二、安全须知1. 在骑乘前,请确保您已经熟悉并理解车辆的操作手册和安全须知。
2. 戴上符合安全标准的头盔,并确保扣紧。
3. 骑乘时请选择专用道路,并遵守交通规则,注意他人安全。
4. 注意保持适当的车速,避免超速行驶,特别在弯道和湿滑路面上。
5. 骑乘摩托车时,请使用合适的鞋子,避免穿着拖鞋或高跟鞋等不安全的鞋款。
6. 在行驶过程中,保持警觉以应对其他车辆或行人的突然变化。
三、启动与熄火1. 关闭燃油开关,并将车辆置于充足的通风区域,确保没有火源附近。
2. 检查油箱燃油是否充足,如需加油,请按照车辆说明手册的指引进行加油操作。
3. 按下刹车拨片,将两脚放在脚踏上,保持稳定状态。
4. 轻坐于驾驶座位上,将钥匙插入点火锁孔,逆时针拧动至“ON”档位。
5. 左手拉起油门手把,同时右手握紧转速手柄,并将开关置于“启动”位置。
6. 发动机启动后,保持适当怠速,听到引擎平稳运转声后,轻轻松开转速手柄。
7. 当需要关闭发动机时,将开关转至“OFF”位置,待发动机停止运转后,将钥匙拔出。
8. 熄火后,务必确认所有开关处于关闭状态,并将踏板摩托车停放在安全地带。
四、行车操作1. 右手掌握转速手柄,通过旋转调节车速,初次学习骑乘时,建议保持低速行驶。
2. 左手握紧限速刹车手柄,通过向内拉动刹车实现减速和停车操作。
3. 脚踩刹车踏板可实现减速和停车操作,同时两脚还可用于平衡保持稳定状态。
4. 转向时,通过转动车把实现方向盘的转动,务必确保平滑过渡和适当的转速。
5. 注意观察前方和周边交通状况,确保安全变更道路或超越其他车辆。
X Y Z-125G型稀油站(带高位油箱)使用说明书启东安升 XYZ-125G稀油站 共 4 页 第 1 页 一、用途XYZ-125G型稀油站主要用于冶金、矿山等机械设备的稀油循环润滑系统中,向减速器、齿轮座、主电动机轴承、风机轴承等摩擦部位供送润滑油。
二、规格和性能型号流量L/min工作压力MPa供油温度℃油箱容积m3双筒网式过滤器列管式油冷却器型号面积m2精度mm型号面积m2水压MPa进水温度℃冷却水耗量m3/hXYZ-125G 125 0.4 40±21.6SGLQ-40 0.31 0.12 ASLC3-6 6 ≥0.2 ≤28 11.25表(1)电 动 机 电加热器外形尺寸 长×宽×高 重量Kg型号 功率KW转速r/minSRY4-6/220Y112M-4 4.0 1400 6KW×3支 2200×1300×17001262续表(1-1)三、结构特征本稀油站由油站、仪表和电控箱三部分组成。
启东安升 XYZ-125G稀油站 共4页 第3页 五、安装、调整和操作参照稀油站原理图,将阀门3、4、6、7、8打开,阀门1、2、5、9、12关闭,接通电源后,转换开关放置到自动位置起动1号泵,此时备用泵会自动起 动,逐渐关闭阀门8,将压力上升到0.3Mpa时,备用泵会自动停止,当压力超过0.6Mpa时,安全阀会自动开启,进行卸压,然后,缓慢开启阀门5,开始对外管路供油;稀油站应将压力控制在0.3-0.4MPa,(可以调节供油口阀门5来实现)首先进轴承的阀门开启度应该在10-20%左右,能看到回油管中有少量回油即可,否则开启度过大,会使高位油箱上不了油,然后开启高位油箱阀门9,待高位油箱内油位到达溢油口时,可以关小进口阀门9,溢油口能够来得及回油为止,进口阀门9尽量要开小一点,这样能使高位油箱充满油,而又不致于溢出油箱为宜。
6.0、向油箱内加注清洁的润滑油。加油量为油箱有效容积的4/5,加注时必须进行过 滤(建议用LUC系列滤油车),否则将严重影响油站和轴承的寿命。
6.1、按系统工作压力及工作油温将供油管路上的电接点压力表(或压力开关)的动 作压力及一只电接点双金属温度计(或温度控制仪表)的动作温度调节到设定值或工况所 需要求值的相应位置,打开稀油站相应的油、水阀门和压力表开关;。
PLC 运行 指示灯不亮 (仅 P 型稀油站)
1.控制电源开关未合上; 2.PLC 上的电源开关未合上; 3.PLC 的 运 行 方 式 未 置 于
RUN; 4.PLC 故障(ERR)指示灯亮。
1.合上控制电源开关; 2.合上 PLC 电源开关; 3.将 PLC 运行方式置于 4.更换 PLC。
操作功能,并具有与中控室连接的 DCS 接口和与主机实现连锁的油站故障停主机接口。
本稀油站安装时,只要平稳地放在地面上,可不需要地脚螺栓固定。 本稀油站在出厂前已进行过模拟工况性能试验,故在现场安放平稳后,即可连接供油 管、回油管、水管和电控柜,调试正常后,就可投入正常运行。 电控柜由用户自行决定安装位置和固定方式。
3.5 回油口设有磁性过滤器,可吸附油液中铁质微粒,保证油液清洁度要求;
功率:2kw 220V
功率:1kw 220V
型号:ZSN4-400-092 IP44
型号:Y90S-6 B5(V1)
二、使用条件2.1主回路电源:3N 50HZ AC380V2.2控制回路电源:50HZ AC220V2.3海拔高度不超过1000米2.4周围空气温度:不高于40摄氏度,不低于-10摄氏度。
3.7油箱内的油温要保持在一定范围内,冬季油温低时,对于XYZ -6~125电控箱可手动开启电加热器进行加热,此时加热器工作指示灯3LD亮,当温度高于温控器WDJ 的温度时,电加热器自动停止加热,3LD熄灭,对于XYZ-250~1000电控箱,可手动开启蒸汽阀门进行加热,如果高于温控器WDJ设定的温度时,油温过高信号灯4HD 亮并发出报警声,提醒关阀门。
型号说明: 选型时采用XYZ- ※※P: PLC控制省略:继电器、接触器控制流量:L/min稀油站如:稀油站,公称流量125L/min,用PLC控制,则选型:XYZ-125P二、XYZ系列稀油站性能参数三、工作原理与结构特点稀油站由油箱、油泵装置、油冷却器、油滤器以及电控柜、仪表盘、管道、阀门等组成。
XYZ-6S125G稀油润滑站使用说明书启东市开隆冶金机械设备有限公司一设备的用途XYZ-6G- 125G型稀油站主要用于冶金、矿山、能源、建材、轻工、交通、运输等机械设备的稀油循环润滑系统中,向减速器、齿轮座、主电动机轴承等摩擦部位供送润滑油。
在操作前必须确保向电控箱提供380/220V AC的三相四线制电源,并对电控箱进行有效的接地,以确保安全。
1.3.1一级文氏管:主要技术参数:进口气温:900℃;进口风量:131000 m3/h;用水量:85m3/h;出口气温:65℃;出口风量:62443m3/h;设备主要结构特点:一级文氏管设备上接除尘烟道,下接重力脱水器,主要包括水冷夹套、收缩段、定径喉口及扩散段四部分组成,其主要作用为对转炉烟气进行降温及粗除尘。
的基础上 ,采用现代计算机模拟优化 的方 法 ,通过建 立 X Z 15稀 油站管 道 中压 力峰 值区域 三维模 型 ,导入 A S S软件 Y 一2 NY 进行模拟分析后 ,得出稀油站工作时液 流的流动状 态参数 ,为系统优化 可行 性分析 提供直 接数据 支持 和理论依 据。优化后
A s a t h Y 一2 u r a t a hn ( M)u e i e t ci coy rv e b c t go r h 5 0 A B rc — b t c :T eX Z 15 lbi n m c ie L r c sdi o x a t nf tr p o i sl r a n i f eC 1 1 / i n l r o a d ui i l0 t ep r ai o p esr ( C . D s nn eL i a io a d s nme o a epo l f x es e ieda tr hc i o t g cm rs s R ) ei igt M w t t dt n l e i t d h st rb m o csi p i e ,w i w l c n o g h hr i g h h e e vp me h l
的系 统 体 积 减 小 ,降 低 了整 个 设 备 的生 产 制造 成本 。
关键词 :往复式压缩机 ;计算机模拟 ;稀 油站
中图 分 类 号 :T 1 H17 文 献 标 识 码 :B 文 章 编 号 :10 3 8 (00)5一l5—5 0 1— 8 1 2 1 2
二、技术参数:1. 公称流量:125 L/min2. 公称压力:0.4 Mpa3. 过滤精度:0.12 mm4. 换热面积:7 m25. 冷却水耗量:6 m3/h6. 油箱容积:1.6 m37. 电加热器:4Kw×38. 电动机功率:5.5Kw×2三、原理与结构特征:XYZ型稀油站由油箱、油泵装置、过滤器、冷却器、仪表箱、控制箱、管道、阀门等组成。
新产品指南:XYZ 精密尺寸器说明书
Please read through this owners manual carefully before using your new tool.1.Battery Cover2.Display3.SPC out put4.Function Button5.Shaft BushMeasuring Range: 0-0.5”/12.7mm or 0-1”25.4mm Resolution: 0.0005”/0.01mm Accuracy: 0.001”0.02mm Repeatability: 0.0005”/0.01mm Measuring system: Capacitive Display: LCD(11mm high)Battery: 3V,type CR 2032 Lithium Battery life: Approx.1 year Operational T emperature Range:0 to+40Maximum Relative Humidity: 80%Cleaning the indicator with a soft cloth.Do Not use any type of solvent.Do not immerse the indicator in liquid.RESET:ln order to RESET the instrument, removethe battery,wait 30 seconds,replace the battery andturn the instrument on.* Digits do not change or count correctly *No Display *Remove the battery for 30 seconds then reinstall.*Check battery contacts or replace battery *Avoid exposure to all liquids and excessive humidity .*Avoid exposure to electromagnetic fidlds.*Do not expose the instrument to direct sunlight.*Do not attempt to disassemble the indicator for extended periods or time.6.Measuring Shaft7.Measuring Head8.Absolute/Incremental readings9.Tolerance indicatorsPull out the battery cover and battery,remove the oldbattery,place the new battery with the positivepole“+”facing the battery cover and insert the batterycover with the battery positive pole “+”f acing upwards.ON/OFF:Press<on/off>function bu-tton to power on.Press button an ad-ditional time to power off ZERO:Press<zero>function button at any position to set zero mm/inch:Press<mm/inch>function button to change measuring standard between metric and English.RS 232 dada Output:By connection Cable(not included).Abs/inc:Press ABS/INC(8) to toggle between Absolute and Incremental reading.ZERO may be set at any location in either mode.Tolerance indicators may be activated by pressing TOL(9)one time.will appear in the display .Displace the spindle so the maximum allowed reading is displayed and press TOL once more will appear in the display.Displace the spindle so the minimum allowed reading is displayed and press TOL once more.OK will be shown in the display while the readings are between the two allowed readings.Once either of these settings has been exceeded,OK will flash indicating an out of tolerance measurement.T o exit TOL mode depress ZERO.To reset tolerances,press TOL(9)and input the maximum and minimum readings.Tolerance 3。
1 ~ 250 HP0.75 ~ 55 kw 0.75 ~ 185 kw1 ~ 75 HP200V Class380V Class122344566778991010111313151516172225272729333536Chapter 5 Overall Dimension drawing Chapter 6 Braking resistor Chapter 7 Parameter list Chapter 8 Trouble shooting1.2 Wiring1.3 Before Operation 1.4 Parameters Setting 1.5 OperationPreface.Chapter 1 Safety Precautions1.1 Before Supplying Power to the Inverter Table of Contents1.6 Maintenance, Inspection and Replacement 1.7 Disposal of the Inverter 3.1 Environment 3.2 InstallationChapter 2 Model Description 2.1 Nameplate Data.2.2 Inverter Models-Motor Power Rating Chapter 3 Environment and Installation3.2.1 Installation Spaces3.2.2 External View and part description 3.2.3 Unpacking inspection 3.2.4 Disassemble and installation 3.3 Inverter Wiring3.3.1 Wiring Peripheral Power Devices 3.3.2 General Wiring Diagram 3.3.3 Terminal description 3.3.4 Wiring PrecautionsChapter 4 Keypad and Programming Functions 4.4.1 Keypad Operation Description4.4.1.1 Parameter settingPrefacewarningsymbol.Please pay close attention to the safety precautions indicated by theand caution Available Documentation:1. MA510 Start-up and Installation Manual2. MA10 Instruction ManualRead this instruction manual thoroughly before proceeding with installation,connections(wiring), operation, or maintenance and inspection.Ensure you have sound knowledge of the inverter and familiarize yourself with all safety information and precautions before proceeding to operate the inverter.The MA510product is an inverter designed to control a three-phase induction motor.Please read this manual carefully to ensure correct operation, safety and to become familiar with the inverter functions.The MA510inverter is an electrical /electronic product and must be installed and handled by qualified service personnel.Improper handling may result in incorrect operation,shorter life cycle,or failure of this product as well as the motor.All MA510documentation is subject to change without notice.Be sure to obtain the latest editions for use or visit our website at Chapter 1 Safety Precautions1.1 Before Supplying Power to the InverterMA510 series2 : 220 v 025 : 25HP 4 : 380 v050 : 50HPMotor Rating:2.1 Nameplate DataChapter 2 Model Description It is essential to verify the MA510inverter nameplate and make sure that the MA510inverter has the correct rating so it can be used in your application with the proper sized AC motor.Unpack the MA510 inverter and check the following:(1) The MA510 inverter and quick setting guide are contained in the package.(2) The MA510 inverter has not been damaged during transportation there should be no dents or parts missing.(3) The MA510 inverter is the type you ordered. You can check the type and specifications on the main nameplate.(4) Check that the input voltage range meets the input power requirements.(5) Ensure that the motor HP matches the motor rating of the inverter.Model Identification4.5172103165207.530104215552070258030110401305016060190752.513.725395137.5171025153220372545303-phase 220V -+ 15%4655.8202635381518.52281112151321631813.41057.71117213143567145.57.511550.751.52.27.5111518.522303745MA510-4020MA510-4005MA510-4008MA510-4010MA510-4015MA510-2075MA510-4001MA510-4002MA510-4003MA510-2030MA510-2040MA510-2050MA510-2060MA510-2010MA510-2015MA510-2020MA510-2025MA510-2008 5.5MA510-20030.751.52.2MA510-20054MA510-2001MA510-20022.2 Inverter Models-Motor Power RatingModel NumberInput VoltageCompatible Motor (HP)Rated input current(A)Rated output current (A)RatedPower (kw)MA510-40303-phase 380V -+ 15%MA510-402560407550906011075150100176125210150250175300215340250The installing environment of the inverter directly affects its functions and the servicelife. Therefore, the installation environment must meet the following conditions:Applicable environment(-10~40° C) (With the dust-protection cover open, theapplicable operation temperature (-10~50° C) (full load) can reach maximum of 60° C) . But it is required to de-rating 2% of the rated current for increasing one degree.For multiple inverters installed side by side in the plate, please pay attention to the placement to facilitate heat Compatible Motor62(-20~70C)RH should be 5% to 95%, free of condensation or water droplets.Maximum acceleration:1.2G (12m/s2), from 49.84 to 150 Hz Displacement amplitude : 0.3mm (peak value), from 10 to 49.84 HzShockInput Voltage Rated Power Rated input current Rated output current 1051401609076210557590110MA510-4175MA510-4215MA510-4250Chapter 3 Environment and Installation 132160185240290330MA510-4075MA510-4100MA510-4125MA510-41504530MA510-4040MA510-4050MA510-4060Model Number 3.1 EnvironmentOperatingTemperatureStorageTemperature Humidity373-phase 380V -+ 15%The product shall be installed in the environment for easy operation, avoiding to be Avoid electromagnetic interference (soldering machine, power machine) Up / DownAvoid vibration (punch). Please add a vibration-proof pad to reduce vibration if itcan not be avoidedAvoid dust, lint fibers, and small metal filings.Keep away from radioactive and flammable materialsInstallation site3.2 Installation Please install the MA510 inverter in vertical direction, leaving enough space to ensure the cooling effect, shown in below Figure. Avoid the upside-down or horizontal installation.The temperature of inverter’s radiator cooling may reach 90 ° C in operation.Therefore, the contact surface for the inverter installation shall be made by the hightemperature-resistant material.When the inverter is operating in the power distribution box, the environment must be ventilated and the environmental temperature must be less than +40 ° C.please leave 150mmfor the inverter capacity of 18.5kW (including thesmaller Kw),the minimum width recommended is100mm.for the inverter capacity of 22 kW (including thehigher Kw), the minimum width recommended is 200mm.3.2.1 Installation Spacesexposed to the following environments: Avoid direct sunlightAvoid rain drops or wet environment Avoid oil mist and salt erosion Avoid corrosive liquid and gasLeft Right side3.2.2 External View and part descriptioncovercover bracketAir ventfor capacities below 25 HPfor capacities above( and include ) 25 HPThe keypadControl board Control terminalsThe keypad bracketshield plate terminals of themain circuit inlet of the control cableInstallation holesCoverInstallation holes of the cover Air vent3.2.4 Disassemble and installationWarningExamples for wiring the periphery devices of MA510 are shown in the following:3.3 Inverter WiringElectromagnetic contactor : It can not add for general use. However for the application requiring external sequence control or automatic restart function power cut, isrequired. Please avoid using it for the start/stop control of the inverter as possible.Input noise filter: The surrounding device may be disturbed when inverter is working.EMC filter can minimize the interfaceInverter : Terminal R,S,T at input side have nophase requirement, thus they can be arbitrarily exchanged. Terminal E must be well grounded Zero-phase noise filter : Adding this at theoutput side of the inverter can be decrease the radiated interface and induced noise.Motor : If an inverter drives multiple motors,the rated current of the inverter must be greater than the total current that all motors operate at the same time. Motor and inverter must be grounded respectively.AC reactor : In case of further improving thepower factor or suppress the external surge , an AC reactor can be additionally equipped.Fast acting fuse: To protect interface devices.AC reactorFast acting fuse 3.3.1 Wiring Peripheral Power DevicesInput noise filterInverterElectromagnetic contactorPower supplyCircuit breakerZero-phase noise filter3-phase inductionmotorThe following is the standard wiring diagram for the MA510 inverter.Locations and For Inverters 18.5 Kw3.3.2 General Wiring Diagramsymbols of the wiring terminal block might be different due to different models.The wire length of the braking resistor should be less than 5m.Major Circuit Terminalsfunction discriptionTerminals of 3phase AC inputThe wiring length between the (+) and (-) terminals of the inerter and the (+), (-) of the braking units should not be more than 5m and the distributing length among BR1and BR2 and the braking resistor terminals should not be more than 10m.spare terminals of external braking unitspare terminals of external braking resistorspare terminals of external DC reactorterminal of negative DC bus(+)Terminal3.3.3 Terminal descriptionOnly the master circuit of 380 V 1~20HP (included) or models of lower capacity with built-in braking resistor provide terminal PB.The braking resistor can be connected directly between (+) and PB.Please pay attention to safty prevention and smooth ventilation when installing braking resistors because the temperature will rise for the heat releasing.The (+) and (-) terminals of the braking units corresponds to the (+) and (-) terminals of the inverter when the external braking unit is connected.R S T(+) (-)(+) PBP1 (+)(-)U V Wterminal of positive DC busTerminals of 3phase AC outputterminal of ground175 ~ 250 HP , 380 VControl Circuit Terminals10 ~ 20 HP , 380 V / 10HP 220 V25 ~ 150 HP , 380 V / 15 ~ 20 HP 220V5 ~ 7.5 HP , 220 / 380 V2 ~3 HP , 380 VAI1(+10v)GND+485-485(-10v~+10v)Input impedance:20K ΩFrom 0V ~ +10V / 0 ~ 20mA Input impedance: 10K Ω(voltage) / 250Ω(current)Power for speed setting Analog signals sharing terminal Output frequency range: 0 ~ 50kHzOutput range :Voltage (0 ~ 10v) current (0 ~ 20mA)Opto-coupler isolation,differential input and output 24VDC,8mAoptocoupler isolation (maximum voltage of 30Vdc, input impedance of 3.3k Ω )±15%,Maximum output current: 150mA ( the sum of all load )default (+24v)frequency range:0~50kHz Input voltage:9~30V Input impedence:1.1K ΩAO2analog output terminals above 5HP:AO1by J15and AO2by J172~3HP:AO1by J15andAO2by J14can be selectedAO1Voltage speed command Multi-function analog input terminal switched by J16high speed pulse or open collector output.The corresponding common terminal is COMHDO Pulseoutputsignal AI2Analog output signal Analoginputsignal RS-485 portRS-485 / MODBUS***(+24v)terminal is connected to PW terminal as default*Common terminal of Digital signals ( PW switched to SINK )Pulse or ON-OFFinput ,optical coupling with PW and COM ExternalpowersupplyPW**Pulseinputsignal HDI DigitalInput S1~S7ON-OFF signal input,optical coupling with PW and COM Digital signal SOURCE sharing point (PW switched to SOURCE )(+24v)24VPowersupplyCOMRO1A RO1B RO1C RO2A RO2B RO2C sink mode Contact capacity : AC 250V / 3A DC 30V / 1A*If the external power supply is needed , disconnect (+24v) with PW terminal and connect external power supply***Please use twisted pairs and shield cables on the standard communication portRO2 normally open(NO)**Using of PW to set sink or source modesource modeRelay Output RO2 normally close(NC)RO2 commonRO1 normally open(NO)RO1 normally close(NC)RO1 commonJumper J7It is porhibited to be connected together , otherwise it will cause inverter malufanction.J15 andJ17 above 5HP V connect to GND means voltage inputI connect to GND means current inputswitch between 0~10v and 0~20mA OutputV connect to GND means voltage outputswitch between 0~10v and 0~20mA Input Description Switch of terminal resistor for RS-485 communication. Switch of terminal resistor for RS-485 communication , dialing to ONmeans connecting to terminal resistor while dialing to OFF meansdisconnecting to terminal resistor.(only valid for 5HP and above)RS-485 communication jumperJ14 and J152HP~3HP J17 andJ182HP~3HP J16I connect to GND means current output switch between 0~10v and 0~20mA Output V connect to GND means voltage output I connect to GND means current outputJumper enable: connect terminal resistor Jumper disable: Disconnect terminal resistorJ2 , J4SW1The cable connected to the control terminal should be left away from the main circuit and strong current circuits (including power supply cable, motor cable, relay and contactor connecting cable) at least 20cm , and parallel wiring should be avoided. It is suggested to apply perpendicular wiring to prevent inverter malufanction caused by external interference.Contact output terminal R1A, R1B, R1C (or R2A,R2B, R2C) must be isolated from terminal 1~7, A01, A02, GND, HDO, COM, +10V, AI1, AI2, HD1 when wiring.In order to avoid the electrical noise interference, the control circuit wiring must For the external wiring of the control terminal, please attention to the followings:Use shield or twisted-pair cables to connect control terminals.Connect the ground terminal(PE) with shield wire.When connecting the output contact of the multi-function optocoupler to the relay, it is necessary to add flywheel diode in parallel to both sides of the relay coil, as shown in the following diagram.wiring distance should not exceed 50m.adopt shielding isolation twisted wire, please refer to the following diagram; the3.3.4 Wiring PrecautionsFor the wiring of the main circuit terminal, please attention to the followings:It doesn’t need to consider the phase sequence for input power R, S, T.Prohibit connecting U,V and W of inverter output terminals to AC power.direction, simply exchange any two wires of U, V, W is enough.Never connect the inverter output terminal to the capacitor or LC,RC noise filter of improving the power factor.Grounding terminal (E) is grounded to the earth by the third type grounding way.(grounding resistance of 100Ω or less)Inverter grounding wire can not be grounded together with high - current loads such as welding machines and high-powered motors and so on. They must be grounded respectively.Grounding wire size follows the specification of electrical equipment technical basisThe shorter grounding wire is, the better it is.If several inverters are grounded jointly , please refer to the following diagrams for grounding. Do not form a circuit in grounding.the inverter executes forward rotation instruction while the motor rotates in reversalInverter output terminal U, V and W are connected to the motor terminal U, V, W. If5kHz(max)Allowable carrierfrequency(set values of P0-14 )100m2kHz(max)15kHz(max)10kHz(max)<30m 30m ~ 50m 50m~100m Wiring distance betweenthe inverter and themotorDetermine wire size :When choosing wire, a consideration of the voltage drop caused by the wire is a must.Voltage drop is calculated as shown below. In general, the voltage drop shall be controlled below 2% of the rated voltage. Voltage drop between wires (V) = × wire resistance (Ω / km) × wiring length (m) × current (A) × 10-3AC reactor for parallel power coordination :If the capacity exceeds 600kVA, please add AC reactor to the input side of the inverter in series. AC power can be used for power coordination and power factor improvement.Wiring length between the inverter and the motor :If the total length between the inverter and the motor, the inverter itself and other peripheral devices will be affected because the high-frequency carrier frequency(the IGBT ON / OFF switching frequency) of the inverter will increase the leakage current between wiring and the ground. As a result, if the wiring length between the inverter and the motor is very long, please modestly reduce the carrier frequency, as shown below.Key Chapter 4 Keypad and Programming FunctionsProgressively increase data or function codesProgressively decrease data or function codesIn parameter setting mode , press this button to select the bit to be modified in in other modescyclically displays parameters by right shift Function DescriptionEnter or escape from the first level menuProgressively enter menu and confirm parameterName Digital modify key Display function/Escape Read enter key Digital modify key shift keyKey Start to run the inverter in keypad control modesame time can achieve inverter coast to stop2 : Switch between forward and reverse Determined by function code P7.03 :0 : Display status switching 1 : Jog operation In running status, registered by P7.04, can be used to stop the inverter. When fault alarm, canbe used to reset the inverter without anyrestrictionFunction Description 3 : Clear the UP/DOWN terminals settings4 : Quick debugging modeDescriptionExtinguished : Stop statusFunction indicator Flickering : Parameter auto tuning statusLight on : Operating statusNamePressing the and at the+Combination keyShortcut key Run key Stop / Reset keyLight on : Reverse operationExtinguished : Keypad controlExtinguished : Forward operationFlickering : Terminal controlLight on : Communication control4.4.1.1 Parameter setting AVRPM4.4.1 Keypad Operation DescriptionFunction indicatorDescriptionExtinguished : Normal operation statusFlickering : Over load pre-warning statusLight on : Fault of the inverter%HZFrequency unit Current Unit Voltage unit Rotating speed unit Percentagethe set parameters in to the control panel,and then return to the second-level menu with shifting to the next function code automatically.While pressing will return to the second-level menu without saving parameters,and keep staying at the current function code.the inverter will be in operation protection state, and can not run.Fault resetShort cut menu Under the third - level menu , if the parameter has no flickering bit, it means the function code can not be modified. The possible reasons could be:this function is not modifiable parameter, such as actual detected parameter operation records and so on.this function is not modifiable in running mode.Short cut menu provides a quick way to view and modify function parameters.which is different from the factory setting , save these data beyond 32,parameterare the same with the factory setting.If want to return to last display , press If fault occurs to the inverter , it will inform the related fault information . User can use STOP/RST or according terminals determined by P5 group to reset fault.After fault reset, the inverter is in stand - by state. If user does not reset the faultDHWW H1GW(kg)215460121754601246012175175MA510 4025290470MA510 4030290470215MA510 4040215290470H D Dimension (mm)(a) 380V : 20HP ~ 40HPInverter Model W1Chapter 5 Overall Dimension drawing Standard modelDWW H1GW(kg)66536MA510 407537511566536W1/W2Dimension (mm)66536(b) 380V : 50HP ~ 75HP115375585270375585585MA510 4050270Inverter Model H D 270MA510 4060115DW H1GW(kg) W160735501607354816073548MA510 4150460755330MA510 4100460755330MA510 4125460755330(c) 380V : 100HP ~ 150HPInverter Model H D W1/W2Dimension (mm)Keypad Dimension----0----0----0----0----0----0----07018011102130216021902----0----0----0----0----0----0----03714516017519011101MA510-40509600W/13.6Ω1MA510-40609600W/13.6Ω111MA510-40201560W/40Ω1040W/50ΩMA510-40306000W/20Ω1MA510-40406000W/20Ω1MA510-40256000W/20Ω13-phase 380V -+ 15%MA510-40759600W/13.6Ω1MA510-4015MA510-4008520W/100Ω1MA510-40101040W/50Ω1MA510-4003390W/150Ω1MA510-4005390W/150Ω1MA510-20753000W/6.5Ω2MA510-4002260W/400Ω1MA510-20502000W/10Ω2MA510-20602500W/8Ω2MA510-20302500W/8Ω1MA510-20401800W/13Ω2MA510-20201800W/13Ω1MA510-20252000W/10Ω1MA510-2010780W/26Ω1MA510-20151100W/17Ω1400W/48Ω1MA510-2008550W/35Ω1Braking Unit used number3-phase 220V -+ 15%MA510-2002260W/130Ω1MA510-2003260W/80Ω1MA510-2005Model Number Input VoltageBraking Resistor used numberChapter 6 Braking resistor150217622102250130013401MA510-42153000W/4Ω1MA510-42504000W/3Ω19600W/13.6Ω2MA510-41753000W/4Ω1Rated output current Compatible MotorMA510-41009600W/13.6Ω2MA510-41259600W/13.6Ω2MA510-4150In the installation of braking module and braking resistor, you needs to keep an appropriate distance from the inverter, and maintain a good ventilation of the installation environment.Model Number Input Voltage Rated PowerRated input current select the resistor and power of the braking unit according to the data our company provided.NameVector Control V/F ControlP5 Group PA Group P1 Group PB Group PC Group P6 Group P7 Group P8 Group P9 Group P4 Group PE GroupP2 Group P3 Group PD Group Supplementary Function Factory SettingMotor Parameters Chapter 7 Parameters ListParameter groupP0 Group Basic function Start and Stop Control Input Terminals Output TerminalsHuman and Machine Interface Enhanced Function PID ControlSimple PLC and Multi-step Speed Control Protection Function serial communicationP0 Group :Basic functionFunction C d Setting RDefault0~30P0.001: Terminal (LED flickering)2: Communication(LED lights on)Runcommand sourceP0.0100:Valid, save UP/DOWN value when Power off2:Torque control (sensorless vector control)1: Valid, do not save UP/DOWN value when power off 3: valid during running, clear when stop.50.00HzP0.05~P0.03 (the Maximum frequency)P0.05 ~ P0.03 50.00Hz10.00~ 400.00Hz 0: Keypad (LED extinguished)0~2Keypad andTerminal UP/DOWN setting10.00~400.00Hz 2: InvalidP0.02P0.03P0.04Upper frequency Limit Maximum frequency0.00HzP0.05Lower frequency Limit 0.00~P0.04 (Lower frequency Limit)P0.05 ~ P0.040: V/F control0.00 ~ P0.0301: Sensorless vector controlP0.06Keypad Reference Frequency0.00~P0.03 (the Maximum frequency)50.00HzDescriptionNameControl0~2C dR0~70P0.074: simple PLC 5: Multi-stage speedFrequencyAcommand source6: PID7: Remote communication0: keypad 1: AI12: AI23: HDIP0.08Frequency Bcommand Source 0: AI11: AI22: HDI0~200: maximum frequency 1: Frequency A commandScale offrequency B command 0~1 0P0.09P0.100~30: A1: B 2: A+B3: Max(A and B)Frequency commandselectionDepend 0n model Depend 0nmodel P0.12Deceleration time 00.1~3600.0s0.1 ~3600.0s Acceleration time 0P0.110.1~3600.0s0.1 ~ 3600.0sP0.13Running direction selection 0: forward 1: reverse 2: forbid reverse1.0~15.0kHz0~2P0.14Carrier frequency1.0~15.0kHzDepend 0nmodelC d R P1 Group: Start and Stop Controltime before startAcceleration 0.0~50.0sP1.020.0~50.00.00~10.00HzHold timeof starting frequency 0.00 ~ 10.00P1.030.0~150.0DC BrakingCurrent Before start 00.0s0.0~50.0s0.0~150.0%1:DC braking and start2:Speed tracking and start0.00HzP1.040.0~50.00.0sDC BrakingStartingfrequency P1.01P0.17Restore parameters2: Clear fault recordsP0.170: No action 1: Restore factory setting P0.17P0.16Motorparameters autotuning0: No action1: Rotation autotuning 2: static autotuningP0.15AVR function0: Invalid1: valid all the time 2: only valid in deceleration0~321P1.000.200~1Start Mode 0: Start directlyP1.050: Linear 0~2C dR2: stand-byDeceleration0.0~150.0s 1: reserved0: Decelerate to stop0.0~50.0s P1.120~2Dead timeof FWD/REV P1.11 0.0 ~ 3600.00.0s0.0~3600.0s Action when running frequency is less than lower frequency limit (valid when lower frequency limit is above 0)0: Running at the lower frequency limit 1: stop P1.100.0~50.00.0sDC brakingcurrent DC brakingtime P1.090.0~150.00Stop mode 1: Coast to stop0.00Hzof DC braking 0.00~P0.030~10P1.080.0~50.00.0sStarting frequencyP1.070.00~ P0.030.0~50.0s Waiting time before DC braking P1.06modeC d R P1.17Reserved P1.18Reserved P1.19Reserved P2 Group: Motor Parameters 0: G model 0~1Depend on model0.8~6000.0A Motor rated0~800VMotor rated10.00~P0.0Motor rated power 0.4~900.0kWMotor ratedfrequency 0.01Hz~P0.03speed Motor ratedmodel 50.00Hz 0.4 ~ 3000.0Depend on model 0.8~6000.0Depend onmodel1: P modelP2.02Depend onmodelP2.05Depend on model0.0~3600.00~800P2.040~36000pm P2.00P2.01voltage P2.03InvertercurrentP1.130.0 ~ 3600.0P1.160~1Delay time for restart0.0~3600.0s(valid when P1.12=2)P1.15 0.0 ~ 3600.0Waitingtime ofrestart 0.0~3600.0s(valid when P1.14=1)P1.140~1Restart after poweroffTerminaldetection selectionwhen poweris on 0: Disabled 1: Enabled0: Disabled 1: Enabled0.0sC d R P3 Group: Vector ControlP3.04ASRproportional 0.00Hz~P3.05P3.02 0.00 ~ P3.05ASR switching point 10~100251.00sASR integral time Kp20.01~10.00sgain Kp20.01 ~ 10.000.001 ~ 65.535 0.001 ~ 65.5350.1 ~ 6553.5 0.1 ~ 6553.50.1~6553.5mHDepend on modelDepend on modelleakage 0.1~6553.5mHMotorDepend on modelinductance P2.08P3.010.01 ~ 10.000.50Sgain Kp1P3.000~10020ASRproportional P2.09Motorleakage inductance ASRintegral time Kp10~1000.01~10.00s0.001~65.535Ω0.001~65.535Ω5.00HzMotor stator resistance Depend on model P2.07Motor rotor resistance P2.060.1 ~ 6553.5Depend on modelP3.030~100P2.10Currentwithout load0.1~6553.5AC d RG model:150.00%P model:120.00%1: AI1100% P3.02~P0.03 (the Maximum frequency)P3.02 ~ P0.0350.0%~200.0%50~20010.00Hz0.0~200.00: Keypad (corresponds to P3.09)1: AI15:Remote communication 0(1~5: 100% corresponds to 2 times of the rated current of the inverter)0~5(-200.0% ~200.0%)50.00%4: Multi-step P3.10P3.06P3.07P3.08P3.09P3.05point 24: Multi-step speed2: AI23: HDIsetting 0.0~200% (the rated current of the inveter)Slip compensati on rate ofVCTorque upper limit TorqueASR 2: AI23: HDI Keypad torque setting(-200.0%~200.0%) (the rated current of the inverter)source0: Keypad (P0.04)switching 5:Remote communication (1~4: 100% corresponds to the max. Frequency)Upperfrequency settingsource0~5P4 Group: V/F Control Function CdSetting RDefaultTorque boost Torque boost cut-off 20.00%(1.77 order)4: Torque_stepdown curve P4.08P4.09 0.0 ~ 100.00.00%V/F voltage 3 0.0%~100.0%(the rated voltage of the motor)0.0~2000.00%P4.06 0.0 ~ 100.0P4.0700.00Hz0.00%P4.05~ P2.02 (the rated frequency of the motor)P4.05 ~ P2.02 0.0%~100.0% (the rated voltage of the motor)P4.05P4.040.00~200.0%V/F voltage2V/F frequency 30.00HzV/F voltage 1V/F frequency 2 0.0 ~ 100.00.00%P4.03 ~ P4.7V/F frequency 1P4.03 0.00 ~ P4.05P4.02 0.0 ~ 50.00.0%~50.0%(motor rated frequency)P4.010.0 ~ 10.00.00%P4.002: torque_stepdown curve(1.3 order)3: Torque_stepdown curve(2.0 order)V/F curveselection 0~40: Linear curve 1: Multidots curve Slipcompensati on limit0.0%: (auto) 0.1%~10.0%0.00Hz~P4.050.0%~100.0%(the rated voltage of the motor)P4.03~P4.070.00HzNameDescription。
ContentsDescription Page 1.0 Setup ................................21.1 Before Installation .....................21.2 Installation ..........................3For AC Applications .....................3For DC Applications ....................31.3 Wiring ..............................31.3.1 Series Wiring Applications ...........31.3.2 Parallel Wiring Applications ..........41.3.3 Wiring Note ......................41.4 Apply Power .........................41.5 Specifications ........................41.6 Warnings ............................51.7 Warranty . (5)Installation Instructions for EatonSurge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DINand XXCFXXX10-DIN2XXCFXXX10-DINXXCFXXX10-DIN22Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for EatonSurge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EATON WARNINGHAZARDOUS VOLTAGES PRESENTIMPROPER INSTALLATION OR MISAPPLICATION OF THESE DEVICES MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY TO INSTALLER AND/OR DAMAGE TO ELECTRI-CAL SYSTEM OR RELATED EQUIPMENT. READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING INSTALLATION. PROTECTIVE EYE-WEAR SHOULD BE WORN WHENEVER WORKING AROUND HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES. THIS DEVICE CONTAINS NO SERVICEABLE PARTS.NOTICEALL INSTRUCTIONS AND MEASUREMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY A LICENSED/QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE U.S. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, STATE AND LOCAL CODES OR OTHER APPLI-CABLE COUNTRY CODES. THE U.S. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AND STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS (OR OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTRY CODES) SUPERSEDE THIS INSTRUCTION.Catalog Number Voltage Range Protection Modes VPR MCOV In SCCRPeak Surge Current PhaseXXCF02410-DIN 1 5 - 38 Vdc L-NL-G N-G N/A N/A N/A N/A 8kAXXCF04810-DIN 124 - 65 Vdc L-N L-G N-G N/A N/A N/A N/A 26kA XXCF12010-DIN248 - 149 Vdc 1 100 - 127 VacL-N L-G N-G500 500 500150 150 1503kA10kA40kA Catalog NumberVoltage Range Protection Modes VPR MCOV In SCCR Peak Surge Current Phase XXCF12010-DIN2348 - 149 Vdc 1 100 - 127 Vac L-NL-G N-G 560 560 560127 127 1273kAN/A30kAXXCF24010-DIN23150 - 300 Vdc 1 200 - 240 VacL-N L-G N-G980 990 960254 254 2543kA N/A 30kA1 UL 1449 4th Edition does not list SPD products rated less than 110 Vac or DC voltages.2UL 1449 4th Edition, UL 1283 7th Edition 3UL 1449 4th Edition, IEC61000 - 4.51.0 SetupVerify that system voltages do not exceed those listed in Section 1.5, Specifications.•All AC measurements should be completed with an RMS voltme-ter.• All DC measurements should be completed with a DC voltmeter. •DO NOT INSTALL THE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE IF MEASURED VOLTAGE EXCEEDS MAXIMUM OPERATING LIMITS.Choose location for the Surge Protective Device installation so that maximum separation can be maintained between input leads, output leads and ground leads.1.1 Before InstallationREMOVE POWER FROM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BEFORE MOUNTING THE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE.•The Surge Protective Device MUST be mounted within an enclo-sure to assure personnel safety from exposed terminals.IMPORTANTTHE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE SHOULD BE LOCATED SO THAT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE CONDUCTOR LENGTH MAY BE USED. THE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE SHOULD BE MOUNTED TO ALLOW MAXIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN INPUT AND OUTPUT WIRING.•The Surge Protective Device contains no position-oriented compo-nents and can be mounted upside down or sideways.•The Surge Protective Device should be placed in electrical circuit so that it is the last device in the circuit before equipment to be protected.•The Surge Protective Device may be installed in series with the load or, if the load current exceeds 15A, it may be installed in parallel.3Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for EatonSurge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EATON 1.2 InstallationTHE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE MUST BE CONNECTED TO ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WITH A CIRCUIT BREAKERFor AC Applications•1 - Single Pole / Single Throw 15A circuit breaker. The Interrupting Rating of the Circuit Breaker Shall Not Be Less Than the Available Fault Current. Circuit Breaker Ratings of 15A, 240V/415V, 10kA Min. AIC Rating.•Note: Pre-existing breakers of the rated load size may be utilized if provisions for multi-conductor connections are made according to NEC 110-14A.•If Neutral wire is to be utilized as L2, then a circuit breaker must be provided for that phase.For DC Applications•DC units to be installed after an overcurrent protective device that is rated not to exceed 100% of the current rating of the unit.REMOVE POWER FROM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BEFORE INSTALLING THE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE.Mechanically mount the Surge Protective Device.•The Surge Protective Device should be mounted to allow maxi-mum separation between input and output wiring.•The Surge Protective Device contains no position-oriented compo-nents and can be mounted upside down or sideways.•The Surge Protective Device should be placed in electrical circuit so that it is last device in circuit before equipment to be pro-tected.1.3 WiringNOTICEAN INSULATED GROUNDING CONDUCTOR THAT IS IDENTICAL IN SIZE AND INSULATION MATERIAL AND THICKNESS TO THE GROUNDED AND UNGROUNDED CIRCUIT SUPPLY CONDUCTORS, EXCEPT THAT IT IS GREEN WITH OR WITHOUT ONE OR MORE YELLOW STRIPES, IS TO BE INSTALLED AS PART OF THE CIRCUIT THAT SUPPLIES THE FILTER. SEE TABLE 250-122 OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) REGARDING THE APPROPRIATE SIZE OF THE GROUNDING CONDUCTOR.THE GROUNDING CONDUCTOR IS TO BE GROUNDED TO EARTH AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE BUILDING EARTH GROUND SUCH AS THE BUILDING FRAME IN THE CASE OF HIGH-RISE STEEL FRAME STRUCTURE.ANY ATTACHMENT-PLUG RECEPTACLES IN THE VICINITY OF THE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE ARE TO BE GROUNDING TYPE, AND THE GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SERVING THESE RECEPTACLES ARE TO BE CONNECTED TO EARTH GROUND AT THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT OR OTHER ACCEPTABLE BUILDING EARTH GROUND SUCH AS THE BUILDING FRAME IN THE CASE OF HIGH-RISE STEEL FRAME STRUCTURE.PRESSURE TERMINAL OR PRESSURE SPLICING CONNECTORS AND SOL-DERING LUGS USED IN THE INSTALLATION OF THE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICE SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS BEING SUITABLE FOR THE MATERIAL OF THE CONDUCTORS. CONDUCTORS OF DISSIMILAR METALS SHALL NOT BE INTERMIXED IN A TERMINAL OR SPLICING CONNECTOR WHERE PHYSI-CAL CONTACT OCCURS BETWEEN DISSIMILAR CONDUCTORS UNLESS THE DEVICE IS IDENTIFIED FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONDITIONS OF USE.CONDUCTORS SHOULD BE TWISTED TOGETHER TO REDUCE IMPEDANCE FACTOR. EXCESSIVE WIRE LENGTH AND SHARP BENDS DEGRADE FIL-TER PERFORMANCE; THEREFORE, AVOID EXCESSIVE WIRE LENGTH AND SHARP BENDS.1.3.1 Series Wiring Applications•Connect incoming system GROUND wire to terminal labeled G on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect load side GROUND wire to terminal labeled G on pro-tected end (labeled as EQUIP ).For AC Applications (See Figures 1 and 2)•Connect incoming system NEUTRAL wire to terminal labeled N on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect load side NEUTRAL wire to terminal labeled as N on protected end (labeled as EQUIP ).•Connect incoming system HOT wire to terminal labeled L on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect load side HOT wire to terminal labeled as L on protected end (labeled as EQUIP ).For DC Applications (See Figure 3)•Connect incoming system NEGATIVE wire to terminal labeled N on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect load side NEGATIVE wire to terminal labeled as N on protected end (labeled as EQUIP ).•Connect incoming system POSITIVE wire to terminal labeled L on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect load side POSITIVE wire to terminal labeled as L on pro-tected end (labeled as EQUIP ).4Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for EatonSurge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EATON Figure 4. Single Phase Parallel AC ApplicationFigure 5. Split Phase Parallel AC Application (Shown with Neutral Utilized as L2)Figure 6. Parallel DC Application1.3.2 Parallel Wiring Applications•Connect incoming system GROUND wire to terminal labeled G on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).For AC Applications•Connect incoming system NEUTRAL wire to terminal labeled N on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect incoming system HOT wire to terminal labeled L on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•This will install the SPD in parallel with the supply and it will not be subjected to any load current.For DC Applications•Connect incoming system NEGATIVE wire to terminal labeled N on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•Connect incoming system POSITIVE wire to terminal labeled L on unprotected end (labeled as LINE ).•This will install the SPD in parallel with the supply and it will not be subjected to any load current.ote:N For ungrounded or isolated control transformer secondary, DO NOT CONNECT Ground terminal on either LINE or EQUIP side.1.3.3 Wiring Noteote:N A circuit breaker or fuse must be inserted in the LINE input side of the incoming supply. Rating will be according to the required load current andapplies to Series connections only.1.4 Apply PowerApply power to system. Indicator light should glow. If light does not glow, remove power and contact supplier1.5 SpecificationsDescription RatingsCatalog Number XXCFXXX10-DIN2Agency ApprovalsUL1449 4th Edition, IEC61000 - 4.5Terminal Wire Gauge Range 30 – 12 AWG Terminal Screw Torque 12 in-lbOperating Temperature -40F(-40C) to +140F(+60C)System voltages DC AC5 - 38 Vdc, 24 - 65 Vdc, 48 - 149 Vdc, 150 - 300 Vdc 100 - 127 Vac, 200 - 240 Vac Amps*10ACircuit Breaker 15A, 240V/415V, 10kA Min. AIC Rating Input Power Frequency 50/60 HzWarranty5 Years, 10 Years if registered on /spd RoHS CompliantYes* Amp rating is for series connection only. Parallel connection is not current dependent.Figure 7. XXCFXXX10-DIN Product Dimensions5Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for EatonSurge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EATON Figure 8. XXCFXXX10-DIN2 Product Dimensions1.6 WarningsWARNINGALL DEVICES LISTED IN THIS MANUAL CONTAIN NO SERVICEABLE PARTS.WARNINGXXCFXXX10-DIN2 DEVICES ARE SUITABLE FOR USE IN CLASS I, DIVISION 2 GROUPS A, B, C AND D OR NON-HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS ONLY.WARNINGEXPLOSION HAZARDDO NOT DISCONNECT EQUIPMENT UNLESS POWER HAS BEEN SWITCHEDOFF OR THE AREA IS KNOWN TO BE NON-HAZARDOUS.1.7 WarrantyEaton warrants these products for a period of 5 years from the date of delivery to the purchaser, 10 years if registered on /spd, to be free from defects in both workmanship and materi-als. Eaton assumes no risk or liability for results of the use of the products purchased from it, including but without limiting the gen-erality of the foregoing; (1) The use in combination with any electri-cal or electronic components, circuits, systems, assemblies, or any other materials or substances; (2) Unsuitability of any product for use in any circuit or assembly.Purchaser’s right under the warranty shall consist solely of requiring Eaton to repair, or at Eaton’s sole discretion, replace, free of charge, F .O.B. factory, and defective items received at said factory or failure to give any advice or recommendations by Eaton shall not constitute any warranty by or impose any liability upon Eaton. The foregoing constitutes the sole and exclusive liability of Eaton AND IS IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY , FITNESS FORPURPOSE SOLD, DESCRIPTION, QUALITY , PRODUCTIVENESS OR ANY OTHER MATTER.In no event shall Eaton be liable for special or consequential dam-ages or for delay in performance of the warranty.This warranty does not apply if the product has been misused, abused, altered, tampered with, or used in applications other than specified on the nameplate. At the end of the warranty period, Eaton shall be under no further warranty obligation expressed or implied.The product covered by this warranty certificate can only be repaired or replaced by the factory. For help on troubleshooting the Critical Protection Product, or for warranty information, call 1-800-809-2772, Option 4, sub-option 2. Repair or replacement units will be returned collect. If Eaton finds the return to be a manufacturer’s defect, the product will be returned prepaid.Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4 Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for Eaton Surge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EATON 67Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for EatonSurge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EATON Instruction Manual IM01005020E Rev 4 Effective October 2018Installation Instructions for Eaton Surge Protective Device XXCFXXX10-DIN and XXCFXXX10-DIN2EatonElectrical Sector1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2018 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. IM01005020E Rev 4 / TBG000458 October 2018Eaton is a registered trademarkAll other trademarks are property of their respective owners.。
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1. 公称流量:125 L/min
2. 公称压力:0.4 Mpa
3. 过滤精度:0.12 mm
4. 换热面积:7 m2
5. 冷却水耗量:6 m3/h
6. 油箱容积:1.6 m3
7. 电加热器:4Kw×3
8. 电动机功率:5.5Kw×2
4、当管路压力降到低于-SP2的“下极限”值时,-SP2接点30-32打开,-KA4释放,其常闭接点30-37,30-41闭合,并有红色指示灯-HL5燃亮,发出报警信号, 同时向主机发出51-52、53-52两对故障分闸信号。
1. 齿轮油泵轴端密封圈要经常检视、如有泄漏现象或损坏时应立即更换。
2. 换热器要定期擦洗(六个月一次)、并更换密封橡胶垫。
3. 双筒网片式过滤器每三个月拆洗一次,清除内部淤存之污垢,并根据密封圈状况予以更换。
4. 磁过滤器每三个月清洗一次。
5. 注意检视油箱之最低油位处,如发现有水,则应打开油阀下部两个阀门将水放出。
1. 稀油站外形图及原理图
2. 稀油站电控原理图
3. 稀油站用户接线图。