:m),测者眼高为e(单位:m),则理论上测者能见地平距离De(单位:n mile)为______。

A. 2.09B. 2.09C. 2.09 +2.09D. 2.2011.英版海图和灯标表中所标射程仅与有关。

A. 测者眼高和灯塔灯高B. 灯塔灯高和灯光强度C. 灯光强度和气象能见度D. 灯塔灯高、灯光强度、地面曲率和地面蒙气差12.英版海图某灯塔灯质为:FL(2)6s64m20M,若测者眼高为9m,则该灯塔灯光的最大可见距离为:A. 25 n mileB. 23 n mileC. 24 n mileD. 20 n mile13.对水航程是船舶在情况下的对水航程。

Ⅰ、无风流;Ⅱ、有风无流;Ⅲ、有流无风;Ⅳ、有风流A.Ⅱ~ⅣB. Ⅰ、ⅡC. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD. Ⅰ~Ⅳ14.某船顶风顺流航行,船速15kn,流速2kn,2h后相对计程仪读数差为30′.0,计程仪改正率△L=-10%,则该船实际航程为:A. 27′.0B. 30′.0C. 30′.6D. 31′.015.某海图基准比例尺C=1:750000(基准纬度45°N),若该图上30°N纬线的局部比例尺为C1,60°N纬线的局部比例尺为C2,则:A. C1﹥C﹥C2B. C2﹥C﹥C1C. C1=C=C2D. C=2(C1+ C2)16.海图绘制工作中绘画误差不超过0.1mm,比例尺为1:100000的海图的极限精度为:A. 5mB. 10mC. 15mD. 2m17.航用海图的基本要求是:A. 恒向线在图上是直线和等角投影B. 经线、纬线各自平行且相互垂直C. 图内各点局部比例尺相等 D. 无投影变形18.下列关于墨卡托海图的说法中正确的是:A. 局部比例尺随纬度变化而改变B. 图上两点间直线为最短航程航线C. 等角投影,没有投影变形D. 图内各点局部比例尺相同19.高斯投影仅适宜用来描绘轴子午线的狭长地带。

A. 经差大、纬差小B.经差小、纬差大C. 经差大、纬差大D. 经差小、纬差小20.英版海图通常采用作为高程基准面。

Ⅰ、平均大潮高潮面;Ⅱ、平均高高潮面;Ⅲ、当地平均海面A. Ⅱ、ⅢB. Ⅰ、ⅢC. Ⅰ、ⅡD. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ21.海图标题栏通常包括下列哪些内容?Ⅰ、图名;Ⅱ、图号;Ⅲ、图幅;Ⅳ、比例尺;Ⅴ、计量单位;Ⅵ、出版和发行情况A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ~ⅤC. Ⅰ、Ⅳ、ⅤD. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅵ22.中版海图所标净空高度是指从至桥下净空宽度中下梁的垂直距离A. 平均大潮高潮面或江河高水位/最高点B. 平均高高潮面或当地平均海面/最高点C. 平均高高潮面或当地平均海面/最低点D. 平均大潮高潮面或江河高水位/最低点23.凡危险物外加点线圈者,表示:A. 对水面航行有碍的危险物B. 位置未经精确测量的危险物C. 危险物的位置有疑问D. 危险物的存在有疑问24.英版海图图式“C O”表示:A. 贝类B. 粘土C. 珊瑚D. 泥25.中版图式“ ”表示:A. 沉船残骸及其它有碍抛锚和拖网的地区B. 深度不明的障碍物C. 鱼栅D. 贝类养殖场26.中版海图图式中,缩写“概位”是指:A. 礁石、浅滩等的存在有疑问B. 深度可能小于已注明的水深注记C. 对危险物的位置有怀疑D. 危险物的位置未经精确测量27.颜色不变,明暗交替且时间相等的灯质为:A. 明暗光B. 等明暗光C. 联明暗光D. 互光28.英版灯标表中某一灯标的灯质为“AL WR”,在备注栏中标有“040°~275°(235°)”,说明在该灯的:A. 正南方可看到红、白交替的灯光B. 正北方可看到红、白交替的灯光C.正南方看到白光、北方看到红光D. 正南方看到红光、北方看到白光29.英版海图图式“Pipeline Area”表示:A. 禁航区B. 检疫锚地C. 水上飞机降落区D. 管道区30.使用资料陈旧、水深点稀少的海图,且航行在船舶活动较少的海区时,应:A. 尽可能将航线设计在水面空白处B. 尽可能将航线设计在水深点上C. 尽可能将航线设计在水深点稀少处 D. 尽可能使航线与等深线垂直31.关于电子海图显示与信息系统的主要功能,下列说法不正确的是:A.ECDIS具备类似“黑匣子”的功能B.ECDIS可在电子海图上进行航线设计C.ECDIS能够记录每隔2海里的船位、航速D.ECDIS可获得整个航线上的航行条件信息32.海图作业标注时,计划航线上都应标注下列哪些内容?Ⅰ、计划航迹向;Ⅱ、真航向;Ⅲ、罗航向;Ⅳ、罗经差A. Ⅰ~ⅣB. Ⅰ、Ⅲ、ⅣC. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣD. Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ33.风压差的大小A.与风速有关,但与风向无关B. 与风舷角有关,风舷角90°时最大C.与船舶吃水差有关,但与船舶吃水无关D. 与船速有关,但与船舶干舷无关34.某船船速12kn,计划航迹向090 °,航区内受NE风6级(α取4°),NE流4kn的影响,考虑上述情况后应采用的真航向和推算航速是:A. 090°,9.4knB. 100°,14.5knC. 080°,13.3knD. 100°,9.4kn35.下列能测出风压差而不能用于测定风流合压差的方法为:A. 连续定位法B.单物标三方位法C. 雷达观测法D.尾迹流法36.用叠标导航法测定风流合压差时,应操纵船舶沿着叠标线航行,此时叠标线的方向就是:A. 真航向B. 实测航迹向C. 船首向D. 罗航向37.用雷达观测法实测风流压差,调整电子方位线与固定孤立物标相对运动轨迹平行,如电子方位线偏在航向线右面3°,罗经差2°E,则实测风流压差为:A. +5 °B. -5°C. +3°D. -3 °38.航迹计算法主要指:A. 恒向线航行计算B. 大圆航行计算C. 两点最近距离航行计算D.跨赤道航行计算39.墨卡托航法最可能出现较大误差是在:A. 低纬度海区B. 中纬度海区C. 高纬度海区D.赤道附近40.下列何项足以证明两标距离定位中物标的识别错误:A. 连续观测船位点沿直线分布B. 位置线不相交C.所测物标的距离通过或然船位区D. 位置线相交41.当用物标垂直角求距离时,使用的航海仪器是:A.分罗经B. 雷达C. 六分仪D. 方位仪42.在两方位定位中,若其他条件都一样,仅两物标的距离大一倍,则船位的均方误差将:A. 大一倍B. 小一半C. 一样大小D. 大0.7倍43.某轮通过某水道时,利用左岸仅有的两个方位夹角较小的物标,以两标距离定位,而不用两标方位定位,这是因为:A. 测距离比方位快B. 船位均方误差椭圆的短轴分布在水道轴线的垂直方向上C. 船位均方误差椭圆的长轴分布在水道轴线的垂直方向上D. 两船位线夹角较小,均方误差圆也较小44.“倍角法”和“四点方位法”是用来______。

A. 测定船位误差B. 船舶避险C. 求实际航迹向D. 测定船位45.以两天极为起止点且通过格林天底的半个大圆成为:A. 测者子圈B.测者午圈C. 格林子圈D. 格林午圈46.在周日视运动中,天体赤纬等于0°时,天体将出于没于A. 正东/正西B. 东南/西南C. 东北/西北D. 正南/正北47.太阳视运动是A. 太阳周日视运动和周年视运动的合运动B. 太阳周日视运动C. 太阳周年视运动D. 太阳真运动48.以春分点的周日视运动的周期作为时间的计量单位得到A. 恒星时B. 视时C. 平时D. 协调世界时49.同一时刻不同时区的区时相差______。

A. 两地的纬差B. 两地的经差C. 两时区中线经度之差D. 测者的经度50.船舶向西航行穿过日界线船钟应,日期应。

A.拨快1小时/减少1天B. 拨慢1小时/增加1天C.不拨/增加1天D. 不拨/减少1天51.潮差是:A. 相邻高、低潮的潮高之差B. 主、附港潮高之差C.大潮与小潮之差D. 回归潮与分点潮之差52.从潮信表查得某海区的平均高潮间隙MHWI为1125,则5月20日(农历十一)的高潮潮时约为:A. 1101;2325B. 1125;2349C. 0725;1949D. 0635;190053.某地当日潮汐资料为:0600 500cm,1200 100cm,则0800潮高为:A. 400cmB. 300cmC. 200cmD. 100cm54.利用英版《潮汐表》求附港潮汐,主港某日潮汐为:0929 1.0m,1838 4.0m。
